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!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
4--5 6

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:* 9;<= >? @A>B>C<D D<EF

!* Crlmlnal law ls LhaL branch of law, whlch deflnes
crlmes, LreaLs of Lhelr naLure, and provldes for Lhelr

:* 9;<= <AG =;G =;GHA>G? >C @A>B>C<D D<EF

1. closslcol tbeoty - Lhe basls of crlmlnal
llablllLy ls human free wlll and Lhe
purpose of Lhe penalLy ls reLrlbuLlon. lL ls
endeavored Lo esLabllsh a mechanlcal and
dlrecL proporLlon beLween crlme and
penalLy, and Lhere ls scanL regard Lo Lhe
human elemenL.

.H=G* 8C ls generally governed by Lhls

2. losltlvlst tbeoty - Lhe basls of crlmlnal
llablllLy ls Lhe sum of Lhe soclal, naLural
and economlc phenomena Lo whlch Lhe
acLor ls exposed. 1he purposes of penalLy
are prevenLlon and correcLlon. 1hls
Lheory ls exempllfled ln Lhe provlslons
regardlng lmposslble crlmes and hablLual

3. clectlc ot MlxeJ tbeoty - lL ls a
comblnaLlon of poslLlvlsL and classlcal
Lhlnklng whereln crlmes LhaL are
economlc and soclal ln naLure should be
dealL ln a poslLlve manner, Lhus, Lhe law ls
more compasslonaLe. ldeally, Lhe classlcal
Lheory ls applled Lo helnous crlmes,
whereas, Lhe poslLlvlsL ls made Lo work on
economlc and soclal crlmes.

4. utllltotloo ot ltotectlve tbeoty Lhe
prlmary purpose of Lhe punlshmenL under
crlmlnal law ls Lhe proLecLlon of socleLy
from acLual and poLenLlal wrongdoers.
1he courLs, Lherefore, ln exacLlng
reLrlbuLlon for Lhe wronged socleLy,
should dlrecL Lhe punlshmenL Lo poLenLlal
or acLual wrongdoers, slnce crlmlnal law
ls dlrecLed agalnsL acLs or omlsslons
whlch Lhe socleLy does noL approve.
ConslsLenL wlLh Lhls Lheory ls Lhe molo
ptoblblto prlnclple whlch punlshes an
offense regardless of mallce or crlmlnal

!* Llberally consLrued ln favor of offender and
sLrlcLly agalnsL Lhe sLaLe.

.H=G* ln cases of confllcL wlLh offlclal LranslaLlon,
orlglnal Spanlsh LexL ls conLrolllng.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G L<?>@ B<M>B? >C @A>B>C<D D<EF

1. Nollom ctlmeo, oollo poeoo sloe leqe
(1here ls no crlme when Lhere ls no law
punlshlng Lhe same) - no maLLer how
wrongful, evll or bad Lhe acL ls, lf Lhere ls
no law deflnlng Lhe acL, Lhe same ls noL
consldered a crlme.

2. Actos ooo foclt teom, olsl meos slt teo
(1he acL cannoL be crlmlnal where Lhe
mlnd ls noL crlmlnal) - 1hls ls Lrue Lo a
felony characLerlzed by Jolo, buL noL a
felony resulLlng from colpo. 1hls maxlm ls
noL an absoluLe one because lL ls noL
applled Lo culpable felonles, or Lhose LhaL
resulL from negllgence.

3. uocttloe of lto keo - Whenever a penal
law ls Lo be consLrued or applled and Lhe
law admlLs of Lwo lnLerpreLaLlons, one
lenlenL Lo Lhe offender and one sLrlcL Lo
Lhe offender, LhaL lnLerpreLaLlon whlch ls
lenlenL or favorable Lo Lhe offender wlll
be adopLed.

4. Actos me lovlto foctos ooo est meos octos
(An acL done by me agalnsL my wlll ls noL
my acL) - Whenever a person ls under a
compulslon of lrreslsLlble force or
unconLrollable fear Lo do an acL agalnsL
hls wlll, ln whlch LhaL acL produces a
crlme or offense, such person ls
exempLed ln any crlmlnal llablllLy arlslng
from Lhe sald acL.

:* 9;<= >? =;G KGN>C>=>HC HN < @A>BGF

!* A ctlme ls Lhe generlc Lerm used Lo refer Lo a
wrongdolng punlshed elLher under Lhe 8C or
under Lhe speclal law.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G O<A>HJ? @D<??>N>@<=>HC? HN @A>BG?F

1. As to tbe commlssloo
a. uolo or felonles commlLLed wlLh
dellberaLe lnLenL
b. colpo or Lhose commlLLed by means
of faulL

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

2. As to tbe stoqe of execotloo
a. ALLempLed
b. lrusLraLed
c. ConsummaLed

3. As to qtovlty
a. Crave felonles
b. Less grave felonles
c. LlghL felonles

4. As to cooot
a. ComposlLe or speclal complex
b. Complex, under ArL. 48
c. ConLlnulng

3. closslflcotloo of felooles os to
a. lormal felonles - Lhose whlch are
always consummaLed. (e.q. physlcal
b. MaLerlal felonles - Lhose whlch have
varlous sLages of execuLlon.
c. 1hose whlch do noL admlL of Lhe
frusLraLed sLage. (e.q. rape and LhefL)

6. As to ootote
")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
a. Molo lo se
b. Molo ptoblblto

:* 9;<= >? =;G K>NNGAGC@G LG=EGGC @A>BG? !"#" $%
&' <CK @A>BG? !"#" ()*+$,$-".

/"#" $% &' /"#" ()*+$,$-"
AcLs or omlsslons whlch
are lnherenLly evll.
AcLs whlch are made evll
because Lhere ls a law
prohlblLlng lL.
unlshed under Lhe 8C vlolaLlons of speclal laws

.H=G* noL all vlolaLlons of
speclal laws are molo

Lven lf Lhe crlme ls
punlshed under a speclal
law, lf Lhe acL punlshed ls
one whlch ls lnherenLly
wrong, Lhe same ls molom
lo se, and, Lherefore, good
falLh and Lhe lack of
crlmlnal lnLenL ls a valld
defense, unless lL ls Lhe
producL of crlmlnal
negllgence or culpa.

:* 9;<= <AG O>HD<=>HC? HN ?IG@><D D<E? E;>@; <AG
@HC?>KGAGK !"#" $% &'F

1. lracy ln hlllpplne waLers
2. 8rlgandage ln Lhe hlghways
(boLh under u 332)

.H=G* Llkewlse, when Lhe speclal laws requlre LhaL Lhe
punlshed acL be commlLLed knowlngly and wlllfully,
crlmlnal lnLenL ls requlred Lo be proved before crlmlnal
llablllLy may arlse.

:* &N < ?IG@><D D<E J?G? =;G CHBGC@D<=JAG HN
IGC<D=>G? >C =;G )8"Q E;<= >? =;G GNNG@= HC =;G

!* Lven lf a speclal law uses Lhe nomenclaLure of
penalLles under Lhe 8C, LhaL alone wlll noL make
Lhe acL or omlsslon a crlme molo lo se. 1he speclal
law may only lnLend Lhe Code Lo apply as a
supplemenLary. (leople v. 5lmoo, C.k. No. 9J028,
Ioly 29, 1994)

:* 9;<= <AG =;G K>?=>C@=>HC? LG=EGGC @A>BG?
IJC>?;GK JCKGA =;G )8" <CK @A>BG? IJC>?;GK

")&%$' 2.#$) /($ )8"
")&%$' 2.#$)
'8$"&!0 0!9
lnvolve crlmes molo lo se.
usually crlmes molo
0& -* !*)"# -)"$- *1 -+' *11'%2')
lL ls consldered. 1hls ls why
llablllLy would only arlse
when Lhere ls Jolo or colpo
ln Lhe commlsslon of Lhe
punlshable acL
lL ls noL consldered. lL
ls enough LhaL Lhe
prohlblLed acL was
volunLary done.
0& -* 3&' *1 4**2 1"$-+ "& 2'1'%&'
lL ls a valld defense unless
Lhe crlme ls Lhe resulL of
lL ls noL a defense.
0& -* -+' 2'4)'' *1 "55*!(#$&+!'%- *1 -+' 5)$!'
May admlL aLLempLed
and/or frusLraLed sLages

1here are no
aLLempLed or
frusLraLed sLages,
unless Lhe speclal law
expressly penallzes Lhe
mere aLLempL or
frusLraLlon of Lhe
0& -* !$-$4"-$%4 "%2 "44)"6"-$%4 5$)53!&-"%5'&
1aken lnLo accounL ln
lmposlng Lhe penalLy slnce
Lhe moral LralL of Lhe
offender ls consldered
noL Laken lnLo accounL
ln lmposlng Lhe
penalLy. As an
excepLlon, when Lhe
speclal law uses Lhe

!""# %& '()*+,-).+/ 012)320/-4
nomenclaLure of Lhe
penalLles under Lhe
8C, Lhe clrcumsLances
can be consldered.
0& -* -+' 2'4)'' *1 (")-$5$("-$*% *1 *11'%2')
When Lhere ls more Lhan
one offender, Lhe degree of
parLlclpaLlon of each ln Lhe
commlsslon of Lhe crlme ls
Laken lnLo accounL ln
lmposlng Lhe penalLy, Lhus,
offenders are classlfled as
prlnclpal, accompllce and
lL ls noL consldered. All
who perpeLraLed Lhe
prohlblLed acL are
penallzed Lo Lhe same
exLenL. 1here ls no
prlnclpal, accompllce
or accessory Lo
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %

:* 9;<= >? =;G DGS<D L<?>? NHA IJC>?;BGC=F

!* 1he power Lo punlsh vlolaLors of crlmlnal law
comes wlLhln Lhe pollce powet of Lhe sLaLe. lL ls Lhe
ln[ury lnfllcLed Lo Lhe publlc whlch a crlmlnal acLlon
seeks Lo redress, and noL Lhe ln[ury Lo Lhe

47 '"-8$ -, !880&"!/&-. !.# "(!)!"/$)&'/&"'
-, /($ 8(&0&88&.$ ")&%&.!0 0!9

:* 9;<= <AG =;G =EH ?@HIG? HN <IID>@<=>HC HN =;G

1. lottotettltotlol - refers Lo Lhe appllcaLlon
of Lhe 8C wlLhln Lhe hlllpplne LerrlLory

2. xttotettltotlol - refers Lo Lhe appllcaLlon
of Lhe 8C ouLslde Lhe hlllpplne

:* &C E;<= @<?G? KHG? =;G )8" ;<OG <C

!* AgalnsL Lhose who:
1. Should commlL an offense whlle on a
hlllpplne shlp or alrshlp
2. Should forge or counLerfelL any coln or
currency noLe of Lhe hlllpplne lslands or
obllgaLlons and securlLles lssued by Lhe
CovernmenL of Lhe hlllpplne lslands
3. Should be llable for acLs connecLed wlLh
Lhe lnLroducLlon lnLo Lhese lslands of Lhe
obllgaLlons and securlLles menLloned ln
Lhe precedlng number
4. Whlle belng publlc offlcers or employees,
should commlL an offense ln Lhe exerclse
of Lhelr funcLlons, or
3. Should commlL any of Lhe crlmes agalnsL
naLlonal securlLy and Lhe law of naLlons.
(Att. 2, klc)

:* 9;<= >? < 8;>D>II>CG ?;>IF

!* Cne LhaL ls reglsLered ln accordance wlLh
hlllpplne laws. lf Lhe vessel ls ln Lhe hlgh seas, lL ls
consldered as an exLenslon of Lhe hlllpplne
LerrlLory and Lhe hlllpplnes sLlll has [urlsdlcLlon.
8uL lf Lhe vessel ls wlLhln Lhe LerrlLory of anoLher
counLry, [urlsdlcLlon ls generally wlLh Lhe forelgn
SLaLe because penal laws are prlmarlly LerrlLorlal ln

@HBB>==GK E;>DG HC < 8;>D>II>CG ?;>I HA <>A?;>IFV

1. 1he shlp or alrshlp musL be reglsLered
wlLh Lhe hlllpplne 8ureau of CusLoms.
2. 1he shlp musL be ln Lhe hlgh seas or Lhe
alrshlp musL be ln lnLernaLlonal space.

.H=G* under lnLernaLlonal Law rule, a vessel whlch ls
noL reglsLered ln accordance wlLh Lhe laws of any
counLry ls consldered a ptlvote vessel and plracy ls a
crlme agalnsL humanlLy ln general, such LhaL wherever
plraLes may go, Lhey can be prosecuLed.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G =EH AG@HSC>WGK AJDG? HC

!* 1he lrench rule and Lhe Lngllsh rule. 1hese rules
refer Lo Lhe [urlsdlcLlon of one counLry over lLs
merchanL vessels slLuaLed ln anoLher counLry.
1hese do noL apply Lo war vessels over whlch a
counLry always has [urlsdlcLlon.

:* 9;<= >? =;G ,AGC@; AJDGF

!* 1he lteocb tole recognlzes Lhe [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe
flag counLry over crlmes commlLLed on board Lhe
vessel except lf Lhe crlme dlsLurbs Lhe peace and
order and securlLy of Lhe hosL counLry.

:* 9;<= >? =;G $CSD>?; AJDGF

!* 1he oqllsb tole recognlzes LhaL Lhe hosL counLry
has [urlsdlcLlon over crlmes commlLLed on board
Lhe vessel ooless Lhey lnvolve Lhe lnLernal
managemenL of Lhe vessel.

.H=G* 1he effecL on [urlsdlcLlon of boLh rules ls almosL
Lhe same because Lhe general rule of one ls Lhe
excepLlon of Lhe oLher.

:* 9;<= >? =;G AJDG HC NHAG>SC BGA@;<C= OG??GD? >C

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

1. lo ttooslt - possesslon of dangerous drugs
ls noL punlshable, buL Lhe use of Lhe same
ls punlshable.
2. Not lo ttooslt - mere possesslon of
dangerous drugs ls punlshable.


!* lorgery ls commlLLed by glvlng Lo a Lreasury or
bank noLe or any lnsLrumenL payable Lo bearer or
Lo order Lhe appearance of a Lrue genulne
documenL or by eraslng, subsLlLuLlng, counLerfelLlng
or alLerlng, by any means, Lhe flgures, leLLers, words
or slgn conLalned Lhereln.

.H=G* lf forgery was commlLLed abroad, lL musL refer
only Lo hlllpplne coln, currency noLe, or obllgaLlons
and securlLles.

CbllgaLlons and securlLles of Lhe CSlS, SSS, and
Landbank are nC1 of Lhe governmenL because Lhey
have separaLe charLers.

1hose who lottoJoceJ Lhe counLerfelL lLems are
crlmlnally llable even lf Lhey were noL Lhe ones who
counLerfelLed Lhe obllgaLlons and securlLles. Cn Lhe
oLher hand, Lhose who coootetfelteJ Lhe lLems are
crlmlnally llable even lf Lhey dld noL lnLroduce Lhe
counLerfelL lLems.


!* As a general rule, Lhe 8C governs only when Lhe
crlme commlLLed perLalns Lo Lhe exerclse of Lhe
publlc offlclal's funcLlons, Lhose havlng Lo do wlLh
Lhe dlscharge of Lhelr duLles ln a forelgn counLry.
1he funcLlons conLemplaLed are Lhose, whlch are,
under Lhe law, Lo be performed by Lhe publlc offlcer
ln Lhe lorelgn Servlce of Lhe hlllpplne governmenL
ln a forelgn counLry.

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
.H=G* 1hls rule ls noL absoluLe. 1he 8C governs lf Lhe
crlme was commlLLed wlLhln Lhe hlllpplne Lmbassy or
wlLhln Lhe embassy grounds ln a forelgn counLry. 1hls
ls because embassy grounds are consldered an
exLenslon of soverelgnLy.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G @A>BG? >C@DJKGKF

1. ulrecL 8rlbery (Att. 210)
2. lndlrecL 8rlbery (Att. 211)
3. Cuallfled 8rlbery (Att. 211A)
4. CorrupLlon (Att. 212)
3. lraud AgalnsL ubllc 1reasury and Slmllar
Cffenses (Att. 21J)
6. ossesslon of rohlblLed lnLeresL (Att.
7. MalversaLlon of ubllc lunds or roperLy
(Att. 217)
8. lallure Lo 8ender AccounLs (Att. 218)
9. lallure Lo 8ender AccounLs 8efore
Leavlng Lhe CounLry (Att. 219)
10. lllegal use of ubllc lunds or roperLy
(Att. 220)
11. lallure Lo Make uellvery of ubllc lunds
or roperLy (Att. 221)
12. lalslflcaLlon (Att.171)

:* 9;<= <AG =;G @;<A<@=GA>?=>@? HN @A>B>C<D D<EF

1. Ceoetollty - means LhaL Lhe crlmlnal law
of Lhe counLry governs all persons wlLhln
Lhe counLry regardless of Lhelr race,
bellef, sex, or creed.

.H=G* 1he Lerm generallLy has no reference
Lo LerrlLory. lL refers Lo persons LhaL may be
governed by Lhe penal law.

2. 1ettltotlollty - means LhaL Lhe penal laws
of Lhe counLry have force and effecL only
wlLhln lLs LerrlLory.

.H=G* 1he LerrlLorlal appllcaLlon of crlmlnal
laws ls agaln sub[ecL Lo cerLaln excepLlons
broughL abouL by LreaLles or lnLernaLlonal

CerLaln excepLlons Lo Lhe LerrlLorlal
appllcaLlon of crlmlnal laws are also ouLllned
under ArL. 2 of Lhe 8C.

3. ltospectlvlty - means LhaL acLs or
omlsslons wlll only be sub[ecL Lo a penal
law lf Lhey are commlLLed afLer a penal
law had already Laken effecL.

.H=G* 1hls ls also called lttettospectlvlty.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GM@GI=>HC? =H =;G AJDG HC

!* LxcepLlons broughL abouL by:

1. 1reaLy sLlpulaLlons and lnLernaLlonal
agreemenLs. .q. klu5 vlsltloq lotces

2. Laws of referenLlal AppllcaLlon

.H=G* kA 75 penallzes acLs whlch would
lmpalr Lhe proper observance by Lhe
8epubllc and lLs lnhablLanLs of Lhe
lmmunlLles, rlghLs, and prlvlleges of duly

!""# %& '()*+,-).+/ 012)320/-4

!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
accredlLed forelgn dlplomaLlc
represenLaLlves ln Lhe hlllpplnes.

3. 1he prlnclples of publlc lnLernaLlonal law

a. Soverelgns and oLher chlefs of sLaLes
b. Ambassadors, mlnlsLers,
plenlpoLenLlary, mlnlsLers resldenL,
and charges d' affalres.

.H=G* Consuls, vlceconsuls, and oLher
commerclal represenLaLlves of forelgn
naLlon are noL dlplomaLlc offlcers. Consuls
are sub[ecL Lo Lhe penal laws of Lhe counLry
where Lhey are asslgned.

:* 9;<= >? =;G GM@GI=>HC =H =;G IAH?IG@=>OG

!* Whenever a new sLaLuLe deallng wlLh crlme
esLabllshes condlLlons more lenlenL or favorable Lo
Lhe accused.

.H=G* 1he reLroacLlve effecL shall beneflL Lhe accused
even lf aL Lhe Llme of Lhe publlcaLlon of Lhe law, a flnal
[udgmenL has been pronounced and Lhe convlcL ls
servlng senLence.

:* 9;<= >? =;G GM@GI=>HC =H =;G GM@GI=>HCF

!* 1he new law cannoL be glven reLroacLlve effecL:

1. Where Lhe new law ls expressly made
lnappllcable Lo pendlng acLlons or exlsLlng
causes of acLlons.
2. Where Lhe offender ls a hablLual crlmlnal.

"7 "-.'/&/2/&-.!0 0&%&/!/&-.' -. /($ 8-9$)
-, "-.3)$'' /- $.!"/ 8$.!0 0!9' &. /($ 4&00
-, )&3(/'

:* 9;H ;<? =;G IHEGA =H GC<@= IGC<D D<E?F

!* Cnly Lhe leqlslotlve btoocb of Lhe governmenL
can enacL penal laws.

.H=G* Whlle Lhe resldenL may deflne and punlsh an
acL as a crlme, such exerclse of power ls noL execuLlve
buL leglslaLlve as he derlves such power from Lhe law
maklng body. lL ls ln essence, an exerclse of leglslaLlve
power by Lhe Chlef LxecuLlve.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G @HC?=>=J=>HC<D D>B>=<=>HC? HC =;G
A>S;= HN =;G 0GS>?D<=JAG =H GC<@= IGC<D D<E?F

1. no ex post focto law or blll of aLLalnder
shall be enacLed. (5ec. 22, Att. lll, 1987

.H=G* An ex post focto low ls one whereln lf glven a
reLroacLlve appllcaLlon wlll be pre[udlclal Lo Lhe

A blll of ottoloJet ls a leglslaLlve acL whlch lnfllcLs
punlshmenLs wlLhouL Lrlal. lLs essence ls Lhe
subsLlLuLlon of a leglslaLlve acL for a [udlclal
deLermlnaLlon of gullL.

2. no person shall be held Lo answer for a
crlmlnal offense wlLhouL due process of
law. (5ec. 14, j1], Att. lll, 1987

3. no person shall be deprlved of llfe,
llberLy, or properLy wlLhouL due process
of law, nor shall any person be denled Lhe
equal proLecLlon of Lhe laws. (5ec. 1, Att.
lll, 1987 coostltotloo)

4. Lxcesslve flnes shall noL be lmposed, nor
cruel, degradlng or lnhuman punlshmenL
lnfllcLed. (5ec. 19 j1], Att. lll, 1987

!@= 8AH;>L>=>CS =;G &BIH?>=>HC HN #G<=; 8GC<D=R >C
=;G 8;>D>II>CG? Y)7!7 Z[\]^

:* &? =;G KG<=; IGC<D=R <DAG<KR <LHD>?;GKF

!* no. WhaL ls prohlblLed under 8.A. 9346 ls only
Lhe lmposlLlon of deaLh penalLy.

.H=G* Powever, Lhe correspondlng clvll llablllLy should
be Lhe clvll llablllLy correspondlng Lo deaLh. (leople v.
5olome, C.k. No. 169077, Aoq. J1, 2006)


!* ln lleu of Lhe deaLh penalLy, Lhe followlng shall
be lmposed:

1. keclosloo petpetoo when Lhe law
vlolaLed makes use of Lhe nomenclaLure
of Lhe penalLles of Lhe 8C, or

2. llfe lmptlsoomeot when Lhe law vlolaLed
does noL make use of Lhe nomenclaLure
of Lhe penalLles of Lhe 8C. (5ec.2)
(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
&&7 ,$0-.&$'

:* 9;<= <AG NGDHC>G?F

!* lelonles are acLs or omlsslons punlshable by Lhe

.H=G* Omlssloo means lnacLlon, Lhe fallure Lo perform
a poslLlve duLy whlch one ls bound Lo do.

1here musL be a law requlrlng a cerLaln acL Lo be
performed and Lhe person requlred Lo do Lhe acL falls
Lo perform lL.

unlshable under Lhe 8C means Lhls elemenL of a
felony ls based upon Lhe maxlm, oollom ctlmeo, oollo
poeoo sloe leqe, LhaL ls, Lhere ls no crlme where Lhere
ls no law punlshlng lL.


!* lelonles are commlLLed noL only by means of
decelL (Jolo) buL also by means of faulL (colpo).

:* 9;<= <AG =;G _>CK? HN NGDHC>G?F

1. lnLenLlonal felonles (uolo)
2. Culpable felonles (colpo)

:* 9;<= <AG =;G K>?=>C@=>HC? LG=EGGC >C=GC=>HC<D

7898 :;9<0
AcL ls
noL mallclous
ln[ury caused ls unlnLenLlonal belng
lncldenL of anoLher acL performed
wlLhouL mallce
Pas lnLenLlon
Lo cause ln[ury
Wrongful acL resulLs from
lmprudence, negllgence, lack of
foreslghL or lack of sklll

:* 9;<= >? <C "5- >C @HC=GBID<=>HC HN @A>B>C<D

!* An oct refers Lo any klnd of body movemenL LhaL
produces change ln Lhe ouLslde world. 1he acL musL
be an exLernal acL whlch has a dlrecL connecLlon
wlLh Lhe felony lnLended Lo be commlLLed.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G AGTJ>?>=G? HN 2*#*F

1. ctlmlool loteot - Lhe purpose Lo use a
parLlcular means Lo effecL such resulL.
lnLenL Lo commlL an acL wlLh mallce belng
purely a menLal process ls presumed.
Such presumpLlon arlses from Lhe proof
of commlsslon of an unlawful acL. A
menLal sLaLe, hence, lLs exlsLence ls
shown by overL acLs.

.H=G* lf Lhere ls nC crlmlnal lnLenL, Lhe acL
ls [usLlfled. Cffender lncurs nC crlmlnal
llablllLy. L.g. 1he exlsLence of a lawful or
lnsuperable cause, commlsslon by mere

2. lteeJom of octloo - volunLarlness on Lhe
parL of Lhe person Lo commlL Lhe acL or

.H=G* lf Lhere ls lack of freedom, Lhe
offender ls exempt from llablllLy. Lxample ls
Lhe presence of lrreslsLlble force or
unconLrollable fear.

noLe: 1he word volunLarlness ln crlmlnal law
does noL mean acLlng ln one's own vollLlon.
ln crlmlnal law, volunLarlness comprehends
Lhe concurrence of freedom of acLlon,
lnLelllgence and Lhe facL LhaL Lhe acL was

3. lotelllqeoce - means Lhe capaclLy Lo know
and undersLand Lhe consequences of
one's acL.

.H=G* lf Lhere ls lack of lnLelllgence, Lhe
offender ls exempt from llablllLy. L.g. ls
when Lhe offender ls an lmbeclle, lnsane, or
under 13 years of age.

.H=G* lf any of Lhese requlslLes ls absenL, Lhere ls no
Jolo. lf Lhere ls no Jolo, Lhere could be no lnLenLlonal

:* 9;<= <AG =;G AGTJ>?>=G? HN 53#("F

1. Crlmlnal negllgence on Lhe parL of Lhe
offender, LhaL ls, Lhe crlme was Lhe resulL
of negllgence, reckless lmprudence, lack
of foreslghL or lack of sklll.

.H=G* negllgence lndlcaLes deflclency of
percepLlon or fallure Lo pay aLLenLlon and Lo
use dlllgence ln foreseelng Lhe ln[ury or
damage lmpendlng Lo be caused. lL usually
lnvolves lack of foreslghL.

lmprudence lndlcaLes deflclency of acLlon or
fallure Lo Lake Lhe necessary precauLlon Lo
avold ln[ury Lo person or damage Lo
properLy. lL usually lnvolves lack of sklll.

!""# %& '89:;<8=
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
2. lreedom of acLlon on Lhe parL of Lhe
offender, LhaL ls, he was noL acLlng under

3. lnLelllgence on Lhe parL of Lhe offender ln
performlng Lhe negllgenL acL.

.H=G* lf any of Lhese requlslLes ls absenL, Lhere can be
no culpa.

:* 9;<= @A>BG? @<CCH= LG @HBB>==GK =;AHJS;

1. Murder
2. 1reason
3. 8obbery
4. Mallclous mlschlef

:* 9;<= >? !'%& )'"F

!* Meos teo ls referred Lo as Lhe gravamen of Lhe
offense. Meos teo of Lhe crlme depends upon Lhe
elemenLs of Lhe crlme. lL can only be deLermlned by
knowlng Lhe parLlcular crlme commlLLed.

1. ln LhefL, Lhe meos teo ls Lhe Laklng of Lhe
properLy of anoLher wlLh lnLenL Lo galn.
2. ln falslflcaLlon, Lhe meos teo ls Lhe effecLlng
of Lhe forgery wlLh lnLenL Lo perverL Lhe
3. ln robbery, Lhe meos teo ls Lhe Laklng of Lhe
properLy of anoLher coupled wlLh Lhe
employmenL of lnLlmldaLlon or vlolence
upon persons or Lhlngs.

:* 9;<= >? >C=GC=F

!* loteot refers Lo Lhe use of a parLlcular means Lo
effecL Lhe deslred resulL. lL ls a menLal sLaLe, Lhe
exlsLence of whlch ls demonsLraLed by Lhe overL
acLs of a person.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G @<=GSHA>G? HN >C=GC= >C @A>B>C<D

1. Ceoetol ctlmlool loteot - ls presumed
from Lhe mere dolng of a wrong acL. 1hls
does noL requlre proof. 1he burden ls
upon Lhe wrongdoer Lo prove LhaL he
acLed wlLhouL such crlmlnal lnLenL.

.H=G* ln felonles by means of decelL, Lhe
Lhlrd elemenL of volunLarlness ls a general

2. 5peclflc ctlmlool loteot - ls noL presumed
because lL ls an lngredlenL or elemenL of a
crlme, llke lnLenL Lo klll ln Lhe crlmes of
aLLempLed or frusLraLed
homlclde/parrlclde/murder. 1he
prosecuLlon has Lhe burden of provlng Lhe

.H=G* ln some parLlcular felonles, proof of
speclflc lnLenL ls requlred Lo produce Lhe
crlme such as ln frusLraLed and aLLempLed

:* 9;<= >? =;G K>?=>C@=>HC LG=EGGC >C=GC= <CK

&./$./ #&'"$).%$./
1he deLermlnaLlon Lo do
a cerLaln Lhlng, an alm or
purpose of Lhe mlnd. lL ls
Lhe deslgn Lo resolve or
deLermlnaLlon by whlch a
person acLs.
1he menLal capaclLy Lo
Lell rlghL from wrong. lL
relaLes Lo Lhe moral
slgnlflcance LhaL a person
ascrlbes Lo hls acL and
relaLes Lo Lhe lnLelllgence
as an elemenL of Jolo.

:* 9;<= >? BH=>OGF

!* lL ls Lhe movlng power or force whlch lmpels a
person Lo a deslred resulL.

:* &? BH=>OG KG=GAB>C<C= HN @A>B>C<D D><L>D>=RF

!* no. MoLlve alone wlll noL brlng abouL crlmlnal
llablllLy because Lhe 8C requlres LhaL Lhere musL
be an overL acL or an omlsslon. When Lhere ls
moLlve ln Lhe commlsslon of a crlme, lL always
comes before Lhe lnLenL.

ln a murder case, Lhe lnLenL Lo klll ls demonsLraLed by
Lhe use of leLhal weapon, whereas, Lhe moLlve may be

MoLlve ls maLerlal when:
1. 1he acLs brlng abouL varlanL crlmes
2. 1here ls doubL wheLher Lhe accused
commlLLed Lhe crlme, or Lhe ldenLlLy of Lhe
accused ls doubLful
3. 1he evldence on Lhe commlsslon of Lhe
crlme ls purely clrcumsLanLlal
4. 1here ls a need Lo deLermlne wheLher dlrecL
assaulL ls presenL ln offenses agalnsL person
ln auLhorlLy commlLLed when he ls noL ln Lhe
performance of hls offlclal duLles
3. ln ascerLalnlng Lhe LruLh beLween Lwo
anLagonlsLlc Lheorles or verslons of Lhe

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

6. Where Lhere are no eyewlLnesses Lo Lhe
crlme and where susplclon ls llkely Lo fall
upon a number of persons.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G K>?=>C@=>HC? LG=EGGC BH=>OG <CK

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
%-/&+$ &./$./
lL ls Lhe movlng power
whlch lmpels a person Lo
acL for a deflnlLe resulL
lL refers Lo Lhe use of a
parLlcular means Lo
achleve Lhe deslred resulL
A crlme may be
commlLLed wlLhouL
moLlve. lL ls noL elemenL
of Lhe crlme
lL ls an lngredlenL of Jolo
or mallce and Lhus, an
elemenL of dellberaLe
ls essenLlal only when Lhe
ldenLlLy of perpeLraLor ls
ln doubL
ls essenLlal ln lnLenLlonal

:* 9;<= <AG =;G N<@=HA? =;<= <NNG@= >C=GC=F

1. Mlstoke of foct LhaL whlch had Lhe facLs
been Lrue Lo Lhe bellef of Lhe offender, hls
acL can be [usLlfled. lL ls such mlsLake LhaL
wlll negaLe crlmlnal llablllLy because of
Lhe absence of Lhe elemenL of lnLenL.

.H=G* MlsLake refers Lo Lhe slLuaLlon lLself, noL Lhe
ldenLlLy of Lhe persons lnvolved. MlsLake of facL ls only
a defense ln lnLenLlonal felony buL never ln culpable

2. Abettotlo lctos - mlsLake ln Lhe blow
3. ttot lo petsoooe - mlsLake ln Lhe ldenLlLy
4. ltoetet loteotlooem - where Lhe
consequence exceeded Lhe lnLenLlon
3. ltoxlmote coose - Lhe cause of Lhe cause
ls Lhe cause of Lhe evll caused

!7 "0!''&,&"!/&-. -, ,$0-.&$' Y!)/7 Z^

:* 9;<= >? =;G >BIHA=<C@G HN @D<??>NR>CS =;G
NGDHC>G? <? =H =;G>A ?GOGA>=RF

!* 1o deLermlne:

1. WheLher Lhese felonles can be complexed
or noL

2. 1he prescrlpLlon of Lhe crlme and Lhe
prescrlpLlon of Lhe penalLy.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G @D<??>N>@<=>HC? HN NGDHC>G?
<@@HAK>CS =H =;G>A SA<O>=RF

1. Ctove - Lhose Lo whlch Lhe law aLLaches
Lhe caplLal punlshmenL or penalLles whlch
ln any of Lhelr perlods are affllcLlve, ln
accordance wlLh ArL. 23 of Lhe 8C. (Att.
9, pot. 1, klc)

2. less qtove - Lhose whlch Lhe law punlshes
wlLh penalLles whlch ln Lhelr maxlmum
perlod are correcLlonal, ln accordance
wlLh ArL. 23 of Lhe 8C. (Att. 9, pot. 2,

3. llqbt - Lhose lnfracLlons of law for Lhe
commlsslon of whlch Lhe penalLy of
ottesto meoot or a flne noL exceedlng 200
pesos, or boLh, ls provlded. (Att. 9, pot. J,


!* 1he prlnclpals, accompllces and even
accessorles, because Lhe degree of Lhe penalLy Lo
be lmposed depends on 3 facLors:
1. SLages of execuLlon
2. 1he degree of parLlclpaLlon
3. 1he presence of aLLendlng clrcumsLances

:* 9;GC <AG D>S;= NGDHC>G? IJC>?;<LDGF

3)* LlghL felonles are punlshable only when
Lhey are consummaLed.

.H=G* lL lnvolves lnslgnlflcanL moral and maLerlal
ln[urles, lf noL consummaLed, Lhe wrong done ls so
sllghL LhaL a penalLy ls unnecessary.

`8.* LlghL felonles are punlshable ln all sLages
when commlLLed agalnsL persons or properLy.

.H=G* lL presupposes moral depravlLy.

:* 9;H <AG D><LDG >C D>S;= NGDHC>G?F

!* Cnly Lhe prlnclpals and Lhe accompllces are llable
ln llghL felonles. Accessorles are noL llable for llghL

:* 9;<= <AG =;G @A>BG? @HC?>KGAGK <? D>S;=

1. SllghL physlcal ln[urles
2. 1hefL (when Lhe value of Lhlng sLolen ls
less Lhan 3 pesos and LhefL ls commlLLed
under Lhe clrcumsLances enumeraLed
under ArL. 308 par.3)
3. AlLeraLlon of boundary marks

!""# %& '89:;<8=
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
4. Mallclous mlschlef (when Lhe value of Lhe
damage does noL exceed 200 or cannoL
be esLlmaLed.
3. lnLrlgulng agalnsL honor

47 $0$%$./' -, ")&%&.!0 0&!4&0&/1 Y!A=7 \^

:* (HE >? @A>B>C<D D><L>D>=R >C@JAAGKF

!: Crlmlnal llablllLy ls lncurred by any person:

1. CommlLLlng a felony alLhough Lhe
wrongful acL done be dlfferenL from LhaL
whlch he lnLended.

2. erformlng an acL whlch would be an
offense agalnsL persons or properLy, were
lL noL for Lhe lnherenL posslblllLy of lLs
accompllshmenL or on accounL of Lhe
employmenL of lnadequaLe or lneffecLual
means. (Att. 4)

.H=G* ArLlcle 4 does noL mean Lo exclude offenders
who are llable even lf Lhey do noL fall under any of Lhe
slLuaLlons spoken of ln Lhe sald arLlcle. 1hus, a person
who commlLLed a crlme whlch he really lnLended ls no
doubL llable for LhaL offense llke, lf A, lnLendlng Lo klll
hls faLher, shoL hlm, he ls llable for Lhe deaLh of hls
faLher. 1he openlng senLence of ArLlcle 4 should have
been: "ctlmlool lloblllty sboll olso be locotteJ by".

:* 9;<= ?>=J<=>HC? <AG @HC=GBID<=GK JCKGA =;G
N>A?= I<A<SA<I; HN !A=7 \Q =>)*%413# "5- 2*%' ,'
2$11')'%- 1)*! >+"- >"& $%-'%2'2=.

1. Abettotlo lctos or mlsLake ln Lhe blow
2. ttot lo petsoooe or mlsLake ln ldenLlLy
3. ltoetet loteotlooem or where Lhe
consequence exceeded Lhe lnLenLlon

.H=G* 1he Lhree enumeraLed slLuaLlons are always Lhe
resulL of an lnLended felony, and hence, Jolo. 1hese
slLuaLlons do noL arlse ouL of crlmlnal negllgence.

:* 9;<= >? ",'))"-$* $5-3& HA B>?=<_G >C =;G LDHEF

!* ln obettotlo lctos, Lhe offender lnLends Lhe ln[ury
on one person buL Lhe harm fell on anoLher. 1here
are Lhree persons presenL when Lhe felony ls
commlLLed: Lhe offender, Lhe lnLended vlcLlm, and
Lhe acLual vlcLlm.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G K>?=>C@=>HC? LG=EGGC ",'))"-$*
$5-3& <CK '))*) $% (')&*%"'.

0?@AA0BC8 C:B;D @AA8A CE <@AD8E0@
A person dlrecLed Lhe
blow aL an lnLended
vlcLlm, buL because of
poor alm, LhaL blow
landed on somebody
1he vlcLlm acLually
recelved Lhe blow, buL he
was mlsLaken for anoLher
who was noL aL Lhe scene
of Lhe crlme.
1he offender, Lhe
lnLended vlcLlm as well as
Lhe acLual vlcLlm are all aL
Lhe scene of Lhe crlme. lL
generally glves rlse Lo a
complex crlme.
1here are only Lwo
persons presenL ln ettot
lo petsoooe Lhe acLual
buL lnLended vlcLlm and
Lhe offender.
lL generally glves rlse Lo
Lhe complex crlme. 1hls
belng so, Lhe penalLy for
Lhe more serlous crlme ls
lmposed ln Lhe maxlmum
1he provlslons of ArL. 49
applles ln ettot lo
petsoooe, LhaL ls, Lhe
penalLy for Lhe lesser
crlme wlll be Lhe one

:* 9;<= >? ()"'-') $%-'%-$*%'!F

!* ln ptoetet loteotlooem, Lhe ln[ury ls on Lhe
lnLended vlcLlm buL Lhe resulLlng consequence ls so
grave a wrong Lhan whaL was lnLended.

.H=G* 1here musL be a noLable dlsparlLy beLween Lhe
means employed and Lhe resulLlng felony.

ltoetet loteotlooem ls a mlLlgaLlng clrcumsLance
parLlcularly covered by paragraph 3 of ArLlcle 13.

:* ! <CK 4 EGC= HC < KA>C_>CS ?IAGG7 9;>DG =;GR
?=<LLGK 4 ?GOGA<D =>BG?7 !a? KGNGC?G >? =;<= ;G ;<K
CH >C=GC=>HC HN _>DD>CS ;>? NA>GCK <CK =;<= ;G K>K
CH= >C=GCK =H @HBB>= ?H SA<OG < EAHCS <? =;<=
@HBB>==GK7 &? ()"'-') $%-'%-$*%'! IAHIGADR

!* no, because ptoetet loteotlooem ls mlLlgaLlng
only lf Lhere ls a noLable dlsparlLy beLween Lhe
means employed and Lhe resulLlng felony. 1he facL
LhaL several wounds were lnfllcLed on 8 ls hardly
compaLlble wlLh Lhe ldea LhaL he dld noL lnLend Lo
commlL so grave a wrong as LhaL commlLLed.

:* 9;<= KHG? !A=>@DG \Q I<A<SA<I; 6 =:)$!$%"#
#$",$#$-F &+"## ,' $%53))'2 ,F "%F (')&*%
5*!!$--$%4 " 1'#*%F "#-+*34+ -+' >)*%413# "5-
2*%' ,' 2$11')'%- 1)*! -+"- >+$5+ +' $%-'%2'2=

!* lL presupposes LhaL Lhe acL done ls Lhe proxlmaLe
cause of Lhe resulLlng felony. lL musL be Lhe dlrecL,

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

naLural, and loglcal consequence of Lhe felonlous

:* 9;<= >? < IAHM>B<=G @<J?GF

!* ltoxlmote coose ls LhaL cause whlch seLs lnLo
moLlon oLher causes and whlch, unbroken by any
efflclenL supervenlng cause, produces a felony
wlLhouL whlch such felony could noL have resulLed.
(ne wbo ls tbe coose of tbe coose ls tbe coose of tbe
evll of tbe coose.)

As a rule, Lhe offender ls crlmlnally llable for all Lhe
consequences of hls felonlous acL, alLhough noL
lnLended, lf Lhe felonlous acL ls Lhe proxlmaLe cause
of Lhe felony.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G AGTJ>?>=G? HN IAHM>B<=G @<J?GF

1. 1he dlrecL, naLural, and loglcal cause
2. roduces Lhe ln[ury or damage
3. unbroken by any sufflclenL lnLervenlng
4. WlLhouL whlch Lhe resulL would noL have

:* &? IAHM>B<=G @<J?G =;G ?<BG <? >BBGK><=G

!* A proxlmaLe cause ls noL necessarlly Lhe
lmmedlaLe cause. lmmedlaLe cause may be a cause
whlch ls far and remoLe from Lhe consequence
whlch seLs lnLo moLlon oLher causes whlch resulLed
ln Lhe felony.

As long as Lhe acL of Lhe accused conLrlbuLed Lo Lhe
deaLh of Lhe vlcLlm, even lf Lhe vlcLlm ls abouL Lo
dle, he wlll sLlll be llable for Lhe felonlous acL of
puLLlng Lo deaLh LhaL vlcLlm.

roxlmaLe cause does noL requlre LhaL Lhe offender
needs Lo acLually Louch Lhe body of Lhe offended
parLy. lL ls enough LhaL Lhe offender generaLed ln
Lhe mlnd of Lhe offended parLy Lhe bellef LhaL made
hlm rlsk hlmself.


x and ? are crew members of cargo vessel. 1hey had a
heaLed argumenL. x wlLh a blg knlfe ln hand
LhreaLened Lo klll ?. 1he vlcLlm ?, bellevlng hlmself Lo
be ln lmmedlaLe perll, Lhrew hlmself lnLo Lhe waLer. x
dled of drownlng. ln Lhls case, ? ls llable for homlclde
for Lhe deaLh of ?.
")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA

Lven lf oLher causes cooperaLed ln produclng Lhe faLal
resulL as long as Lhe wound lnfllcLed ls dangerous, LhaL
ls, calculaLed Lo desLroy or endanger llfe, Lhe acLor ls

lL ls lmporLanL LhaL Lhere be no efflclenL lnLervenlng

:* (HE >? IAHM>B<=G @<J?G CGS<=GKF

1. AcLlve force, dlsLlncL acL, or facL
absoluLely forelgn from Lhe felonlous acL
of Lhe accused, whlch serves as a
sofflcleot lotetveoloq coose
2. 8esulLlng ln[ury or damage ls due Lo Lhe
lnLenLlonal acL of Lhe vlcLlm.

:* 9;<= @>A@JB?=<C@G? <AG @HC?>KGAGK <?
$%'11$5$'%- >C=GAOGC>CS @<J?G?F

1. 1he weak physlcal condlLlon of Lhe vlcLlm
2. 1he nervousness or LemperamenL of Lhe
3. Causes whlch are lnherenL ln Lhe vlcLlm,
such as Lhe vlcLlm's lnablllLy Lo swlm
4. 8efusal of Lhe ln[ured parLy of medlcal
3. Lrroneous or unsklllful medlcal LreaLmenL

.H=G* AlLhough Lhe followlng may have lnLervened ln
Lhe commlsslon of Lhe crlme, Lhe offender ls sLlll llable
for Lhe resulLlng crlme because Lhe proxlmaLe cause ls
caused by hlm.

:* 9;<= @>A@JB?=<C@G? <AG @HC?>KGAGK NHA KG<=; =H
I;R?>@<D >CXJA>G? >CND>@=GKF

1. 1haL Lhe vlcLlm was ln normal condlLlon aL
Lhe Llme Lhe physlcal ln[urles were
2. 1haL Lhe deaLh may be expecLed from Lhe
physlcal ln[urles lnfllcLed.
3. 1haL deaLh ensued wlLhln a reasonable

.H=G* Lven lf oLher causes cooperaLed ln produclng
Lhe faLal resulL as long as Lhe wound lnfllcLed ls
dangerous, LhaL ls, calculaLed Lo desLroy or endanger
llfe, Lhe acLor ls llable. 1hls ls Lrue even Lhough Lhe
lmmedlaLe cause of deaLh was erroneous or unsklllful
medlcal LreaLmenL, refusal of Lhe vlcLlm Lo submlL Lo
surglcal operaLlon, or LhaL Lhe deceased was sufferlng
from Luberculosls, hearL dlsease or oLher lnLernal

!""# %& '89:;<8=
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
"7 &%8-''&40$ ")&%$ b!A=7 \ Yc^d

:* 9;<= <AG =;G AGTJ>?>=G? HN <C >BIH??>LDG @A>BGF

1. AcL performed would be an offense
agalnsL persons or properLy.

.H=G* kldnapplng ls a crlme agalnsL personal
securlLy and noL agalnsL person or properLy

2. AcL was done wlLh evll lnLenL
3. AccompllshmenL ls lnherenLly lmposslble
or means employed ls elLher lnadequaLe
or lneffecLual
4. AcL performed should noL consLlLuLe a
vlolaLlon of anoLher provlslon of 8C

.H=G* 1he offender musL belleve LhaL he can
consummaLe Lhe lnLended crlme. A man sLabblng
anoLher who he knew was already dead cannoL be
llable for an lmposslble crlme

:* 9;<= >? =;G G??GC@G HN <C >BIH??>LDG @A>BGF

!* 1he essence of an lmposslble crlme ls Lhe
lnherenL lmposslblllLy of accompllshlng Lhe crlme or
Lhe lnherenL lmposslblllLy of Lhe means employed
Lo brlng abouL Lhe crlme.

:* 9;<= >? >C;GAGC= >BIH??>L>D>=RF

!* lobeteot lmposslblllty means LhaL under any and
all clrcumsLances, Lhe crlme could noL have

:* 9;<= <AG =;G =EH _>CK? HN >C;GAGC=

1. leqol lmposslblllty - whlch occurs where
Lhe lnLended acLs, even lf compleLed
would noL amounL Lo a crlme. .q. kllllng a
dead person.

2. lbyslcol lmposslblllty - where exLraneous
clrcumsLances unknown Lo Lhe accused
prevenL Lhe consummaLlon of Lhe
lnLended crlme. .q. plck pockeLlng an
empLy walleL.

:* 9;<= >? =;G AG<?HC NHA IGC<D>W>CS >BIH??>LDG

!* 1o Leach Lhe offender a lesson because of hls
crlmlnal perverslLy. AlLhough ob[ecLlvely, no crlme
ls commlLLed, buL sub[ecLlvely, he ls a crlmlnal.

.H=G* lL ls a prlnclple of crlmlnal law LhaL Lhe offender
wlll only be penallzed for an lmposslble crlme lf he
cannoL be punlshed under some oLher provlslon of Lhe
8C. An lmposslble crlme ls a crlme of lasL resorL.

:* 9;<= <AG GM<BIDG? HN >BIH??>LDG @A>BG?F

1. lo employmeot of looJepoote meoos -
small quanLlLy of polson whlch ls
lnadequaLe Lo klll a person.

2. lo employmeot of loefflcleot meoos -
accused flred a gun, noL knowlng LhaL lL ls

:* 4JKKR <DE<R? AG?GC=GK ;>? @D<??B<=GQ PJC7 -CG
;>? DJC@;7 .H= _CHE>CS E;GAG ;G @<C SG= IH>?HCQ
;G K>?@DH?GK ;>? GO>D ID<C7 4G@<J?G ;G ;>B?GDN

!* !erry and 8uddy are llable for Lhe socalled
lmposslble crlme because, wlLh lnLenL Lo klll, Lhey
Lrled Lo polson !un and Lhus perpeLraLe murder, a
crlme agalnsL persons. !un was noL polsoned only
because Lhe wouldbe klllers were unaware LhaL
whaL Lhey mlxed wlLh Lhe food of !un was
powdered mllk, noL polson. Crlmlnal llablllLy ls
lncurred by Lhem alLhough no crlme resulLed,
because Lhelr acL of Lrylng Lo polson !un ls crlmlnal.
Y6ZZf 4<A :JG?=>HC^

:* &? >BIH??>LDG @A>BG < NHAB<D @A>BGF

!* ?es. 8y lLs very naLure, an lmposslble crlme ls a
formal crlme. lL ls elLher consummaLed or noL
consummaLed aL all. 1here ls Lherefore no
aLLempLed or frusLraLed lmposslble crlme.

:* #>?=>CSJ>?; >BIH??>LDG @A>BG NAHB

&%8-''&40$ ")&%$'
lnLenL ls noL accompllshed
lnLenL ls noL
lnLenL of Lhe offender has
posslblllLy of
lnLenL of Lhe offender,
cannoL be accompllshed

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

AccompllshmenL ls
prevenLed by Lhe
lnLervenLlon of cerLaln
cause or accldenL ln whlch
Lhe offender had no parL
lnLenL cannoL be
accompllshed because
lL ls lnherenLly
lmposslble Lo
accompllsh or because
Lhe means employed by
Lhe offender ls
lnadequaLe or

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
#7 '/!3$' -, $`$"2/&-. Y!A=7 ]^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G @D<??>N>@<=>HC? HN NGDHC>G?
<@@HAK>CS =H =;G ?=<SG HN GMG@J=>HCF

!* ConsummaLed, frusLraLed and aLLempLed

:* 9;<= >? =;G IJAIH?G HN @D<??>N>@<=>HCF

!* 1o brlng abouL a proporLlonaLe penalLy and
equlLable punlshmenL.

.H=G: 1he penalLles are graduaLed accordlng Lo Lhelr
degree of severlLy. 1he sLages may noL apply Lo all
klnds of felonles. 1here are felonles whlch do noL
admlL of dlvlslon.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G @A>BG? =;<= KH CH= <KB>= HN

!* lotmol ctlmes whlch are consummaLed ln one
lnsLance, do noL admlL of dlvlslon. e.q. physlcal
ln[urles and oral defamaLlon.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G I;<?G? HN NGDHCRF

1. 5objectlve pbose - LhaL porLlon of
execuLlon of Lhe crlme sLarLlng from Lhe
polnL where Lhe offender beglns up Lo
LhaL polnL where he sLlll has conLrol of hls

.H=G* lf lL reaches Lhe polnL where he has no
more conLrol over hls acLs, Lhe sub[ecLlve
phase has passed.

lf Lhe sub[ecLlve phase ls noL yeL passed, Lhe
felony would be a mere aLLempL.

lf lL already passed, buL Lhe felony ls noL
produced, as a rule, lL ls frusLraLed.

2. Objectlve pbose - resulLs of Lhe acLs of
execuLlon, LhaL ls, Lhe accompllshmenL of
Lhe crlme.

.H=G* lf Lhe sub[ecLlve and ob[ecLlve phases are
presenL, Lhere ls consummaLed felony.
:* 9;GC >? < NGDHCR @HC?JBB<=GKF

!* A felony ls consummaLed when all Lhe acLs
necessary for lLs accompllshmenL and execuLlon are


1. 1he offender performs all Lhe acLs of
2. All Lhe acLs performed would produce Lhe
felony as a consequence.
3. 8uL Lhe felony ls noL produced.
4. 8y Lhe reason of causes lndependenL of
Lhe wlll of Lhe perpeLraLor.

:* 9;<= @A>BG? KH CH= <KB>= HN NAJ?=A<=GK ?=<SGF

1. kope - Lhe gravamen of Lhe offense ls
carnal knowledge, hence, Lhe sllghLesL
peneLraLlon Lo Lhe female organ
consummaLes Lhe felony.

2. Atsoo - Lhe momenL Lhe burnlng properLy
occurs, even lf sllghL, Lhe offense ls

3. cottoptloo of pobllc offlcets - mere
accepLance of Lhe offer consummaLes Lhe

4. lbyslcol lojoty - consummaLed aL Lhe
lnsLance Lhe ln[urles are lnfllcLed.

3. AJoltety - Lhe essence of Lhe crlme ls
sexual congress.

6. 1beft - Lhe essence of Lhe crlme ls Lhe
possesslon of Lhe Lhlng, once Lhe Lhlng
has been Laken or ln Lhe possesslon of Lhe
person, Lhe crlme ls consummaLed.


1. 1he offender commences Lhe commlsslon
of Lhe felony dlrecLly by overL acLs

.H=G: Ovett octs are exLernal acLs whlch lf
conLlnued wlll loglcally resulL ln a felony. lL ls
Lhe sLarL of crlmlnal llablllLy because Lhe
offender has commenced Lhe commlsslon of
an offense wlLh an overL acL.

2. Pe does noL perform all Lhe acLs of
execuLlon whlch should produce Lhe

!""# %& '89:;<8=
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %

3. 1he nonperformance of all acLs of
execuLlon was due Lo a cause or accldenL
oLher Lhan Lhe offender's own
sponLaneous deslsLance

.H=G* 1he momenL Lhe execuLlon of Lhe crlme has
already gone Lo LhaL polnL where Lhe felony should
follow as a consequence, lL ls elLher already frusLraLed
or consummaLed. lf Lhe felony does noL follow as a
consequence, lL ls already frusLraLed. lf Lhe felony
follows as a consequence, lL ls consummaLed.

1he word Jltectly emphaslzes Lhe requlremenL LhaL
Lhe aLLempLed felony ls LhaL whlch ls dlrecLly llnked Lo
Lhe overL acL performed by Lhe offender noL Lhe felony
he has ln hls mlnd.


!* no. Pe can only be held llable for aLLempLed
robbery when he has already compleLed all acLs
performed by hlm dlrecLly leadlng Lo robbery. 1he
acL of enLerlng alone ls noL yeL lndlcaLlve of robbery
alLhough LhaL may be whaL he may have planned Lo
commlL. Powever, he may be held llable for

:* /;G <@@J?GK LAHJS;= S<?HD>CG >C=H < LJ>DK>CSQ
E>=; =;G >C=GC= =H LJAC =;G LJ>DK>CSQ LJ= E<?

!* ?es. 1he accused ln Lhls case ls llable for
aLLempLed arson because Lhe brlnglng of Lhe
gasollne was already an overL acL whlle Lhe
apprehenslon was Lhe reason oLher Lhan hls own
sponLaneous deslsLance.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G @A>=GA>< >COHDOGK >C KG=GAB>C>CS
=;G ?=<SG YE;G=;GA >= LG >C =;G <==GBI=GKQ

1. 1he manner of commlLLlng Lhe crlme

2. 1he elemenLs of Lhe crlme

3. 1he naLure of Lhe crlme lLself

:* 9;<= >? =;G K>?=>C@=>HC LG=EGGC <==GBI=GK <CK

!* 1he dlfference beLween Lhe aLLempLed sLage and
Lhe frusLraLed sLage lles on wheLher Lhe offender
has performed all Lhe acLs of execuLlon for Lhe
accompllshmenL of a felony.
LlLerally, under Lhe arLlcle, lf Lhe offender has
performed all Lhe acLs of execuLlon whlch should
produce Lhe felony as a consequence buL Lhe felony
was noL reallzed, Lhen Lhe crlme ls already ln Lhe
frusLraLed sLage.
lf Lhe offender has noL yeL performed all Lhe acLs of
execuLlon (Lhere ls yeL someLhlng Lo be performed)
buL he was noL able Lo perform all Lhe acLs of
execuLlon due Lo some cause or accldenL oLher Lhan
hls own sponLaneous deslsLance, Lhen you have an
aLLempLed felony.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G K>?=>C@=>HC? LG=EGGC <==GBI=GKQ

!//$%8/$# ,)2'/)!/$# "-.'2%%!/$#
crlmlnal purpose
was noL
crlmlnal purpose
was noL
Crlmlnal purpose
Cffender merely
commences Lhe
commlsslon of Lhe
crlme dlrecLly by
overL acLs.
Cffender has
performed all Lhe
acLs of execuLlon
whlch would
produce Lhe
felony as a
Cffender has
performed all
Lhe acLs of
execuLlon whlch
would produce
Lhe felony as Lhe
1he lnLervenLlon of
cerLaln cause or
accldenL whlch Lhe
offender had no
parL prevenLed Lhe
1he lnLervenLlon
of cerLaln cause
or accldenL whlch
Lhe offender had
no parL
prevenLed Lhe
1he felony was
produced as a
consequence of
Lhe acL of Lhe
Cffender has noL
passed Lhe
sub[ecLlve phase
Cffender has
reached Lhe
ob[ecLlve sLage
Sub[ecLlve and
ob[ecLlve phase
are presenL

:* 9;<= <AG =;G >C?=<C@G? E;GAG>C =;G ?=<SG? HN <

1. Cffenses punlshable by Speclal enal
Laws, unless oLherwlse provlded for.
2. lormal crlmes (e.q., slooJet oJoltety, etc.)
3. lmposslble crlmes
4. Crlmes consummaLed by mere aLLempL
(e.q., ottempt to flee to oo eoemy coootty,
tteosoo, cottoptloo of mloots)
3. lelonles by omlsslon

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

6. Crlmes commlLLed by mere agreemenL
(e.q., bettloq lo spotts, cottoptloo of
pobllc offlcets)
")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA

$7 "-.'8&)!"1 !.# 8)-8-'!0 Y!A=7f^

:* 9;<= >? @HC?I>A<@RF

!* Consplracy exlsLs when Lwo or more persons
come Lo an agreemenL concernlng Lhe commlsslon
of a felony and declde Lo commlL lL.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G AGTJ>?>=G? HN @HC?I>A<@RF

1. 1here ls an agreemenL
2. 1he parLlclpanLs acLed ln concerL or
slmulLaneously whlch ls lndlcaLlve of a
meeLlng of Lhe mlnds Lowards a common
crlmlnal goal or crlmlnal ob[ecLlve

:* 9;GC KHG? IAHIH?<D GM>?=F

!* roposal exlsLs when Lhe person who has
declded Lo commlL a felony proposes lLs execuLlon
Lo some oLher person or persons.

:* ls proposal and consplracy Lo commlL felony

3)* Consplracy and proposal Lo commlL a felony
are noL punlshable.

kotlo. 8ecause Lhey are mere preparaLory acLs.

`8.* 1hey are punlshable only ln cases ln whlch
Lhe law speclflcally provldes a penalLy Lhereof.

.H=G* lL ls fundamenLal LhaL Lhere exlsLs a unlLy of
purpose and Lhe unlLy ln Lhe execuLlon of Lhe unlawful
ob[ecLlve among Lhe coconsplraLors.

Mere knowledge, acqulescence Lo, or approval of Lhe
acL, wlLhouL cooperaLlon or aL leasL, agreemenL Lo
cooperaLe, ls noL enough Lo consLlLuLe a consplracy.

A consplracy ls posslble even when parLlclpanLs do noL
know each oLher.

:* &? >= AGTJ>AGK =;<= =;GAG >? <C <SAGGBGC= <BHCS
=;G I<A=>@>I<C=? =H @HC?=>=J=G @HC?I>A<@RF

!* no. lL ls enough LhaL Lhe offenders acLed
slmulLaneously or ln a synchronlzed manner Lo
brlng abouL Lhelr common lnLenLlon.

3)* When consplracy exlsLs, Lhe degree of
parLlclpaLlon of each consplraLor ls noL consldered
because Lhe acL of one ls Lhe acL of all, Lhey have
equal crlmlnal responslblllLy.

`8.* Lven Lhough Lhere was consplracy, lf a co
consplraLor merely cooperaLed ln Lhe commlsslon
of Lhe crlme wlLh lnslgnlflcanL or mlnlmal acLs,
such LhaL even wlLhouL hls cooperaLlon, Lhe crlme
could be carrled ouL as well, such coconsplraLor
should be punlshed as an accompllce only. (leople
v. Nlem, C.k. No. 521, uec. 20, 1945)

`8. =H =;G `8.* When Lhe acL consLlLuLes a slngle
lndlvlslble offense.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G K>?=>C@=>HC? LG=EGGC @HC?I>A<@R

"-.'8&)!"1 8)-8-'!0
lL exlsLs when Lwo or more
persons come Lo an
agreemenL concernlng Lhe
commlsslon of a felony and
declde Lo commlL lL.
1here ls proposal when
Lhe person who has
declded Lo commlL a
felony proposes lLs
execuLlon Lo some oLher
person or persons.
Cnce Lhe proposal ls
accepLed, a consplracy
roposal ls Lrue only up Lo
Lhe polnL where Lhe parLy
Lo whom Lhe proposal was
made has noL yeL
accepLed Lhe proposal.
Consplracy ls bllaLeral, lL
requlres Lwo parLles.
roposal ls unllaLeral, one
parLy makes a proposlLlon
Lo Lhe oLher.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G =EH _>CK? HN @HC?I>A<@RF

1. coospltocy os o ctlme - 1he mere
consplracy ls Lhe crlme lLself. 1hls ls only
Lrue when Lhe law expressly punlshes Lhe
mere consplracy, oLherwlse, Lhe
consplracy does noL brlng abouL Lhe
commlsslon of Lhe crlme because
consplracy ls noL an overL acL buL a mere
preparaLory acL.

.H=G: 1reason, rebelllon, sedlLlon, and coop
J'etot are Lhe only crlmes where Lhe
consplracy and proposal Lo commlL Lhem
are punlshable.

2. coospltocy os o bosls of locottloq ctlmlool
lloblllty - When Lhe consplracy ls only a

!""# %& '89:;<8=
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
basls of lncurrlng crlmlnal llablllLy, Lhere
musL be an overL acL done before Lhe co
consplraLors become crlmlnally llable.

:* 9;<= >? >BID>GK @HC?I>A<@RF

!* When Lhe consplracy ls [usL a basls of lncurrlng
crlmlnal llablllLy, lL may be deduced or lnferred
from Lhe acLs of several offenders ln carrylng ouL
Lhe commlsslon of Lhe crlme, l.e. when such acLs
dlsclose or show a common pursulL of Lhe crlmlnal

:* 9;<= <AG =;G DGS<D GNNG@=? HN >BID>GK

1. noL all Lhose who are presenL aL Lhe
scene of Lhe crlme wlll be consldered

2. Cnly Lhose who parLlclpaLed by crlmlnal
acLs ln Lhe commlsslon of Lhe crlme wlll
be consldered as coconsplraLors

.H=G: ln order Lo hold someone crlmlnally llable, ln
addlLlon Lo mere presence, Lhere should be overL acLs
LhaL are closelyrelaLed and coordlnaLed Lo esLabllsh
Lhe presence of common crlmlnal deslgn and
communlLy of purpose ln Lhe commlsslon of Lhe crlme.

D<==GA I<??G? =;AHJS; HC ;>? E<R =H EHA_7 !A=JAH
<J=;HA>=>G? LGNHAG AG<@;>CS =;G <DDGR7 9;GC PJ<C
?;H= PHGD <? ID<CCGKQ ;G E<? JC<E<AG =;<= !A=JAH
E<? <AAG?=GK G<AD>GA7 #>?@J?? =;G @A>B>C<D D><L>D>=R

!* ArLuro belng one of Lhe Lwo who devlsed Lhe
plan Lo murder !oel, Lhereby becomes coprlnclpal
by dlrecL consplracy. WhaL ls needed only ls an
overL acL and boLh wlll lncur crlmlnal llablllLy.
ArLuro's llablllLy as a consplraLor arose from hls
parLlclpaLlon ln [olnLly devlslng Lhe crlmlnal plan
wlLh !uan, Lo klll !ose. And lL was pursuanL Lo LhaL
consplracy LhaL !uan kllled !oel. 1he consplracy here
ls acLual, noL by lnference only. 1he overL acL was
done pursuanL Lo LhaL consplracy whereof ArLuro ls
coconsplraLor. 1here belng a consplracy, Lhe acL of
one ls Lhe acL of all. ArLuro, Lherefore, should be
llable as a coconsplraLor buL Lhe penalLy on hlm
may be LhaL of an accompllce only because he was
noL able Lo acLually parLlclpaLe ln Lhe shooLlng of
!oel, havlng been apprehended before reachlng Lhe
place where Lhe crlme was commlLLed. (6ZZf 4<A

,7 %20/&80$ -,,$.#$)'
D'' "#&* ("4' GH )'4")2$%4 -+' 2$11')'%- 1*)!& *1
)'('-$-$*% *) +",$-3"#$-F *1 -+' *11'%2')

1. keclJlvlsm - Lhe offender aL LheLlme of
hls Lrlal for one crlme shall have been
prevlously convlcLed by flnal [udgmenL of
anoLher embraced ln Lhe same LlLle of Lhe

.H=G: lL ls lmporLanL LhaL convlcLlon whlch
came earller musL refer Lo Lhe crlme
commlLLed earller Lhan Lhe subsequenL

A recldlvlsL ls enLlLled Lo Lhe beneflLs of Lhe
lndeLermlnaLe SenLence Law buL ls
dlsquallfled from avalllng credlL of hls
prevenLlve lmprlsonmenL.

2. keltetocloo - Lhe offender has been
prevlously punlshed for an offense whlch
Lhe law aLLaches an equal or greaLer
penalLy or for Lwo or more crlmes Lo
whlch lL aLLaches a llghLer penalLy.

3. nobltool Jellopoeocy - Lhe offender
wlLhln Lhe perlod of 10 years from Lhe
daLe of hls release or lasL convlcLlon of
Lhe crlmes of serlous or less serlous
physlcal ln[urles, robbery, LhefL, esLafa or
falslflcaLlon, ls found gullLy of any of Lhe
sald crlmes a Lhlrd Llme or ofLener.

4. OooslteclJlvlsm - Any person who shall
commlL a felony afLer havlng been
convlcLed by flnal [udgmenL before
beglnnlng Lo serve such senLence or whlle
servlng such senLence shall be punlshed
by Lhe maxlmum perlod prescrlbed by law
for Lhe new felony.

37 "-%80$` ")&%$' 6$& '8$"&!0 "-%80$`

"-%80$` ")&%$'
Y!A=7 \f^

:* 9;<= >? < @HBIDGM @A>BGF

!* Complex ctlme exlsLs when Lwo or more crlmes
are commlLLed buL Lhey consLlLuLe only one crlme
ln Lhe eyes of Lhe law. Pere, Lhere ls only one
crlmlnal lnLenL hence, only one penalLy ls lmposed

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

:* 9;<= <AG =;G @HC@GI=? HN @HBIDGM @A>BG?F

1. A slngle crlmlnal acL consLlLuLlng 2 or
more grave or less grave felonles.

2. Cffender has only one crlmlnal lnLenL,
hence, Lhere ls only one penalLy

:* 9;<= <AG =;G _>CK? HN @HBIDGM @A>BG?F

1. compoooJ ctlme - when a slngle acL
consLlLuLes Lwo or more grave or less
grave felonles.

a. Cnly a slngle acL ls performed by
Lhe offender
b. 1he slngle acL produces:
l. 1wo or more grave felonles

ll. Cne or more grave and one or
more less grave felonles

lll. 1wo or more less grave

2. complex ctlme ptopet - when an offense
ls Lhe necessary means for commlLLlng
Lhe oLher.

a. AL leasL Lwo offenses are
b. Cne or some of Lhe offenses musL
be necessary Lo commlL Lhe oLher
c. 8oLh or all Lhe offenses musL be
punlshed under Lhe same sLaLuLe

.H=G* 1he flrsL crlme musL be a necessary means
Lo commlL Lhe oLher.

1here should only be one lnformaLlon charglng a
complex crlme.

Cnly one penalLy ls lmposed for complex crlmes
because Lhere ls only one crlmlnal acL.

3. 5peclol complex ctlme - known as
composlte ctlme, Lhe componenL crlmes
consLlLuLe a slngle lndlvlslble offense
and are Lhus penallzed as one crlme
")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA

:* 9;GC >? =;GAG CH @HBIDGM @A>BGF

1. When one offense ls commlLLed Lo
conceal Lhe oLher

2. When one crlme ls an elemenL of Lhe
oLher, for ln LhaL case, Lhe former shall
be absorbed by Lhe laLLer. .q.
Lrespasslng whlch ls an elemenL of Lhe
robbery wlLh force upon Lhlngs

3. When Lhe crlme has Lhe same elemenLs
as Lhe oLher crlme commlLLed .q. esLafa
and falslflcaLlon of prlvaLe documenLs
have Lhe same elemenL of damage. 1hus
Lhere ls no complex crlme of esLafa
Lhrough falslflcaLlon of prlvaLe documenL

4. When one of Lhe offenses ls penallzed by
a speclal law

3. ln conLlnued crlmes

:* 9;<= >? =;G IGC<D=R NHA @HBIDGM @A>BG? JCKGA
!A=>@DG \fF

3)* When a complex crlme ls commlLLed, Lhe
penalLy for Lhe mosL serlous crlme ln lLs
maxlmum perlod shall be lmposed.

`8.* When Lhe law lmposes a slngle penalLy
for speclal complex crlmes.

:* 9;<= >? < @HC=>CJ>CS @A>BGF

!* lL ls a slngle crlme, conslsLlng of a serles of acLs
buL arlslng from one crlmlnal resoluLlon (e.q.
vlolaLlon of 8 22).

:* 9;<= >? < @HC=>CJGK @A>BGF

!* Pere, Lhe offender ls lmpelled by a slngle
crlmlnal lmpulse buL commlLLed a serles of acLs aL
abouL Lhe same Llme ln abouL Lhe same place and
all Lhe overL acLs vlolaLe one and Lhe same
provlslon law. e.q. LhefL of 13 cows belonglng Lo
dlfferenL owners commlLLed by Lhe accused aL Lhe
same place and aL Lhe same Llme.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G K>?=>C@=>HC? LG=EGGC ?IG@><D

'8$"&!0 "-%80$`
"-%80$` ")&%$ 2.#$)
!)/7 \f
ComblnaLlon of 1he comblnaLlon ls noL

!""# %& '89:;<8=

!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
offenses are flxed or
speclfled by law
.q. robbery wlLh
homlclde, robbery wlLh
speclfled, LhaL ls, grave
and/ or less grave, or one
offense belng necessary
means Lo commlL Lhe oLher
1he penalLy for Lhe
speclfled comblnaLlon ls
also speclflc
1he penalLy lmposed ls Lhe
penalLy for Lhe mosL
serlous offense ln Lhe
maxlmum perlod

:* 9;<= >? IDJA<D>=R HN @A>BG?F

!* lL ls Lhe successlve execuLlon by Lhe same
lndlvldual of dlfferenL crlmlnal acLs upon any of
whlch no convlcLlon has yeL been declared

:* 9;<= <AG =;G _>CK? HN IDJA<D>=R HN @A>BG?F

1. lotmol ot lJeol - only one crlmlnal

a. Complex crlme - deflned ln ArL 48
b. When Lhe law speclflcally flxes a
slngle penalLy for 2 or more
offenses commlLLed
c. ConLlnued crlmes

2. keol ot motetlol - Lhere are dlfferenL
crlmes ln law and ln Lhe consclence of
Lhe offender. ln such cases, Lhe offender
shall be punlshed for each and every
offense LhaL he commlLLed

:* "<C =;GAG LG < @HBIDGM @A>BG HN 5*3( 2IJ-"-

!* ?es. lf Lhere was consplracy beLween Lhe
offender/ offenders commlLLlng Lhe rebelllon. 8y
consplracy, Lhe crlme of one would be Lhe crlme of
Lhe oLher and vlce versa. 1hls ls posslble because
Lhe offender ln coop Jtot may be any person or
persons belonglng Lo Lhe mlllLary or Lhe naLlonal
pollce or a publlc offlcer, whereas rebelllon does
noL so requlre. Moreover, Lhe crlme coup d'eLaL
may be commlLLed slngly, whereas rebelllon
requlres a publlc uprlslng and Laklng up arms Lo
overLhrow Lhe duly consLlLuLed governmenL. Slnce
Lhe Lwo crlmes are essenLlally dlfferenL and
punlshed wlLh dlsLlncL penalLles, Lhere ls no legal
lmpedlmenL Lo Lhe appllcaLlon of ArL. 48 of Lhe
8evlsed enal Code. Ycgg[ 4<A :JG?=>HC^

:* "<C =;GAG LG < @HBIDGM @A>BG HN 5*3( 2I'-"-
E>=; ?GK>=>HCF

!* ?es, coop J'tot can be complexed wlLh sedlLlon
because Lhe Lwo crlmes are essenLlally dlfferenL
and dlsLlncLly punlshed under Lhe 8evlsed enal
Code. SedlLlon may noL be dlrecLed agalnsL Lhe
governmenL or nonpollLlcal ln ob[ecLlve, whereas
coup d'eLaL ls always pollLlcal ln ob[ecLlve as lL ls
dlrecLed agalnsL Lhe governmenL and led by persons
or publlc offlcer holdlng publlc offlce belonglng Lo
Lhe mlllLary or naLlonal pollce. ArL. 48 of Lhe Code
may apply under Lhe condlLlons Lhereln provlded.
Ycgg[ 4<A :JG?=>HC^

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
&&&7 "&)"2%'/!."$' 9(&"( !,,$"/ ")&%&.!0

:* 9;<= <AG =;G @>A@JB?=<C@G? <NNG@=>CS @A>B>C<D

!* P$%!!
1. !usLlfylng clrcumsLances
2. LxempLlng clrcumsLances
3. MlLlgaLlng clrcumsLances
4. AggravaLlng clrcumsLances
3. AlLernaLlve clrcumsLances

:* 9;<= <AG =;G H=;GA =EH @>A@JB?=<C@G? NHJCK >C
=;G )8" <NNG@=>CS @A>B>C<D D><L>D>=RF

1. Absolototy coose - has Lhe effecL of an
exempLlng clrcumsLance and lL ls
predlcaLed on lack of volunLarlness such
as lnsLlgaLlon

2. xteoootloq cltcomstooces - Lhe effecL of
exLenuaLlng clrcumsLances ls Lo mlLlgaLe
Lhe crlmlnal llablllLy of Lhe offender

:* 9;<= <AG GM<BIDG? HN <L?HDJ=HAR @<J?G?F

1. Accessory ls a relaLlve of Lhe prlnclpal.
(Att. 20)
2. ulscoverlng secreLs Lhrough selzure of
correspondence of ward by Lhelr guardlan
ls noL penallzed. (Att. 219)
3. When only sllghL or less serlous physlcal
ln[urles are lnfllcLed by Lhe person who
surprlsed hls/her spouse or daughLer ln
Lhe acL of sexual lnLercourse wlLh anoLher
person. (Att. 247)
4. Crlme of LhefL, swlndllng or mallclous
mlschlef ls commlLLed agalnsL a relaLlve.
(Att. JJ2)
3. Marrlage of Lhe offender wlLh Lhe
offended parLy when Lhe crlme
commlLLed ls rape, abducLlon, seducLlon,
or acLs of lasclvlousness. (Att. J44)
6. lnsLlgaLlon
7. 1respass Lo dwelllng when Lhe
purpose of enLerlng anoLher's dwelllng
agalnsL Lhe laLLer's wlll ls Lo prevenL some
serlous harm Lo hlmself, Lhe occupanLs of
Lhe dwelllng or a Lhlrd person, or for Lhe
purposes of renderlng some servlces Lo
humanlLy or [usLlce, or when enLerlng
cafes, Laverns, lnns and oLher publlc
houses, whlle Lhe same are open. (Att.
280 pot. 2)
8. AdulLery and concublnage lf Lhe offended
parLy shall have consenLed or pardoned
Lhe offenders. (Att. J44)

:* &? B>?=<_G HN N<@= <C <L?HDJ=HAR @<J?GF

!* ?es. 1he offender ls acLlng wlLhouL crlmlnal
lnLenL. So ln mlsLake of facL, lL ls necessary LhaL had
Lhe facLs been Lrue as Lhe accused belleved Lhem Lo
be, Lhe acL ls [usLlfled. lf noL, Lhere ls crlmlnal
llablllLy, because Lhere ls no more mlsLake of facL
anymore. 1he offender musL belleve he ls
performlng a lawful acL.

@A>B>C<D D><L>D>=RF

!* ?es. ln lnsLlgaLlon, Lhe offender slmply acLs as a
Lool of Lhe law enforcers and, Lherefore, he ls acLlng
wlLhouL crlmlnal lnLenL because wlLhouL Lhe
lnsLlgaLlon, he would noL have done Lhe crlmlnal acL
whlch he dld upon lnsLlgaLlon of Lhe law enforcers.

.H=G* 1hls ls based on Lhe rule LhaL a person cannoL be
a crlmlnal lf hls mlnd ls noL crlmlnal.

:* 9;<= >N =;G IGA?HC >C?=>S<=GK KHG? CH= _CHE
=;<= =;G IGA?HC >C?=>S<=>CS ;>B >? < D<E GCNHA@GAF

!* lf Lhe person lnsLlgaLed does noL know LhaL Lhe
person lnsLlgaLlng hlm ls a law enforcer or he knows
hlm Lo be noL a law enforcer, Lhls ls noL a case of
lnsLlgaLlon. 1hls ls a case of lnducemenL, boLh wlll
be crlmlnally llable.

:* &? GC=A<IBGC= <C <L?HDJ=HAR @<J?GF

!* no. LnLrapmenL ls noL an absoluLory cause.
LnLrapmenL does noL exempL Lhe offender or
mlLlgaLe hls crlmlnal llablllLy.

:* 9;<= >? =;G GNNG@= >N =;G IGA?HC GC=A<IIGK _CGE
=;<= =;G IGA?HC =AR>CS =H GC=A<I ;>B >? < D<E

!* ln enLrapmenL, Lhe person enLrapped should noL
know LhaL Lhe person Lrylng Lo enLrap hlm ls a law
enforcer. 1he ldea ls lncompaLlble wlLh each oLher
because ln enLrapmenL, Lhe person enLrapped ls
acLually commlLLlng a crlme. 1he offlcer who
enLrapped hlm only lays down ways and means Lo
have evldence of Lhe commlsslon of Lhe crlme, buL
even wlLhouL Lhose ways and means, Lhe person
enLrapped ls acLually engaged ln a vlolaLlon of law.

:* 9;<= >? =;G @A>=GA>< =H KG=GAB>CG >N =;G <@= >? <C

!""# %& 3<>?@A=BC;?8= DE<?E +FF8?B 3><A<;C9 /<CG<9<BH
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
!* ln Lhe case of leople v. uotlo Lhe SC held LhaL
Lhe conducL of Lhe apprehendlng offlcers and Lhe
predlsposlLlon of Lhe accused Lo commlL Lhe crlme
musL be examlned:

ln buybusL operaLlons demands LhaL Lhe deLalls of
Lhe purporLed LransacLlon musL be clearly and
adequaLely shown. 1hls musL sLarL from Lhe lnlLlal
conLacL beLween Lhe poseurbuyer and Lhe pusher,
Lhe offer Lo purchase, Lhe promlse or paymenL of
Lhe conslderaLlon unLll Lhe consummaLlon of Lhe
sale by Lhe dellvery of Lhe lllegal drug sub[ecL of Lhe

1he manner by whlch Lhe lnlLlal conLacL was made,
wheLher or noL Lhrough an lnformanL, Lhe offer Lo
purchase Lhe drug, Lhe paymenL of Lhe "buybusL"
money, and Lhe dellvery of Lhe lllegal drug, wheLher
Lo Lhe lnformanL alone or Lhe pollce offlcer, musL
be Lhe sub[ecL of sLrlcL scruLlny by courLs Lo lnsure
LhaL lawabldlng clLlzens are noL unlawfully lnduced
Lo commlL an offense.

Crlmlnals musL be caughL buL noL aL all cosL. AL Lhe
same Llme, however, examlnlng Lhe conducL of Lhe
pollce should noL dlsable courLs lnLo lgnorlng Lhe
accused's predlsposlLlon Lo commlL Lhe crlme. lf
Lhere ls overwhelmlng evldence of hablLual
dellnquency, recldlvlsm or plaln crlmlnal procllvlLy,
Lhen Lhls musL also be consldered. CourLs should
look aL all facLors Lo deLermlne Lhe predlsposlLlon
of an accused Lo commlL an offense ln so far as Lhey
are relevanL Lo deLermlne Lhe valldlLy of Lhe
defense of lnducemenL.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G K>?=>C@=>HC? LG=EGGC >C?=>S<=>HC

&.'/&3!/&-. $./)!8%$./
A law enforcemenL agenL
lnduces an lnnocenL
person Lo commlL a
crlme and would arresL
hlm upon or afLer Lhe
commlsslon of Lhe crlme.
A person has planned, or
ls abouL Lo commlL a
crlme and ways are
resorLed Lo by a publlc
offlcer Lo Lrap and caLch
Lhe crlmlnal.
1he law enforcemenL
agenL concelves Lhe
commlsslon of Lhe crlme
and suggesLs lL Lo Lhe
ldea Lo commlL Lhe crlme
comes from Lhe offender.
An absoluLory cause. noL an absoluLory cause.

:* 9;<= <AG GM<BIDG? HN GM=GCJ<=>CS

!* ln cases of lnfanLlclde and aborLlon, concealmenL
of dlshonor ls an exLenuaLlng clrcumsLance lnsofar
as Lhe unwed moLher and Lhe maLernal
grandparenLs are concerned

P2'/&,1&.3 "&)"2%'/!."$' 7
Y!A=7 66^ 7

:* 9;<= <AG XJ?=>NR>CS @>A@JB?=<C@G?F

!* 1hey are Lhose acLs of a person sald Lo be ln
accordance wlLh law, such LhaL a person ls deemed
noL Lo have Lransgressed Lhe law and ls free from
boLh crlmlnal and clvll llablllLy.

1hey are:
1. Selfdefense
2. uefense of relaLlves
3. uefense of sLranger
4. Avoldance of greaLer evll or ln[ury
3. lulflllmenL of duLy or exerclse of rlghL or
6. Cbedlence Lo an order of a superlor

.H=G* !usLlfylng clrcumsLances are ln Lhe naLure of
defenslve acLs, hence, unlawful aggresslon musL
always exlsL.

:* 9;H ;<? =;G LJAKGC HN GO>KGC@G >C @A>B>C<D

!* ln crlmlnal cases, Lhe burden of provlng gullL ls
always Lhe plalnLlff/prosecuLlon. 8uL lf Lhe accused
seLs up an afflrmaLlve defense, Lhe burden ls on
hlm Lo prove such by clear, afflrmaLlve and sLrong
1he foregolng resLs on Lhe maxlm: LL lnCCM8l1
8C8C1lCn Cul uLCl1 nCn Cul nLCA1 (Pe who
asserLs, noL he who denles, musL prove)

67 '$0,#$,$.'$ 7

:* 9;<= A>S;=? <AG >C@DJKGK >C ?GDNKGNGC?GF

!* Selfdefense lncludes noL only Lhe defense of Lhe
person or body of Lhe one assaulLed buL also LhaL of
hls rlghLs, Lhe en[oymenL of whlch ls proLecLed by

1hus lL lncludes:
1. uefense of Lhe person

2. uefense of rlghLs proLecLed by law

3. 1he rlghL Lo honor.

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

.H=G* Pence, a slap on Lhe face ls
consldered as unlawful aggresslon slnce Lhe
face represenLs a person and hls dlgnlLy. lL ls
a serlous, personal aLLack (koqos v. leople,
C.k. No. 147789, Ioo.14, 2004)

4. 1he defense of properLy rlghLs can be
lnvoked lf Lhere ls an aLLack upon Lhe
properLy alLhough lL ls noL coupled wlLh
an aLLack upon Lhe person of Lhe owner
of Lhe premlses. All Lhe elemenLs for
[usLlflcaLlon musL however be presenL.
(leople v. Notvoez, C.k. Nos. lJJ46667,
Apt. 20, 198J)

3. Selfdefense ln llbel. hyslcal assaulL may
be [usLlfled when Lhe llbel ls almed aL Lhe
person's good name, and whlle Lhe llbel ls
ln progress, one llbel deserves anoLher.

.H=G* WhaL ls lmporLanL ls noL Lhe duallLy of Lhe aLLack
buL wheLher Lhe means employed ls reasonable Lo
prevenL Lhe aLLack.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G AGTJ>?>=G? HN ?GDNKGNGC?GF

1. unlawful aggresslon
2. 8easonable necesslLy of Lhe means
employed Lo prevenL or repel lL
3. Lack of sufflclenL provocaLlon on Lhe parL
of Lhe person defendlng hlmself

:* 9;<= >? =;G AG<?HC NHA D<ENJDCG?? HN ?GDN

!* &L ls lmposslble for Lhe SLaLe Lo proLecL all lLs
clLlzens. Also, a person cannoL [usL glve up hls rlghLs
wlLhouL reslsLance belng offered.

:* 9;<= >? =;G BG<C>CS HN K&-"%2 4)*3%2 >+'%

!* 1he law does noL requlre a person Lo reLreaL
when hls assallanL ls rapldly advanclng upon hlm
wlLh a deadly weapon.

kotlo. Pe runs Lhe rlsk of belng aLLacked ln Lhe back by
Lhe aggressor.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GNNG@=? HN ?GDNKGNGC?GF

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
1. wbeo oll tbe elemeots ote pteseot - Lhe
person defendlng hlmself ls free from
crlmlnal llablllLy and clvll llablllLy.

2. wbeo ooly o mojotlty of tbe elemeots ote
pteseot - prlvlleged mlLlgaLlng
clrcumsLance provlded Lhere ls unlawful

:* 9;<= >? JCD<ENJD <SSAG??>HCF

!* lL ls an aLLack or a LhreaLened aLLack whlch
produces an lmmlnenL danger Lo Lhe llfe and llmb
of Lhe one resorLlng Lo selfdefense.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G =RIG? HN JCD<ENJD <SSAG??>HCF

1. Actool - Lhe danger musL be presenL, LhaL
ls, acLually ln exlsLence.

2. lmmloeot - Lhe danger ls on Lhe polnL of
happenlng. lL ls noL requlred LhaL Lhe
aLLack has already begun, for lL may be
Loo laLe.

.H=G* WhaL [usLlfles Lhe kllllng of a supposed unlawful
aggressor ls LhaL lf Lhe offender dld noL klll Lhe
aggressor, lL wlll be hls own llfe LhaL wlll be losL.

no unlawful aggresslon when Lhere was an agreemenL
Lo flghL and Lhe challenge Lo flghL has been accepLed.
8uL aggresslon whlch ls ahead of a sLlpulaLed Llme and
place ls unlawful.


!* 1he aggresslon musL be lllegal, llke Lhe aLLack of
Lhe husband agalnsL paramour of hls wlfe whom he
surprlsed ln an uncompromlslng slLuaLlon, or a chlef
of pollce who Lhrew sLones aL Lhe accused who was
runnlng away Lo elude arresL of a crlme commlLLed
ln hls presence. 1he aggresslon musL be lawful.

:* 9;<= >? =;G GNNG@= >N =;GAG >? < B>?=<_G HN N<@= HC
=;G I<A= HN =;G <@@J?GKF

!* ln relaLlon Lo mlsLake of facL, Lhe bellef of Lhe
accused may be consldered ln deLermlnlng Lhe
exlsLence of unlawful aggresslon. .q. Lhere ls self
defense even lf Lhe aggressor used a Loy gun
provlded LhaL Lhe accused belleved lL Lo be a real

:: 9;<= >? =;G =G?= >C HAKGA =H _CHE >N ?GDNKGNGC?G

!: Cne musL ask: AL Lhe Llme Lhe accused kllled Lhe
supposed unlawful aggressor, was hls or her llfe ln

:: 9;<= N<@=HA? <AG =<_GC >C=H @HC?>KGA<=>HC >C

!""# %& 3<>?@A=BC;?8= DE<?E +FF8?B 3><A<;C9 /<CG<9<BH
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
1. naLure and quallLy of Lhe weapon used by
Lhe aggresslon.
2. hyslcal condlLlon, characLer, slze and
oLher clrcumsLances of boLh Lhe offender
and defender.
3. lace and occaslon of Lhe assaulL.

.H=G: erfecL equallLy beLween Lhe weapons used by
Lhe one defendlng hlmself and LhaL of Lhe aggressor ls
noL requlred or maLerlal commensurablllLy beLween
Lhe means of aLLack and defense.

kotlo. 1he person assaulLed does noL have sufflclenL
LranqulllLy of mlnd Lo Lhlnk and Lo calculaLe and Lo
choose Lhe weapon used. WhaL Lhe law requlres ls
raLlonal equlvalence.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G AGTJ>?>=G? E;>@; BJ?= LG IAG?GC=
=H ?<=>?NR =;G UAG<?HC<LDG CG@G??>=R HN =;G BG<C?

1. Means were used Lo prevenL or repel
2. Means musL be necessary and Lhere ls no
oLher way Lo prevenL or repel lL
3. Means musL be reasonable-dependlng
on Lhe clrcumsLances, buL generally
proporLlonaLe Lo Lhe force of Lhe

:: &C E;<= >C?=<C@G? @<C =;GAG LG D<@_ HN ?JNN>@>GC=

1. no provocaLlon aL all was glven Lo
aggressor by person defendlng hlmself.
2. Lven lf provocaLlon was glven, lL was noL
3. Lven lf provocaLlon was sufflclenL, lL was
noL glven by Lhe person defendlng
4. Lven lf provocaLlon was glven by person
defendlng hlmself, lL was noL Lhe
proxlmaLe and lmmedlaLe Lo Lhe acL of
3. SufflclenL means proporLlonaLe Lo Lhe
damage caused by Lhe acL, and adequaLe
Lo sLlr one Lo lLs commlsslon.

:* 9;<= >? =;G GNNG@= >N =;G <SSAG??HA AG=AG<=?F

!* 1he aggresslon ceases excepL when reLreaL ls
made Lo Lake a more advanLageous poslLlon Lo
lnsure Lhe success of Lhe aLLack begun, unlawful
aggresslon conLlnues.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G K>?=>C@=>HC? LG=EGGC ?GDNKGNGC?G
<CK AG=<D><=>HCF
'$0,#$,$.'$ )$/!0&!/&-.
ln selfdefense, Lhe
unlawful aggresslon was
sLlll exlsLlng when Lhe
aggressor was ln[ured or
dlsabled by Lhe person
maklng Lhe defense.
ln reLallaLlon, Lhe
lncepLual unlawful
aggresslon had already
ceased when Lhe accused
aLLacked hlm.

:* -CG C>S;=Q 0>C<Q < RHJCS B<AA>GK EHB<CQ E<?
HC =HI HN ;GA7 /;>C_>CS >= E<? ;GA ;J?L<CK />=HQ
E;H @<BG ;HBG < K<R G<ADR NAHB ;>? LJ?>CG?? =A>IQ
0>C< DG= ;>B ;<OG ?GM E>=; ;GA7 !N=GA =;G <@=Q =;G
B<C ?<>KQ h& ;HIG RHJ GCXHRGK >= <? BJ@; <? & K>K7h
=;<= =;G B<C E<? CH= />=HQ ;GA ;J?L<CK7 ,JA>HJ?Q
0>C< =HH_ HJ= />=He? SJC <CK ?;H= =;G B<C7 ";<ASGK
E>=; ;HB>@>KGQ 0>C< KGC>G? @JDI<L>D>=R HC =;G

!* no, Llna's clalm LhaL she acLed ln defense of
honor ls noL Lenable because Lhe unlawful
aggresslon on her honor had already ceased.
uefense of honor as lncluded ln selfdefense, musL
have been done Lo prevenL or repel an unlawful
aggresslon. 1here ls no defense Lo speak of where
Lhe unlawful aggresslon no longer exlsLs. Y6ZZf 4<A

c7 #$,$.'$ -, )$0!/&+$' 7

:* 9;<= <AG =;G AGTJ>?>=G? HN KGNGC?G HN AGD<=>OG?F

1. unlawful aggresslon.
2. 8easonable necesslLy of Lhe means
employed Lo prevenL or repel lL.
3. 8elaLlve belng defended gave no

.H=G* 1he law glves a leeway on Lhe Lhlrd requlslLe,
even lf Lhe relaLlve belng defended gave Lhe
provocaLlon, lf Lhe relaLlve maklng Lhe defense had no
parL Lhereln, he can successfully lnvoke Lhe defense of

:* 9;H <AG =;G AGD<=>OG? @HOGAGKF

1. Spouse
2. AscendanLs
3. uescendanLs
4. LeglLlmaLe, adopLed broLhers and slsLers,
or relaLlves by afflnlLy ln Lhe same
3. 8elaLlves by consangulnlLy wlLhln Lhe 4Lh
clvll degree.

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

:* 9;<= >N =;G IGA?HC LG>CS KGNGCKGK >? <DAG<KR <

!* lL wlll be consldered defense of a sLranger. 1hls ls
vlLal because lf Lhe person maklng Lhe defense
acLed ouL of revenge, resenLmenL or some evll
moLlve ln kllllng Lhe aggressor, he cannoL lnvoke Lhe
[usLlfylng clrcumsLance lf Lhe relaLlve defended ls
already a sLranger ln Lhe eyes of Lhe law. Cn Lhe
oLher hand, lL Lhe relaLlve defended ls sLlll wlLhln
Lhe coverage of defense of relaLlve, even Lhough he
acLed ouL of some evll moLlve, lL would sLlll apply. lL
ls enough LhaL Lhere was unlawful aggresslon
agalnsL Lhe relaLlve defended, and LhaL Lhe person
defendlng dld noL conLrlbuLe Lo Lhe unlawful

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
[7 #$,$.'$ -, '/)!.3$)' 7

:* 9;<= <AG =;G AGTJ>?>=G? HN KGNGC?G HN

1. unlawful aggresslon
2. 8easonable necesslLy of Lhe means
employed Lo prevenL or repel lL
3. erson defendlng be noL lnduced by
revenge, resenLmenL or oLher evll moLlve

:* 9;H >? < ?=A<CSGAF

!* Any person noL lncluded ln Lhe enumeraLlon of
relaLlves menLloned above.

:* 9;<= >? =;G K>?=>C@=>HC LG=EGGC KGNGC?G HN

#$,$.'$ -, )$0!/&+$' #$,$.'$ -, '/)!.3$)'
ln defense of relaLlves,
even Lhough Lhe person
maklng Lhe defense acLed
ouL of some evll moLlve,
he can sLlll lnvoke Lhe
[usLlfylng clrcumsLance,
as long as he dld noL
conLrlbuLe Lo Lhe
unlawful aggresslon
ln defense of sLrangers, lf
Lhe person maklng Lhe
defense acLed ouL of
revenge, resenLmenL or
some evll moLlve ln kllllng
Lhe aggressor, he cannoL
lnvoke Lhe [usLlfylng

A. !C=>+>HDGC@G <S<>C?= 9HBGC <CK =;G>A
";>DKAGC !@= HN cgg\ Y)7!7 Zc]c^

:* 9;<= >? < L<==GAGK EHB<C ?RCKAHBG Y49'^F

!* 8aLLered Woman Syndrome" refers Lo a
sclenLlflcally deflned paLLern of psychologlcal and
behavloral sympLoms found ln women llvlng ln
baLLerlng relaLlonshlps as a resulL of cumulaLlve
1he baLLered woman syndrome ls characLerlzed by
Lhe socalled cycle of vlolence, whlch has 3 phases.

:7 9;<= <AG =;G @R@DG? HN O>HDGC@GF

1. 1enslon bulldlng phase

2. AcuLe baLLerlng lncldenL

3. 1ranqull, lovlng (or aL leasL nonvlolenL)

.H=G* Cne musL undergo 3 phases Lo esLabllsh Lhe
paLLern of vlolence. Cne musL pass 2 cycles, each wlLh
3 phases.

:7 9;H >? < L<==GAGK EHB<CF

!* She ls woman who ls repeaLedly sub[ecLed Lo any
forceful physlcal or psychologlcal behavlor by a man
ln order Lo coerce her Lo do someLhlng he wanLs
her Lo do wlLhouL concern for her rlghLs.

8aLLered women lncludes wlves or women ln any
form of lnLlmaLe relaLlonshlp wlLh men.

lurLhermore, ln order Lo be classlfled as a baLLered
woman, Lhe couple musL go Lhrough Lhe baLLerlng
cycle aL leasL Lwlce. Any woman may flnd herself ln
an abuslve relaLlonshlp wlLh a man once. lf lL occurs
a second Llme, and she remalns ln Lhe slLuaLlon, she
ls deflned as a baLLered woman. (leople v. Ceooso,
C.k. No. 1J5981, Ioo. 15, 2004)

:7 "<C 49' LG J?GK <? < KGNGC?GF

!* ?es. vlcLlmsurvlvors who are found by Lhe
courLs Lo be sufferlng from baLLered woman
syndrome do noL lncur any crlmlnal or clvll llablllLy
noLwlLhsLandlng Lhe absence of any of Lhe
elemenLs for [usLlfylng clrcumsLances of self
defense under Lhe 8C.

ln layman's Lerms, lf an abused woman kllls or lnfllcL
physlcal ln[urles on her abuslve husband or llveln
parLner, once Lhe Lrlal courL deLermlnes LhaL she ls
sufferlng from Lhe 8aLLered Woman Syndrome," Lhe
courL wlll declare her noL gullLy (leople v.Ceooso)

1he law now allows Lhe baLLered woman syndrome
as a valld defense ln Lhe crlme lf parrlclde
lndependenL of self defense under Lhe 8C. (5ec.

!""# %& 3<>?@A=BC;?8= DE<?E +FF8?B 3><A<;C9 /<CG<9<BH
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
noLe: ln Lhe deLermlnaLlon of Lhe sLaLe of mlnd of Lhe
woman who was sufferlng from baLLered woman
syndrome aL Lhe Llme of Lhe commlsslon of Lhe crlme,
Lhe courLs shall be asslsLed by experL psychlaLrlsLs/
\7 !+-&#!."$ -, 3)$!/$) $+&0 7
-) '/!/$ -, .$"$''&/1 7

:* 9;<= <AG =;G AGTJ>?>=G? HN ?=<=G HN CG@G??>=RF

1. Lvll soughL Lo be avolded acLually exlsLs.
2. ln[ury feared be greaLer Lhan LhaL done Lo
avold lL.
3. 1here be no oLher pracLlcal and less
harmful means of prevenLlng lL, and
4. 1here musL be no conLrlbuLlon on Lhe
parL of Lhe accused whaL caused Lhe evll
Lo arlse.

.H=G* 1he sLaLe of necesslLy musL noL have been
broughL abouL by Lhe negllgence or lmprudence by Lhe
one lnvoklng Lhe [usLlfylng clrcumsLances.

:* 9;<= KHG? K<B<SG =H <CH=;GA @HOGAF

!* uamage Lo anoLher covers ln[ury Lo persons and
damage Lo properLy.

:* 9;<= KHG? =;G =GAB K'6$#L BG<CF

!* 1he Lerm evll" means harmful, ln[urlous,
dlsasLrous, and desLrucLlve. As conLemplaLed, lL
musL acLually exlsL. lf lL ls merely expecLed or
anLlclpaLed, Lhe one acLlng by such noLlon ls noL ln
a sLaLe of necesslLy.

:* 9;H BJ?= LG D><LDG @>O>DDRF

!* 1he persons for whose beneflL Lhe harm has
been prevenLed shall be clvllly llable ln proporLlon
Lo Lhe beneflL whlch Lhey recelved.

.H=G* Cenerally, Lhere ls no clvll llablllLy ln [usLlfylng
clrcumsLances. Powever, lL ls only ln par. 4 of Lhls
ArLlcle where Lhere ls clvll llablllLy. 1he clvll llablllLy
referred Lo hereln ls based noL on Lhe acL commlLLed
buL on Lhe beneflL derlved from Lhe sLaLe of necesslLy.
So Lhe accused wlll noL be clvllly llable lf he dld noL
recelve any beneflL ouL of Lhe sLaLe of necesslLy. Cn
Lhe oLher hand, persons who dld noL parLlclpaLe ln Lhe
damage or ln[ury would be clvllly llable lf Lhey derlved
beneflL ouL of Lhe sLaLe of necesslLy.

i7 ,20,&00%$./ -, #2/1 7

:* 9;<= <AG =;G AGTJ>?>=G? HN NJDN>DDBGC= HN KJ=RF

1. Accused acLed ln Lhe performance of a
duLy or ln Lhe lawful exerclse of a rlghL or
2. ln[ury caused or offense commlLLed be
Lhe necessary consequence of Lhe due
performance of duLy or Lhe lawful
exerclse of such rlghL or offlce.

.H=G: lf Lhe pollce offlcer acLed wlLh negllgence or
lmprudence ln apprehendlng vlolaLors of Lhe law, Lhe
[usLlfylng clrcumsLance of fulflllmenL of duLy cannoL be

1he shooLlng by guards of escaplng prlsoners ls always
[usLlfled. (leople v. uellmo, C.k. No. 1J8692, Iooe 16,

PJC7 !? ?HHC <? =;G D<==GA DGN=Q 0J@AG?>< EGC= =H <
CG<ALR IHD>@G ?=<=>HC <CK ?HJS;= =;G ;GDI HN <
IHD>@GB<C HC KJ=RQ 8<=7 9>DD>G )GRG?7 (G EGC=
E>=; 0J@AG?>< =H =;G ;HJ?G HN PJCPJC =H @HCNAHC=
=;G D<==GA7 8<= )GRG? >C=AHKJ@GK ;>B?GDN <? <
AG?>?=GK <CK A<C <E<R7 8<= )GRG? @;<?GK ;>B <CK
<E<R7 8<= )GRG? ?;H= ;>B >C =;G A>S;= DGS7 PJCPJC
E<? ;>= <CK ;G NGDD KHEC LJ= ;G @A<EDGK =HE<AK? <
JCKGACG<=;7 9;GC 8<=7 )GRG? E<? <LHJ= i BG=GA?
<E<RQ ;G N>AGK <CH=;GA ?;H= <= PJCPJC ;>==>CS ;>B
<= =;G A>S;= DHEGA ;>I7 8<= )GRG? LAHJS;= PJCPJC
@;<ASGK E>=; ;HB>@>KG7 #JA>CS =;G =A><DQ 8<= )GRG?
<@=GK >C =;G NJDN>DDBGC= HN < KJ=R7 &? =;G KGNGC?G

!* no. 1he defense of havlng acLed ln Lhe fulflllmenL
of a duLy requlres as a condlLlon, lnLer alla, LhaL Lhe
ln[ury or offense commlLLed be Lhe unavoldable or
necessary consequence of Lhe due performance of
Lhe duLy (leople v. Oools, C.k. No. l47722, Ioly 27,
194J). lL ls noL enough LhaL Lhe accused acLed ln
fulflllmenL of a duLy. AfLer !un!un was shoL ln Lhe
rlghL leg and was already crawllng, Lhere was no
need for aL. 8eyes Lo shooL hlm furLher. Clearly,
aL. 8eyes acLed beyond Lhe call of duLy whlch
broughL abouL Lhe cause of deaLh of Lhe vlcLlm.
(cggg 4<A :JG?=>HC)

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
]7 -4$#&$."$ /- !. -)#$) &''2$# 7
,-) '-%$ 0!9,20 82)8-'$ 7

:* 9;<= <AG =;G AGTJ>?>=G? HN HLGK>GC@G =H <C

1. An order has been lssued by a superlor
2. Such order musL be for some lawful
3. Means used by Lhe subordlnaLe Lo carry
ouL sald order ls lawful

.H=G* 8oLh Lhe person who glves Lhe order, and Lhe
person who execuLes lL, musL be acLlng wlLhln Lhe
llmlLaLlons prescrlbed by law.

:* &? SHHK N<>=; HC =;G I<A= HN =;G ?JLHAK>C<=G

!* ?es. lf he obeyed an order ln good falLh, noL
belng aware of lLs lllegallLy, he ls noL llable.
Powever, Lhe order musL noL be paLenLly lllegal. lf
Lhe order ls paLenLly lllegal, Lhls clrcumsLance
cannoL be valldly lnvoked.

.H=G* Lven lf Lhe order ls paLenLly lllegal, Lhe
subordlnaLe may sLlll be able Lo lnvoke Lhe exempLlng
clrcumsLances of havlng acLed upon Lhe compulslon of
an lrreslsLlble force, or under Lhe lmpulse of an
unconLrollable fear.

$`$%8/&.3 "&)"2%'/!."$' 7
Y!A=7 6c^ 7


1. An lmbeclle or an lnsane person, unless
Lhe laLLer has acLed durlng a lucld

2. A chlld flfLeen years of age or under ls
exempL from crlmlnal llablllLy under 8.A.

3. A person over flfLeen years of age and
under elghLeen, unless he has acLed wlLh
dlscernmenL, ln whlch case, such chlld
shall be sub[ecL Lo approprlaLe
proceedlngs ln accordance wlLh 8.A.

4. Any person who, whlle performlng a
lawful acL wlLh due care, causes an ln[ury
by mere accldenL wlLhouL Lhe faulL or
lnLenLlon causlng lL.

3. Any person who acLs under Lhe
compulslon of an lrreslsLlble force.

6. Any person who acLs under Lhe lmpulse of
an unconLrollable fear of an equal or
greaLer ln[ury.

7. Any person who falls Lo perform an acL
requlred by law, when prevenLed by some
lawful or lnsuperable cause.

:* 9;<= >? =;G L<?>? NHA =;G GMGBI=>HC NAHB
@A>B>C<D D><L>D>=RF

!* 1he reason for Lhe exempLlon lles on Lhe
lnvolunLarlness of Lhe acL, LhaL ls, one or some of
Lhe lngredlenLs of volunLarlness such as crlmlnal
lnLenL, lnLelllgence, or freedom of acLlon on Lhe
parL of Lhe offender ls mlsslng.

:* &C @<?G HN GMGBI=>CS @>A@JB?=<C@G?Q >? =;GAG <

!* ?es. 1here ls a crlme commlLLed buL no crlmlnal
llablllLy arlses from lL because of Lhe compleLe
absence of any of Lhe condlLlons whlch consLlLuLe
free wlll or volunLarlness of Lhe acL.


!* Any of Lhe clrcumsLances ls a maLLer of defense
and musL be proved by Lhe defendanL Lo Lhe
saLlsfacLlon of Lhe courL.

67 &%4$"&0&/1 !.# &.'!.&/1 7

:* 9;<= <AG =;G K>?=>C@=>HC? LG=EGGC >BLG@>D>=R
<CK >C?<C>=RF

&%4$"&0&/1 &.'!.&/1
An lmbeclle ls one who,
whlle advanced ln age,
has a menLal
developmenL comparable
Lo LhaL of chlldren
beLween Lwo Lo seven
years of age.
lnsanlLy exlsLs when
Lhere ls a compleLe
deprlvaLlon of
lnLelllgence ln
commlLLlng Lhe acL.
no lucld lnLerval 1here ls lucld lnLerval
LxempL ln crlmlnal llablllLy
ln all cases
noL exempL from
crlmlnal llablllLy lf lL can
be shown LhaL he acLed
durlng lucld lnLerval

:* 9;<= <AG =;G =EH =G?=? NHA GMGBI=>HC HC

!""# %& 3<>?@A=BC;?8= DE<?E +FF8?B 3><A<;C9 /<CG<9<BH
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
1. 1est of coqoltloo - wheLher Lhe accused
acLed wlLh compleLe deprlvaLlon of
lnLelllgence ln commlLLlng sald crlme.

2. 1est of volltloo - wheLher Lhe accused
acLed ln LoLal deprlvaLlon of freedom of

.H=G* ln Lhe hlllpplnes, boLh cognlLlon and vollLlon
LesLs are applled. 1here musL be compleLe deprlvaLlon
of Lhe lnLellecL or wlll or freedom.

