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LINQ To XML Tutorials with Examples


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LINQ To XML Tutorials with Examples

Posted by: Suprotim Agarwal , on 8/29/2010, in Category LINQ

Views: 122091



Abstract: In this article, we will learn LINQ To XML using some How Do I kind of examples.

A lot of developers over the past few months have requested us for tutorials focusing on LINQToXML. Although I have written a couple of them in the past, I decided to republish these tips in the form of a single post. In this article, we will explore 24 How Do I kind of examples using LINQ to XML. I assume you are familiar with LINQ. If not, you can start off with LINQ by checking some tutorials over here and here. Download our Free Digital Magazines for .NET Professionals For this article, we will be using a sample file called Employees.xml for all our samples which is available with the source code. So make sure you keep it handy with you while are practicing these examples. The mark up for Employees.xml is as follows: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <Employees> <Employee> <EmpId>1</EmpId> <Name>Sam</Name> <Sex>Male</Sex> <Phone Type="Home">423-555-0124</Phone> <Phone Type="Work">424-555-0545</Phone> <Address> <Street>7A Cox Street</Street> <City>Acampo</City> <State>CA</State> <Zip>95220</Zip> <Country>USA</Country> </Address> </Employee> <Employee> <EmpId>2</EmpId> <Name>Lucy</Name> <Sex>Female</Sex> <Phone Type="Home">143-555-0763</Phone> <Phone Type="Work">434-555-0567</Phone> <Address> <Street>Jess Bay</Street> <City>Alta</City> <State>CA</State> <Zip>95701</Zip> <Country>USA</Country> </Address> </Employee> <Employee> <EmpId>3</EmpId> <Name>Kate</Name> <Sex>Female</Sex> <Phone Type="Home">166-555-0231</Phone> <Phone Type="Work">233-555-0442</Phone> <Address> <Street>23 Boxen Street</Street> <City>Milford</City> <State>CA</State> <Zip>96121</Zip> <Country>USA</Country> </Address> </Employee> <Employee> <EmpId>4</EmpId> <Name>Chris</Name> <Sex>Male</Sex>


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12/05/2013 22:04

LINQ To XML Tutorials with Examples


Covering ASP.NET MVC, Win 8, Azure, SharePoint and more..

<Phone Type="Home">564-555-0122</Phone> <Phone Type="Work">442-555-0154</Phone> <Address> <Street>124 Kutbay</Street> <City>Montara</City> <State>CA</State> <Zip>94037</Zip> <Country>USA</Country> </Address> </Employee> </Employees> The application is a console application targeting .NET 3.5 framework, although you can use the latest .NET 4.0 framework too. I have also used query expressions, instead of Lambda expression in these samples. It is just a matter of preference and you are free to use any of these. This tutorial has been divided into 2 sections: Section 1: Read XML and Traverse the Document using LINQ To XML Section 2: Manipulate XML content and Persist the changes using LINQ To XML The following namespaces are needed while testing the samples: Layer Diagram in Visual Studio 2012 Image Retrieval using ASP.NET MVC 4.0 WebAPI with HttpResponseMessage Customizing ASP.NET Web API Routing for the User Defined methods in ApiController class Change Tracking and Committable data-binding using KnockoutJS and ASP.NET Web API Integrating ASP.NET and SSRS: Calling Reports Programmatically and Sending results in HTML Using Portable Class Library in .NET 4.5 and Visual Studio 2012 Installing and Configuring Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 and SharePoint Farm on Windows Server 2008 R2

System; System.Collections.Generic; System.Linq; System.Text; System.Xml; System.Xml.Linq; Go grab a hot cup of coffee, put on your developer cap and let us get started:

Section 1: Read XML and Traverse the XML Document using LINQ To XML
1. How Do I Read XML using LINQ to XML There are two ways to do so: Using the XElement class or the XDocument class. Both the classes contain the Load() method which accepts a file, a URL or XMLReader and allows XML to be loaded. The primary difference between both the classes is that an XDocument can contain XML declaration, XML Document Type (DTD) and processing instructions. Moreover an XDocument contains one root XElement. Using XElement C# XElement xelement = XElement.Load("..\\..\\Employees.xml"); IEnumerable<XElement> employees = xelement.Elements(); // Read the entire XML foreach (var employee in employees) { Console.WriteLine(employee); } VB.NET (Converted Code) Dim xelement As XElement = XElement.Load("..\..\Employees.xml") Dim employees As IEnumerable(Of XElement) = xelement.Elements() ' Read the entire XML For Each employee In employees Console.WriteLine(employee) Next employee Output:

