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try: #Backward compatible from sets import Set as set except: pass from osv import osv, fields

from tools.misc import ustr import netsvc LOGGER = netsvc.Logger() DEBUG = True PRODUCT_UOM_ID = 1 class PromotionsRules(osv.osv): "Promotion Rules" _name = "promos.rules" _description = __doc__ _order = 'sequence' def _count_coupon_use(self, cursor, user, ids, name, arg, context=None): ''' This function count the number of sale orders(not in cancelled state) that are linked to a particular coupon. @param cursor: Database Cursor @param user: ID of User @param ids: ID of Current record. @param name: Name of the field which calls this function. @param arg: Any argument(here None). @param context: Context(no direct use). @return: No. of of sale orders(not in cancelled state) that are linked to a particular coupon ''' sales_obj = self.pool.get('account.invoice') res = {} for promotion_rule in self.browse(cursor, user, ids, context): if promotion_rule.coupon_code: #If there is uses per coupon defined check if its overused if promotion_rule.uses_per_coupon > -1: matching_ids = sales_obj.search(cursor, user, [ ('coupon_code', '=', promotion_rule.coupon_code), ('state', '<>', 'cancel') ], context=context) res[promotion_rule.id] = len(matching_ids) return res _columns = { 'name':fields.char('Promo Name', size=50, required=True), 'description':fields.text('Description'), 'active':fields.boolean('Active'), 'stop_further':fields.boolean('Stop Checks', help="Stops further promotions being checked"), 'shop':fields.many2one('sale.shop', 'Shop', required=True), 'partner_categories':fields.many2many( 'res.partner.category', 'rule_partner_cat_rel', 'category_id',

'rule_id', string="Partner Categories", help="Applicable to all if none is selected" ), 'coupon_code':fields.char('Coupon Code', size=20), 'uses_per_coupon':fields.integer('Uses per Coupon'), 'uses_per_partner':fields.integer('Uses per Partner'), 'coupon_used': fields.function( _count_coupon_use, method=True, type='integer', string='Number of Coupon Uses', help='The number of times this coupon has been used.'), 'from_date':fields.datetime('From Date'), 'to_date':fields.datetime('To Date'), 'sequence':fields.integer('Sequence', required=True), 'logic':fields.selection([ ('and', 'All'), ('or', 'Any'), ], string="Logic", required=True), 'expected_logic_result':fields.selection([ ('True', 'True'), ('False', 'False') ], string="Output", required=True), 'expressions':fields.one2many( 'promos.rules.conditions.exps', 'promotion', string='Expressions/Conditions' ), 'actions':fields.one2many( 'promos.rules.actions', 'promotion', string="Actions" ) } _defaults = { 'logic':lambda * a:'and', 'expected_logic_result':lambda * a:'True' } def _date(self, str_date): "Converts string date to date" import time try: return time.strptime(str_date, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') except: try: return time.strptime(str_date, '%Y-%m-%d') except: return str_date

def _check_primary_conditions(self, cursor, user, promotion_rule, order, context): """ Checks the conditions for Coupon Code Validity Date

@param cursor: Database Cursor @param user: ID of User @param promotion_rule: Browse record sent by calling func. @param order: Browse record sent by calling func. @param context: Context(no direct use). """ sales_obj = self.pool.get('account.invoice') #Check if the customer is in the specified partner cats if promotion_rule.partner_categories: applicable_ids = [ category.id \ for category in promotion_rule.partner_categories ] partner_categories = [ category.id \ for category in order.partner_id.category_id ] if not set(applicable_ids).intersection(partner_categories): raise Exception("Not applicable to Partner Category") if promotion_rule.coupon_code: #If the codes don't match then this is not the promo if not order.coupon_code == promotion_rule.coupon_code: raise Exception("Coupon codes do not match") # Calling _count_coupon_use to check whether no. of # uses is greater than allowed uses. count = self._count_coupon_use(cursor, user, [promotion_rule.id], True, None, context).values()[0] if count > promotion_rule.uses_per_coupon: raise Exception("Coupon is overused") #If a limitation exists on the usage per partner if promotion_rule.uses_per_partner > -1: matching_ids = sales_obj.search(cursor, user, [ ('partner_id', '=', order.partner_id.id), ('coupon_code', '=', promotion_rule.coupon_code), ('state', '<>', 'cancel') ], context=context) if len(matching_ids) > promotion_rule.uses_per_partner: raise Exception("Customer already used coupon") #if a start date has been specified if promotion_rule.from_date and \ not (self._date( order.date_invoice) >= self._date(promotion_rule.from_date)): raise Exception("Order before start of promotion") #If an end date has been specified if promotion_rule.to_date and \ not (self._date( order.date_invoice) <= self._date(promotion_rule.to_date)): raise Exception("Order after end of promotion") #All tests have succeeded return True def evaluate(self, cursor, user, promotion_rule, order, context=None): """ Evaluates if a promotion is valid @param cursor: Database Cursor @param user: ID of User @param promotion_rule: Browse Record

