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Table of Contents

Presentation................................................................................2 Installation...................................................................................2
Removing PlusTools............................................................................................................ 2

iles..................................................................................................................................... 3 in!..................................................................................................................................... " Stats.................................................................................................................................... # $onvert................................................................................................................................ # Pass.................................................................................................................................... % $om&are.............................................................................................................................. ' (e)s.................................................................................................................................. **

Presentation...................................................................................................................... *2 Instru+tions ,or use............................................................................................................ *2

+ E-tra+t....................................................................................*# +T.ea/s....................................................................................*% $re!its.......................................................................................2# A&&en!i- I.................................................................................2# A&&en!i- II................................................................................2' A&&en!i- III0 S1ML23ML...........................................................24



+Tools is a set of tools for the translation industry. +Tools works on Ms-Word 97 and higher versions (Ms-Word 2000 Ms-Word 2002 Ms-Word 200! and higher versions on a "#$ as well as on Ms-Word 9% and higher versions (Ms-Word 2001 Ms-Word & Ms-Word 200' and higher versions on a Ma( all )* in(luded fro+ )*7 to )*&$. +Tools is +ostly used ,y translators that work with Wordfast (www.wordfast.net$. Most fun(tions do not a(tually re-uire Wordfast e.(e/t for align+ent and ter+ e.tra(tion. +Tools is freeware. +Tools rests on a /owerful file e./lorer (u/ to 1 000 files (an ,e sele(ted in u/ to 1 000 re(ursed su,-dire(tories$. This fa(ility lets you /erfor+ sear(h0re/la(e statisti(s +a(ro e.e(ution (onversions file tagging et(. on hundreds of files in one single a(tion.

1n Ms-Word use the Tools/Templates & Add-Ins +enu to add the PlusTools.dot te+/late to your list of te+/lates. Note: if, at any time, Ms-Word asks you whether you want to "sa e" !han"es made to the #lusTools$dot template, answer no$ The #lusTools template should stay un!han"ed$

Removing PlusTools
Ms-Word should ,e (losed. 2se you syste+3s file sear(h utility to lo(ate all "lusTools files. 4elete all "lusTools files (like /lustools.dot /lustools.ini et($. #lusTools does not make !han"es to you system or to Word, it does not add re"istry %ase entries, it does not !reate hidden, se!ret files in your hard disk

If the #lusTools i!on & ' is not isi%le, make sure that #lusTools is a!ti ated in Ms-Word(s list of templates &use the Tools/Templates & Add-in menu to see the list of templates'$ )ou !an also use the *iew/Tool%ar menu to display the #lusTools i!on$ #li(k the +Tools i(on or /ress 5lt+62 to o/en +Tools.




7efore laun(hing an a(tion you +ust sele(t the do(u+ent(s$ to ,e /ro(essed. There are 2 /ossi,le (ases8 1. When you (li(ked the +Tools +enu one or +ore do(u+ent(s$ were already o/ened in Ms-Word. These do(u+ents will a//ear in the 6iles list. 2. When you (li(ked the +Tools +enu no do(u+ent was o/ened. +Tools will give you the /ossi,ility to e./lore your hard disk and see the (ontents of dire(tories. #li(k to (he(k the files you need to /ro(ess. To sele(t0de-sele(t all files use the #trl+5 short(ut.




This se(tion lets you /erfor+ a find and0or replace a(tion on the sele(ted files. 1f you wish to use for+atting o/tions for your sear(h8 o/en a do(u+ent setu/ the for+atting o/tions (lose you do(u+ent. +Tools will a//ly the for+atting o/tions you s/e(ified. When a sear(hed ite+ is found the following (hoi(es are offered8

Edit8 5llows you to /ause and edit the do(u+ent. 5fter editing you (an re-start the sear(h where you left it ,y /ressing 5lt-62 or (li(king the +Tools i(on. Next8 ignores the (urrently found ite+ and sear(hes for the ne.t ite+. Replace8 if 9#onfir+9 has ,een asked for sear(h0re/la(e a(tions (li(k this o/tion to re/la(e the (urrent ite+ and +ove to the ne.t. Replace all8 (an(els the 9#onfir+9 o/tion and e.e(utes a glo,al find0re/la(e on all files. Next doc8 (an(els the find0re/la(e for the (urrent do(u+ent and (ontinues with the ne.t one. Quit8 -uits the find0re/la(e o/eration.





This se(tion lets you /erfor+ Word3s usual *tatisti(s on the sele(ted files with a final re/ort giving statisti(s /er individual file and a glo,al total.


File This se(tion lets you (onvert files into the for+ats that are listed. There is also a /ossi,ility to (hange the file3s e.tension.



PDF &sorry, not a aila%le on a Ma!' This /ane offers two features8 1. e.tra(t te.tual (ontents fro+ a "46 do(u+ent (urrently o/ened with 5(ro,at ;eader in the ,a(kground and 2. (onvert te.t fro+ a (urrently o/ened do(u+ent (ty/ewriter-style where all lines end with a /aragra/h +ark$ into regular te.t with whole /aragra/hs. 7oth tasks are un(ertain. The "46 for+at was (reated at first to ,e a read-only for+at this is why it is ,AT tool-unfriendly. <.tra(ting te.t fro+ 5(ro,at ;eader is therefore un(ertain. ;e-(reating whole /aragra/hs in a do(u+ent where ea(h line ends with a /aragra/h +ark (!arria"e return$ is also an un(ertain task for a +a(hine sin(e it su//oses an understanding of the te.t. 5 90= su((ess rate is usually a(hieved however.





This se(tion allows you re(over a forgotten /rote(tion /assword for a do(u+ent. ?ere /assword +eans the /assword s/e(ified in the Tools0"rote(t dialog ,o. used to /rote(t the do(u+ent against writing (,ut not against reading$ as when setting a 9revision9 +ode. 1n no way (an "lusTools re(over a /assword used when sa in" a do(u+ent /rote(ting further a!!ess to the do(u+ent itself. )/en the do(u+ent start "lusTools. #li(k the 6ind the /rote(tion /assword ,utton. "rior to starting the sear(h you (an give a few (lues if you fu@@ily re+e+,er your /assword whi(h will allow "lusTools to work faster. "lusTools uses a so-(alled 9,rute for(e9 algorith+ to test huge nu+,ers of /ossi,le /asswords until the (orre(t one is found. This is why for /asswords longer than > or 7 (hara(ters the ti+e needed for testing all /ossi,ilities (an run in hours (a fast (o+/uter will of (ourse shorten the delay$.




