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Crosswind Landing ??? There are Three types of Crosswind landing. 1. De-crab 2. crab. 3. Sideslip De-crab: The ob ecti!

e of this techni"#e is to $aintain wings le!el and the aircraft position near the r#nway centerline d#ring approach. The nose points into the wind so that the aircraft approaches the r#nway slightly s%ewed with respect to the r#nway centerline &crabbing'. This gi!es the i$pression of approaching the r#nway flying sideways( which can be disorienting for the pilot. )osition is $aintained by balancing the crosswind co$ponent( or $ore acc#rately the drag force arising fro$ it( with engine thr#st. *ings are $aintained le!el thro#gho#t the approach. +#st before the flare( opposite r#dder &downwind r#dder' is applied to eli$inate the crab( with a si$#ltaneo#s application of opposite aileron to $aintain a wings-le!el attit#de( so that at to#ch down( the body( !elocity !ector( and ban% angle are all aligned with the r#nway( and the aircraft is positioned near the center. Crab: The airplane can land #sing crab only &,ero side slip' #p to the landing crosswind g#ideline speeds. -n dry r#nways( #pon to#chdown the airplane trac%s towards the #pwind edge of the r#nway while de-crabbing to align with the r#nway. .$$ediate #pwind aileron is needed to ens#re the wings re$ain le!el while r#dder is needed to trac% center line. The greater the a$o#nt of crab at to#chdown( the larger the lateral de!iation fro$ the point of to#chdown. /or this reason( to#chdown in a crab only condition is not reco$$ended when landing on a dry r#nway. -n !ery slippery r#nways( landing the airplane #sing crab only red#ces drift towards the downwind side of a to#chdown( and $ay red#ce pilot wor%load since the airplane does not ha!e to be de-crabbed before to#chdown. 0owe!er( proper r#dder and #pwind aileron $#st be applied after to#chdown to ens#re directional control is $aintained. Sideslip: This sideslip crosswind techni"#e is to $aintain the aircraft1s heading aligned with the r#nway centerline. The initial phase of the approach is flown #sing the Crab techni"#e to correct for drift. The aircraft heading is ad #sted #sing r#dder and ailerons to align with the r#nway. This places the aircraft at a constant sideslip angle( which its nat#ral stability will tend to correct. S#fficient r#dder and aileron $#st be applied contin#o#sly to $aintain the sideslip at this !al#e. The dihedral action of the wings has a tendency to ca#se the aircraft to roll( so aileron $#st be applied to chec% the ban% angle.

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