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Semestral Study Guides 2nd Grade Mrs.

Mary Ellen Diaz Granados

Science You need to study from your notebooks, workbooks and quizzes you have done so far. First Marking Period LIFE SCIENCE

What are living and nonliving things? p. 30 What do animals, plants need? P. 36 How do plants differ? P. 94 What are some plant life cycles? p. 100 What are mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish? P. 56 to 64 What are some animal life cycles? P. 72 What is an environment? P- 118 How do living things survive in different places? P. 126 What are food chains and food web? P. 136

Second Marking Period EARTH SCIENCE What Changes Earths Surface? P.152 What Can We Learn From Fossils? p. 168 How Can People Use and Harm Natural Resources? P. 184 What Are Rocks, Sand, And Soil? P. 160

How Can People Protect Natural Resources? P. 202

Semestral Study Guides 2nd Grade Mrs. Mary Ellen Diaz Granados

Social Studies You need to study from your notebooks, and quizzes you have done so far. First Marking Period What Is A Community? P.8 About Communities p. 10 Living in a community p. 12 Getting along p-36

Second Marking Period

From City To Country p.20 Changing communities p. 30 Where we live p.70 Land and water p. 76

Semestral Study Guides 2nd Grade Mrs. Mary Ellen Diaz Granados

Language Arts You need to study from your notebooks, workbooks and quizzes you have done so far. First Marking Period READING COMPREHENSION characters and setting, Main Idea and Details SPELLING: Vowel Digraphs /e/ee, ea; /a/ai, ay; /o/ oa, ow p.9,10.11 Plurals s, -es p.12,13,14 Compound words p. 19,20,21 Consonant Digraphs /ch/ ch, ch; /sh/sh, ch;/ (h) w/ p. 22,23,24 Diphthongs /ou/ ou, ow: /oi/oi,oy p.25,26,27 GRAMMAR - WRITTING Sentences, statements, question,commands,exclamation p.1 to 5 Complete and simple subject and predicates p. 9 Compound subject and predicates p.13 to 19 Simple and compound sentence p. 13 to 19

READING COMPREHENSION Main Idea and Details Plot Author`s Purpose SPELLING - PHONICS:

Second Marking Period

Consonant Blends str, scr, spr p. 28,29,30 Controlled Vowel /or/or, ore, our, oar, arl/ur/er, ir, ur, or, ear p. 51,52,53

GRAMMAR - WRITTING Singular common and proper nouns p. 23 Singular and Plural nouns p.31 Possessive Nouns p. 37 Singular and Plural Pronoun p.41

International Berckley School

Science workshop 2nd Grade Name _______________________ Date ________________________ Vocabulary, Write the Word that best completes each sentence.
Survive, Nutrients, Living, Shelter , Nonliving. Earthquake. extinct, boulder. Weathering , resource. , Environment , erosion, fossil , reduce

1.An animal that has a safe place to live has _________________. 2.Substances from soil that help plants grow are _____________. 3.When animals and plants stay alive, they __________________ 4.Things that are not alive are ____________________________ 5.Things that grow and change are ________________________. 6. A shaking of Earths surface is a _________________ 7. Because dinosaurs have died out; we say that they are ________________ 8.When wind or moving water moves sand or small rocks, _________________ occurs. 9.A very large rock _________ 10.Anything people can use to meet their needs is a ________________ 13. An _____________ is made up of all the living and nonliving things in a place. 17.When wind or moving water moves sand or small rocks, _________________ occurs.

18.What is left of an animal or plant that lived long ago is a ____________________ 19. One way to save natural resource is to_______ our use of them. Draw a circle around the picture that shows a living thing . And Color the non living things.

Write an f under the animal that needs more food to survive.

Write the letter of the picture that goes with each term. __________20. Reptile __________21. Amphibian ___________22. Mammal

Choose the correct answer. 23.Which tells about ALL nonliving things?

a.They can fly c. They are made by people themselves

b. They need food d.They cannot make more of

24.What does a fish get by using its gills? a.Oxygen b. nutrients c. soil d. water

25.What does a plant needs when they grow bigger? a.Animals b. more space c. people better shelter


26. Luisa has an animal with wings and feathers. It lays eggs. What kind of animal does Luisa have. a. bird b. fish c. mammal d. reptile

27. Marianna has an animal with fur. That are born alive. What kind of animal does Marianna have. a. bird b. fish c. mammal d. reptile

