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FPGA Based Implementation & Power Analysis of Parameterized Walsh Sequences

Gaurav Purohit ! "#$ %hau&ey'

(epartment of ))) BI*S+ Pilani! Pilani %ampus Pilani! India ,p#&its- ,mail#com ! v.cster-,mail#com'
Abstract This paper presents FPGA based implementation of the theory which replaces a general Sine and cosine function by set of orthogonal functions i.e. Walsh function. The paper further compares Parameterized Serial !n Serial "ut# architectures based on classical counter approach. The in$estigation consider FPGA parameters li%e Area& Speed and Power and shows that using Gray'increment based architecture instead of (inary sa$es )mW of power per symbol *)+ Walsh chips per symbol, with -./ reduction in area. The design is implemented in 0123 code& simulated in 4AT3A( System Generator en$ironment and $alidated with 4AT3A( Simulin% 4odel. The design targeted 5ilin6 0irte6'7 XC5VLX50T-1ff1136 FPGA de$ice for the implementation and comparison. The design found their uses in many popular applications li%e Software 2efine 8adio *S28, including multiuser communications such as 924A& W924A& 03S! testing& pattern recognition as well as image and signal processing. Keywords-CDMA, ade!ac"er f#$ct%o$, &D , 'e$erator, (CDMA, (a)s" se*#e$ces, (a)s" f#$ct%o$+ &yste!

$ota Solomon /a0u1! (ivya "yas

(i,ital Systems Group %SI/ + %))/I Pilani Pilani! India solomon-ceeri#ernet#in1 Fourier transforms! audio and video si,nal processin,! filterin, and multipleAin, have &een widely reported in literature B1C+BFC specially for multimode radio S(/ >Software (efined /adio@ and /econfi,ura&le /adio as in %(EA standard! where the individual channels are distin,uished from each other &y mutual ortho,onality of si,nals# It is therefore! necessary to create mutually ortho,onal sequences! throu,h which information is transmitted &y various channels spread# *he *a&le I shows the application of Walsh code in the %(EA /everse channels BGC# *his paper presents a customized! ele,ant! and concise solution for &uildin, hazard free! noiseless HF+ ortho,onal set usin, /ademacher function# Furthermore presents the comparison is &ased on three main parameter viz# power! speed and area for two prominent SIS3 architecture i#e# usin, classical &inary counter and Gray counter#
*a&le I Walsh functions for reverse %(EA channel



WA5S6 functions are a complete set of periodic two+ valued 78 !+ 9 ortho,onal functions that can &e used in somewhat the same manner as Fourier functions# :#5 Walsh in his article ;A closed set of normal ortho,onal functions< of ='1 defined ortho,onal functions! which is closed in a standard interval >?! @ and every function ta.es the values 78 !+ 9 eAcept the final num&er of discrete points! which is zero B C# WalshDs definition seems more appealin, to en,ineers &ecause of the analo,y with tri,onometric functions in terms of orderin, the functions accordin, to the increasin, avera,e num&er of zero crossin,s in a unit interval! called ;sequency<# 6owever! they have aroused ,reat interest in recent years in wireless communication as they are used as channelization code in many standards such as %(EA'??? >%ode (ivision Eultiple Access@! W%(EA >Wide&and %ode (ivision Eultiple Access@ B'C# *hey are used for the elimination or the reduction of interference within the users and within the channels and furthermore for their identification# *hey have vast applications in the field of communications! fast

*he paper is structured as followsI Section ' illustrates a&out ,eneration of the Walsh sequence and previous wor.s to provide appropriate &ac.,round# In Section 1! descri&es FPGA implementation of SIS3 architectures# In Section F! we investi,ate and evaluate our results &y comparin, the two implemented architectures#


WA5S6 F42%*I32 G)2)/A*3/S

*here are two different .inds of Walsh function ,enerators are in use the first ,enerates only one Walsh function at a time out of a lar,e possi&le num&er# Whereas the second method ,enerates a complete set of Walsh functions simultaneously# 3ur implementations ,enerate only one Walsh function at a time and are shown with two different architectures &ased on /ademacher function# *he difference is that first architecture uses classical &inary counter and ,ray indeA whereas other &y ,ray counter and ,ray indeA# 5et us see how /ademacher functions are used for ,eneratin, Walsh sequence BHC# /ademacher functions of order N are set of 1+log2N ortho,onal functions consistin, of N=2^k rectan,ular pulses# *hese pulses assume alternately the values 8 and + in an interval of >?! T@# *he /ademacher functions of order N are defined &y the relation! 8n *t, : sgn *sin ; <t,& > @ ("ere 8. *t, : >&

