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REL 100 Course Syllabus Semester: Spring 2014 Class #: 21058 ONLINE

Instructor Information: Contact Information:


Lynda Sweat


ICE !RS: "ou may contact me #ia email at any time$ I try to answer all emails wit%in &' %rs$

Communicatin( )it% t%e Instructor:

W en !uesti"ns "r #"n#erns arise$ I as% t at y"u utili&e and # e#% t e '"ll"wing t ree pla#es (e'"re #"nta#ting )e. * is p"li#y will elp y"u in p"tentially identi'ying answers (e'"re I #an get (a#% t" y"u and it als" elps )e in answering si)ilar !uesti"ns "r #"n#erns )ultiple ti)es. 1. +"urse sylla(us 2. ,nn"un#e)ents in -la#%("ard .. * e /is#ussi"n -"ard0Se#ti"n la(eled 12uesti"ns '"r 3rs. S and +lass4 !uite "'ten y"ur #lass)ates )ay a5e t e sa)e #"n#erns6!uesti"ns as y"u a5e. -y as%ing ere$ all students (ene'it 'r") t e answers6!uesti"ns and instru#t"r d"es n"t a5e t" answer t e !uesti"n nu)er"us ti)es. I' y"u #ann"t 'ind an answer t" y"ur !uesti"n$ please 'irst p"st y"ur !uesti"n t" t e 12uesti"ns '"r 3rs. S and +lass4 dis#ussi"n ("ard. 7ere y"ur !uesti"n #an (e answered t" t e (ene'it "' all students (y eit er y"ur 'ell"w #lass)ates w " %n"w t e answer t" y"ur !uesti"n "r )ysel'. 8"u are en#"uraged t" answer !uesti"ns 'r") "t er students in t e dis#ussi"n '"ru) w en y"u %n"w t e answer in "rder t" elp pr"5ide ti)ely assistan#e. I' y"u a5e !uesti"ns "' a pers"nal nature su# as relating a pers"nal e)ergen#y$ !uesti"ning a grade "n an assign)ent$ "r s")et ing else t at needs t" (e #"))uni#ated pri5ately$ y"u are wel#")e t" #"nta#t )e 5ia e)ail 9lynda.sweat@asu.edu:. I # e#% )y e)ail se5eral ti)es t r"ug "ut t e day and I endea5"r t" get (a#% t" e5ery student wit in a 24 r. ti)e 'ra)e. I' y"u a5e a !uesti"n a("ut t e te# n"l"gy (eing used in t e #"urse$ please #"nta#t t e ;*O 7elp /es% '"r assistan#e <#"nta#t in'"r)ati"n is listed (el"w=.

Course O#er#iew
* is #"urse will intr"du#e students t" t e #"re pra#ti#es$ (elie's$ and instituti"ns "' s")e "' t e )a>"r w"rld religi"ns. We will '"#us "n religi"us traditi"ns and t eir in'luen#e "n s"#ial$ e#"n")i#$ and p"liti#al de5el"p)ents. We will e?pl"re si)ilarities and di''eren#es a)"ng t "se traditi"ns and pra#ti#es. Our '"#us will (e "n t e 'i5e )a>"r w"rld religi"ns. It is i)perati5e t at students respe#t t e 5iewp"ints and #ultural (a#%gr"unds "' t eir 'ell"w #lass)ates as y"u parti#ipate "n t e /is#ussi"n -"ard. ,s we e?pl"re ea# traditi"n$ it is p"ssi(le t at s")e )ay e?perien#e # allenge t" t eir "wn perspe#ti5e "n 'ait and spirituality. -ut %eep in )ind t at$ at its #"re$ t is #lass is a ist"ry$ rat er t an a t e"l"gi#al "r Sunday S# ""l #lass$ w ere we will e?perien#e a 'as#inating >"urney t r"ug t e great ist"ries "' w at u)an%ind #alls 1religi"ns.4 +"urse @rere!uisites *re+re,uisite: Students may not enroll in REL 100 if t%ey %a#e recei#ed a - or better in REL &00 +"urse @la#e)ent

-arrett 7"n"rAs +"llege +"ntra#ts: I a) "'ten as%ed (y students i' I will a##ept 7"n"rAs +"ntra#ts. * e answer is 8ESB I a) a graduate "' -arrett )ysel' and t ere'"re$ I a) )"re t an appy t" "n"r t e

