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Molecular Physics
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First-principles study of the paths of the

decomposition reaction of LiBH4
a a
Riccarda Caputo & Andreas Züttel
EMPA, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Testing and Research, Department of
Mobility, Energy and Environment, Division Hydrogen & Energy Abt138, Überlandstrasse 129,
CH-8600 Dübendorf, Switzerland
Available online: 20 Apr 2010

To cite this article: Riccarda Caputo & Andreas Züttel (2010): First-principles study of the paths of the decomposition
reaction of LiBH4 , Molecular Physics, 108:10, 1263-1276

To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00268970903580141


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Molecular Physics
Vol. 108, No. 10, 20 May 2010, 1263–1276

First-principles study of the paths of the decomposition reaction of LiBH4
Riccarda Caputo* and Andreas Züttel
EMPA, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Testing and Research, Department
of Mobility, Energy and Environment, Division Hydrogen & Energy Abt138,
Überlandstrasse 129, CH-8600 Dübendorf, Switzerland
(Received 29 October 2009; final version received 21 December 2009)

A clear description of the paths of thermal decomposition of complex borohydrides represents a crucial
step forward to their utilisation as a reservoir of hydrogen and hence as materials for solid state hydrogen
storage. We present in this work a theoretical study of the possible paths of decomposition of LiBH4 by means
of density functional theory approach. Our first-principles calculations showed the possibility to form linear
chains of tetraborate of lithium in the residue of decomposition, among other thermodynamically competitive
reactions. Their analytical formula LiBHx agreed with the quantitative analysis already reported by Schlesinger
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and co-workers in the 1940s. The structure showed the formula unit Li4B4H10, and the analytical formula
LiBH2.5, of which the Gibbs free energy of formation was 111.76 kJ mol1. The lattice stability was confirmed
by the phonon calculations, which revealed all positive normal modes. Comparatively, the formation of lithium
dodecaborate(12) is presented and discussed. The calculated standard Gibbs free energy of the decomposition
reactions considered in the present work were in the range (158,286) kJ mol1 of LiBH4 decomposed.
Keywords: hydrogen storage; DFT calculations; lithium borohydride; lithium borides; lithium tetraborate

1. Introduction process pyrolysis, because it requires high tempera-

The use of hydrogen as a possible energy carrier has to tures, and of course it produces evaporation of smaller
overcome one major problem: the optimisation of the molecules during the process and can induce polymer-
materials for its storage. Among all the materials isation of the residual solid phase of decomposition.
studied up to date, none fully meets all the require- The metallo borohydrides, and in particular lithium
ments for a practical lightweight, large capacity, fast borohydride, are generally stable in dry air and melt at
sorption kinetics of a hydrogen storage system. a relatively high temperature with decomposition and
In addition, the ideal material should be durable, gas release, as has been reported since the first study by
inexpensive and safe. Clearly, nowadays the definitive Schlesinger and co-worker [2] and then revised
answer has not yet been addressed: a compromise by other authors [1,3–9]. The pyrolysis reported by
between all the requirements has to be found in order Schlesinger represents, to our knowledge, one of the
to search for a solution for technological applications. first quantitative chemical analyses of the decomposi-
Complex borohydrides have been extensively studied tion reaction the compound can undergo by heating.
for having large gravimetric and volumetric hydrogen A careful revision of the chemical analysis reported by
densities.1 Among them, lithium borohydride has Schlesinger somehow supports and confirms our
caught enormous attention because of its light weight first-principles calculations and helped to reveal the
and therefore high gravimetric hydrogen content origin of the irreversibility, still nowadays discussed
(18.51% wt. H2). The big limiting step to using and not yet clearly described for LiBH4. Based on our
LiBH4, as a hydrogen storage material, strictly depends calculations, we suggested that the poor reversible
on the poor reversibility of cycling the desorption– hydrogen storage capacity of LiBH4 has to be searched
absorption processes [1]. Experimentally, the process for in the ternary phase formation between lithium,
of the hydrogen release proceeds via thermal decom- boron and hydrogen, Li–B–H, which can be formed
position. The thermolysis in that case is an endother- under specific experimental ( p, T ) conditions. Our
mic process which requires heat to break the boron– results, which we discuss in the present work, strongly
hydrogen bonds and hence release hydrogen. Generally suggested and indicated that the metal boride forma-
speaking, we should more appropriately call the tion is an important step in the whole process of

*Corresponding author. Email: riccarda.caputo@empa.ch

ISSN 0026–8976 print/ISSN 1362–3028 online

ß 2010 Taylor & Francis
DOI: 10.1080/00268970903580141
1264 R. Caputo and A. Züttel