Introducing Blend for Visual Studio 2012 Build a simple Windows 8 Store App Coded UI Test Re-use and Customize the code generated with CUIT Builder using Visual Studio 2012 What's New in WCF 4.5 SharePoint Server 2013 BI - Interactive Reports using Power View in Excel 2013 Deploying an ASP.NET Website to Azure in Visual Studio 2012 from a Git Repository directly


Using XDocument

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12/05/2013 22:04

LINQ To XML Tutorials with Examples


Covering ASP.NET MVC, Win 8, Azure, SharePoint and more..

C# XDocument xdocument = XDocument.Load("..\\..\\Employees.xml"); IEnumerable<XElement> employees = xdocument.Elements(); foreach (var employee in employees) { Console.WriteLine(employee); }

VB.NET (Converted Code) Dim xdocument As XDocument = XDocument.Load("..\..\Employees.xml") Dim employees As IEnumerable(Of XElement) = xdocument.Elements() For Each employee In employees Console.WriteLine(employee) Next employee Output:

E-mail Name Note 1: As you can observe, XDocument contains a single root element (Employees). Note 2: In order to generate an output similar to the xdocument.Root.Elements() instead of xdocument.Elements() Note 3: VB.NET users can use a new feature called XML Literal. ASP.NET Tutorials ASP.NET MVC & WebAPI Tutorials 2. How Do I Access a Single Element using LINQ to XML Let us see how to access the name of all the Employees and list them over here C# XElement xelement = XElement.Load("..\\..\\Employees.xml"); IEnumerable<XElement> employees = xelement.Elements(); Console.WriteLine("List of all Employee Names :"); foreach (var employee in employees) { Console.WriteLine(employee.Element("Name").Value); } WinRT & Windows 8 Apps Tutorials SharePoint Tutorials Visual Studio & TFS Tutorials WCF Tutorials jQuery & ASP.NET Tutorials Windows Azure Tutorials WinForms Tutorials WPF Tutorials LINQ Tutorials Entity Framework C# Tutorials VB.NET (Converted Code) Dim xelement As XElement = XElement.Load("..\..\Employees.xml") Dim employees As IEnumerable(Of XElement) = xelement.Elements() Console.WriteLine("List of all Employee Names :") For Each employee In employees Console.WriteLine(employee.Element("Name").Value) Next employee Output: .NET 3.5 Tutorials .NET 4.0 Tutorials Silverlight Tutorials ExpressionWeb Tutorials Windows Phone Tutorials one using XElement, use
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3. How Do I Access Multiple Elements using LINQ to XML Let us see how to access the name of all Employees and also list the ID along with it C#

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12/05/2013 22:04

LINQ To XML Tutorials with Examples


Covering ASP.NET MVC, Win 8, Azure, SharePoint and more..

XElement xelement = XElement.Load("..\\..\\Employees.xml"); IEnumerable<XElement> employees = xelement.Elements(); Console.WriteLine("List of all Employee Names along with their ID:"); foreach (var employee in employees) { Console.WriteLine("{0} has Employee ID {1}", employee.Element("Name").Value, employee.Element("EmpId").Value); } VB.NET (Converted Code) Dim xelement As XElement = XElement.Load("..\..\Employees.xml") Dim employees As IEnumerable(Of XElement) = xelement.Elements() Console.WriteLine("List of all Employee Names along with their ID:") For Each employee In employees Console.WriteLine("{0} has Employee ID {1}", employee.Element("Name").Value, employee.Element("EmpId").Value) Next employee Output:

4. How Do I Access all Elements having a Specific Attribute using LINQ to XML Let us see how to access details of all Female Employees C# XElement xelement = XElement.Load("..\\..\\Employees.xml"); var name = from nm in xelement.Elements("Employee") where (string)nm.Element("Sex") == "Female" select nm; Console.WriteLine("Details of Female Employees:"); foreach (XElement xEle in name) Console.WriteLine(xEle);