#"ntra#ts. I' y"u s" desire t" enter int" an 7"n"rAs +"ntra#t$ ere is y"ur #riteria '"r t is #lass: 10 page paper "n t"pi# "' y"ur # "i#e regarding any "' t e 5 )a>"r w"rld religi"ns. It )ust (e pr"perly #ited and in#lude a W"r%s +ited "r Ce'eren#e page 9w i# d"es NO* #"unt as part "' y"ur 10 'ull pages:. @lus y"u )ust su()it a re#ap "' t e paper in t e '"r) "' a @"wer @"int presentati"n. I a) pretty lenient a("ut t e t"pi# (e#ause I want students t" write a("ut s")et ing t at interests t e). I' t is is s")et ing y"u are wis ing t" a# ie5e$ please #"nta#t )e ,S,@. * an% y"uB

Course .e/tboo0 and Materials O1tional+

Religions of the World Eleventh or Twelfth Edition 2y: Lewis M$ !o1fe and Mar0 R$ )oodward

It is entirely u1 to t%e indi#idual student as to w%et%er you wis% to 1urc%ase t%e te/t or not$ All of your information for e/ams will be online in lectures and in -iscussion 2oard res1onses and 3uestions$ E#eryone learns differently4 some re,uire or 5ust want a 1%ysical co1y of t%e te/t4 some do not$ As I mentioned4 it is u1 to you as to w%at wor0s best for you$

Learnin( Ob5ecti#es
Course Ob5ecti#es ,t t e #")pleti"n "' t is #"urse students s "uld a5e a w"r%ing %n"wledge "' and (e a(le t" #arry "n an intelligent #"n5ersati"n regarding t e 'i5e )a>"r w"rld religi"ns. We will l""% at t eir ist"ry$ t eir '"unders$ t eir sa#red s#ripture$ and t eir w"rld5iews.

Course Re,uirements
Com1uter Re,uirements: "ou are res1onsible for %a#in( a reliable com1uter and internet connection t%rou(%out t%e course$ "ou %a#e access on cam1us for com1uter use$ .%is class is su11orted by 2lac0board for Announcements and ot%er information 1ertainin( to t%e class acti#ities$ "ou will also be res1onsible for -iscussion 2oard 3uestions 6-37s8$ A web browser 6Internet E/1lorer or Mo9illa irefo/8 Adobe Acrobat Reader 6free8 Adobe las% 6free8 Microsoft )ord

Email and Internet 8"u )ust a5e an a#ti5e ,S; e0)ail a##"unt and a##ess t" t e Internet. All instructor correspondence will be sent to your ASU e-mail account. @lease plan "n # e#%ing y"ur ,S; e)ail a##"unt daily '"r #"urse related )essages. * is #"urse uses -la#%("ard '"r t e 'a#ilitati"n "' #"))uni#ati"ns (etween 'a#ulty and students$ su()issi"n "' assign)ents$ and p"sting "' grades. * e my,S;6-la#%("ard +"urse Site #an (e a##essed at ttp:66)y.asu.edu Cam1us :etwor0 or 2lac0board Outa(e W en a##ess t" -la#%("ard is n"t a5aila(le '"r an e?tended peri"d "' ti)e 9greater t an "ne entire e5ening D E p) till 11 p): y"u #an reas"na(ly e?pe#t t at t e due date '"r assign)ents will (e # anged t" t e ne?t day 9assign)ent will still (e due (y )idnig t:. Attendance;*artici1ation Preparation '"r #lass )eans 'irst and '"re)"st$ s "wing up '"r #lassB 8"ur attendan#e will (e in -la#%("ard. * ere will (e a 1* read4 dedi#ated t" ,ttendan#e w ere y"u will # e#% in "n a Wee%ly (asis. 8"u will a5e 2 e?a)s$ a 3idter) and a Final e?a). * e 'inal e?a) will NO* (e #u)ulati5e. 8"ur 3idter) will #"5er -asi# Celigi"ns$ 7induis) and -udd is). 8"ur Final will #"5er Gudais)$ + ristianity and Isla). Ea# e?a) will (e w"rt 100 pts. gi5ing y"u a p"ssi(le t"tal "' 200 pts. 8"u will als" a5e a p"ssi(ility "' 50 pts '"r /2As 9/is#ussi"n 2uesti"ns:. * ese will (e "n t e /is#ussi"n -"ard in "ur -la#%("ard #lassr"") s ell. Ea# will (e w"rt 10 pts. ea# . In "rder t" earn t e 10 pts y"u )ust 'irst answer t e /2 9dis#ussi"n in a Su(stanti5e )anner:$ w i# is w"rt 5 pts.* en$ y"u )ust resp"nd 9@arti#ipate: t" at least "ne "' y"ur #lass)ateAs /2 answers 9als" in a Su(stanti5e )anner:$ t is is again w"rt 5 pts. * is gi5es y"u a p"ssi(le 50 pts '"r 5 /2As at 10 pts ea# . +"urse is w"rt a t"tal p"ssi(le pts "' 250.