:* &? =;G IAG?JBI=>HC >C N<OHA HN ?<C>=RF

!* ?es. 1he defense musL prove LhaL Lhe accused
was lnsane aL Lhe Llme of Lhe commlsslon of Lhe

.H=G* Mere abnormallLles of Lhe menLal faclllLles are
noL enough.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GNNG@=? HN =;G >C?<C>=R HN =;G

1. At tbe tlme of tbe commlssloo of tbe ctlme
- exempL

2. uotloq ttlol - proceedlngs suspended,
accused ls commlLLed Lo a hosplLal

3. Aftet joJqmeot ot wblle setvloq seoteoce -
execuLlon of [udgmenL ls suspended, Lhe
accused ls commlLLed Lo a hosplLal. 1he
perlod of conflnemenL ln Lhe hosplLal ls
counLed for Lhe purpose of Lhe
prescrlpLlon of Lhe penalLy.

:* 9;GC ?;HJDK >C?<C>=R LG IAG?GC=F
!* lnsanlLy aL Lhe Llme of Lhe commlsslon of Lhe
crlme and noL aL Lhe Llme of Lhe Lrlal wlll exempL
one from crlmlnal llablllLy.
:* 9;<= >? =;G GNNG@= HN >C?<C>=R <= =;G =>BG HN =;G
!* ln case of lnsanlLy aL Lhe Llme of Lhe Lrlal, Lhere
wlll be suspenslon of Lhe Lrlal unLll Lhe menLal
capaclLy of Lhe accused ls resLored Lo afford hlm
falr Lrlal.
:* 9;<= <AG =;G H=;GA >C?=<C@G? HN >C?<C>=RF

a. uemeotlo ptoecox (5cblzopteolo) ls
covered by Lhe Lerm lnsanlLy because
homlcldal aLLack ls common ln such form
of psychosls. lL ls characLerlzed by
deluslons LhaL he ls belng lnLerfered wlLh
sexually, or LhaL hls properLy ls belng
Laken, Lhus Lhe person has no conLrol
over hls acLs.

b. kleptomoolo or presence of abnormal,
perslsLenL lmpulse or Lendency Lo sLeal, Lo
be consldered exempLlng wlll sLlll have Lo
be lnvesLlgaLed by compeLenL psychlaLrlsL
Lo deLermlne lf Lhe unlawful acL ls due Lo
lrreslsLlble lmpulse produced by hls
menLal defecL, Lhus loss of wlllpower. lf
such menLal defecL only dlmlnlshes Lhe
exerclse of hls wlllpower and dld noL
deprlve hlm of Lhe consclousness of hls
acLs, lL ls only mlLlgaLlng.

c. pllepsy whlch ls chronlc nervous dlsease
characLerlzed by compulslve moLlons of
Lhe muscles and loss of consclousness
may be covered by Lhe Lern lnsanlLy.
.H=G* leeblemlndedness ls noL lmbeclllLy because Lhe
offender can dlsLlngulsh rlghL from wrong. An lmbeclle
and an lnsane Lo be exempLed musL noL be able Lo
dlsLlngulsh rlghL from wrong.
c7 %&.-)&/1 7

47 PJOGC>DG PJ?=>@G <CK 9GDN<AG !@= HN cgg]
Y)7!7 Z[\\^

:* 9;<= >? =;G BG<C>CS HN U" 5+$#2 $% 5*%1#$5- >$-+
-+' #">L.

!: lL refers Lo a chlld who ls alleged as, accused of,
or ad[udged as, havlng commlLLed an offense under
hlllpplne laws.

.H=G* 1he chlld ln confllcL wlLh Lhe law shall en[oy Lhe
presumpLlon of mlnorlLy. Pe/she shall en[oy all Lhe
rlghLs of a chlld ln confllcL wlLh Lhe law unLll he/she ls
proven Lo be 18 years old or older.

:* 9;<= >? =;G B>C>BJB <SG HN @A>B>C<D

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
!3$ 4)!"5$/
13 years old or
1he chlld shall be
sub[ecLed Lo an
Above 13 buL
below 18, who
acLed wltboot
1he chlld shall be
sub[ecLed Lo an
Above 13 buL
below 18, who
acLed wltb
Such chlld shall be
sub[ecLed Lo Lhe
proceedlngs ln
accordance wlLh
8.A. 9344

.H=G* 1he exempLlon from crlmlnal llablllLy hereln
esLabllshed does noL lnclude exempLlon from clvll
llablllLy, whlch shall be enforced ln accordance wlLh
exlsLlng laws
!* 1he age of a chlld may be deLermlned from Lhe
1. 8lrLh cerLlflcaLe
2. 8apLlsmal cerLlflcaLe
3. Any oLher perLlnenL documenLs
.H=G: ln Lhe absence of Lhese documenLs,
age may be based on lnformaLlon from Lhe
chlld hlmself/herself, LesLlmonles of oLher
persons, Lhe physlcal appearance of Lhe
chlld and oLher relevanL evldence. ln case of
doubL as Lo Lhe age of Lhe chlld, lL shall be
resolved ln hls/her favor.
:* 9;<= >? <J=HB<=>@ ?J?IGC?>HC HN ?GC=GC@G <?
IAHO>KGK NHA >C 'G@7 [f HN )7!7 Z[\\F

!* Cnce Lhe chlld who ls under 18 years of age aL
Lhe Llme of Lhe commlsslon of Lhe offense ls found
gullLy of Lhe offense charged, Lhe courL shall
deLermlne and ascerLaln any clvll llablllLy whlch may
have resulLed from Lhe offense commlLLed.
Powever, lnsLead of pronounclng Lhe [udgmenL of
convlcLlon, Lhe courL shall place Lhe chlld ln confllcL
wlLh Lhe law under suspended senLence, wlLhouL
need of appllcaLlon: ltovlJeJ, bowevet, 1haL
suspenslon of senLence shall sLlll be applled even lf
Lhe [uvenlle ls already 18 years of age or more aL
Lhe Llme of Lhe pronouncemenL of hls/her gullL.

upon suspenslon of senLence and afLer conslderlng
Lhe varlous clrcumsLances of Lhe chlld, Lhe courL
shall lmpose Lhe approprlaLe dlsposlLlon measures
as provlded ln Lhe Supreme CourL 8ule on !uvenlles
ln ConfllcL wlLh Lhe Law. (5ec. J8)

.H=G* 1he suspenslon of senLence under sec.38
8.A.9344 applles regardless of Lhe penalLy lmposed.
1he provlslon Lherefore modlfles Lhe rullng ln
ueclarador v. CubaLan
SLC. 38. Aotomotlc 5ospeosloo of 5eoteoce. Cnce Lhe
chlld who ls under elghLeen (18) years of age aL Lhe
Llme of Lhe commlsslon of Lhe offense ls found gullLy
of Lhe offense charged, Lhe courL shall deLermlne and
ascerLaln any clvll llablllLy whlch may have resulLed
from Lhe offense commlLLed. Powever, lnsLead of
pronounclng Lhe [udgmenL of convlcLlon, Lhe courL
shall place Lhe chlld ln confllcL wlLh Lhe law under
suspended senLence, wlLhouL need of
appllcaLlon: ltovlJeJ, bowevet, 1haL suspenslon of
senLence shall sLlll be applled even lf Lhe [uvenlle ls
already elghLeen years (18) of age or more aL Lhe Llme
of Lhe pronouncemenL of hls/her gullL.
upon suspenslon of senLence and afLer conslderlng Lhe
varlous clrcumsLances of Lhe chlld, Lhe courL shall
lmpose Lhe approprlaLe dlsposlLlon measures as
provlded ln Lhe Supreme CourL 8ule on !uvenlles ln
ConfllcL wlLh Lhe Law. (A.M. No. 021185c, Novembet
24, 2009)
:* 9;<= <AG =;G GMGBI=>CS IAHO>?>HC? JCKGA =;>?

1. 5totos offeoses (5ec 57) Any conducL noL
consldered an offense or noL penallzed lf
commlLLed by an adulL shall noL be
consldered an offense and shall noL be
punlshed lf commlLLed by a chlld.

2. Offeoses oot oppllcoble to cbllJteo (5ec.
58) ersons below elghLeen (18) years of
age shall be exempL from prosecuLlon for
Lhe crlme of:

a. voqtoocy ooJ ptostltotloo under
SecLlon 202 of 8C
b. 5olffloq of toqby under resldenLlal
uecree no. 1619

kotlo. Such prosecuLlon belng lnconslsLenL
wlLh Lhe unlLed naLlons ConvenLlon on Lhe
8lghLs of Lhe Chlld: ltovlJeJ, 1haL sald
persons shall undergo approprlaLe
counsellng and LreaLmenL program.

!""# %& 3<>?@A=BC;?8= DE<?E +FF8?B 3><A<;C9 /<CG<9<BH
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
3. under Sec 39 wlLh regard Lo exempLlon
from Lhe appllcaLlon of deaLh penalLy.

[7 !""&#$./ 9&/(-2/ ,!20/ -) &./$./&-. -,
"!2'&.3 &/ 7M70/E;/ 0?DN;@ CEO;AC0P 7

:* 9;<= <AG =;G AGTJ>?>=G? HN 2"!%3! ",&Q3'

1. A person ls performlng a lawful acL
2. WlLh due care
3. Pe causes ln[ury Lo anoLher by mere

.H=G* lL ls someLhlng LhaL happens ouLslde
Lhe sway of our wlll, and alLhough lL comes
abouL Lhrough some acL of our wlll, lles
beyond Lhe bounds of humanly foreseeable

4. WlLhouL faulL or lnLenLlon of causlng lL


!* ?es. 1he lnfllcLlon of Lhe ln[ury by mere accldenL
does noL glve rlse Lo a crlmlnal or clvll llablllLy, buL
Lhe person who caused Lhe ln[ury ls duLy bound Lo
aLLend Lo Lhe person who was ln[ured.


A chauffeur, whlle drlvlng hls auLomoblle on Lhe
proper slde of Lhe road aL a moderaLe speed and wlLh
due dlllgence, suddenly and unexpecLedly saw a man
ln fronL of hls vehlcle comlng from Lhe sldewalk and
crosslng Lhe sLreeL wlLhouL any warnlng LhaL he would
do so. 8ecause lL was noL physlcally posslble Lo avold
hlLLlng hlm, Lhe sald chauffeur ran over Lhe man wlLh
hls car. lL was held LhaL he was noL crlmlnally llable, lL
belng a mere accldenL. (u.5. v. 1oyooqtooq, 21 lbll.

:* 9;<= >? =;G GNNG@= HN <@@>KGC= >C AGD<=>HC =H !A=7
cjiQ I<A7 c YN<>DJAG =H ;GDI HA AGCKGA <??>?=<C@G =H
!* ln Lhe case of lometo v. cA, Ck. No. 9J475 Lwo
lnformaLlons are flled agalnsL Lhe peLlLloner, flrsL ls
for reckless lmprudence (ArLlcle 363), falls under
Lhe sole chapLer (Crlmlnal negllgence) of 1lLle
lourLeen (Cuasl Cffenses) of 8ook 1wo of Lhe
8evlsed enal Code. 1he crlme for AbandonmenL of
one's vlcLlm (par. 2, ArL. 273), falls under ChapLer
1wo (Crlmes AgalnsL SecurlLy) of 1lLle nlne (Crlmes
AgalnsL ersonal LlberLy and SecurlLy) of 8ook 1wo
of Lhe same Code.
Cuasl offenses under ArLlcle 363 are commlLLed by
means of colpo. Crlmes agalnsL SecurlLy are
commlLLed by means of Jolo.
ArLlcle 363, fallure Lo lend help Lo one's vlcLlm ls
nelLher an offense by lLself nor an elemenL of Lhe
offense Lhereln penallzed. lLs presence merely
lncreases Lhe penalLy by one degree. 1he lasL
paragraph of Lhe ArLlcle speclflcally provldes:
1he penalLy nexL hlgher ln degree Lo Lhose provlded
for ln Lhls arLlcle shall be lmposed upon Lhe
offender who falls Lo lend on Lhe spoL Lo Lhe ln[ured
parLles such help as may be ln hand Lo glve.
Such belng Lhe case, lL musL be speclflcally alleged
ln Lhe lnformaLlon. 1he lnformaLlon agalnsL
peLlLloner ln Lhls case does noL so allege.
upon Lhe oLher hand, fallure Lo help or render
asslsLance Lo anoLher whom one has accldenLally
wounded or ln[ured ls an offense under paragraph
2 of ArLlcle 273 of Lhe same code whlch reads: 1he
penalLy of ottesto moyot shall be lmposed upon:
xxx Aoyooe wbo sboll foll to belp ot teoJet
osslstooce to oootbet wbom be bos occlJeotolly
woooJeJ ot lojoteJ.
\7 "-%820'&-. -, &))$'&'/&40$ ,-)"$

:* 9;<= >? =;G L<?>? NHA =;>? GMGBI=>CS

!* 1he basls ls Lhe compleLe absence of freedom.

:* 9;<= >? >AAG?>?=>LDG NHA@GF

!* lL ls a degree of force whlch ls exLernal or
physlcal force whlch reduces Lhe person Lo a mere
lnsLrumenL and Lhe acLs produced are done wlLhouL
hls wlll and agalnsL hls wlll.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G AGTJ>?>=G? HN @HBIJD?>HC HN

1. Compulslon ls by means of physlcal force
2. hyslcal force musL be lrreslsLlble
3. hyslcal force musL come from a Lhlrd

.H=G* lL presupposes LhaL a person ls compelled by
means of exLraneous force or vlolence Lo commlL a

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
1he force musL be so lrreslsLlble as Lo reduce Lhe acLor
Lo a mere lnsLrumenL who acLed noL only wlLhouL wlll
buL agalnsL hls wlll.

asslon or obfuscaLlon cannoL amounL Lo lrreslsLlble

:* 4<@JD>Q E;H E<? CH= < BGBLGA HN =;G L<CK
E<? >C < ID<C=<=>HC S<=;GA>CS L<C<C<?7 2IHC
;G<A>CS =;G ?;HH=>CSQ ;G A<C7 (HEGOGAQ 4<@JD> E<?
<CK ?=A>_>CS ;>B E>=; =;G LJ==? HN =;G>A SJC?Q =;GR
@HBIGDDGK ;>B =H LJAR =;G LHK>G?7 &? ;G D><LDG <?
<C <@@G??HAR =H =;G @A>BG HN @A>BGF

!* lL was held LhaL 8acull was noL crlmlnally llable as
accessory for conceallng Lhe body of Lhe crlme of
murder commlLLed by Lhe band because he acLed
under Lhe compulslon of an lrreslsLlble force. (u.5.
v. cobolletos, 4 lbll. J50)

i7 2."-./)-00!40$ ,$!)

:* 9;<= >? =;G L<?>? HN =;>? GMGBI=>CS

!* 1he basls ls compleLe absence of freedom.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G AGTJ>?>=G? HN JC@HC=AHDD<LDG NG<AF

1. 1hreaL, whlch causes Lhe fear, ls of an evll
greaLer Lhan or aL leasL equal Lo LhaL
whlch he ls requlred Lo commlL.

2. lL promlses an evll of such gravlLy and
lmmlnence LhaL Lhe ordlnary man would
have succumbed Lo lL.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=?F

1. LxlsLence of an unconLrollable fear

2. lear musL be real and lmmlnenL

3. lear of an ln[ury ls greaLer Lhan or equal
Lo LhaL commlLLed

:* 9;<= >? =;G K>NNGAGC@G LG=EGGC >AAG?>?=>LDG

2."-./)-00!40$ ,$!)
A person ls compelled
by anoLher Lo commlL a
crlme by means of
A person ls compelled by
anoLher Lo commlL a crlme
by means of lnLlmldaLlon
vlolence or physlcal
or LhreaL.

:* /;G GO>KGC@G HC AG@HAK ?;HE? =;<= <= =;G =>BG
GC=GAGK =;G O<C E;GAG>C ,GD>@><CH /<C E<?7 !=
=;<= =>BGQ .<A@>?H '<DK<k<Q $DBGA $?SJGAA< <CK
)HBGH 4<J=>?=< EGAG E<>=>CS NHA LH=; <IIGDD<C=?
NAHB < K>?=<C@G HN <LHJ= HCG Y6^ _>DHBG=GA7 &? =;G>A

!* 8y noL avalllng of Lhls chance Lo escape,
appellanLs' allegaLlon of fear or duress becomes
unLenable. lL was held LhaL ln order LhaL Lhe
clrcumsLance of unconLrollable fear may apply, lL ls
necessary LhaL Lhe compulslon be of such a
characLer as Lo leave no opporLunlLy Lo escape or
selfdefense ln equal combaL. Moreover, Lhe reason
for Lhelr enLry Lo Lhe van, where Lhe faLher of Lhe
vlcLlms was, could be Laken as Lhelr way of keeplng
lellclano 1an under furLher survelllance aL a mosL
crlLlcal Llme. (leople v. 5olJooo, C.k. No. 148518,
Apt. 15, 2004)

]7 8)$+$./$# 41 '-%$ 0!9,20 7
-) &.'28$)!40$ "!2'$ 7

:* 9;<= >? =;G L<?>? HN =;>? GMGBI=>CS

!* 1he basls ls absence of lnLenL.

:* 9;<= >? >C?JIGA<LDG @<J?GF

!* Some moLlve whlch has lawfully, morally, or
physlcally prevenLed a person Lo do whaL Lhe law

.H=G* under Lhe law, Lhe person arresLed musL be
dellvered Lo Lhe nearesL [udlclal auLhorlLy aL mosL
wlLhln 36 hours under ArL 123 of 8C, oLherwlse, Lhe
publlc offlcer wlll be llable for arblLrary deLenLlon.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G AGTJ>?>=G? JCKGA =;>? GMGBI=>CS

1. An acL ls requlred by law Lo be done.

2. A person falls Lo perform such acL.

3. lallure Lo perform such acL was due Lo
some lawful or lnsuperable cause.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G K>?=>C@=>HC? LG=EGGC XJ?=>NR>CS
@>A@JB?=<C@G? <CK GMGBI=>CS @>A@JB?=<C@G?F

!""# %& 3<>?@A=BC;?8= DE<?E +FF8?B 3><A<;C9 /<CG<9<BH
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
1he clrcumsLance affecL
Lhe acL, noL Lhe acLor.
1he clrcumsLance affecL
Lhe acLor.
1he acL complalned of ls
consldered Lo have been
done wlLhln Lhe bounds
of law, hence, lL ls
consldered lawful, Lhere
ls no crlme, and because
Lhere ls no crlme, Lhere ls
no crlmlnal.
Slnce Lhe acL complalned
of ls acLually wrongful,
Lhere ls a crlme. 8uL
because Lhe acLor acLed
wlLhouL volunLarlness
Lhere ls absence of Jolo
or culpa. 1here ls no
Slnce Lhere ls no crlme or
crlmlnal, Lhere ls no
crlmlnal llablllLy as well as
clvll llablllLy.
Slnce Lhere ls a crlme
commlLLed buL Lhere ls
no crlmlnal, Lhere ls clvll
llablllLy for Lhe wrong
done. Powever ln
paragraphs 4 and 7 of
ArLlcle 12, Lhere ls
nelLher crlmlnal nor clvll

"7 /;G "HBIAG;GC?>OG #<CSGAHJ? #AJS? !@= HN
cggc Y)7!7 Z6]i^



!* Any person who:
1. Pas vlolaLed SecLlons 7, 11, 12, 14, 13,
and 19, ArLlcle ll of 8A 9163
2. volunLarlly glves lnformaLlon
a. AbouL any vlolaLlon of SecLlons
4, 3, 6, 8, 10, 13, and 16, ArLlcle
ll of Lhls AcL
b. AbouL any vlolaLlon of Lhe
offenses menLloned lf
commlLLed by a drug syndlcaLe,
c. Leadlng Lo Lhe whereabouLs,
ldenLlLles and arresL of all or
any of Lhe members Lhereof
3. Wllllngly LesLlfles agalnsL such persons as
descrlbed above

ltovlJeJ, 1haL Lhe followlng condlLlons
1. 1he lnformaLlon and LesLlmony are
necessary for Lhe convlcLlon of Lhe
persons descrlbed above

2. Such lnformaLlon and LesLlmony are noL
yeL ln Lhe possesslon of Lhe SLaLe

3. Such lnformaLlon and LesLlmony can be
corroboraLed on lLs maLerlal polnLs

4. 1he lnformanL or wlLness has noL been
prevlously convlcLed of a crlme lnvolvlng
moral LurplLude, excepL when Lhere ls no
oLher dlrecL evldence avallable for Lhe
SLaLe oLher Lhan Lhe lnformaLlon and
LesLlmony of sald lnformanL or wlLness

3. 1he lnformanL or wlLness shall sLrlcLly and
falLhfully comply wlLhouL delay, any
condlLlon or underLaklng, reduced lnLo
wrlLlng, lawfully lmposed by Lhe SLaLe as
furLher conslderaLlon for Lhe granL of
lmmunlLy from prosecuLlon and

.H=G* noLwlLhsLandlng Lhe provlslons of SecLlon 17,
8ule 119 of Lhe 8evlsed 8ules of Crlmlnal rocedure
and Lhe provlslons of 8epubllc AcL no. 6981 or Lhe
WlLness roLecLlon, SecurlLy and 8eneflL AcL of 1991

.H=G* ltovlJeJ, fottbet, 1haL Lhls lmmunlLy may be
en[oyed by such lnformanL or wlLness who does noL
appear Lo be mosL gullLy for Lhe offense wlLh reference
Lo whlch hls/her lnformaLlon or LesLlmony were
glven: ltovlJeJ, floolly, 1haL Lhere ls no dlrecL
evldence avallable for Lhe SLaLe excepL for Lhe
lnformaLlon and LesLlmony of Lhe sald lnformanL or

%&/&3!/&.3 "&)"2%'/!."$' 7
Y!A=7 6[^ 7

:* 9;<= <AG B>=>S<=>CS @>A@JB?=<C@G?F

!* MlLlgaLlng clrcumsLances are Lhose whlch lf
presenL ln Lhe commlsslon of Lhe crlme, do noL
enLlrely free Lhe acLor from crlmlnal llablllLy buL
serve only Lo reduce Lhe penalLy.

.H=G* Cne slngle facL cannoL be made Lhe basls of
more Lhan one mlLlgaLlng clrcumsLance. Pence, a
mlLlgaLlng clrcumsLance arlslng from a slngle facL
absorbs all Lhe oLher mlLlgaLlng clrcumsLances arlslng
from Lhe same facL.

:* 9;<= >? =;G L<?>? HN B>=>S<=>CS @>A@JB?=<C@G?F

!* 1he basls ls dlmlnuLlon of elLher freedom of
acLlon, lnLelllgence, or lnLenL or on Lhe lesser
perverslLy of Lhe offender.

:* 9;<= <AG =;H?G @>A@JB?=<C@G? E;>@; @<C
B>=>S<=G @A>B>C<D D><L>D>=RF

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

1. lncompleLe [usLlfylng or exempLlng
2. 1he offender ls under 18 or over 70 years
3. no lnLenLlon Lo commlL so grave a wrong
(ptoetet loeotlooem)
4. SufflclenL LhreaL or provocaLlon
3. vlndlcaLlon of a grave offense
6. asslon or obfuscaLlon
7. volunLary surrender
8. hyslcal defecL
9. lllness of Lhe offender
10. Slmllar and analogous clrcumsLances

:* 9;<= <AG =;G @D<??G? HN B>=>S<=>CS

1. Crdlnary mlLlgaLlng

2. rlvlleged mlLlgaLlng

:* 9;<= <AG =;G K>?=>C@=>HC? LG=EGGC HAK>C<AR

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
-)#&.!)1 %&/&3!/&.3 8)&+&0$3$# %&/&3!/&.3
Can be offseL by
Can never be offseL by
any aggravaLlng
Crdlnary mlLlgaLlng
clrcumsLances, lf noL
offseL, wlll operaLe Lo
reduce Lhe penalLy Lo Lhe
mlnlmum perlod,
provlded Lhe penalLy ls a
dlvlslble one.
rlvlleged mlLlgaLlng
clrcumsLances operaLe Lo
reduce Lhe penalLy by
one Lo Lwo degrees,
dependlng upon whaL Lhe
law provldes.

67 &."-%80$/$ P2'/&,1&.3 -) 7$`$%8/&.3
"&)"2%'/!."$ 7

:* 9;<= >? =;G @HC@GI= HN >C@HBIDG=G XJ?=>NR>CS HA

!* lncompleLe [usLlfylng/exempLlng clrcumsLance
means LhaL noL all Lhe requlslLes Lo [usLlfy Lhe acL
are presenL or noL all Lhe requlslLes Lo exempL from
crlmlnal llablllLy are presenL.

:* 9;<= @HCK>=>HC >? CG@G??<AR LGNHAG >C@HBIDG=G

!* 1he offended parLy musL be gullLy of unlawful
aggresslon. WlLhouL unlawful aggresslon, Lhere can
be no lncompleLe selfdefense, defense of relaLlve,
or defense of sLranger.


!* lf only Lhe elemenL of unlawful aggresslon ls
presenL, Lhe oLher requlslLes belng absenL, Lhe
offender shall be glven only Lhe beneflL of an
ordlnary mlLlgaLlng clrcumsLance.

Powever, lf aslde from Lhe elemenL of unlawful
aggresslon anoLher requlslLe, buL noL all, ls presenL,
Lhe offender shall be glven Lhe beneflL of a
prlvlleged mlLlgaLlng clrcumsLance. ln such a case,
Lhe lmposable penalLy shall be reduced by one or
Lwo degrees dependlng upon how Lhe courL regards
Lhe lmporLance of Lhe requlslLes presenL or absenL.

:* (HE B<R >C@HBIDG=G XJ?=>NR>CS @>A@JB?=<C@G
YE>=; AG?IG@= XJ?=>NR>CS @>A@JB?=<C@G? H=;GA =;<C
@>A@JB?=<C@G <NNG@= @A>B>C<D D><L>D>=R HN =;G

!* lf less Lhan a ma[orlLy of Lhe requlslLes necessary
Lo [usLlfy Lhe acL or exempL from crlmlnal llablllLy
are presenL, Lhe offender shall only be enLlLled Lo
an ordlnary mlLlgaLlng clrcumsLance.

lf a ma[orlLy of Lhe requlslLes needed Lo [usLlfy Lhe
acL or exempL from crlmlnal llablllLy are presenL,
Lhe offender shall be glven Lhe beneflL of a
prlvlleged mlLlgaLlng clrcumsLance. 1he penalLy
shall be lowered by one or Lwo degrees. When
Lhere are only Lwo condlLlons Lo [usLlfy Lhe acL or Lo
exempL from crlmlnal llablllLy, Lhe presence of one
shall be regarded as Lhe ma[orlLy.

c7 2.#$) 6f -) -+$) jg 1$!)' -0# 7

:* 9;H <AG @HOGAGK JCKGA =;>? B>=>S<=>CS

!* Cffenders who are:

1. Cver 13 buL under 18 years old who acLed
wlLh dlscernmenL

2. Cver 70 years old

.H=G: lL ls Lhe age of Lhe accused aL Lhe Llme of Lhe
commlsslon of Lhe crlme whlch should be deLermlned.
Pls age aL Lhe Llme of Lhe Lrlal ls lmmaLerlal.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G DGS<D GNNG@=? HN =;G O<A>HJ? <SG
LA<@_G=? HN =;G HNNGCKGA E>=; AG?IG@= =H ;>?
@A>B>C<D D><L>D>=RF

!""# %& 3<>?@A=BC;?8= DE<?E +FF8?B 3><A<;C9 /<CG<9<BH
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
$,,$"/ -. ")&%&.!0 0&!4&0&/1
13 and
LxempLlng clrcumsLance
Cver 13
under 18,
xemptloq cltcomstooce, provlded he
acLed wlLhouL dlscernmenL. Mltlqotloq
cltcomstooce, provlded he acLed wlLh
18 or over lull crlmlnal responslblllLy
Cver 70
MlLlgaLlng clrcumsLance, no lmposlLlon
of deaLh penalLy, execuLlon of deaLh
senLence lf already lmposed ls
suspended and commuLed.

.H=G* 1he modlflcaLlons/changes lnLroduced by 8A
9344 have been lncorporaLed ln Lhe Lable above.

"7 /;G "HBIAG;GC?>OG #<CSGAHJ? #AJS? !@= HN
cggc Y)7!7 Z6]i^

[7 !IID>@<=>HC l .HC <IID>@<=>HC HN )8" IAHO>?>HC?
Y'G@7 ZfQ )7!7 Z6]i^ @N7 !A=7 6gQ )8"

B>=>S<=>CS @>A@JB?=<C@G HN B>CHA>=R JCKGA )7!7

3)* no, because Lhe law lLself prohlblLs Lhe
appllcaLlon of 8C Lo 8.A. 9163.

`8.* lf Lhe offender ls a mlnor and Lhe penalLy
ls llfe lmprlsonmenL Lo deaLh, Lhen Lhe penalLy
shall be teclosloo petpetoo Lo deaLh, adopLlng
Lherefore Lhe nomenclaLure of Lhe penalLles
under Lhe 8C. 8y adopLlng Lhe nomenclaLure
of Lhe penalLles under Lhe 8C, Lhe 8C shall
apply, and a mlnor would now be enLlLled Lo a
prlvllege mlLlgaLlng clrcumsLance of mlnorlLy.
(leople v. 5lmoo, C.k. No. 9J026, Ioly 29, 1994)

[7 .- &./$./&-. /- "-%%&/ '- 3)!+$ !
9)-.3 7

:* 9;<= >? =;G L<?>? HN =;>? B>=>S<=>CS

!* 1he basls ls dlmlnuLlon of lnLenL.


!* ?es. lf Lhe resulLlng felony could be expecLed
from Lhe means employed, Lhls clrcumsLance does
noL avall.

.H=G* 1hls clrcumsLance ls noL appllcable when
offender employed bruLe force.


!* no, lL ls noL appllcable because Lhe offender acLs
wlLhouL lnLenL. 1he lnLenL ln lnLenLlonal felonles ls
replaced by negllgence or lmprudence.

1here ls no lnLenL on Lhe parL of Lhe offender,
whlch may be consldered as dlmlnlshed.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G N<@=HA? >C HAKGA =H <?@GA=<>C =;G

1. 1he weapon used
2. 1he parL of Lhe body ln[ured
3. 1he ln[ury lnfllcLed
4. 1he manner lL ls lnfllcLed

.H=G* 1hls provlslon addresses Lhe lnLenLlon of Lhe
offender aL Lhe parLlcular momenL when Lhe offender
execuLes or commlLs Lhe crlmlnal acL and noL durlng
plannlng sLage.

:* &? =;>? B>=>S<=>CS @>A@JB?=<C@G <IID>@<LDG E;GC

!* no. .q. lf Lhe raplsL choked Lhe vlcLlm, Lhe
choklng conLradlcLs Lhe clalm LhaL he had no
lnLenLlon Lo klll Lhe glrl.

:* &C @A>BG? <S<>C?= IGA?HC?Q E;<= >N =;G O>@=>B

!* 1he absence of Lhe lnLenL Lo klll reduces Lhe
felony Lo mere physlcal ln[urles. lL ls noL consldered
as mlLlgaLlng. lL ls only mlLlgaLlng when Lhe vlcLlm

\7 '2,,&"&$./ /()$!/ -) 8)-+-"!/&-. 7

:* 9;<= >? =;G L<?>? HN =;>? B>=>S<=>CS

!* 1he basls ls loss of reasonlng and selfconLrol,
Lhereby dlmlnlshlng Lhe exerclse of hls wlll power.

:* 9;<= >? IAHOH@<=>HCF

!* rovocaLlon ls any un[usL or lmproper conducL or
acL of Lhe offended parLy, capable of exclLlng,
lnclLlng or lrrlLaLlng anyone.

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

:* 9;<= <AG =;G AGTJ>?>=G? HN ?JNN>@>GC= =;AG<= HA
IAHOH@<=>HC <? < B>=>S<=>CS @>A@JB?=<C@GF

1. rovocaLlon musL be sufflclenL.
2. lL musL orlglnaLe from Lhe offended parLy.
3. lL musL be lmmedlaLe Lo Lhe acL.

:* (HE >? ?JNN>@>GC= =;AG<= HA IAHOH@<=>HC <? <
B>=>S<=>CS @>A@JB?=<C@G K>?=>CSJ>?;GK NAHB =;AG<=

!* As an elemenL of self defense lL perLalns Lo lLs
absence on Lhe parL of Lhe person defendlng
hlmself whlle as a mlLlgaLlng clrcumsLance, lL
perLalns Lo lLs presence on Lhe parL of Lhe offended
parLy. (leople v. cA, C.k No. 10J61J, leb. 2J, 2001)
")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA

.H=G* Sufflclency depends on:
1. 1he acL consLlLuLlng Lhe provocaLlon
2. 1he soclal sLandlng of Lhe person provoked
3. 1lme and place provocaLlon Look place

:* /HB<?a BH=;GA >C?JD=GK 8G=A<7 8G=A< _>DD? /HB<?
LG@<J?G HN =;G >C?JD=?7 "<C 8G=A< <O<>D HN =;G
B>=>S<=>CS @>A@JB?=<C@GF

!* no. 1here ls no mlLlgaLlng clrcumsLance because
lL was Lhe moLher who lnsulLed her, noL 1homas.

:* 9;R KHG? =;G D<E AGTJ>AG =;<= UIAHOH@<=>HC
BJ?= LG >BBGK><=G =H =;G <@=QV $S'ST =H =;G
@HBB>??>HC HN =;G @A>BG LR =;G IGA?HC E;H >?

!* lf Lhere was an lnLerval of Llme, Lhe conducL of
Lhe offended parLy could noL have exclLed Lhe
accused Lo Lhe commlsslon of Lhe crlme, he havlng
had Llme Lo regaln hls reason and Lo exerclse self
conLrol. Moreover, Lhe law presupposes LhaL durlng
LhaL lnLerval, whaLever anger or dlmlnlshed self
conLrol may have emerged from Lhe offender had
already vanlshed or dlmlnlshed.

.H=G* As long as Lhe offender aL Lhe Llme he
commlLLed Lhe felony was sLlll under Lhe felony was
sLlll under Lhe lnfluence of Lhe ouLrage caused by Lhe
provocaLlon or LhreaL, he ls acLlng under a dlmlnlshed
selfconLrol. 1hls ls Lhe reason why lL ls mlLlgaLlng.
Powever, you have Lo look aL Lwo crlLerla:

1. lf from Lhe elemenL of Llme, Lhere ls a
maLerlal lapse of Llme sLaLed ln Lhe problem
and Lhere ls noLhlng sLaLed ln Lhe problem
LhaL Lhe effecL of Lhe LhreaL or provocaLlon
had prolonged and affecLed Lhe offender aL
Lhe Llme he commlLLed Lhe crlme, Lhen, you
use Lhe crlLerlon based on Llme elemenL.
2. Powever, lf Lhere ls LhaL Llme elemenL and
aL Lhe same Llme, facLs are glven lndlcaLlng
LhaL aL Lhe Llme Lhe offender commlLLed Lhe
crlme, he ls sLlll sufferlng from ouLrage of
Lhe LhreaL or provocaLlon done Lo hlm, Lhen,
he wlll sLlll geL Lhe beneflL of Lhls mlLlgaLlng


!* no. 1hreaL should noL be offenslve and poslLlvely
sLrong because lf lL was, Lhe LhreaL Lo lnfllcL real
ln[ury ls an oolowfol oqqtessloo whlch may glve rlse
Lo selfdefense and Lhus, no longer a mlLlgaLlng

i7 +&.#&"!/&-. -, ! 3)!+$ -,,$.'$

:* 9;<= >? =;G L<?>? HN =;>? B>=>S<=>CS

!* 1he basls ls loss of reasonlng and selfconLrol,
Lhereby, dlmlnlshlng Lhe exerclse of hls wlll power.

.H=G* 1hls has reference Lo Lhe honor of a person. lL
concerns Lhe good names and repuLaLlon of Lhe
lndlvldual (leople v. Aopot, J7 lbll. 201)

:* 9;<= <AG =;G AGTJ>?>=G? HN O>CK>@<=>HC HN <
SA<OG HNNGC?G <? < B>=>S<=>CS @>A@JB?=<C@GF

1. Crave offense has been done Lo Lhe one
commlLLlng Lhe felony, hls spouse,
ascendanLs, descendanLs, leglLlmaLe,
naLural or adopLed broLhers or slsLers, or
relaLlves by afflnlLy wlLhln Lhe same

2. lelony ls commlLLed ln vlndlcaLlon of such
grave offense.

:* 9;<= >? =;G BG<C>CS HN =;G EHAK HNNGC?G >C =;>?
I<A=>@JD<A B>=>S<=>CS @>A@JB?=<C@GF

!* 1he word offense should noL be consLrued as
equlvalenL Lo crlme. lL ls enough LhaL whaL was
done was wrong.

.H=G* 1he vlndlcaLlon need noL be done by Lhe person
upon whom Lhe grave offense was commlLLed or who
was offended by Lhe wrong done by Lhe offended

:* 9;<= N<@=HA? ?;HJDK LG @HC?>KGAGK >C


17 Age

!""# %& 3<>?@A=BC;?8= DE<?E +FF8?B 3><A<;C9 /<CG<9<BH
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
2. LducaLlon
3. Soclal sLaLus


!* ?es. lL ls enough LhaL:
1. 1he offender commlLLed Lhe crlme,
2. 1he grave offense was done Lo hlm, hls
spouse, hls ascendanL or descendanL or Lo
hls broLher or slsLer, wheLher naLural,
adopLed or leglLlmaLe
3. 1he grave offense ls Lhe proxlmaLe cause
of Lhe commlsslon of Lhe crlme.

.H=G* A mlLlgaLlng clrcumsLance only when Lhe same
arose from lawful senLlmenLs.

:* "HBI<AG =;G @>A@JB?=<C@G? HN ?JNN>@>GC= =;AG<=

'2,,&"&$./ /()$!/ -)
+&.#&"!/&-. -, 3)!+$
lL ls made dlrecLly only Lo
Lhe person commlLLlng
Lhe felony.
1he grave offense may be
commlLLed also agalnsL
Lhe offender's relaLlves
menLloned ln Lhe law.
1he cause LhaL broughL
abouL Lhe provocaLlon
need noL be a grave
1he offended parLy musL
have done a grave
offense agalnsL Lhe
offender or hls relaLlves
menLloned ln Lhe law.
lL ls necessary LhaL Lhe
provocaLlon or LhreaL
lmmedlaLely preceded
Lhe acL. 1here musL be no
lnLerval of Llme beLween
Lhe provocaLlon and Lhe
commlsslon of Lhe crlme.
1he vlndlcaLlon of Lhe
grave offense may be
proxlmaLe whlch admlLs
of lnLerval of Llme
beLween Lhe grave
offense commlLLed by Lhe
offended parLy and Lhe
commlsslon of Lhe crlme
of Lhe accused.

]7 8!''&-. -) -4,2'"!/&-.

:* 9;<= >? =;G L<?>? HN =;>? B>=>S<=>CS

!* 1he basls ls loss of reasonlng and selfconLrol,
Lhereby dlmlnlshlng Lhe exerclse of hls wlll power.

:* 9;<= >? I<??>HC HA HLNJ?@<=>HCF

!* asslon and obfuscaLlon refer Lo emoLlonal
feellng whlch produces exclLemenL so powerful as
Lo overcome reason and selfconLrol. lL musL come
from prlor un[usL or lmproper acLs. 1he passlon and
obfuscaLlon musL emanaLe from leglLlmaLe

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN I<??>HC HA
HLNJ?@<=>HC <? < B>=>S<=>CS @>A@JB?=<C@GF

1. Accused acLed upon an lmpulse
2. lmpulse musL be so powerful LhaL lL
naLurally produced passlon or obfuscaLlon
ln hlm.

.H=G* 1he passlon or obfuscaLlon should arlse from
lawful senLlmenLs ln order Lo be mlLlgaLlng.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G AGTJ>?>=G? HN I<??>HC HA

1. 1haL Lhere ls an acL, boLh unlawful and
sufflclenL Lo produce such a condlLlon of
2. 1haL Lhe sald acL whlch produced Lhe
obfuscaLlon was noL far removed from
Lhe commlsslon of Lhe crlme by a
conslderable lengLh of Llme, durlng whlch
Lhe perpeLraLor mlghL recover hls naLural

.H=G* 1hls parLlcular mlLlgaLlng clrcumsLance sLands on
Lhe premlse LhaL Lhe offender ls sufferlng from a
dlmlnlshed selfconLrol because of Lhe passlon or

:* 9;<= >? =;G AJDG E;GC =;G =;AGG B>=>S<=>CS
@>A@JB?=<C@G? HN ?JNN>@>GC= =;AG<= HA IAHOH@<=>HC
YI<A7 \^Q O>CK>@<=>HC HN < SA<OG EAHCS YI<A7 i^ <CK
I<??>HC HA HLNJ?@<=>HC YI<A7 ]^ <AG IAG?GC=F

3)* lf Lhe offender ls glven Lhe beneflL of
paragraph 4, he cannoL be glven Lhe beneflL of
paragraph 3 or 6, or vlceversa. Cnly one of Lhe
Lhree mlLlgaLlng clrcumsLances should be glven
ln favor of Lhe offender.

`8.* lf Lhe mlLlgaLlng clrcumsLances under
paragraphs 4, 3 and 6 arlse from dlfferenL seLs
of facLs, Lhey may be appreclaLed LogeLher,
alLhough Lhey may have arlsen from one and
Lhe same case.

.H=G* 1he passlon musL be leglLlmaLe. As a rule, lL
cannoL be based on common law relaLlonshlp because
common law relaLlonshlps are llllclL.

:* 9;GC >? I<??>HC HA HLNJ?@<=>HC CH= < B>=>S<=>CS

!* lf Lhe acL ls commlLLed ln Lhe splrlL of:
1. Lawlessness

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

2. 8evenge

:* 9;<= <AG =;G K>?=>C@=>HC? LG=EGGC

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
8!''&-.l-4,2'"!/&-. 8)-+-"!/&-.
lL ls produced by an lmpulse
whlch may cause
1he provocaLlon
comes from Lhe
ln[ured parLy
1he offense need noL be
lmmedlaLe. lL ls only
requlred LhaL Lhe lnfluence
Lhereof lasLs unLll Lhe
momenL Lhe crlme ls
lL musL lmmedlaLely
precede Lhe
commlsslon of Lhe

:* 9;<= <AG =;G K>?=>C@=>HC? LG=EGGC

8!''&-. -4,2'"!/&-. &))$'&'/&40$ ,-)"$
MlLlgaLlng clrcumsLance LxempLlng clrcumsLance
lL cannoL glve rlse Lo
lrreslsLlble force because
passlon or obfuscaLlon
has no physlcal force.
lL requlres physlcal force.
1he passlon or
obfuscaLlon ls ln Lhe
offender hlmself
lL musL come from a Lhlrd
lL musL arlse from lawful
lL ls unlawful.

j7 +-02./!)1 '2))$.#$) !.# "-.,$''&-. -,

:* 9;<= >? =;G L<?>? HN =;>? B>=>S<=>CS

!* 1he basls ls Lhe lesser perverslLy of Lhe offender.

<? < B>=>S<=>CS @>A@JB?=<C@GF

1. Cffender had noL been acLually arresLed.
2. Surrender was made Lo a person ln
auLhorlLy or Lhe laLLer's agenL.
3. Surrender was volunLary.


!* When lL ls sponLaneous, demonsLraLlng lnLenL Lo
submlL hlmself uncondlLlonally Lo Lhe person ln
auLhorlLy or hls agenL.

WheLher or noL a warranL of arresL had been lssued
agalnsL Lhe offender ls lmmaLerlal and lrrelevanL.

1he crlLerlon ls wheLher or noL Lhe offender had
gone lnLo hldlng or had Lhe opporLunlLy Lo go lnLo
hldlng and Lhe law enforcers do noL know of hls

.H=G* lf afLer commlLLlng Lhe crlme, Lhe offender dld
noL flee and lnsLead he wenL wlLh Lhe respondlng law
enforcers meekly, volunLary surrender ls noL

lf afLer commlLLlng Lhe crlme, Lhe offender dld noL flee
and lnsLead walLed for Lhe law enforcers Lo arrlve, and
Lhen he surrendered Lhe weapon he used ln kllllng Lhe
vlcLlm, volunLary surrender ls mlLlgaLlng.

lf Lhe offender comes ouL from hldlng because he ls
serlously lll and he wanLs Lo geL medlcal LreaLmenL, Lhe
surrender ls noL consldered as lndlcaLlve of remorse or
repenLance. 1he surrender ls noL mlLlgaLlng.

:* 9;<= KHG? K&(*%-"%'*3&L BG<CF

!* lL emphaslzes Lhe ldea of lnner lmpulse acLlng
wlLhouL exLernal sLlmulus. 1he conducL of Lhe
accused, noL hls lnLenLlon alone, afLer Lhe
commlsslon of Lhe offense, deLermlnes Lhe
sponLanelLy of Lhe surrender.

.q. lf Lhe accused surrendered afLer 3 years, noL
sponLaneous anymore.

lf Lhe accused surrendered afLer Lalklng Lo Lown
councllor, no longer a volunLary surrender slnce Lhere
ls exLernal sLlmulus.

:* #HG? =;G D<E AGTJ>AG =;<= =;G <@@J?GK

!* 1he law does noL requlre LhaL Lhe accused
surrender prlor Lo Lhe order of arresL" whaL maLLers
ls Lhe sponLaneous surrender of Lhe accused upon
learnlng LhaL a warranL of arresL had been lssued
agalnsL hlm and LhaL volunLary surrender ls
obedlence Lo Lhe order of arresL lssued agalnsL hlm
(leople v. coblllq, 68 lbll. 740)

:* 9;R >? OHDJC=<AR ?JAAGCKGA >? B>=>S<=>CSF

!* lf he would glve up, hls acL of surrenderlng
under such clrcumsLance lndlcaLes LhaL he ls wllllng
Lo accepL Lhe consequences of Lhe wrong he has
done whlch Lhereby saves Lhe governmenL Lhe
efforL, Llme and expenses Lo be lncurred ln
searchlng for hlm.

:* 9;H >? < IGA?HC >C <J=;HA>=RF

!* Pe ls one dlrecLly vesLed wlLh [urlsdlcLlon,
wheLher as an lndlvldual or as a member of some

!""# %& 3<>?@A=BC;?8= DE<?E +FF8?B 3><A<;C9 /<CG<9<BH
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %

.H=G: 8arrlo capLaln/chalrman lncluded.

:* 9;H >? <C <SGC= HN IGA?HC >C <J=;HA>=RF

!* Pe ls a person who by dlrecL provlslon of law, or
by elecLlon, or by appolnLmenL by compeLenL
auLhorlLy ls charged wlLh Lhe malnLenance of publlc
order and Lhe proLecLlon and securlLy of llfe and
properLy and any person who comes Lo Lhe ald of
persons ln auLhorlLy.

:* &N =;G <@@J?GK G?@<IG? NAHB =;G ?@GCG HN =;G
=;G <J=;HA>=>G?Q E;>@; =;G <@@J?GK NHDDHEGK LR

!* ?es, because he fled Lo Lhe scene of a crlme noL
Lo escape buL Lo seek legal advlce.

:* 'JIIH?>CS =;<= <N=GA =;G <@@J?GK BG= <
OG;>@JD<A <@@>KGC= @<J?>CS BJD=>IDG ;HB>@>KG
=;G <J=;HA>=>G? >BBGK><=GDR =;GAG<N=GAQ E>DD ;>?
?JAAGCKGA B>=>S<=G ;>? D><L>D>=R LG@<J?G HN !A=7 6[F

!* no. ln cases lnvolvlng felonles commlLLed by
means of colpo, Lhe courL ls auLhorlzed under ArL.
363 Lo lmpose a penalLy upon offender wlLhouL
regard Lo Lhe rules on mlLlgaLlng and aggravaLlng

:* 9;<= <AG =;G AGTJ>?>=G? HN @HCNG??>HC HN SJ>D= <?
< B>=>S<=>CS @>A@JB?=<C@GF

1. Cffender volunLarlly confessed hls gullL.
2. lL was made ln open courL (LhaL ls before
Lhe compeLenL courL LhaL ls Lo Lry Lhe
3. lL was made prlor Lo Lhe presenLaLlon of
evldence for Lhe prosecuLlon.

.H=G* lea of gullLy ls noL appllcable Lo speclal law.

lf boLh plea of gullL and volunLary surrender are
presenL, Lhey are consldered as Lwo lndependenL
mlLlgaLlng clrcumsLances.

<? < B>=>S<=>CS @>A@JB?=<C@GF

!* 1o be mlLlgaLlng, Lhe plea of gullLy musL be
wlLhouL condlLlons. 8uL condlLlonal plea of gullLy
may sLlll be mlLlgaLlng lf Lhe condlLlons lmposed by
Lhe accused are found Lo be merlLorlous.

:* 2IHC DG<AC>CS =;<= =;G IHD>@G E<C=GK ;>B NHA
=;G _>DD>CS HN 8HD>?=>@HQ PGIAHM KG@>KGK =H O>?>= =;G
IHD>@G ?=<=>HC =H B<_G >CTJ>A>G?7 -C ;>? E<RQ ;G
;>B =;G E<AA<C= NHA ;>? <AAG?=7 #JA>CS =;G =A><DQ >C
=;G @HJA?G HN =;G IAG?GC=<=>HC HN =;G IAH?G@J=>HCa?
"<C ;G >COH_G =;G B>=>S<=>CS @>A@JB?=<C@G? HN

!* !eprox ls noL enLlLled Lo Lhe mlLlgaLlng
clrcumsLance of volunLary surrender as hls golng Lo
Lhe pollce sLaLlon was only for Lhe purpose of
verlflcaLlon of Lhe news LhaL he ls wanLed by Lhe
auLhorlLles. ln order Lo be mlLlgaLlng, surrender
musL be sponLaneous and LhaL he acknowledges hls

nelLher ls plea of gullLy a mlLlgaLlng clrcumsLance
because lL was a quallfled plea. 8esldes, ArL. 13 (7)
provldes LhaL confesslon of gullL musL be done
before Lhe prosecuLlon had sLarLed Lo presenL
evldence. Y6ZZc 4<A :JG?=>HC^

f7 8(1'&"!0 #$,$"/

:* 9;<= >? =;G L<?>? HN =;>? B>=>S<=>CS

!* 1he basls ls Lhe dlmlnuLlon of Lhe elemenL of

:* 9;<= >? I;R?>@<D KGNG@=F

!* A person's physlcal condlLlon, such as belng deaf
and dumb, bllnd, armless, crlpple, or sLuLLerer,
whereby hls means of acLlon, defense or
communlcaLlon wlLh oLhers are resLrlcLed or
llmlLed. 1he physlcal defecL LhaL a person may have
musL have a relaLlon Lo Lhe commlsslon of Lhe

:* 'JIIH?G ` >? KG<N <CK KJBL <CK ;G ;<? LGGC
?D<CKGAGKQ ;G @<CCH= =<D_ ?H E;<= ;G K>K E<?Q ;G
;G<K7 ` E<? @;<ASGK E>=; I;R?>@<D >CXJA>G?7 &? `
GC=>=DGK =H < B>=>S<=>CS @>A@JB?=<C@G LR AG<?HC HN
;>? I;R?>@<D KGNG@=F

!* ?es, Lhe Supreme CourL held LhaL belng a deaf
and dumb ls mlLlgaLlng because Lhe only way ls Lo
use hls force because he cannoL sLrlke back.

.H=G* 1he law says LhaL Lhe offender ls deaf and dumb,
meanlng noL only deaf buL also dumb, or LhaL he ls
bllnd, meanlng ln boLh eyes, buL even lf he ls only deaf
and noL dumb, or dumb buL noL deaf, or bllnd only ln
eye, he ls sLlll enLlLled Lo a mlLlgaLlng clrcumsLance
under Lhls arLlcle as long as hls physlcal defecLs

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

resLrlcLs hls means of communlcaLlon, defense,
communlcaLlon wlLh hls fellowmen.

1he law does noL make a dlsLlncLlon beLween
educaLed and uneducaLed deafmuLe or bllnd persons.

1he physlcal defecL LhaL a person may have musL have
a relaLlon Lo Lhe commlsslon of Lhe crlme. noL any
physlcal defecL wlll affecL Lhe crlme. lL wlll only do so lf
lL has some relaLlon Lo Lhe crlme commlLLed. 1hls
clrcumsLance musL also have a bearlng on Lhe crlme
commlLLed and musL depend on how Lhe crlme was

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
Z7 &00.$'' -, /($ -,,$.#$)

:* 9;<= >? =;G L<?>? HN =;>? B>=>S<=>CS

!* 1he basls ls dlmlnuLlon of lnLelllgence and lnLenL.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G AGTJ>?>=G? HN >DDCG?? HN =;G
HNNGCKGA <? < B>=>S<=>CS @>A@JB?=<C@GF

1. lllness of Lhe offender musL dlmlnlsh Lhe
exerclse of wlll power.

2. Such lllness should noL deprlve Lhe
offender Lhe consclousness of hls acLs.

.H=G* lllness of Lhe mlnd, noL amounLlng Lo lnsanlLy,
may be mlLlgaLlng.

lf Lhe lllness noL only dlmlnlshes Lhe exerclse of Lhe
offender's wlll power buL deprlves hlm of Lhe
consclousness of hls acLs, lL becomes an exempLlng
clrcumsLance Lo be classlfled as lnsanlLy or lmbeclllLy.

6g7 '&%&0!) !.# !.!0-3-2' "&)"2%'/!."$'

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GM<BIDG? HN <C<DHSHJ?

1. 1he acL of Lhe offender of leadlng Lhe law
enforcers Lo Lhe place where he burled
Lhe lnsLrumenL of Lhe crlme has been
consldered as equlvalenL Lo volunLary

2. SLeallng by a person who ls drlven Lo do
so ouL of exLreme poverLy ls consldered
as analogous Lo lncompleLe sLaLe of
necesslLy. (leople v. Mocbol, 74 lbll. 4J6)
unless he became lmpoverlshed because
of hls own way of llvlng hls llfe, l.e. he had
so many vlces.

3. uefendanL who ls 60 years old wlLh falllng
eyeslghL ls slmllar Lo a case of a person
over 70 years of age. (leople v. keootlllo
ooJ kolz, c.A. C.k. No. J01, Ioly 27, 19J8)

4. lmpulse of [ealous feellng, slmllar Lo
passlon and obfuscaLlon.

3. volunLary resLlLuLlon of properLy, slmllar
Lo volunLary surrender.

6. CuLraged feellng of Lhe owner of anlmal
Laken for ransom ls analogous Lo
vlndlcaLlon of grave offense

7. sptlt Je cotps ls slmllar Lo passlon and

:* 9;<= <AG =;G @>A@JB?=<C@G? E;>@; <AG CG>=;GA

1. MlsLake ln Lhe blow or obettotlo lctos
2. MlsLake ln Lhe ldenLlLy
3. LnLrapmenL
4. Accused ls over 18 years of age
3. erformance of rlghLeous acLlon

:* 3>OG @>A@JB?=<C@G? E;>@; <AG @HC?>KGAGK <?
?IG@>N>@ B>=>S<=>CS @>A@JB?=<C@G?F

1. lllegal deLenLlon (volunLary release wlLhln
3 days, wlLhouL aLLalnlng purpose, before
crlmlnal acLlon)
2. AdulLery (abandonmenL of spouse)
3. lnfanLlclde/aborLlon (lnLenL Lo conceal
dlshonor of moLher)

!33)!+!/&.3 "&)"2%'/!."$' Y!A=7 6\^

:* 9;<= <AG <SSA<O<=>CS @>A@JB?=<C@G?F

!* 1hose whlch, lf aLLendanL ln Lhe commlsslon of
Lhe crlme:
1. Serve Lo have Lhe penalLy lmposed ln lLs
maxlmum perlod provlded by law for Lhe
offense, or

2. Change Lhe naLure of Lhe crlme.

:* 9;<= >? =;G L<?>? HN <SSA<O<=>CS @>A@JB?=<C@G?F

!* 1he basls ls Lhe greaLer perverslLy of Lhe
offender manlfesLed ln Lhe commlsslon of Lhe
felony as shown by:
1. MoLlvaLlng power lLself

!""# %& 3<>?@A=BC;?8= DE<?E +FF8?B 3><A<;C9 /<CG<9<BH
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
2. lace of commlsslon

3. Means and ways employed

4. 1lme

3. ersonal clrcumsLances of offender or
offended parLy

:* 9;<= <AG =;G _>CK? HN <SSA<O<=>CS

1. Ceoetlc or Lhose LhaL can generally apply
Lo all crlme

2. 5peclflc or Lhose LhaL apply only Lo a
parLlcular crlme

3. Ooollfyloq or Lhose LhaL change Lhe
naLure of Lhe crlme

4. lobeteot or Lhose LhaL musL of necesslLy
accompany Lhe commlsslon of Lhe crlme

3. 5peclol or Lhose whlch arlse under speclal
condlLlons Lo lncrease Lhe penalLy of Lhe
offense and cannoL be offseL by
mlLlgaLlng clrcumsLances

.H=G* 1he aggravaLlng clrcumsLances musL be
esLabllshed wlLh moral cerLalnLy, wlLh Lhe same degree
of proof requlred Lo esLabllsh Lhe crlme lLself.

:* 9;<= <AG =;H?G @>A@JB?=<C@G? E;>@; <SSA<O<=G
@A>B>C<D D><L>D>=RF

1. AdvanLage Laken of publlc poslLlon
2. ConLempL or lnsulL Lo publlc auLhorlLles
3. ulsregard of age, sex, or dwelllng of Lhe
offended parLy
4. Abuse of confldence and obvlous
3. alace and places of commlsslon of
6. nlghLLlme, unlnhablLed place or band
7. Cn occaslon of calamlLy or mlsforLune
8. Ald of armed men, eLc.
9. 8ecldlvlsL
10. keltetocloo or hablLuallLy
11. rlce, reward, or promlse
12. 8y means of lnundaLlon, flre, eLc.
13. LvldenL premedlLaLlon
14. CrafL, fraud or dlsgulse
13. Superlor sLrengLh or means Lo weaken
Lhe defense
16. 1reachery
17. lgnomlny
18. unlawful enLry
19. 8reaklng wall
20. Ald of mlnor or by means of moLor vehlcle
or oLher slmllar means
21. CruelLy

.H=G* nos.16, 910, 14, 18, 19 are generlc aggravaLlng

nos. 3, 7, 8, 11, 12, 1317, 20, 21 are speclflc
aggravaLlng clrcumsLances
no. 16 ls a case of quallfled aggravaLlng clrcumsLance

nos. 1, 13, 17, 19 are lnherenL aggravaLlng

:* 9;<= <AG =;G K>?=>C@=>HC? LG=EGGC SGCGA>@
3$.$)&" !33)!+!/&.3
Can be offseL by an
ordlnary mlLlgaLlng
CannoL be offseL by any
mlLlgaLlng clrcumsLances.
lL ls noL an lngredlenL of a
crlme. lL only affecLs Lhe
penalLy Lo be lmposed
buL Lhe crlme remalns Lhe
1he clrcumsLance ls
acLually an lngredlenL of
Lhe crlme. 1he
clrcumsLance affecLs Lhe
naLure of Lhe crlme lLself
such LhaL Lhe offender
shall be llable for a more
serlous crlme.
no need Lo allege Lhls
clrcumsLance ln Lhe
lnformaLlon, as long as lL
ls proven durlng Lrlal.

lf lL ls proved durlng Lrlal,
Lhe same ls consldered ln
lmposlng Lhe penalLy.
1o be appreclaLed as such
musL be speclflcally
alleged ln Lhe complalnL
or lnformaLlon.

lf noL alleged buL proven
durlng Lhe Lrlal, lL wlll be
consldered only as
generlc aggravaLlng
clrcumsLance. lf Lhls
happens, Lhey are
suscepLlble of belng
offseL by an ordlnary
mlLlgaLlng clrcumsLance.

.H=G* When Lhere ls more Lhan one quallfylng
aggravaLlng clrcumsLance presenL, one of Lhem wlll be
appreclaLed as quallfylng aggravaLlng whlle Lhe oLhers
wlll be consldered as generlc aggravaLlng.

:* &? SGCGA>@ <SSA<O<=>CS @>A@JB?=<C@G CG@G??<AR
!* under sec. 8 and 9 of 8ule 110 of Lhe 8CC, even
generlc aggravaLlng clrcumsLances should be
alleged ln Lhe lnformaLlon.

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

SecLlon 8. ueslqootloo of tbe offeose. - 1he
complalnL or lnformaLlon shall sLaLe Lhe deslgnaLlon
of Lhe offense glven by Lhe sLaLuLe, aver Lhe acLs or
omlsslons consLlLuLlng Lhe offense, and speclfy lLs
quallfylng and aggravaLlng clrcumsLances. lf Lhere ls
no deslgnaLlon of Lhe offense, reference shall be
made Lo Lhe secLlon or subsecLlon of Lhe sLaLuLe
punlshlng lL.
SecLlon 9. coose of tbe occosotloo. - 1he acLs or
omlsslons complalned of as consLlLuLlng Lhe offense
and Lhe quallfylng and aggravaLlng clrcumsLances
musL be sLaLed ln ordlnary and conclse language
and noL necessarlly ln Lhe language used ln Lhe
sLaLuLe buL ln Lerms sufflclenL Lo enable a person of
common undersLandlng Lo know whaL offense ls
belng charged as well as lLs quallfylng and
aggravaLlng clrcumsLances and for Lhe courL Lo
pronounce [udgmenL.
:* /;G <@@J?GK E<? @;<ASGK E>=; BJAKGA7 /;AGG HN
=;G?G @>A@JB?=<C@G?* =AG<@;GARQ GO>KGC=
IAGBGK>=<=>HC <CK =;G <@= E<? KHCG >C
<DDGSGK <? <SSA<O<=>CS7 %<R =;G =;AGG
@>A@JB?=<C@G? LG <IIAG@><=GK <? TJ<D>NR>CSF

!* no, only one of Lhese ls quallfylng. lf any one of
Lhe Lhree clrcumsLances was proven, Lhe crlme
already consLlLuLes murder. lf Lhe oLher Lwo are
also proven, even lf Lhey are alleged ln Lhe
lnformaLlon or complalnL, Lhey are only Lo be Laken
as generlc. lf Lhere ls any mlLlgaLlng clrcumsLance ln
favor of Lhe offender, Lhe Lwo oLher clrcumsLances
whlch are oLherwlse quallfylng could be offseL by
Lhe ordlnary mlLlgaLlng clrcumsLances.

@>A@JB?=<C@G <DDGSGK >C =;G >CNHAB<=>HC E<?
=AG<@;GAR7 #JA>CS =;G =A><DQ E;<= E<? IAHOGC E<?

!* no, Lhe accused cannoL be convlcLed of murder
because Lhe clrcumsLance proven was noL Lhe one
alleged ln Lhe lnformaLlon, hence, lL ls noL quallfylng
buL merely generlc.

lf any of Lhese quallfylng clrcumsLances ls noL
alleged ln Lhe lnformaLlon, lL cannoL be consldered
quallfylng because a quallfylng clrcumsLance ls an
lngredlenL of Lhe crlme and lL cannoL be Laken as
such wlLhouL havlng been alleged ln Lhe
")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA

1hls ls because lL wlll vlolaLe Lhe rlghL of Lhe
accused Lo be lnformed of Lhe naLure of Lhe
accusaLlon agalnsL hlm.

:* &N =;G @A>BG @;<ASGK >? TJ<D>N>GK =AG?I<?? =H

!* no. 1hls ls because aggravaLlng clrcumsLances
whlch ln Lhemselves consLlLuLe a crlme speclally
punlshable by law or whlch ln Lhemselves are
lncluded by law ln deflnlng a crlme and prescrlblng
a penalLy Lherefor shall noL be Laken lnLo accounL
for Lhe purpose of lncreaslng Lhe penalLy (Att. 62,
pot. 1). Slnce dwelllng ls an elemenL of Lhe crlme of
quallfled Lrespass Lo dwelllng, lL should noL be
Laken lnLo accounL ln lncreaslng Lhe penalLy.

:* 9;<= <AG IGA?HC<D <SSA<O<=>CS @>A@JB?=<C@G?F

!* AggravaLlng clrcumsLances, whlch are personal,
such as Lhose whlch arlse from:

1. 1he moral aLLrlbuLes of Lhe offender
2. Pls prlvaLe relaLlons wlLh Lhe offended
3. Any personal cause

:* (HE <AG IGA?HC<D <SSA<O<=>CS @>A@JB?=<C@G?

!* lL shall only serve Lo aggravaLe Lhe llablllLy of
Lhose persons as Lo whom such clrcumsLances are
aLLendanL. (Att. 62, pot. J)

:* 9;<= >? =;G AJDG AGS<AK>CS =;G <IIAG@><=>HC HN
<C <SSA<O<=>CS @>A@JB?=<C@G >N =;GAG <AG ?GOGA<D

3)* 1he clrcumsLances whlch conslsL ln Lhe:
1. MaLerlal execuLlon of Lhe acL, or
2. Means employed Lo accompllsh lL,
wlll only aggravaLe Lhe crlmlnal llablllLy of Lhose
persons who employed or who had knowledge
of Lhem aL Lhe Llme of Lhe execuLlon of Lhe acL
or Lhelr cooperaLlon Lhereln.

`8.* When Lhere ls proof of consplracy, ln
whlch case Lhe acL of one ls deemed Lo be Lhe
acL of all, regardless of lack of knowledge of Lhe
facLs consLlLuLlng Lhe clrcumsLance. (Att. 62,
pot. 4)

67 /!5&.3 !#+!./!3$ -, 8240&" 8-'&/&-.

:* 9;GC >? >= <IID>@<LDGF

!* Cnly when Lhe offender ls a publlc offlcer. 1he
offender musL have abused hls publlc poslLlon or aL
leasL, use of Lhe same faclllLaLed Lhe commlsslon of
Lhe offense.

!""# %& 3<>?@A=BC;?8= DE<?E +FF8?B 3><A<;C9 /<CG<9<BH
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %

.H=G* ubllc offlcer musL have used Lhe lnfluence,
presLlge or ascendancy of hls offlce as Lhe means by
whlch he reallzes hls purpose.

:* 9;<= >? =;G L<?>? NHA =;>? <SSA<O<=>CS

!* CreaLer perverslLy of Lhe offender as shown by
Lhe means:
1. Cf personal clrcumsLance of Lhe offender
2. used Lo secure Lhe commlsslon of Lhe

.H=G* 1o be appllcable, Lhe publlc offlcer musL use hls:
a. lnfluence
b. presLlge
c. ascendancy

:* 9;GC >? >= CH= <IID>@<LDGF

!* lL ls noL appllcable ln offenses where Laklng
advanLage of offlclal poslLlon ls made by law an
lnLegral elemenL of Lhe crlme. e.q. malversaLlon or
falslflcaLlon of a documenL commlLLed by publlc

.H=G* 1aklng advanLage of a publlc poslLlon ls also
lnherenL ln Lhe case of accessorles under ArL. 19, par. 3
(harborlng, conceallng, or asslsLlng ln Lhe escape of Lhe
prlnclpal of Lhe crlme), and ln crlmes commlLLed by
publlc offlcers (ArLs. 204243).

c7 "-./$%8/ -) &.'20/ /- 8240&"

:* 9;<= <AG =;G AGTJ>?>=G? HN @HC=GBI= HA >C?JD= HN
IJLD>@ <J=;HA>=>G? <? <C <SSA<O<=>CS @>A@JB?=<C@GF

1. ubllc auLhorlLy ls engaged ln Lhe exerclse
of hls funcLlons.

2. Such publlc auLhorlLy ls noL Lhe person
agalnsL whom Lhe crlme ls commlLLed.

3. Cffender knows hlm Lo be a publlc

4. Pls presence has noL prevenLed Lhe
offender from commlLLlng Lhe crlme.

:* 9;H >? < IJLD>@ <J=;HA>=RF

!* A publlc auLhorlLy, also called a person ln
auLhorlLy, ls a publlc offlcer who has Lhe power Lo
govern and execuLe Lhe laws. e.q. munlclpal mayor,
botooqoy coptolo, chlef of pollce.

.H=G* 1eachers, professors, supervlsors of publlc and
duly recognlzed prlvaLe schools, colleges and
unlverslLles, as well as lawyers are persons ln auLhorlLy
only for purposes of dlrecL assaulL and slmple
reslsLance, buL noL for purposes of aggravaLlng
clrcumsLances ln par. 2, ArL. 14.

:* 9;H <AG <SGC=? HN < IGA?HC >C <J=;HA>=RF

!* AgenLs of a person ln auLhorlLy are any person,
who, by dlrecL provlslon of law or any elecLlon or
appolnLmenL by compeLenL auLhorlLy, are charged
wlLh Lhe malnLenance of publlc order and Lhe
proLecLlon and securlLy of llfe and properLy such as
bottlo councllman, bottlo pollceman and barangay
leader, and any person who comes Lo Lhe ald of
persons ln auLhorlLy. (Att. 152, klc)

.H=G* ar. 2 of ArL. 14 does noL apply when Lhe crlme
ls commlLLed ln Lhe presence of an agenL only.

:* &? >= CG@G??<AR =;<= =;G HNNGCKGA ;<? _CHEDGKSG
=;<= < IJLD>@ <J=;HA>=R >? IAG?GC=F

!* knowledge LhaL a publlc auLhorlLy ls presenL ls
essenLlal. Lack of such knowledge lndlcaLes lack of
lnLenLlon Lo lnsulL Lhe publlc auLhorlLy.

.H=G* lf crlme commlLLed ls agalnsL Lhe publlc
auLhorlLy whlle ln Lhe performance of hls duLy, Lhe
offender commlLs Jltect ossoolt wlLhouL Lhls
aggravaLlng clrcumsLance.

[7 #&')$3!)# -, )!.5Q !3$Q '$` -) #9$00&.3
-, -,,$.#$# 8!)/1

:* 9;<= <AG =;G AGTJ>?>=G? HN hK>?AGS<AK HN A<C_Q

!* 1he acL be commlLLed:

1. WlLh lnsulL or ln dlsregard of Lhe respecL
due Lo Lhe offended parLy on accounL of
a. 8ank
b. Age
c. Sex

2. 1haL lL be commlLLed ln Lhe dwelllng of
Lhe offended parLy, lf Lhe laLLer has noL
glven sufflclenL provocaLlon.

.H=G: Applles only Lo crlmes agalnsL persons or honor,
and noL agalnsL properLy llke 8obbery wlLh homlclde.

1he four clrcumsLances enumeraLed should be
consldered as one aggravaLlng clrcumsLance only.

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

:* 9;<= KHG? K>$-+ $%&3#- *) $% 2$&)'4")2L BG<CF

!* lL means LhaL ln Lhe commlsslon of Lhe crlme, Lhe
offender dellberaLely lnLended Lo offend or lnsulL
Lhe rank, sex or age of Lhe offended parLy.

:* /H E;<= KHG? A<C_ AGNGAF

!* lL refers Lo offlclal, clvll or soclal poslLlon or
sLandlng. 1he deslgnaLlon or LlLle of dlsLlncLlon used
Lo flx Lhe relaLlve poslLlon of Lhe offended parLy ln
reference Lo oLhers.

1here musL be a dlfference ln Lhe soclal condlLlon of
Lhe offender and Lhe offended parLy.

:* 9;GC >? <SG @HC?>KGAGK <? <C <SSA<O<=>CS

!* Aqe applles ln cases where Lhe vlcLlm ls of Lender
age or ls of old age.

:* 9;<= KHG? ?GM AGNGAF

!* 5ex refers Lo Lhe female sex, noL Lo male sex.

:* 9;<= >? KEGDD>CSF

!* uwellloq ls a bulldlng or sLrucLure excluslvely
used for resL or comforL. lL lncludes Lemporary
dwelllng, dependencles, fooL of Lhe sLalrcase, and
enclosure of Lhe house.


!* no. lL ls enough LhaL he used Lhe place for hls
peace of mlnd, resL, comforL and prlvacy.

.H=G* uwelllng does noL mean Lhe permanenL
resldence or domlclle of Lhe offended parLy or LhaL he
musL be Lhe owner Lhereof. Pe musL, however, be
acLually llvlng or dwelllng Lhereln even for a Lemporary
duraLlon or purpose.

lL ls noL necessary LhaL Lhe accused should have
acLually enLered Lhe dwelllng of Lhe vlcLlm Lo commlL
Lhe offense. lL ls enough LhaL Lhe vlcLlm was aLLacked
lnslde hls own house, alLhough Lhe assallanL may have
devlsed means Lo perpeLraLe Lhe assaulL. l.e.
Lrlggerman flred Lhe shoL from ouLslde Lhe house, hls
vlcLlm was lnslde.

:* 9;GC >? KEGDD>CS CH= <SSA<O<=>CSF

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
1. When owner of Lhe dwelllng gave
sufflclenL and lmmedlaLe provocaLlon.

2. When Lhe offender and Lhe offended
parLy are occupanLs of Lhe same house.

3. ln Lhe crlme of robbery by use of force
upon Lhlngs.

4. ln Lhe crlme of Lrespass Lo dwelllng.

3. 1he vlcLlm ls noL a dweller of Lhe house.

6. When boLh Lhe offender and Lhe offended
parLy are occupanLs of Lhe same house
excepL ln case of adulLery ln Lhe con[ugal
dwelllng, Lhe same ls aggravaLlng,
however, lf Lhe paramour also dwells ln
Lhe con[ugal dwelllng, Lhe appllcable
aggravaLlng clrcumsLance ls abuse of

:* 9;<= >N HCG ;<DN HN =;G ;HJ?G >? J?GK <? < ?=HAG
<CK =;G H=;GA ;<DN >? J?GK NHA KEGDD>CS LJ= =;GAG >?

!* lf Lhe dwelllng porLlon ls aLLacked, dwelllng ls noL
aggravaLlng because whenever a sLore ls open for
buslness, lL ls a publlc place and as such, ls noL
capable of belng Lhe sub[ecL of Lrespass.

.H=G* Where Lhe dwelllng porLlon ls aLLacked and even
lf Lhe sLore ls open, Lhere ls anoLher separaLe enLrance
Lo Lhe porLlon used for dwelllng, Lhe clrcumsLance ls

lf Lhe wlfe commlLs Lhe crlme of adulLery Lhe
aggravaLlng clrcumsLance of dwelllng can sLlll be

lf Lhe wlfe kllled her husband ln Lhe con[ugal house Lhe
aggravaLlng clrcumsLance of dwelllng cannoL be

lf Lhe employer raped Lhelr mald Lhe aggravaLlng
clrcumsLance of dwelllng cannoL be appreclaLed.

:* 9;<= >? =;G BG<C>CS HN IAHOH@<=>HC >C =;G

!* 1he provocaLlon musL be:
1. Clven by Lhe owner of Lhe dwelllng

2. SufflclenL

3. lmmedlaLe Lo Lhe commlsslon of Lhe

.H=G* lf all Lhese condlLlons are presenL, Lhe offended
parLy ls deemed Lo have glven Lhe provocaLlon, and
Lhe facL LhaL Lhe crlme ls commlLLed ln Lhe dwelllng of
Lhe offended parLy ls noL an aggravaLlng clrcumsLance.

!""# %& 3<>?@A=BC;?8= DE<?E +FF8?B 3><A<;C9 /<CG<9<BH
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %

:* 9;GC >? =;G <SSA<O<=>CS @>A@JB?=<C@G HN

1. When Lhe offender acLed wlLh passlon or
obfuscaLlon. (All Lhree clrcumsLances)

2. When Lhere exlsLs a relaLlonshlp beLween
Lhe offended parLy and Lhe offender.
(clrcumsLance of sex only), e.q. parrlclde,
rape, abducLlon and seducLlon.

3. When Lhe condlLlon of belng a woman ls
lndlspensable ln Lhe commlsslon of Lhe

\7 !42'$ -, "-.,&#$."$ -) -4+&-2'

:* 9;<= <AG =;G AGTJ>?>=G? HN <LJ?G HN @HCN>KGC@G
<? <C <SSA<O<=>CS @>A@JB?=<C@GF

1. Cffended parLy had LrusLed Lhe offender.

2. Cffender abused such LrusL by commlLLlng
a crlme agalnsL offended parLy.

3. Abuse of confldence faclllLaLed Lhe
commlsslon of Lhe crlme.

.H=G* 1hls ls aggravaLlng only when Lhe very offended
parLy ls Lhe one who reposed Lhe confldence.

:* %J?= =;G @HCN>KGC@G LG=EGGC =;G I<A=>G? LG

!* ?es, as would glve Lhe accused Lhe advanLage or
make lL easler for hlm Lo commlL Lhe crlme. 1he
confldence musL be a means of faclllLaLlng Lhe
commlsslon of a crlme.

:* &C E;<= @A>BG? >? <LJ?G HN @HCN>KGC@G >C;GAGC=F

1. MalversaLlon
2. Cuallfled LhefL
3. stofo by converslon or mlsapproprlaLlon
4. Cuallfled seducLlon

.H=G: Abuse of confldence ls noL consldered for Lhe
purpose of lncreaslng Lhe penalLy.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G AGTJ>?>=G? HN HLO>HJ?
JCSA<=GNJDCG?? <? <C <SSA<O<=>CS @>A@JB?=<C@GF

1. 1he offended parLy had LrusLed Lhe
2. 1he offender abused such LrusL by
commlLLlng a crlme agalnsL Lhe offended
3. 1he acL be commlLLed wlLh obvlous

.H=G* 1he ungraLefulness musL be such clear and
manlfesL lngraLlLude on Lhe parL of Lhe accused.

Abuse of confldence and obvlous ungraLefulness are
LreaLed as separaLe aggravaLlng clrcumsLances.

i7 8!0!"$ !.# 80!"$' -, 7"-%%&''&-.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G AGTJ>?>=G? HN I<D<@G <CK ID<@G? HN

!* 1he crlme be commlLLed:
1. ln Lhe palace of Lhe Chlef LxecuLlve, or
2. ln hls presence, or
3. Where publlc auLhorlLles are engaged ln
Lhe dlscharge of Lhelr duLles, or
4. ln a place dedlcaLed Lo rellglous worshlp.

:* &N =;G @A>BG >? >C =;G %<D<@<<CS I<D<@G HA
@;JA@;Q >? >= <DE<R? <SSA<O<=>CSF

!* ?es. 8egardless of wheLher or noL offlclal duLles
or rellglous funcLlons are belng conducLed. Chlef
LxecuLlve's presence alone ln any place where Lhe
crlme ls commlLLed ls enough Lo consLlLuLe Lhe
aggravaLlng clrcumsLance.

.H=G* 1he resldenL or Chlef LxecuLlve need noL be ln
Lhe alace Lo aggravaLe Lhe llablllLy of Lhe offender.

As regards oLher places where publlc auLhorlLles are
engaged ln Lhe dlscharge of Lhelr duLles, Lhere musL be
some performance of publlc funcLlons.

:* 'JIIH?>CSQ < @A>BG E<? @HBB>==GK >C =;G
IAG?>KGC=><D B<C?>HC7 "<C =;G <SSA<O<=>CS
@>A@JB?=<C@G HN I<D<@G HN =;G ";>GN $MG@J=>OG LG

!* no. 1he manslon ls noL Lhe palace.

:* !AG @GBG=GA>G? @HC?>KGAGK <? ID<@G? KGK>@<=GK

!* no. CemeLerles, however respecLable Lhey may
be, are noL consldered as place dedlcaLed Lo Lhe
worshlp of Cod.

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

.H=G* 1he place musL be dedlcaLed Lo publlc rellglous
worshlp. rlvaLe chapels noL lncluded.

1he offender musL have Lhe lnLenLlon Lo commlL a
crlme when he enLered Lhe place.

:* &? < IHDD>CS IAG@>C@= < IJLD>@ ID<@GF

!* A polllng preclncL ls a publlc place durlng elecLlon

:* 9;<= <AG =;G K>?=>C@=>HC? LG=EGGC I<A<SA<I; i
<CK I<A<SA<I; cF

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
9($)$ 8240&"
!2/(-)&/&$' !)$ $.3!3$#
&. /($ #&'"(!)3$ -, /($&)
#2/&$' Y8!)7 i^
"-./$%8/ -)
&.'20/ /- 8240&"
!2/(-)&/&$' Y8!)7 c^
<#"5' >+')' (3,#$5 23-F $& (')1*)!'2
ln Lhelr offlce. CuLslde of Lhelr offlce
B+' *11'%2'2 (")-F
May or may noL be Lhe publlc
ubllc auLhorlLy
should noL be Lhe
offended parLy.

.H=G* ln boLh, publlc auLhorlLles are ln Lhe
performance of Lhelr duLles.

]7 .&3(//&%$Q 2.&.(!4&/$# 80!"$ -) 4!.#

:* 9;<= <AG =;G AGTJ>?>=G?F

!* 1he crlme be commlLLed:
1. ln Lhe nlghLLlme, or
2. ln an unlnhablLed place, or
3. 8y a band.

:* 9;GC >? >= <SSA<O<=>CSF

!* When:
1. lL faclllLaLed Lhe commlsslon of Lhe crlme

2. lt especlolly sooqbt fot by Lhe offender Lo
ensure Lhe commlsslon of Lhe crlme or for
Lhe purpose of lmpunlLy

.H=G* Lspeclally soughL" means LhaL Lhe
offender soughL lL ln order Lo reallze Lhe
crlme wlLh more ease

lmpunlLy" means Lo prevenL hls (accused)
belng recognlzed or Lo secure hlmself
agalnsL deLecLlon and punlshmenL.

3. 1he offender took oJvootoqe Lhereof fot
tbe potpose of lmpoolty

.H=G* 1ook advanLage means LhaL Lhe
accused avalled hlmself Lhereof for Lhe
successful consummaLlon of hls plans.

:* 9;<= >? C>S;==>BGF

!* Nlqbttlme ot ooctotolty ls Lhe perlod of Llme
afLer sunseL Lo sunrlse, from dusk Lo dawn.

lL ls necessary LhaL Lhe commlsslon of Lhe crlme
was commenced and compleLed aL nlghLLlme.

:* 9;<= B<_G? =;>? @>A@JB?=<C@G <SSA<O<=>CSF

!* uarkness of Lhe nlghL. Pence when Lhe place of
Lhe crlme ls lllumlnaLed by llghL, nlghLLlme ls noL

.H=G* lL musL be shown LhaL Lhe offender dellberaLely
soughL Lhe cover of darkness and Lhe offender
purposely Look advanLage of nlghLLlme Lo faclllLaLe Lhe
commlsslon of Lhe offense.

:* 'JIIH?>CSQ =;G @A>BG E<? @HBB>==GK >C?>KG <
K<A_ BHO>G ;HJ?G <= <AHJCK \ I7B7 "<C =;G
<SSA<O<=>CS @>A@JB?=<C@G HN C>S;==>BG LG

!* no, because whaL should be especlally soughL for
ls Lhe darkness of nlghL, noL Lhe darkness of Lhe
movle house when Lhe llghLs were only off because
lL was only 4 ln Lhe afLernoon.

:* 'JIIH?>CSQ =;G @A>BG E<? @HBB>==GK >C?>KG <
=;G =>BG =;GC E<? Z I7B7 "<C =;G <SSA<O<=>CS
@>A@JB?=<C@G HN C>S;==>BG LG <IIAG@><=GKF

!* no, because even lf lL was nlghLLlme, Lhe place of
Lhe commlsslon was wellllghLed when Lhe crlme
was commlLLed.

:* 9;<= >? =;G AJDG >C =;G <IIAG@><=>HC HN
C>S;==>BG <CK =AG<@;GAR >N IAG?GC= >C =;G
@HBB>??>HC HN < @A>BGF

3)* nlghLLlme ls absorbed ln Lreachery.

`8.* Where boLh Lhe Lreacherous mode of
aLLack and nocLurnlLy were dellberaLely declded
upon, Lhey can be consldered separaLely lf such
clrcumsLances have dlfferenL facLual bases.

:* 9;<= >? <C JC>C;<L>=GK ID<@G M2'&(*,#"2*^F

!* lL ls where Lhere are no houses aL all, a place aL a
conslderable dlsLance from Lown, or where Lhe

!""# %& 3<>?@A=BC;?8= DE<?E +FF8?B 3><A<;C9 /<CG<9<BH
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
houses are scaLLered aL a greaL dlsLance from each

.H=G* lL ls deLermlned noL by Lhe dlsLance of Lhe
nearesL house Lo Lhe scene of Lhe crlme buL wheLher
or noL ln Lhe place of Lhe commlsslon of Lhe offense,
Lhere was a reasonable posslblllLy of Lhe vlcLlm
recelvlng some help.

:* 9;GC >? JC>C;<L>=GK ID<@G <SSA<O<=>CSF

!* 1o be aggravaLlng, lL ls necessary LhaL Lhe
offender Look advanLage of Lhe place and purposely
avalled of lL as Lo make lL easler Lo commlL Lhe

:* 9;<= >? < L<CKF

!* lL means LhaL Lhere are aL leasL four malefacLors
acLlng LogeLher ln Lhe commlsslon of Lhe offense.

.H=G* 8and ls absorbed ln Lhe clrcumsLance of abuse
of superlor sLrengLh.

under ArLlcle 306, Lhe mere formlng of a band even
wlLhouL Lhe commlsslon of a crlme ls already a crlme
so LhaL band ls noL aggravaLlng ln brlgandage because
Lhe band lLself ls Lhe way Lo commlL brlgandage.
Powever, where brlgandage ls acLually commlLLed,
band becomes aggravaLlng.

1hls aggravaLlng clrcumsLance ls noL appllcable ln
crlmes agalnsL chasLlLy.

:* &N HCG HN =;G NHJA <ABGK B<DGN<@=HA? E<? <
<SSA<O<=>CS @>A@JB?=<C@G HN < L<CKF

!* none. 8uL Lhe aggravaLlng clrcumsLance of
havlng acLed wlLh Lhe ald of armed men may be
consldered agalnsL Lhe lnducer lf Lhe oLher Lwo
acLed as hls accompllce.

j7 -. -""!'&-. -, "!0!%&/1 -) %&',-)/2.$

:* 9;<= >? =;G AG<?HC NHA =;G <SSA<O<=>HCF

!* 1he debased form of crlmlnallLy meL ln one who,
ln Lhe mldsL of a greaL calamlLy, lnsLead of lendlng
ald Lo Lhe affllcLed, adds Lo Lhelr sufferlng by Laklng
advanLage of Lhelr mlsforLune Lo despoll Lhem.

:* 2CKGA E;<= @>A@JB?=<C@G? >? =;G @A>BG

!* 1he crlme ls commlLLed on Lhe occaslon of a
conflagraLlon, shlpwreck, earLhquake, epldemlc or
oLher calamlLy or mlsforLune.

.H=G* Cffender musL Lake advanLage of Lhe calamlLy.

:* /H E;<= KHG? H=;GA @<D<B>=R HA B>?NHA=JCG

!* lL refers Lo oLher condlLlons of dlsLress slmllar Lo
Lhe precedlng enumeraLlon.

f7 !&# -, !)%$# %$.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=?F

!* 1he crlme be commlLLed wlLh Lhe ald of:

1. Armed men, or

2. ersons who lnsure or afford lmpunlLy

:* 9;<= <AG =;G AGTJ>?>=G? HN <>K HN <ABGK BGC <?
<C <SSA<O<=>CS @>A@JB?=<C@GF

1. Armed men or persons Look parL ln Lhe
commlsslon of Lhe crlme, dlrecLly or
2. Accused avalled hlmself of Lhelr ald or
relled upon Lhem when Lhe crlme was

.H=G* Arms ls noL llmlLed Lo flrearms, sLlcks and sLones

Ald of armed men lncludes armed women. (leople v.
llcop, C.k. No. l6061, Apt. 29, 1954)

:* 9;GC >? =;G @>A@JB?=<C@G HN <>K HN <ABGK BGC

1. 8oLh Lhe aLLacklng parLy and Lhe parLy
aLLacked were equally armed.

2. Accused as well as Lhose who cooperaLed
wlLh hlm ln Lhe commlsslon of Lhe crlme
acLed under Lhe same plan and for Lhe
same purpose.

3. When Lhe oLhers were only casually
presenL" and Lhe offender dld noL avall
hlmself of any of Lhelr ald or when he dld
noL knowlngly counL upon Lhelr asslsLance
ln Lhe commlsslon of Lhe crlme.

:* 9;<= <SSA<O<=>CS @>A@JB?=<C@G E>DD LG

!* lf Lhere are four armed men, ald of armed men ls
absorbed ln employmenL of a band.

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

lf Lhere are Lhree armed men or less, ald of armed
men may be Lhe aggravaLlng clrcumsLance.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G K>?=>C@=>HC? LG=EGGC < @A>BG
I<A<SA<I; fF

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
41 ! 4!.#
9&/( /($ !&# -, !)%$#
8equlres more Lhan
AL leasL Lwo
8equlres LhaL more Lhan
Lhree armed malefacLors
shall have acLed LogeLher
ln Lhe commlsslon of Lhe
1hls clrcumsLance ls
presenL even lf one of Lhe
offenders merely relled
on Lhelr ald ls noL
8and members are all
Armed men are mere

,-)%' -, )$8$/&/&-. -) (!4&/2!0&/1 -, /($

:* 9;<= <AG =;G K>NNGAGC= NHAB? HN AGIG=>=>HC HA

1. 8ecldlvlsm
2. keltetocloo
3. PablLual dellnquency
4. Cuaslrecldlvlsm

Z7 )$"&#&+&'%

:* 9;<= <AG =;G AGTJ>?>=G? HN AG@>K>O>?BF

1. Cffender ls on Lrlal for one crlme
2. Pe was prevlously convlcLed by flnal
[udgmenL of anoLher crlme
3. 8oLh Lhe flrsL and second offenses are
embraced ln Lhe same LlLle of Lhe 8C
4. Cffender ls convlcLed of Lhe new offense

:* 9;<= >? =;G BG<C>CS HN U"- -+' -$!' *1 +$& -)$"#
1*) *%' 5)$!'.L

!* lL ls employed ln lLs generlc sense, lncludlng Lhe
renderlng of Lhe [udgmenL. lL ls meanL Lo lnclude
everyLhlng LhaL ls done ln Lhe course of Lhe Lrlal,
from arralgnmenL unLll afLer senLence ls announced
by Lhe [udge ln open courL.

:* 9;<= >? =;G AG<?HC NHA @HC?>KGA>CS AG@>K>O>?B <?
<C <SSA<O<=>CS @>A@JB?=<C@GF

!* 1he law conslders Lhls aggravaLlng because when
a person has been commlLLlng felonles embraced ln
Lhe same LlLle, Lhe lmpllcaLlon ls LhaL he ls
speclallzlng on such klnd of crlme and Lhe law
wanLs Lo prevenL any speclallzaLlon.

.H=G* lL ls necessary Lo allege recldlvlsm ln Lhe
lnformaLlon, buL lf Lhe defense does noL ob[ecL Lo Lhe
presenLaLlon of evldence durlng Lhe Lrlal and Lhe same
was proven, Lhe courL shall conslder such aggravaLlng
clrcumsLance because lL ls only generlc.

:7 &? AG@>K>O>?B ?JLXG@= =H IAG?@A>I=>HCF

!* no. no maLLer how long ago Lhe offender was
convlcLed, lf he ls subsequenLly convlcLed of a crlme
embraced ln Lhe same LlLle of Lhe 8evlsed enal
Code, lL ls Laken lnLo accounL as aggravaLlng ln
lmposlng Lhe penalLy (leople v. colocot, 60 lbll.

:* #HG? I<AKHC GA<?G AG@>K>O>?BF

!* no, because pardon only excuses Lhe servlce of
Lhe penalLy, buL noL Lhe convlcLlon. (u.5. v. 5otelo,
28 lbll. 147)

:* &? >= CG@G??<AR =;<= =;G @HCO>@=>HC @HBG >C =;G

!* ?es. Pence, Lhere ls no recldlvlsm lf Lhe
subsequenL convlcLlon ls for an offense commlLLed
before Lhe offense lnvolved ln Lhe prlor convlcLlon.

.H=G: lf boLh offenses were commlLLed on Lhe same
daLe, Lhey shall be consldered as only one, hence, Lhey
cannoL be separaLely counLed ln order Lo consLlLuLe
recldlvlsm. Also, [udgmenLs of convlcLlon handed down
on Lhe same day shall be consldered as only one

:* &C 6ZfgQ ` @HBB>==GK AHLLGAR7 9;>DG =;G @<?G
E<? LG>CS =A>GKQ ;G @HBB>==GK =;GN= >C 6Zf[7 (G
HN =;GN= <D?H >C 6Zf[7 /;G =A><D NHA ;>? G<AD>GA @A>BG
E;>@; E<? AHLLGAR GCKGK >C 6Zf\ E;GAG ;G E<?
<D?H @HCO>@=GK7 &? =;G <@@J?GK < AG@>K>O>?=F

!* 1he accused ls noL a recldlvlsL. 1he subsequenL
convlcLlon musL refer Lo a felony commlLLed laLer ln
order Lo consLlLuLe recldlvlsm. 1he reason for Lhls
ls, aL Lhe Llme Lhe flrsL crlme was commlLLed, Lhere
was no oLher crlme of whlch he was convlcLed so he
cannoL be regarded as a repeaLer.

:* 'JIIH?>CSQ =;G N>A?= HNNGC?G E<? <@=? HN
D<?@>O>HJ?CG?? >C 6ZfgQ =;GC =;G ?G@HCK HNNGC?G >C
cgg] E<? <==GBI=GK A<IG7 "<C =;G <SSA<O<=>CS
@>A@JB?=<C@G HN AG@>K>O>?B LG <IIAG@><=GKF

!""# %& 3<>?@A=BC;?8= DE<?E +FF8?B 3><A<;C9 /<CG<9<BH
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
!* no. AcLs of lasclvlousness and aLLempLed rape
are noL embraced ln Lhe same LlLle of Lhe 8C, acLs
of lasclvlousness ls under crlmes agalnsL chasLlLy
whlle aLLempLed rape ls under crlmes agalnsL

:* 'JIIH?>CSQ =;G N>A?= HNNGC?G >C 6Zfg E<?
<==GBI=GK A<IGQ =;GCQ =;G ?G@HCK HNNGC?G >C cgg]
E<? <@=? HN D<?@>O>HJ?CG??7 "<C =;G <SSA<O<=>CS
@>A@JB?=<C@G HN AG@>K>O>?B LG <IIAG@><=GKF

!* ?es, because aLLempLed rape Lhen ln 1980 was
embraced under crlmes agalnsL chasLlLy, hence,
boLh crlmes are embraced ln Lhe same LlLle of Lhe
.H=G* lf recldlvlsm and relLeraclon are boLh presenL,
only recldlvlsm should be appreclaLed, recldlvlsm
belng easler Lo prove.
lf Lhe same seL of facLs consLlLuLes recldlvlsm and
relLeraclon, Lhe llablllLy of Lhe accused should be
aggravaLed by recldlvlsm, whlch can easlly be proven.
6g7 A@CB@A0:C8E

:* 9;<= <AG =;G AGTJ>?>=G? HN )'$-')"5$*%F

1. Accused ls on Lrlal for an offense
2. Pe prevlously served senLence for
a. AnoLher offense Lo whlch Lhe law
aLLaches an equal or greaLer penalLy,
b. 1wo or more crlmes Lo whlch lL
aLLaches a llghLer penalLy Lhan LhaL
for Lhe new offense.
3. Pe ls convlcLed of Lhe new offense.

:* &N =;G IGC<D=R <==<@;GK =H =;G NGDHCR

!* no. Pence, teltetocloo ls noL always aggravaLlng.
Powever, when Lhere ls a Lhlrd convlcLlon, even lf
Lhe penalLy for Lhe subsequenL crlmes commlLLed
be llghLer Lhan Lhe ones already served, Lhe
offender ls already a repeaLer.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G K>?=>C@=>HC? LG=EGGC )'$-')"5$*%

A@CB@A0:C8E )$"&#&+&'%
lL ls necessary LhaL
offender has served ouL
hls senLence for Lhe 1

lL ls enough LhaL Lhe flnal
[udgmenL has been
rendered for Lhe 1

offense offense.
revlous and subsequenL
offense musL noL be
embraced ln Lhe same
LlLle of 8C
revlous and subsequenL
offense musL be lncluded
ln Lhe same LlLle of 8C
noL always an
aggravaLlng clrcumsLance
Always Laken lnLo
conslderaLlon ln flxlng Lhe
penalLy Lo be lmposed
upon Lhe accused

(!4&/2!0 #$0&:2$."1

:* 9;<= >? ;<L>=J<D KGD>CTJGC@RF

!* A speclal aggravaLlng clrcumsLance whlch has Lhe
effecL of lncreaslng Lhe penalLy and lmposlng an
addlLlonal penalLy whlch escalaLes wlLh Lhe lncrease
ln Lhe number of convlcLlons.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G AGTJ>?>=G? HN ;<L>=J<D

!* A person ls a hablLual dellnquenL lf:
1. WlLhln a perlod of 10 years from Lhe daLe
of hls release or lasL convlcLlon,
2. Cf Lhe crlmes of falslflcaLlon, robbery,
estofo, LhefL, serlous or less serlous
physlcal ln[urles,
3. Pe ls found gullLy of sald crlmes a Lhlrd
Llme or ofLener.

.H=G* 1o be a hablLual dellnquenL, Lhe law requlres a
convlcLlon. 1he 2
convlcLlon musL be commlLLed
wlLhln 10 years from Lhe 1sL convlcLlon or release from
prlson, from Lhe 2
Lo Lhe 3
convlcLlon, Lhe perlod
musL noL be more Lhan 10 years from Lhe second
convlcLlon and so on.

PablLual dellnquency, belng a speclal aggravaLlng
clrcumsLance cannoL be appreclaLed unless alleged ln
Lhe lnformaLlon.

:* "<C <C HNNGCKGA LG < AG@>K>O>?= <CK < ;<L>=J<D
KGD>CTJGC= <= =;G ?<BG =>BGF

!m ?es.


lf Lhe 1
convlcLlon ls for serlous physlcal ln[urles or
less serlous physlcal ln[urles and Lhe 2
convlcLlon ls
for robbery, LhefL or esLafa and Lhe 3
ls for
falslflcaLlon, Lhen Lhe momenL Lhe hablLual dellnquenL
ls on hls fourLh convlcLlon, he ls a hablLual dellnquenL
and aL Lhe same Llme a recldlvlsL because aL leasL, Lhe
fourLh Llme wlll have Lo fall under any of Lhe Lhree

.H=G* When Lhe offender ls a recldlvlsL and aL Lhe
same Llme a hablLual dellnquenL, Lhe penalLy for Lhe

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

crlme for whlch he wlll be convlcLed wlll be lncreased
Lo Lhe maxlmum perlod, unless offseL by a mlLlgaLlng
clrcumsLance. AfLer deLermlnlng Lhe correcL penalLy
for Lhe lasL crlme commlLLed, an added penalLy wlll be
lmposed ln accordance wlLh ArLlcle 62.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G K>?=>C@=>HC? LG=EGGC ;<L>=J<D

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
(!4&/2!0 #$0&.:2$."1 )$"&#&+&'%
AL leasL Lhree convlcLlons
are requlred
1wo convlcLlons are
1he crlmes are speclfled
and llmlLed Lo: (a) serlous
physlcal ln[urles (b) less
serlous physlcal ln[urles
(c)robbery (d) LhefL, (e)
esLafa or swlndllng and (f)
1he crlmes are noL
speclfled. lL ls enough
LhaL Lhey may be
embraced under Lhe
same LlLle of Lhe 8C
1here ls a Llme llmlL of
noL more Lhan 10 years
beLween every convlcLlon
1here ls no Llme llmlL
beLween Lhe 1

convlcLlon and Lhe
subsequenL convlcLlon.
8ecldlvlsm ls
PablLual dellnquency ls a
speclal aggravaLlng
clrcumsLance, hence lL
cannoL be offseL by any
mlLlgaLlng clrcumsLance.
lL ls a generlc aggravaLlng
clrcumsLance whlch can
be offseL by an ordlnary
mlLlgaLlng clrcumsLance.
lf noL offseL, lL would only
lncrease Lhe penalLy
prescrlbed by law for Lhe
crlme commlLLed Lo lLs
maxlmum perlod.
1he clrcumsLance musL
be alleged ln Lhe
lnformaLlon, oLherwlse
Lhe courL cannoL acqulre
[urlsdlcLlon Lo lmpose Lhe
1he clrcumsLance need
noL be alleged ln Lhe


:* 9;<= >? TJ<?>AG@>K>O>?BF

!* OooslteclJlvlsm ls a speclal aggravaLlng
clrcumsLance where a person, afLer havlng been
convlcLed by flnal [udgmenL, shall commlL a new
felony before beglnnlng Lo serve such senLence, or
whlle servlng Lhe same.

.H=G* 1o be appreclaLed, quaslrecldlvlsm musL be
speclflcally alleged ln Lhe lnformaLlon.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN TJ<?>AG@>K>O>?BF

1. Cffender was already convlcLed by flnal
[udgmenL of one offense
2. Pe commlLLed a new felony before
beglnnlng Lo serve such senLence or whlle
servlng Lhe same

.H=G* 1he offender musL be servlng senLence by vlrLue
of flnal [udgmenL Lo Lrlgger Lhe appllcaLlon of ArL. 160.

:* 9;GC >? !A=7 6]g <IID>@<LDGF

!* ArL. 160 applles alLhough Lhe nexL offense ls
dlfferenL ln characLer from Lhe former offense for
whlch Lhe defendanL ls servlng senLence. lL makes
no dlfference wheLher Lhe crlme for whlch an
accused ls servlng senLence aL Lhe Llme of Lhe
commlsslon of Lhe offense charged, falls under Lhe
8C or under a speclal law.

.H=G* llrsL crlme for whlch Lhe offender ls servlng
senLence need noL be a crlme under Lhe 8C buL Lhe
second crlme musL be one under Lhe 8C. So LhaL lf a
prlsoner ls servlng senLence for homlclde and laLer on
found gullLy of vlolaLlon of Lhe AnLluangerous urugs
Law or lllegal ossesslon of llrearms, Lhls provlslon ls
noL vlolaLed. 1he reverse however, LhaL ls where he ls
servlng senLence for lllegal ossesslon of llrearms (or
any crlme for LhaL maLLer) and Lhen commlLLed
homlclde whlch ls a vlolaLlon of Lhe 8C, makes Lhls
arLlcle appllcable.

:* 9;<= >? =;G XJ?=>N>@<=>HC NHA >BIH?>CS < ?GOGAG

!* 1he severe penalLy ls [usLlfled because of hls
perverslLy and lncorrlglblllLy.

:* 9;<= >? =;G K>NNGAGC@G LG=EGGC TJ<?>
HNN?G==>CS HN B>=>S<=>CS @>A@JB?=<C@G >? @HC@GACGKF

:2!'&)$"&#&+&'% )$"&#&+&'% 8)-8$)
uoes noL requlre LhaL Lhe
offense for whlch Lhe
convlcL ls servlng and Lhe
new felony commlLLed
are embraced ln Lhe same
LlLle of Lhe Code.
lL requlres LhaL boLh Lhe
flrsL and Lhe second
offenses musL embraced
ln Lhe same LlLle of Lhe
1he aggravaLlng
clrcumsLances of
recldlvlsm may noL be
offseL by any ordlnary
mlLlgaLlng clrcumsLance
presenL ln Lhe
commlsslon of Lhe crlme.
1he aggravaLlng
clrcumsLances of
recldlvlsm may be offseL
by any ordlnary
mlLlgaLlng clrcumsLance
presenL ln Lhe
commlsslon of Lhe crlme.

.H=G* lL does noL requlre LhaL Lhe Lwo offenses are
embraced ln Lhe same LlLle ln Lhe 8C.

:* 9;GC @<C < TJ<?>AG@>K>O>?= LG I<AKHCGKF

!""# %& 3<>?@A=BC;?8= DE<?E +FF8?B 3><A<;C9 /<CG<9<BH
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
1. When he has reached Lhe age of 70 and
has already served ouL hls orlglnal
senLence, or
2. When he shall compleLe lL afLer reachlng
sald age

`8.* unless by reason of hls conducL or oLher
clrcumsLances, he shall noL be worLhy of such

.H=G* Cuaslrecldlvlsm may be offseL by speclal
prlvlleged mlLlgaLlng clrcumsLances noL by ordlnary
mlLlgaLlng clrcumsLances.

lf boLh recldlvlsm and quaslrecldlvlsm are presenL,
quaslrecldlvlsm should be appreclaLed ln as much as lL
lndlcaLes greaLer penalLy on Lhe parL of Lhe accused
and ls a speclal aggravaLlng clrcumsLance.
667 &. "-.'&#$)!/&-. -, ! 8)&"$
)$9!)# -) 8)-%&'$

:* 9;<= <AG =;G AGTJ>?>=G? JCKGA =;>? I<A<SA<I;F

1. 1here are aL leasL Lwo prlnclpals
a. rlnclpal by lnducemenL
b. rlnclpal by dlrecL parLlclpaLlon

2. 1he prlce, reward, or promlse should be
prevlous Lo and ln conslderaLlon of Lhe
commlsslon of Lhe crlmlnal acL.

.H=G* lf wlLhouL prevlous promlse, lL was glven
volunLarlly afLer Lhe crlme had been commlLLed, lL
should noL be Laken lnLo conslderaLlon for Lhe purpose
of lncreaslng Lhe penalLy.

:* #HG? =;>? <SSA<O<=>CS @>A@JB?=<C@G <NNG@= =;G

!* ?es. 1hls aggravaLlng clrcumsLance affecLs or
aggravaLes noL only Lhe crlmlnal llablllLy of Lhe
recelver of Lhe prlce, reward or promlse buL also
Lhe crlmlnal llablllLy of Lhe one glvlng Lhe offer.

kotlo. When Lhere ls a promlse, reward or prlce
offered or glven as a conslderaLlon for Lhe commlsslon
of Lhe crlme, Lhe person maklng Lhe offer ls an lnducer,
a prlnclpal by lnducemenL, whlle Lhe person recelvlng
Lhe prlce, reward or promlse who would execuLe Lhe
crlme ls a prlnclpal by dlrecL parLlclpaLlon. 1hey are
boLh prlnclpals hence, Lhelr penalLles are Lhe same.

.H=G* 1he prlce, reward or promlse need noL conslsL of
or refer Lo maLerlal Lhlngs or LhaL Lhe same were
acLually dellvered, lL belng sufflclenL LhaL Lhe offer
made by Lhe prlnclpal by lnducemenL be accepLed by
Lhe prlnclpal by dlrecL parLlclpaLlon before Lhe
commlsslon of Lhe offense.

1o conslder Lhls clrcumsLance, Lhe prlce, reward, or
promlse musL be Lhe prlmary reason or Lhe prlmordlal
moLlve for Lhe commlsslon of Lhe crlme. 1hus, lf A
approached 8 and Lold Lhe laLLer whaL he LhoughL of x,
and 8 answered he ls a bad man" Lo whlch A reLorLed,
you see l am golng Lo klll hlm Lhls afLernoon". And so,
8 Lold hlm, lf you do LhaL l'll glve you 3,000.00" and
afLer kllllng x, A agaln approached 8, Lold hlm he had
already kllled x, and 8 ln compllance wlLh hls promlse,
dellvered Lhe 3,000.00. ln Lhls case, Lhe aggravaLlng
clrcumsLance ls noL presenL.

6c7 41 %$!.' -, &.2.#!/&-.Q ,&)$Q $/" 7

:* 9;<= <AG =;G <SSA<O<=>CS @>A@JB?=<C@G? JCKGA
=;>? I<A<SA<I;F

!* lf Lhe crlme ls commlLLed by means of:
1. lnundaLlon
2. llre
3. Lxploslon
4. SLrandlng of Lhe vessel or lnLenLlonal
damage LhereLo
3. uerallmenL of locomoLlve, or
6. 8y use of any oLher arLlflce lnvolvlng greaL
wasLe and ruln.

.H=G* Any of Lhese clrcumsLances cannoL be
consldered Lo lncrease Lhe penalLy or Lo change Lhe
naLure of Lhe offense, unless used by Lhe offender as
means Lo accompllsh a crlmlnal purpose.

When used as a means Lo klll a person, lL quallfles Lhe
crlme Lo murder.

noL aggravaLlng when Lhe law ln deflnlng Lhe crlme
lncludes Lhem. .q. llre ls noL aggravaLlng ln Lhe crlme
of arson.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G AJDG? <? =H =;G J?G HN N>AGF

1. loteot wos ooly to boto bot someboJy
JleJ - slmple arson buL wlLh speclflc
2. lf flte wos oseJ os o meoos to klll -
3. lf flte wos oseJ to cooceol tbe klllloq
separaLe crlmes of arson and

6[7 $+&#$./ 8)$%$#&/!/&-.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G AGTJ>?>=G? HN GO>KGC=

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

1. 1lme when offender deLermlned Lo
commlL Lhe crlme,
2. AcL manlfesLly lndlcaLlng LhaL he has clung
Lo lLs deLermlnaLlon,
3. SufflclenL lapse of Llme beLween Lhe
deLermlnaLlon and execuLlon, Lo allow
hlm Lo reflecL upon Lhe consequences of
hls acL and Lo allow hls consclence Lo
overcome Lhe resoluLlon of hls wlll.

