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Forced Global Eugenics

The dehumanizing and wicked character of eugenics is being exposed in a myriad of

quarters. Eugenics is the belief that inferior and superior human beings exist thereby even
culling the so-called "unfit" is a necessary solution to improve humanity. I don't agree with
this, because all human beings exist from God and have equal value. All human
beings are created in the image of God. All humans are equal. Eugenics have
had a long history of being against people of color like African Americans, Native Americans,
Hispanic American, Asians, etc. Maafa 21 is a new film exposing this truism. Life Dynamics
is the Pro-Life Texas based group that has produced the documentary. Maafa 21 have
African American narrators using source after source to expose the evil natures of eugenics
and abortion on demand. Mark Crutcher is the President of Life Dynamics Incorporated. It
described much information that I knew about and other facts that I didn't realize. Abortion
and eugenics effect all people not just one group of people. Michele Rene and Markus Lloyd
were the primary speakers in the Maafa 21 documentary. It's an excellent film that had an
impact in even allowing individuals to totally have a different perspective on the issue of
abortion. The Maafa is a Swahili word that means catastrophe and destruction. The Maafa
didn't end when slavery was overtly abolished in America. It still goes on today by the global
elite. Slavery was called the Maafa. Slavery definitely involve the brutality of human beings.
In the 19th century, slavery was about to end for America, so the big central banks (who
funded it), supported eugenic ideas. This was done in as a justification to have financial
exploitation plus the murder of innocent human beings. The elite knew that slavery's end
would end much of their economic ways, so they develop new ways to enact control in
society. The wealthy elite failed their colonization goals or forcing all black people into Africa
(like in Liberia). So, the oligarchs promoted eugenics. Connie Eller (she is an African
American Community Organizer. She is the Coordinator/Director of Missouri Blacks for Life)
said that Sir Francis Galton was the founding father of modern eugenics and he was. Galton
believed that selective "breeding" was necessary to preserve the purity of the human race. Francis
Galton was a drop out of a British medical school. He wrote his Manifesto called “Hereditary Genius”
in 1869. By 1907, Galton created the Eugenics Education Society in order to promote the lie that
some people are genetically inferior to their fellow man (plus he wanted to weed people out).

Galton was the cousin of Charles Darwin. Charles was the son of a Freemason (Charles's
grandfather was Freemason Erasmus Darwin who believed in evolutionary teachings via his books
of “Temple of Nature” and “Zoönomia, or, the Organic Laws of Life“). So, Galton accepted the
tenets of Darwinian Evolution. Erasmus Darwin was a founding member of the Lunar Society.
Galton invented the concept of biometrics as well. Francis Galton was a racist by writing to the
Times that: "Sir, I do not join in the belief that the African is our equal in brain or in heart; I do not
think that the average Negro cares for his liberty as much as an Englishman, or even as a serf-born
Russian; and I believe that if we can in any fair way, possess ourselves of his services, we have an
equal right to utilize them to our advantage..." Francis Galton was a big liar since black people like
Frederick Douglas, Sojourner Truth, and others cared for legitimate liberty among the whole human
population. Galton believed that he wanted to increase the stock (which is a sick word Galton called
human beings) he felt werre "superior" and decrease the stock he believed were inferior. Thomas
Malthus believing in the overpopulation lie inspired eugenicists as well. Eugenics and Darwinian
Evolution each believe in the struggle of species in trying to reach perfection via nature. The
perfectibility of humankind is a key tenet of Secret Societies, eugenics, and others advocating the
new world order. Charles Darwin even accepted the racist assumption (in 1890) that black people
and Australian Aborigines were lowest scale of human civilized people even near the intellectual
capacity of a gorilla. Darwin's "Origin of the Species" book was originally "The Origin of Species by
Means of Natural Selection or the Preservation of Favoured races in the Struggle for Life." Charles
Darwin’s own son, Major Leonard Darwin (1850-1943), was the Eugenics Society
President from 1911-1928, and he was an Honorary President from 1928-43. Not to
mention that Major Leonard Darwin was an attendee of the 1921 Second
International Congress of Eugenics in New York. In turn, Major Leonard Darwin’s
niece, Ruth Darwin, was on the 1931 Brock Committee. This committee came up
with the false conclusion that compulsory sterilization was the right course of
action for “undesirables." Even back then, they shortened the title of Charles Darwin’s book
since the whole title was blatantly inappropriate. After slavery, the eugenicists tried to exploit black
people in unique, sinister ways. Eugenics wasn't formed by the common people, but globalist elitists
that wanted control plus the harm of the world's population. The lie of overpopulation has been
promoted since the Trojan War. Also, the West and other places have an under population crisis.
The first legal eugenics laws in America came about in the state of Indiana. This resulted in people
being forcibly sterilized, forced incarceration, and euthanasia occurring against mentally ill people
plus ethnic minorities (even those of mixed racial heritage).

The eugenicists (who believed that blacks were inferior mentally and physically. They were proven
wrong since black people have great intellect and a history with advanced civilizations) knew that
they couldn't round up all black people and exterminate them immediately. So, they issued
programs of population control, sterilization, abortion, etc. to try to decrease black American
population growth (this is called negative eugenics). Professor C. B. Davenport were one of the
leading eugenicists who wanted to decrease what he termed the "feebleminded" in society.
Davenport was the Founder of the American Eugenics Society and he didn't even believe in
interracial marriage among people. Fundamentally, there is nothing wrong with interracial marriage
at all. Love among human beings is diverse. Love is Love. Code words that relate to slavery like
imbecile, unfit, etc. were promoted by eugenicists as an excuse to promote eugenics against human
beings. The eugenics' leaders were billionaire industrialists after they were once the profiteers of
the wicked slave trade. So, the Rockefellers funded Margaret Sanger to take eugenics in America to
another level. Sanger founded the Birth Control Review magazine that was
supported by fellow eugenicist Professor Huxley. She was the founder of the
Birth Control League, which was a prelude to the Planned Parenthood
organization. Sanger used the money from these international bankers.
Margaret Sanger was involved in the occult and was apart of the New Age
group called Unity. Sanger promoted the lie that America was being
overpopulated (especially with people she deemed as should of never been
born in the first place, which is evil and satanic in my eyes). So, eugenics is all
about murdering innocent human beings fundamentally. Eugenicist Madison Grant in 1916 (a co-
founder of the American Eugenics Society. The American eugenicists back then wanted to promote
the blond, blue eyed Nordic people to inherit the Earth. They wanted to subtract the population of
Asians, black people, Jewish people, Hispanics, Indians, Eastern Europeans, etc. Dr. Benjamin
Hays is another eugenicist in 1905 that wanted the black man to be subservient to white people)
admits that he wants:

"...The laws of nature require the obliteration of the unfit and human life is valuable only when it is of
use to the community or race..."

The American Birth Control League used the eugenic code words of immoral, criminal, etc. in
claiming to get rid of criminals overtly (while wanting to get rid of minorities and other people covertly
in their agenda). It's basically trying to kill the poor people from the face of the Earth. Madison Grant
in 1906 made a 22 year old Congolese African man named Ota Benga to exist in the cage in order
to compare him to a primate. Grant is a cowardly racist of course. People protested the measure
including black preachers (and Rev. Dr. MacArthur who called the exhibition degrading) who called
it racist. The man in the cage committed suicide. Grant's was protégé Lothrop Stoddard. Stoddard
was pro-Nazi and believed in black racial inferiority (as Hitler believed in). He wrote the book called,
"The Rising Tide of Color Against White World-Supremacy." Stoddard was the Exalted Cyclops
of the Ku Klux Klan in Massachusetts according to Richard K. Tucker's "The Dragon and the
Cross" book. Stoddard was so bigoted that he said that: "...Non-white races must be
excluded from America. The red and black races if left to themselves revert to a savage or
semi-savage state in a short time..." He was once Director of the American Birth Control
League and Sanger didn't criticize him at all. Stoddard met Adolf Hitler and Heinrich
Himmler. Floyd McKissick was the National Director of Racial Equality. In 1967, he said that:

"...During Hitler's regime, the Germans were supplied with elaborate charts and complicated theses,
supposedly proving the superiority of the German people. It is interesting to note that, at the bottom
of these charts were the colored people of the world, most conspicuosuly, the black people."
Another sources outlined information on Hitler's support for a radical form of Evolution as a
justification for his nefarious goals:

"...[Hitler] stressed and singled out the idea of biological evolution as the most
forceful weapon against traditional religion and he repeatedly condemned
Christianity for its opposition to the teachings of evolution. For Hitler evolution was
the hallmark of modern science and culture, and he defended its veracity as
tenaciously as Haeckel..." (Daniel Gasman, The Scientific Origins of National
Socialism: Social Darwinism in Earnest Haeckel and the German Monist
League, American Elsevier Press, New York, 1971, p. 168)
Who is the couple in the picture? Well, the man is a Cameroonian African
man named Theophilus Wonja Michael who married the German woman
on the left named Martha Wegner. Theophlius arrived into Berlin in 1894.
Both people are husband and wife, which conceived 4 children. This
couple’s son T. Wonja Michael was born in Berlin in 1925. T. Wonja
Michael was sent into a Nazi forced labor camp along with other Afro-
Germans. Many black people (along with folks of many backgrounds) died
in the Holocaust indeed.

