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"# "$"# % &HYS " '(" Lecture(La)*rat*ry Mec+anics an, Heat COURSE SYLLABUS
Vision of the University A recognized leader for excellence in instruction, research and extension services; a key player in the education and formation of professionally competent, service-oriented, and productive citizens; and a prime mover of the nations sustainable growth and development. Mission of the University he !niversity shall provide higher professional, technical, and special instruction for special purposes and promote research and extension services, advanced studies and progressive leadership in Agriculture, "ommerce, #ducation, $ishery, $orestry, #ngineering, Arts and %ciences, &aw, 'edicine, (ublic Administration, echnical, and other fields that may be relevant. )*A +,,-.. Goals o realize its mission, the College of Information Technology and Engineering will explore to/ 0. (roduce globally competitive graduates by providing comprehensive programs and up-to-date trainings. 1. %ustain faculty and staff development through relevant seminars, workshops, and scholarship grants. 2. #stablish strong linkages to students, academe, and industry through the availability of resources and facilities and community partnership. 3. "ontribute to the development of society through research, extension services, and technology transfer based on industry standards. Objectives o provide students with holistic training by introducing new technologies in 4nformation and "ommunication echnology and allowing them to experience actual workplace environment. 0. o inculcate discipline towards the achievements of professional competencies, integrity, moral and ethical values. 1. o produce students knowledgeable in programming, networking, database management, and with expertise on systems analysis and design by providing appropriate trainings and laboratories. 2. o promote culture of teamwork, discipline, good study habits and standards of learning by exploring hardware and software technology in an environment conductive to learning.

C*urse C*,e - PHYS 214/211 C*urse TitlePhysics Lecture/Laboratory (Mechanics and Heat) C*urse .escri/ti*n- he study o! mechanics dea"s #ith inertia$ motion$ !orce$ ener%y$ e&ui"ibrium and tor&ue' his a"so inc"udes the properties o! so"ids$ "i&uids$ and %ases o! point o! masses and matter' (t a"so inc"udes the "a#s and princip"es about trans"ationa" and circu"ar motion' he study o! Heat #ith temperature$ therma" e)pansion$ heat measurement$ "a#s o! heat e)chan%e$ phase chan%e and heat trans!er'


I0! 0! 0I! 0II!

C*urse Cre,it- 4 units/ 1 unit Ti1e All*t1ent- 4 hours per #ee*/+ hours per #ee* &rere2uisite- Math 11, (Co""e%e -"%ebra) and Math 11+ (P"ane ri%onometry) C*urse O)3ectives. -' /enera" 0b1ecti2es
-t the end o! this course$ the students sha"" ha2e achie2ed the !o""o#in%. 1' -c&uired the abi"ity to app"y the physica" princip"es #ith con!idences and !aci"ity to the so"ution o! e2eryday prob"ems' 2' 3e2e"oped the techni&ue o! disp"ayin% and ana"y4in% e)perimenta" resu"ts usin% %raphica" ana"ysis +' 52a"uated critica""y and ob1ecti2e"y throu%h care!u" ana"ysis the resu"ts o! e)perimentations6 4' /i2en emphasis on %ad%etry$ *no#7ho#$ creation$ in2entions$ scienti!ic in2esti%ations and research as proo!s that science and techno"o%y can rea""y boost our economic reco2ery and nationa" de2e"opment ,' 5nhanced one8s critica" thin*in% abi"ity$ scienti!ic attitudes and 2a"ue 1ud%ment thru the study o! Physics6 and 9' -pp"ied practica"ity o! the basic but comp"e) scienti!ic concepts'

B' Speci!ic 0b1ecti2es

-t the end o! the "esson$ the students shou"d be ab"e to. 1' :se 2arious measurin% de2ices #ith ma)imum de%ree o! accuracy and precision 2' -pp"y the M;S$ 5n%"ish and B5 system o! units$ #ith standard abbre2iations and nomenc"ature in measurement and prob"em so"2in% +' -dd 2ectors on a dia%ram to !ind resu"tant 4' State <e#ton8s "a#s o! motion and app"y in simp"e situations #here !riction is in2o"2ed ,' 3istin%uish bet#een concurrent and non7concurrent !orces estab"ished by ca"cu"ation #hether an ob1ect is in trans"ationa" or rotationa" e&ui"ibrium 9' (denti!y each symbo" used in the e&uation !or uni!orm"y acce"erated motion a"on% the hori4onta" path =' -na"y4e the motion o! a pro1ecti"e and compute !or the hori4onta" and 2ertica" distances tra2e"ed by a pro1ecti"e %i2en its initia" speed >' :se the princip"e o! the conser2ation o! ener%y to so"2e the prob"ems that in2o"2e mo2in% ob1ects

