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Basic Principles of Biomechanics Outline Definition Planes of motion Axes of motion Newtons Laws of motion Joint mechanics Example:

Application to standing posture eferences !ichaud: "oot orthoses and other forms of conser#ati#e foot care Pages $%& Pages $'%($ Definition of Biomechanics )the application of mechanical laws to li#ing structures* specificall+ to the locomotor s+stem of the human ,od+ Planes of motion -human ,od+. /agittal % flex0extension "rontal -coronal. % a,0adduction 1rans#erse % rotation Planes of motion -foot. /agittal % flexion 2 extension

"rontal % in#ersion 2 e#ersion

1rans#erse % a,duction 2 adduction

"igure $34

Axes of motion

5maginar+ line 0 rod passing through the centre of an o,6ect* around which rotation occurs Perpendicular to plane of motion otation occurs perpendicular to the axis Axes of motion -foot.

Joints of the lower lim,

Joints of the lower lim, uniaxial hinge* pi#ot 5nterphalangeal 6oint -hinge. ,iaxial cond+loid* ellipsoid* saddle !PJs "lex0ext*add0a,duction triaxial 0 pol+axial hip 6oint -,all and soc7et. plane 0 gliding intercuneiform 6oints Definitions re forces "orce % a push -or pull. that alters* or tends to alter* the state of motion of a ,od+ -cause a change in #elocit+ of an o,6ect. 5f the ,od+ is at rest* a force exerted ,+ another ,od+ will set it in motion -or at least tend to do so. 5f a ,od+ is mo#ing in a straight line* a force exerted ,+ another ,od+ will change* or tend to change the #elocit+ at which it is mo#ing A #ector 8uantit+ % direction and magnitude 9nit of measurement % Newton -N. Newtons Laws of motion Newtons "irst Law -law of inertia0principle of conser#ation of momentum. )E#er+,od+ at rest* or mo#ing with constant #elocit+ in a straight line* will continue in that state unless compelled to change ,+ an external force exerted upon it Newtons /econd Law -law of acceleration. )1he acceleration of a ,od+ is proportional to the force causing it and ta7es place in the direction in which the force acts " : ma O a:"0m -" : force exerted* m : the mass* a : acceleration. Newtons 1hird Law )"or e#er+ action* there is an e8ual and opposite reaction

)"or e#er+ force that is exerted ,+ one ,od+ on another* there is an e8ual and opposite force exerted ,+ the second ,od+ on the first NB* action is the force exerted on one ,od+ and the reaction is the contrar+ force exerted on the other ,od+ ;ommon sources of force acting on the human ,od+ 5nternal muscular External % <ra#itational 0weight -" : ma=33:mass -7g.> gra#it+-$? m0s(. "rictional 5mpact0<round reaction Joint mechanics Joint axis location depends on shapes of articular surfaces !otion around an axis is dependent on the force applied -com,ination of muscular* gra#itational* inertial* frictional* and ground%reacti#e forces. force will most effecti#el+ produce motion when: line of application is perpendicular to 6oint axis large perpendicular distance ,etween line of action and axis -le#er arm. door hinge analog+ Joint mechanics

moment : force @ le#er arm

Assuming "$:"(:"A:"' !oment "$ B !oment "( B !oment "A B !oment "' otational 2 non%rotational components of force Chen a force is applied perpendicular to an axis* the force ma+ ,e resol#ed into rotational and non%rotational components otational force produces motion Non%rotational component will either compress or distract 6oint

Joint compression % sta,ilit+ ,ut excessi#e ma+ cause fracture Chen a force applied is NO1 perpendicular to an axis* the force ma+ ,e resol#ed into perpendicular and parallel components -to 6oint axis. Perpendicular component produces 6oint rotation and compression0distraction Parallel component produces 6oint shear and is una,le to produce motion without 6oint su,luxation Joint shear force

Joint mechanics summar+: rotational and nonrotational components of force !ost forces in ,od+ are not perpendicular to 6oint axes otational component % 6oint rotation Nonnonrotational components Perpendicular component % 6oint compression%distraction force Parallel component % shear force /ummar+ definition planes and axes of motion t+pes of 6oints "orce Newtons Laws Joint mechanics rotational and non%rotational components

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