It's interesting that black people had an important history in the nation of Germany that many people
don't know about. St. Maurice (or St. Mauritius), who was the leading Catholic saint of Germany was
pictured as a black man. I don't agree with Catholicism though. Henri Noel was an unmixed Black
man who was brought by Rohls from Central Africa, whom Wilhelm I, adopted as his own son.
Angelo Soliman was a black African ex-slave who became a tutor of royalty, and the friend and
companion of Joseph II. Joseph II was the ruler of the Holy Roman Empire. The Nazis targeted
Jewish people, Gypsies, Slavs, homosexuals (when some of the Nazi leaders were homosexuals.
The Nazis were great hypocrites in more ways than one. The Nazis were evil in trying to use murder
against homosexuals), union workers, Communists, protesters against the Nazi regime, the
mentally ill, the handicapped, and even black people. The Nazis wanted forced sterilization of
people and discrimination (including sterilization) against black people living in Germany. Adolf
Hitler's "Mein Kampf" supported such evil. Dr. Robert Ley called Jewish people as parasites (Ley
believed that Jewish people were created by blacks and other non-Nordic groups of people). The
Nazis supported abortion for non-Aryan women. The Hereditary Health Court in Hamburg legalized
abortion in March 1934. By June 1935, the sterilization law was amended to have abortions on
eugenics grounds with the “women’s consent.” The Nazis promoted sterilizations and abortion in
Eastern Europe as a means of killing people like Slavic human beings. U.S. eugenics movements
influenced the Nazis to carry out the immoral Holocaust policies. American eugenicists like
Dr. Clarence Gordon Campbell praised Hitler's racial policy. He wanted America to follow the
footsteps of the Nazis. These eugenicists and the Nazis viewed blacks as savages. That’s a
slanderous lie of course. Eugen Fischer organized a plan to kidnap black people in Germany
(and Germany controlled areas) to murder and sterilize them via committees. Fischer headed
the Rockefeller funded Kaiser Wilhelm Institute. Sanger organized the World Population
Conference with eugenicists like Fischer (who wanted to eradicate blacks from Europe). In Namibia,
Fischer claimed there were genetic dangers arising from race mixing between German colonists
and African women. That was an old slanderous lie. Hitler praised Leon Whitney for his American
sterilization advocacy in Leon's book called "The Case for Sterilization." In that book, Leon Whitney
wanted a ¼ of the U.S. population to be sterilized (and the country would hardly miss them). Leon
was a colleague of Margaret Sanger and was apart of the American Eugenics Society.

Ernst Rudin was chosen by Hitler to write eugenic laws. There were from 20,000 to 24,000
Africans in German from 1933-1945. Many of these Africans married German women and
sired half African and half German children. The Nazis sterilized black Children in the
Rhineland and Ruhr districts. Herr Schroeder wanted all black people to be sterilized. Over
600 German mothers were sterilized since their children's fathers were black men. Forced
eugenics and sterilization laws existed in America as late as the early 1980's. Sanger herself
wanted forced sterilization and forced population control in her Plan for Peace Plan. In
America, people were labeled feebleminded (or even socially undesirable) even if they did
poor in school and could be sterilized. In America, these criminals lied about blacks being
overpopulated and being a great threat to American civilization. Gunnar Myrdal was a key
figure in claiming that black people was a dilemma in America. Gunnar and her wife were
involved in eugenic program in Sweden that forcibly sterilized 66,000 people (they were
financially aided by the Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundations). Gunnar blatantly wanted
black people to eliminated in a slow fashion (by controlling black fertility and using birth
control facilities as revealed in his book entitled, "An American Dilemma" being published in
1944 by Harper Collins). "German's Black Holocaust," by Firpo W. Carr, Ph.D. documents
more information on black people who suffered the Holocaust.
Hitler and the Nazis were influenced by the occult as a means to carry out their
evil. The Nazis wanted to revitalize Lost Atlantis and they were deluded in
believing that Nordic peoples were descendants of Atlantis. The Nazis hoped
to create their Millennial Utopian Kingdom lasting for 1,000 years. That is why
Hitler was obsessed with artifacts in order to attempt to increase the power of his
Nazi Empire (and to seek immortality. These artifacts include the Emerald Tablets
of Thoth. Thoth is the ancient Egyptian god of Wisdom that in mythology gave
humans information on city building, architecture, astrology, etc. Thoth is a coded
symbol for Lucifer. The false god of Light relating to Serpents from Quetzalcoatl to
other gods like the Sumerian false god Ningishzidda relate to Lucifer/Satan
including the coming Antichrist. Thoth has been called Hermes by the ancient
Greeks as well. New Agers falsely depict Hermes as Enoch), the Holy Grail, the
Spear of Longinus or the Spear of Destiny, etc. Hitler adopted the symbol of a
reversed Swastika as the Swastika is an ancient sun symbol. Ancient Native
Americans and Hindus utilized the swastika image. The Nazis rejected Biblical
Christianity since they believed in pain against their fellow men, they believe in the
unforgiveness of sin, the intolerance of human beings, and they denied the
equality of all humans. Hitler, Napoleon, Antiochus, Nero, and others were
notorious false leaders and false Messiahs that lead their own lives into bigotry,
evil, and destruction ultimately. You have to thank God that he allowed the Allied powers to
defeat the Axis powers in Europe and Asia.

After WWII, eugenics in America was shifted into population control, but the goal was still the same.
They utilized words like sustainability since according to them these words were non-threatening.
Planned Parenthood continued on that agenda and these evil elitists were obsessed with race.
Margaret Sanger (including her colleagues like Dr. Clarence J. Gamble, Rev. Henry Emerson
Fosdick, Clarence Senior, Rabbi Louis Mann, Professor William A. Neilson, Paul Popenoe, and
others) was even listed as a member of the American Eugenics Society from their 1956
membership list. Margaret Sanger was so pro-eugenics that in the 1920's, she wanted to merge the
American Birth Control League with the American Eugenics Society (which was funded by the
Carnegie Foundation). This idea was shot down. She wanted to combine magazines in both group,
but this plan was cut down. She said in 1921 (from her “The Eugenic Value of Birth
Control Propaganda,” article) that: "...The eugenic and civilization value of birth
control is becoming apparent to the enlightened and the intelligent...the
campaign for birth control is not merely of eugenic value, but is practically
identical in ideal with the final aim of eugenics." Margaret Sanger met in a Klan rally in
New Jersey during the 1920's plus another Klan rally. Sanger was radical that she adopted the 1934
American Baby Code (which is found in the American Weekly Magazine) that promoted among
other things in Article 3 and 4 alone that:

“…Article 3. A marriage license shall in itself give husband and wife only the right
to a common household and not the right to parenthood.

Article 4. No woman shall have the legal right to bear a child, no man shall have
the right to become a father, without a permit for parenthood…”

The truth is that a married couple have a right to give birth to children
without a permit. To restrict having children among married people is one
essence of eugenics. Sanger rejected the God of the Bible and worshipped
her own Ego like numerous Gnostics did. Sanger’s biographer Emily Taft Douglas

“…She found downright unhealthy the priestly rejection of

physical joys, while approving Neitzsche’s ‘Overman’ who affirmed
all phases of life and used the full powers of a trained mind, with
passions controlled, but not deadened. It was better, she wrote, to
develop the God within oneself than to worship ‘at the shrine of
other egos…” (Margaret Sanger: Pioneer of the Future, p.59)

The deal is that Sanger and Planned Parenthood tried to make their operation seem as beneficial to
the black community, but it wasn't. Many of these population control activists wanted forced birth
control to kill of the black population. Elaine Riddick was another rape victim and sterilization victim.
Riddick said that authorities threatened her grandmother to withholding welfare, supplements, food
stamps, etc. if she didn't sign the document of approving of sterilization in North Carolina. The state
of NC called her feebleminded and can't work when she was only 14 years old. Elaine Riddick said
that she isn't feebleminded since she had a college degree. The government in North Carolina (and
other states even Virginia) violated people's rights in these procedures. A board meeting having the
Biennial Report of the Eugenics Board of North Carolina in July 27, 1961 had an event. This event
deal with a female named Casebolt wanting to keep a file of people regardless of age, so they can
be picked up at child bearing age for sterilization. The Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell
Holmes even supported forced sterilization laws in Virginia (like Freemason Theodore
Roosevelt. He wrote a January 3rd, 1913 letter syaing that "...society has no business to
permit degenerates to reproduce their kind..."). Clarence Gamble was apart of the Negro Project
to sterilize black people. Gamble was an heir of Proctol and Gamble. He gave money to a
sterilization program in North Carolina, which program sterilized Eliane Riddick. The Negro Project
try to neutralize opposition of ABCL from the black Chruch. This project recruited black pastors to
promote eugenic policies. The RCAR or a religious pro-abortion group was funded by the
Rockefellers. RCAR was organized by the United Methodist Church. John Rockefeller gave
$115,000 to support RCAR's work from 1973 to 1978. In the 1990's, the RCAR is now called the
Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice when choice is eliminated via abortion ironically.

Billionaire Globalists like David Rockefeller, Ted Turner (a funder of U.N.

population reduction programs), and Bill Gates meet to discuss population
control in early May of 2009 (according to a London Times report). Other people
were there like Warren Buffet, left gatekeeper extraordinaire George Soros, etc. at
the home of Sir Paul Nurse. Nurse is a British Nobel Prize biochemist and
President of the private Rockefeller University. Turner wants to reduce the
population worldwide by over 90%. Turner is a known Christian basher by calling
Christians “losers” and “boozos.“ He’s a liar since Jesus Christ will always make
his followers winners in life regardless of what the world may show. He has also
called for a Communist-style one child policy to be mandated by governments in the west.
In China, the one child policy is enforced by means of taxes on each subsequent child.
Also, this program is allied to an intimidation program, which includes secret police and
“family planning” authorities kidnapping pregnant women from their homes and
performing forced abortions. Turner has 5 children and owns about 2 million acres of land,
but he wants us to decrease our populations. He’s a hypocrite. Stabilizing world population
is by using modernization, legitimate industralization, and creating higher living standards
not by depopulating the Earth’s people.

To this day, the Rockefellers fund religious apostates heavily. The United States
government supported abortion and population control. Richard Nixon signed bill
on having a Commission on Population. Dr. Beasley sent birth control in Louisiana
against women to lower welfare cost. Dr. Beasley was convicted for conspiring to
defraud the federal government of $778,000 from 1974 (one person said that he
received money to convince people that this program wasn't black genocide). He
was elected as Chairman of Planned Parenthood in 1970. Many leaders in
Planned Parenthood are wealthy and elite. Even ex-President Lyndon Johnson
admits that "less than $5 invested in population control is worth $100 invested in
economic growth..." Johnson was the first U.S. President to back federal support
for birth control at the urging of then Republican representative from Texas
George H. W. Bush. George W. Bush’s grandfather was Prescott Bush. Bonesman
Prescott Bush is not only tied to Planned Parenthood, but was financially linked to
the Nazis plus other eugenicists. Prescott Bush was the Connecticut director of the
Mental Hygiene Society, which began in Yale University in 1908. Yale was the
headquarters of the American Eugenics Society until it merged with the
Population Council in 1952 (which was established by John D. Rockefeller and
John Foster Dulles. Dulles was the lawyer for Brown Brothers Harriman). The
Mental Hygiene movement was organized into the World Federation of Mental
Health by Montagu Norman, which was apart of mental warfare against the
population. Even George W. Bush’s great-grandfather named George Hebert
Walker was tied to eugenics movements in the early 20th century. For generations,
the Bush family has been complicit in population control efforts.