@param order: Browse Record @param context: Context(no direct use). """ if not context: context = {} expression_obj = self.pool.get('promos.rules.conditions.exps') try: self._check_primary_conditions( cursor, user, promotion_rule, order, context) except Exception, e: if DEBUG: LOGGER.notifyChannel("Promotions", netsvc.LOG_INFO, ustr(e)) return False #Now to the rules checking expected_result = eval(promotion_rule.expected_logic_result) logic = promotion_rule.logic #Evaluate each expression for expression in promotion_rule.expressions: result = 'Execution Failed' try: result = expression_obj.evaluate(cursor, user, expression, order, context) #For and logic, any False is completely false if (not (result == expected_result)) and (logic == 'and'): return False #For OR logic any True is completely True if (result == expected_result) and (logic == 'or'): return True #If stop_further is given, then execution stops if the #condition was satisfied if (result == expected_result) and expression.stop_further: return True except Exception, e: raise osv.except_osv("Expression Error", e) finally: if DEBUG: LOGGER.notifyChannel( "Promotions", netsvc.LOG_INFO, "%s evaluated to %s" % ( expression.serialised_expr, result ) ) if logic == 'and': #If control comes here for and logic, then all conditions were #satisfied return True else: #if control comes here for OR logic, none were satisfied return False def execute_actions(self, cursor, user, promotion_rule, order_id, context):

""" Executes the actions associated with this rule @param cursor: Database Cursor @param user: ID of User @param promotion_rule: Browse Record @param order_id: ID of sale order @param context: Context(no direct use). """ action_obj = self.pool.get('promos.rules.actions') if DEBUG: LOGGER.notifyChannel( "Promotions", netsvc.LOG_INFO, "Applying promo %s to %s" % ( promotion_rule.id, order_id )) order = self.pool.get('account.invoice').browse(cursor, user, order_id, context) for action in promotion_rule.actions: try: action_obj.execute(cursor, user, action.id, order, context=None) except Exception, error: raise error return True

def apply_promotions(self, cursor, user, order_id, context=None): """ Applies promotions @param cursor: Database Cursor @param user: ID of User @param order_id: ID of sale order @param context: Context(no direct use). """ order = self.pool.get('account.invoice').browse(cursor, user, order_id, context=context) active_promos = self.search(cursor, user, [('active', '=', True)], context=context) for promotion_rule in self.browse(cursor, user, active_promos, context): result = self.evaluate(cursor, user, promotion_rule, order, context) #If evaluates to true if result: try: self.execute_actions(cursor, user, promotion_rule, order_id, context) except Exception, e: raise osv.except_osv( "Promotions", ustr(e) ) #If stop further is true if promotion_rule.stop_further:

