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C. Other tribunals and agencies 1.

Securities and Exchange Commission

RA 8799, Sec. 5.1 o!ers and "unctions o# the Commission.$ %he commission shall act !ith trans&arenc' and shall ha(e the &o!ers and #unctions &ro(ided b' this code, residential )ecree *o. 9+,-A, the Cor&oration Code, the .n(estment /ouses la!, the "inancing Com&an' Act and other existing la!s. ursuant thereto the Commission shall ha(e, among others, the #ollo!ing &o!ers and #unctions0 1a2 /a(e 3urisdiction and su&er(ision o(er all cor&orations, &artnershi& or associations !ho are the grantees o# &rimar' #ranchises and4or a license or a &ermit issued b' the 5o(ernment6 1b2 "ormulate &olicies and recommendations on issues concerning the securities mar7et, ad(ise Congress and other go(ernment agencies on all as&ect o# the securities mar7et and &ro&ose legislation and amendments thereto6 1c2 A&&ro(e, re3ect, sus&end, re(o7e or re8uire amendments to registration statements, and registration and licensing a&&lications6 1d2 Regulate, in(estigate or su&er(ise the acti(ities o# &ersons to ensure com&liance6 1e2 Su&er(ise, monitor, sus&end or ta7e o(er the acti(ities o# exchanges, clearing agencies and other SROs6 1#2 .m&ose sanctions #or the (iolation o# la!s and rules, regulations and orders, and issued &ursuant thereto6 1g2 re&are, a&&ro(e, amend or re&eal rules, regulations and orders, and issue o&inions and &ro(ide guidance on and su&er(ise com&liance !ith such rules, regulation and orders6 1h2 Enlist the aid and su&&ort o# and4or de&uti9ed an' and all en#orcement agencies o# the 5o(ernment, ci(il or militar' as !ell as an' &ri(ate institution, cor&oration, #irm, association or &erson in the im&lementation o# its &o!ers and #unction under its Code6 1i2 .ssue cease and desist orders to &re(ent #raud or in3ur' to the in(esting &ublic6 132 unish #or the contem&t o# the Commission, both direct and indirect, in accordance !ith the &ertinent &ro(isions o# and &enalties &rescribed b' the Rules o# Court6 172 Com&el the o##icers o# an' registered cor&oration or association to call meetings o# stoc7holders or members thereo# under its su&er(ision6 1l2 .ssue sub&oena duces tecum and summon !itnesses to a&&ear in an' &roceedings o# the Commission and in a&&ro&riate cases, order the examination, search and sei9ure o# all documents, &a&ers, #iles and records, tax returns and boo7s o# accounts o# an' entit' or &erson under in(estigation as ma' be necessar' #or the &ro&er dis&osition o# the cases be#ore it, sub3ect to the &ro(isions o# existing la!s6 1m2 Sus&end, or re(o7e, a#ter &ro&er notice and hearing the #ranchise or certi#icate o# registration o# cor&orations, &artnershi& or associations, u&on an' o# the grounds &ro(ided b' la!6 and 1n2 Exercise such other &o!ers as ma' be &ro(ided b' la! as !ell as those