Eisenhower and Harry S. Truman were co-chairmen of Planned Parenthood's

honorary sponsors council. Dwight D. Eisenhower was the man who restrict
General Patton’s activities to end WWII much sooner. Eisenhower is apart of the
idolatrous, occult Bohemian Grove and he was a honorary Knight of Malta.
Harry Truman was a 33rd Degree Freemason that was crucial in dropping the
bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. Johnson accepted the Margaret Sanger
award. Lyndon Johnson was a 1st Degree Freemason, who loved the agenda of
Catholic priest Schiender from Texas. Johnson even attend the funeral of K of C &
Spiritual head of the Knights of Malta Cardinal Spellman. Cardinal Spellman was
the most powerful American clergyman in the 20th century. So, even Presidents
decades ago endorses anti-human policies before.

Julian Huxley wanted to force eugenics by denying health care to certain people. Huxley wanted the
forced sterilization of people if they were unemployed for a certain span of time. He was awarded by
Planned Parenthood. In 1966, 3 mothers were illegally arrested for neglect when there were no
evidence for it in Maryland. They tried to apply for welfare. The mothers were forced to be punished
since they were unwed. In the 1960's, racist and eugenicist William Shockley believed that no
programs could help black people improve their condition (he believed in the lie of black genetic
intellectual inferiority to whites), so a forced contraceptive used by the youth was necessary. In
1969, Dr. Garrett Hardin rejected voluntary birth control and he believed that
citizens should give up their right to create children. Hardin and his wife
committed suicide in a joint suicide pact. Oregon never got rid of the
Eugenics Board until 1983 (2 years after they have done their last
sterilization). At least 60,000 Americans were sterilized and they were highly
of black descent and 100,000 more women. Women were threatened in
losing their benefits if they refuse to be sterilized back in the day. In 1972, all
but one women were black and sterilized who were on Medicaid at Aiken,
South Carolina (by 3 South Carolina Obstetricians). One patient that she
can't conceive her child until she was sterilized. In numerous states,
Planned Parenthood were close to Eugenics Boards. PP were so sick that
executive Planned Parenthood of Iowa the Rev. Robert L. Webber was
alarmed at a decline of sterilization in Iowa. Planned Parenthood being tied to eugenics
is without doubt. The Arkansas Eugenics Society member Mrs. Cornish soon worked with Arkansas
Planned Parenthood. In the 1960's, more people began to expose the eugenics movement. These
evil sterilization laws exploited the birth control pill's invention as an excuse to try to control the
human population. Many black people back in the 1960's and the 1970's rejected birth control as a
racist aim at creating genocide against black people. Planned Parenthood supported the pill and
heavily had their facilities in mostly African American neighborhoods. In June of 1970, the Black
Caucus walked out of the National Congress on Optimum Population and Environment that was
held in Chicago. They believed that the purpose of the meeting was to exterminate minority groups.
The black delegates accused the group of wanting to systematically reduce the population of people
of color, the poor, and ethnic immigrants via birth control. Ironically, Jesse Jackson used to be pro-
life and said in 1971 that: "...Contraceptives will become a form of drug warfare against the helpless
in this nation..." The Black Unity Party in 1968 believe that rigid birth control measures are being
used in the black community not mostly white communities.

Here’s more quotations from African American leaders opposing this agenda:

“The abortion law, hides behind the guise of helping women, when in reality it
will attempt to destroy our people.”
-Brenda Hyson, New York chapter, Black Panther Party, 1971

“A true revolutionary cares about the people–he cares to the point that he is
willing to put his life on the line to help the masses of poor and oppressed people.
He would never think of killing his unborn child.”
-Detroit chapter, Black Panther Party, 1970

“Who the h___ is getting the pill? The Mexican and the Negro. Do you want to
wipe us out?”
-Caesar Chavez, 1967

“It is strange that they choose to start talking about population control at the same
time that Black people in America and people of color around the world are
demanding their rightful place as human citizens and their rightful share of the
material wealth in the world.”
-Jesse Jackson, 1977

“Under the cover of an alleged campaign to ‘alleviate poverty,’ white supremacist

Americans and their dupes are pushing an all-out drive to put rigid birth control
measures into every black home. No such drive exists within the white American
-Black Unity Party, 1968

In this generation, more of the young generation are becoming more Pro-Life
than decades ago. Protesting against abortion is legitimate.

Some eugenicists and population control advocates like Dr. C. Scott Littleton in the 1960's wanted
to use birth control in the water supply especially in urban locations. In 2009, it's been found that
contraceptives have polluted the American water supply now in New York State plus nationwide.
Birth control and other chemicals in the water can damage animals, so it's a very reckless policy to
endorse the use of contraceptives in our water stream. This is anti-environment. Sanger even
wanted the U.S. government to force people to not have children unless they have a license. Most
people reject that nonsense today. African American women make up about 13% of the American
population, but about 37% of all abortions in America are against black women according to Clenard
Childress (He said that a black baby has a 5 times more chance of being aborted than a white baby.
PP kills thousands of black babies per day). In 1974, a study found that Planned Parenthood did
this: "...This fact gives apparent substance to charges that such programs are designed not simply
to assist the poor, but to control the growth of the black population..." This study (which was
called "Family Planning Services and the Distribution of Black Americans") was created by 3
researchers whose names are Kenneth C. W. Kammeyer (of the University of Maryland),
Norman Yetman (of the University of Kansas), and McKee J. McClendon (of the University of
Akron). These researchers studied Planned Parenthood's own records. He's the Northeast
Director of LEARN or the Life Education and Resource Network. LEARN is the largest African
American pro-life group in America. Alveda King is the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King and she is
pro-life. This issue is beyond parties or political ideologies. Roe. v. Wade legalized abortion
nationwide in America in 1973 virtually for reason since Doe called for abortion (in terms of medical
or psychological issues, which can be anything). The abortion rate in NY is very high. After Roe,
abortions have increased and they haven't gone down. The old Iowa abortion bill was rejected by
a sole Iowan black state legislature June Franklin (a Democrat from 1971). She said that:
"...Proponents...have argued this bill is for blacks and the poor who want
abortion and can't afford one. This is the phoniest and most preposterous
argument of all. Because I remember the inner city where the majority of blacks
and poor live and I challenge anyone here to show me a waiting line of either
blacks or poor whites who are wanting an abortion..." Even some of the Black
Panthers rejected abortion and birth control. Farm Labor Leader Cesar Chavez rejected
Planned Parenthood as wanting to use the pill as an excuse to wipe out black people and
Mexicans. On the day after MLK's assassination, in Howard University a memorial was held.
Stokely Carmichael said that population control was a means in order to create black genocide.
Ralph Abernathy spoke out against abortion until the day of his death. Abernathy was a close friend
and ally of Dr. Martin Luther King. Dick Gregory in the Ebony Magazine interview of October 1971
said that abortion is genocide to harm black babies. Gregory supported a human life amendment to
the U.S. Constitution to protect life from conception until natural death. The NOI, the Black
Panthers, and other community groups opposed abortions before 1973. Even Fannie Lou Hammer
was pro-life. She said that: “…"The methods used to take human lives, such as abortion, the
pill, the ring, etc., amount to genocide. I believe that legal abortion is legal murder."
(Similar Principles, p.6). Richard Nixon approved of abortion in some cases. In March 30, 1973,
Nixon on tape said that:

"...A majority of people in Colorado voted for abortion, I think a majority of people in
Michigan are for abortion, I think in both cases, well certainly in Michigan they will vote for it
because they think that what's going to be aborted generally are the little black bastards..."

Nixon like the racist coward that he is goes on to say that he supports population control of the black
population like John Rockefeller believes in. John Ehrlichman was an assistant to Nixon. He said
that Nixon told him that African Americans can't benefit from federal programs since they were
genetically inferior to whites. Richard Nixon was very racist. He's probably the most racist President
in the past 40 years. In 1972, the Commission on Population Growth and the American Future
called for the liberation of abortion laws or abortion being legalized nationwide following New York's
example. Even in 2009, Nancy Pelosi wants to fund population control acts in the stimulus
package. That is why she received a 100 percent rating from Planned Parenthood.
Government funding to Planned Parenthood have increased greatly to enact harm in
minority communities. There are contraceptives on demand sent among young people as young
as 13. NSSM 200 was a document issued by the government in December 1974 that wanted
abortion, population control, and restricting food in order to cull the population of the Third World. A
hurricane hit Guyana in the 1990's. Later, they were forced to legalize abortion by the USAID and
the UN. Sometimes more population control actions are done that have decreased the economic
development of various countries (like access to clean drinking water, etc.). This has been going on
here in America. After Hurricane Katrina, the Hewlett Foundation gives 1 million dollars to Planned
Parenthood for Katrina evacuees including healthcare services to women. In 1977, Dr. R.T.
Ravenholt (the director of the U.S. Office of Population) said that the U.S. government wanted as
many as 100 million women sterilized plus 1/4 of the world's population. Ford, Kissinger, and
Rockefeller used an illegal abortion training program under the USAID program (under the State
Department) to have abortion (when the use of foreign aid funds for the purpose was illegal. When
President Bill Clinton was elected, he signed an executive order reversing abortion restrictions. This
allowed federal funding agencies to refer low income women to have abortions (and military
hospitals could be allowed to perform abortions with private funds). Eric Alfred owned many abortion
chains and mocked people on welfare. Only a pro-eugenicist would mock people on
welfare. I don’t.

Dr. Charles Greenlee used to be a strong supporter of Planned Parenthood in Pittsburgh. He was
the Chairman of the NAACP's Health Committee. This committee accused the Pittsburgh Planned
Parenthood of practicing black genocide in its operations of African American neighborhoods in the
Pittsburgh area. Greenlee found that PP saturated mostly black neighborhoods with birth control
clinics while mostly white neighborhoods don't have birth control clinics. Greenlee found deceptive
propaganda that PP sent literature that welfare recipients would be cut benefits if they have more
children. This wasn't children, so Greenlee cut ties with Planned Parenthood to expose them.
Geeenlee was a civil rights activists and promoted the black birthrate in 1968. As late as 1977,
Jesse Jackson said that: "...It is strange that they choose to start talking about population at the
same time that Black people in America and people of color around the world are demanding their
rightful share of the material wealth in the world..."
Just to think, I was born after Roe v. Wade came about. So, by definition, I and
others could have been aborted with an immoral ruling on the books federally. So,
by the grace of God, I survived my birth without abortion. I survived Roe.