4se a zero &efore decimal pointsI ;?#'G<! not ;#'G<# 4se ;cm1<! not ;cc<# >b&llet list@

'. ()&ations *he equations are an eAception to the prescri&ed specifications of this template# Lou will need to determine whether or not your equation should &e typed usin, either the *imes 2ew /oman or the Sym&ol font >please no other font@# *o create multileveled equations! it may &e necessary to treat the equation as a ,raphic and insert it into the teAt after your paper is styled# 2um&er equations consecutively# )quation num&ers! within parentheses! are to position flush ri,ht! as in > @! usin, a ri,ht ta& stop# *o ma.e your equations more compact! you may use the solidus > K @! the eAp function! or appropriate eAponents# Italicize /oman sym&ols for quantities and varia&les! &ut not Gree. sym&ols# 4se a lon, dash rather than a hyphen for a minus si,n# Punctuate equations with commas or periods when they are part of a sentence! as in + = . (1)

t = *T& .,& n : >& ; ... ?

After ,eneratin, /ademacher functions these are converted to /ademacher sequences# *his operation yields conversion into &inary lo,ic >8 J? & + J @# *he Walsh sequences are ,enerated as a modulo+' sum of /ademacher functions# *his process is &ased on Walsh function indeA sequence conversion into the Gray code# IndeA sequence of Walsh function is simply Walsh function indeA in &inary code Xi = (xi1, xi2xiK) *he Gray code Gi = (gi1, gi2 giK) is created as followsI A. Abbreviations an A!ron"#s (efine a&&reviations and acronyms the first time they are used in the teAt! even after they have &een defined in the a&stract# A&&reviations such as I)))! SI! E$S! %GS! sc! dc! and rms do not have to &e defined# (o not use a&&reviations in the title or heads unless they are unavoida&le# $. %nits 4se either SI >E$S@ or %GS as primary units# >SI units are encoura,ed#@ )n,lish units may &e used as secondary units >in parentheses@# An eAception would &e the use of )n,lish units as identifiers in trade! such as ;1#G+inch dis. drive<# Avoid com&inin, SI and %GS units! such as current in amperes and ma,netic field in oersteds# *his often leads to confusion &ecause equations do not &alance dimensionally# If you must use miAed units! clearly state the units for each quantity that you use in an equation# (o not miA complete spellin,s and a&&reviations of unitsI ;W&Km'< or ;we&ers per square meter<! not ;we&ersKm'<# Spell out units when they appear in teAtI ;# # # a few henries<! not ;# # # a few 6<#

2ote that the equation is centered usin, a center ta& stop# Be sure that the sym&ols in your equation have &een defined &efore or immediately followin, the equation# 4se ;> @<! not ;)q# > @< or ;equation > @<! eAcept at the &e,innin, of a sentenceI ;)quation > @ is # # #< *. +o#e 'o##on ,istakes *he word ;data< is plural! not sin,ular# *he su&script for the permea&ility of vacuum ?! and other common scientific constants! is zero with su&script formattin,! not a lowercase letter ;o<# In American )n,lish! commas! semi+Kcolons! periods! question and eAclamation mar.s are located within quotation mar.s only when a complete thou,ht or name is cited! such as a title or full quotation# When quotation mar.s are used! instead of a &old or italic typeface! to hi,hli,ht a word or phrase! punctuation should appear outside of the quotation mar.s# A parenthetical phrase or statement at the end of a sentence is punctuated outside of the closin, parenthesis >li.e this@# >A parenthetical sentence is punctuated within the parentheses#@ A ,raph within a ,raph is an ;inset<! not an ;insert<# *he word alternatively is preferred to the word ;alternately< >unless you really mean somethin, that alternates@# (o not use the word ;essentially< ;approAimately< or ;effectively<# to mean

In your paper title! if the words ;that uses< can accurately replace the word ;usin,<! capitalize the ;u<M if not! .eep usin, lower+cased# Be aware of the different meanin,s of the homophones ;affect< and ;effect<! ;complement< and