VB.NET (Converted Code) Dim xelement As XElement = XElement.Load("..\..\Employees.xml") Dim name = _ From nm In xelement.Elements("Employee") _ Where CStr(nm.Element("Sex")) = "Female" _ Select nm Console.WriteLine("Details of Female Employees:") For Each xEle As XElement In name Console.WriteLine(xEle) Next xEle Output:

5. How Do I access Specific Element having a Specific Attribute using LINQ to XML Let us see how to list all the Home Phone Nos. C# XElement xelement = XElement.Load("..\\..\\Employees.xml"); var homePhone = from phoneno in xelement.Elements("Employee") where (string)phoneno.Element("Phone").Attribute("Type") == "Home" select phoneno; Console.WriteLine("List HomePhone Nos."); foreach (XElement xEle in homePhone) { Console.WriteLine(xEle.Element("Phone").Value); }

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12/05/2013 22:04

LINQ To XML Tutorials with Examples


Covering ASP.NET MVC, Win 8, Azure, SharePoint and more..

VB.NET (Converted Code) Dim xelement As XElement = XElement.Load("..\..\Employees.xml") Dim homePhone = _ From phoneno In xelement.Elements("Employee") _ Where CStr(phoneno.Element("Phone").Attribute("Type")) = "Home" _ Select phoneno Console.WriteLine("List HomePhone Nos.") For Each xEle As XElement In homePhone Console.WriteLine(xEle.Element("Phone").Value) Next xEle Output:

6. How Do I Find an Element within another Element using LINQ to XML Let us see how to find the details of Employees living in 'Alta' City C# XElement xelement = XElement.Load("..\\..\\Employees.xml"); var addresses = from address in xelement.Elements("Employee") where (string)address.Element("Address").Element("City") == "Alta" select address; Console.WriteLine("Details of Employees living in Alta City"); foreach (XElement xEle in addresses) Console.WriteLine(xEle);

VB.NET (Converted Code) Dim xelement As XElement = XElement.Load("..\..\Employees.xml") Dim addresses = _ From address In xelement.Elements("Employee") _ Where CStr(address.Element("Address").Element("City")) = "Alta" _ Select address Console.WriteLine("Details of Employees living in Alta City") For Each xEle As XElement In addresses Console.WriteLine(xEle) Next xEle Output:

7. How Do I Find Nested Elements (using Descendants Axis) using LINQ to XML Let us see how to list all the zip codes in the XML file C# XElement xelement = XElement.Load("..\\..\\Employees.xml"); Console.WriteLine("List of all Zip Codes"); foreach (XElement xEle in xelement.Descendants("Zip")) { Console.WriteLine((string)xEle); }

VB.NET (Converted Code) Dim xelement As XElement = XElement.Load("..\..\Employees.xml") Console.WriteLine("List of all Zip Codes")

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12/05/2013 22:04

LINQ To XML Tutorials with Examples


Covering ASP.NET MVC, Win 8, Azure, SharePoint and more..

For Each xEle As XElement In xelement.Descendants("Zip") Console.WriteLine(CStr(xEle)) Next xEle Output:

8. How do I apply Sorting on Elements using LINQ to XML Let us see how to List and Sort all Zip Codes in ascending order C# XElement xelement = XElement.Load("..\\..\\Employees.xml"); IEnumerable<string> codes = from code in xelement.Elements("Employee") let zip = (string)code.Element("Address").Element("Zip") orderby zip select zip; Console.WriteLine("List and Sort all Zip Codes"); foreach (string zp in codes) Console.WriteLine(zp);

VB.NET (Converted Code) Dim xelement As XElement = XElement.Load("..\..\Employees.xml") Dim codes As IEnumerable(Of String) = _ From code In xelement.Elements("Employee") _ Let zip = CStr(code.Element("Address").Element("Zip")) _ Order By zip _ Select zip Console.WriteLine("List and Sort all Zip Codes") For Each zp As String In codes Console.WriteLine(zp) Next zp Output:

Section 2: Manipulate XML content and Persist the changes using LINQ To XML
9. Create an XML Document with Xml Declaration/Namespace/Comments using LINQ to XML When you need to create an XML document containing XML declaration, XML Document Type (DTD) and processing instructions, Comments, Namespaces, you should go in for the XDocument class. C# XNamespace empNM = "urn:lst-emp:emp"; XDocument xDoc = new XDocument( new XDeclaration("1.0", "UTF-16", null), new XElement(empNM + "Employees", new XElement("Employee", new XComment("Only 3 elements for demo purposes"), new XElement("EmpId", "5"), new XElement("Name", "Kimmy"), new XElement("Sex", "Female") ))); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); xDoc.Save(sw); Console.WriteLine(sw); VB.NET (Converted Code)

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12/05/2013 22:04

LINQ To XML Tutorials with Examples


Covering ASP.NET MVC, Win 8, Azure, SharePoint and more..

Dim empNM As XNamespace = "urn:lst-emp:emp" Dim xDoc As New New New New New New New XDocument(New XDeclaration("1.0", "UTF-16", Nothing), _ XElement(empNM + "Employees", _ XElement("Employee", _ XComment("Only 3 elements for demo purposes"), _ XElement("EmpId", "5"), _ XElement("Name", "Kimmy"), _ XElement("Sex", "Female"))))

Dim sw As New StringWriter() xDoc.Save(sw) Console.WriteLine(sw)

10. Save the XML Document to a XMLWriter or to the disk using LINQ to XML Use the following code to save the XML to a XMLWriter or to your physical disk C# XNamespace empNM = "urn:lst-emp:emp"; XDocument xDoc = new XDocument( new XDeclaration("1.0", "UTF-16", null), new XElement(empNM + "Employees", new XElement("Employee", new XComment("Only 3 elements for demo purposes"), new XElement("EmpId", "5"), new XElement("Name", "Kimmy"), new XElement("Sex", "Female") ))); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); XmlWriter xWrite = XmlWriter.Create(sw); xDoc.Save(xWrite); xWrite.Close(); // Save to Disk xDoc.Save("C:\\Something.xml"); Console.WriteLine("Saved"); VB.NET (Converted Code) Dim empNM As XNamespace = "urn:lst-emp:emp" Dim xDoc As New XDocument(New XDeclaration("1.0", "UTF-16", Nothing),_ New XElement(empNM + "Employees", _ New XElement("Employee", _ New XComment("Only 3 elements for demo purposes"), _ New XElement("EmpId", "5"), _ New XElement("Name", "Kimmy"), _ New XElement("Sex", "Female")))) Dim sw As New StringWriter() Dim xWrite As XmlWriter = XmlWriter.Create(sw) xDoc.Save(xWrite) xWrite.Close() ' Save to Disk xDoc.Save("C:\Something.xml") Console.WriteLine("Saved")

11. Load an XML Document using XML Reader using LINQ to XML Use the following code to load the XML Document into an XML Reader C# XmlReader xRead = XmlReader.Create(@"..\\..\\Employees.xml"); XElement xEle = XElement.Load(xRead); Console.WriteLine(xEle);

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12/05/2013 22:04

LINQ To XML Tutorials with Examples


Covering ASP.NET MVC, Win 8, Azure, SharePoint and more..

xRead.Close(); VB.NET (Converted Code) Dim xRead As XmlReader = XmlReader.Create("..\\..\\Employees.xml") Dim xEle As XElement = XElement.Load(xRead) Console.WriteLine(xEle) xRead.Close()

12. Find Element at a Specific Position using LINQ to XML Find the 2nd Employee Element C# // Using XElement Console.WriteLine("Using XElement"); XElement xEle = XElement.Load("..\\..\\Employees.xml"); var emp1 = xEle.Descendants("Employee").ElementAt(1); Console.WriteLine(emp); Console.WriteLine("------------"); //// Using XDocument Console.WriteLine("Using XDocument"); XDocument xDoc = XDocument.Load("..\\..\\Employees.xml"); var emp1 = xDoc.Descendants("Employee").ElementAt(1); Console.WriteLine(emp); VB.NET (Converted Code) ' Using XElement Console.WriteLine("Using XElement") Dim xEle As XElement = XElement.Load("..\..\Employees.xml") Dim emp1 = xEle.Descendants("Employee").ElementAt(1) Console.WriteLine(emp) Console.WriteLine("------------") '// Using XDocument Console.WriteLine("Using XDocument") Dim xDoc As XDocument = XDocument.Load("..\..\Employees.xml") Dim emp1 = xDoc.Descendants("Employee").ElementAt(1) Console.WriteLine(emp)

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12/05/2013 22:04

LINQ To XML Tutorials with Examples


Covering ASP.NET MVC, Win 8, Azure, SharePoint and more..