Jesse Jackson (who once opposed federal funding of abortion) told pro-lifers in the 1977 pro-life
March Washington of opposing abortion. Jesse Jackson in that March that:

“…There are those who argue that the right to privacy is of [a] higher order than
the right to life,...that was the premise of slavery. You could not protest the
existence or treatment of slaves on the plantation because that was private and
therefore outside your right to be concerned. What happens to the mind of a
person, and the moral fabric of a nation, that accepts the aborting of the life of a
baby without a pang of conscience? What kind of a person and hat kind of a
society will we have 20 years hence if life can be taken so casually? It is that
question, the question of our attitude, our value system, and our mind-set with
regard to the nature and worth of life itself that is the central question confronting
mankind. Failure to answer that question affirmatively may leave us with a hell
right here on earth."
There is treason among some people to help further black genocide. One method to con many
black people was economic funding. One easy example is how Jesse Jackson was pro-life until
1980. That was when he was close in trying to run for President in the Democratic Party. Jackson
knew he could get more funding by changing his mind on life issues. There are other people doing
the same thing. Even some in the NAACP refuse to explicitly condemn abortion in a resolution.
Some black pro-life people are protesting in NAACP headquarters and they accuse the NAACP of
blocking protesters. It's bigger than the NAACP, but its financiers like Planned Parenthood are doing
this to fund the genocide of black people. The mainstream media is mostly pro-abortion, so they
won't show this story in the public view. Even FOX News won’t show some of this information.
The Black family is great to behold and promote. There is nothing wrong
with a Black Man and a Black Woman being married and having children
(despite what some in the mainstream media and popular culture say). There
is nothing wrong with having a family period regardless of your background.

Ismael Hernandez is the Executive Director of African and Caribbean American Center. In
2003, Ismael said that: "...The civil rights elite has forgotten the lives of unborn black
children and has joined those who choose to kill them. Unbelievable! They have forgotten
that in the past racists snatched black babies from their mother's arms and sold them into
slavery. Today, they snatch them form their mother's womb and throw them in the
garbage..." This global elite control the Republicans and Democrats to continue onward with
promoting this agenda of Planned Parenthood. This elite tries to suppress this information. One
example is how black correspondent for Newsweek Samuel F. Yette wrote about high level plans in
America to use birth control and abortion to institute black genocide in his book called the "The
Choice." He was fired by the Nixon White House to get him out of Washington. "The Choice"
received awards and soon the book went off the market. In 1982, Yette republished
his book. Civil rights leader John Oliver Killens wrote the forward for his new edition of the book.
Killens was a co-founder of the Harlem Writers Guild and apart of the National Cultural Committee
of the NAACP. So, this anti-family cartel wanted to intimidate people who criticize population control.
Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, and others have foundations that fund abortion and population control in
the 21st century. Planned Parenthood is a billion dollar worth empire whose money are received
from the U.S. taxpayers. The modern eugenics movement is a corporate institution that
dehumanizes life and makes scapegoats out of human beings.
Cypto-eugenics is about promoting eugenics without calling it such. The eco-extremist John
Holdren is Barack Obama's Science Czar. In that position, John can counsel the President
on the role of science in developing public policy. As many realize, Science czar John P.
Holdren is a person who was the co-author of the 1973 Ecoscience book. In that position, John can
counsel the President on the role of science in developing public policy. He is on record in his
literature calling for totalitarian population control methods, forced abortion
(as found in page 786 of "Ecoscience"), and mass sterilization through
chemical warfare (on pages 787-88 of Ecoscience). In other words, Holdren wanted
our water supply to be poisoned with chemicals in order to decrease the growth of the human
population. Holdren's purpose of reintroducing the draconian notion of adding sterilants to drinking
water on the condition that such a substance “must have no effect on members of the opposite sex,
children, old people, pets, or livestock.” Senator Jay Rockefeller supports Holdren of course. This is
sick of course. This is much more evil than Ruth Bader Ginsburg (a radical liberal) thinking that Roe
v. Wade was a product of population growth concerns in America. Ruth’s thinking in supporting Roe
was that there are too many people are existing in the world. Holdren and the Ehlrichs wrote that
laws if necessary should be made to stop pregnancies. The books wanted involuntary or
coercive fertility control like the mandatory implantation of a Norplant style capsule (that
might be removable with official permission for a limited number of births). These authors
endorse the creation of a Planetary regime in that all human economic activity and
interactions are regulated. Paul Ehrlich's 1968 book of "The Population Bomb" is known for
making false predictions of world catastrophe. Holdren bears responsibility for the
Ecoscience book since he was part-created of it. Holdren's anti-natalist or anti-human views
(involving misanthropy) are as repugnant as the pro-eugenics views of white supremacist
groups. Holdren's population control policies were influenced by the book of 1954's "The Challenge
of Man's Future" which was created by eugenicist Harrison Brown. Holdren admitted in 1986 that
Harrison Brown's book changed his thinking about the world and what career he would get into.
Brown's book called human morons, the feeble minded, etc. in an eugenic way. Brown wanted
certain people to not reproduce, and he wanted sterilization. Holdern he believed in a broad
eugenics program (so so-called healthy people would exist and the "unfit" would not breed in
excessive rate). Brown is an evil genius indeed since all human life have equal value. Melanson is
right to point out that the population control movement is nothing more than eugenics placed into
action. This isn't something new since Margaret Sanger in his “The Eugenic Value of Birth Control
Propaganda,” admitted that her version of birth control (which was population control) is related to
the final aims of eugenics. Sanger blatantly wanted birth control to be used in an eugenic way.
William N. Grigg wrote and excellent article on the eugenicists and the anti-natalist (or anti-human)
scholar named Kingsley Davis. Gregg proved that one of Davis' papers for "Science" magazine in
1967 desired that “the social structure and economy must be changed before a deliberate reduction
in the birthrate can be achieved,” (before a deliberate reduction of the birth rate can be achieved in
the West) while urging “governments to subsidize voluntary abortion and sterilization and restructure
their tax systems to discourage both marriage and childbirth.”

In other words, Kingsley Davis and his ilk wanted to use slick, piece meal methods in getting a
forced decreasing of the human population accomplished. Davis is a member of the American
Eugenics Society (in 1956 and 1974). He was a director of the group from 1952 to 1955. Davis is
one of the leader of the global elite's eugenic establishment. He urged governments to subsidize
voluntary abortion and sterilization and restructure their tax systems to discourage both
marriage and childbirth. Davis' recommendations inspired Vice President of Planned
Parenthood Frederick Jaffe in 1969 to promote similar population control policies. Jaffe even
suggested using fertility control agents in the water supply (forced sterilization, forced
abortion of all out of wedlock pregnancies, permits to make children, etc.). This is occurring
now in the 21st century worldwide. Even Population control supporter Garrett Hardin
supported population advocate (plus anti-immigration extremist) John Tanton. Garrett
wanted to reduce reproduction in slick tax rewards then other policies. Others in their ilk
(like Marageret Mead, Kingsley Davis, Paul Ehrlich, and Planned Parenthood leaders)
endorsed the 1971 manifesto The Case for Compulsory Birth Control by Edgar R. Chasteen.
That book supported anti-population draconian measures. Chasteen went as afar as
believing that parenthood is a privilege not a gift from God. Dr. Norman Meyers, who is
an adviser to the World and UN agencies supported China's population control policies
(while omitting China's destruction of homes, forced abortion, and retaliation against family
members or even co-workers if women have "unauthorized" children). Myers wanted
government issued child birth. The lesson here is that the government has no right to
kill innocent people or defining who is or isn't a person. The government has no
right to falsely call people "undesirable" to exterminate at all. It's hard to believe,
but people still want forced sterilization and forced population control on planet
Earth. That is wrong and I do oppose these aims.

The Rockefeller/U.N. clique funds this operation before and after this agenda was overtly promoted
in society. Davis coined the term Zero Population Growth. He, along with Holdren formed the group
of "No-Growth Society" enthusiasts. Davis expressed his anti-population goals in an article called
"Zero Population Growth: The Goal and the Means." It's found in the journal of Daedalus: Bulletin of
the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (from Vol. 102, No. 4). Davis in his essay says that his
fellow eugenicists aren't serious enough on what policy would best have population reduction. He
wanted any means to have zero population growth. He denies the right of women to give birth to any
children they want. Popular culture have been used to promote the overpopulation myth as well.
There were movies and science fiction books promoting these things like William Earls’ “Traffic
Problem” (1970), Leonard C. Lewin’s Triage (1972), etc. Ehlrich was the co-author of John Holdren
of Ecoscience. Max Ehrlich is the screenwrite of the film of Z.P.G. along with its producer. It's
common to see movies to promote propaganda about the occult, eugenics, and population control.
Paul Ehrlich and others are real threats in promoting the crypto-eugenic goal of total population
control over citizens.