return True return True


class PromotionsRulesConditionsExprs(osv.osv): "Expressions for conditions" _name = 'promos.rules.conditions.exps' _description = __doc__ _order = "sequence" _rec_name = 'serialised_expr' def _get_attributes(self, cursor, user, ids=None, context=None): """ Gets the attributes in predefined format @param cursor: Database Cursor @param user: ID of User @param ids: ID of current record. @param context: Context(no direct use). """ return [ ('amount_untaxed', 'Untaxed Total'), ('amount_tax', 'Tax Amount'), ('amount_total', 'Total Amount'), ('product', 'Product Code in order'), ('prod_qty', 'Product Quantity combination'), ('prod_unit_price', 'Product UnitPrice combination'), ('prod_sub_total', 'Product SubTotal combination'), ('prod_net_price', 'Product NetPrice combination'), ('prod_discount', 'Product Discount combination'), ('prod_weight', 'Product Weight combination'), ('comp_sub_total', 'Compute sub total of products'), ('comp_sub_total_x', 'Compute sub total excluding products'), #('tot_item_qty', 'Total Items Quantity'), #('tot_weight', 'Total Weight'), #('tot_item_qty', 'Total Items Quantity'), ('custom', 'Custom domain expression'), ] def _on_change(self, cursor, user, ids=None, attribute=None, value=None, context=None): """ Set the value field to the format if nothing is there @param cursor: Database Cursor @param user: ID of User @param ids: ID of current record. @param attribute: attribute sent by caller. @param value: Value sent by caller. @param context: Context(no direct use). """ #If attribute is not there then return. #Will this case be there? if not attribute: return {} #If value is not null or one of the defaults if not value in [

False, "'product_code'", "'product_code',0.00", "['product_code','product_code2']|0.00", "0.00", ]: return {} #Case 1 if attribute == 'product': return { 'value':{ 'value':"'product_code'" } } #Case 2 if attribute in [ 'prod_qty', 'prod_unit_price', 'prod_sub_total', 'prod_discount', 'prod_weight', 'prod_net_price', ]: return { 'value':{ 'value':"'product_code',0.00" } } #Case 3 if attribute in [ 'comp_sub_total', 'comp_sub_total_x', ]: return { 'value':{ 'value':"['product_code','product_code2']|0.00" } } #Case 4 if attribute in [ 'amount_untaxed', 'amount_tax', 'amount_total', ]: return { 'value':{ 'value':"0.00" } } return {} def _get_comparators(self, cursor, user, ids=None, context=None): """ Gets the attributes in predefined format @param cursor: Database Cursor @param user: ID of User @param ids: ID of current record. @param context: Context(no direct use).

""" return [ # # ('is', 'is'), ('isnot', 'is not'), ('==', 'equals'), ('!=', 'not equal to'), ('>', 'greater than'), ('>=', 'greater than or equal to'), ('<', 'less than'), ('<=', 'less than or equal to'), ('in', 'is in'), ('not in', 'is not in'), ] _columns = { 'sequence':fields.integer('Sequence'), 'attribute':fields.selection(_get_attributes, 'Attribute', size=50, required=True), 'comparator':fields.selection(_get_comparators, 'Comparator', required=True), 'value':fields.char('Value', size=100), 'serialised_expr':fields.char('Expression', size=255), 'promotion': fields.many2one('promos.rules', 'Promotion'), 'stop_further':fields.boolean('Stop further checks') } _defaults = { 'comparator': lambda * a:'==', 'stop_further': lambda * a: '1' } def validate(self, cursor, user, vals, context=None): """ Checks the validity @param cursor: Database Cursor @param user: ID of User @param vals: Values of current record. @param context: Context(no direct use). """ NUMERCIAL_COMPARATORS = ['==', '!=', '<=', '<', '>', '>='] ITERATOR_COMPARATORS = ['in', 'not in'] attribute = vals['attribute'] comparator = vals['comparator'] value = vals['value'] #Mismatch 1: if attribute in [ 'amount_untaxed', 'amount_tax', 'amount_total', 'prod_qty', 'prod_unit_price', 'prod_sub_total', 'prod_discount', 'prod_weight', 'prod_net_price', 'comp_sub_total', 'comp_sub_total_x',