hydrogen release from LiBH4. On the other hand, the exchange-correlation functional were used.
lack of very accurate quantitative and qualitative Full geometry optimisation was run for all the
chemical analysis of the possible products of decom- structures investigated and both internal atomic
position, both in the solid phase (residue of decompo- coordinates and lattice parameters were relaxed. The
sition) and in the gas phase, makes the theoretical thermodynamic properties, in particular the specific
approach even more important in order to shed light heat was derived via phonon calculations using
on which species could be energetically favoured CASTEP Linear Response (DFPT), as implemented
and formed in the products. In the present work, in the CASTEP code [12]. In particular, the temper-
we present a first-principles study of some of the ature dependence of the enthalpy, entropy, free energy
possible decomposition paths of reaction of LiBH4 and lattice heat capacity of all the species were
with particular regards to the residue mentioned evaluated in the quasi-harmonic approximation, as
already in Schlesinger’s work and the binary (Li–B) implemented in CASTEP, using Density Functional
and ternary (Li–B–H) phases. We considered some of Perturbation Theory [13]. A double check of the lattice
the stoichiometrically allowed reactions of decomposi- stability was performed using Quantum-Espresso code
tion, based on the mass conservation law, and we [14] (PWSCF), which is a computer code for
calculated the corresponding enthalpies and Gibbs electronic-structure calculations within Density
free energies of reaction. All the compounds were Functional Theory and Density Functional
fully optimised in order to properly get the corre- Perturbation Theory, using pseudo-potentials and a
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sponding ground-state structures. The temperature plane-wave basis set. The Car–Parrinello molecular
dependence of the enthalpy of formation, DrH(T ) dynamics code (CPMD) [15] was used for our prelim-
was accounted for by performing phonon calculations inary investigation of the molecular dynamics
of all the species involved in the reactions reported in as reported in Section 3. Nevertheless, all the energies
the present work. reported in Tables 1 and 2 together with the corre-
sponding optimised structures were calculated consis-
tently using CASTEP calculations by means of the
2. Computational methods same convergence criteria as regards the cutoff energy,
We used plane-wave and pseudo-potential based the k-point sampling mesh and the functionals.
methods in the framework of Density Functional
Theory (DFT). We used CASTEP [10], as implemented
in Materials Studio 4.4 to optimise ionic positions and
lattice parameters of all the structures of the com- 3. Results and discussion
pounds reported in the present work: LiBH4(s), LiB(s), Generally, the thermal decomposition of gas-phase
Li2B6(s), B2H6(g), Li(s), LiH(s), H2(g), LiBHx(s), -B releasing compounds can be considered as follows:
[11]. Norm-conserving pseudo potentials, represented X X
ð p, T Þ
in the reciprocal space, were used for all the atoms LiBH4 ! solidi þ gasj : ð1Þ
together with a fine mesh of k-points, with an energy i j
conversion threshold of 0.01 meV atom1, a maximum
displacement of 0.001 Å and a maximum force of In principle, without putting forward any hypothesis
0.001 eV Å1, yielding high accuracy for the energy and on the chemical composition of the solid and
atomic displacements. For lithium the standard gas phases, the former can be composed by any
Troullier–Martins type pseudopotential with 1s orbital possible binary and ternary phase, namely Li–H, B–H,
in the core region with two electrons and one electron Li–B, Li–B–H, whilst the gas phase can be formed
in the valence shell was used. Similarly, the pseudo- by H2,B2H6 and any other thermodynamically allowed
potential used for boron was a norm-conserving type volatile compounds that can be formed under the
with two electrons (1s orbital) in the core region and specific ( p, T ) conditions at which the decomposition
the three electrons in the valence shell, with the local is carried out. In terms of first-principles calculations,
potential of p-type. The potential used for hydrogen we postulated different reaction paths and for
was a soft pseudo Coulomb potential, as it is the each of them calculated the enthalpy of reaction.
default potential in the Materials Studio 4.4. Of course, for each species on both sides of reactant
The k-point mesh (quality fine in the CASTEP and products, the ground-state structure was deter-
settings) was used to generate the k-point separation mined and the relative thermodynamic stability
of 0.04 Å1. The Perdew–Burke–Ernzerhof 96 and the at the finite temperature via phonon analysis was
Generalised Gradient form (GGA-PBE) of the ascertained.
Molecular Physics 1265

Table 1. Calculated thermodynamic data and lattice parameters of the species reported in the present work. The energies
were expressed in kJ mol1 and the lattice parameters a, b, c in Å. For B2H6, the parameters reported in the table were the
boron–boron and boron–hydrogen bond lengths. The values reported were the enthalpy of formation of the corresponding
ground-state structure at T ¼ 0 K, (Df H(0)), including the zero point energy, calculated as a sum over the harmonic frequencies,
(Df HZPE), the Gibbs free energy of formation at T ¼ 298.15 K, Df G298, the lattice parameters and the symmetry group. The Gibbs
free energy, Df G298 ¼ Df H298  T Df S298, was computed via linear response calculations of the phonon spectra per
each compound, from R which the specific heat cp was calculated. The Gibbs free energy was calculated as harmonic free
energy: F ¼ E þ 1 g(!) log(2sinh(h !/2)), d!. Accordingly, the enthalpy and the entropy at any T for each species were
obtained via numerical integration: HðT Þ ¼ 0 cp dT, and SðTÞ ¼ 0 ðcp =TÞ dT.

Species Df H(0) Df H(0)ZPE Df G298 a, b, c, , ,  Symmetry group

LiBH4(orth) 239.988 290.470 269.306 8.484, 4.348, 5.750 Pnma (IT 62) [24]
LiBH4(hexag) 211.373 177.344 152.475 4.276, 4.276, 6.948 P63mc (IT 186)
LiH 91.686 84.989 73.759 3.912  (IT 225)
LiB 23.951 21.371 22.228 3.974, 3.974, 3.083 P63/mmc (IT 194)
Li2B6 42.760 8.298b 4.727 4.163, 4.163, 4.472 P4/mmm (IT 123)
LiBH2.5 153.792 127.312 111.176 6.924, 4.839, 4.229 Triclinicc
90.22, 106.69, 83.89
LiBH2 72.612 – – 6.906, 4.904, 3.966 Triclinic
83.79, 101.85, 83.83 No symmetry group
Li2B12H12d 945.95 – – 9.579 Pa3 (IT 205)
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B2H6 66.876 8.229 þ33.247 1.735 (B–B), 1.312 1.191 (H–B) bond
(B–H) bridge

Notes: aFor comparison see [1,8,28,38] and note 3.

