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Application of Arithmetic Coding for Electric Power Disturbance Data Compression With Wavelet Packet Enhancement
Shyh-Jier Huang, Senior Member, IEEE, and Ming-Jong Jou
AbstractIn this paper, an application of wavelet packet-enhanced arithmetic coding to compress the electric power disturbance data is proposed. In the proposed method, the wavelet packet is first applied in anticipation that the disturbance signal can be optimally decomposed into higher frequency components and lower frequency ones on a best wavelet basis. Then, the arithmetic coding approach is utilized to reduce the redundancy of data encoding, thereby lowering down the cost related with data storage and transmission. This integrated method has been tested on different scenarios and the results are compared with other published techniques. Index TermsArithmetic coding, data compression, wavelet packet.


N A MODERN power system, the objective of continuous supply of electric energy has made the power quality become an issue of utmost importance [1][3]. In order to maintain an expected level of electric power quality, some practices have been suggested to help restrict the ever-increasing level of waveform distortion caused by the proliferation of nonlinear electronic circuits [4], [5]. Many utilities have also installed dedicated monitoring devices such that the warning alarms can be earlier acquired in order to detect all possible power-quality events. However, while all major events are captured, it often lead to the excessive amount of data that may be attributed to the disturbance data encompassing a broad range of frequency spectrum. As a result, the high cost for storing such voluminous data became a burden and, unavoidably, degraded the quality assessment performance. In reducing such voluminous data without sacrificing any important feature, the data compression technique has emerged as a viable alternative. Concept of the data compression approach is the assignment of short codewords to more probable events and longer codewords to less probable events so that the size of the information can be significantly reduced. Therefore, the storage capacity is enlarged and the bandwidth of communication system is expanded as well [6][8]. Data compression algorithms can be either lossless or lossy. For lossless algorithms, the decomposed signal can be reconstructed to be an exact copy of the original data. While for lossy algorithms, an approximation of the original is considered good

Manuscript received April 10, 2003. This work was supported in part by the National Science Council, Taiwan, R.O.C., under Contract NSC90-2213-E-006-103. The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan 70101, Taiwan, R.O.C. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRS.2004.825899

enough. As the disturbance information may be critical that the related data should be only be allowed to preserve without any loss, the lossless algorithm is adopted in this study in which the arithmetic coding approach serves as the main paradigm of the proposed approach [9][11]. Since arithmetic coding is able to encode arbitrary data with minimal average code length, it is also deemed nearly optimal in compression practices. In several signal-processing applications, experimental results using such a coding method have been also proved satisfactory. Moreover, thanks to the conjunction of this technique with any model in offering a sequence of event probabilities, a larger compression ratio can be more effectively achieved through a more accurate probabilistic description of the input data [12]. Recently, because wavelet theory provides a unified mathematical framework, it is commonly recognized as useful for the signal analysis study [13][17]. The distinct feature of this approach lies in its hierarchical decomposition of an input signal into a series of successively lower resolution signals by a repeated application of a pair of filter banks. Then, at each resolution level, those wavelet coefficients decomposed in an orthogonal basis can be employed to reduce the information needed to transmit the highly correlated samples that characterize signals in the time domain. Although for a broad class of signals, this efficient characterization can be attained via wavelet representations, yet there exists a drawback that this decomposition process may fail to fully exploit all possible binary trees in finding particular filter sets specific for individual signals. In view of this demerit, a kind of adaptive wavelet transform, or wavelet packet, was suggested as a better alternative [18][20]. By defining the cost function in a systematic way, wavelet packet searches the best basis for the corresponding signal without assuming any statistical property. In this way, as the time-frequency characteristics are analyzed in a more representative tree structure, the compression performance is expected to improve. This also motivates the embedment of wavelet packet into the proposed approach such that the compression performance can be further enhanced. In this paper, an arithmetic coding approach integrated with wavelet packet is applied to compress the acquired data of disturbances. In the method, the wavelet packet is first employed in search of a best basis such that the disturbance signal can be decomposed in an optimal way. Then, the arithmetic coding method performs the coding work for these decomposed signals. This integrated data-compression method is validated through different scenarios along with the individual evaluation of compression ratios. Meanwhile, the difference between the original

0885-8950/04$20.00 2004 IEEE



signal and the reconstructed signal is prudently quantified so that the quality of signal reconstruction can be assessed. Features of this approach are threefold: 1) With the enhancement of wavelet packet, the compression performance of arithmetic coding can be promoted. An original signal can be also reconstructed with a very small value of normalized mean square error. 2) The proposed approach owns the potential of being extended to compress other kinds of disturbances. 3) The method provides a systematic approach for data compression, upgrading the capability of data communication in electric power system monitoring applications. This paper is organized as follows. Section II outlines the problem formulation, Section III describes the computation procedure of the proposed method, Section IV shows the numerical results, and Section V draws the conclusions.