Geoengineering is ever real. There is a new article from TIME magazine that wants geo-
engineering as an excuse to stop the climate from "collapse." Bryan Walsh's article is
entitled "Can Geoengineering Help Slow Global Warming?" It suggests that fossil fuel usage
have made us geoengineers and that we might as well get good at it. “If we geoengineered
the earth into a mess with our uncontrolled appetite for fossil fuels, maybe we have to
geoengineer our way out of it” Walsh writes, citing a new paper by the think tank
Copenhagen Consensus on Climate. Lee Lane co-authored the paper. He wants to cool the
planet with suggestions like using space mirrors, seawater mist, and man-made volcanoes
(which ironically can show high levels of CO2 into the atmosphere). The most prominent
form of geoengineering was suggesting using the spray of sulfur into the air. The article
talks about turning down the thermostat would spread sulfur into the atmosphere either via
artillery or using airplanes. He wants to thicken the air enough so that it would bounce some
sunlight back (and continuously to keep up the intensifying greenhouse effect). This
geoengineering process has been discussed and conducted by government-affiliated
universities, government agencies, and on a mass scale through chemtrail spraying. The
government have been involved in studying an upper atmosphere aerosol program proving
that the government has been active in this field for years. Obama's science czar John
Holdren back in April said in an AP interview that he was pushing for a radical terra forming
programs relating to geoengineering. His suggesting of a planetary geoengineering is mirror
by articles penned by the CFR which even called for a global Carbon tax back in 1999. The
Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy Holdren then back
pedaled 360 degrees on his own comments. This occurred when the wider media picked up
on them and turned them into major headlines. Holdren also advocated extreme population
control techniques like forced abortions and mass sterilization (as exposed in his co-
authored 1977 book called "Ecoscience") all under the oversight of a "Planetary Regime."
This should concern us just like his interest in radical geoengineering programs. Lee Lane
who wrote the geoengineering paper is a fellow of the American Enterprise Institute
(which is a place filled with neo cons like Bolton, David Frum, Irving Kristol,
Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz and John Yoo). AEI casts doubt on the theory of human
caused global warming and is heavily funded by energy companies. These tentative
announcements and recycling of ideas to terra form the planet constitute a first step toward
introducing the idea to the wider public. One of the accepted truisms of scientific study is
the fact that if scientists are proposing an idea, then those scientists with access to the
bottomless pit of black-budget secret government funding are already doing it. It is highly
likely that sulfur spraying and chemtrails are merely one manifestation of “geo-engineering.”
Geoengineering-like tests are taking place without proper debate, notification or any form of
legality, and with a callous disregard for the potential dangers to both our health and our

The rate of decline of sperm count is only accelerating as more and more couples find it harder to
have children. In studies of white European men, the rate of decline is as much as 50 per cent in the
last 30 years. In Italy, this equates to a native population reduction of 22 per cent by 2050.
Population reduction is already occurring amongst native residents in many areas of Europe and
America. The blame for this problem has been cell phone signals, soy products, HRT products, and
female hormones entering our water supply. There are antiandrogens. These substances can
prevent and inhibit the biologic effects of androgens, male sex hormones, on normally responsive
tissues in the body. Antiandrogens are given to transgendered men who want to become women.
They are also given to sex offenders released from prison to reduce their sexual libido. These
substances have the effect of counteracting masculinization and effectively diminishing the normal
male biological characteristics associated with the release of testosterone. This is taboo
information. Antiandrogens are used in pesticides that are sprayed on our foods, which have
been called "endocrine disruptors." They have demonstrated to induce demasculinization in rats.
These poisons have caused gender bending fish in British rivers (some of them produce eggs or go
fertile). Polar bears, bald, eagles, otters, and whale have been affected by this problem. Some male
fish have developed female characteristics as a result of these chemicals (which cause a declining
fish population. This is in our water supply as well). Professor Charles Tyler of Exeter University is
one of the nation's leading authorities on the effects of estrogen in the UK. He said these chemicals
can harm humans (when filters are proposed to stop this, they are rejected by eco-extremists since
of their carbon footprint. Water filters in our homes are more than necessary to prevent poisons
doing into our body). It's no secret that eugenics is still going on today. Eugenicists want a large part
of our population to die off (as "useless eaters."). We are involuntarily sent poisons and dangerous
chemicals in our food and water supplies which is against the Nuremberg code. So, we should
reject poisons, abortion, population control, dangerous chemicals in our
water supply, eugenics, and forced sterilizations completely. Laws should
exist to ban such poisons in our food & water supplies.

Covert & overt eugenics is still promoted today. The previous Bush administration created the
Freedom Initiative, which desired to have mental health screenings for as many Americans
as possible. This is used to promote strong anti-pscyhotic and antidepressant drugs for
treating as many mental health problems as possible. Big Pharma via Eli Lilly and Co.
(which creates Prozac) and other companies support this endeavor. In July 1945, Lilly
chemist Ervin Kleiderer led a research team to an I. G. Farben pharmaceutical plant in
Germany. I. G. Farben had produced Zyklon B gas used in the Nazi prison camps
(remember that both the Nazis and Communists used mental health screenings
to identify their adversaries). Eli Lilly today funds Planned Parenthood and the anti-
population radical group by the name of the Center for Population Options. So, forced
mental health screenings have been funded by many internationalists spanning decades as a
means to have social control. Even though President Barack Obama doesn’t support eugenics,
his allies (and architects of his health care plan) does. We need health care reform, but not bad
policies in a bill. Peter Orszag (who is currently the 37th Director of the Office of Management
and Budget under President Barack Obama) wrote on many times that medicines and
treatments should be rationed according to their effect in increasing the number of the
QALY of the patient. QALY stands for the Quality Adjusted Life Years (or that medicines
can be regulated depending on if your are old, etc.). Orszag even wrote that experts agreed
that a QALY was worth $50,000 or $100,000. This places a dollar value on human life,
which I reject completely. We know that Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel is a key architect of Barack
Obama’s health care proposal. He said that he wants a priority curve of health care
depending on age (where those 15 to 40 will have the most chance of getting care whereas
seniors can have their chance attenuated). Emanuel defends medical discrimination against
senior citizens in an article that appeared in the January 31, 2009 issue of the medical journal
Lancet. “Unlike allocation by sex or race, allocation by age is not invidious [offensive]
discrimination," Emanuel wrote. Ezekiel is the younger brother of Rahm Emanuel. Again,
Council on Foreign Relations member John Holdren of course made statements of desiring
to have chemicals in our water and forced abortions before. This is found in the 1977
published book entitled, “Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment.” This book
was co-authored by his fellow Malthusain Paul Ehlrich. Holdren support global warming
hysteria and population control as well. So, we know what the deal is. Today,
there are those in the government that are promoting the H1N1
vaccine when dangerous vaccinations (with toxins like mercury and
squalene) are promoted by government agencies. The impact of the
swine flu virus has been exaggerated among many quarters from some
in the mainstream media to the UN plus the CDC. We should promote
health care without fear mongering. Other people have accused some
members of the government of trying to enact forced vaccinations on
them or get fired in various jobs like in hospitals. Eugenics under any other
name (like a QALY scale, rationing of care against people, forced abortion, etc.) is still
It’s a shame that even some so-called “Pro lifers” want to fight against legitimate personhood bill in
states across America. Steve Lefemine from Columbia Christians for Life made known of
this information. One group doing this is Americans United for Life trying to get rid of
personhood bills in the USA. Kevin T. FitzGerald, S.J . (who is a Jesuit) is on the Advisory
Board of the AUL. Another person on the board is David Lauler Chair. Chair is the member
of the Catholic Health Care Ethics, Center for Clinical Bioethics, for Georgetown
University Medical Center, Washington, DC. Georgetown is a Jesuit run University power
base in Washington, D.C. with immense influence in political, military, and foreign affairs.
So, Georgetown is a key facilitator of the new world order agenda. It’s headed by Knight
of Malta and powerful CFR member John J. DeGioia. 2 Catholic Board of
Directors in the AUL are members of the Council on Foreign Relations.
Their names are George S. Weigel Jr. and Professor Robert P. George
(from Princeton University). Weigel supports the neo-con PNAC document as a
signer of it. Weigel wrote a best selling biography of Pope John Paul II called “Witness to
Hope.” The late Pope John Paul II explicitly called for the new world order. This proves
that the Vatican and the Council on Foreign Relations even have infiltrated the
“establishment” pro-life organizations. The Ecumenical AUL want to oppose personhood
bills. Some pro-lifers have been deceived in trying to just incrementally regulating abortion
instead of directly trying to end abortion. National Right to Life was first organized under
the auspices of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops in 1968 - five years before Roe
v. Wade. Even the NRLC (with the aid of some Roman Catholic bishops) oppose
personhood unborn efforts in the states of Michigan, Georgia, Colorado, Montana, and
North Dakota. Could it be as brother Steve Lefemine believes that the Vatican’s
agenda (among its leadership not sincere low level Catholics that really want abortion
gone) isn’t trying to end abortion. Brother Steve said that the Vatican uses abortion as
a tool to promote Ecumenicalism, continue political agitation, regulate it without
ending it, and make people accept the heresies of Romanism? As time goes on in my
life, Steve is proven 100% correct. I know for certain that the Jesuits can’t be trusted
with their legacy of assassination, deception, and other evil tactics in their nefarious
history (from Ignatius Loyola onward). The Jesuit’s Counter Reformation was made
to literally try to destroy the influences of the Protestant Reformation. They won’t
succeed, because in the END, God will preserve the ideals of hard work, real liberty,
and tranquility forever. The good news is that independent, real Pro-Life groups still
exist in Planet Earth.

Here is The Rhodes Scholar Rachel Maddow (she hosts her own show on MSNBC.
MSNBC has notorious hosts that are generally hostile toward real
conservatives, libertarians, and constitutionalists) and the abortionist &
extremist Warren Hern. The Rhodes Scholar was created ironically by the
Freemason, imperialist, and racist Cecil Rhodes. Maddow lives in the left/right
paradigm. Yet to her credit, she did expose the bad policy of having prolonged
detention of detainees, which is supported by President Barack Obama. Hern has
no regrets or guilt for his active role in murdering innocent unborn babies.
Another quasi-eugenic, pro-abortion extremist is abortionist Warren Hern. Hern is known as an ally
of Keith Olbermann, Rachel Maddow, and others in the mainstream media. The mainstream media
in some cases depict Hern as some humanitarian when he's a murderer. He doesn't deserve death
threats or murder, but he deserves no respect from real folks who respect the sanctity of human life.
He's known for his dirty mouth and saying the lie that even peaceful pro-life human beings are
equivalent to terrorists. Hern is one of the few people who enact the disgraceful action of partial birth
abortion. Now, Hern has been caught calling humans "malignant eco-tumor" which is sick on
his part that shows his character (as exposed by Peter J. Smith's article found in
LifeSiteNews.com). He wrote that a human is similar to a tumor that is trying destroy the
Earth. The Esquire magazine reports in a story entitled, "the Last Abortion Doctor" that Hern
(who is the director of the Boulder Abortion Clinic" since 1975). He argued in a work called
Urban Malignancy: Similarity in the Fractal Dimensions of Urban Morphology and Malignant
Neoplasms that growing human populations act like a "malignant ecotumor."