28. What can lava in the ocean forms? A.Bay b. delta c. an earthquake d. an island 29. What can people recycle ? a. soil b.trash c. newspaper 30. Scientist learn about extinct plants and animals from _______ a. minerals b. fossils c. soil 31. Suppose a scientist found the fossil of an animal with teeth. What clue could the teeth give about the animal? A. its size b. how it died c. what it ate d. how it moved 32. Which could be the first step in making a fossil? A. An animal dies b. A scientist finds some bones c. a dead animal is eaten d. an animal is covered with mud and sand 33. Which words describe water? a. fossil fuel b. mineral are c. rich soil d. natural resource

34. Which natural resource is burned as fuel? a. air d. water

b. plants

c. soil

35. An animal that lives millions of years ago a. dinosaur c. lion 36. People use ___ to make clothes and paper. A. air b. water c. clay d. plants 37. People use ___ to make bricks to build with A. air b. water c. clay d. plants 38. Which natural resource is burned as fuel? a. air d. water 39. What kind of fossil is this one?

b. frog

b. plants

c. soil

a.Tooth from an animal. c.leaf from a plant Read and then answer the questions.

b. bones from an animal

Birds A bird is a kind of animal. A bird has two wings. Birds are the only animal with feathers. Pigeons, eagles, swan and blue jays are all kinds of birds. Most birds can fly. Turkeys and penguins are two kinds of birds that cannot fly 40.What is this passage about? A. what birds are like B. why some birds cant fly C. where birds have feathers

41.What birds can fly? A. all birds B. most birds C. some birds

42.According to the passage, which of these birds cannot fly? A. eagles B. swans C. turkeys 43. All birds are _________. A. animals B. blue jays C. penguin Match the word with its corresponding meaning.(4 points) 44.In danger of not being alive anymore 45.To use a resource 46. To use less of a again resource. a. reduce b.endangered c. recycle d. reuse

47. To use the materials in old things to make new things

Answer in complete sentence. 48. How can waves at a beach cause erosion? _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________

49. What can you tell about a plant that grows in soil that holds little water? _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ What could you do to protect natural resources? _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________

International Berckley School

Second Grade Language Arts workshop Name ______________________________ Date ______________________________

Read the paragraph. Circle the letter of the best answer to each question. Some animals nave very unusual traits. For example, goldfish can remember things they learn for only three seconds. Zebras cannot see the color orange. While most creatures sleep with their eyes closed, dolphins keep one eye open. Adult birds chew food for their baby birds before spitting it into their mouths, Pay attention to the next animal you see. You might learn something! 1. Who are the main characters of the story? a. Goldfish, zebras, dolphins, birds. b. Goldfish, zebras, dolphins, birds and lions. c. Goldfish,dogs, dolphins, birds. 2. What is the setting of the story? a. The place where the story takes place. b. The longest sentence. c. A supporting detail. 3. What is the main idea in this paragraph? a. Animals are a lot like people. b. Orange is a tough color to see. c. Some animals have very unusual traits. 4. What is a detail? a. Dogs like to scratch themselves. b. Zebras cannot see the color orange. c. Goldfish remember things for only three seconds. Read the story. Then circle the letter of the best answer to each question. Valentina was playing at the beach.She was lonely and bored. Then she saw a bottle floating in the water. She picked it up and saw a piece of paper inside. Valentina showed her parents the bottle. They took the paper out. hello there! Valentina read aloud. My name is Santiago. I

am eight. I am sending you this message from Colombia. If you get it, please write back to me! 5. Who is the main character? A. the bottle b. Valentina C. Santiago D. Stephania 6. What is the main characters problem? a. She is lonely and bored. b. She hurt her toe on a shell. c. Her parents want to leave the beach. 7. What is the most important event? a. Valentina reads aloud. b. Valentina was playing at the beach. c. Valentina finds a bottle floating in the water. 8. What is the solution to the main characters problem? a. Valentina and her parents will leave the beach. b. Valentina will take a nap. c. Valentina finds something interesting to do when she discovers the bottle. Spelling Read the sentence below. Circle the correct plural form of the word in ().
9.Please open the car (windows/ windows). 10.Gabriela planted tree (seedes / seeds).