] and \ not comparator in NUMERCIAL_COMPARATORS: raise Exception( "Only %s can be used with %s" % ",".join(NUMERCIAL_COMPARATORS), attribute ) #Mismatch 2: if attribute == 'product' and \ not comparator in ITERATOR_COMPARATORS: raise Exception( "Only %s can be used with Product Code" % ",".join(ITERATOR_COMPARATORS) ) #Mismatch 3: if attribute in [ 'prod_qty', 'prod_unit_price', 'prod_sub_total', 'prod_discount', 'prod_weight', 'prod_net_price', ]: try: product_code, quantity = value.split(",") if not (type(eval(product_code)) == str \ and type(eval(quantity)) in [int, long, float]): raise except: raise Exception( "Value for %s combination is invalid\n" "Eg for right format is `'PC312',120.50`" % attribute) #Mismatch 4: if attribute in [ 'comp_sub_total', 'comp_sub_total_x', ]: try: product_codes_iter, quantity = value.split("|") if not (type(eval(product_codes_iter)) in [tuple, list] \ and type(eval(quantity)) in [int, long, float]): raise except: raise Exception( "Value for computed subtotal combination is invalid\n" "Eg for right format is `['code1,code2',..]|120.50`") #After all validations say True return True def serialise(self, attribute, comparator, value): """ Constructs an expression from the entered values which can be quickly evaluated @param attribute: attribute of promo expression @param comparator: Comparator used in promo expression. @param value: value according which attribute will be compared """ if attribute == 'custom': return value

if attribute == 'product': return '%s %s products' % (value, comparator) if attribute in [ 'prod_qty', 'prod_unit_price', 'prod_sub_total', 'prod_discount', 'prod_weight', 'prod_net_price', ]: product_code, quantity = value.split(",") return '(%s in products) and (%s["%s"] %s %s)' % ( product_code, attribute, eval(product_code), comparator, quantity ) if attribute == 'comp_sub_total': product_codes_iter, value = value.split("|") return """sum( [prod_sub_total.get(prod_code,0) for prod_code in %s] ) %s %s""" % ( eval(product_codes_iter), comparator, value ) if attribute == 'comp_sub_total_x': product_codes_iter, value = value.split("|") return """(sum(prod_sub_total.values()) - sum( [prod_sub_total.get(prod_code,0) for prod_code in %s] )) %s %s""" % ( eval(product_codes_iter), comparator, value ) return "order.%s %s %s" % ( attribute, comparator, value) def evaluate(self, cursor, user, expression, order, context=None): """ Evaluates the expression in given environment @param cursor: Database Cursor @param user: ID of User @param expression: Browse record of expression @param order: Browse Record of sale order @param context: Context(no direct use). @return: True if evaluation succeeded """ products = [] # List of product Codes prod_qty = {} # Dict of product_code:quantity prod_unit_price = {} prod_sub_total = {} prod_discount = {}

prod_weight = {} prod_net_price = {} prod_lines = {} for line in order.order_line: if line.product_id: product_code = line.product_id.code products.append(product_code) prod_lines[product_code] = line.product_id prod_qty[product_code] = prod_qty.get( product_code, 0.00 ) + line.product_uom_qty prod_net_price[product_code] = prod_net_price.get( product_code, 0.00 ) + line.price_net prod_unit_price[product_code] = prod_unit_price.get( product_code, 0.00 ) + line.price_unit prod_sub_total[product_code] = prod_sub_total.get( product_code, 0.00 ) + line.price_subtotal prod_discount[product_code] = prod_discount.get( product_code, 0.00 ) + line.discount prod_weight[product_code] = prod_weight.get( product_code, 0.00 ) + line.th_weight return eval(expression.serialised_expr) def create(self, cursor, user, vals, context=None): """ Serialise before save @param cursor: Database Cursor @param user: ID of User @param vals: Values of current record. @param context: Context(no direct use). """ try: self.validate(cursor, user, vals, context) except Exception, e: raise osv.except_osv("Invalid Expression", ustr(e)) vals['serialised_expr'] = self.serialise(vals['attribute'], vals['comparator'], vals['value']) super(PromotionsRulesConditionsExprs, self).create(cursor, user, vals, context) def write(self, cursor, user, ids, vals, context): """ Serialise before Write @param cursor: Database Cursor @param user: ID of User @param ids: ID of current record. @param vals: Values of current record. @param context: Context(no direct use). """ #Validate before save if type(ids) in [list, tuple] and ids: ids = ids[0]