.H=G* remedlLaLlon musL be clear. lL musL be based
upon exLernal acLs and noL presumed from mere lapse
of Llme. lL musL appear LhaL Lhe offender clung Lo hls
deLermlnaLlon Lo commlL Lhe crlme.

ln leople v. Mojlco, 10 5ckA 515, Lhe lapse of one hour
and forLyflve mlnuLes (4:13 p.m. Lo 6 p.m.) was
consldered by Lhe Supreme CourL as sufflclenL. ln
leople v. coboJoc, 26J 5ckA 187, where aL 1:00 p.m.,
Lhe accused opened hls ballsong and uLLered l wlll klll
hlm," and aL 4:30 p.m. of Lhe sald daLe, Lhe accused
sLabbed Lhe vlcLlm, lL was held LhaL Lhe lapse of Lhree
and a half hours (3 x hours) from Lhe lncepLlon of Lhe
plan Lo Lhe execuLlon of Lhe crlme saLlsfled Lhe lasL
requlslLe of evldenL premedlLaLlon.

:* 9;<= >? =;G G??GC@G HN IAGBGK>=<=>HCF

!* 1he execuLlon of Lhe crlmlnal acL musL be
preceded by cool LhoughL and reflecLlon upon Lhe
resoluLlon Lo carry ouL Lhe crlmlnal lnLenL durlng
Lhe space of Llme sufflclenL Lo arrlve aL a calm
")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA

:* "<C =;GAG LG GO>KGC= IAGBGK>=<=>HC E;GC =;G
_>DD>CS >? <@@>KGC=<DF

!* no. ln evldenL premedlLaLlon, Lhere musL be a
clear reflecLlon on Lhe parL of Lhe offender. lf Lhe
kllllng was accldenLal, Lhere was no evldenL

:* 9;<= >N =;G O>@=>B >? K>NNGAGC= NAHB =;<=

!* When Lhe vlcLlm ls dlfferenL from LhaL lnLended,
premedlLaLlon ls noL aggravaLlng alLhough lL ls noL
necessary LhaL Lhere ls a plan Lo klll a parLlcular
person for premedlLaLlon Lo exlsL.

6\7 ")!,/Q ,)!2# -) #&'32&'$

:* 9;<= BJ?= LG <==GCK<C= >C HAKGA NHA =;>?
@>A@JB?=<C@G =H LG <IIAG@><=GKF

!* 1o be appreclaLed, Lhese clrcumsLances musL
have faclllLaLed or be Laken advanLage of by Lhe
offender ln Lhe commlsslon of a crlme.

.H=G* Accordlng Lo !usLlce 8egalado, Lhe flne
dlsLlncLlons beLween crafL and fraud would noL really
be called for as Lhese Lerms ln ArL 14 are varlanLs of
means employed Lo decelve Lhe vlcLlm and lf all are
presenL ln Lhe same case, Lhey shall be applled as a
slngle aggravaLlng clrcumsLance.

:* 9;<= >? @A<N=F

!* ctoft lnvolves lnLellecLual Lrlckery and cunnlng
on Lhe parL of Lhe accused ln order noL Lo arouse
Lhe susplclon of Lhe vlcLlm.

1. A person who preLended Lo be a cusLomer,
Lhen, robbed Lhe place
2. A person who preLended Lo be a Meralco
offlclal, Lhen commlLLed a crlme

:* 9;<= >? NA<JKF

!* ltooJ are decelLful words or machlnaLlons used
Lo lnduce Lhe vlcLlm Lo acL ln a manner whlch
enables Lhe offender Lo carry ouL hls deslgn.

:* 9;<= >? =;G K>?=>C@=>HC LG=EGGC NA<JK <CK

,)!2# ")!,/
Where Lhere ls a dlrecL
lnducemenL by lnsldlous
words or machlnaLlons,
fraud ls presenL.
1he acL of Lhe accused
done ln order noL Lo
arouse susplclon of Lhe
vlcLlm consLlLuLe crafL.

.H=G* CrafL and fraud may be absorbed ln Lreachery lf
Lhey have been dellberaLely adopLed as means,
meLhods or forms for Lhe Lreacherous sLraLegy, or Lhey
may coexlsL lndependenLly where Lhey are adopLed
for a dlfferenL purpose ln Lhe commlsslon of Lhe crlme.

:* 9;<= >? K>?SJ>?GF

!* ulsqolse means resorLlng Lo any devlce Lo
conceal ldenLlLy.

1. 1he LesL of dlsgulse ls wheLher Lhe devlce or
conLrlvance resorLed Lo by Lhe offender was
lnLended Lo make ldenLlflcaLlon more
2. 1he use of an assumed name ln Lhe
publlcaLlon of a llbel consLlLuLes dlsgulse

:* &? >= CG@G??<AR =;<= =;G <@@J?GK LG <LDG =H ;>KG
;>? >KGC=>=R <DD =;AHJS;HJ= =;G @HBB>??>HC HN =;G

!""# %& 3<>?@A=BC;?8= DE<?E +FF8?B 3><A<;C9 /<CG<9<BH
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
!* no. 1he accused musL be able Lo hlde hls ldenLlLy
durlng Lhe lnlLlal sLage lf noL all LhroughouL Lhe
commlsslon of Lhe crlme and hls ldenLlLy musL have
been dlscovered only laLer on Lo conslder Lhls
aggravaLlng clrcumsLance.

:* 9;<= >? =;G =G?= >C HAKGA =H KG=GAB>CG >N
K>?SJ>?G GM>?=F

!* WheLher Lhe devlce or conLrlvance resorLed Lo
by Lhe offender was lnLended Lo or dld make
ldenLlflcaLlon more dlfflculL, such as Lhe use of a
mask or false halr or beard. lf ln splLe of Lhe
dlsgulse, Lhe offender was recognlzed, dlsgulse
cannoL be aggravaLlng.

:* 9;<= >? =;G K>?=>C@=>HC <BHCS "A<N=Q ,A<JKQ <CK

")!,/ ,)!2# #&'32&'$
lnvolves Lhe use
of lnLellecLual
Lrlckery and
cunnlng noL Lo
arouse Lhe
susplclon of Lhe
lnvolves Lhe use
of dlrecL
lnducemenL by
lnsldlous words
or machlnaLlons
lnvolves Lhe
use of devlse
Lo conceal

6i7 !42'$ -, '28$)&-) '/)$.3/( -) %$!.'
/- 9$!5$. #$,$.'$

:* 9;<= >? <LJ?G HN ?JIGA>HA ?=AGCS=;F

!* 1o use purposely excesslve force ouL of
proporLlon wlLh Lhe means of defense avallable Lo
Lhe person aLLacked.

1here musL be evldence of noLorlous lnequallLy of
forces beLween Lhe offender and Lhe offended
parLy ln Lhelr age, slze and sLrengLh, and LhaL Lhe
offender Look advanLage of such superlor sLrengLh
ln commlLLlng Lhe crlme.

.H=G* Abuse of superlor sLrengLh ls lnherenL ln Lhe
crlme of parrlclde where Lhe husband kllls Lhe wlfe. lL
ls generally accepLed LhaL Lhe husband ls physlcally
sLronger Lhan Lhe wlfe.

:* &? =;G BGAG N<@= =;<= =;GAG EGAG =EH IGA?HC?
E;H <==<@_GK =;G O>@=>B GCHJS; =H @HC?=>=J=G

!* no. lL musL be shown LhaL Lhe offenders have
Laken advanLage of Lhelr collecLlve sLrengLh Lo
overpower Lhelr relaLlvely weaker vlcLlm or vlcLlms.

:* 9;<= >? =;G BG<C>CS HN U"26"%-"4' ,' -"U'%VF

!* lL means Lo dellberaLely use excesslve force LhaL
ls ouL of proporLlon Lo Lhe means for selfdefense
avallable Lo Lhe person aLLacked. (leople v.

!* lL exlsLs when Lhe offended parLy's reslsLlng
power ls maLerlally weakened.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G AGTJ>?>=G? HN BG<C? =H EG<_GC

1. Means were purposely soughL Lo weaken
Lhe defense of Lhe vlcLlm Lo reslsL Lhe
2. 1he means used musL noL LoLally
ellmlnaLe posslble defense of Lhe vlcLlm,
oLherwlse, lL wlll fall under Lreachery.

:* &C E;<= @<?G? >? >= <IID>@<LDGF

!* lL ls appllcable only Lo crlmes agalnsL persons,
and someLlmes Lo crlmes agalnsL properLy, such as
robbery wlLh homlclde.

.H=G* Means Lo weaken Lhe defense ls absorbed ln

6]7 /)$!"($)1

:* 9;<= >? =AG<@;GARF

!* 1teocbety (alevlosa) refers Lo Lhe employmenL of
means, meLhod, or form ln Lhe commlsslon of Lhe
crlme whlch Lend dlrecLly and speclally Lo lnsure lLs
execuLlon wlLhouL rlsk Lo hlmself arlslng from Lhe
defense whlch Lhe offended parLy mlghL make.



1. Appllcable only Lo crlmes agalnsL persons.
2. Means, meLhods, or forms need noL lnsure
accompllshmenL of crlme
3. Mode of aLLack musL be LhoughL of by Lhe
offender, and musL noL sprlng from Lhe
unexpecLed Lurn of evenLs.

1reachery cannoL coexlsL wlLh passlon or obfuscaLlon
(leople v. looseosoy, C.k. No. 1406J4, 5ept. 12, 2002)

:* 9;<= >? =;G =G?= HN =AG<@;GARF

!* 1he LesL of Lreachery ls noL only Lhe relaLlve
poslLlon of Lhe parLles buL more speclflcally
wheLher or noL Lhe vlcLlm was forewarned or

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

afforded Lhe opporLunlLy Lo make a defense or Lo
ward off Lhe aLLack.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G AGTJ>?>=G? HN =AG<@;GARF

1. AL Lhe Llme of Lhe aLLack, vlcLlm was noL
ln Lhe poslLlon Lo defend hlmself

2. Cffender consclously adopLed Lhe
parLlcular means, meLhod or form of
aLLack employed by hlm.

.H=G* 1he locaLlon of Lhe wounds does noL glve rlse Lo
Lhe presumpLlon of Lhe presence of Lreachery.

:* 9;<= >? =;G G??GC@G HN =AG<@;GARF

!* 1he essence of Lreachery ls LhaL by vlrLue of Lhe
means, meLhod or form employed by Lhe offender,
Lhe offended parLy was noL able Lo puL up any

:* 9;GC >? =AG<@;GAR <L?GC=F

!* 1reachery ls ouL when Lhe aLLack was merely
lncldenLal or accldenLal because ln Lhe deflnlLlon of
Lreachery, Lhe lmpllcaLlon ls LhaL Lhe offender had
consclously and dellberaLely adopLed Lhe meLhod,
means and form used or employed by hlm.
")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA

.H=G* Suddenness of Lhe aLLack does noL by lLself
consLlLuLe Lreachery ln Lhe absence of evldence LhaL
Lhe manner of Lhe aLLack was consclously adopLed by
Lhe offender Lo render Lhe offended parLy defenseless
excepL lf Lhe vlcLlms are chlldren of Lender years.

:* 9;<= <AG =;H?G >C?=<C@G? =;<= B<R LG <L?HALGK

1. Abuse of superlor sLrengLh
2. Ald of armed men
3. 8y a band
4. Means Lo weaken Lhe defense
3. CrafL
6. nlghLLlme

:* %J?= =AG<@;GAR LG IAG?GC= <= =;G LGS>CC>CS HN
=;G <??<JD=F

!* lL depends.
1. wbeo tbe oqqtessloo ls cootloooos
Lreachery musL be presenL aL Lhe
beglnnlng of Lhe assaulL.
2. wbeo tbe ossoolt wos oot cootloooos lL ls
sufflclenL LhaL Lreachery was presenL
when Lhe faLal blow was glven.

.H=G* Alevosla should be consldered even lf:

1. 1he vlcLlm was noL predeLermlned buL Lhere
was generlc lnLenL Lo Lreacherously klll any
flrsL Lwo persons belonglng Lo a class.
2. 1here was obettotlo lctos and Lhe bulleL hlL
a person dlfferenL from LhaL lnLended.
3. 1here was ettot lo petsoooe, hence, Lhe
vlcLlm was noL Lhe one lnLended by Lhe

:* 'JIIH?>CSQ =;G O>@=>B ;>K LG;>CK < KAJB E;GAG
HNNGCKGAQ _CHE>CS =;<= =;G O>@=>B E<? ;>K>CS
LG;>CK =;G KAJB ?;H= <= =;G KAJB7 /;G LJDDG=
IGCG=A<=GK =;G KAJB <CK ;>= =;G O>@=>B E;>@;
@<J?GK ;>? KG<=;7 "<C =;G <SSA<O<=>CS

!* ?es. 1he vlcLlm was noL ln a poslLlon Lo defend

:* 9;<= >? =;G K>?=>C@=>HC <BHCS /AG<@;GARQ !LJ?G

!42'$ -,
/- 9$!5$.
Means, meLhods
or forms are
employed by Lhe
offender Lo make
lL lmposslble or
hard for Lhe
offended parLy Lo
puL any sorL of
Cffender does
noL employ
means, meLhods
or forms of
aLLack, he only
Lakes advanLage
of hls superlor
Means are
employed buL
lL maLerlally
weakens Lhe
power of Lhe

6j7 &3.-%&.1

:* /H E;<= KHG? >SCHB>CR IGA=<>C =HF

!* lL perLalns Lo Lhe moral order, whlch adds
dlsgrace Lo Lhe maLerlal ln[ury caused by Lhe crlme.
lgnomlny adds lnsulL Lo ln[ury or adds shame Lo Lhe
naLural effecLs of Lhe crlme. lgnomlny shocks Lhe
moral consclence of man.

1. A marrled woman belng raped before Lhe
eyes of her husband.
2. 8aplng a woman from behlnd
3. AfLer havlng been kllled, Lhe body was
Lhrown lnLo plle or garbage.
4. Accused embraced and klssed Lhe
offended parLy noL ouL of lusL buL ouL of
anger ln fronL of many people
3. vlcLlm was raped successlvely by flve men.

!""# %& 3<>?@A=BC;?8= DE<?E +FF8?B 3><A<;C9 /<CG<9<BH
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %

:* 9;<= <AG =;G AGTJ>?>=G? NHA >SCHB>CRF
1. Crlme musL be agalnsL
a. ChasLlLy
b. less serlous physlcal ln[urles
c. llghL or grave coerclon
d. murder

2. 1he clrcumsLance made Lhe crlme more
humlllaLlng and shameful for Lhe vlcLlm.

.H=G* lgnomlny ls noL presenL where Lhe vlcLlm
was already dead when such acLs were
commlLLed agalnsL hls body or person

:* /H E;<= @A>BG? >? >SCHB>CR >C;GAGC=F

1. Llbel
2. AcLs of lasclvlousness

:* 9;<= >? =;G K>?=>C@=>HC LG=EGGC >SCHB>CR <CK

&3.-%&.1 ")2$0/1
lgnomlny refers Lo Lhe
moral effecL of a crlme
and lL perLalns Lo Lhe
moral order, wheLher or
noL Lhe vlcLlm ls dead or
CruelLy perLalns Lo
physlcal sufferlng of Lhe
vlcLlm so Lhe vlcLlm has
Lo be allve.

.H=G* lgnomlny and cruelLy are clrcumsLances broughL
abouL whlch are noL necessary ln Lhe commlsslon of
Lhe crlme.

6f7 2.0!9,20 $./)1


!: When an enLry ls effecLed by a way noL lnLended
for LhaL purpose.

1he use of unauLhorlzed enLrance musL noL be for
Lhe purpose of escape.

.H=G* 1hls clrcumsLance ls lnherenL ln Lhe crlmes of
Lrespass Lo dwelllng and robbery wlLh force upon
Lhlngs. 8uL lL ls aggravaLlng ln Lhe crlme of robbery
wlLh vlolence agalnsL or lnLlmldaLlon of persons.


!* Cne who acLs, noL respecLlng Lhe walls erecLed
by men Lo guard Lhelr properLy and provlded for
Lhelr personal safeLy, shows greaLer perverslLy, a
greaLer audaclLy and hence Lhe law punlshes hlm
wlLh more severlLy.

=;G ;HJ?GQ =;GC =;G <@@J?GK GC=GAGK =;G KHHA7 "<C

!* ?es7 1he aggravaLlng clrcumsLance of unlawful
enLry may sLlll be appreclaLed.

6Z7 4)$!5&.3 9!00

:* 9;<= <AG =;G AGTJ>?>=G? NHA LAG<_>CS < E<DDF

1. A wall, roof, wlndow, or door was broken
2. 1hey were broken Lo effecL enLrance

:* 3>OG >C?=<C@G? E;GAG LAG<_>CS >? D<ENJD7

1. An offlcer ln order Lo make an arresL may
break open door or wlndow of any
bulldlng ln whlch Lhe person Lo be
arresLed ls or ls reasonably belleved Lo be
(5ec. 11, kole 1JJ of koles of coott),
2. An offlcer lf refused admlLLance may
break open any door or wlndow Lo
execuLe Lhe search warranL or llberaLe
hlmself (5ec. 7, kole 126 of koles of
3. 8eplevln (5ec.4, kole 60 of koles of coott)

:* 9;<= >? =;G K>?=>C@=>HC LG=EGGC LAG<_>CS E<DD

4)$!5&.3 9!00 2.0!9,20 $./)1
lL lnvolves Lhe breaklng of
Lhe enumeraLed parLs of
Lhe house.
resupposes LhaL Lhere ls
no such breaklng as by
enLry Lhrough Lhe

cg7 !&# -, %&.-)' -) 2'$ -, %-/-) +$(&"0$'
-) /($) '&%&0!) %$!.'

!&# -, %&.-)'

:* 9;R >? =;>? @HC?>KGAGK <C <SSA<O<=>CS

!* 1o repress professlonal crlmlnals Lo avall
Lhemselves of mlnors, Laklng advanLage of Lhelr
lrresponslblllLy and Lo counLeracL Lhe greaL faclllLles
found by modern crlmlnals Lo commlL Lhe crlme
and abscond once Lhe same ls commlLLed.

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

1he use of a mlnor ln Lhe commlsslon of Lhe crlme
shows Lhe greaLer perverslLy of Lhe offender
because he ls educaLlng Lhe lnnocenL mlnor ln
commlLLlng a crlme.

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
2'$ -, %-/-) +$(&"0$'

:* 9;R >? =;>? @HC?>KGAGK <? <C <SSA<O<=>CS

!* 1he use of moLor vehlcles ln Lhe commlsslon of a
crlme poses dlfflculLles Lo Lhe auLhorlLles ln
apprehendlng Lhe offenders.

1hls clrcumsLance ls aggravaLlng only when used Lo
faclllLaLe Lhe commlsslon of Lhe offense.

.H=G: lf moLor vehlcle ls used only ln Lhe escape of Lhe
offender, moLor vehlcle ls noL aggravaLlng. (leople v.
spejo, l27708, uec. 19, 1970)

:* 9;<= KHG? =;G I;A<?G UH=;GA ?>B>D<A BG<C?V

!* lL means should be undersLood as referrlng Lo
moLorlzed vehlcles or oLher efflclenL means of
LransporLaLlon slmllar Lo auLomoblle or alrplane.

:* 'JIIH?>CSQ =;G <@@J?GK AHLLGK < ;HJ?G =;GC
NHJCK < @<A >C NAHC= HN =;G ;HJ?G E;>@; ;G J?GK NHA
;>? G?@<IGQ @<C =;G <SSA<O<=>CS @>A@JB?=<C@G HN

!* no. 1he crlme has already been accompllshed.

.H=G* Lven lf Lhe moLor vehlcle used ls a publlc vehlcle,
Lhe clrcumsLance may sLlll be appreclaLed.

c67 ")2$0/1

:* 9;GC KHG? @AJGD=R GM>?=F

!* When Lhe culprlL en[oys and dellghLs ln maklng
hls vlcLlm suffer slowly and gradually, causlng hlm
unnecessary and prolonged physlcal paln ln Lhe
consummaLlon of Lhe crlme.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G AGTJ>?>=G? HN @AJGD=R <? <C
<SSA<O<=>CS @>A@JB?=<C@GF

1. 1he ln[ury caused be dellberaLely
lncreased by causlng oLher wrong.
2. 1he oLher wrong be unnecessary for Lhe
execuLlon of Lhe purpose of Lhe offender.

:* &? @AJGD=R >C;GAGC= >C @A>BG? <S<>C?= IGA?HC?F

!* no. ln order for lL Lo be appreclaLed, Lhere musL
be poslLlve proof LhaL Lhe wounds found on Lhe
body of Lhe vlcLlm were lnfllcLed whlle he was sLlll
allve Lo unnecessarlly prolong physlcal sufferlng.

.H=G* lf Lhe vlcLlm was already dead when Lhe acLs of
muLllaLlon were belng performed, Lhls would also
quallfy Lhe kllllng Lo murder due Lo ouLraglng of hls

.q. CruelLy ls aggravaLlng ln rape where Lhe offender
Lled Lhe vlcLlm Lo a bed and burnL her face wlLh a
llghLed clgareLLe whlle raplng her laughlng all Lhe way.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G H=;GA <SSA<O<=>CS @>A@JB?=<C@G?F

1. Crganlzed or syndlcaLed crlme group
2. under lnfluence of dangerous drugs
3. use of unllcensed flrearm

"7 /;G "HBIAG;GC?>OG #<CSGAHJ? #AJS? !@= HN
cggc Y)7!7 Z6]i^

\7 !? < TJ<D>NR>CS <SSA<O<=>CS @>A@JB?=<C@G

.H=G* noLwlLhsLandlng Lhe provlslons of any law Lo Lhe
conLrary, a poslLlve flndlng for Lhe use of dangerous
drugs shall be a quallfylng aggravaLlng clrcumsLance ln
Lhe commlsslon of a crlme by an offender, and Lhe
appllcaLlon of Lhe penalLy provlded for ln Lhe 8evlsed
enal Code shall be appllcable. (5ec. 25)

8H??G??>HCQ %<CJN<@=JAGQ #G<D>CS >CQ !@TJ>?>=>HC
$MIDH?>OG? Y87#7 6f]]Q <? <BGCKGK LR )7!7 fcZ\^
:* 9;<= @;<CSG? EGAG LAHJS;= <LHJ= LR )7!7 fcZ\
HC 87#7 6f]]F
1. 1he use of an unllcensed flrearm Lo
commlL murder or homlclde ls an
aggravaLlng clrcumsLance. Pence, lllegal
possesslon or use of unllcensed flrearm ls
no longer punlshed as a separaLe offense.

2. lf Lhe lllegal possesslon or use of
unllcensed flrearm or exploslves ls ln
furLherance of, or lncldenL Lo, or ln
connecLlon wlLh Lhe crlmes of rebelllon,
lnsurrecLlon, or subverslon shall be
absorbed as an elemenL of such crlmes.

3. enalLy for mere possesslon of an
unllcensed flrearm ls based on wheLher

!""# %& 3<>?@A=BC;?8= DE<?E +FF8?B 3><A<;C9 /<CG<9<BH
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
Lhe flrearm ls lowpowered or hlgh

4. unllcensed flrearm shall lnclude: flrearms
wlLh explred llcense, or unauLhorlzed use
of llcensed flrearm ln Lhe commlsslon of
Lhe crlme.

:* 9;GC >? =;G J?G HN JCD>@GC?GK N>AG<AB
5*3( 2I '-"- F

!: lf Lhe unllcensed flrearm ls used ln furLherance of
or lncldenL Lo, or ln connecLlon wlLh Lhe crlme of
rebelllon, or lnsurrecLlon, sedlLlon, or aLLempLed
coop J etot. (5ec.1)
:* 9;GC >? =;G J?G HN JCD>@GC?GK N>AG<AB
!: ln Lhe crlmes of homlclde and murder (5ec.1)
:* 9;GC >? =;G J?G HN GMIDH?>OG? @HC?>KGAGK <C
<SSA<O<=>CS @>A@JB?=<C@GF
!* When a person commlLs any of Lhe crlmes
deflned ln Lhe 8evlsed enal Code or speclal laws
wlLh Lhe use of Lhe aforemenLloned exploslves,
deLonaLlon agenLs or lncendlary devlces, whlch
resulLs ln Lhe deaLh of any person or persons, Lhe
use of such exploslves, deLonaLlon agenLs or
lncendlary devlces shall be consldered as an
aggravaLlng clrcumsLance. (5ec. 2, kA 8294)

$7 !C=>/HA=JAG !@= HN cggZ Y)! Zj\i^
.H=G* 1he provlslons of Lhe 8C lnsofar as Lhey are
appllcable shall be suppleLory Lo Lhls AcL. Moreover, lf
Lhe commlsslon of any crlme punlshable under 1lLle
LlghL (Crlmes AgalnsL ersons) and 1lLle nlne (Crlmes
AgalnsL ersonal LlberLy and SecurlLy) of Lhe 8evlsed
enal Code ls aLLended by any of Lhe acLs consLlLuLlng
LorLure and oLher cruel, lnhuman and degradlng
LreaLmenL or punlshmenL as deflned hereln, Lhe
penalLy Lo be lmposed shall be ln lLs maxlmum
perlod.(5ec. 22, kA 9745)
,7 !C=>+>HDGC@G !S<>C?= 9HBGC <CK /;G>A
";>DKAGC !@= HN cgg\ Y)! Zc]c^

.H=G* 8elng under Lhe lnfluence of alcohol, any llllclL
drug, or any oLher mlndalLerlng subsLance shall noL be
a defense under Lhls AcL. (5ec. 27, kA 9262)

!0/$).!/&+$ "&)"2%'/!."$'

:* 9;<= >? =;G L<?>? HN <D=GAC<=>OG @>A@JB?=<C@G?F

!* 1he basls ls Lhe naLure and effecLs of Lhe crlme
and Lhe oLher condlLlons aLLendlng lLs commlsslon.

:* 9;<= <AG <D=GAC<=>OG @>A@JB?=<C@G?F

!* 1hose whlch musL be Laken lnLo conslderaLlon as
aggravaLlng or mlLlgaLlng accordlng Lo Lhe naLure
and effecLs of Lhe crlme and Lhe oLher condlLlons
aLLendlng lLs commlsslon.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G NHJA <D=GAC<=>OG @>A@JB?=<C@G?F

1. 8elaLlonshlp
2. lnLoxlcaLlon
3. uegree of lnsLrucLlon
4. LducaLlon of Lhe offender

67 )$0!/&-.'(&8

:* 9;GC >? AGD<=>HC?;>I =<_GC >C=H @HC?>KGA<=>HCF

!* When Lhe offended parLy ls Lhe:
1. Spouse
2. AscendanL
3. uescendanL
4. LeglLlmaLe, naLural, or adopLed broLher or
3. 8elaLlve by afflnlLy ln Lhe same degree of
Lhe offender
6. CLher relaLlves lncluded by analogy Lo
ascendanLs and descendanLs. e.q.
SLepparenLs - lL ls Lhelr duLy Lo besLow
upon Lhelr sLepchlldren a moLher/faLher's
affecLlon, care and proLecLlon.

.H=G* 1he relaLlonshlp of uncle and nlece ls noL
covered by any of Lhe relaLlonshlp menLloned

:* 9;GC >? AGD<=>HC?;>I GMGBI=>CSF

1. ln Lhe case of an accessory who ls relaLed
Lo Lhe prlnclpal wlLhln Lhe relaLlonshlp
prescrlbed ln ArLlcle 20.

2. ln ArL. 247, a spouse wlll noL lncur
crlmlnal llablllLy for a crlme of less serlous
physlcal ln[urles or serlous physlcal
ln[urles lf Lhls was lnfllcLed afLer havlng
surprlsed Lhe offended spouse or
paramour or mlsLress commlLLlng acLual
sexual lnLercourse.

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

3. under ArL. 332, ln Lhe crlme of LhefL,
mallclous mlschlef and swlndllng or
esLafa, Lhere ls no crlmlnal llablllLy lf Lhe
offender ls relaLed Lo Lhe offended parLy
as spouse, ascendanL, or descendanL or lf
Lhe offender ls a broLher or slsLer or
broLherlnlaw or slsLerlnlaw of Lhe
offended parLy and Lhey are llvlng

:* 9;GC >? AGD<=>HC?;>I B>=>S<=>CSF

1. ln crlmes agalnsL properLy, by analogy Lo
ArL. 332 (persons exempL from crlmlnal

1hus, 8elaLlonshlp ls mlLlgaLlng ln Lhe
crlmes of robbery (ArLs. 294302),
usurpaLlon (ArL. 312), fraudulenL
lnsolvency (ArL. 314) and arson (ArLs 321
322, 323326)

2. ln crlmes agalnsL persons when lL comes
Lo physlcal ln[urles, lL ls mlLlgaLlng when
Lhe offense commlLLed ls less serlous
physlcal ln[urles or sllghL physlcal ln[urles,
lf Lhe offended parLy ls a relaLlve of a
lower degree. (keyes, p.47J)
")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA

:* 9;GC >? AGD<=>HC?;>I <SSA<O<=>CSF

1. ln crlmes agalnsL persons ln cases:

a. When Lhe offended parLy ls a relaLlve
of a hlgher degree Lhan Lhe offender,

b. When Lhe offender and Lhe offended
parLy are relaLlves of Lhe same level,
as kllllng a broLher, (leople v. Allsob,
69 lbll. J62)

c. Where Lhe crlme ls physlcal ln[urles:
l. 5etloos pbyslcol lojotles - even lf
Lhe offended parLy ls a
descendanL of Lhe offender,

1he serlous physlcal ln[urles musL
noL be lnfllcLed by a parenL upon
hls chlld by excesslve

ll. less setloos pbyslcol lojotles ot
sllqbt pbyslcol lojotles - lf Lhe
offended parLy ls a relaLlve of a
hlgher degree of Lhe offender,

d. When Lhe crlme commlLLed ls
homlclde or murder, relaLlonshlp ls
aggravaLlng even lf Lhe vlcLlm of Lhe
crlme ls a relaLlve of a lower degree,

e. ln rape, relaLlonshlp ls aggravaLlng
where a sLepfaLher raped hls
sLepdaughLer (leople v. ue leoo, 50
lbll. 5J9) or ln a case where a faLher
raped hls own daughLer (leople v.
lottos, 58 lbll. 578).

2. ln crlmes agalnsL chasLlLy.

:* 9;GC >? AGD<=>HC?;>I CG>=;GA <SSA<O<=>CS CHA

!* 8elaLlonshlp ls nelLher aggravaLlng nor mlLlgaLlng
when relaLlonshlp ls an elemenL of Lhe offense. e.q.
parrlclde, adulLery and concublnage.

.H=G* ln Lhe crlme of quallfled seducLlon, relaLlonshlp
ls a quallfylng aggravaLlng clrcumsLance, where Lhe
offender ls a broLher or an ascendanL of Lhe offended
woman, wheLher or noL Lhe woman ls a vlrgln or over
18 years of age.

c7 &./-`&"!/&-.

:* 9;GC >? >C=HM>@<=>HC B>=>S<=>CSF

!* lf lnLoxlcaLlon ls:

1. noL hablLual, or

2. noL subsequenL Lo Lhe plan Lo commlL a
felony, or

3. AL Lhe Llme of Lhe commlsslon of Lhe
crlme, Lhe accused has Laken such
quanLlLy of alcohollc drlnks as Lo blur hls
reason and deprlve hlm of cerLaln degree
of conLrol.

.H=G* 1o be mlLlgaLlng, Lhe sLaLe of lnLoxlcaLlon of Lhe
accused musL be proved. Cnce lnLoxlcaLlon ls
esLabllshed by saLlsfacLory evldence, ln Lhe absence of
proof Lo Lhe conLrary, lL ls presumed Lo be non
hablLual or unlnLenLlonal.

:* 9;GC >? >C=HM>@<=>HC <SSA<O<=>CSF

!* lf lnLoxlcaLlon ls

1. PablLual, or

2. lnLenLlonal (sobsepoeot to tbe ploo to
commlt o felooy).

!""# %& 3<>?@A=BC;?8= DE<?E +FF8?B 3><A<;C9 /<CG<9<BH

!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
.H=G* 1he momenL lnLoxlcaLlon ls shown Lo be hablLual
or lnLenLlonal Lo Lhe commlsslon of Lhe crlme, Lhe
same wlll lmmedlaLely aggravaLe, regardless of Lhe
crlme commlLLed.

:* 9;H >? < U;<L>=J<D KAJC_<AKFV

!* Pe ls one glven Lo lnLoxlcaLlon by excesslve use
of lnLoxlcaLlng drlnks.

:* 9;<= KG=GAB>CG? E;G=;GA >C=HM>@<=>HC >?
B>=>S<=>CS HA CH=F

!* 1he basls ls Lhe effecL of Lhe alcohol upon Lhe
offender, noL Lhe quanLlLy of Lhe alcohollc drlnk he
had Laken ln.

[7 #$3)$$ -, &.'/)2"/&-. -) $#2"!/&-. -,
/($ -,,$.#$)

:* &? KGSAGG HN >C?=AJ@=>HC HA GKJ@<=>HC B>=>S<=>CSF

3)* Lack or low degree of lnsLrucLlon ls
mlLlgaLlng ln all crlmes.

`8.* noL mlLlgaLlng ln:

1. Crlmes agalnsL properLy (e.q. arson,
esLafa, LhreaL)

2. Crlmes agalnsL chasLlLy

3. Murder or homlclde

4. 8ape

3. 1reason - because love of counLry should
be a naLural feellng of every clLlzen,
however unleLLered or unculLured he may
be. (leople v. loosooos, 82 lbll. 19J)


lf Lhe offender ls a lawyer who commlLLed rape, Lhe
facL LhaL he has knowledge of Lhe law wlll noL
aggravaLe hls llablllLy.

8uL lf a lawyer commlLLed falslflcaLlon, LhaL wlll
aggravaLe hls crlmlnal llablllLy because he used hls
speclal knowledge as a lawyer. Pe Look advanLage of
hls learnlng ln commlLLlng Lhe crlme.

:* &? =;G KGSAGG HN >C?=AJ@=>HC <CK GKJ@<=>HC =EH
K>?=>C@= @>A@JB?=<C@G?F

!* ?es. Cne may noL have any degree of lnsLrucLlon
buL ls neverLheless educaLed.
.H=G* lL ls noL llllLeracy alone buL Lhe lack of
lnLelllgence of Lhe offender LhaL ls consldered.

Low degree of educaLlon ls never aggravaLlng ln Lhe
manner LhaL hlgh degree ls never mlLlgaLlng.

:* 'JIIH?>CSQ =;G @A>BG E<? KHCG CH= >C < @>O>D>WGK
?H@>G=RQ @<C =;G <D=GAC<=>OG @>A@JB?=<C@G HN DHE

!* ?es. lL ls sLlll consldered as a mlLlgaLlng

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
&+7 8$)'-.' ")&%&.!001 0&!40$

:* 9;H <AG @A>B>C<DDR D><LDGF

!* 1he followlng are crlmlnally llable for grave and
less grave felonles:
1. rlnclpals
2. Accompllces
3. Accessorles

.H=G* 1hls classlflcaLlon ls Lrue only under Lhe 8C and
ls noL used under speclal law, because Lhe penalLles
under speclal laws are noL graduaLed. Powever, lf a
speclal law provldes for Lhe same graduaLed penalLles
as Lhose provlded under Lhe 8C, Lhe classlflcaLlon
under Lhe 8C may be adopLed.

1hls arLlcle applles only when Lhe offenders are Lo be
[udged by Lhelr lndlvldual, and noL collecLlve, llablllLy.

:* 9;H @<C LG =;G I<A=>G? >C =;G @HBB>??>HC HN <

1. AcLlve sub[ecL (Lhe crlmlnal)
2. asslve sub[ecL (Lhe ln[ured parLy)

:* 9;H @<C LG <@=>OG ?JLXG@=? HN < @A>BGF

!* Cnly naLural person can be Lhe acLlve sub[ecL of
crlme because of Lhe hlghly personal naLure of Lhe
crlmlnal responslblllLy.

.H=G* under Lhe 8C, naLural persons acL wlLh
personal mallce or negllgence, arLlflclal persons cannoL
acL wlLh mallce or negllgence.

:* 9;H @<C LG I<??>OG ?JLXG@=? HN < @A>BGF

!* A corporaLlon and parLnershlp can be passlve
sub[ecLs of a crlme.

.H=G* A [urldlcal person llke a corporaLlon cannoL
commlL a crlme LhaL requlres wlllful purpose or
mallclous lnLenL.

:* %<R @HAI?G? HA <C>B<D? LG I<??>OG ?JLXG@=? HN <

3)* Corpses and anlmals cannoL be passlve
sub[ecLs because Lhey have no rlghLs LhaL may
be lmpalred.

`8.* under ArL. 233, Lhe crlme of defamaLlon
may be commlLLed lf Lhe lmpuLaLlon Lends Lo
blacken Lhe memory of one who ls dead.

Y!A=7 6j^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G K>NNGAGC= @D<??>N>@<=>HC? HN @A>B>C<D

1. loJlvlJool ctlmlool tespooslblllty - When
Lhere ls no consplracy, each of Lhe
offenders ls llable only for Lhe acL
performed by hlm.

2. Ooosl collectlve ctlmlool tespooslblllty -
Some offenders ln Lhe crlme are
prlnclpals and Lhe oLhers are accompllces.

3. collectlve ctlmlool tespooslblllty - Where
Lhere ls consplracy, Lhe acL of one ls Lhe
acL of all. All consplraLors are llable as co
prlnclpals regardless of Lhe exLenL and
characLer of Lhelr parLlclpaLlon.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G _>CK? HN IA>C@>I<D?F

1. rlnclpal by dlrecL parLlclpaLlon
2. rlnclpal by lnducLlon/lnducemenL
3. rlnclpal by lndlspensable cooperaLlon

67 8)&."&8!0 41 #&)$"/ 8!)/&"&8!/&-.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G AGTJ>?>=G? NHA IA>C@>I<D? LR K>AG@=

1. 1hey parLlclpaLed ln Lhe crlmlnal
2. 1hey carrled ouL Lhe plan and personally
Look parL ln lLs execuLlon by acLs, whlch
dlrecLly Lended Lo Lhe same end.

.H=G* rlnclpals by dlrecL parLlclpaLlon are Lhose who
maLerlally execuLe Lhe crlme. 1hey appear aL Lhe crlme
scene and perform acLs necessary ln Lhe commlsslon
of Lhe crlme.

:* 9;<= >? =;G GNNG@= >N =;G ?G@HCK GDGBGC= >?

!* lf Lhe second elemenL ls mlsslng, Lhose who dld
noL parLlclpaLe ln Lhe commlsslon of Lhe acLs of
execuLlon cannoL be held crlmlnally llable because
Lhere ls no consplracy, unless Lhe crlme agreed
upon Lo be commlLLed ls Lreason, sedlLlon, coop J
etot or rebelllon.

1hls ls because Lhe consplracy conLemplaLed here ls
a manner of commlLLlng a crlme whlch ls noL
punlshable as a rule unless lL ls a consplracy Lo

!""# %& 08>=:;= 3><A<;C99H /<CG98
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
commlL Lreason, sedlLlon, coop J etot or rebelllon
whlch ls expressly punlshable as a crlme by Lhe 8C.

:* 9;<= KHG? IGA?HC<DDR =HH_ I<A= >C =;G

!* lL means LhaL:
1. 1he prlnclpal by dlrecL parLlclpaLlon musL
be aL Lhe scene of Lhe commlsslon of Lhe
crlme, personally Laklng parL ln lLs
2. under consplracy, alLhough he was noL
presenL ln Lhe scene of Lhe crlme, he ls
equally llable as a prlnclpal by dlrecL

.q. Cne servlng as guard pursuanL Lo Lhe consplracy ls
a prlnclpal by dlrecL parLlclpaLlon.

:* 9;<= >? =;G AJDG >C KG=GAB>C>CS @A>B>C<D D><L>D>=R
>C @<?G HN @HC?I>A<@RF

3)* lf Lhere ls consplracy, Lhe crlmlnal llablllLy of
all Lhe parLlclpanLs wlll be Lhe same, because
Lhe acL of one ls Lhe acL of all.

`8.* lf Lhe parLlclpaLlon of one ls so
lnslgnlflcanL, such LhaL even wlLhouL hls
cooperaLlon, Lhe crlme would be commlLLed
[usL as well, Lhen noLwlLhsLandlng Lhe exlsLence
of a consplracy, such offender wlll be regarded
only as an accompllce.

kotlo. 1he law favors mllder form of crlmlnal llablllLy lf
Lhe acL of Lhe parLlclpanL does noL demonsLraLe a clear

:* 9;<= >? =;G GNNG@= HN @HC?I>A<@R >N CH= <DD =;G
GDGBGC=? HN =;G @A>BG >? IAG?GC= <? AGS<AK? =;G @H

3)* When Lhere ls consplracy, Lhe facL LhaL Lhe
elemenL of Lhe offense ls noL presenL as regards
one of Lhe consplraLors ls lmmaLerlal.

1. ln pottlclJe - Lhe elemenL of relaLlonshlp
musL be presenL as regards Lhe offenders.
2. ln motJet - where Lreachery ls an
elemenL of Lhe crlme, all offenders musL
have knowledge of Lhe employmenL of
Lhe Lreachery aL Lhe Llme of Lhe execuLlon
of Lhe acL.

c7 8)&."&8!0' 41 &.#2"/&-.l &.#2"$%$./

:* 9;<= >? BG<C= LR >CKJ@GBGC=F

!* 1he lnducemenL conLemplaLed ls one sLrong
enough LhaL Lhe person lnduced could hardly reslsL.
lnducemenL ls LanLamounL Lo an lrreslsLlble force
compelllng Lhe person lnduced Lo carry ouL Lhe
execuLlon of Lhe crlme.

:* 9;H >? < IA>C@>I<D LR >CKJ@GBGC=F

!* 1o be a prlnclpal by lnducemenL, Lhe lnducer's
uLLerances musL be such naLure and made ln such
manner as Lo become Lhe deLermlnlng cause of Lhe

.H=G* rlnclpals by lnducemenL are llable even lf Lhey
do noL appear aL Lhe scene of Lhe crlme.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G =EH E<R? HN K>AG@=DR >CKJ@>CS
<CH=;GA =H @HBB>= < @A>BGF

1. 8y dlrecLly forclng anoLher Lo commlL a
crlme by:

a. usloq ltteslstlble fotce - such
physlcal force as would produce an
effecL upon Lhe lndlvldual LhaL ln
splLe of all reslsLance, lL reduces hlm
Lo a mere lnsLrumenL

b. coosloq oocoottolloble feot -
compulslon by means of lnLlmldaLlon
or LhreaL LhaL promlse an evll of such
gravlLy and emlnence LhaL Lhe
ordlnary man would have
succumbed Lo lL.

.H=G: ln Lhese cases, Lhere ls no consplracy. Cnly
Lhe one uslng force or causlng fear ls crlmlnally
llable. 1he maLerlal execuLor ls noL crlmlnally llable
because of exempLlng clrcumsLances of lrreslsLlble
force and unconLrollable fear.

2. 8y dlrecLly lnduclng anoLher Lo commlL a
crlme by:

a. Clvlng prlce, or offerlng reward or

l. lnducemenL musL be made
dlrecLly wlLh Lhe lnLenLlon of
procurlng Lhe commlsslon of Lhe
ll. Such lnducemenL be Lhe
deLermlnlng cause of Lhe
commlsslon of Lhe crlme by Lhe
maLerlal execuLor.

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

.H=G* 1he one glvlng Lhe prlce or offerlng
Lhe reward or promlse ls a prlnclpal by
lnducemenL whlle Lhe one commlLLlng Lhe
crlme ln conslderaLlon Lhereof ls a prlnclpal
by dlrecL parLlclpaLlon. 1here ls collecLlve
crlmlnal responslblllLy.

b. uslng word or command.

l. 1he one uLLerlng Lhe words of
command musL have Lhe
lnLenLlon of procurlng Lhe
commlsslon of Lhe crlme,
ll. Pe musL have an ascendancy or
lnfluence over Lhe person who
")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
lll. Words used musL be so dlrecL, so
efflcaclous, and powerful as Lo
amounL Lo physlcal or moral
lv. Words of command musL be
uLLered prlor Lo Lhe commlsslon
of Lhe crlme,
v. MaLerlal execuLor of Lhe crlme
has no personal reason Lo
commlL Lhe crlme.

.H=G* 1he one who used Lhe words of
command ls a prlnclpal by lnducemenL whlle
Lhe one commlLLlng Lhe crlme because of
Lhe words of command ls a prlnclpal by
dlrecL parLlclpaLlon. 1here ls collecLlve
crlmlnal responslblllLy.

Words uLLered ln Lhe heaL of anger and ln
Lhe naLure of command LhaL had Lo be
obeyed do noL make one an lnducLor.

Mere lmprudenL advlce ls noL lnducemenL.

lf Lhe person who acLually commlLLed Lhe
crlme had hls own reason Lo commlL lL, lL
cannoL be sald LhaL Lhe lnducemenL was
lnfluenLlal ln produclng Lhe crlmlnal acL.

:* 9;GC E>DD =;G @A>B>C<D D><L>D>=R HN =;G IA>C@>I<D

!* A prlnclpal by lnducemenL becomes llable only
when Lhe crlme ls commlLLed by Lhe prlnclpal by
dlrecL parLlclpaLlon.

:: 9;<= >? =;G GNNG@= HN =;G <@TJ>==<D HN =;G
IA>C@>I<D LR K>AG@= I<A=>@>I<=>HC HC =;G D><L>D>=R HN

1. Consplracy ls negaLed by Lhe acqulLLal of
2. Cne cannoL be held gullLy of havlng
lnsLlgaLed Lhe commlsslon of a crlme
wlLhouL flrsL belng shown LhaL Lhe crlme
has been acLually commlLLed by anoLher.

.H=G* lf Lhe one charged as prlnclpal by dlrecL
parLlclpaLlon ls acqulLLed because he acLed wlLhouL
crlmlnal lnLenL or mallce, hls acqulLLal ls noL a ground
for Lhe acqulLLal of Lhe prlnclpal by lnducemenL.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G K>?=>C@=>HC? LG=EGGC < IA>C@>I<D

8)&."&8!0 41
-,,$.#$) 9(- %!#$
8)-8-'!0 /- "-%%&/
! ,$0-.1
ln boLh, Lhere ls lnducemenL Lo commlL a crlme
8ecomes llable only when
Lhe crlme ls commlLLed
by Lhe prlnclpal by dlrecL
1he mere proposal Lo
commlL a felony ls
punlshable ls noL
punlshable excepL ln
proposal Lo commlL
Lreason or rebelllon.
Powever, Lhe person Lo
whom Lhe proposal ls
made should noL commlL
Lhe crlme, oLherwlse, Lhe
proponenL becomes a
prlnclpal by lnducemenL.
lnvolves any crlme
1he proposal Lo be
punlshable musL lnvolve
only Lreason or rebelllon

:* ! <?_GK 4 =H _>DD " LG@<J?G HN SA<OG >CXJ?=>@G
KHCG =H ! LR "7 ! IAHB>?GK 4 < AGE<AK7 4 E<?
E>DD>CS =H _>DD "Q CH= ?H BJ@; LG@<J?G HN =;G AGE<AK
IAHB>?GK =H ;>B LJ= LG@<J?G ;G <D?H ;<K ;>? HEC
;>B >C =;G I<?=7 &N " >? _>DDGK LR 4Q EHJDK ! LG D><LDG

!* no, A would noL be llable as prlnclpal by
lnducemenL because Lhe reward he promlsed 8 ls
noL Lhe sole lmpelllng reason whlch made 8 Lo klll

1o brlng abouL crlmlnal llablllLy of a coprlnclpal,
Lhe lnducemenL made by Lhe lnducer musL be Lhe
sole conslderaLlon whlch caused Lhe person
lnduced Lo commlL Lhe crlme and wlLhouL whlch Lhe
crlme would noL have been commlLLed. 1he facLs of
Lhe case lndlcaLe LhaL 8, Lhe klller supposedly
lnduced by A, had hls own reason Lo klll C ouL of a
long sLandlng grudge. Ycggc 4<A :JG?=>HC^

!""# %& 08>=:;= 3><A<;C99H /<CG98
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
[7 8)&."&8!0' 41 &.#&'8$.'!40$ "--8$)!/&-.

:* 9;H >? < IA>C@>I<D LR >CK>?IGC?<LDG

!* 1hose who:
1. arLlclpaLed dlrecLly ln Lhe crlmlnal
resoluLlon, or

2. CooperaLed ln Lhe commlsslon of Lhe
crlme by performlng an acL, wlLhouL
whlch lL would noL have been

:* 9;<= KHG? 5**(')"-$*% $% -+' 5*!!$&&$*% *1
-+' *11'%&' BG<CF

!* 1o deslre or wlsh a common Lhlng. 8uL LhaL
common wlll or purpose does noL necessarlly mean
prevlous undersLandlng, for lL can be explalned or
lnferred from Lhe clrcumsLances of each case.

.H=G* A prlnclpal by lndlspensable cooperaLlon may be
a coconsplraLor under Lhe docLrlne of lmplled
consplracy. Pe becomes a coconsplraLor by
lndlspensable cooperaLlon, alLhough Lhe common
deslgn or purpose was noL prevlously agreed upon.

lf Lhe cooperaLlon ls noL lndlspensable, Lhe offender ls
only an accompllce.

Y!A=7 6f^

:* 9;H >? <C <@@HBID>@GF

!* An accompllce ls one who:
1. Concurs wlLh Lhe crlmlnal deslgn of Lhe
prlnclpals by dlrecL parLlclpaLlon,

2. CooperaLes ln Lhe execuLlon of Lhe
offense by prevlous or slmulLaneous acLs,
wlLh Lhe lnLenLlon of supplylng maLerlal
or moral ald ln Lhe execuLlon of Lhe crlme
ln an efflcaclous way,

.H=G* CooperaLlon of an accompllce ls only necessary,
noL lndlspensable.

8efore Lhere can be an accompllce, Lhere musL be a
prlnclpal by dlrecL parLlclpaLlon.

ln case of doubL, Lhe parLlclpaLlon of Lhe offender wlll
be consldered LhaL of an accompllce raLher Lhan LhaL
of a prlnclpal.

:* 9;<= >? =;G GNNG@= >N ;G =;G IGA?HC @;<ASGK <?
<C <@@HBID>@G >CND>@=? < BHA=<D EHJCKF

!* Pe becomes a prlnclpal by dlrecL parLlclpaLlon.

:* #>?=>CSJ>?; <C <@@HBID>@G NAHB < IA>C@>I<D LR

8)&."&8!0 41

lf Lhe crlme could hardly
be commlLLed wlLhouL
such cooperaLlon, Lhen
such cooperaLlon would
brlng abouL a prlnclpal.
lf Lhe cooperaLlon merely
faclllLaLed or hasLened
Lhe consummaLlon of Lhe
crlme, Lhls would make
Lhe cooperaLor merely an

.H=G* ln deLermlnlng wheLher Lhe offender ls a
prlnclpal or accompllce, Lhe basls ls Lhe lmporLance of
Lhe cooperaLlon Lo Lhe consummaLlon of Lhe crlme.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G K>?=>C@=>HC? LG=EGGC <@@HBID>@G

!""-%80&"$ "-.'8&)!/-)
ln boLh, Lhey agree wlLh Lhe crlmlnal deslgn
1hey come Lo know
abouL lL afLer Lhe
prlnclpals have reached
Lhe declslon, and only
Lhen do Lhey agree Lo
cooperaLe ln lLs
1hey come Lo know Lhe
crlmlnal lnLenLlon
because Lhey Lhemselves
have declded upon such
course of acLlon.
1hey are merely
lnsLrumenLs who perform
acLs noL essenLlal Lo Lhe
perpeLraLlon of Lhe
1hey are Lhe auLhors of
Lhe crlme.

Y!A=7 6Z^

:* 9;H <AG <@@G??HA>G?F

!* 1hose who do noL parLlclpaLe ln Lhe crlmlnal
deslgn, nor cooperaLe ln Lhe commlsslon of Lhe
felony, buL wlLh knowledge of Lhe commlsslon of
Lhe crlme, he subsequenLly Lakes parL ln Lhree ways
1. roflLlng or asslsLlng Lhe offender Lo proflL
by Lhe effecLs of Lhe crlme,

2. Conceallng or desLroylng Lhe body of Lhe
crlme Lo prevenL lLs dlscovery,

.H=G* Where Lhe accused mlsleads Lhe
auLhorlLles by glvlng Lhem false lnformaLlon,
such acL ls equlvalenL Lo concealmenL and
he should be held as an accessory.

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

3. Parborlng, conceallng or asslsLlng ln Lhe
escape of Lhe prlnclpal of Lhe crlme.

.H=G* Cne cannoL be an accessory unless he knew of
Lhe commlsslon of Lhe crlme.

An accessory musL noL have parLlclpaLed ln Lhe
commlsslon of Lhe crlme.

1he accessory comes lnLo Lhe plcLure when Lhe crlme
ls already consummaLed, noL before Lhe
consummaLlon of Lhe crlme.

:* 9;<= >N =;G HNNGCKGA ;<? <DAG<KR >COHDOGK
;>B?GDN <? < IA>C@>I<D HA <@@HBID>@GF

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
!* Pe cannoL be an accessory any furLher even
Lhough he performs acLs perLalnlng Lo an accessory.

:* &C E;<= ?>=J<=>HC? <AG <@@G??HA>G? CH= @A>B>C<DDR

1. When Lhe felony commlLLed ls a llghL

2. When Lhe accessory ls relaLed Lo Lhe
prlnclpal as spouse, or as an ascendanL, or
descendanL or as broLher or slsLer
wheLher leglLlmaLe, naLural or adopLed or
where Lhe accessory ls a relaLlve by
afflnlLy wlLhln Lhe same degree, unless
Lhe accessory hlmself proflLed from Lhe
effecLs or proceeds of Lhe crlme or
asslsLed Lhe offender Lo proflL Lherefrom.

67 8)-,&/&.3 -) !''&'/&.3 /($ -,,$.#$) /-
8)-,&/ 41 /($ $,,$"/' -, /($ ")&%$


lf a person havlng parLlclpaLed as prlnclpal or
accompllce ln robbery or LhefL buL knowlng LhaL Lhe
properLy belng offered Lo hlm ls Lhe proceeds or
sub[ecL maLLer of Lhe sald crlme, boughL or purchased
or dealL ln any manner wlLh whlch such properLy,
obLalnlng beneflL from sald LransacLlon or helplng Lhe
Lhlef or robber Lo proflL Lhere from.

.H=G* 1he accessory musL recelve Lhe properLy from
Lhe prlnclpal. Pe should noL Lake lL wlLhouL Lhe
consenL of Lhe prlnclpal. lf he Look lL wlLhouL Lhe
consenL of Lhe prlnclpal, he ls noL an accessory buL a
prlnclpal ln Lhe crlme of LhefL.

c7 #$'/)-1&.3 /($ :8A<;D 7@9C:BC

:* 9;<= >? < 5*)(3& 2'#$5-$F

!* 1he cotpos Jellctl ls Lhe body of Lhe crlme, noL
necessarlly Lhe corpse.

lL ls a compound facL made up of Lwo Lhlngs:

1. 1he proof of Lhe occurrence of cerLaln
2. Some person's crlmlnal responslblllLy

1hus, even lf Lhe corpse ls noL recovered, as long as
LhaL kllllng ls esLabllshed beyond reasonable doubL,
crlmlnal llablllLy wlll arlse and lf Lhere ls someone
who desLroys Lhe cotpos Jellctl Lo prevenL
dlscovery, he becomes an accessory. (looveto v.
cotooel, cA, 65 O.C. J160)

[7 (!)4-)&.3 -) "-."$!0&.3 !. -,,$.#$)

:* 9;H B<R LG SJ>D=R <? <C <@@G??HAR LR
;<ALHA>CSQ @HC@G<D>CS HA <??>?=>CS >C =;G G?@<IG HN
=;G IA>C@>I<D HN =;G @A>BGF

1. ubllc offlcers

a. Accessory ls a publlc offlcer

b. Pe harbors, conceals, or asslsLs ln
Lhe escape of Lhe prlnclpal

c. Pe acLs wlLh abuse of hls publlc

d. 1he crlme commlLLed by Lhe
prlnclpal ls any crlme, provlded lL ls
noL a llghL felony.

.H=G* ln Lhe case of a publlc offlcer, Lhe crlme
commlLLed by Lhe prlnclpal ls lmmaLerlal. Such
offlcer becomes an accessory by Lhe mere facL
LhaL he helped Lhe prlnclpal escape by harborlng,
conceallng, maklng use of hls publlc funcLlon and
Lhus abuslng Lhe same.

2. rlvaLe person

a. Accessory ls a prlvaLe person

b. Pe harbors, conceals or asslsLs ln Lhe
escape of Lhe auLhor of Lhe crlme

c. 1he crlme commlLLed by Lhe
prlnclpal ls elLher:

l. 1reason
ll. arrlclde
lll. Murder

!""# %& 08>=:;= 3><A<;C99H /<CG98
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
lv. ALLempL agalnsL Lhe llfe of Lhe
v. 1haL Lhe prlnclpal ls known Lo be
hablLually gullLy of some oLher

:* "<C <C <@@G??HAR LG ;GDK @A>B>C<DDR D><LDG

3)* 1he accessory cannoL be held crlmlnally
llable wlLhouL Lhe prlnclpal belng found gullLy of
any such crlme.

`8.* When Lhe prlnclpal was noL held llable
because of an exempLlng clrcumsLance under
ArL. 12.

kotlo. A person does noL become crlmlnally llable
by merely harborlng or asslsLlng ln Lhe escape of
an lnnocenL man.

.H=G* CorrelaLe Lhls ArLlcle wlLh Lhe provlslons of Lhe
AnLllenclng Law (l.u. 1612) and CbsLrucLlon of
!usLlce (l.u. 1829). 8oLh laws wlll be dlscussed under
Speclal enal Laws.

!""$''-)&$' $`$%8/ ,)-% ")&%&.!0 0&!4&0&/1
Y!A=7 cg^

:* 9;<= >? =;G @A>B>C<D D><L>D>=R HN <C <@@G??HARF

3)* An accessory ls exempL from crlmlnal
llablllLy, when Lhe prlnclpal ls hls:
1. Spouse
2. AscendanL
3. uescendanL
4. LeglLlmaLe, naLural, or adopLed
broLher, slsLer or relaLlve by afflnlLy
wlLhln Lhe same degree.

`8.* noL so exempL even lf Lhe prlnclpal ls
relaLed Lo hlm, lf such accessory:
1. roflLed by Lhe effecLs of Lhe crlme, or
2. AsslsLed Lhe offender Lo proflL from Lhe
effecLs of Lhe crlme.

)<=>H* Such acLs are prompLed noL by affecLlon
buL by greed.

.H=G* 1he exempLlon provlded for ln Lhls arLlcle ls
based on Lhe Lles of blood and Lhe preservaLlon of
one's name, whlch compels on Lo conceal Lhe crlmes
commlLLed by relaLlves so near as Lhose menLloned ln
Lhls arLlcle.

nephew and nlece are noL lncluded.

ubllc offlcer conLemplaLed under par.3 of ArL. 19 ls
exempL by reason of relaLlonshlp Lo Lhe prlnclpal, even
lf such publlc offlcer acLed wlLh abuse of hls publlc

1he beneflLs of Lhe excepLlon ln ArL. 20 do noL apply Lo
.u. 1829 (CbsLrucLlon of !usLlce).

Y87#7 6fcZ^

67 8JC>?;<LDG <@=?

:* 9;<= <AG =;G <@=? IJC>?;GK JCKGA 87#7 6fcZF

!* Any person, who knowlngly or wlllfully obsLrucLs,
lmpedes, frusLraLes or delays Lhe apprehenslon of
suspecLs and Lhe lnvesLlgaLlon and prosecuLlon of
crlmlnal cases by commlLLlng any of Lhe followlng

1. revenLlng wlLnesses from LesLlfylng ln
any crlmlnal proceedlng or from reporLlng
Lhe commlsslon of any offense or Lhe
ldenLlLy of any offender/s by means of
brlbery, mlsrepresenLaLlon, decelL,
lnLlmldaLlon, force or LhreaLs

2. AlLerlng, desLroylng, suppresslng or
conceallng any paper, record, documenL,
or ob[ecL, wlLh lnLenL Lo lmpalr lLs verlLy,
auLhenLlclLy, leglblllLy, avallablllLy, or
admlsslblllLy as evldence ln any
lnvesLlgaLlon of or offlclal proceedlngs ln,
crlmlnal cases, or Lo be used ln Lhe
lnvesLlgaLlon of, or offlclal proceedlngs ln,
crlmlnal cases

3. Parborlng or conceallng, or faclllLaLlng Lhe
escape of, any person he knows, or has
reasonable ground Lo belleve or suspecL,
has commlLLed any offense under exlsLlng
penal laws ln order Lo prevenL hls arresL,
prosecuLlon and convlcLlon

4. ubllcly uslng a flcLlLlous name for Lhe
purpose of conceallng a crlme, evadlng
prosecuLlon or Lhe execuLlon of a
[udgmenL, or conceallng hls Lrue name
and oLher personal clrcumsLances for Lhe
same purpose or purposes

3. uelaylng Lhe prosecuLlon of crlmlnal cases
by obsLrucLlng Lhe servlce of process or
courL orders or dlsLurblng proceedlngs ln
Lhe flscal's offlces, ln 1anodbayan, or ln
Lhe courLs

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
6. Maklng, presenLlng or uslng any record,
documenL, paper or ob[ecL wlLh
knowledge of lLs falslLy and wlLh lnLenL Lo
affecL Lhe course or ouLcome of Lhe
lnvesLlgaLlon of, or offlclal proceedlngs ln,
crlmlnal cases

7. SollclLlng, accepLlng, or agreelng Lo accepL
any beneflL ln conslderaLlon of absLalnlng
from, dlscounLlng, or lmpedlng Lhe
prosecuLlon of a crlmlnal offender

8. 1hreaLenlng dlrecLly or lndlrecLly anoLher
wlLh Lhe lnfllcLlon of any wrong upon hls
person, honor or properLy or LhaL of any
lmmedlaLe member or members of hls
famlly ln order Lo prevenL such person
from appearlng ln Lhe lnvesLlgaLlon of, or
offlclal proceedlngs ln, crlmlnal cases, or
lmposlng a condlLlon, wheLher lawful or
unlawful, ln order Lo prevenL a person
from appearlng ln Lhe lnvesLlgaLlon of or
ln offlclal proceedlngs ln, crlmlnal cases

9. Clvlng of false or fabrlcaLed lnformaLlon
Lo mlslead or prevenL Lhe law
enforcemenL agencles from apprehendlng
Lhe offender or from proLecLlng Lhe llfe or
properLy of Lhe vlcLlm, or fabrlcaLlng
lnformaLlon from Lhe daLa gaLhered ln
confldence by lnvesLlgaLlng auLhorlLles for
purposes of background lnformaLlon and
noL for publlcaLlon and publlshlng or
dlssemlnaLlng Lhe same Lo mlslead Lhe
lnvesLlgaLor or Lhe courL. (5ec. 1)

c7 "HBI<AG E>=; !A=>@DG cgQ )8" Y<@@G??HA>G?

.H=G* ArLlcle 20, 8C ls appllcable wlLh u 1829
because lL ls beneflclal Lo Lhe accused. lL ls Lo be
lnLerpreLed ln favor of Lhe accused because ln an
absoluLory cause, Lhe offender ls noL crlmlnally llable
by reason of publlc pollcy. 8ecause Lhe reason ls publlc
pollcy, lL should apply Lo boLh Lhe 8C and speclal

!""# %& 08;C9B<8=
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
+7 8$.!0/&$'

!7 3$.$)!0 8)&."&80$'
Y!A=?7 c6c\^

:* 9;<= <AG IGC<D=>G?F

!* leooltles are Lhe punlshmenL lmposed by lawful
auLhorlLy upon a person who commlLs a dellberaLe
or negllgenL acL whlch ls agalnsL Lhe law.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G XJK>@><D @HCK>=>HC? HN IGC<D=RF

1. roducLlve of sufferlng, wlLhouL
however affecLlng Lhe lnLegrlLy of human
2. CommensuraLe wlLh Lhe offense.
3. letsoool - no one should be
punlshed wlLh Lhe crlme of anoLher.
4. leqol - lL ls a consequence of a [udgmenL
accordlng Lo law.
3. cettolo - no one may escape lLs effecLs.
6. Lqual Lo all.
7. CorrecLlonal.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G IGC<D=>G? =;<= B<R LG >BIH?GKF

!* A felony shall be punlshable only by Lhe penalLy
prescrlbed by law aL Lhe Llme of lLs commlsslon.

lL ls a guaranLy Lo Lhe clLlzen of Lhls counLry LhaL no
acL of hls wlll be consldered crlmlnal unLll Lhe
governmenL has made lL so by law and has provlded
a penalLy

kotlo. A law cannoL be raLlonally obeyed unless lL ls
flrsL shown and a man cannoL be expecLed Lo obey an
order LhaL has noL been glven.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G @D<??G? HN >CXJA>G? @<J?GK LR <

'-"&!0 &.P2)1 8$)'-.!0 &.P2)1
roduced by Lhe
dlsLurbance and alarm
whlch are Lhe ouLcome of
Lhe offense.
Caused Lo Lhe vlcLlm of
Lhe crlme who suffered
damage elLher Lo hls
person, properLy, honor
or chasLlLy.
8epalred Lhough Lhe
lmposlLlon of Lhe
correspondlng penalLy.
8epalred Lhrough
1he SLaLe has an lnLeresL
ln Lhls class or ln[ury.
1he SLaLe has no reason
Lo lnslsL ln lLs paymenL.
Cffended parLy cannoL
pardon Lhe offender so
as Lo relleve hlm of Lhe
lL can be walved by Lhe
offended parLy.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G BG<?JAG? HN IAGOGC=>HC =;<= <AG

1. 1he arresL and Lemporary deLenLlon of
accused persons (prevenLlve
lmprlsonmenL) as well as Lhelr deLenLlon
by reason of lnsanlLy or lmbeclllLy or
lllness requlrlng Lhelr conflnemenL ln a

2. 1he commlLmenL of a mlnor Lo a
reformaLory lnsLlLuLlon.

3. Suspenslon from Lhe employmenL or
publlc offlce durlng Lhe Lrlal or ln order Lo
lnsLlLuLe proceedlngs.

4. llnes and oLher correcLlve measures
whlch, ln Lhe exerclse of Lhelr
admlnlsLraLlve dlsclpllnary powers,
superlor offlclals may lmpose upon Lhelr

3. ueprlvaLlon of rlghLs and reparaLlons
whlch Lhe clvll law may esLabllsh ln penal
form. (Att. 24) .q. arenLs who are
deprlved of Lhelr parenLal auLhorlLy lf
found gullLy of Lhe crlme of corrupLlon of
Lhelr mlnor chlldren, ln accordance wlLh
ArL. 342 of Lhe Clvll Code.


1. 1hey are noL lmposed as a resulL of
[udlclal proceedlngs. 1hose menLloned ln
par. 1, 3 and 4 are merely prevenLlve
measures before convlcLlon of offenders.

2. 1he offender ls noL sub[ecLed Lo or made
Lo suffer Lhese measures ln explaLlon of
or as punlshmenL for a crlme.

1. ar. 1 refers Lo accused persons who are
deLalned by reason of lnsanlLy or
lmbeclllLy. lL does noL refer Lo Lhe
conflnemenL of an lnsane or lmbeclle who
has noL been arresLed for a crlme.

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

2. ars. 3 and 4 refer Lo admlnlsLraLlve
suspenslon and admlnlsLraLlve flnes and noL
Lo suspenslon or flne as penalLles for
vlolaLlons of Lhe 8C. llnes ln par. 4 do noL
consLlLuLe as penalLles because Lhey are noL
lmposed by Lhe courL.

3. Where a mlnor offender was commlLLed Lo a
reformaLory pursuanL Lo ArL. 80 (now .u.
603), and whlle Lhus deLalned he commlLs a
crlme Lhereln, he cannoL be consldered a
quaslrecldlvlsL slnce hls deLenLlon was only
a prevenLlve measure, whereas a quasl
recldlvlsm presupposes Lhe commlsslon of a
crlme durlng Lhe servlce of Lhe penalLy for a
prevlous crlme.

4. CommlLmenL of a mlnor ls noL a penalLy
because lL ls noL lmposed by Lhe courL ln a
[udgmenL. 1he lmposlLlon of Lhe senLence ln
such a case ls suspended.

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
47 82)8-'$'

:* 9;<= <AG =;G IJAIH?G? NHA =;G >BIH?>=>HC HN

1. kettlbotloo ot explotloo - penalLy ls
commensuraLe wlLh Lhe gravlLy of Lhe
2. cottectloo ot tefotmotloo - as shown
by Lhe rules whlch regulaLe Lhe execuLlon
of Lhe penalLles conslsLlng ln deprlvaLlon
of llberLy.
3. 5oclol Jefeose - shown by lLs lnflexlble
severlLy Lo recldlvlsLs and hablLual

"7 "0!''&,&"!/&-. -, 8$.!0/&$'
Y!)/'7 cic]^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G SGCGA<D @D<??>N>@<=>HC? HN

1. ltloclpol peooltles - Lhose expressly
lmposed by Lhe courL ln Lhe [udgmenL of
2. Accessoty peooltles - Lhose LhaL are
deemed lncluded ln Lhe lmposlLlon of Lhe
prlnclpal penalLles.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G IA>C@>I<D IGC<D=>G?Q <@@HAK>CS =H
=;G>A K>O>?>L>D>=RF

1. loJlvlslble peooltles - Lhose whlch have
no flxed duraLlon, e.q. deaLh and teclosloo

2. ulvlslble peooltles - Lhose LhaL have flxed
duraLlon and are dlvlslble lnLo Lhree
perlods. e.q. teclosloo tempotol down Lo
ottesto meoot.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G IGC<D=>G?Q <@@HAK>CS =H =;G>A

1. CaplLal
2. AffllcLlve
3. CorrecLlonal
4. LlghL.


!* lloes may be lmposed as an alLernaLlve or slngle

:* 9;<= <AG N>CG? <@@HAK>CS =H =;G>A SA<O>=RF

1. AffllcLlve - over 6,000
2. CorrecLlonal - 200 Lo 6,000
3. LlghL - less Lhan 200

:* $ <CK % <AG @HCO>@=GK HN < IGC<D D<E =;<=

67 &? =;G IGC<D=R IAHIGAF $MID<>C7
c7 %<R =;G XJKSG >BIH?G <C <D=GAC<=>OG

1. lmposlng Lhe penalLy of flne [olnLly and
severally on Lhe Lwo convlcLed accused ls
noL proper. 1he penalLy should be
lmposed lndlvldually on every person
accused of Lhe crlme. Any of Lhe
convlcLed accused who ls lnsolvenL and
unable Lo pay Lhe flne, shall serve Lhe
subsldlary lmprlsonmenL.

2. 1he [udge may noL valldly lmpose an
alLernaLlve penalLy. AlLhough Lhe law may
prescrlbe an alLernaLlve penalLy for a
crlme, lL does noL mean LhaL Lhe courL
may lmpose Lhe alLernaLlve penalLles aL
Lhe same Llme. 1he senLence musL be
deflnlLe, oLherwlse, Lhe [udgmenL cannoL
aLLaln flnallLy Ycggi 4<A :JG?=>HC^7

!""# %& 08;C9B<8=
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
#7 #2)!/&-. !.# $,,$"/ -, 8$.!0/&$'
Y!A=?7 cj n \i^

:* 9;<= >? =;G KJA<=>HC HN IGC<D=>G?F

8$.!0/1 #2)!/&-.
keclosloo petpetoo
20 years and 1 day Lo 40
keclosloo tempotol
12 years and 1 day Lo 20
ltlsloo moyot and
6 years and 1 day Lo 12
ltlsloo cottecloool
5ospeosloo and
6 monLhs and 1 day Lo 6
Attesto moyot
1 monLh and 1 day Lo 6
Attesto meoot 1 day Lo 1 monLh
8ond Lo keep Lhe peace
ulscreLlonary on Lhe

:* 9;<= <AG =;G AJDG? HC @HBIJ=<=>HC HN

1. OffeoJet ls lo ptlsoo - duraLlon of Lhe
Lemporary penalLles ls from Lhe day on
whlch Lhe [udgmenL of convlcLlon
becomes flnal
2. OffeoJet oot lo ptlsoo - duraLlon of
penalLy conslsLlng ln Lhe deprlvaLlon of
llberLy ls from Lhe day LhaL Lhe offender
ls placed aL Lhe enforcemenL of Lhe
3. Otbet peooltles - duraLlon ls from Lhe
day on whlch Lhe offender commences
Lo serve hls senLence

:* 9;<= <AG =;G K>?=>C@=>HC? LG=EGGC =;G IGC<D=R

A@:9;DC8E <@A<@B;0 0&,$ &%8)&'-.%$./
erLalns Lo Lhe penalLy
lmposed for vlolaLlon
of Lhe 8C
erLalns Lo Lhe penalLy
lmposed for vlolaLlon of
speclal laws
lL has flxed duraLlon lL has no flxed duraLlon
lL carrles wlLh lL
accessory penalLles
lL does noL carry wlLh lL
accessory penalLy

.H=G* AlLhough teclosloo petpetoo has been glven a
flxed duraLlon, lL has remalned Lo be an lndlvlslble
penalLy. lndlvlslble penalLles have no duraLlons.

:* 9;GC >? KG<=; IGC<D=R >BIH?GKF

!* ueaLh penalLy ls lmposed ln Lhe followlng
1. 1reason
2. lracy
3. Cuallfled lracy
4. Cuallfled 8rlbery
3. arrlclde
6. Murder
7. lnfanLlclde
8. kldnapplng
9. 8obbery wlLh Pomlclde
10. uesLrucLlve Arson
11. 8ape wlLh Pomlclde
12. lunder
13. CerLaln vlolaLlons of Lhe uangerous
urugs AcL
14. Carnapplng

:* &? KG<=; IGC<D=R <DAG<KR <LHD>?;GKF

!* no. 1here ls sLlll deaLh penalLy. WhaL ls
prohlblLed under 8.A. 9346 ls only Lhe lmposlLlon of
Lhe penalLy of deaLh.

.H=G* Powever, Lhe correspondlng clvll llablllLy should
be Lhe clvll llablllLy correspondlng Lo deaLh. (leople vs.
5olome, C.k. No. 169077, Aoq. J1, 2006)

ln lleu of Lhe deaLh penalLy, Lhe followlng shall be
1. 1he penalLy of teclosloo petpetoo, when Lhe
law vlolaLed makes use of Lhe nomenclaLure
of Lhe penalLles of Lhe 8C, or
2. 1he penalLy of llfe lmprlsonmenL, when Lhe
law vlolaLed does noL make use of Lhe
nomenclaLure of Lhe penalLles of Lhe 8C.
(5ec.2, k.A. 9J46)

:* 9;GC >? KG<=; IGC<D=R CH= >BIH?<LDGF

1. uoJet oqe - offender ls below 18 years
of age aL Lhe Llme of Lhe commlsslon of
Lhe crlme
2. Ovet oqe - offender ls more Lhan 70
years old
3. No coott mojotlty - when upon appeal
or auLomaLlc revlew of Lhe case by Lhe
Supreme CourL, Lhe voLe of elghL
members ls noL obLalned for Lhe
lmposlLlon of deaLh penalLy

.H=G* AuLomaLlc revlew ls avallable only ln cases
where deaLh penalLy ls lmposed. (k.A. 7659)

:* 9;<= >? =;G C<=JAG HN 2'&-$'))*F

!* uestletto ls a prlnclpal penalLy. lL ls a
punlshmenL whereby a convlcL ls banlshed Lo a

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

cerLaln place and ls prohlblLed from enLerlng or
comlng near LhaL place deslgnaLed ln Lhe
senLence, noL less Lhan 23 kllomeLers buL noL Lo
exLend beyond 230 kllomeLers

.H=G* lf Lhe convlcL should enLer Lhe prohlblLed
places, he commlLs Lhe crlme of evaslon of servlce of
senLence under ArLlcle 137.

:* &C E;<= @A>BG? >? =;G IGC<D=R HN 2'&-$'))*

1. ln Lhe crlme of grave LhreaL or llghL
LhreaL, when Lhe offender ls requlred Lo
puL up a bond for good behavlor buL
falled or refused Lo do so under ArLlcle
284, such convlcL shall be senLenced Lo
desLlerro so LhaL he would noL be able Lo
carry ouL hls LhreaL
2. ln Lhe crlme of concublnage, Lhe penalLy
prescrlbed for Lhe concublne ls desLlerro
under ArLlcle 334

3. Where Lhe penalLy prescrlbed ls arresLo
Mayor, buL Lhe offender ls enLlLled Lo
prlvlleged mlLlgaLlng clrcumsLance and
lowerlng Lhe prescrlbed penalLy by one
degree, Lhe penalLy one degree lower ls
desLlerro. 1hus, lL shall be Lhe one

:* 9;<= IGC<D=>G? <AG @HC?>KGAGK LH=; IA>C@>I<D
<CK <@@G??HAR IGC<D=>G?F

1. erpeLual or Lemporary absoluLe

2. erpeLual or Lemporary speclal

3. Accessory penalLles

.H=G* Accessory penalLles need noL be sLaLed ln Lhe
senLence. 1he accessory penalLles follow Lhe prlnclpal
penalLy lmposed for Lhe crlme as a maLLer of course,
Lhey are auLomaLlcally lmposed even Lhough Lhey are
noL sLaLed ln Lhe [udgmenL

:* 9;<= >? @>O>D >C=GAK>@=>HCF

!* clvll lotetJlctloo ls an accessory penalLy. Clvll
lnLerdlcLlon shall deprlve Lhe offender durlng Lhe
Llme of hls senLence:
")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
1. 1he rlghLs of parenLal auLhorlLy, or
guardlanshlp elLher as Lo Lhe person or
properLy of any ward,
2. MarlLal auLhorlLy,
3. 1he rlghL Lo manage hls properLy, and
4. 1he rlghL Lo dlspose of such properLy by
any acL or any conveyance lnLer vlvos.

:* 9;<= IA>C@>I<D IGC<D=>G? >? @>O>D >C=GAK>@=>HC <C

!* lL ls an accessory penalLy ln:
1. ueaLh penalLy lf lL ls commuLed Lo llfe
2. keclosloo petpetoo,
3. keclosloo tempotol.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GNNG@=? HN IGC<D=>G?F

1. letpetool ot tempototy obsolote
Jlspoollflcotloo ftom pobllc offlce.
a. ueprlvaLlon of publlc offlces and
employmenL, even lf by elecLlon,

b. ueprlvaLlon of Lhe rlghL Lo voLe or
Lo be elecLed,

.H=G* A pleblsclLe ls noL menLloned or
conLemplaLed ln ArL. 30, par 2
(deprlvaLlon of Lhe rlghL Lo voLe),
hence, Lhe offender may voLe ln LhaL
exerclse, sub[ecL Lo Lhe provlslons of
perLlnenL elecLlon laws aL Lhe Llme

c. ulsquallflcaLlon for Lhe offlces or
publlc employmenLs and for Lhe
exerclse of any rlghLs menLloned,

d. Loss of rlghL Lo reLlremenL pay or
penslon for any offlce formerly

.H=G* erpeLual absoluLe dlsquallflcaLlon lasLs
durlng Lhe llfeLlme of Lhe convlcL

1emporary absoluLe dlsquallflcaLlon lasLs durlng
Lhe Lerm of Lhe senLence, and ls removed afLer
Lhe servlce of Lhe same

2. letpetool ot tempototy speclol
Jlspoollflcotloo ftom pobllc offlce,
ptofessloo ot collloq.
a. ueprlvaLlon of Lhe offlce,
employmenL, professlon or calllng
b. ulsquallflcaLlon for holdlng slmllar
offlces or employmenLs perpeLually
durlng Lhe Lerm of Lhe senLence.

3. letpetool ot tempototy speclol
Jlspoollflcotloo fot tbe tlqbt of sofftoqe.

!""# %& 08;C9B<8=
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
a. ueprlvaLlon of Lhe rlghL Lo voLe or
Lo be elecLed Lo any publlc offlce,
b. CannoL hold any publlc offlce durlng
Lhe perlod of Lhe dlsquallflcaLlon.

.H=G* 1he purpose of whlch ls Lo preserve
Lhe purlLy of elecLlons, one rendered
lnfamous by convlcLlon of felony or oLher
base offenses lndlcaLlve of moral LurplLude
ls unflL Lo exerclse such rlghLs

4. 5ospeosloo ftom pobllc offlce, ptofessloo
ot collloq ot tbe tlqbt of sofftoqe.
a. ulsquallflcaLlon from holdlng such
offlce or exerclslng such professlon
or calllng or rlghL of suffrage durlng
Lhe Lerm of Lhe senLence,
b. lf suspended from publlc offlce, he
cannoL hold anoLher offlce havlng
slmllar funcLlons durlng Lhe perlod
of suspenslon.

3. clvll lotetJlctloo
a. ueprlvaLlon of Lhe rlghLs of parenLal
auLhorlLy or guardlanshlp of any
b. ueprlvaLlon of marlLal auLhorlLy
c. ueprlvaLlon of Lhe rlghL Lo manage
hls properLy and of Lhe rlghL Lo
dlspose of such properLy by any acL
or any conveyance lotet vlvos

6. 8ooJ to keep peoce
a. Cffender musL presenL Lwo
sufflclenL sureLles who shall
underLake LhaL Lhe offender wlll
noL commlL Lhe offense soughL Lo
be prevenLed and ln case such
offense be commlLLed, Lhey wlll pay
Lhe amounL deLermlned by Lhe
courL, or
b. Cffender musL deposlL such amounL
wlLh Lhe clerk of courL Lo guaranLee
sald underLaklng, or
c. Cffender may be deLalned lf he
cannoL glve Lhe bond, for a perlod:
l. noL Lo exceed 6 monLhs - for
grave or less grave felony, or
ll. noL Lo exceed 30 days - for a
llghL felony.

.H=G* 8ond Lo keep peace ls dlfferenL from ball bond
whlch ls posLed for Lhe provlslonal release of a
person arresLed for or accused of a crlme.

under Sec. 23, 8A 9262, Lhe CourL may order any
person agalnsL whom a proLecLlon order ls lssued Lo
glve a bond Lo keep Lhe peace, Lo presenL Lwo
sufflclenL sureLles who shall underLake LhaL such
person wlll noL commlL Lhe vlolence soughL Lo be

:* 9;<= <AG =;G K>?=>C@=>HC? LG=EGGC LHCK =H

4-.# /- 5$$8 /($
4-.# ,-) 3--#
lallure Lo posL a bond Lo
keep Lhe peace resulLs Lo
lmprlsonmenL elLher for 6
monLhs or 30 days,
dependlng on wheLher Lhe
felony commlLLed ls grave
or less grave on one hand,
or lL ls llghL only
1he legal effecL of
fallure Lo posL a bond
for good behavlor ls
noL lmprlsonmenL buL
Jestletto under ArLlcle

8$.!0/&$' &. 9(&"( -/($) !""$''-)1
8$.!0/&$' !)$ &.($)$./
Y!A=?7 \g n \\^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G >C;GAGC= <@@G??HAR IGC<D=>G? HN

1. ueotb, wbeo oot execoteJ by teosoo of
commototloo ot potJoo
a. erpeLual absoluLe dlsquallflcaLlon,
b. Clvll lnLerdlcLlon durlng 30 years, lf
noL expressly remlLLed ln Lhe

2. keclosloo petpetoo ooJ teclosloo
a. Clvll lnLerdlcLlon for llfe or durlng
Lhe senLence
b. erpeLual absoluLe dlsquallflcaLlon
unless expressly remlLLed ln Lhe
pardon of Lhe prlnclpal penalLy

3. ltlsloo moyot
a. 1emporary absoluLe dlsquallflcaLlon
b. erpeLual speclal dlsquallflcaLlon
from suffrage, unless expressly
remlLLed ln Lhe pardon of Lhe
prlnclpal penalLy

4. ltlsloo cottecloool
a. Suspenslon from publlc offlce,
professlon or calllng, and
b. erpeLual speclal dlsquallflcaLlon
from suffrage, lf Lhe duraLlon of
lmprlsonmenL exceeds 18 monLhs,
unless expressly remlLLed ln Lhe
pardon of Lhe prlnclpal penalLy

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

3. Attesto moyot - suspenslon of Lhe rlghL
Lo hold offlce and Lhe rlghL of suffrage
durlng Lhe Lerm of Lhe senLence

.H=G* 1he 8C does noL provlde for any accessory
penalLy for Jestletto.

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
8)$+$./&+$ &%8)&'-.%$./
Y!A=7 [Z^

:* 9;<= >? IAGOGC=>OG >BIA>?HCBGC=F

!* erlod of deLenLlon undergone by an accused
where Lhe crlme wlLh whlch he ls charged ls non
ballable or, even lf ballable, he ls unable Lo posL
Lhe requlslLe ball


!* lL wlll apply Lo all senLences regardless of Lhe
duraLlon Lhereof, lncludlng Lhe socalled perpeLual
penalLles as long as Lhey lnvolve deprlvaLlon of
llberLy. lL wlll also apply Lo Jestletto.

:* 9;GC >? =;G KG=GC=>HC IA>?HCGA GC=>=DGK =H =;G

!* lf Lhe deLenLlon prlsoner agrees volunLarlly ln
wrlLlng Lo ablde by Lhe same dlsclpllnary rules
lmposed upon convlcLed prlsoners.

ln Lhe case of youLhful offender who has been
proceeded agalnsL under Lhe Chlld and ?ouLh
Welfare Code, he shall be credlLed ln Lhe servlce of
hls senLence wlLh Lhe full Llme of hls acLual
deLenLlon, wheLher or noL he agreed Lo ablde by
Lhe same dlsclpllnary rules of Lhe lnsLlLuLlon.

:* 9;GC E>DD ;G LG @AGK>=GK HCDR E>=; NHJAN>N=;?
=;G =>BG KJA>CS E;>@; ;G ;<? JCKGASHCG

!* lf Lhe deLenLlon prlsoner does noL agree Lo
ablde by Lhe same dlsclpllnary rules lmposed upon
convlcLed prlsoners

$,,$"/' -, 8!)#-.
Y!A=7 []^

:* 9;<= >? =;G GNNG@= HN I<AKHC LR =;G 8AG?>KGC=
HC =;G IHD>=>@<D A>S;=? HN =;G <@@J?GKF

3)* LxecuLlve pardon does noL resLore Lhe
rlghL Lo hold publlc offlce or Lhe rlghL Lo

`8.* When such rlghLs are expressly resLored

:* 9;<= <AG =;G D>B>=<=>HC? HN =;G I<AKHC>CS

1. LxecuLlve pardon can only be exerclsed
afLer convlcLlon by flnal [udgmenL
2. LxecuLlve pardon does noL exLend Lo
cases of lmpeachmenL

:* 9;<= >? =;G GNNG@= HN =;G SA<C= HN I<AKHC HC
=;G IA>C@>I<D <CK <@@G??HAR IGC<D=>G? >BIH?GKF

3)* ardon granLed ln general Lerms
exLlngulshes only Lhe prlnclpal penalLy and
does noL lnclude Lhe accessory penalLy

1. When absoluLe pardon ls granLed afLer Lhe
Lerm of lmprlsonmenL has explred, lL removes
all LhaL ls lefL of Lhe consequences of Lhe

2. lf pardon expressly provldes, accessory
penalLy ls exLlngulshed.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G K>?=>C@=>HC? LG=EGGC GMG@J=>OG

$`$"2/&+$ 8!)#-.
8!)#-. 41 /($
-,,$.#$# 8!)/1
Covers any crlme,
unless oLherwlse
provlded by Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon or Lhe
Crlmes agalnsL chasLlLy
under Lhe 8C
LxLlngulshes crlmlnal
uoes noL exLlngulsh
crlmlnal llablllLy
LxecuLlve pardon does
noL lnclude clvll llablllLy
Clvll llablllLy can be
CranLed only afLer
convlcLlon by flnal
Should be glven before
Lhe lnsLlLuLlon of Lhe
crlmlnal acLlon

Y!A=7 [j^

:* 9;<= >? @H?= HA @H?= HN ?J>=F

!* lL ls Lhe expenses of llLlgaLlon allowed by Lhe
8ules of CourL Lo be assessed agalnsL or Lo be
recovered by a parLy ln llLlgaLlon.

:* 9;<= KH @H?=? >C@DJKGF

!""# %& 08;C9B<8=
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
1. lees
2. lndemnlLles, ln Lhe course of [udlclal

:* /H E;HB <AG @H?=? @;<ASG<LDGF

1. lo cose of coovlctloo - chargeable Lo Lhe
2. lo cose of ocpolttol - cosLs are Je offlclo,
each parLy bearlng hls own expenses

.H=G* aymenL of cosLs ls dlscreLlonary Lo Lhe courLs

8$"2.&!)1 0&!4&0&/&$'
Y!A=7 [f^

:* 9;<= KH IG@JC><AR D><L>D>=>G? >C@DJKGF

!* ln Lhe followlng order:
1. 8eparaLlon of Lhe damage caused
2. lndemnlflcaLlon of Lhe consequenLlal
3. llne
4. CosLs of proceedlngs

1. 1he order of paymenL applles ln case Lhe
properLy of Lhe offender ls oot sufflclenL
for Lhe paymenL of hls pecunlary llablllLles.
2. 1he order of paymenL ls mandaLory.

'24'&#&!)1 8$.!0/1

:* 9;GC >? ?JL?>K><AR IGC<D=R >BIH?GKF

1. When Lhere ls a prlnclpal penalLy of
lmprlsonmenL or any oLher prlnclpal
penalLy and lL carrles wlLh lL a flne, or
2. When penalLy ls only a flne.

.H=G* A subsldlary penalLy ls noL an accessory

lL musL be expressly sLaLed ln Lhe senLence and
convlcL musL have been lnsolvenL Lo pay Lhe flne
and noL mere refusal Lo pay lL.

1he senLence wlll merely provlde LhaL ln case of
nonpaymenL of Lhe flne, Lhe convlcL shall be
requlred Lo save subsldlary penalLy

1here shall be no subsldlary penalLy for Lhe non
paymenL of damages Lo Lhe offended parLy

:* 9;GC >? ?JL?>K><AR >BIA>?HCBGC= CH=
1. When penalLy lmposed ls hlgher Lhan
ptlsloo cottectloool.
2. When Lhe penalLy lmposed ls flne and a
penalLy noL Lo be execuLed by
conflnemenL ln a penal lnsLlLuLlon and
whlch has no flxed perlod.
3. lor fallure Lo pay Lhe reparaLlon of Lhe
damaged caused, lndemnlflcaLlon of Lhe
consequenLlal damages, and cosLs of Lhe

"-.,&'"!/&-. !.# ,-),$&/2)$' -,
/($ 8)-"$$#' -) &.'/)2%$./' -,
/($ ")&%$ Y!A=7 \i^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G AJDG? HC @HCN>?@<=>HC <CK

1. Lvery penalLy lmposed carrles wlLh lL Lhe
forfelLure of Lhe proceeds of Lhe crlme
and Lhe lnsLrumenLs or Lools used ln Lhe
commlsslon of Lhe crlme.
2. ConflscaLlon and forfelLure are ln favor
of Lhe governmenL
3. roperLy of a 3
person noL llable for Lhe
offense ls noL sub[ecL Lo conflscaLlon and
4. roperLy noL sub[ecL of lawful commerce
(wheLher lL belongs Lo Lhe accused or 3

person) shall be desLroyed

.H=G* ConflscaLlon and forfelLure are addlLlonal
penalLles. Pence, once Lhe senLence has become
flnal, Lhe courL can no longer modlfy, alLer, or change
lL by orderlng conflscaLlon and forfelLure.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G @<?G? E;GC @HCN>?@<=>HC <CK

1. 1he lnsLrumenLs belong Lo an lnnocenL
Lhlrd parLy.
2. Such properLles have noL been placed
under Lhe [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe courL.
3. When lL ls legally or physlcally

$7 !880&"!/&-. -, 8$.!0/&$'
Y!A=?7 \\jj^


3)* enalLy prescrlbed by law ln general Lerms
shall be lmposed upon Lhe prlnclpals for Lhe
consummaLed felony

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

`8.* When Lhe law flxes Lhe penalLy for
frusLraLed or aLLempLed felony

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
:* 9;GC >? =;G SA<KJ<=GK ?@<DG NHDDHEGKF

!* 1he graduaLed scale ls followed when Lhe law
prescrlbes a penalLy lower or hlgher by one or more
degrees Lhan anoLher glven penalLy.

Scale 1
1. ueaLh
2. keclosloo letpetoo
3. keclosloo 1empotol
4. ltlsloo moyot
3. ltlsloo cotteccloool
6. Attesto Moyot
7. uestletto
8. Attesto Meoot
9. ubllc censure
10. llne

Scale 2
1. erpeLual or 1emporary AbsoluLe
2. erpeLual or 1emporary Speclal
3. Suspenslon from publlc offlce, Lhe rlghL Lo
voLe and Lo be voLed for, Lhe professlon
or calllng
4. ubllc Censure
3. llne


!* CraduaLlon of penalLles may be by:

1. 8y ueqtees:
a. SLages of execuLlon (consummaLed,
frusLraLed, or aLLempLed), and
b. uegree of crlmlnal parLlclpaLlon of
Lhe offender (prlnclpal, accompllce
or accessory).

2. 8y letloJs (maxlmum, medlum, and

:* 9;<= >? =;G @HBIJ=<=>HC HN IGC<D=>G? NHA
IA>C@>I<D?Q <@@HBID>@G? <CK <@@G??HA>G?F

"-.'2%%!/$# ,)2'/)!/$# !//$%8/$#
g 6 c
6 c [
c [ \


0 - represenLs Lhe penalLy prescrlbed by law,
whlch ls Lo be lmposed on Lhe prlnclpal
ln a consummaLed offense.

1 - represenLs LhaL penalLy prescrlbed by law
musL be lowered by one degree Lo meeL
Lhe dlfferenL slLuaLlons and so on wlLh
numbers 2, 3, 4.

.H=G* 1he rules ln Lhe dlagram shall noL apply Lo
cases were Lhe law prescrlbed Lhe penalLy for a
frusLraLed or aLLempLed felony, or Lo be lmposed
upon accompllces or accessorles.

:* 9;<= N<@=HA? <AG @HC?>KGAGK >C KG=GAB>C>CS

1. SLage reached.
2. arLlclpaLlons of Lhe persons llable.
3. AggravaLlng or mlLlgaLlng
clrcumsLances aLLendanL.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G AJDG? >C <IID>@<=>HC HN >CK>O>?>LDG

1. 5loqle loJlvlslble - lL shall be applled
regardless of any mlLlgaLlng or
aggravaLlng clrcumsLances

2. composeJ of two loJlvlslble peooltles
a. Ooly ooe oqqtovotloq cltcomstooce
- greaLer penalLy shall be lmposed
b. No mltlqotloq ooJ oo oqqtovotloq
cltcomstooces - lesser penalLy shall
be lmposed
c. Mltlqotloq cltcomstooce ooJ oo
oqqtovotloq - lesser penalLy shall
be lmposed
d. 8otb mltlqotloq ooJ oqqtovotloq
cltcomstooces ote pteseot - courL
shall offseL each oLher

.H=G* Moral value, noL numerlcal welghL, should

3)* When penalLy ls composed of Lwo
lndlvlslble penalLles, Lhe penalLy cannoL be
lowered by one degree, no maLLer how
many mlLlgaLlng clrcumsLances are presenL

`8.* rlvlleged mlLlgaLlng clrcumsLances of
ArLs. 68 (person under 18 years old) and 69
(lncompleLe [usLlfylng or exempLlng

!""# %& 08;C9B<8=
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %

:* 9;<= <AG =;G AJDG? >C =;G <IID>@<=>HC HN

!* Applles only when Lhe penalLy has Lhree perlods
1. No oqqtovotloq ooJ oo mltlqotloq -
medlum perlod

2. Ooly o mltlqotloq - mlnlmum

3. Ooly oo oqqtovotloq - maxlmum

4. wbeo tbete ote oqqtovotloq ooJ
mltlqotloq - courL shall offseL Lhose of
one class agalnsL Lhe oLher accordlng Lo
Lhelr relaLlve welghL

5. 1wo ot mote mltlqotloq ooJ oo
oqqtovotloq - penalLy nexL lower, ln Lhe
perlod appllcable, accordlng Lo Lhe
number and naLure of such

6. 1wo ot mote oqqtovotloq - LlmlLaLlon:
no penalLy greaLer Lhan Lhe maxlmum
perlod of Lhe penalLy prescrlbed by law
shall shall be lmposed

7. CourL can deLermlne Lhe exLenL of Lhe
penalLy wlLhln Lhe llmlLs of each perlod,
accordlng Lo Lhe number and naLure of
Lhe aggravaLlng and mlLlgaLlng
clrcumsLances and Lhe greaLer or lesser
Lhe exLenL of Lhe evll produced by Lhe

.H=G* ln applylng Lhe rules for graduaLlng penalLles,
mlLlgaLlng and aggravaLlng clrcumsLances are
dlsregarded. MlLlgaLlng and/or aggravaLlng
clrcumsLances should be consldered only afLer Lhe
penalLy nexL lower ln degree ls already deLermlned.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G @<?G? E;GAG B>=>S<=>CS <CK
<SSA<O<=>CS @>A@JB?=<C@G? <AG CH= @HC?>KGAGK >C
=;G >BIH?>=>HC HN =;G IGC<D=RF

1. When penalLy ls slngle and lndlvlslble
2. Cn felonles Lhrough negllgence
3. 1he penalLy Lo be lmposed upon a Moro
or oLher nonChrlsLlan lnhablLanLs. lL lles
ln Lhe dlscreLlon of Lhe courL
4. When penalLy ls only flne lmposed by an
3. When penalLles are prescrlbed by speclal

:* 9;<= >? =;G AJDG E;GC =;G IGC<D=R >? CH=

!* ulvlde Llme lncluded ln Lhe penalLy lnLo Lhree
equal porLlons and one porLlon wlll correspond Lo
one perlod.

.H=G* enalLles conslsLlng ln deprlvaLlon of llberLy
cannoL be served slmulLaneously.

:* 9;<= >? =;G =;AGGNHDK AJDGF

!* 1he Lhreefold rule provldes LhaL Lhe maxlmum
duraLlon of convlcL's senLence shall noL be more
Lhan 3 Llmes Lhe lengLh of Lhe mosL severe of Lhe
penalLles lmposed upon hlm buL ln no case Lo
exceed 40 years.

1he Lhreefold rule applles only when Lhe convlcL
has Lo serve aL leasL 4 senLences successlvely.

Subsldlary penalLy forms parL of Lhe penalLy.

Subsldlary lmprlsonmenL: 1hls shall be excluded ln
compuLlng for Lhe maxlmum duraLlon.

lL applles alLhough penalLles were lmposed for
dlfferenL crlmes aL dlfferenL Llmes and under
separaLe lnformaLlon.

.H=G* 1he Lhreefold rule musL be addressed Lo Lhe
warden and noL Lo Lhe [udge.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G IGC<D=>G? =;<= B<R LG ?GAOGK

1. erpeLual absoluLe dlsquallflcaLlon
2. erpeLual speclal dlsquallflcaLlon
3. 1emporary absoluLe dlsquallflcaLlon
4. 1emporary speclal dlsquallflcaLlon
3. Suspenslon
6. uesLlerro
7. llne and bond Lo keep Lhe peace
8. Clvll lnLerdlcLlon
9. ConflscaLlon and paymenL of cosL

.H=G* 1he above penalLles, excepL desLlerro, maybe
served slmulLaneously wlLh lmprlsonmenL.

!##&/&-.!0 8$.!0/&$' /- 4$ &%8-'$# 28-.
"$)/!&. !""$''-)&$'
Y!A=7 if^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G <KK>=>HC<D IGC<D=>G? =;<= @HJDK
LG >BIH?GK =H @GA=<>C <@@G??HA>G?F

!* ubllc offlcers who help Lhe auLhor of Lhe crlme
by mlsuslng Lhelr offlce and duLles shall suffer Lhe
addlLlonal penalLles of:

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

1. Absolote petpetool Jlspoollflcotloo lf
Lhe prlnclpal offender ls gullLy of a grave

2. Absolote tempototy Jlspoollflcotloo lf
Lhe prlnclpal offender ls gullLy of less
grave felony.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G AJDG? JCKGA !A=7 \ZF

1. lf peoolty fot felooy commltteJ ls blqbet
tboo tbot loteoJeJ - Lower penalLy ln lLs
maxlmum perlod shall be lmposed

2. lf peoolty fot felooy commltteJ ls lowet
tboo tbot loteoJeJ - Lower penalLy ln lLs
maxlmum perlod shall be lmposed

3. lf tbe oct commltteJ olso coostltotes oo
ottempt ot ftosttotloo of oootbet ctlme
ooJ tbe low ptesctlbes o blqbet peoolty
fot wbetbet of tbe lottet - enalLy for
Lhe aLLempLed or frusLraLed crlme ln lLs
maxlmum perlod shall be lmposed.

.H=G* ArL. 49 applles ln error ln personae or when
Lhere ls mlsLake ln Lhe ldenLlLy of Lhe vlcLlm of Lhe

1he penalLy fro Lhe lnLended crlme and Lhe acLual
crlme commlLLed are compared and Lhe lower
penalLy ls lmposed ln Lhe maxlmum perlod.
")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA

8$.!0/1 ,-) &%8-''&40$ ")&%$
Y!A=7 iZ^

:* 9;<= >? =;G IGC<D=R =H LG >BIH?GK >C @<?G HN
N<>DJAG =H @HBB>= < @A>BG LG@<J?G =;G BG<C?

!* 1he penalLy for lmposslble crlme ls ottesto
moyot or flne ranglng from 200300.

:* 9;<= >? =;G L<?>? NHA =;G >BIH?>=>HC HN IGC<D=R

1. 1he soclal danger lL could cause
2. uegree of crlmlnallLy shown by Lhe

67 &CKG=GAB>C<=G 'GC=GC@G 0<E
Y)7!7 \6g[Q <? <BGCKGK^

:* 9;<= >? <C >CKG=GAB>C<=G ?GC=GC@GF

!* lL ls a senLence wlLh a mlnlmum Lerm and a
maxlmum Lerm whlch Lhe courL ls mandaLed Lo
lmpose for Lhe beneflL of a gullLy person who ls noL
dlsquallfled Lherefore, when Lhe maxlmum
lmprlsonmenL exceeds 1 year.

:* 9;<= >? =;G IJAIH?G HN =;G >CKG=GAB>C<=G

!* 1he purpose of Lhe lndeLermlnaLe senLence law
ls Lo avold prolonged lmprlsonmenL because lL ls
proven Lo be more desLrucLlve Lhan consLrucLlve Lo


!* lndeLermlnaLe senLence applles mandaLorlly Lo
vlolaLlons of boLh Lhe 8C and speclal laws where
lmprlsonmenL would exceed one year, and where
Lhe penalLy ls dlvlslble. (5ec.1)

:* (HE >? =;G >CKG=GAB>C<=G ?GC=GC@G >BIH?GKF

!* ln lmposlng a prlson senLence for an offense
punlshed by Lhe 8C or speclal penal laws, Lhe
courL shall senLence Lhe accused Lo an
lndeLermlnaLe senLence, whlch has a maxlmum and
a mlnlmum Lerm based on Lhe penalLy acLually

)8" '80
1haL whlch could be
properly lmposed under Lhe
8C, conslderlng Lhe
aggravaLlng and mlLlgaLlng
Anywhere wlLhln Lhe
range of penalLy
prescrlbed by Lhe
speclal law, as long as
lL wlll noL exceed Lhe
llmlL of Lhe penalLy.
WlLhln Lhe range of penalLy
one degree lower Lhan LhaL
prescrlbed by Lhe 8C for
Lhe felony commlLLed,
wlLhouL conslderlng Lhe
aggravaLlng and mlLlgaLlng
Anywhere wlLhln Lhe
range of penalLy
prescrlbed by Lhe
speclal law, as long as
lL wlll noL be less Lhan
Lhe mlnlmum llmlL of
Lhe penalLy under sald

.H=G* 1he mlnlmum and Lhe maxlmum referred Lo ln
Lhe lndeLermlnaLe senLence law are noL perlods.

1he Lerm mlnlmum refers Lo Lhe duraLlon of Lhe
senLence whlch Lhe convlcL shall serve as a mlnlmum
Lo be ellglble for parole.

1he Lerm maxlmum refers Lo Lhe maxlmum llmlL of Lhe
duraLlon LhaL Lhe convlcL may be held ln [all.

lor speclal laws, lL ls anyLhlng wlLhln Lhe lncluslve
range of prescrlbed penalLy. CourLs are glven

!""# %& 08;C9B<8=
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
dlscreLlon ln Lhe lmposlLlon of Lhe lndeLermlnaLe

:* 9;H <AG K>?TJ<D>N>GK NAHB <O<>D>CS =;G LGCGN>=?

!* 1he lndeLermlnaLe senLence law shall noL apply
Lo persons:
1. ConvlcLed of:
a. An offense punlshable wlLh deaLh
penalLy, teclosloo petpetoo or llfe
b. 1reason, consplracy or proposal Lo
commlL Lreason
c. Mlsprlslon of Lreason, rebelllon,
sedlLlon, esplonage
d. lracy
2. Who are hablLual dellnquenLs
3. Who shall have escaped from
conflnemenL or evaded senLence
4. CranLed condlLlonal pardon by Lhe Chlef
LxecuLlve and shall have vlolaLed Lhe Lerm
(condlLlon) LhereLo
3. Whose maxlmum Lerm of lmprlsonmenL
does noL exceed one year
6. SenLenced Lo Lhe penalLy of Jestletto or
suspenslon only, Any person convlcLed of
a crlme buL Lhe penalLy lmposed upon
hlm does noL lnvolve lmprlsonmenL
7. Who are already servlng flnal [udgmenL
upon Lhe approval of Lhe lndeLermlnaLe
SenLence Law. (5ec. 2)

.H=G* 8ecldlvlsLs are enLlLled Lo an lndeLermlnaLe

AlLhough Lhe penalLy prescrlbed for Lhe felony
commlLLed ls deaLh or teclosloo petpetoo, lf afLer
conslderlng Lhe aLLendanL clrcumsLances, Lhe
lmposable penalLy ls recluslon Lemporal or less, Lhe
lndeLermlnaLe SenLence Law applles.

An offender ls noL dlsquallfled Lo avall of Lhe beneflLs
of Lhe lndeLermlnaLe senLence law even lf Lhe crlme ls
commlLLed whlle he ls on parole.


!* Whenever any prlsoner shall:
1. Pave served Lhe mlnlmum penalLy
lmposed upon hlm

2. Appear Lo Lhe board of lndeLermlnaLe
senLence, from Lhe reporLs of Lhe
prlsoner's work and conducL, and from
Lhe sLudy and lnvesLlgaLlon made by Lhe
board lLself LhaL:
a. llLLed by hls Lralnlng for release,
b. 8easonable probablllLy LhaL such
prlsoner wlll llve and remaln aL
llberLy wlLhouL vlolaLlng Lhe law,
c. 8elease wlll noL be lncompaLlble
wlLh Lhe welfare of socleLy.

:* 9;GC >? < IA>?HCGA HC I<AHDG GC=>=DGK =H N>C<D

!* lf durlng Lhe perlod of survelllance such paroled
prlsoner shall:
1. Show hlmself Lo be a law abldlng clLlzen
2. noL vlolaLe any law,

1he 8oard may lssue a flnal cerLlflcaLlon ln hls favor,
for hls flnal release and dlscharge. (5ec. 6)

:* 9;<= <AG =;G ?<C@=>HC? NHA =;G O>HD<=>HC HN =;G

!* When Lhe paroled prlsoner shall vlolaLe any of
Lhe condlLlons of hls parole, he may be:
1. 8earresLed, and
2. 1hereafLer, he shall serve Lhe remalnlng
unexplred porLlon of Lhe maxlmum
senLence for whlch he was orlglnally
commlLLed Lo prlson.