It is noted that, in step 2, there are two difficulties that may arise. One is the requirement of high-precision arithmetic for the subinterval, the other is no output until the entire file has been read. These difficulties can be solved by the incremental transmission and interval expansion algorithm [21]. The central idea of this algorithm is to output each leading bit as soon as it is known, and then to double the length of the current interval so that it reflects only the unknown part of the final interval. This algorithm is repeated as follows until the loop is halted: 1) If the new subinterval is not entirely within one of the intervals , then the loop is exited. , 2) If the new subinterval lies within then the output bit will be 0 and any following 1s left over from previous events. The size of the subinterval is doubled by linearly exto [0, 1). panding , then 3) If the new subinterval lies within the output bit will be 1 and any following 0s left over from previous events. The size of the subinterval is doubled by expanding to [0, 1). 4) If the new subinterval lies entirely within , the output will be marked Follow bit. This means there is no bit output at this time; however, for the next event, it will include a following bit of the opposite value. Meanwhile, the size of the subinterval is also doubly expanded from to [0,1). Note that the follow-on procedure may be repeated any number of times so that the current interval size is always strictly . longer than Step 5) Collection of output bits. At this stage, a number of bits are assembled from the above process in order to distinguish the final interval from all possible final intervals. This step completes the whole encoding process. Now, to depict the process of the arithmetic coding, a string of wavelets is provided here as an example. Based on the chance of each symbol appeared in the string, Table I first lists the probability of each symbol and their corresponding distributed range. Then, Table II demonstrates the accompanying encoding process. As tabulated in Table II, with the initialization of interval of [0, 1), the output bit of symbol is first determined. is located within Because the current subinterval of , the output bit will be 1 as the above step 4 requires, while its corresponding subinterval is also doubly expanded to . Then, as the expanded interval of also lies be , the output bit is 1 and the inwithin the interval of terval is expanded as well. At this time, the expanded subinterval l; hence, the output bit of 1 is assigned again. becomes Meanwhile, the current subinterval is also expanded to be [0, 1) that implies the coding of this symbol is halted based on the

II. PARADIGM A. Arithmetic Coding Arithmetic coding is a very efficient entropy coding technique. Being able to encode arbitrary data with minimal average code length, its coding efficiency is generally higher than those of other entropy coding methods. Besides, because the coding and source modeling are separate in this arithmetic coding method, a larger compression ratio can be more easily achieved [9]. This was thanks to a more accurate probabilistic description of model that the input data could be thus represented with a sequence of event probability at ease. In arithmetic coding, at each half-open subintervals of the half-open unit interval [0, 1), a number of bits are used to specify a codeword to distinguish the subinterval corresponding to the actual data set from all other possible subintervals. By using the probabilities of each data set, this corresponding subinterval is incrementally refined and the outputs are accordingly binary encoded. The algorithm for the encoding process is described as follows. Step 1) Formulation of probability table. From the acquired data, the probability of every event is first calculated such that the distributed range of each symbol is ensured. Step 2) Initialization of encoding interval. The interval for the encoding is initially selected to be [0, 1). Any statistical coder model for the following coding process should be proceeded within this interval. Step 3) Justification of subinterval. At this step, the initial interval is subdivided into numerous subintervals, one for each possible event. Based on the input model, the size of an events subinterval is proportional to the estimated probability indicating that the event will be the next event of the signal. For each subinterval corresponding to the event that actually occurs next, it is selected as the new interval. Step 4) Incremental transmission and interval expansion.




