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Gary Holland University of California, Berkeley Voice in Hittite non-finite constructions Hitttite infinitives are generally considered to be diathetically

neutral, and infinitives from transitive verbs can be read as either active or passive depending on context (Friedrich 1960: 144; Hoffner and Melchert 2008: 332). In this paper I argue that some contexts in which Hitttite infinitives are to be read as passive can be defined syntactically, as in ex. 1.: 1. ITU KUR uruK.BABBAR-ti lMUNNABTUM EGIR-pa piyanna L ra abl nom prev inf neg adv Hatti fugitive back to give not permitted 'a fugitive is not right to be given back from Hatti' (KBo V 4 Obv. 38) In such instances, the notional object of the embedded infinitive has been raised into subject position of the matrix clause, here the L ra construction, presumably with deleted form of e- be. Other examples which show comparable structures are the following: and handi- determine (cf. Hoffner and Melchert 2008: 334). 2. n=a katta aanna kuit SIS-at n=an katta aahun (KBo IV 8 II 6f.) conn=nom prev inf conj 3sg conn=acc prev 1sg and=she to outlaw since establish and=her outlaw 'since she was established (by oracle) to be banished, I banished her' 3. nu=i GUD phugari pyawanzi IZI-it wahnumanzi MUEN.HI.A conn=dat nom nom inf instr inf nom and=him ox substitute give/send fire burn birds wahnumanzi SIS-at (KBo IV 2 iii 50f.; Gtze-Pedersen 1934, Lebrun 1985) inf 3sg burn establish 'and for him a substitute ox was established (by oracle) to be given/sent to be burned (and) birds to be burned' To be sure, there remains a residue of cases in which the infinitive can be read as either active or passive, but the ambiguities typically arise because the matrix verb already has a subject and hence does not allow raising into subject position. In spite of the presence of a potential agent of the infinitive in an oblique case (ex. 4) or the lack of unambiguous case marking on the notional object (ex. 4 and 5), however, nothing prevents us from interpreting such ambiguous cases as passive, with the accusatives interpretable as the subjects of (passive) infinitives, Patris counter-argument notwithstanding (2007: 148-9).

4. r 5.

BELI=NI=wa=nna A uruarip iwar uruHattui ruwauwanzi l maniyahti voc=poss=quot=acc gen postp dat-loc inf neg 2sg lord=our =us Arip like Hattua plunder not hand ovet 'do not, our lord, hand us over to Hattua to be plundered like Arip' (KBo IV 4 IV 20f.) nu namma MAHAR dUTU=I argamua utummanzi L tarnai conn adv dat-loc acc inf not 3sg and furthermore my majesty tribute bring not allow 'furthermore, he does not allow the tribute to be brought before my majesty' (KUB XIV 1 obv.

Structures comparable to exx. 1.-3. are found in Homeric Greek, Vedic Sanskrit, Avestan, and Lithuanian, thus seemingly guaranteeing the reconstructibility of this construction type. The raising constructions discussed in this paper are by definition biclausal. Canonic passive constructions, on the other hand, are monoclausal. The obvious similarities between these two construction types arise because the raising to subject construction in Hittite is limited to unaccusative matrix verbs: e- 'be', handi- (SIS) 'establish (by oracle), (e-) natta ra 'be not right', and NU.GAL 'not be, not exist'. Further, the infinitives in raising constructions with e- exhibit precisely the same voice alternations as participles do that take e- as auxiliary: passive in the case of transitive verbs, active in the case of intransitive verbs. Participial constructions with auxiliaries are also originally biclausal.
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