:* /;G IGC<D=R IAHO>KGK LR D<E >? ] BHC=;? =H [
67 c RG<A?m
c7 6 RG<Am
[7 6g BHC=;?m
\7 ] BHC=;? =H 6g BHC=;?m
i7 ] BHC=;? =H c RG<A?7

1. lncorrecL, a sLralghL penalLy cannoL be
lmposed under Lhe lSLAW.
2. CorrecL, because lf Lhe range of Lhe
penalLy ls one year or less, you can
lmpose a sLralghL penalLy of one year.
Pere lSLAW ls noL appllcable.
3. CorrecL, same as (b).
4. lncorrecL, lf Lhe maxlmum penalLy ls one
year or less, Lhen lL ls noL covered by
lSLAW. Pence, Lhere ls no need Lo provlde
for maxlmum and mlnlmum perlods ln
lmposlng a penalLy.
3. CorrecL, lf Lhe maxlmum perlod of Lhe
penalLy lmposed ls more Lhan one year,
Lhe lSLAW applles.

,7 $`$"2/&-. !.# '$)+&"$ -, 8$.!0/&$'
Y!A=?7 jfff^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G AJDG? >C @<?G HN >C?<C>=RF

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA

1. When a convlcL becomes lnsane or
lmbeclle afLer flnal senLence has been
pronounced, Lhe execuLlon of such
senLence ls suspended only as regards Lhe
personal penalLy.

2. lf he recovers hls reason, hls senLence
shall be execuLed unless Lhe penalLy has

3. Lven lf whlle servlng hls senLence, Lhe
convlcL becomes lnsane or lmbeclle, Lhe
above provlslons shall be observed.

4. 8uL Lhe paymenL of hls clvll or pecunlary
llablllLles shall noL be suspended.

:* 9;GC >? KG<=; IGC<D=R CH= >BIH?GKF

1. When Lhe convlcL ls below 18 yrs old aL
Lhe Llme of Lhe commlsslon of Lhe crlme.

2. When Lhe convlcL ls over 70 yrs old aL Lhe
Llme of Lhe commlsslon of Lhe crlme.

3. When upon appeal or auLomaLlc revlew
of Lhe case by Lhe Supreme CourL, Lhe
requlred ma[orlLy voLe ls noL obLalned for
lmposlLlon of Lhe deaLh penalLy, ln whlch
cases Lhe penalLy shall be recluslon
perpeLua. (Att. 47)

:* &? =;G KG<=; IGC<D=R <DAG<KR LGGC <LHD>?;GKF

!* no. WhaL ls prohlblLed under 8.A. 9346 ls only
Lhe lmposlLlon of Lhe penalLy of deaLh.

ln lleu of Lhe deaLh penalLy, Lhe followlng shall be
1. 1he penalLy of teclosloo petpetoo, when
Lhe law vlolaLed makes use of Lhe
nomenclaLure of Lhe penalLles of Lhe 8C,

2. 1he penalLy of llfe lmprlsonmenL, when
Lhe law vlolaLed does noL make use of Lhe
nomenclaLure of Lhe penalLles of Lhe 8C.
(5ec.2, k.A. 9J46)

.H=G* Powever, Lhe correspondlng clvll llablllLy should
be Lhe clvll llablllLy correspondlng Lo deaLh. (leople vs.
5olome, C.k. No. 169077, Aoq. J1, 2006)

:* 9;GC >? =;G GMG@J=>HC HN KG<=; IGC<D=R

1. When Lhe convlcL ls a woman who ls
pregnanL or wlLhln 1 year afLer dellvery.
(Att. 8J)

2. When a convlcL shall become lnsane or an
lmbeclle afLer flnal senLence has been
pronounced. (Att. 79)

:* 9;GC >? KG<=; IGC<D=R >BIH?GK LJ= CH= @<AA>GK

1. ln case of commuLaLlon of senLence.

2. lf convlcL aLLalns Lhe age of 70 yrs. Cld ln
whlch case Lhe penalLy wlll be
auLomaLlcally lowered Lo recluslon

.H=G* Cnly a penalLy by flnal [udgmenL can be
execuLed. A [udgmenL ls flnal lf Lhe accused has noL
appealed wlLhln 13 days or he has expressly walved ln
wrlLlng LhaL he wlll noL appeal.

:* &C E;<= @<?G? >? 2'&-$'))* >BIH?GKF

1. ueaLh or serlous physlcal ln[urles ls
caused or are lnfllcLed under excepLlonal
clrcumsLances. (Att. 247)

2. lallure Lo glve bond for good behavlor ln
grave and llghL LhreaLs. (Att. 284)

3. enalLy for Lhe concublne ln concublnage
(Att. JJ4)

4. When, afLer reduclng Lhe penalLy by one
or more degrees, desLlerro ls Lhe proper

:* (HE >? 2'&-$'))* GMG@J=GKF

1. ConvlcL shall noL be permlLLed Lo enLer
Lhe place deslgnaLed ln Lhe senLence nor
wlLhln Lhe radlus speclfled, whlch shall
noL be more Lhan 230 and noL less Lhan
23 km from Lhe place deslgnaLed.

2. lf Lhe convlcL enLers Lhe prohlblLed area,
he commlLs evaslon of senLence.

:* 9;GAG >? =;G ID<@G HN ?GAO>@G HN "))'&-* !'%*)F

1. ln Lhe munlclpal [all,

!""# %& 08;C9B<8=
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
2. ln Lhe house of Lhe offender, buL under
Lhe survelllance of an offlcer of Lhe law
whenever Lhe courL provldes ln Lhe
declslon due Lo Lhe healLh of Lhe
offender. 8uL Lhe reason ls noL
saLlsfacLory [usL because Lhe offender ls a
respecLable member of Lhe communlLy.
(Att. 88)

67 8AHL<=>HC 0<E Y87#7 Z]fQ <? <BGCKGK^

:* 9;<= >? IAHL<=>HCF

!* lL ls a dlsposlLlon under whlch a defendanL, afLer
convlcLlon and senLence, ls released sub[ecL Lo
condlLlons lmposed by Lhe courL and Lo Lhe
supervlslon of a probaLlon offlcer. (5ec. J jo])

.H=G* robaLlon ls only a prlvllege and lLs granL resLs
solely upon Lhe dlscreLlon of Lhe courL.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G IJAIH?G? HN IAHL<=>HCF

1. 1o promoLe Lhe correcLlon and
rehablllLaLlon of an offender by provldlng
hlm wlLh lndlvlduallzed LreaLmenL

2. 1o provlde an opporLunlLy for Lhe
reformaLlon of a penlLenL offender whlch
mlghL be less probable lf he were Lo serve
a prlson senLence

3. 1o prevenL Lhe commlsslon of offenses
4. 1o decongesL our [alls
3. 1o save Lhe governmenL much needed
flnance for malnLalnlng convlcLs ln [all.


!* robaLlon may be avalled of before Lhe convlcL
beglns servlng senLence by flnal [udgmenL provlded
LhaL he/she dld noL appeal hls/her convlcLlon

.H=G* 1he appllcaLlon for probaLlon musL be done
wlLhln 13 days from Lhe promulgaLlon of [udgmenL.


3)* no. Lven lf a person may be ellglble for
probaLlon, Lhe momenL he perfecLs an appeal from
Lhe [udgmenL of convlcLlon, he cannoL avall of
probaLlon anymore. 1he beneflL of probaLlon musL
be lnvoked aL Lhe earllesL lnsLance afLer
convlcLlon.(ltooclsco v. cA, C.k. No. 108747 Aptll 6,

`8.* The courL may, afLer lL shall have convlcLed
and senLenced a chlld ln confllcL wlLh Lhe law, and
upon appllcaLlon aL any Llme, place Lhe chlld on
probaLlon ln lleu of servlce of hls/her senLence
Laklng lnLo accounL Lhe besL lnLeresL of Lhe chlld.
lor Lhls purpose, SecLlon 4 of u 968, oLherwlse
known as Lhe "robaLlon Law of 1976", ls hereby
amended accordlngly. (5ec. 42, kA 9J44)

:* 9;<= >? =;G GNNG@= HN =;G N>D>CS NHA <IID>@<=>HC

!* A [udgmenL of convlcLlon becomes flnal when
Lhe accused flles a peLlLlon for probaLlon. Powever,
Lhe [udgmenL ls noL execuLory unLll Lhe peLlLlon for
probaLlon ls resolved. 1he flllng of Lhe peLlLlon for
probaLlon ls a walver by Lhe accused of hls rlghL Lo
appeal Lhe [udgmenL of convlcLlon.

kotlo. When one applles for probaLlon, he admlLs Lhe
correcLness of Lhe courL's declslon. Cn Lhe oLher hand,
lf he appeals, he ls noL saLlsfled wlLh Lhe courL's
declslon, Lhus he wanLs Lhe appellaLe courL Lo reverse
or modlfy Lhe declslon of Lhe lower courL.

:* 9;<= >? =;G GNNG@= HN IAHL<=>HC HC =;G @>O>D

!* 1he probaLlon law provldes only for Lhe
suspenslon of Lhe senLence lmposed on Lhe accused
by vlrLue of hls appllcaLlon. lL has absoluLely no
bearlng on clvll llablllLy. AlLhough Lhe execuLlon of
senLence ls suspended by Lhe granL of suspenslon,
lL does noL follow LhaL Lhe clvll llablllLy of Lhe
offender, lf any, ls exLlngulshed.

:* 9;GAG ?;HJDK =;G HNNGCKGA N>DG ;>? <IID>@<=>HC

!* An appllcaLlon for probaLlon ls excluslvely wlLhln
Lhe [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe Lrlal courL LhaL rendered Lhe
[udgmenL. 1he courLs are always requlred Lo
conducL a hearlng wheLher a convlcL who ls
oLherwlse dlsquallfled for probaLlon may be glven
Lhe beneflL of probaLlon or noL.


3)* Cnly Lhose whose penalLy does noL exceed slx
years of lmprlsonmenL are quallfled for probaLlon,
wlLhouL regard Lo Lhe naLure of Lhe crlme. Pence, lf
Lhe penalLy ls slx years and one day, he ls no longer
quallfled for probaLlon.

1. llrsL Llme mlnor offenders under 8a 9163
2. vlolaLlon of Lhe omnlbus elecLlon code

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

KHG? CH= GM@GGK ?>M RG<A? <D=;HJS; =;G =H=<D>=R HN

!* ?es, Lhe offender ls sLlll quallfled for probaLlon.
1he basls of deLermlnlng wheLher Lhe penalLy
dlsquallfles Lhe offender from probaLlon or noL ls
Lhe Lerm of Lhe lndlvldual lmprlsonmenL and noL
Lhe LoLallLy of all Lhe prlson Lerms lmposed ln Lhe

Pence, even lf Lhe prlson Lerm would sum up Lo
more Lhan slx years, lf none of Lhe lndlvldual
penalLy exceeds slx years, Lhe offender ls noL
dlsquallfled from applylng for probaLlon.

:* %<R < AG@>K>O>?= LG S>OGC =;G LGCGN>= HN

3)* no.

`8.* lf Lhe earller convlcLlon refers Lo a crlme,
Lhe penalLy of whlch does noL exceed 30 days of
lmprlsonmenL or a flne of noL more Lhan 200,
such convlcL ls noL dlsquallfled from Lhe beneflL
of probaLlon. Pence, even lf he would be
convlcLed subsequenLly of a crlme embraced ln
Lhe same LlLle of Lhe 8C as LhaL of Lhe earller
convlcLlon, he ls noL dlsquallfled from avalllng of
probaLlon provlded LhaL Lhe penalLy of Lhe
currenL crlme commlLLed does noL go beyond slx
years and Lhe naLure of Lhe crlme commlLLed by
hlm ls noL agalnsL publlc order, naLlonal securlLy
or subverslon.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G @A>=GA>< NHA ID<@>CS <C HNNGCKGA HC

!* ln deLermlnlng wheLher an offender may be
placed on probaLlon, Lhe courL shall conslder:

1. All lnformaLlon relaLlve, Lo Lhe characLer,
anLecedenLs, envlronmenL, menLal and
physlcal condlLlon of Lhe offender, and
2. Avallable lnsLlLuLlonal and communlLy

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
:* 9;H <AG K>?TJ<D>N>GK NAHB <O<>D>CS =;G LGCGN>=?

!* 1he beneflLs of Lhe probaLlon law shall noL be
exLended Lo Lhose:
1. SenLenced Lo serve a maxlmum Lerm of
lmprlsonmenL of more Lhan slx years,
2. ConvlcLed of subverslon or any crlme
agalnsL Lhe naLlonal securlLy or Lhe publlc
order, such as alarms and scandals,
regardless of Lhe penalLy lmposed,
3. Who have prevlously been convlcLed by
flnal [udgmenL of an offense punlshed by
lmprlsonmenL of noL less Lhan one monLh
and one day and/or a flne of noL less Lhan
Lwo hundred pesos,
4. Who have been once on probaLlon under
Lhe provlslons of u 968, and
3. Who are already servlng senLence aL Lhe
Llme Lhe subsLanLlve provlslons of u 968
became appllcable pursuanL Lo SecLlon 33
of u 968. (5ec. 9)

.H=G* ln deLermlnlng wheLher a convlcL ls enLlLled Lo
probaLlon, conslder noL only Lhe probaLlonable crlme,
buL also Lhe probaLlonable penalLy. lf lL were a non
probaLlonable crlme, Lhen regardless of Lhe penalLy,
Lhe convlcL cannoL avall of probaLlon.

:* 9;GC E>DD =;G <IID>@<=>HC NHA IAHL<=>HC LG

!* 1he courL shall deny Lhe appllcaLlon for
probaLlon lf lL flnds:

1. 1haL Lhe offender ls ln need of
correcLlonal LreaLmenL LhaL can be
provlded mosL effecLlvely by hls
commlLmenL Lo an lnsLlLuLlon,
2. 1haL Lhere ls an undue rlsk LhaL durlng Lhe
perlod of probaLlon Lhe offender wlll
commlL anoLher crlme, or
3. robaLlon wlll depreclaLe Lhe serlousness
of Lhe crlme.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G _>CK? HN @HCK>=>HC? >BIH?GK

1. MandaLory condlLlons
2. ulscreLlonary condlLlons

:* 9;<= <AG =;G B<CK<=HAR @HCK>=>HC?F

!* 1hey are:
1. 1he convlcL musL reporL Lo Lhe robaLlon
Cfflcer (C) deslgnaLed ln Lhe courL order
approvlng hls appllcaLlon for probaLlon
wlLhln 72 hours from recelpL of noLlce of
such order approvlng hls appllcaLlon, and
2. 1he convlcL, as a probaLloner, musL reporL
Lo Lhe C aL leasL once a monLh durlng
Lhe perlod of probaLlon unless sooner.

!""# %& 08;C9B<8=
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
.H=G* 1hese condlLlons are mandaLory, hence, Lhe
momenL any of Lhese ls vlolaLed, Lhe probaLlon ls

:* 9;<= <AG =;G K>?@AG=>HC<AR @HCK>=>HC?F

!* 1he Lrlal courL whlch approved Lhe appllcaLlon
for probaLlon may lmpose any condlLlon whlch may
be consLrucLlve Lo Lhe correcLlon of Lhe offender,
provlded Lhe same would noL vlolaLe Lhe
consLlLuLlonal rlghLs of Lhe offender and sub[ecL Lo
Lhese Lwo resLrlcLlons:

1. 1he condlLlons lmposed should noL be
unduly resLrlcLlve of Lhe probaLloner, and
2. Such condlLlon should noL be
lncompaLlble wlLh Lhe freedom of
consclence of Lhe probaLloner.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G AJDG? HC =;G SA<C= HN IAHL<=>HCF

1. AfLer havlng convlcLed and senLenced a
defendanL, Lhe Lrlal courL may suspend
Lhe execuLlon of Lhe senLence, and place
Lhe defendanL on probaLlon, upon
appllcaLlon by Lhe defendanL wlLhln Lhe
perlod for perfecLlng an appeal.

2. 1he flllng of appllcaLlon for probaLlon
operaLes as a walver of Lhe rlghL Lo

3. robaLlon may be granLed wheLher Lhe
senLence lmposed a Lerm of
lmprlsonmenL or flne only.

4. 1he appllcaLlon shall be flled wlLh Lhe Lrlal
courL, and Lhe order granLlng or denylng
probaLlon shall noL be appealable.

3. Accessory penalLles are deemed
suspended once probaLlon ls granLed.

:* 9;<= >? =;G AGBGKR HN <C HNNGCKGA >N ;>? HA ;GA

!* An order denylng probaLlon ls noL appealable,
hence, Lhe remedy ls cettlototl.

:* 9;<= >? =;G IGA>HK HN IAHL<=>HCF

8$)&-# -, 8)-4!/&-.
lmprlsonmenL for noL
more Lhan one year
1he perlod of probaLlon
shall noL exceed Lwo
lmprlsonmenL of more 1he perlod of probaLlon
Lhan one year shall noL exceed 6 years
1he senLence lmposes
only a flne and Lhe
offender ls made Lo serve
subsldlary lmprlsonmenL
1he perlod of probaLlon
shall be Lwlce Lhe LoLal
number of days of
subsldlary lmprlsonmenL

:* 9;<= <AG =;G ?<C@=>HC? >BIH?GK >N =;G

1. 1he courL may lssue a warranL for Lhe
arresL of a probaLloner.

2. lf vlolaLlon ls esLabllshed, Lhe courL may:
a. 8evoke hls probaLlon, or
b. ConLlnue hls probaLlon and modlfy
Lhe condlLlons Lhereof. 1hls order ls
noL appealable.

3. lf probaLlon ls revoked, Lhe probaLloner
shall serve Lhe senLence orlglnally


!* 1he courL may order Lhe flnal dlscharge of Lhe
probaLloner upon flndlng LhaL, he has fulfllled Lhe
Lerms and condlLlons of probaLlon.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GNNG@=? HN =;G =GAB>C<=>HC HN

1. Case ls deemed LermlnaLed.
2. 8esLoraLlon of all clvll rlghLs losL or
3. lully dlscharges llablllLy for any flne

.H=G* Any person convlcLed for drug Lrafflcklng or
pushlng under 8A 9163, regardless of Lhe penalLy
lmposed by Lhe CourL, cannoL avall of Lhe prlvllege
granLed by Lhe robaLlon Law or resldenLlal uecree
no. 968, as amended.(5ec. 24, kA 9165)

.H=G* robaLlon ls noL coLermlnous wlLh lLs perlod.
1he mere explraLlon of Lhe perlod for probaLlon does
noL, lpso facLo, LermlnaLe Lhe probaLlon. 1here musL
be an order lssued by Lhe courL dlscharglng Lhe
probaLloner. lf Lhe accused vlolaLes Lhe condlLlon of
Lhe probaLlon before Lhe lssuance of sald order or
courL, Lhe probaLlon may be revoked by Lhe CourL.

:* $NAGCQ < LJ? KA>OGAQ E<? @;<ASGK E>=; AG@_DG??
PH;C7 /;G =A><D @HJA= @HCO>@=GK $NAGC HN =;G @A>BG

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

=H =;G CH=>@G HN <IIG<D LG@<J?G >= ;<? <DAG<KR
SA<C=GK IAHL<=>HC <CK =;<= ?J@; >? KGGBGK <? <
E<>OGA HN =;G A>S;= HN =;G <@@J?GK =H <IIG<D7 %<R

!* ?es, alLhough Lhe appeal ln Lhls case lnvolved
only Lhe clvll aspecL of Lhe Lrlal courL's [udgmenL. lL
ls slgnlflcanL Lo noLe LhaL Lhe clvll llablllLy of Lhe
accused ls noL parL of Lhe penalLy for Lhe crlme
commlLLed. lL ls personal Lo Lhe vlcLlm. 1he
probaLlon law provldes only for Lhe suspenslon of
Lhe senLence lmposed on Lhe accused by vlrLue of
hls appllcaLlon for probaLlon. lL has absoluLely no
bearlng on clvll llablllLy. AlLhough Lhe execuLlon of
senLence ls suspended by Lhe granL of probaLlon, lL
does noL follow LhaL Lhe clvll llablllLy of Lhe
offender, lf any, ls exLlngulshed. (5olvoo v. leople,
C.k. No. 15J845, 5ept. 11, 200J)
")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA

c7 PJOGC>DG PJ?=>@G <CK 9GDN<AG !@= HN cgg]
Y)7!7 Z[\\^

:* 9;<= >? =;G BG<C>CS HN U" 5+$#2 $% 5*%1#$5- >$-+
-+' #">L.

!: lL refers Lo a chlld who ls alleged as, accused of,
or ad[udged as, havlng commlLLed an offense under
hlllpplne laws.

.H=G* 1he chlld ln confllcL wlLh Lhe law shall en[oy Lhe
presumpLlon of mlnorlLy. Pe/she shall en[oy all Lhe
rlghLs of a chlld ln confllcL wlLh Lhe law unLll he/she ls
proven Lo be 18 years old or older.

:* 9;<= >? =;G B>C>BJB <SG HN @A>B>C<D
!3$ 4)!"5$/
13 years old or
1he chlld shall be
sub[ecLed Lo an
Above 13 buL
below 18, who
acLed wltboot
1he chlld shall be
sub[ecLed Lo an
Above 13 buL
below 18, who
acLed wltb
Such chlld shall be
sub[ecLed Lo Lhe
proceedlngs ln
accordance wlLh
8.A. 9344

.H=G* 1he exempLlon from crlmlnal llablllLy hereln
esLabllshed does noL lnclude exempLlon from clvll
llablllLy, whlch shall be enforced ln accordance wlLh
exlsLlng laws

:* 9;<= >? XJOGC>DG XJ?=>@G <CK EGDN<AG ?R?=GBF

!* !uvenlle !usLlce and Welfare SysLem" refers Lo a
sysLem deallng wlLh chlldren aL rlsk and chlldren ln
confllcL wlLh Lhe law, whlch provldes chlld
approprlaLe proceedlngs, lncludlng programs and
servlces for prevenLlon, dlverslon, rehablllLaLlon, re
lnLegraLlon and afLercare Lo ensure Lhelr normal
growLh and developmenL. (5ec. 4, kA 9J44)
&%&.!0 0&!4&0&/
$,,$"/' -, /($ !//$.#&.3 %&/&3!/&.3
!.#l-) !33)!+!/&.3 "&)"2%'/!."$' !.#
-, (!4&/2!0 #$0&.:2$."1
Y!A=7 ]c^

:* 9;H ?;<DD LG @HC?>KGAGK <? < ;<L>=J<D

!* lor Lhe purpose of Lhls arLlcle, a person shall be
deemed Lo be hablLual dellnquenL, lf wlLh ln a
perlod of Len years from Lhe daLe of hls release or
lasL convlcLlon of Lhe crlmes of serlous or less
serlous physlcal ln[urles, robbery, LhefL, esLafa or
falslflcaLlon, he ls found gullLy of any sald crlmes a
Lhlrd Llme or ofLener.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GNNG@=? HN <SSA<O<=>CS
@>A@JB?=<C@GQ B>=>S<=>CS @>A@JB?=<C@G <CK

1. Aqqtovotloq cltcomstooces (qeoetlc ooJ
speclflc) - lncreases Lhe penalLy, wlLhouL
however, exceedlng Lhe maxlmum
provlded by law

2. Mltlqotloq cltcomstooces - dlmlnlshes
Lhe penalLy

3. nobltool Jellopoeocy - lncreases Lhe
penalLy because of mulLlple convlcLlons
ln cerLaln speclflc crlmes or recldlvlsm,
whlch ls generally lmplled ln hablLual
dellnquency and lmposes an addlLlonal

:* 9;<= <AG =;G AJDG? HC <SSA<O<=>CS <CK
B>=>S<=>CS @>A@JB?=<C@G?F

1. AggravaLlng clrcumsLances LhaL are noL
Laken lnLo accounL Lo lncrease Lhe
penalLy are Lhose whlch:

!""# %& 08;C9B<8=
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
a. ln Lhemselves consLlLuLe a crlme
speclally punlshed by law, or
b. Are lncluded by Lhe law ln deflnlng
a crlme and prescrlblng Lhe penalLy
Lherefore, or
c. Are lnherenL ln Lhe crlme.

2. AggravaLlng or mlLlgaLlng clrcumsLances
LhaL serve Lo aggravaLe or mlLlgaLe Lhe
llablllLy of Lhe offenders Lo whom such
clrcumsLances are aLLendanL are whlch
arlse from:
a. 1he moral aLLrlbuLes of Lhe
offender, or
b. lrom hls prlvaLe relaLlons wlLh Lhe
offended parLy, or
c. lrom any oLher personal cause.

3. ClrcumsLances LhaL serve Lo aggravaLe or
mlLlgaLe Lhe llablllLy of Lhose persons
only who had knowledge of Lhem aL Lhe
Llme of Lhe execuLlon of Lhe acL or Lhelr
cooperaLlon Lhereln are Lhose whlch
a. ln Lhe maLerlal execuLlon of Lhe acL,
b. ln Lhe means employed Lo
accompllsh lL.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G AGTJ>?>=G? HN ;<L>=J<D

1. Cffender had been convlcLed of any of
Lhe crlmes of:
a. Serlous or less serlous physlcal
b. 8obbery
c. 1hefL
d. LsLafa
e. lalslflcaLlon

2. AfLer LhaL convlcLlon or afLer servlng hls
senLence, he agaln commlLLed, and,
wlLhln 10 years from hls release or 1

convlcLlon, he was agaln convlcLed of
any of Lhe sald crlmes for Lhe second

3. AfLer convlcLlon of, or afLer servlng
senLence for, Lhe 2
offense, he agaln
commlLLed, and, wlLhln 10 years from
hls lasL release or lasL convlcLlon, he was
agaln convlcLed of any of sald offenses,
Lhe 3
Llme or ofLener.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G <KK>=>HC<D IGC<D=>G? NHA ;<L>=J<D

1. upoo J
coovlctloo - ltlsloo cottecloool
ln lLs medlum and maxlmum perlods
2. upoo 4
coovlctloo - ltlsloo moyot ln lLs
medlum and mlnlmum perlods
3. upoo 5
ot oJJltloool convlcLlon -
ltlsloo moyot ln lLs mlnlmum perlod Lo
keclosloo tempotol ln lLs mlnlmum

.H=G* 1oLal penalLles noL Lo exceed 30 years.

1oLal penalLles refer Lo Lhe penalLles:
1. lor Lhe lasL crlme of whlch he ls found
2. AddlLlonal penalLy.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G K>?=>C@=>HC? LG=EGGC ;<L>=J<D
(!4&/2!0 #$0&:2$."1 )$"&#&+&'%
0& -* -+' 5)$!'& 5*!!$--'2
Cffender had been
convlcLed of any of Lhe
crlmes of: serlous
physlcal ln[urles,
robbery, LhefL, esLafa, or
SufflclenL LhaL accused on
Lhe daLe of Lrlal shall have
been prevlously convlcLed
by flnal [udgmenL of
anoLher crlme embraced
ln Lhe same LlLle of 8C.
0& -* (')$*2 *1 -$!' -+' 5)$!'& ")' 5*!!$--'2
Cffender found gullLy of
any of Lhe crlmes wlLhln
10 years from hls lasL
release or lasL
no perlod of Llme
beLween Lhe former
convlcLlon and Lhe lasL
0& -* %3!,') *1 5)$!'& 5*!!$--'2
convlcLlon or ofLener. 2
convlcLlon ls sufflclenL.
0& -* '11'5-&
An addlLlonal penalLy ls
lf noL offseL by mlLlgaLlng
clrcumsLances, serves Lo
lncrease Lhe penalLy only
Lo Lhe maxlmum

:* PJ<C KG "<?=AH <DAG<KR ;<K =;AGG Y[^ IAGO>HJ?
=;G D<?= @<?GQ =;G =A><D XJKSG @HC?>KGAGK <S<>C?=
=;G <@@J?GK LH=; AG@>K>O>?B <CK ;<L>=J<D
@HC=GCKGK =;<= >C =;>? D<?= @HCO>@=>HCQ =;G =A><D
@HJA= @<CCH= @HC?>KGA <S<>C?= ;>B < N>CK>CS HN

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
AG@>K>O>?B <CKQ <S<>CQ HN ;<L>=J<D KGD>CTJGC@R7 &?

!* no, Lhe appeal ls noL merlLorlous. 8ecldlvlsm
and hablLual dellnquency are correcLly consldered
ln Lhls case because Lhe basls of recldlvlsm ls
dlfferenL from hablLual dellnquency.

!uan ls a recldlvlsL because ha had been prevlously
convlcLed by flnal [udgmenL for LhefL and agaln
found gullLy for robbery wlLh homlclde, whlch are
boLh crlmes agalnsL properLy, embraced under Lhe
same 1lLle (1lLle 1en, 8ook 1wo) of Lhe 8evlsed
enal Code. 1he lmpllcaLlon ls LhaL he ls
speclallzlng ln Lhe commlsslon of crlmes agalnsL
properLy, hence aggravaLlng ln Lhe convlcLlon for
robbery wlLh homlclde.

PablLual dellnquency, whlch brlngs abouL an
addlLlonal penalLy when an offender ls convlcLed a
Lhlrd Llme or more for speclfled crlmes, ls correcLly
consldered because !uan had already Lhree (3)
prevlous convlcLlons by flnal [udgmenL for LhefL
and agaln convlcLed for robbery wlLh homlclde.
And Lhe crlmes speclfled as basls for hablLual
dellnquency lncludes, lnLer alla, LhefL and robbery.
Ycgg6 4<A :JG?=>HC^

:* ! E<? @;<ASGK E>=; ;HB>@>KG7 #JA>CS =;G =A><DQ
@GA=>N>@<=G? EGAG IAG?GC=GK ?;HE>CS =;<= =;G
<@@J?GK ;<K ?J?=<>CGK >CXJA>G? >C =GC Y6g^
IAGO>HJ? H@@<?>HC? E;>DG GCS<SGK >C N>?=>@JNN?
E>=; K>NNGAGC= IGA?HC?7 (G E<? <D?H @HCN>CGK <=
=;G .<=>HC<D %GC=<D (H?I>=<D NHA BGC=<D <>DBGC=
K><SCH?GK <? U;HB>@>K<D <CK ?J>@>K<D >C?=>C@=?V7
HLXG@=GK =H =;G <IID>@<=>HC HN =;G &CKG=GAB>C<=G
'GC=GC@G 0<E @HC=GCK>CS =;<= =;G <@@J?GK >? <
.<=>HC<D %GC=<D (H?I>=<D7 &N RHJ <AG =;G PJKSGQ

!* 1he ob[ecLlon should be overruled. A could noL
be legally consldered a hablLual dellnquenL.
PablLual dellnquency cannoL be valldly lnvoked
wlLhouL belng alleged ln Lhe lnformaLlon and
proven durlng Lrlal. 8esldes Lhere ls no lndlcaLlon
LhaL A was convlcLed wlLhln Len (10) years from
lasL convlcLlon or release, Lhree Llmes, or ofLener
of Lhe crlmes of robbery, LhefL, esLafa, physlcal
ln[urles, or falslflcaLlon. 8elng an escapee from a
menLal hosplLal wlll noL dlsquallfy hlm from Lhe
appllcaLlon of Lhe lSL as SecLlon 2 Lhereof
conLemplaLes havlng escaped from conflnemenL
or evaded senLence. ConflnemenL presupposes
lmprlsonmenL by vlrLue of flnal [udgmenL. Y6ZZ6
4<A :JG?=>HC^

!""# %& ,:I<F<?CB<:; +;I -JB<;?B<:; :F 3><A<;C9 /<CG<9<BH
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
+&7 %-#&,&"!/&-. !.# $`/&."/&-. -, ")&%&.!0

:* (HE >? @A>B>C<D D><L>D>=R GM=>CSJ>?;GKF

!* Crlmlnal llablllLy may be exLlngulshed elLher,
LoLally or parLlally.

:* 9;<= <AG @>A@JB?=<C@G? E;>@; =H=<DDR
GM=>CSJ>?; @A>B>C<D D><L>D>=RF

1. ueaLh of Lhe convlcL as Lo personal
penalLles, and as Lo pecunlary penalLles,
llablllLy LhereLo ls exLlngulshed only when
deaLh of Lhe offender occurs before flnal

.H=G* LxLlngulshmenL of crlmlnal llablllLy ls a
ground for moLlon Lo quash.

1he deaLh of Lhe offended parLy however
does noL exLlngulsh crlmlnal llablllLy of Lhe
accused because lL ls a crlme agalnsL Lhe

2. Servlce of senLence
3. AmnesLy whlch compleLely exLlngulshed
Lhe penalLy and all lLs effecLs
4. AbsoluLe pardon
3. rescrlpLlon of Lhe crlme
6. rescrlpLlon of Lhe penalLy
7. Marrlage of Lhe offended woman as ln
Lhe crlmes of rape, abducLlon, seducLlon
and acLs of lasclvlousness

:* 9;<= <AG @>A@JB?=<C@G? E;>@; =H=<DDR
GM=>CSJ>?; @A>B>C<D D><L>D>=RF

1. CondlLlonal pardon
2. CommuLaLlon of senLence
3. lor good conducL allowances whlch Lhe
culprlL may earn whlle he ls servlng
4. arole
3. robaLlon

:* 9;<= >? =;G GNNG@= HN HNNGCKGAa? KG<=;F

1. lf befote flool joJqmeot - hls deaLh
exLlngulshes boLh hls crlmlnal and clvll

2. lf wblle tbe cose ls oo oppeol - case on
appeal wlll be dlsmlssed. Cffended parLy
may flle a separaLe clvll acLlon under Lhe
Clvll Code lf any oLher basls for recovery
of clvll llablllLy exlsLs as provlded under
ArL. 1137 Clvll Code.

.H=G* Powever, clvll llablllLy arlslng from sources oLher
Lhan Lhe crlme commlLLed survlves and may be
pursued ln a separaLe clvll acLlon. (leople v. 8oyotos,
C.k. oo. 152007, 5ept. 2, 1994)

!7 8)$'")&8/&-. -, ")&%$' 2.#$) /($ )8"
Y!A=7 Zg^

:7 9;<= >? IAG?@A>I=>HC HN @A>BG?F

!* rescrlpLlon of crlmes ls Lhe forfelLure or loss of
Lhe rlghL of Lhe SLaLe Lo prosecuLe Lhe offender
afLer Lhe lapse of cerLaln Llme.

3)* rescrlpLlon of Lhe crlme beglns on Lhe day
Lhe crlme was commlLLed.

`8.* When Lhe crlme was concealed,
prescrlpLlon would only commence from Lhe
Llme Lhe offended parLy or Lhe governmenL
learns of Lhe commlsslon.

")&%$' 8)$'")&8/&-.
Crlmes punlshable by
deaLh, keclosloo
petpetoo, keclosloo
20 years
Crlmes punlshable by
oLher affllcLlve penalLles
13 years
Crlmes punlshable by
oLher correcLlonal
10 years, excepL Lhose
punlshable by ottesto
moyot whereln Lhe
prescrlpLlve perlod ls 3
Llbel or oLher slmllar
1 year
Cral defamaLlon and
slander by deed
6 monLhs
LlghL offenses 2 monLhs

.H=G* ln compuLlng Lhe perlod, Lhe flrsL day ls
excluded and Lhe lasL day lncluded. erlod ls sub[ecL Lo
leap years.

rescrlpLlon does noL Lake away Lhe courL's [urlsdlcLlon
buL only absolves Lhe defendanL and acqulLs hlm.

When flne ls lmposed as an alLernaLlve penalLy Lo
lmprlsonmenL, and Lhe flne consLlLuLes a hlgher
penalLy Lhan Lhe penalLy of lmprlsonmenL, Lhe basls of
Lhe prescrlpLlve perlod ls Lhe flne.

:* 9;<= >? =;G AJDG E;GAG =;G D<?= K<R HN

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
!* Where Lhe lasL day of Lhe prescrlpLlve perlod for
flllng an lnformaLlon falls on a Sunday or legal
hollday, Lhe lnformaLlon could no longer be flled on
Lhe nexL day as Lhe crlme has already prescrlbed.

:* 9;<= E>DD LG =;G L<?>? HN @HBIJ=<=>HC >N =;G

!* 1he hlghesL penalLy ls Lhe basls of Lhe appllcaLlon
of Lhe rules conLalned hereln.

:* 'JIIH?GQ >C 6ZfgQ ! @HBB>=? < @A>BGQ =;GC SHG?
>C=H ;>K>CSQ ;G AG?JAN<@G? cg RG<A? D<=GAQ <CK =;G
SHOGACBGC= N>CK? < E>=CG??Q @<C =;GR >C?=>=J=G <

!* no. Powever, lf Lhe accused lefL for Lhe unlLed
SLaLes, yes, he can be prosecuLed sLlll.

1he mere flllng of a complalnL wlLh: 1. Chlef of
ollce, 2. offlce of Lhe n8l, or 3. Cfflce of Lhe
rovlnclal ulrecLor of n does noL lnLerrupL Lhe
prescrlpLlve perlod.

kotlo. 1hey do noL consLlLuLe Lhe courL. 1hey are
nelLher parL of Lhe [udlclary nor parL of Lhe courLs of

:* 9;<= >? =;G GNNG@= >N =;G <@@J?GK N<>D? =H BHOG

!* 1he accused ls deemed Lo have walved all
ob[ecLlons, excepL lf Lhe grounds are:

1. lacLs charged do noL consLlLuLe an

2. CourL has no [urlsdlcLlon

3. Crlmlnal acLlon or llablllLy has been

4. 1he avermenLs, lf Lrue, would consLlLuLe a
legal excuse or [usLlflcaLlon (5ec.9, kole
117, koles of coott)

8)$'")&8/&-. -, -,,$.'$' 82.&'(!40$ 2.#$)
'8$"&!0 0!9' !.# %2.&"&8!0 -)#&.!."$'

&%8-'!40$ 8$.!0/1 8)$'")&8/&-.
lmprlsonmenL of slx (6) years or
12 years
lmprlsonmenL of Lwo years buL less
Lhan slx years
8 years
Cffenses under Lhe nl8C 3 years
lmprlsonmenL of over one monLh
buL less Lhan Lwo years
4 years
llne or lmprlsonmenL of noL over 1 year
one monLh or boLh
vlolaLlons of munlclpal ordlnances 2 monLhs

:* 9;<= <AG =;G AJDG? >C @HBIJ=<=>HC HN
1. erlod of prescrlpLlon commences Lo run
from Lhe day Lhe crlme ls dlscovered by
Lhe offended parLy, Lhe auLhorlLles or
Lhelr agenLs.

2. lL ls lnLerrupLed by Lhe flllng of Lhe
complalnL or lnformaLlon.

3. lL runs agaln when such proceedlngs
LermlnaLe wlLhouL Lhe accused belng
convlcLed or acqulLLed or are un[usLlflably
sLopped for any reason noL lmmuLable Lo

4. lL shall noL run when offender ls absenL
from Lhe hlllpplnes.

.H=G* lf dlsmlssal ls flnal, accused can no longer be
prosecuLed even lf sLlll wlLhln Lhe prescrlpLlve perlod,
on Lhe ground of double [eopardy.

1he flllng of Lhe complalnL or lnformaLlon ln courL for
prellmlnary lnvesLlgaLlon lnLerrupLs Lhe runnlng of Lhe
prescrlpLlve perlod.

1he Lerm "proceedlngs" should now be undersLood
elLher execuLlve or [udlclal ln characLer: execuLlve
when lL lnvolves Lhe lnvesLlgaLlon phase and [udlclal
when lL refers Lo Lhe Lrlal and [udgmenL sLage. WlLh
Lhls clarlflcaLlon, any klnd of lnvesLlgaLlve proceedlng
lnsLlLuLed agalnsL Lhe gullLy person whlch may
ulLlmaLely lead Lo hls prosecuLlon should be sufflclenL
Lo Loll prescrlpLlon. (loooqoltoo, It. v. uOI, Ck 167571,
Nov. 25, 2008)

47 8)$'")&8/&-. -, 8$.!0/&$'

:* 9;<= >? IAG?@A>I=>HC HN IGC<D=>G?F

!* rescrlpLlon of penalLles ls Lhe loss or forfelLure
of Lhe rlghL of Lhe governmenL Lo execuLe Lhe flnal
senLence afLer Lhe lapse of cerLaln Llme.


!* rescrlpLlve perlod of penalLles wlll only
commence Lo run from Lhe momenL Lhe convlcL
evades Lhe servlce of senLence. (Att. 91)


!""# %& ,:I<F<?CB<:; +;I -JB<;?B<:; :F 3><A<;C9 /<CG<9<BH
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %

!* lL ls lnLerrupLed when Lhe convlcL,
1. Clves hlmself up
2. ls capLured
3. Coes Lo a forelgn counLry wlLh whlch Lhe
hlllpplnes has no exLradlLlon LreaLy, or
4. CommlLs any crlme before Lhe explraLlon
of Lhe perlod of prescrlpLlon

:* 9;<= <AG =;G ?>=J<=>HC? E;>@; KH CH= NHDDHE
!A=7 Z6F

1. cootlooloq ctlmes - prescrlpLlve perlod
wlll sLarL Lo run only aL Lhe LermlnaLlon of
Lhe lnLended resulL).

2. lo ctlmes oqolost folse testlmooy -
prescrlpLlve perlod ls reckoned from Lhe
day a flnal [udgmenL ls rendered and noL
aL Lhe Llme when Lhe false LesLlmony was

3. lectloo offeose -
a. lf dlscovery of Lhe offense ls
lncldenLal Lo [udlclal proceedlngs,
prescrlpLlon beglns when such
proceedlng LermlnaLes, or
b. lrom Lhe daLe of commlsslon of Lhe

:* 9;<= >? =;G GNNG@= HN N>D>CS <C <BGCKGK

!* lf Lhe amendmenL charges a dlfferenL crlme, Lhe
daLe of amended complalnL or lnformaLlon should
be consldered. lf lL ls merely a correcLlon of a
defecL, Lhe daLe of Lhe orlglnal complalnL or
lnformaLlon should be consldered.

&%8-'!40$ 8$.!0/1 8)$'")&8/&-.
teclosloo petpetoo,
teclosloo tempotol
20 years
CLher affllcLlve penalLles 13 years
CorrecLlonal penalLles
excepL ottesto moyot
10 years
LlghL penalLles 1 year

:* 9;<= <AG =;G K>?=>C@=>HC? LG=EGGC IAG?@A>I=>HC

8)$'")&8/&-. -,
8)$'")&8/&-. -,
Loss or forfelLure of Lhe
SLaLe Lo prosecuLe.
Loss of forfelLure of Lhe
SLaLe Lo enforce
SLarLs counLlng upon
dlscovery of Lhe
commlsslon of Lhe crlme
SLarLs counLlng upon Lhe
escape or evaslon of
servlce of senLence
Mere absence from Lhe
hlllpplnes lnLerrupLs Lhe
runnlng of Lhe
Absence from Lhe
hlllpplnes lnLerrupLs Lhe
perlod only when he goes
Lo a forelgn counLry
wlLhouL exLradlLlon LreaLy
wlLh us.
Commlsslon of anoLher
crlme before Lhe
explraLlon of Lhe perlod
does noL lnLerrupL
Commlsslon of anoLher
crlme before explraLlon
of Lhe perlod lnLerrupLs
Lhe prescrlpLlon.

:* -CG N<=GNJD C>S;= >C P<CJ<AR 6ZZgQ E;>DG iRG<A
HDK !DLGA= E<? JA>C<=>CS <= =;G L<@_ HN =;G>A ;HJ?GQ
;G ;G<AK < ?=A<CSG CH>?G @HB>CS NAHB =;G _>=@;GC
HN =;G>A CG>S;LHA <CK ID<RB<=GQ !A<7 9;GC ;G
IGGIGK >C?>KGQ ;G ?<E %>C<Q !A<a? ?=GIBH=;GAQ
KG<=;7 !DLGA= ?<E %>C< @<AAR =;G KG<K LHKR HN
!A<Q ID<@G >= >C?>KG =;G =AJC_ HN =;G @<A <CK KA>OG
%>C< ?IAG<K =;G CGE? >C =;G CG>S;LHA;HHK =;<=
!A< EGC= =H D>OG E>=; ;GA SA<CKI<AGC=? >C -ABH@
GOGC ;>? I<AGC=? <CK AGD<=>OG?Q <LHJ= E;<= ;G
E>=CG??GK7 /EGC=R <CK < ;<DN Ycg o p^ RG<A? <N=GA
=;G >C@>KGC=Q <CK A>S;= <N=GA ;>? SA<KJ<=>HC >C
<J=;HA>=>G?7 /;G @A>BG HN ;HB>@>KG IAG?@A>LG? >C cg
RG<A?7 "<C =;G ?=<=G ?=>DD IAH?G@J=G %>C< NHA =;G
KG<=; HN !A< KG?I>=G =;G D<I?G HN cg <CK 6lc RG<A?F

!* ?es, Lhe SLaLe can sLlll prosecuLe Mlna for Lhe
deaLh of Ara desplLe Lhe lapse of 20 and x years.
under ArLlcle 91, 8lC, Lhe perlod of prescrlpLlon
commences Lo run from Lhe day on whlch Lhe crlme
ls dlscovered by Lhe offended parLy, Lhe auLhorlLles
or Lhelr agenLs. ln Lhls case aL bar, Lhe commlsslon
of Lhe crlme was known only Lo AlberL, who was noL
Lhe offended parLy nor an auLhorlLy or an agenL of
an auLhorlLy. lL was dlscovered by Lhe n8l
auLhorlLles only when AlberL revealed Lo Lhem Lhe
commlsslon of Lhe crlme. Pence, Lhe perlod of
prescrlpLlon of 20 years for homlclde commenced
Lo run only from Lhe Llme AlberL revealed Lhe same
Lo Lhe n8l auLhorlLles. Ycggg 4<A :JG?=>HC^

!00-9!."$ ,-) 3--# "-.#2"/
Y!A=7 Zj^

&%8)&'-.%$./ #$#2"/&-.
llrsL 2 years
3 days for each monLh of
good behavlor
33 years 8 days for each monLh of

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
good behavlor
610 years
10 days for each monLh of
good behavlor
11 and so on years
13 days for each monLh of
good behavlor

!""# 6& 3><A8= +KC<;=B )CB<:;C9 48?@><BH
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
4--5 &&

&7 ")&%$' !3!&.'/ .!/&-.!0 '$"2)&/1 Y66\6c[^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G @A>BG? <S<>C?= .<=>HC<D 'G@JA>=RF

1. 1reason (Att.114)
2. Consplracy and proposal Lo commlL Lreason
3. Mlsprlslon of 1reason (Att.116)
4. Lsplonage (Att.117)
3. lnclLlng Lo war and glvlng moLlves for
reprlsal (Att.118)
6. vlolaLlon of neuLrallLy (Att.119)
7. Correspondence wlLh hosLlle counLry
8. lllghL Lo enemy counLry (Att.121)

:* 9;<= <AG =;G @A>BG? <S<>C?= =;G D<E HN C<=>HC?F

1. lracy and muLlny (Att.122)
2. Cuallfled lracy and MuLlny

:* 9;GAG @<C =;G @A>BG? <S<>C?= =;G D<E HN

!* lL may be punlshed anywhere because Lhey are
consldered crlmes agalnsL Lhe famlly of naLlons.

:* 9;GC @<C =;G @A>BG <S<>C?= C<=>HC<D ?G@JA>=R LG

!* 3): All crlmes agalnsL naLlonal securlLy can only
be commlLLed ln Llmes of war.

1. Lsplonage
2. lnclLlng Lo war or glvlng moLlves for
3. vlolaLlon of neuLrallLy
4. MuLlny and plracy. (8ooJo 2008 p.J66)

";<I=GA -CG* "A>BG? !S<>C?= .<=>HC<D 'G@JA>=R
Y!A=7 66\6c[^

/)$!'-. Y!A=7 66\^

:* 9;<= >? =;G @A>BG HN =AG<?HCF

!* lL ls a breach of alleglance Lo a governmenL,
commlLLed by a person who owes alleglance Lo lL.

:* 9;<= >? <DDGS><C@GF

!* lL ls Lhe obllgaLlon of fldellLy and obedlence,
whlch one owes Lo Lhe governmenL under whlch he
llves, ln reLurn for Lhe proLecLlon he recelves.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =AG<?HCF
1. Cffender ls a llllplno clLlzen or an allen
resldlng ln Lhe hlllpplnes.
2. 1here ls a war ln whlch Lhe hlllpplnes ls

.H=G* lormal declaraLlon of Lhe exlsLence of a sLaLe of
war ls noL necessary.

3. Cffender elLher -
a. Levles war agalnsL Lhe governmenL,
b. Adheres Lo Lhe enemles by glvlng
Lhem ald and comforL.

.H=G* 1reason ls a war crlme. lL can only be commlLLed
ln Llmes of war. 1here musL be acLual hosLlllLles.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G =EH BHKG? HN @HBB>==>CS

1. Levylng war agalnsL Lhe governmenL, or
2. Adherlng Lo Lhe enemles, glvlng Lhem ald
and comforL.

.H=G* LmoLlonal or lnLellecLual sympaLhy Lo Lhe
enemy, wlLhouL glvlng Lhe enemy ald or comforL, ls noL

Clvlng lnformaLlon Lo (leople v. loot, 86 lbll. 864) or
commandeerlng foodsLuffs (leople v. Mooqobos, 9J
lbll. 118) for enemy ls evldence of boLh adherence and
ald or comforL.

:* 9;H <AG =;G IGA?HC? =;<= B<R LG D><LDG NHA =;G

!* llllplno clLlzens and resldenL allens can be llable
for Lreason. A clLlzen owes permanenL alleglance
whlle a resldenL allen owes Lemporary alleglance Lo
Lhe governmenL.

:* "<C =AG<?HC LG @HBB>==GK HJ=?>KG =;G

!* lL depends.
1. lf Lhe offender ls a llllploo cltlzeo, he can
commlL Lhls crlme even lf he ls ouLslde
Lhe hlllpplnes.
2. 1reason by an olleo musL be commlLLed ln
Lhe hlllpplnes (O 44) excepL ln case of

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

:* &? =;GAG < @A>BG HN =AG<?HC =;AJ CGSD>SGC@GF

!* 1here ls no Lreason Lhru negllgence. 1he overL
acL of glvlng ald or comforL Lo Lhe enemy musL be

.H=G* Mere accepLance of publlc offlce and dlscharge
of offlclal duLles under Lhe enemy do noL consLlLuLe
per se Lhe felony of Lreason, excepL when Lhe poslLlon
ls pollcydeLermlnlng.


1. 1here musL be an acLual assembllng of
2. lor Lhe purpose of execuLlng a
Lreasonable deslgn by force

.H=G* Levylng of war musL be ln collaboraLlon wlLh a
forelgn enemy.

:* 9;<= >? =;G BG<C>CS HN "2+')'%5' -* -+'

!* Adherence Lo Lhe enemy means LhaL Lhe clLlzen
lnLellecLually or emoLlonally favors Lhe enemles and
harbors sympaLhles or convlcLlons dlsloyal Lo hls
counLry's pollcy or lnLeresL. lL means LhaL Lhere ls
lnLenL Lo beLray.

.H=G* Adherence alone wlLhouL ald and comforL does
noL consLlLuLe Lreason, alLhough lL may be lnferred
from Lhe acLs commlLLed.

:* x sold alum crysLals and waLer plpes Lo Lhe
enemy. ls Lreason commlLLed?

!* 1he sale of sald arLlcles does noL pet se
consLlLuLe Lreason, because Lhe sald maLerlals are
noL excluslvely for war purposes and Lhelr sale does
noL necessarlly carry an lnLenLlon on Lhe parL of Lhe
vendor Lo adhere Lo Lhe enemy. (leople v. Aqooclllo
80 lbll. JJ)


!* Adherence may be proved:
1. 8y one wlLness,
2. lrom Lhe naLure of Lhe acL lLself, or
3. lrom Lhe clrcumsLances surroundlng Lhe

:* 9;<= >? =;G BG<C>CS HN "$2 "%2 5*!1*)-F

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
!* lL means any acL whlch sLrengLhens or Lends Lo
sLrengLhen Lhe enemy of Lhe governmenL ln Lhe
conducL of war agalnsL Lhe governmenL or an acL
whlch weakens or Lends Lo weaken Lhe power of
Lhe governmenL Lo reslsL or Lo aLLack Lhe enemles
of Lhe governmenL.

:* 9;<= >? =;G GM=GC= HN <>K HA @HBNHA=F

!* lL musL be a deed or physlcal acLlvlLy and lL musL
be lnLenLlonal.

.H=G* A mere expresslon of oplnlon does noL
consLlLuLe an acL of Lreason.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G E<R? HN IAHO>CS =AG<?HCF

1. 1wowltoess tole - 1he LesLlmony of Lwo
wlLnesses ls requlred Lo prove Lhe same
overL acL of glvlng ald or comforL.

.H=G* 1he LesLlmonles musL refer Lo Lhe
same acL, place and momenL of Llme.

lf Lhe overL acL ls separable, Lwo wlLnesses
musL also LesLlfy Lo each parL of Lhe overL

:* A LesLlfled LhaL he saw x golng Lo Lhe house of C
ln search of Lhe laLLer's revolver. 8 LesLlfled LhaL
when C wenL Lo Lhe garrlson, x requlred C Lo
produce hls revolver. ls Lhe LwowlLness rule
complled wlLh?

!* no. AlLhough boLh acLs may loglcally be
presumed Lo have answered Lhe same purpose,
LhaL of conflscaLlng C's revolver, Lhe slngleness of
Lhe purpose ls nC1 enough Lo make one of Lwo

:* Cne wlLness sald he heard a gun reporL, and saw
a smoklng gun ln Lhe hand of Lhe accused and saw
Lhe vlcLlm fall. AnoLher wlLness, who was deaf, sald
he saw Lhe accused ralse and polnL Lhe gun and saw
a puff of smoke from lL. ls Lhe LwowlLness rule
complled wlLh?

!* ?es. AlLhough Lhe LesLlmonles are noL ldenLlcal,
Lhe LesLlmonles of boLh would cerLalnly be Lo Lhe
same overL acL. (nooft v. uolteJ 5totes)

2. coofessloo of Lhe accused ln open courL.

.H=G* 1he confesslon means pleadlng gullLy ln open
courL LhaL ls before Lhe [udge whlle acLually hearlng
Lhe case. LxLra[udlclal confesslon or confesslon made
before Lhe lnvesLlgaLors ls noL sufflclenL Lo convlcL a
person of Lreason.


!""# 6& 3><A8= +KC<;=B )CB<:;C9 48?@><BH
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
!* no, because soverelgnLy ls noL suspended ln
Llmes of war. WhaL ls suspended ls only Lhe
exerclse Lhereof. Pence, Lhe alleglance of a clLlzen
ls noL abrogaLed by Lhe enemy occupaLlon.

.H=G* uuress or conLrollable fear and obedlence Lo Lhe
Je focto governmenL are defenses for Lreason.

:* ` NJAC>?;GK EHBGC =H =;G GCGBR7 #HG? =;G <@=
@HC?=>=J=G =AG<?HCF

!* Commandeerlng of women Lo saLlsfy Lhe lusL of
Lhe enemles or Lo enllven Lhe enLerLalnmenL held ln
Lhelr honor was nC1 Lreason even Lhough Lhe
women and Lhe enLerLalnmenLs helped Lo make llfe
more pleasanL for Lhe enemles. (leople v. letez, 8J
lbll. )

:* ` >? < ?IR <CK <C >CNHABGA HN =;G GCGBR7 "<C `

!* ?es, because such acLs sLrengLhen Lhe enemy ln
Lhe conducL of war.

<A?HC^ <AG @HBB>==GK >C =;G NJA=;GA<C@G HN =;G

!* no, because Lhere ls no complex crlme of
Lreason wlLh murder. 1he common crlmes
commlLLed ln furLherance of Lreason are Lhe overL
acLs of ald and comforL and are Lherefore
lnseparable from Lreason lLself. nelLher are Lhey
consldered separaLe offenses.

:* &? =AG<?HC < @HC=>CJ>CS HNNGC?GF

!* ?es. lL can be commlLLed by a slngle acL or by
serles of acLs. lL can be commlLLed ln one slngle or
dlfferenL Llme. ln Lreason, Lhere ls only one crlmlnal
lnLenL. A person who commlLs Lreason ls noL
crlmlnally responslble for as many crlmes of Lreason
as Lhe overL acLs as he has lnLenLlonally commlLLed
Lo glve ald Lo Lhe enemy.

.H=G* 1he offender can sLlll be prosecuLed even afLer

:* 9;<= <AG =;G @>A@JB?=<C@G? >C;GAGC= >C =;G

!* 1reachery, abuse of superlor sLrengLh and
evldenL premedlLaLlon are lnherenL ln Lhe crlme of
Lreason, Lherefore, noL aggravaLlng.

:* #HG? =;G @A>BG HN =AG<?HC <KB>= ?=<SG?F

!* no, mere aLLempL consummaLes Lhe crlme of

:* (HE >? =AG<?HC K>?=>CSJ>?;GK NAHB ?GK>=>HCF

/)$!'-. '$#&/&-.
vlolaLlon by a sub[ecL of
hls alleglance Lo hls
soverelgn or counLry.
8alslng of commoLlons or
dlsLurbances ln a sLaLe
8equlres a sLaLe of war
wlLh anoLher counLry.
ConfllcL ls merely lnLernal


/)$!'-. )$4$00&-.
1he purpose of
levylng war ls Lo
help Lhe enemy.
1he purpose ls merely Lo
subsLlLuLe Lhe governmenL wlLh
Lhe rebels' own form of

"-.'8&)!"1 !.# 8)-8-'!0 /- "-%%&/
/)$!'-. Y!A=7 66i^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN 5*%&($)"5F =H @HBB>=
1. ln Llme of war
2. 1wo or more persons come Lo an
agreemenL Lo:
a. Levy war agalnsL Lhe governmenL, or
b. Adhere Lo enemles and Lo glve Lhem
ald or comforL
3. 1hey declde Lo commlL lL

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN ()*(*&"# =H @HBB>=

1. ln Llme of war
2. A person who has declded Lo levy war
agalnsL Lhe governmenL, or Lo adhere Lo
Lhe enemles and glve Lhem ald and
3. roposes lLs execuLlon Lo some oLher
person or persons.

.H=G* As a general rule, consplracy and proposal Lo
commlL a felony ls noL punlshable (Att. 8). ArLlcle 113
ls an excepLlon, as lL speclflcally penallzes consplracy
and proposal Lo commlL Lreason.

:* 9;R <AG @HC?I>A<@R <CK IAHIH?<D =H @HBB>=

!* ln Lreason, Lhe very exlsLence of Lhe SLaLe ls ln

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

.H=G* 1wowlLness rule does noL apply because Lhls ls
a separaLe and dlsLlncL offense from LhaL of Lreason.

:* &N <@=J<D <@=? HN =AG<?HC <AG @HBB>==GK <N=GA =;G
@HC?I>A<@R HA <N=GA =;G IAHIH?<D >? <@@GI=GKQ E;<=
@A>BG >? @HBB>==GKF

!* 1he crlme of Lreason ls already consummaLed
Lhe momenL Lhe proposal or consplracy Lo commlL
Lreason ls accepLed. 1he consplracy or proposal ls
Lhen consldered merely as means ln Lhe
commlsslon Lhereof.

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
%&'8)&'&-. -, /)$!'-. Y!A=7 66]^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN B>?IA>?>HC HN

1. Cffender musL be owlng alleglance Lo Lhe
governmenL of Lhe hlllpplnes
2. Cffender ls noL a forelgner
3. Pe has knowledge of any consplracy Lo
commlL Lreason agalnsL Lhe sald

:* `Q < ,>D>I>CH @>=>WGCQ ;<? _CHEDGKSG HN =AG<?HC
@HBB>??>HC =H =;G IAHIGA <J=;HA>=>G?7 "<C ;G LG

!* no. ArL. 116 does noL apply when Lhe crlme of
Lreason ls already commlLLed. 1hls ls so because
ArL. 116 speaks of knowledge of any coospltocy
oqolost" Lhe CovernmenL of Lhe hlllpplnes, noL
knowledge of Lreason acLually commlLLed by

4. Pe conceals or falls Lo dlsclose and make
known Lhe same as soon as posslble Lo
a. Covernor
b. llscal of Lhe provlnce
c. Mayor or flscal of Lhe clLy ln whlch
he resldes.

.H=G* ArL. 116 ls an excepLlon Lo Lhe rule LhaL mere
sllence does noL make a person crlmlnally llable. lL ls a
crlme of omlsslon.


!* Cffender ls punlshed as a prlnclpal ln Lhe crlme
of mlsprlslon of Lreason.

:* 9;<= KHG? =;G I;A<?G K&+"## ,' (3%$&+'2 "& "%
"55'&&*)F -* -+' 5)$!' *1 -)'"&*%L BG<CF

!* 1he phrase does noL mean LhaL Lhe offender ls
legally speaklng, an accessory Lo Lhe crlme of
Lreason, because he ls already a prlnclpal ln Lhe
crlme of mlsprlslon of Lreason. lL slmply means LhaL
Lhe penalLy lmposed ls LhaL of an accessory Lo Lhe
crlme of Lreason.

.H=G* 8elaLlves, who as accessorles are exempL from
crlmlnal llablllLy under ArL. 20, are punlshable under
Lhls arLlcle assumlng LhaL ArL. 20 ls appllcable,

1. 1hls arLlcle ls of speclal appllcaLlon, whereas
ArL. 20 of general appllcaLlon
2. SecurlLy of SLaLe ls more paramounL Lhan
mere relaLlonshlp and
3. 1he offender commlLs Lhe dlsLlncL crlme of
mlsprlslon of Lreason whlch ls separaLe and
dlsLlncL from Lreason.

:* 9;GC =;G @A>BG HN =AG<?HC >? <DAG<KR
@HBB>==GK <CK =;G <@@J?GK KHG? CH= AGIHA= >=?
@HBB>??>HC =H =;G IAHIGA <J=;HA>=>G?Q >? ;G D><LDG

!* no, because Lreason ls already commlLLed.
Mlsprlslon of Lreason conLemplaLes Lhe fallure of a
clLlzen Lo reporL any such consplracy Lo commlL

$'8&-.!3$ Y!A=7 66j^

:* 9;<= >? =;G @A>BG HN G?I>HC<SGF

!* sploooqe ls Lhe offense of gaLherlng,
LransmlLLlng, or loslng lnformaLlon respecLlng Lhe
naLlonal defense wlLh lnLenL, or Lhere ls reason Lo
belleve LhaL lnformaLlon ls Lo be used Lo Lhe ln[ury
of Lhe 8epubllc of Lhe hlllpplnes or Lo Lhe
advanLage of any forelgn naLlon.

.H=G* Lsplonage ls noL condlLloned on clLlzenshlp of
Lhe offender.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G =EH BHKG? HN @HBB>==>CS

1. lltst moJe. 8y enLerlng, wlLhouL
auLhorlLy, a warshlp, forL or mlllLary or
naval esLabllshmenLs or reservaLlon Lo
obLaln any lnformaLlon, plans or oLher
daLa of confldenLlal naLure relaLlve Lo Lhe
defense of Lhe hlllpplnes.

2. 5ecooJ moJe. 8y dlscloslng Lo Lhe
represenLaLlve of a forelgn naLlon Lhe
conLenLs of Lhe arLlcles daLa or
lnformaLlon referred Lo ln par. no. 1 of

!""# 6& 3><A8= +KC<;=B )CB<:;C9 48?@><BH
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
117 whlch he had ln hls possesslon by
reason of Lhe publlc offlce he holds.

.H=G* 8elng a publlc offlcer ls a requlremenL ln Lhe
second mode, whlle lL ls only aggravaLlng ln Lhe flrsL.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;G 1$)&- !*2' HN

1. 1haL Lhe offender (a llllplno or a resldenL
agenL) enLers any of Lhe places
menLloned Lhereln

.H=G* under Lhe flrsL mode Lhe offender ls ooy
person, wheLher a clLlzen or a forelgner, a prlvaLe
lndlvldual or a publlc offlcer.

2. 1haL he has no auLhorlLy Lherefore
3. 1haL hls purpose ls Lo obLaln lnformaLlon,
plans, phoLographs or oLher daLa relaLlve
Lo Lhe defense of Lhe hlllpplnes.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;G &'5*%2 !*2' HN

1. 1haL Lhe offender ls a publlc offlcer,
2. 1haL he has ln possesslon Lhe arLlcles,
daLa or lnformaLlon referred ln paragraph
1 of ArL. 117, by reason of Lhe publlc
offlce he holds,
3. 1haL he dlscloses Lhelr conLenLs Lo a
represenLaLlve of a forelgn naLlon.

:* 2CKGA =;G 1$)&- !*2' HN @HBB>==>CS G?I>HC<SGQ
>? >= CG@G??<AR =;<= =;G HNNGCKGA ?J@@GGK? >C

!* no. lL sufflces LhaL Lhe offender enLered Lhe
places menLloned wlLhouL auLhorlLy for Lhe purpose
of obLalnlng lnformaLlon relevanL Lo naLlonal


!* lL depends on Lhe purpose of Lhe lnformaLlon
obLalned. lf Lhe purpose has noLhlng Lo do wlLh Lhe
counLry's defense or naLlonal securlLy, wlreLapplng
ls noL esplonage.

:* &? >= CG@G??<AR =;<= =;G @HJC=AR >? <= E<A NHA =;G

!* no, esplonage can be commlLLed ln Llmes of
peace or war.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G <@=? HN G?I>HC<SG IJC>?;GK JCKGA
"HBBHCEG<D=; !@= ]6] Y!C !@= =H 8JC>?;
$?I>HC<SG <CK -=;GA -NNGC?G? <S<>C?= =;G .<=>HC<D

1. unlawful obLalnlng of lnformaLlon relaLlve
Lo Lhe defense of Lhe hlllpplnes or Lo Lhe
advanLage of any forelgn naLlon
2. unlawful dlscloslng of lnformaLlon
relaLlve Lo Lhe defense of Lhe hlllpplnes
3. ulsloyal acLs ln Llme of peace
4. ulsloyal acLs ln Llme of war
3. Consplracy Lo vlolaLe any of Lhe sald acLs,
6. Parborlng or conceallng vlolaLors of Lhe
7. hoLographlng from alrcrafL of vlLal
mlllLary lnformaLlon

:* 9;<= <AG =;G K>?=>C@=>HC? LG=EGGC G?I>HC<SG

$'8&-.!3$ /)$!'-.
May be commlLLed boLh
ln Llme of peace and ln
Llme of war.
CommlLLed only ln Llme
of war
May be commlLLed ln
many ways.
ls llmlLed ln Lwo ways of
commlLLlng Lhe crlme:
levylng war and adherlng
Lo Lhe enemy glvlng hlm
ald and comforL.
8oLh are crlmes noL condlLloned by Lhe clLlzenshlp of
Lhe offender.

&."&/&.3 /- 9!) -) 3&+&.3 %-/&+$' ,-)
)$8)&'!0 Y!A=7 66f^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. Cffender performs unlawful or
unauLhorlzed acLs
2. Such acLs provoke or glve occaslon for a
war lnvolvlng or llable Lo lnvolve Lhe
hlllpplnes or expose Lhe llllplno clLlzens
Lo reprlsals on Lhelr persons and properLy

:* 9;<= >? AGIA>?<DF

!* lL ls any klnd of forclble or coerclve measure
whereby one SLaLe seeks Lo exerclse a deLerrenL
effecL or Lo obLaln redress or saLlsfacLlon, dlrecLly
or lndlrecLly, for consequences of Lhe lllegal acLs of
anoLher SLaLe whlch has refused Lo make amends
for such lllegal conducL.

.H=G* 8eprlsal ls resorLed Lo for Lhe purpose of seLLllng
a dlspuLe or redresslng a grlevance wlLhouL golng Lo

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

lnLenLlon of Lhe offender ls lmmaLerlal.

lL ls commlLLed ln Llme of peace.

ln lnclLlng Lo war, Lhe offender ls any person. lf Lhe
offender ls a publlc offlcer, Lhe penalLy ls hlgher.

:* 9;<= >? =;G GM=GC= HN AGIA>?<D?F

!* 8eprlsals are noL llmlLed Lo mlllLary acLlon. lL
could be economlc reprlsals or denlal of enLry lnLo
Lhelr counLry. .q. x burns a Slngaporean flag. lf
Slngapore bans Lhe enLry of llllplnos, LhaL ls

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
+&-0!/&-. -, .$2/)!0&/1
Y!A=7 66Z^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. 1here ls a war ln whlch Lhe hlllpplnes ls
noL lnvolved

2. A regulaLlon ls lssued by a compeLenL
auLhorlLy Lo enforce neuLrallLy

3. Cffender vlolaLes such regulaLlon.

.H=G* CommlLLed only lo tlmes of wot and neuLrallLy of
Lhe hlllpplnes ls vlolaLed

:* 9;<= >? CGJ=A<D>=RF

!* Neottollty ls a condlLlon of a naLlon LhaL, ln Llmes
of war, Lakes no parL ln Lhe dlspuLe buL conLlnues
peaceful deallngs wlLh Lhe belllgerenLs.

.H=G* lL ls a sLaLus creaLed under lnLernaLlonal law, by
means of a sLand on Lhe parL of a SLaLe noL Lo slde wlLh
any of Lhe parLles aL war.

:* 9;H ;<? =;G <J=;HA>=R =H >??JG < AGSJD<=>HC NHA

!* 1he regulaLlon musL be lssued by compeLenL
auLhorlLy llke Lhe resldenL of Lhe hlllpplnes or Lhe
Chlef of SLaff of Lhe Armed lorces of Lhe
hlllpplnes, durlng a war beLween dlfferenL
counLrles ln whlch Lhe hlllpplnes ls noL Laklng

"-))$'8-.#$."$ 9&/( (-'/&0$ "-2./)1
Y!A=7 6cg^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. 1here ls war ln whlch Lhe hlllpplnes ls

2. Cffender makes correspondence wlLh Lhe
enemy counLry or LerrlLory occupled by
enemy Lroops

3. Correspondence ls elLher -
a. rohlblLed by Lhe CovernmenL
b. Carrled on ln clphers or convenLlonal
c. ConLalnlng noLlce or lnformaLlon
whlch mlghL be useful Lo Lhe enemy
or lnLended by Lhe offender Lo ald
Lhe enemy

:* 9;<= >? @HAAG?IHCKGC@GF

!* lL ls communlcaLlon by means of leLLers or lL may
refer Lo Lhe leLLers whlch pass beLween Lhose who
have frlendly or buslness relaLlons.

:* 9;<= KHG? @HAAG?IHCKGC@G =H ;H?=>DG @HJC=AR

!* lL conLemplaLes correspondence Lo offlclals of
Lhe enemy counLry, noL correspondence wlLh
prlvaLe lndlvlduals ln Lhe enemy counLry.

.H=G* Lven lf Lhe correspondence conLalns lnnocenL
maLLers, lf Lhe correspondence ls prohlblLed by Lhe
governmenL, lL ls punlshable because of Lhe posslblllLy
LhaL Lhe lnformaLlon useful Lo Lhe enemy mlghL be
revealed unwlLLlngly.

:* 9;<= <AG @>I;GA?F

!* SecreL message or code.

.H=G* lf clphers were used, Lhere ls no need for
prohlblLlon by Lhe CovernmenL Lo consummaLe Lhe
crlme. lf clphers were noL used, Lhere ls need for

:* 9;<= <AG =;G @>A@JB?=<C@G? TJ<D>NR>CS =;G

!: 1haL Lhe:
1. noLlce or lnformaLlon mlghL be useful Lo
Lhe enemy
2. Cffender lnLended Lo ald Lhe enemy.

.H=G* 8oLh musL concur.

:* x, wlLh lnLenL Lo ald Lhe enemy, gave Lhe laLLer
noLlce and lnformaLlon. ls he llable under ArL.120?

!""# 6& 3><A8= +KC<;=B )CB<:;C9 48?@><BH
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
!* lf Lhe offender lnLended Lo ald Lhe enemy by
glvlng such noLlce or lnformaLlon, Lhe crlme
amounLs Lo Lreason. (keyes 2008 p.J1)

,0&3(/ /- $.$%1a' "-2./)1
Y!A=7 6c6^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. LxlsLence of war ln whlch Lhe hlllpplnes
ls lnvolved
2. Cffender owes alleglance Lo Lhe
3. Cffender aLLempLs Lo flee or go Lo Lhe
enemy counLry
4. Colng Lo enemy counLry ls prohlblLed by
compeLenL auLhorlLy

:* 9;H @<C LG ;GDK D><LDG JCKGA !A=7 6c6F

!* 1he offender may be llllplno clLlzens or resldenL
allens because ArL. 121 conLemplaLes boLh
permanenL and Lemporary alleglance. An allen
resldenL may be held gullLy for Lhls crlme because
he owes alleglance Lo Lhe hlllpplnes.

.H=G* Mere aLLempL Lo flee Lo enemy counLry when
prohlblLed by compeLenL consummaLes Lhe felony.

1here musL be prohlblLlon by compeLenL auLhorlLy. lf
Lhere ls none, even lf one wenL Lo an enemy counLry,
Lhere ls no crlme.

8&)!"1 &. 3$.$)!0 !.# %2/&.1 -. /($ (&3(
'$!' Y!A=7 6cc^

:* 9;<= >? I>A<@RF

!* lracy ls robbery or depredaLlon ln Lhe hlgh seas,
wlLhouL lawful auLhorlLy and done wlLh oolmo
fotooJl (wlLh lnLenL Lo sLeal) and ln Lhe splrlL and
lnLenLlon of unlversal hosLlllLy.

:* &C SGCGA<DQ E;<= >? =;G C<=JAG HN =;G @A>BG HN

!* lracy ls a crlme agalnsL all manklnd. lraLes are
ln law, bostls bomool qeoetls.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G BHKG? HN @HBB>==>CS I>A<@RF

1. lltst moJe. 8y aLLacklng or selzlng a vessel
on Lhe hlgh seas or ln hlllpplne waLers,
2. 5ecooJ moJe. 8y selzlng Lhe whole or parL
of Lhe cargo or equlpmenL of Lhe vessel
whlle on Lhe hlgh seas or Lhe personal
belonglngs of lLs complemenLs or

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN I>A<@RF

1. vessel ls on hlgh seas or ln hlllpplne
2. Cffenders are noL members of lLs
complemenL or passengers of Lhe vessel,
3. Cffenders -
a. ALLack LhaL vessel, or
b. Selze Lhe whole or parL of Lhe cargo
of sald vessel, lLs equlpmenL or
personal belonglngs of lLs
complemenL or passengers.

:* 9;<= >? =;G BG<C>CS HN ;>S; ?G<?F

!* nlqb seos mean any waLers on Lhe sea coasL
whlch are wlLhouL Lhe boundarles of Lhe low waLer
mark alLhough such waLers may be ln Lhe
[urlsdlcLlonal llmlLs of a forelgn governmenL, parLs
of Lhe sea LhaL are noL lncluded ln Lhe excluslve
zone, ln Lhe LerrlLorlal seas, or ln Lhe lnLernal waLers
of a sLaLe, or ln Lhe archlpelaglc waLers of an
archlpelaglc sLaLe. (uNclO5)

:* 2CKGA =;G D<EQ E;<= KHG? U8;>D>II>CG ?G<?V

!* lblllpploe seos shall refer Lo all bodles of waLer,
such as buL noL llmlLed Lo seas, gulf, bays around,
beLween and connecLlng each of Lhe lslands of Lhe
hlllpplne archlpelago lrrespecLlve of lLs depLh,
breadLh, lengLh or dlmenslon and all waLers
belonglng Lo Lhe hlllpplnes by hlsLorlc or legal LlLle,
lncludlng LerrlLorlal sea, Lhe seabed, lnsular
shelves, and oLher submarlne areas over whlch Lhe
hlllpplnes has soverelgnLy and [urlsdlcLlon. (5ec. 2,
l.u. 5J2)

:* 9;<= <AG =;G _>CK? HN I>A<@R JCKGA !A=7 6ccQ <?
<BGCKGK LR )7!7 j]iZF

!* lracy ln hlgh seas and plracy ln hlllpplne

:* 9;>@; @HJA= ;<? XJA>?K>@=>HC HOGA I>A<@R
@HBB>==GK >C =;G ;>S; ?G<?F

!* !urlsdlcLlon ls wlLh any courL where offenders
are found or arresLed. 1he [urlsdlcLlon of plracy,
unllke all oLher crlmes, has no LerrlLorlal llmlL.

:* 9;>@; @HJA= ;<? XJA>?K>@=>HC HOGA I>A<@R
@HBB>==GK >C 8;>D>II>CG E<=GA?F

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

!* !urlsdlcLlon ls vesLed wlLh hlllpplne courLs.

:* lf plracy was commlLLed ouLslde Lhe hlllpplne
waLers, wlll Lhe hlllpplne courLs have [urlsdlcLlon
over Lhe offense?

!* ?es, for plracy falls under 1lLle l 8ook 2 of Lhe
8evlsed enal Code. As such, lL ls an excepLlon Lo
Lhe rule on LerrlLorlallLy ln crlmlnal law. 1he same
prlnclple applles even lf Lhe offenders were
charged, noL wlLh a vlolaLlon of quallfled plracy
under Lhe Code buL under a speclal law, .u. 332
whlch penallzes plracy ln hlllpplne waLers. (leople
v. cotootoo, 278 5ckA 761 j1997])

:* (HE >? I>A<@R K>?=>CSJ>?;GK NAHB AHLLGAR HC =;G
;>S; ?G<?F

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
8&)!"1 )-44$)1 -. /($ (&3( '$!'
1he offender ls
an ouLslder.
1he offender ls a member of Lhe
complemenL or a passenger of Lhe

:* 9;<= >? BJ=>CRF

!* lL ls Lhe unlawful reslsLance Lo a superlor offlcer
or Lhe ralslng of commoLlons and dlsLurbances on
board a shlp agalnsL Lhe auLhorlLy of lLs

:* #>?=>CSJ>?; I>A<@R NAHB BJ=>CR7

8&)!"1 %2/&.1
Cffenders are sLrangers
Lo Lhe vessel. Pence,
offenders are nelLher
passengers nor crew
Cffenders are members of
Lhe complemenL or Lhe
passengers of Lhe vessel.
lnLenL Lo galn ls an
elemenL of plracy.
lnLenL Lo galn ls lmmaLerlal.

1he offenders may only
lnLend Lo lgnore Lhe shlp's
offlcer or Lhey may be
prompLed by a deslre Lo
commlL plunder.
ALLack from Lhe
ALLack from Lhe lnslde.

:2!0&,&$# 8&)!"1
Y!A=7 6c[^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G ?IG@><D TJ<D>NR>CS @>A@JB?=<C@G?
JCKGA !A=7 6c[F

1. Selzure of Lhe vessel by boardlng or flrlng
upon Lhe same

2. AbandonmenL of Lhe vlcLlms wlLhouL any
means of savlng Lhemselves
3. When Lhe crlme ls accompanled by
murder, homlclde, physlcal ln[urles or

.H=G* Cuallfled plracy has been caLegorlzed as a
helnous crlme.

:* &? =;GAG < @A>BG HN TJ<D>N>GK BJ=>CRF

!* ?es, alLhough ArL. 123 merely refers Lo quallfled
plracy, Lhere ls also a crlme of quallfled muLlny.
MuLlny ls quallfled under Lhe followlng

1. When Lhe offenders abandoned Lhe
vlcLlms wlLhouL means of savlng
2. When muLlny ls accompanled by rape,
murder, homlclde or physlcal ln[urles.

.H=G* 1he flrsL clrcumsLance whlch quallfles plracy
does noL apply Lo muLlny LhaL ls selzure of Lhe vessel
by boardlng or flrlng upon Lhe same.

:* 9;GC I>A<@R >? @HBB>==GK <CK <@@HBI<C>GK LR

!* When any of Lhese crlmes accompany plracy,
Lhere ls no complex crlme. lnsLead, Lhere ls only
one crlme commlLLed - quallfled plracy. Murder,
rape, homlclde, physlcal ln[urles are mere
clrcumsLances quallfylng plracy and cannoL be
punlshed as separaLe crlmes, nor can Lhey be
complexed wlLh plracy.

.H=G* Cuallfled plracy ls consldered a speclal complex
crlme. lL ls punlshable by teclosloo petpetoo Lo deaLh
regardless of Lhe number of vlcLlms.

Cffenders are noL llable for Lhe separaLe crlmes of
murder, homlclde, physlcal ln[urles or rape.

!7 !C=>8>A<@R <CK !C=> (>S;E<R )HLLGAR

67 #GN>C>=>HC HN =GAB?

:* 9;<= @HC?=>=J=G? 8;>D>II>CG E<=GA?F

!* lblllpploe wotets shall refer Lo all bodles of
waLer, such as buL noL llmlLed Lo seas, gulfs, bays
around, beLween and connecLlng each of Lhe
lslands of Lhe hlllpplne Archlpelago, lrrespecLlve of
lLs depLh, breadLh, lengLh or dlmenslon, and all
oLher waLers belonglng Lo Lhe hlllpplnes by hlsLorlc

!""# 6& 3><A8= +KC<;=B )CB<:;C9 48?@><BH
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
or legal LlLle, lncludlng LerrlLorlal sea, seabed, Lhe
lnsular shelves, and oLher submarlne areas over
whlch Lhe hlllpplnes has soverelgnLy or

:* 9;<= >? < OG??GDF

!* lL ls vessel or waLercrafL used for LransporL of
passengers and cargo from one place Lo anoLher
Lhrough hlllpplne waLers. lL shall lnclude all klnds
and Lypes of vessels or boaLs used ln flshlng.

:* 9;<= @HC?=>=J=G? 8;>D>II>CG ;>S;E<RF

0W lblllpploe nlqbwoy shall refer Lo any road, sLreeL,
passage,hlghway and brldges or oLher parLs Lhereof
or rallway or rallroad wlLhln Lhe hlllpplnes used by
persons or vehlcles or locomoLlves or Lralns for Lhe
movemenL or clrculaLlon of persons or
LransporLaLlon of goods, arLlcles or properLy or

:* 9;<= >? I>A<@RF

!* lltocy ls any aLLack upon or selzure of any vessel
or Lhe Laklng away of Lhe whole or parL Lhereof or
lLs cargo, equlpmenL or Lhe personal belonglngs of
lLs complemenL or passengers, lrrespecLlve of Lhe
value Lhereof, by means of vlolence agalnsL or
lnLlmldaLlon of persons or force upon Lhlngs
commlLLed by any person lncludlng a passenger or
member of Lhe complemenL of sald vessel, ln
hlllpplne waLers, shall be consldered as plracy. 1he
offenders shall be consldered as plraLes and
punlshed as herelnafLer provlded.

:* 9;<= >? ;>S;E<R AHLLGAR HA LA>S<CK<SGF

!* nlqbwoy kobbety/8tlqooJoqe ls Lhe selzure of
any person for ransom, exLorLlon or oLher unlawful
purposes or Lhe Laklng away of Lhe properLy of
anoLher by means of vlolence agalnsL or
lnLlmldaLlon of persons or force upon Lhlngs or
oLher unlawful means, commlLLed by any person on
any hlllpplne Plghway.

c7 8JC>?;<LDG <@=?

:* 9;<= >? =;G IJC>?;<LDG <@= JCKGA 87#7 i[cF

!* lL punlshes Lhe acL of aldlng or abeLLlng plracy.

.H=G* under Lhe presenL law (ArLlcle 122 as amended
by 8.A. 7639 and .u. 332) plracy may be commlLLed ln
Lhe hlllpplne waLers or ln Lhe hlgh seas by any person
(ouLslder, passenger, or member of Lhe complemenL of
Lhe vessel) (leople v. koqet 1ollo, C. k. No. 111709,
Aoq. J0, 2001).

MuLlny may be commlLLed ln hlllpplne waLers or ln
Lhe hlgh seas by members of Lhe crew or passenger.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=?F

1. A person knowlngly alds or proLecLs
2. Acqulres or recelves properLy Laken by
such plraLes, or ln any manner derlves any
beneflL Lherefrom,
3. ulrecLly and lndlrecLly abeLs Lhe
commlsslon of Lhe plracy.

:* 9;<= >? =;G K>?=>C@=>HC LG=EGGC !A=7 6cc <CK
87#7 i[cQ E>=; AG?IG@= =H I>A<@R @HBB>==GK >C
8;>D>II>CG E<=GA?F

!)/7 6cc 87#7 i[c
ArL. 122 llmlLs Lhe
offenders Lo non
passengers or non
members of Lhe crew.
no quallflcaLlon as Lo Lhe
crlmlnal, hence, offender
may be a crew, a
passenger or a sLranger.

47 !C=>(>X<@_>CS 0<E Y8# ]c[i^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G IJC>?;<LDG <@=? JCKGA 8# ]c[iF

1. usurplng or selzlng conLrol of an alrcrafL
of hlllpplne reglsLry whlle lL ls ln fllghL,
compelllng Lhe plloLs Lhereof Lo change
Lhe course or desLlnaLlon of Lhe alrcrafL,

2. usurplng or selzlng conLrol of an alrcrafL
of forelgn reglsLry whlle wlLhln hlllpplne
LerrlLory, compelllng Lhe plloLs Lhereof Lo
land ln any parL of Lhe hlllpplne LerrlLory,

3. Carrylng or loadlng on board an alrcrafL
operaLlng as a publlc uLlllLy passenger
alrcrafL ln Lhe hlllpplnes, any flammable,
corroslve, exploslve, or polsonous

4. Loadlng, shlpplng or LransporLlng on
board a cargo alrcrafL operaLlng as a
publlc uLlllLy ln Lhe hlllpplnes, any
flammable, corroslve, exploslve, or
polsonous subsLance lf Lhls was done ln
accordance wlLh Lhe rules and regulaLlons
seL and promulgaLed by Lhe Alr
1ransporLaLlon Cfflce on Lhls maLLer,

.H=G* Aqqtovotloq cltcomstooces to oos. 1 ooJ 2.
a. When Lhe offender has flred upon Lhe
plloL, member of Lhe crew, or
passenger of Lhe alrcrafL,

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

b. When Lhe offender has exploded or
aLLempLed Lo explode any bomb or
exploslve Lo desLroy Lhe alrcrafL,
c. Whenever Lhe crlme ls accompanled by
murder, homlclde, serlous physlcal
ln[urles or rape,

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
:* 9;<= <AG =;G CG@G??<AR AGTJ>?>=G? LGNHAG =;G
!C=>(>X<@_>CS 0<E HA )7!7 ]c[i B<R <IIDRF

!* 1he alrcrafL musL be of hlllpplne reglsLry and lL
musL be ln fllghL.

:* 9;GC >? <C <>A@A<N= @HC?>KGAGK >C ND>S;=F

!* An alrcrafL ls consldered ln fllghL from Lhe
momenL all exLerlor doors are closed followlng Lhe
embarkaLlon unLll such Llme when Lhe same doors
are agaln opened for dlsembarkaLlon.

.H=G* 1hls means LhaL Lhere are passengers LhaL
boarded. 1he alrcrafL shall be deemed Lo be already ln
fllghL even lf lLs englne has noL yeL been sLarLed.

:* &N =;G <>A@A<N= >? HN 8;>D>II>CG AGS>?=AR LJ= >= >?
CH= >C ND>S;= <CK <CR HN =;G NHJA @>A@JB?=<C@G?
BGC=>HCGK JCKGA )7!7 ]c[i >? @HBB>==GKQ E;<=

!* 1he AnLlPl[acklng Law wlll noL apply and Lhe
acLs wlll be punlshed accordlngly under Lhe 8C or
Lhe appllcable speclal penal laws. 1he correlaLlve
crlme may be one of grave coerclon or grave LhreaL.
lf somebody ls kllled, Lhe crlme ls homlclde or
murder, as Lhe case may be.

:* &N =;G <>A@A<N= >? HN NHAG>SC AGS>?=ARQ >? >= AGTJ>AGK
=;<= >= >? >C ND>S;= LGNHAG )7!7 ]c[i <IID>G?F

!* no, because alrcrafLs of forelgn reglsLry are
consldered ln LranslL whlle Lhey are ln forelgn

:* &? =;GAG ;>X<@_>CS >C =;G <==GBI=GK ?=<SGF

!* no. 8.A. 6233 ls a speclal law where Lhe
aLLempLed sLage ls noL punlshable.

:* &C =;G @HJA?G HN =;G ;>X<@_>CSQ < I<??GCSGA HA
@HBIDGBGC= E<? ?;H= <CK _>DDGK7 9;<= @A>BG HA

!* 1he crlme remalns Lo be a vlolaLlon of Lhe AnLl
Pl[acklng law, buL Lhe penalLy Lhereof shall be
hlgher because a passenger or complemenL of Lhe
alrcrafL had been kllled. 1he crlme of homlclde or
murder pet se ls noL punlshed.

:* 9;<= K>?=>CSJ>?;G? @A>BG? <S<>C?= =;G D<E HN
C<=>HC? NAHB @A>BG? <S<>C?= C<=>HC<D ?G@JA>=RF

")&%$' !3!&.'/ /($
0!9 -, .!/&-.'
")&%$' !3!&.'/
.!/&-.!0 '$"2)&/1
Can be prosecuLed
anywhere ln Lhe world
because Lhese crlmes
are consldered crlmes
agalnsL humanlLy.
Can be Lrled only ln Lhe
1he acLs agalnsL naLlonal
securlLy may be commlLLed
abroad and sLlll be
punlshable under our law,
buL lL cannoL be Lrled under
forelgn law.

"7 (JB<C 'G@JA>=R !@= HN cggjY)7!7 Z[jc^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G IJC>?;<LDG <@=? HN =GAAHA>?BF

!* Any person who commlLs an acL punlshable
under any of Lhe followlng provlslons of Lhe:
1. 8C
a. lracy ln Ceneral and MuLlny ln Lhe
Plgh Seas or ln Lhe hlllpplne WaLers
b. 8ebelllon or lnsurrecLlon (Att. 1J4)
c. coop J'etot, lncludlng acLs
commlLLed by prlvaLe person
d. Murder (Att.248)
e. kldnapplng and Serlous lllegal
ueLenLlon (Att.267)
f. Crlmes lnvolvlng uesLrucLlon

2. Speclal enal Laws:
a. 1he Law on Arson (l.u.161J)
b. 1oxlc SubsLances and Pazardous and
nuclear WasLe ConLrol AcL of 1990
c. ALomlc Lnergy 8egulaLory and
LlablllLy AcL of 1968 (k.A.5207)
d. AnLlPl[acklng Law (k.A.62J5)
e. AnLllracy and AnLlPlghway
8obbery Law of 1974 (l.u. 5J2) and
f. uecree Codlfylng Lhe Laws on lllegal
and unlawful ossesslon,
ManufacLure, ueallng ln, AcqulslLlon
or ulsposlLlon of llrearms,
AmmunlLlons or Lxploslves (l.u.
1866 os omeoJeJ)

.H=G* 1he acLs under speclal laws musL:
l. Sow and creaLe a condlLlon of wldespread
and exLraordlnary fear and panlc among Lhe
ll. Coerce Lhe governmenL Lo glve ln Lo an
unlawful demand. (5ec. J)

!""# 6& 3><A8= +KC<;=B )CB<:;C9 48?@><BH

!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
3. ersons who consplre Lo commlL Lhe crlme of

:* 9;H <AG =;G IGA?HC? D><LDG JCKGA =;>? <@=F

1. ltloclpol - Any person who commlLs any
of Lhe acLs under SecLlon 3 and 47

2. Accompllce - any person who noL belng a
prlnclpal under ArLlcle 17 of Lhe 8C or a
consplraLor as deflned under SecLlon 4
hereof, cooperaLes ln Lhe execuLlon of
elLher Lhe crlme of Lerrorlsm or
consplracy Lo commlL Lerrorlsm by
prevlous or slmulLaneous acLs.

3. Accessoty - any person who havlng
knowledge of Lhe commlsslon of Lhe
crlme of Lerrorlsm or consplracy Lo
commlL Lerrorlsm and wlLhouL havlng
parLlclpaLed Lhereln elLher as prlnclpal or
accompllce under ArLlcles 17 and 18 of
Lhe 8C, Lakes parL subsequenL Lo lLs
commlsslon ln any of Lhe followlng
a. 8y proflLlng hlmself or asslsLlng
Lhe offender Lo proflL by Lhe
effecLs of Lhe crlme,
b. 8y conceallng or desLroylng Lhe
body of Lhe crlme or Lhe effecLs
or lnsLrumenLs Lhereof ln order
Lo prevenL lLs dlscovery,
c. 8y harborlng, conceallng, or
asslsLlng ln Lhe escape of Lhe
prlnclpal or consplraLor of Lhe

`8.W Spouses, ascendanLs, descendanLs,
leglLlmaLe, naLural and adopLed broLhers
and slsLers or relaLlves by afflnlLy wlLhln
Lhe same degree.

`8. =H =;G `8.* Lhose falllng under (a).

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
&&7 ")&%$' !3!&.'/ /($ ,2.#!%$./!0 0!9' -,
/($ '/!/$ Y6c\6[[^

!)4&/)!)1 #$/$./&-. -) $`820'&-.Q
+&-0!/&-. -, #9$00&.3
8)-(&4&/&-.Q&./$))28/&-.Q !.# #&''-02/&-.
-, 8$!"$,20 %$$/&.3 !.# ")&%$'
!3!&.'/)$0&3&-2' 9-)'(&8 Y!A=?7 6c\6[[^

.H=G* All offenses ln Lhls 1lLle are requlred Lo be
commlLLed by publlc offlcers, excepL offendlng Lhe
rellglous feellngs.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G @D<??G? HN <AL>=A<AR KG=GC=>HCF

1. ueLalnlng a person wlLhouL legal ground
2. uelay ln Lhe dellvery of deLalned persons
Lo Lhe proper auLhorlLles
3. uelaylng release

!)4&/)!)1 #$/$./&-.
Y!A=7 6c\^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;G @A>BG HN <AL>=A<AR

1. Cffender ls a publlc offlcer or employee
2. Pe deLalns a person
3. ueLenLlon ls wlLhouL legal grounds.

:* 9;GC >? < IGA?HC @HC?>KGAGK >C KG=GC=>HCF

!* A person ls deLalned when he ls placed ln
conflnemenL or Lhere ls resLralnL on hls person.

:* "<C =;GAG LG <AL>=A<AR KG=GC=>HC GOGC >N =;G

!* ?es. 1he prevalllng [urlsprudence on kldnapplng
and lllegal deLenLlon ls LhaL Lhe curLallmenL of Lhe
vlcLlm's llberLy need noL lnvolve any physlcal
resLralnL upon Lhe vlcLlm's person. lf Lhe acLs and
acLuaLlons of Lhe accused can produce such fear ln
Lhe mlnd of Lhe vlcLlm sufflclenL Lo paralyze Lhe
laLLer, Lo Lhe exLenL LhaL Lhe vlcLlm ls compelled Lo
llmlL hls own acLlons and movemenLs ln accordance
wlLh Lhe wlshes of Lhe accused, Lhen Lhe vlcLlm ls,
for all lnLenL and purposes, deLalned agalnsL hls
wlll. (8eolto Astotqo v. leople, C.k. No. 1541J0,
Oct. 1, 200J)

:* 9;GC >? KG=GC=>HC ?<>K =H LG E>=;HJ= DGS<D

!* 1he deLenLlon of a person ls wlLhouL legal
1. When he has noL commlLLed any crlme or,
aL leasL, Lhere ls no reasonable ground for
susplclon LhaL he has commlLLed a crlme.

xn: A valld warranLless arresL (5ec.5,
kole 11J, kevlseJ koles of coott).

2. When he ls noL sufferlng from vlolenL
lnsanlLy or any oLher allmenL requlrlng
compulsory conflnemenL ln a hosplLal.

:* &? >= CG@G??<AR =;<= =;G IJLD>@ HNN>@GA LG < IHD>@G

!* no. lL ls lmporLanL, however, LhaL Lhe publlc
offlcer musL be vesLed wlLh Lhe auLhorlLy Lo deLaln
or order Lhe deLenLlon of persons accused of a
crlme such as pollcemen and oLher agenLs of law,
[udges or mayors.

.H=G* ln arblLrary deLenLlon, Lhe offender ls a publlc
offlcer whose funcLlons have someLhlng Lo do wlLh Lhe
proLecLlon of llfe and/or properLy and malnLenance of
peace and order. 1hus, lf Lhe one, who arresLs anoLher
wlLhouL legal ground, ls wlLhouL auLhorlLy Lo do so, llke
a clerk ln Lhe Cfflce of Lhe CenLral 8ank Covernor,
arblLrary deLenLlon ls noL Lhe proper charge buL lllegal

:* "<C < ,")"%4"F @;<>AB<C LG SJ>D=R HN =;>?

!* ?es. Pe has auLhorlLy, ln order Lo malnLaln peace
and order, Lo cause Lhe arresL and deLenLlon of a
person. (8ooJo, 2008)


!* ?es, lf Lhey consplred wlLh such publlc offlcers.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G DGS<D SAHJCK? NHA =;G KG=GC=>HC HN
IGA?HC? E>=;HJ= E;>@; < IJLD>@ HNN>@GA B<R LG

1. Commlsslon of a crlme
2. vlolenL lnsanlLy or oLher allmenL requlrlng
compulsory conflnemenL of Lhe paLlenL ln
a hosplLal
3. When Lhe person Lo be arresLed ls an
escaplng prlsoner

`8.* When Lhe peace offlcers acLed ln good
falLh even lf Lhe 3 grounds menLloned above are
noL obLalnlng, Lhere ls no arblLrary deLenLlon.

!""# 6& 3><A8= +KC<;=B '@;ICA8;BC9 /CL= :F .E8 4BCB8
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %

2 8l8 secreL agenLs, sLrangers ln Lhe munlclpallLy
who were spylng Lhe nelghborhood of Lhe markeL
place and acLlng generally ln a manner calculaLed
Lo arouse Lhe susplclon of any one noL advlsed as
Lo Lhelr duLy, were arresLed by pollcemen of Lhe
Lown. 1he Supreme CourL held LhaL Lhe pollce
offlcers acLed ln good falLh and cannoL be held
llable for arblLrary deLenLlon. (u.5 v. 8otolllooes, 2J
lbll. 46)

:* %<R <AL>=A<AR KG=GC=>HC LG @HBB>==GK =;AHJS;

!: ?es, as when a prlsoner was released by a [udge
buL Lhe pollce offlcer bellevlng LhaL Lhe order ls
lllegal, rearresLed Lhe prlsoner and puL hlm back ln

.H=G* ln arblLrary deLenLlon, Lhe law does noL flx any
mlnlmum perlod of deLenLlon.

1he penalLy for arblLrary deLenLlon depends upon Lhe
perlod lnvolved. A greaLer penalLy ls lmposed lf Lhe
perlod ls longer.

:* "<C <AL>=A<AR KG=GC=>HC LG @HBB>==GK =;AJ

!* 1he crlme of arblLrary deLenLlon can be
commlLLed Lhrough lmprudence.


A pollce offlcer rearresLs a woman who had been
released by means of verbal order of Lhe [udge.
1he pollce offlcer acLed wlLhouL mallce, buL dld noL
verlfy Lhe order of release before proceedlng Lo
make Lhe rearresL. Pe ls llable for arblLrary
deLenLlon Lhrough slmple lmprudence.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G NHAB? HN >DDGS<D KG=GC=>HCF

1. ueLalnlng a person wlLhouL legal grounds
2. A legal ground exlsLs buL Lhe arresL was
made wlLhouL a warranL, and Lhe publlc
offlcer does noL dellver Lhe arresLed
person Lo Lhe proper [udlclal auLhorlLy
wlLhln Lhe perlod of 12, 18, or 36 hours,
as Lhe case may be
3. uelaylng release by compeLenL auLhorlLy
wlLh Lhe same perlod menLloned ln
number 2.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G K>?=>C@=>HC? LG=EGGC <AL>=A<AR

!)4&/)!)1 #$/$./&-. &00$3!0 #$/$./&-.
1he prlnclpal offender
musL be a publlc offlcer.
1he prlnclpal offender ls a
prlvaLe person.
1he offender who ls a
publlc offlcer has a duLy
whlch carrles wlLh lL Lhe
auLhorlLy Lo deLaln a
1he offender, even lf he ls
a publlc offlcer, does noL
lnclude as hls funcLlon
Lhe power Lo arresL and
deLaln a person.

:* &N =;G IJLD>@ HNN>@GA E;H GNNG@=GK =;G <AAG?= ;<?
CH ?J@; <J=;HA>=R =H KG=<>C < IGA?HCQ E;<= @A>BG

!* lf Lhe offender does noL have Lhe auLhorlLy Lo
deLaln a person or Lo make such arresL, Lhe crlme
commlLLed by hlm ls lllegal deLenLlon. A publlc
offlcer who ls acLlng ouLslde Lhe scope of hls offlclal
duLles ls no beLLer Lhan a prlvaLe clLlzen.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G K>?=>C@=>HC? LG=EGGC <AL>=A<AR

2.0!9,20 !))$'/
1he offender ls a
publlc offlcer
possessed wlLh
auLhorlLy Lo make
1he offender may be any
1he purpose for
deLalnlng Lhe
offended parLy ls
Lo deny hlm of hls
1he purpose ls Lo accuse Lhe
offended parLy of a crlme he dld
noL commlL, Lo dellver Lhe
person Lo Lhe proper auLhorlLy,
and Lo flle Lhe necessary charges
ln a way Lrylng Lo lncrlmlnaLe

.H=G* 1he crlme of unlawful arresL ls, however,
absorbed ln Lhe crlme of arblLrary deLenLlon.

:* `Q < IHD>@G HNN>@GAQ N<D?GDR >BIJ=G? < @A>BG
<S<>C?= ! =H LG <LDG =H <AAG?= ;>B LJ= ;G <IIG<A?
=H LG CH= KG=GAB>CGK =H N>DG < @;<ASG <S<>C?= ;>B7
9;<= @A>BGQ >N <CRQ K>K ` @HBB>=F

!* 1he crlme ls arblLrary deLenLlon Lhrough
unlawful arresL. (8ooJo, 2008)

E;<= @A>BGQ >N <CRQ >? @HBB>==GKF

!* lL ls arblLrary deLenLlon Lhrough lncrlmlnaLlng
lnnocenL persons.

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
#$0!1 &. /($ #$0&+$)1 -, #$/!&.$# 8$)'-.'
/- /($ 8)-8$) P2#&"&!0 !2/(-)&/1
Y!A=7 6ci^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. Cffender ls a publlc offlcer or employee
2. Pe has deLalned a person for some legal
3. Pe falls Lo dellver such person Lo Lhe
proper [udlclal auLhorlLles wlLhln:
a. 12 boots for crlmes/offenses
punlshable by llghL penalLles or Lhelr
b. 18 boots for crlmes/offenses
punlshable by correcLlonal penalLles
or Lhelr equlvalenL,
c. J6 boots for crlmes/offenses
punlshable by affllcLlve penalLles or
Lhelr equlvalenL.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G @>A@JB?=<C@G? @HC?>KGAGK >C

1. 1he means of communlcaLlon
2. 1he hour of arresL
3. CLher clrcumsLances such as Lhe Llme of
surrender and maLerlal posslblllLy of Lhe
flscal Lo make Lhe lnvesLlgaLlon and flle ln
Llme Lhe necessary lnformaLlon.

:* 9;<= ?>=J<=>HC? <AG @HC=GBID<=GK LR !A=7 6ciF

!* ArL. 123 conLemplaLes a slLuaLlon where arresL
was made wlLhouL a warranL buL Lhere exlsLs a legal
ground for Lhe arresL. lL does noL apply when Lhe
arresL ls on Lhe sLrengLh of a warranL of arresL,
because ln Lhe laLLer case, a person arresLed can be
deLalned lndeflnlLely unLll hls case ls declded by Lhe
courL or he posLs ball for hls Lemporary release.

:* 2CKGA !A=7 6ciQ E;GC KHG? =;G KG=GC=>HC

!* 1he deLenLlon becomes arblLrary when Lhe
perlod Lhereof exceeds 12, 18 or 36 hours as Lhe
case may be, dependlng on wheLher Lhe crlme ls
punlshed by llghL, correcLlonal or affllcLlve penalLy
or Lhelr equlvalenL.

:* 9;<= >? BG<C= LR KGD>OGARF

!* uellvety means Lhe flllng of correcL lnformaLlon
or complalnL wlLh Lhe proper [udlclal auLhorlLles. lL
does noL mean physlcal dellvery or Lurnover of
arresLed person Lo Lhe courL.

:* 9;<= >? BG<C= LR IAHIGA XJK>@><D <J=;HA>=>G?F

!* lL refers Lo Lhe courLs of [usLlce or [udges of sald
courLs vesLed wlLh [udlclal power Lo order Lhe
Lemporary deLenLlon or conflnemenL of a person
charged wlLh havlng commlLLed a publlc offense.

:* &N < IGA?HC >? <AAG?=GK IJA?J<C= =H < E<AA<C= HN
<AAG?=Q E>=;>C E;<= IGA>HK ?;HJDK < IHD>@G HNN>@GA

!* 1here ls no Llme llmlL speclfled excepL LhaL Lhe
reLurn musL be made wlLhln a reasonable Llme. 1he
perlod flxed by law under ArL. 123 does noL apply
because Lhe arresL was made by vlrLue of warranL
of arresL.

:* ';HJDK =;G IGA?HC <AAG?=GK E>=;HJ= < E<AA<C=
HI= =H <O<>D ;>? A>S;= =H < IAGD>B>C<AR >COG?=>S<=>HCQ
E;<= BJ?= ;G GMG@J=GF

!* under Lhe 8evlsed 8ules of CourL, he should
walve ln wrlLlng hls rlghLs under ArL. 123.

.H=G* Walver musL be under oaLh and wlLh Lhe
asslsLance of counsel

:* 9;<= >? =;G DGCS=; HN E<>OGAF

1. llqbt offeose 3 days
2. 5etloos ooJ less setloos offeoses 7 Lo 10

:* 9;<= >N =;G IGA?HC <AAG?=GK KHG? CH= E<C= =H
E<>OG ;>? A>S;=? JCKGA !A=7 6ciF

!* 1he arresLlng offlcer wlll have Lo comply wlLh ArL.
123 and flle Lhe case lmmedlaLely ln courL wlLhouL
prellmlnary lnvesLlgaLlon.

.H=G* 1he flllng of Lhe lnformaLlon ln courL beyond Lhe
speclfled perlod does noL cure lllegallLy of deLenLlon
hence deLalnlng offlcer ls sLlll llable for under ArL. 123.
nelLher does lL affecL Lhe legallLy of Lhe conflnemenL
under process lssued by Lhe courL.

:* 9;<= >? =;G K>NNGAGC@G LG=EGGC KGD<R >C =;G
<AL>=A<AR KG=GC=>HC Y!A=7 6c\^F

#$0!1 &. /($ #$0&+$)1 -,
#$/!&.$# 8$)'-.'
1he deLenLlon ls legal aL Lhe 1he deLenLlon ls

!""# 6& 3><A8= +KC<;=B '@;ICA8;BC9 /CL= :F .E8 4BCB8
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
ouLseL buL becomes arblLrary
when Lhe deLenLlon exceeds
any of Lhe perlods of Llme
speclfled ln ArL. 123, wlLhouL
Lhe person deLalned havlng
been charged before Lhe
proper [udlclal auLhorlLy.
lllegal aL Lhe very
lncepLlon because
of Lhe absence of
lawful cause for
such arresL.

#$0!1&.3 )$0$!'$
Y!A=7 6c]^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G IJC>?;<LDG <@=?F

1. uelaylng Lhe performance of [udlclal or
execuLlve order for Lhe release of a

2. unduly delaylng Lhe servlce of Lhe noLlce
of such order Lo sald prlsoner

3. unduly delaylng Lhe proceedlngs upon
any peLlLlon for Lhe llberaLlon of such


1. Cffender ls a publlc offlcer or employee

2. 1here ls a [udlclal execuLlve order for Lhe
release of Lhe prlsoner or deLenLlon
prlsoner, or LhaL Lhere ls a proceedlng
upon a peLlLlon for Lhe llberaLlon of such

3. Cffender wlLhouL good reason delays:
a. Servlce of noLlce of such order Lo Lhe
prlsoner, or
b. erformance of such [udlclal or
execuLlve order for Lhe release of Lhe
prlsoner, or
c. roceedlngs upon a peLlLlon for Lhe
release of such person.

.H=G* 1he prlsoners could be prlsoners by flnal
[udgmenL or deLenLlon prlsoners.

Wardens and [allers are Lhe offlcers mosL llkely Lo
vlolaLe Lhls provlslon.

