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GATE Exam Preparation:

1. What is Gate?
What is GATE ? The Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) is an all -India Examination conducted by the six Indian Institutes of Technology and Indian Institute of Science, angalore, on behalf of the !ational "oordinating oard - GATE, #inistry of $uman %esources &e'elopment (#$%&), Go'ernment of India( )rom )resher *orld point of 'ie* *e ha'e tried our best to gi'e you a clear picture of GATE( Objective: to identify meritorious and moti'ated candidates for admission to +ost Graduate +rogrammes in Engineering, Technology, Architecture and +harmacy at the !ational le'el( To ser'e as benchmar, for normali-ation of the .ndergraduate Engineering Education in the country( $ere is an opportunity for ad'anced engineering education in India( An #(E or #(Tech degree is a desirable /ualification for our young engineers see,ing a re*arding professional career( Engineering students, *hile in the final year of their degree course, spend considerable time in see,ing an opening for studies in foreign uni'ersities(

2. Structure of GATE?
The GATE is held e'ery year on the second Sunday of )ebruary, across the country in o'er 011 cities( At present nearly 21,111 students *rite GATE e'ery year( "andidates can choose a single paper of 3 hours duration to appear in GATE from the discipline papers sho*n in the follo*ing Table(

Agricultural Engineering Architecture Civil Engineering Chemical Engineering Computer Science Chemistr" Electronics Geolog" Electrical Engineering Geoph"sics Engg.

AG Mathematics AR Mechanical Engineering CE


MA ME MN MT !H %n$ustrial Engg. !% !# )E 'i(re Science T'


CH Metallurgical Engineering CS !h"sics C# !ro$uction EE Te&tile Engg.

Comm. Engg. EC !harmaceutical Sciences GG Engineering Sciences

%nstrumentation Engineering %N *i+e Sciences

Three Sections, one compulsory as indicated below:

ENGINEERING SCIENCES(XE) C !E "I#E SCIENCES(X") C !E Engg. Maths ,Compulsor"Computational Science Electrical Sciences 'lui$ Mechanics Materials Science Soli$ Mechanics Statistics Thermo$"namics
GATE esults

A . C 1 E ' G H

Chemistr" ,Compulsor"- % .iochemistr" .iotechnolog" .otan" Micro(iolog" 2oolog" / 0 * M N

The GATE result is declared e'ery year on 30 st #arch and the score of the /ualified candidates sho*s their All India %an, and +ercentile Score in the discipline paper chosen by the candidates( GATE Score !ard a( Score card *ill be sent only to the /ualified candidates( !o information *ill be sent to candidates *ho are not /ualified( b( The GATE score card is a 'aluable document( "are should be ta,en to preser'e it( Additional Score "ards, (upto a maximum of t*o) *ill be issued on payment basis only once( c( The Score "ard cannot be treated as a proof of category( d( The score card of the 4ualified "andidates *ill include GATE Score, +ercentile Score and %an,(

i( GATE Score The GATE S"5%E of a candidate is a statistical performance index in the range 1 to 0111( It reflects the ability of a candidate, irrespecti'e of the paper or year in *hich he6she has /ualified( "andidates *ith same GATE S"5%E from different disciplines and6or years can be considered to be of e/ual ability(

*here, m 7 mar,s obtained by the candidate( a 7 a'erage of mar,s of all candidates *ho appeared in the paper mentioned on this scorecard, in the current year( s 7 standard de'iation of mar,s of all candidates *ho appeared in the paper mentioned on this scorecard, in the current year( 80 and 89 are determined respecti'ely from the mean and standard de'iation of mar,s of all candidates across all papers and years since GATE 9119( A typical /ualitati'e interpretation of the GATE S"5%E, for example, can be as follo*s:

i( o

GATE Score Ran$e 344 to 1444 678 to 344 884 to 678 :;8 to 884 <44 to :;8 144 to <44 .elo= 144
o ii( +ercentile Score

A%i&it' "e(e& 5utstan$ing E&cellent 9er" goo$ Goo$ A(ove average Average .elo= average

The percentile score is not the same as percentage of mar,s( The percentile score of a candidate sho*s *hat percentage of candidates, *ho appeared in the same paper in GATE 911;, scored less mar,s than him6her( It is calculated as follo*s: <et ! be the total number of candidates appearing in that paper and nc be the number of candidates *ho ha'e the same all India ran, c in the same paper (there can be bunching at a gi'en all India ran,)( Then all the candidates, *hose all India ran, is r, *ill ha'e the same percentile score +, *here