13. List the First 2 Elements using LINQ to XML List the details of the first 2 Employees C# XElement xEle = XElement.Load("..\\..\\Employees.xml"); var emps = xEle.Descendants("Employee").Take(2); foreach (var emp in emps) Console.WriteLine(emp); VB.NET (Converted Code) Dim xEle As XElement = XElement.Load("..\..\Employees.xml") Dim emps = xEle.Descendants("Employee").Take(2) For Each emp In emps Console.WriteLine(emp) Next emp

14. List the 2nd and 3rd Element using LINQ to XML List the 2nd and 3rd Employees C# XElement xEle = XElement.Load("..\\..\\Employees.xml"); var emps = xEle.Descendants("Employee").Skip(1).Take(2); foreach (var emp in emps) Console.WriteLine(emp); VB.NET (Converted Code) Dim xEle As XElement = XElement.Load("..\..\Employees.xml") Dim emps = xEle.Descendants("Employee").Skip(1).Take(2) For Each emp In emps Console.WriteLine(emp) Next emp

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12/05/2013 22:04

LINQ To XML Tutorials with Examples


Covering ASP.NET MVC, Win 8, Azure, SharePoint and more..

15. List the Last 2 Elements using LINQ To XML We have been posting the entire elements as output in our previous examples. Let us say that you want to display only the Employee Name, use this query: C# XElement xEle = XElement.Load("..\\..\\Employees.xml"); var emps = xEle.Descendants("Employee").Reverse().Take(2); foreach (var emp in emps) Console.WriteLine(emp.Element("EmpId") + "" + emp.Element("Name")); VB.NET (Converted Code) Dim xEle As XElement = XElement.Load("..\..\Employees.xml") Dim emps = xEle.Descendants("Employee").Reverse().Take(2) For Each emp In emps Console.WriteLine(emp.Element("EmpId") + emp.Element("Name")) Next emp

To display only the values without the XML tags, use the Value property C# XElement xEle = XElement.Load("..\\..\\Employees.xml"); var emps = xEle.Descendants("Employee").Reverse().Take(2); foreach (var emp in emps) Console.WriteLine(emp.Element("EmpId").Value + ". " + emp.Element("Name").Value);

VB.NET (Converted Code) Dim xEle As XElement = XElement.Load("..\..\Employees.xml") Dim emps = xEle.Descendants("Employee").Reverse().Take(2) For Each emp In emps Console.WriteLine(emp.Element("EmpId").Value & ". " & emp.Element("Name").Value) Next emp

If you notice, the results are not ordered i.e. the Employee 4 is printed before 3. To order the results, just add call Reverse() again while filtering as shown below: C# XElement xEle = XElement.Load("..\\..\\Employees.xml"); var emps = xEle.Descendants("Employee").Reverse().Take(2).Reverse(); foreach (var emp in emps) Console.WriteLine(emp.Element("EmpId").Value + ". " + emp.Element("Name").Value); VB.NET (Converted Code) Dim xEle As XElement = XElement.Load("..\..\Employees.xml") Dim emps = xEle.Descendants("Employee").Reverse().Take(2).Reverse() For Each emp In emps

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12/05/2013 22:04

LINQ To XML Tutorials with Examples


Covering ASP.NET MVC, Win 8, Azure, SharePoint and more..