That optimised structure, comparable to the experimental structure [20], showed lattice instabilities.
We searched for the symmetry group and the best fit of the optimised structure resulted with a symmetry group CM, IT
number ¼ 8. Accordingly, the lattice parameters were 13.27 Å, 4.23 Å, 4.84 Å,  ¼ 90, 83.69, 90. The maximum component
of the stress tensor was 0.005 GPa, and the maximum component of the forces (Cartesian component) was 0.007 eV Å1.
Nevertheless, by the phonon calculations, no lattice instability was found. In fact, all the normal modes of vibration had positive
The structure was optimised starting from [34], but showed imaginary modes, therefore we could not calculate the temperature
dependence of the enthalpy of formation.

Table 2. Enthalpy of P
reactions of some of P the possible decomposition paths of LiBH4, according to the following general
reaction: LiBH4(s) ! i Solidi (Li, B, H) þ j Gasj (B, H) þ H2. The enthalpy of reaction is expressed in kJ mol of LiBH4
decomposed. The hydrogen yield () was the molar ratio between the mole of hydrogen released per mole of LiBH4 decomposed.
The phases considered for each species were: orthorhombic-LiBH4, bcc-Li, -rhombohedral boron [11], LiH, LiB, Li2B6 [42].
With regards to B2H6 and H2, the structures were respectively optimised as an isolated molecule in a large cubic lattice.

Reactant Solid phase products Gas phase products

LiBH4 Li B LiH LiB Li2B6 B2H6 H2  Dr H(0) DrG(298 K)

1 1 1 – – – – 2 2.00 239.988 269.306

2 – 2 2 – – – 3 1.50 148.302 195.551
1 – – – 1 – – 2 2.00 216.037 247.082
3 2 – – 1 – 1 3 1.00 209.712 272.983
2 2 – – – – 1 1 0.50 206.550 285.934
2 – – 2 – – 1 – 0.00 114.865 212.175
4 – 2 2 2 – – 7 1.75 182.170 221.317
8 – – 4 2 1 – 14 1.75 182.812 226.279
6 4 – – – 1 – 12 2.00 232.861 268.518

4LiBH4 ! LiBH2.5 þ 3H2 0.75 86.196 158.130

4LiBH4 ! 4LiBH2 þ 4H2 1.00 167.376
14LiBH4 ! Li2B12H12 þ 12Li þ B2H6 þ 19H2 1.36 167.643
15LiBH4 ! Li2B12H12 þ 12Li þ LiB þ B2H6 þ 21H2 1.40 170.869

Note: aDue to lattice instabilities of LiBH2 and Li2B12H12, it was not possible to calculate the specific heat and hence derive
the thermodynamic values at finite temperature.
1266 R. Caputo and A. Züttel

3.1. Decomposition into binary products via first-principles modelling [24], a method already
The general observation, reported in the literature [1] successfully applied for the ground-state structure
(and references therein), is that LiBH4 decomposes at determination of Mg(BH4)2 [25]. If we consider only
T ¼ 553.15 K according to the reaction: the enthalpy of reaction at T ¼ 0 K, all of the reaction
paths reported in Table 2 fall in the interval 114.87 kJ
LiBH4 ! LiH þ B þ 32H2 : ð2Þ mol1 of LiBH4, for reaction No. 6, which did not
involve any release of hydrogen in the gas phase, up to
The reported path of decomposition, very often
the complete decomposition back into the elements,
proposed as the most likely mechanism for thermal
which required 239.98 kJ mol1 of LiBH4. Accounting
decomposition, showed the intrinsic difficulty in
for the zero-point energies and the thermal contribu-
making reversible the reaction of re-hydrogenation
tions, for the reversed thermodynamics of the reactions
of the bi-phasic solid products, LiH and B: they hardly
No. 2 and No. 6, the latter possessed a higher free
combine to form back exactly to the orthorhombic
energy than the former, due to an entropic contribu-
structure of LiBH4. Therefore, a loss of hydrogen
tion that accompanied the formation of diborane.
capacity should be expected on cycling the desorption–
Nevertheless, the reaction path involving the formation
absorption processes. This implied that somehow
of a ternary phase Li–B–H, with the analytical
hydrogen had to be retained in the solid phase.
formula LiBH2.5 and H2, showed the lowest enthalpy
Furthermore, the hydrogenation of the amorphous
of reaction at T ¼ 0 K and the lowest free energy of
Downloaded by [ETH Zurich] at 07:18 17 November 2011