11There are millions of public (libraries / libraryes ) around the country. 12.Scientist have made many important (discoverys / discoveries) about our

Write the spelling word that is the opposite of the given word. Something push Upstairs loud Itch enjoy moist 21.Downstairs ____________

17.Dry ______________
18.Scratch _____________

19.Quiet _____________ 20.Dislike _____________



Read the sentences. Underline the letter combination that stands for the /or/sound. Then do what the sentence tells you. 23.Color in the fourth triangle.

24.Write a sentence that has the word horse in it. _______________________________________________________ Look at each pair of words. Then write the word that would come first if they were put in alphabetical order. 25. this add ___________ 26. jump neat ___________ 27. last wire ____________ 28. tell fold ____________ 29. drop gaze ___________

Write the spelling word that best fits with each group of words. a. Stage b. office c. bridge d. ice e. rice f. judge Bread, potatoes _________________ Count, jury ___________________ Road, water _____________________ Desk, chair ______________________ Cold, snow ________________________ Audience, curtain __________________

Organize each group of words to form a question and statement.

30Does light fast travel (question)

________________________________________________________ 31Fast run monkey (statement) _____________________________________________________ 32.Beautiful is think I poetry (statement) _______________________________________________________ Rewrite each sentence, using capital letters and end marks correctly. Then label each as a command or an exclamation.
33give the book to andrea 34.help me

____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _ _____________________________________________________ _ _____________________________________________________ _

35.oops, I lost the book

36.look for that book

37.hurray, here it is

Circle the predicate and underline the complete subject.

38.The flag blew in the wind. 39.The lizard ate crickets. 40.The plumber fixed the sink. 41The bus driver drove me to school

Write the plural for each noun. 42. inch ___________ 43. rat ___________ 44. class ___________ 45. woman ___________

46. mouse ___________ 47. brush ___________ 48. teeth ___________ Read the sentence below. Circle the correct plural form of the word in (). 48.Please open the car (windows/ windows). 49.Gabriela planted tree (seedes / seeds). 50.There are millions of public (libraries / libraryes ) around the country. 51.Scientist have made many important (discoverys / discoveries) about our planet. Underline the common nouns. Circle the proper nouns. 52.Shakira is from Barranquilla, Colombia. 53. Mary Ellen has a dog named Lolo. 54. Fish swims in the Atlantic Ocean. 55.- Rudolph is a famous deer. 56. Jaime rides a black horse in his farm. Write a paragraph about how to prepare a party by following the steps first, next, then and last.(40 words) _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

Read each question, paying careful attention to the underlined Vocabulary Word. Then circle the letter of the best answer. 57. What kind of repairs would an old house need? A.getting haircut b. adding a new roof. c. building an auditorium. 58. Why would someone want to translate a letter? a. the letter is in a foreign language. B.the person wants to dance well. c. the person wants to get a map. 59. If the ground is heaving, how is it moving? a. up and down b. very quickly c. gently 60. If you are dodging something, how are you moving? a. slowly b. rapidly backwards 61. How does a bothersome person make you feel? a. glad b. scared c. angry c.

Write each pair of sentence as one sentence. 1. They wrote in their notebooks. They studied with a teacher. _____________________________________________________ 2. Carmen loved soccer. Her cousin loved soccer. ___________________________________________________ 3. They played soccer. They won trophies. _____________________________________________________ Draw one line under the compound subject. Add commas 4. Miguel and Ivan ran kicked and scored. 5. Exercise rest and healthful food made the swimmer strong. 6. Sebastian his sister and his brother were good students.

Identify the following sentences as simple or compoundssubject or compound predicate. 7. Ivanna and Carlos studied art. ________________________ 8. The athletes ran and swam _______________________ 9. The music student practiced and performed. ______________ 10.Franchesca and her best friend took dance classes. _________ Read the sentences below and write the common noun found in each sentence. 6.My socks do no match._____________________ 7.The bird could not fly. ______________________ 8.Stephania went to the doctor today. ___________ 9.Santiago likes to eat jelly beans. ______________ 10.My friend is very tall.________________________ Circle the plural form of the following nouns.
Baby a.Babies b, babys c. babes

a.Boys b. boyes c. boies

a.Penciles b.pencils c.pencilies

a.Churchies b. churchs c. churches

a.Men b. mans c. menes

Write the spelling word that best fits with each group of words. b. Stage b. office c. bridge d. ice e. rice f. judge 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Bread, potatoes _________________ Count, jury ___________________ Road, water _____________________ Desk, chair ______________________ Cold, snow ________________________ Audience, curtain __________________