This utility will (o+/are all /aragra/hs in two ery similar do(u+ents that have the sa+e nu+,er of /aragra/hs. *ery similar +eans that the two do(u+ents were identi(al ,ut one do(u+ent /erha/s was s/ell-(he(ked or revised ,y a /erson who +ay have edited words or senten(es ,ut not added or deleted entire /aragra/hs.




This utility will (o+/are seg+ents in two ery similar seg+ented do(u+ents. *ery similar +eans that the two do(u+ents were identi(al ,ut one do(u+ent /erha/s was s/ell-(he(ked or revised ,y a /erson who +ay have edited words or senten(es ,ut not added or deleted entire /aragra/hs.



Tra+/ Translation

When a "roAe(t Manager ("M$ oversees the translation done ,y a grou/ of translators a ty/i(al workflow is8 1. 6iles are /retranslated (seg+ented$ ,y the "MB 2. 6iles are sent to translators who work on the+ ,ut do not (lean the+ u/B !. 6iles are sent ,a(k to the "M. When re(eiving the returned translated files the "M +ay wish to know whi(h 100= +at(hes were edited /erha/s to review and validate the+ and whi(h fu@@y +at(hes if any were not translated or +odified. +Tools3 9Tra(k Translation9 feature +akes this /ossi,le. 5ll files however +ust ,e 9/re/ared9 ,efore ,eing sent out to the translators. 1nvisi,le data is ,eing added to these files allowing the su,se-uent (o+/arison ,etween the initial state of the file and its aftertranslation state. 5t re/orting ti+e this invisi,le data is deleted. 5 Wordfast (leanu/ also deletes this data. This /ro(ess does not alter the (ontents of the files in any way8 after the final (leanu/ all invisi,le data has ,een deleted and the do(u+ent is (lient-ready. When files are ,a(k fro+ translation "lusTools (an read the+ again and re/ort all8 1. 100= +at(hes that were edited (and remind the #M of what was the ori"inal tar"et se"ment %efore the translator edited it$B 2. fu@@y +at(hes that were not edited. 9Tra(k translation9 is availa,le for 4)# (Ms Word3s native for+at$ and ;T6 files. 10




This feature takes a sna/shot of (saves$ a given te+/late3s short(uts and restores the+ at a later stage. The te+/late +ust ,e installed in Ms-Word3s Tools0Te+/lates C 5dd-ins dialog ,o. and (an ,e even a(tive during the save and restore o/erations. The short(ut sna/shot is a file lo(ated in the sa+e folder as "lusTools with the te+/late3s na+e and a 9.key9 e.tension. This feature is useful when you need to (usto+i@e short(uts in a given te+/late ,ut for so+e reason this te+/late has to ,e fre-uently re-installed fro+ s(rat(h and the tedious short(ut (usto+i@ation +ust ,e /erfor+ed again. -eminder To (usto+i@e short(uts in a te+/late8 1. 1f the te+/late is (urrently a(tive use Ms-Word3s Tools0Te+/lates C 5dd-1ns +enu and un(he(k this te+/lateB 2. +ake a ,a(ku/ of the te+/late if this is not already done. )/en the te+/late as a do(u+ent using Ms-Word3s 6ile0)/en +enuB !. use Ms-Word3s Diew0Tool,ars0#usto+i@e dialog ,o. then (li(k 9Eey,oard9. '. #usto+i@e short(uts ,y assigning the+ to the relevant +a(ro in the 9(ategory9 list,o.. )ou may also need to type the former short!uts in the "New short!ut" %o. and delete them so they(re no lon"er a!ti e'/ :. on(e this is done save the te+/late on e.it. 1+/ortant re+ark8 if you need to do the a,ove o/eration +ore than on(e whi(h is often the (ase ,e(ause (usto+i@ing short(uts takes so+e fiddling always 9refresh9 the te+/late ,y overwriting it with a /ristine ,a(ked-u/ version of your te+/late.





+5lign3s /ur/ose is to generate translation +e+ories fro+ /airs of translated do(u+ents where original do(u+ents are (alled sour!e and their translations are (alled tar"et. 5 Translation Me+ory (TM$ is a set of Translation 2nits (T2s$ a T2 ,eing a /air of one sour(e seg+ent +at(hed to its (orres/onding translation the target seg+ent. +5lign /rodu(es TMs in Wordfast for+at whi(h (an ,e e./orted to the universal TM& for+at.

Instru"tions #or use

)verview of the workflow8 1. extract all seg+ents fro+ ,oth sets of do(u+entsB 2. align (this is a +anual o/eration$ all seg+entsB !. generate the translation +e+ory.

1. The first ste/ is to (reate two 9e.tra(tion9 files8 one (ontaining all sour(e te.t (all sour(e
seg+ents$ and one (ontaining all target te.t (target seg+ents$. To so Wordfast :.0+ or higher +ust ,e used. *tart Wordfast. Make sure no do(u+ent is o/ened ((lose the default e+/ty do(u+ent if it3s there$. Fo to the Tools ta,. *ele(t all sour(e files then (li(k the 9<.tra(t9 ,utton. Five a file 12



na+e for the e.tra(tion file (like 9sour(e.te.t9 /erha/s$. ;e/eat the sa+e o/eration for target files. 5s a result you now have two 9e.tra(tion9 files you know their lo(ation (the folder in whi(h they are$ and their na+es.

