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Translated Journal by William Brayton

~Translater's Notes, 3151 May 18th. I have successfully to the best our abilities, translated this text from a stone slab written by one of matriarchs of the society we're attempting to preserve on Titan. This text seems to be a written account of one of their famous oral stories which has changed through the generations.

You realize the futility of life when you're met with something you cannot explain, that over powers and uses you for things you don't understand. This lesson, was taught to me by my mother, who came face to face with an unknown and by oral tradition, told her story to her family and clan. The story she wove was horrifying and awe inspiring, knowing that there is more to this world than we originally thought. That we're not alone, there are beings within the fires of the sky that our gods have placed in for us to explore, we did not realize they created other life within those fires. My mother, told us the story of our first meeting with one of the goddess' creations and it seems that our Goddess of Life, Bythol, believes all life should self determinant. This is the following story recounted by my mother. As was custom during the months of harvest, last season my mother took part in the ritual of thanks to our gods for giving us a great bounty of food and animals. The meat was plenty, the season was particularly merciful to us. During one of the final rights, the matriarch of our Clan must give sacrifice inside the cave from which we are all birthed to bless it and allow more of us to come. It was a clear night, and the gods sought fit to make the fires in the sky beam brightly. While we danced around the ceremonial circle of light and ate in festivities. My mother left the celebration with one of our prized animals to sacrifice. It was during this time that one of my younger sibling noted that a few of the stars were dancing, I called it out to the rest of the Clan and we took it a sign of blessing. The dancing and prayers to our gods became more fervent as the stars circled around us in dancing fashion. This quickly tired out the olders and the youngers were starting to falter as well. As we started to tire and slowly slumber as one, I noted that mother had not returned. The fires in the sky continued to swirl around until one swooped over toward the cave. The oldest older, my grandolder stated that this was a great blessing and that it had only once occurred before, which led to my mother's birth. We let out one final prayer only to have it be broken by the blood curdling scream of my mother. The entire clan awoke, this was not a scream of happiness, but of horror. We could hear it from the pitch and warble of my mother's call. Danger was near so our warriors immediately grabbed their spears and charged out, led by the oldest older who was our greatest warrior. We raced through stone pillar and shrub, running straight at the bright light that had enveloped the area. As we approached, several of our warriors began to stop in their tracks, their will broken and bodies unable to move due to some great fear. Many of us were fighting back this urge to return to the fire, to our safe home with the rest of the clan. By the time we had reached the cave, the beaming light

had broken our will, only the oldest older, our greatest warrior moved forward and prayed to our god of protection. The rest of us went silent as we stared at the floating shining vessel, it emitted fire from the bottom of it, scaring away the loose dirt and gravel. Something stood in front of it, a two legged creature of white and gold. Its single reflective eye staring at all of us, showing the reflection of ourselves. We stood in awe at this creature that was created by our Goddess of Life, only she would make something so majestic and beautiful. Our greatest warrior fell to his knees in awe, unable to move forward any further. My mother and the being were at the center of this gathering, a meeting of creation. The being began to speak, we could not understand what it was saying but we understand what it wanted to say. It was here to take my mother away, to do something to her that it did to my grandmother and that someday would do to me. Then something inside me snapped, leaving me in horror as two more two legged figures walked out and began to pick up my mother who was frozen and on her back. She stayed speechless and still as if the God of Death had taken her soul to spare her from what was about to come. Next thing I remember is that I awoke, on the cold ground in front of the breeding cave. The other warriors were just awaking and in the center was my mother, holding onto herself and shaking. She turned to me and gave me a look of horror, not from what she saw, but what she feared I would have to experience. She also had a twinge of Guilt as she walked over and helped me to my feet, warning me that the second duty as Matriarch, was to protect our people from those beings. They were not creatures of good or evil, they were not beloved fuzguli nor were they the hated muzzuli. They were a subject of their own hell and heaven. The Goddess abandoned them and they sought their own survival, we were blessed. They were also beyond our understanding because of their very nature she forced the entire warrior tribe who witnessed everything into silence. And for the rest of the year, we stayed silent. A curse of sickness affected the greatolders and olders, but the youngers were sparred for some reason, we buried our olders with great dignity and prayer of happiness that our next generation would stay healthy. The next harvest came and I was blessed with my first younger, and nothing of importance happened but I kept my eyes on the sky, fearful for the return of those two legged creatures and what they might do to my younger. The younger was born, healthy and strong within the breeding cave, right outside the spot my mother was taken. There was a celebration for me and one of the other females who also gave birth to a strong and healthy child. The youngers, more perspective and opened minded then us olders, began to state they were seeing dancing fires in the skies and asking what they were. The olders, myself included, would quiet them down and not celebrate but respect the dancing fires. Another year passed and my mother passed away, leaving me as matriarch of our clan. That year of harvest, I was with second younger and the fires in the sky were dancing. Many had forgotten what happened that night. Many didn't know, except for a loss of time, but my mother made sure I remembered so I was weary as I approached the breeding cave. It was then I saw the two legged figure, standing in front of the breeding cave, his single reflective eye staring at me. The vessel wasn't alive like it once was, it was silent and on the ground instead. I attempted to scream but my voice was lost in the background noise of a voice speaking my head to calm down. I stared at this being, without the light the image of a two legged and two armed figured was more clear. His white flabby skin and various tubes running along his body. It was an amazingly horrifying sight, why would the Goddess of Life create such an ugly yet mesmerizing creature. It continued to speak in my head and

began to walk forward, reaching out with both hands to pick me up. I attempted to scream once again but it was stuck inside my body, he had taken my voice and soul from me. I was lifted up and from pure fear alone, passed out against the creature. Inside the vessel I woke to see 5 of these beings, all of whom had two eyes, a nose and face like us, but they were not of our skin pigmentation. They were the shades of the fuzuguli and muzzuli, not grey like us. They hovered over me, touching me with more white, they were clothed in pure white. These beings were wearing the fuzuguli colors. But what I saw below horrified me more as I noticed a large device, at the center of which was a thin metal spear bearing my abdomen where my next younger was. I tried to panic but they were overpowering me. I couldn't fight or flee, and when I re awoke the next day, I knew remembered because the last surviving oldest, our greatest warrior had nightmares about that night. He also remembered how this had happened to every matriarch of every generation, these beings would take us for unknown reasons and return us the next day. My next younger was tainted by whatever those beings had done to it, but it was still my younger and I could not bring myself to save her soul after she was born, I pray that she forgives me for the pain and suffering I have wrought to her. This story is only to be repeated to the oldest of olders and to the next in line for the matriarchy of our clan, the sins committed against us also bless as every one of our daughters grows up healthy and strong, avoiding the catastrophic diseases that have plagued other clans. It is a sin we must suffer and atone for and that is why it is not told to any of the others. That is the story my mother addressed and spoke to me, just the overwhelming urge to purge myself from our clan was the only response I could give. I did not like the idea that somehow we were being used to make sure our clan did not die. We do not know what these beings in white are planning, but we don't exact have the means to stop them. We have given them a new name, the dirtiest name we can think of and it was the name they call themselves, Hu-man.

~Translation completed in 3516 of the species known as the 'Greys' based upon the popular mythology from Earth. Dr.Schroder has cataloged this under endangered species, the Greys are a dying race, and our attempts to save them have only successfully stuck within one tribe. Our hope is that at least two more tribes survive the gene therapy process so when colonization occurs, we do not kill them all. The matriarchs seem to keep this tablet secret, only giving it over to the next leader. They don't seem to understand what is happening, but they accept it. Plans to expand the supportive abductions and experiments are going to go through.

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