try: old_vals = self.read(cursor, user, ids, ['attribute', 'comparator', 'value'], context) old_vals.update(vals) old_vals.has_key('id') and old_vals.pop('id') self.validate(cursor, user, old_vals, context) except Exception, e: raise osv.except_osv("Invalid Expression", ustr(e)) #only value may have changed and client gives only value vals = old_vals vals['serialised_expr'] = self.serialise(vals['attribute'], vals['comparator'], vals['value']) super(PromotionsRulesConditionsExprs, self).write(cursor, user, ids, vals, context) PromotionsRulesConditionsExprs()

class PromotionsRulesActions(osv.osv): "Promotions actions" _name = 'promos.rules.actions' _description = __doc__ _rec_name = 'action_type' def _on_change(self, cursor, user, ids=None, action_type=None, product_code=None, arguments=None, context=None): """ Sets the arguments as templates according to action_type @param cursor: Database Cursor @param user: ID of User @param ids: ID of current record @param action_type: type of action to be taken @product_code: Product on which action will be taken. (Only in cases when attribute in expression is product.) @param arguments: Values that will be used in implementing of actions @param context: Context(no direct use). """ if not action_type: return {} if not arguments in [ False, "0.00", "1,1", ] and product_code in [ "'product_code'", "'product_code_of_y'" "'product_code_x','product_code_y'" ]: return {} if action_type in [ 'prod_disc_perc', 'prod_disc_fix', ] : return { 'value':{

'product_code':"'product_code'", 'arguments':"0.00", } } if action_type in [ 'cart_disc_perc', 'cart_disc_fix', ] : return { 'value':{ 'product_code':False, 'arguments':"0.00", } } if action_type in [ 'prod_x_get_y', ] : return { 'value':{ 'product_code':"'product_code_x','product_code_y'", 'arguments':"1,1", } } #Finally if nothing works return {} def _get_action_types(self, cursor, user, ids=None, context=None): """ Gets the action types in predefined format @param cursor: Database Cursor @param user: ID of User @param ids: ID current record. @param context: Context(no direct use). """ return [ ('prod_disc_perc', 'Discount % on Product'), ('prod_disc_fix', 'Fixed amount on Product'), ('cart_disc_perc', 'Discount % on Sub Total'), ('cart_disc_fix', 'Fixed amount on Sub Total'), ('prod_x_get_y', 'Buy X get Y free') ] _columns = { 'sequence':fields.integer('Sequence', required=True), 'action_type':fields.selection(_get_action_types, 'Action', required=True), 'product_code':fields.char('Product Code', size=100, ), 'arguments':fields.char('Arguments', size=100), 'promotion':fields.many2one('promos.rules', 'Promotion'), } def _clear_existing_promotion_lines(self, cursor, user, order, context=None): """

Deletes existing promotion lines before applying @param cursor: Database Cursor @param user: ID of User @param order: Sale order @param context: Context(no direct use). """ order_line_obj = self.pool.get('account.invoice.line') #Delete all promotion lines order_line_ids = order_line_obj.search(cursor, user, [ ('order_id', '=', order.id), ('promotion_line', '=', True), ], context=context ) if order_line_ids: order_line_obj.unlink(cursor, user, order_line_ids, context) #Clear discount column order_line_ids = order_line_obj.search(cursor, user, [ ('order_id', '=', order.id), ], context=context ) if order_line_ids: order_line_obj.write(cursor, user, order_line_ids, {'discount':0.00}, context=context) return True def _action_prod_disc_perc(self, cursor, user, action, order, context=None): """ Action for 'Discount % on Product' @param cursor: Database Cursor @param user: ID of User @param action: Action to be taken on sale order @param order: sale order @param context: Context(no direct use). """ order_line_obj = self.pool.get('account.invoice.line') for order_line in order.order_line: if order_line.product_id.code == eval(action.product_code): return order_line_obj.write(cursor, user, order_line.id, { 'discount':eval(action.arguments), }, context ) def _action_prod_disc_fix(self, cursor, user, action, order, context=None): """ Action for 'Fixed amount on Product' @param cursor: Database Cursor @param user: ID of User @param action: Action to be taken on sale order