Fig. 1. Comparisons of time-frequency planes.


ensured, supporting the effectiveness of such coding technique for the example considered. B. Wavelet Packet Transform In wavelet theory, it describes that with a family of basis functions, the signals can be formulated in a localized time and frequency format. A linear combination of shifted and scaled basis functions can model any function defined in a space spanned by this type of wavelet family. However, in motivating this study, it was also observed that if this wavelet representation remained as a fixed decomposition, it may fail to exploit the distribution attributes that are specific for each individual signal. Therefore, wavelet packets, or an arbitrary subband decomposition tree representing an elegant generalization of the wavelet composition, is considered here [22], [23]. Wavelet packets can be deemed adaptive wavelet transforms that offer a library of bases from which the best basis can be found to match a fixed signal with a fixed cost function. In other words, by optimally adapting the wavelet transform to a signal, the assumption or any training of statistical property of signal is not required while the compression performance can be exhibited through well-controlled time-frequency localization properties. Fig. 1 depicts a time-frequency plane of wavelet packet transform versus that of conventional wavelet transform. Both methods decompose the signal into two subbands where a binary tree can be formed. In the tree structure, each node represents a subspace of the original signal. Each subspace is the orthogonal direct sum of its two children nodes. The leaves of every connected subtree give an orthonormal basis. Different from the conventional wavelet transform, by minimizing the cost function, wavelet packet transforms purges the extra branches of the fully binary tree in locating the best basis for different signals with higher flexibility. Now, to start with the execution of wavelet packet transform, the total entropy of the decomposed coefficient should be first defined as the individual cost function. Next, following the guide of the cost function minimization, the wavelet transform and a high-pass can be formulated by a low-pass filter that decompose the original signal into filter and , respectively. Fig. 2 describes this decomposition process. Because the decomposed signals are located at two different bands, this task is often called a two-band decompois computed sition [24][26]. In the figure, the signal from the convolution of with plus a downsampling is obtained from with a factor of two, while the signal with , plus a downsampling with a the convolution of contains factor of two. Through this operation, the signal

rule shown in above step 4. Thus, the encoding of next symbol is ready to start. Following the aforementioned process, the encoding of the word wavelets can be achieved. The encoding result of the example word is 1 110 001 100 011 101 001 100. The averaged length of each event is calculated to be bits. By comparing with the following Shannons entropy along with , the probability that event occurs log (1)

it was then found that the entropy value is also computed to be 2.75. As the Shannons entropy was known to be the smallest number of bits needed to encode an arbitrary event, this implies that the compression performance of using arithmetic coding is



Fig. 2. Two-band decomposition process.

Fig. 4.

Flowchart of signal reconstruction process.

Fig. 3.

Framework of the proposed method.

lower frequency components, and the signal contains higher frequency ones. At this time, by use of this wavelet packet transform, every leaf in the purged tree could be deemed a best basis to satisfy the requirement of subband coding of signals. Therefore, by employing the wavelet packet transform as the preprocessing of the signals, the computation process of arithmetic coding would be largely enhanced, improving the compression performance significantly. III. COMPUTATION PROCEDURE Fig. 3 presents the framework of the proposed method. In the figure, the acquired signal is first sampled. Then, the wavelet packet algorithm is employed to find the best wavelet basis function such that the signal decomposition can be performed with minimum entropy. This best basis search algorithm can prois decomposed into two ceed as follows. First, the signal subbands including the lower frequency component and higher frequency component . Then, the entropy of and stand each signal is computed, where , and , respectively. for the entropy of the signal is satisNow, if the inequality equation fied, this decomposition process is accepted; otherwise, the decomposition process goes forward to other binary branch. This work continues until all of the branches are traced, and the resultant tree structure can be stored for the future signal reconstruction need. After the aforementioned decomposition process, a series of coefficients represented in floating-point will be obtained. At this time, a linear quantizer is used for the transformation of decomposed coefficients within a certain range such that the decomposed coefficients can be represented by one single-byte data. Then, the arithmetic coding is activated to encode every leaf in the wavelet packet tree. Fig. 4 shows the flowchart of the signal reconstruction process. In the figure, the arithmetic decoder is first employed to decode the input data. This is followed by the inverse quantization in order to obtain the leaves of wavelet packet