)!A. IS S<2S.A:.I=E Res1onses> Meanin( of Substanti#e F"r t is #lass$ su(stanti5e )eans t at y"ur )essage as su(stan#e and elps t" 'urt er t e dis#ussi"n "' #"urse #"ntent. Su(stanti5e )essages "'ten in#lude #"ntri(uti"ns "' additi"nal ideas and s"ur#es$ insig ts "r !uesti"ns a("ut #lass)atesA #"))ents$ #"nne#ti"ns t" t e #"urse readings$ "r ways "' applying t e less"ns 'r") t e #"urse. ,s a rule "' t u)($ y"ur su(stanti5e #"))ents s "uld (e at least se5eral senten#es in lengt . S "rt #"))ents$ su# as 1H""d idea4 "r 1I agree$4 d" n"t #"nstitute su(stanti5e p"sts "n t eir "wn. Neit er d" #"))ents t at are unrelated t" t e t"pi#s at and <'"r e?a)ple$ 1I saw t at )"5ie$ t""B4= I' y"u say y"u agree a("ut s")et ing$ please e?plain w y y"u agree$ and add an additi"nal insig t "r !uesti"n. .i1s for Creatin( Substanti#e *artici1ation E?plain w y y"u agree "r disagree$ and add s")e e?a)ples t" supp"rt y"ur (elie'. Celate y"ur pers"nal "r w"r% e?perien#es t" t e t"pi# at and. ,s% additi"nal !uesti"ns "' y"ur #lass)ates. 3a%e #"nne#ti"ns (etween t e t"pi#s at and and t e readings in t e te?t.

,dd ways y"u #an apply t e less"ns 'r") t e #lass in y"ur w"r% and edu#ati"nal li'e. -asi#ally$ t" (e Su(stanti5e y"u are 1in5iting4 )"re #"n5ersati"n (y as%ing !uesti"ns$ agreeing "r disagreeing$ et#.

Studyin( and *re1aration .ime * e #"urse re!uires y"u t" spend ti)e preparing and #")pleting assign)ents. , t ree0#redit #"urse re!uires 1.5 "urs "' student w"r%. * ere'"re e?pe#t t" spend appr"?i)ately I "urs a wee% preparing '"r and a#ti5ely parti#ipating in t is #"urse. Late or Missed Assi(nments ,ll assign)ents )ust (e turned (y t e due date unless t ere is a dire e)ergen#y and y"u a5e #"nta#ted t e instru#t"r. Submittin( Assi(nments ,ll assign)ents$ unless "t erwise ann"un#ed (y t e instru#t"r$ -ro1 and Add dates I' y"u 'eel it is ne#essary t" wit draw 'r") t e #"urse$ please see ttp:66students.asu.edu6dr"p0add '"r 'ull details "n t e types "' wit drawals t at are a5aila(le and t eir pr"#edures. Sub5ect to c%an(e notice ,ll )aterial$ assign)ents$ and deadlines are su(>e#t t" # ange wit pri"r n"ti#e. It is y"ur resp"nsi(ility t" stay in t"u# wit y"ur instru#t"r$ re5iew t e #"urse site regularly$ "r #"))uni#ate wit "t er students$ t" ad>ust as needed i' assign)ents "r due dates # ange. ,ls"$ y"u )ust daily read any ann"un#e)ents t at )ay "##ur "n -la#%("ard t" %eep up t" date. Instru#t"r will p"st ann"un#e)ents and "t er pertinent in'"r)ati"n$ s" it is 5ital t at y"u read in -la#%("ard daily. * is d"es NO* )ean y"u #an s%ip #lass and t en read w at is g"ing "n in #lass "nlineB In "rder t" get y"ur in'"r)ati"n t" pass t e e?a)s$ attendan#e in #lass is 5ital. Academic Inte(rity ,S; e?pe#ts and re!uires all its students t" a#t wit "nesty and integrity$ and respe#t t e rig ts "' "t ers in #arrying "ut all a#ade)i# assign)ents. F"r )"re in'"r)ati"n "n a#ade)i# integrity$ in#luding t e p"li#y and appeal pr"#edures$ please 5isit ttp:66pr"5"st.asu.edu6a#ade)i#integrity and t e Student Conduct Statement (el"w.