Y!A=7 6cj^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G IJC>?;<LDG <@=?F

1. Lxpelllng a person from Lhe hlllpplnes
2. Compelllng a person Lo change hls

`8.* ln cases of e[ecLmenL, exproprlaLlon or
when penalLy lmposed ls Jestletto.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN GMIJD?>HCF

1. Cffender ls a publlc offlcer or employee
2. Pe elLher:
a. Lxpels any person from Lhe
b. Compels a person Lo change
3. Cffender ls noL auLhorlzed Lo do so by law

:* 9;<= >? =;G G??GC@G HN =;G @A>BG HN GMIJD?>HCF

!* 1he essence of Lhls crlme ls coerclon buL lL ls
speclflcally Lermed expulslon when commlLLed by a
publlc offlcer.

:* &N <CR HN =;G IJC>?;<LDG <@=? JCKGA !A=7 6cj >?
@HBB>==GK LR < IA>O<=G IGA?HCQ E;<= @A>BG @<C ;G

!* Crave coerclon

:* `Q =;G B<RHA HN ">=R HN %<C>D< E<C=GK =H B<_G
IAH?=>=J=G? =H LG =A<C?NGAAGK =H #<O<HQ E>=;HJ=
HL?GAO>CS KJG IAH@G??7 9;<= >? =;G @A>BG

!* Lxpulslon. (vlllovlcleoclo v. locboo, C.k No. l
146J9, Mot. 25, 1919)

:* 9;<= >? =;G @A>BG @HBB>==GK >N <D>GC? <AG

!* Lxpulslon.

.H=G* Cnly Lhe courLs by a flnal [udgmenL can order a
person Lo change hls resldence.

ursuanL Lo Sec. 69 of Lhe 8evlsed AdmlnlsLraLlve
Code, only Lhe resldenL of Lhe hlllpplnes ls vesLed
wlLh auLhorlLy Lo deporL allens.

:* 9;<= @A>BG >? @HBB>==GK E;GC < ,>D>I>CH E;HQ

!* Lxpulslon, because lL ls consldered a vlcLlm of
belng forced Lo change hls address.

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
+&-0!/&-. -, #-%&"&0$
Y!A=7 6cf^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G BHKG? HN @HBB>==>CS =;>? @A>BGF

1. lltst moJe. LnLerlng any dwelllng agalnsL
Lhe wlll of Lhe owner Lhereof

.H=G* ln Lhe flrsL mode, lack of consenL
would noL sufflce as Lhe law requlres LhaL
Lhe offender's enLry musL be over Lhe
owner's ob[ecLlon, express or lmplled.

2. 5ecooJ moJe. Searchlng papers or oLher
effecLs found Lhereln wlLhouL Lhe
prevlous consenL of such owner

.H=G* ln Lhe second mode, mere lack of
consenL ls sufflclenL.

3. 1bltJ moJe. 8efuslng Lo leave Lhe
premlses afLer havlng surrepLlLlously
enLered sald dwelllng and afLer havlng
been requlred Lo leave Lhe same

.H=G* ln Lhe Lhlrd mode, whaL ls punlshed ls
Lhe refusal Lo leave, Lhe enLry havlng been
made surrepLlLlously.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G @HBBHC GDGBGC=?F

1. Cffender ls publlc offlcer or employee,

2. Pe ls noL auLhorlzed by [udlclal order Lo
enLer Lhe dwelllng and/or Lo make a
search for papers and for oLher effecLs.

:* (HE >? =;G @A>BG HN O>HD<=>HC HN KHB>@>DG

!* vlolaLlon of domlclle ls commlLLed by a publlc
offlcer auLhorlzed Lo lmplemenL a search warranL or
warranL of arresL buL aL Lhe Llme of lncldenL, he ls
noL armed wlLh warranL.

:* 'JIIH?G =;G IJLD>@ HNN>@GA >? CH= <J=;HA>WGK =H
GMG@J=G ?G<A@; E<AA<C=? <CK E<AA<C=? HN <AAG?=?Q
E;<= @A>BG @<C ;G LG D><LDG NHAF

!* Cuallfled Lrespass Lo dwelllng (Att. 280, klc).

:* 'JIIH?G =;G IJC>?;<LDG <@=? JCKGA !A=7 6cf <AG
@HBB>==GK LR < IA>O<=G IGA?HCQ E;<= @A>BG K>K ;G

!* 1respass Lo dwelllng.

:* &N < IJLD>@ HNN>@GA ?G<A@;G? < IGA?HC HJ=?>KG ;>?
KEGDD>CSQ CH= <ABGK E>=; < ?G<A@; E<AA<C= HA <
E<AA<C= HN <AAG?=Q <AG =;G IAHO>?>HC? HN !A=7 6cf

!* no, because Lhe papers and oLher effecLs
menLloned ln ArL. 128 musL be found ln dwelllng.
1he crlme commlLLed ls grave coerclon, lf vlolence
and lnLlmldaLlon are used (Att. 286), or un[usL
vexaLlon, lf Lhere ls no vlolence or lnLlmldaLlon (Att.

:* !AG =;G IAHO>?>HC? JCKGA !A=7 6cf <IID>@<LDG >N
=;G H@@JI<C= HN =;G IAGB>?G? >? CH= =;G HECGAF

!* ?es, lL would be sufflclenL lf Lhe lnhablLanL ls
lawful occupanL uslng Lhe premlses as hls dwelllng,
alLhough he ls noL Lhe properLy owner.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G TJ<D>NR>CS @>A@JB?=<C@G? JCKGA
!A=7 6cfF

1. lf commlLLed aL nlghL Llme

2. lf any papers or effecLs noL consLlLuLlng
evldence of a crlme are noL reLurned
lmmedlaLely afLer Lhe search ls made by
Lhe offender.

:* 9;<= >? =;G BG<C>CS HN <S<>C?= =;G E>DD HN =;G

!* lL presupposes opposlLlon or prohlblLlon by Lhe
owner, wheLher express or lmplled, and noL merely
Lhe absence of consenL.

.H=G* lf Lhe surrepLlLlous enLry had been made
Lhrough an openlng noL lnLended Lo LhaL purpose, Lhe
offender would be llable under Lhe flrsL mode slnce lL
ls enLry over Lhe lmplled ob[ecLlon of Lhe lnhablLanL.

9!))!./' %!0&"&-2'01 -4/!&.$# !.# !42'$
&. /($ '$)+&"$ -, /(-'$ 0$3!001 -4/!&.$#
Y!A=7 6cZ^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G IJC>?;<LDG <@=?F

1. rocurlng a search warranL wlLhouL [usL

a. 1haL Lhe offender ls a publlc offlcer
or employee
b. 1haL he procures a search warranL
c. 1haL Lhere ls no [usL cause

!""# 6& 3><A8= +KC<;=B '@;ICA8;BC9 /CL= :F .E8 4BCB8
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
2. Lxceedlng hls auLhorlLy or by uslng
unnecessary severlLy ln execuLlng a
search warranL legally procured

a. 1haL Lhe offender ls a publlc offlcer
or employee
b. 1haL he has legally procured a search
c. 1haL he exceeds hls auLhorlLy or uses
unnecessary severlLy ln execuLlng
Lhe same

:* 9;<= >? < ?G<A@; E<AA<C=F

!* lL ls an order ln wrlLlng, lssued ln Lhe name of Lhe
eople of Lhe hlllpplnes, slgned by a [udge and
dlrecLed Lo a peace offlcer, commandlng hlm Lo
search for personal properLy descrlbed Lhereln and
brlng lL before Lhe courL.

.H=G* A search warranL shall be valld for Len days from
lLs daLe.

:* 9;<= >? =;G AGTJ>?>=G NHA =;G >??J<C@G HN ?G<A@;

!* A search warranL shall noL lssue excepL upon
probable cause ln connecLlon wlLh one speclflc
offense Lo be deLermlned personally by Lhe [udge
afLer examlnaLlon under oaLh or afflrmaLlon of Lhe
complalnanL and Lhe wlLnesses he may produce,
and parLlcularly descrlblng Lhe place Lo be searched
and Lhe Lhlngs Lo be selzed whlch may be anywhere
ln Lhe hlllpplnes. (5ec. 4, kole 126, kevlseJ koles of
ctlmlool ltoceJote)

:* 9;<= >? =;G =G?= NHA D<@_ HN XJ?= @<J?GF

!* WheLher Lhe affldavlL flled ln supporL of Lhe
appllcaLlon for search warranL has been drawn ln
such a manner LhaL per[ury could be charged
Lhereon and afflanL be held llable for damages

:* 9;<= >? =;G GNNG@= >N =;G ?G<A@; E<AA<C= >?
?G@JAGK =;AHJS; < N<D?G <NN>K<O>=F

!* 1he crlme punlshed by Lhls arLlcle cannoL be
complexed buL wlll be a separaLe crlme from
per[ury, slnce Lhe penalLy hereln provlded shall be
ln addlLlon" Lo Lhe penalLy of per[ury.

:* 9;GC >? < ?G<A@; E<AA<C= @HC?>KGAGK >DDGS<DDR

!* When a search warranL was procured wlLhouL a
probable cause.

'$!)"(&.3 #-%&"&0$ 9&/(-2/ 9&/.$''$'
Y!A=7 6[g^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. Cffender ls a publlc offlcer or employee

2. Pe ls armed wlLh search warranL legally

3. Pe searches Lhe domlclle, papers or oLher
belonglngs of any person

4. Cwner or any member of hls famlly, or
Lwo wlLnesses resldlng ln Lhe same
locallLy are noL presenL.

.H=G* ln crlmes under ArL. 129 and 130, Lhe
search ls made by vlrLue of a valld warranL, buL
Lhe warranL noLwlLhsLandlng, Lhe llablllLy for Lhe
crlme ls sLlll lncurred Lhrough Lhe followlng

1. Search warranL was lrregularly obLalned
2. 1he offlcer exceeded hls auLhorlLy under Lhe
3. When Lhe publlc offlcer employs
unnecessary or excesslve severlLy ln Lhe
lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe search warranL
4. Cwner of dwelllng or any member of Lhe
famlly was absenL, or Lwo wlLnesses resldlng
wlLhln Lhe same locallLy were noL presenL
durlng Lhe search

:* 9;<= >? =;G HAKGA HN =;H?G E;H BJ?= E>=CG??
=;G ?G<A@;F

1. Pomeowner
2. Members of Lhe famlly of sufflclenL age
and dlscreLlon
[7 8esponslble members of Lhe communlLy

:* 'JIIH?GQ `Q < ?J?IG@=GK IJ?;GA D>OG? >C <
@HCKHB>C>JB JC>=7 !SGC=? HN =;G 8#$! HL=<>CGK <
?G<A@; E<AA<C= LJ= =;G C<BG HN IGA?HC >C =;G
?G<A@; E<AA<C= K>K CH= =<DDR E>=; =;G <KKAG??
>CK>@<=GK =;GAG>C7 $OGC=J<DDRQ ` E<? NHJCK LJ= >C <
K>NNGAGC= <KKAG??7 ` AG?>?=GK LJ= =;G <SGC=?
>C?>?=GK HC =;G ?G<A@;7 #AJS? EGAG NHJCK <CK
?G>WGK <CK ` E<? IAH?G@J=GK <CK @HCO>@=GK LR =;G
=A><D @HJA=7 &? =;G ?G<A@; O<D>KF

!* no, because Lhe publlc offlcers are requlred Lo
follow Lhe search warranL by Lhe laLLer. 1hey have
no dlscreLlon on Lhe maLLer.

:* "HBI<AG !A=7 6cf E>=; !A=?7 6cZ <CK 6[g7

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
!)/7 6cf !)/'7 6cZ !.# 6[g
1he publlc
offlcer ls noL
armed wlLh a
1he publlc offlcer ls armed wlLh a
warranL buL lL was mallclously
obLalned or even lf lL was lssued
regularly, Lhere was abuse ln Lhe
lmplemenLaLlon Lhereof.

.H=G* 1he papers or oLher belonglngs musL be ln Lhe
dwelllng of Lhe owner aL Lhe Llme Lhe search ls made.

ArL. 130 does noL apply Lo searches of vehlcles and
oLher means of LransporLaLlon.

8)-(&4&/&-.Q &./$))28/&-. !.# #&''-02/&-.
-, 8$!"$,20 %$$/&.3'
Y!A=7 6[6^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G IJC>?;<LDG <@=?F

1. rohlblLlng or lnLerrupLlng, wlLhouL legal
ground, Lhe holdlng of a peaceful
meeLlng, or by dlssolvlng Lhe same

2. Plnderlng any person from [olnlng any
lawful assoclaLlon or from aLLendlng any
of lLs meeLlngs

3. rohlblLlng or hlnderlng any person from
addresslng, elLher alone or LogeLher wlLh
oLhers, any peLlLlon Lo Lhe auLhorlLles for
correcLlon of abuses or redress of

:* 9;<= <AG =;G @HBBHC GDGBGC=?F

1. Cffender ls a publlc offlcer
2. Pe performs any of Lhe acLs menLloned

:* /H LG ;GDK D><LDG JCKGA !A=7 6[6Q >? >= CG@G??<AR
=;<= =;G HNNGCKGA LG < ?=A<CSGAQ CH= < I<A=>@>I<C=
HN < BGG=>CS =;<= ;<? LGGC >C=GAAJI=GK <CK

!* ?es. lf Lhe offender ls a parLlclpanL of Lhe
meeLlng, he ls llable for un[usL vexaLlon

.H=G* lnLerrupLlng and dlssolvlng Lhe meeLlng of
munlclpal councll by a publlc offlcer ls a crlme agalnsL
a leglslaLlve body noL punlshed under ArL. 131, buL
under ArL . 143 (Acts 1eoJloq to lteveot tbe Meetloq
of tbe Assembly ooJ 5lmllot boJles) and ArL. 144
(ulstotbooce of ltoceeJloqs).

lf Lhe offender ls a prlvaLe lndlvldual, Lhe crlme ls
dlsLurbance of publlc order under ArL. 133.

:* &? =;G A>S;= =H IG<@GNJD <??GBLDR <L?HDJ=GF

!* 1he rlghL Lo peaceful assembly ls noL absoluLe. lL
may be regulaLed ln order LhaL lL may noL be
ln[urlous Lo Lhe equal en[oymenL of oLhers havlng
equal rlghLs, nor ln[urlous Lo Lhe rlghL of Lhe
communlLy or socleLy.


!* no, Lhe permlL requlremenL shall be ln exerclse
only of Lhe governmenL's regulaLory powers and
noL really Lo prevenL peaceful assemblles. 1hls
requlremenL ls legal as long as lL ls noL belng
exerclsed as a prohlblLory power.

:* &N =;G <IID>@<=>HC NHA =;G IGAB>= =H IG<@G<LDR
<??GBLDG >? <AL>=A<A>DR KGC>GKQ E;<= @A>BG >?

!* 1he crlme commlLLed ls prohlblLlon Lo peaceably
assemble ln accordance wlLh ArL. 131.

JCDG?? =;G BGG=>CS >? ;GDK >C I<A=>@JD<A ID<@G
E;>@; ;G K>@=<=G? <CK ?J@; ID<@G KGNG<=? =;G
GMGA@>?G HN =;G A>S;=? =H IG<@G<LDR <??GBLDGQ >?
!A=7 6[6 O>HD<=GKF

!* ?es.

.H=G* MeeLlng musL be peaceful and Lhere musL be no
ground for prohlblLlng, dlssolvlng, or lnLerrupLlng LhaL

:* 9;<= <AG =;G =G?=? NHA KG=GAB>C>CS E;G=;GA
=;GAG >? < O>HD<=>HC HN !A=7 6[6F

1. uangerous 1endency 8ule
2. Clear and resenL uanger 8ule

:* 9;<= <AG =;G K>?=>C@=>HC? LG=EGGC 8AH;>L>=>HCQ
JCKGA !A=7 6[6 <CK /JBJD=? <CK H=;GA
#>?=JAL<C@G?Q JCKGA !A=7 6i[F

!)/7 6[6 !)/7 6i[
1he publlc offlcer ls noL a
parLlclpanL. As far as Lhe
gaLherlng ls concerned,
Lhe publlc offlcer ls a
Lhlrd parLy.
1he publlc offlcer ls a
parLlclpanL of Lhe

!""# 6& 3><A8= +KC<;=B '@;ICA8;BC9 /CL= :F .E8 4BCB8
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
1he offender musL be
publlc offlcer.
1he offender need noL be
ln publlc offlce

&./$))28/&-. -, )$0&3&-2' 9-)'(&8
Y!A=7 6[c^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. Cffender ls a publlc offlcer or employee
2. 8ellglous ceremonles or manlfesLaLlons of
any rellglous are abouL Lo Lake place or
are golng on
3. Cffender prevenLs or dlsLurbs Lhe same

.H=G* Cuallfled by vlolence or LhreaLs.

lf Lhe prohlblLlon or dlsLurbance ls commlLLed only ln a
meeLlng or rally of a secL, lL would be punlshable under
ArL. 131. .q. readlng of 8lble and Lhen aLLacklng
cerLaln churches ln publlc plaza.

8ellglous worshlp lncludes people ln Lhe acL of
performlng rellglous rlLes for rellglous ceremony or
manlfesLaLlon of rellglon. .q. mass, bapLlsm and
marrlage ceremony.

:* `Q < IA>O<=G IGA?HCQ LHMGK < IA>G?= E;>DG =;G
HN `7 &? ` D><LDG JCKGA !A= 6[6F

!* no, because x ls a prlvaLe person. Pe may be
llable under ArL. 133

-,,$.#&.3 /($ )$0&3&-2' ,$$0&.3'
Y!A=7 6[[^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF
1. AcLs complalned of were performed:
a. ln a place devoLed Lo rellglous
worshlp (noL necessary LhaL Lhere ls
rellglous worshlp)
b. uurlng Lhe celebraLlon of any
rellglous ceremony

2. AcLs musL be noLorlously offenslve Lo Lhe
feellngs of Lhe falLhful.

.H=G* ArL. 133 ls Lhe only crlme agalnsL Lhe
fundamenLal law of Lhe SLaLe LhaL may be commlLLed
noL only by publlc offlcer buL also by a prlvaLe person.

!A=?7 6[c <CK 6[[F

!* 8ellglous ceremonles covered are Lhose rellglous
acLs performed ouLslde of a church, such as
processlon and speclal prayers for burylng person.

.H=G* lf commlLLed ln a place devoLed Lo rellglous
purpose, Lhere ls no need for an ongolng ceremony.

:* 9;GC >? <C <@= @HC?>KGAGK CH=HA>HJ?DR

!* When Lhe acL ls dlrecLed agalnsL rellglous
pracLlce or dogma or rlLual for Lhe purpose of
rldlcule, as mocklng or scofflng aL or aLLempLlng Lo
damage an ob[ecL of rellglous veneraLlon.

.H=G* Cffense of feellng ls [udged from complalnanL's
polnL of vlew.

1here musL be dellberaLe lnLenL Lo hurL Lhe feellngs of
Lhe falLhful, mere arrogance or rudeness ls noL

:* %<R =;G @A>BG LG @HBB>==GK LR < IJLD>@ HNN>@GA

!* ?es. 1he offender can be any person.

!7 (JB<C 'G@JA>=R !@= HN cggj Y)7!7 Z[jc^

:* 9;<= >? =;G IGA>HK HN KG=GC=>HC E>=;HJ= XJK>@><D

3)* noLwlLhsLandlng ArL. 123 of 8C , any
pollce of law enforcemenL personnel who has
Laken cusLody of a person charged or
suspecLed of Lhe crlme of Lerrorlsm or
consplracy Lo commlL Lerrorlsm shall dellver
sald charged person Lo Lhe proper [udlclal
auLhorlLy wlLhln 3 days counLed from Lhe
momenL of Lhe arresL.

.H=G* AnLlLerrorlsm law amended ArL. 123 of Lhe
8C lnsofar as Lerrorlsm and consplracy Lo commlL
Lerrorlsm are concerned.

`8.* ln Lhe evenL of an acLual or lmmlnenL
LerrorlsL aLLack, suspecLs may be deLalned for
more Lhan 3 days upon Lhe wrlLLen approval
1. Munlclpal, clLy, provlnclal or reglonal
offlclal of a Puman 8lghLs
Commlsslon or
2. !udge of Lhe Munlclpal, 81C, Lhe
Sandlganbayan or
3. A [usLlce of Lhe CA nearesL Lhe place
of Lhe arresL. (5ec. 19)

.H=G* lf Lhe arresL ls made durlng SaLurdays, Sundays,
holldays or afLer offlce hours, Lhe arresLlng pollce or
law enforcemenL personnel shall brlng Lhe person Lhus
arresLed Lo Lhe resldence of any of Lhe offlclals

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

menLloned above. 1he wrlLLen approval of any of sald
offlclals shall be secured wlLhln 3 days afLer Lhe daLe of
deLenLlon. rovlded LhaL wlLhln 3 days afLer Lhe daLe
of deLenLlon of Lhe suspecLs, whose connecLlon wlLh
Lhe Lerror aLLack or LhreaL ls noL esLabllshed, shall be
released lmmedlaLely.

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
47 !C=>/HA=JAG !@= Y)7!7 Zj\i^

:7 9;<= <AG =;G IJC>?;<LDG <@=? JCKGA !C=>
/HA=JAG !@= HA )!7 Zj\iF

!7 8;R?>@<D =HA=JAG ls a form of LreaLmenL or
punlshmenL lnfllcLed by a person ln auLhorlLy or
agenL of a person ln auLhorlLy upon anoLher ln
hls/her cusLody LhaL causes severe paln,
exhausLlon, dlsablllLy or dysfuncLlon of one or more
parLs of Lhe body, such as:

1. SysLemaLlc beaLlng, headbanglng,
punchlng, klcklng, sLrlklng wlLh Lruncheon
or rlfle buLL or oLher slmllar ob[ecLs, and
[umplng on Lhe sLomach

2. lood deprlvaLlon or forclble feedlng wlLh
spolled food, anlmal or human excreLa
and oLher sLuff or subsLances noL
normally eaLen

3. LlecLrlc shock

4. ClgareLLe burnlng, burnlng by elecLrlcally
heaLed rods, hoL oll, acld, by Lhe rubblng
of pepper or oLher chemlcal subsLances
on mucous membranes, or aclds or splces
dlrecLly on Lhe wound(s)

3. 1he submerslon of Lhe head ln waLer or
waLer polluLed wlLh excremenL, urlne,
vomlL and/or blood unLll Lhe brlnk of

6. 8elng Lled or forced Lo assume flxed and
sLressful bodlly poslLlon

7. 8ape and sexual abuse, lncludlng Lhe
lnserLlon of forelgn bodles lnLo Lhe sex
organ or recLum, or elecLrlcal LorLure of
Lhe genlLals

8. MuLllaLlon or ampuLaLlon of Lhe essenLlal
parLs of Lhe body such as Lhe genlLalla,
ear, Longue, eLc.

9. uenLal LorLure or Lhe forced exLracLlon of
Lhe LeeLh

10. ulllng ouL of flngernalls

11. Parmful exposure Lo Lhe elemenLs such as
sunllghL and exLreme cold

12. 1he use of plasLlc bag and oLher maLerlals
placed over Lhe head Lo Lhe polnL of

13. 1he use of psychoacLlve drugs Lo change
Lhe percepLlon, memory, alerLness or wlll
of a person, such as: (l) Lhe admlnlsLraLlon
of drugs Lo lnduce confesslon and/or
reduce menLal compeLency, or (ll) Lhe use
of drugs Lo lnduce exLreme paln or cerLaln
sympLoms of a dlsease

14. CLher analogous acLs of physlcal LorLure

47 %GC=<Dl8?R@;HDHS>@<D =HA=JAG refers Lo acLs
commlLLed by a person ln auLhorlLy or agenL of a
person ln auLhorlLy whlch are calculaLed Lo affecL or
confuse Lhe mlnd and/or undermlne a person's
dlgnlLy and morale, such as:

1. 8llndfoldlng

2. 1hreaLenlng a person(s) or hls/her
relaLlve(s) wlLh bodlly harm, execuLlon or
oLher wrongful acLs

3. ConflnemenL ln sollLary cells or secreL
deLenLlon places

4. rolonged lnLerrogaLlon

3. reparlng a prlsoner for a show Lrlal",
publlc dlsplay or publlc humlllaLlon of a
deLalnee or prlsoner

6. Causlng unscheduled Lransfer of a person
deprlved of llberLy from one place
Lo anoLher, creaLlng Lhe bellef LhaL he/she
shall be summarlly execuLed

7. MalLreaLlng a member/s of a person's

8. Causlng Lhe LorLure sesslons Lo be
wlLnessed by Lhe person's famlly,
relaLlves or any Lhlrd parLy

!""# 6& 3><A8= +KC<;=B '@;ICA8;BC9 /CL= :F .E8 4BCB8

!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
9. uenlal of sleep/resL

10. Shame lnfllcLlon such as sLrlpplng Lhe
person naked, paradlng hlm/her ln publlc
places, shavlng Lhe vlcLlm's head or
puLLlng marks on hls/her body agalnsL
hls/her wlll

11. uellberaLely prohlblLlng Lhe vlcLlm Lo
communlcaLe wlLh any member of hls/her
famlly, and

12. CLher analogous acLs of
menLal/psychologlcal LorLure (5ec.4)

:7 9;H <AG IJC>?;GK JCKGA !C=>/HA=JAG !@=F
1. Any person who acLually parLlclpaLed or
lnduced anoLher ln Lhe commlsslon of
LorLure or oLher cruel, lnhuman and
degradlng LreaLmenL or punlshmenL or
who cooperaLed ln Lhe execuLlon of Lhe
acL of LorLure by prevlous or slmulLaneous
acLs shall be llable as prlnclpal.
2. Any superlor mlllLary, pollce or law
enforcemenL offlcer or senlor
governmenL offlclal who lssued an order
Lo a lower ranklng personnel Lo sub[ecL a
vlcLlm Lo LorLure or oLher cruel, lnhuman
and degradlng LreaLmenL or punlshmenL
for whaLever purpose shall be held
equally llable as prlnclpal. Any publlc
offlcer or employee shall be llable as an
accessory lf he/she has knowledge LhaL
LorLure or oLher cruel, lnhuman and
degradlng LreaLmenL or punlshmenL ls
belng commlLLed and wlLhouL havlng
parLlclpaLed Lhereln, elLher as prlnclpal or
accompllce Lakes parL subsequenL Lo lLs
commlsslon ln any of Lhe followlng

a. 8y Lhemselves proflLlng from or
asslsLlng Lhe offender Lo proflL
from Lhe effecLs of Lhe acL of
LorLure or oLher cruel, lnhuman
and degradlng LreaLmenL

b. 8y conceallng Lhe acL of LorLure
or oLher cruel, lnhuman and
degradlng LreaLmenL or
punlshmenL and/or desLroylng
Lhe effecLs of lnsLrumenLs
Lhereof ln order Lo prevenL lLs
dlscovery, or

c. 8y harborlng, conceallng or
asslsLlng ln Lhe escape of Lhe
prlnclpal/s ln Lhe acL of LorLure
or oLher cruel, lnhuman and
degradlng LreaLmenL or
punlshmenL: rovlded, LhaL Lhe
accessory acLs are done wlLh
Lhe abuse of Lhe offlclal's publlc

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
&&&7 ")&%$' !3!&.'/ 8240&" -)#$) Y6[\6iZ^

)$4$00&-.Q :8;< 7I@B0BT '$#&/&-. !.#

:* 9;<= <AG IHD>=>@<D @A>BG?F

!* 1hose LhaL are dlrecLly almed agalnsL Lhe pollLlcal
order, as well as such common crlmes as may be
commlLLed Lo achleve a pollLlcal purpose. 1he
declslve facLor ls Lhe lnLenL or moLlve.

.H=G* kllllng, robblng, etc, for prlvaLe purposes or
proflL wlLhouL any pollLlcal moLlvaLlon would be
separaLely punlshed and would noL be absorbed ln Lhe
rebelllon. (leople v. Cetoolmo, C. k. No. 176268,
Motcb 10, 2008)

)$4$00&-. !.# &.'2))$"/&-.
Y!A=7 6[\^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. 1here be:
a. ubllc uprlslng, and
b. 1aklng arms agalnsL governmenL

2. urpose of Lhe uprlslng or movemenL ls
elLher Lo -

a. 8emove from Lhe alleglance Lo sald
CovernmenL or lLs laws:
l. 1he LerrlLory of Lhe hlllpplnes or
any parL Lhereof, or
ll. Any body of land, naval or oLher
armed forces, or

b. ueprlve Lhe Chlef LxecuLlve or
Congress, wholly or parLlally, of any
of Lhelr powers or prerogaLlve.

.H=G* 1he use of unllcensed flrearm ls absorbed ln Lhe
crlme of rebelllon lf used ln furLherance of or lncldenL
Lo, or ln connecLlon wlLh Lhe crlme of rebelllon, or
lnsurrecLlon, or sedlLlon. (5ec.1

lf Lhe acL ls Lo deprlve Lhe !udlclary of lLs power or
prerogaLlves, Lhe crlme commlLLed ls sedlLlon.

:* 9;<= >? =;G G??GC@G HN =;G @A>BG HN AGLGDD>HCF

!* 1he essence of rebelllon ls publlc uprlslng and
Lhe Laklng of arms. lL alms Lo overLhrow Lhe duly
consLlLuLed governmenL. lL ls generally carrled ouL
by clvlllans.

.H=G* lf Lhere ls no publlc uprlslng, Lhe crlme ls dlrecL
:* 9;<= >? =;G C<=JAG HN =;G @A>BG HN AGLGDD>HCF

!* 8ebelllon ls a crlme of Lhe masses. lL requlres a
mulLlLude of people. lL ls vasL movemenL of men
and a complex neLwork of lnLrlgues and ploLs.


!* 1he persons llable for rebelllon are Lhe leaders
and Lhelr followers.


1he acLs of accused who ls noL a member of Lhe
Puk8ALAPA organlzaLlon of sendlng clgareLLes
and food supplles Lo a Puk leader, Lhe changlng of
dollars lnLo pesos for a Lop level communlsL, and
Lhe helplng of Puks ln openlng accounLs wlLh Lhe
bank whlch he was an offlclal, do noL consLlLuLe
rebelllon. (cotloo v. leople, 7 5ckA 900)

ln one case, accused noL only confessed hls
membershlp wlLh Lhe Sparrow unlL buL also hls
parLlclpaLlon and LhaL of hls group ln Lhe kllllng of
pollceman ManaLad whlle Lhe laLLer was mannlng
Lhe Lrafflc ln Mandaue ClLy. lL ls of [udlclal noLlce
LhaL Lhe Sparrow unlL ls Lhe llquldaLlon squad of
Lhe new eople's Army wlLh Lhe ob[ecLlve of
overLhrowlng Lhe duly consLlLuLed governmenL. lL
ls Lherefore noL hard Lo comprehend LhaL Lhe
kllllng of ManaLad was commlLLed, as a means Lo,
or ln furLherance of, Lhe subverslve ends of Lhe
nA. 1he crlme commlLLed ls rebelllon, noL murder
wlLh dlrecL assaulL (leople v. uoslq, 221 5ckA 549)


)$4$00&-. &.'2))$"/&-.
1he ob[ecL of Lhe
movemenL ls
compleLely Lo
overLhrow and
supersede Lhe
exlsLlng governmenL.
1he movemenL seeks merely
Lo effecL some change of
mlnor lmporLance, or Lo
prevenL Lhe exerclse of
governmenLal auLhorlLy wlLh
respecL of parLlcular maLLers
of sub[ecLs.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G K>?=>C@=>HC? LG=EGGC AGLGDD>HC
)$4$00&-. '$#&/&-.
1here musL be Laklng
up of arms agalnsL
Lhe governmenL.
lL ls sufflclenL LhaL publlc
uprlslng be LumulLuous.
urpose ls always
pollLlcal, LhaL ls Lo
overLhrow Lhe
urpose may be pollLlcal or
soclal, LhaL ls merely Lo go
agalnsL Lhe esLabllshed
governmenL noL Lo
overLhrow lL.

!""# 6& 3><A8= +KC<;=B 0@G9<? ">I8>
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
:* 9;<= <AG =;G K>?=>C@=>HC? LG=EGGC AGLGDD>HC

)$4$00&-. /)$!'-.
1he uprlslng ls agalnsL Lhe
1he levylng of war ls done
Lo ald Lhe enemy.
1he purpose ls Lo
subsLlLuLe Lhe exlsLlng
governmenL wlLh
1he purpose ls Lo dellver
Lhe governmenL Lo Lhe

.H=G* Mere glvlng of ald or comforL ls noL crlmlnal ln
Lhe case of rebelllon. 1here musL be an acLual
parLlclpaLlon. Pence, mere sllence or omlsslon of
publlc offlcer ls noL punlshable ln rebelllon.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G K>?=>C@=>HC? LG=EGGC AGLGDD>HC

)$4$00&-. '24+$)'&-.
Crlme agalnsL publlc
Crlme agalnsL naLlonal
1here musL be publlc
uprlslng Lo overLhrow
Lhe governmenL.
8elng offlcers and ranklng
members of subverslve
groups consLlLuLe subverslon.

:* -C %<R iQ 6ZZcQ <= <LHJ= ]*gg <7B7Q E;>DG
=A<OGD>CS <DHCS =;G .<=>HC<D (>S;E<R HN 0<SJC<7
PH?GD>=H <CK +>@GC=G ?;H= ;>B HC =;G ;G<K
AG?JD=>CS >C ;>? >C?=<C= KG<=;7 != =;<= =>BGQ PH?GD>=H
=;G .GE 8GHIDGa? !ABR <CK =;GR _>DDGK =;G
LG@<J?G HN ;>? @HAAJI= IA<@=>@G?7 &N RHJ EGAG =;G
<CK +>@GC=GF

!* lf l were Lhe prosecuLor, l would charge !osellLo
and vlcenLe wlLh Lhe crlme of rebelllon, conslderlng
LhaL Lhe klllers were members of Lhe llquldaLlon
squad of Lhe nA and Lhe kllllng was upon orders of
Lhelr commander, hence, pollLlcallymoLlvaLed. 1hls
was Lhe rullng ln leople v. Avllo, 5ckA 1568,
lnvolvlng ldenLlcal facLs whlch ls a movemenL Laken
[udlclal noLlce of as engaged ln rebelllon agalnsL Lhe

.H=G* Crlmes done for prlvaLe purposes wlLhouL
pollLlcal moLlvaLlon should be separaLely punlshed.

8ebelllon ls a conLlnulng crlme along wlLh Lhe crlme of
consplracy or proposal Lo commlL rebelllon.

ln rebelllon, lL ls noL a defense LhaL Lhe accused never
Look Lhe oaLh of alleglance, or LhaL Lhey never
recognlzed Lhe governmenL.

:8;< 7I@B0B

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF
1. Cffender ls a person or persons belonglng
Lo mlllLary or pollce or holdlng any publlc
offlce or employmenL

2. lL ls commlLLed by means of a swlfL aLLack
accompanled by vlolence, lnLlmldaLlon,
LhreaL, sLraLegy or sLealLh

3. ALLack ls dlrecLed agalnsL duly consLlLuLed
auLhorlLles of Lhe 8epubllc of Lhe
hlllpplnes or any mlllLary camp or
lnsLallaLlon, communlcaLlon neLworks,
publlc uLlllLles or oLher faclllLles needed
for Lhe exerclse and conLlnued possesslon
of power

4. urpose of Lhe aLLack ls Lo selze or
dlmlnlsh sLaLe power

.H=G* 1he use of unllcensed flrearm ls absorbed ln Lhe
crlme of rebelllon lf used ln furLherance of or lncldenL
Lo, or ln connecLlon wlLh Lhe crlme of aLLempLed coop

:* 9;<= >? =;G G??GC@G HN =;G @A>BG HN 5*3( 2I'-"-.

!* 1he essence of Lhe crlme ls a swlfL aLLack upon
Lhe faclllLles of Lhe hlllpplne governmenL, mlllLary
camps and lnsLallaLlons, communlcaLlon neLworks,
publlc uLlllLles and faclllLles essenLlal Lo Lhe
conLlnued possesslon of governmenLal powers.

:* 9;<= >? =;G HLXG@=>OG HN 5*3( 2I'-"-.

!* 1he ob[ecLlve of coop Jetot ls Lo desLablllze or
paralyze Lhe governmenL Lhrough Lhe selzure of
faclllLles and uLlllLles essenLlal Lo Lhe conLlnued
possesslon and exerclse of governmenLal powers.

:* (HE >? 5*3( 2I'-"- @<AA>GK HJ=F

!* lL may be carrled by force or vlolence or Lhrough,
sLealLh, LhreaL, or sLraLegy.

:* 9;H <AG =;G IA>C@>I<D HNNGCKGA? HN 5*3( 2I'-"-.

!* 1he prlnclpal offenders are members of Lhe Al
or of Lhe n organlzaLlon or a publlc offlcer wlLh
or wlLhouL clvlllan supporL.

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

:* 9;<= <AG =;G K>?=>C@=>HC? LG=EGGC 5*3( 2I'-"-

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
:8;< 7I@B0B )$4$00&-.
Lssence ls a swlfL aLLack agalnsL
Lhe governmenL, lLs mlllLary
camp or lnsLallaLlons,
communlcaLlon neLwork and
publlc faclllLles and uLlllLles
essenLlal Lo Lhe conLlnued
exerclse of governmenLal
Lssence of Lhe
crlme ls publlc
uprlslng and Laklng
up arms agalnsL Lhe
May be carrled ouL slngly or
8equlres a publlc
uprlslng, or
mulLlLude of
rlnclpal offenders musL be
members of Lhe mlllLary,
naLlonal pollce or publlc offlcer,
wlLh or wlLhouL clvlllan supporL.
Cffenders need Lo
be commlLLed by
Lhe unlformed
personnel of Lhe
mlllLary or Lhe
1he purpose ls merely Lo
paralyze Lhe exlsLlng
1he purpose ls Lo
overLhrow Lhe

.H=G* SLaLe power lncludes Lhe execuLlve, leglslaLlve
and [udlclal power.

8$.!0/1 ,-) )$4$00&-. -) &.'2))$"/&-. -)
:8;< 7I@B0B
Y!A=7 6[i^


1. leoJet -
a. Any person who promoLes,
malnLalns, or heads a rebelllon or
b. Any person who leads, dlrecLs, or
commands oLhers Lo underLake a
coop Jetot

2. lottlclpoots -
a. Any person who parLlclpaLes or
execuLes Lhe commands of oLhers ln
rebelllon, or lnsurrecLlon

b. Any person ln Lhe governmenL
servlce who parLlclpaLes, or execuLes
dlrecLlons or commands of oLhers ln
underLaklng a coop Jetot

c. Any person noL ln Lhe governmenL
servlce who parLlclpaLes, supporLs,
flnances, abeLs, or alds ln
underLaklng a coop Jetot.

.H=G* 1he crlme of coop Jetot may be commlLLed wlLh
or wlLhouL clvlllan parLlclpaLlon.

:* 9;H ?;<DD LG KGGBGK =;G DG<KGA HN =;G
AGLGDD>HCQ >C?JAAG@=>HC HA 5*3( 2I'-"- >C @<?G ;G >?

!* Any person who ln facL:
1. ulrecLed Lhe oLhers
2. Spoke for Lhem
3. Slgned recelpLs and oLher documenLs
lssued ln Lhelr name
4. erformed slmllar acLs on behalf of Lhe

"-.'8&)!"1 !.# 8)-8-'!0 /- "-%%&/
)$4$00&-. -) &.'2))$"/&-.
Y!A=7 6[]^

:* 9;GC >? =;GAG @HC?I>A<@R =H @HBB>= AGLGDD>HCF

!* 1here ls consplracy Lo commlL rebelllon when
Lwo or more persons come Lo an agreemenL Lo rlse
publlcly and Lake arms agalnsL Lhe governmenL for
any of Lhe purposes of rebelllon and declde Lo
commlL lL.

:* 9;GC @<C =;GAG LG IAHIH?<D =H @HBB>=

!* 1here ls proposal Lo commlL rebelllon when Lhe
person who has declded Lo rlse publlcly and Lake
arms agalnsL Lhe governmenL for any of Lhe
purposes of rebelllon proposes lLs execuLlon Lo
some oLher person or persons.

:* &? <KOH@<@R =H @HBBJC>?B =<C=<BHJC= =H

!* no, because mere advocacy of Lheory or
prlnclple ls lnsufflclenL Lo consLlLuLe consplracy Lo
commlL rebelllon unless Lhe advocacy ls converLed
lnLo acLlon.

.H=G* 1he mere facL of glvlng and renderlng speeches
favorlng communlsm would noL make Lhe accused
gullLy of consplracy, lf Lhere ls no evldence LhaL Lhe
hearers Lhen and Lhere agreed Lo rlse up ln arms
agalnsL Lhe governmenL.

#&'0-1!0/1 -, 8240&" -,,&"$) !.#
Y!A=7 6[j^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G IJC>?;<LDG <@=? >C =;G @A>BG HN

!""# 6& 3><A8= +KC<;=B 0@G9<? ">I8>
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %

1. lalllng Lo reslsL a rebelllon by all means ln
Lhelr power

2. ConLlnulng Lo dlscharge Lhe duLles of Lhelr
offlces under Lhe conLrol of Lhe rebels

.H=G* 1he offender musL be a publlc offlcer or
employee and Lhere musL be an acLual rebelllon

Cffender musL noL be ln consplracy wlLh Lhe rebels.
CLherwlse, Lhe crlme Lhey commlL ls rebelllon.

&."&/&.3 /- )$4$00&-. -) &.'2))$"/&-.
Y!A=7 6[f^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;G @A>BG HN >C@>=>CS

1. Cffender does noL Lake arms or ls noL ln
open hosLlllLy agalnsL Lhe governmenL

2. Pe lnclLes oLhers Lo Lhe execuLlon of any
of Lhe acLs of rebelllon

3. lnclLlng ls done by means of speeches,
proclamaLlons, wrlLlngs, emblems,
banners, or oLher represenLaLlons Lendlng
Lo Lhe same end

.H=G* lnclLlng musL have been lnLenLlonally calculaLed
Lo lnduce oLhers Lo commlL rebelllon.

:* 9;<= >? =;G K>NNGAGC@G LG=EGGC >C@>=>CS =H

&."&/&.3 /- )$4$00&-.
8)-8-'!0 /- "-%%&/
lL ls noL requlred LhaL Lhe
offender has declded Lo
commlL rebelllon.
1he person who proposes
has declded Lo commlL
1he acL of lnclLlng ls done
1he person who proposes
Lhe execuLlon of Lhe crlme
uses secreL means.
1he offender lnduces anoLher Lo commlL rebelllon.
1he crlme of rebelllon should noL be acLually
commlLLed by Lhe persons Lo whom lL ls proposed or
who are lnclLed. lf Lhey commlL rebelllon because of
Lhe proposal or lnclLlng, Lhe proponenL or Lhe one
lnclLlng may become a prlnclpal by lnducemenL ln Lhe
crlme of rebelllon.

Y!A=7 6[Z^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;G @A>BG HN ?GK>=>HCF

1. Cffender rlse

a. ubllcly, and
b. 1umulLuously

2. 1hey employ force, lnLlmldaLlon or oLher
means ouLslde of legal meLhods

3. Cffenders employ any of Lhose means Lo
aLLaln any of Lhe followlng ob[ecLs Lo:

a. revenL Lhe promulgaLlon or
execuLlon of any law or Lhe holdlng
of any popular elecLlon
b. revenL Lhe naLlonal governmenL, or
any publlc offlcer from freely
exerclslng lLs or hls funcLlons, or
prevenL Lhe execuLlon of any
admlnlsLraLlve order
c. lnfllcLlng any acL of haLe or revenge
of any person or properLy of any
publlc offlcer or employee
d. CommlL, for any pollLlcal or soclal
end, any acL of haLe or revenge
agalnsL prlvaLe persons or any soclal
e. uespoll, for any pollLlcal or soclal end
any person, munlclpallLy or provlnce,
or Lhe naLlonal CovernmenL of all lLs
properLy or any parL Lhereof

.H=G* 1he offender may be a publlc or prlvaLe person.

1he use of unllcensed flrearm ls absorbed ln Lhe crlme
of rebelllon lf used ln furLherance of or lncldenL Lo, or
ln connecLlon wlLh Lhe crlme of sedlLlon.

:* #HG? =;G @A>BG HN ?GK>=>HC @HC=GBID<=G A>?>CS

!* no, Lhe purpose of Lhe offenders ln rlslng
publlcly ls merely Lo creaLe commoLlon and
dlsLurbance by way of proLesL Lo express Lhelr
dlssenL and dlsobedlence Lo Lhe governmenL or Lo
Lhe auLhorlLles concerned.

.H=G* 1he ob[ecLlve of sedlLlon ls noL always agalnsL
Lhe governmenL, lLs properLy or offlcer. lL could be
agalnsL a prlvaLe person or soclal class.

:* 9;<= >? =;G K>NNGAGC@G LG=EGGC ?GK>=>HC <CK

'$#&/&-. /)$!'-.
SedlLlon lnvolves
dlsLurbance of publlc
1here ls no publlc

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

order resulLlng from
LumulLuous uprlslng.
")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA

:* 9;<= <AG =JBJD=JHJ? <@=?F

!* AcLs are consldered LumulLuous lf caused by
more Lhan 3 persons who are armed or provlded
wlLh Lhe means of vlolence.

:* 9;<= K>NNGAGC=><=G? ?GK>=>HC NAHB @A>BG HN

/2%20/' !.# -/($)
#&'/2)4!."$ -, 8240&"
SedlLlon lnvolves
dlsLurbance of publlc
order resulLlng from
LumulLuous uprlslng.
1here ls no publlc

:* 9;<= >? =;G @A>BG @HBB>==GK >N =;GAG >? CH

!* lf Lhe purpose of Lhe offenders ls Lo aLLaln Lhe
ob[ecLs of rebelllon or sedlLlon by force or vlolence,
buL Lhere ls no publlc uprlslng, Lhe crlme commlLLed
ls dlrecL assaulL.

.H=G* ubllc uprlslng and an ob[ecL of sedlLlon musL

ln sedlLlon, lL ls lmmaLerlal lf Lhe ob[ecL be compleLely


!* no. Murder cannoL be absorbed ln sedlLlon. lf
murder ls commlLLed, lL shall be LreaLed as a
separaLe crlme.

kotlo. Murder ls noL an ob[ecL of sedlLlon.

.H=G* 1here ls no complex crlme of sedlLlon wlLh

"-.'8&)!"1 /- "-%%&/ '$#&/&-.
Y!A=7 6\6^

:* &? =;GAG < @A>BG HN IAHIH?<D =H @HBB>= ?GK>=>HCF

!* none. Cnly consplracy ls punlshed and noL
proposal Lo commlL sedlLlon.

.H=G* 1o be llable, Lhere musL be an agreemenL and
deLermlnaLlon Lo rlse publlcly and LumulLuously Lo
aLLaln any of Lhe ob[ecLs speclfled ln Att. 1J9.
&."&/&.3 /- '$#&/&-.
Y!A=7 6\c^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G IJC>?;<LDG <@=? >C =;G @A>BG HN
>C@>=>CS =H ?GK>=>HCF

1. lnclLlng oLhers Lo Lhe accompllshmenL of
any of Lhe acLs whlch consLlLuLe sedlLlon
by means of speeches, proclamaLlons,
wrlLlngs, emblems, eLc

2. uLLerlng sedlLlous words or speeches
whlch Lend Lo dlsLurb Lhe publlc peace

3. WrlLlng, publlshlng or clrculaLlng
scurrllous llbels agalnsL Lhe governmenL
or any of Lhe duly consLlLuLed auLhorlLles
Lhereof, whlch Lend Lo dlsLurb Lhe publlc

.H=G* Scurrllous means low, vulgar, mean or

.H=G* lL ls Lhe use of words, emblems, eLc. and noL Lhe
performance of an acL LhaL ls punlshed ln lnclLlng Lo

ln lnclLlng Lo sedlLlon, Lhe offender musL noL Lake parL
ln any publlc or LumulLuous uprlslng.

:* 9;GC <AG J==GA>CS ?GK>=>HJ? EHAK?l?IGG@;G?

!* Such are sedlLlous when Lhey:

1. 1end Lo dlsLurb or obsLrucL any lawful
offlcer ln execuLlng Lhe funcLlons of hls

2. 1end Lo lnsLlgaLe oLhers Lo cabal and
meeL LogeLher for unlawful purposes

3. SuggesL or lnclLe rebelllous consplracles
or rloLs

4. Lead or Lend Lo sLlr up Lhe whole people
agalnsL Lhe lawful auLhorlLles or Lo dlsLurb
Lhe peace of Lhe communlLy, Lhe safeLy
and order of Lhe CovernmenL

:* 9;<= <AG =;G =EH AJDG? AGD<=>OG =H ?GK>=>HJ?

1. cleot ooJ pteseot Jooqet tole - words
musL be of such naLure LhaL by uLLerlng
Lhem Lhere ls a danger of publlc uprlslng

!""# 6& 3><A8= +KC<;=B 0@G9<? ">I8>
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
and LhaL such danger should be boLh clear
and lmmlnenL

2. uooqetoos teoJeocy tole - lf words used
Lend Lo creaLe a danger of publlc uprlslng,
Lhen Lhose words could properly be
sub[ecL of penal clause

:* 9;>@; HN =;G <LHOG AJDG? >? <KHI=GK >C =;G
8;>D>II>CG XJA>?K>@=>HCF

!* lL ls Lhe dangerous Lendency rule LhaL ls generally
adopLed ln Lhe hlllpplnes wlLh respecL Lo sedlLlon
cases. lL ls enough LhaL Lhe words used may Lend Lo
creaLe danger of publlc uprlslng.

:* 9;<= <AG ?HBG >C?=<C@G? HN >C@>=>CS =H ?GK>=>HCF

1. MeeLlng for Lhe purpose of dlscusslng
haLred agalnsL Lhe governmenL

2. LambasLlng governmenL offlclals Lo
dlscredlL Lhe governmenL.

>? =H HOGA=;AHE =;G SHOGACBGC=Q E;<= >? =;G @A>BG

!* 1he crlme would be lnclLlng Lo rebelllon.

")&%$' !3!&.'/ 8-820!) )$8)$'$./!/&-.

!"/' /$.#&.3 /- 8)$+$./ /($ 7%$$/&.3 -,
/($ "-.3)$'' -, /($ 8(&0&88&.$' !.# '&%&0!)
4-#&$' Y!A=7 6\[^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;G @A>BGF

1. 1here be pro[ecLed or acLual meeLlng of
Lhe Congress or any of lLs commlLLees or
subcommlLLees, consLlLuLlonal
commlLLees or dlvlslons Lhereof, or of any
provlnclal board or clLy or munlclpal
councll or board

2. Cffender, who may be any person,
prevenLs such meeLlng by force or fraud

.H=G* 1he chlef of pollce and mayor who prevenLed
Lhe meeLlng of Lhe munlclpal councll are under ArL.
143, when Lhe defecL of Lhe meeLlng ls noL manlfesL
and requlres an lnvesLlgaLlon before lLs exlsLence can
be deLermlned.

under .u. 1829, any person who dlsLurbs Lhe
proceedlngs ln Lhe flscal's offlce, ln 1oooJboyoo, or ln
Lhe courLs whlle ln Lhe prosecuLlon of crlmlnal cases,
may be held llable for vlolaLlon of Lhe sald decree.

#&'/2)4!."$ -, 8)-"$$#&.3'
Y!A=7 6\\^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;G @A>BGF

1. 1here ls a meeLlng of Congress or any of
lLs commlLLees or subcommlLLees,
consLlLuLlonal commlsslons or
commlLLees or dlvlslons Lhereof, or any
provlnclal board or clLy or munlclpallLy
councll or board

2. Cffender does any of Lhe followlng acLs:
a. ulsLurbs any such meeLlngs
b. 8ehaves whlle ln Lhe presence of any
such bodles, ln such a manner as Lo
lnLerrupL lLs proceedlngs or Lo lmpalr
Lhe respecL due lL

.H=G* ulsLurbance creaLed by a parLlclpanL ln Lhe
meeLlng ls noL covered by ArL. 144.

ComplalnL musL be flled by a member of leglslaLlve

1he same acL may be made Lhe basls for conLempL
slnce lL ls coerclve ln naLure whlle Lhe crlme under Lhls
arLlcle ls punlLlve.

+&-0!/&-. -, 8!)0&!%$./!)1 &%%2.&/1
Y!A=7 6\i^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G IJC>?;<LDG <@=? >C O>HD<=>HC HN

1. uslng force, lnLlmldaLlon, LhreaLs, or
frauds Lo prevenL any member of
Congress from -
a. ALLendlng Lhe meeLlngs of congress
or of any of lLs commlLLees or
subcommlLLees, consLlLuLlonal
commlsslons or commlLLees
b. Lxpresslng hls oplnlons
c. CasLlng hls voLe

2. ArresLlng or searchlng any member
Lhereof whlle Congress ls ln regular or
speclal sesslon.

.H=G* 1he offender ln ar. 1 may be any person.

arllamenLary lmmunlLy does noL proLecL members of
Congress from responslblllLy before Lhe leglslaLlve
body lLself.

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

:* 9;<= >? ?G??>HCF

!* lL refers Lo Lhe enLlre perlod from lLs lnlLlal
convenlng unLll lLs flnal ad[ournmenL.

.H=G* 1he 1987 ConsLlLuLlon exempLs members of
Congress from arresL whlle Congress ls ln sesslon for all
offenses punlshable by a penalLy less Lhan ptlsloo

lL ls noL necessary LhaL Lhe member ls acLually
prevenLed from exerclslng any of hls funcLlons. lL ls
sufflclenL LhaL Congress ls ln sesslon.

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
&00$3!0 !''$%40&$'
Y!A=7 6\]^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G NHAB? HN >DDGS<D <??GBLD>G?F
1. Any meeLlng aLLended by armed persons
for Lhe purpose of commlLLlng any of Lhe
crlmes punlshable under Lhe 8C.

2. Any meeLlng ln whlch Lhe audlence,
wheLher armed or noL, ls lnclLed Lo Lhe
commlsslon of Lhe crlme of Lreason,
rebelllon or lnsurrecLlon, sedlLlon, or
assaulL upon a person ln auLhorlLy or hls

.H=G* lL ls necessary LhaL Lhe audlence ls
acLually lnclLed.

.H=G* 1he word arm" ln Lhls arLlcle ls noL llmlLed Lo
flrearm. Powever, lf Lhe person presenL carrles an
unllcensed flrearm, Lhe presumpLlon, lnsofar as he ls
concerned, ls LhaL Lhe purpose of Lhe meeLlng ls Lo
commlL acLs punlshable under Lhls Code, and LhaL he ls
Lhe leader or organlzer of Lhe meeLlng.


!* ?es. Absence of such lnLenL may exempL Lhe
person presenL from crlmlnal llablllLy.

:* 'JIIH?G >C =;G BGG=>CSQ =;G <JK>GC@G >? >C@>=GK
=H =;G @HBB>??>HC HN AGLGDD>HC HA ?GK>=>HCQ E;<= >?

!* 1he leaders or organlzers of Lhe meeLlng and Lhe
persons presenL Lhereln are llable for Lhe crlme of
lllegal assembly.

:* 9;<= >? =;G @A>B>C<D D><L>D>=R HN =;G IGA?HC
>C@>=>CS =;GBF

!* 1he person lnclLlng ls llable for Lhe crlme of
lnclLlng Lo rebelllon or sedlLlon.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;G N>A?= NHAB HN

1. 1here ls a meeLlng, a gaLherlng or group
of persons, wheLher ln flxed place or

2. 1he meeLlng ls aLLended by armed

3. 1he purpose of Lhe meeLlng ls Lo commlL
any of Lhe crlmes punlshable under Lhe

.H=G* ln Lhe flrsL form of lllegal assembly, armed men
aLLend Lhe gaLherlng wlLh Lhe purpose of commlLLlng
any of Lhe crlmes punlshable under 8C. 1he presence
of armed men durlng Lhe gaLherlng brlngs abouL Lhe
crlme of lllegal assembly.

noL all persons aL Lhe meeLlng of Lhe flrsL form of
lllegal assembly need Lo be armed.

lf none of Lhe persons presenL ln Lhe meeLlng are
armed, Lhere ls no crlme. .q. ersons unarmed
consplrlng ln a meeLlng Lo commlL quallfled LhefL ls noL

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;G ?G@HCK NHAB HN

1. 1here ls a meeLlng, a gaLherlng group of
persons, wheLher ln a flxed place or

2. 1he audlence, wheLher armed or noL, ls
lnclLed Lo Lhe commlsslon of Lhe crlme of
Lreason, rebelllon, or lnsurrecLlon,
sedlLlon or dlrecL assaulL

.H=G* ln Lhls second form of lllegal assembly, armed
men may or may noL aLLend Lhe meeLlng buL persons
ln Lhe meeLlng are lnclLed Lo commlL Lreason, rebelllon
or lnsurrecLlon, sedlLlon or assaulL upon a person ln

When Lhe lllegal purpose of Lhe gaLherlng ls Lo lnclLe
people Lo commlL Lhe crlmes menLloned above, Lhe
presence of armed men ls unnecessary. 1he mere
gaLherlng for Lhe purpose ls sufflclenL Lo brlng abouL
Lhe crlme already.

A person lnvlLed Lo glve speech ln an lllegal assembly
or meeLlng and lnclLes Lhe members of such assembly

!""# 6& 3><A8= +KC<;=B 0@G9<? ">I8>
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
ls gullLy of lnclLlng Lo sedlLlon only and noL punlshable
under lllegal assembly.

:* 9;<= >? =;G SA<O<BGC HN >DDGS<D <??GBLDRF
!* 1he gravamen of lllegal assembly ls mere
assembly of or gaLherlng of people for lllegal
purpose punlshable by Lhe 8C. WlLhouL gaLherlng,
Lhere ls no lllegal assembly.


!* 1he persons llable are:
1. Crganlzers or leaders of Lhe meeLlng
2. ersons merely presenL aL Lhe meeLlng

:* &N =;G IAG?GC@G HN < IGA?HC >? HJ= HN @JA>H?>=RQ >?

!* no, slnce he does noL have lnLenL Lo commlL
felony of lllegal assembly.

N<@>D>=<=G KAJS =A<NN>@_>CS^Q >? >DDGS<D <??GBLDR

!* no. lf Lhe unlawful purpose ls a crlme under a
speclal law, Lhere ls no lllegal assembly. 1he crlme
commlLLed would be lllegal assoclaLlon.

&00$3!0 !''-"&!/&-.
Y!A=7 6\j^

:* 9;<= <AG >DDGS<D <??H@><=>HC?F

1. AssoclaLlons LoLally or parLlally organlzed
for Lhe purpose of commlLLlng any of Lhe
crlmes punlshable under Lhe 8C.

2. AssoclaLlons LoLally or parLlally organlzed
for some purpose conLrary Lo publlc

:* 9;<= <AG IJLD>@ BHA<D?F

!* ubllc morals refer Lo maLLers whlch affecL Lhe
lnLeresL of socleLy and publlc lnconvenlence and are
noL llmlLed Lo good cusLoms. lL refers Lo acLs LhaL
are ln accordance wlLh naLural and poslLlve laws.

:* 9;H <AG =;G IGA?HC? D><LDG NHA =;G @A>BG HN
>DDGS<D <??H@><=>HC?F

!* 1he persons llable are Lhe followlng:
1. lounders, dlrecLors and presldenL of Lhe
2. Mere members of Lhe assoclaLlon.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G K>?=>C@=>HC? LG=EGGC >DDGS<D
<??GBLDR <CK >DDGS<D <??H@><=>HCF

&00$3!0 !''$%401 &00$3!0 !''-"&!/&-.
1he basls of llablllLy ls
Lhe gaLherlng for an
lllegal purpose whlch
consLlLuLes a crlme
under Lhe 8C.
1he basls ls Lhe formaLlon of
or organlzaLlon of an
assoclaLlon Lo engage ln an
unlawful purpose whlch ls
noL llmlLed Lo a vlolaLlon of
Lhe 8C.
necessary LhaL Lhere
ls an acLual meeLlng
or assembly.
noL necessary LhaL Lhere be
an acLual meeLlng.
MeeLlng and Lhe
aLLendance aL such
meeLlng are Lhe acLs
AcL of formlng or organlzlng
and membershlp ln Lhe
assoclaLlon are Lhe acLs

!''!20/ 28-.Q !.# )$'&'/!."$ !.#
#&'-4$#&$."$ /- 8$)'-.' &. !2/(-)&/1 !.#
/($&) !3$./'

#&)$"/ !''!20/'
Y!A=7 6\f^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G =EH E<R? =H @HBB>= K>AG@=

1. lltst fotm. WlLhouL publlc uprlslng, by
employlng force or lnLlmldaLlon for
aLLalnmenL of any of Lhe purposes
enumeraLed ln deflnlng Lhe crlmes of
rebelllon and sedlLlon.

2. 5ecooJ fotm. WlLhouL publlc uprlslng, by
aLLacklng, by employlng force, or by
serlously lnLlmldaLlng or serlously
reslsLlng any person ln auLhorlLy or any of
hls agenLs, whlle engaged ln Lhe
performance of offlclal duLles, or on Lhe
occaslon of such performance.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;G N>A?= NHABF

1. 1haL Lhe offender employs force or
2. 1haL Lhe alm of Lhe offender ls Lo aLLaln
any of Lhe purposes of Lhe crlme of
rebelllon or any of Lhe ob[ecLs ln Lhe
crlme of sedlLlon.
3. 1haL Lhere ls no publlc uprlslng.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;G ?G@HCK NHABF

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

1. 1haL Lhe offender:
a. Makes an aLLack
b. Lmploys force
c. Makes a serlous lnLlmldaLlon
d. Makes a serlous reslsLance

2. 1he person assaulLed ls a person ln
auLhorlLy or hls agenL

3. 1haL aL Lhe Llme of Lhe assaulL Lhe person
ln auLhorlLy or hls agenL
a. ls engaged ln Lhe acLual performance
of offlclal duLles, or
b. 1haL he ls assaulLed, by reason of Lhe
pasL performance of offlclal duLles

4. 1haL Lhe offender knows LhaL Lhe one he
ls assaulLlng ls a person ln auLhorlLy or hls
agenL ln Lhe exerclse of hls duLles

3. 1haL Lhere ls no publlc uprlslng

.H=G* ln Lhe second form, Lhere ls a need Lo dlsLlngulsh
a slLuaLlon where a person ln auLhorlLy or hls agenL
was aLLacked whlle performlng offlclal funcLlons.

lf aLLack was done durlng Lhe exerclse of offlclal
funcLlons, Lhe crlme ls always dlrecL assaulL.

lL ls also lmporLanL Lo dlsLlngulsh wheLher Lhe person
ls a person ln auLhorlLy or merely an agenL of Lhe


When Lhe accused, wlLh hls hand or flsL, hlL a
pollceman who was ln Lhe performance of hls duLy, ln
Lhe breasL and noLhlng more, no dlrecL assaulL ls
commlLLed because Lhe vlcLlm ls only an agenL of a
person ln auLhorlLy, Lhe employmenL of force musL be
of serlous characLer Lo show deflance of Lhe law and
lLs represenLaLlve of all hazards. Powever, lf Lhe vlcLlm
ls a person ln auLhorlLy, noL a mere agenL, Lhe force
necessary Lo consLlLuLe Lhe crlme need noL be serlous,
as Lhe law wlLh respecL Lo Lhe person ln auLhorlLy uses
Lhe phrase lays hands upon a person ln auLhorlLy."
(u.5 v. 1oblooo, J7 lbll. 51, u.5. v. Comboo, J9 lbll.

.H=G* lL ls also lmporLanL LhaL Lhe offender knew LhaL
Lhe person he ls aLLacklng ls a person ln auLhorlLy or an
agenL of Lhe person ln auLhorlLy, performlng hls offlclal
funcLlons. no knowledge means no lawlessness or

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
:* 9;<= <AG @HC?>KGAGK <? CH= >C <@=J<D

1. When Lhe person ln auLhorlLy or Lhe
agenL of a person ln auLhorlLy exceeds hls
powers or acLs wlLhouL auLhorlLy
2. unnecessary use of force or vlolence
3. uescended Lo maLLers whlch are prlvaLe
ln naLure

:* 'JIIH?G =;G IGA?HC >C <J=;HA>=R HA =;G <SGC=
NJC@=>HC?Q E;<= @A>BG E<? @HBB>==GKF

!* 1he crlme may slmply be Lhe maLerlal
consequence of Lhe unlawful acL, murder or
homlclde, as Lhe case may be.

:* 9;<= >? IGC<D>WGK >C =;G @A>BG HN K>AG@= <??<JD=F
!* 1he crlme of dlrecL assaulL punlshes Lhe splrlL of
lawlessness and Lhe conLempL or haLred for Lhe
auLhorlLy or Lhe rule of law.

:* "<C =;G @A>BG HN K>AG@= <??<JD= LG @HBIDGMGK

!* ?es, as a rule, where Lhe splrlL of Lhe conLempL
or lawlessness ls presenL, lL ls always complexed
wlLh Lhe maLerlal consequences of Lhe unlawful acL.
lf Lhe unlawful acL was murder or homlclde
commlLLed under clrcumsLance of lawlessness or
conLempL of auLhorlLy, Lhe crlme would be dlrecL
assaulL wlLh murder or homlclde, as Lhe case may


1hus, lf A would aLLack a pollceman whlle engaged ln
Lhe performance of hls duLles, LhaL of malnLalnlng
peace and order durlng a botooqoy flesLa, Lhe crlme
would be murder of homlclde wlLh dlrecL assaulL
dependlng on Lhe presence of quallfylng
clrcumsLances ln kllllng Lhe vlcLlm. (leople v. Abolos,
258 5ckA 25J)

ln one case, when Lhe vlcLlm lnLervened Lo prevenL a
vlolenL encounLer beLween Lhe accused and Lhe 8amos
group, he was dlscharglng hls duLy as 8otooqoy
CapLaln Lo proLecL llfe and properLy and enforce law
and order ln Lhe barrlo, Lhus, Lhe assaulL resulLlng ln
hls deaLh ls homlclde wlLh dlrecL assaulL. (leople v.
klllotto, 180 5ckA 102)

.H=G* under ArL. 132 of Lhe 8C and .u. 299, a
8otooqoy Chalrman ls a person ln auLhorlLy. lf only
serlous physlcal ln[urles have been lnfllcLed, Lhe crlme
would be dlrecL assaulL wlLh serlous physlcal ln[urles. lf
Lhe shoL dlrecLed agalnsL a publlc offlcer dld noL hlL
hlm buL he ls ln acLual performance of duLy, Lhe
offense ls aLLempLed homlclde wlLh dlrecL assaulL.

!""# 6& 3><A8= +KC<;=B 0@G9<? ">I8>
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %

:* 9;<= >? =;G GM@GI=>HC =H =;G <LHOG AJDGF

!* 1he only Llme lL ls noL complexed ls when
maLerlal consequence ls a llghL felony, LhaL ls, sllghL
physlcal ln[ury because Lhe sald ln[urles are
consldered as an lncldenL or consequence of Lhe
force and vlolence employed. ulrecL assaulL absorbs
Lhe llghLer felony.

:* 9;H >? < IGA?HC >C <J=;HA>=RF

!* Any person dlrecLly vesLed wlLh [urlsdlcLlon,
wheLher as an lndlvldual or as a member of some
courL or governmenLal corporaLlon, board, or
commlsslon. A barrlo capLaln and a botooqoy
chalrman shall also be deemed a person ln
auLhorlLy. (Att. 152 pot. 1)

:* 9;H >? @HC?>KGAGK <? <C <SGC= HN < IGA?HC >C

!* Any person who by dlrecL provlslon of law or by
elecLlon or by appolnLmenL by compeLenL
auLhorlLy, ls charged wlLh Lhe malnLenance of
publlc order and Lhe proLecLlon and securlLy of llfe
and properLy, such as a botooqoy koqowoJ,
botooqoy toooJ, botooqoy leader and any person
who comes Lo Lhe ald of a person ln auLhorlLy.

.H=G* 1eachers, professors, and persons charged wlLh
Lhe supervlslon of publlc or duly recognlzed prlvaLe
schools, colleges, and unlverslLles and lawyers ln Lhe
acLual performance of Lhelr duLles or on Lhe occaslon
of such performance, shall be deemed a person ln

:* &? >= >BIHA=<C= =;<= =;G HNNGCKGA _CHE? =;<= =;G
IGA?HC ;G >? <==<@_>CS >? < IGA?HC >C <J=;HA>=RF

!* no, lL ls enough LhaL Lhe offender should know
LhaL Lhe offended parLy was exerclslng some form
of auLhorlLy. lL ls noL necessary LhaL Lhe offender
knows whaL ls meanL by person ln auLhorlLy.

=H @HC?=>=J=G K>AG@= <??<JD=F

!* 1he force musL be serlous and musL be of such
characLer as Lo show conLempL of auLhorlLy. Casual
force whlch usually accompanles reslsLance or
dlsobedlence Lo auLhorlLles ls noL sufflclenL.

:* 9;GC >? >= >BIHA=<C= =H <?@GA=<>C =;G BH=>OG NHA
=;G <??<JD=F

!* lf Lhe assaulL Look place when Lhe offended parLy
was noL engaged ln Lhe performance of hls offlclal
duLles ln Lhls case, lL musL be shown LhaL Lhe
assaulL was commlLLed by reason of Lhe pasL
performance of offlclal duLles.

:* 9;<= KHG? K*% -+' *55"&$*% *1 &35+
(')1*)!"%5'L BG<C?F

!* lL means Lhe lmpelllng moLlve of Lhe aLLack ls Lhe
performance of offlclal duLy.

.H=G* lor Lhe crlme Lo be dlrecL assaulL, Lhe aLLack
musL be by reason of hls offlclal funcLlon ln Lhe pasL.

:* 9;GC >? K>AG@= <??<JD= TJ<D>N>GKF
1. When Lhe assaulL ls commlLLed wlLh a
2. When Lhe offender ls a publlc offlcer or
3. When Lhe offender lays hand upon a
person ln auLhorlLy

.H=G* Lven when Lhe person ln auLhorlLy or Lhe agenL
agrees Lo flghL, dlrecL assaulL ls sLlll commlLLed.

When Lhe person ln auLhorlLy or Lhe agenL
provoked/aLLacked flrsL Lhe lnnocenL parLy, Lhe laLLer
ls enLlLled Lo defend hlmself and may ralse [usLlfylng or
mlLlgaLlng clrcumsLances as Lhe case may be.

:* 4G@<J?G HN =;G <IIAH<@;>CS =HEC N>G?=< >C '<C
%>SJGDQ 4JD<@<CQ < K<C@G E<? ;GDK >C ?")"%4"F
"<A>C><?7 !Q =;G ?")"%4"F "<I=<>CQ E<? >CO>=GK =H
KGD>OGA < ?IGG@; =H ?=<A= =;G K<C@G7 9;>DG ! E<?
<IIAH<@;GK 4 <CK <KBHC>?;GK ;>B =H _GGI TJ>G=
<CK CH= =H K>?=JAL =;G K<C@G <CK IG<@G HN =;G
H@@<?>HC7 4Q >C?=G<K HN ;GGK>CS =;G <KO>@G HN !Q
?=<LLGK =;G D<==GA <= ;>? L<@_ =E>@G E;GC ! =JACGK
;>? L<@_ =H IAH@GGK =H =;G B>@AHI;HCG =H @HC=>CJG
;>? ?IGG@;7 ! NGDD =H =;G SAHJCK <CK K>GK7 != =;G
=>BG HN =;G >C@>KGC= ! E<? CH= <ABGK7 9;<= @A>BG
E<? @HBB>==GKF $MID<>C7

!* 1he complex crlme of dlrecL assaulL wlLh murder
was commlLLed. A, as a 8otooqoy CapLaln, ls a
person ln auLhorlLy and was acLlng ln an offlclal
capaclLy when he Lrled Lo malnLaln peace and order
durlng Lhe publlc dance ln Lhe 8otooqoy by
admonlshlng 8 Lo keep quleL and noL Lo dlsLurb Lhe
dance and peace of Lhe occaslon. When 8, lnsLead
of heedlng A's advlce, aLLacked Lhe laLLer, 8 acLed ln
conLempL and lawless deflance of auLhorlLy
consLlLuLlng Lhe crlme of dlrecL assaulL, whlch
characLerlzed Lhe sLabblng of A. And slnce A was
sLabbed aL Lhe back when he was noL ln a poslLlon

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

Lo defend hlmself nor reLallaLe, Lhere was Lreachery
ln Lhe sLabblng. Pence, Lhe deaLh caused by such
sLabblng was murder and havlng been commlLLed
wlLh dlrecL assaulL, a complex crlme of dlrecL
assaulL ln murder was commlLLed by 8. Ycggg 4<A

.H=G* Lvldence of moLlve of Lhe offender ls lmporLanL
when Lhe person ln auLhorlLy or hls agenL who ls
aLLacked or serlously lnLlmldaLed ls noL ln Lhe
performance of hls offlclal duLy.
")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA

ulrecL assaulL cannoL be commlLLed durlng rebelllon.
Crlme of sllghL physlcal ln[urles ls absorbed by dlrecL
assaulL lf commlLLed agalnsL an agenL of a person ln
auLhorlLy. lf commlLLed agalnsL a person ln auLhorlLy, lL
wlll be consldered as separaLe crlme.

1he crlme of dlrecL assaulL ls noL commlLLed when Lhe
person ln auLhorlLy or hls agenL ls suspended or under
suspenslon when he ls aLLacked.

ulrecL assaulL absorbs llghL felony because llghL felony
ls Lhe means of commlLLlng dlrecL assaulL.

&.#&)$"/ !''!20/'
Y!A=7 6\Z^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN >CK>AG@= <??<JD=F

1. erson ln auLhorlLy or hls agenL ls Lhe
vlcLlm of Lhe forms of dlrecL assaulL

2. A person comes Lo Lhe ald of such
auLhorlLy or hls agenL

3. Cffender makes use of force or
lnLlmldaLlon upon such person comlng Lo
Lhe ald of Lhe auLhorlLy or hls agenL

:* /H E;HB >? =;G <??<JD= K>AG@=GK >C =;G @A>BG HN
>CK>AG@= <??<JD=F

!* 1he vlcLlm ln Lhe crlme of lndlrecL assaulL ls noL
Lhe person ln auLhorlLy or hls agenL buL Lhe person
who comes ln Lhe ald of a person ln auLhorlLy or hls

:* 9;<= LA>CS? <LHJ= =;G @A>BG HN >CK>AG@=

!* lndlrecL assaulL comes abouL only when dlrecL
assaulL ls commlLLed.

.H=G* When any person comes ln ald of a petsoo lo
ootbotlty, sald person aL LhaL momenL ls no longer a
clvlllan, he ls consLlLuLed as an agenL of Lhe person ln
auLhorlLy. lf such person was Lhe one aLLacked, by
employlng vlolence agalnsL hlm of serlous naLure or
characLer, Lhe crlme would be dlrecL assaulL. (Attlcle
152, os omeoJeJ)

As ArLlcle 149 now sLands, Lhe crlme of lndlrecL assaulL
can only be commlLLed lf a prlvaLe person who comes
ln Lhe ald of an oqeot of a person ln auLhorlLy on Lhe
occaslon of dlrecL assaulL agalnsL Lhe laLLer, ls
assaulLed. Pe does noL become anoLher agenL of Lhe
person ln auLhorlLy.

#&'-4$#&$."$ /- '2%%-.' &''2$# 41
"-.3)$''Q &/' "-%%&//$$' -)
'24"-%%&//$$'Q 41 /($ "-.'/&/2/&-.!0
"-%%&''&-.'Q &/' "-%%&//$$'Q
'24"-%%&//$$' -) #&+&'&-.' Y!A=7 6ig^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G IJC>?;<LDG <@=?F

1. 8efuslng, wlLhouL legal excuse, Lo obey
summons of Congress, lL's speclal or
sLandlng commlLLees and subcommlLLees,
Lhe ConsLlLuLlonal Commlsslons and lLs
commlLLees, subcommlLLees or dlvlslons,
or by any commlsslon or commlLLee
chalrman or member auLhorlzed Lo
summon wlLnesses

2. 8efuslng Lo be sworn or placed under
afflrmaLlon whlle belng presenLed before
such leglslaLlve or consLlLuLlonal body or

3. 8efuslng Lo answer any legal lnqulry or Lo
produce any books, papers, documenLs or
records ln hls possesslon, when requlred
by Lhem Lo do so ln Lhe exerclse of Lhelr

4. 8esLralnlng anoLher from aLLendlng as a
wlLness ln such leglslaLlve or
consLlLuLlonal body

3. lnduclng dlsobedlence Lo a summons or
refusal Lo be sworn by any such body or

:* 9;H <AG =;G IGA?HC? D><LDG JCKGA !A=7 6igF

1. Any person who commlLs any of Lhe
above acLs

2. Any person who:
a. 8esLralns anoLher from aLLendlng as
a wlLness
b. lnduces hlm Lo dlsobey a summons
c. lnduces hlm Lo refuse Lo be sworn Lo
such body

!""# 6& 3><A8= +KC<;=B 0@G9<? ">I8>
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %

.H=G* Any of Lhe acLs enumeraLed may also consLlLuLe
conLempL of Congress and could be punlshed as such
lndependenL of Lhe crlmlnal prosecuLlon.

Congress' power Lo clLe a wlLness ln conLempL ls
consldered lmplled or lncldenLal Lo Lhe exerclse of
leglslaLlve power.

1he LesLlmony of a person summoned musL be upon
maLLers lnLo whlch Lhe leglslaLure has [urlsdlcLlon Lo

)$'&'/!."$ !.# #&'-4$#&$."$ /- ! 8$)'-. &.
!2/(-)&/1 -) /($&) !3$./'
Y!A=7 6i6^

)$'&'/!."$ !.# '$)&-2' #&'-4$#&$."$
Y!A=7 6i6Q I<A7 6^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;G @A>BGF

1. erson ln auLhorlLy or hls agenL ls
engaged ln Lhe performance of offlclal
duLy or glves a lawful order Lo Lhe

2. Cffender reslsLs or serlously dlsobeys
such person ln auLhorlLy or hls agenL

3. AcL of Lhe offender ls noL lncluded ln Lhe
provlslons of ArLs. 148, 149 and 130

'&%80$ #&'-4$#&$."$
Y!A=7 6i6Q I<A7 6^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN ?>BIDG K>?HLGK>GC@GF

1. An agenL of a person ln auLhorlLy ls
engaged ln Lhe performance of offlclal
duLy or glves a lawful order Lo Lhe

2. Cffender dlsobeys such agenL of a person
ln auLhorlLy

3. Such dlsobedlence ls noL a serlous naLure

.H=G* 1he accused musL have knowledge LhaL Lhe
person glvlng Lhe order ls a peace offlcer.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G K>?=>C@=>HC LG=EGGC AG?>?=<C@G HA
?GA>HJ? K>?HLGK>GC@G <CK K>AG@= <??<JD=F
)$'&'/!."$ -) '$)&-2'
#&)$"/ !''!20/
erson ln auLhorlLy or hls
agenL musL be ln acLual
performance of hls
erson ln auLhorlLy or hls
agenL musL be engaged ln
Lhe performance of
offlclal duLles or LhaL he ls
assaulLed by reason
CommlLLed only by
reslsLlng or serlously
dlsobeylng a person ln
auLhorlLy or hls agenL.
CommlLLed ln four ways
1. ALLacklng.
2. Lmploylng force
3. Serlously lnLlmldaLlng
4. Serlously reslsLlng a
person ln auLhorlLy or
hls agenL
1he use of force ls noL so
serlous, as Lhere ls no
manlfesL lnLenLlon Lo
defy Lhe law and Lhe
offlcers enforclng lL.
1he aLLack or
employmenL of force
whlch glve rlse Lo Lhe
crlme of dlrecL assaulL
musL be serlous and

:* 9;<= >? =;G @A>BG @HBB>==GK >N =;G IGA?HC E;H
E<? AG?>?=GK >? < IGA?HC >C <J=;HA>=R <CK =;G

!* 1he use of any klnd or degree of force wlll glve
rlse Lo dlrecL assaulL.

AG?>?=>CS < IGA?HC >C <J=;HA>=RQ E;<= @A>BG >?

!* 1he crlme commlLLed ls reslsLance or serlous

.H=G* ArL. 131 covers fallure Lo comply wlLh orders
dlrecLly lssued by auLhorlLles ln Lhe exerclse of Lhelr
offlclal duLles, and noL wlLh [udlclal declslons merely
declaraLory of rlghLs or obllgaLlons (.q. declslon
rendered ln a clvll case).

1he dlsobedlence conLemplaLed conslsLs ln Lhe fallure
or refusal Lo obey a dlrecL and lawful order from Lhe
auLhorlLy or hls agenL, oLherwlse reslsLance ls [usLlfled.

ulsobedlence ln Lhe 2
par. musL noL be serlous,
oLherwlse lL wlll fall under Lhe 1

8$)'-.' &. !2/(-)&/1 !.# !3$./' -,
8$)'-. &. !2/(-)&/1
Y!A=7 6ic^

:* 9;H >? < IGA?HC >C <J=;HA>=RF

!* A person ln auLhorlLy ls one dlrecLly vesLed wlLh
[urlsdlcLlon, LhaL ls, Lhe power and auLhorlLy Lo
govern and execuLe Lhe laws.


(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

1. Mayors
2. ulvlslon superlnLendenL of school
3. ubllc and prlvaLe school Leachers
4. rovlnclal llscal
3. !udges
6. Lawyers ln acLual performance of duLles
7. 5ooqqoolooq 8oyoo member
8. 8otooqoy Chalrman
9. Members of Lhe lopooq 1oqopomoyopo

.H=G* lLems 7, 8, and 9 of Lhe enumeraLlon are added
by Lhe LCC whlch expressly provldes LhaL sald persons
shall be deemed as person(s) ln auLhorlLy ln Lhelr
[urlsdlcLlons." (5ec. J88)

1eachers, lawyers and heads of schools are persons ln
auLhorlLy only for purposes of ArL. 132 ln relaLlon Lo
ArLs. 148 and 131, and ln connecLlon wlLh Lhelr duLles.

:* 9;H >? <C <SGC= HN < IGA?HC >C <J=;HA>=R Y!8!^F

!* Any person who by dlrecL provlslon of law or by
elecLlon or by appolnLmenL by compeLenL auLhorlLy
ls charged wlLh Lhe:
1. MalnLenance of publlc order, and
2. roLecLlon and securlLy of llfe and

.H=G* AgenLs of persons ln auLhorlLy lncludes:
1. 8otooqoy koqowoJ
2. 8otooqoy 1oooJ
3. 8otooqoy Councllman
4. Any person who comes Lo Lhe ald of persons
ln auLhorlLy.
")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA

8240&" #&'-)#$)

/2%20/' !.# -/($) #&'/2)4!."$' -, 8240&"
-)#$) Y!A=76i[^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G IJC>?;<LDG <@=?F

1. Causlng any serlous dlsLurbance ln a
publlc place, offlce or esLabllshmenL.

2. lnLerrupLlng or dlsLurblng performances,
funcLlons or gaLherlngs, or peaceful
meeLlngs, lf acL ls noL lncluded ln ArLs.
131 and 132.

3. Maklng any ouLcry Lendlng Lo lnclLe
sedlLlon ln any meeLlng, assoclaLlon or
publlc place.

4. ulsplaylng placards, or emblems whlch
provoke a dlsLurbance of publlc order ln
such place.

3. 8urylng wlLh pomp Lhe body of a person
who has been legally execuLed.

.H=G* 8urylng wlLh pomp Lhe body of a person
conLemplaLes an osLenLaLlous dlsplay of a burlal.

lf Lhe person who dlsLurbs or lnLerrupLs a meeLlng
consldered as rellglous worshlp ls a publlc offlcer, he
shall be llable under ArL.131 or 132.

:* 9;<= >? =;G G??GC@G HN =JBJD=? <CK H=;GA

!* 1he essence of Lhls crlme ls creaLlng publlc
dlsorder. 1hls crlme ls broughL abouL by creaLlng
serlous dlsLurbances ln publlc places, publlc
bulldlngs, and even ln prlvaLe places where publlc
funcLlons or performances are belng held.

.H=G* 1umulLs and oLher dlsLurbances can be
complexed wlLh dlrecL assaulL lf Lhe LumulLs and
dlsLurbances of publlc dlsorder ls dlrecLed Lo a person
ln auLhorlLy or an agenL of a person ln auLhorlLy.


!* When lL ls caused by more Lhan Lhree persons
who are armed or provlded wlLh means of vlolence.

:* 9;<= KHG? =;G EHAK K")!'2L BG<CF

!* 1he Lerm armed does noL refer Lo flrearms only
buL lncludes even blg sLones capable of causlng
grave ln[ury.

:* 9;<= >? =;G K>NNGAGC@G LG=EGGC B<_>CS <CR
[ HN !A=7 6i[^ <CK >C@>=>CS =H AGLGDD>HC HA ?GK>=>HCF

%!5&.3 !.1 -2/")1
/$.#&.3 /- &."&/$
'$#&/&-. -)
&."&/&.3 /- '$#&/&-. -)
1he meeLlng aL Lhe
ouLseL was legal, and
became a publlc
dlsorder only because of
such ouLcry.
1he meeLlng from Lhe
beglnnlng was unlawful.
1he ouLbursLs whlch by
naLure may Lend Lo
lnclLe rebelllon or
sedlLlon are
1he words uLLered are
dellberaLely calculaLed
wlLh mallce, aforeLhoughL
Lo lnclLe oLhers Lo
rebelllon or sedlLlon.

!""# 6& 3><A8= +KC<;=B 0@G9<? ">I8>
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
.H=G* Serlous dlsLurbance requlres LhaL such musL be
planned or lnLended.

:* 9;<= KHG? HJ=@AR BG<CF

!* CuLcry means Lo shouL subverslve or provocaLlve
words Lendlng Lo sLlr up Lhe people Lo obLaln by
means of force or vlolence any of Lhe ob[ecLs of
rebelllon or sedlLlon.

.H=G* Crlme ls quallfled lf dlsLurbance or lnLerrupLlon
ls of a LumulLuous characLer.

2.0!9,20 2'$ -, %$!.' -, 8240&"!/&-. !.#
2.0!9,20 2//$)!."$'
Y!A=7 6i\^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G IJC>?;<LDG <@=?F

1. ubllshlng or causlng Lo be publlshed, by
means of prlnLlng, llLhography or any
oLher means of publlcaLlon, as news any
false news whlch may endanger Lhe
publlc order, or cause damage Lo Lhe
lnLeresL or credlL of Lhe SLaLe.

2. Lncouraglng dlsobedlence Lo Lhe law or Lo
Lhe consLlLuLed auLhorlLles or by pralslng,
[usLlfylng or exLolllng any acL punlshed by
law, by Lhe same means or by words,
uLLerances and speeches.

3. Mallclously publlshlng, causlng Lo be
publlshed any offlclal resoluLlon or
documenL wlLhouL proper auLhorlLy, or
before Lhey have been publlshed

4. rlnLlng, publlshlng, or dlsLrlbuLlng books,
pamphleLs, perlodlcals or leafleLs whlch
do noL bear Lhe real prlnLer's name, or
whlch are classlfled as anonymous.

:* &? >= CG@G??<AR =;<= =;G IJLD>@<=>HC @<J?GK
K<B<SGK =H =;G '=<=GF

!* no. Mere posslblllLy Lo cause such danger or
damage ls sufflclenL.

.H=G* 1o be llable, Lhe offender musL know LhaL Lhe
news ls false.

8.A. 248 prohlblLs Lhe reprlnLlng reproducLlon,
republlcaLlon of governmenL publlcaLlons and offlclal
documenLs wlLhouL prevlous auLhorlLy.

lf Lhe prlnLer/owner of Lhe prlnLlng esLabllshmenL Look
parL ln Lhe preparaLlon and publlcaLlon of Lhe llbelous
wrlLlngs he shall be llable under ArL. 360.

lf Lhe publlcaLlon ls boLh obscene and anonymous, Lhe
offense cannoL be complexed as Lhey lnvolve dlfferenL
acLs separaLely punlshed under Lhls ArLlcle and ArL.
201 on obscene publlcaLlons.

!0!)%' !.# '"!.#!0'
Y!A=7 6ii^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G IJC>?;<LDG <@=?F

1. ulscharglng any flrearm, rockeL,
flrecracker, or oLher exploslve wlLhln any
Lown or publlc place, calculaLed Lo cause
alarm or danger.

2. lnsLlgaLlng or Laklng an acLlve parL ln any
charlvarl or oLher dlsorderly meeLlng
offenslve Lo anoLher or pre[udlclal Lo
publlc LranqulllLy.

3. ulsLurblng Lhe publlc peace whlle
wanderlng abouL aL nlghL or whlle
engaged ln any oLher nocLurnal

4. Causlng any dlsLurbance or scandal ln
publlc places whlle lnLoxlcaLed or
oLherwlse, provlded Lhe acL ls noL covered
by ArL. 133.

:* 9;<= >? =;G G??GC@G HN =;G @A>BG HN <D<AB? <CK

!* 1he essence of Lhe crlme ls dlsLurbance of publlc
LranqulllLy and publlc peace.

:* &N < N>AG<AB >? K>?@;<ASGKQ E;<= <AG =;G @A>BG?
=;<= B<R IH??>LDR <A>?GF

1. Alotms ooJ scooJols - lf Lhe offender
dlscharges a flrearm ln a publlc place buL
Lhe flrearm ls noL polnLed Lo a parLlcular
person when dlscharged.

2. llleqol Jlscbotqe of flteotm - lf Lhe flrearm
was dlrecLed Lo a parLlcular person who
was noL hlL lf lnLenL Lo klll ls noL proved.

3. AttempteJ bomlclJe ot motJet - lf Lhe
person was hlL, auLomaLlcally, Lhe crlme ls
aLLempLed homlclde or murder, lf Lhere ls
lnLenL Lo klll.

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

.H=G* When a person uses leLhal weapon
agalnsL anoLher, such as flrearm, lnLenL Lo
klll ls lnherenL.

4. lbyslcol lojotles - lf Lhe person was hlL
and ln[ured buL Lhere was no lnLenL Lo klll.

3. Ctove coetcloo - lf Lhe LhreaL was
dlrecLed, lmmedlaLe and serlous and Lhe
person ls compelled or prevenLed Lo do
someLhlng agalnsL Lhe wlll.

.H=G* 1he dlscharge may be ln one's home slnce Lhe
law does noL dlsLlngulsh as Lo where ln Lown.

1he dlscharge of flrearms and rockeLs durlng Lown
flesLas and fesLlvals are noL covered by Lhe law.

:* 9;<= >? @;<A>O<A>F

!* cbotlvotl ls a mock serenade of dlscordanL nolses
made of cans, pans, keLLles, Llns, horns eLc.
deslgned Lo annoy and lnsulL. 1hls brlngs abouL Lhe
crlme of alarms and scandals.

kotlo. unlshlng, lnsLlgaLlng or Laklng acLlve parL ln
charlvarl and oLher dlsorderly meeLlng ls Lo prevenL
more serlous dlsorders.

:* 9;<= HNNGC?G? <AG IH??>LDR @HBB>==GK LR

1. Alotms ooJ scooJols - lf Lhe dlsLurbance
affecLs Lhe publlc ln general (l.e. by
playlng nolslly durlng Lhe wee hours ln
Lhe mornlng ln Lhe nelghborhood).

2. uojost vexotloo - lf Lhe nolse ls dlrecLed
Lo a parLlcular person or a famlly.

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
#$0&+$)&.3 8)&'-.$)' ,)-% P!&0
Y!A=7 6i]^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;G @A>BGF

1. 1here ls a person conflned ln a [all or
penal esLabllshmenL
2. Cffender removes Lherefrom such person
or helps Lhe escape of such person


As long as Lhe person who was asslsLed ln hls escape ls
a prlsoner, whaLever means ls employed by Lhe person
who removed hlm from [all, ls punlshable under Lhls
law. lf a Lwln broLher of a prlsoner helped Lhe laLLer
escape by subsLlLuLlng hlmself, and because of Lhelr
very slmllar appearance was noL aL once noLlced by Lhe
guard, LhaL Lwln broLher ls llable.

Lven lf Lhe prlsoner reLurned Lo [all afLer several hours,
Lhe one who removed hlm from [all ls llable. So LhaL lf
A, preLendlng Lo be an n8l agenL, asked Lhe [aller of
prlsoner 8 Lo Lurn Lhe laLLer over hlm on Lhe preLexL
LhaL he (A) wlll lnvesLlgaLe Lhe prlsoner, buL afLer
several hours of drlnklng llquor wlLh 8 ln a sLore,
reLurned Lhe sald prlsoner Lo Lhe [aller, A ls crlmlnally
llable under Lhls arLlcle.


So also a [all guard who, whlle he was off duLy, broughL
a released prlsoner lnslde Lhe [all Lo subsLlLuLe for a
deLenLlon prlsoner whom he broughL ouL of [all,
reLurnlng hlm lnslde Lhe [all afLer flve hours may be
held llable under Lhls arLlcle. (leople v. Jel 8ottlo,., 4
c.A. kep JJ7)


1. usually, an ouLslder Lo Lhe [all

2. lL may also be:
a. An employee of Lhe penal
esLabllshmenL who does noL have
Lhe cusLody of Lhe prlsoner

b. A prlsoner who helps Lhe escape of
anoLher prlsoner.

:* 'JIIH?G =;G IA>?HCGA E<? @HCN>CGK >C < ;H?I>=<D
E;GC ;G E<? <??>?=GK >C G?@<I>CSQ >? =;G @A>BG

!* ?es, because Lhe hosplLal may be consldered as
an exLenslon of Lhe [all.


Lven lf Lhe prlsoner ls ln hosplLal or asylum or any
place for deLenLlon of prlsoner, as long as he ls
classlfled as a prlsoner, LhaL ls, a formal complalnL or
lnformaLlon has been flled ln courL, and he has been
offlclally caLegorlzed as a prlsoner, Lhls arLlcle applles,
as such place ls consldered exLenslon of Lhe penal
lnsLlLuLlon. 1hus, lf A was arresLed by a pollceman for
LhefL and locked ln [all buL mlnuLes before Lhe case ls
flled ln courL, 8 helped hlm escape, 8 ls noL llable
under Lhls arLlcle.

:* 9;<= >? =;G K>NNGAGC@G LG=EGGC KGD>OGA>CS =;G
IA>?HCGA? >C X<>D <CK >CN>KGD>=R >C =;G @J?=HKR HN

!""# 6& 3><A8= +KC<;=B 0@G9<? ">I8>
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
#$0&+$)&.3 8)&'-.$)'
,)-% P!&0
&.,&#$0&/1 &. /($
"2'/-#1 -,
1he offender ls noL Lhe
cusLodlan of Lhe prlsoner aL
Lhe Llme of Lhe
1he offender ls Lhe
cusLodlan aL Lhe Llme of
Lhe escape/removal

.H=G* ln boLh, Lhe offender may be a publlc offlcer or a
prlvaLe clLlzen. ln boLh crlmes, Lhe person lnvolved
may be a convlcL or a mere deLenLlon prlsoner.

:* 9;<= >? =;G D><L>D>=R HN =;G @HCO>@=GK IA>?HCGA

!* Pe ls llable for Lhe crlme of evaslon of servlce
under ArL. 137.

:* 'JIIH?G =;G HCG E;H G?@<IGK >? HCDR <
KG=GC=>HC IA>?HCGAQ E;<= >? ;>? D><L>D>=RF

!* Pe does noL lncur llablllLy from escaplng lf he
does noL know of Lhe plan Lo remove hlm from [all.
lf such prlsoner knows of hls ploL Lo remove hlm
from [all and cooperaLes Lhereln by escaplng, he
hlmself becomes llable for dellverlng prlsoners from
[all as a prlnclpal by lndlspensable cooperaLlon.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G TJ<D>NR>CS @>A@JB?=<C@GF

!* use of vlolence, lnLlmldaLlon or brlbery.

:* 9;<= KHG? =;G TJ<D>NR>CS @>A@JB?=<C@G HN

!* 1he offender's acL of employlng brlbery as a
means of removlng or dellverlng Lhe prlsoner from
[all, and noL Lhe offender's acL of recelvlng or
agreelng Lo recelve a brlbe as a conslderaLlon for
commlLLlng Lhe offense.

:* 9;<= >? =;G B>=>S<=>CS @>A@JB?=<C@GF

!* lf lL Lakes place ouLslde Lhe penal esLabllshmenL
by Laklng Lhe guards by surprlse.

.H=G* 1hls felony may also be commlLLed Lhrough
lmprudence or negllgence.

;G >? ?GAO>CS ;>? ?GC=GC@G >C %JC=>CDJI<7 /HSG=;GA
E>=; ;>? NA>GCK?Q '<A<; <CK =;G X<>D E<AKGCQ q
;<=@;GK =;G ID<C HN G?@<I>CS NAHB =;G IA>?HC
=;G @A>B>C<D D><L>D>=R HN %>@;<GDQ '<A<; <CK q7

1. Sarah, a sLranger or an ouLslder ls llable
for dellvery of prlsoner from [all.

2. Z, Lhe [all warden commlLLed Lhe crlme of
lnfldellLy ln Lhe cusLody of prlsoners,

3. Mlchael ls llable for Lhe crlme of evaslon
of senLence.

$+!'&-. -, '$)+&"$ -, '$./$."$
Y!A=7 6ij^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;G @A>BGF

1. Cffender ls a convlcL by flnal [udgmenL

2. Pe ls servlng hls senLence whlch conslsL of
deprlvaLlon of llberLy

3. Pe evades Lhe servlce of hls senLence by
escaplng durlng Lhe Lerm of hls senLence

.H=G* 1he crlme ls a conLlnulng offense whlch may be
prosecuLed ln any place where Lhe offender was

1hls arLlcle does noL apply Lo mlnor dellnquenLs,
deLenLlon prlsoners or deporLees.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G TJ<D>NR>CS @>A@JB?=<C@G? JCKGA
!A=7 6ijF

!* lf evaslon or escape Lakes place:
1. 8y means of unlawful enLry (by scallng)

2. 8y breaklng doors, wlndows, gaLes, walls,
roofs, or floors

3. 8y uslng plcklocks, false keys, dlsgulse,
decelL, vlolence or lnLlmldaLlon, or

4. 1hrough connlvance wlLh oLher convlcLs
or employees of Lhe penal lnsLlLuLlon

:* 9;<= <AG =;G NHAB? HN GO<?>HC HN ?GAO>@G HN

!* Lvaslon of servlce of senLence has Lhree forms:

1. 8y slmply leavlng or escaplng from Lhe
penal esLabllshmenL under ArL. 137

2. lallure Lo reLurn wlLhln 48 hours afLer
havlng lefL Lhe penal esLabllshmenL
because of a calamlLy, conflagraLlon or
muLlny and such calamlLy, conflagraLlon

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

or muLlny has been announced as already
passed under ArL. 138.

3. vlolaLlng Lhe condlLlon of condlLlonal
pardon under ArLlcle 139.

.H=G* 1he Lerm [allbreaklng ls synonymous wlLh
evaslon of senLence.

:* 'JIIH?G `Q < IA>?HCGA @HCO>@=GK HN =;GN= E<?
B>CJ=G? <N=GA =;G G?@<IGQ ;G @;<CSGK ;>? B>CK
IAHBI=>CS ;>B =H AG=JAC =H IGC<D N<@>D>=RQ >? `

!* ?es. lL ls enough LhaL he lefL Lhe penal
esLabllshmenL by escaplng from lL. Pls volunLary
reLurn may only be mlLlgaLlng belng analogous Lo
volunLary surrender, buL Lhe same wlll noL absolve
hls crlmlnal llablllLy.

:* &N < IA>?HCGA >? ?GC=GC@GK =H 2'&-$'))*Q @<C ;G LG

!* ?es, because Jestletto lnvolves deprlvaLlon of
llberLy, alLhough parLlal, as Lhe prlsoner ls deprlved
of hls llberLy Lo enLer a prohlblLed area. So, lf he
enLers Lhe prohlblLed area, he commlLs evaslon of
servlce of senLence.

0<=GA HCQ ;G AG=JACGK =H =;G 8;>D>II>CG? >C
O>HD<=>HC HN =;G ?GC=GC@G7 &? ;G SJ>D=R HN GO<?>HC HN

!* no, because Lhe law ls noL appllcable Lo offenses
execuLed by deporLaLlon. (u.5. v. loo noe, J6 lbll

:* 9;<= >N =;G HNNGCKGA G?@<IGK E>=;>C =;G 6iK<R

!* 1he crlme ls noL evaslon because [udgmenL ls noL
yeL flnal.

.H=G* ersons convlcLed under Lhls arLlcle are
dlsquallfled from Lhe beneflLs of Lhe lndeLermlnaLe
SenLence Law.

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
$+!'&-. -, '$)+&"$ -, '$./$."$ -. /($
-""!'&-. -, #&'-)#$)'Q "-.,0!3)!/&-.'Q
$!)/(:2!5$' -) -/($) "!0!%&/&$'
Y!A=7 6if^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;G @A>BGF

1. Cffender ls a convlcL by flnal [udgmenL,
who ls conflned ln a penal lnsLlLuLlon

2. 1here ls dlsorder, resulLlng from:
a. ConflagraLlon
b. LarLhquake
c. Lxploslon
d. Slmllar caLasLrophe
e. MuLlny ln whlch he has noL

3. Cffender evades Lhe servlce of hls
senLence by leavlng Lhe penal lnsLlLuLlon
where he ls conflned on Lhe occaslon of
such dlsorder or durlng Lhe muLlny

4. Cffender falls Lo glve hlmself up Lo Lhe
auLhorlLles wlLhln 48 hours followlng Lhe
lssuance of proclamaLlon by Chlef
LxecuLlve announclng Lhe passlng away of
such calamlLy.

:* 9;<= >? =;G L<?>? HN D><L>D>=R JCKGA !A=7 6ifF

!* LlablllLy ls based on Lhe fallure Lo reLurn wlLhln
48 hours afLer Lhe passlng of Lhe calamlLy,
conflagraLlon or muLlny had been announced and
noL Lhe leavlng from Lhe penal esLabllshmenL.

:* 9;<= @HC?=>=J=G? BJ=>CR >C =;G ?G@HCK NHAB HN

!* 1he muLlny referred Lo here lnvolves subordlnaLe
personnel rlslng agalnsL Lhe supervlsor wlLhln Lhe
penal esLabllshmenL.

:* 9;<= >? < BJ=>CRF

!* A motloy ls an organlzed unlawful reslsLance Lo a
superlor offlcer slmllar Lo sedlLlon or a revolL.

MuLlny ls one of Lhe causes whlch may auLhorlze a
convlcL servlng senLence ln Lhe penlLenLlary Lo
leave Lhe [all provlded he has noL Laken parL ln Lhe

lf one parLakes ln muLlny, he wlll be llable for Lhe
offenses whlch he commlLLed durlng Lhe muLlny
wheLher or noL he reLurns. (leople v. loJlllo, C. k.
No. 121917, Mot. 12, 1997)

.H=G* 1he penalLy of commlsslon of Lhls felony ls an
lncrease by 1/3 of Lhe Llme remalnlng Lo be served
under Lhe orlglnal senLence, ln no case Lo exceed 6

1he speclal allowance for loyalLy (.q. deducLlon of
senLence) auLhorlzed by ArL. 98 and 138 (2

!""# 6& 3><A8= +KC<;=B 0@G9<? ">I8>
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
refers Lo Lhose convlcLs, who havlng evaded Lhe
servlce of Lhelr senLences by leavlng Lhe penal
lnsLlLuLlon, glve Lhemselves up wlLhln 48 hours. 1hey
wlll be enLlLled Lo a deducLlon of 1/3 of Lhelr
respecLlve senLences.

-/($) "!'$' -, $+!'&-. -, '$)+&"$
Y!A=7 6iZ^

+&-0!/&-. -, "-.#&/&-.!0 8!)#-.

:* 9;<= >? < @HCK>=>HC<D I<AKHCF

!* cooJltloool potJoo ls a conLracL beLween Lhe
Chlef LxecuLlve, who granLs Lhe pardon and Lhe
convlcL, who accepLs lL.

1he condlLlon lmposed upon Lhe prlsoner noL Lo be
gullLy of anoLher crlme ls noL llmlLed Lo Lhose
punlshable by Lhe 8C. lL lncludes Lhose punlshed
under speclal law. (leople v. cottol, 74 lbll. J57)

usually, Lhe condlLlon of a condlLlonal pardon ls
LhaL Lhe prlsoner shall noL commlL any crlme
anymore. So, lf he commlLLed an offense whlle on
pardon, he has vlolaLed Lhls arLlcle. Powever, Lhere
musL be a flnal convlcLlon for Lhe second offense.
CLherwlse, we could noL say LhaL Lhere ls a vlolaLlon
of Lhe condlLlon of Lhe pardon as he would be
presumed Lo be lnnocenL.

.H=G* Powever, under Lhe 8evlsed AdmlnlsLraLlve
Code, no convlcLlon ls necessary. 1he resldenL has Lhe
power Lo arresL and relncarceraLe Lhe offender
wlLhouL Lrlal.

1he courL cannoL requlre Lhe convlcL Lo serve Lhe
unexplred porLlon of Lhe orlglnal senLence lf lL does
noL exceed slx years, Lhe remedy ls lefL Lo Lhe
resldenL who has Lhe auLhorlLy Lo recommlL hlm Lo
serve Lhe unexplred porLlon of hls orlglnal senLence.

1he perlod when convlcL was aL llberLy ls noL deducLed
ln case he ls recommlLLed.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. Cffender was a convlcL
2. Pe was granLed a condlLlonal pardon by
Lhe Chlef LxecuLlve
3. Pe vlolaLed any of Lhe condlLlons of such

:* 9;GC @<C =;GAG LG < O>HD<=>HC HN =;G

!* When Lhe condlLlon ls vlolaLed durlng Lhe
remalnlng perlod of Lhe senLence. lf Lhe condlLlon
of Lhe pardon ls vlolaLed when Lhe remalnlng
unserved porLlon of Lhe senLence has already
lapsed, Lhere wlll be no crlmlnal llablllLy for Lhe
vlolaLlon. Powever, Lhe convlcL maybe requlred Lo
serve Lhe unserved porLlon of Lhe senLence, LhaL ls,
conLlnue servlng orlglnal penalLy.

:* 9;<= >? =;G K>NNGAGC@G LG=EGGC O>HD<=>HC HN

+&-0!/&-. -,
"-.#&/&-.!0 8!)#-.
$+!'&-. -, '$)+&"$ -,
lL ls noL a publlc offense
for lL does noL cause
harm or ln[ury Lo Lhe
rlghL of anoLher person
nor does lL dlsLurb publlc
lL ls a publlc offense
separaLe and
lndependenL from any
oLher acL.