The percentile score in each paper is calculated as follo*s: <et ! be the total number of candidates appearing in that paper, and nc be the number of candidates *ho ha'e the same all India ran, c in the same paper (there can be bunching at a gi'en all

India ran,), then all the candidates, *hose all India ran, is r, *ill ha'e the same percentile score +, *here

+ 7 =(no( of candidates securing mar,s less than the candidate concerned)6!>x011 The e'aluation of the 5%S is carried out by a computeri-ed process using scanning machines, *ith utmost care( %e/uests for re'aluation of the ans*er script and re-totaling of mar,s *ill not be entertained( The GATE result and particulars of the /ualified candidates *ill be made a'ailable to interested organi-ations (educational institutions, % and & laboratories, industries etc() in India and abroad based on *ritten re/uest by the organi-ation and on payment( &etails can be obtained from GATE "hairmen of IITs 6 IISc(

). GATE Coac*in$ In+titute :

1. 19AN% %nstitute o+ Engg. ECE@EEE@ CSE@ %T %N... Technolog" .angaloreGATE >46 Coaching ? ME@

; Elite Aca$em" .angaloreelite aca$em" GATE coaching centers in .angalore... < Career Avenues .angalore Career Avenues or CA9 is (est Ano=n as specialiBe$ training centre +or CAT .He> a$Cuartere$ ... : %5C Chan$igarh5ur institute is training people +or last +our "ears Dualit" e$ucation is our motive Teaching =ith ... 8 %M!E*SE TET5R%A* 5therWE HA9E WE** STECTERE1 !R5GRAM '5R GATE @/T5@ %ES@!SE...E... WE HA9E M5ST E)!ER%ENSE1 'ACE*T# TEAM ...

6 9AN% %NST%TETE H"$ra(a$ECE@EEE@MECH@CSE@%T@%N@CHEM%CA*@%! 5THER C5M!ET%T%9E E)AMS. .est institute +or GATEF%ESFcompetative... 7 9ani institute o+ science an$ technolg" 5therTraining in %nstrumentation Engg. an$ Electronics an$ Communication Engg.... 3 %.E.S. Ma$e Eas" 1elhithe insitute has (est +aculit" having (est Ano=le$ge in their +iel$ . Mainl" Cha$$a Sir....

G 9isu %nternational *t$. .angalore9isu provi$es EniCue teaching metho$olog"@Special emphasis +or Non>mathematic stu$ents@5ur $ata (anA... 14 ACE Engineering Aca$em" H"$ra(a$This has more than 14 "ears e&perience in GATE coaching an$ other !SE e&ams an$ ES e&ams +or ... 11 Superso+t Solution !rovi$er .angaloreWelcome to the =orl$ o+ So+t=are Training ;8<8;37;@ Emesh Superso+t Solution !rovi$er So+t=are T...

,. GATE Re+u&t+ :
The GATE result is declared e'ery year on 30 st #arch and the score of the /ualified candidates sho*s their All India %an, and +ercentile Score in the discipline paper chosen by the candidates(

-. GATE E&i$i%i&it' :
Are you the ri"ht one to apply #or

The #ollowin" cate"ories o# candidates are eli"ible to appear in GATE: a( achelor?s degree holders in Engineering6Technology6Architecture6+harmacy and those *ho are in the final or pre-final year of such programmes( b( #aster?s degree holders in any branch of Science6#athematics6Statistics6"omputer Applications or e/ui'alent and those *ho are in the final or pre-final year of such programmes( c( "andidates in the second or higher year of the )our-year Integrated #aster?s degree programme (+ost- (Sc() in Engineering6Technology or in the third or higher year of )i'e-year Integrated #aster?s degree programme and &ual &egree programme in Engineering6 Technology( d( "andidates *ith /ualifications obtained through examination conducted by professional societies recognised by .+S"6AI"TE as e/ui'alent to (E(6 (Tech( Those *ho ha'e completed Section A or e/ui'alent of such professional courses are also eligible( )or #ore &etails @isit http:66***(iit,(ac(in6gate

.. GATE Pattern :
The pattern o# GATE e$amination has been !%A&GE' #rom ())*+ ,ain -apers