?rades and ?radin( Scale 8"ur grades are predi#ated "n a nu)(er "' p"ints. 8"u will a5e 2 e?a)s. Ea# "' t e tw" e?a)s are w"rt 100 p"ints$ w i# t"get er$ e!ual 200 p"ints. 8"u will als" (e re!uired t" + e#%0in "n t e /is#ussi"n -"ard under t e t read entitled 1Student + e#%0In4. In additi"n$ y"u are t" resp"nd t" ("t t e /is#ussi"n 2uesti"n 9/2: and t" y"ur #lass)ateAs resp"nses. * e /2As are w"rt a p"ssi(le 50 pts. I' y"u add t e e?a)s and t e /2As$ y"u a5e 250 p"ints. * at is t e t"tal '"r t e se)ester. -el"w is a (rea%d"wn "' y"ur nu)(ers s" t at y"u )ay %n"w w at it is t at y"u need t" get an , in t e #lass. ,S; awards J60$ s" (el"w t is ru(ri# is a (rea%d"wn '"r J60 '"r y"ur #"n5enien#e.

In s "rt$ i' y"u answer e5ery /2 and resp"nd t" at least "ne studentAs su()issi"n per wee% in a S;-S*,N*IKE resp"nse$ y"u will get y"ur 50 pts. * e /2As will (e ann"un#ed "n Sunday e5enings w en I d" t e regular ,nn"un#e)ents '"r t e up#")ing Wee%As assign)ents. 8"u will a5e until t e '"ll"wing Sunday e5ening at 11:5I in w i# t" #")plete t e) (e'"re t ey #l"se. /2 resp"nses s "uld (e su(stanti5e$ a resp"nse su# as$ 1I agree wit w at e said4 is NO* su(stanti5e and will n"t (e #"unted. * e /2As are in lieu "' y"u writing a paper$ s" (e *7,NLF;L and resear# $ t in% and resp"nd in a t "ug t'ul and edu#ated )anner. ,LW,8S (e p"lite$ %ind and t"lerant "n "ur ("ard$ I will n"t t"lerate disrespe#t. *oint S1read &'A+&A0 &B1+&'' &&A+&B0 &&0+&&' &0C+&1D &00+&0A 1DA+1DD 1EA+1D' 1A0+1E' 1'D and below ?rade @;+ A@ A A+ 2@ 2 2+ C@ C -

See t%e re,uirements for t%e s1ecific Assi(nments on 2lac0board$

Course;Instructor E#aluation
* e #"urse6instru#t"r e5aluati"n '"r t is #"urse will (e #"ndu#ted "nline M010 days (e'"re t e last "''i#ial day "' #lasses "' ea# se)ester "r su))er sessi"n. 8"ur resp"nse<s= t" t e #"urse6instru#t"r are an"ny)"us and will n"t (e returned t" y"ur instru#t"r until a'ter grades a5e (een su()itted. * e use "' a #"urse6instru#t"r e5aluati"n is an i)p"rtant pr"#ess t at all"ws "ur #"llege t" <1= elp 'a#ulty i)pr"5e t eir instru#ti"n$ <2= elp ad)inistrat"rs e5aluate instru#ti"nal !uality$ <.= ensure ig standards "' tea# ing$ and <4= ulti)ately i)pr"5e instru#ti"n and student learning "5er ti)e. +")pleti"n "' t e e5aluati"n is n"t re!uired '"r y"u t" pass t is #lass and will n"t a''e#t y"ur grade$ (ut y"ur #""perati"n and parti#ipati"n in t is pr"#ess is #riti#al. ,("ut tw" wee%s (e'"re t e #lass 'inis es$ wat# '"r an e0)ail wit N,S; +"urse6Instru#t"r E5aluati"n4 in t e su(>e#t eading. * e e)ail will (e sent t" y"ur "''i#ial ,S; e0)ail address$ s" )a%e sure ,S; as y"ur #urrent e)ail address "n 'ile. 8"u #an # e#% t is "nline at t e '"ll"wing ;CL: ttp:66www.asu.edu6ep"update6