(or polycrystalline) boron can form under high hydro-

reaction per mole of LiBH4. The reaction paths,
gen pressure and high temperature (which are the
which involved a phase separation between a metallic
experimental ( p, T ) conditions) different boranes,
phase, formed by elemental lithium and any
and some of these can be retained in the solid state.
binary phases, formed by lithium borides, LimBn
It is clear that in order to make the entire process of
(where the ratio m : n depends on the particular
absorption and desorption univocally, or at least in a
( p, T ) conditions), did involve the possibility to form
manageable way, reversible, it should be possible to
boranes either in the gas phase or in the solid phase.
hydrogenate the residue and to form a suitable
Actually, the possibility to form a metallic phase was
hydrogenated phase, in which the hydrogen atoms
very similar to one of the theoretically found paths of
will be loosely bound to either lithium or boron atoms.
thermal decomposition for NaBH4, in which the
On the basis of our calculations, we inferred that the
formation of a metallic phase (sodium) and a
hydrogenation of boron was energetically unfavour-
non-metallic metal boride phase were found [26,27].
able, at least for -boron [11], but also that it can form
Nevertheless, because the thermal decomposition tem-
so many different binary phases (B, H) and ternary
perature is higher than the melting point of lithium
phase (Li, B, H), for which the reversed reaction back
(Tm ¼ 453.69 K, whereas the thermal decomposition of
to LiBH4 is hardly fully achieved. In fact, we should
LiBH4 is experimentally carried out at 548 K), it was
expect either the formation of a ternary phase Li, B, H
energetically possible that the lithium melt reacted with
or a phase separation between LiH and any possible
boron to form any possible borides. Reaction No. 2 in
boranes, formed after hydrogenation of the residue of
Table 2 showed a favoured free energy of reaction, and
the thermal decomposition of LiBH4 [16,17].
clearly the residue was formed by two distinct phases:
Restricting, our analysis to only binary phase forma-
boron, and lithium hydride, which could not further
tion in the residue, we considered the possibility to
react with boron, because of its high melting
form, upon decomposition, two of the possible lithium
point (Tm ¼ 965.15 K), unless H2O is present in the
boride phases, namely LiB and Li2B6, together with
reaction chamber and the reaction could continue with
LiH and the pure separated phases of Li and B. In the
the formation of lithium borates. Generally, in the
gas phase we considered the possibility to form B2H6
literature the enthalpies of decomposition reactions
and H2. The binary phase diagram Li–B [18] shows the
refer to the mole of hydrogen released [28] and
possibility of a compound formation at x ¼ 0.5 (molar
reference therein. We preferred in the present work
fraction), which corresponds to LiB [19–23].2 Some of
to refer to the mole of LiBH4 reacted for the sake
the thermodynamic data of the compounds considered
of generality.
as possible products of the thermal decomposition of
LiBH4 are reported in Table 1. Among the known
phases of LiBH4, we considered the orthorhombic
phase of which the thermodynamic properties are 3.2. Decomposition in ternary products
calculated and reported in Table 1. The orthorhombic Besides the possible reaction paths reported in Table 2,
structure reported here was obtained completely we also considered the formation of intermediates with
Molecular Physics 1267

an analytical formula LiBH2.5 and LiBH2, as we

deduced from Schlesinger’s experiment [2]. We mod-
elled the corresponding structures according to the
piece of information our preliminary molecular
dynamics calculations pointed out: hydrogen atoms,
each on a different (BH4) group, followed a two-fold
and a three-fold dynamics hopping from one group to
the other, and then bonding together to form H2 and
hence leaving a (BH3) unit in the residue. The
continuation of that hypothetical mechanism model,
led to the structural formula, Li4B4H10 and Li4B4H8,
equivalent to the analytical formula we deduced from
the quantitative analysis reported by Schlesinger [2],
namely, LiBH2.5 and LiBH2. Accordingly, we calcu-
lated the enthalpy of reaction of the corresponding Figure 1. A view of the unit cell of Li4B4H10 with the atomic
decomposition reactions: charges (in red) obtained from the Mulliken population
analysis. Colours represent: Li, violet; B, pink; H, white.
4LiBH4 ðsÞ ! Li4 B4 H10 ðsÞ þ 3H2 ðgÞ
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Dr Hð0Þ ¼ þ86:20 kJ mol1 , ð3Þ

4LiBH4 ðsÞ ! Li4 B4 H8 ðsÞ þ 4H2 ðgÞ

Dr Hð0Þ ¼ þ167:38 kJ mol1 , ð4Þ

Li4 B4 H10 Ð Li4 B4 H8 þ H2

Dr Hð0Þ ¼ þ81:18 kJ mol1 , ð5Þ
where in the first two equations the enthalpy is
expressed per mole of the reagent (LiBH4) decom-
posed. The last of the three equations can be expressed
in terms of the reduced formula units LiBH2.5, and
LiBH2. Doing that, we rewrote the last equilibrium
reaction as:
LiBH2:5 Ð LiBH2 þ 14H2 : ð6Þ Figure 2. A view of the total electron density of Li4B4H10
projected on the crystallographic (ab) plane, which showed a
The geometry optimisation of the compound with the delocalised charge distribution along the tetraborate chain.
analytical formula LiBH2.5, resulted in a quasi-ionic Colours represent: Li, violet; B, pink; H, white.
crystal made by Li4B4H10, where B4 H 10 formed an
anion immersed in the Liþ cation sub-lattice. In fact,
the optimisation of the corresponding lithium sub- structure with the atomic charges, as calculated
lattice, obtained by removing the borate anions gave a from the Mulliken population analysis, is reported in
metallic crystal lattice with similar lattice parameters as Figure 3, while the isodensity map of the electron
we obtained by lattice and geometry optimisation of density is reported in Figure 4. Why did the tetraborate
the pure lithium phase. The Mulliken populations show a linear structure? According to the known
analysis together with the isodensity surface of the borohydrides classification, we should expect a delta-
electron density difference, reported in Figures 1 and 2, hedral structure with the formula unit B4H10, specif-
showed that actually the tetraborate chains resembled ically arachno-type structure where the hydrogen
the hydrocarbon chain CnH2nþ2, with the relevant atoms bridge between two boron atoms in a
difference that the borate chain was not neutral but 3-centre-2-electrons (3c-2e) B–H–B bond scheme.
needed four lithium cations for ensuring charge neu- Contrarily, we found a linear chain formation. We
trality. Similarly, Li4B4H8 showed a linear chain of explain this by the concomitant presence of the metal
tetraborate immersed in a sublattice formed by cations atoms: the lithium atoms were positively charged and
of lithium atoms. A view of the optimised unit cell the borate chain as a whole carried a negative charge,
1268 R. Caputo and A. Züttel