2. #lose all do(u+ents in Ms-Word. )/en the two 9e.tra(tion files9 /rodu(ed in the /revious
ste/. *tart "lusTools go to the +5lign ta,. #li(k the 5lign ,utton. +5lign will dis/lay either two do(u+ents side ,y side or one do(u+ent with a single ta,le allowing +anual align+ent and verifi(ation. The 5lt+D short(ut allows you to dis/lay or hide the ends of the seg+ents. 1n nor+al +ode only the '0 first (hara(ters of a seg+ent are visi,le for a +ore (onvenient layout. 2se the 6: fun(tion key to ,ook+ark you (urrent lo(ation. Gou (an then s(roll to any other /la(e in the do(u+ent. "ress 6> to get ,a(k to your initial ,ook+arked lo(ation. 5lign seg+ents ,y adding deleting or +erging (ells. Gou (an either s/end a +ini+u+ of ti+e ,y generously deleting the /arts that do not align or s/end +ore ti+e and /atiently align the two sides. Alt+D deletes the (urrent (ell or the (ells you sele(tedB Alt+I inserts a (ell ,efore the (urrent (ell. Alt+ s/lits a (ell at the /osition where the (ursor (the insertion /oint$ is lo(ated. 5lt+* will not fun(tion if the sele(tion e.tends (if te.t is sele(ted$. Alt+! +erges a seg+ent s/lit into two (ells. 1f an a%%re iation is s/litting a seg+ent see ,elow. Alt+A lets you enter an a,,reviation (for e.a+/le8 9et(.9 or 9e.g.9$ that has (aused +any seg+ents to ,e (ut at the wrong /la(e. "lusTools will assist you in reasse+,ling those seg+ents. 1f you wish to +ake a /ause in your align+ent work save the do(u+ent(s$ you are working on. Ms-Word (an ,e (losed. To resu+e align+ent o/en the sa+e do(u+ent(s$ again in Word start "lusTools go to the +5lign ta, (li(k the 5lign ,utton.

". )n(e the align+ent is done leave the do(u+ent(s$ o/ened in Ms-Word start "lusTools go
to the +5lign ta, and (li(k the #reate TM ,utton. When the TM has ,een generated +5lign will ask you to rena+e and save it (the original (o/y is in your (urrent MsWord working folder and is na+ed Export.txt - Aust in (ase you lose tra(k of your TM after saving it$. Important note: +Ali"n !reates 0ni!ode translation memories$ )ou may wish to sa e them as 1ust "Te.t-only" if you do not need 0ni!ode, as most western, alpha%eti!al, lan"ua"es do$ Wordfast (an later e./ort this translation +e+ory to the TM& for+at +erge it with other TMs reverse it sele(tively delete T2s et(. The TM3s user na+e is +A!. 1t is advised to have aligned T2s /enali@ed when using the+ for a new translation (see Wordfast3s +anual for details on /enalties$.

Raising producti#it$% Align&ent strategies.




5lign+ent - whatever the tool used - is a ti+e-(onsu+ing task. 1t +ay a//ear frustrating at first ,ut e./erien(e and the intelligent use of strategies (an (onsidera,ly s/eed u/ the /ro(ess. 4o not rush see things fro+ far devise strategies. With two do(u+ents where the target do(u+ent is a translation of the sour(e do(u+ent align+ent a((idents (an o((ur for a variety of reasons. When you find an align+ent a((ident try to use swee/ing sear(h-re/la(e a(tions to restore /ro/er align+ent rather than re(onstru(t ea(h and every align+ent a((ident +anually. 2se 5lt+6 to ,ring u/ a dialog ,o. fro+ whi(h you (an run swee/ing (hanges to either (olu+n. 2.ample: Gou translate fro+ <nglish to 6ren(h. 1n the initial /hase (<.tra(t see a,ove$ Wordfast seg+ented ,oth do(u+ents ,ut a /arti(ular (usto+er-s/e(ifi( a,,reviation has (ut +any <nglish seg+ents at the wrong /la(e. Gou +ay have two sour(e seg+ent like 9We +et *e(r.9 and 9Hohnson at the air/ort9 and in 6ren(h Aust one seg+ent8 9Ious avons ren(ontrJ le *e(rJtaire Hohnson K l3aJro/ort9. With 5lt+6 ,ring u/ the 5lign+ent fun(tions dialog ,o.. Merge every (ell whi(h ends with Secr. with the following one. 1t is re(o++ended to (he(k the 9Mat(h (ase9 o/tion for added se(urity and to (onfir+ all +erge o/erations. This way all seg+ents that were (ut ,y this a,,reviation will ,e re-united. )ther sear(h-re/la(e o/erations es/e(ially when wild(ards are used (see MsWord3s hel/$ (an save a lot of ti+e when aligning do(u+ents.




+ $%tra"t

The /ur/ose of + <.tra(t is to assist the tedious task of e.tra(ting ter+inology fro+ a (or/us of do(u+ents. Io +a(hine will ever fulfill this e.tra(tion ,y itself ,e(ause ter+inology e.tra(tion funda+entally s/eaking +eans sorting out 9+eaningless9 and 9+eaningful9 (or 9useful9 and 9useless9 9relevant9 and 9irrelevant9$ ter+s C e./ressions and 9+eaning9 resides essentially in the +ind of the ,eholder. Get software (an ,e hel/ful in +any res/e(ts. We (an distinguish two kinds of ter+ e.tra(tion8 . . Monolingual ter+ e.tra(tion8 a glossary is e.tra(ted fro+ a +onolingual (or/us of do(u+ents. Later the glossary (an ,e translated into various languages ,y translators. Multilingual ter+ e.tra(tion8 a glossary is e.tra(ted fro+ e.isting translation +e+ories. The +a(hine will work as for +onolingual ter+ e.tra(tion ,ut will +ake every effort to s/ot the (orres/onding ter+ in the target seg+ent and offer it as a /ossi,le (andidate /ending hu+an validation.