The /uestion paper *ill be fully obAecti'e type for a total of 0;1 mar,s di'ided into three groups: i( ii( Group I: 4uestion !umbers 0 to 31 (31 /uestions) *ill carry one mar, each( Group II: 4uestion numbers 30 to B1 (;1 /uestions) *ill carry t*o mar,s each( Group III: 4uestion !umbers B0a to B;b (01 /uestions) *ill carry t*o mar,s each( Each number in this series (B0,B9,B3,BC,B;) *ill ha'e t*o sub-/uestions (a D b)( The ans*er to part ?b? *ill be lin,ed to the correct ans*er to part ?a?, as described belo* in Section (e)('i)(


a( Each /uestion *ill ha'e four choices for the ans*er( 5nly one choice is correct( b( Erong ans*ers carry 9;F negati'e mar,s in 40 to 4B1 and 4B0a, B9a, B3a, BCa and B;a( #ar,s for correct ans*ers to 4B0b, B9b, B3b, BCb and B;b *ill be gi'en only if the ans*er to the corresponding part ?a? is correct( $o*e'er, 4B0b, B9b, B3b, BCb and B;b *ill not carry any negati'e mar,s( c( +apers bearing the code AG, "E, "$, "S, E", EE, I!, IT, #E, #!, #T, +I, T) *ill contain /uestions on Engineering #athematics to the extent of 91 to 9; mar,s( d( The multiple choice obAecti'e test /uestions can be of the follo*ing type:

a( i+ Each choice containin" a sin"le stand.alone statement/phrase/data+ Example: 4( The time independent Schrodinger e/uation of a system represents the conser'ation of the A( total binding energy of the system ( total potential energy of the system "( total ,inetic energy of the system &( total energy of the system ii+ Each choice containin" a combination o# option codes+ The /uestion may be accompanied by four options +, 4, %, S and the choices may be a combination of these options( The candidate has to choose the right combination as the correct ans*er( Example:

4( The infra-red stretching fre/uency Gco of (+) #n("5)2H (4) "5 (%) $3 "5 (S) I@("5)2Jorder

follo*s the

A( +K%KSK4 ( SK+K%K4 "( 4KSK+K% &( %K4K+KS


Assertion0a1/ eason0r1 type *ith the choices stating if IaJ6IrJ are True6)alse and6or stating if IrJ is correct6incorrect reasoning of IaJ Example: 4( &etermine the correctness or other*ise of the follo*ing Assertion IaJ and the %eason IrJ Assertion: )or a fully de'eloped laminar flo* in a circular pipe the a'erage 'elocity is one half of the maximum 'elocity( %eason: The 'elocity for a fully de'eloped laminar flo* in a circular pipe 'aries linearly in the radial direction(

A( (

oth IaJ and IrJ are true and IrJ is the correct reason for IaJ oth IaJ and IrJ are true but IrJ is not the correct reason for IaJ oth IaJ and IrJ are false


&( IaJ is true but IrJ is false


,atch items: #atch all items in "olumn 0 *ith correct options from those gi'en in "olumn 9 and choose the correct set of combinations from the choices A, , " and &( Example: 4( #atch the follo*ing and choose the correct combination



!. Chennai D. .angalore R. Mum(ai S. 0olAata

1. An$hra !ra$esh ;. West .engal <. RaHasthan :. 0arnataAa 8. Tamil Na$u 6. Maharashtra

,A!>1 D>6 R>: S>8

,.!>8 D>: R>< S>;

,C!>8 D>: R>6 S>;

,1!>: D>8 R>6 S>;


!ommon data based 2uestions: #ultiple /uestions may be lin,ed to a common problem data, passage and the li,e( T*o or three /uestions can be formed from the gi'en common problem data( Each /uestion is independent and its solution obtainable from the abo'e problem data6passage directly( (Ans*er of the pre'ious /uestion is not re/uired to sol'e the next /uestion)( Each /uestion under this group *ill carry t*o mar,s( Example: !ommon data #or 3+ 45,46,5): The gas phase reaction, 9+ H C4 9% *hich is first order in + and first order in 4 is to be carried out isothermally in a plug flo* reactor( The entering 'olumetric flo* rate is 9(; dm36min and the feed is e/uimolar in + and 4( The entering temperature and pressure are L9Lo" and 01 atm respecti'ely( The specific reaction rate at this temperature is C dm36gmol min and the acti'ation energy is 0;,111 cal6gmol(