!hich ma' be im&lied #rom, or !hich are necessar' or incidental to the carr'ing out o#, the ex&ress &o!ers granted the Commission to achie(e the ob3ecti(es and &ur&oses o# these la!s. :abor Code Art.,17. ;urisdiction o# the :abor Arbiters and the Commission. Exce&t as other!ise &ro(ided under this Code, the :abor Arbiters shall ha(e original and exclusi(e 3urisdiction to hear and decide, !ithin thirt' 1<+2 calendar da's a#ter the submission o# the case b' the &arties #or decision !ithout extension, e(en in the absence o# stenogra&hic notes, the #ollo!ing cases in(ol(ing all !or7ers, !hether agricultural or nonagricultural0 1. =n#air labor &ractice cases6 ,. %ermination dis&utes6 <. .# accom&anied !ith a claim #or reinstatement, those cases that !or7ers ma' #ile in(ol(ing !ages, rates o# &a', hours o# !or7 and other terms and conditions o# em&lo'ment6 >. Claims #or actual, moral, exem&lar' and other #orms o# damages arising #rom the em&lo'er-em&lo'ee relations6 5. Cases arising #rom an' (iolation o# Article ,?> o# this Code, including 8uestions in(ol(ing the legalit' o# stri7es and loc7outs6 and ?. Exce&t claims #or Em&lo'ees Com&ensation, Social Securit', @edicare and maternit' bene#its, all other claims arising #rom em&lo'er-em&lo'ee relations, including those o# &ersons in domestic or household ser(ice, in(ol(ing an amount exceeding #i(e thousand &esos 1 5,+++.++2 regardless o# !hether accom&anied !ith a claim #or reinstatement. %he *ational :abor Relations Commission has a&&ellate 3urisdiction o(er all cases decided b' the :abor Arbiter. A A&&eals #rom the *:RC should be #iled in the Court o# A&&eals in the #orm o# &etitions #or certiorari under Rule ?5. 1St @artinBs "uneral /ome ( *:RC2

<. .nsurance Commission

o!ers o# the .nsurance Commissioner A Sole and exclusi(e authorit' to regulate the issuance and sale o# (ariable contracts as de#ined in section t!o hundred thirt'-t!o and to &ro(ide #or the licensing o# &ersons selling such contracts, and to issue such reasonable rules and regulations go(erning the same. 1 ) ?1, C >1>2 A .m&ose #ines or sus&ension u&on insurance com&anies, their directors and4or o##icers and4or agents, #or an' !ill#ul #ailure or re#usal to com&l' !ith, or (iolation o# an' &ro(ision o# this Code, or an' order, instruction, regulation, or ruling o# the .nsurance Commissioner, or an' commission or irregularities, and4or conducting business in an unsa#e or unsound manner. 1 ) ?1, C >152 A Ad3udicate claims and com&laints in(ol(ing an' loss, damage or liabilit' #or !hich in insurer ma' be ans!erable under an' 7ind o# &olic' or contract o# insurance, or #or !hich such insurer ma' be liable under a contract o# suret'shi&, or #or !hich a reinsurer ma' be sued under an' contract o# reinsurance it ma' ha(e entered into6 or #or !hich a mutual bene#it

CivPro Notes 12-05-2013

association ma' be held liable under the membershi& certi#icates it has issued to its members, !here the amount o# an' such loss, damage or liabilit', excluding interest, cost and attorne'Ds #ees, being claimed or sued u&on an' 7ind o# insurance, bond, reinsurance contract, or membershi& certi#icate does not exceed in an' single claim one hundred thousand &esos 1 1++,+++2. 1 ) ?1, C >1?2 o Concurrent !ith ci(il courts, but the #iling o# a com&laint !ith the .C &recludes courts #rom ta7ing cogni9ance o# the suit.

&o!er to decide or recommend but assist the &arties to isolate issues and o&tions to reach a settlement b' consensus that 3ointl' satis#ies their needs. o @ediation is a &rocess !herein the :u&ong %aga&ama'a&a chair&erson or baranga' Chair&erson assists the dis&uting &arties to reach a settlement b' consensus that 3ointl' satis#ies their needs. *ot a &recondition0 etc 1+. )is&utes arising #rom the Com&rehensi(e Agrarian Re#orm :a!. 11. :abor dis&utes arising #rom em&lo'er - em&lo'ee relations. 1,. Actions to annul 3udgment under a com&romise.