+-onsorsI %SI/ E6/(! ()56I S/F Fellowship

;compliment<! ;discreet< and ;discrete<! ;principal< and ;principle<# (o not confuse ;imply< and ;infer<# *he prefiA ;non< is not a wordM it should &e 0oined to the word it modifies! usually without a hyphen# *here is no period after the ;et< in the 5atin a&&reviation ;et al#<# *he a&&reviation ;i#e#< means ;that is<! and the a&&reviation ;e#,#< means ;for eAample<#

hi,hli,ht all of the a&ove author and affiliation lines# Go to %olumn icon and select ;' %olumns<# If you have an odd num&er of affiliations! the final affiliation will &e centered on the pa,eM all previous will &e in two columns# $. 8 enti/" t.e 2ea ings 6eadin,s! or heads! are or,anizational devices that ,uide the reader throu,h your paper# *here are two typesI component heads and teAt heads# %omponent heads identify the different components of your paper and are not topically su&ordinate to each other# )Aamples include Ac.nowled,ments and /eferences and! for these! the correct style to use is ;6eadin, G<# 4se ;fi,ure caption< for your Fi,ure captions! and ;ta&le head< for your ta&le title# /un+ in heads! such as ;A&stract<! will require you to apply a style >in this case! italic@ in addition to the style provided &y the drop down menu to differentiate the head from the teAt# *eAt heads or,anize the topics on a relational! hierarchical &asis# For eAample! the paper title is the primary teAt head &ecause all su&sequent material relates and ela&orates on this one topic# If there are two or more su&+topics! the neAt level head >uppercase /oman numerals@ should &e used and! conversely! if there are not at least two su&+topics! then no su&heads should &e introduced# Styles named ;6eadin, <! ;6eadin, '<! ;6eadin, 1<! and ;6eadin, F< are prescri&ed# '. 0ig&res an Tables 1) 9ositioning 0ig&res an Tables4 Place fi,ures and ta&les at the top and &ottom of columns# Avoid placin, them in the middle of columns# 5ar,e fi,ures and ta&les may span across &oth columns# Fi,ure captions should &e &elow the fi,uresM ta&le heads should appear a&ove the ta&les# Insert fi,ures and ta&les after they are cited in the teAt# 4se the a&&reviation ;Fi,# <! even at the &e,innin, of a sentence#
*AB5) I# Table 1ead copy *AB5) *LP) S*L5)S Table 9olumn 1ead
Tab)e co)#!$ s#b"ead &#b"ead &#b"ead

An eAcellent style manual for science writers is BOC# III# 4SI2G *6) *)EP5A*)

After the teAt edit has &een completed! the paper is ready for the template# (uplicate the template file &y usin, the Save As command! and use the namin, convention prescri&ed &y your conference for the name of your paper# In this newly created file! hi,hli,ht all of the contents and import your prepared teAt file# Lou are now ready to style your paperM use the scroll down window on the left of the ES Word Formattin, tool&ar# A. A&t.ors an A//iliations *he template is desi,ned so that author affiliations are not repeated each time for multiple authors of the same affiliation# Please .eep your affiliations as succinct as possi&le >for eAample! do not differentiate amon, departments of the same or,anization@# *his template was desi,ned for two affiliations# 1) 0or a&t.or1s o/ onl" one a//iliation (2ea ing 3)4 *o chan,e the default! ad0ust the template as follows# a) +ele!tion (2ea ing 5)4 6i,hli,ht all author and affiliation lines# b) '.ange n&#ber o/ !ol&#ns4 Select the %olumns icon from the ES Word Standard tool&ar and then select ; %olumn< from the selection palette# !) *eletion4 (elete the author and affiliation lines for the second affiliation# ) 0or a&t.or1s o/ #ore t.an t6o a//iliations4 *o chan,e the default! ad0ust the template as follows# e) +ele!tion4 6i,hli,ht all author and affiliation lines# /) '.ange n&#ber o/ !ol&#ns4 Select the ;%olumns< icon from the ES Word Standard tool&ar and then select ; %olumn< from the selection palette# g) 2ig.lig.t a&t.or an a//iliation lines o/ a//iliation 1 an !o-" t.is sele!tion. .) 0or#atting4 Insert one hard return immediately after the last character of the last affiliation line# *hen paste down the copy of affiliation # /epeat as necessary for each additional affiliation# i) 7eassign n&#ber o/ !ol&#ns4 Place your cursor to the ri,ht of the last character of the last affiliation line of an even num&ered affiliation >e#,#! if there are five affiliations! place your cursor at end of fourth affiliation@# (ra, the cursor up to