4(LB( Ehat is the 'olumetric flo* rate in dm36min *hen the con'ersion of + is 9;FM (A) 0(BB ( ) ;(C1 (") L(01 (&) 01(B1

4(LN( Ehat is the rate of reaction in gmol/(dm3 min) *hen the con'ersion of + is C1F 01

(A) 0(B9 x 013

( ) C(N; x 01-3

(") 2(9 x 01-3

(&) N(L3 x

4(B1( Ehat is the 'alue of the specific reaction rate constant in dm3/gmol min at 099Lo"M (A) 0L(2B ( ) 'i( 99(39 (") CN(21 (&) ;N(L;

7in8ed answers 2uestion: The /uestion *ill consist of a problem statement follo*ed by t*o sub-/uestions (a) and (b) based on the problem statement( The solution to part (b) depends upon the ans*er to part (a)( Each part (a) as *ell as (b) in such lin,ed ans*er /uestions *ill carry t*o mar,s( Example: Statement #or lin8ed answer 3+ 59a : 59b: A re'ersible "arnot engine operates bet*een the actual heat input temperature of 0111 8 and actual heat reAection temperature of 9;1 8( The ambient temperature is 911 8( 4(B0a The efficiency of this engine *ill be A) ;F ( ) 91F (") 9;F (&) L;F

4(B0b The abo'e engine is to pro'ide the po*er output of 011 ,E( The heat input re/uired *ill be (A) 033(33 ,E ( ) C11 ,E (") ;11 ,E (&) 9111 ,E

In the abo'e simplistic example, the calculation of heat input in 4(B0b re/uires the 'alue of efficiency calculated in 4(B0a as the first step( Structure o# the ;E/;7 -aper Sections a( OE and O< papers contain a number of sections( Each Section is of ;1 mar,s( Each Section *ill be fully obAecti'e type and the /uestions are di'ided into three groups( i( Group I: 4uestion !umbers 0 to 01 (01 /uestions) *ill carry one mar, each( Group II: 4uestion numbers 00 to 92 (02 /uestions) *ill carry t*o mar,s each(



Group III: 4uestion !umbers 9La to 9Bb (C /uestions) *ill carry t*o mar,s each( Each number in this series (9L, 9B) *ill ha'e t*o sub/uestions (a D b)( The solution to part ?b? *ill be lin,ed to the correct ans*er to part ?a?, as described abo'e in (e) ('i)(

b( All /uestions ha'e four choices *ith only one being correct( c( Erong ans*ers carry 9;F negati'e mar,s in 40 to 492 and 49La, 9Ba( #ar,s for correct ans*ers to 49Lb, 9Bb, *ill be gi'en only if the ans*er to the corresponding part ?a? is correct( $o*e'er, 49Lb, 9Bb *ill not carry any negati'e mar,s( d( The types of multiple choice /uestions are the same as in the #ain papers as described abo'e in (e)(

/. GATE Tip+ N Tric0+

9+ ,aterial !ollection Syllabus All the rele'ant boo,s based on the subAect(&i'ide the boo,s in t*o groups (0) )undamental and basic concepts (9) +roblem oriented Some boo,s helpful for pre-re/uisite ,no*ledge on the subAect Some good guide boo,s for GATE +re'ious /uestions papers

(+ 8eep contact *ith some expert and GATE experienced persons <+ Study - Syllabus and +re'ious /uestions papers =+ Start from the first chapter read at least ; boo,s, it *ill *iden your ,no*ledge(if necessary consult *ith the boo,s for pre-re/uisite ,no*ledge or *ith some expert) !ote do*n the probable concepts (definitions, unit, dimension etc() !ote do*n necessary theories, formulae etc Sol'e problems as maximum as possible(from text boo,s, Guide boo,s etc) Thin, about 'arious tric,s in sol'ing problems(if necessary, note it) Go for series of self tests based on this chapter(ta,e other?s help to conduct tests) "ontinue the self tests until getting a 'ery good score

*+ Sol'e more and more problems, disco'er more and more ne* tric,sP >+ )ollo* the same procedure for the rest chapters

4+ )inally, go for self tests based on *hole syllabus (ta,e other?s help to conduct these tests) 5+ 5n the exam dayPyou *ill be at the +ic,, *ho can stop youM

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