!ow to Succeed in t%is Course

+ e#% y"ur ,S; e)ail daily L"g in t" t e #"urse we( site daily +"))uni#ate wit y"ur instru#t"r + e#% ,nn"un#e)ents /,IL8 + e#%0in "n * read "n /is#ussi"n -"ard WEELL8. +reate a study s# edule s" t at y"u d"nAt 'all (e ind "n assign)ents -e an a#ti5e parti#ipant "n t e Wee%ly /is#ussi"n -"ard in resp"nding t" wee%ly /is#ussi"n 2uesti"ns.

Student Conduct Statement

Students are re!uired t" ad ere t" t e (e a5i"r standards listed in ,ri&"na -"ard "' Cegents @"li#y 3anual + apter K D +a)pus and Student ,''airs: +"de "' +"ndu#t < ttp:66www.a("r.asu.edu61Ot eOregents6p"li#y)anual6# ap565Se#ti"nO+.pd'=$ ,+/ 125: +")puter$ Internet$ and Ele#tr"ni# +"))uni#ati"ns < ttp:66www.asu.edu6aad6)anuals6a#d6a#d125. t)l=$ and t e ,S; Student ,#ade)i# Integrity @"li#y < ttp:66www.asu.edu6studenta''airs6studentli'e6srr6inde?. t)=. Students are entitled t" re#ei5e instru#ti"n 'ree 'r") inter'eren#e (y "t er )e)(ers "' t e #lass. I' a student is disrupti5e$ an instru#t"r )ay as% t e student t" st"p t e disrupti5e (e a5i"r and warn t e student t at su# disrupti5e (e a5i"r #an result in wit drawal 'r") t e #"urse. ,n instru#t"r )ay wit draw a student 'r") a #"urse w en t e studentPs (e a5i"r disrupts t e edu#ati"nal pr"#ess under ;SI 201010 ttp:66www.asu.edu6aad6)anuals6usi6usi201010. t)l. ,ppr"priate #lassr"") (e a5i"r is de'ined (y t e instru#t"r. * is in#ludes t e nu)(er and lengt "' indi5idual )essages "nline. +"urse dis#ussi"n )essages s "uld re)ain '"#used "n t e assigned dis#ussi"n t"pi#s. Students )ust )aintain a #"rdial at)"sp ere and use ta#t in e?pressing di''eren#es "' "pini"n. Inappr"priate dis#ussi"n ("ard )essages )ay (e deleted i' an instru#t"r 'eels it is ne#essary. Students will (e n"ti'ied pri5ately t at t eir p"sting was inappr"priate. Student a##ess t" t e #"urse Send E)ail 'eature )ay (e li)ited "r re)"5ed i' an instru#t"r 'eels t at students are sending inappr"priate ele#tr"ni# )essages t" "t er students in t e #"urse.

Syllabus -isclaimer
* e instru#t"r 5iews t e #"urse sylla(us as an edu#ati"nal #"ntra#t (etween t e instru#t"r and students. E5ery e''"rt will (e )ade t" a5"id # anging t e #"urse s# edule (ut t e p"ssi(ility e?ists t at un'"reseen e5ents will )a%e sylla(us # anges ne#essary. * e instru#t"r reser5es t e rig t t" )a%e # anges t" t e sylla(us as dee)ed ne#essary. Students will (e n"ti'ied in a ti)ely )anner "' any sylla(us # anges 'a#e0 t"0'a#e$ 5ia e)ail "r in t e #"urse site ,nn"un#e)ents. @lease re)e)(er t" # e#% y"ur ,S; e)ail and t e #"urse site ,nn"un#e)ents daily.

