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On Page SEO Guide Intro

Hey guys..Becker here So I know you are probably wondering Why do I need a on-page SEO guide. Won ! "u!opilo! rank #e au!o#a!ically$ %he answer is no& "u!opilo! will gi'e you !he links your si!e needs !o rank( bu! a! !he sa#e !i#e your si!e needs !o be as rele'an! !o !he searches you are !arge!ing as possible. Ha'ing good On-Page SEO #ake !he links )ro# "u!opilo! *++, #ore e))ec!i'e -no really...*++,. /or!una!ely ha'ing good on page SEO is really easy& 0us! )ollow !he checklis! in !his guide and you will ha'e i! easy.

Step 1: Set Your Meta Tags

I) your si!e is wordpress download !he "ll In One SEO Pluging$. I) you ha'e no idea how !o do !his( gi'e !his checklis! !o so#eone who does and !ell !he# !o do !his. Optimize Your Title Tags For Your Keywords S!ep * 1 Pick your #ain keyword.

S!ep 21 Place i! in your !i!le !ags in a na!ural way. /or e,a#ple i) you keyword is grape )rui! recipe$ pu! i! in your !i!le like !his %he Bes! Grape)rui! 3ecipe /or Heal!h Optimize Your Description 4e,! pu! your #ain keyword in your descrip!ion na!urally. /or e,a#ple Our websi!e speciali5es in gi'ing !he bes! grape)rui! recipes on line.

Optimize Your Keyword Tags Si#ply pu! your #ain keywords in your !i!le !ags

Step 2: Set Your Onpage ontent

6eep in #ind i) you are doing !his )or a clien! you #igh! no! be able !o ge! all !his in. %ry your 'ery bes! !hough( because !his is 7E38 i#por!an! Optimize Your !1 and !2 Tags 9ake sure !o ge! your #ain keyword in h* !ags and your secondary keywords in h2 !ags i) possible. %his !ells Google Hey& %he )ocus o) !his page is Grape)rui! 3ecipes&$

"et Your Keyword In T#e ontent $it# % 1& Density %he #os! i#por!an! !hing is !o #ake sure your keyword is in !he )irs! sen!ence o) your con!en!. %his shows Google wha! your con!en! is #ainly abou!. %hen ge! your keyword in !he las! sen!ence o) your con!en!.

"lso i) you do no! ha'e #uch con!en!( do no! pay !o #uch a!!en!ion !o !he *: rule. 0us! #ake sure !o use your keyword !wice. ;se !his !ool !o check your keyword densi!y h!!p1<<www.webcon)s.co#<keyword-densi!y-checker.php< Optimize Your Image E'ery i#age on your si!e has a !i!le and a al! !ag. 9ake sure !o ge! your keyword in !hese !wo spo!s. 7ary i! up i) you ha'e #u!liple keywords. =ink !o 2 big au!hori!ies in your niche -no! co#pe!i!ion. %his #ay be hard !o do wi!h clien!s( howe'er i! is 'ery help)ul. I) you can( #ake sure !o )ind !wo pr >? si!es rela!ed !o your niche and link !o !he#. %his #akes your si!e #uch #ore !rus! wor!hy in Googles eyes. Tec#nical Stu'' Site Map @ownload !he Google A9= Si!e#aps !ool )or wordpress and )ollow !he direc!ions !o sub#i! a si!e#ap !o Google. I) you are no! using a wordpress si!e( go !o a online si!e#ap crea!ion !ool and si#ply crea!e a si!e#ap( !hen sub#i! i! in Google web#as!er !ools. I) you are no! sure how !o do !his( ask your !echnical person !o do so.

%ha!s i!& 8our page is now op!i#i5ed&

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