"The human species is an example of a malignant ecotumor, an uncontrolled proliferation of a

single species that threatens the existence of other species in their habitats," he wrote in a paper
published in Population and Environment in 1990. He concluded that, "The idea that the human
population is a planetary cancer is a profoundly disturbing conclusion, but the observations
of the scientific community over the last 20 years have provided massive support this
hypothesis and little, if anything, to refute it." His opinion didn't change over the course of 18
years.” "From the point of view of a physician, the expanding, invasive, colonizing urban form with
highly irregular borders resembles a malignant lesion," wrote Hern in a 2008 paper published in the
International Journal of Anthropology. "Malignant neoplasms have at least four major characteristic:
rapid, uncontrolled growth; invasion and destruction of adjacent normal tissues (eco systems);
metastasis (distant colonization); and de-differentiation” are other words from Hern. This coward
Hern is a piece of work. You couldn't make up this stuff you wanted to. He's a liar and a
hypocrite by telling CNN's Anderson Cooper on June 1 that he wants language to calm
down on the abortion debate. Then, Hern refuses to apologize for calling human beings
cancers and demonizing legitimate pro-lifers as terrorists & fascists. Hern lied again on
the Rachel Maddow show by saying people like us (who are pro-life) want no
discussion, no free speech, and desire a theocracy. Sorry, I don't want a theocracy, but I
disagree with babies getting their body parts destroyed for the sake of promoting the lie
that abortion is a choice. The mainstream media for the most part (from MSNBC,
CNN, CBS, ABC, and even FOX) ignore pro-life displays being vandalized by pro-
abortion extremists. That’s the truth. A new one has occurred in Princeton
University. The pro-life student group at Princeton University experienced another
group of vandalism. The law display advocate against abortion that Princeton Pro-
Life sponsored was vandalized last week. The display had large fetal development
posters on plywood boards. All six posters on the lawn had been torn off their
plywood mounts. Campus police was notified of it in early last Thursday morning
according to Princeton University spokeswoman Cass Cliaat told the student
newspaper. Princeton Pro-Life member Matthew Sanyour told the Daily
Princetonian, “The irony of that is that there was text on all the posters, except the
one where the vandal had removed the text." An image of a pregnant woman has its
face removed. So, pro-abortion radicals are hypocrites for claiming tolerance, but
rejecting free speech rights of their fellow citizens.
Gardasil is a known poison and a dangerous vaccine. Governor & Bilderberger Rick
Perry of Texas (with corporate ties to Merck) wanted to forced girls to have Gardasil
involuntary. Of course this is illegal and immoral. Not only is Gardasil dangerous
with horrendous risk factors. Also, Gardasil in their own commercial describe the
vaccine as not a cure for cervical cancer at all. That is pure irony since they refute the
effectiveness of their own product in their own commercial. U.S. officials and the drug
company Merck deny that the vaccine Gardasil can cause seizures, strokes, and other
severe health problems. As Sharyl Attkisson reports, new studies indicate otherwise.
Gabrielle Swank was a straight A student. She took Gardasil (in 3 doses) according to
her, because of pressure from the mass media promoting this poison. Later, she
experienced more sickness after each shot. She has seizures, strokes, and heart
problems. Her neurologist suspected that Gardasil was the reason that she
experienced those harsh side effects. The NVIC or the National Vaccine Information
Center (whose members include Barbara Fisher) believes that Gardasil contributed to
problems girls had after taking the vaccine. The NVIC compared Gardasil with
another one and found that Gardasil has many times (even 30 times higher) more ER
visits and side effects as compared to other vaccines. 49 girls have died from it at least
in America alone. Emily Tarsell died from Gardasil after her 3rd shot. The FDA and
Merck still lies and proclaim their product of Gardasil as safe and effective. They need to
say this to the women who died from that poison-filled vaccination. Gabrielle is too sick to
come to school. FDA is sick enough to try to advocate Gardasil for boys as well. That's
ironic since boys don't have a cervix at all. Only females do. Big Pharma is ever desperate
to promote their dangerous products unto society.

Even in 2010, the South Carolina Governor made disgusting eugenics comments. His name is
Andre Bauer. He is known by obnoxious and irresponsible behavior. He spoke at a town hall
meeting that he compared welfare recipients to stray animals and suggested that they breed too
much. Bauer said: “My grandmother was not a highly educated woman, but she told me as a
small child to quit feeding stray animals. You know why? Because they breed! You’re
facilitating the problem if you give an animal or a person ample food supply. They will
reproduce, especially ones that don’t think too much beyond that.” Breed is a derogatory
comment for reproduction. Also, the truth is that we don’t have an overpopulation crisis in America
and helping the poor in legitimate ways is fine with me. He even said that welfare recipients should
be forced to take drug tests and attend parent-teacher conferences. Bauer crashed an airplane in
2006 under questionable circumstances. He was twice stopped for speeding, but not ticketed. Bauer
talked about ample food supply. This is ironic since many other high-level government officials,
academics, bureaucrats, and politicians worldwide in what appears to be an ever-
burgeoning eugenics movement that is now becoming more and more open and pervasive.
New Zealand mayor Michael Laws in October 2009 said that: “…it would be far better for
this appalling underclass to be offered financial inducements not to have children, given the
toxic environment that they would provide for any child in their care.”(from News.com).
Bauer’s comments are very similar to a Bilderberger or a slick eugenicist. Population
growth is a blessing. Forcing people to not be pregnant is eugenics. Eugenics is evil and
wicked since eugenics deny human liberty and it denies human equality

I don't agree with Star Parker on every issue (as I believe that moral and political
challenges still exist among the black community that charity can‘t fix alone).
Although, she is right on being opposed to abortion. Parker pointed out that the
NAACP stopped a pro-life bill that tried to ban race-based, gender based abortion.
The bill didn't even deal with abortion procedures, but it dealt with discrimination.
There is no way a person could oppose that bill unless someone is placing politics
about the interests of black people and all people. This is perplexing since this bill just
criminalizes abortion motivated by race. This occurred in Georgia. The George Senate
once passed a bill that would make it a crime to abort a child because of its race or
gender. This isn't reactionary or extremist at all. The bill had the endorsement of
Georgia's NAACP along with the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (and
over 100 local, mostly black pastors). The bill was moved to the House for passage
and suddenly Edwar DuBose (the President of Georgia NAACP) had a change of
heart. In a statement withdrawing NAACP's support for the bill, DuBose claimed that
they didn't fully understand it when they endorsed it. This is nonsense since the bill is
easy to comprehend. This isn't news the abortion is an Holocaust against all people
and black Americans. Black people make up about 13% of the U.S. population and
they account for almost 40% of the abortions that are performed nationwide each year.
Georgia leads the nation in abortions in the black community. Catherine Davis is the
Director of Minority Outreach for Georgia Right to Life. According to her, there were
18,901 abortion performed on black women in Georgia in 2008, amounting to 60% of
all abortions performed in the state. Even the Georgia's NAACP was so concerned
about this that they passed a resolution in 2007 noting the need to minimize abortion
in the black community. With this background, Georgia Right to Life reached out to
the NAACP to endorse the "Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act" and got it. Mysteriously
and suddenly, the NAACP backed off form their endorsement by claiming to not
"fully understanding" it. They didn't provide any serious arguments about the
concerns with the bill in the language to provoke the change of support. They only
served up the usual political buzzwords of the pro-abortion community about
women's health when the bill doesn't deal with restricting women's health at all. This
is political and it excludes the welfare of the black community. That was the NAACP’s
alleged mission. The NAACP leadership needs to keep their promises and stick by
their original intensions. Taking a pro-life stand would have put the Georgia NAACP
out of sync with its national organization. The NAACP Legal Defense Fund recently
issued a statement of effusive praise for retiring Supreme Court Justice John Paul
Stevens – a member of the court’s liberal and pro-abortion contingent, who now must
be replaced. Organizations exist to solve problems and abortion is a real problem in
the black community. The NAACP was legitimately crucial in getting the Civil Rights
Act and the Voting Rights Act passed in this country in order to secure equal
protection under the law for all people. Abortion, AIDS, crime, education, teen sex,
family issues, are real problems. Moral and political problems exist in America.
Apparently for Georgia’s NAACP, being out of sync with political interests was too
much to handle. For black Americans to solve their considerable problems today,
we're going to have to get back to caring more about truth than political interests. Not
to mention that the Boule and high level Freemasonry (including the Rockefeller
Foundation) infiltrated the NAACP since their inception in the early 1900's.
Benjamin Hooks was even a Prince Hall Mason just like NAACP founder WEB
DuBois (who was once an ally of the Boule. DuBois exposed cartel capitalism
legitimately, but followed the evil corporate-aided system of Communism). DuBois
is pictured laughing it up with Mao too.
Abortion ends choices and it doesn't preserve them. So, we know that abortion
involved forceps to destroy human life. We know that abortion can increase
negative physical and emotional consequences for the mother. The undeniable
reality of human life in the womb makes me being pro-life that much more
rewarding. Eugenics is still here and we have right to fight against it in any
legitimate means that we can.
Appendix A: A Recap of Refuting the Overpopulation Lie

The following will show more evidence in refuting the deception that the human population is
overpopulating the Earth. It’s easily proven that the global elite and their puppets
like Hillary Clinton believe in the overpopulation lie. They want to connect that
lie to climate change. Hillary Clinton is the Secretary of State under President Barack
Obama. She said that the administration will deal with the global climate
change, but she wants link “global warming” to overpopulation as well, which
doesn’t exist. After a roundtable discussion with Indian Minister for Environment Jairam
Ramesh, Clinton openly pondered this supposed link: “One of the participants”, Clinton stated,
“pointed out that it’s rather odd to talk about climate change and what we must do to stop and
prevent the ill effects without talking about population and family planning.” “That was an incredibly
important point”, Clinton added. “And yet, we talk about these things in very separate and often
unconnected ways.” Neo-Malthusians inside and outside of the Barack Obama administration
believe in this propaganda that there are too many humans on Planet Earth. These Malthusian
extremists historically helped to form the concept of eugenics, they have infiltrated the
environmental movement, etc. They (like Maurice Strong, the Club of Rome member Al Gore, etc.)
still want a global carbon tax and other supranational measures that supposedly are done to curb
“our carbon footprint,” but it will decrease our standard of living plus violate our individual liberties. A
couple of months before Clinton’s statements, LifeNews.Com reported on the comments by Clinton
advisor Nina Fedoroff, who stated before BBC One Planet: “We need to continue to decrease the
growth rate of the global population; the planet can’t support many more people. There are probably
already too many people on the planet.” So, these globalists want to not only reduce the world’s
population, but do so under the guise of bashing CO2. CO2 is a natural chemical necessary for the
survival of tons of organisms including the human race. Hillary Clinton even a couple of months ago
received the Margaret Sanger award out of the hands of the PPFA or the Planned Parenthood
Federation of America. Hillary praised Margaret Sanger as having courage, tenacity, and vision
being awe of her. I am not in awe Sanger for her promotion of eugenics, concentration camps for
the disables via her Plan for Peace, and her bashing of human life.