Console.WriteLine(emp.Element("EmpId").Value & ". " & emp.Element("Name").Value) Next emp

16. Find the Element Count based on a condition using LINQ to XML Count the number of Employees living in the state CA C# XElement xelement = XElement.Load("..\\..\\Employees.xml"); var stCnt = from address in xelement.Elements("Employee") where (string)address.Element("Address").Element("State") == "CA" select address; Console.WriteLine("No of Employees living in CA State are {0}", stCnt.Count()); VB.NET (Converted Code) XElement xelement = XElement.Load("..\\..\\Employees.xml"); var stCnt = from address in xelement.Elements("Employee") where (string)address.Element("Address").Element("State") == "CA" select address; Console.WriteLine("No of Employees living in CA State are {0}", stCnt.Count());

17. Add a new Element at runtime using LINQ to XML You can add a new Element to an XML document at runtime by using the Add() method of XElement. The new Element gets added as the last element of the XML document. C# XElement xEle = XElement.Load("..\\..\\Employees.xml"); xEle.Add(new XElement("Employee", new XElement("EmpId", 5), new XElement("Name", "George"))); Console.Write(xEle); VB.NET (Converted Code) Dim xEle As XElement = XElement.Load("..\..\Employees.xml") xEle.Add(New XElement("Employee", _ New XElement("EmpId", 5), _ New XElement("Name", "George"))) Console.Write(xEle)

18. Add a new Element as the First Child using LINQ to XML In the previous example, by default the new Element gets added to the end of the XML document. If you want to add the Element as the First Child, use the AddFirst() method C# XElement xEle = XElement.Load("..\\..\\Employees.xml"); xEle.AddFirst(new XElement("Employee", new XElement("EmpId", 5), new XElement("Name", "George"))); Console.Write(xEle); VB.NET (Converted Code)

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12/05/2013 22:04

LINQ To XML Tutorials with Examples


Covering ASP.NET MVC, Win 8, Azure, SharePoint and more..

Dim xEle As XElement = XElement.Load("..\..\Employees.xml") xEle.AddFirst(New XElement("Employee", _ New XElement("EmpId", 5), _ New XElement("Name", "George"))) Console.Write(xEle)

19. Add an attribute to an Element using LINQ to XML To add an attribute to an Element, use the following code: C# XElement xEle = XElement.Load("..\\..\\Employees.xml"); xEle.Add(new XElement("Employee", new XElement("EmpId", 5), new XElement("Phone", "423-555-4224", new XAttribute("Type", "Home")))); Console.Write(xEle); VB.NET (Converted Code) Dim xEle As XElement = XElement.Load("..\..\Employees.xml") xEle.Add(New XElement("Employee", _ New XElement("EmpId", 5), _ New XElement("Phone", "423-555-4224", _ New XAttribute("Type", "Home")))) Console.Write(xEle)

20. Replace Contents of an Element/Elements using LINQ to XML Let us say that in the XML file, you want to change the Country from USA to United States of America for all the Elements. Heres how to do so: C# XElement xEle = XElement.Load("..\\..\\Employees.xml"); var countries xEle.Elements("Employee").Elements("Address").Elements("Country").ToList(); foreach (XElement cEle in countries) cEle.ReplaceNodes("United States Of America"); Console.Write(xEle); VB.NET (Converted Code) Dim xEle As XElement = XElement.Load("..\..\Employees.xml") Dim countries xEle.Elements("Employee").Elements("Address").Elements("Country").ToList() For Each cEle As XElement In countries cEle.ReplaceNodes("United States Of America") Next cEle Console.Write(xEle) = =

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12/05/2013 22:04

LINQ To XML Tutorials with Examples


Covering ASP.NET MVC, Win 8, Azure, SharePoint and more..

21. Remove an attribute from all the Elements using LINQ to XML Let us say if you want to remove the Type attribute ( <Phone Type=Home>) attribute for all the elements, then heres how to do it. C# XElement xEle = XElement.Load("..\\..\\Employees.xml"); var phone = xEle.Elements("Employee").Elements("Phone").ToList(); foreach (XElement pEle in phone) pEle.RemoveAttributes(); Console.Write(xEle); VB.NET (Converted Code) Dim xEle As XElement = XElement.Load("..\..\Employees.xml") Dim phone = xEle.Elements("Employee").Elements("Phone").ToList() For Each pEle As XElement In phone pEle.RemoveAttributes() Next pEle Console.Write(xEle)

To remove attribute of one Element based on a condition, traverse to that Element and SetAttributeValue("Type", null); You can also use SetAttributeValue(XName,object) to update an attribute value.

