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17. Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures


Table 17.1: Summary of Environmental Impacts Description of Potential Impact Assessment of Potential Impact Duration of Impact Comments

AIR QUALITY (Chapter 5) Change in local air quality pollutant concentrators Change in regional air quality pollutant concentrators CULTURAL HERITAGE (Chapter 6) Impact on listed buildings Impact on known archaeology Neutral Neutral Permanent Permanent No loss of listed buildings No loss of known archaeological sites Traffic using A1 may be affected through minor road closures Potential for accidental spillages during construction and increased levels of suspended solids which may affect aquatic flora and fauna Loss of some habitat but this is of low ecological value Potential exists to make new archaeological finds Potential for adverse effects on 14 properties from construction noise, vibration and dust Loss of range of habitat types, however all are of low ecological importance with likely low impacts on birds and mammals. Main impact on semiimproved grassland, hedgerows and wooded belts. Potential for introduction of more diverse habitats Removal of existing planting and obstruction of Neutral Slight Adverse Long Term Long Term Negligible change in local air quality Slight increase in pollutant concentrations over existing attributable to introduction of new road link and resulting increase in distance travelled

DISRUPTION DUE TO CONSTRUCTION (Chapter 7) Disruption to traffic flows Watercourse pollution Disruption of wildlife habitats Potential for fresh archaeological finds Disruption to properties Moderate Adverse Moderate Adverse Slight Adverse Slight Adverse Slight Adverse Short Term Short Term Medium Term Short Term Short Term


Loss of Habitat


Medium Term

LANDSCAPE AND VISUAL IMPACTS (Chapter 9) Loss of visual amenity Slight Adverse Short Term


Description of Potential Impact

Assessment of Potential Impact

Duration of Impact

Comments some current views. Careful planting will reduce impacts

LAND USE (Chapter 10) Impact on property Impact on agricultural land Neutral Slight adverse Permanent Permanent No loss of residential or commercial properties Loss of approximately 4.7531ha of Best and Most Versatile land Some temporary construction noise. No significant contribution to future noise environment Access to amenities enhanced. Inclusion of bus bay will provide safer access to public transport. Junction will improve access into surrounding countryside. No Public Footpaths affected Some vegetation lost, however new planting may enhance visual amenity Overbridge removes requirement to cross two lanes of traffic to get onto carriageway. Construction activities have potential to increase pollutant loading. Long term, potentially increased localised flooding of watercourses through increased run-off Loss of Best and Most Versatile agricultural soils within bounds of new construction. Land take will entail disruption of surface materials Consistent with relevant Policies and Plans

TRAFFIC, NOISE AND VIBRATION (Chapter 11) Change in noise levels Slight Adverse Short Term

PEDESTRIANS, EQUESTRIANS AND COMMUNITY EFFECTS (Chapter 12) Change in community amenity Change to Public Rights of Way VEHICLE TRAVELLERS (Chapter 13) Visual amenity Change in driver stress Neutral Moderate Beneficial Long Term Long Term Moderate Beneficial Neutral Long Term Permanent

WATER QUALITY AND DRAINAGE (Chapter 14) Change in water quality Slight Adverse Short Term

GEOLOGY AND SOILS (Chapter 15) Loss of BMV soils POLICIES AND PLANS (Chapter 16) Compliance with policy Moderate Beneficial Long Term Slight Adverse Permanent


Table 17.2: Summary of Mitigation Mitigation Objective AIR QUALITY (Chapter 5) To minimise dust blow from sites, stockpiles and road network To minimise dust/mud dispersal onto adjoining road network CULTURAL HERITAGE (Chapter 6) To examine area for previously undiscovered remains To document any unknown archaeological heritage DISRUPTION DUE TO CONSTRUCTION (Chapter 7) To improve site safety To reduce excavation and import of fresh material To restrict movement of construction traffic Measures will be undertaken to prevent unauthorised entry to construction site. Potential hazards will be made safe as far as possible. Re-use of excavated material where possible Restriction of traffic to suitable haul routes During Construction During Construction During Construction Pre-Construction and During Construction September to February inclusive prior to construction Field season construction Field season construction prior prior to to Undertake archaeological trial trenching Engage qualified archaeologist to observe topsoil stripping and record any features of archaeological interest Pre-Construction During Construction Covering of loads to minimise dust emissions Washing down of vehicles before they leave site. Specified haulage routes for construction traffic During Construction During Construction Potential Mitigation Measures Potential Timing of Mitigation Measure

