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Literary Response Performance Task: EXPOSITORY ESSAY As a culminating writing piece for your novel, you need to select ONLY ONE question from one of the topics below. This assignment lets you choose how you demonstrate your understanding of your novels ideas, literary devices, structures and/or figurative language. Use our literary response essay format to write this piece. Please talk to your teacher if you need help to focus one of these open ended questions! Choiceboard
Topic: Characters 1. How has your main character changed in the book? What are the main events that lead to this change? How does the author show this change in writing? Who is the most important character in your novel? Explain why this character is so important to your story through evidence. Topic: Setting/Mood/Point of View 1. Why is setting important in your story? What would happen if this setting changed? 2. Describe the mood of your novel. How does the author create this mood through writing structures and description? 3. Who is telling the story? How can you tell? Why do you think the author chose to tell the story through his/her eyes? Topic: Making Connections Text to Text 1. Compare your novel to another novel. Explain how they are the same and how they differ. Give examples to show your thinking. Topic: Theme/Plot 1. What is a theme of the story? Give evidence that supports your assertion. Why do you think this? What is the main conflict in the story? Does the climax and resolution solve this problem? Are there any alternatives to solving this conflict? What is the author saying about life and living through the book?




Topic: Authors Style Language Describe how the author uses powerful images and figurative language to build the story. 2. What special words does the author use to help the reader see, hear, or feel things in the story? Was the author successful? 3. What is the authors style of writing? Use examples to reveal this style. Topic: Purpose 1. What are the reasons for writing a novel? Use evidence from your novel to prove your answer. What are the reasons for the author to write this novel? 1.

Topic: Inferences 1. Which secondary character has an essential role in the novel? Using context clues and by examining the character, explain why this secondary character is important to the story.

Topic: Making Connections Text to World 1. How does the novel connect to real events today? What lesson(s) can a reader learn from this novel? Why should people read this book? Give reasons.

Predictions 1. What will happen to your main character 20 years from the end of the story? Use evidence from the novel to prove your assertion.



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