22. Delete an Element based on a condition using LINQ to XML If you want to delete an entire element based on a condition, heres how to do it. We are deleting the entire Address Element C# XElement xEle = XElement.Load("..\\..\\Employees.xml"); var addr = xEle.Elements("Employee").ToList(); foreach (XElement addEle in addr) addEle.SetElementValue("Address", null);

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12/05/2013 22:04

LINQ To XML Tutorials with Examples


Covering ASP.NET MVC, Win 8, Azure, SharePoint and more..

Console.Write(xEle); VB.NET (Converted Code) Dim xEle As XElement = XElement.Load("..\..\Employees.xml") Dim addr = xEle.Elements("Employee").ToList() For Each addEle As XElement In addr addEle.SetElementValue("Address", Nothing) Next addEle Console.Write(xEle)

SetElementValue() can also be used to Update the content of an Element.

23. Remove n number of Elements using LINQ to XML If you have a requirement where you have to remove n number of Elements; For E.g. To remove the last 2 Elements, then heres how to do it C# XElement xEle = XElement.Load("..\\..\\Employees.xml"); var emps = xEle.Descendants("Employee"); emps.Reverse().Take(2).Remove(); Console.Write(xEle); VB.NET (Converted Code) Dim xEle As XElement = XElement.Load("..\..\Employees.xml") Dim emps = xEle.Descendants("Employee") emps.Reverse().Take(2).Remove() Console.Write(xEle)

24. Save/Persists Changes to the XML using LINQ to XML All the manipulations we have done so far were in the memory and were not persisted in the XML file. If you have been wondering how to persist changes to the XML, once it is modified, then heres how to do so. Its quite simple. You just need to call the Save() method. Its also worth observing that the structure of the code shown below is similar to the structure of the end result (XML document). Thats one of the benefits of LINQ to XML, that it makes life easier for developers by making it so easy to

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12/05/2013 22:04

LINQ To XML Tutorials with Examples


Covering ASP.NET MVC, Win 8, Azure, SharePoint and more..

create and structure XML documents. C# XElement xEle = XElement.Load("..\\..\\Employees.xml"); xEle.Add(new XElement("Employee", new XElement("EmpId", 5), new XElement("Name", "George"), new XElement("Sex", "Male"), new XElement("Phone", "423-555-4224", new XAttribute("Type", "Home")), new XElement("Phone", "424-555-0545", new XAttribute("Type", "Work")), new XElement("Address", new XElement("Street", "Fred Park, East Bay"), new XElement("City", "Acampo"), new XElement("State", "CA"), new XElement("Zip", "95220"), new XElement("Country", "USA")))); xEle.Save("..\\..\\Employees.xml"); Console.WriteLine(xEle); Console.ReadLine(); VB.NET (Converted Code) Dim xEle As XElement = XElement.Load("..\..\Employees.xml") xEle.Add(New XElement("Employee", _ New XElement("EmpId", 5), _ New XElement("Name", "George"), _ New XElement("Sex", "Male"), _ New XElement("Phone", "423-555-4224", _ New XAttribute("Type", "Home")), _ New XElement("Phone", "424-555-0545", _ New XAttribute("Type", "Work")), _ New XElement("Address", _ New XElement("Street", "Fred Park, East Bay"), _ New XElement("City", "Acampo"), _ New XElement("State", "CA"), _ New XElement("Zip", "95220"), _ New XElement("Country", "USA")))) xEle.Save("..\..\Employees.xml") Console.WriteLine(xEle) Console.ReadLine() Well with that, we conclude this long article of some 'How Do I' operations while using LINQ to XML. Through this article, we have only attempted to scratch the surface of what can be done using LINQ to XML. LINQ to XML is an amazing API and I hope this set of examples has demonstrated that. The entire source of the article in C# and VB.NET can be downloaded over here. The VB.NET code has been translated using a C# to VB.NET Converting tool.

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12/05/2013 22:04

LINQ To XML Tutorials with Examples


Covering ASP.NET MVC, Win 8, Azure, SharePoint and more..