+ <.tra(t in its ,eta version offers +onolingual ter+ e.tra(tion. Darious strategies have ,een used to s/ot ter+s that are likely (andidates for the intended glossary. 'or(flo)% 1. 2se +5lign to s/e(ify the (or/us of do(u+ents that will ,e used as raw +aterial. *in(e only the 9*our(e9 side is used ,y +<.tra(t you (an ignore file sele(tion in the target or right /art of the s(reen. *ee +5lign for dire(tions on (reating a folder where all files should reside. 2se (o/ies of files ,e(ause +<.tra(t will (onvert ?TML *FML &ML ;T6 4)# files to a te.t for+at then delete original files. 2. 2se the +<.tra(t window to set u/ the various /ara+eters and strategies to ,e used then (li(k 9*tart9. 1:



!. When the /ro(ess is done +<.tra(t will o/en the newly (reated glossary as a do(u+ent for +anual edition and verifi(ation. Ste& *0 Lo+ating t6e ra. material 7+Align ta89 5ll the files that will ,e used as raw +aterial should ,e visi,le in the *our(e file list. 5n 1I1 file should ,e visi,le in the dro/-down list right under the files list. This 1I1 file is si+/ly a Wordfast setu/ that fits the raw +aterial3s language. #li(k the 9<.tra(t9 ,utton. When +5lign has read all sour(e files it will (reate a 9"t*our(e.do(9 file in the sour(e folder (ontaining the ,are te.tual (ontents of all the files that have ,een read. +<.tra(t will use this file. Gou (an a(tually o/en it look at it and do any +anual editing you want. Ste& 20 Setting u& t6e e-tra+tion strateg) 7+E-tra+t ta89 can for expressions of up to * )ords% *in(e the glossary (an (ontain e./ressions you +ust s/e(ify the +a.i+u+ nu+,er of words an e./ression (an have. Iote that the total e.tra(tion ti+e is roughly a +ulti/le of this nu+,er so kee/ it as low as /ossi,le. The default value is '. Ignore )ords if less t+an * c+aracters% for o,vious reasons it is re(o++ended to ski/ very short words. The default value is ! (whi(h +eans that all words +ade of one or two letters will ,e ignored - e.(e/t if they are /art of an e./ression$. Ignore expressions used less t+an * ti&es% this is an i+/ortant setting. +<.tra(t will kee/ e./ressions if they are used +ore than or at least an & nu+,er of ti+es in the raw +aterial. )f (ourse there is a risk of not getting e./ressions if they are used only one ti+e ,ut this (ase is /retty rare. Ignore )ords found in 'ord,s dictionar$% this setting will ignore words (e.(e/t if they are /art of an e./ression$ that are found in the di(tionary (urrently set u/ as Word3s default s/ell(he(king di(tionary. We su//ose that the s/ell-(he(ker (ontains 9(o++on9 words. The /ro,le+ is that a (or/oration3s s/e(ifi( ter+inology (an use 9(o++on9 words that are loaded with a /arti(ular +eaning. The user should de(ide what3s ,est. The default setting a(tually does not use this o/tion. ?owever if the ter+inology to ,e e.tra(ted is a highly s/e(ifi( Aargon of words not found in a (o++on di(tionary this o/tion will save a lot of ti+e. 5nother idea if a -ui(k result is e./e(ted is to run ter+ e.tra(tion on(e with this o/tion turned on (whi(h will -ui(kly reveal +any 9un(o++on9 ter+s$ and leave another round of e.tra(tion without this o/tion for another session devoted to dee/er digging. Ignore )ords )it+ &ore t+an * s$non$&s. *in(e MsWord has a thesaurus of synony+s one statisti(al a//roa(h to deter+ine if a word is 9very9 (o++on is to (ount how +any synony+s is has. This +ay /rove +ore fruitful and less restri(tive than the s/ell-(he(ker a//roa(hB +oreover a threshold (an ,e defined. )f (ourse the nu+,er of synony+s is not an a,solute indi(ator of a word3s (o++onness - we3re dealing with a statisti(al a//roa(h. The word 9(o+/uter9 (9 synony+s in Word 20003s thesaurus$ has +ore synony+s than 9workstation9 (2 synony+s$. The narrower the definition of a ter+ the less synony+s it usually hasB and glossaries tend to use ter+s with a narrow definition. This again is a /urely statisti(al a//roa(h and +any (ounter-e.a+/les (an ,e found. The default setting for this o/tion is 9)n9 with a synony+ (ount of !. 1>



-eep all.uppercase )ords% this o/tion will un(onditionally kee/ words or e./ressions that are written in u//er(ase (,ut will not kee/ the+ if they have less than the +ini+u+ nu+,er of (hara(ters as defined a,ove$. Ignore )ords )it+ nu&bers% this setting will dis(ard words or e./ression that (ontain nu+,ers like &T09 or MML-:0. Ignore )ords blac(listed in... this will let the user s/e(ify a file (ontaining a ,la(klist. The for+at is the sa+e as Wordfast3s ,la(klist8 a Te.t-only file (ontaining words or e./ressions ea(h entry o((u/ying a /aragra/h. The si@e of the list is (urrently li+ited to one +ega,yte. 1f ,oth the 94i(tionary9 and 9*ynony+s9 o/tions are not used 1 strongly re(o++end entering a list of sto/words in this ,la(klist. *to/words in this ter+-e.tra(tion (onte.t are words that are ,oth very (o++only used and not su//osed to ,e /art of the glossary. 5//endi. 11 gives a short list of <nglish sto/words. 5lthough it is rather short it is enough to weed out a large /art of the raw +aterial. When all settings have ,een defined (li(k 9*tart9. 1 strongly re(o++end running tests on a short (and as ty/i(al as (an ,e$ do(u+ent ,e(ause the e.tra(tion /ro(ess (an ,e rather long. 9*hort9 +eans around 10 /ages. This stage is useful to test the various strategies and deter+ine the one that3s fit for your /roAe(t. Ste& 30 Manual revision +<.tra(t will ,ring u/ a do(u+ent that (ontains all e.tra(ted ter+s for +anual review and editing. This do(u+ent resides in the root folder of your hard disk and is na+ed 9<.tra(ted.t.t9. Gou (an rena+e it as you wish.

This feature is designed to run sets of tasks on all files sele(ted in "lusTools3 96iles9 list. +Tweaks is a list of tasks that are run fro+ to/ to ,otto+ on files. The essential tasks are +a(ros (user +a(ros or "lusTools ,uilt-in +a(ros$ and 6ind-;e/la(e (6;$ a(tions. To add a task (li(k the list then use the 1nsert or the "lus (+$ key. To delete a task use the 4elete or the Minus (-$ key. To edit a task use <nter. To mo e a task upwards in the list use #trl+2/. To mo e a task downwards in the list use #trl+4own.