Eore ta&le copy

a# Sample of a *a&le footnote# >*a&le footnote@

We su,,est that you use a teAt &oA to insert a ,raphic >which is ideally a 1?? dpi *IFF or )PS file! with all fonts em&edded@ &ecause! in an ESW document! this method is somewhat more sta&le than directly insertin, a picture# *o have non+visi&le rules on your frame! use the ESWord ;Format< pull+down menu! select *eAt BoA N %olors and 5ines to choose 2o Fill and 2o 5ine#
Fi,ure # )Aample of a fi,ure caption# (/ig&re !a-tion)

Fi,ure 5a&elsI 4se P point *imes 2ew /oman for Fi,ure la&els# 4se words rather than sym&ols or a&&reviations when writin, Fi,ure aAis la&els to avoid confusin, the reader# As an eAample! write the quantity ;Ea,netization<! or ;Ea,netization! E<! not 0ust ;E<# If includin, units in the la&el! present them within parentheses# (o not la&el aAes only

with units# In the eAample! write ;Ea,netization >AKm@< or ;Ea,netization 7ABm> @C9<! not 0ust ;AKm<# (o not la&el aAes with a ratio of quantities and units# For eAample! write ;*emperature >$@<! not ;*emperatureK$<# A%$23W5)(GE)2* (2(A*8NG :) *he preferred spellin, of the word ;ac.nowled,ment< in America is without an ;e< after the ;,<# Avoid the stilted eApression! ;3ne of us >/# B# G#@ than.s # # #< Instead! try ;/# B# G# than.s<# Put sponsor ac.nowled,ments in the unnum+ &ered footnote on the first pa,e# /)F)/)2%)S *he template will num&er citations consecutively within &rac.ets B C# *he sentence punctuation follows the &rac.et B'C# /efer simply to the reference num&er! as in B1CQdo not use ;/ef# B1C< or ;reference B1C< eAcept at the &e,innin, of a sentenceI ;/eference B1C was the first # # #< 2um&er footnotes separately in superscripts# Place the actual footnote at the &ottom of the column in which it was cited# (o not put footnotes in the reference list# 4se letters for ta&le footnotes# 4nless there are siA authors or more ,ive all authorsR namesM do not use ;et al#<# Papers that have not &een pu&lished!

even if they have &een su&mitted for pu&lication! should &e cited as ;unpu&lished< BFC# Papers that have &een accepted for pu&lication should &e cited as ;in press< BGC# %apitalize only the first word in a paper title! eAcept for proper nouns and element sym&ols# For papers pu&lished in translation 0ournals! please ,ive the )n,lish citation first! followed &y the ori,inal forei,n+lan,ua,e citation BHC#
B C G# )ason! B# 2o&le! and I# 2# Sneddon! ;3n certain inte,rals of 5ipschitz+6an.el type involvin, products of Bessel functions!< Phil# *rans# /oy# Soc# 5ondon! vol# A'FO! pp# G'=SGG ! April =GG# (re/eren!es) :# %ler. EaAwell! A *reatise on )lectricity and Ea,netism! 1rd ed#! vol# '# 3AfordI %larendon! P='! pp#HPSO1# I# S# :aco&s and %# P# Bean! ;Fine particles! thin films and eAchan,e anisotropy!< in Ea,netism! vol# III! G# *# /ado and 6# Suhl! )ds# 2ew Lor.I Academic! =H1! pp# 'O S1G?# $# )lissa! ;*itle of paper if .nown!< unpu&lished# /# 2icole! ;*itle of paper with only first word capitalized!< :# 2ame Stand# A&&rev#! in press# L# Lorozu! E# 6irano! $# 3.a! and L# *a,awa! ;)lectron spectroscopy studies on ma,neto+optical media and plastic su&strate interface!< I))) *ransl# :# Ea,n# :apan! vol# '! pp# OF?SOF ! Au,ust =PO B(i,ests =th Annual %onf# Ea,netics :apan! p# 1? ! =P'C# E# Loun,! *he *echnical WriterRs 6and&oo.# Eill "alley! %AI 4niversity Science! =P=#




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