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Universit de la For ation Contin!e "i#e Re#torat de Pda$o$ie So!s Dire#tion de lEnsei$ne ent % Distan#e Mod!le& An$lais '( e Anne & '( e envoi


Ensei$nante & *el+,ar#,o!#,e Mali+a

C& To!t Droit Rserv-

COURSE 01: I. Syntax:

The comparative forms are three kinds : 1. Comparatives of superiority: * We use ....er for short words (adjectives and adverbs) E.g. cheap cheaper Tall taller ast faster * We use more for longer words (adjectives and adverbs) E.g. more serious more e!pensive more comfortable * We use than after comparatives E!amples: " #ou are older than me. " The new car is faster than the old one. " The first e!ercise is more difficult than the second. * $ome adjectives and adverbs have irregular comparative forms: oo! " #e$$ %etter &a! " %a!$y #orse 'ar farther or further E!amples: " % feel %etter than &esterda&. " The universit& is farther than % thought.

Exer(ise: 'ive the comparative of the following words: (roductive ) interesting ) luck& ) happ& ) weak ) stable )*uick ) good )cold ) high )important ) spic& ) faithful II. Rea!in) Comprehension an! *exis: Drillin$ .or )il
+efore oil is e!tracted, its e!act position must be located with precision. This technical operation is called e!ploration. There are man& stages in this operation. irst, an area is chosen because of its geological interest. Then, an aerial surve& is made with the help of a plane. -fter that, a detailed geological stud& of the area is conducted. .ocks are e!tracted and anal&/ed in a laborator&. 0e!t, if this stud& shows that the area contains oil, an


e!ploration well is made to find out if enough oil e!ists there. inall&, the decision to drill an oil well is made. +ra(ti(e: I. -nswer the following *uestions: 3. What is the first step in drilling an oil well4 1. -fter choosing the area, what is the ne!t operation4 5. 6ow is the geological stud& of the area made4 II. 0otice the use of the underlined words and e!pressions in the te!t. The& are a!ver%s of se,uen(e: first- then- next- after that- $ater- fina$$y- in the en!.The& are used to give things in the order the& happen. * Write a ver& short paragraph about what &ou do in an ordinar& da& using these adverbs of se*uence.

COURSE 0.: I. Syntax:

.. Comparatives of inferiority: We use $ess..than with all words (short or long): 7ess *uick ) less important ) less happ& ) less interesting E!amples: " This film is $ess interestin) than the first one. " 8& car is $ess ,ui(/ than &ours. .. Comparatives of e,ua$ity: We use asas for comparatives of e*ualit&. E!amples: " Toda& is as (o$! as &esterda&. (both toda& and &esterda& are cold) " The motorc&cle is as ,ui(/ as the car. (both are *uick)

Exer(ise: 9omplete the sentences using as..as

3. % am sorr&, % am late. % got here ::::. % could (fast) 1. ;6ow long can % sta& with &ou4<, ;&ou can sta& :::: &ou like (long) 5. % need the information *uickl&, so please let me know :::..possible (soon) =. % am going to sleep on the floor. %t is ::::.sleeping in that old bed (hard)


II. Rea!in) Comprehension an! *exis: S!/erstition

-lthough the >nited $tates has become an advanced technological countr&, man& old"fashioned superstitions still remain. When walking down a street in 0ew #ork 9it& past ingeniousl& built sk&scrapers, &ou might see a sophisticated 0ew #orker walk around instead of under a ladder. ?f course he or she knows that walking under a ladder brings bad luck. -gain, when a black cat wanders in the street, some people would cross to the other side of the street to avoid letting a black cat cross their paths. %t is true that most buildings in the >nited $tates do not have a thirteenth floor and man& theatres do not have a thirteenth row. - lot of people know that thirteen is an unluck& number. +ra(ti(e: I. -nswer the following *uestions: 3. Wh& do people avoid a black cat4 1. @o &ou believe in superstition4 5. 9an &ou cite some superstitious e!amples &ou know4 II. 'ive s&non&ms or s&non&mous e!pressions of the underlined words in the te!t.

COURSE 00: I. Syntax: The superlative form:

The superlative form is ..est or most 1. We use ..est for short words and mostfor longer words. E.g. long longest hard hardest *uick *uickest 1ost famous ) most difficult ) most e!pensive .. We use ;the< before a superlative, we sa&: 2he longest ) the most e!pensive E!amples: " That mos*ue is the oldest in the town. " Everest is the highest mountain in the world. " $am is the most intelligent student in the class. 0. These adjectives have irregular superlative forms: "'ood the best " bad the worst " far

the farthest A the furthest


E.g. This is the %est film % have ever seen.

Exer(ise: 9omplete the sentences using a superlative (:est or most:), the first e!ample is done for &ou: " %t is a ver& nice room. %t is the nicest in the hotel.
3. %t is a ver& cheap restaurant. %t is ::::::: in the town. 1. %t was a ver& happ& da&. %t was :::::: of m& life. 5. $he is a ver& intelligent student. $he is ::::::. in the class. =. 6e is a ver& dangerous criminal. 6e is ::::::.. in the countr&. B. $he is a ver& famous star. $he is :::::: in 6oll&wood.

II. Rea!in) Comprehension an! *exis: Pesti#ides

?ne of the reasons the use of pesticides in farming should be severel& restricted and controlled is that pesticides kill ;good< and ;bad< insects indiscriminatel&. +ut some insects are actuall& beneficial to farmers. +& spra&ing their fields with to!ic pesticides, the& destro& the good with the bad. ?ne e!ample of a useful insect is the hone&bee. %n the >nited $tates, nearl& 322 crops with a farm value of C 3 billion annuall& depend on the hone&bee for pollination because of higher and better"*ualit& &ields. 6owever, hone&bees gather poison as the& forage for pollen. -s a result, the& are being e!terminated, and scientists predict that their number will continue to decline. 6owever, the population of the world is continuing to increase and higher food production is becoming a global priorit&. armers agree that hone&bees are the most efficient wa& to pollinate their crops. #et with their use of pesticides, the& are surel& eliminating their best friends. +ra(ti(e: I. -nswer the following *uestions: 3. What are pesticides4 1. Wh& are pesticides dangerous in farming4 5. Wh& are hone&bees beneficial in farming4 =. 'ive another title to the te!t. II. .ewrite the underlined sentences in the te!t into the passive.


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