open chain formation, due to a better spatial deloca-

lisation of the acquired charge over the whole borate
chain (which accordingly becomes borate anions). In
that case, the chains remained linear and there was no
necessity for the 3c-2e bond formation. Consequently,
the hydrogen atoms moved to form a 2c-2e bond with
boron atoms instead of bridging between them, as
would be expected in the case of anionic closed borate
cluster formation. Most interesting is the comparison
of the total electron density of states of Li4B4H8 and
Li4B4H10, reported in Figures 5 and 6. While Li4B4H10
showed a band gap of 4.69 eV, in Li4B4H8 the s-type
orbitals were shifted down at lower energies and the
p-type orbitals were shifted up and empty states were
made available. According to the formula unit, the
hydrogen content in Li4B4H10 is quite high, 6.22%wt.
Figure 3. A view of the unit cell of Li4B4H8 with the atomic molecular hydrogen, but if Equation (5) really
charges (in red) obtained from the Mulliken population represented an equilibrium, the amount of hydrogen
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analysis. Colours represent: Li, violet; B, pink; H, white. released would be only 2.49%wt. at the expense of
81.18 kJ mol1. That could represent the limiting step
of the whole cycle de-hydrogenation and hydrogena-
tion of LiBH4. Clearly, neither the reactions reported
in the present work or all other similar studies recently
published [29–34] can univocally and unambiguously
assign the intermediate products and the possible
mechanism of the thermal decomposition of LiBH4.
The decomposition, in fact, can follow so many
different paths, which are driven by the manifold
chemistry of the binary and ternary phases made by
Li–B–H. Only an accurate description of the ternary
phase formation (Li–B–H) should shed light on the
mechanism of hydrogen release. On the other hand, the
diversity of possible ternary compounds made by
Li–B–H can represent the source of selectively driving
the processes of hydrogenation and de-hydrogenation.
In other words, only by the exact and unambiguous
identification of the chemical composition of the solid
Figure 4. A view of the total electron density Li4B4H8 and gas phases, resulting from thermal decomposition,
projected on the crystallographic (ac) plane. The two
hydrogen atoms missing per formula unit, in comparison to in terms of quantitative and qualitative chemical
Li4B4H10, favoured a broader electron density distribution analyses, can help to understand the mechanism of
along the tetraborate chain, in which the two terminal (BH2) hydrogen desorption and provide a hint on how to
groups adopted the trans-configuration. Consequently, more make the process reversible.
electron density states are spread over the whole chain and
more overlapping orbitals are allowed, as reflected in the
corresponding DOS reported in Figure 5. Colours represent:
Li, violet; B, pink; H, white. 3.3. Decomposition with the formation of Li2B12H12
Deserving its own consideration is the formation of
dilithium dodecahydrododecaborane, Li2B12H12, as a
as clearly shown by plotting the isodensity surface of possible intermediate for the thermal decomposition
the electron density, as reported in Figures 2 and 4. of LiBH4, as recently reported [33,34]. First, in order
Closing the chain in one of the deltahedral proposed to ascertain the stability of the reported structure,
structures for the borohydrides, could be favoured in we optimised the geometry and relaxed the lattice
terms of orbital overlapping, unless electro-donor starting from the reference structure [34]. The optimi-
species can supply electrons and hence induce an sation resulted with a very similar structure, lattice
Molecular Physics 1269

Total electron density of states

5 30


Density of states (electrons/eV f.u.)




0 0
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–15 –10 –5 0 5 10
E–E F(eV)

Figure 5. Total electronic density of states of Li4B4H8 (left y-scale, red filled curve) and superimposed the DOS (right y-scale)
of the reference Li2B12H12 after full geometry optimisation. The reduced bad gap clearly confirmed the broader orbital
overlapping present in Li4B4H8, for which the p-region also extended to lower energies and pushed down the s-region.

Total electron density of states

7 30

6 Li2B12H12(ref)
Density of states (electrons/eV f.u.)



0 0
–15 –10 –5 0 5 10 15
E–EF (eV)

Figure 6. Total electronic density of states of Li4B4H10 (left y-scale, red filled curve) and superimposed the DOS (right y-scale)
of the reference Li2B12H12 after full geometry optimisation. The p-region showed the same band width, while the band gap
clearly was reduced in Li4B4H10, for which a broader spread of the s–p orbital was revealed. In Li2B12H12 the s and p state were
clearly more localised.

parameters a ¼ 9.579 Å and symmetry group Pa3,  IT of formation, calculated as the difference between the
number 205, as also confirmed by the comparison of total energy of Li2B12H12, and the corresponding total
our simulated XR-diffraction pattern, reported in energy of the elements, Li(bcc), -B and H2, was very
Figure 7 with the reported data [33,34]. The enthalpy low, 945.95 kJ mol1, without including, for the
1270 R. Caputo and A. Züttel

Simulated XRD pattern









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10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

Figure 7. Simulated XR diffraction patterns of Li2B12H12 (red line), as obtained after full geometry optimisation of the structure
modelled starting from LiBH4(hexag) and (blue line) Li2B12H12, as obtained after full geometry optimisation of the structure
reported in the literature [34]. The two diffraction patterns clearly differed: whereas the closo-dodecaborane of lithium, highly
symmetric, showed two markedly distinguished peaks at 16 and 18.25, our model clearly revealed a lower degree
of crystallinity.

