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Breakfast Is The Most Important Meal Of The Day!

Heres Why

Kids Need Their Morning Meal

While adults need to eat breakfast each day to perform their best, kids need it even more. Their growing bodies and developing brains rely heavily on the regular intake of food.

A Good Investment
If you and your kids regularly skip breakfast in the interest of saving time, calories, or getting a few more minutes of sleep, remember that eating a wholesome, nutritious morning meal will probably save you time in the long run. By recharging the brain and body, you'll

be more efficient in just about everything you do.

Break The Fast To hed The !o"nds

Some people skip breakfast in an effort to lose #eight, but the practice is more likely to cause weight gain than weight loss.

kipping breakfast is strongly linked to the development of o$esity%



Get enough sleep.

The whole story that your brain is a sponge is true; it also applies if you are into the early hours studying. Try to take

things quickly. Do not think you can sleep 1 hours after your last e!am paper to compensate.


Start studying early

"tart studying as soon as your teacher announces the e!am. #ven before that, read over your notes after each class to make sure you understand them. $ut the notes in your own words.


Have a plan to manage your time

%ramming all night doesn&t usually work. $lan your study time ahead so you&ll feel confident for the e!am. $lan to have enough time to study about '( minutes at a time with five or 1()minute breaks. *ave a snack, watch some T+ or go for a walk. "tudy so you understand the material and not ,ust to memori-e it. $lan to study in a place where you can concentrate without distractions.


Be healthy body.

and Look at your

. healthy diet and regular e!ercise in the e!amination is very important.

.void too much chocolate or coffee, especially at night. "trive for a ( ) /( min walk to clear your head. "tudies show that taking the time to get some e!ercise and eating healthy improves performance on e!ams. "o get out and get moving. When we&re stressed we sometimes want to eat ,unk food but eating healthy will actually make you feel better. .lso, get enough sleep ) especially in the days before your e!am. 0ood sleep helps you remember what you learned.


Practice practice practice

.sk your teacher for a practice test. 1f there isn&t one, make your own. .nswer the questions with friends and grade each other&s work.


!hill out try these rela"ation techni#ues

Think about the stress you&re feeling. Write down your stressful thoughts. Whenever a stressful thought pops into your head, replace it with a positive one. 2or e!ample, replace 31&m going to fail this e!am3 with 31&m going to study early so 1 can ace this e!am.3 .lso, you may want to practice deep breathing. Take a few deep breaths, breathing from deep within your abdomen and not ,ust your chest. 4et them slowly out. This will get more air into your lungs and will help you rela!.


$isuali%e success

This one might seem a little out there, but sometimes it helps to imagine success. Think of yourself writing the e!am and knowing the answers. +isuali-e the flat 1 on the paper after writing the e!am. When you imagine yourself being successful, you&re more likely to succeed. 5ut don&t ,ust visuali-e studying ) you actually have to do it6


&alk to someone

1f you find that you&re still stressed, talk to someone you trust, whether it&s a parent, teacher, school counselor or friend. They will help you put things in perspective.


&aking the e"am

"can each page of the e!am before starting to make sure you have all the questions. This will also help you decide how much time you&ll need to complete it.

7ead all the instructions on the e!am. Do the questions you can answer first to make sure you get the marks for them. $ace yourself. "tay until the end of the e!am in case you remember an answer. 0o back, review your answers, and remember the rela!ation techniques you learned. 5reathe6

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