.ec%nical Su11ort Contact Information

F"r te# ni#al assistan#e 24 "urs a day$ M days a wee%$ please #"nta#t t e ;ni5ersity *e# n"l"gy O''i#e 7elp /es%: @ "ne: 4800IE50E500 E)ail: elpdes%@asu.edu We(: ttp:66 elp.asu.edu6

F"r in'"r)ati"n "n syste)s "utages see t e ,S; syste)s status #alendar$ please 5isit ttp:66sys ealt .asu.edu6 and ttp:66syste)status.asu.edu6status6#alendar.asp

Accessibility Statement
In #")plian#e wit t e Ce a(ilitati"n ,#t "' 1IM.$ Se#ti"n 504$ and t e ,)eri#ans wit /isa(ilities ,#t "' 1II0$ pr"'essi"nal disa(ility spe#ialists and supp"rt sta'' at t e /isa(ility Ces"ur#e +enters </C+= 'a#ilitate a #")pre ensi5e range "' a#ade)i# supp"rt ser5i#es and a##"))"dati"ns '"r !uali'ied students wit disa(ilities. /C+ sta'' #""rdinate transiti"n 'r") ig s# ""ls and #"))unity #"lleges$ in0 ser5i#e training '"r 'a#ulty and sta''$ res"luti"n "' a##essi(ility issues$ #"))unity "utrea# $ and #"lla("rati"n (etween all ,S; #a)puses regarding disa(ility p"li#ies$ pr"#edures$ and a##"))"dati"ns. Students w " wis t" re!uest an a##"))"dati"n '"r a disa(ility s "uld #"nta#t t e /isa(ility Ces"ur#e +enter </C+= '"r t eir #a)pus. .em1e Cam1us ttp:66www.asu.edu6studenta''airs6ed6dr#6 4800IE5012.4 <K"i#e= 4800IE50I000 <**8= )est Cam1us %tt1:;;www$west$asu$edu;drc; <ni#ersity Center 2uildin( F<C2G4 Room 1B0 C0&+A'B+H1'A F=oiceG *olytec%nic Cam1us ttp:66www.asu.edu6studenta''airs6ed6dr#6 480.M2M.11E5 <K"i#e= 480.M2M.100I <**8= -owntown *%oeni/ Cam1us %tt1:;;cam1us$asu$edu;downtown;-RC <ni#ersity Center 2uildin(4 Suite 1C0 C0&+'DC+'B&1 F=oiceG C0&+'DC+0BEH F.."G

Course Schedule:
,S; +"urse S# edule '"r Spring 2014 CEL 100 21058 161.0562614 Celigi"ns "' t e W"rld Lynda Sweat

NO*E: E5ery Sunday e5ening$ I su()it an ,NNO;N+E3EN* t" y"u letting y"u %n"w w at we will (e d"ing '"r t e wee%$ y"ur /2As will (e in t "se ,nn"un#e)ents. /,*E6WEEL Fe(ruary W% "' 161.614 Cead Entire +lass -( S ell$ +"py Sylla(us '"r y"ur 'iles$ 1+ e#%0In4 "n /is#ussi"n -"ard '"r t e Wee%. -asi# Celigi"ns. @lease a#!uaint y"ursel5es wit t e Wee%ly S# edule$ t e +"urse S# edule$ t e Hrade S#ale$ et#. I' y"u a5e any !uesti"ns$ please d" n"t esitate t" #"nta#t )e. ,SSIHN3EN* +O33EN*S NO*ES

W% "' 1620614

On y"ur )enu t" t e le't in "ur -la#%("ard +lass S ell$

3ON/,8 1620614 is 3artin Lut er Ling 8

please #li#% "n -asi# Celigi"ns and H"ddess *raditi"ns. 3"n. *er)in"l"gy will "pen at 8 a)$ Le#tures will "pen at 8 a). Fri.1624614 First Wee% "r Ce#ap will "pen at 8 a). W% "' 162M614 7induis) Le#ture Q1 3"n. +li#% "n 7induis): *er)in"l"gy and Le#ture Q1 and 5ari"us ite)s '"r y"ur in'"r)ati"n and en>"y)ent$ "pens at 8 a) 3"n. Le#tures "pen. *ues. 7induis) /2 "pens *ues and #l"ses Sun. Fri. Ce#ap "pens at 8 a).