?' State the "a# o! conser2ation o! momentum and %i2e e)amp"es to i""ustrate its app"ication 1@' Aind the an%u"ar speed and acce"eration o! a partic"e in a circu"ar motion and re"ate them to the partic"e8s "inear speed and acce"eration 11' Con2ert the temperature units !rom one sca"e to another and 2ice 2ersa$ e)p"ain the si%ni!icance o! the abso"ute temperature sca"e 12' 3istin%uish bet#een temperature and heat$ use the units o! ener%y interchan%eab"y 1+' Ca"cu"ate the heat "oss or %ain in a %i2en mass o! a substance that corresponds to a certain chan%e in its temperature 14' Ca"cu"ate the heat added to me"t a %i2en mass o! substances or to 2apori4e a %i2en mass o! a certain "i&uid 1,' 3istin%uish the correct prepositions in a sentence 19' 3escribe the e!!ects o! pressure on chan%es o! state 1=' 5)p"ain ho# heat is trans!erred by conduction$ con2ection and radiation 1>' Ca"cu"ate the rate at #hich heat is conducted throu%h a "ayer o! a %i2en materia" 1?' Ca"cu"ate the rate at #hich an ob1ect emits radiation

0III! Met+*,s(Strate4ies A! Met+*,s 1' Lecture/3iscussion 2' -cti2ities +' Prob"em So"2in% 4' 3emonstration ,' Pro1ect/5)periment Method 9' (nducti2e Method =' C-( B! Strate4ies(A//r*ac+es 1' /roup Per!ormance 2' 3iscussion +' 3emonstration$ 4' 3ri""s//ames/5)ercises ,' Besearch 9' Cui44es/Lon% est/ Ma1or 5)ams C! Au,i* 0isual Materials 1' Dhite/Cha"* board and Mar*er/Cha"* 2' Modu"e/ handouts/-cti2ity Sheets +' Laboratory e&uipment/apparatus 4' Mu"timedia I5! C*urse C*ntentTopics Time Allotment

0rientation Eision$ Mission$ /oa"s and 0b1ecti2es C"assroom Po"icies Course 0ut"ine/Be&uirements /radin% System 1'@ Measurement 1'1 Physics and echno"o%y 1'2 Measurement 1'2'1' System o! :nits 1'2'2' Con2ersion o! :nits

2'@ Eectors > 2'1' he /raphica" Bepresentation o! Eectors 2'1'1' Aorce 2'1'2 3isp"acement #ith emphasis on bearin% 2'2 Composition o! Eectors (Aind the Besu"tant) 2'2'1' /raphica" Method 2'2'1'1' Para""e" Eectors o! the same and o! opposite direction 2'2'1'2' rian%"e Method 2'2'1'+ Para""e"o%ram Method 2'2'2' -na"ytica" Method 2'2'2'1' ri%onometric Method (:sin% the La# o! Sine and Cosine) 2'2'2'2' Component Method (Bectan%u"ar Beso"ution Concept) +'@ 5&ui"ibrium > +'1 <e#ton8s Airst La# o! Motion ("a# o! (nertia) +'2 <e#ton8s hird La# o! Motion (La# o! -ction and Beaction) +'+ Ariction +'+'1' Static Ariction +'+'2' ;inetic Ariction 4'@ Moment o! Aorce 4 4'1 or&ue 4'2 Center o! /ra2ity 4'+ Coup"es ,'@ Aorces and Motion ? ,'1 -2era%e and instantaneous Ee"ocity ,'2 Constant -cce"eration ,'+ -cce"erated Motion ,'4 Aree7!a""in% bodies ,', <e#ton8s Second La# o! Motion (La# o! -cce"eration) ,'9 -pp"ication o! <e#ton8s Second La# o! Motion 9'@ Motion in a P"ane 9 9'1 Motion o! a Pro1ecti"e 9'2 Circu"ar Motion 9'2'1' Motion on a hori4onta" Circ"e 9'2'2' Motion on a 2ertica" Circ"e 9'2'+' Ban*in% o! Cur2es 9'2'4' Conica" Pendu"um =' @ Dor* and 5ner%y > ='1 Dor* done by 2aryin% !orce ='2 Dor* and ;inetic 5ner%y ='+ Potentia" 5ner%y