tree. Note that in this paper, the Daubechies wavelet coefficients are used as the high-pass and low-pass filters, and the minimum entropy method is selected as the cost function of wavelet packet transformation to achieve better compression performance. In order to find out the best wavelet packet basis, each sampled waveform is decomposed using wavelet packet transformation with different levels of Daubechies wavelet coefficients. Next, by loading the tree structure information, the compressed disturbance data can be reconstructed with the aid of inverse wavelet packet transform. To estimate the signal reconstruction performance, a normalized mean square error (NMSE) representing the quality of reconstructed signals is also expressed below [9] NMSE Original signals Reconstructed signal Original signal (2) IV. TEST RESULTS The proposed method has been applied to reduce the amount of data acquired from different power system disturbances, including voltage sag, voltage swell, momentary interruption, and flat-top waveshape signals. Five approaches were used for the evaluation of compression performance, they are: Method 1 Huffman coding [27]; Method 2 LZ78 algorithm [28]; Method 3 Huffman coding with wavelet packet enhancement; Method 4 LZ78 coding with wavelet packet enhancement; Method 5 arithmetic coding with wavelet packet enhancement. Among these methods, it is noted that Method 5 is indeed the approach proposed in this paper. The difference between Method 1 and Method 3 lies in the embedment of the wavelet packet transform with Huffman coding. The software development for these methods was all developed by Visual C++ language that runs on a Pentium IV 1.6-GHz personal computer (PC). Each method was tested on the following scenarios. For each test case, the original simulated signal has 2048 sample points. 1) Voltage Sag: Voltage sags are often caused by the large fault current, the switching of heavy loads, or the starting of large motors. It often lasts for 0.5 cycles to 1 min. When the



Fig. 5. (a) Voltage sag waveform, (b)


, (c)


, (d) wavelet packet tree.

Fig. 7. tree.

(a) Voltage swell waveform, (b)


, (c)


, (d) wavelet packet

Fig. 6. (a) Compression ratios at different levels. (b) NMSE values. (c) Comparisons of different methods.

voltage drops 30% or more, the system status is considered severe. Among different equipment, adjustable-speed drives, process-control equipment, and computers are often considered most affected by such a disturbance because of their high sensitivity. A voltage sag is not as damaging to industry as an interruption; however, as there are far more voltage sags than interruptions, the total damage due to sags may become even larger. Fig. 5(a) depicts this disturbance signal, and Fig. 5(b) and , and (c) are the decomposed signals of respectively. These figures indicate that the voltage sag can be detected. Fig. 5(d) shows the resultant tree structure using wavelet packet transform. Accordingly, the decomposed signal can be compressed via arithmetic coding. Fig. 6(a) illustrates the compression ratios reached by , LZ78 Huffman coding with wavelet packet enhancement and arithmetic coding with wavelet packet enhancement coding with wavelet packet enhancement . In the figure, the horizontal axis is given for the compression ratio, and the vertical axis the level where decomposed wavelet coefficients are situated. This barchart indicates that the proposed method reached a higher compression ratio at different levels. In Fig. 6(b), the NMSE at different level is delineated, where . Note the averaged value is computed to be that as four compression methods considered in this study are all categorized as lossless ones that implies their NMSE value should be mutually similar; therefore, only the NMSE of the proposed approach is listed here. Fig. 6(c) depicts the compression ratios of different methods. As this plot reveals, the proposed method obtains a highest compression ratio when compared to the other three methods. This outcome supports the feasibility of the method.



Fig. 9. (a) Momentary interruption waveform, (b) (d) wavelet packet tree.


, (c)


Fig. 8. (a) Compression ratios at different levels. (b) NMSE values. (c) Comparisons of different methods.

2) Voltage Swell: During a single-line-to-ground fault, a brief increase of the rated system voltage may take place on the unfaulted phases of a three-phase system. This scenario is often seen as voltage swell, whose magnitude is related to the system grounding. Swell may stress the delicate equipment components to premature failure. For this study, a voltage swell waveform is plotted in Fig. 7(a), where a 20% swell was seen to last for two cycles. Analysis results of using the method are seen in Fig. 7(b) and (c). The peaks found in the figure pinpoint the beginning and the termination of the disturbance. There was no spurious effect reported in this case. Also, Fig. 7(d) delineates the resultant wavelet packet tree used for the preprocessing of the disturbance signals, relieving the computation burden of the subsequent arithmetic coding work.