Tasks have three fields8 5(tion1 5(tion2 and *wit(hes. Running ma+ros 5dd an entry or edit an e.isting one and /ut an e.isting +a(ro na+e in the 95(tion 19 field. The swit(h should have 90<.e9 so that "lusTools knows it has to run the +a(ro na+ed in the 5(tion 1 field8 MyMa(ro 17 0<.e



Gou (an run two +a(ros one after the ne.t this way8 MyMa(ro My*e(ondMa(ro 0<.e

Passing a string argument to a ma+ro. 5 +aAor /ro,le+ with Word D75 is that you (annot /ass an argu+ent to a +a(ro. To solve this /ro,le+ "lusTools has an integrated argu+ent (onveyor for te.t varia,les (*tring$. 1f you want to /ass an argu+ent to a +a(ro si+/ly enter it in the 5(tion 2 field and have it surrounded with straight -uotes like this8 MyMa(ro 9My argu+ent here.9 0<.e

1n the sa+e (ode +odule as your (usto+-+ade 9MyMa(ro9 you should add the following fun(tion8
Function GetPtArgument() As String If Windo s.!ount " # T$en Exit Function %im &'ri As &'ri'(le For E'c$ &'ri In Acti)e%ocument.&'ri'(les If &'ri.*'me + ,PtArgument, T$en GetPtArgument + &'ri.&'lue &'ri.%elete Exit For *ext End Function

When invoked fro+ within your own +a(ro this fun(tion will return the argu+ent /assed in "lusTools3 list of tasks. Iote that this +ethod is only valid if a do(u+ent is (urrently o/ened whi(h is nor+ally the (ase. ?ere is an e.a+/le8
Su( -.-'cro %im T As String T + GetPtArgument If T + ,-. 'rgument $ere., T$en -sg/ox ,It End Su(


PlusTools &re!e,ine! ma+ros Gou (an use a "lusTools /redefined +a(ro ,y entering it in a task like this8 #reateTw'win*tyles 1f the +a(ro needs an argu+ent the for+at is8 *ele(t5ll5//ly*tyle 9Translata,le9 0<.e 0<.e

Iote that the argu+ent +ust ,e en(lose in 9regular9 -uotes. "lusTools /redefined +a(ros are not (ase-sensitive ,ut they are (a/itali@ed here for (larity3s sake.




List o, PlusTools &re!e,ine! ma+ros0 HoinTranslata,leTe.t 3ample te.t %efore the ma!ro: M,NThis ?TML te.t is (ut in short /ie(es se/arated whith (arriage returns.M0,N 3ample te.t after the ma!ro: M,NThis ?TML te.t is (ut in short /ie(es se/arated whith (arriage returns.M0,N *ave#urrent4o( *ave#lose#urrent4o( #reateTw'win*tyles

HoinTranslata,leTe.t is used for e.a+/le when tagging ?TML te.t. 1t sear(hes for s/reads of te.t that have the Translata,le style and re,uilds whole /aragra/hs ,y re+oving /aragra/h +arks and resetting +ulti/le s/a(es to single s/a(es.


*ave5s*i+/leTe.t *ave5s2ni(odeTe.t *ave5s;T6 *ta+/Ia+e5nd6or+at


*ele(t5ll5//ly*tyle #lose#urrent4o(

*aves the (urrently o/ened do(u+ent. *aves then (loses the (urrently o/ened do(u+ent #reates a standard tw'win1nternal style a standard tw'win<.ternal style and a Translata,le style ((hara(ter-,ased no attri,utes looking like the 9Ior+al9 style$ in the (urrently o/ened do(u+ent. *aves the (urrently o/ened file in Word 4)# (do(u+ent$ for+at whatever its /revious for+at was. To avoid overwriting the (urrently o/ened do(u+ent a rena+ing /ro(edure is used8 1f the do(u+ent has no .do( e.tension its (urrent e.tension is (hanged into .do( 1f the do(u+ent already has a .do( e.tension a se(ond 9.do(9 e.tension is added. *aves the (urrent do(u+ent as si+/le te.t (5I*1$ *aves the (urrent do(u+ent as 2ni(ode te.t *aves the (urrent do(u+ent as ;T6 Tagging /ro(edures ty/i(ally take an .ht+l (or .+if ..+l et(.$ file tag it then save it as 4)# or ;T6 for translation. The original na+e and for+at +ust ,e /reserved with this +a(ro ,efore they are lost with a *ave5s +a(ro. The ;estoreIa+e5nd6or+at +a(ro at untagging ti+e will then ,e a,le to restore the file to its original na+e and for+at. ;estores a file3s original na+e and for+at /rovided they were sta+/ed in the 4)# or ;T6 file using the *ta+/Ia+e5nd6or+at +a(ro. This +a(ro re-uires an argu+ent with a style na+e and a//lies that style to the entire do(u+ent3s (ontents. #loses the (urrent do(u+ent without saving 19



)/en4o( Message7o.

it. This +a(ro takes a (o+/lete (/ath+file$ file na+e as argu+ent and o/ens it. The o/ened do(u+ent ,e(o+es the 9(urrent9 do(u+ent. This +a(ro takes an argu+ent and dis/lays it in a +essage ,o..

Running in!:Re&la+e o&erations These o/erations laun(h Ms-Word3s own 6ind-re/la(e dialog ,o. over the (urrently o/ened do(u+ent. ;ight ,efore this is done all 6ind0;e/la(e /ara+eters are reset (as when Ms-Word is Aust started$ and the (ursor is +oved to the ,eginning of the do(u+ent. Te.t to ,e found should a//ear in the 5(tion 1 field and te.t to ,e re/la(ed should a//ear in the 5(tion 2 field. Three swit(hes (an ,e used8 0+( (a(tivates Ms-Word3s find0re/la(e dialog ,o.3 9Mat(h (ase9 (he(k,o.$ 0ww (a(tivates Ms-Word3s find0re/la(e dialog ,o.3 9Whole words9 (he(k,o.$ and 0w( (a(tivates Ms-Word3s find0re/la(e dialog ,o.3 92se wild(ards9 (he(k,o.$. 6or e.a+/le8 The (at The dog 0+(

