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No Practical Date 1 Write a program to sum first N terms of the following Series 1 + X/2! X2/4! + X3/6! - X4/8! + 2 Declare a structure result with following members- Roll no., name, marks for 5 subjects, total, percentage & grade.WAP using above structure to take data form for N students and display result sheet in the following format: Roll Name Eng Phy Chem Math Comp Total Per Grade No. 3 Write a menu based program to calculate area of circle, rectangle and triangle (heros formula) on the basis of users choice. Design the family of function using same main area using function overloading. Declare a class Account to represent bank account of customers with the following data members. Name of the depositor, account no., type of account(S for saving and C for current), balance amount. Write a program using above class to do the following: To initialize data members. To deposit money. To withdraw money after checking the balance (minimum is Rs.1000) To display the Details of particular account Display the List of all account details. Exit. Declare a class complex to represent complex no. with its real and imaginary part. Write a menu based program that add, subtract, multiply and divide 2 complex numebrs on the basis of users choice. Make functions for all these operations by passing 2 complex no as object of the class and return object from the function. Write a program using any one type of inheritance. Write the function WriteStory() that will take a story from keyboard and write to the file STORY.TXT. Wirte another function CopyStory() to copy only those words that are not starting with uppercase and vowels from STORY.TXT and write to another text file STORY1.TXT. Call the above two function in main() function. Use the class Account as in practical No. 4 and do all the operation of practical no 4 by creating and using binary file ACCOUNT.DAT. Write a menu based program to search a number from the list of N numbers with the following options 1. Linear Search 2. Binary Search 3. Exit Write a menu based program using array to do the following operations on the basis of users choice. 1. Insert an element in sorted array 2. Delete an element from the array 3. Print all the numbers 4. Exit Write a menu based program using array to arrange the numbers using the following methods on the basis of users choice. 1. Ascending Order Using Selection Sort 2. Descending Order using Bubble Sort 3. Ascending Order Using Insertion sort 4. Exit Write a menu based program using array to merge to array of size M & N into third array using following methods on the basis of users choice.

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1. Linear Merge 2. Sorting While Merging 3. Exit 13 14 WAP that takes N different names from users and arranges them in the alphabetical order using bubble sort method. Write a menu based program using array to do Stack operations with the following options on the basis of users choice. 1. Push an Element 2. Pop an Element 3. Print Stack 4. Exit Write a menu based program using array to do Queue operations with the following options on the basis of users choice. 1. Insert an Element 2. Delete an Element 3. Print Queue 4. Exit Write a menu based program in C++ to add or subtract 2 matrices od same size M x N on the basis of users choice. Write a menu based program to do the following on double dimensional array (Square Matrix)on the basis of users choice write function for all the operations. 1. To Sum elements of each diagonal display it on screen 2. To Display only Middle Row and Middle Column 3. To Display only Lower Half part of matrix 4. Exit Write a menu based program to do the following on double dimensional array (M X N Matrix)on the basis of users choice write function for all the operations. 1. To Sum elements of each Row display it on screen 2. To Sum elements of each Column display it on screen 3. To Sum only those elements which are divisible by either 3 to 5 4. Exit Write a menu based program using Linked Implementation to do Stack operations with the following options on the basis of users choice. 1. Push an Element 2. Pop an Element 3. Print Stack 4. Exit Write a menu based program using array to do Queue operations with the following options on the basis of users choice. 1. Insert an Element 2. Delete an Element 3. Print Queue 4. Exit SQL Table No. 1 SQL Table No. 2 SQL Table No. 3 SQL Table No. 4 SQL Table No. 5


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Nishant Tiwari, PGT Computer Sc. JNV, Padmi, Mandla

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