='+'1 /ra2itationa" Potentia" 5ner%y ='+'2' 5"astic Potentia" 5ner%y (mpu"se and Momentum >'@ (mpu"se and Momentum >'1 (mpu"se and Momentum. 3e!inition and 3eri2ation >'2 (mpu"se and Momentum. Be"ationship >'+ Co""isions >'+'1 ' 5"astic Co""ision >'+'2' (ne"astic Co""ision Botationa" Motion ?'@ emperature ?'1 Concept o! emperatureF ?'1'1 Ce"sius Sca"e ?'1'2' Aahrenheit Sca"e ?'1'+' Ban*ine Sca"e ?'2 herma" 5)pansion ?'2'1 Linear 5)pansion ?'2'2' -rea 5)pansion ?'2'+' Eo"ume 5)pansion 1@'@ Heat 1@'1 Heat 3e!inition and Measurement 1@'2' La#s o! Heat 5)chan%e 1@'+ Phase Chan%e 5n%"ish or Aahrenheit Sca"e 11'@ Heat rans!er 11'1 Conduction 11'2' Con2ection 11'+ Badiation List o! 5)periment
1' Measurement 2' Beso"ution o! Eectors. /raphica" and Component Method +' Ariction 4' Hi%hest o#er ,' Center o! /ra2ity 9' Aree7!a""in% Bodies. ermina" Ee"ocity =' Speed$ Ee"ocity and -cce"eration >' Pro1ecti"e Motion ?' Conser2ation o! 5ner%y 1@' Ca"orimetry 11' Heat rans!er


Re6erence(s He#itt$ Pau" /' Conceptua" Physics ?th 5d'$ :S- 7Harper Co""ins Co""e%e Pub"isher$ 2@@1

Padua$ -' -' and Crisostomo$ B''G'$ Practica" and 5)p"orationa" Physics$ Modu"ar -pproach$ Cue4on City7Eiba" Pub"ishin% House$ 2@@+ Santisteban$ Ce"este Goan C'$ Brea*in% hrou%h Physics$ Cue4on City$ C H 5 Pub"ishin% (nc'$ 2@@= Si"2erio$ -n%e"ina -'$ Physics$ Cue4on City I Phoeni) Pub"ishin% House$ (nc'$ 2@@= Youn%$ Hu%h 3' and Areedman$ Bo%er -'$ :ni2ersity Physics$ ?th 5d'$ :S- 7 -ddison7Des"ey Pub"ishin% Company$ (nc'$ 2@@4

7e) Re6erence http.//#ps'a#'com/a#Jyoun%JphysicsJ11 http.//###'physics'usyd'edu'au http.//###'"i%htandmatter'com/cp http.//###'!reeboo*centre'net/Physics/Physics7Boo*s70n"ine'htm" http.//###'on"inepro%rammin%boo*s'com/physics7o!7the7uni2erse/ http.//###'scribd'com/<oK2@StarchK2@Press/d/1,@9@4@=7 he7Man%a7 /uide7to7Physics http.//###'!i"estube'com' 07Bei""y7Head7Airst7Physics72@@> http.//###'conceptua"physics'com 5I! C*urse Re2uire1ents1' Cui44es 2' 5)ercises +' Becitation 4' Laboratory/-cti2ities ,' Pro1ect 9' Midterm and Aina" 5)aminations


Gra,in4 Syste1Lecture. 5)amination C"ass Standin% (Becitation$ Board Dor*$ -cti2ity$ -ssi%nment Prob"em Set/Cui44es 4@K +@K +@K

1@@K Laboratory. 5)amination Besearch$ 5)periment$ Per!ormance C"ass Participation Be2ised by. MS! MELISSA A! BERNAR.O MR! RA0ENAL OCAM&O +@K ,@K 2@K 1@@K

Instructors 2013-2014 Chec*ed by. ENGR! RAE0INOR GON8ALES Coordinator$ BS/5 <oted. MS! .ONABELLE 0! SARMIENTO

-ppro2ed. .R! ALBERTO 9! 0ALEN8UELA


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