Will re/la(e 9The (at9 with 9The dog9 in the entire do(u+ent (ase-sensitive. /ind0replace )it+ for&ats The sear(hed te.t (an take a style definition like this8 The (at+OMy*tyleP The dog

1n this (ase only the te.t 9The (at9 that has a 9My*tyle9 style will ,e found. Multi/le sear(h styles (an ,e entered whi(h is i+/ossi,le with Aust Ms-Word8 The (at+OMy*tyle *e(ond*tyleP The dog

1n this (ase only the te.t 9The (at9 that has a 9My*tyle9 or a 9*e(ond*tyle9 style will ,e found. The re/la(e+ent te.t (an take a style (only one style$8 The (at+OMy*tyle *e(ond*tyleP The dog+OThird*tyleP

1n this (ase only the te.t 9The (at9 that has a 9My*tyle9 or a 9*e(ond*tyle9 style will ,e found and if it is found it will ,e re/la(ed with 9The dog9 with a 9Third*tyle9 style. 1atc+ replace&ents The 0List swit(h (an +ake +ulti/le 6ind-re/la(e o/erations in one sa+e task. 1n this (ase all ele+ents +ust ,e se/arated with a (o++a like this8 #at dog horse #ar/et ta,le (hair 20 0List



1n this (ase #at will ,e re/la(ed with #ar/et dog with ta,le and horse with (hair. *tyles (an ,e also defined as well as all other swit(hes8 #at dog horse+OMy*tyle *e(ond*tyleP #ar/et ta,le (hair+OThird*tyleP 0List

*wit(hes (an ,e (o+,ined here for e.a+/le 0List and 0+(8 #at dog horse+OMy*tyle *e(ond*tyleP *wit(hes are not (ase-sensitive. /ind0replace c+aracters using AN I codes Gou (an enter s/e(ial or un/rinta,le (hara(ters using their (odes like this8 CQ1>9B C359B (de(i+al$ or (he.ade(i+al$ #ar/et ta,le (hair+OThird*tyleP 0List0+(

where 59 is the he.ade(i+al (ode for de(i+al 1>9 (so C359B +eans the (hara(ter with the 5I*1 (ode 1>9 whi(h (an also ,e written CQ1>9B$. The 5I*1 1>9 de(i+al (hara(ter is the (o/yright sign R. 1f C359B is ,etween -uotes like 9C359B9 it will (onsidered literally not a (oded (hara(ter. *ee the 5//endi. 1 for a (onversion ta,le that (an (onvert the (oded (hara(ters found in a Wordfast translation +e+ory into their 9natural9 or 5I*1 e-uivalents. Pra+ti+al a&&li+ation0 tagging ;TML "lusTools integrates a /re-set standard ?TML tagger. 1n +Tweaks3 list of tweaks sele(t the 9S 01 ?TML tagger9 /re-set tweak list to see how the a,ove +ethods are a//lied to /rodu(e a fun(tional ?TML tagger. <./ert lo(ali@ation engineers (an write other taggers or tweak the e.isting one to tag &ML or *FML files or other te.t-,ased tagged for+ats (like M16 Tuark &/ress *tory#olle(tor et(.$ then save it under a different na+e. When +Tweaks o/ens a file that has ,een sele(ted in "lusTools3 96iles9 se(tion if the file has an ?TML *FML or &ML for+at the file will ,e o/ened ,y Ms-Word as a te.t file (whether it is uni(ode or not$. Iote a few s/e(ial swit(hes that are used to +ake the find-re/la(e o/erations faster and safer for tagging /ur/oses8 0IntTag8 This swit(h intelligently treats tags as regular ?TML tags. Gou don3t need to enter the (losing tag ,e(ause "lusTools will take (are of that. *o you need to enter only MfontN and "lusTools will tag it with a tw'win1nternal style ,ut will also tag M0fontN as internal as well as the Mfont na+eU95rial9N synta. (the sa+e tag with attri,utes$ and will also do the tagging on tags that are in (a/itals like M6)ITN.




(,efore a(tion$8 (after a(tion$8

This M7N/a/erM07N on translation is for you. This <B>/a/er</B> on translation is for you.

0AttrTag8 this swit(h re-uires a tag na+e in the 5(tion 1 field and an attri,ute na+e in the 5(tion 2 field then it will tag the (ontents of the attri,ute as 9Translata,le9. 6or e.a+/le Mi+g alt 05ttrTag

Will a//ly a translata,le style to the (ontents of the 'lt atrtri,ute in the "img tag. (,efore a(tion$8 text,2 (after a(tion$8 "img source+,gee.1pg ,'lt+,Ple'se re'd t$is "img source+,gee.1pg ,'lt+,"lease read this te.t,2

0TransTag8 this swit(h will a//ly a translata,le style to te.t (o+/rised ,etween the o/ening and (losing tags s/e(ified in the 5(tion 1 and 5(tion2 fields. 6or e.a+/le Mde(larationN M0de(larationN 0TransTag

Will a//ly an untranslata,le style to all te.t (o+/rised ,etween "decl'r'tion2 and "3decl'r'tion2. (,efore a(tion$8 (after a(tion$8 "decl'r'tion24ots of text"3decl'r'tion2 "decl'r'tion24ots of text"3decl'r'tion2

02ntransTag8 this swit(h will a//ly a tw'win<.ternal style to all te.t (o+/rised ,etween the o/ening and (losing tags s/e(ified in the 5(tion 1 and 5(tion2 fields. 6or e.a+/le Me.(ludeN M0e.(ludeN 02ntransTag

Will a//ly a tw'win<.ternal style to all te.t (o+/rised ,etween "exclude2 and "3exclude2. (,efore a(tion$8 (after a(tion$8 "exclude2 Secret text"3exclude2 "exclude2 Secret text"3exclude2

Setting <or!,ast=s !e,ault tagger an! untagger When an ?TML *FML or &ML file is o/ened in Wordfast for translation Wordfast runs "lusTools3 default tagging utility ,efore translation is started. Wordfast3s default tagger is the tweak list (alled 9S01 ?TML tagger9. ?owever if you have +odified the tagger for s/e(ial needs and you have saved it under the na+e 94efTag.t.t9 then this (usto+ tweak list will ,e used for tagging. Likewise any tweak list na+ed 94ef2ntag.t.t9 will ,e used for untagging files ,y Wordfast. 1f no 94ef2ntag.t.t9 tweak list e.ists Wordfast will default to the 9S02 ?TML 2ntagger9 /reset tweak.