moment, the zero-point energy and any thermal effects. we assumed that only hydrogen formed in the gas
Actually, the relatively high stability of salts of phase, the two possible paths of decomposition
closo-dodecaborate, was already known, as reported involving the formation of Li2B12H12 led to the
in recent review papers [35,36]. On the other hand, any formation of metallic lithium and lithium hydride
attempt to calculate the phonon dispersion and the IR respectively, as follows:
spectra, either using the linear response or the finite
difference methods, failed because of a strong lattice 12LiBH4 ! Li2 B12 H12 þ 10LiH þ 13H2 , ð7Þ
instability due to one of the 130 irreducible representa-
tions of the normal modes of vibration of Li2B12H12. 12LiBH4 ! Li2 B12 H12 þ 10Li þ 18H2 : ð8Þ
Additional calculations are still under study. Further
analysis, using PWSCF code, after geometry optimisa- The corresponding enthalpies of reaction referring
tion, resulted in 13 imaginary normal modes among to orthorhombic LiBH4 [24] were þ84.754 kJ mol1
the 312 ones. Clearly, the first modes provided and þ161.159 kJ mol1 respectively, while referring to
information on the translation- and rotation-induced hexagonal-LiBH4 they become þ56.139 kJ mol1 and
lattice instability, but the other seven negative fre- þ122.50 kJ mol1. The hydrogen yield was respectively
quencies, 371.61 (g ¼ 2), 297.77 (g ¼ 3), 283.05 1.08 and 1.5 mol H2 per mol of LiBH4. The enthalpies
(g ¼ 2) cm1, (where g stands for the mode multiplic- fell in the range of the values calculated for the other
ity), indicated that the monoclinic structure suggested possible reaction paths, as reported in Table 2, and
up to now with symmetry P23,  was not the ground basically many other possible paths can be hypothe-
state. Further analysis is still in progress, especially to sised on the mere stoichiometric considerations, simply
search for the ground-state structures of the general considering the possibility to form, for example
compounds M2B12H12, where M ¼ Li, Na, K. For the dilithium-dodecahydrododecaborane and lithium,
mass balance, the presence of Li2B12H12 in the residue lithium hydride, elemental boron, any binary lithium
has to be accompanied by either the formation boride, in the solid phase and hydrogen, diborane
of lithium hydride, metallic lithium, or any possible in the gas phase. For example, the reactions involving
lithium boride phase. For the sake of simplicity, and if the formation of diborane in the gas phase were worth
Molecular Physics 1271

consideration because they showed the complexity or the hexagonal phase of LiBH4. The hexagonal
of discriminating between possible energetically phase, which is experimentally reported to be the high
allowed paths of reaction. In principle, in a very temperature phase (see [32,37] and references therein),
combinatorial approach, we can have as many possible was fully optimised. The resultant lattice parameters
reaction paths as the number of combinations of were a ¼ 4.276 Å, c ¼ 6.948 Å, symmetry group P63mc,
possible candidate products under the stoichiometric IT number 186, and the heat of formation was
constraint. For example, the following two reaction 211.373 kJ mol1, which became 177.344 kJ mol1
paths: when we included the zero point energies of all the
species involved, -B, Li(bcc), H2 and LiBH4 (hexag),
14LiBH4 ! Li2 B12 H12 þ 12Li þ B2 H6 þ 19H2 , ð9Þ as reported in Table 1. A quantitative comparison with
the reported enthalpy of formation cannot easily be
15LiBH4 ! Li2 B12 H12 þ 12Li þ LiB þ B2 H6 þ 21H2 , done, because no distinction is made between different
ð10Þ phases in the literature [38,39]. Obviously, the number
of possible reaction paths, formulated simply on the
resulted with enthalpy of reaction at T ¼ 0 K stoichiometric arguments, increased with the number
of þ167.643 kJ mol1 and þ170.869 kJ mol1 of of possible intermediates can be formed, but for each
decomposed LiBH4. In those two cases, the amount of them, the hydrogen yield in terms of mol of H2
of hydrogen released was 1.36 and 1.40 mol H2 per mol released per mole of LiBH4 decomposed was always
Downloaded by [ETH Zurich] at 07:18 17 November 2011