@param order: sale order @param context: Context(no direct use). """ order_line_obj = self.pool.get('account.invoice.line') product_obj = self.pool.get('product.product') line_name = '%s on %s' % (action.promotion.name, eval(action.product_code)) product_id = product_obj.search(cursor, user, [('default_code', '=', eval(action.product_code))], context=context) if not product_id: raise Exception("No product with the product code") if len(product_id) > 1: raise Exception("Many products with same code") product = product_obj.browse(cursor, user, product_id[0], context) return order_line_obj.create(cursor, user, { 'order_id':order.id, 'name':line_name, 'promotion_line':True, 'price_unit':-eval(action.arguments), 'product_uom_qty':1, 'product_uom':product.uom_id.id }, context ) def _action_cart_disc_perc(self, cursor, user, action, order, context=None): """ 'Discount % on Sub Total' @param cursor: Database Cursor @param user: ID of User @param action: Action to be taken on sale order @param order: sale order @param context: Context(no direct use). """ order_line_obj = self.pool.get('account.invoice.line') return order_line_obj.create(cursor, user, { 'order_id':order.id, 'name':action.promotion.name, 'price_unit':-(order.amount_untaxed \ * eval(action.arguments) / 100), 'product_uom_qty':1, 'promotion_line':True, 'product_uom':PRODUCT_UOM_ID }, context ) def _action_cart_disc_fix(self, cursor, user, action, order, context=None): """ 'Fixed amount on Sub Total' @param cursor: Database Cursor

@param user: ID of User @param action: Action to be taken on sale order @param order: sale order @param context: Context(no direct use). """ order_line_obj = self.pool.get('account.invoice.line') if action.action_type == 'cart_disc_fix': return order_line_obj.create(cursor, user, { 'order_id':order.id, 'name':action.promotion.name, 'price_unit':-eval(action.arguments), 'product_uom_qty':1, 'promotion_line':True, 'product_uom':PRODUCT_UOM_ID }, context ) def _create_y_line(self, cursor, user, action, order, quantity, product_id, context=None): """ Create new order line for product @param cursor: Database Cursor @param user: ID of User @param action: Action to be taken on sale order @param order: sale order @param quantity: quantity of new free product @param product_id: product to be given free @param context: Context(no direct use). """ order_line_obj = self.pool.get('account.invoice.line') product_obj = self.pool.get('product.product') product_y = product_obj.browse(cursor, user, product_id[0]) return order_line_obj.create(cursor, user, { 'order_id':order.id, 'product_id':product_y.id, 'name':'[%s]%s (%s)' % ( product_y.default_code, product_y.name, action.promotion.name), 'price_unit':0.00, 'promotion_line':True, 'product_uom_qty':quantity, 'product_uom':product_y.uom_id.id }, context) def _action_prod_x_get_y(self, cursor, user, action, order, context=None): """ 'Buy X get Y free:[Only for integers]' @param cursor: Database Cursor @param user: ID of User @param action: Action to be taken on sale order @param order: sale order @param context: Context(no direct use). Note: The function is too long because if it is split then there

will a lot of arguments to be passed from one function to another. This might cause the function to get slow and hamper the coding standards. """ order_line_obj = self.pool.get('account.invoice.line') product_obj = self.pool.get('product.product') vals = prod_qty = {} #Get Product product_x_code, product_y_code = [eval(code) \ for code in action.product_code.split(",")] product_id = product_obj.search(cursor, user, [('default_code', '=', product_y_code)], context=context) if not product_id: raise Exception("No product with the code for Y") if len(product_id) > 1: raise Exception("Many products with same code") #get Quantity qty_x, qty_y = [eval(arg) \ for arg in action.arguments.split(",")] #Build a dictionary of product_code to quantity for order_line in order.order_line: if order_line.product_id: product_code = order_line.product_id.default_code prod_qty[product_code] = prod_qty.get( product_code, 0.00 ) + order_line.product_uom_qty #Total number of free units of y to give tot_free_y = int(int(prod_qty.get(product_x_code, 0) / qty_x) * qty_y) #If y is already in the cart discount it? qty_y_in_cart = prod_qty.get(product_y_code, 0) existing_order_line_ids = order_line_obj.search(cursor, user, [ ('order_id', '=', order.id), ('product_id.default_code', '=', product_y_code) ], context=context ) if existing_order_line_ids: update_order_line = order_line_obj.browse(cursor, user, existing_order_line_ids[0], context) #Update that line #The replace is required because on secondary update #the name may be repeated if tot_free_y: line_name = "%s (%s)" % ( update_order_line.name.replace( '(%s)' % action.promotion.name, ''), action.promotion.name ) if qty_y_in_cart <= tot_free_y: #Quantity in cart is less then increase to total free order_line_obj.write(cursor, user, update_order_line.id, {