Save ,iles as Uni+o!e .6en untagging When "lusTools untags ?TML *FML or &ML files it saves the+ in the original file3s for+at. 6or e.a+/le +ost &ML files are in 2ni(ode. 5fter tagging they3re (hanged to 4)# (Word$ for+at for translation. 5fter translation and untagging they3re restored to their original 2ni(ode for+at. 1f you are translating fro+ <nglish to Ha/anese you +ay ,e re-uired to /rodu(ed uni(ode files after un-tagging otherwise the Ha/anese (hara(ters will ,e lost. To do so add the 9*ave5s2ni(ode9 +a(ro at the end of the ?TML untagging /ro(edure. ;an!ling entities 1n the early days of the 1nternet ,andwith was very s(ar(e (a 1 200 ,/s +ode+ was a lu.ury$ and +ost e.(hanges were <nglish te.tual infor+ation. <ngineers used a 7-,it en(oding s(he+e in (o++uni(ations ,e(ause the <nglish al/ha,et fits very well in 9words9 of 7 ,its. 5 word of 7 ,its (an hold 12% different (hara(ters. When these (o+/li(ated <uro/eans /retended they also wanted to use the 1nternet engineers had to +ove to an %-,it word length (to +ake s/a(e for the 9e.tended9 (hara(ters where a((ented letters and a few other odd (ritters reside$. 5n %-,it (o+/uter 9word9 (an a((o++odate 2:> (hara(ters fro+ (ode 0 to 2::. 5nd when the rest of the world Au+/ed a,oard the ,andwagon 1>-,it word length ,egan to a//ear (various 1>-,it s(he+es then 2ni(ode$ holding >::!> (hara(ters. The /ro,le+ is that the 2niverse is awash with anti-uated ,rowsers that still have diffi(ulty inter/reting the e.tended sets of (hara(ters. 7ut this is not the only /ro,le+. The other /ro,le+ is that sin(e even 2:> (hara(ters are not enough to a((o++odate all <uro/ean Freek ;ussian et( (hara(ters engineers are using (hara(ter set (!harset$ definitions. 5 (harset si+/ly tells the a//li(ation (usually a ,rowser for ?TML$ whi(h gly/hs should ,e asso(iated to whi(h (hara(ters to render te.t legi,le on s(reen or on /a/er. Well-for+ed ?TML do(u+ents nowadays have a 9+eta9 tag that s/e(ifies whi(h (hara(ter set is used to dis/lay letters like V (whi(h (ould also turn into a ;ussian gly/h et($. This ?TML +eta tag looks like this8
"met' $ttp5e6ui)+,!ontent5T.pe, content+,text3$tml7 c$'rset+iso5889:5#,2

The (harset used a,ove (iso-%%:9-1$ is the +ost (o++only used oneB ,ut every target language will have its own re-uire+ents to /ro/erly dis/lay infor+ation. 6or e.a+/le a Freek ?TML /age would have c$'rset+iso5889:5; otherwise the te.t would a//ear like <=>?@AB et( on +any ,rowsers. *o+e (+any older$ ?TML /ages are still using entities instead of e.tended0a((ented (hara(ters. 1n this (ase letters like V or W are (oded C'uml7 or Cuuml7 in the ?TML /age. They (an also ,e en(oded 9nu+eri(ally9 in whi(h (ase you would have CDEE87 or CDE9E7. 2sing entities ensures the (hara(ters are (orre(tly inter/reted ,y the ,rowser e en in the a%sen!e of a !harset definition. 6ro+ a stri(t /oint of view entities are 9legal9 ,e(ause ,y ,irth ?TML is a (hild of *FML where entities are legal. )lder ,rowsers that (an /ro(ess only ?TML 2.0 for e.a+/le +ay not handle (harsets /ro/erly ,ut (ould do fine with entities. )n the other hand with the advent of ?TML '.0 and ,rowsers that su//ort it the awkward inheritan(e of *FML is fading away in this res/e(t and engineers are (onverting to the new standard. 2!



The (urrent trend is to avoid entities (they inflate the si@e of the ?TML /age are slower to /ro(ess and trans+it and diffi(ult to read if you have to dire(tly edit the ?TML /age in te.t +ode$. The /ro,le+ is a si@a,le /er(entage of the ,illions of ?TML /ages out there are still (ontaining entities (or worse a +i.ture of 5I*1 (hara(ters and entities$ and so+e de(ision+akers having li+ited knowledge of the -uestion or ,y fear0un(ertainty0dou,t of not ,eing read ,y e ery%ody in this world +ay /ress for entities. We as translators are rarely de(ision-+akers8 the (lient de(ides (never take initiatives like (hanging (hara(ter sets et( without talking to the (lient first$. 7ut we should /rovide guidan(e when the (lient asks for it. This +anual does not /retend to e.haust the su,Ae(t8 a serious translator /retending to lo(ali@e ?TML should look for training or turn to /rofessional advi(e. "lusTools (an do two things to alleviate the /ro,le+ sket(hily des(ri,ed a,ove8 1. #onvert entities found in ?TML do(u+ents into 9real9 5I*1 (hara(ters when tagging files. 1n other words the (tagged$ ?TML /age would look like F' dGg'ge un 'ir de dG1?H)u. and not C!ced7' dC''cute7g'ge un 'ir de dCe'cute71C'gr')e7Cnd's$7)u. 2. #onvert 5I*1 (hara(ters ,a(k into entities when untagging. 4e/ending on the strategy devised together with your (lient you (an use only /oint 1 or only /oint 2 or ,oth. 2sing 1 ,ut not 2 will result in 9+oderni@ing9 ?TML /ages (whether they (ontain entities 5I*1 e.tended (hara(ters or ,oth as is often the (ase$. 7ut then +ake sure the ?TML /age has the (orre(t (harset definition in its header3s +eta tag. ?ere are a few values for the c$'rset+ /ara+eter found in ?TML /age headers e.g.
iso5889:5# iso5889:5E iso5889:5I iso5889:5J iso5889:59 iso5889:5K5i iso5889:5; iso5889:58 iso5889:5: iso5ELEE51p x5euc51p x5s1is 0oi8 euc50r G/EI#E (ig9 "met' $ttp5e6ui)+,!ontent5T.pe, content+,text3$tml7 c$'rset+iso5889:5#,2