LiBH4: all the paths considered showed a range of lower than 2.0 and the corresponding enthalpies of
hydrogen yield (1, 1.5), and few possible paths showed reaction fell in the same range of values. We had a
a higher yield of hydrogen, as reported in Table 2. further confirmation of the variety and complexity of
In addition, we also supposed a reaction path in which the decomposition processes, when we modelled a
no hydrogen at all was released, but the thermal structure with the analytical formula Li2B12H12,
decomposition proceeded via phase separation starting from the hexagonal phase of LiBH4. After
between lithium hydride in the solid and diborane in full geometry optimisation under hydrostatic pressure
the gas phase. Only, bringing the system to higher of 100 bar, a network of boron–boron formed with
temperature, at least higher than the melting point of hydrogen–boron bond lengths in the range (1.186,
lithium hydride, it would be possible to get started the 1.389) Å, boron–boron bond lengths in the range
subsequent reaction path, which involved the reaction (1.542, 1.793) Å. The enthalpy of formation was
between LiH and diborane. Nevertheless, a simple þ170.902 kJ mol1, without including the zero-point
consideration of forming dilithium dodecahydrodode- energy and any thermal effects. Clearly, it is not a
caborane, as intermediate of the decomposition reac- stable compound, but it is worthy of being considered
tion, raised obvious questions: given its high stability, because it could elucidate one important aspect, in our
first, it cannot represent an intermediate, but a product opinion, of the whole mechanism of the thermal
of the decomposition, second, if formed, it does not decomposition of LiBH4. To induce the clustering
react with hydrogen to reverse the reaction back to and eventually the formation of dodecaborate(12)
LiBH4. To answer those questions we approached the structures the application of an external pressure is a
problem from the standpoint of molecular dynamics. discriminating factor. In fact, a clear incipient boron
We attempted to elucidate the possible driving steps of network formation was observed when optimising
the mechanism by which hydrogen can be released in the structure with the analytical formula Li2B12H12
the gas phase using Car–Parrinello molecular dynamics under an applied external stress, as shown in the
at the constant temperature, 573.15 K, and at two electron density map reported in Figure 8. The
different constant pressure values, 1 and 100 bar. comparison with the closo-dodecaborate structure
A comprehensive study is still running, however our (see Figure 9) highlighted an important difference,
preliminary simulations showed the formation of a which explained not only the high stability of the
lithium borate chain and not as reported [33,34] closo-based compounds, but also pointed out one of
the formation of closo-dodecaborate(12) of lithium. the major reasons for the poor reversibility of LiBH4.
In addition, and in order to go deeply into the The latter compound showed the typical charge
mechanism, the full geometry optimisation of orthor- distribution of the icosahedral-based boron structure
hombic LiBH4 under an applied stress, equivalent to [11] while the former exhibited an intriguing boron
hydrostatic pressure of 100 bar did not result in network typical of amorphous phases, as also con-
dramatic distortion of the lattice parameters. Even firmed by plotting the electronic density of states in
more interesting, we simulated the formation reaction Figure 10. Once the clustering process has been
of Li2B12H12 starting from either the orthorhombic initiated the reaction proceeded leading to
1272 R. Caputo and A. Züttel
Downloaded by [ETH Zurich] at 07:18 17 November 2011

Figure 8. Li2B12H12 modelled starting from LiBH4(hexag): (up left) a top view of the 2  2  2 unit cell. (Up right)
A tridimensional view. (Down) A view of the total electron density projected on the a crystallographic plane that best fitted
the electron distribution along the boron network. A clear boron network was present on which the charge was delocalised.
The isodensity surface at 0.20 electrons Å3 is reported. Colours represent: Li, violet; B, pink; H, white.

the formation of a very stable compound, lithium closo-dodecahedron based intermediate cannot explain
dodecaborate(12). In that case, the maximum yield in all the features of the diffraction pattern therein
terms of mol of H2 released per mol of LiBH4 was 1.5 reported. Instead the two proposed linear chains of
and 1.08, depending whether in the residue metallic tetraborate(8) and tetraborate(10) exhibited the two
lithium or lithium hydride was formed, respectively. mentioned peaks, as reported in Figure 11. Most
The structure of Li2B12H12, which we modelled and probably, none of the proposed structures can be
optimised starting from hexagonal-LiBH4, strongly exactly compared with the experiments, because,
resembled the amorphous structure obtained by hydro- experimentally the final intermediates strongly
gen absorption in some of the lithium borides, formed depend on the purity of the initial LiBH4, the specific
by dissolution of atomic lithium into -B, in particular ( p, T ) operative conditions and the chemical treatment
that with the analytic formula Li4B12. The comparison the residue underwent before being analysed.
of the simulated XRD pattern of Li4B4H10 and Therefore, the comparison between theoretically mod-
Li4B4H8 with the reported XRD pattern of anhydrous elled structures and experimentally resolved ones could
crystalline Li2B12H12 [34], which we calculated after mismatch. Nevertheless, we think that it is worth
full geometry optimisation of the corresponding struc- putting effort in that direction. Furthermore, we con-
ture reported in the literature, showed that the peaks at sidered the possibility to release the whole amount of
2 ¼ 21 and 22 actually indicated that the hydrogen in a one-step decomposition process, which
Molecular Physics 1273

means by direct decomposition of LiBH4 in LiB and hydrogenation of LiB at low loading factor is an
H2, as reported in Table 2. We will extensively report exothermic process with hydrogen atoms bound to
elsewhere the absorption of hydrogen in LiB and Li2B6 both lithium and boron atoms with different partial
[40,41]. For the moment, it is worth noting that the charge [40]. In addition, the relevance of lithium boride
(LiB) formation upon thermal decomposition was
revealed in another important result. The complete
desorption of hydrogen from the orthorhombic struc-
ture of LiBH4, resulted in lithium boride, LiB, of which
the optimised structure showed strong similarities, in
terms of enthalpy of formation and molecular rear-
rangement, with that calculated by absorption of
lithium in the -boron at a composition ratio 1 : 1. In
Figure 12 we have reported a view of the LiB structure
obtained after full geometry optimisation of Li
dissolved in boron with atomic ratio 1 : 1 per unit
cell. It was clear, on the basis of a generalised
mechanism of decomposition, that the possibility to
first have the decomposition in LiB and H2 and then
Downloaded by [ETH Zurich] at 07:18 17 November 2011

the re-hydrogenation of the residue LiB, represented

Figure 9. A view of the total electron density Li2B12H12, an alternative way to rationalise the whole process of
projected on the crystallographic (ac) plane, as obtained after the thermal decomposition. In fact, the absorption of
full geometry optimisation of the structure reported in hydrogen in LiB at loading factor x ¼ 2 and 2.5,
the literature [34]. The closo-dodecaborate network resulted in the formation of linear borate anions in an
of boron atoms determined the typical charge distribution
entirely localised on the icosahedral net. Colours represent: incommensurate lattice of lithium cations, with ana-
Li, violet; B, pink; H, white. lytical formula LiBHx, as we will report elsewhere [42].