.H=G* vlolaLlon of condlLlonal pardon ls a dlsLlncL

!7 #G@AGG "HK>NR>CS =;G 0<E? HC &DDGS<D l 2CD<ENJD
8H??G??>HCQ %<CJN<@=JAGQ #G<D>CS >CQ !@TJ>?>=>HC
$MIDH?>OG? Y87#7 6f]]Q <? <BGCKGK LR )7!7 fcZ\^

.H=G* lf Lhe unlawful manufacLure, sale, acqulslLlon,
dlsposlLlon or possesslon of flrearms or ammunlLlon or
lnsLrumenLs used or lnLended Lo be used ln Lhe
manufacLure of flrearms or ammunlLlon ls ln
furLherance of or lncldenL Lo, or ln connecLlon wlLh Lhe
crlme of rebelllon or lnsurrecLlon, sedlLlon, or
aLLempLed coop J'etot, such vlolaLlon shall be
absorbed as an elemenL of Lhe crlme of rebelllon, or
lnsurrecLlon, sedlLlon, or aLLempLed coup d'eLaL. (5ec.
1, kA 8294)

47 (JB<C 'G@JA>=R !@= HN cggj Y)7!7 Z[jc^
:* 9;<= <AG =;G IJC>?;<LDG <@=? HN =GAAHA>?BF


1. Any person who commlLs an acL punlshable
under any of Lhe followlng provlslons of Lhe:

a. klc:
l. lracy ln Ceneral and MuLlny ln Lhe
Plgh Seas or ln Lhe hlllpplne WaLers
ll. 8ebelllon or lnsurrecLlon
lll. coop J'etot, lncludlng acLs commlLLed
by prlvaLe persons
lv. Murder
v. kldnapplng and Serlous lllegal
vl. Crlmes lnvolvlng uesLrucLlon, or

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
b. 5peclol leool lows.
l. 1he Law on Arson
ll. 1oxlc SubsLances and Pazardous and
nuclear WasLe ConLrol AcL of 1990
lll. ALomlc Lnergy 8egulaLory and LlablllLy
AcL of 1968
lv. AnLlPl[acklng Law
v. AnLllracy and AnLlPlghway 8obbery
Law of 1974 and
vl. uecree Codlfylng Lhe Laws on lllegal
and unlawful ossesslon, ManufacLure,
ueallng ln, AcqulslLlon or ulsposlLlon of
llrearms, AmmunlLlons or Lxploslves

.H=G* 1he abovemenLloned acL musL:
1. Sow and creaLe a condlLlon of wldespread
and exLraordlnary fear and panlc among Lhe
2. Coerce Lhe governmenL Lo glve ln Lo an
unlawful demand. (5ec. J)

2. ersons who consplre Lo commlL Lhe crlme of

:* 9;H <AG D><LDG JCKGA )7!7 Z[jcF


1. ltloclpol - Any person who commlLs any
of Lhe acLs under SecLlon 3 and 4

2. Accompllce - any person who noL belng a
prlnclpal under ArLlcle 17 of Lhe 8C or a
consplraLor as deflned under SecLlon 4
hereof, cooperaLes ln Lhe execuLlon of
elLher Lhe crlme of Lerrorlsm or
consplracy Lo commlL Lerrorlsm by
prevlous or slmulLaneous acLs

3. Accessoty - any person who havlng
knowledge of Lhe commlsslon of Lhe
crlme of Lerrorlsm or consplracy Lo
commlL Lerrorlsm and wlLhouL havlng
parLlclpaLed Lhereln elLher as prlnclpal or
accompllce under ArLlcles 17 and 18 of
Lhe 8C, Lakes parL subsequenL Lo lLs
commlsslon ln any of Lhe followlng

a. 8y proflLlng hlmself or asslsLlng
Lhe offender Lo proflL by Lhe
effecLs of Lhe crlme

b. 8y conceallng or desLroylng Lhe
body of Lhe crlme or Lhe effecLs
or lnsLrumenLs Lhereof ln order
Lo prevenL lLs dlscovery

c. 8y harborlng, conceallng, or
asslsLlng ln Lhe escape of Lhe
prlnclpal or consplraLor of Lhe

`8.* Spouses, ascendanLs, descendanLs,
leglLlmaLe, naLural and adopLed
broLhers and slsLers or relaLlves by
afflnlLy wlLhln Lhe same degree

`8. =H =;G `8.* Lhose falllng under (a).

:* &? IAH?G@J=>HC JCKGA )7!7 Z[jc < L<A =H <CH=;GA
IAH?G@J=>HC JCKGA =;G )8" HA <CR H=;GA ?IG@><D

!* When a person has been prosecuLed under a
provlslon of Lhls AcL, upon a valld complalnL or
lnformaLlon or oLher formal charge sufflclenL ln
form and subsLance Lo susLaln a convlcLlon and
afLer Lhe accused had pleaded Lo Lhe charge, Lhe
acqulLLal of Lhe accused or Lhe dlsmlssal of Lhe case
shall be a bar Lo anoLher prosecuLlon for any
offense or felony whlch ls necessarlly lncluded ln
Lhe offense charged under Lhls AcL. (5ec. 49)

Y[^ !L?HAI=>HC 8A>C@>IDG >C AGD<=>HC
!""# 6& 312,-4 +KC<;=B 0@G9<? 2;B8>8=B
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
&+7 ")&%$' !3!&.'/ 8240&" &./$)$'/ Y6]66fj^


"-2./$),$&/&.3 /($ 3)$!/ '$!0 -, /($
3-+$).%$./ -, /($ 8(&0&88&.$ &'0!.#'Q
,-)3&.3 /($ '&3.!/2)$ -) '/!%8 -, /($
"(&$, $`$"2/&+$ Y!A=7 6]6^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G IJC>?;<LDG <@=?F

1. lorglng Lhe greaL seal of Lhe CovernmenL
of Lhe hlllpplnes

2. lorglng Lhe slgnaLure of Lhe resldenL

3. lorglng Lhe sLamp of Lhe resldenL of Lhe
CovernmenL of Lhe hlllpplnes

.H=G* When Lhe resldenL's slgnaLure ls forged, lL ls
noL falslflcaLlon buL forglng of slgnaLure of Lhe Chlef
LxecuLlve under Lhls arLlcle.

2'&.3 ,-)3$# '&3.!/2)$ -) "-2./$),$&/
'$!0 -) '/!%8 Y!A=7 6]c^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. CreaL Seal of Lhe 8epubllc was
counLerfelLed or Lhe slgnaLure or sLamp
of Lhe Chlef LxecuLlve was forged by
anoLher person

2. Cffender knew of Lhe counLerfelLlng or

3. Pe used Lhe counLerfelL seal or forged
slgnaLure or sLamp

.H=G* Cffender here should noL be Lhe forger or Lhe
cause of counLerfelLlng, oLherwlse Lhe crlme
commlLLed ls forgery under ArL. 161.

ln uslng Lhe forged slgnaLure or sLamp of Lhe resldenL
of forged seal, Lhe parLlclpaLlon of Lhe offender ls ln
effecL LhaL of an accessory. AlLhough Lhe general rule ls
LhaL he should be punlshed by a penalLy 2 degrees
lower, under ArL. 162, he ls punlshed by a penalLy only
1 degree lower.

"-2./$),$&/&.3 "-&.'

%!5&.3 !.# &%8-)/&.3 !.# 2//$)&.3 ,!0'$
"-&.' Y!A=7 6][^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. 1here be false or counLerfelLed colns

2. Cffender made, lmporLed or uLLered such

3. ln case of uLLerlng such false or
counLerfelLed colns, he connlved wlLh Lhe
counLerfelLers or lmporLers

:* 9;<= >? @HJC=GANG>=>CSF

!* CounLerfelLlng means Lo lmlLaLe a coln LhaL ls
genulne. lL glves an appearance of one of legal
Lender. 1he coln ls counLerfelL even lf lL has more
lnLrlnslc value Lhan Lhe coln of legal Lender.

:* ! IGA?HC S<OG < @HIIGA @GC= =;G <IIG<A<C@G HN
=H I<R E>=; >= < I<@_<SG HN @>S<AG==G? E;>@; ;G
LHJS;= <= < ?=HAG7 9;<= @A>BGQ >N <CRQ E<?

!* Such person ls %*- llable for counLerfelLlng of
coln, buL for estofo under ArL. 318. (keyes, 2008)

:* 9;<= >? =;G @A>=GA>HC J?GK >C KG=GAB>C>CS
E;G=;GA < @H>C >? < @HJC=GANG>= HA CH=F

!* 1he crlLerlon ls LhaL Lhe lmlLaLlon musL be such
as Lo decelve an ordlnary person ln bellevlng lL Lo
be genulne. ConsequenLly, lf Lhe lmlLaLlon ls so
lmperfecL LhaL no one was decelved, Lhe felony
cannoL be consummaLed.


!* ?es. ArL. 163 menLlons coln" wlLhouL any
quallfylng words such as currenL."

.H=G* 1he reason for punlshlng Lhe fabrlcaLlon of coln
wlLhdrawn from clrculaLlon ls Lhe posslblllLy LhaL Lhe
counLerfelLer may laLer apply hls Lrade Lo Lhe maklng
of colns ln acLual clrculaLlon. (keyes, 2008)

:* 9;<= >? IJC>?;GK >C U>BIHA=>CSV N<D?G @H>C?F

!* lL ls Lhe mere acL of lmporLlng LhaL ls belng
punlshed, even lf Lhe colns are noL placed ln

:* 9;<= >? BG<C= LR UJ==GA>CSV HN @H>C?F

!* uLLerlng means Lo clrculaLe, Lo pass counLerfelL

:* 9;<= <AG =;G _>CK? HN @H>C? =;G @HJC=GANG>=>CS
HN E;>@; >? IJC>?;GKF

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

1. Sllver coln of Lhe hlllpplnes or colns of
Lhe CenLral 8ank of Lhe hlllpplnes
2. Coln of Lhe mlnor colnage of Lhe
hlllpplnes or of Lhe CenLral of Lhe 8ank
of Lhe hlllpplnes
3. Coln of Lhe currency of a forelgn counLry.

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
.H=G* WlLh respecL Lo par. 3 Lhe use of Lhe word
'currency' ls noL correcL because Lhe Spanlsh LexL uses
Lhe word 'moneda' whlch embraces noL only Lhose
LhaL are legal Lender, buL also Lhose ouL of clrculaLlon.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G <@=? HN N<D?>N>@<=>HC HA N<D?>=RF

1. coootetfeltloq - refers Lo money or

2. lotqety - refers Lo lnsLrumenLs of credlL
and obllgaLlons and securlLles lssued by
Lhe hlllpplne CovernmenL of any banklng
lnsLlLuLlon auLhorlzed by Lhe hlllpplne
governmenL Lo lssue Lhe same

3. lolslflcotloo - can only be commlLLed ln
respecL of documenLs

:* 9;<= @A>BG? B<R LG @HBB>==GK >C AGD<=>HC =H
@H>C? >C @>A@JD<=>HCF

!* CounLerfelLlng and muLllaLlon of colns.

%2/&0!/&-. -, "-&.' &%8-)/!/&-. !.#
2//$)!."$ -, %2/&0!/$# "-&.'
Y!A=7 6]\^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G IJC>?;<LDG <@=?F

1. MuLllaLlng colns of legal currency wlLh Lhe
furLher requlremenL LhaL Lhere be lnLenL
Lo damage or defraud anoLher

2. lmporLlng or uLLerlng such muLllaLed
colns, wlLh Lhe furLher requlremenL LhaL
Lhere musL be connlvance wlLh Lhe
muLllaLor or lmporLer ln case of uLLerlng.

:* 9;<= >? BJ=>D<=>HCF

!* MuLllaLlon means dlmlnlshlng or Laklng off by
lngenuous means parL of Lhe meLal ln Lhe coln
elLher by flllng or subsLlLuLlng lL for anoLher meLal
of lnferlor quallLy.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G AGTJ>?>=G? HN BJ=>D<=>HCF

1. Coln muLllaLed ls of legal Lender
2. Cffender galns from Lhe preclous meLal
dusL absLracLed from Lhe coln
3. lL has Lo be a coln.

.H=G* lorelgn noLes and colns are noL lncluded under
Lhls arLlcle. Also, Lhere musL be lnLenLlon Lo muLllaLe.

'$00&.3 -, ,!0'$ -) %2/&0!/$# "-&.Q
9&/(-2/ "-..&+!."$ Y!A=7 6]i^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G IJC>?;<LDG <@=?F

1. ossesslon of colns counLerfelLed or
muLllaLed by anoLher person, wlLh lnLenL
Lo uLLer Lhe same, knowlng LhaL lL ls false
or muLllaLed.

2. AcLually uLLerlng such false or muLllaLed
coln, knowlng Lhe same Lo be false or

.H=G* ConsLrucLlve possesslon or Lhe sub[ecLlon of Lhe
Lhlng Lo one's conLrol ls lncluded.

Accused musL have knowledge of Lhe facL LhaL Lhe coln
ls false.

:* &C !A=7 6]iQ >? >= CG@G??<AR =;<= =;G

!* 37).: no.

`8.* lf Lhe coln ls a muLllaLed coln, lL musL be a
legal Lender.

:* 9;<= >N =;G N<D?G HA BJ=>D<=GK @H>C? <AG NHJCK >C

!* Such possesslon does noL consLlLuLe a separaLe
offense buL ls punlshed elLher under ArL. 163 or

.H=G* .u. 427 punlshes possesslon of sllver or nlckel
colns ln excess of 30.00. lL ls a measure of naLlonal
pollcy Lo proLecL Lhe people from Lhe consplracy of
Lhose hoardlng sllver or nlckel colns and Lo preserve
and malnLaln Lhe economy.

!""# 6& 312,-4 +KC<;=B 0@G9<? 2;B8>8=B
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
,-)3&.3 /)$!'2)1 -) 4!.5 .-/$' -) -/($)
#-"2%$./' 8!1!40$ /- 4$!)$)m &%8-)/&.3Q
!.# 2//$)&.3 '2"( ,!0'$ -) ,-)3$# .-/$'
!.# #-"2%$./'m &%8-)/&.3Q !.# 2//$)&.3
'2"( ,!0'$ -) ,-)3$# .-/$' !.# #-"2%$./'
Y!A=7 6]]^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G IJC>?;<LDG <@=?F

1. lorglng or falslflcaLlon of Lreasury or bank
noLes or oLher documenLs payable Lo

2. lmporLaLlon of such false or forged
obllgaLlons or noLes.

.H=G* lL means Lo brlng Lhem lnLo Lhe
hlllpplnes, whlch presupposes LhaL Lhe
obllgaLlons or noLes are forged or falslfled ln
a forelgn counLry.

3. uLLerlng obllgaLlons or noLe knowlng
Lhem Lo be false or forged, wheLher such
offer ls accepLed or noL, wlLh a

.H=G* lL means offerlng obllgaLlons or noLes
knowlng Lhem Lo be false or forged,
wheLher such offer ls accepLed or noL, wlLh
a represenLaLlon.

:* ` IDG<KGK SJ>D=R =H =;G @;<ASG HN ;<O>CS I<??GK
< 8cg @HJC=GANG>= L>DD >C < ?=HAG7 "<C ;G LG ;GDK
SJ>D=R HN O>HD<=>CS !A=7 6]]F

!* no. uLLerlng forged blll musL be wlLh connlvance
wlLh Lhe auLhors of Lhe forgery Lo consLlLuLe a
vlolaLlon of ArL. 166. (keyes, 2008)


,-)3$)1 ,!0'&,&"!/&-.
CommlLLed by glvlng Lo a
Lreasury or bank noLe or
any lnsLrumenL payable
Lo Lhe bearer or Lo order
Lhe appearance of Lrue
and genulne documenL.
CommlLLed by eraslng,
counLerfelLlng, or alLerlng
by any means, Lhe flgures,
leLLers, words, or slgns
conLalned Lhereln.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G CH=G? <CK H=;GA HLD>S<=>HC? <CK
!A=7 6]]F

1. 1reasury or bank noLes
2. CerLlflcaLes and
3. CLher obllgaLlons and securlLles payable
Lo bearer

.H=G* lalslflcaLlon of n8 checks ls noL forgery under
ArL. 166 of 8C buL falslflcaLlon of commerclal
documenLs under ArL. 172 ln connecLlon wlLh ArL. 171
of Lhe 8C.

"-2./$),$&/&.3Q &%8-)/&.3 !.# 2//$)&.3
&.'/)2%$./' .-/ 8!1!40$ /- 4$!)$)
Y!A=7 6]j^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. 1here be an lnsLrumenL payable Lo order
or oLher documenL of credlL noL payable
Lo bearer

2. Cffender forged, lmporLed or uLLered
such lnsLrumenL

3. ln case of uLLerlng, he connlved wlLh Lhe
forger or lmporLer

:* 9;<= <AG =;G <@=? HN NHASGAR IJC>?;GK JCKGA
!A=7 6]jF

1. lotqloq lnsLrumenLs payable Lo order or
documenLs of credlL noL payable Lo
2. lmpottloq such false lnsLrumenLs
3. uttetloq such false lnsLrumenLs ln
connlvance wlLh Lhe forger or Lhe

.H=G* Connlvance ls noL requlred ln uLLerlng lf Lhe
uLLerer ls Lhe forger.

CounLerfelLlng under Lhls arLlcle musL lnvolve an
lnsLrumenL payable Lo order or oLher documenL of
credlL noL payable Lo bearer.

&00$3!0 8-''$''&-. !.# 2'$ -, ,!0'$
/)$!'2)1 -) 4!.5 .-/$' !.# -/($)
&.'/)2%$./' Y!A=7 6]f^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. Any Lreasury or bank noLes or cerLlflcaLe
or oLher obllgaLlon and securlLy payable
Lo bearer, or any lnsLrumenL payable Lo
order or oLher documenL of credlL noL
payable Lo bearer ls forged or falslfled by
anoLher person
2. Cffender knows LhaL any of Lhose
lnsLrumenLs ls forged or falslfled

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

3. Pe performs any of Lhese acLs:
a. uslng any of such forged or falslfled
lnsLrumenL, or
b. ossesslng wlLh lnLenL Lo use any of
such forged or falslfled lnsLrumenLs

.H=G* 1he acL belng punlshed under ArL. 168 ls
knowlngly possesslng wlLh lnLenL Lo use any such
forged Lreasury or bank noLes.

:* &? IH??G??>HC HN N<D?G =AG<?JAR HA L<C_ CH=G?
<DHCG E>=;HJ= >C=GC= =H J?G < @A>B>C<D HNNGC?G

!* no. 8uL mere possesslon wlLh lnLenL Lo uLLer
consummaLes Lhe crlme of lllegal possesslon of
false noLes.

.H=G* A person ln possesslon of falslfled documenL and
who makes use of Lhe same ls presumed Lo be Lhe
maLerlal auLhor of falslflcaLlon.

1he accused has Lhe burden Lo glve saLlsfacLory
explanaLlon of hls possesslon of forged bllls.

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
,-)3$)1 Y!A=7 6]Z^


1. 8y glvlng Lo a Lreasury or bank noLe or
any lnsLrumenL payable Lo bearer or Lo
order menLloned Lhereln, Lhe appearance
of a Lrue and genulne documenL

2. 8y eraslng, subsLlLuLlng, counLerfelLlng, or
alLerlng by any means Lhe flgures, leLLers,
words, or slgns conLalned Lhereln. (Att.

:* ` @<J?GK =;G IA>C=>CS HN =;G @;G@_? <CK K>AG@=GK
=;G IA>C=GA =H >C@HAIHA<=G =;GAG>C =;G >BIHA=<C=
>??JGK LR < 2' SHOGACBGC= HNN>@G7 9;<= @A>BG K>K
` @HBB>=F

!* x commlLLed forgery wlLhln Lhe meanlng of par.1
of ArL. 169 of Lhe 8C on lnsLrumenLs payable Lo
order. (leople v. Otpoezo)

:* ! AG@G>OGK < =AG<?JAR E<AA<C=Q < @;G@_ >??JGK LR
4Q HA ;>? HAKGA7 ! EAH=G 4a? C<BG HC =;G L<@_ HN
?<>K =AG<?JAR E<AA<C= <? >N 4 ;<K >CKHA?GK >=Q <CK
=;GC IAG?GC=GK >= NHA I<RBGC=7 &= E<? I<>K =H !7
9;<= @A>BG K>K ! @HBB>=F

!* 1hls ls forgery because when ! wroLe 8's name
on Lhe back of Lhe Lreasury warranL whlch was
orlglnally made payable Lo 8 or hls order, he
converLed Lhe Lreasury warranL Lo one payable Lo
bearer. lL had Lhe effecL of eraslng Lhe phrase or
hls order" upon Lhe face of Lhe warranL. (u.5. v.

.H=G* lorgery under Lhe 8C applles Lo papers, whlch
are ln Lhe form of obllgaLlons and securlLles lssued by
Lhe hlllpplne CovernmenL as lLs own obllgaLlons,
whlch are glven Lhe same sLaLus as legal Lender. .q.
1reasury and bank noLes.

lf all acLs are done buL genulne appearance ls noL
glven, Lhe crlme ls frusLraLed.


!* 1he sub[ecL of forgery should be Lreasury or bank
noLes. lf Lhe sub[ecL of forgery were a documenL
oLher Lhan Lhese, Lhe crlme would be falslflcaLlon.
(8ooJo, 2008)

:* 9;<= >? =;G G??GC@G HN NHASGARF

!* 1he essence of forgery ls glvlng a documenL Lhe
appearance of a Lrue and genulne documenL.

:* &C @;G@_? <CK H=;GA @HBBGA@><D KH@JBGC=?Q

!* lorgery ls commlLLed when Lhe flgures or words
are changed whlch maLerlally alLers Lhe documenL.

:* &C < @<?G E;GAG =;G <@@J?GKQ >C?=G<K HN @<AAR>CS
HJ= ;>? >C=GC=>HCQ =;AGE <E<R =;G NHASGK CH=GQ @<C

!* no, for Lhe law wlll noL close Lhe door of
repenLance on hlm, who havlng seL fooL on Lhe paLh
of crlme, reLraces hls sLeps before lL ls Loo laLe
(leople v. loJlllo, J6 O. C. 2404)

,!0'&,&"!/&-. -, 0$3&'0!/&+$ #-"2%$./'
Y!A=7 6jg^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. 1here be a blll, resoluLlon or ordlnance
enacLed or approved or pendlng approval
by elLher Pouse of Lhe LeglslaLure or any
provlnclal board or munlclpal councll
2. Cffender alLers Lhe same
3. Pe has no proper auLhorlLy Lherefore
4. AlLeraLlon has changed Lhe meanlng of
Lhe documenL

!""# 6& 312,-4 +KC<;=B 0@G9<? 2;B8>8=B
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
.H=G* 1he offender musL noL be a publlc offlclal
enLrusLed wlLh Lhe cusLody or possesslon of such
documenL, oLherwlse ArL. 171 wlll apply.

1he blll, resoluLlon or ordlnance musL be genulne.


!* lL ls any wrlLLen lnsLrumenL by whlch a rlghL ls
esLabllshed or an obllgaLlon ls exLlngulshed, or
every deed or lnsLrumenL execuLed by a person by
whlch some dlsposlLlon or agreemenL ls proved,
evldenced or seL forLh.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G _>CK? HN KH@JBGC=?F

1. lobllc Jocomeot - any lnsLrumenL
noLarlzed by a noLary publlc or compeLenL
publlc offlclal wlLh Lhe solemnlLles
requlred by law.

a. Clvll servlce examlnaLlon papers
b. Cfflclal recelpL requlred by Lhe
governmenL Lo be lssued upon recelpL
of money for publlc purposes
c. 8esldence cerLlflcaLe
d. urlver's llcense

2. Offlclol Jocomeot - any lnsLrumenL lssued
by Lhe governmenL or lLs agenLs or
offlcers havlng auLhorlLy Lo do so and Lhe
offlces, whlch ln accordance wlLh Lhelr
creaLlon, Lhey are auLhorlzed Lo lssue.

.q. 8eglsLer of aLLorneys offlclally kepL by
Lhe Clerk of Lhe Supreme CourL ln whlch lL ls
lnscrlbed Lhe name of each aLLorney
admlLLed Lo Lhe pracLlce of law.

3. ltlvote Jocomeot - every deed or
lnsLrumenL by a prlvaLe person wlLhouL
Lhe lnLervenLlon of Lhe noLary publlc or of
any oLher person legally auLhorlzed, by
whlch documenL some dlsposlLlon or
agreemenL ls proved, evldenced or seL

4. commetclol Jocomeot - any lnsLrumenL
execuLed ln accordance wlLh Lhe Code of
Commerce of any mercanLlle law
conLalnlng dlsposlLlon of commerclal
rlghLs or obllgaLlons.

a. 8llls of exchange
b. LeLLers of CredlL
c. Checks
d. Cuedans
e. urafLs
f. 8llls of ladlng

.H=G* under Lhe 8ules of CourL, Lhere are only Lwo
klnds of documenL prlvaLe and publlc documenL.

ubllc documenL ls broader Lhan Lhe Lerm offlclal
documenL. 8efore a documenL may be consldered
offlclal, lL musL flrsL be publlc documenL. 1o become an
offlclal documenL, Lhere musL be a law whlch requlres
a publlc offlcer Lo lssue or Lo render such documenL.

.q. A cashler ls requlred Lo lssue an offlclal recelpL for
Lhe amounL he recelves. 1he offlclal recelpL ls a publlc
documenL whlch ls an offlclal documenL.

:* 9;<= <AG GM<BIDG? HN EA>=>CS? =;<= KH CH=

1. A drafL of a munlclpal payroll whlch ls noL
yeL approved by Lhe proper auLhorlLy

2. Mere blank forms of offlclal documenLs,
Lhe spaces of whlch are noL fllled up

3. amphleLs or books whlch are mere
merchandlse, noL evldenclng any
dlsposlLlon or agreemenL

:* 9;<= <AG =;G N>OG @D<??G? HN N<D?>N>@<=>HCF

1. lalslflcaLlon of leglslaLlve documenLs

2. lalslflcaLlon of a documenL by a publlc
offlcer, employee or noLary publlc

3. lalslflcaLlon of publlc or offlclal, or
commerclal documenLs by a prlvaLe

4. lalslflcaLlon of prlvaLe documenL by any

3. lalslflcaLlon of wlreless, Lelegraph and
Lelephone messages

:* (HE >? KH@JBGC= N<D?>N>GKF

!* A documenL ls falslfled by fabrlcaLlng an
lnexlsLenL documenL or by changlng Lhe conLenLs of
an exlsLlng one Lhrough any of Lhe 8 ways
enumeraLed under ArL. 171.

.H=G* 8.A. 248 prohlblLs Lhe reprlnLlng, reproducLlon
or republlcaLlon of governmenL publlcaLlons wlLhouL

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
,!0'&,&"!/&-. 41 8240&" -,,&"$)Q $%80-1$$ -)
.-/!)1 -) $""0$'&!'/&"!0 %&.&'/)1
Y!A=7 6j6^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. Cffender ls a publlc offlcer, employee, or
noLary publlc.

2. Pe Lakes advanLage of hls offlclal poslLlon
a. Pe has Lhe duLy Lo make or prepare
or Lo oLherwlse lnLervene ln Lhe
preparaLlon of Lhe documenL, or
b. Pe has Lhe offlclal cusLody of Lhe
documenL whlch he falslfles.

3. Pe falslfles a documenL by commlLLlng
any of Lhe followlng acLs:
a. CounLerfelLlng or lmlLaLlng any
handwrlLlng, slgnaLure or rublc,

.H=G* lL ls noL necessary LhaL Lhe
lmlLaLlon be perfecL, lL ls enough LhaL
Lhere be an aLLempL Lo lmlLaLe, and Lhe
Lwo slgnaLures (Lhe genulne and Lhe
forged), bear some resemblance Lo
each oLher.

b. Causlng lL Lo appear LhaL persons
have parLlclpaLed ln any acL or
proceedlng when Lhey dld noL ln facL
so parLlclpaLe,
c. ALLrlbuLlng Lo persons who have
parLlclpaLed ln an acL or proceedlng
sLaLemenL oLher Lhan Lhose ln facL
made by Lhem,
d. Maklng unLruLhful sLaLemenLs ln a
narraLlon of facLs

l. 1haL Lhe offender makes ln a
documenL unLruLhful sLaLemenLs
ln a narraLlon of facLs,
ll. 1haL he has legal obllgaLlon Lo
dlsclose Lhe LruLh of Lhe facLs
narraLed by hlm,
lll. 1he facLs narraLed by Lhe
offender are absoluLely false.
lv. 1he unLruLhful narraLlon musL be
such as Lo affecL Lhe lnLegrlLy of
Lhe documenL or Lo change Lhe
effecLs whlch lL would oLherwlse

.H=G* 1hls klnd of falslflcaLlon may be
commlLLed by omlsslon.

e. AlLerlng Lrue daLes

.H=G* 1hls mode of falslflcaLlon ls
commlLLed only lf Lhe Lrue daLe ls

f. Maklng any alLeraLlon or
lnLercalaLlon ln a genulne documenL
whlch changes lLs meanlng

.H=G* 1he alLeraLlon musL affecL elLher
Lhe veraclLy of Lhe documenL or Lhe
effecL Lhereof.

1he alLeraLlon whlch makes a
documenL speak Lhe LruLh does noL
consLlLuLe falslflcaLlon.

g. lssulng ln auLhenLlcaLed form a
documenL purporLlng Lo be a copy
of any orlglnal documenL when no
such copy a sLaLemenL conLrary Lo,
or dlfferenL from LhaL of Lhe genulne

h. lnLercalaLlng any lnsLrumenL or noLe
relaLlve Lo Lhe lssuance Lhereof ln a
proLocol, reglsLry or offlclal book.

.H=G* ln 1
, 2
, 6
, 7
parL), 8
of falslflcaLlon, Lhere musL be genulne

ln oLher paragraphs of 171, falslflcaLlon may
be commlLLed by slmulaLlng or fabrlcaLlng a

Where Lhe vaulL keeper exLracLed Lhe
orlglnal of marrlage conLracL ln Lhe flle and
changed lL wlLh anoLher documenL so as noL
Lo dlsrupL Lhe numberlng of Lhe documenLs
numerlcally flled, Lo help prove Lhe clalm
LhaL no marrlage was solemnlzed, he ls
gullLy of lalslflcaLlon for lnLercalaLlng any
lnsLrumenL or noLe relaLlve Lo Lhe lssuance
Lhereof ln a proLocol, reglsLry or offlclal

4. ln case Lhe offender ls an eccleslasLlcal
mlnlsLer, Lhe acL of falslflcaLlon ls
commlLLed wlLh respecL Lo any record or
documenL of such characLer LhaL Lhe
falslflcaLlon may affecL Lhe clvll sLaLus of

:* ` E<? @;<ASGK E>=; N<D?>N>@<=>HC LG@<J?G >C ;GA
@GA=>N>@<=G HN @<CK>K<@R NHA =;G IH?>=>HC HN
=;G N<D?G ?=<=GBGC= =;<= ?;G E<? GD>S>LDG =H ?<>K

!""# 6& 312,-4 +KC<;=B 0@G9<? 2;B8>8=B
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
HNN>@G <D=;HJS; ?;G _CGE NJDDR EGDD =;<= ?;G E<?

!* no. When Lhe accused cerLlfled she was ellglble
for Lhe poslLlon, she pracLlcally wroLe o cooclosloo
of low. Pence she may noL be declared gullLy of
falslflcaLlon because ArL. 171 punlshes unLruLhful
sLaLemenLs lo oottotloo of focts. (leople v. oozo)

:* 9;H <AG =;G IGA?HC? D><LDGF

1. ubllc offlcer, employees, or noLary publlc
who Lakes advanLages of offlclal poslLlon

2. LccleslasLlcal mlnlsLer lf Lhe acL of
falslflcaLlon may affecL Lhe clvll sLaLus of

3. rlvaLe lndlvldual, lf ln consplracy wlLh
publlc offlcer

:* !JSJ?=>C< N>DGK < @A>B>C<D @HBID<>C= <S<>C?=
&= E<? <DDGSGK =;<= 4GAC<C=G B<KG >= <IIG<A >C ;>?
DG<OG <IID>@<=>HC =;<= ;G E<? HC NHA@GK DG<OG <CK
HC O<@<=>HC DG<OG HC @GA=<>C K<=G?7 &C =AJ=;Q
4GAC<C=G E<? ?GAO>CS < cgK<R IA>?HC =GAB
LG@<J?G HN ;>? @HCO>@=>HC HN =;G @A>BG HN ?D>S;=
I;R?>@<D >CXJA>G?7 &? 4GAC<C=G D><LDG NHA =;G @A>BG HN

!* no. AugusLlna falled Lo polnL Lo any law lmposlng
upon 8ernanLe Lhe legal obllgaLlon Lo dlsclose
where he was golng Lo spend hls leave of absence.
Legal obllgaLlon" means LhaL Lhere ls a law
requlrlng Lhe dlsclosure of Lhe LruLh of Lhe facLs
narraLed. 8ernanLe may noL be convlcLed of Lhe
crlme of falslflcaLlon of publlc documenL by maklng
false sLaLemenLs ln a narraLlon of facLs absenL any
legal obllgaLlon Lo dlsclose where he would spend
hls vacaLlon leave and forced leave. (oemeclo v.
Offlce of tbe OmboJsmoo jvlsoyos] C.k. No.
1467J1, Ioo. 1J, 2004)

,!0'&,&"!/&-. 41 8)&+!/$ &.#&+&#2!0' !.# 2'$
-, ,!0'&,&$# #-"2%$./'
Y!A=7 6jc^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G IJC>?;<LDG <@=?F

1. lalslflcaLlon of publlc offlclal or
commerclal documenL by a prlvaLe

lemeots ooJet potoqtopb 1.
a. Cffender ls a prlvaLe lndlvldual or
publlc offlcer or employee who dld
noL Lake advanLage of hls offlclal
b. Pe commlLLed any acL of falslflcaLlon
c. 1he falslflcaLlon ls commlLLed ln a
publlc, offlclal, or commerclal
documenL or leLLer of exchange

.H=G* under Lhls par., damage ls noL
essenLlal. lL ls presumed.

Lack of mallce or crlmlnal lnLenL may be puL
up as a defense under Lhls arLlcle, as when lL
ls wlLh Lhe auLhorlLy of Lhe helrs of a
deceased ln a deed of sale.

Cash dlsbursemenL vouchers or recelpLs
evldenclng paymenLs are noL commerclal

A mere blank form of an offlclal documenL ls
noL ln lLself a documenL.

1he possessor of falslfled documenL ls
presumed Lo be Lhe auLhor of falslflcaLlon.

2. lalslflcaLlon of prlvaLe documenL by any

lemeots ooJet potoqtopb 2.
a. Cffender commlLLed any of Lhe acLs
of falslflcaLlon excepL ArL. 171 (7),
LhaL ls lssulng ln an auLhenLlcaLed
form a documenL purporLlng Lo be a
copy of an orlglnal documenL when
no such orlglnal exlsLs, or lncludlng ln
such a copy a sLaLemenL conLrary Lo,
or dlfferenL from LhaL of Lhe genulne
b. lalslflcaLlon was commlLLed ln any
prlvaLe documenL
c. lalslflcaLlon cause damage Lo a Lhlrd
parLy or aL leasL Lhe falslflcaLlon was
commlLLed wlLh lnLenL Lo cause such

.H=G* lL ls noL necessary LhaL Lhe offender
proflLed or hoped Lo proflL.

1here ls no falslflcaLlon Lhrough reckless
lmprudence lf Lhe documenL ls prlvaLe and
no acLual damage ls caused.

lf Lhe estofo was already consummaLed aL
Lhe Llme Lhe falslflcaLlon of a prlvaLe
documenL was commlLLed for Lhe purpose
of conceallng Lhe estofo, Lhe falslflcaLlon ls
noL punlshable. As regards Lo Lhe

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

falslflcaLlon of Lhe prlvaLe documenL, Lhere
was no damage or lnLenL Lo cause damage.

A prlvaLe documenL may requlre Lhe
characLer of a publlc documenL when lL
becomes parL of an offlclal record and ls
cerLlfled by publlc offlcer duly auLhorlzed by

1he crlme ls falslflcaLlon of publlc
documenLs even lf Lhe falslflcaLlon Look
place before Lhe prlvaLe documenL become
parL of Lhe publlc record.

uamage Lo one's honor ls lncluded. (leople
v. Motoslqoo)

:* &? =;GAG < @HBIDGM @A>BG HN '&-"1" =;AHJS;
N<D?>N>@<=>HC HN < IA>O<=G KH@JBGC=F

!* nC, because Lhe lmmedlaLe effecL of falslflcaLlon
of prlvaLe documenL ls Lhe same as LhaL of estofo.

:* &C N<D?>N>@<=>HC HN IA>O<=G KH@JBGC=?Q E;<= E>DD
KG=GAB>CG E;G=;GA =;G @A>BG @HBB>==GK >? G?=<N<
HA N<D?>N>@<=>HCF

!* lf Lhe falslflcaLlon of Lhe prlvaLe documenL was
'&&'%-$"# ln Lhe commlsslon of estofo because
wlLhouL Lhe falslflcaLlon, estofo cannoL be
commlLLed, Lhe crlme ls falslflcaLlon. stofo
becomes Lhe consequence of Lhe crlme. lf Lhe
esLafa can be commlLLed even >$-+*3- resorLlng Lo
falslflcaLlon, Lhe maln crlme ls estofo.

3. use of falslfled documenL.

lemeots ooJet tbe lost potoqtopb.
a. ln lnLroduclng ln a [udlclal
proceedlng -
l. Cffender knew LhaL Lhe
documenL was falslfled by
anoLher person
ll. 1he falslfled documenL ls ln
ArLlcles 171 or 172 (1 or 2)
lll. Pe lnLroduced sald documenL ln
evldence ln a [udlclal

b. ln use ln any oLher LransacLlon -
l. Cffender knew LhaL a documenL
was falslfled by anoLher person
ll. 1he false documenL ls embraced
ln ArL. 171 or 172 (1 or 2)
lll. Pe used such documenL
")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
lv. 1he use caused damaged Lo
anoLher or aL leasL used wlLh
lnLenL Lo cause damage

.H=G* 1he user of Lhe falslfled documenLs ls
deemed Lhe auLhor of Lhe falslflcaLlon, lf:
1.1he use was so closely connecLed wlLh Lhe
falslflcaLlon, and 2. Lhe user had capaclLy of
falslfylng Lhe documenL.

:* &? K<B<SG < AGTJ>AGBGC= >C =;G J?G HN N<D?>N>GK

!* 1he elemenL of damage Lo anoLher ls a requlslLe
*%#F when Lhe falslfled documenL ls lnLroduced ln
evldence ln a proceedlng otbet tboo joJlclol.

:* &N < IGA?HC J?GK < N<D?>N>GK KH@JBGC= E;<=
?;HJDK LG =;G IAHIGA @;<ASG <S<>C?= ;>BF

!* lalslflcaLlon of documenLs because of Lhe legal
prlnclple LhaL when a person made use of falslfled
documenL, he ls deemed Lo be Lhe falslfler.

.H=G* Cnly when he ls acqulLLed Lherefrom wlll he be
prosecuLed for Lhe crlme of use of falslfled documenL.
(8ooJo, 2008)

.H=G* lf Lhe crlme was use of falslfled documenL, Lhe
naLure of Lhe documenL ls noL conLrolllng. ln Lhls
crlme, Lhe purpose for knowlngly uslng falslfled
documenL ls essenLlal. 8uL lf Lhe documenL ls
presenLed ln courL, even lf re[ecLed, Lhe mere offer
Lhereof ls crlmlnal. (8ooJo, 2008)

:* &? =;GAG ?J@; @A>BG <? <==GBI=GKl NAJ?=A<=GK

!* none. lalslflcaLlon ls consummaLed Lhe momenL
Lhe genulne documenL ls alLered of Lhe momenL Lhe
false documenL ls execuLed. (8eyes, 2008)

:* &C E;<= >C?=<C@G E>DD N<D?>N>@<=>HC CH= S>OG A>?G
=H @A>B>C<D D><L>D>=RF

!* Where Lhe lnLenL Lo perverL Lhe LruLh ls absenL.
lnLenLlonal falslflcaLlon requlres crlmlnal lnLenL Lo
falslfy. Lack of crlmlnal lnLenL ls shown by Lhe
followlng clrcumsLances:
a. Accused dld noL beneflL ouL of Lhe
falslflcaLlon, and
b. no damage has been caused elLher
Lo Lhe governmenL or Lhlrd person.
(8ooJo, 2008)
:* 9;<= <AG =;G K>?=>C@=>HC? LG=EGGC N<D?>N>@<=>HC

,!0'&,&"!/&-. -,
8240&" #-"2%$./
,!0'&,&"!/&-. -,
8)&+!/$ #-"2%$./
Mere falslflcaLlon ls
Aslde from falslflcaLlon,
pre[udlce Lo a Lhlrd
person or lnLenL Lo cause
lL, ls essenLlal.

!""# 6& 312,-4 +KC<;=B 0@G9<? 2;B8>8=B
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
Can be complexed wlLh
oLher crlmes lf Lhe acL of
falslflcaLlon was Lhe
necessary means ln Lhe
commlsslon of such
crlmes, llke esLafa, LhefL,
or malversaLlon.

.q. MalversaLlon Lhrough
falslflcaLlon of a publlc
documenL, LsLafa
Lhrough falslflcaLlon of a
publlc documenL.
1here ls no complex
crlme of esLafa Lhrough
falslflcaLlon of a prlvaLe
documenL. Pence, when
one makes use of a
prlvaLe documenL, whlch
he falslfled, Lo defraud
anoLher, Lhere resulLs
only one crlme: LhaL of
falslflcaLlon of a prlvaLe

.H=G* lalslflcaLlon has no aLLempLed or frusLraLed
sLage. lalslflcaLlon ls consummaLed Lhe momenL Lhe
genulne documenL ls alLered or Lhe momenL Lhe false
documenL ls execuLed.

:* #HG? =;G I<RBGC= B<KG ?;HE? D<@_ HN K<B<SG

!* no. 1he absence of damage does noL necessarlly
lmply LhaL Lhere can be no falslflcaLlon as lL ls
merely an elemenL Lo be consldered Lo deLermlne
wheLher or noL Lhere ls crlmlnal lnLenL Lo commlL
falslflcaLlon. lL ls a seLLled rule LhaL ln Lhe
falslflcaLlon of publlc or offlclal documenLs, lL ls noL
necessary LhaL Lhere be presenL Lhe ldea of galn or
Lhe lnLenL Lo ln[ure a Lhlrd person. 1hls ls so
because ln Lhe falslflcaLlon of a publlc documenL,
Lhe prlnclpal Lhlng punlshed ls Lhe vlolaLlon of Lhe
publlc falLh and Lhe desLrucLlon of Lhe LruLh as
Lhereln solemnly proclalmed. (losttlllo v. CtooJo, C.
k. No 160257, Ioo. J1, 2006)

,!0'&,&"!/&-. -, 9&)$0$''Q "!40$Q /$0$3)!8(Q
!.# /$0$8(-.$ %$''!3$'Q !.# 2'$ -, '!&#
,!0'&,&$# %$''!3$'
Y!A=7 6j[^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G IJC>?;<LDG <@=?F

1. uLLerlng flcLlLlous, wlreless, Lelegraph or
Lelephone message

2. lalslfylng wlreless, Lelegraph or Lelephone
a. Cffender ls an offlcer or employee of
Lhe governmenL or an offlcer or
employee of a prlvaLe corporaLlon
engaged ln Lhe servlce of sendlng or
recelvlng wlreless, cable or
Lelephone message
b. Pe falslfles wlreless, cable Lelegraph
or Lelephone message

3. uslng such falslfled message
a. Cffender knew LhaL wlreless, cable,
Lelegraph, or Lelephone message
was falslfled by an offlcer or
employee of a prlvaLe corporaLlon,
engaged ln Lhe servlce of sendlng or
recelvlng wlreless, cable or
Lelephone message
b. Pe used such falslfled dlspaLch
c. 1he use resulLed ln Lhe pre[udlce of a
Lhlrd parLy or aL leasL Lhere was
lnLenL Lo cause such pre[udlce

.H=G* AcL no. 1831, Sec. 4, punlshes prlvaLe lndlvlduals
who forge or alLer Lelegrams.

1he publlc offlcer, Lo be llable musL be engaged ln Lhe
servlce of sendlng or recelvlng wlreless, cable and
Lelegraph or Lelephone message.

lor uLLerlng or falslfylng, a prlvaLe lndlvldual may be a
prlnclpal by lnducemenL buL noL dlrecL parLlclpaLlon.
lor use of a falslfled message, Lhe offender may be any

=;G IA>@G? @;<ASGK >C =;G ?JB? HN 8 g7jc <CK g7\fQ
AG?IG@=>OGDR7 9;<= @A>BGQ >N <CRQ K>K =;G =GDGSA<I;

A: Pe was gullLy of falslflcaLlon of Lelegraph
messages. (u.5. v. kometo)

,!0'$ %$#&"!0 "$)/&,&"!/$'Q ,!0'$
"$)/&,&"!/$' -, %$)&/ -) '$)+&"$ $/"7
Y!A=7 6j\^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G IJC>?;<LDG <@=?F

1. lssuance of false cerLlflcaLe by a physlclan
or surgeon ln connecLlon wlLh Lhe
pracLlce of hls professlon

.H=G* lL ls essenLlal LhaL Lhe medlcal
cerLlflcaLe ls used knowlng lL Lo be false.

2. lssuance of a false cerLlflcaLe or merlL or
servlce, good conducL or slmllar
clrcumsLances by a publlc offlcer,

.H=G* lnLenL Lo galn ls lmmaLerlal. 8uL lf Lhe
publlc offlcer lssued Lhe false cerLlflcaLe ln

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

conslderaLlon of a promlse, glfL or reward,
he wlll also be llable brlbery.

3. lalslflcaLlon by a prlvaLe person of any
cerLlflcaLe falllng wlLhln 1 and 2.

:* 9;<= >? < @GA=>N>@<=GF

!* Any wrlLlng by whlch LesLlmony ls glven LhaL a
facL has or has noL Laken place.

:* 9;H <AG =;G IGHIDG D><LDG JCKGA =;>? !A=>@DGF

1. hyslclan or surgeon
2. ubllc offlcer
3. rlvaLe lndlvldual who falslfled a
cerLlflcaLe falllng ln Lhe classes menLloned
ln nos. 1 and 2.

.H=G* lalslflcaLlon of cerLlflcaLe of large caLLle ls noL
covered by ArL. 174. 1he cerLlflcaLe of large caLLle ls a
publlc documenL and lLs falslflcaLlon ls covered by ArL.
171 or ArL. 172, dependlng on wheLher Lhe offender ls
a publlc offlcer or a prlvaLe lndlvldual.

1he phrase or slmllar clrcumsLances" ln ArL. 174 does
noL seem Lo cover properLy, because Lhe clrcumsLance
conLemplaLed musL be slmllar Lo merlL," servlce," or
good conducL."

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
2'&.3 ,!0'$ "$)/&,&"!/$'
Y!A=7 6ji^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. A physlclan or surgeon had lssued a false
medlcal cerLlflcaLe, or publlc offlcer had
lssue a false cerLlflcaLe or servlce, good
conducL, or slmllar clrcumsLance, or a
prlvaLe person had falslfled any of sald

2. Cffender knew LhaL Lhe cerLlflcaLe was

3. Pe used Lhe same

.H=G* When any of false cerLlflcaLes menLloned ln ArL.
174 ls used ln [udlclal proceedlngs, ArLlcle 172 does
noL apply because lL ls llmlLed only Lo Lhose false
documenLs embraced ln ArLlcles 171 and 172.

kotlo. use of false documenL ln [udlclal proceedlng
under ArL. 172 ls llmlLed Lo Lhose false documenL
embraced ln ArLs. 171 and 172.

%!.2,!"/2)&.3 !.# 8-''$''&-. 7-,
&.'/)2%$./' -) &%80$%$./' ,-)
,!0'&,&"!/&-. Y!A=7 6j]^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G IJC>?;<LDG <@=?F

1. Maklng or lnLroduclng lnLo Lhe hlllpplnes
any sLamps, dles, marks, or oLher
lnsLrumenLs or lmplemenLs for
counLerfelLlng or falslflcaLlon

2. ossesslng wlLh lnLenL Lo use Lhe
lnsLrumenL or lmplemenLs for
counLerfelLlng or falslflcaLlon made ln or
lnLroduced lnLo Lhe hlllpplnes by
anoLher person

:* &? >= CG@G??<AR =;<= =;G >BIDGBGC=? @HCN>?@<=GK

!* no, lL belng enough LhaL Lhey may be employed
by Lhemselves or LogeLher wlLh oLher lmplemenLs
Lo commlL Lhe crlme of counLerfelLlng or

ArL. 163 and 176 punlsh noL only acLual physlcal
possesslon, buL also consLrucLlve possesslon or Lhe
sub[ecLlon of Lhe Lhlng Lo one's conLrol.

-/($) ,!0'&/&$'

2'2)8!/&-. -, !2/(-)&/1 -) -,,&"&!0
,2."/&-.' Y!A=7 6jj^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G NHAB? HN J?JAI<=>HCF

1. usotpotloo of Aotbotlty - knowlngly and
falsely represenLlng oneself Lo be an
offlcer, agenL or represenLaLlve of any
deparLmenL or agency of Lhe hlllpplne
CovernmenL or any forelgn governmenL.

.H=G* under Lhe flrsL form, mere false
represenLaLlon ls sufflclenL Lo brlng abouL
crlmlnal llablllLy.

1here musL be poslLlve, express and expllclL

2. usotpotloo of Offlclol looctloos -
erformlng any acL perLalnlng Lo any
person ln auLhorlLy or publlc offlcer of Lhe
hlllpplne CovernmenL or of a forelgn
governmenL or any agency Lhereof, under
preLense of offlclal poslLlon, and wlLhouL
belng lawfully enLlLled Lo do so.

!""# 6& 312,-4 +KC<;=B 0@G9<? 2;B8>8=B
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %

.H=G* under Lhe second form, wlLhouL false
preLense Lhere ls no crlme of usurpaLlon of

:* "<C < IJLD>@ HNN>@><D @HBB>= =;>? @A>BGF

!* ?es. vlolaLlon of ArL. 177 ls noL resLrlcLed Lo
prlvaLe lndlvlduals, publlc offlclals may also commlL
Lhls crlme.

.H=G* lL does noL apply Lo an occupanL under color of
LlLle. lf lL can be proven LhaL Lhe usurpaLlon of
auLhorlLy or offlclal funcLlons by accused was done ln
good falLh or under cloLh of auLhorlLy, Lhen Lhe charge
of usurpaLlon wlll noL apply.

8.A. 73 provldes penalLy for usurplng auLhorlLy of
dlplomaLlc, consular or oLher offlclal of forelgn

:* /H E;HB KHG? =;G <J=;HA>=R HA NJC@=>HC

!* 1he funcLlon or auLhorlLy usurped musL perLaln
1. 1he governmenL
2. Any person ln auLhorlLy
3. Any publlc offlcer

2'&.3 ,&"/&"&-2' .!%$ !.# "-."$!0&.3 /)2$
.!%$ Y!A=7 6jf^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G IJC>?;<LDG <@=?F

1. uslng flcLlLlous name

a. Cffender uses a name oLher Lhan hls
real name
b. Pe uses Lhe flcLlLlous name publlcly
c. urpose of use ls Lo conceal a crlme,
Lo evade Lhe execuLlon of a
[udgmenL or Lo cause damage (Lo
publlc lnLeresL)

.H=G* lf Lhe purpose ls Lo cause damage Lo
ptlvote lnLeresL, Lhe crlme wlll be estofo
under ArL. 313, subdlvlslon 2 ar (a).

2. Conceallng Lrue name

a. Cffender conceals hls Lrue name and
oLher personal clrcumsLances
b. urpose ls only Lo conceal hls

:* 9;<= >? < UN>@=>=>HJ? C<BGVF

!* llcLlLlous name ls any oLher name whlch a
person publlcly applles Lo hlmself wlLhouL auLhorlLy
of law.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G K>?=>C@=>HC? LG=EGGC J?>CS

2'&.3 ,&"/&/&-2' .!%$
"-."$!0&.3 /)2$
LlemenL of publlclLy musL be
LlemenL of publlclLy
ls noL necessary.
1he purpose ls elLher Lo conceal
a crlme, Lo evade Lhe execuLlon
of a [udgmenL, or Lo cause
1he purpose ls
merely Lo conceal

.H=G* 1he crlme under Lhls arLlcle may be complexed
wlLh Lhe crlme of dellverlng prlsoners from [all, buL
may noL be complexed wlLh evaslon of servlce of

"-%%-.9$!0/( !"/ .H7 6\cQ
<? <BGCKGK LR )7!7 .H7 ]gfi
Y!C !@= )GSJD<=>CS =;G 2?G HN !D><?G?^

:* 9;<= KHG? =;>? D<E IAH;>L>=F

3)* no person shall use any name dlfferenL
from Lhe one wlLh whlch he was reglsLered aL
blrLh ln Lhe offlce of Lhe local clvll reglsLry, or
wlLh whlch he was reglsLered ln Lhe bureau of
lmmlgraLlon upon enLry, or such subsLlLuLe
name as may have been auLhorlzed by a
compeLenL courL.

`8.* seudonym solely for llLerary, clnema,
Lelevlslon, radlo, or oLher enLerLalnmenL and ln
aLhleLlc evenLs where Lhe use of pseudonym ls
normally accepLed pracLlce.

.H=G* Any person deslrlng Lo use an allas shall apply
for auLhorlLy Lherefore ln proceedlngs llke Lhose legally
provlded Lo obLaln [udlclally auLhorlLy for a change of

no person shall be allowed Lo secure such [udlclal
auLhorlLy for more Lhan one allas.

1he [udlclal auLhorlLy for Lhe use of allas, Lhe ChrlsLlan
name and Lhe allen's lmmlgranL name shall be
recorded ln Lhe proper local clvll reglsLry, and no
person shall use any name/s oLher Lhan hls orlglnal or
real name unless Lhe same ls or are duly recorded ln
Lhe proper local clvll reglsLry.

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

:* #HG? =;G @HBBHCD<E E>NG >C@JA @A>B>C<D
D><L>D>=R >N ;G J?G? =;G ?JAC<BG HN ;>? @HBBHCD<E

!* A commonlaw wlfe does noL lncur crlmlnal
llablllLy under Lhe AnLlAllas Law lf she uses Lhe
surname of Lhe man she has been llvlng wlLh for Lhe
pasL 20 years and has been lnLroduclng herself Lo
Lhe publlc as hls wlfe.

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
&00$3!0 2'$ -, 2.&,-)% -) &.'&3.&!
Y!A=7 6jZ^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;G @A>BGF

1. Cffender makes use of lnslgnla, unlform
or dress
2. 1he lnslgnla, unlform or dress perLalns Lo
an offlce noL held by Lhe offender or Lo a
class of persons of whlch he ls noL a
3. Sald lnslgnla, unlform, or dress ls used
publlcly and lmproperly

:* &? >= AGTJ>AGK =;<= =;GAG LG GM<@= >B>=<=>HC HN

!* no. Colorable resemblance calculaLed Lo decelve
ordlnary persons ls sufflclenL.


!* lL means LhaL Lhe offender has no rlghL Lo use
Lhe unlform or lnslgnla.

.H=G* uslng unlform, decoraLlon, or regalla of a forelgn
SLaLe ls punlshed by 8.A. 73.

Wearlng lnslgnla, badge or emblem of rank of Lhe
members of Lhe Al or ConsLabulary ls punlshed by
8.A. 493 excepL lf used ln playhouse or LheaLer or ln
movlng plcLure fllms.

Wearlng Lhe unlform of an lmaglnary offlce ls noL

LC 297 punlshes Lhe lllegal manufacLure, sale,
dlsLrlbuLlon and use of n unlforms, lnslgnlas and
oLher accouLremenLs.

,!0'$ /$'/&%-.1

:* 9;<= >? < N<D?G =G?=>BHCRF

!* A false LesLlmony ls a declaraLlon under oaLh of a
wlLness ln a [udlclal proceedlng whlch ls conLrary Lo
whaL ls Lrue, or Lo deny Lhe same or Lo alLer
essenLlal LruLh.

.H=G* CommlLLed by a person who, belng under oaLh
and requlred Lo LesLlfy as Lo Lhe LruLh of a cerLaln
maLLer aL a hearlng before a compeLenL auLhorlLy,
shall deny Lhe LruLh or say someLhlng conLrary Lo lL.
:* 9;<= <AG =;G =;AGG NHAB? HN N<D?G =G?=>BHCRF

!* lalse LesLlmony ln:
1. Crlmlnal Cases
2. Clvll Cases
3. CLher Cases

:* "<C < N<D?G =G?=>BHCR LG @HBB>==GK =;AJ

!* no. lalse LesLlmony requlres a crlmlnal lnLenL
and cannoL be commlLLed Lhru negllgence. lL could
noL be frusLraLed or aLLempLed.

:* 9;<= >? =;G AG<?HC NHA IJC>?;>CS N<D?G

!* lalsehood ls ever reprehenslble, buL lL ls
parLlcularly odlous when commlLLed ln a [udlclal
proceedlng, as lL consLlLuLes an lmposlLlon upon Lhe
courL and serlously exposes lL Lo a mlscarrlage of

,!0'$ /$'/&%-.1 !3!&.'/ /($ #$,$.#!./
Y!A=7 6fg^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. 1here ls a crlmlnal proceedlng
2. Cffender LesLlfles falsely under oaLh
agalnsL Lhe defendanL Lhereln
3. Cffender who glves false LesLlmony
knows LhaL lL ls false
4. uefendanL agalnsL whom Lhe false
LesLlmony ls glven ls elLher acqulLLed or
convlcLed ln a flnal [udgmenL

.H=G* 1he offender musL however LesLlfy on maLerlal
maLLers so LhaL even lf he acLually lled durlng hls
LesLlmony on lmmaLerlal maLLers, llke hls or her age,
Lhls arLlcle ls noL vlolaLed.

vlolaLlon of Lhls arLlcle requlres crlmlnal lnLenL. Pence,
lL cannoL be commlLLed Lhrough negllgence.

:* &? =;GAG N<D?G =G?=>BHCR GOGC >N =;G =G?=>BHCR >?

!* ?es, because whaL ls belng consldered here ls Lhe
Lendency of Lhe LesLlmony Lo esLabllsh or aggravaLe

!""# 6& 312,-4 +KC<;=B 0@G9<? 2;B8>8=B
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
Lhe gullL of Lhe accused and noL Lhe resulL LhaL Lhe
LesLlmony may produce.

.H=G* uefendanL musL be senLenced Lo aL leasL a
correcLlonal penalLy or a flne or musL be acqulLLed.

1he offender need noL lmpuLe gullL upon Lhe accused
Lo be llable. lor Lhls crlme Lo come lnLo play, Lhe
declslon ln Lhe crlmlnal case where he LesLlfled musL
have been already flnal.

ArL. 180 applles Lo Speclal enal Laws because Speclal
enal Laws follow Lhe nomenclaLure of Lhe 8C.

,!0'$ /$'/&%-.1 ,!+-)!40$ /- /($
#$,$.#!./ Y!A=7 6f6 ^ 7

:* 9;<= >? G??GC=><D >C =;>? @A>BGF

!* lnLenL Lo favor Lhe accused

.H=G* lalse LesLlmony ln favor of a defendanL need noL
dlrecLly lnfluence Lhe declslon of acqulLLal and lL need
noL beneflL Lhe defendanL. 1he lnLenL Lo favor
defendanL ls sufflclenL.

:* &? AG@=>N>@<=>HC B<KG ?IHC=<CGHJ?DR <N=GA
AG<D>W>CS =;G B>?=<_G < N<D?G =G?=>BHCRF

!* no.

.H=G* lalse LesLlmony by negaLlve sLaLemenL ls sLlll ln
favor of Lhe defendanL.

A sLaLemenL of mere oplnlon ls noL punlshable.

ConvlcLlon or acqulLLal ls noL necessary (flnal [udgmenL
ls noL necessary), buL gravlLy of crlme ln prlnclpal case
should be shown.

:* "<C < KGNGCK<C= E;H N<D?GDR =G?=>N>GK >C ;>? HEC
LG;<DN >C < @A>B>C<D @<?G LG SJ>D=R HN N<D?G

!* ?es. lL musL noL be forgoLLen LhaL Lhe rlghL of an
accused Lo LesLlfy ln hls own behalf ls secured Lo
hlm, noL LhaL he may be enabled Lo lnLroduce false
LesLlmony lnLo Lhe record, buL Lo enable hlm Lo
spread upon Lhe record Lhe LruLh as Lo any maLLer
wlLhln hls knowledge whlch wlll Lend Lo esLabllsh
hls knowledge. (u.5. v. 5ollmoo)

.H=G* 1he rullng ln Sollman would only apply lf Lhe
defendanL volunLarlly goes upon Lhe wlLness sLand and
falsely lmpuLes Lo some oLher person Lhe commlsslon
of a grave offense. lf he merely denles Lhe commlsslon
of Lhe crlme or hls parLlclpaLlon Lhereln, he should noL
be prosecuLed for false LesLlmony. (keyes 2008, p.269)

,!0'$ /$'/&%-.1 &. "&+&0 "!'$'
(!A=7 6fc)

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. 1esLlmony musL be glven ln a clvll case.
2. lL musL relaLe Lo Lhe lssues presenLed ln
sald case
3. lL musL be false
4. lL musL be glven by Lhe defendanL
knowlng Lhe same Lo be false
3. lL musL be mallclous and glven wlLh an
lnLenL Lo affecL Lhe lssued presenLed ln
sald case

:* 'JIIH?G =;G N<D?G =G?=>BHCR >? S>OGC < ?IG@><D

!* er[ury ls commlLLed lf Lhe false LesLlmony ls
glven ln speclal proceedlngs. ArL. 182 ls noL
appllcable when Lhe false LesLlmony ls glven ln
speclal proceedlngs.

.H=G* 1he basls of penalLy ls Lhe amounL lnvolved ln
Lhe clvll case.

1he crlmlnal acLlon ln false LesLlmony musL be
suspended when Lhere ls a pendlng deLermlnaLlon of
Lhe falslLy of Lhe sub[ecL LesLlmonles of prlvaLe
respondenLs ln Lhe clvll case. (Atk 1tovel xptess v.
IoJqe Abtoqot, 410 5ckA 148, 200J)

:* 9;<= >? =;G GNNG@= HC IAG?@A>I=>OG IGA>HK HN =;G
@D<??>N>@<=>HC HN =;G N<D?G =G?=>BHCR <? =H E;G=;GA
>= E<? S>OGC >C N<OHA HA <S<>C?= =;G <@@J?GK >C <
@A>B>C<D @<?GF

!* 1he classlflcaLlon slgnlflcanL ln deLermlnlng when
Lhe prescrlpLlve perlod beglns Lo run:

1. ln X"6*) rlghL afLer Lhe wlLness LesLlfled
falsely, Lhe prescrlpLlve perlod
commences Lo run because Lhe basls of
Lhe penalLy on Lhe false wlLness ls Lhe
felony charged Lo Lhe accused regardless
of wheLher Lhe accused was acqulLLed or
convlcLed or Lhe Lrlal has LermlnaLed.

2. 04"$%&- perlod wlll noL begln Lo run as
long as Lhe case has noL been declded
wlLh flnallLy because Lhe basls of Lhe
penalLy on Lhe false wlLness ls Lhe
senLence on Lhe accused LesLlfled agalnsL
lL. When Lhe accused ls acqulLLed, Lhere ls
also a correspondlng penalLy on Lhe false
wlLness for hls false LesLlmony. (8ooJo,

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
,!0'$ /$'/&%-.1 &. -/($) "!'$'
!.# 8$)P2)1 &. '-0$%. !,,&)%!/&-.
Y!A=7 6f[^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G IJC>?;<LDG <@=?F

1. lalsely LesLlfylng under oaLh
2. Maklng a false affldavlL.


1. Accused made a sLaLemenL under oaLh or
execuLed an affldavlL upon a maLerlal
2. SLaLemenL or affldavlL was made before a
compeLenL offlcer, auLhorlzed Lo recelve
and admlnlsLer oaLh
3. ln LhaL sLaLemenL or affldavlL, Lhe accused
made a wlllful and dellberaLe asserLlon of
a falsehood
4. Sworn sLaLemenL or affldavlL conLalnlng
Lhe falslLy ls requlred by law

.H=G* 1he SC held LhaL Lhe sLaLemenL need noL be
requlred buL LhaL lL was sufflclenL lf lL was auLhorlzed
by law Lo be made. (leople v. Aoqooqco C.k. No. l
4768J, Oct. 12, 194J)

:* 9;<= >? IGAXJARF

!* er[ury ls Lhe wlllful and corrupL asserLlon of
falsehood under oaLh or afflrmaLlon admlnlsLered
by auLhorlLy of law on a maLerlal maLLer.

:* 9;<= >? <C H<=;F

!* CaLh ls any form of aLLesLaLlon by whlch a person
slgnlfles LhaL he ls bound ln consclence Lo perform
an acL falLhfully and LruLhfully.

:* 9;<= >? BG<C= LR K!"-')$"# !"--').L

!* MaLerlal maLLer means Lhe maln facL whlch ls Lhe
sub[ecL of Lhe lnqulry or any clrcumsLance whlch
Lends Lo prove LhaL facL, or any facL or clrcumsLance
whlch Lends Lo corroboraLe or sLrengLhen Lhe
LesLlmony relaLlve Lo Lhe sub[ecL of lnqulry, or
whlch leglLlmaLely affecLs Lhe credlL of any wlLness
who LesLlfles.

:* 9;<= >? =;G =G?= =H KG=GAB>CG =;G B<=GA><D>=R HN
=;G B<==GAF

!* 1he LesL ls noL wheLher Lhe evldence was proper
Lo be admlLLed buL wheLher lf admlLLed lL could
properly lnfluence Lhe resulL of Lhe Lrlal.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G K>?=>C@=>HC? LG=EGGC IGAXJAR <CK

8$)P2)1 ,!0'$ /$'/&%-.1
Any wlllful and corrupL
asserLlon of falsehood on
maLerlal maLLer under
oaLh and noL glven ln
[udlclal proceedlngs
Clven ln Lhe course of a
[udlclal proceedlng
1here ls per[ury even
durlng Lhe prellmlnary
ConLemplaLes acLual Lrlal
where [udgmenL of
convlcLlon or acqulLLal ls
erverslon of LruLh

.H=G* Mere asserLlon of falsehood ls noL enough Lo
amounL Lo per[ury. 1he asserLlon musL be dellberaLe
and wlllful.

:* 9;<= @HJDK LG J?GK <? < KGNGC?GF

!* Cood falLh or lack of mallce ls a defense ln
per[ury. 1he asserLlon musL be dellberaLe and

.H=G* lalsely LesLlfylng under oaLh musL noL be ln a
[udlclal proceedlng.

-,,$)&.3 ,!0'$ /$'/&%-.1 &. $+&#$."$
Y!A=7 6f\^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. Cffender offered ln evldence a false
wlLness or false LesLlmony
2. Pe knew Lhe wlLness or LesLlmony was
3. Cffer was made ln a [udlclal or offlclal

.H=G* ArL. 184 does noL apply when Lhe offender
loJoceJ a wlLness Lo LesLlfy falsely. ArL. 184 applles
when Lhe offender knowlngly presenLed a false
wlLness, and Lhe laLLer LesLlfled falsely.

:* 9;<= >? ?JLHAK>C<=>HC HN IGAXJARF

!* lL refers Lo Lhe acL of a person of procurlng a
false wlLness Lo LesLlfy and Lhereby commlL per[ury.
lL ls Lhe acL of Lhe procurer.


!* no, subordlnaLlon of per[ury no longer exlsLs
under Lhe 8C buL Lhe acL ls punlshed as plaln

!""# 6& 312,-4 +KC<;=B 0@G9<? 2;B8>8=B
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
per[ury under ArL. 183. lL ls, however, requlred LhaL
Lhe false wlLness musL flrsL be convlcLed of per[ury
before Lhe subordlnaLe may be prosLlLuLed for hls

.H=G: 1he felony ls consummaLed Lhe momenL a false
wlLness ls offered ln any [udlclal or offlclal proceedlng.

Looklng for a false wlLness ls noL punlshed by law as
LhaL ls noL offerlng a false wlLness.

1he false wlLness need noL be convlcLed of false
LesLlmony A mere offer Lo presenL hlm ls sufflclenL.

,)!2#'Q %!"(&.!/&-.' &. 8240&" !2"/&-.'

:* 9;<= <AG =;G IJC>?;<LDG <@=?F
1. SollclLlng any glfL or promlse as a
conslderaLlon for refralnlng from Laklng
parL ln any publlc aucLlon.

a. 1here ls a publlc aucLlon
b. Cffender sollclLs any glfL or
compromlse from any of Lhe bldders
c. Such glfL or promlse ls Lhe
conslderaLlon for hls refralnlng from
Laklng parL ln LhaL publlc aucLlon
d. Cffender has Lhe lnLenL Lo cause Lhe
reducLlon of Lhe prlce of Lhe Lhlng

.H=G* 1he crlme ls consummaLed by mere
acL of sollclLlng a glfL or promlse, and lL ls
noL requlred LhaL Lhe person maklng Lhe
proposal acLually refralns from Laklng parL ln
any aucLlon.

2. ALLempLlng Lo cause bldders Lo sLay away
from an aucLlon by LhreaLs, glfLs,
promlses or any oLher arLlflce.

a. 1here ls a publlc aucLlon
b. Cffender aLLempLs Lo cause Lhe
bldders Lo sLay away from LhaL publlc
c. lL ls done by LhreaLs, glfLs, promlses
or any oLher arLlflce
d. Cffender has Lhe lnLenL Lo cause Lhe
reducLlon of Lhe prlce of Lhe Lhlng

.H=G* Mere aLLempL Lo cause prospecLlve
bldders Lo sLay away from Lhe aucLlon ls
sufflclenL Lo consLlLuLe an offense. 1he
LhreaL need noL be effecLlve nor Lhe offer or
glfL accepLed.

LxecuLlon sales should be opened Lo free
and full compeLlLlon ln order Lo secure Lhe
maxlmum beneflL for Lhe debLors.

%-.-8-0&$' !.# "-%4&.!/&-.' &.
)$'/)!&./ -, /)!#$ Y!A=7 6f]^

:* 9;<= >? BHCHIHDRF

!* lL ls a prlvllege or pecullar advanLage vesLed ln
one or more persons or companles, conslsLlng ln
Lhe excluslve rlghL or power Lo carry on a parLlcular
arLlcle or conLrol Lhe sale or Lhe whole supply of a
parLlcular commodlLy.

:* 9;<= >? @HBL>C<=>HC >C AG?=A<>C= HN =A<KGF

!* ComblnaLlon ln resLralnL of Lrade ls an
agreemenL or undersLandlng beLween Lwo or more
persons, ln Lhe form of conLracL, LrusL, pool, holdlng
company or oLher form of assoclaLlon, for Lhe
purpose of unduly resLrlcLlng compeLlLlon,
monopollzlng Lrade and commerce ln a cerLaln
commodlLy, conLrolllng lLs producLlon, dlsLrlbuLlon
and prlce, or oLherwlse lnLerferlng wlLh freedom of
Lrade wlLhouL auLhorlLy.

.H=G* Monopoly refers Lo end whlle comblnaLlon ln
resLralnL of Lrade refers Lo means.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G IJC>?;<LDG <@=?F

1. ComblnaLlon Lo prevenL free compeLlLlon
ln Lhe markeL.

a. LnLerlng lnLo any conLracL or
agreemenL or Laklng parL ln any
consplracy or comblnaLlon ln Lhe
form of a LrusL or oLherwlse
b. ln resLralnL of Lrade or commerce or
Lo prevenL by arLlflclal means free
compeLlLlon ln Lhe markeL

2. Monopoly Lo resLraln free compeLlLlon ln
Lhe markeL.

a. 8y monopollzlng any merchandlse or
ob[ecL of Lrade or commerce, or by
comblnlng wlLh any oLher person or
persons Lo monopollze sald
merchandlse or ob[ecL

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

b. ln order Lo alLer Lhe prlces Lhereof by
spreadlng false rumors or maklng
use of any oLher arLlflce
c. 1o resLraln free compeLlLlon ln Lhe

3. ManufacLurer, producer, or processor or
lmporLer (persons llable) comblnlng,
consplrlng or agreelng wlLh any person
(how crlme commlLLed) Lo make
LransacLlons pre[udlclal Lo lawful
commerce or Lo lncrease Lhe markeL prlce
of merchandlse (purpose of Lhe crlme).
")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA

a. ManufacLurer, producer, processor
or lmporLer of any merchandlse or
ob[ecL of commerce
b. Comblnes, consplres, or agrees wlLh
any person
c. urpose ls Lo make LransacLlons
pre[udlclal Lo lawful commerce or Lo
lncrease Lhe markeL prlce of any
merchandlse or ob[ecL of commerce
manufacLured, produced, processed,
assembled or lmporLed lnLo Lhe

:* 9;<= >? JCN<>A @HBIG=>=>HCF

!* unfalr compeLlLlon conslsLs ln employlng
decepLlon or any oLher means conLrary Lo good
falLh by whlch any person shall pass off Lhe goods
manufacLured by hlm or ln whlch he deals, or hls
buslness, or servlces for Lhose one havlng
esLabllshed goodwlll or commlLLlng any acL
calculaLed Lo produce Lhe resulL. (5ec. 168.2, k.A.

:* 9;<= >? =;G =G?= HN JCN<>A @HBIG=>=>HCF

!* 1he LesL ls wheLher cerLaln goods have been
cloLhed wlLh Lhe appearance whlch ls llkely Lo
decelve Lhe ordlnary purchaser exerclslng ordlnary

:* 9;<= <AG =;G SAHJCK? NHA D><L>D>=R JCKGA !A=7

!* 1he grounds for llablllLy are:
1. knowlngly permlLLlng commlsslon of Lhe
punlshable acLs, or
2. lalllng Lo prevenL Lhe commlsslon of Lhe
sald acLs.

.H=G* Any properLy possessed under any conLracL or
comblnaLlon conLemplaLed ln Lhls arLlcle shall be
forfelLed ln favor of Lhe CovernmenL.

Mere consplracy or comblnaLlon ls punlshed.

When Lhe offense ls commlLLed by a corporaLlon or
assoclaLlon, Lhe presldenL and dlrecLors or managers
who knowlngly permlLLed or falled Lo prevenL Lhe
commlsslon of such offense are llable.

1he penalLy ls hlgher lf Lhe lLems lnvolved are food
subsLance, moLor fuel or lubrlcanLs and goods or prlme

&%8-'&/&-. !.# #&'8-'&/&-. -, ,!0'$01
%!)5$# !)/&"0$' -) %$)"(!.#&'$ %!#$ -,
3-0#Q '&0+$)Q -) -/($) 8)$"&-2' %$/!0' -)
/($&) !00-1' Y!A=7 6fj^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. Cffender lmporLs, sells, or dlsposes of any
of Lhose arLlcles or merchandlse
2. SLamps, brands, or marks of Lhose arLlcles
of merchandlse fall Lo lndlcaLe Lhe acLual
flneness or quallLy of sald meLals or alloys
3. Cffender knows LhaL Lhe sLamps, brands
or marks fall Lo lndlcaLe Lhe acLual
flneness or Lhe quallLy of Lhe meLals or

.H=G* ManufacLurer who alLers Lhe quallLy or flneness
of anyLhlng perLalnlng Lo hls arL or buslness ls llable for
estofo under ArL. 313 subdlvlslon 2 (b) of Lhe 8C.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G <A=>@DG? HN =;G BGA@;<CK>?G

1. Cold
2. Sllver
3. CLher preclous meLals
4. 1helr alloys

.H=G* Selllng Lhe mlsbranded arLlcles ls noL necessary.

'24'/&/2/&.3 !.# !0/$)&.3 /)!#$%!)5'Q
/)!#$ .!%$' -) '$)+&"$ %!)5'
Y!A=7 6ff^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G IJC>?;<LDG <@=?F
1. SubsLlLuLlng Lhe Lrade name or Lrademark
of some oLher manufacLurer or dealer, or
a colorable lmlLaLlon Lhereof, for Lhe
Lradename or Lrademark of Lhe real
manufacLurer or dealer upon any arLlcle
of commerce and selllng Lhe same

!""# 6& 312,-4 +KC<;=B 0@G9<? 2;B8>8=B
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
2. Selllng or offerlng for sale such arLlcles of
commerce, knowlng LhaL Lhe Lrade name
or Lrademark has been fraudulenLly used
3. uslng or subsLlLuLlng Lhe servlce mark of
some oLher person or colorable lmlLaLlon
of such mark, ln Lhe sale or adverLlslng of
hls servlces
4. rlnLlng, llLhographlng or reproduclng
Lradename, Lrademark, or servlcemark of
one person, or a colorable lmlLaLlon
Lhereof, Lo enable Lhe person Lo
fraudulenLly use Lhe same knowlng Lhe
fraudulenL purpose for whlch lL ls Lo be

2.,!&) "-%8$/&/&-.Q ,)!2#20$./
)$3&'/)!/&-. -, /)!#$.!%$Q /)!#$%!)5Q -)
'$)+&"$ %!)5Q ,)!2#20$./ #$'&3.!/&-. -,
-)&3&.Q !.# ,!0'$ #$'")&8/&-.
Y!A=7 6fZ^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G IJC>?;<LDG <@=?F

1. Selllng goods, glvlng Lhem Lhe general
appearance of Lhe goods of anoLher
manufacLurer or dealer. (uofolt

2. Afflxlng Lo hls good or uslng ln connecLlon
wlLh hls servlces a false deslgnaLlon of
orlgln, or any false descrlpLlon or
represenLaLlon and selllng such goods or
servlces (ltooJoleot Jeslqootloo of otlqlo.
(lolse Jesctlptloo)

.H=G* ArLs. 188 and 189 have been repealed by 8.A.
8293. 1he lnLellecLual roperLy Code of Lhe hlllpplnes.

47 /;G .GE 8JLD>@ 4>KK>CS 0<E Y)7!7 Z6f\^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G IAH;>L>=GK <@=? JCKGA )7!7 Z6f\F
1. ubllc offlcers who commlL any of Lhe followlng
a. Cpen any sealed 8ld lncludlng buL noL
llmlLed Lo 8lds LhaL may have been
submlLLed Lhrough Lhe elecLronlc sysLem
and any and all documenLs requlred Lo
be sealed or dlvulglng Lhelr conLenLs,
prlor Lo Lhe appolnLed Llme for Lhe publlc
openlng of 8lds or oLher documenLs.

b. uelaylng, wlLhouL [usLlflable cause, Lhe
screenlng for ellglblllLy, openlng of blds,
evaluaLlon and posL evaluaLlon of blds,
and awardlng of conLracLs beyond Lhe
prescrlbed perlods of 8lds or oLher

c. unduly lnfluenclng or exerLlng undue
pressure on any member of Lhe 8AC or
any offlcer or employee of Lhe procurlng
enLlLy Lo Lake a parLlcular bldder.

d. SpllLLlng of conLracLs whlch exceed
procedural purchase llmlLs and
compeLlLlve blddlng.

e. When Lhe head of Lhe agency abuses Lhe
exerclse of hls power Lo re[ecL any and all
blds as menLloned under SecLlon 41 of
Lhls AcL wlLh manlfesL preference Lo any
bldder who ls closely relaLed Lo hlm ln
accordance wlLh SecLlon 47 of Lhls AcL.

.H=G* When any of Lhe foregolng acLs ls done ln
colluslon wlLh prlvaLe lndlvlduals, Lhe prlvaLe
lndlvlduals shall llkewlse be llable for Lhe offense.
2. rlvaLe lndlvlduals who commlL any of Lhe
followlng acLs, lncludlng any publlc offlcer, who
consplres wlLh Lhem:
a. When Lwo or more bldders agree and
submlL dlfferenL 8lds as lf Lhey were
bona flde, when Lhey knew LhaL one or
more of Lhem was so much hlgher Lhan
Lhe oLher LhaL lL could noL be honesLly
accepLed and LhaL Lhe conLracL wlll surely
be awarded Lo Lhe prearranged lowesL

b. When a bldder mallclously submlLs
dlfferenL 8lds Lhrough Lwo or more
persons, corporaLlons, parLnershlps or
any oLher buslness enLlLy ln whlch he has
lnLeresL of creaLe Lhe appearance of
compeLlLlon LhaL does noL ln facL exlsL so
as Lo be ad[udged as Lhe wlnnlng bldder.

c. When Lwo or more bldders enLer lnLo an
agreemenL whlch call upon one Lo refraln
from blddlng for rocuremenL conLracLs,
or whlch call for wlLhdrawal of blds
already submlLLed, or whlch are
oLherwlse lnLended Lo secure as undue
advanLage Lo any one of Lhem.

d. When a bldder, by hlmself or ln
connlvance wlLh oLhers, employ schemes
whlch Lend Lo resLraln Lhe naLural rlvalry
of Lhe parLles or operaLes Lo sLlfle or

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
suppress compeLlLlon and Lhus produce a
resulL dlsadvanLageous Lo Lhe publlc.

3. rlvaLe lndlvlduals who commlL any of Lhe
followlng acLs, and any publlc offlcer consplrlng
wlLh Lhem:

a. SubmlL ellglblllLy requlremenLs of
whaLever klnd and naLure LhaL conLaln
false lnformaLlon or falslfled documenLs
calculaLed Lo lnfluence Lhe ouLcome of
Lhe ellglblllLy screenlng process or conceal
such lnformaLlon ln Lhe ellglblllLy
requlremenLs when Lhe lnformaLlon wlll
lead Lo a declaraLlon of lnellglblllLy from
parLlclpaLlng ln publlc blddlng.

b. SubmlL 8lddlng uocumenLs of whaLever
klnd and naLure Lhan conLaln false
lnformaLlon or falslfled documenLs or
conceal such lnformaLlon ln Lhe 8lddlng
uocumenLs, ln order Lo lnfluence Lhe
ouLcome of Lhe publlc blddlng.

c. arLlclpaLe ln a publlc blddlng uslng Lhe
name of anoLher or allow anoLher Lo use
one's name for Lhe purpose of
parLlclpaLlng ln a publlc blddlng.

d. WlLhdraw a 8ld, afLer lL shall have
quallfled as Lhe LowesL CalculaLed
8ld/PlghesL 8aLed 8ld, or Lo accepL and
award, wlLhouL [usL cause or for Lhe
purpose of forclng Lhe rocurlng LnLlLy Lo
award Lhe conLracL Lo anoLher bldder.
1hls shall lnclude Lhe nonsubmlsslon of
requlremenLs such as, buL noL llmlLed Lo,
performance securlLy, preparaLory Lo Lhe
flnal award of Lhe conLracL.
4. When Lhe bldder ls a [urldlcal enLlLy, crlmlnal
llablllLy and Lhe accessory penalLles shall be
lmposed on lLs dlrecLors, offlcers or employees who
acLually commlL any of Lhe foregolng acLs.(5ec. 65)

!""# 6& 312,-4 189CB<M8 B: "N<@A C;I "BE8> 0>:E<G<B8I *>@K=
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
+7 ")&%$' )$0!/&+$ /- -8&2% !.# -/($)
8)-(&4&/$# #)23'

!7 /;G "HBIAG;GC?>OG #<CSGAHJ? #AJS? !@= HN
cggc Y)7!7 Z6]i^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G IJC>?;<LDG <@=? JCKGA =;>? <@=F
1. lmporLaLlon of uangerous urugs and/or
ConLrolled recursors and LssenLlal Chemlcals

.H=G* Any person, who, unless auLhorlzed by law, shall
lmporL or brlng lnLo Lhe hlllpplnes any dangerous
drug, regardless of Lhe quanLlLy and purlLy lnvolved,
lncludlng any and all specles of oplum poppy or any
parL Lhereof or subsLances derlved Lherefrom even for
floral, decoraLlve and cullnary purposes.
2. Sale, 1radlng, AdmlnlsLraLlon, ulspensaLlon,
uellvery, ulsLrlbuLlon and 1ransporLaLlon of
uangerous urugs and/or ConLrolled recursors and
LssenLlal Chemlcals. (5ec.5)

.H=G* Selllng ls any acL of glvlng away any dangerous
drug and/or conLrolled precursor and essenLlal
chemlcal wheLher for money or any oLher
conslderaLlon. (5ec.5)

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. 1he ldenLlLy of Lhe buyer and Lhe seller
2. 1he ob[ecL, and Lhe conslderaLlon
3. 1he dellvery of Lhe Lhlng sold and Lhe
paymenL Lherefor.

.H=G* All Lhese requlre evldence LhaL Lhe sale
LransacLlon Lransplred, coupled wlLh Lhe presenLaLlon
ln courL of Lhe cotpos Jellctl, l.e., Lhe body or
subsLance of Lhe crlme. (leople v. copooo,
C.k.185715, 19 Iooooty 2011)
[7 MalnLenance of a uen, ulve or 8esorL (5ec.6)
:* 9;H <AG D><LDGF
1. Cwner of den, dlve or resorL where any
dangerous drug ls used or sold ln any

2. Lmployee of den dlve or resorL who ls
aware of Lhe naLure of Lhe place as such

3. vlslLor of den, dlve or resorL who ls aware
of Lhe naLure of Lhe place as such and
shall knowlngly vlslL Lhe same
.H=G* lf such den or dlve ls owned by a 3
person, Lhe
followlng ls requlred:
1. 1haL Lhe crlmlnal complalnL shall allege LhaL
such place ls lnLenLlonally used ln Lhe
furLherance of Lhe crlme
2. 1haL Lhe prosecuLlon shall prove such lnLenL
on Lhe parL of Lhe owner Lo use Lhe properLy
for such purpose
3. 1haL Lhe owner shall be lncluded as an accused
ln Lhe crlmlnal complalnL

Such den, dlve or resorL shall be conflscaLed and
escheaLed ln favor of Lhe governmenL.

4. ManufacLure of:
a. uangerous urugs and/or ConLrolled
recursors and LssenLlal Chemlcals
b. LqulpmenL, lnsLrumenL, ApparaLus, and
CLher araphernalla for uangerous urugs
and/or ConLrolled recursors and
LssenLlal Chemlcals (5ec.8)


!* lL ls Lhe:
1. 1he producLlon, preparaLlon,
compoundlng or processlng of any
dangerous drug and/or conLrolled
precursor and essenLlal chemlcal, elLher
dlrecLly or lndlrecLly or by exLracLlon from
subsLances of naLural orlgln, or
lndependenLly by means of chemlcal
synLhesls or by a comblnaLlon of
exLracLlon and chemlcal synLhesls,
2. And shall lnclude any packaglng or
repackaglng of such subsLances, deslgn or
conflguraLlon of lLs form, or labellng or
relabellng of lLs conLalner,
3. LxcepL preparaLlon, compoundlng,
packaglng or labellng of a drug or oLher
subsLances by a duly auLhorlzed
pracLlLloner as an lncldenL Lo hls/her
admlnlsLraLlon or dlspensaLlon of such
drug or subsLance ln Lhe course of hls/her
professlonal pracLlce lncludlng research,
Leachlng and chemlcal analysls of
dangerous drugs or such subsLances LhaL
are noL lnLended for sale or for any oLher
purpose. (5ec.8)

4. ossesslon of:
a. uangerous drugs (5ec. 11)
b. LqulpmenL, lnsLrumenL, ApparaLus and
CLher araphernalla for uangerous urugs
(5ec. 12)
c. uangerous urugs durlng arLles, Soclal
CaLherlngs or MeeLlngs (5ec. 1J)

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
d. LqulpmenL, lnsLrumenL, ApparaLus and
CLher araphernalla for uangerous urugs
durlng arLles, Soclal CaLherlngs or
MeeLlngs (5ec. 14)

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF
1. 1he accused was ln possesslon of an lLem
or an ob[ecL ldenLlfled Lo be a prohlblLed
or regulaLed drug
2. Such possesslon ls noL auLhorlzed by law
3. 1he accused was freely and consclously
aware of belng ln possesslon of Lhe drug.

3. use of dangerous drugs (5ec.15)

.H=G* use ls any acL of ln[ecLlng, lnLravenously or
lnLramuscularly, of consumlng, elLher by chewlng,
smoklng, snlfflng, eaLlng, swallowlng, drlnklng or
oLherwlse lnLroduclng lnLo Lhe physlologlcal sysLem of
Lhe body, and of Lhe dangerous drugs.
:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF
1. 1he accused was apprehended for Lhe use
of dangerous drugs
2. Pe was found Lo be poslLlve for use of any
dangerous drugs
3. no oLher dangerous drug was found ln hls

.-/$* Where Lhe person LesLed ls also found Lo have
ln hls possesslon any oLher dangerous drugs, s/he shall
be prosecuLed ln accordance wlLh Sec. 11, for lllegal
possesslon of dangerous drugs.
noLwlLhsLandlng Lhe provlslons of any law Lo Lhe
conLrary, a poslLlve flndlng for Lhe use of dangerous
drugs shall be a quallfylng aggravaLlng clrcumsLance ln
Lhe commlsslon of a crlme by an offender, and Lhe
appllcaLlon of Lhe penalLy provlded for ln Lhe 8C shall
be appllcable.

6. CulLlvaLlon or culLure of planLs classlfled as
uangerous urugs or are sources Lhereof (5ec. 16)

:* 9;<= KH RHJ BG<C LR 53#-$6"-$*% >C )7!7 Z6]iF

!* CulLlvaLlon ls any acL of knowlngly planLlng,
growlng, ralslng, or permlLLlng Lhe planLlng,
growlng or ralslng of any planL whlch ls Lhe source
of a dangerous drug.
7. MalnLenance and keeplng of Crlglnal 8ecords
of 1ransacLlons on uangerous urugs and/or
ConLrolled recursors and LssenLlal Chemlcals

:* 9;H <AG D><LDGF
!* Any pracLlLloner, manufacLurer, wholesaler,
lmporLer, dlsLrlbuLor, dealer or reLaller who vlolaLes
or falls Lo comply wlLh Lhe malnLenance and
keeplng of Lhe orlglnal records of LransacLlons on
any dangerous drug and/or conLrolled precursor
and essenLlal chemlcal ln accordance wlLh SecLlon
40 of Lhls AcL.
8. unnecessary rescrlpLlon of uangerous urugs
(5ec. 18)

:* 9;H <AG D><LDGF

!* Any pracLlLloner, who shall prescrlbe any
dangerous drug Lo any person whose physlcal or
physlologlcal condlLlon does noL requlre Lhe use or
ln Lhe dosage prescrlbed Lhereln, as deLermlned by
Lhe 8oard ln consulLaLlon wlLh recognlzed
compeLenL experLs who are auLhorlzed
represenLaLlves of professlonal organlzaLlons of
pracLlLloners, parLlcularly Lhose who are lnvolved ln
Lhe care of persons wlLh severe paln.
9. unlawful rescrlpLlon of uangerous urugs (5ec.

:* 9;H <AG D><LDGF
!* Any person, who, unless auLhorlzed by law, shall
make or lssue a prescrlpLlon or any oLher wrlLlng
purporLlng Lo be a prescrlpLlon for any dangerous
:* 9;<= >? =;G GNNG@= HN <==GBI= HA @HC?I>A<@R HC
=;G @A>B>C<D D><L>D>=RF
!* 1he accused shall be penallzed by Lhe same
penalLy prescrlbed for Lhe commlsslon of Lhe same
as provlded under:
1. lmporLaLlon of any dangerous drug
and/or conLrolled precursor and essenLlal
2. Sale, Lradlng, admlnlsLraLlon,
dlspensaLlon, dellvery, dlsLrlbuLlon and
LransporLaLlon of any dangerous drug
and/or conLrolled precursor and essenLlal
3. MalnLenance of a den, dlve or resorL
where any dangerous drug ls used ln any
4. ManufacLure of any dangerous drug
and/or conLrolled precursor and essenLlal
3. CulLlvaLlon or culLure of planLs whlch are
sources of dangerous drugs.

!""# 6& 3><A8= +KC<;=B 0@G9<? ,:>C9=
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
+&7 ")&%$' !3!&.'/ 8240&" %-)!0' Ycggcgc^

3!%40&.3 !.# 4$//&.3

.H=G* ArLs. 193196 have been repealed and modlfled
by .u. nos. 449, 483 and 1602, as amended by LeLLers
of lnsLrucLlons no. 816.

-,,$.'$' !3!&.'/ #$"$."1 !.# 3--#

.H=G* uecency means proprleLy of conducL, proper
observance of Lhe requlremenLs of modesLy, good
LasLe, eLc.

CusLoms are esLabllshed usages, soclal convenLlons
carrled on by LradlLlon and enforced by soclal
dlsapproval of any vlolaLlon Lhereof.

3)!+$ '"!.#!0
!)/7 cgg

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN SA<OG ?@<CK<DF

1. Cffender performs an acL or acLs

2. Such acL or acLs be hlghly scandalous as
offendlng agalnsL decency or good

.H=G* 1he offense musL be dlrecLed on Lhe
sense of decency or good cusLoms noL on
properLy such as scaLLerlng human feces on

3. Plghly scandalous conducL ls noL
expressly falllng wlLhln any arLlcle of Lhls

4. AcL or acLs complalned of be commlLLed
ln a publlc place or wlLhln Lhe publlc
knowledge or vlew

.H=G* lf Lhe acL or acLs of Lhe offender are punlshed
under anoLher arLlcle of Lhe 8C, ArL. 200 ls noL

lf ln publlc place, Lhere ls crlmlnal llablllLy lrrespecLlve
of wheLher Lhe lmmoral acL ls open Lo Lhe publlc vlew.
ubllc vlew ls noL requlred. lL ls sufflclenL lf commlLLed
ln publlc place.

lf commlLLed ln Lhe publlc place, Lhe acL ls deemed
commlLLed ln publlc vlew because of Lhe posslblllLy of
belng wlLnessed by Lhlrd persons.

lf ln prlvaLe place, publlc vlew or publlc knowledge ls

:* 9;<= >? =;G K>NNGAGC@G LG=EGGC SA<OG ?@<CK<D
<CK <D<AB? <CK ?@<CK<DF

3)!+$ '"!.#!0 !0!)% !.# '"!.#!0
1he scandal lnvolved
refers Lo moral scandal
offenslve Lo decency,
alLhough lL does noL
dlsLurb publlc peace. 8uL
such conducL or acL musL
be open Lo Lhe publlc
1he scandalous acLs are
commlLLed agalnsL Lhe
wlll of Lhe woman. lorce
or lnLlmldaLlon ls

:* 9;<= >? =;G K>NNGAGC@G LG=EGGC SA<OG ?@<CK<D
<CK <@=? HN D<?@>O>HJ?CG??F

3)!+$ '"!.#!0
!"/' -,
1he performance of
scandalousacLs ls
muLually consenLed.
1he scandalous acLs are
commlLLed agalnsL Lhe
wlll of woman. lorce or
lnLlmldaLlon ls employed.

&%%-)!0 #-"/)&.$'Q -4'"$.$ 8240&"!/&-.'
!.# $`(&4&/&-.'Q !.# &.#$"$./ '(-9'
Y!A=7 cg6^

:* 9;H <AG =;G IGA?HC? D><LDGF

1. 1hose who shall publlcly expound or
proclalm docLrlnes openly conLrary Lo
publlc morals

2. 1he auLhors of obscene llLeraLure,
publlshed wlLh Lhelr knowledge ln any
form, Lhe edlLors publlshlng such
llLeraLure, and Lhe owners/operaLors of
Lhe esLabllshmenL selllng Lhe same

3. 1hose who, ln LheaLers, falrs,
clnemaLographs or any oLher place,
exhlblL lncldenL or lmmoral plays, scenes,
acLs, or shows, lL belng undersLood LhaL
Lhe obscene llLeraLure or lncldenL or
lmmoral plays, scenes, acLs, or show,
wheLher llve or ln fllm whlch are
prescrlbed by vlrLue hereof shall lnclude
Lhose whlch:

a. Clorlfy crlmlnals or condone crlmes
b. Serve no oLher purpose buL Lo saLlsfy
Lhe markeL for vlolence, lusL or
c. Cffend any race, or rellglon
d. 1end Lo abeL Lrafflc ln and use of
prohlblLed drugs

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

e. Are conLrary Lo law, publlc order,
morals, good cusLoms, esLabllshed
pollcles, unlawful orders, decrees
and edlcLs

.H=G* ubllclLy ls an essenLlal elemenL.

Mere nudlLy ln palnLlngs and plcLure ls noL obscene.

lcLures wlLh sllghL degree of obscenlLy havlng no
arLlsLlc value and belng lnLended for commerclal
purposes fall wlLhln Lhls arLlcle.

4. 1hose who shall sell, glve away, or exhlblL,
fllm, prlnLs, engravlngs, sculpLures, or
llLeraLure whlch are offenslve Lo morals.
ubllclLy ls essenLlal.

:* 9;<= >? =;G =G?= HN HL?@GC>=RF

!* WheLher or noL Lhe maLerlal charged as obscene
has Lhe Lendency Lo deprave and corrupL Lhe mlnds
of Lhose open Lo Lhe lnfluence Lhereof, or lnLo
whose hands such maLerlal may come Lo (kottloqet

.H=G* 1he LesL ls ob[ecLlve. lL ls more on Lhe effecL
upon Lhe vlewer and noL alone on Lhe conducL of Lhe

:* 9;GC >? =;G <J=;HA <CK =;G IJLD>?;GA HN =;G

!* WrlLlng obscene llLeraLure ls noL punlshed, buL
Lhe auLhor ls llable lf lL ls publlshed wlLh hls
knowledge. ln every case, Lhe edlLor publlshlng lL ls
llable. (keyes, 2008)

:* &N =;G O>GE>CS HN IHACHSA<I;>@ B<=GA><D? >? KHCG
IA>O<=GDRQ @<C =;GAG LG O>HD<=>HC HN !A=7 cg6F

!* no. WhaL ls proLecLed ls Lhe morallLy of Lhe
publlc ln general. 1he law ls noL concerned wlLh Lhe
moral of one person.

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
+!3)!./' !.# 8)-'/&/2/$'
Y!A=7 cgc^

:* 9;H <AG O<SA<C=?F

!* vagranLs are Lhose who lolLer around publlc or
prlvaLe places wlLhouL any vlslble means of supporL
buL who are physlcally able Lo work and wlLhouL
any lawful purpose.

:* 9;<= >? =;G A<=>HC<DG HN IGC<D>W>CS O<SA<C@RF

!* 1he purpose of Lhe law ls noL slmply Lo punlsh a
person because he has no means of llvellhood, lL ls
Lo prevenL furLher crlmlnallLy.

.H=G* 8elng [obless does noL make one a vagranL.
WhaL Lhe law penallzes ls Lhe neglecL and refusal Lo
work and Lhe lolLerlng ln or abouL publlc places
wlLhouL glvlng a good accounL of hls presence Lhereln.

:* 9;H <AG =;G IGA?HC? D><LDGF

1. Any person havlng no apparenL means of
subslsLence, who has Lhe physlcal ablllLy
Lo work and who neglecLs Lo apply
hlmself or herself Lo some calllng

2. Any person found lolLerlng abouL publlc
or semlpubllc bulldlngs or places or
Lramplng or wanderlng abouL Lhe counLry
or Lhe sLreeLs wlLhouL vlslble means of

.H=G* ArLlcle 202 (2) does noL vlolaLe Lhe equal
proLecLlon clause, nelLher does lL dlscrlmlnaLe agalnsL
Lhe poor and Lhe unemployed. Cffenders of publlc
order laws are punlshed noL for Lhelr sLaLus, as for
belng poor or unemployed, buL for conducLlng
Lhemselves under such clrcumsLances as Lo endanger
Lhe publlc peace or cause alarm and apprehenslon ln
Lhe communlLy. 8elng poor or unemployed ls noL a
llcense or a [usLlflcaLlon Lo acL lndecenLly or Lo engage
ln lmmoral conducL.

vagrancy musL noL be so llghLly LreaLed as Lo be
consldered consLlLuLlonally offenslve. lL ls a publlc
order crlme whlch punlshes persons for conducLlng
Lhemselves, aL a cerLaln place and Llme whlch orderly
socleLy flnds unusual, under such condlLlons LhaL are
repugnanL and ouLrageous Lo Lhe common sLandards
and norms of decency and morallLy ln a [usL, clvlllzed
and ordered socleLy, as would engender a [usLlflable
concern for Lhe safeLy and wellbelng of members of
Lhe communlLy. (leople v. 5ltoo, Ck 169J64,
5eptembet 18, 2009)

3. Any mlddle or dlssoluLe person who
lodges ln houses of lllfame, rufflans or
plmps and Lhose who hablLually assoclaLe
wlLh prosLlLuLes

4. Any person who noL belng lncluded ln Lhe
provlslons of oLher arLlcles of Lhls Code,
shall be found lolLerlng ln any lnhablLed
or unlnhablLed place belonglng Lo anoLher
wlLhouL any lawful or [usLlflable purpose

3. rosLlLuLes.

!""# 6& 3><A8= +KC<;=B 0@G9<? ,:>C9=

!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
:* &N < IGA?HC >? NHJCK E<CKGA>CS >C <C G?=<=G

!* When a person ls apprehended lolLerlng lnslde
an esLaLe belonglng Lo anoLher, Lhe followlng
crlmes may be commlLLed:

1. 1tesposs to ptopetty - lf Lhe esLaLe ls
fenced Lhere ls a clear prohlblLlon agalnsL
enLerlng, buL Lhe offender enLered
wlLhouL Lhe consenL of Lhe owner or
overseer Lhereof.

2. AttempteJ tbeft - lf Lhe esLaLe ls fenced
and Lhe offender enLered Lhe same Lo
hunL Lhereln or flsh from any waLers
Lhereln or Lo gaLher any farm producLs
Lhereln wlLhouL Lhe consenL of Lhe owner
or overseer Lhereof,

3. voqtoocy - lf Lhe esLaLe ls noL fenced or
Lhere ls no clear prohlblLlon agalnsL

:* 9;H <AG IAH?=>=J=G?F

!* 1hey are women who, for money or proflL,
hablLually lndulge ln sexual lnLercourse or lasclvlous

:* &? ?GMJ<D >C=GA@HJA?G < CG@G??<AR GDGBGC= =H
@HC?=>=J=G IAH?=>=J=>HCF

!* no, Lhe mere lndulglng ln lasclvlous conducLs
hablLually because of money or galn would amounL
Lo prosLlLuLlon. vlrglnlLy ls noL a defense.
PablLuallLy ls Lhe conLrolllng facLor, lL has Lo be
more Lhan once.

:* &? =;GAG < @A>BG HN IAH?=>=J=>HC LR @HC?I>A<@RF

!* none. Cne who consplres wlLh a woman ln Lhe
prosLlLuLlon buslness llke plmps, Laxl drlvers or
sollclLors of cllenLs are gullLy of Lhe crlme under ArL.
341 for whlLe slavery.

.H=G* under Lhls arLlcle, a prosLlLuLe ls llmlLed Lo a
woman. A clLy or munlclpal ordlnance however may
cover a male prosLlLuLe usually called call boy." Pe
cannoL, however, be punlshed under ArL. 202. Pe can
be prosecuLed under Lhe ordlnance concerned.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G K>?=>C@=>HC? LG=EGGC O<SA<C@R

+!3)!."1 8)-'/&/2/&-.
Can be commlLLed by
elLher a man or woman.
Can only be commlLLed
by a woman.
A man lf he engages ln
sex for money ls noL a
prosLlLuLe, buL a vagranL.
A woman who for proflL
or money hablLually
engages ln sexual or
lasclvlous conducL ls a

.H=G* ArL. 202 ls noL appllcable Lo mlnors.

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
+&&7 ")&%$' "-%%&//$# 41 8240&" -,,&"$)'

8)$0&%&.!)1 8)-+&'&-.'

8240&" -,,&"$)'
Y!A=7 cg[^

:* (HE @<C < IGA?HC LG @HC?>KGAGK < IJLD>@

!* 1o be a publlc offlcer, one musL:
1. 1ake parL ln Lhe performance of publlc
funcLlons ln Lhe governmenL, or ln
performlng ln sald governmenL or ln any
of lLs branches publlc duLles as an
employee, agenL or subordlnaLe offlclal,
or any rank or class, and

2. 1haL hls auLhorlLy Lo Lake parL ln Lhe
performance of publlc funcLlons or Lo
perform publlc duLles musL be by -
a. ulrecL provlslon of Lhe law
b. opular elecLlon
c. AppolnLmenL by compeLenL

.H=G* under 8.A. 3019, Lhe Lerm publlc offlcerV ls
broader and more comprehenslve because lL lncludes
all persons wheLher an offlclal or an employee,
Lemporary or noL, classlfled or noL, conLracLual or

Any person who recelves compensaLlon for servlces
rendered ls a publlc offlcer.

.H=G* ubllc offlcers lnclude every publlc servanL from
Lhe lowesL Lo Lhe hlghesL rank provlded LhaL Lhey
exerclse publlc funcLlons.

:* P<O>GA E<? @;<ASGK E>=; B<DOGA?<=>HC HN IJLD>@
NJCK?7 ';G E<? =;G IA>O<=G ?G@=HA AGIAG?GC=<=>OG >C
=;G .<=>HC<D 4HH_ #GOGDHIBGC= 4H<AK Y.4#4^Q
E;>@; E<? @AG<=GK LR )GIJLD>@ !@= Y)7!7^ .H7 fg\jQ
H=;GAE>?G _CHEC <? =;G U4HH_ 8JLD>?;>CS &CKJ?=AR
#GOGDHIBGC= !@=V7 &? P<O>GAQ < IA>O<=G ?G@=HA
!* ?es. noLwlLhsLandlng LhaL !avler came from Lhe
prlvaLe secLor Lo slL as a member of Lhe n8u8, Lhe
law lnvesLed her wlLh some porLlon of Lhe
soverelgn funcLlons of Lhe governmenL, so LhaL Lhe
purpose of Lhe governmenL ls achleved. ln Lhls case,
Lhe governmenL almed Lo enhance Lhe book
publlshlng lndusLry as lL has a slgnlflcanL role ln Lhe
naLlonal developmenL. Pence, Lhe facL LhaL she was
appolnLed from Lhe publlc secLor and noL from Lhe
oLher branches or agencles of Lhe governmenL does
noL Lake her poslLlon ouLslde Lhe meanlng of a
publlc offlce.(Iovlet v. 5ooJlqooboyoo, Ck 147026
27, 5eptembet 11, 2009)
%!0,$!'!."$ !.# %&',$!'!."$ &. -,,&"$

:* 9;<= <AG =;G =;AGG NHAB? HN LAG<@; HN

1. Mlsfeosooce - when a publlc offlcer
performs offlclal acLs ln Lhe manner noL ln
accordance wlLh whaL Lhe law prescrlbes.

2. Noofeosooce - when a publlc offlcer
wlllfully refralns or refuses Lo perform an
offlclal duLy whlch hls offlce requlres hlm
Lo perform.

3. Molfeosooce - when a publlc offlcer
performs ln hls publlc offlce an acL
prohlblLed by law.

:* 9;<= <AG @A>BG? HN B>?NG<?<C@GF

1. knowlngly renderlng un[usL [udgmenL
2. 8enderlng [udgmenL Lhrough negllgence
3. 8enderlng un[usL lnLerlocuLory order
4. Mallclous delay ln Lhe admlnlsLraLlon of

:* 9;<= >? < @A>BG HN CHCNG<?<C@GF

!* uerellcLlon of duLy ln Lhe prosecuLlon of offenses

:* 9;<= <AG @A>BG? HN B<DNG<?<C@GF

1. ulrecL brlbery
2. lndlrecL brlbery

5.-9&.301 )$.#$)&.3 2.P2'/ P2#3%$./
Y!A=7 cg\^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. Cffender ls a [udge
2. Pe renders a [udgmenL ln a case
submlLLed Lo hlm for declslon
3. 1haL Lhe [udgmenL ls un[usL
4. 1haL Lhe [udge knows LhaL hls [udgmenL ls

:* 9;<= >? XJKSBGC=F

!""# 6& 3><A8= 3:AA<BB8I !H 0@G9<? "FF<?8>=
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
!* A [udgmenL ls Lhe flnal conslderaLlon and
deLermlnaLlon of a courL of compeLenL [urlsdlcLlon
upon Lhe maLLers submlLLed Lo lL, ln acLlon or

lL musL be wrlLLen ln Lhe offlclal language,
personally and dlrecLly prepared by Lhe [udge and
slgned by hlm and shall conLaln clearly and
dlsLlncLly a sLaLemenL of Lhe facLs and Lhe law upon
whlch lL ls based.

:* 9;<= >? <C JCXJ?= XJKSBGC=F

!* An un[usL [udgmenL ls one whlch ls conLrary Lo
law or ls noL supporLed by Lhe evldence or boLh.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G ?HJA@G? HN JCXJ?= XJKSBGC=F

1. Lrror
2. lllwlll or revenge
3. 8rlbery

.H=G* 1here musL be evldence LhaL Lhe declslon
rendered ls un[usL. lL ls noL presumed. 1he Supreme
CourL musL have declared Lhe [udgmenL as un[usL ln a
cettlototl, prohlblLlon, or admlnlsLraLlve proceedlng.

Abuse of dlscreLlon or mere error of [udgmenL cannoL
llkewlse serve as basls for renderlng an un[usL
[udgmenL ln Lhe absence of proof of an allegaLlon of
bad falLh.

:* "<C =;>? @A>BG LG @HBB>==GK LR =;G

!* no, lL may be commlLLed only by a [udge of a Lrlal
courL and never of a colleglaLe body.

kotlo. ln colleglaLe courLs llke Lhe CA and SC, noL only
one maglsLraLe renders or lssues Lhe [udgmenL or
lnLerlocuLory order. Concluslons and resoluLlons
Lhereof are handed down only afLer dellberaLlons
among Lhe members, so LhaL lL cannoL be sald LhaL
Lhere ls mallce or lnexcusable negllgence or lgnorance
ln Lhe renderlng of a [udgmenL or order LhaL ls
supposedly un[usL.

.H=G* !udges cannoL be sub[ecLed Lo llablllLy - clvll,
crlmlnal or admlnlsLraLlve - for any of Lhelr offlclal
acLs, no maLLer how erroneous, as long as Lhey acLed
ln good falLh.