ECOLOGY AND NATURE CONSERVATION (Chapter 8) Ensure conservation of existing seed bank To avoid disturbance of birds during nesting season To check for the presence of nesting birds To check for presence of protected species Re-use of topsoil on new embankments and verges Clearance of trees and hedgerows should take place outside of the nesting season (March - August inclusive) Engage qualified ecologist to undertake bird survey Qualified ecologists should undertake protected species surveys e.g. badgers and bats. Roost sites should be felled outside the activity period. Insect-rich areas should


Mitigation Objective

Potential Mitigation Measures be preserved and linear features such as hedgerows should be created to reduce fragmentation.

Potential Timing of Mitigation Measure

To avoid increased sedimentation of watercourses and maintain or improve water quality To prevent habitat loss LANDSCAPE AND VISUAL IMPACTS (Chapter 9) To reduce scar on landscape from loss of woodland, mature trees and hedges

Careful operating procedures in vicinity of watercourses. Provision of settling/balancing ponds. Provision of new wooded areas of native species. Planting would help to re-assimilate junction into existing landscape setting. Embankments and areas of land landlocked by the development would be planted up with woodland. Creation of ponds would help to add diversity to landscape Bridge design, colour and finish should be carefully considered.

During Construction During Construction

Immediately Post Construction

To avoid visual intrusion To avoid landscape unnecessary degradation of the

Pre-Construction Post Construction Post Construction

Land affected by construction will be fully reinstated and planted following construction Restrict column heights to 6m. Light fittings should be designed to limit light pollution. Site compounds, storage compounds and trail roads will be fully reinstated. Use of low noise surfacing. Positioning of static plant as far as possible from residential properties. Use of well maintained plant. Measurements should be taken using a Type 2 or better sound level meter. Provision of overbridge. Provision of overbridge.

To reduce the impact of additional lighting LAND USE (Chapter 10) To avoid unnecessary loss of land TRAFFIC, NOISE AND VIBRATION (Chapter 11) To keep noise levels to a minimum To monitor noise impact during noisy or extensive works Ensure safety of pedestrians and cyclists To improve access onto the A1 and remove delays associated with accessing the A1 from Dromore Road and Ballygowan road VEHICLE TRAVELLERS (Chapter 13)

Post Construction

During Construction During Construction

PEDESTRIANS, EQUESTRIANS AND COMMUNITY EFFECTS (Chapter 12) During Construction During Construction


Mitigation Objective

Potential Mitigation Measures Temporary waning signs should be erected to draw attention to hazards including site accesses and temporary traffic management measures Traffic control and temporary diversions may be necessary at certain times. These will be designed to minimise disruption to traffic flows Minimise in-channel working. Adherence to PPGs. Provision of settling/balancing ponds. Avoidance of spillages Seeding to reduce erosion Minimise land take, avoid repetitive handling of soils, limit the size of stockpiles in order to reduce compaction. Reinstatement of soils to their original locations where possible Re-use of in situ material and import of additional material from local sources Protection of general public and workers during development of contaminated land. Need for further risk assessment -

Potential Timing of Mitigation Measure During Construction

To maintain road safety

To minimise traffic delays WATER QUALITY AND DRAINAGE (Chapter 14) To avoid pollution of watercourses To reduce sedimentation/pollution of watercourses GEOLOGY AND SOILS (Chapter 15) To minimise impact on soils

During Construction

During Construction Immediately Post Construction

During Construction

To minimise impact on local geology To minimise risk of exposure to contaminants associated with landfill site POLICIES AND PLANS (Chapter 16) No mitigation necessary

During Construction During Construction

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