At this stage, similar to Fig. 6(a), Fig. 8(a) shows the performance comparisons between Huffman coding and arithmetic coding individually enhanced with wavelet packet transform for this scenario. Comparison results solidify the superiority of the proposed method. Then, in Fig. 8(b), the value of NMSE is plotted for each decomposition level considered. From the barchart of Fig. 8(b), it informs that the reconstruction error between original and reconstructed signals is considered acceptable. In order to validate the effectiveness of the proposed approach, Fig. 8(c) also shows the compression capability of different coding methods. For example, by comparing Method 5 with Method 2, it is found that the file size can be almost doubly compressed. As a result, the data transfer can be thus facilitated in a higher rate, improving the disturbance monitoring capability. 3) Momentary Interruption: From a customers point of view, interruptions are any loss of power. By most utility industries, this disturbance scenario is often deemed the drop of 90%100% of the rated system voltage lasting for 0.5 cycles to 5 min. They are often measured associated with the operation of reclosing or automatic throwover devices. Fig. 9(a) is the recorded momentary interruption waveform, where the interruption lasts about 65 ms. Test results using the proposed approach are depicted in Fig. 9(b) and (c), which are beneficial to forewarn the utility engineers in anticipation of better alleviating the effects caused by this nuisance. Then, in Fig. 9(d), the wavelet packet tree is demonstrated where the decomposition process seen not only merely steers along the low-pass branch, but also along the high-pass branch. For this test case, the compression ratios of wavelet packet transform-enhanced Huffman coding and arithmetic coding



Fig. 11. (a) Flat-top waveshape waveform, (b) packet tree.


, (c)


, (d) wavelet

Fig. 10. (a) Compression ratios at different levels. (b) Normalized mean squared error. (c) Comparisons of different methods.

under different levels are again evaluated in Fig. 10(a). For all of the decomposed levels, the proposed approach exhibits a higher compression ratio. The low value of NMSE depicted in Fig. 10(b) further consolidates the reconstruction capability of this method. Then, in Fig. 10(c), compression performance of the proposed method is also assessed and compared with that of the other four methods. For all of the methods considered, the proposed approach is most confirmed. 4) Flat-Top Waveshape: This case investigates the data reduction of a flat-top waveshape disturbance scenario. It describes a waveform where flattened shapes occur near the peaks periodically. Such a disturbance may be attributed to a load that requires a huge amount of current at the peak voltage. Fig. 11(a) plots a flat-top waveshape waveform, while the and are shown in Fig. 11(b) and related signals of (c), respectively. Fig. 11(d) is the resultant wavelet packet tree by which the best wavelet basis is confirmed. This is followed

by the employment of arithmetic coding at every leaf of the tree in anticipation of reducing the amount of file size. For this scenario, Fig. 12(a) describes the compression ratio obtained at different levels by different methods. It is seen that the arithmetic coding aided by wavelet packet transform can achieve better performance than other approaches. The NMSE value of Fig. 12(b) also implies that the reconstruction error of the method is considered acceptable, where the average value of . As for NMSE of different levels is calculated to be the comparison results of four compression methods, they are charted in Fig. 12(c). As the figure indicates, although the compression ratio of the proposed method is slightly smaller than Method 4, it still reaches up to 4.239 and is greater than other methods. For this case, the test results validate the feasibility of the proposed method. V. CONCLUSION To ensure a reliable monitoring of electric power quality, the amount of data is often substantially increased, making it more difficult for the real-time control and complicating the disturbance supervision process. This motivates a data compression framework proposed in this study to solve this problem, where arithmetic coding integrated with wavelet packet transform has been applied to different disturbance scenarios. From the test results, this proposed approach is seen and not only effectively reduces the file size, but also possesses the capability to reconstruct it back to the original with very small error. Hence, the storage requirement can be significantly reduced, while the data transfer over network can be better realized.



Fig. 12. (a) Compression ratios at different levels. (b) Normalized mean squared error. (c) Comparisons of different methods.

ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank C. C. Lin of Chunghwa Telecommunication Company for providing his valuable operating experience. REFERENCES
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Shyh-Jier Huang (M95SM01) received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Washington, Seattle, in 1994. Currently, he is Professor with the Department of Electrical Engineering at National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, R.O.C. His research interests include power system analysis, power quality, and signal-processing applications.

Ming-Jong Jou received the B.S. degree from the Department of Electrical Engineering at National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, R.O.C. His main research interests are data compression, software programming, and signal-processing applications. Mr. Jou won the student paper prize from Chinese Institute of Electrical Engineers in 2001.

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