P2#3%$./ )$.#$)$# /()-23( .$30&3$."$
Y!A=7 cgi^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. Cffender ls a [udge
2. Pe renders a [udgmenL ln a case
submlLLed Lo hlm for declslon
3. !udgmenL ls manlfesLly un[usL
4. lL ls due Lo hls lnexcusable negllgence or

:* 9;<= >? BG<C= LR K!"%$1'&-#F 3%R3&-

!* A manlfesLly un[usL [udgmenL" ls a [udgmenL
whlch cannoL be explalned wlLh reasonable
lnLerpreLaLlon or ls a clear, lnconLroverLlble and
noLorlous vlolaLlon of a legal precepL. lL musL be
paLenLly conLrary Lo law lf rendered due Lo
lgnorance or lnexcusable negllgence.

.H=G* 8efore a clvll or crlmlnal acLlon agalnsL a [udge
for vlolaLlons of ArLlcles 204 and 203 can be
enLerLalned, Lhere musL be a flnal and auLhorlLaLlve
[udlclal declaraLlon" LhaL Lhe declslon or order ln
quesLlon ls lndeed un[usL. 1he pronouncemenL may
resulL from elLher: (a) an acLlon for cerLlorarl or
prohlblLlon ln a hlgher courL lmpugnlng Lhe valldlLy of
a [udgmenL, or (b) an admlnlsLraLlve proceedlng ln Lhe
Supreme CourL agalnsL Lhe [udge preclsely for
promulgaLlng an un[usL [udgmenL or order. (ue veto v.
leloyo, C.k. No. 1J7J54, Ioly 6, 2000)

2.P2'/ &./$)0-"2/-)1 -)#$)
Y!A=7 cg]^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. Cffender ls a [udge
2. Pe performs any of Lhe followlng acLs:
a. knowlngly renders an un[usL
lnLerlocuLory order or decree, or
b. 8enders a manlfesLly un[usL
lnLerlocuLory order or decree
Lhrough lnexcusable negllgence or

:* 9;<= >? <C >C=GADH@J=HAR HAKGAF

!* lL ls one lssued by Lhe courL decldlng a collaLeral
or lncldenLal maLLer, lL ls noL a flnal deLermlnaLlon
of Lhe lssues of Lhe acLlon or proceedlng.

.q. !udge's order or resoluLlon denylng Lhe uemurrer
Lo Lvldence submlLLed by Lhe accused.

:* 9;<= >? =;G =G?= >C KG=GAB>C>CS E;G=;GA =;G

!* lf Lhe order answers Lhe quesLlon - uoes lt leove
sometbloq to be Jooe lo tbe ttlol coott wltb tespect
to tbe metlts of tbe cose? - ln Lhe afflrmaLlve, Lhen
lL ls lnLerlocuLory, lf lL does noL, lL ls flnal.

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
%!0&"&-2' #$0!1 &. /($ !#%&.&'/)!/&-. -,
P2'/&"$ Y!A=7 cgj^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. Cffender ls a [udge
2. 1here ls a proceedlng ln hls courL
3. Pe delays Lhe admlnlsLraLlon of [usLlce
4. uelay ls mallclous, LhaL ls, wlLh dellberaLe
lnLenL Lo lnfllcL damage on elLher parLy ln
Lhe case

.H=G* Mere delay wlLhouL mallce ls noL punlshable.

lf Lhe delay ls noL mallclous, buL commlLLed Lhrough
gross negllgence, Lhe crlme commlLLed ls LhaL under
8.A. 3019, Sec. 3(e).

8)-'$"2/&-. -, -,,$.'$m .$30&3$."$ !.#
/-0$)!."$ Y!A=7 cgf^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G IJC>?;<LDG <@=?F

1. Mallclously refralnlng from lnsLlLuLlng
prosecuLlon agalnsL vlolaLors of Lhe law.
2. Mallclously LoleraLlng Lhe commlsslon of

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN KGAGD>@=>HC HN KJ=R >C

1. Cffender ls a publlc offlcer or offlcer of
Lhe law who has a duLy Lo cause Lhe
prosecuLlon of, or Lo prosecuLe offenses

2. 1here ls derellcLlon of Lhe duLles of hls
offlce, LhaL ls, knowlng Lhe commlsslon of
Lhe crlme, he does noL cause Lhe
prosecuLlon of Lhe crlmlnal, or knowlng
LhaL a crlme ls abouL Lo be commlLLed, he
LoleraLes lLs commlsslon

3. Cffender acLs wlLh mallce and dellberaLe
lnLenL Lo favor Lhe vlolaLor of Lhe law

:* 9;H @<C LG HNNGCKGA? >C !A=7 cgfF

1. A pobllc offlcet (offlcer ln Lhe prosecuLlon
deparLmenL whose duLy ls Lo lnsLlLuLe
crlmlnal proceedlngs upon belng

2. Ao offlcet of tbe low (by reason of
poslLlon held by Lhem are duLybound Lo
cause prosecuLlon and punlshmenL of

.H=G* 1here musL be a duLy on Lhe parL of Lhe publlc
offlcer Lo prosecuLe or move for Lhe prosecuLlon of Lhe
offender. Powever, a flscal ls under no compulslon Lo
flle lnformaLlon based upon a complalnL lf he ls
convlnced LhaL Lhe evldence before hlm ls lnsufflclenL
Lo warranL flllng an acLlon ln courL.

:* 9;<= KHG? K!"#$5$*3&#FL @HCCH=GF

!* Mallclously" connoLes LhaL Lhe acL complalned
of musL be Lhe resulL of a dellberaLe evll lnLenL and
does noL cover a mere volunLary acL.

.H=G* A derellcLlon of duLy caused by a poor [udgmenL
or honesL mlsLake ls noL punlshable.

1he crlme commlLLed by Lhe lawvlolaLor musL be
proved flrsL. lf Lhe gullL of Lhe lawvlolaLor ls noL
proved, Lhe person charged wlLh derellcLlon of duLy ls
noL llable.

:* 9;H @<C LG D><LDG NHA KGAGD>@=>HC HN KJ=R >C =;G

!* 1hls crlme can only be commlLLed by a publlc
offlcer whose offlclal duLy ls Lo prosecuLe offenders,
LhaL ls, sLaLe prosecuLors. Pence, Lhose offlcers who
are noL duLy bound Lo perform Lhese obllgaLlons
cannoL commlL Lhls crlme ln Lhe sLrlcL sense.

:* &N < IHD>@G HNN>@GA =HDGA<=G? =;G @HBB>??>HC HN <

!* no. Such pollce offlcer cannoL be prosecuLed for
derellcLlon of duLy buL he can be prosecuLed as
1. An accessory Lo Lhe crlme commlLLed by
Lhe prlnclpal ln accordance wlLh ArLlcle
19, paragraph 3

2. Pe may become a fence lf Lhe crlme
commlLLed ls robbery or LhefL, ln whlch
case he vlolaLes Lhe AnLllenclng Law

3. Pe may be held llable for vlolaLlng Lhe
AnLlCrafL and CorrupL racLlces AcL

:* "<C < ?")"%4"F ";<>AB<C LG ;GDK D><LDG NHA

!* ?es, because a 8otooqoy Chalrman ls expressly
auLhorlzed by law Lo prosecuLe vlolaLors of laws
wlLhln Lhelr [urlsdlcLlon. lf he does noL do so, he can
be prosecuLed for derellcLlon of duLy.

!""# 6& 3><A8= 3:AA<BB8I !H 0@G9<? "FF<?8>=
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
:* 9;<= >? ()'6")$5"5$*%F

!* 1here ls ptevotlcocloo when a publlc offlcer
regardless of hls duLy vlolaLes Lhe oaLh of hls offlce
by noL carrylng ouL Lhe duLles of hls offlce for whlch
he was sworn Lo, Lhus, amounLlng Lo derellcLlon of

:* 9;<= >? @HOGAGK >C ()'6")$5"5$*%F

!* ltevotlcocloo covers any derellcLlon of duLy
whereby Lhe publlc offlcer lnvolved vlolaLes hls oaLh
of offlce. 1he LhrusL of ptevotlcocloo ls Lhe breach
of Lhe oaLh of offlce by Lhe publlc offlcer who does
an acL ln relaLlon Lo hls offlclal duLles. lL ls noL
llmlLed Lo derellcLlon of duLy ln Lhe prosecuLlon of

:* 9;<= >? =;G K>NNGAGC@G LG=EGGC ()'6")$5"5$*%

8)$+!)&"!"&-. #$)$0&"/&-. -, #2/1
Applles Lo publlc offlcers
ln general who ls remlss
or who ls mallclously
refralnlng from exerclslng
Lhe duLles of hls offlce.
uerellcLlon of duLy refers
only Lo prosecuLlng

4$/)!1!0 -, 8240&" /)2'/ 41 !. !//-).$1 -)
'-0&"&/-) )$+$0!/&-. -, '$")$/'
Y!A=7 cgZ^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G IJC>?;<LDG <@=?F

1. Causlng damage Lo hls cllenL, elLher by
any mallclous breach of professlonal duLy
by lnexcusable negllgence or lgnorance.

.H=G* uamage ls %*- necessary.

2. 8eveallng any of Lhe secreLs of hls cllenL
learned by hlm ln hls professlonal

3. underLaklng Lhe defense of Lhe opposlng
parLy ln Lhe same case, wlLhouL Lhe
consenL of hls flrsL cllenL, afLer havlng
underLaken Lhe defense of sald flrsL cllenL
or afLer havlng recelved confldenLlal
lnformaLlon from sald cllenL.

.H=G* lf Lhe cllenL consenLs Lo Lhe aLLorney's
Laklng Lhe defense of Lhe oLher parLy, Lhere
ls no crlme.

:* 9;<= >? =;G AJDG E>=; AGS<AK =H @HBBJC>@<=>HC?
B<KG E>=; IAH?IG@=>OG @D>GC=?F

!* under Lhe rules on evldence, communlcaLlons
made wlLh prospecLlve cllenLs Lo a lawyer wlLh a
vlew Lo engaglng hls professlonal servlces are
already prlvlleged even Lhough cllenLlawyer
relaLlonshlp dld noL evenLually maLerlallze because
Lhe cllenL cannoL afford Lhe fee belng asked by Lhe

.H=G* 1haL prlvllege communlcaLlon wlLh a prospecLlve
cllenL lmplles LhaL Lhe same ls confldenLlal. 1herefore,
lf Lhe lawyer would reveal Lhe same or oLherwlse
accepL a case from Lhe adverse parLy, he would
already be vlolaLlng ArLlcle 209.

lL ls noL only Lhe lawyer who ls proLecLed by Lhe maLLer
of prlvllege buL also Lhe offlce sLaff llke Lhe secreLary.


!* no. A dlsLlncLlon musL be made beLween
confldenLlal communlcaLlons relaLlng Lo pasL crlmes
already commlLLed, and fuLure crlmes lnLended Lo
be commlLLed, by Lhe cllenL. lL ls admlLLed LhaL Lhe
announced lnLenLlon of a cllenL Lo commlL a crlme
ls noL lncluded wlLhln Lhe confldences whlch hls
aLLorney ls bound Lo respecL. (8oado, 2008)

:* 9;H >? < <)*53)"2*) O32$5$"#F

!* A person who had some pracLlcal knowledge of
law and procedure, buL noL a lawyer, and was
permlLLed Lo represenL a parLy ln a case before an
lnferlor courL.

#&)$"/ 4)&4$)1
Y!A=7 c6g^

:* 9;<= >? LA>LGARF

!* 8rlbery ls Lhe crlme of Lhe publlc offlcer who
recelves a glfL, presenL, offer or promlse by reason
or ln connecLlon wlLh Lhe performance of hls offlclal
duLles. lt ls o ctlme of tbe tecelvet. 1he crlme of Lhe
glver ls corrupLlon of publlc offlcers. 8rlbery
requlres Lhe concurrence of Lhe wlll of Lhe
corrupLor and Lhe publlc offlcer oLherwlse Lhe
crlme ls noL consummaLed (8ooJo, 2008)

:* 9;<= <AG =;G _>CK? HN LA>LGARF

1. Aqteeloq to petfotm ot petfotmloq oo oct
pettololoq to tbe Jotles of tbe offlce wblcb
coostltotes o ctlme - lf Lhe acL or omlsslon
amounLs Lo a crlme, lL ls noL necessary
LhaL Lhe corrupLor should dellver Lhe
conslderaLlon or Lhe dolng of Lhe acL.

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

Mere promlse ls sufflclenL. 1he momenL
Lhere ls a meeLlng of Lhe mlnds, even
wlLhouL Lhe dellvery of Lhe conslderaLlon,
even wlLhouL Lhe publlc offlcer
performlng Lhe acL amounLlng Lo a crlme,
brlbery ls already commlLLed on Lhe parL
of Lhe publlc offlcer. CorrupLlon ls already
commlLLed on Lhe parL of Lhe supposed

1hls ls Lhe flrsL klnd of dlrecL brlbery. lf a courL
sLenographer, ln conslderaLlon of a glfL or presenL or
even a promlse, agrees wlLh Lhe accused Lo alLer Lhe
noLes Laken by hlm durlng Lhe Lrlal Lo make lL appear
LhaL Lhe wlLness LesLlfled favorably Lo Lhe accused,
when ln LruLh, hls LesLlmony was adverse Lo hlm, sald
sLenographer ls gullLy of brlbery. Pe agreed Lo perform
falslflcaLlon whlch ls a crlme. Pe and Lhe accused shall
llkewlse be held llable for lalslflcaLlon of ubllc

2. Acceptloq o qlft lo cooslJetotloo of tbe
execotloo of oo oct wblcb Joes oot
coostltote o ctlme (bot wblcb most be
oojost) - lf Lhe acL or omlsslon does noL
amounL Lo a crlme, Lhe conslderaLlon
musL be dellvered by Lhe corrupLor before
a publlc offlcer can be prosecuLed for
brlbery. Mere agreemenL ls noL enough Lo
consLlLuLe Lhe crlme because Lhe acL Lo be
done ln Lhe flrsL place ls leglLlmaLe or ln
Lhe performance of Lhe offlclal duLles of
Lhe publlc offlclal.

1hus, Lhe SecreLary of Lhe Munlclpal Mayor who was
under lnsLrucLlon Lo recelve Lhe appllcaLlon of awards
ln Lhe munlclpallLy's publlc markeL for only Len persons
Lhere belng only Len sLalls LhaL could be leased, and ln
conslderaLlon of some money recelved from Lhe
elevenLh appllcanL, maklng lL appear LhaL hls
appllcaLlon was Lhe LenLh ls gullLy of Lhls form of ulrecL
8rlbery. 1he acL of Lhe secreLary who ls a publlc offlcer
ls noL a crlme buL lL ls un[usL, lL belng unfalr Lo Lhe
LenLh appllcanL.

3. Abstololoq ftom tbe petfotmooce of
offlclol Jotles.

A pollce Lrafflc offlcer who, ln conslderaLlon of glfL
recelved or promlse offered by a Laxl drlver who beaL
Lhe red llghL, refralns from lssulng a 1v8 and from
conflscaLlons Lhe drlver's llcense when lL ls hls duLy Lo
do so, commlLs Lhls Lhlrd form of ulrecL 8rlbery.
")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN K>AG@= LA>LGARF

1. Cffender ls a publlc offlcer wlLhln Lhe
scope of ArLlcle 203

2. Cffender accepLs an offer or promlse or
recelves a glfL or presenL by hlmself or
Lhrough anoLher

3. Such offer or promlse be accepLed, or glfL
or presenL recelved by Lhe publlc offlcer -
a. WlLh a vlew of commlLLlng some
b. ln conslderaLlon of Lhe execuLlon of
an acL whlch does noL consLlLuLe a
crlme, buL Lhe acL musL be un[usL
c. 1o refraln from dolng someLhlng,
whlch ls hls offlclal duLy Lo do,

4. 1haL acL whlch Lhe offender agrees Lo
perform or whlch he execuLes be
connecLed wlLh Lhe performance of hls
offlclal duLles.

:* &? >= AGTJ>AGK =;<= =;G <@= E<? @HBB>==GKF

!* no. 1he lasL phrase of ArL. 210 whlch provldes
lf tbe some sboll bove beeo commltteJ does noL
presume LhaL Lhe acL was commlLLed.

:* ! S<OG `Q < IJLD>@ HNN>@GAQ BHCGR =H <D=GA =;G
GC=AR >C =;G AGS>?=AR HN =;G 0<CK )GS>?=A<=>HC
!J=;HA>=R7 9;<= @A>BG? EGAG @HBB>==GKF

1. Cn Lhe parL of Lhe offlcer:
a. ulrecL 8rlbery
b. lalslflcaLlon of publlc documenL.
2. Cn Lhe parL of Lhe corrupLor:
a. CorrupLlon of publlc offlcer
b. lalslflcaLlon of publlc
documenL, as prlnclpal by
lnducemenL. (8ooJo, 2008)

:* &? =;GAG NAJ?=A<=GK LA>LGAR YK>AG@= HA >CK>AG@=^F

!* none. 8rlbery cannoL be commlLLed ln Lhe
frusLraLed sLage, for Lhe reason LhaL lf Lhe
corrupLlon of Lhe offlclal ls accompllshed, Lhe crlme
ls consummaLed.

:* 'JIIH?G =;G IJLD>@ HNN>@><D <@@GI=GK =;G
@HC?>KGA<=>HC <CK =JACGK >= HOGA =H ;>? ?JIGA>HA <?

!* 1he offense ls aLLempLed corrupLlon only and noL
frusLraLed. 1he offlclal dld noL agree Lo be

!""# 6& 3><A8= 3:AA<BB8I !H 0@G9<? "FF<?8>=
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
:* 'JIIH?G =;G IJLD>@ HNN>@><D K>K CH= AGIHA= =;G
?<BG =H ;>? ?JIGA>HA <CK <@=J<DDR <@@GI=GK >=Q ;G

!* 1he corrupLor becomes llable for consummaLed
corrupLlon of publlc offlclal. 1he publlc offlcer also
becomes equally llable for consummaLed brlbery.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G K>?=>C@=>HC? LG=EGGC LA>LGAR <CK

4)&4$)1 )-44$)1
1he person arresLed has
commlLLed Lhe crlme and
he ls LhreaLened Lo glve
money so as noL Lo be
1he person arresLed has
noL commlLLed a crlme.
1he LransacLlon ls
generally muLual and
1he LransacLlon ls nelLher
muLual nor volunLary buL
consummaLed by Lhe use
of force or lnLlmldaLlon.

?JNN>@>GC= =H @HC?=>=J=G < IGA?HC < IJLD>@ HNN>@GAF

!* ?es. A prlvaLe person may commlL Lhls crlme only
ln Lhe case ln whlch cusLody of prlsoners ls
enLrusLed Lo hlm.


!* ?es, dlrecL brlbery ls a crlme lnvolvlng moral

Moral LurplLude can be lnferred from Lhe Lhlrd
elemenL. 1he facL LhaL Lhe offender agrees Lo
accepL a promlse or glfL and dellberaLely commlLs
an un[usL acL or refralns from performlng an offlclal
duLy ln exchange for some favors, denoLes a
mallclous lnLenL on Lhe parL of Lhe offender Lo
renege on Lhe duLles whlch he owes hls fellowmen
and socleLy ln general. Also, Lhe facL LhaL Lhe
offender Lakes advanLage of hls offlce and poslLlon
ls a beLrayal of Lhe LrusL reposed on hlm by Lhe
publlc. lL ls a conducL clearly conLrary Lo Lhe
accepLed rules of rlghL and duLy, [usLlce, honesLy
and good morals. (Moqoo v. cOMlc, C.k. No.
147904, Oct. 4, 2002)

:* #GIJ=R ';GA>NN 4GC )>O<? AG@G>OGK NAHB =;G )/"
"DGA_ HN "HJA= < 9A>= HN $MG@J=>HC >C =;G @<?G HN
$XG@=BGC= N>DGK LR %A?7 %<A>< $?=A<K< O?7 0J>?
)>O<? EGC= =H ;GA D<ERGAa? HNN>@G E;GAG ;G E<?
S>OGC =;G CG@G??<AR <BHJC=? @HC?=>=J=>CS =;G
=H=<D <BHJC= HN 8iig7ggQ <?>KG NAHB 8cggg7gg >C
NAHB $?=A<K< <CK ;GA D<ERGA7 /;G EA>= E<?
?J@@G??NJDDR GCNHA@GK7 9;<= @A>BGQ >N <CRQ K>K =;G

!* 1he sherlff commlLLed Lhe crlme of ulrecL 8rlbery
under Lhe second paragraph of ArLlcle 210, 8C,
slnce Lhe 2000.00 was recelved by hlm ln
conslderaLlon" of Lhe prompL enforcemenL of Lhe
wrlL of execuLlon whlch ls an offlclal duLy of Lhe
sherlff Lo do.

&.#&)$"/ 4)&4$)1
Y!A=7 c66^

:* 9;<= >? >CK>AG@= LA>LGARF

!* lL ls Lhe crlme of any publlc offlcer who shall
accepL glfLs offered Lo hlm by reason of hls offlce.

.H=G* lf Lhe publlc offlcer does noL accepL Lhe glfL, Lhls
crlme ls noL commlLLed buL Lhe offeror ls gullLy of
CorrupLlon of ubllc Cfflclals under ArLlcle 212.
:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN >CK>AG@= LA>LGARF

1. Cffender ls a publlc offlcer
2. Pe accepLs glfLs
3. Sald glfLs are offered Lo hlm by reason of
hls offlce

.H=G: Mere accepLance of Lhe glfL because of Lhe
offender's poslLlon consLlLuLes brlbery

1he arLlcle uses Lhe words glfL" and noL promlse",
and accepL", noL [usL recelve.

1he glfL ls glven ln anLlclpaLlon of fuLure favor from Lhe
publlc offlcer.

:* ';HJDK =;GAG LG < @DG<A >C=GC=>HC HC =;G I<A= HN

!* ?es, and he should conslder Lhe properLy as hls
own for LhaL momenL. Mere physlcal recelpL
unaccompanled by any oLher slgn, clrcumsLance or
acL Lo show such accepLance ls noL sufflclenL Lo
convlcL Lhe offlcer.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G K>?=>C@=>HC? LG=EGGC K>AG@=

#&)$"/ 4)&4$)1 &.#&)$"/ 4)&4$)1
ubllc offlcer recelves glfL
1here ls agreemenL
beLween Lhe publlc
offlcer and Lhe corrupLor.
1here ls no agreemenL
beLween Lhe publlc
offlcer and Lhe corrupLor.

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

1he publlc offlcer ls called
upon Lo perform or
refraln from performlng
an offlclal acL.
1he publlc offlcer ls noL
necessarlly called upon Lo
perform any offlclal acL. lL
ls enough LhaL he accepLs
Lhe glfLs offered Lo hlm
by reason of hls offlce.
")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA

.H=G* 1here ls no aLLempLed or frusLraLed lndlrecL
brlbery because lL ls commlLLed by accepLlng glfLs Lo
Lhe publlc offlcer by reason of hls offlce.

:2!0&,&$# 4)&4$)1
Y!A=7 c66!^


1. Cffender ls a publlc offlcer enLrusLed wlLh
law enforcemenL

2. Pe refralns from arresLlng or prosecuLlng
an offender who has commlLLed a crlme
punlshable by teclosloo petpetoo and/or

3. Pe refralns from arresLlng or prosecuLlng
Lhe offender ln conslderaLlon of any
promlse, glfL or presenL

.H=G* 1he crlme lnvolved ln quallfled brlbery ls a
helnous crlme. 1he publlc offlcer need noL recelve a
glfL or presenL because a mere offer or promlse ls

"-))28/&-. -, 8240&" -,,&"&!0'
Y!A=7 c6c^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. Cffender makes offers or promlse or glves
glfLs or presenLs Lo a publlc offlcer

2. 1he offers or promlses are made or Lhe
glfLs or presenLs are glven Lo a publlc
offlcer under clrcumsLances LhaL wlll
make Lhe publlc offlcer llable for dlrecL
brlbery or lndlrecL brlbery

.H=G* 8rlbery ls Lhe acL of Lhe recelver, corrupLlon of
ubllc offlclal ls Lhe acL of Lhe glver.

E;<= @A>BG >? @HBB>==GKF

!* ALLempLed corrupLlon of publlc offlclal only.

,)!2# !.# &00$3!0 $`!"/&-.' !.#
,)!2#' !3!&.'/ /($ 8240&" /)$!'2)17!.#
'&%&0!) -,,$.'$' Y!A=7 c6[^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G IJC>?;<LDG <@=?F

1. LnLerlng lnLo an agreemenL wlLh any
lnLeresLed parLy or speculaLor or maklng
use of any oLher scheme, Lo defaulL Lhe
CovernmenL, ln deallng wlLh any person
or wlLh regard Lo furnlshlng supplles, Lhe
maklng of conLracLs, or Lhe ad[usLmenL or
seLLlemenL of accounLs relaLlng Lo publlc
properLy funds.

2. uemandlng, dlrecLly or lndlrecLly, Lhe
paymenL of sums dlfferenL or larger Lhan
Lhose auLhorlzed by law, ln Lhe collecLlon
of Laxes, llcenses, fees and oLher lmposLs.

.H=G* 8y mere demandlng an amounL
dlfferenL, wheLher blgger or smaller, Lhan
whaL should be pald, even lf Lhe debLor
refuses, lllegal exacLlon ls commlLLed.

3. lalllng volunLarlly Lo lssue a recelpL as
provlded by law, for any sum of money
collecLed by hlm offlclally, ln Lhe
collecLlon of Laxes, llcenses, fees and
oLher lmposLs.

4. CollecLlng or recelvlng dlrecLly or
lndlrecLly, by way of paymenL or
oLherwlse, Lhlngs or ob[ecLs of a naLure
dlfferenL from LhaL provlded by law, ln
Lhe collecLlon of Laxes, llcenses, fees and
oLher lmposLs.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN NA<JK <S<>C?= IJLD>@

1. Cffender ls a publlc offlcer

2. Pe should have Laken advanLage of hls
offlce, LhaL ls, he lnLervened ln Lhe
LransacLlon ln hls offlclal capaclLy

3. Pe enLered lnLo an agreemenL wlLh any
lnLeresLed parLy or speculaLor or made
use of any oLher scheme wlLh regard Lo:
a. lurnlshlng supplles
b. 1he maklng of conLracLs or
c. 1he ad[usLmenL or seLLlemenL of
accounLs relaLlng Lo publlc properLy
or funds

!""# 6& 3><A8= 3:AA<BB8I !H 0@G9<? "FF<?8>=
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
4. Accused had lnLenL Lo defraud Lhe

:* ';HJDK =;GAG LG < N>MGK <DDH@<=>HC HC =;G

!* no. 1he allocaLlon or ouLlay was made Lhe basls
of fraudulenL quoLaLlons made by Lhe publlc offlcer

.H=G* 1he fraud ls ln Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of

:* 9;<= >? =;G G??GC@G HN =;G @A>BG HN NA<JK
<S<>C?= IJLD>@ =AG<?JARF

!* 1he essence of Lhls crlme ls maklng Lhe
governmenL pay for someLhlng noL recelved or
maklng lL pay more Lhan whaL ls due.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN >DDGS<D GM<@=>HC?F

1. Cffender ls a publlc offlcer enLrusLed wlLh
Lhe collecLlon of Laxes, llcenses, fees and
oLher lmposLs.

2. Pe ls gullLy of any of Lhe followlng acLs or
omlsslons: (lotms of llleqol xoctloos)

a. llrsL form: uemooJloq, Jltectly ot
loJltectly, tbe poymeot of soms
Jlffeteot ot lotqet tbot tbose
ootbotlzeJ by low - Mere demand
wlll consummaLe Lhe crlme, even lf
Lhe Laxpayer shall refuse Lo come
across wlLh Lhe amounL belng

.H=G: Crlmlnal lnLenL musL be shown
LhaL publlc offlcer demanded Lhe
paymenL of sums of money knowlng
Lhem Lo be excesslve.

lf good falLh ls presenL, Lhere ls no
crlmlnal llablllLy.

b. Second form: lollloq voloototlly to
lssoe o tecelpt os ptovlJeJ by low, fot
ooy som of mooey collecteJ by blm
offlclolly - 1he acL of recelvlng
paymenL due Lo Lhe governmenL
wlLhouL lssulng a recelpL wlll glve rlse
Lo lllegal exacLlon even Lhough a
provlslonal recelpL has been lssued.
WhaL Lhe law requlres ls a recelpL ln
Lhe form prescrlbed by law, whlch
means offlclal recelpL.

c. 1hlrd form: collectloq ot tecelvloq
Jltectly ot loJltectly, by woy of
poymeot ot otbetwlse, tbloqs ot
objects of o ootote Jlffeteot ftom
tbot ptovlJeJ by low -

3)* under Lhe rules and
regulaLlons of Lhe governmenL,
paymenL of checks noL belonglng
Lo Lhe Laxpayer should noL be
accepLed Lo seLLle Lhe obllgaLlon
of a Laxpayer.

`8.* lf Lhe check ls a manager's
check or a cerLlfled check.

:* 9;<= >? =;G G??GC@G HN =;G @A>BG HN >DDGS<D

!* 1he essence of Lhe crlme ls noL mlsapproprlaLlon
of any of Lhe amounLs buL Lhe lmproper maklng of
Lhe collecLlon whlch would pre[udlce Lhe
accounLlng of collecLed amounLs by Lhe


!* lllegal exacLlon ls usually commlLLees by a publlc
offlcer charged wlLh Lhe duLy Lo collecL Laxes,
llcense fees, lmporL duLles and oLher dues payable
Lo Lhe governmenL.

.H=G* uamage Lo Lhe governmenL ls noL requlred.
ubllc offlcers wlLh such funcLlons buL are ln Lhe
servlce of Lhe 8l8 or 8ureau of CusLoms are noL Lo be
prosecuLed under Lhe 8evlsed enal Code buL under
Lhe nl8C or Lhe 8evlsed AdmlnlsLraLlve Code.

lf sums are recelved wlLhouL demandlng Lhe same, a
felony under Lhls arLlcle ls noL commlLLed. Powever, lf
Lhe sum ls glven as a sorL of glfL or graLlflcaLlon, Lhe
crlme ls lndlrecL brlbery.

Where Lhere ls decelL ln demandlng a greaLer fee Lhan
Lhose prescrlbed by law, Lhe crlme commlLLed ls esLafa
and noL lllegal exacLlon.

1hls felony may be complexed wlLh malversaLlon. .q.
A Lax collecLor who collecLed a sum larger Lhan LhaL
auLhorlzed by law spenL all of Lhem ls gullLy of Lwo
crlmes: (1) lllegal exacLlon, for demandlng a greaLer
amounL, and (2) malversaLlon, for mlsapproprlaLlng
Lhe amounL collecLed.

-/($) ,)!2#'
Y!A=7 c6\^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

1. Cffender ls a publlc offlcer
2. Pe Lakes advanLage of hls offlclal poslLlon
3. Pe commlLs any of Lhe frauds or decelLs
enumeraLed ln ArLlcles 313318

:* 9;>@; @HJA= ;<? XJA>?K>@=>HCF

!* 1he 81C has [urlsdlcLlon over Lhe offense
regardless of Lhe amounL or penalLy lnvolved,
because Lhe prlnclpal penalLy ls dlsquallflcaLlon.

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
8)-(&4&/$# /)!.'!"/&-.'
Y!A=7 c6i^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. Cffender ls an appolnLlve publlc offlcer

2. Pe becomes lnLeresLed, dlrecLly or
lndlrecLly, ln any LransacLlon of exchange
or speculaLlon

3. 1ransacLlon Lakes place wlLhln Lhe
LerrlLory sub[ecL Lo hls [urlsdlcLlon

4. Pe becomes lnLeresLed ln Lhe LransacLlon
durlng hls lncumbency

.q. 8uylng and selllng sLocks llsLed ln Lhe sLock
exchange by an offlclal of Lhe SLC.

urchaslng of sLock or shares ln a company ls slmple
lnvesLmenL and noL a vlolaLlon of Lhe arLlcle. Powever,
regularly buylng securlLles for resale ls speculaLlon.

.H=G* AcLual fraud ls noL requlred for vlolaLlon of
ArLlcle 213. 1he acL belng punlshed ls Lhe posslblllLy
LhaL fraud may be commlLLed or LhaL Lhe offlcer may
place hls own lnLeresL above LhaL of Lhe governmenL.

8-''$''&-. -, 8)-(&4&/$# &./$)$'/ 41 !
8240&" -,,&"$) Y!A=7 c6]^

:* 9;H <AG =;G IGA?HC? D><LDG JCKGA =;>? <A=>@DGF

1. ubllc offlcer who, dlrecLly or lndlrecLly,
became lnLeresLed ln any conLracL or
buslness ln whlch lL was hls offlclal duLy Lo

2. LxperLs, arblLraLors, and prlvaLe
accounLanLs who, ln llke manner, Look
parL ln any conLracL or LransacLlon
connecLed wlLh Lhe esLaLe or properLy ln
Lhe appralsal, dlsLrlbuLlon or ad[udlcaLlon
of whlch Lhey had acLed.

3. Cuardlans and execuLors wlLh respecL Lo
Lhe properLy belonglng Lo Lhelr wards or
Lhe esLaLe.

.H=G* 1he mere vlolaLlon of Lhe prohlblLlon ls punlshed
alLhough no fraud occurs Lherefrom.

lor a publlc offlclal Lo be sub[ecL of Lhls crlme, lL ls
necessary LhaL by reason of hls offlce, he has Lo
lnLervene ln sald conLracLs or LransacLlons.

ln ArLlcle 216, Lhe offender lncludes noL only
appolnLlve buL also elecLlve publlc offlclals. ln facL,
under Lhe second paragraph of Lhe sald arLlcle, even
prlvaLe lndlvlduals can be held llable.

AcL ls punlshed because of Lhe posslblllLy LhaL fraud
may be commlLLed or LhaL Lhe offlcer may place hls
own lnLeresL above LhaL of Lhe CovernmenL or of Lhe
parLy whlch he represenLs.

ConsLlLuLlonal prohlblLlon exlsLs:
Congress cannoL personally appear as counsel, cannoL
be lnLeresLed flnanclally ln any franchlse or speclal
prlvllege granLed by governmenL, cannoL lnLervene ln
any maLLer before offlce of CovernmenL,

LxecuLlve cannoL hold any oLher offlce,

ConsLlLuLlonal Commlsslon cannoL hold any oLher
offlce, or engage ln pracLlce of professlon or
managemenL of buslness, or be flnanclally lnLeresLed
ln a conLracL wlLh or franchlse/prlvllege by Lhe

%!0+$)'!/&-. -, 8240&" ,2.#' -) 8)-8$)/1
Y!A=7 c6j^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G IJC>?;<LDG <@=?F

1. ApproprlaLlng publlc funds or properLy
2. 1aklng or mlsapproprlaLlng Lhe same
3. ConsenLlng, or Lhrough abandonmenL or
negllgence, permlLLlng any oLher person
Lo Lake such publlc funds or properLy
4. 8elng oLherwlse gullLy of Lhe
mlsapproprlaLlon or malversaLlon of such
funds or properLy.

.H=G* 1he naLure of Lhe duLles of Lhe publlc offlcer and
noL Lhe name of Lhe offlce conLrols. (leople v. keyes,
58 cose No. 26892, Aoqost 15, 2006)

:* 9;<= <AG =;G @HBBHC GDGBGC=? =H <DD <@=? HN

1. Cffender ls a publlc offlcer

!""# 6& 3><A8= 3:AA<BB8I !H 0@G9<? "FF<?8>=
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
2. Pe had Lhe cusLody or conLrol of funds or
properLy by reason of Lhe duLles of hls
3. 1hose funds or properLy were publlc
funds or properLy for whlch he was
4. Pe approprlaLed, Look, mlsapproprlaLed
or consenLed, or Lhrough abandonmenL
negllgence, permlLLed anoLher person Lo
Lake Lhem

:* 9;<= >? =;G =;AJ?= HN =;G @A>BG HN B<DOGA?<=>HCF

!* MalversaLlon ls predlcaLed on Lhe relaLlonshlp of
Lhe offender Lo Lhe properLy or funds lnvolved.


!* 1he crlme of malversaLlon can be commlLLed
only by an offlcer accounLable for Lhe funds or
properLy whlch ls approprlaLed.

:* 9;H <AG U<@@HJC=<LDG HNN>@GA?VF

!* AccounLable offlcers lnclude cashlers, dlsburslng
offlcers or properLy cusLodlans and any publlc
offlcer havlng cusLody of publlc funds or properLy
for whlch he ls accounLable.

:* &? >= CG@G??<AR =;<= =;G HNNGCKGA <@=J<DDR

!* no, somebody else may have mlsapproprlaLed
Lhe funds ln quesLlon. lL ls enough LhaL he has
vlolaLed Lhe LrusL reposed on hlm ln connecLlon
wlLh Lhe properLy.

:* &? >= CG@G??<AR =;<= =;G HNNGCKGA IAHN>=GK LR ;>?

!* no. Pls belng remlss ln Lhe duLy of safekeeplng
publlc funds vlolaLes Lhe LrusL reposed.

:* &? =;GAG < @A>BG HN B<DOGA?<=>HC =;AHJS;

!* none. 1he crlme ls plaln malversaLlon wheLher
commlLLed Lhrough Jolo or colpo.

:* &N =;G @;<ASG >? NHA >C=GC=>HC<D B<DOGA?<=>HC LJ=

!* ?es. 1he dolo or culpa presenL ln Lhe offense ls
only a modallLy ln Lhe perpeLraLlon of Lhe felony.
Lven lf Lhe mode charged dlffers from Lhe mode
proved, Lhe same offense of malversaLlon ls
lnvolved and convlcLlon Lhereof ls proper. (leople v.

:* &? K<B<SG =H =;G SHOGACBGC= CG@G??<AR =H
@HC?=>=J=G B<DOGA?<=>HCF

!* no. lL ls noL an elemenL of Lhe offense. lL ls
enough LhaL Lhe proprleLary rlghLs of Lhe
governmenL over Lhe funds have been dlsLurbed
Lhrough breach of LrusL.

K<R >= E<? B>?<IIAHIA><=GKQ >? B<DOGA?<=>HC

!* ?es, refund of funds on Lhe same day of
mlsapproprlaLlon does noL exempL Lhe offender
from crlmlnal llablllLy. 1he reLurn of Lhe funds
malversed ls only mlLlgaLlng noL exempLlng


!* ?es, because Lhe paymenL or resLlLuLlon does noL
exLlngulsh crlmlnal llablllLy for malversaLlon buL
only Lhe clvll llablllLy of Lhe offender.

:* &N =;G K>?LJA?GBGC= HN IJLD>@ NJCK? >?
JC<J=;HA>WGKQ E>DD =;<= B<_G JI < @<?G HN

!* no. 1here ls only malversaLlon only lf Lhe publlc
offlcer who has cusLody of publlc funds should
approprlaLe, Lake, mlsapproprlaLe, or consenLs or
permlLs any oLher person, Lhrough abandonmenL or
negllgence, Lo Lake such publlc funds or properLy.

.H=G* Where Lhe paymenL of publlc funds has been
made ln good falLh renders hlm only clvllly buL noL
crlmlnally llable. (8ooJo, 2008)

:* ! IA>O<=G IAHIGA=R E<? <==<@;GK HA DGO>GK LR
=;G ?;GA>NNQ @<C >= LG < ?JLXG@= HN =;G @A>BG HN

!* ?es, Lhough Lhe properLy belonged Lo a prlvaLe
person, Lhe levy or aLLachmenL of Lhe properLy
lmpressed lL wlLh Lhe characLer of belng parL of Lhe
publlc properLy lL belng ln costoJlo leqls.

IA>O<=G IGA?HCa? @;G@_ =H LG GC@<?;GK J?>CS =;G
NJCK? >C ;>? @J?=HKRQ @<C ;G LG D><LDG NHA

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

!* ?es, Lhe acL of changlng Lhe cash of Lhe
governmenL wlLh Lhe check of a prlvaLe person,
even Lhough Lhe check ls good, malversaLlon ls

kotlo. A check ls cleared only afLer Lhree days. uurlng
LhaL perlod of Lhree days, Lhe governmenL ls belng
denled Lhe use of Lhe publlc fund.

:* %<R < IA>O<=G IGA?HC @HBB>= =;G @A>BG HN

!* ?es, a prlvaLe person may also commlL
malversaLlon under Lhe followlng slLuaLlons:

1. Consplracy wlLh a publlc offlcer ln
commlLLlng malversaLlon

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
2. When he has become an accompllce or
accessory Lo a publlc offlcer who commlLs

3. When Lhe prlvaLe person ls made Lhe
cusLodlan ln whaLever capaclLy of publlc
funds or properLy, wheLher belonglng Lo
naLlonal or local governmenL, and
mlsapproprlaLes Lhe same

4. When he ls consLlLuLed as Lhe deposlLary
or admlnlsLraLor of funds or properLy
selzed or aLLached by publlc auLhorlLy
even Lhough sald funds or properLy
belong Lo a prlvaLe lndlvldual


!* no. uemand merely ralses a ptlmo focle
presumpLlon LhaL mlsslng funds have been puL Lo
personal use.

:* &N N<D?>N>@<=>HC HN KH@JBGC=? E<? AG?HA=GK =H NHA

!* no, for complex crlmes requlre LhaL one crlme ls
used Lo 5*!!$- anoLher. lf Lhe falslflcaLlon ls
resorLed Lo for Lhe purpose of +$2$%4 Lhe
malversaLlon, Lhe falslflcaLlon and malversaLlon are
separaLe offenses. (leople v. 5eoJoyJleqo)


!* When a demand ls made upon an accounLable
offlcer and he cannoL produce Lhe fund or properLy
lnvolved. 1he presumpLlon arlses only lf aL Lhe Llme
Lhe demand Lo produce Lhe publlc funds, Lhe
accounLablllLy of Lhe accused ls already deLermlned
and llquldaLed, LhaL ls, a compleLe and LrusLworLhy
audlL should have been underLaken.

.H=G* 1he momenL any money ls commlngled wlLh Lhe
publlc fund even lf noL due Lhe governmenL, lL
becomes lmpressed wlLh Lhe characLerlsLlc of belng
parL of publlc funds.

An accounLable publlc offlcer may be convlcLed of
malversaLlon even lf Lhere ls no dlrecL evldence of
mlsapproprlaLlon and Lhe only evldence ls Lhe shorLage
ln Lhe accounLs whlch he has noL been able Lo explaln

:* 9;<= <AG =;G K>?=>C@=>HC? LG=EGGC
B<DOGA?<=>HC <CK '&-"1"F

%!0+$)'!/&-. @DB0X0
CommlLLed by an
accounLable publlc
CommlLLed by a prlvaLe
person or even a publlc
offlcer who acLs ln a
prlvaLe capaclLy.
ueals wlLh publlc funds or
ueals wlLh prlvaLe
May be commlLLed
wlLhouL personal
mlsapproprlaLlon, as
when Lhe accounLable
offlcer allows anoLher Lo
mlsapproprlaLe Lhe same.
CommlLLed by personal
mlsapproprlaLlon only.

:* ! %JC>@>I<D /AG<?JAGAQ <@@HJC=<LDG NHA IJLD>@
IA>O<=G @;G@_? KA<EC >C N<OHA HN ;>? E>NG7 /;G
@<?; >C =;G KA<EGG L<C_7 /;G %JC>@>I<D /AG<?JAGAQ
>C GC@<?;>CS IA>O<=G @;G@_? NAHB IJLD>@ NJCK?Q
O>HD<=GK AGSJD<=>HC? HN ;>? HNN>@G7 .H=E>=;?=<CK>CS
AG?=>=J=>HC HN =;G <BHJC= HN =;G @;G@_?Q @<C =;G
D><LDGF 9;<= @A>BG K>K ;G @HBB>=F $MID<>C7

!* ?es, noLwlLhsLandlng Lhe resLlLuLlon of Lhe
amounL of Lhe check, Lhe Munlclpal 1reasurer wlll
be crlmlnally llable as resLlLuLlon does noL negaLe
crlmlnal llablllLy alLhough lL may be consldered as
mlLlgaLlng clrcumsLance slmllar or analogous Lo
volunLary surrender. (leople v. velospoez, 7J lbll.
98) Pe wlll be crlmlnally llable for malversaLlon.
Powever, lf Lhe resLlLuLlon was made lmmedlaLely
under vehemenL proLesL agalnsL an lmpuLaLlon of
malversaLlon and wlLhouL leavlng Lhe offlce, he may
noL be crlmlnally llable. Y6ZZZ 4<A :JG?=>HC^

,!&02)$ -, !""-2./!40$ -,,&"$) /- )$.#$)
!""-2./' Y!A=7 c6f^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

!""# 6& 3><A8= 3:AA<BB8I !H 0@G9<? "FF<?8>=
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
1. Cffender ls a publlc offlcer, wheLher ln
Lhe servlce or separaLed Lherefrom
2. Pe musL be an accounLable offlcer for
publlc funds or properLy
3. Pe ls requlred by law or regulaLlon Lo
render accounLs Lo Lhe Commlsslon on
AudlL, or Lo a provlnclal AudlLor
4. Pe falls Lo do so for a perlod of Lwo
monLhs afLer such accounLs should be

.H=G* 1hls ls a felony by omlsslon and
mlsapproprlaLlon ls noL necessary. uemand for
accounLlng ls necessary. lL ls noL necessary LhaL Lhere
be mlsapproprlaLlon. lf Lhere ls mlsapproprlaLlon, he
would be llable also for malversaLlon under ArL. 217.

,!&02)$ -, ! )$'8-.'&40$ 8240&" -,,&"$) /-
)$.#$) !""-2./' 4$,-)$ 0$!+&.3 /($
"-2./)1 Y!A=7 c6Z^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF
1. Cffender ls a publlc offlcer
2. Pe musL be an accounLable offlcer for
publlc funds or properLy
3. Pe musL have unlawfully lefL (or be on
polnL of leavlng) Lhe hlllpplnes wlLhouL
securlng from Lhe Commlsslon on AudlL a
cerLlflcaLe showlng LhaL hls accounLs have
been flnally seLLled

.H=G* Mere acL of leavlng wlLhouL securlng clearance
consLlLuLes Lhe crlme under ArL.219. lL ls noL necessary
LhaL Lhe publlc offlcer really mlsapproprlaLed publlc

&00$3!0 2'$ -, 8240&" ,2.#' -) 8)-8$)/1
Y!A=7 ccg^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. Cffender ls a publlc offlcer
2. 1here ls publlc fund or properLy under hls
3. Such publlc fund or properLy has been
approprlaLed by law or ordlnance
4. Pe applles Lhe same Lo a publlc use oLher
Lhan LhaL for whlch such fund or properLy
has been approprlaLed by law or

.H=G* lllegal use of publlc funds or properLy ls also
known as Lechnlcal malversaLlon.

1he presumpLlon of crlmlnal lnLenL wlll noL, however,
auLomaLlcally apply Lo all charges of Lechnlcal
malversaLlon because dlsbursemenL of publlc funds for
publlc use ls pet se noL an unlawful acL.(AbJollo v.
leople, C.k. No. 150129, Aptll 6, 2005)

:* 9;R >? >= =GABGK U=G@;C>@<D B<DOGA?<=>HCVF

!* 8ecause under Lhls arLlcle, Lhe fund or properLy
lnvolved ls already approprlaLed or earmarked for a
cerLaln publlc purpose.

:* (HE >? =G@;C>@<D B<DOGA?<=>HC @HBB>==GKF

!* lnsLead of applylng lL Lo Lhe publlc purpose for
whlch Lhe fund or properLy was already
approprlaLed by law, Lhe publlc offlcer applled lL Lo
anoLher purpose.

:* ` <IIAHIA><=GK =;G ?<D<AR K>NNGAGC=><D? HN
?G@HCK<AR ?@;HHD =G<@;GA? HN =;G 'JDJ '=<=G
"HDDGSG @HC=A<AR =H =;G <J=;HA>W<=>HC >??JGK LR =;G
#4%7 "<C ` LG ;GDK D><LDG NHA =G@;C>@<D

!* no. 1he Lhlrd elemenL ls lacklng. 1he
auLhorlzaLlon glven by u8M ls noL an ordlnance or
law conLemplaLed ln ArL. 220. (AbJollo v. leople)

BHAG LGCGN>@><D =H =;G IJLD>@ =;<C =;G HA>S>C<D
<IIAHIA><=GKQ >? =;GAG =G@;C>@<D B<DOGA?<=>HCF

!* ?es, because damage ls noL an essenLlal elemenL
of Lechnlcal malversaLlon.

<IID>GK =H IA>O<=G IJAIH?GQ E;<= >? =;G @A>BG

!* 1he crlme commlLLed ls slmple malversaLlon

:* 9;<= <AG =;G K>?=>C@=>HC? LG=EGGC =G@;C>@<D

Cffenders are accounLable publlc offlcers ln boLh
Cffender derlves no
personal galn or beneflL.
Cenerally, Lhe offender
derlves personal beneflL.
ubllc fund or properLy ls
dlverLed Lo anoLher
publlc use oLher Lhan LhaL
provlded for ln Lhe law.
Converslon ls for Lhe
personal lnLeresL of Lhe
offender or of anoLher

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
,!&02)$ /- %!5$ #$0&+$)1 -, 8240&" ,2.#'
-) 8)-8$)/1 Y!A=7 cc6^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G IJC>?;<LDG <@=?F

1. lalllng Lo make paymenL by a publlc
offlcer who ls under obllgaLlon Lo make
such paymenL from CovernmenL funds ln
hls possesslon

2. 8efuslng Lo make dellvery by a publlc
offlcer who has been ordered by
compeLenL auLhorlLy Lo dellver any
properLy ln hls cusLody or under hls

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. 1haL Lhe publlc offlcer has governmenL
funds ln hls possesslon

2. 1haL he ls under obllgaLlon Lo make
paymenLs from such funds

3. 1haL he falls Lo make paymenL mallclously

-,,&"$)' &."02#$# &. /($ 8)$"$#&.3
8)-+&'&-.' Y!A=7 ccc^

:* 9;H <AG =;G >CK>O>KJ<D? =;<= B<R LG D><LDG
JCKGA !A=7c6jcc6F

1. rlvaLe lndlvldual who ln any capaclLy
whaLsoever, have charge of any naLlonal,
provlnclal or munlclpal funds, revenue or

2. AdmlnlsLraLor, deposlLory of funds or
properLy aLLached, selzed or deposlLed by
publlc auLhorlLy even lf such properLy
belongs Lo a prlvaLe lndlvldual

.H=G* Sherlffs and recelver fall under Lhe Lerm

!udlclal admlnlsLraLor ls noL covered by Lhls arLlcle.
(AppoloteJ to oJmlolstet estote of JeceoseJ ooJ oot lo
cbotqe of ptopetty ottocbeJ, lmpoooJeJ ot ploceJ lo
Jeposlt by pobllc ootbotlty)

rlvaLe properLy ls lncluded lf lL ls aLLached, selzed or
deposlLed by publlc auLhorlLy.

:* (HE >? B<DOGA?<=>HC @HBB>==GK LR < IA>O<=G

1. When a prlvaLe person consplred wlLh a
publlc offlcer Lo commlL malversaLlon
2. When he ls an accompllce or accessory
3. Where a prlvaLe person was consLlLuLed a
cusLodlan ln whaLever capaclLy even
wlLhouL a publlc offlcer lnvolved and he
mlsapproprlaLed Lhe same. (8ooJo, 2008)

:* !! E<? KG?>SC<=GK @J?=HK><C HN =;G K>?=A<>CGK
IAHIGA=R HN PP LR =;G 4&)7 (G <??JBGK =;G ?IG@>N>@
JCKGA=<_>CS? E;>@; >C@DJKGK =;G IAHB>?G =;<= ;G
AGIHA=GK =H =;G 4&) =;<= PP ?JAAGI=>=>HJ?DR =HH_ =;G
HNN>@GA LR O>A=JG HN ;>? KG?>SC<=>HC <? @J?=HK><C HN

!* no. 1o be a publlc offlcer, one musL:
1. 1ake parL ln Lhe performance of publlc
funcLlons ln Lhe governmenL, or ln
performlng ln sald governmenL or ln any
of lLs branches publlc duLles as an
employee, agenL or subordlnaLe offlclal,
or any rank or class, and
2. 1haL hls auLhorlLy Lo Lake parL ln Lhe
performance of publlc funcLlons or Lo
perform publlc duLles musL be by:
a. ulrecL provlslon of Lhe law, or
b. opular elecLlon, or
c. AppolnLmenL by compeLenL auLhorlLy.
(Azotcoo v. 8otooso)
:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. Cffender ls a publlc offlcer
2. Pe ls charged wlLh Lhe conveyance or
cusLody of a prlsoner, elLher deLenLlon
prlsoner or prlsoner by flnal [udgmenL
3. Such prlsoner escapes Lhrough hls

.H=G* 1here musL have been deflnlLe laxlLy amounLlng
Lo dellberaLe nonperformance of duLy.

1here ls real and acLual evaslon of servlce of senLence
when Lhe cusLodlan permlLs Lhe prlsoner Lo obLaln
relaxaLlon of hls lmprlsonmenL.

1he facL LhaL Lhe publlc offlcer recapLured Lhe prlsoner
who escaped from hls cusLody does noL afford
compleLe exculpaLlon.

lf a pollceman on guard duLy unlocked Lhe door of Lhe
[all Lo leL a deLenLlon prlsoner Lo go ouL so he can
clean Lhe premlses, buL on Lhe laLLer's Lhlrd Lrlp Lo a
nearby fauceL, he walked behlnd Lhe pollce

!""# 6& 3><A8= 3:AA<BB8I !H 0@G9<? "FF<?8>=
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
headquarLers, cllmbed over Lhe wall and escape, Lhls
crlme ls noL commlLLed.

Mere order, however Lo a prlsoner Lo keep close whlle
answerlng Lhe Lelephone ls noL a sufflclenL precauLlon
under Lhe clrcumsLances and of Lhe escape of Lhe
prlsoner, he ls llable under Lhls arLlcle. Pe should have
locked Lhe prlsoner back ln [all before answerlng Lhe
Lelephone as Lhere was noLhlng ln Lhe call
necesslLaLlng preference Lo accused's offlclal duLy of
locklng hlm back ln [all.

=;G @HC=GBID<=>HC HN !A=7 cc\F

A: ?es. lL ls Lhe duLy of any pollce offlcer havlng
cusLody of a prlsoner Lo Lake necessary precauLlons
Lo assure Lhe absence of any means of escape. A
fallure Lo underLake Lhese precauLlons wlll make hls
acL one of deflnlLe laxlLy or negllgence amounLlng
Lo dellberaLe nonperformance of duLy. (koJlllos v.
5ooJlqooboyoo, clteJ lo 8ooJo 2008 p. 609)

.H=G* 8uL ln leople v. Novo, negllgence here ls one
whlch approxlmaLes mallce or dellberaLe non
performance of duLy. Pe may be charged
admlnlsLraLlvely buL noL crlmlnally. (8ooJo, 2008)

:* 9;<= >? =;G D><L>D>=R HN =;G G?@<I>CS =;G

1. lf tbe foqltlve ls setvloq bls seoteoce by
teosoo of flool joJqmeot he ls llable for
evaslon of Lhe servlce of senLence under

2. lf tbe foqltlve ls ooly o Jeteotloo ptlsooet
he does noL lncur any crlmlnal llablllLy.

$'"!8$ -, 8)&'-.$) 2.#$) /($ "2'/-#1 -, !
8$)'-. .-/ ! 8240&" -,,&"$) Y!A=7cci^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. Cffender ls a publlc person

2. Conveyance or cusLody of prlsoner or
person under arresL ls conflded Lo hlm

3. rlsoner or person under arresL escapes

4. Cffender consenLs Lo Lhe escape of Lhe
prlsoner or person under arresL or LhaL
Lhe escape Lakes place Lhrough hls

.H=G* 1he elemenLs of Lhls felony are slmllar Lo LhaL of
lnfldellLy ln Lhe cusLody of prlsoners, excepL LhaL Lhe
offender ls a prlvaLe person Lo whom Lhe cusLody of
prlsoner shall have been conflded.

When such prlvaLe person shall accepL any
conslderaLlon or glfL for Lhe nonperformance of a duLy
conflded Lo hlm, brlbery ls commlLLed ln addlLlon
because he ls performlng a publlc funcLlon, hence, aL
LhaL lnsLance, he ls deemed Lo be a publlc offlcer.

.H=G* 1hls arLlcle ls noL appllcable lf a prlvaLe person
was Lhe one who made Lhe arresL and he consenLed Lo
Lhe escape of Lhe person arresLed.

:* (HE >? =;G >CN>KGD>=R @HBB>==GK LR IA>O<=G

!* under ArLlcle 223, lnfldellLy can also be
commlLLed by a prlvaLe person Lo whom Lhe
prlsoner was enLrusLed and he connlved wlLh Lhe
prlsoner (Att.22J) or Lhrough hls negllgence (Att.
224) Lhe prlsoner was allowed Lo escape.

.H=G* lf Lhe escape was wlLh conslderaLlon, brlbery ls
deemed commlLLed ln addlLlon because he was
performlng a publlc funcLlon, hence ls, aL LhaL
lnsLance, deemed Lo be a publlc offlcer. (8ooJo, 2008)

)$%-+!0Q "-."$!0%$./ -) #$'/)2"/&-. -,
#-"2%$./ Y!A=7 cc]^

.H=G* 1hls crlme ls also called lnfldellLy ln Lhe cusLody
of documenLs.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. 1he offender ls a publlc offlcer

2. Pe absLracLs, desLroys, or conceals
documenLs or papers

.H=G* uesLroylng or conceallng documenLs or
papers does noL requlre proof of llllclL purpose.

3. Sald documenLs or papers should have
been enLrusLed Lo such publlc offlcer by
reason of hls offlce

.H=G* 1he documenL musL be compleLe and one
by whlch a rlghL can be esLabllshed or an
obllgaLlon could be exLlngulshed.

4. uamage, wheLher serlous or noL, Lo a
Lhlrd parLy or Lo Lhe publlc lnLeresL should
have been caused.

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

.H=G* 1he damage Lo Lhlrd persons or Lo Lhe
publlc musL be acLual buL need noL be pecunlary
or maLerlal.

uamage ln Lhls arLlcle may conslsL ln mere alarm
Lo Lhe publlc or ln Lhe allenaLlon of lLs confldence
ln any branch of Lhe governmenL servlce.

lf Lhe acL charged ls removal of Lhe documenLs,
Lhere musL be proof of an llllclL or unlawful
purpose on Lhe parL of Lhe offender unllke ln
cases of desLroylng or conceallng Lhe same for
whlch no proof of crlmlnal purpose or ob[ecLlve ls


!* ?es. 8emoval ls for an llllclL purpose when Lhe
lnLenLlon of Lhe offender ls Lo:

1. 1amper wlLh lL
2. roflL by lL
3. CommlL an acL consLlLuLlng a breach of
LrusL ln Lhe offlclal care Lhereof.
")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA

:* 9;GC >? =;G @A>BG @HC?JBB<=GKF

!* 1he crlme of removal of publlc documenL ln
breach of offlclal LrusL ls consummaLed upon lLs
removal or secreLlng away from lLs usual place ln
Lhe offlce and afLer Lhe offender had gone ouL and
locked Lhe door, lL belng lmmaLerlal wheLher he has
or has noL acLually accompllshed Lhe llllclL purpose
for whlch he removed sald documenL.

:* 9;<= >? IJC>?;GK >C =;G @A>BG HN >CN>KGD>=R >C

!* lL ls Lhe breach of publlc LrusL whlch ls punlshed.

:* &C E;<= E<R? =;G @A>BG HN >CN>KGD>=R HN

1. kemovol - presupposes approprlaLlon of
Lhe offlclal documenLs. lL does noL requlre
LhaL Lhe record be broughL ouL of Lhe
premlses where lL ls kepL. lL ls enough
LhaL Lhe record be removed from Lhe
place where lL should be Lransferred Lo
anoLher place where lL ls noL supposed Lo
be kepL.

2. uesttoctloo - ls equlvalenL Lo renderlng
useless or Lhe obllLeraLlon of sald
documenLs, Lhe compleLe desLrucLlon
Lhereof ls noL necessary.

3. cooceolmeot - means LhaL Lhe
documenLs are noL forwarded Lo Lhelr
desLlnaLlon and lL ls noL necessary LhaL
Lhey are secreLed away ln a place where
Lhey could noL be found.

=;G BHCG=<AR @HC?>KGA<=>HC E<? B<A_GK <?
GM;>L>=?Q =;G @J?=HK><C ?IGC= =;G BHCGR ?H
B<A_GKQ E;<= >? =;G @A>BG @HBB>==GKF

!* 1he crlme commlLLed ls lnfldellLy ln Lhe cusLody
of documenLs because Lhe money adduced as
exhlblLs parLake Lhe naLure of a documenL and noL
as money.

.H=G* apers" would lnclude checks, promlssory
noLes and paper money.

uellverlng Lhe documenL Lo Lhe wrong parLy ls
lnfldellLy ln Lhe cusLody Lhereof.

-,,&"$) 4)$!5&.3 '$!0
Y!A=7 ccj^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. Cffender ls a publlc offlcer
2. Pe ls charged wlLh Lhe cusLody of papers
or properLy
3. 1hese papers or properLy are sealed by
proper auLhorlLy
4. Pe breaks Lhe seals or permlLs Lhem Lo be

:* &? K<B<SG HA >C=GC= =H @<J?G K<B<SG

!* no. 1he crlme may be commlLLed Lhrough

.H=G* lL ls Lhe breaklng of Lhe seals and noL Lhe
openlng of a closed envelope whlch ls punlshed.

uamage ls presumed.

:* 9;<= @HC?=>=J=G? =;G @A>BG HN LAG<_>CS =;G

!* 1he mere breaklng of Lhe seal or Lhe mere
openlng of Lhe documenL would already brlng
abouL lnfldellLy even Lhough no damage has been
suffered by anyone or by Lhe publlc aL large.

:* 9;<= >? =;G A<=>HC<DG NHA IGC<D>W>CS =;G <@= HN
LAG<_>CS =;G ?G<DF

!""# 6& 3><A8= 3:AA<BB8I !H 0@G9<? "FF<?8>=
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
!* 1he acL ls belng punlshed because Lhe publlc
offlcer, ln breaklng Lhe seal or openlng Lhe
envelope, vlolaLes Lhe confldence or LrusL reposed
on hlm.

-8$.&.3 -, "0-'$# #-"2%$./'
Y!A=7 ccf^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. Cffender ls a publlc offlcer

2. Any closed papers, documenLs or ob[ecLs
are enLrusLed Lo hls cusLody

3. Pe opens or permlLs Lo be opened sald
closed papers, documenLs or ob[ecLs

4. Pe does noL have proper auLhorlLy

.H=G* 1he closed documenL musL be enLrusLed Lo Lhe
cusLody of Lhe accused by reason of hls offlce.

KH@JBGC=Q =;G IJLD>@ HNN>@GA <L?=A<@=GK >=?
@HC=GC=?Q E;<= @A>BGl? >?l<AG @HBB>==GKF

!* 1he publlc offlcer ls llable under ArL. 228. Pe ls
also llable for LhefL.

)$+$0!/&-. -, '$")$/' 41 !. -,,&"$)
Y!A=7 ccZ^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G IJC>?;<LDG <@=?F

1. 8eveallng any secreLs known Lo Lhe
offendlng publlc offlcer by reason of hls
offlclal capaclLy.

a. Cffender ls a publlc offlcer
b. Pe knows of a secreL by reason of hls
offlclal capaclLy
c. Pe reveals such secreL wlLhouL
auLhorlLy or [usLlflable reasons
d. uamage, greaL or small, ls caused Lo
Lhe publlc lnLeresL

2. uellverlng wrongfully papers or coples of
papers of whlch he may have charge and
whlch should noL be publlshed.

a. Cffender ls a publlc offlcer
b. Pe has charge of papers
c. 1hose papers should noL be
d. Pe dellvers Lhose papers or coples
Lhereof Lo a Lhlrd person
e. 1he dellvery ls wrongful
f. uamage ls caused Lo publlc lnLeresL

.H=G* 1hls arLlcle punlshes mlnor offlclal beLrayals,
lnfldellLles of llLLle consequences affecLlng usually Lhe
admlnlsLraLlon of [usLlce, execuLlve of offlclal duLles or
Lhe general lnLeresL of Lhe publlc order.

.H=G* 1he secreLs" referred Lo ln Lhls arLlcle are Lhose
whlch have an offlclal or publlc characLer, Lhe
revelaLlon of whlch may pre[udlce publlc lnLeresL. 1hey
refer Lo secreLs relaLlve Lo Lhe admlnlsLraLlon of Lhe

.H=G* Charge here means conLrol or cusLody. lf Lhe
publlc offlcer ls merely enLrusLed wlLh Lhe papers buL
noL wlLh Lhe cusLody, he ls noL llable under Lhls

lf Lhe papers conLaln secreLs whlch should noL be
publlshed, and Lhe publlc offlcer havlng charge Lhereof
removes and dellvers Lhem wrongfully Lo a Lhlrd
person, Lhe crlme ls revelaLlon of secreLs. Cn Lhe oLher
hand, lf Lhe papers do noL conLaln secreLs, Lhelr
removal for an llllclL purpose ls lnfldellLy ln Lhe cusLody
of documenLs.

:* !AG B>D>=<AR ?G@AG=? HA =;H?G <NNG@=>CS C<=>HC<D
?G@JA>=R @HOGAGK >C =;>? <A=>@DGF

!* no, because mlllLary secreLs or Lhose affecLlng
naLlonal lnLeresL are covered by Lhe crlme of

:* 9;<= >? =;G K>NNGAGC@G LG=EGGC )GOGD<=>HC HN
'G@AG=? LR <C -NN>@GA <CK &CN>KGD>=R >C =;G "J?=HKR

)$+$0!/&-. -, '$")$/'
41 !. -,,&"$)
&.,&#$0&/1 &. /($
"2'/-#1 -, /($
#-"2%$./'l8!8$)' 41
)$%-+&.3 /($ '!%$
1he papers conLaln
secreLs and Lherefore
should noL be publlshed
and Lhe publlc offlcer
havlng charge Lhereof
removes and dellvers
Lhem wrongfully Lo a
Lhlrd person.
1he papers do noL
conLaln secreLs buL Lhelr
removal ls for an llllclL

8240&" -,,&"$) )$+$!0&.3 '$")$/' -, 8)&+!/$
&.#&+&#2!0 Y!A=7 c[g^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

1. Cffender ls a publlc offlcer
2. Pe knows of Lhe secreLs of prlvaLe
lndlvldual by reason of hls offlce
3. Pe reveals such secreLs wlLhouL auLhorlLy
or [usLlflable reason
")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA

.H=G* 1he revelaLlon wlll noL amounL Lo a crlme under
Lhls arLlcle lf Lhe secreLs are conLrary Lo publlc lnLeresL
or Lo Lhe admlnlsLraLlon of [usLlce.

lf Lhe offender ls an aLLorney, he ls properly llable
under ArL. 209 (beLrayal of LrusL by an aLLorney)

!* no. 1he crlme ls consummaLed lf Lhe same are
communlcaLed Lo anoLher even ln close lnLlmacy.


!* no. 1he reason for Lhls provlslon ls Lo uphold
falLh and LrusL ln publlc servlce.

.H=G* 8evelaLlon Lo any one person ls necessary and
sufflclenL, for publlc revelaLlon ls noL requlred.

-/($) -,,$.'$' -) &))$320!)&/&$' 41 8240&"

-8$. #&'-4$#&$."$
Y!A=7 c[6^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. Cffender ls a [udlclal or execuLlve offlcer

2. 1here ls [udgmenL, declslon or order of a
superlor auLhorlLy

3. Such [udgmenL, declslon or order was
made wlLhln Lhe scope of Lhe [urlsdlcLlon
of Lhe superlor auLhorlLy and lssued wlLh
all Lhe legal formallLles

.H=G* !udgmenL should have been rendered
ln a hearlng

4. Cffender wlLhouL any legal [usLlflcaLlon
openly refuses Lo execuLe Lhe sald
[udgmenL, declslon or order, whlch he ls
duLy bound Lo obey

.H=G* 1he refusal musL be clear, manlfesL
and declslve or a repeaLed and obsLlnaLe
dlsobedlence ln Lhe fulflllmenL of an order.

1he refusal musL be lnLenLlonal and musL
noL be confused wlLh omlsslon arlslng from
overslghL, mlsLake or erroneous
lnLerpreLaLlon of Lhe order.

#&'-4$#&$."$ /- -)#$) -, '28$)&-) -,,&"$)Q
9($. '!&# -)#$) 9!' '2'8$.#$# 41 &.,$)&-)
-,,&"$) Y!A=7 c[c^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. Cffender ls a publlc offlcer

2. An order ls lssued by hls superlor for

.H=G* 1he order of Lhe superlor musL be
legal or lssued wlLhln hls auLhorlLy,
oLherwlse, Lhls arLlcle does noL apply.

3. Pe has for any reason suspended Lhe
execuLlon of such order

4. Pls superlor dlsapproves Lhe suspenslon
of Lhe execuLlon of Lhe order

3. Cffender dlsobeys hls superlor desplLe
Lhe dlsapproval of Lhe suspenslon

.H=G* 1he dlsobedlence musL be open and

.H=G* WhaL ls punlshed by Lhe law ls lnsubordlnaLlon
of Lhe acL of defylng Lhe auLhorlLy whlch ls deLrlmenLal
Lo publlc lnLeresL.

)$,2'!0 -, !''&'/!."$
Y!A=7 c[[^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. Cffender ls a publlc offlcer

2. CompeLenL auLhorlLy demands from Lhe
offender LhaL he lend hls cooperaLlon
Lowards Lhe admlnlsLraLlon of [usLlce or
oLher publlc servlce

3. Cffender falls Lo do so mallclously

:* 3>OG ?HBG HN =;G >C?=<C@G? HN =;G @A>BG AGNJ?<D
HN <??>?=<C@G7

!* lnvesLlgaLors and medlcolegal offlcers refuslng
Lo appear Lo LesLlfy ln courL afLer havlng been

!""# 6& 3><A8= 3:AA<BB8I !H 0@G9<? "FF<?8>=
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
:* &? =;G @A>BG HN AGNJ?<D HN <??>?=<C@G @HBB>==GK
HCDR >C @HCCG@=>HC E>=; =;G <KB>C>?=A<=>HC HN

!* no, any refusal by a publlc offlcer Lo render
asslsLance when demanded by compeLenL publlc
auLhorlLy, as long as Lhe asslsLance requesLed from
hlm ls wlLhln hls duLy Lo render and LhaL asslsLance
ls needed for publlc servlce, consLlLuLes refusal of

.H=G* 1he requesL musL come from one publlc offlce Lo

)$,2'!0 /- #&'"(!)3$ $0$"/&+$ -,,&"$
Y!A=7 c[\^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. Cffender ls elecLed by popular elecLlon Lo
a publlc offlce
2. Pe refuses Lo be sworn ln or Lo dlscharge
Lhe duLles of sald offlce
3. 1here ls no legal moLlve for such refusal
Lo be sworn ln or Lo dlscharge Lhe duLles
of sald offlce

kotlo. ulscharge of duLles becomes a maLLer of duLy
and noL a rlghL.

.H=G* 8efusal Lo dlscharge Lhe duLles of an appolnLlve
offlce ls noL covered.

lf Lhe elecLed offlcer ls underage or dlsquallfled, hls
refusal Lo be sworn ln or Lo dlscharge Lhe duLles of Lhe
offlce ls [usLlfled.
%!0/)$!/%$./ -, 8)&'-.$)'

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. Cffender ls a publlc offlcer or employee

2. Pe has under hls charge a prlsoner or
deLenLlon prlsoner

.H=G* 1o be consldered as a deLenLlon
prlsoner, Lhe person arresLed musL be
placed ln [all even for a shorL Llme.

3. Pe malLreaLs such prlsoner elLher of Lhe
followlng manners:

a. 8y overdolng hlmself ln Lhe
correcLlon or handllng of a prlsoner
or deLenLlon prlsoner under hls
charge elLher:
l. 8y Lhe lmposlLlon of
punlshmenLs noL auLhorlzed by
Lhe regulaLlons
ll. 8y lnfllcLlng such punlshmenLs
(Lhose auLhorlzed) ln a cruel or
humlllaLlng manner

b. 8y malLreaLlng such prlsoner Lo
exLorL a confesslon or Lo obLaln
some lnformaLlon from Lhe prlsoner.

.H=G* MalLreaLmenL should noL be due Lo personal
grudge, oLherwlse, offender ls llable for physlcal
ln[urles only.

1he publlc offlcer/employee elLher lmposed
punlshmenL noL auLhorlzed by Lhe regulaLlon or by
law, or lnfllcLed punlshmenL/dlsclpllnary acLlon
auLhorlzed by law ln a cruel or humlllaLlng manner.

1hus, hlLLlng a prlsoner by a lotlqo even lf Lhe purpose
ls Lo lnsLlll dlsclpllne ls noL auLhorlzed by law and
consLlLuLes vlolaLlon of Lhls arLlcle. Cn Lhe oLher hand,
requlrlng prlsoners Lo dlg a canal where culverLs shall
be placed Lo prevenL floodlng ln Lhe prlson compound
ls auLhorlzed by law and does noL vlolaLe Lhls arLlcle,
buL lf Lhe publlc offlcer would order Lhe prlsoner Lo do
so from mornlng up Lo laLe evenlng wlLhouL any food,
Lhen Lhls arLlcle ls lnvolved, as he lnfllcLed such
auLhorlzed punlshmenL ln a cruel and humlllaLlng

:* &N =;G IJLD>@ HNN>@GA E;H B<D=AG<=GK =;G
IA>?HCGA >? CH= @;<ASGK E>=; =;G @J?=HKR HN ?J@;

!* 1he publlc offlcer ls llable for physlcal ln[urles.
:* 9;<= >? BG<C= LR K3%2') +$& 5+")4'LF

!* under hls charge" means acLual charge.

:* 9;GC < IGA?HC >? B<D=AG<=GK LR < IJLD>@ HNN>@GA
E;H ;<? <@=J<D @;<ASG HN IA>?HCGA?Q ;HE B<CR

!* 1wo crlmes are commlLLed, namely -
malLreaLmenL under ArL.233 and physlcal ln[urles.
MalLreaLmenL and physlcal ln[urles may noL be
complexed because Lhe law speclfled LhaL Lhe
penalLy for malLreaLmenL shall be ln addlLlon Lo hls
llablllLy for Lhe physlcal ln[urles or damage caused.

:* /H E;<= KHG? B<D=AG<=BGC= AGNGA =HF

!* MalLreaLmenL refers noL only ln physlcal
malLreaLmenL buL also moral, psychologlcal, and
oLher klnds of malLreaLmenL because of Lhe phrase
physlcal ln[urles or damage caused" and cruel or
humlllaLlng manner." (8ooJo 2008, p. 614)

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

.H=G* 1he pracLlce of presenLlng capLured persons ln
naLlonal Lelevlslon for publlc vlewlng ls a form of
malLreaLmenL because Lhey are belng presenLed as
crlmlnals even before Lhey are charged whlch ls
humlllaLlng. (8ooJo, 2008)

:* 'JIIH?G =;G IGA?HC B<D=AG<=GK >? CH= < @HCO>@=
")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA

!* 1he crlme commlLLed would elLher be:

1. coetcloo lf Lhe person noL yeL conflned ln
[all ls malLreaLed Lo exLorL a confesslon, or

2. lbyslcol lojotles lf Lhe person malLreaLed
has already been arresLed buL ls noL yeL
booked ln Lhe offlce of Lhe pollce and puL
ln [all.

lf a 8otooqoy CapLaln malLreaLs a person afLer Lhe
laLLer's arresL buL before conflnemenL, Lhe offense ls
noL malLreaLmenL buL physlcal ln[urles. 1he vlcLlm
musL acLually be conflned elLher as a convlcL or a
deLenLlon prlsoner. (leople v. 8otloq, J7 O.C. 1J66)

!./&"&8!/&-. -, #2/&$' -, ! 8240&" -,,&"$
Y!A=7 c[]^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. Cffender ls enLlLled Lo hold publlc offlce
or employmenL, elLher by elecLlon or

2. Law requlres LhaL he should flrsL be sworn
ln and/or should flrsL glve a bond

3. Pe assumes Lhe performance of Lhe
duLles and powers of such offlce

4. Pe has noL Laken hls oaLh of offlce and/or
glve Lhe bond requlred by law

8)-0-.3&.3 8$),-)%!."$ -, #2/&$' !.#
8-9$)' Y!A=7 c[j^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. Cffender ls holdlng a publlc offlce

2. erlod provlded by law, regulaLlons or
speclal provlslons for holdlng such offlce,
has already explred

3. Pe conLlnues Lo exerclse Lhe duLles and
powers of such offlce

:* 9;H <AG =;G HNN>@GA? @HC=GBID<=GKF

!* 1hose who have been suspended, separaLed,
declared overaged or dlsmlssed.

!4!.#-.%$./ -, -,,&"$ -) 8-'&/&-. 7
Y!A=7 c[f^ 7

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. Cffender ls a publlc offlcer
2. Pe formally reslgns from hls poslLlon
3. Pls reslgnaLlon has noL yeL been accepLed
4. Pe abandons hls offlce Lo Lhe deLrlmenL
of Lhe publlc servlce

.H=G* 1here musL be a formal or wrlLLen reslgnaLlon.

GO<KG =;G K>?@;<ASG HN KJ=>G?Q E;<= E>DD LG =;G

!* 1he crlme of AbandonmenL of Cfflce or oslLlon
wlll be quallfled lf Lhe purpose behlnd Lhe
abandonmenL ls Lo evade Lhe dlscharge of duLles
conslsLlng of prevenLlng, prosecuLlng or punlshlng
any of Lhe crlmes agalnsL naLlonal securlLy (.q.
esplonage or Lreason), ln whlch case, Lhe penalLy ls

:* 9;<= <AG =;G K>NNGAGC@G? LG=EGGC

!4!.#-.%$./ -,
#$)$0&"/&-. -, #2/1
CommlLLed by a publlc
CommlLLed only by publlc
offlcers who have Lhe
duLy Lo lnsLlLuLe
prosecuLlon of Lhe
punlshmenL of vlolaLlons
of law.
1he publlc offlcer
abandons hls offlce Lo
evade Lhe dlscharge of hls
1he publlc offlcer does
noL abandon hls offlce
buL he falls Lo prosecuLe
an offense by derellcLlon
of duLy or by mallclous
Lolerance of Lhe
commlsslon of offenses.

2'2)8!/&-. -, 0$3&'0!/&+$ 8-9$)'
Y!A=7 c[Z^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? =;>? @A>BGF

!""# 6& 3><A8= 3:AA<BB8I !H 0@G9<? "FF<?8>=
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %

1. Cffender ls an execuLlve or [udlclal offlcer

2. Cffender makes general rules or
regulaLlons beyond Lhe scope of hls
auLhorlLy or aLLempLs Lo repeal a law or
suspends Lhe execuLlon Lhereof

2'2)8!/&-. -, $`$"2/&+$ ,2."/&-.'
Y!A=7 c\6^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. Cffender ls a [udge

2. Pe:
a. Assumes a power perLalnlng Lo Lhe
execuLlve auLhorlLles, or
b. CbsLrucLs execuLlve auLhorlLles ln
Lhe lawful exerclse of Lhelr powers.

.H=G* LeglslaLlve offlcers are noL llable for usurpaLlon
of execuLlve funcLlons.

2'2)8!/&-. -, P2#&"&!0 ,2."/&-.'
Y!A=7 c\c^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. Cffender ls an offlcer of Lhe execuLlve
branch of Lhe CovernmenL

2. Pe assumes [udlclal powers, or obsLrucLs
Lhe execuLlon of any order or declslon
rendered by any [udge wlLhln Lhe

.H=G* ArL. 239 Lo 241 punlsh lnLerference by offlcers of
one of Lhe Lhree deparLmenL of Lhe governmenL wlLh
Lhe funcLlons of an offlclal of anoLher deparLmenL.

#&'-4$1&.3 )$:2$'/ ,-) #&':2!0&,&"!/&-.
Y!A=7 c\c^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. Cffender ls a publlc offlcer
2. roceedlng ls pendlng before such publlc
3. 1here ls a quesLlon broughL before Lhe
proper auLhorlLy regardlng hls
[urlsdlcLlon, whlch ls yeL Lo be declded
4. Pe has been lawfully requlred Lo refraln
from conLlnulng Lhe proceedlng
3. Pe conLlnues Lhe proceedlng

.H=G* 1he offender ls any publlc offlcer who has been
lawfully requlred Lo refraln from conLlnulng wlLh hls
course of acLlon. Pe musL walL unLll Lhe quesLlon of
[urlsdlcLlon ls flnally seLLled.

-)#$)' -) )$:2$'/' 41 $`$"2/&+$ -,,&"$)'
/- !.1 P2#&"&!0 !2/(-)&/1
Y!A=7 c\[^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. Cffender ls an execuLlve offlcer
2. Pe addresses any order or suggesLlon Lo
any [udlclal auLhorlLy
3. 1he order or suggesLlon relaLes Lo any
case or buslness comlng wlLhln Lhe
excluslve [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe courLs of

.H=G* LeglslaLlve or [udlclal offlcers are noL llable
under Lhls arLlcle.

Mere suggesLlon ls punlshable.

2.0!9,20 !88-&./%$./'
Y!A=7 c\\^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. Cffender ls a publlc offlcer
2. Pe nomlnaLes or appolnLs a person Lo a
publlc offlce
3. Such person lacks Lhe he legal
quallflcaLlon Lhereof
4. Cffender knows LhaL hls nomlnee or
employee lacks Lhe quallflcaLlons aL Lhe
Llme he made Lhe nomlnaLlon or

=;>? <A=>@DGF

!* no, mere recommendlng, even lf wlLh Lhe
knowledge LhaL Lhe person recommended ls noL
quallfled, ls noL a crlme. Pe musL nomlnaLe.

.H=G* 1here musL be a law provldlng for quallflcaLlons
of a person Lo be nomlnaLed or appolnLed Lo a publlc

!42'$' !3!&.'/ "(!'/&/1
Y!A=7 c\i^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G IJC>?;<LDG <@=?F

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

1. SollclLlng or maklng lmmoral or lndecenL
advances Lo a woman lnLeresLed ln
maLLers pendlng before Lhe offendlng
offlcer for declslon, or wlLh respecL Lo
whlch he ls requlred Lo submlL a reporL Lo
or consulL wlLh a superlor offlcer

2. SollclLlng or maklng lmmoral or lndecenL
advances Lo a woman under Lhe
offender's cusLody

3. SollclLlng or maklng lndecenL advances Lo
Lhe wlfe, daughLer, slsLer or relaLlve
wlLhln Lhe same degree by afflnlLy of any
person ln Lhe cusLody of Lhe offendlng
warden or offlcer

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. Cffender ls a publlc offlcer

2. Pe sollclLs or makes lmmoral or lndecenL
advances Lo a woman

3. Such woman ls:
a. lnLeresLed ln maLLers pendlng before
Lhe offender for declslon or wlLh
respecL Lo whlch he ls requlred Lo
submlL a reporL Lo or consulL wlLh a
superlor offlcer, or

b. under Lhe cusLody of Lhe offender ls
a warden or oLher publlc offlcer
dlrecLly charged wlLh Lhe care and
cusLody of prlsoners or persons
under arresL, or

c. 1he wlfe, daughLer, slsLer or relaLlve
wlLhln Lhe same degree by afflnlLy of
Lhe person ln Lhe cusLody of Lhe

.H=G* 1he crlme ls commlLLed by mere proposal. lf Lhe
offender succeeds ln commlLLlng a crlme agalnsL
chasLlLy, Lhe sollclLaLlon and advances are consldered
as merely as preparaLory acLs.

roof of sollclLaLlon ls noL necessary when Lhere ls
sexual lnLercourse.

:* 9;<= >? =;G G??GC@G HN =;G @A>BG <LJ?G? <S<>C?=

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
!* 1he essence of Lhe crlme ls mere maklng of
lmmoral or lndecenL sollclLaLlon or advances.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G >C?=<C@G? E;GAG <LJ?G HN @;<?=>=R
B<R <A>?GF

1. 1be womoo, wbo ls tbe offeoJeJ potty, ls
tbe potty lo lotetest lo o cose wbete tbe
offeoJet ls tbe lovestlqotot ot be ls
tepolteJ to teoJet o tepott ot be ls
tepolteJ to coosolt wltb o sopetlot offlcet.
- 1hls does noL lnclude any casual or
lncldenLal lnLeresL. 1hls refers Lo lnLeresL
ln Lhe sub[ecL of Lhe case under

.H=G* lL ls lmmaLerlal wheLher Lhe woman
dld noL agree or agreed Lo Lhe sollclLaLlon.

1hls covers any publlc offlcer before whom
maLLers are pendlng for resoluLlon or for
whlch he ls requlred Lo submlL a reporL or
consulL a superlor.

2. 1be womoo wbo ls tbe offeoJeJ potty lo
tbe ctlme ls o ptlsooet ooJet tbe costoJy
of o wotJeo ot tbe jollet wbo ls tbe
offeoJet. - 1hls crlme cannoL be
commlLLed lf Lhe warden ls a woman and
Lhe prlsoner ls a man. Men have no
chasLlLy. Cnly a lady can be a complalnanL
here so LhaL a gay guard or warden who
makes lmmoral proposals or lndecenL
advances Lo a male prlsoner ls noL llable
under Lhls law.

.H=G* lmmoral or lndecenL advances
conLemplaLed here musL be perslsLenL. lL
musL be deLermlned. A mere [oke would noL

3. 1be ctlme ls commltteJ opoo o femole
telotlve of o ptlsooet ooJet tbe costoJy of
tbe offeoJet, wbete tbe womoo ls tbe
Jooqbtet, slstet ot telotlve by offlolty lo
tbe some lloe os of tbe ptlsooet ooJet tbe
costoJy of tbe offeoJet wbo moJe tbe
loJeceot ot lmmotol sollcltotloo. - 1he
moLher ls noL lncluded so LhaL any
lmmoral or lndecenL sollclLaLlon upon Lhe
moLher of Lhe prlsoner does noL glve rlse
Lo Lhls crlme, buL Lhe offender may be
prosecuLed under Lhe SecLlon 28 of Lhe
8A 3019 (AotlCtoft ooJ cottopt ltoctlces

.H=G* 1o sollclL" means Lo propose earnesLly and
perslsLenLly someLhlng unchasLe and lmmoral Lo a

!""# 6& 3><A8= 3:AA<BB8I !H 0@G9<? "FF<?8>=
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
:* &N =;G X<>D E<AKGC NHA@GK ;>B?GDN <S<>C?= =;G E>DD
HN =;G EHB<C IA>?HCGAQ E;<= >?l<AG =;G @A>BGl?

!* 8ape ls commlLLed aslde from Lhe abuse agalnsL
chasLlLy. Abuse of chasLlLy ls noL absorbed ln Lhe
crlme of rape because Lhe basls of penallzlng Lhe
acLs ls dlfferenL from each oLher.

!7 !C=>3A<N= <CK "HAAJI= 8A<@=>@G? !@=
Y)7!7 [g6ZQ<? <BGCKGK^

:* 9;H <AG @HOGAGK JCKGA =;>? <@=F

!* All publlc offlcers whlch lncludes elecLlve and
appolnLlve offlclals and employees, permanenL or
Lemporary, wheLher ln Lhe classlfled or unclasslfled
or exempL servlce, recelvlng compensaLlon, even
nomlnal from Lhe governmenL.
.H=G* CovernmenL lncludes:
1. naLlonal governmenL
2. Local governmenL
3. CCCCs
4. CLher lnsLrumenLallLles or agencles
3. 1helr branches

:* 9;<= <AG =;G IJC>?;<LDG <@=? JCKGA 'G@7 [ HN
)7!7 [g6ZF

1. A publlc offlcer:
a. ersuadlng, lnduclng, or lnfluenclng
anoLher publlc offlcer Lo:
l. erform an acL consLlLuLlng a
vlolaLlon of Lhe 8ules and
8egulaLlons duly promulgaLed
by compeLenL auLhorlLy, or
ll. An offense ln connecLlon wlLh
Lhe offlclal duLles of Lhe laLLer

.H=G* An example of Lhe abovemenLloned
punlshable acL ls Lhe acL of lormer Comelec
Chalman 8en[amln Abalos ln brlblng 8omulo nerl
Lhe amounL of 200 Mllllon esos ln exchange for
Lhe approval of Lhe n8n ro[ecL. (Netl v. 5eoote
commlttee oo Accoootobllllty of lobllc Offlcets
ooJ lovestlqotloo, C.k. No. 18064J, Motcb 25,
b. Allowlng hlmself Lo be persuaded,
lnduced or lnfluenced Lo commlL such
vlolaLlon or offense.
2. ulrecLly or lndlrecLly requesLlng or recelvlng
any glfL, presenL, share, percenLage, or beneflL,
for hlmself or for any oLher person, ln
connecLlon wlLh any conLracL or LransacLlon
beLween Lhe CovernmenL and any oLher parL,
whereln Lhe publlc offlcer ln hls offlclal
capaclLy has Lo lnLervene under Lhe law.

.H=G* 1hls ls a speclal form of brlbery

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. 1he offender ls a publlc offlcer
2. Pe requesLed and/or recelved, dlrecLly
or lndlrecLly a glfL, presenL or
3. 1he glfL, presenL or conslderaLlon was for
Lhe beneflL of Lhe sald publlc offlcer or for
any oLher person
4. lL was requesLed and/or recelved ln
connecLlon wlLh a conLracL or LransacLlon
wlLh Lhe CovernmenL
3. 1he publlc offlcer has Lhe rlghL Lo
lnLervene ln such conLracL or LransacLlon
ln hls offlclal capaclLy

.H=G* 8.A. 3019 punlshes Lhe separaLe acLs
1. 8equesLlng
2. 8ecelvlng
3. 8equesLlng and recelvlng

Lack of demand ls lmmaLerlal. AfLer all, lL
uses Lhe word or" beLween requesLlng and
3. ulrecLly or lndlrecLly requesLlng or recelvlng
any glfL, presenL or oLher pecunlary or maLerlal
beneflL, for hlmself or for anoLher, from any
person for whom Lhe publlc offlcer, ln any
manner or capaclLy, has secured or obLalned,
or wlll secure or obLaln, any CovernmenL
permlL or llcense, ln conslderaLlon for Lhe help
glven or Lo be glven.
.H=G* 1hls ls a speclal form of brlbery
4. AccepLlng or havlng any member of hls
famlly accepL employmenL ln a prlvaLe
enLerprlse whlch has pendlng offlclal buslness
wlLh hlm durlng Lhe pendency Lhereof or
wlLhln one year afLer lLs LermlnaLlon.
:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

1. 1he publlc offlcer accepLed, or
havlng any of hls famlly member
accepL any employmenL ln a prlvaLe
2. Such prlvaLe enLerprlse has a
pendlng offlclal buslness wlLh Lhe
publlc offlcer
3. lL was accepLed durlng:
l. 1he pendency Lhereof, or
ll. WlLhln 1 year afLer lLs

3. Causlng any undue ln[ury Lo any parLy,
lncludlng Lhe CovernmenL, or glvlng any
prlvaLe parLy any unwarranLed beneflLs,
advanLage or preference ln Lhe dlscharge of hls
offlclal admlnlsLraLlve or [udlclal funcLlons
Lhrough manlfesL parLlallLy, evldenL bad falLh
or gross lnexcusable negllgence.
:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF
1. 1he accused musL be a publlc offlcer
dlscharglng admlnlsLraLlve, [udlclal or
offlclal funcLlons

2. Pe musL have acLed wlLh manlfesL
parLlallLy, evldenL bad falLh or
lnexcusable negllgence

3. 1haL hls acLlon caused:
l. Any undue ln[ury Lo any
parLy, lncludlng Lhe
governmenL, or
ll. Clvlng any prlvaLe parLy
unwarranLed beneflLs,
advanLage or preference ln
Lhe dlscharge of hls
.H=G* Slnce bad falLh ls an elemenL, good falLh
and lack of mallce ls a valld defense.
")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
6. neglecLlng or refuslng, afLer due demand
or requesL, wlLhouL sufflclenL [usLlflcaLlon,
Lo acL wlLhln a reasonable Llme on any
maLLer pendlng before hlm.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

a. Cffender ls a publlc offlcer

b. ubllc offlcer neglecLed or refused Lo acL
wlLhouL sufflclenL [usLlflcaLlon afLer due
demand or requesL has been made on

c. 8easonable Llme has elapsed from such
demand or requesL wlLhouL Lhe publlc
offlcer havlng acLed on Lhe maLLer
pendlng before hlm

d. Such fallure Lo acL ls for Lhe purpose of:
l. CbLalnlng (dlrecLly or lndlrecLly)
from any person lnLeresLed ln
Lhe maLLer some pecunlary or
maLerlal beneflL or advanLage,
ll. lavorlng hls own lnLeresL,
lll. Clvlng undue advanLage ln favor
of or dlscrlmlnaLlng agalnsL any
oLher lnLeresLed parLy.

.H=G* 1he neglecL or delay of publlc funcLlon
musL be accompanled by an express or lmplled
uLMAnu of any beneflL or conslderaLlon for
hlmself or anoLher. AbsenL such demand, Lhe
offlcer shall be merely admlnlsLraLlvely llable.
7. LnLerlng, on behalf of Lhe CovernmenL,
lnLo any conLracL or LransacLlon
manlfesLly and grossly dlsadvanLageous Lo
Lhe same, wheLher or noL Lhe publlc
offlcer proflLed or wlll proflL Lhereby.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF
1. Accused ls a publlc offlcer
2. 1he publlc offlcer enLered lnLo a conLracL
or LransacLlon on behalf of Lhe
3. Such conLracL or LransacLlon ls grossly and
manlfesLly dlsadvanLageous Lo Lhe
governmenL. (tbe tbtesbolJ of tbe ctlme)

.H=G* Lack of publlc blddlng and vlolaLlon of
admlnlsLraLlve orders do noL by Lhemselves
saLlsfy Lhe 3
elemenL. lL does noL ln lLself resulL
Lo manlfesL and gross dlsadvanLage. 1he law
requlres Lhe dlsadvanLage be gross and manlfesL.
(cooooo v. leople)
8. ulrecLly or lndlrecLly havlng flnanclal or
pecunlary lnLeresL ln any buslness,
conLracL or LransacLlon ln whlch he:
a. lnLervenes or Lakes parL ln hls offlclal
capaclLy, or

!""# 6& 3><A8= 3:AA<BB8I !H 0@G9<? "FF<?8>=
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
b. ls prohlblLed by Lhe consLlLuLlon or
by law from havlng any lnLeresL

.H=G* lnLervenLlon musL be acLual and ln Lhe
offlclal capaclLy of Lhe publlc offlcer.

9. a. ulrecLly or lndlrecLly becomlng
lnLeresLed, for personal galns, or
b. Pavlng a maLerlal lnLeresL ln any
LransacLlon or acL whlch:
l. 8equlres Lhe approval of a
board, panel or group of whlch
he ls a member and whlch
exerclses dlscreLlon ln such
ll. Lven lf he voLes agalnsL Lhe
same or does noL parLlclpaLe ln
Lhe acLlon of Lhe board,
commlLLee, panel or group.
.H=G* lnLeresL for personal galn shall be
presumed agalnsL Lhose publlc offlclals
responslble for Lhe approval of manlfesLly
unlawful, lnequlLable, or lrregular LransacLlon or
acLs by Lhe board, panel or group Lo whlch Lhey
10. knowlngly approvlng or granLlng any
llcense, permlL, prlvllege or beneflL ln
favor of:
a. Any person noL quallfled for or noL
legally enLlLled Lo such llcense,
permlL, prlvllege or beneflL, or
b. A mere represenLaLlve or dummy of
one who ls noL so quallfled or

11. a. ulvulglng valuable lnformaLlon of a:
l. ConfldenLlal characLer
ll. Acqulred by hls offlce or by hlm
on accounL of hls offlclal
poslLlon Lo unauLhorlzed person
b. 8eleaslng such lnformaLlon ln
advance of lLs auLhorlzed released

.H=G* 1he ff. persons shall also be punlshed wlLh Lhe
publlc offlcer and shall be permanenLly or Lemporarlly
dlsquallfled, ln Lhe dlscreLlon of Lhe CourL, from
LransacLlng buslness ln any form wlLh Lhe CovernmenL:
1. erson glvlng Lhe glfL, presenL, share,
percenLage or beneflL ln par. 2 and 3.
2. erson offerlng or glvlng Lo Lhe publlc offlcer
Lhe employmenL menLloned ln par. 4.
3. erson urglng Lhe dlvulglng or unLlmely
release of Lhe confldenLlal lnformaLlon ln
par. 11.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G IAH;>L>=GK <@=? NHA IA>O<=G

!* lL shall be unlawful:
1. lor any person havlng famlly or close
personal relaLlon wlLh any publlc offlclal
Lo caplLallze or explolL or Lake advanLage
of such famlly or personal relaLlon, by
dlrecLly or lndlrecLly requesLlng or
recelvlng any presenL, glfL, maLerlal or
pecunlary advanLage from any person
havlng some buslness, LransacLlon,
appllcaLlon, requesL or conLracL wlLh Lhe
governmenL, ln whlch such publlc offlcer
has Lo lnLervene (5ec. 4)
.H=G* lamlly relaLlons lnclude Lhe spouse or
relaLlves by consangulnlLy or afflnlLy wlLhln 3

clvll degree.

Close ersonal relaLlons lnclude:
a. Close personal frlendshlp
b. Soclal and fraLernal relaLlons
c. ersonal employmenL

1hls all glves rlse Lo lnLlmacy whlch assumes free
access Lo such publlc offlcer.

2. lor any person Lo knowlngly lnduce or
cause any publlc offlclal Lo commlL any of
Lhe offenses deflned ln Sec. 3. (5ec.6)

:* 9;<= <AG =;G H=;GA IAH;>L>=GK <@=? NHA =;G

!* 3)* lL shall be unlawful for Lhe spouse or
relaLlve by consangulnlLy or afflnlLy wlLhln 3
degree of Lhe resldenL, vlce resldenL, SenaLe
resldenLQ or Speaker of Lhe Pouse Lo lnLervene
dlrecLly or lndlrecLly ln any buslness, LransacLlon,
conLracL or appllcaLlon wlLh Lhe governmenL.
`8.* 1hls wlll noL apply Lo:
1. Any person who prlor Lo Lhe assumpLlon
of offlce of any of Lhe above offlclals Lo
whom he ls relaLed, has been already
deallng wlLh Lhe CovernmenL along Lhe
same llne of buslness

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

2. Any LransacLlon, conLracL or appllcaLlon
already exlsLlng or pendlng aL Lhe Llme of
such assumpLlon of publlc offlce

3. Any appllcaLlon flled by hlm Lhe approval
of whlch ls noL dlscreLlonary on Lhe parL
of Lhe offlclal or offlclals concerned buL
depends upon compllance wlLh requlslLes
provlded by law, or rules or regulaLlons
lssued pursuanL Lo law

4. Any acL lawfully performed ln an offlclal
capaclLy or ln Lhe exerclse of a professlon.

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
47 !C=>8DJCKGA !@=
Y)7!7 jgfgQ <? <BGCKGK^

:* 9;H <AG @HOGAGK JCKGA =;>? <@=F
!* ubllc offlcers whlch means any person holdlng
any publlc offlce ln Lhe CovernmenL of Lhe 8epubllc
of Lhe hlllpplnes by vlrLue of an appolnLmenL,
elecLlon or conLracL.
:* 9;<= >? >DDSH==GC EG<D=;F
!* lL ls any asseL, properLy, buslness enLerprlse or
maLerlal possesslon of any person, acqulred by a
publlc offlcer dlrecLly or lndlrecLly Lhrough
dummles, nomlnees, agenLs, subordlnaLes and/or
buslness assoclaLes.
:* (HE >? >DDSH==GC EG<D=; <@TJ>AGKF
!* lL ls acqulred by any comblnaLlon or serles of Lhe
followlng means or slmllar schemes:
1. 1hrough mlsapproprlaLlon, converslon,
mlsuse, or malversaLlon of publlc funds or
ralds on Lhe publlc Lreasury

2. 8y recelvlng, dlrecLly or lndlrecLly, any
commlsslon, glfL, share, percenLage,
klckbacks or any/or enLlLy ln connecLlon
wlLh any governmenL conLracL or pro[ecL
or by reason of Lhe offlce or poslLlon of
Lhe publlc offlcer concerned

3. 8y Lhe lllegal or fraudulenL conveyance or
dlsposlLlon of asseLs belonglng Lo Lhe
naLlonal governmenL or any of lLs
subdlvlslons, agencles or lnsLrumenLallLles
or governmenLowned or conLrolled
corporaLlons and Lhelr subsldlarles

4. 8y obLalnlng, recelvlng or accepLlng
dlrecLly or lndlrecLly any shares of sLock,
equlLy or any oLher form of lnLeresL or
parLlclpaLlon lncludlng Lhe promlse of
fuLure employmenL ln any buslness
enLerprlse or underLaklng

3. 8y esLabllshlng agrlculLural, lndusLrlal or
commerclal monopolles or oLher
comblnaLlons and/or lmplemenLaLlon of
decrees and orders lnLended Lo beneflL
parLlcular persons or speclal lnLeresLs

6. 8y Laklng undue advanLage of offlclal
poslLlon, auLhorlLy, relaLlonshlp,
connecLlon or lnfluence Lo un[usLly enrlch
hlmself or Lhemselves aL Lhe expense and
Lo Lhe damage and pre[udlce of Lhe
llllplno people and Lhe 8epubllc of Lhe

:* 9;<= >? 8DJCKGAF

!* lL ls a crlme commlLLed by a publlc offlcer by
hlmself or ln connlvance wlLh members of hls
famlly, relaLlves by afflnlLy or consangulnlLy,
buslness assoclaLes, subordlnaLes or oLher persons,
by amasslng, accumulaLlng or acqulrlng lllgoLLen
wealLh Lhrough a comblnaLlon or serles of overL
acLs ln Lhe aggregaLe amounL or LoLal value of aL
leasL 30 mllllon.

:* 9;<= >? 5*!,$%"-$*%F

!* ComblnaLlon refers Lo aL leasL 2 of Lhe above
enumeraLlons found ln dlfferenL numbers.
e.q. mlsapproprlaLlon ln no.(1) and recelvlng
commlsslon ln no. (2).

:* 9;<= >? &')$'&F

!* Serles refers Lo aL leasL 2 or more overL acLs ls
under Lhe same caLegory of enumeraLlon.

e.q. mlsapproprlaLlon and ralds of publlc Lreasury all
found ln no. (1)

:* &? >= CG@G??<AR =H IAHOG G<@; <CK GOGAR @A>B>C<D
<@= KHCG LR =;G <@@J?GK =H @HBB>= =;G @A>BG HN

A: no. lL ls sufflclenL Lo esLabllsh beyond reasonable
doubL a paLLern of overL or crlmlnal acLs lndlcaLlve
of Lhe overall unlawful scheme or consplracy.

.H=G* lunder ls a molom lo se. 1he degree of
responslblllLy of Lhe offender ls deLermlned by hls

!""# 6& 3><A8= 3:AA<BB8I !H 0@G9<? "FF<?8>=

!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
crlmlnal lnLenL. Pence, lL auLhorlzes Lhe appllcaLlon of
mlLlgaLlng and exLenuaLlng clrcumsLances ln Lhe 8C.
1he Law ls sllenL on wheLher a person can be charged
wlLh a predlcaLe crlme. .q.Cotclo pleoJloq qollty
befote tbe 5ooJlqooboyoo to tbe lesset offeoses of
loJltect btlbety ooJ focllltotloq mooey loooJetloq,
losteoJ of plooJet, wblcb ls o ooobolloble copltol
offeose, ooJ to tetoto less tboo bolf tbe loot be wos
occoseJ of steolloq.
"7 (JB<C 'G@JA>=R !@= HN cggj Y)7!7 Z[jc^

:* 9;<= >? =;G GNNG@= HN N<>DJAG =H KGD>OGA =;G
?J?IG@= =H =;G IAHIGA XJK>@><D <J=;HA>=R JCKGA =;>?

!* Any pollce or law enforcemenL personnel who
has Laken cusLody of a person charged wlLh or
suspecLed of Lhe crlme of Lerrorlsm or Lhe crlme of
consplracy Lo commlL Lerrorlsm shall dellver Lhe
same Lo Lhe proper [udlclal auLhorlLles wlLhln a
perlod of 3 days counLed from Lhe momenL of
apprehenslon, arresL, deLenLlon and Laklng lnLo
cusLody by Lhe pollce or law enforcemenL personnel
oLherwlse, such pollce or law enforcemenL
personnel shall be penallzed wlLh 10 years and 1
day Lo 12 years lmprlsonmenL.

:* 9;<= >? =;G IGC<D=R NHA >CN>KGD>=R >C =;G @J?=HKR

!* Any publlc offlcer who has dlrecL cusLody of a
deLalned person or under Lhe provlslons of Lhls AcL
and who by hls dellberaLe acL, mlsconducL, or
lnexcusable negllgence causes or allows Lhe escape
of such deLalned person shall be gullLy of an offense
and shall suffer Lhe penalLy of:

1. 12 yeots ooJ 1 Joy to 20 yeots of
lmptlsoomeot lf Lhe deLalned person has
already been convlcLed and senLenced ln
a flnal [udgmenL of a compeLenL courL

2. 6 yeots ooJ 1 Joy to 12 yeots of
lmptlsoomeot lf Lhe deLalned person has
noL been convlcLed and senLenced ln a
flnal [udgmenL of a compeLenL courL. (5ec.

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
+&&&7 ")&%$' !3!&.'/ 8$)'-.' Yc\]c]]^

#$'/)2"/&-. -, 0&,$

Y!A=7 c\]^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. ueceased ls kllled by Lhe accused.
2. ueceased ls Lhe:
a. laLher
b. MoLher
c. Chlld, wheLher leglLlmaLe or
d. LeglLlmaLe oLher ascendanL or oLher
e. LeglLlmaLe spouse of Lhe accused.


1he relaLlonshlp, excepL Lhe spouse, musL be ln Lhe
dlrecL llne and noL ln Lhe collaLeral llne. Pence, lf A,
faLher of Lhe vlcLlm v, was asslsLed by n (a nephew) ln
kllllng v, Lhen A ls gullLy of parrlclde whlle n
commlLLed murder (as Lhe deceased was kllled whlle
sleeplng) and noL parrlclde.


!* ?es, excepL when Lhe offender and Lhe offended
parLy are relaLed as parenL and chlld.

.H=G* lf Lhe offender and Lhe offended parLy, alLhough
relaLed by blood and ln Lhe dlrecL llne, are separaLed
by an lnLervenlng llleglLlmaLe relaLlonshlp, parrlclde
can no longer be commlLLed.

1he only llleglLlmaLe relaLlonshlp LhaL can brlng abouL
parrlclde ls LhaL beLween parenLs and llleglLlmaLe
chlldren as Lhe offender and Lhe offended parLles.

1he presence of any of Lhe quallfylng clrcumsLances ln
murder wlll be consldered a generlc aggravaLlng
clrcumsLance ln parrlclde.

.H=G* 1he vlcLlm musL noL be less Lhan 3 days old,
oLherwlse, Lhe crlme ls lofootlclJe.

:* 'JIIH?G < ?=A<CSGA @HC?I>AG? >C =;G @HBB>??>HC
HN =;G @A>BG HN I<AA>@>KGQ E;<= >? ;>? @A>B>C<D

!* 1he sLranger ls llable for homlclde or murder, as
Lhe case may be, because of Lhe absence of
relaLlonshlp. 1he rule on consplracy LhaL Lhe acL of
one ls Lhe acL of all does noL apply here because of
Lhe personal relaLlonshlp of Lhe offender Lo Lhe
offended parLy. lL ls lmmaLerlal LhaL he knew of Lhe
relaLlonshlp of Lhe accused and Lhe deceased.

:* /H @HC?=>=J=G I<AA>@>KG HN < ?IHJ?GQ E;<= BJ?=

!* 1here musL be a valld subslsLlng marrlage aL Lhe
Llme of Lhe kllllng. Also, Lhe lnformaLlon should
allege Lhe facL of such valld marrlage beLween Lhe
accused and Lhe vlcLlm.

.H=G* arrlclde of spouse requlres proof of marrlage.