<uro/ean languages using the latin-1 (hara(ter set #entral <uro/ean languages *outhern <uro/e 7alti( ri+ #yrilli( 5ra,i( Freek ?e,rew Turkish Ha/anese (H1* and H1* & 020% widely used in e+ail$ Ha/anese (<2#-H" for 2ni.$ also8 euc51p Ha/anese (*hift H1* for Win0Ma($ also8 s$iftM1s #yrilli( (an older standard$ Eorean (E*# :>01$ *i+/lified #hinese (F7 2!120F7 <n(oding$ #antonese (Traditional #hinese 7ig:0?E2$ 2'

PLUSTOOLS MANUAL iso5889:5#L iso5889:5#I iso5889:5#9 utf58 utf5#K


Languages ,ased on the latin-> (hara(ter set Languages ,ased on the latin-7 (hara(ter set Languages ,ased on the latin-9 (hara(ter set 2ni(ode worldwide 2ni(ode worldwide

4is(lai+er8 these values are for general infor+ation only. There are other /ossi,le values. The (lient0author should de(ide and0or validate these values. )ne +ore ti+e a translator translates ,ut only ad ises on su(h te(hni(al +atters.

All X trademarks are the property of their respe!ti e owners$ *(reenshots (ourtesy of ?orvYth 96rank9 6eren(.

Appendi% I
*a+/le (onversion ta,le to (onvert (oded (hara(ters (found in a Wordfast translation +e+ory$ into their regular 5*#11 e-uivalent. Iote that the Wordfast translation +e+ory should first ,e saved as a Word do(u+ent ,efore (onverting itB and that it will not ,e a valid TM thereafter. This (onversion (an ,e useful if you need to re-use the te.tual (ontent of a Wordfast translation +e+ory for so+e other /ur/ose. 9C39!B9 9C39'B9 9C391B9 9C392B9 9C357B9 9C377B9 9C3%:B9 9C39>B9 9C397B9 9C399B9 9C359B9 9C35<B9 9C37#B9 9C374B9 9C37<B9 9C350B9 9C39B9 9C37B9 C39!B C39'B C391B C392B C357B C377B C3%:B C39>B C397B C399B C359B C35<B C37#B C374B C37<B C350B C39B C37B

*a+/le (onversion ta,le for ;o+ani@ed ;ussian into native ;ussian and ,a(k ((ourtesy of 4oug <d+unds$. Gou +ay edit this list a((ording to your /referen(e. The se(ond ta,le is for an earlier non-2ni(ode (hara(ter set (Win!... and early Win9.$. &!opy-paste the followin" !on ersion ta%le in an empty do!ument, then load it into +Tools( Te.t ,on ersion ta%le' *?#? G5 Z [ 2:



G) G2 G< E? *? #? 21 5 7 # 4 < 6 F 1 H E L M I ) " ; * T 2 D G x M N | ~ sh(h ya yo yu ye kh sh (h ui a , ( d e f

\ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w y z { } 2>



g i A k l + n o / r s t u v y @

0se the followin" ta%le if the first one does not "i e you satisfa!tion$ *?#? G5 G) G2 G< E? *? #? 21 5 7 # 4 < 6 F 1 H E L M I ) " ; * T 2 D 27



G x M N | ~ sh(h ya yo yu ye kh sh (h ui a , ( d e f g i A k l + n o / r s t u v y @


Appendi% II
List of <nglish sto/words for use with +<.tra(t. #o/y-/aste the following words into an e+/ty do(u+ent re/la(e all (o++as with /aragra/h +arks (find 9 9 re/la(e with 9/9$ save as te.t-only. i +e +y +ine you your yours he she it his her we us our they their the+ ,e a+ is are was wer e will have has had +ake +akes +ade (an (ould would should +ay +ight a an the this that th ose so+e +any any lot of and as well ,ut not none neither over under a,ove with without in i nto so et( fro+ all to out u/ down +ore less su(h ,efore after never one two three four five si 2%



. seven eight nine ten eleven twelve ro(k around the (lo(k when what where why who whose then than

Appendi% III( S)ML*+ML

This guidan(e is +eant for te(hni(ians or lo(ali@ation engineers with /revious knowledge of &ML0*FML and of 4T4s if /ossi,le. The /ur/ose is to fine-tune "lusTools to /re/are files for s/e(ifi( usually large /roAe(ts. "lusTools (ontains a task /ro(essor with an ?TML routine that3 edita,le and usa,le for tagging *FML or &ML do(u+ents. *in(e an ?TML do(u+ent is an *FML do(u+ent with a s/e(ifi( universally agreed-u/on 4T4 "lusTools (ontains a (o+/lete list of ?TML tags. &ML and *FML do(u+ents on the other hand are defined ,y a do(u+ent or /roAe(t-s/e(ifi( 4T4 so "lusTools +ust ,e fine-tuned to +at(h the re-uire+ents of these /arti(ular 4T4. #hoose the ?TML standard list to load the standard ?TML set of tags. 6or &ML0*FML /roAe(ts the tag list +ust ,e fine-tuned (use 1ns 4el and <nter on the tag list to add0delete0edit tags.$ 1f you have a des(ri/tion file (so+eti+es with an .ini e.tension$ that des(ri,es the (hara(teristi(s of the various user-defined tags (internal e.ternal grou/ et($8 o/en that file file with a te.t editor go to "lusTools3 Ta"s list and 1nsert all internal tags found in the 1I1 file. ;un tagging tests on sa+/le files ,efore starting translation. 7ut even these des(ri/tion files are rarely well-defined8 +any la(k internal tags. )ne +ain /ur/ose when testing is to +ake sure that <.ternal tags do not (ut senten(es. 1f after tagging they (ut senten(es in the tagged file (4)# or ;T6 file$ +ake sure these e.ternal tags are defined as 1nternal rather than <.ternal and re/eat the /ro(ess.


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