The overpopulation/population control movement struggles to stay relevant.

Paranoid people from the OPT or the Optimum Population Trust still promotes fear
mongering about overpopulation. The world has moved on from the lies from OPT
even if OPT hasn't. This British group is now trying to push contraception as a
solution to global warming. It has received a less than warm welcome from the
global community. Many view the OPT campaign as self serving. Perhaps it was
that it hailed contraception as, of all things, “the latest in green technology.” Or
perhaps it was the OPT funded the very study by the London School of Economics that
it later hyped in its press release. Then there was the study itself, which made the
rather strange claim that, “considered purely as a method of reducing future CO2
emissions, family planning is more cost-effective than leading low-carbon
technologies.” The report claimed that the population issue must be added into the
negotiations for the Copenhagen climate change summit in December. They came
close to promote the lie that babies cause global warming. They promote the
deception that fewer breathing humans equal a greener, healthier planet. The OPT
ignores the fact that Europe is having an under population crisis when they want to
promote population reduction. Austen Ivereigh of America Magazine, for instance,
encountered OPT at London's “Battle of Ideas” festival in early November. Ivereigh
reminds us that “doom-mongers always ignore the elasticity of economic
productivity,” and contends that “the ecological crisis will be solved by meeting the
needs of the poor, not chasing them off the planet.” Even pro-abortion Ellie Lee
disagrees with the OPT's view of trying to tell when people can have children. People
shouldn't fret overpopulation when it doesn't exist. Population obsession is alive and
well in men like John P. Holdren, President Obama's “Science Czar.” PRI has reported
on Holdren's extremism in the past, and suffice it to say he has shown evidence of
being yet another of these “well-to-do worriers.” Unfortunately, he now has the
President's ear, as well. The OPT demonize population growth in Africa, Asia,
Europe, America, etc. as causing overcrowding, congestion, etc. The population
growth of the Earth by many sources will grow and fall by the mid of this century. So,
population growth is fine, but we shouldn't embrace lies about overpopulation at all
Thomas Malthus modernized the overpopulation lie. He believed that food increased incrementally
and humans increased exponentially, so by 1890 the world would be left out of food (He blamed this
problem on decreased infant mortality rates and he even desired to allow the poor to die off, which
is sick). Of course his false prediction of food running out in 1890 didn’t transpire. Malthus blatantly
wanted increased mortality or death among the poor in his own words:

“…All the children born, beyond what would be required to keep up the
population to this level, must necessarily perish, unless room be made for them by
the deaths of grown persons. . . To act consistently therefore, we should facilitate,
instead of foolishly and vainly endeavoring to impede, the operations of nature
in producing this mortality; and if we dread the too frequent visitation of the
horrid form of famine, we should sedulously encourage the other forms of
destruction, which we compel nature to use. Instead of recommending cleanliness
to the poor, we should encourage contrary habits. In our towns we should make
the streets narrower, crowd more people into the houses, and court the return of
the plague. In the country, we should build our villages near stagnant pools, and
particularly encourage settlements in all marshy and unwholesome situations…”
(“Essay on the Principle of Population” Book IV, Chap. V)

Paul Ehlrich followed the Malthusian ideal of bashing the poor, advocating the decreasing world
population by evil means, etc. in 1968. Ehrlich’s book called the “The Population Bomb” in 1968
falsely believed that millions of people would starve to death in the 1970’s, because of a food crisis
ravishing the Earth. Ehrlich’s 1990’s “The Population Explosion” wrote that world grain production
peaked in 1986. That’s false, because in 1986, 1.8 million metric tons of cereals (the most
important grain) were produced, an increase over previous years, according to the Food and
Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nation. By 2001, that number had increased
to 20.7 million metric tons. The UNFPA agreed with the extreme, false rhetoric of people like
Malthus and Ehrlich to promote population control. Of course, Paul’s predictions was false. Malthus
also falsely believed that higher wages in an economy will increase birth rates. The truth is that
economic development can stabilize birth rates. Researchers have proven that poverty isn't
necessarily related to population growth at all. Also, much of our high food prices have been caused
by ethanol subsidies. Every single food problem is not always a product of scarcity as well. The
study by the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) in the United States concluded in its 1986 report
that it is misleading to equate poverty with population growth. The study was confirmed by IIRPD
(Independent Inquiry Report into Population and Development) commissioned by the Australian
government in 1994 said that there is a positive correlation between population growth and
sustainable development. Also, Hong Kong population density is at least 6,621 and the Netherlands'
population density is at least 484. Therefore, there is no correlation between high population density
and poverty plus starvation. There is a correlation between oppressive and corrupt government with
poverty though. Malthus is wrong in trying to promote possible population catastrophe in
his models. The fact is that modern technology, real assistance, and other means can
temper radical population growth in any society. The population growth percentage
rates per decade has decreased since 1960 (i.e. From 1960-1970, the population
growth increase percentage was 22.0%. From 1970-1980, the population
growth percentage increase was 20.2%. From 1980-1990, the population
growth percentage increase was 18.4%. From 1990 to 2000, the population
growth percentage increase was 15.2%). There has been consistent declining fertility
rates the world over in Russia, Western Europe, Japan, North Korea, Italy, and other nations.
According to Stewart Brand, over a third of all countries have birthrates below replacement levels.
All humans now can easily fit in the Earth's land mass (in the state of Texas given 1,000 sq ft.
each). According to the U.N. Population Database, the world's population in 2010 will be
6,908,688,000. The landmass of Texas is 268,820 sq mi (7,494,271,488,000 sq
ft). So, divide 7,494,271,488,000 sq ft by 6,908,688,000 people, and you get
1084.76 sq ft. per person. That's approximately a 33' x 33' plot of land for every person
on the planet, enough space for a town house. Given an average four person family, every
family would have a 66' x 66' plot of land, which would comfortably provide a single
family home and yard -- and all of them fit on a landmass the size of Texas. Admittedly, it'd
basically be one massive subdivision, but Texas is a tiny portion of the inhabitable Earth.
Certainly, populations are a blessing in the world. Regardless of what the nay
Sayers may say, all human beings have special value and are unique. Populations
should be encouraged to flourish not disparage as some in the world would desire.
I will rise above that and I will forever believe in the worth of all populations.

The latest birth stats prove that the United States is experiencing under population due to
abortion. There has been 52 million abortions since 1973 and 1.2 million + taking place each
year. The latest stats from the CDC show that the birth rate is under the replacement rate,
which means you are experiencing under population. The National Center for Health Statistics
showed the birth rate falling 2 percent in 2008 and below the replacement rate level of 2.1
children per women. The U.S. doesn't have overpopulation concern some Malthusians say.
"The 2008 preliminary estimate of the total fertility rate (TFR) was 2,085.5 births per
1,000 women, 2 percent lower than the rate in 2007 (2,122.5),” the report indicated. The
report said that the number of births among teenagers have fell 2 percent. Steven Mosher
was correct to say that the children are the only future a country has. Mosher is the President of
the Population Research Institute. “Children are an expression of hope in the future. With the
downturn in housing prices, and the upswing in the unemployment rate, it is not surprising that
many couples decided to defer having children until the economic downturn had corrected
itself. We will, I predict, see a bigger drop in the birthrate in 2009, when the unemployment
rate closed in on 10 percent, 9.3 percent according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics," he said.
Mosher told the CNA or the Catholic News Agency that birth rates are falling in Europe for the
same economic reasons. Nations like Greece are seeing the problems that abortion can
bring by lowering the population to the point that there are enough workers to contribute
to a nation's economy. “Look at present-day Greece, which is going over a demographic cliff
because of a scarcity of children. Too few young people are entering the work force to replace
retiring workers, entitlement spending is increasing at the same time that tax revenues are
leveling off, and the government is technically bankrupt," he told CNA. A new UN report
found that the global trend of fertility decline and population aging will have devastating
economic and societal effects on the developing world (especially on women who are now
targeted by UN agencies to further reduce fertility). "World Population Ageing 2009" was
published in December 2009 by the UN Population Division, a statistics research branch
within the UN's Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA). Fertility is
decreasing in the developing world, so there will be fewer and fewer workers to support aging
citizens according to the report.

Stewart Brand is the founder of the Farmers Almanac. He even exposed the
overpopulation scare in his article called “Environmental Heresies.” This article
was printed in MIT Technology Review from May 2005. He wrote that:

“…For 50 years, the demographers in charge of human population projections

for the United Nations released hard numbers that substantiated
environmentalists' greatest fears about indefinite exponential population
increase. For a while, those projections proved fairly accurate. However, in the
1990s, the U.N. started taking a closer look at fertility patterns, and in 2002, it
adopted a new theory that shocked many demographers: human population is
leveling off rapidly, even precipitously, in developed countries, with the rest of
the world soon to follow. Most environmentalists still haven't got the word.
Worldwide, birthrates are in free fall. Around one-third of countries now have
birthrates below replacement level (2.1 children per woman) and sinking.
Nowhere does the downward trend show signs of leveling off. Nations already in
a birth dearth crisis include Japan, Italy, Spain, Germany, and Russia--whose
population is now in absolute decline and is expected to be 30 percent lower by
2050. On every part of every continent and in every culture (even Mormon),
birthrates are headed down. They reach replacement level and keep on
dropping. It turns out that population decrease accelerates downward just as
fiercely as population increase accelerated upward, for the same reason. Any
variation from the 2.1 rate compounds over time. That's great news for
environmentalists (or it will be when finally noticed), but they need to recognize
what caused the turnaround. The world population growth rate actually peaked
at 2 percent way back in 1968, the very year my old teacher Paul Ehrlich
published The Population Bomb. The world's women didn't suddenly have fewer
kids because of his book, though. They had fewer kids because they moved to
town. Cities are population sinks-always have been. Although more children are
an asset in the countryside, they're a liability in the city. A global tipping point
in urbanization is what stopped the population explosion. As of this year, 50
percent of the world's population lives in cities, with 61 percent expected by
2030. In 1800 it was 3 percent; in 1900 it was 14 percent.