Gr. /ay and it is re#"gni&ed (y t e ;ni5ersity as a day "'' '"r #"))e)"rati"n. Our #lass s# edule stays t e sa)e.

W% "' 26.614

7induis) Le#ture Q2 and Q.

W% "' 2610614

-udd is) Le#ture Q1

Le#ture and ter)in"l"gy "pens at 8 a) -udd is) /2 "pens *ues and #l"ses '"ll"wing Sun.

W% "' 261M614

-udd is) Le#ture Q2 and Q.

Le#ture and ter)in"l"gy "pens at 8 a) Ce#ap Fri

W% "' 2624614

Gudais) Le#ture Q1

Le#ture and ter)in"l"gy "pens 8 a)

W% "' .6.614

StudyR3idter) Friday .6M614

3idter) E?a) #"5ers -asi# Celigi"ns$ 7induis) and -udd is)$ Fri .6M614.

W% "' .6106140 .61E614 S@CINH -CE,LR.NO +L,SSES W% "' .61M614

N" #lasses$ Spring -rea%RR.

Gudais) Le#ture Q2

3"n. Le#ture "pen at 8 a) *ues /2 "pens and #l"ses "n Sun

W% "' .624614

Gudais) Le#ture Q.

3"n. Le#ture "pens at 8 a). Fri re#ap "pens at 8 a)

W% "' .6.1614

+ ristianity Q1

*er)in"l"gy and Le#ture "pens at 8 a) *ues /2 "pens and #l"ses "n Sun

W% "' 46M614 W% "' 461461.

+ ristianity Le#ture Q2 Isla) Le#ture Q1

Le#ture "pens 3"n and Ce#ap "pens Fri. *er)in"l"gy and Le#ture /2 "pens "n *ues

W% "' 4621614

Isla) Le#ture Q2

Le#ture "pen 3"n Ce#ap "pens Fri

W% "' 4628614


Final E?a): 3"n 565614 Wat# ,nn"un#e)ents '"r In'"r)ati"n. E?a) will #"5er Gudais)$ + ristianity and Isla).

Fri. 562614 Last /ay "' +lasses '"r ;ni5ersity.

3idter) E?a): +"5ers -asi# Celigi"ns$ 7induis) and -udd is) and is "n Friday .6M614. It is w"rt 100 pts.

Final E?a): +"5ers Gudais)$ + ristianity and Isla) and is "n 3"n. 565614. It is w"rt 100 pts.


CE3IN/ECS: WEELL8 + e#%0In "n 1Student + e#%0in * read4 "n /is#ussi"n -"ard.

CE3IN/ECS: F"r /2As$ t ey )ust (e resear# ed$ #ited$ well t "ug t "ut$ pertain t" t e !uesti"n$ %ind and t"lerant in "rder t" re#ei5e y"ur 10 pts. In additi"n$ y"u need t" resp"nd t" at least "ne "' y"ur 'ell"w #lass)ateAs /2 resp"nse ea# ti)e '"r t e /2 10 pts. 9s" 2 re!uire)ents '"r t e 10 pts.$ answer t e !uesti"n and resp"nd t" #lass)ate:. * ere will (e 5 in all 97induis)$ -udd is)$ Gudais)$ + ristianity$ and Isla):R.I urge y"u all t" parti#ipate n"t "nly in answering t e !uesti"ns$ (ut t" tal% wit y"ur 'ell"w #lass)atesR..we are a tea) and we all learn 'r") ea# "t er. * e a("5e +"urse S# edule$ li%e t e Sylla(us is su(>e#t t" # ange$ (ut i' alterati"ns need t" (e )ade$ y"u will (e gi5en a)ple n"ti#e. * an% y"u and I "pe y"u en>"y t e #lassB ,s always$ i' at any ti)e$ y"u a5e a !uesti"n "r need t" tal% t" )e$ please e)ail )e 9i' y"u d" n"t want any"ne else t" see it:$ "r p"st under 12uesti"ns '"r 3rs. S4 "n /is#ussi"n 9i' it is "% '"r t e #lass t" read:.


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