Use spelling words to fill in the blanks in Jeffs story.

a. Giant b.seven c.knight d. edge e. rough f. broken g. rough A long time ago, there was a ___________ who was so tall, he could touch the clouds. He lived in a house that was made from __________ logs at the ________of the forest. One day the king saw glass on the ground . Someone had _________--___________windows at the castle. The king made the giant a _________. His kingdom would be safe from now on. Read the passage . Then answer the questions to find the authors purpose. A Silly Day I lost my shoes! SAID Pao. Mom was upset. you have five minutes, she said. I am going to make whipped cream. Then we need to go! Pao looked everywhere, but he still didnt find his shoes. Are you ready? Mom asked. No; said Pao, frowning. Then he looked up at mom and started to giggle. Mom had a blab of whipped cream stuck on her nose! Soon mom started to giggle too. Do you know where your shoes are? She laughed. They are on your feet! 1.What do A. to entertain you think is the b. to inform c. to persuade authors purpose?

2.What are they looking for? A. whipped cream b. a pencil

c. shoes

3.Who are the main characters of the passage? A. mom and dad b. my teacher and a friend c. Pao and his mom 4. Where does the story takes place? A . in the backyard b. in the library c. in the house

International Berckley School

Name ______________________________ Date ______________________________ Second Grade Social Studies workshop

1 Write the name of each picture. (suburb, urban area. Rural area.)




2 Write the name of the picture in the corresponding line.

fire fighter , police officer , chef , secretary , painter , mail carrier

Choose the correct answer 3.In an urban area there are______________________________ a.Many farmers, crops, and farm animals. B.Many tall buildings, transportations, banks, restaurants, and strores. C.Many houses, trees, and parks. 4.In a suburb area there are_______________________________ a.Many farmers, crops, and farm animals. B.Many tall buildings, transportations, banks, restaurants, and strores. C.Many houses, trees, and parks.

5.In a rural area there are_______________________________ a.Many farmers, crops, and farm animals. B.Many tall buildings, transportations, banks, restaurants, and strores. C.Many houses, trees, and parks. Write true if the sentence is correct, If the sentence is not correct write false. 6.A museum is a place that keeps things for people to see and learn about._________ 7.Laws are rules we must follow._____________ 8.A neighbor is a place where people live, works and play._________ 9. A good citizen is that one that never follows the law.__________ 10. The doctor is the one that works in the bank. _________ 11. The library is the place we go to read books._________ 12. The country we live in is Colombia. ____ 13. A Compass Rose has arrows that point to the letters N, S, E and W.___________ Answer in Complete Sentence. 14 Name some places that you can see around your community. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________

15. What are neighbors? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 16. What is the name of the town where you live? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Draw a picture of your neighborhood.

City Map Reading

Color the map as follows 1.Blue-water , 2.Red-fire station, 3. Yellow-schools, 4.Orange-library,5. Greenparks 6. Pink-city hall, 7.Purple-hospital,8. Brown-community center
Answer the following Questions

9.Which is farther south, Lake Park or City Park?_____________________ 10.Which is farther east, the elementary or middle school?_______________ 11.When you look northeast, you see River Park. When you look north, you see the Water Plant. When you look east, you see the Elementary School. Where are you?___________________________ 12.Which direction is opposite of south? ________________________
13. Earth is divided into water and _____________

14Write the name of each country in its corresponding place. Color it. 15Write the name of the oceans in the corresponding place. Color it.

Read and then answer the following questions. (5 points) Ask a neighbor Read the story about Amy and her neighbor, Ms. Stein. Then answer the questions. Circle your answers. Ms. Stein, said Amy. What was our town like when you were a little girl? well, we didnt have a school buses then,said Ms Stein. I walked to school. It took me two hours each day. Did you have a car? Said Amy. No, said Ms. Stein. Not many people had cars then. Not many people had telephones. No one had a television or computer. My family had a radio. Many people listened to the radio then. Wow, said Amy. Things were sure different then.

17.Did Ms. Stein have school buses when she goes to school?



18.How did Ms. Stein get to school? a. Car b. walking c. bus

19.How long it takes to Ms. Stein to get to school? a. Three hours b. Two hours c. Five hours 20Which thing did Ms. Steins family have? A.Computer b. radio c.television d. cellphone

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