The environmentalist aesthetic is to love villages and despise cities. My mind

got changed on the subject a few years ago by an Indian acquaintance who told
me that in Indian villages the women obeyed their husbands and family elders,
pounded grain, and sang. But, the acquaintance explained, when Indian women
immigrated to cities, they got jobs, started businesses, and demanded their
children be educated. They became more independent, as they became less
fundamentalist in their religious beliefs. Urbanization is the most massive and
sudden shift of humanity in its history. Environmentalists will be rewarded if
they welcome it and get out in front of it. In every single region in the world,
including the U.S., small towns and rural areas are emptying out. The trees and
wildlife are returning. Now is the time to put in place permanent protection for
those rural environments. Meanwhile, the global population of illegal urban
squatters--which Robert Neuwirth's book Shadow Cities already estimates at a
billion--is growing fast. Environmentalists could help ensure that the new
dominant human habitat is humane and has a reduced footprint of overall
environmental impact…”

Environmental crises have nothing to do with population growth, but they exist either by nature or
bad policies done by human beings. The myth of overpopulation has caused oppression of women
plus families, and other human beings. It has economic drained much of the money and resources
in developed nations as well. Population growth is estimated by the U.N. and others to peak by ca.
2050 or 2060 A.D. (some believe as early as 2040) and then fall down. Therefore, there is no
overpopulation of human beings in planet Earth. The truth is out and I will never back down from my
core convictions at all. All human beings has the right to choose the timing and spacing of their
children without governmental or bureaucratic intervention or coercion at all.

Appendix B: A Short Treatise on Immigration

Immigration is a controversial subject. Those who oppose even legal immigration
have been tied to the evil eugenics agenda. Tanton is one many that's apart of the neo-
eugenics movement. John Tanton founded the anti-immigrant group called
NumbersUSA and the Center for Immigration Studies (back in the mid 1990's). They
decided to develop a platform to educate the public on eugenics without using the
world eugenics. Eugenics was used to enact the evil slavery system in America and
the Nazis' Holocaust in Europe. Tanton knew that Americans don't want to see fake,
inaccurate scientific arguments that certain racial or ethnic groups were inferior to
others (which is false). So, he used the term genetics to promote the lie that certain
ethnic groups have inherit biological IQ differences. Tanton believed that only a
select group of people should have access over scarce resources. This rhetoric
existed in the early 20th century when some didn't want more immigrants in
America. Today’s anti-immigrant movement focuses on criminalizing, detaining
and deporting primarily non-white immigrants. Today, Roy Beck is the head of
NumbersUSA. Beck claims that comprehensive immigration reform is anti-
Hispanic when most Latino citizens support it. It's not a secret that a fair, flexible
approach toward immigration can improve working conditions for all workers and
increase tax revenues for all levels of the government. People like Mike Huckabee
are right to say that it‘s not apart of American values to punish a child born here in
America for the actions of their parents. Numbers USA promotes the overpopulation
myth that still is being refuted today. According to SPLC, Beck worked under John
Tanton for ten years as an editor of Tanton’s journal, The Social Contract, which
frequently features the writings of white nationalists. Tanton is described as the
wealthy “racist founder of many of the nation’s key nativist groups” who has also
dabbled in eugenics and is known for his anti-Semitism and racist statements about
Latinos. Tanton co-founded, founded, and financed other anti-immigration groups
like Californians for Population Stabilization, Federation for American Immigration
Reform , etc. Glen Spencer, who is the founder of the American Patrol Project falsely
forecasted a second Mexican-American war in 2003. The Social Contract Press wants
depopulation and population control (which is tied to the eugenics movement). FAIR
(or the Federation of American Immigration Reform), which Tanton co-founded,
received $1.2 million from the Pioneer Fund between 1985 and 1994 ("The
Puppeteer," no pagination). According to eugenics expert Barry Mehler, the Pioneer
Fund qualified as a "neo-Nazi organization, tied to the Nazi eugenics program in
the 1930s, that has never wavered in its commitment to eugenics and ideas of
human and racial inferiority and superiority." The first President of the Pioneer Fund
was Harry Hamilton Laughlin. He lived from 1880 to 1943. He was a life long
scientist. He was the director of the Eugenics Record Office at the Cold Spring Harbor
Laboratory on Long Island New York. It was funded of course by the Carnegie
Institute of Washington. Laughlin was a life long eugenicist. The Pioneer Fund
promoted eugenics based laws. These laws forced sterilized people in the thousands
and banned interracial marriage (until 1967 when the Supreme Court legalized
interracial marriage). Even in 1956, such evil pro-eugenics laws were in the book in
the states of Arizona, Indiana, Kansas, Maine, Michigan, North Carolina, Virginia,
Wisconsin, etc. In fact, the Nuremberg laws were largely shaped by eugenics laws and
anti-miscegenation laws from the United States. Racist eugenicists passed anti-
immigration laws in the early 20th century since they feel that immigrants would so-
called pervert the gene pool of Northern Europeans to speak. Such measures found
voice in the restrictive and racist Immigration and Restriction Act of 1924. The Act
sharply curtailed immigration by countries with undesirable members like
immigrants from Latin Countries, Eastern Europe, Russia and Jews. It set quotas on
how many immigrants would be allowed into America. It was signed by Calvin
Coolidge who said that America must be kept American (This is false since America
isn’t monopolized by one race. America is a concept that all people should have right
to live and take benefit in the USA). These laws were promoted as an means for racists
to promote the lie of different races having intelligence inferiority to the white race.

Tanton had the Social Contract Press translate, publish and promote The Camp of the
Saints, a starkly racist apocalyptic novel. John Tanton is the architect of the modern
nativist or anti-immigration movement. Tanton is funded by the Scaife family. The
British expatriate, Peter Brimelow penned the anti-immigrant book, Alien Nation and
founded the forthrightly racist website VDare.com. Brimelow has stated that the
United States is a white Protestant country and that it must keep its white character by
sharply limiting immigration of non-whites. Brimelow is ignorant of the fact that
Native Americans were inside of America before white Protestants came to the USA.
Brimelow is affiliated with the National Review and was a journalist for Forbes
Magazine. Brimelow is an anti-Semite. Nativist writers such as Steve Sailer, Jared
Taylor and Kevin MacDonald like the Nazis believe in racial inferiority of non-whites,
anti-Semitism, and anti-immigrant propaganda. Their acts historically were similar to
the passage of the Nazi Nuremberg laws. The Ford Foundation aid the SPLC as well. I
don’t agree with the SPLC and the ADL. The reason is that the SPLC and the ADL
believe in bigotry not against racial groups, but against people that ideologically
disagree with their views. Not everyone in FAIR are bigots, but I would never ally
with FAIR since its founding is based on the promotion of eugenics. Tanton was once
President of the northern Michigan branch of Planned Parenthood (and he supports
radical environmentalism. Planned Parenthood was founded by racist and eugenicist
Margaret Sanger). Extremists like Tanton believe in the Malthusian lie that even adult
immigrants have little to no contribution to economic production in a country, so they
want population growth to be cut down (especially in developed or Third World
nations). The SPLC claims that Roy Beck and Tanton's families vacationed together
despite Beck trying to distance himself from Tanton. So, disagreeing with illegal
immigration is fine in reasoned logic (as this is apart of the First Amendment), but
promoting anti-immigration rhetoric is over the top. It’s certainly a truism that
immigration is fine. The influence of immigration contributed to the dynamic, great
nature of the American experience.
Appendix C: The Evangelical Climate Initiative is being funded by advocates of
Population Control

The ECI is the Evangelical Climate Initiative. This ECI supported the myth that humans
are mostly responsible for climate change in the Earth. The ECI used the UN’s IPCC’s
flawed research as a justification to go into that route. They are correct that humans
should improve the environment. ECI signers include mega church pastor & CFR member
Rick Warren, Christianity Today editor David Neff, and former Vice President of
Governmental Affairs for National Association of Evangelicals Robert P. Dugan. The catch
is that the globalist William and Flora Hewlett Foundation gave the ECI $475,000. This
money went to the National Religious Partnership for the Environment (NRPE), which
funneled the grant to the ECI. I don’t agree with that since the Hewlett Foundation
blatantly supports abortion and population. Why would a pro-abortion foundation fund an
Evangelical group unless to promote population control and global warming hysteria. One
can support the care for the environment without subscribing to population control. The
Hewlett Foundation believes in the overpopulation lie and that people threaten the world’s
environment (by virtue of too many folks living in the Earth). In the first two months of
2006, the Hewlett Foundation granted $13.7 million towards population control
efforts, They fund abortion under the deceptive guise of “reproductive rights.” They
fund man-made global warming propaganda efforts as well. Some establishment
Evangelical groups are now promoting the lie that global warming (in the near
future, an article on Climate gate will exist) is linked to an increased human
population. For example, the foundational document of the Evangelical
Environmental Network, a member organization of the NRPE, states that
environmental “degradations are signs that we are pressing against the finite limits
God has set for creation. With continued population growth, these degradations will
become more severe.” Even the “Evangelical Declaration on the Care of Creation” calls
for the “thoughtful procreation of children.” This is unheard of even 10 years ago. in a
May 2006 speech to the World Bank, Richard Cizik, Vice President for Governmental
Affairs for the National Association of Evangelicals, reportedly told the audience, “I’d like
to take on the population issue, but in my community global warming is the third rail
issue. I’ve touched the third rail, but but still have a job. And I’ll still have a job after my
talk here today. But population is a much more dangerous issue to touch. We need to
confront population control and we can—we’re not Roman Catholics after all—but it’s too
hot to handle now.” (Myron Ebell, Personal e-mail [May 2, 2006]. Ebell is
Director, Energy and Global Warming Policy at the Competitive Enterprise
Sorry, Richard Cizik, but you are dead wrong on the population issue. I’m not a Catholic,
but you don’t have to be a Roman Catholic to respect populations and population growth at
all. So, we should have legitimate concern for the environment and use ways to
improve the environment. Yet, we shouldn’t advance the international banker-funded
man-made global warming system at all (with the banker-supported cap and trade scheme
that can harm the standard of living in the West plus especially in the Third World via the
financial burdens on citizens). The previous words in this article here refutes the
overpopulation lie completely. The Evangelical Climate Initiative needs to wake up. So, I
and others reject balkanization, wars of aggression, torture, bigotry, population
control, and other evils in the world. Goodbye for now.

By Timothy

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