'name':line_name, 'product_uom_qty': tot_free_y, 'discount': 100, }, context) else: #If the order has come for 5 and only 3 are free #then convert paid order to 2 units and rest free order_line_obj.write(cursor, user, update_order_line.id, { 'product_uom_qty': qty_y_in_cart - tot_free_y, }, context) self._create_y_line(cursor, user, action, order, tot_free_y, product_id, context ) #delete the other lines existing_order_line_ids.remove(existing_order_line_ids[0]) if existing_order_line_ids: order_line_obj.unlink(cursor, user, existing_order_line_ids, context) return True else: #Dont create line if quantity is not there if not tot_free_y: return True return self._create_y_line(cursor, user, action, order, tot_free_y, product_id, context) def execute(self, cursor, user, action_id, order, context=None): """ Executes the action into the order @param cursor: Database Cursor @param user: ID of User @param action_id: Action to be taken on sale order @param order: sale order @param context: Context(no direct use). """ self._clear_existing_promotion_lines(cursor, user, order, context) action = self.browse(cursor, user, action_id, context) method_name = '_action_' + action.action_type return getattr(self, method_name).__call__(cursor, user, action, order, context) def validate(self, cursor, user, vals, context): """ Validates if the values are coherent with attribute @param cursor: Database Cursor @param user: ID of User @param vals: Values of current record. @param context: Context(no direct use). """ if vals['action_type'] in [ 'prod_disc_perc',

'prod_disc_fix', ] : if not type(eval(vals['product_code'])) == str: raise Exception( "Invalid product code\nHas to be 'product_code'" ) if not type(eval(vals['arguments'])) in [int, long, float]: raise Exception("Argument has to be numeric. eg: 10.00") if vals['action_type'] in [ 'cart_disc_perc', 'cart_disc_fix', ]: if vals['product_code']: raise Exception("Product code is not used in cart actions") if not type(eval(vals['arguments'])) in [int, long, float]: raise Exception("Argument has to be numeric. eg: 10.00") if vals['action_type'] in ['prod_x_get_y', ]: try: code_1, code_2 = vals['product_code'].split(",") assert (type(eval(code_1)) == str) assert (type(eval(code_2)) == str) except: raise Exception( "Product codes have to be of form 'product_x','product_y'" ) try: qty_1, qty_2 = vals['arguments'].split(',') assert (type(eval(qty_1)) in [int, long]) assert (type(eval(qty_2)) in [int, long]) except: raise Exception("Argument has to be qty of x,y eg.`1, 1`") return True def create(self, cursor, user, vals, context=None): """ Validate before save @param cursor: Database Cursor @param user: ID of User @param vals: Values of current record. @param context: Context(no direct use). """ try: self.validate(cursor, user, vals, context) except Exception, e: raise osv.except_osv("Invalid Expression", ustr(e)) super(PromotionsRulesActions, self).create(cursor, user, vals, context) def write(self, cursor, user, ids, vals, context): """ Validate before Write @param cursor: Database Cursor @param user: ID of User @param vals: Values of current record. @param context: Context(no direct use).

""" #Validate before save if type(ids) in [list, tuple] and ids: ids = ids[0] try: old_vals = self.read(cursor, user, ids, ['action_type', 'product_code', 'arguments'], context) old_vals.update(vals) old_vals.has_key('id') and old_vals.pop('id') self.validate(cursor, user, old_vals, context) except Exception, e: raise osv.except_osv("Invalid Expression", ustr(e)) #only value may have changed and client gives only value vals = old_vals super(PromotionsRulesActions, self).write(cursor, user, ids, vals, context) PromotionsRulesActions()

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