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U.S. Government. Congress. Civil Liberties Act of 1988. Washington: Congress, August 10, 1988. Web. 1 November 2013.

n 19!2, "uring WW , soon a#ter the atta$% b& the 'a(anese "uring )ear* +arbor, )resi"ent ,ooseve*t estab*ishe" -.e$utive /r"er 9000. 1he or"er 2ou*" state that a** 'a(anese3Ameri$ans 2ou*" be interne" an" sent to $am(s "ee(er into the U.S. 1he soon to be internees, *ost ever&thing the& ha" 2hen the& 2ere sent to the $am(s. 4ears a#ter, a** the& ha" 2ere ha*#hearte" a(o*ogies. 5ut, the Civi* 6iberties A$t o# 1988, 2hi$h 2as signe" b& )resi"ent ,ona*" ,eagan in 1988, 2ou*" state that a** *iving #ormer 'a(anese3Ameri$an internees 2ou*" be grante" 720,000 in re(arations. 1his (rimar& sour$e he*(s sho2 the (o*iti$a*, so$ia*, an" e$onomi$ im(a$ts o# ho2 the internment o# 'a(anese3 Ameri$ans a##e$te" the U.S. &ears a#ter the& 2ere re*ease". 8orematsu v. Unite" States. 323 U.S. 21!. Su(reme Court o# the Unite" States. 19!!. Corne** Universit& o# 6a2. Web 2 Nov. 2013. A$$or"ing to the Civi*ian -.$*usion /r"er No. 3!, a** Ameri$ans o# 'a(anese "es$ent, 2here to be e.$*u"e" #rom the area o# San 6ean"ro, Ca*i#ornia. 1he or"er 2hi$h 2as man"ate" in 19!2, 2as vio*ate" b& the 'a(anese3Ameri$an, 9re" 8orematsu in 19!!. n 19!!, 8orematsu 2as arreste" an" $onvi$te" #or the vio*ation. n reta*iation, 8orematsu too% the $ase to the Su(reme Court, $ha**enging that the /r"er 2as in vio*ation o# his $onstitutiona* right. 8orematsu 2ou*" *ose the $ase #rom a 033 "e$ision. 1he $ase 2as high*& $ontroversia* #or #a*se evi"en$e 2as sai" to be submitte" to the Su(reme Court, an" ra$ia* (re:u"i$e 2as sai" to have been a "eterminant. 1his (rimar& sour$e he*(s sho2 the sti** $ontroversia* vie2s o# internment o# 'a(anese3Ameri$ans. 'ohn 6. ;eWitt. Civi*ian -.$*usion /r"er No. 3!. <a& 3, 19!2. htt(:==$hnm.gmu.e"u=sta##=sharon=as20>?#09=$o**e$tions=items=sho2=32 @a$$esse" November 3, 2013A. 1his /r"er estab*ishe" b& 6t. Genera* ;eWitt, state" that a** 'a(anese3Ameri$ans 2ou*" be eva$uate" out o# the Count& o# A*ame"a, in Ca*i#ornia. 1his 2as $reate" a#ter the -.e$utive /r"er 9000 given b& 9;,. 1he area in a##e$te" 2as being turne" into a mi*itar& Bone, an" #orba"e a** (eo(*e o# 'a(anese "es$ent #rom being in the area a#ter the eva$uation (ro$ess. 1his 2ou*" be one o# the man& or"ers to $ome "uring the internment o# the 'a(anese3Ameri$ans. 1he (rimar& sour$e he*(s one better un"erstan" the s&m(ath& or $on$ern #or the 'a(anese3Ameri$ans o# this time. A"ams, Anse*. )hotogra(hs o# 'a(anese3Ameri$an nternment at <anBanar ,e*o$ation Center, Ca*i#ornia, 19!3.htt(:==222.*o$.gov=(i$tures=sear$h=CstDgri"E$oDmanB @a$$esse" November !, 2013A. Anse* A"ams 2as a ver& #amous Ameri$an (hotogra(her *iving #rom 19023198!. A"ams 2as most #amous #or his b*a$%3an"32hite (hotogra(hs o# the Ameri$an West.1his (hotogra(h $o**e$tion $ontains (i$tures o# the <anBanar ,e*o$ation Center in Ca*i#ornia, a#ter 'a(anese3Ameri$ans 2ere re*o$ate" to internment $am(s. <an& o# the (hotos are (ortraits o# the resi"en$e, but others are o# the $am( *a&out, an" the ever&"a& *i#e o# the resi"en$e. 1he (hotos ta%en at the time $a(ture 'a(anese3 Ameri$an internment b& giving the (eo(*e o# the $am( a #a$e, an" b& re(resenting the $am( *i#e. 6ennon Graham >th

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