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USER FEEDBACK Comment posted by SANJAY GUPTA on Thursday, March 31, 2011 7:59 AM Great Article sir. Hats off to u. Waiting for next superb article. Comment posted by Meena Damwani on Thursday, August 30, 2012 8:18 AM Awesome Article... Thanks a lot.. Comment posted by MUBARAK HUSSAIN on Monday, September 03, 2012 2:17 AM thank u sir, more help full to me.. Comment posted by Mr. B on Monday, September 24, 2012 10:45 AM Nicely done, straight to the point with no chewed up grass. Comment posted by Mr. B on Monday, September 24, 2012 11:30 AM Nicely done, straight to the point with no chewed up grass. Comment posted by mat on Tuesday, October 02, 2012 3:13 PM In the beginning is a nice application <a href="http://www.matbaashow.com">matbaa</a> Comment posted by Purushottam on Friday, November 16, 2012 5:31 AM Awesome!!! Whole LINQ to XML in one shot.. GR8 articel... Comment posted by Bhumi on Saturday, November 17, 2012 1:30 AM Very nice example help a lot to me Comment posted by Sudha Vijayakumar on Monday, November 26, 2012 8:20 AM Wonderful article ! Comment posted by The Biggest Bunny Ever on Saturday, December 01, 2012 2:55 PM Very, very nice tutorial. Thank you very much. Comment posted by BW on Monday, December 03, 2012 12:33 PM Just the article I needed to get me up and running quickly. Thanks. BW Comment posted by Monir on Friday, December 07, 2012 10:31 AM Awesome..... Comment posted by Kiri on Saturday, December 15, 2012 9:53 PM maximum... Comment posted by Eaglesd on Monday, December 17, 2012 9:40 AM One of the best explanations on LINQ I have found. Thanks for sharing your knowledge. Comment posted by Reza Khan on Thursday, December 27, 2012 10:00 AM Hi , your article is just superb and covers a lot of ground , well done and thanks, Reza Comment posted by srinivas M on Saturday, January 12, 2013 6:11 AM Very nice article. Helps a lot for beginners. Wonderful.... Comment posted by shawn kountz on Friday, January 25, 2013 10:36 PM Best article ever on LINQ to XML,Thank you for very very very clear examples!! Comment posted by Abdur Rahman on Monday, February 04, 2013 5:27 AM Thnaks for needful article.... Comment posted by Bishoy Wasfy on Monday, February 11, 2013 6:38 AM Fantastic article. Comment posted by Upendra on Tuesday, February 12, 2013 8:06 PM Can you please share some samples of querying an xml to fetch an element with a given value of an attribute ? say I have xml file of students containing element "student" with attribute "rollno" . The element "student" is contained within top level element "students". I need to query for student element for rollno=some value. Comment posted by Joop Hooymans on Thursday, February 14, 2013 12:24 PM Thank you for the fantastic clear tutorial!!

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12/05/2013 22:04

LINQ To XML Tutorials with Examples


Covering ASP.NET MVC, Win 8, Azure, SharePoint and more..

Nr. 16 did not work properly.(a mistake maybe? My correction dis his work well: xelement = xelement.Load("D:\Employees.xml") Dim emp6 = From address In xelement.Elements("Employee") Where address.Element("Address").Element("City") = "Montara" Select address Console.WriteLine("Employees living in Montara City are {0}", emp6.Count()) Comment posted by Brian on Sunday, February 17, 2013 8:57 PM Excellent article. You covered every scenario I can think of. I knew how to query the data, my questions were related to adding/removing and persisting. All answered, thank you! Comment posted by Suprotim Agarwal on Wednesday, February 20, 2013 12:33 AM Joop: Seems to be working fine. What error do you get? Brian: Glad it helped :) Comment posted by Said WAHID on Saturday, March 02, 2013 5:51 AM thank you Comment posted by aman goel on Thursday, March 21, 2013 4:54 PM This will not work for windows phone. I can not able to add new record in my existing xml file Comment posted by Venki on Tuesday, April 02, 2013 11:46 PM You are simply superb (LINQ) man!!! Comment posted by Pooja Gaur on Thursday, April 04, 2013 4:49 AM this is really good. I have learnt a lot from it. From beginner to experts,everybody can get profit from this. Comment posted by Dmitrij on Friday, April 19, 2013 1:37 AM thank. your examples very illustrative Comment posted by Gaurang Naik on Monday, May 06, 2013 1:20 PM Absolutely fantastic. Contributions like such keeps the programming going. Thank you very much sir. POST YOUR COMMENT Name: E-mail: Comment: Insert Cancel (Will not be displayed)


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