Total electron density of states

9 30
8 Li2B12H12(ref)
Density of states (electrons/eV f.u.)

6 20

3 10

0 0
–15 –10 –5 0 5 10
E–EF (eV)

Figure 10. Total electronic density of states of Li2B12H12, as modelled starting from LiBH4(hexag) (left y-scale, red filled curve)
and superimposed is reported the DOS (right y-scale) of the reference Li2B12H12 after full geometry optimisation. The two
structures with the same analytical formula spanned the same energy interval, but while our model showed a small band gap and
a mixing and overlap between the s and p orbitals, the closo-dodecahedron based structure clearly showed more localised
orbitals. In fact, the s-region representing the H–B bond showed a single energy distribution at 12.4 eV lower than the Fermi
energy, whereas our model showed a doublet electron density distribution with a minimum at that value. In fact, the H atoms
in the reference model were equivalent per symmetry, while in our model they had two distinct chemical environments.
The electron density distribution is reported in Figures 8 and 9.
1274 R. Caputo and A. Züttel

Simulated XRD pattern









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10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

Figure 11. Simulated XR diffraction patterns of Li4B4H10 (red line) and Li4B4H8 (blue line). The two structures showed
a super imposable diffraction peak at 18.5, but the peaks in the range (21, 24) degrees clearly discriminated between the
two compounds.

4. Conclusions
The analysis of the possible decomposition paths
of reaction clearly highlighted the important role
played by lithium borides and boranes in the overall
energy balance and mechanism of decomposition.
Clearly, the kinetics of each reaction was not consid-
ered, but only the thermodynamics and in particular
the enthalpy and the Gibbs free energy of reactions, as
reported in Table 2, were derived from the total energy
and phonon calculations. One concern was about the
possibility to form boranes, and in particular diborane
in the gas phase. Generally, it is thought that B2H6,
even if it formed would decompose to H2 and
elemental boron, therefore boranes should not be
expected in the gas phase of the decomposition
products of LiBH4. Furthermore, a straightforward
comparison with the thermal desorption profiles
experimentally reported, is made quite difficult,
because they referred somehow to a mixture of metal
borohydrides and metal chloride [43] with and without Figure 12. A view of the total electron density of LiB,
adding silica [5] or TiO2 (see [44] and reference therein) projected on the crystallographic (ab) plane. The structure
with the aim to improve the kinetics of the hydrogen was obtained after full geometry optimisation of lithium
desorption process. Several attempts have been done absorbed in -B at atomic ration 1 : 1. Colours represent: Li,
in the direction to search for an appropriate co-reagent violet; B, pink; H, white.
to destabilise lithium borohydride and hence make
faster the gas desorption. Different intermediates, as Furthermore, the decomposition could proceed via for-
Li2B12H12, were also experimentally reported [33,34], mation of elemental boron, but it is not yet known
which in turn confirmed the high probability to form how to reverse the reaction, since boron can be formed
borate of lithium as products of decomposition. in any of its different allotropic structures, or even
Molecular Physics 1275

in a polymorphic phase, of which the hydrogenation compounds even of heavy metals in particular, uranium.
process could present a variety of different energeti- Most of the work was carried out under contracts with
the National Defense Research Committee. Recently,
cally accessible phases. In addition, it is well known interest has been revived for their potential use as
that B2H6 is a relatively stable, commercially available hydrogen reservoir materials, as shown by the increasing
compound, and it undergoes thermal decomposition amount of work published in the last decades
with and without catalytic activation forming tribor- worldwide.
ane, pentaborane, and hexaborane [45]. In general, 2. The solid state synthesis of some of the lithium borides
has been reported by R. Nesper and co-workers.
oligomerisation is observed and decomposition is 3. The heat of formation of LiBH4 was already determined
to higher boron-number boranes.4 In fact, borohy- by Davis in the 1949 via the Hesse cycle in solution.
drides containing more than ten boron atoms are Recently, it was reported by Chase in 1998, as cited on
formed during thermal decomposition of diborane the NIST reference page. In all those works, nothing
at T ¼ 523 K and most likely also solid state boranes is reported regarding the relationship between structure
and heat of formation. Our calculations, reported in the
can be formed [45]. Therefore, the formation of present work, refer to the lowest orthorhombic energy
boranes either in the gas or solid phase cannot be structure found by our modelling approach. Our
excluded, unless reliable and quantitative chemical calculated entropy value is þ86.583 J mol1 comparable,
analyses clearly show the exact gas phase composition anyway with the reported value in the NIST web book,
at different ( p, T ) conditions, at which the thermal which is equal to þ75.88 J mol1.
4. Regarding the formation of boranes, even at the solid
decomposition of LiBH4 is experimentally reported. state, a systematic research has been done since the first
Downloaded by [ETH Zurich] at 07:18 17 November 2011

The heats of reaction of some possible reaction paths, study by Alfred Stock in 1912, and since then there
reported in the present work, clearly underlined the has been a steady stream of other boron hydride
important role played by the metal boride formation in formations also at the solid state [46].
those particular (p, T) conditions at which the pyrolysis
All figures can be viewed in colour online.
occurs. In particular, the formation of LiB and Li2B6
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