>. Energ' Regulator' Commission A @a' act on an' com&laint b' or against an' &artici&ant or &la'er in the

energ' sector #or (iolations o# an' la!s, rules and regulations go(erning the same, including the rules on cross-o!nershi&, anti-com&etiti(e &ractices and other acts o# abuse o# mar7et &ositions b' an' &artici&ant or &la'er in the energ' sector, as ma' be &ro(ided b' la!, and re8uire an' &erson or entit' to submit an' re&ort or data relati(e to an' in(estigation or hearing conducted in accordance !ith this la!. 1RA 91?< C >< 1s22 A Original and exclusi(e 3urisdiction o(er all cases contesting rates, #ees, #ines and &enalties im&osed b' the ERC in the exercise o# the abo(ementioned &o!ers, #unctions and res&onsibilities and o(er all cases in(ol(ing dis&utes bet!een and among &artici&ants or &la'ers in the energ' sector. All notices o# hearings to be conducted b' the ERC #or the &ur&ose o# #ixing rates or #ees shall be &ublished at least t!ice #or t!o successi(e !ee7s in t!o 1,2 ne!s&a&ers o# nation!ide circulation. 1RA 91?< C >< 1(22 A An' case !hich in(ol(es 8uestion o# #act shall be a&&ealable to the Court o# A&&eals and those !hich in(ol(e 8uestion o# la! shall be directl' a&&ealable to the Su&reme Court. 1RA 91?< C>?2

LIBRADA M. AQUINO, petitioner, vs. ERNEST S. AURE, respondent. The new Rule on Su !r" #ro$edure Conditionally vested with adjudicatory power over the issue of title or ownership raised by the parties in an ejectment suit No blanket authority to adjudicate the issue of ownership in ejectment suits Must concern only forcible entry and unlawful detainer cases where the issue of possession is intimately intertwined with the issue of ownership. No proper application where the principal, main issue raised in the allegations of the complaint and relief prayed for is for recovery of ownership. Adjudication made therein regarding the issue of ownership should be regarded as merely provisional and, therefore, would not bar or prejudice an action between the same parties involving title to the land. The only issue to be settled is the physical or material possession over the real property, that is, possession de factoand not possession de jure. WEE VS. DE CASTRO FACTS: Wee rented the De Castro apartment on a month-to-month basis, but fai ed to pa! after the! a"reed on an in#rease. The $aran"a! %upon issued a Certifi#ation to fi e the a#tion in #ourt after the! fai ed to sett e&a"ree. The De Castros then fi ed an e'e#tment suit. Wee ar"ued that the! fai ed to #omp ! (ith the #on#i iation pro#ess before fi in" the sin#e the Certifi#ation on ! pertained to their #onfrontation re"ardin" the renta in#rease. )E%D: Whi e it is true that the Certifi#ation to fi e a#tion issued b! the $aran"a! %upon refers on ! to renta in#rease and not to the e'e#tment, the submission of the same for #on#i iation is suffi#ient #omp ian#e (ith the pro*isions of the +atarun"an" ,ambaran"a! %a(. -i*en the parti#u ar #ir#umstan#es of the #ase, the #on#i iation pro#eedin"s for the amount of month ! renta shou d o"i#a ! and reasonab ! in# ude the matter of the possession of the propert! sub'e#t of the renta , the ease a"reement, and the *io ation of the terms thereof.

). Eatarungang ambaranga'
A Faranga' conciliation is a &recondition to the #iling o# an action in court, !hene(er the contro(ers'4&arties are co(ered b' the rules. o /o!e(er, this is not a 3urisdictional re8uirement. *on-com&liance !ill not result in automatic dismissal o# an action, but !ill onl' ma7e it (ulnerable to a @otion to )ismiss, !ithout &re3udice to the re#illing thereo# in court, a#ter com&liance !ith the conciliation re8uirement. o Ob3ections to the #iling o# the com&laint based on the ground o# lac7 o# &rior conciliation must be raised at the earliest o&&ortunit'Geither in a @otion to )ismiss or in an Ans!er. Other!ise, the concerned &art' shall be deemed to ha(e !ai(ed this re8uirement. A @a' consist o# mediation, conciliation or arbitration. o Arbitration0 a &rocess !herein the third &art' #rom outside the 3udicial s'stem is chosen b' &arties to hear and decide their dis&ute 1usuall' resulting in an arbitration a!ard2. o Conciliation0 a &rocess !herein the ang7at %aga&ag7asundo #orgoes the

CivPro Notes 12-05-2013

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