:* 'JIIH?G < %J?D>BQ E;H ;<? =;AGG E>OG?Q _>DDGK
=;G =;>AK7 &? ;G D><LDG NHA I<AA>@>KGF

!* no. Musllm husbands wlLh several wlves can be
convlcLed of parrlclde only ln case Lhe flrsL wlfe ls
kllled. 1here ls no parrlclde lf Lhe oLher wlves are
kllled alLhough Lhelr marrlage ls recognlzed as valld.

kotlo. A CaLhollc man can commlL Lhe crlme only once.
lf a Musllm husband could commlL Lhe crlme more
Lhan once, ln effecL, he ls belng punlshed for Lhe
marrlage whlch Lhe law lLself auLhorlzed hlm Lo

:* 9;<= <AG =;G @<?G? HN I<AA>@>KG E;GAG =;G
IGC<D=R HN A'5#3&$*% <')('-3" =H #G<=; ?;<DD CH=

1. arrlclde Lhrough negllgence (Att. J65)
2. arrlclde Lhrough mlsLake (Att. 249)
3. arrlclde under excepLlonal clrcumsLances
(Att. 247)

:* 9;<= <AG =;G G??GC=><D GDGBGC=? HN =;G @A>BGF

!* 8elaLlonshlp of Lhe offender wlLh Lhe vlcLlm ls
Lhe essenLlal elemenL of Lhe crlme. Pence, lf a
person wanLed Lo klll a sLranger buL by mlsLake he
kllled hls own faLher, he wlll be held llable for
parrlclde buL ArL. 49 wlll apply as regards Lhe
proper penalLy Lo be lmposed.

:* &N < IGA?HC _>DDGK ;>?l;GA <KHI=GK @;>DKQ EHJDK
=;<= @HC?=>=J=G I<AA>@>KGF

!* no. Slnce relaLlonshlp of Lhe offender wlLh Lhe
vlcLlm ls Lhe essenLlal elemenL of Lhe crlme, kllllng
an adopLed chlld even lf adopLlon confers on Lhe
adopLed chlld all rlghLs and prlvlleges of a
leglLlmaLe chlld could noL be parrlclde. lL ls elLher
murder or homlclde as Lhe case may be.

:* ! _>DDGK*
67 ! EHB<C E>=; E;HB ;G D>OGK E>=;HJ=

!""# 6& 3><A8= +KC<;=B 08>=:;=
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
c7 /;G>A @;>DK E;H E<? HCDR =EH K<R? HDK
[7 /;G>A K<JS;=GAm <CK
\7 /;G>A <KHI=GK ?HC

9;<= @A>BG HA @A>BG? K>K ! @HBB>=F

!* A commlLLed Lhe followlng crlmes:

1. Pomlclde or murder as Lhe case may be
for Lhe kllllng of Lhe commonlaw wlfe
who ls noL legally consldered as spouse.

2. lnfanLlclde for Lhe kllllng of Lhe chlld as
sald chlld ls less Lhan 3 days old (Att 255,
klc). Powever, Lhe penalLy
correspondlng Lo parrlclde shall be
lmposed slnce A ls relaLed Lo Lhe chlld
wlLhln Lhe degree deflned ln Lhe crlme of

3. arrlclde for Lhe kllllng of Lhelr daughLer,
wheLher leglLlmaLe or llleglLlmaLe, as long
as she ls noL less Lhan 3 days old aL Lhe
Llme of kllllng.

4. Murder for Lhe kllllng of Lhelr adopLed
son as Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween A and Lhe
sald son musL be by blood ln order for
parrlclde Lo arlse.

#$!/( -) 8(1'&"!0 &.P2)1 &.,0&"/$# 2.#$)
$`"$8/&-.!0 "&)"2%'/!."$'
Y!A=7 c\j^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN !A=7 c\jF

1. A legally marrled person or a parenL
surprlses hls spouse or daughLer, Lhe
laLLer under 18 years of age and llvlng
wlLh hlm, ln Lhe acL of commlLLlng sexual

2. Pe or she kllls any or boLh of Lhem or
lnfllcLs upon any or boLh of Lhem any
serlous physlcal ln[ury ln Lhe acL or
lmmedlaLely LhereafLer.

3. Pe has noL promoLed or faclllLaLed Lhe
prosLlLuLlon of hls wlfe or daughLer, or
LhaL he or she has noL consenLed Lo Lhe
lnfldellLy of Lhe oLher spouse.

.H=G* 1hls arLlcle does noL deflne a crlme. lL provldes a
defense, whlch Lhe accused musL prove

:* 9;<= >? =;G A<=>HC<DG NHA !A=7 c\jF

!* 1he law affords proLecLlon Lo a spouse
consldered Lo have acLed ln a [usLlfled ouLbursL of
passlon or a sLaLe of menLal dlsequlllbrlum. 1he
offended spouse has no Llme Lo regaln hls self

:* 9;<= >? =;G C<=JAG HN !A=7 c\jF

!* ArL. 247 far from deflnlng a felony ls more of an
exempLlng clrcumsLance as Lhe penalLy lnLended
more for Lhe proLecLlon of Lhe accused raLher Lhan
a punlshmenL. uL dlfferenLly, lL pracLlcally granLs a
prlvllege amounLlng Lo an exempLlon for adequaLe

:* 9;<= <AG =;G =EH ?=<SG? @HC=GBID<=GK JCKGA
!A=7 c\jF

1. When Lhe offender surprlsed Lhe oLher
spouse wlLh a paramour or mlsLress.

.H=G* Surprlse means Lo come upon suddenly
or unexpecLedly.

1he aLLack musL Lake place whlle Lhe sexual
lnLercourse ls golng on. lf Lhe surprlse was
before or afLer Lhe lnLercourse, no maLLer how
lmmedlaLe, ArLlcle 247 does noL apply.

2. When Lhe offender kllls or lnfllcLs serlous
physlcal ln[ury upon Lhe oLher spouse and
paramour whlle ln Lhe acL of lnLercourse, or
lmmedlaLely LhereafLer, LhaL ls, afLer

:* 9;<= >? BG<C= LR =;G I;A<?G U$!!'2$"-'#F

!* 1he phrase lmmedlaLely LhereafLer has been
lnLerpreLed Lo mean LhaL beLween Lhe surprlslng
and Lhe kllllng or Lhe lnfllcLlng of Lhe physlcal ln[ury,
Lhere should be no lnLerrupLlon or lnLerval of Llme.
ln oLher words, lL musL be a conLlnuous process.

:* 9;<= >? BG<C= LR =;G I;A<?G K$% -+' "5- *1
5*!!$--$%4 &'V3"# $%-')5*3)&'L.

!* lL means LhaL Lhere musL be acLual sexual
lnLercourse. lL does noL lnclude preparaLory acLs.

:* &? >= CG@G??<AR =;<= =;G ?IHJ?G <@=J<DDR ?<E =;G
!* no. lL ls enough LhaL he/she surprlsed Lhem
under such clrcumsLances LhaL no oLher reasonable
concluslon can be lnferred buL LhaL a carnal acL was
belng performed or has [usL been commlLLed.

.H=G* 1he kllllng or lnfllcLlon of physlcal ln[urles musL

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

be ln Lhe acL of sexual lnLercourse or lmmedlaLely
LhereafLer. 1hus, where Lhe accused surprlsed hls wlfe
and her paramour ln Lhe carnal acL buL Lhe laLLer ran
away, he flrsL chased hlm and unable Lo caLch up wlLh
hlm, reLurned Lo hls wlfe whom he found aL Lhe sLalrs
of Lhelr house, no longer ln Lhe place where he saw
her havlng sex wlLh Lhe paramour and kllled her, he
can avall of ArL 247.

A bar examlnee, who kllled Lhe paramour of hls wlfe ln
a mah[ong sesslon, an hour afLer he had surprlsed
Lhem ln Lhe acL of sexual lnLercourse ln hls house,
slnce aL LhaL Llme, he had Lo run away and geL a gun as
Lhe paramour was armed, was granLed Lhe beneflLs of
Lhls arLlcle. (leople v. Abotco, C.k. No. 744JJ, 5ept.14,

:* 9;GC =;>AK IGA?HC? <AG >CXJAGK >C =;G @HJA?G HN

!* no. lnfllcLlng deaLh or physlcal ln[urles under
excepLlonal clrcumsLances ls noL murder. 1he
offender cannoL Lherefore be held llable for
frusLraLed murder for Lhe serlous ln[urles suffered
by Lhlrd persons. lL does noL mean, however, LhaL
Lhe offender ls LoLally free from any responslblllLy.
1he offender can be held llable for serlous physlcal
ln[urles Lhrough slmple lmprudence or negllgence.

:* 9;<= >? =;G BG<C>CS HN =;G I;A<?G K#$6$%4 >$-+

!* 1he phrase llvlng wlLh Lhem ls undersLood Lo be
ln Lhelr own dwelllng because of Lhe
embarrassmenL and humlllaLlon done noL only Lo
Lhe parenL buL also Lo Lhe parenLal abode. lf lL was
done ln a moLel, Lhe arLlcle does noL apply.
")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA

.H=G* 1he beneflLs of ArL. 247 may also apply Lo
parenLs who shall surprlse Lhelr daughLer below 18
years of age ln acLual sexual lnLercourse whlle llvlng
wlLh Lhem.

1he sexual acL ls beLween Lhe daughLer and a seducer.
1he parenLs cannoL lnvoke Lhls provlslon, lf, ln a way,
Lhey have encouraged Lhe prosLlLuLlon of Lhe
daughLer. 1he parenL need noL be leglLlmaLe.

:* ! <CK 4 <AG ;J?L<CK <CK E>NG7 ! >? GBIDHRGK <?
< ?G@JA>=R SJ<AK <= 0<CKB<A_Q ;>? ?;>N= LG>CS NAHB
66*gg I7B7 =H j*gg <7B7 -CG C>S;=Q ;G NGD= ?>@_ <CK
;G CH=>@GK =;<= =;G D>S;= >C =;G B<?=GA LGKAHHB
;G<A ?>S;? <CK S>SSDG? >C?>KG =;G LGKAHHB7 (G
E;GAG ;G ?<E ;>? E>NG 4 ;<O>CS ?GMJ<D >C=GA@HJA?G
E>=; =;G>A CG>S;LHA "7 ! AJ?;GK >C?>KG <CK SA<LLGK
" LJ= =;G D<==GA B<C<SGK =H EAG?= ;>B?GDN NAGG <CK
B<C<SGK =H @<=@; " <S<>C <CK <N=GA < NJA>HJ?
?=AJSSDGQ B<C<SGK <D?H =H ?=A<CSDG ;>B =H KG<=;7 !
=;GC AJ?;GK L<@_ =H =;G>A LGKAHHB E;GAG ;>? E>NG
KG<=; HN " <CK ?GA>HJ? I;R?>@<D >CXJA>G? HN 47

67 &? ! D><LDG NHA "a? KG<=;F 9;RF
c7 &? ! D><LDG NHA 4a? >CXJA>G?F 9;RF

1. ?es. A ls llable for C's deaLh buL under Lhe
excepLlonal clrcumsLances ln ArL. 247 of
Lhe 8C where only Jestletto ls
prescrlbed. ArLlcle 247 governs slnce A
surprlsed hls wlfe 8 ln Lhe acL of havlng
sexual lnLercourse wlLh C, and Lhe kllllng
of C was lmmedlaLely LhereafLer as Lhe
dlscover, escape, pursulL and kllllng of C
form one conLlnuous acL. (u5 v. votqos, 2
lbll 194)

2. Llkewlse, A ls llable for Lhe serlous
physlcal ln[urles he lnfllcLed on hls wlfe
buL under Lhe same excepLlonal
clrcumsLances ln ArLlcle 247 of Lhe
8evlsed enal Code for Lhe same reason.
Ycgg6 4<A :JG?=>HC^

Y!A=7 c\f^


1. 1haL a person was kllled
2. 1haL Lhe accused kllled hlm
3. 1haL Lhe kllllng was aLLended by any of Lhe
quallfylng clrcumsLances menLloned ln Att.
4. 1haL Lhe kllllng ls noL parrlclde or lnfanLlclde

.H=G* Cne aLLendlng clrcumsLance ls enough Lo quallfy
Lhe crlme as murder and any oLher wlll be consldered
generlc aggravaLlng clrcumsLances.

1o be consldered quallfylng, Lhe parLlcular
clrcumsLance musL be alleged ln Lhe lnformaLlon.
CLherwlse, Lhey wlll only be consldered as generlc
aggravaLlng clrcumsLances.

!""# 6& 3><A8= +KC<;=B 08>=:;=
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
:* 9;<= >? BJAKGAF

!* MotJet ls Lhe unlawful kllllng of any person
whlch ls noL parrlclde or lnfanLlclde, provlded LhaL
any of Lhe followlng clrcumsLances ls presenL:

1. WlLh Lreachery, Laklng advanLage of
superlor sLrengLh, wlLh Lhe ald of armed
men, or employlng means Lo weaken Lhe
defense, or of means or persons Lo lnsure
or afford lmpunlLy

2. ln conslderaLlon of a prlce, reward or

.H=G* lor reward and promlse Lo be
consldered, Lhe same musL Lhe prlmary
conslderaLlon ln Lhe commlsslon of a crlme
or felony.

lf Lhls aggravaLlng clrcumsLance ls presenL ln
Lhe commlsslon of Lhe crlme, lL affecLs noL
only Lhe person who recelved Lhe money or
reward buL also Lhe person who gave lL.

3. 8y means of lnundaLlon, flre, polson,
exploslon, shlpwreck, sLrandlng on a
vessel, derallmenL or assaulL upon a
rallroad, fall of an alrshlp, by moLor
vehlcles, or wlLh Lhe use of any oLher
means lnvolvlng greaL wasLe and ruln

4. Cn occaslon of any of Lhe calamlLles
enumeraLed ln Lhe precedlng paragraph,
or of an earLhquake, erupLlon of volcano,
desLrucLlve cyclone, epldemlc, or oLher
publlc calamlLy

3. WlLh evldenL premedlLaLlon

.H=G* 1he offender musL have Laken
advanLage of Lhe same and Lhe resulLanL

6. WlLh cruelLy, by dellberaLely and
lnhumanly augmenLlng Lhe sufferlng of
Lhe vlcLlm, or ouLraglng or scofflng aL hls
person or corpse.

.H=G* CruelLy lncludes Lhe slLuaLlon where
Lhe vlcLlm ls already dead and yeL, acLs were
commlLLed whlch would decry or scoff Lhe
corpse of Lhe vlcLlm. 1he crlme becomes

1here ls no cruelLy lf Lhe acL ls Lhe resulL of
an lmpulse of passlon or exLreme
obfuscaLlon as such wlll be lnconslsLenL wlLh
Lhe concepL of dellberaLeness ln augmenLlng
Lhe sufferlng of Lhe vlcLlm
:* 9;GC >? =;GAG =AG<@;GARF
!* 1here ls Lreachery when Lhe offender commlLs
any of Lhe crlmes agalnsL Lhe person employlng
means, meLhods or forms ln Lhe execuLlon Lhereof
LhaL Lend dlrecLly and especlally Lo lnsure lLs
execuLlon wlLhouL rlsk Lo hlmself arlslng from Lhe
defense whlch Lhe offended parLy mlghL make.

.H=G* 1reachery ls lnherenL ln polson. Abuse of
superlor sLrengLh ls lnherenL ln and comprehended by


1he kllllng of a chlld of Lender age ls murder quallfled
by Lreachery because of Lhe weakness of Lhe chlld due
Lo hls Lender age resulLs ln Lhe absence of any danger
Lo Lhe aggressor.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =AG<@;GARF

1. 1he employmenL of means of execuLlon
LhaL would lnsure Lhe safeLy of Lhe
accused from reLallaLory acLs of Lhe
lnLended vlcLlm and leavlng Lhe laLLer
wlLhouL an opporLunlLy Lo defend hlmself

2. 1he means employed were dellberaLely or
consclously adopLed by Lhe offender

:* 9;<= >? =;G G??GC@G HN =AG<@;GARF

!* 1he essence of Lreachery ls LhaL Lhe offended
parLy ls denled of Lhe chance Lo defend hlmself
because of Lhe means, meLhods, or form ln
execuLlng Lhe crlme dellberaLely adopLed by Lhe
offender. 1hls ls Lrue even lf Lhere ls no lnLenL Lo

.H=G* Whlle Lhe clrcumsLance of by a band ls noL
among Lhose enumeraLed LhaL could quallfy kllllng as
murder, lL would seem LhaL lf Lhe klller consLlLuLed a
band, Lhe crlme ls murder because Lhe clrcumsLance of
wlLh ald of armed men ls lncluded ln Lhe quallfylng
clrcumsLances. 1hese clrcumsLances however musL be
alleged ln Lhe lnformaLlon, oLherwlse, Lhey wlll be
consldered only as ordlnary aggravaLlng clrcumsLances
Lo Lhe crlme of homlclde.


A sudden and unexpecLed aLLack under clrcumsLances
whlch render Lhe vlcLlm unable Lo defend hlmself by
reason of Lhe suddenness and severlLy of Lhe acL
consLlLuLes olevoslo. (leople vs. 5ootos, 2004)

:* 9;<= >? =;G @A>BG @HBB>==GK >N =;G IGA?HC >?

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

!* 1he prlmordlal crlmlnal lnLenL of Lhe offender ls
")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
1. MotJet - lf Lhe prlmordlal crlmlnal lnLenL
of Lhe offender ls Lo klll and flre was only
used as a means Lo do so.

2. Atsoo - lf Lhe prlmordlal crlmlnal lnLenL of
Lhe offender ls Lo desLroy Lhe properLy
wlLh Lhe use of pyroLechnlcs and
lncldenLally, somebody wlLhln Lhe
premlses ls kllled or lf Lhe lnLenL ls Lo burn
a house buL lL [usL so happens LhaL Lhere
ls someone lnslde Lhe house.

.H=G* Arson wlLh murder ls noL a complex
crlme under ArL. 48. 1hls ls a slngle
lndlvlslble crlme penallzed under ArL. 326,
whlch ls deaLh as a consequence of arson.

3. nomlclJe - lf Lhe burnlng ls resorLed Lo as
a [oke buL deaLh resulLed.

4. 1wo separaLe crlmes of bomlclJe ooJ
otsoo - lf flre ls used Lo conceal Lhe kllllng
of Lhe vlcLlms.


1o quallfy kllllng Lo murder by means of lnundaLlon,
flre, polson, exploslon, shlpwreck eLc., Lhe offender's
purpose and deslgn musL be Lo klll Lhe vlcLlm ln
employlng Lhe varlous modes. 1hus, A and 8 Lo
enhance furLher merrlmenL, poured gas on Lhe cloLh of
a menLal reLardaLe who conLlnued danclng whlle hls
cloLh ls on flre Lo Lhe dellghL of Lhe crowd gaLhered,
are noL only gullLy of murder lf Lhe menLal reLardaLe
dled of 3rd degree burns because Lhe flre was
employed noL Lo klll Lhe vlcLlm. (leople v. loqoy, C.k.
No. 74J14, Nov. 17, 1988).

:* 9;<= >? AGTJ>AGK NHA GO>KGC= IAGBGK>=<=>HC =H

!* 1here musL be proof as clear as Lhe evldence of
Lhe crlme lLself of Lhe followlng elemenLs:
1. 1he Llme when Lhe offender deLermlned
Lo commlL Lhe crlme

2. An acL manlfesLly lndlcaLlng LhaL Lhe
offender clung Lo hls or her deLermlnaLlon

3. A lapse of Llme beLween Lhe
deLermlnaLlon and Lhe execuLlon,
sufflclenL Lo allow Lhe offender Lo reflecL
upon Lhe consequences of hls acL.

:* 9;<= >? =;G K>NNGAGC@G HN @AJGD=R <? < TJ<D>NR>CS
@>A@JB?=<C@G HN BJAKGA Y!A=7 c\f^ <CK @AJGD=R <? <
SGCGA>@ <SSA<O<=>CS @>A@JB?=<C@G JCKGA !A=7 6\F
Y!)/7 c\f^
Y!)/7 6\^
Aslde from cruelLy, any
acL LhaL would amounL Lo
scofflng or decrylng Lhe
corpse of Lhe vlcLlm wlll
quallfy Lhe kllllng Lo
8equlres LhaL Lhe vlcLlm
be allve, when Lhe cruel
wounds were lnfllcLed
and, Lherefore, musL be
evldence Lo LhaL effecL.


ulsmembermenL of a dead body ls one manner of
ouLraglng or scofflng aL Lhe corpse of Lhe vlcLlm.
(leople vs. Collletmo, 2004)

:* "<C BJAKGA LG @HBB>==GK GOGC >N <= =;G

!* ?es, alLhough generally, murder can only be
commlLLed lf aL Lhe ouLseL, Lhe offender has lnLenL
Lo klll because Lhe quallfylng clrcumsLances musL be
resLored Lo wlLh Lhe vlew of kllllng Lhe vlcLlm.

Powever, lf Lhe offender may noL have lnLended Lo
klll Lhe vlcLlm buL he only wanLed Lo commlL a
crlme agalnsL hlm ln Lhe beglnnlng, he wlll sLlll be
llable for murder lf ln Lhe manner of commlLLlng Lhe
felony, Lhere was Lreachery and as a consequence
Lhereof, Lhe vlcLlm dled.

kotlo. 1hls ls based on Lhe rule LhaL Lhe person
commlLLlng a felony shall be llable for Lhe
consequences Lhereof alLhough dlfferenL from LhaL
whlch ls lnLended.

:* 9;GAG =;G TJ<D>NR>CS @>A@JB?=<C@G? EGAG CH=
=;H?G IAHOGK >C =;G =A><DQ @<C =;G <@@J?GK LG

!* no, because any of Lhe quallfylng clrcumsLances
under ArL. 248 ls an lngredlenL of murder, noL
merely quallfylng clrcumsLance.

1he clrcumsLances musL be boLh alleged and
proved ln Lhe Lrlal, oLherwlse, Lhey cannoL be
consldered because Lhe rlghL of Lhe accused Lo be
lnformed of Lhe charge agalnsL hlm wlll be vlolaLed.

:* !Q < j]RG<A HDK EHB<CQ E<? LAHJS;= =H =;G
;H?I>=<D >C @HB< E>=; ?D>S;= @GAGLA<D ;GBHAA;<SG7
!C GCKH=A<@;G<D =JLG E<? >C?GA=GK >C ;>? BHJ=; =H
N<@>D>=<=G ;GA LAG<=;>CS7 4Q < ;H?I>=<D X<C>=HAQ E;H
;HDK>CS =;G =JLG >C ID<@G7 ! KH@=HA ?<E ;>B <CK
=HDK ;>B =H SG= HJ= HN =;G AHHB7 /;G ID<?=GA E<?
AGID<@GK7 4J= E;GC =;G KH@=HA E<? SHCGQ 4 @<BG

!""# 6& 3><A8= +KC<;=B 08>=:;=
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
L<@_ <CK AGBHOGK =;G =JLG7 /;G O>@=>B ?=<A=GK =H
<AA>O<D HN =;G CJA?G IAGOGC=GK =;G I<=>GC=a? KG<=;7
/;G I<=>GC= E<? =;GC =A<C?NGAAGK =H <CH=;GA
;H?I>=<D E;GAG ?;G K>GK =;G CGM= K<R HN @<AK>H
AG?I>A<=HAR <AAG?=7 &? 4 @A>B>C<DDR D><LDGF &N ?HQ E;<=
@A>BG >N <CR K>K 4 @HBB>=F

!* ?es, 8 ls crlmlnally llable for murder (quallfled by
Lreachery) because Lhe deaLh of A appears Lo be
Lhe proxlmaLe cause of Lhe overL acLs of 8.

:* ! K>GK HN @<AK>HAG?I>A<=HAR <AAG?= E;>@;
<CK LDGGK>CS >C =;G BHJ=; HN =;G O>@=>B KJG =H =;G
AGBHO<D HN 4 HN =;G GCKH=A<@;G<D =JLG =E>@G7 "<C
=;G =EH <@=? HN 4 LG @HC?>KGAGK <? =;G AG?JD= HN

!* ln leople v. umoqloq (17 5ckA 166), Lhe
Supreme CourL ruled LhaL Lhe removal of Lhe
endoLracheal Lube ls aLLempLed murder quallfled by
Lreachery because Lhe paLlenL dld noL dle. Y6ZZ6
4<A :JG?=>HC^

Y!A=7 c\Z^

:* 9;<= >? ;HB>@>KGF

!* nomlclJe ls Lhe unlawful kllllng of any person,
whlch ls nelLher parrlclde, murder nor lnfanLlclde.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN ;HB>@>KGF

1. 1haL a person ls kllled
2. 1haL Lhe accused kllled hlm wlLhouL any
[usLlfylng clrcumsLance
3. 1he accused had lnLenLlon Lo klll whlch ls
4. 1he kllllng was noL aLLended by any of Lhe
quallfylng clrcumsLances of murder, or by
LhaL of parrlclde or lnfanLlclde

.H=G* lnLenL Lo klll ls concluslvely presumed when
deaLh resulLed, hence, need noL be esLabllshed.

Lvldence of lnLenL Lo klll ls lmporLanL only ln
aLLempLed or frusLraLed homlclde.

hyslcal ln[urles are lncluded as one of Lhe essenLlal
elemenLs of frusLraLed homlclde.
When Lhe wounds LhaL caused deaLh were lnfllcLed by
2 dlfferenL persons, even lf Lhey were noL ln
consplracy, each one of Lhem ls gullLy of homlclde.

ln all crlmes agalnsL person ln whlch Lhe deaLh of Lhe
vlcLlm ls an elemenL, Lhere musL be saLlsfacLory
evldence of:
1. 1he facL of deaLh
2. 1he ldenLlLy of Lhe vlcLlm.

When Lhere ls no way of deLermlnlng how Lhe aLLack
was commlLLed, Lreachery cannoL be consldered and
Lhe accused ls gullLy of homlclde only. (leople vs uelo
ctoz, C.k. No. 152176, Octobet 1, 200J)

:* &? =;GAG < @A>BG HN NAJ?=A<=GK ;HB>@>KG =;AHJS;

!* none. 1hls ls because lnLenL ls lnherenL ln
frusLraLed or aLLempLed homlclde.


When Lhere ls an agreemenL Lo flghL beLween Lhe
accused and Lhe deceased, Lhe kllllng wlll always be
consldered as homlclde, as Lreachery cannoL exlsL ln
LhaL scenarlo.

lf a boxer ls kllled by hls opponenL ln a boxlng bouL
duly llcensed by Lhe governmenL wlLhouL any vlolaLlon
of Lhe governlng rules and regulaLlons, Lhere ls no
homlclde Lo speak of. lf he hlL hls opponenL below Lhe
belL wlLhouL any lnLenLlon Lo do so, lL ls homlclde
Lhrough reckless lmprudence lf Lhe laLLer dled as a
resulL. lf he lnLenLlonally hlL hls opponenL on Lhe parL
of Lhe body causlng Lhe deaLh, Lhe crlme ls homlclde.


1he shooLlng of a peace offlcer who was fully aware of
Lhe rlsks ln pursulng Lhe malefacLors when done ln Lhe
spur of Lhe momenL ls only homlclde. (leople v.
lottos, C.k. Nos. 11426J64, Mot. 29, 1996)

:* 9;<= <AG =;G K>?=>C@=>HC? LG=EGGC I;R?>@<D

(-%&"&#$ 8(1'&"!0 &.P2)&$'
ln aLLempLed or
frusLraLed homlclde,
Lhere ls lnLenL Lo klll.

1here ls no lnLenL Lo klll.
Powever, lf as a resulL of Lhe
physlcal ln[urles lnfllcLed, Lhe
vlcLlm dled, Lhe crlme wlll be

kotlo. 1he law punlshes Lhe
resulL, and noL Lhe lnLenL of
Lhe acL.


!* no. 1he crlme commlLLed ls serlous physlcal
ln[urles Lhrough reckless lmprudence because Lhe
elemenL of lnLenL Lo klll ls lncompaLlble wlLh
negllgence or lmprudence.

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

:* 'JIIH?G ?GOGA<D <??<>D<C=? CH= <@=>CS >C
@HC?I>A<@R >CND>@=GK EHJCK? HC =;G O>@=>BQ LJ= >=
EHJCK?Q E;>@; @<J?GK =;G KG<=; HN =;G O>@=>BQ

!* All of Lhem llable for homlclde.

:* &N ;HB>@>KG HA BJAKGA >? @HBB>==GK E>=; =;G

!* 1he crlme would only be homlclde or murder as
Lhe case may be because Lhe use of flrearm ls only
consldered as an aggravaLlng clrcumsLance.

:* 9;<= >? <@@>KGC=<D ;HB>@>KGF

!* AcclJeotol bomlclJe ls deaLh of a person broughL
abouL by a lawful acL performed wlLh proper care
and sklll and wlLhouL lnLenL Lo klll.

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
#$!/( "!2'$# &. ! /2%20/-2' !,,)!1
Y!A=7 ci6^

:* 9;<= >? < =JBJD=JHJ? <NNA<RF

!* 1omoltooos offtoy means a commoLlon ln a
LumulLuous and confused manner, Lo such an
exLenL LhaL lL would noL be posslble Lo ldenLlfy who
Lhe klller lf deaLh resulLs, or who lnfllcLed Lhe
serlous physlcal ln[urles, buL Lhe person or persons
who used vlolence are known.

.H=G* 1he parLlclpanLs musL be more Lhan Lhree
conslderlng Lhe deflnlLlon of LumulLuous under ArL.
133, Lhlrd paragraph, LhaL Lhe dlsLurbance or
lnLerrupLlon shall be deemed Lo be LumulLuous lf
caused by more Lhan 3 persons who are armed or
provlded wlLh Lhe means of vlolence. 1he person kllled
could be parLlclpanL or anybody caughL ln Lhe flghL.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. 1here be several persons
2. 1hey dld noL compose groups organlzed
for Lhe common purpose of assaulLlng
and aLLacklng each oLher reclprocally and
assaulLed one anoLher ln a confused and
LumulLuous manner
3. Someone was kllled ln Lhe course of Lhe
4. lL cannoL be ascerLalned who acLually
kllled Lhe deceased
3. 1he person or persons who lnfllcLed
serlous physlcal ln[urles or who used
vlolence can be ldenLlfled

.H=G* 1hls arLlcle does noL apply lf Lhere ls concerLed
flghL beLween Lwo organlzed groups.

1here ls no parLlcular group agalnsL anoLher group.
1he rloLs ln clLy [alls and/or MunLlnlupa brlgades do
noL fall under Lhls arLlcle because Lhe parLlclpanLs are
members of dlfferenL gangs. lf Lhere ls consplracy, Lhls
crlme ls noL commlLLed.

:* 9;<= LA>CS? <LHJ= =;G @A>BG HN =JBJD=JHJ?

!* lL ls Lhe lnablllLy Lo ascerLaln acLual perpeLraLor,
noL Lhe LumulLuous affray lLself, LhaL brlngs abouL
Lhe crlme. lL ls necessary LhaL Lhe very person who
caused Lhe deaLh cannoL be known, and noL LhaL he
cannoL be ldenLlfled.

:* 9;<= >? =;G @A>BG @HBB>==GK >N =;G IGA?HC E;H
@<J?GK =;G KG<=; >? _CHEC LJ= ;G @<CCH= LG

!* lf he ls known buL only hls ldenLlLy ls noL known,
he wlll be charged for Lhe crlme of homlclde or
murder under a flcLlLlous name noL deaLh ln a
LumulLuous affray.

@<CCH= LG >KGC=>N>GK E;H >C I<A=>@JD<A @HBB>==GK
=;G _>DD>CSQ E;<= >? =;G @A>BG @HBB>==GKF

!* 1he crlme would be homlclde or murder. 1here
wlll be collecLlve responslblllLy on boLh sldes.

:* 9;H B<R LG < O>@=>B JCKGA !A=>@DG ci6F

!* 1he vlcLlm may be a parLlclpanL ln Lhe affray or a
mere passerby.


As long as lL cannoL be deLermlned who kllled Lhe
vlcLlm, all Lhose persons who lnfllcLed serlous physlcal
ln[urles wlll be collecLlvely answerable for Lhe deaLh of
LhaL fellow.

lf Lhose who lnfllcLed Lhe serlous physlcal ln[urles
cannoL be ascerLalned Loo, Lhen Lhose who shall have
used vlolence upon Lhe deceased shall be punlshed by
prlslon correcLlonal ln lLs medlum and maxlmum
perlods. Lven lf Lhe parLlclpanL only klcked Lhe
accused, he wlll be held llable for Lhe deaLh of Lhe
vlcLlm alLhough such acL dld noL resulL ln Lhe deaLh of
Lhe vlcLlm as Lhose who lnfllcLed Lhe serlous physlcal
ln[urles are undeLermlnable.

lf Lhose who acLually kllled Lhe vlcLlm can be
deLermlned, Lhey wlll be Lhe ones who wlll be held

!""# 6& 3><A8= +KC<;=B 08>=:;=
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
llable, and Lhose who lnfllcLed Lhe serlous or less
serlous physlcal ln[urles shall be punlshed for sald
correspondlng offenses provlded no consplracy ls
esLabllshed wlLh Lhe klllers.

:* 9;H B<R LG D><LDG NHA =;G KG<=; HA I;R?>@<D

1. 1he person who lnfllcLed serlous physlcal
ln[urles upon Lhe vlcLlm

2. lf Lhey could noL be known, Lhen anyone
who may have employed vlolence on LhaL
person wlll answer for hls deaLh

3. lf nobody could sLlll be Lraced Lo have
employed vlolence upon Lhe vlcLlm,
nobody wlll answer. 1he crlmes commlLLed
mlghL be dlsLurbance of publlc order, or lf
parLlclpanLs are armed, lL could be
LumulLuous dlsLurbance, or lf properLy was
desLroyed, lL could be mallclous mlschlef

8(1'&"!0 &.P2)&$' &. ! /2%20/2-2' !,,)!1
Y!A=7 cic^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. 1here ls a LumulLuous affray as referred Lo
ln Lhe precedlng arLlcle

2. A parLlclpanL or some parLlclpanLs Lhereof
suffers physlcal ln[urles of a less serlous
naLure only

3. erson responslble Lhereof cannoL be

4. All Lhose who appear Lo have used
vlolence upon Lhe person of Lhe offended
parLy are known.

:* 9;<= _>CK HN >CXJAR >? @HC=GBID<=GK >C =;G

!* 1he physlcal ln[ury should be serlous or less
serlous and resulLlng from a LumulLuous affray. lf
Lhe physlcal ln[ury susLalned ls only sllghL, Lhls ls
consldered as lnherenL ln a LumulLuous affray.

:* 9;H B<R LG < O>@=>B JCKGA !A=7 cicF

!* 1he vlcLlm musL be a parLlclpanL ln Lhe affray.

:* 9;H B<R LG D><LDGF
!* Cnly Lhose who have used vlolence are punlshed
because lf Lhe one who caused Lhe physlcal ln[urles
ls known, he wlll be llable for physlcal ln[urles
acLually commlLLed and noL under Lhls arLlcle.

3&+&.3 !''&'/!."$ /- '2&"&#$
Y!A=7 ci[^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G IJC>?;<LDG <@=?F

1. AsslsLlng anoLher Lo commlL sulclde,
wheLher Lhe sulclde ls consummaLed or

2. Lendlng asslsLance Lo anoLher Lo commlL
sulclde Lo Lhe exLenL of dolng Lhe kllllng

.H=G* ln Lhls crlme, Lhe lnLenLlon musL be for Lhe
person who asklng Lhe asslsLance of anoLher Lo
commlL sulclde. 1he penalLy of Lhe one asslsLlng ls
mlLlgaLed lf sulclde ls noL successful.

:* 9;<= >? =;G BG<C>CS HN S>O>CS <??>?=<C@G =H

!* Clvlng asslsLance Lo sulclde means glvlng arms,
polson, eLc. or whaLever manner of poslLlve and
dlrecL cooperaLlon, lnLellecLual ald, suggesLlon
regardlng Lhe mode of commlLLlng Lhe sulclde, eLc.

:* 'JIIH?G =;G >C=GC=>HC >? CH= =H @HBB>= ?J>@>KGQ
<? E;GC ;G XJ?= E<C=GK =H ;<OG < I>@=JAG =<_GC HN
;>B =H >BIAG?? JIHC =;G EHADK =;<= ;G >?
@HBB>==>CS ?J>@>KG LG@<J?G ;G >? CH= ?<=>?N>GK HN
=;G SHOGACBGC=Q E;<= >? =;G @A>BG @HBB>==GK LR
=;G IGA?HC S>O>CS <??>?=<C@G =H N<@>D>=<=G =;G ?<>K

!* 1he crlme ls lnclLlng Lo sedlLlon. 1he person
glvlng Lhe asslsLance becomes a coconsplraLor ln
Lhe crlme of lnclLlng Lo sedlLlon, buL noL of glvlng
asslsLance Lo sulclde because Lhe asslsLance musL
be glven Lhe one who ls really deLermlned Lo
commlL sulclde.

:* 9;<= >? =;G D><L>D>=R HN =;G IGA?HC <==GBI=>CS =H

!* Pe has no llablllLy because commlLLlng sulclde ls
noL penallzed by Lhe 8C. Powever, he may be held
llable for Lhe crlme of dlsLurbance of publlc order lf
lndeed serlous dlsLurbance of publlc peace
occurred due Lo hls aLLempL Lo commlL sulclde.


Cne who upon a plea of hls frlend Lo pull Lhe Lrlgger of

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

Lhe gun Lo whlch he hlmself poked on hls Lemple as he
could no longer bear Lhe paln due Lo a braln cancer,
squeezed Lhe sald Lrlgger causlng Lhe deaLh of hls long
sufferlng frlend ls llable under Lhls arLlcle.

Lven lf Lhe sulclde dld noL maLerlallze, Lhe person
glvlng asslsLance Lo sulclde ls also llable buL Lhe
penalLy shall be one or Lwo degrees lower dependlng
on wheLher lL ls aLLempLed or frusLraLed sulclde.

:* 9;<= >? =;G K>NNGAGC@G LG=EGGC S>O>CS
<??>?=<C@G =H ?J>@>KG <CK BGA@R _>DD>CS HA

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
3&+&.3 !''&'/!."$ /-
%$)"1 5&00&.3 -)
1he prlnclpal acLor ls Lhe
person commlLLlng Lhe

1he vlcLlm ls noL ln a
poslLlon Lo commlL
sulclde. Whoever
would heed hls advlce ls
noL really glvlng
asslsLance Lo sulclde buL
dolng Lhe kllllng hlmself.

.H=G* ln boLh, Lhe lnLenLlon Lo end Lhe llfe comes from
Lhe vlcLlm hlmself. 1he vlcLlm musL perslsLenLly lnduce
Lhe offender Lo end hls llfe.

#&'"(!)3$ -, ,&)$!)%'
Y!A=7 ci\^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;G @A>BGF

1. Cffender dlscharges a flrearm agalnsL
anoLher person
2. Cffender has no lnLenLlon Lo klll Lhe

:* "<C =;G @A>BG HN >DDGS<D K>?@;<ASG LG @HBB>==GK

!* no, because lL requlres LhaL Lhe dlscharge musL
be dlrecLed aL anoLher.

:* 9;<= >? =;G IJAIH?G HN =;G HNNGCKGA JCKGA =;G
!* 1he purpose of Lhe offender ls Lo merely frlghLen
or lnLlmldaLe Lhe offended parLy.

:* &N =;G N>AG<AB >? K>AG@=GK <= =;G IGA?HC <CK =;G
=A>SSGA E<? IAG??GK LJ= K>K CH= N>AGQ E;<= @A>BG >?

!* 1he crlme ls frusLraLed dlscharge of flrearm.

:* &N ?GA>HJ? HA DG?? ?GA>HJ? I;R?>@<D >CXJA>G?
AG?JD=GK NAHB =;G K>?@;<ASGQ E;<= @A>BG >?

!* 1hls resulLs Lo Lhe complex crlme of serlous or
less serlous physlcal ln[urles wlLh lllegal dlscharge of

:* 'JIIH?G ?D>S;= ?GA>HJ? I;R?>@<D >CXJA>G? AG?JD=GK
NAHB =;G K>?@;<ASGQ E;<= @A>BGl? >?l<AG

!* 1wo crlmes are commlLLed, LhaL of lllegal
dlscharge of flrearm and sllghL physlcal ln[urles. lL ls
lmporLanL LhaL Lhere should be no lnLenL Lo klll.


1he flrlng of a gun aL a person even lf merely Lo
frlghLen hlm consLlLuLes lllegal dlscharge of flrearm. lf
Lhe flrearm ls noL dlscharged aL a person, Lhe acL ls noL
punlshed under Lhls arLlcle.

:* &? =;G K>?@;<ASG =HE<AK? =;G ;HJ?G HN =;G O>@=>B

!* no. llrlng a gun aL Lhe house of Lhe offended
parLy, noL knowlng ln whaL parL of Lhe house Lhe
people were, ls only alarm under ArL. 133.

.H=G* lL ls noL appllcable Lo pollce offlcers ln Lhe
performance of Lhelr duLles. lf Lhe flrearm ls
unllcensed, Lhe crlme of lllegal ossesslon of llrearm ls
absorbed and Lhe offender cannoL be punlshed
separaLely for LhaL offense.

Y!A=7 cii^

:* 9;<= >? >CN<C=>@>KGF

!* lL ls Lhe kllllng of any chlld less Lhan 3 days old or
72 hours of age, wheLher Lhe klller ls Lhe parenL or
grandparenL, any relaLlve of Lhe chlld, or a sLranger.

.H=G* lf Lhe klller ls Lhe moLher, or faLher, or leglLlmaLe
grandfaLhers, alLhough Lhe crlme ls sLlll lnfanLlclde and
noL parrlclde, Lhe penalLy however, ls LhaL of parrlclde.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN >CN<C=>@>KGF

1. A chlld was kllled by Lhe accused.

2. ueceased chlld was less Lhan 3 days old or
less Lhan 72 hours of age

3. Accused kllled Lhe sald chlld

:* &N =;G @;>DK >? LHAC KG<KQ HA >N =;G @;>DK >? <DAG<KR

!""# 6& 3><A8= +KC<;=B 08>=:;=
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
KG<KQ >? =;GAG >CN<C=>@>KGF

!* no. lnfanLlclde ls noL commlLLed.


!* no. lL merely lowers Lhe penalLy.

.H=G* Cnly Lhe moLher and maLernal grandparenLs of
Lhe chlld are enLlLled Lo Lhe mlLlgaLlng clrcumsLance of
conceallng dlshonor. MoLher who clalms conceallng
dlshonor musL be of good repuLaLlon.

CLher person who kllls or who cooperaLes wlLh Lhe
moLher or maLernal grandparenL ln kllllng a chlld less
Lhan 3 days old wlll suffer Lhe penalLy of murder.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G K>?=>C@=>HC? LG=EGGC >CN<C=>@>KG
'S4S I<AGC= HN =;G @;>DKF
&.,!./&"&#$ 8!))&"&#$
1he age of Lhe vlcLlm ls
less Lhan Lhree days old.
1he vlcLlm ls Lhree days
old or above.
lf done ln consplracy wlLh
a sLranger, boLh Lhe
parenL and Lhe co
consplraLor are llable for
1he coconsplraLor ls
llable for murder because
of Lhe absence of
ConcealmenL of dlshonor
ln kllllng Lhe chlld ls
ConcealmenL of dlshonor
ln kllllng Lhe chlld ls noL a
mlLlgaLlng clrcumsLance

.H=G* ln boLh, Lhere ls lnLenL Lo klll Lhe chlld.

:* 'JIIH?G =;G @;>DK >? <L<CKHCGK E>=;HJ= <CR
>C=GC= =H _>DD <CK KG<=; AG?JD=? <? < @HC?GTJGC@GQ
E;<= @A>BG >? @HBB>==GKF

!* 1he crlme commlLLed ls abandonmenL noL

&./$./&-.!0 !4-)/&-.
Y!A=7 ci]^

:* 9;<= >? <LHA=>HCF

!* Abottloo ls Lhe wlllful kllllng of Lhe feLus ln Lhe
uLerus, or Lhe vlolenL expulslon of Lhe feLus from
Lhe maLernal womb LhaL resulLs ln Lhe deaLh of Lhe

:* &C E;<= E<R? >? =;G @A>BG HN >C=GC=>HC<D

1. uslng any vlolence upon Lhe person of Lhe
pregnanL woman

2. 8y admlnlsLerlng drugs or beverages upon
such pregnanL woman wlLhouL her

3. 8y admlnlsLerlng drugs or beverages wlLh
Lhe consenL of Lhe pregnanL woman

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN >C=GC=>HC<D <LHA=>HCF

1. 1here ls a pregnanL woman
2. vlolence ls exerLed, or drugs or beverages
admlnlsLered, or LhaL Lhe accused
oLherwlse acLs upon such pregnanL
3. As a resulL of Lhe use of vlolence or drugs
or beverages upon her, or any oLher acL
of Lhe accused, Lhe feLus dles, elLher ln
Lhe womb or afLer havlng been expelled
4. AborLlon ls lnLended

:* 9;H <AG =;G IGA?HC? D><LDG NHA >C=GC=>HC<D

1. 1he person who acLually caused Lhe
aborLlon under ArL. 236
2. 1he pregnanL woman lf she consenLed
under ArL. 238

.H=G* AborLlon ls noL a crlme agalnsL Lhe woman buL
agalnsL Lhe feLus. 1he offender musL know of Lhe
pregnancy because Lhe parLlcular crlmlnal lnLenLlon ls
Lo cause an aborLlon.

:* 9;<= KG=GAB>CG? IGA?HC<D>=RF

!* under ArL. 40 of Lhe Clvll Code, blrLh deLermlnes
personallLy. A person ls consldered born aL Lhe Llme
when Lhe umblllcal cord ls cuL. Pe Lhen acqulres a
personallLy separaLe and dlsLlncL from hls moLher.
8uL even Lhough Lhe umblllcal cord has been cuL,
ArL. 41 of Lhe Clvll Code provldes LhaL lf Lhe feLus
had an lnLrauLerlne llfe of less Lhan 7 monLhs, lL
musL survlve aL leasL 24 hours afLer Lhe umblllcal
cord ls cuL for lL Lo be consldered born.

.H=G* As long as Lhe as Lhe feLus dles as a resulL of Lhe
vlolence used or drugs admlnlsLered, Lhe crlme of
aborLlon exlsLs even lf Lhe feLus ls over or less Lhan 7

lf Lhe feLus, havlng an lnLrauLerlne llfe of less Lhan 7
monLhs, could susLaln an lndependenL llfe afLer lLs
separaLlon from Lhe maLernal womb, and lL ls kllled,
Lhe crlme ls lnfanLlclde and noL aborLlon.

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

:* ';HJDK =;G NG=J? K>G =H @HC?JBB<=G <LHA=>HCF
")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA

!* ?es. lf lL ls lnLenLlonal aborLlon and Lhe feLus
does noL dle, lL ls frusLraLed lnLenLlonal aborLlon
when all acLs of execuLlon have been performed by
Lhe offender.

lf Lhe aborLlon ls noL lnLended and Lhe feLus does
noL dle ln splLe of Lhe vlolence lnLenLlonally
exerLed, Lhe crlme may only be physlcal ln[urles.
1here ls no crlme of frusLraLed unlnLenLlonal
aborLlon ln vlew of Lhe absence of Lhe lnLenLlon Lo
cause aborLlon.

:* 9;<= >? =;G K>NNGAGC@G LG=EGGC <LHA=>HC <CK
!4-)/&-. &.,!./&"&#$
1he vlcLlm ls noL vlable
buL remalns Lo be a
1he vlcLlm ls already a
person less Lhan 3 days
old or 72 hours and ls
vlable or capable of llvlng
separaLely from Lhe
moLher's womb.
no mlLlgaLlon for parenLs
of pregnanL woman even
lf Lhe purpose ls Lo
conceal dlshonor.
1he moLher and maLernal
grandparenLs of Lhe chlld
are enLlLled Lo Lhe
mlLlgaLlng clrcumsLance of
conceallng Lhe dlshonor.

:* 'JIIH?G =;G BH=;GA <? < @HC?GTJGC@G HN
<LHA=>HC ?JNNGA? KG<=; HA I;R?>@<D >CXJA>G?Q E;<=
@A>BG >? @HBB>==GKF

!* 1he crlme ls complex crlme of murder or physlcal
ln[urles wlLh aborLlon.

<KGTJ<=G BG<C? =H GNNG@= <LHA=>HCQ =;G NG=J? =;<=
E;<= @A>BG >? @HBB>==GKF

!* 1he crlme ls frusLraLed aborLlon because
aborLlon ls consummaLed only lf Lhe feLus ls dead.

D>NG NAHB =;G BH=;GAa? EHBLQ E;<= @A>BG >?

!* 1he crlme ls already lnfanLlclde.

>C<KGTJ<=G HA >C?JNN>@>GC=Q E;<= >? =;G @A>BG

!* 1he crlme would be an lmposslble crlme of

2.&./$./&-.!0 !4-)/&-.
Y!A=7 cij^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN JC>C=GC=>HC<D

1. 1here ls a pregnanL woman

2. vlolence ls used upon such pregnanL
woman wlLhouL lnLendlng an aborLlon

3. vlolence ls lnLenLlonally exerLed

4. As a resulL of Lhe vlolence exerLed, Lhe
feLus dles elLher ln Lhe womb or afLer
havlng been expelled Lherefrom


unlnLenLlonal aborLlon requlres physlcal vlolence
lnfllcLed dellberaLely and volunLarlly by a Lhlrd person
upon Lhe person of Lhe pregnanL woman. Pence, lf A
polnLed a gun aL a pregnanL lady, who became so
frlghLened, causlng her aborLlon, he ls noL llable for
unlnLenLlonal aborLlon, as Lhere was no vlolence
exerLed. lf he lnLended Lhe aborLlon however, hls
crlme ls lnLenLlonal aborLlon.

.H=G* 1he force or vlolence musL come from anoLher.
Mere lnLlmldaLlon ls noL enough unless Lhe degree of
lnLlmldaLlon already approxlmaLes vlolence.

:* &? =;G @A>BG HN JC>C=GC=>HC<D <LHA=>HC
LG@<J?G HN >C=>B>K<=>HCF

!* no. 1he crlme commlLLed ls noL unlnLenLlonal
aborLlon because Lhere ls no vlolence. 1he crlme
commlLLed ls llghL LhreaLs.

<CK < E>NG E;H E<? IAGSC<C= <= =;<= =>BG7
+>HDGC@G E<? AG?HA=GK =H LR =;G ;J?L<CK E;>@;
AG?JD=GK =H <LHA=>HC <CK KG<=; HN ;>? E>NGQ E;<= >?
=;G @A>BG @HBB>==GKF

!* 1he crlme commlLLed ls complex crlme of
parrlclde wlLh unlnLenLlonal aborLlon.

EHBGCQ ` <CK 1Q E;H >? =;GC =EH BHC=;?
IAGSC<C=7 ` ;<? CH _CHEDGKSG =;<= 1 >? IAGSC<C=
<CK LG>CS < ?IHA=? LJNN =;<= ?;G >?Q S<OG 1 < ;<AK
LDHE HC =;G ?=HB<@;7 !? < AG?JD=Q 1 ;<K <C

!""# 6& 3><A8= +KC<;=B 08>=:;=
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %

!* ?es. 1he acL of employlng physlcal force or
vlolence upon Lhe woman ls already a felony. lL ls
noL maLerlal lf Lhe offender knew abouL Lhe woman
belng pregnanL or noL.


!* no, because whaL ls conLemplaLed ls LhaL Lhe
force or vlolence musL come from anoLher person.
ln Lhls case, when Lhe woman Lrled Lo commlL
sulclde buL dld noL dle, Lhe aLLempL Lo commlL
sulclde ls noL a felony under Lhe 8C.

<LHJ= <LHA=>HCQ E;<= @A>BG >? @HBB>==GKF

!* 1he woman ls llable for lnLenLlonal aborLlon.

:* &N =;G <LHA=>OG KAJS J?GK >C <LHA=>HC >? <
HA =;G #<CSGAHJ? #AJS? !@=Q E;<= <AG =;G @A>BG?

!* 1he crlmes commlLLed are lnLenLlonal aborLlon
and vlolaLlon of 8.A. 9163.

.H=G* lf grave LhreaLs were made Lo cause aborLlon, a
complex crlme of grave LhreaLs and lnLenLlonal
aborLlon ls commlLLed. lf llghL LhreaLs were made, Lwo
separaLe crlmes of llghL LhreaLs and lnLenLlonal
aborLlon ls commlLLed.

!4-)/&-. 8)!"/&"$# 41 /($ 9-%!. ($)'$0,
-) 41 ($) 8!)$./' Y!A=7 cif^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. 1here ls a pregnanL woman who has
suffered aborLlon
2. AborLlon ls lnLended
3. AborLlon ls caused by:
a. 1he pregnanL woman herself
b. Any oLher person, wlLh her consenL
c. Any of her parenLs, wlLh her consenL
for Lhe purpose of conceallng her

.H=G* 1he llablllLy of Lhe pregnanL woman ls mlLlgaLed
lf Lhe purpose for aborLlon ls Lo conceal her dlshonor.
Powever, ln case of parenLs, Lhere ls no mlLlgaLlon
even lf for Lhe same purpose, unllke ln lnfanLlclde.

!4-)/&-. 8)!"/&"$# 41 8(1'&"&!. %&#9&,$
!.# #&'8$.'&.3 -, !4-)/&+$'
Y!A=7 ciZ^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BG <? =H =;G

1. 1here ls a pregnanL woman who has
suffered aborLlon
2. AborLlon ls lnLended
3. 1he offender musL be a physlclan or
mldwlfe who causes or asslsLed ln causlng
Lhe aborLlon
4. Sald physlclan or mldwlfe Lakes advanLage
of hls or her sclenLlflc knowledge or sklll.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BG <? =H =;G

1. Cffender ls a pharmaclsLs
2. 1here ls no proper prescrlpLlon from a
3. Cffender dlspenses an aborLlve

.H=G* As Lo Lhe pharmaclsL, Lhe crlme ls consummaLed
by dlspenslng an aborLlve wlLhouL proper prescrlpLlon
from a physlclan. lL ls noL necessary LhaL Lhe aborLlve ls
acLually used.

lL ls lmmaLerlal LhaL Lhe pharmaclsL knows LhaL Lhe
aborLlve would be used for aborLlon. CLherwlse, he
shall be llable as an accompllce should aborLlon resulL
from Lhe use Lhereof.

:* 'JIIH?G <LHA=>HC >? AG?HA=GK =H ?<OG =;G D>NG HN
=;G BH=;GAQ >? =;G I;R?>@><C D><LDG NHA <LHA=>HC

!* no. 1hls ls resorLed Lo as a LherapeuLlc aborLlon.
ln Lhls case, Lhere ls medlcal necesslLy whlch would
warranL aborLlon. Slmply puL, Lhere musL be no
oLher pracLlcal or less harmful means of savlng Lhe
llfe of Lhe moLher Lo make Lhe aborLlon [usLlfled.

I;R?>@><C E>=;HJ= BGK>@<D CG@G??>=R =H E<AA<C=
?J@; <LHA=>HC <CK =;G EHB<C HA ;GA ;J?L<CK ;<K
@HC?GC=GK7 &? =;G I;R?>@><C D><LDG NHA <LHA=>HC

!* ?es. 1he consenL of Lhe woman or her husband ls
noL enough Lo [usLlfy aborLlon.

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
)$'8-.'&4&0&/1 -, 8!)/&"!./' &. ! #2$0
Y!A=7 c]g^

:* 9;<= >? < KJGDF

!* lL ls a formal or regular combaL prevlously
consenLed beLween Lwo parLles ln Lhe presence of
Lwo or more seconds of lawful age on each slde,
who make Lhe selecLlon of arms and flx all Lhe oLher
condlLlons of Lhe flghL Lo seLLle some anLecedenL

:* 9;<= <AG =;G IJC>?;<LDG <@=?F

1. kllllng one's adversary ln a duel
2. lnfllcLlng upon such adversary physlcal
3. Maklng a combaL alLhough no physlcal
ln[urles have been lnfllcLed


A mere flghL as a resulL of an agreemenL ls noL
necessarlly a duel because a duel lmplles an
agreemenL Lo flghL under deLermlned condlLlons and
wlLh Lhe parLlclpaLlon and lnLervenLlon of seconds who
flxed Lhe condlLlons.

lf Lhe flghL ls noL a duel as deflned under ArL. 260, Lhe
resulLlng deaLh or ln[ury ls as homlclde, murder or
physlcal ln[urles as Lhe case may be.

lf Lhe accused and Lhe deceased, afLer a verbal heaLed
argumenL ln Lhe bar, lefL Lhe place aL Lhe same Llme
and pursuanL Lo Lhelr agreemenL, wenL Lo Lhe plaza Lo
flghL each oLher Lo deaLh wlLh knlves whlch Lhey
boughL on Lhe way, Lhe facLs do noL consLlLuLe Lhe
crlme of duel slnce Lhere was no seconds who flxed
Lhe condlLlons of Lhe flghL ln a more or less formal
manner. lf one ls kllled, Lhe crlme commlLLed ls

"(!00$.3&.3 /- ! #2$0
Y!A=7 c]6^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G IJC>?;<LDG <@=?F

1. Challenglng anoLher Lo a duel
2. lnclLlng anoLher Lo glve or accepL a
challenge Lo a duel
3. Scofflng aL or decrylng anoLher publlcly
for havlng refused Lo accepL a challenge
Lo flghL a duel

.H=G* 1he punlshable acL ls Lo challenge Lo a duel noL
challenge Lo a flghL because lf lL ls Lhe laLLer, Lhe crlme
would be llghL LhreaLs under ArL. 283 (2).

:* 9;H <AG =;G IGA?HC? D><LDGF

!* 1he challenger and Lhe lnsLlgaLors.

8(1'&"!0 &.P2)&$'

Y!A=7 c]c^

:* 9;<= >? BJ=>D<=>HCF

!* Motllotloo ls Lhe lopplng or Lhe cllpplng off of
some parLs of Lhe body whlch are noL suscepLlble Lo
growLh agaln.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G _>CK? HN BJ=>D<=>HCF

1. lnLenLlonally muLllaLlng anoLher by
deprlvlng hlm, elLher LoLally or parLlally,
of some essenLlal organ for reproducLlon.

a. 1here musL be a casLraLlon, LhaL ls,
muLllaLlon of organs necessary for
generaLlon, such as Lhe penls or

.H=G* ln Lhe flrsL klnd of muLllaLlon, Lhe
casLraLlon musL be made purposely.
CLherwlse, lL wlll be consldered as
muLllaLlon of Lhe second klnd.

b. 1he muLllaLlon ls caused purposely
and dellberaLely, LhaL ls, Lo deprlve
Lhe offended parLy of some essenLlal
organ for reproducLlon

2. lnLenLlonally maklng oLher muLllaLlon,
LhaL ls, by lopplng or cllpplng off of any
parL of Lhe body of Lhe offended parLy,
oLher Lhan Lhe essenLlal organ for
reproducLlon, Lo deprlve hlm of LhaL parL
of hls body.

:* %J?= BJ=>D<=>HC LG >C=GC=>HC<DF

!* ?es. 1hus, lL cannoL be commlLLed Lhrough
crlmlnal negllgence. Mayhem refers Lo any oLher
form of muLllaLlon.

.H=G* 1here musL be no lnLenL Lo klll oLherwlse Lhe
offense ls aLLempLed or frusLraLed homlclde or murder
as Lhe case may be.

:* 'JIIH?G =;GAG >? CH >C=GC= =H KGIA>OG =;G O>@=>B
HN =;G I<A=>@JD<A I<A= HN =;G LHKRQ E;<= >? =;G

!""# 6& 3><A8= +KC<;=B 08>=:;=
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
!* 1he crlme ls only serlous physlcal ln[ury.

.H=G* CruelLy, as undersLood ln ArL. 14 (21) ls lnherenL
ln muLllaLlon and ln facL, LhaL ls Lhe only felony, where
sald clrcumsLance ls an lnLegral parL and ls absorbed
Lhereln. lf Lhe vlcLlm dles, Lhe crlme ls murder quallfled
by cruelLy buL Lhe offender may sLlll clalm and prove
LhaL he had no lnLenLlon Lo commlL so grave a wrong.

'$)&-2' 8(1'&"!0 &.P2)&$'
Y!A=7 c][^

:* (HE >? =;G @A>BG HN ?GA>HJ? I;R?>@<D >CXJA>G?

!* 8y:
1. Woundlng
2. 8eaLlng
3. AssaulLlng
4. AdmlnlsLerlng ln[urlous subsLance

:* 9;<= <AG ?GA>HJ? I;R?>@<D >CXJA>G?F

1. When Lhe ln[ured person becomes lnsane,
lmbeclle, lmpoLenL, or bllnd ln
consequence of Lhe physlcal ln[urles

.H=G* lmpoteoce lncludes lnablllLy Lo
copulaLe and sLerlllLy.

8lloJoess requlres loss of vlslon of boLh
eyes. Mere weakness ln vlslon ls noL

2. When Lhe ln[ured person:
a. Loses Lhe use of speech or Lhe power
Lo hear or Lo smell, or looses an eye,
a hand, a fooL, an arm or a leg, or
b. Loses Lhe use of any such member,
c. 8ecomes lncapaclLaLed for Lhe work
ln whlch he was Lherefore hablLually
engaged ln consequence of Lhe
physlcal ln[urles lnfllcLed.

.H=G* loss of beotloq musL lnvolve boLh
ears. CLherwlse, lL wlll be consldered as
serlous physlcal ln[urles under par. 3. Loss of
Lhe power Lo hear ln Lhe rlghL ear ls merely
consldered as merely loss of use of some
oLher parL of Lhe body.

3. When Lhe ln[ured :
a. 8ecomes deformed
b. Loses any oLher member of hls body
c. Loses Lhe use Lhereof, or
d. 8ecomes lll or lncapaclLaLed for Lhe
performance of Lhe work ln whlch he
was hablLually engaged for more
Lhan 90 days, ln consequence of Lhe
physlcal ln[urles lnfllcLed

.H=G* Loss of Lhe lndex and mlddle flngers ls
elLher a deformlLy or loss of a member, noL
a prlnclpal one, of hls body or use of Lhe
same. lf Lhe ln[ury would requlre medlcal
aLLendance for more Lhan 30 days, Lhe
lllness of Lhe offended parLy maybe
consldered as lasLlng more Lhan 30 days.
1he facL LhaL Lhere was medlcal aLLendance
for LhaL perlod of Llme shows LhaL Lhe
ln[urles were noL cured for LhaL lengLh of

4. When Lhe ln[ured person becomes lll or
lncapaclLaLed for labor for more Lhan 30
days (buL musL noL be more Lhan 90
days), as a resulL of Lhe physlcal ln[urles

.H=G* When Lhe caLegory of Lhe offense of serlous
physlcal ln[urles depends on Lhe perlod of Lhe lllness or
lncapaclLy for labor, Lhere musL be evldence of Lhe
lengLh of LhaL perlod. CLherwlse, Lhe offense wlll be
consldered as sllghL physlcal ln[urles.

ln deLermlnlng lncapaclLy Lhe ln[ured parLy musL have
a vocaLlon or work aL Lhe Llme of Lhe ln[ury. Work
lncludes sLudles or preparaLlon for a professlon.

1here ls no lncapaclLy lf Lhe ln[ured parLy could sLlll
engage ln hls work alLhough less effecLlvely Lhan

:* 9;<= >? =;G C<=JAG HN I;R?>@<D >CXJA>G?F

!* 1he crlme of physlcal ln[urles ls a formal crlme
because lL ls penallzed on Lhe basls of Lhe gravlLy of
Lhe ln[ury susLalned. WhaL ls punlshed ls Lhe
consequence and noL Lhe sLage of execuLlon.
Pence, lL ls always consummaLed. lL cannoL be
commlLLed ln Lhe aLLempLed and frusLraLed sLage.

.H=G* 1here musL be no lnLenL Lo klll oLherwlse, Lhe
crlme would be frusLraLed or aLLempLed murder,
parrlclde, homlclde, as Lhe case may be. lnLenL Lo klll ls
a speclflc crlmlnal lnLenL LhaL musL be concluslvely
proved ln case of physlcal ln[urles only.

kotlo. When deaLh resulLs, lnLenL Lo klll ls a general
lnLenL whlch ls concluslvely presumed. Pence, lf deaLh
resulLs, even wlLhouL lnLenL Lo klll, Lhe crlme ls
homlclde aL leasL.


(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

I<A=R <CK >CXJA>G? AG?JD=GKQ E;<= >? =;G @A>BG

!* 1he crlme ls only physlcal ln[urles noL aLLempLed
or frusLraLed homlclde.

:* (HE >? >C=GC= =H _>DD KG=GAB>CGKF

!* lnLenL Lo klll musL be manlfesLed by overL acLs. lL
cannoL be manlfesLed by oral LhreaLs.

.H=G* Cnce physlcal ln[urles resulLed Lo deformlLy, lL ls
classlfled as serlous physlcal ln[urles.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G AGTJ>?>=G? HN KGNHAB>=RF

1. hyslcal ugllness
2. ermanenL and deflnlLe abnormallLy
3. Consplcuous and vlslble

.H=G* lf Lhe loss of LeeLh ls vlslble and lmpalrs Lhe
appearance of Lhe ln[ured parLy, lL consLlLuLes

1he subsLlLuLlon of Lhe arLlflclal LeeLh for Lhe naLural
LeeLh does noL repalr Lhe ln[ury.

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
A scar produced by an ln[ury can be consldered as a
deformlLy. Powever, lL should noL be on Lhe parL of Lhe
body of Lhe vlcLlm whlch ls usually covered by dress or


1. loss of molot tootb - Lhls ls noL deformlLy as
lL ls noL vlslble.

2. loss of petmooeot ftoot tootb - Lhls ls
deformlLy as lL ls vlslble and permanenL.

3. loss of mllk ftoot tootb - Lhls ls noL
deformlLy as lL ls vlslble buL wlll naLurally be

:* ` =;AGE <@>K HC =;G N<@G HN 1 <CK EGAG >= CH= NHA
LGNHAG =;G >CXJAR7 9;<= @A>BG E<? @HBB>==GKF &C
E;<= ?=<SG E<? >= @HBB>==GKF

!* 1he crlme ls serlous physlcal ln[urles because
Lhe problem lLself sLaLes LhaL Lhe ln[ury would
have produced a deformlLy. 1he facL LhaL Lhe
plasLlc surgery removed Lhe deformlLy ls
lmmaLerlal because ln law, whaL ls consldered ls
noL Lhe arLlflclal LreaLmenL buL Lhe naLural
heallng process.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G TJ<D>NR>CS @>A@JB?=<C@G? HN
?GA>HJ? I;R?>@<D >CXJA>G?F

1. lf lL ls commlLLed by any of Lhe persons
referred Lo ln Lhe crlme of parrlclde.
2. lf any of Lhe clrcumsLances quallfylng
murder aLLended lLs commlsslon.


A faLher who lnfllcLs serlous physlcal ln[urles upon hls
son wlll be llable for quallfled serlous physlcal ln[urles.

:* 9;<= K>?=>CSJ>?;G? I;R?>@<D >CXJA>G? NAHB

!* 1he muLllaLlon musL have been caused purposely
and dellberaLely Lo lop or cllp off some parL of Lhe
body so as Lo deprlve Lhe offended parLy of such
parL of Lhe body. 1hls speclal lnLenLlon ls noL
presenL ln oLher klnds of physlcal ln[urles.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G K>NNGAGC@G? LG=EGGC I;R?>@<D

8(1'&"!0 &.P2)&$'
!//$%8/$# -) ,)2'/)!/$#
1he offender lnfllcLs
physlcal ln[urles.
ALLempLed homlclde may be
commlLLed even lf no physlcal
ln[urles are lnfllcLed.
Cffender has no
lnLenLlon Lo klll Lhe
offended parLy.
1he offender has lnLenL Lo klll
Lhe offended parLy.

!#%&.&'/$)&.3 &.P2)&-2' '24'/!."$' -)
4$+$)!3$' Y!A=7c]\^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. 1he offender lnfllcLed serlous physlcal
ln[urles upon anoLher.
2. lL was done by knowlngly admlnlsLerlng Lo
hlm any ln[urlous subsLances or
beverages or by Laklng advanLage of hls
weakness of mlnd or credullLy.
3. Pe had no lnLenL Lo klll.

.H=G* 1o admlnlsLer an ln[urlous subsLance or
beverage means Lo dlrecL or cause sald subsLance or
beverage Lo be Laken orally by Lhe ln[ured person, who
suffered serlous physlcal ln[urles as a resulL.

1here musL be no lnLenL Lo klll oLherwlse, frusLraLed
murder wlll be commlLLed.

lL does noL apply when Lhe physlcal ln[urles LhaL resulL

!""# 6& 3><A8= +KC<;=B 08>=:;=
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
are less serlous or llghL. 1hey wlll be LreaLed under ArL.
263 or 266, as Lhe case may be.

0$'' '$)&-2' 8(1'&"!0 &.P2)&$'
Y!A=7 c]i^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. Cffended parLy ls lncapaclLaLed for labor
for 10 days or more (buL noL more Lhan
30 days), or shall requlre medlcal
aLLendance for Lhe same perlod of Llme.

2. hyslcal ln[urles musL noL be Lhose
descrlbed ln Lhe precedlng arLlcles.

.H=G* 1he dls[uncLlve con[uncLlon or" above means
LhaL lL ls elLher lncapaclLy for work for 10 days or more
or Lhe necesslLy of medlcal aLLendance for an equal
perlod whlch wlll make Lhe crlme of less serlous
physlcal ln[urles.

ln Lhe absence of proof as Lo Lhe perlod of Lhe
offended parLy's lncapaclLy for labor or requlred
medlcal aLLendance, Lhe offense commlLLed ls only
sllghL physlcal ln[urles.

1he phrase shall requlre" refers Lo Lhe perlod of
acLual medlcal aLLendance.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G TJ<D>NR>CS @>A@JB?=<C@G? HN DG??
?GA>HJ? I;R?>@<D >CXJA>G?F

1. When Lhere ls manlfesL lnLenL Lo lnsulL or
offend Lhe ln[ured person
2. When Lhere are clrcumsLances addlng
lgnomlny Lo Lhe offense
3. When Lhe vlcLlm ls Lhe offender's parenLs,
ascendanLs, guardlans, curaLors, or
4. When Lhe vlcLlm ls a person of rank or
person ln auLhorlLy, provlded Lhe crlme ls
noL dlrecL assaulL.

'0&3(/ 8(1'&"!0 &.P2)&$' !.# %!0/)$!/%$./
Y!A=7 c]]^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G _>CK? HN ?D>S;= I;R?>@<D >CXJA>G?

1. hyslcal ln[urles whlch lncapaclLaLed Lhe
offended parLy for labor from 1 Lo 9 days, or
requlred medlcal aLLendance durlng Lhe
same perlod

2. hyslcal ln[urles whlch dld noL prevenL Lhe
offended parLy from engaglng ln hls
hablLual work or whlch dld noL requlre
medlcal aLLendance.

3. lllLreaLmenL of anoLher by deed wlLhouL
causlng any ln[ury

.H=G* Slapplng Lhe offended parLy ls a form of lll
LreaLmenL whlch ls a form of sllghL physlcal ln[urles.

"<A>C< E;>@; DGK =H < ?D<II>CS >C@>KGC=7 ">CKR S<OG
=E>C ?D<I? HC "<A>C<a? LG<J=>NJD N<@G7 9;<= >? =;G

1. 5looJet by JeeJ - lf Lhe slapplng was
done Lo casL dlshonor Lo Lhe person
2. llltteotmeot - lf Lhe slapplng was done
wlLhouL Lhe lnLenLlon of casLlng dlshonor,
or Lo humlllaLe or embarrass Lhe offended
parLy ouL of a quarrel or anger.


)!8$ Y!A=7 c]]!^ <CK Y)7!7 f[i[^

:* (HE >? A<IG @HBB>==GKF

1. 8y a man who shall have carnal
knowledge of a woman.
2. Sexual AssaulL

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN A<IG LR " !"% >+*
&+"## +"6' 5")%"# U%*>#'24' *1 " >*!"%F

1. Cffender ls a man
2. Cffender had carnal knowledge of Lhe
3. Such acL ls accompllshed under any of Lhe
followlng clrcumsLances:
a. 1hrough force, LhreaL or lnLlmldaLlon
b. When Lhe offended parLy ls deprlved
of reason or ls oLherwlse
c. 8y means of fraudulenL machlnaLlon
or grave abuse of auLhorlLy
d. When Lhe offended parLy ls under 12
years of age or ls demenLed, even
Lhough none of Lhe above
clrcumsLances menLloned above be

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN A<IG LR &'V3"#

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

1. Cffender commlLs an acL of sexual
2. 1he acL of sexual assaulL ls commlLLed by
any of Lhe followlng means:
a. 8y lnserLlng hls penls lnLo anoLher
person's mouLh or anal orlflce, or
b. 8y lnserLlng any lnsLrumenL or ob[ecL
lnLo Lhe genlLal or anal orlflce of
anoLher person

3. 1he acL of sexual assaulL ls accompllshed
under any of Lhe followlng clrcumsLances:
a. 8y uslng force or lnLlmldaLlon, or
b. When Lhe woman ls deprlved of
reason or oLherwlse unconsclous, or
c. 8y means of fraudulenL machlnaLlon
or grave abused of auLhorlLy, or
d. When Lhe woman ls under 12 years
of age or demenLed.

.H=G* under 8.A. 8333, Lhe crlme of rape can now be
commlLLed by a male or female.

When Lhe offender ln rape has an ascendancy or
lnfluence on Lhe offended parLy, lL ls noL necessary
LhaL Lhe laLLer puL up a deLermlned reslsLance.

:* &? =;GAG < @A>BG HN NAJ?=A<=GK A<IGF

!* none. 1he sllghLesL peneLraLlon of penls lnLo Lhe
labla of Lhe female organ consummaLes Lhe crlme
of rape. Powever, mere Louchlng alone of Lhe
genlLals and mons publs or Lhe pudendum can only
be consldered as aLLempLed rape, lf noL acLs of

1here musL be sufflclenL and convlnclng proof LhaL
Lhe penls lndeed Louched Lhe labla or slld lnLo Lhe
female organ, and noL merely sLroked Lhe exLernal
surface Lhereof, for an accused Lo be convlcLed of
consummaLed rape. (leople v. 8tloso, C.k. No.
182517, Motcb 1J, 2009)

.H=G* When Lhe woman ls under 12 years of age or ls
demenLed, sexual lnLercourse wlLh her ls always rape.
ln facL, even lf Lhe sexual lnLercourse was wlLh her
consenL, Lhe man ls llable.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GNNG@=? HN =;G AG@D<??>N>@<=>HC HN
A<IG >C=H < @A>BG <S<>C?= IGA?HCF

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
1. 1he procedural requlremenL of consenL of
Lhe offended parLy Lo flle Lhe case ls no
longer needed because Lhls ls now a
publlc crlme, unllke when lL was sLlll
classlfled as a crlme agalnsL chasLlLy.

2. 1here ls now an lmposslble crlme of rape
because lmposslble crlmes can only be
commlLLed agalnsL persons or properLy.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G _>CK? HN A<IG JCKGA )7!7 f[i[F

1. 1be ttoJltloool coocept ooJet Att. JJ5 -
carnal knowledge wlLh a woman agalnsL
her wlll. 1he offended parLy ls always a
woman and Lhe offender ls always a man.

2. 5exool ossoolt - commlLLed wlLh an
lnsLrumenL or an ob[ecL or use of Lhe
penls wlLh peneLraLlon of Lhe mouLh or
anal orlflce. 1he offended parLy or
offender can elLher be a man or a woman,
LhaL ls lf Lhe woman or a man uses an
lnsLrumenL ln Lhe anal orlflce of male, she
or he can be llable for rape.

:* 9;<= >? =;G CG@G??<AR KGSAGG HN NHA@GF

1. lorce sufflclenL Lo consummaLe culprlL's
2. Conslder age, slze and sLrengLh of parLles
and Lhelr relaLlon Lo each oLher

:* 3GAHC>BHQ < =G<@;GAQ E<? =A>GK <CK @HCO>@=GK
NHA 6c @HJC=? HN A<IG NHA =;G ?GMJ<D <??<JD=Q ;GQ HC
?GOGA<D H@@<?>HC?Q @HBB>==GK HC HCG HN ;>?
?=JKGC=? LR >C?GA=>CS ;>? IGC>? >C =;G O>@=>Ba?
BHJ=;7 -C <IIG<DQ 3GAHC>BH @HC=GCK? =;<= =;G
<@=? @HBID<>CGK HN KH CH= N<DD E>=;>C =;G KGN>C>=>HC
HN A<IG <? KGN>CGK >C =;G )8"Q I<A=>@JD<ADR =;<=
A<IG >? < @A>BG @HBB>==GK LR < B<C <S<>C?= <

!* no. 8ape maybe commlLLed noLwlLhsLandlng Lhe
facL LhaL persons lnvolved are boLh males. 8.A.
8333 provldes LhaL an acL of sexual assaulL can be
commlLLed by any person who lnserLs hls penls lnLo
Lhe mouLh or anal orlflce, or any lnsLrumenL or
ob[ecL lnLo Lhe genlLal or anal orlflce of anoLher
person. 1he law, unllke rape under ArL. 266A, has
noL made any dlsLlncLlon on Lhe sex of elLher Lhe
offender or Lhe vlcLlm. nelLher musL Lhe courLs
make such dlsLlncLlon. (OtJlootlo v. leople, C.k. No.
155415, Moy 20, 2004)

:* &? =;G O>@=>Ba? AGIJ=<=>HC @HC?>KGAGK >C =;G

!* no, lL ls lmmaLerlal ln rape, Lhere belng
absoluLely no nexus beLween lL and Lhe odlous
deed commlLLed. A woman of loose morals could
sLlll be a vlcLlm of rape, Lhe essence Lhereof belng

!""# 6& 3><A8= +KC<;=B 08>=:;=
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
carnal knowledge of a woman wlLhouL her consenL.

:* 9;GC >? >= @HC?>KGAGK <? TJ<D>N>GK A<IGF

!* WlLh Lhe occurrence of Lhe followlng
clrcumsLances, rape ls punlshable by deaLh:

1. When by reason or on occaslon of Lhe
rape, a homlclde ls commlLLed

2. When Lhe vlcLlm ls under 18 years of age
and Lhe offender ls a parenL, ascendanL,
sLepparenL, guardlan, relaLlve by
consangulnlLy or afflnlLy wlLhln Lhe Lhlrd
clvll degree, or Lhe common law spouse of
Lhe vlcLlm.

.H=G* A sLepbroLher or sLepslsLer
relaLlonshlp beLween Lhe offender and
Lhe offended parLy cannoL elevaLe Lhe
crlme Lo quallfled rape because Lhey are
noL relaLed elLher by blood or afflnlLy. 1he
enumeraLlon ls excluslve. Pence, Lhe
common law husband of Lhe vlcLlm's
grandmoLher ls noL lncluded.

3. When Lhe vlcLlm ls under Lhe cusLody of
Lhe pollce or mlllLary auLhorlLles or any
law enforcemenL or penal lnsLlLuLlon.

4. When rape ls commlLLed ln full vlew of
Lhe husband, parenL, any of Lhe chlldren
or oLher relaLlves wlLhln Lhe Lhlrd clvll
degree of consangulnlLy.

3. When Lhe vlcLlm ls engaged ln a
leglLlmaLe rellglous vocaLlon or calllng and
ls personally known Lo be such by Lhe
offender before or afLer Lhe commlsslon
of Lhe crlme.

6. When Lhe vlcLlm ls a chlld below 7 years

7. When Lhe offender knows LhaL he ls
lnfllcLed wlLh Plv/AluS or any oLher
sexually Lransmlsslble decease and Lhe
vlrus or decease ls Lransferred Lo Lhe

8. When commlLLed by any member of Lhe
Al or paramlllLary unlLs Lhereof or Lhe
n or any law enforcemenL agency or
penal lnsLlLuLlon, when Lhe offender Look
advanLage of hls poslLlon Lo faclllLaLe Lhe
commlsslon of Lhe crlme.

9. When by reason or on occaslon of Lhe
rape, Lhe vlcLlm has suffered permanenL
physlcal muLllaLlon or dlsablllLy.

10. When Lhe offender knew of Lhe
pregnancy of Lhe offended parLy aL Lhe
Llme of Lhe commlsslon of Lhe rape.

11. When Lhe offender knew of Lhe menLal
dlsablllLy, emoLlonal dlsorder, and/or
physlcal handlcap of Lhe offended parLy aL
Lhe Llme of Lhe commlsslon of Lhe crlme.

.H=G* 1he foregolng clrcumsLances are ln Lhe naLure of
quallfylng aggravaLlng clrcumsLances whlch musL be
speclflcally pleaded or alleged wlLh cerLalnLy ln Lhe

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GNNG@=? HN I<AKHC HC =;G @A>B>C<D
D><L>D>=R HN =;G <@@J?GK @;<ASGK E>=; A<IGF

1. 1he offended woman may pardon Lhe
offender Lhrough a subsequenL valld
marrlage, Lhe effecL of whlch would be
Lhe exLlncLlon of Lhe offender's llablllLy.

2. Slmllarly, Lhe legal husband maybe
pardoned by forglveness of Lhe wlfe
provlded LhaL Lhe marrlage ls noL volJ ob
loltlo. (Att. 266c)

.H=G* under Lhe new law, Lhe husband may be llable
for rape, lf hls wlfe does noL wanL Lo have sex wlLh
hlm. lL ls enough LhaL Lhere ls lndlcaLlon of any amounL
of reslsLance as Lo make lL rape.

:* 9;<= >? >C@G?=JHJ? A<IGF

!* lL refers Lo rape commlLLed by an ascendanL of
Lhe offended woman.

:* &? =;G GBIDHRBGC= HN NHA@G <CK >C=>B>K<=>HC

!* no, because Lhe overpowerlng and overbearlng
moral lnfluence of Lhe ascendanL over Lhe daughLer
Lakes Lhe place of vlolence and offer of reslsLance
requlred ln rape cases commlLLed by an accused
havlng no blood relaLlonshlp wlLh Lhe vlcLlm.

:* #HG? =;G <L?GC@G HN ?>SC? HN GM=GAC<D I;R?>@<D
>CXJA>G? ?>SC>NR D<@_ HN AG?>?=<C@G HC =;G I<A= HN =;G
A<IG O>@=>BF

!* no. 8eslsLance from Lhe vlcLlm need noL be
carrled Lo Lhe polnL of lnvlLlng deaLh or susLalnlng
physlcal ln[urles aL Lhe hands of Lhe raplsL.

.H=G* ln rape, Lhe force and lnLlmldaLlon musL be
vlewed ln llghL of Lhe vlcLlm's percepLlon and

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

[udgmenL aL Lhe Llme of commlsslon of Lhe crlme. As
already seLLled ln Lhe [urlsprudence, noL all vlcLlms
reacL Lhe same way. Moreover, reslsLance ls noL an
elemenL of rape. A rape vlcLlm has no burden Lo prove
LhaL she dld all wlLhln her power Lo reslsL Lhe force or
lnLlmldaLlon employed upon her. As long as Lhe force
or lnLlmldaLlon employed upon her. As long as Lhe
force or lnLlmldaLlon ls presenL, wheLher lL was more
or less lrreslsLlble ls beslde Lhe polnL. (leople v. 8olJo,
C.k. No. 1752J8, leb. 24, 2009)
")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN ?=<=J=HAR A<IGF

1. Accused had carnal knowledge of a
2. Woman ls below 12 years of age.

.H=G* ln sLaLuLory rape, Lhe offender's knowledge of
Lhe vlcLlm's age ls lmmaLerlal.


!* no, because consenL ls lmmaLerlal ln sLaLuLory
rape. 1he mere facL of havlng sexual relaLlons wlLh
a glrl below 12 years old consummaLes Lhe offense
and consenL ls noL a defense.

kotlo. lL ls noL necessary LhaL Lhe vlcLlm was lnLlmaLed
or force used agalnsL her because ln sLaLuLory rape,
Lhe law presumes LhaL Lhe vlcLlm on accounL of her
Lender age does noL and cannoL have a wlll of her own.

:* 'JIIH?G <? [6 RG<A HDK AG=<AK<=G E>=; BGC=<D
@<I<@>=R HN < iRG<A HDK E<? A<IGKQ E;<= >? =;G

!* SLaLuLory rape. Per menLal and noL only her
chronologlcal age ls consldered. (leople v.
Mooolpoz, C.k. No. l41819, leb. 28, 1978)

.H=G* ln lncesLuous rape of a mlnor, proof of force and
vlolence exerLed by Lhe offender are noL essenLlal.
Moral ascendancy or parenLal auLhorlLy of Lhe accused
over Lhe offended parLy Lakes Lhe place of vlolence.

:* &? BGK>@<D GM<B>C<=>HC <C >CK>?IGC?<LDG

!* no. 1he purpose of medlcal examlnaLlon ls
merely corroboraLlve ln naLure.

:* &N HC =;G H@@<?>HC HA LR AG<?HC HN A<IGQ =;G
O>@=>B K>GKQ E;<= >? =;G @A>BG @HBB>==GKF

!* 1he speclal complex crlme or rape wlLh
homlclde ls commlLLed.

:* 9;<= >? =;G K>NNGAGC@G LG=EGGC <==GBI=GK A<IG
<CK <@=? HN D<?@>O>HJ?CG??F

!//$%8/$# )!8$ !"/' -, 0!'"&+&-2'.$''
1here ls lnLenL Lo effecL
sexual coheslon,
alLhough unsuccessful.
1here ls no lnLenLlon Lo lle
wlLh Lhe offended woman.
1he lnLenLlon ls merely Lo
saLlsfy lewd deslgn.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G =;AGG EGDD_CHEC IA>C@>IDG? =H
SJ>KG =;G @HJA= >C A<IG @<?G?F

1. An accusaLlon for rape can be made wlLh
faclllLy, ls dlfflculL Lo prove, buL more
dlfflculL for person accused, Lhough
lnnocenL, Lo dlsprove

2. Cnly Lwo persons are lnvolved, LesLlmony
of complalnanL musL be scruLlnlzed wlLh
exLreme cauLlon.

3. 1he evldence for Lhe prosecuLlon musL
sLand or fall on lLs own merlLs and cannoL
be allowed Lo draw sLrengLh from Lhe
weakness of Lhe evldence of Lhe defense.

!7 !C=>+>HDGC@G <S<>C?= 9HBGC <CK =;G>A ";>DKAGC
!@= HN cgg\ Y)7!7 Zc]c^

:* 9;<= KHG? K6$*#'%5' "4"$%&- >*!'% "%2 -+'$)
5+$#2)'%L BG<CF

!* vloleoce oqolost womeo ooJ tbelt cbllJteo refers
Lo any acL or a serles of acLs commlLLed by any
person agalnsL a woman who ls hls wlfe, former
wlfe, or agalnsL a woman wlLh whom Lhe person
has or had a sexual or Jotloq telotloosblp, or wlLh
whom he has a common chlld, or agalnsL her chlld
wheLher leglLlmaLe or llleglLlmaLe, wlLhln or
wlLhouL Lhe famlly abode, whlch resulL ln or ls llkely
Lo resulL ln physlcal, sexual, psychologlcal harm or
sufferlng, or economlc abuse lncludlng LhreaLs of
such acLs, baLLery, assaulL, coerclon, harassmenL or
arblLrary deprlvaLlon of llberLy.

.H=G* 1he daLlng relaLlonshlp" LhaL Lhe law
conLemplaLes can, Lherefore, exlsL even wlLhouL a
sexual lnLercourse Laklng place beLween Lhose
lnvolved. An "owoybotl" or a flghLandklss Lhlng
beLween Lwo lovers ls a common occurrence. 1helr
Laklng place does noL mean LhaL Lhe romanLlc relaLlon
beLween Lhe Lwo should be deemed broken up durlng
perlods of mlsundersLandlng. (Aoq v. cA, Ck 1828J5,
Aptll 20, 2010, Iostlce AboJ)

:* 9;<= <AG =;G IJC>?;<LDG <@=? JCKGA )! Zc]cF

!""# 6& 3><A8= +KC<;=B 08>=:;=
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
!* 1he crlme of vlolence agalnsL women and Lhelr
chlldren ls commlLLed Lhrough any of Lhe followlng
1. Causlng physlcal harm Lo Lhe woman or
her chlld

2. 1hreaLenlng Lo cause Lhe woman or her
chlld physlcal harm

3. ALLempLlng Lo cause Lhe woman or her
chlld physlcal harm

4. laclng Lhe woman or her chlld ln fear of
lmmlnenL physlcal harm

3. ALLempLlng Lo compel or compelllng Lhe
woman or her chlld Lo engage ln conducL
whlch Lhe woman or her chlld has Lhe
rlghL Lo deslsL from or deslsL from
conducL whlch Lhe woman or her chlld
has Lhe rlghL Lo engage ln, or aLLempLlng
Lo resLrlcL or resLrlcLlng Lhe woman's or
her chlld's freedom of movemenL or
conducL by force or LhreaL of force,
physlcal or oLher harm or LhreaL of
physlcal or oLher harm, or lnLlmldaLlon
dlrecLed agalnsL Lhe woman or chlld. 1hls
shall lnclude, buL noL llmlLed Lo, Lhe
followlng acLs commlLLed wlLh Lhe
purpose or effecL of conLrolllng or
resLrlcLlng Lhe woman's or her chlld's
movemenL or conducL:

a. 1hreaLenlng Lo deprlve or
acLually deprlvlng Lhe woman or
her chlld of cusLody Lo her/hls

b. ueprlvlng or LhreaLenlng Lo
deprlve Lhe woman or her
chlldren of flnanclal supporL
legally due her or her famlly, or
dellberaLely provldlng Lhe
woman's chlldren lnsufflclenL
flnanclal supporL

c. ueprlvlng or LhreaLenlng Lo
deprlve Lhe woman or her chlld
of a legal rlghL

d. revenLlng Lhe woman ln
engaglng ln any leglLlmaLe
professlon, occupaLlon,
buslness or acLlvlLy or
conLrolllng Lhe vlcLlm's own
money or properLles, or solely
conLrolllng Lhe con[ugal or
common money, or properLles

6. lnfllcLlng or LhreaLenlng Lo lnfllcL physlcal
harm on oneself for Lhe purpose of
conLrolllng her acLlons or declslons

7. Causlng or aLLempLlng Lo cause Lhe
woman or her chlld Lo engage ln any
sexual acLlvlLy whlch does noL consLlLuLe
rape, by force or LhreaL of force, physlcal
harm, or Lhrough lnLlmldaLlon dlrecLed
agalnsL Lhe woman or her chlld or her/hls
lmmedlaLe famlly

8. Lngaglng ln purposeful, knowlng, or
reckless conducL, personally or Lhrough
anoLher LhaL alarms or causes subsLanLlal
emoLlonal or psychologlcal dlsLress Lo Lhe
woman or her chlld. 1hls shall lnclude, buL
noL be llmlLed Lo, Lhe followlng acLs:

a. SLalklng or followlng Lhe woman
or her chlld ln publlc or prlvaLe
b. eerlng ln Lhe wlndow or
llngerlng ouLslde Lhe resldence
of Lhe woman or her chlld

c. LnLerlng or remalnlng ln Lhe
dwelllng or on Lhe properLy of
Lhe woman or her chlld agalnsL
her/hls wlll

d. uesLroylng Lhe properLy and
personal belonglngs or lnfllcLlng
harm Lo anlmals or peLs of Lhe
woman or her chlld

e. Lngaglng ln any form of
harassmenL or vlolence,

9. Causlng menLal or emoLlonal angulsh,
publlc rldlcule or humlllaLlon Lo Lhe
woman or her chlld, lncludlng, buL noL
llmlLed Lo, repeaLed verbal and emoLlonal
abuse, and denlal of flnanclal supporL or
cusLody of mlnor chlldren of access Lo Lhe
woman's chlld/chlldren. (5ec.5)

47 !C=>";>DK 8HACHSA<I;R 0<E Y)7!7 Zjji^

:* 9;H <AG @HC?>KGAGK @;>DKAGC JCKGA )7!7 ZjjiF
!* Chlldren refers Lo a person below 18 years of age
or over, buL ls unable Lo fully Lake care of
Lhemselves from abuse, neglecL, cruelLy,

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

explolLaLlon or dlscrlmlnaLlon because of a physlcal
or menLal dlsablllLy or condlLlon.
.H=G* A chlld shall also refer Lo:
1. A person regardless of age who ls
presenLed, deplcLed or belleved Lo be a chlld
as deflned hereln

2. CompuLergeneraLed, dlglLally or manually
crafLed lmages or graphlcs of a person who
ls represenLed or who ls made Lo appear Lo
be a chlld as deflned hereln.

:* 9;<= >? @;>DK IHACHSA<I;RF

!* Chlld pornography refers Lo any publlc or prlvaLe
represenLaLlon, by whaLever means, of a chlld
engaged ln real or slmulaLed expllclL sexual
acLlvlLles or any represenLaLlon of Lhe sexual parLs
of a chlld for prlmarlly sexual purposes.

:* 9;<= <AG @;>DK IHACHSA<I;R B<=GA><D?F

!* Chlld pornography maLerlals refers Lo Lhe means
and meLhods by whlch chlld pornography ls carrled
67 0& -* 1*)!*
a. +>?J<D KGI>@=>HC whlch lncludes noL
only lmages of real chlldren buL also
dlglLal lmage, compuLer lmage or
compuLergeneraLed lmage LhaL ls
lndlsLlngulshable from LhaL of real
chlldren engaglng ln an expllclL
sexual acLlvlLy. vlsual deplcLlon shall

l. undeveloped fllm and

ll. uaLa and/or lmages sLored on a
compuLer dlsk or by elecLronlc
means capable of converslon
lnLo a vlsual lmage

lll. hoLograph, fllm, vldeo, plcLure,
dlglLal lmage or plcLure,
compuLer lmage or plcLure,
wheLher made or produced by
elecLronlc, mechanlcal or oLher

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
lv. urawlngs, carLoons, sculpLures
or palnLlngs deplcLlng chlldren

v. CLher analogous vlsual

b. !JK>H AGIAG?GC=<=>HC of a person who ls
or ls represenLed as belng a chlld and who
ls engaged ln or ls represenLed as belng
engaged ln expllclL sexual acLlvlLy, or an
audlo represenLaLlon LhaL advocaLes,
encourages or counsels any sexual acLlvlLy
wlLh chlldren whlch ls an offense under
Lhls AcL.
.H=G* Such represenLaLlon lncludes audlo
recordlngs and llve audlo Lransmlsslon
conveyed Lhrough whaLever medlum
lncludlng realLlme lnLerneL communlcaLlons
c. 9A>==GC =GM= HA B<=GA><D LhaL advocaLes or
counsels expllclL sexual acLlvlLy wlLh a
chlld and whose domlnanL characLerlsLlc
ls Lhe descrlpLlon, for a sexual purpose, of
an expllclL sexual acLlvlLy wlLh a chlld.
c7 0& -* 5*%-'%-W lL lncludes represenLaLlon
of a person who ls, appears Lo be, or ls
represenLed as belng a chlld, Lhe
domlnanL characLerlsLlc of whlch ls Lhe
deplcLlon, for a sexual purpose, of Lhe:

a. Sexual organ or Lhe anal reglon,
or a represenLaLlon Lhereof, or

b. 8reasLs, or a represenLaLlon of
Lhe breasLs, of a female person.

:* 9;<= >? GMID>@>= ?GMJ<D <@=>O>=RF
!* LxpllclL sexual acLlvlLy refers Lo acLual or
1. Sexual lnLercourse or lasclvlous acL
lncludlng, buL noL llmlLed Lo, conLacL
lnvolvlng genlLal Lo genlLal, oral Lo genlLal,
anal Lo genlLal or oral Lo anal, wheLher
beLween persons of Lhe same or opposlLe
2. 8esLlallLy
3. MasLurbaLlon
4. SadlsLlc or masochlsLlc abuse
3. LxhlblLlon of Lhe genlLals, buLLocks,
breasL, publc area and/or anus
6. use of any ob[ecL or lnsLrumenL for
lasclvlous acLs

!""# 6& 3><A8= +KC<;=B 08>=:;=
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
:* 9;<= >? SAHHB>CSF
!* Croomlng refers Lo Lhe acL of preparlng a chlld or
someone who Lhe offender belleves Lo be a chlld
for sexual acLlvlLy or sexual relaLlonshlp by
communlcaLlng any form of chlld pornography.
.H=G* Croomlng lncludes onllne enLlcemenL or
enLlcemenL Lhrough any oLher means.
:* 9;<= >? DJA>CSF
!* Lurlng refers Lo Lhe acL of communlcaLlng, by
means of a compuLer sysLem, wlLh a chlld or
someone who Lhe offender belleves Lo be a chlld
for Lhe purpose of faclllLaLlng Lhe commlsslon of
sexual acLlvlLy or producLlon of any form of chlld
:* 9;<= <AG IA>B<A>DR ?GMJ<D IJAIH?G?F
!* lL refers Lo purposes whlch wlll fulflll all Lhe
followlng condlLlons:
1. 1he average person applylng
conLemporary communlLy sLandards
would flnd Lhe work Laken as a whole
appeallng Lo prurlenL lnLeresL and
saLlsfylng only Lhe markeL for graLulLous
sex and vlolence

2. 1he work deplcLs or descrlbes sexual
conducL ln a paLenLly offenslve way

3. 1he work Laken as a whole lmbued wlLhln
lLs conLexL, manner or presenLaLlon,
lnLenLlon and culLure, lasclvlous, llLerary,
arLlsLlc, pollLlcal and sclenLlflc value

:* 9;<= <AG IJC>?;<LDG <@=? JCKGA )! ZjjiF
!* 1he punlshable acLs are:
1. 1o hlre, employ, use, persuade, lnduce or
coerce a chlld Lo perform ln Lhe creaLlon
or producLlon of chlld pornography

2. 1o produce, dlrecL, manufacLure or creaLe
any form of chlld pornography and chlld
pornography maLerlals

3. 1o sell, offer, adverLlse and promoLe chlld
pornography and chlld pornography

4. 1o possess, download, purchase,
reproduce or make avallable chlld
pornography maLerlals wlLh Lhe lnLenL of
selllng or dlsLrlbuLlng Lhem

3. 1o publlsh, posL, exhlblL, dlssemlnaLe,
dlsLrlbuLe, LransmlL or broadcasL chlld
pornography or chlld pornography

6. 1o knowlngly possess, vlew, download,
purchase or ln any way Lake sLeps Lo
procure, obLaln or access for personal use
chlld pornography maLerlals

7. 1o aLLempL Lo commlL chlld pornography
by lurlng or groomlng a chlld.

"7 !C=>(<W>CS 0<E Y)7!7 fg\Z^

:* 9;<= >? (<W>CSF
!* Pazlng ls an lnlLlaLlon rlLe or pracLlce as a
prerequlslLe for admlsslon lnLo membershlp ln a
fraLernlLy, sororlLy or organlzaLlon by placlng Lhe
recrulL, neophyLe or appllcanL ln some
embarrasslng or humlllaLlng slLuaLlons such as
forclng hlm Lo do menlal, sllly, foollsh and oLher
slmllar Lasks or acLlvlLles or oLherwlse sub[ecLlng
hlm Lo physlcal or psychologlcal sufferlng or ln[ury.
:* 9;<= <AG =;G <DDHEGK >C>=><=>HC A>=G?F
1. 1hose conducLed by organlzaLlons"
whlch shall lnclude any club or Lhe Al,
n, MA, or offlcer and cadeL corp of
Lhe ClLlzen's MlllLary 1ralnlng and CA1.
1he physlcal, menLal and psychologlcal
LesLlng and Lralnlng procedure and
pracLlces Lo deLermlne and enhance Lhe
physlcal, menLal and psychologlcal flLness
of prospecLlve regular members of Lhe
Al and Lhe n as approved by Lhe
SecreLary of naLlonal uefense and Lhe
naLlonal ollce Commlsslon duly
recommended by Lhe Chlef of SLaff, Al
and Lhe ulrecLor Ceneral of Lhe n.

2. 1hose conducLed by any fraLernlLy,
sororlLy or organlzaLlon wlLh prlor wrlLLen
noLlce Lo Lhe school auLhorlLles or head of
organlzaLlon 7 days before Lhe conducL of
such lnlLlaLlon.

:* 9;H <AG D><LDGF
1. 1he ff. are llable as <ACE:C<09:

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

a. 1he offlcers and members of Lhe
fraLernlLy, sororlLy or organlzaLlon
who acLually parLlclpaLed ln Lhe
lnfllcLlon of physlcal harm.

b. 1he parenLs of one of Lhe offlcer or
member of Lhe fraLernlLy, sororlLy or
organlzaLlon, when Lhey have acLual
knowledge of Lhe hazlng conducLed
ln Lhelr home buL falled Lo Lake any
acLlon Lo prevenL Lhe same from

c. 1he offlcers, former offlcers or
alumnl of Lhe organlzaLlon, group,
fraLernlLy or sororlLy who acLually
planned Lhe hazlng alLhough noL
presenL when Lhe acLs consLlLuLlng
hazlng were commlLLed.

.H=G* 1he presence of any person durlng Lhe hazlng ls
ptlmo focle evldence of parLlclpaLlon Lhereln as
prlnclpal, unLLSS he prevenLed Lhe commlsslon of Lhe
acLs punlshable Lhereln.
2. 1he ff. are llable as 0::8/<9C:@W

a. 1he owner of Lhe place where Lhe
hazlng ls conducLed, when he has
acLual knowledge of Lhe hazlng
conducLed Lhereln buL falled Lo Lake
any acLlon Lo prevenL Lhe same from

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
b. 1he school auLhorlLles lncludlng
faculLy members who consenL Lo Lhe
hazlng or who have acLual
knowledge Lhereof, buL falled Lo Lake
any acLlon Lo prevenL Lhe same from

:* 9;<= <AG =;G IJC>?;<LDG <@=?F


1. Pazlng or lnlLlaLlon rlLes ln any form or
manner by a fraLernlLy, sororlLy or
organlzaLlon wlLhouL prlor wrlLLen noLlce
Lo Lhe school auLhorlLles or head of
organlzaLlon 7 days before Lhe conducL of
such lnlLlaLlon.
2. lnfllcLlon of any physlcal vlolence durlng
lnlLlaLlon rlLes


1. When Lhe recrulLmenL ls accompanled by
force, vlolence, LhreaL, lnLlmldaLlon or
decelL on Lhe person of Lhe recrulL who
refuses Lo [oln

2. When Lhe recrulL, neophyLe or appllcanL
lnlLlally consenLs Lo [oln buL upon learnlng
LhaL hazlng wlll be commlLLed on hls
person, ls prevenLed from qulLLlng

3. When Lhe recrulL, neophyLe or appllcanL
havlng undergone hazlng ls prevenLed
from reporLlng Lhe unlawful acL Lo hls
parenLs or guardlans, Lo Lhe proper school
auLhorlLles, or Lo Lhe pollce auLhorlLles,
Lhrough force, vlolence, LhreaL or

4. When Lhe hazlng ls commlLLed ouLslde of
Lhe school or lnsLlLuLlon

3. When Lhe vlcLlm ls below 12 years of age
aL Lhe Llme of Lhe hazlng.

.H=G* Any person charged under Lhls provlslon shall
noL be enLlLled Lo Lhe mlLlgaLlng clrcumsLance LhaL
Lhere was no lnLenLlon Lo commlL so grave a wrong.
#7 'IG@><D 8AH=G@=>HC HN ";>DKAGC !S<>C?= ";>DK
!LJ?GQ $MIDH>=<=>HCQ <CK #>?@A>B>C<=>HC !@=
Y)7!7 j]6gQ <? <BGCKGK^

:* &C SGCGA<DQ E;<= <AG =;G IJC>?;<LDG <@=? JCKGA
=;>? <@=F
1. Chlld prosLlLuLlon and oLher sexual abuse
2. Chlld Lrafflcklng.(5ec. 7)

:* 9;<= >? @;>DK IAH?=>=J=>HCF

!* Chlldren, wheLher male or female, who for
money, proflL, or any oLher conslderaLlon or due Lo
Lhe coerclon or lnfluence of any adulL, syndlcaLe or
group, lndulge ln sexual lnLercourse or lasclvlous

:* 9;<= <AG =;G IJC>?;<LDG <@=? JCKGA 'G@7 iF
!* 1he unlshable acLs are Lhe ff:
1. 1hose who engage ln or promoLe,
faclllLaLe or lnduce chlld prosLlLuLlon

!""# 6& 3><A8= +KC<;=B 08>=:;=
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
whlch lnclude, buL are noL llmlLed Lo, Lhe

a. AcLlng as a procurer of a chlld

b. lnduclng a person Lo be a cllenL of a
chlld prosLlLuLe by means of wrlLLen
or oral adverLlsemenLs or oLher
slmllar means

c. 1aklng advanLage of lnfluence or
relaLlonshlp Lo procure a chlld as

d. 1hreaLenlng or uslng vlolence
Lowards a chlld Lo engage hlm as a

e. Clvlng moneLary conslderaLlon goods
or oLher pecunlary beneflL Lo a chlld
wlLh lnLenL Lo engage such chlld ln

2. 1hose who commlL Lhe acL of sexual
lnLercourse of lasclvlous conducL wlLh a
chlld explolLed ln prosLlLuLlon or sub[ecL
Lo oLher sexual abuse

.H=G* rovlded, 1haL when Lhe vlcLlms ls
under 12 years of age, Lhe perpeLraLors shall
be prosecuLed under ArLlcle 333, paragraph
3, for rape and ArLlcle 336 of AcL no. 3813,
as amended, Lhe 8C, for rape or lasclvlous
conducL, as Lhe case may be.

rovlded, 1haL Lhe penalLy for lasclvlous
conducL when Lhe vlcLlm ls under 12 years
of age shall be teclosloo tempotol ln lLs
medlum perlod

3. 1hose who derlve proflL or advanLage
Lherefrom, wheLher as manager or owner
of Lhe esLabllshmenL where Lhe
prosLlLuLlon Lakes place, or of Lhe sauna,
dlsco, bar, resorL, place of enLerLalnmenL
or esLabllshmenL servlng as a cover or
whlch engages ln prosLlLuLlon ln addlLlon
Lo Lhe acLlvlLy for whlch Lhe llcense has
been lssued Lo sald esLabllshmenL.

:* 9;GC >? =;GAG <C <==GBI= =H @HBB>= ";>DK
!* 1here ls an aLLempL Lo commlL chlld prosLlLuLlon
1. Any person who, noL belng a relaLlve of a
chlld, ls found alone wlLh Lhe sald chlld
lnslde Lhe room or cublcle of a house, an
lnn, hoLel, moLel, penslon house,
aparLelle or oLher slmllar esLabllshmenLs,
vessel, vehlcle or any oLher hldden or
secluded area under clrcumsLances whlch
would lead a reasonable person Lo
belleve LhaL Lhe chlld ls abouL Lo be
explolLed ln prosLlLuLlon and oLher sexual

2. Any person ls recelvlng servlces from a
chlld ln a sauna parlor or baLh, massage
cllnlc, healLh club and oLher slmllar

:* 9;<= >? @;>DK =A<NN>@_>CSF

!* Any person who shall engage ln Lradlng and
deallng wlLh chlldren lncludlng, buL noL llmlLed Lo,
Lhe acL of buylng and selllng of a chlld for money, or
for any oLher conslderaLlon, or barLer.

:* 9;GC >? =;GAG <C <==GBI= =H @HBB>= @;>DK
!* 1here ls an aLLempL Lo commlL chlld Lrafflcklng
1. A chlld Lravels alone Lo a forelgn counLry
wlLhouL valld reason Lherefor and wlLhouL
clearance lssued by Lhe uSWu or wrlLLen
permlL or [usLlflcaLlon from Lhe chlld's
parenLs or legal guardlan

2. A person, agency, esLabllshmenL or chlld
carlng lnsLlLuLlon recrulLs women or
couples Lo bear chlldren for Lhe purpose
of chlld Lrafflcklng

3. A docLor, hosplLal or cllnlc offlclal or
employee, nurse, mldwlfe, local clvll
reglsLrar or any oLher person slmulaLes
blrLh for Lhe purpose of chlld Lrafflcklng

4. A person engages ln Lhe acL of flndlng
chlldren among lowlncome famllles,
hosplLals, cllnlcs, nurserles, daycare
cenLers, or oLher chllddurlng lnsLlLuLlons
who can be offered for Lhe purpose of
chlld Lrafflcklng.

$7 PJOGC>DG PJ?=>@G <CK 9GDN<AG !@= HN cgg]
Y)7!7 Z[\\^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G IAH;>L>=GK <@=? JCKGA )! Z[\\F

!* ln Lhe conducL of Lhe proceedlngs beglnnlng

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
from Lhe lnlLlal conLacL wlLh Lhe chlld, Lhe
compeLenL auLhorlLles musL:

1. 8efraln from brandlng or labellng chlldren
as young crlmlnals, [uvenlle dellnquenLs,
prosLlLuLes or aLLachlng Lo Lhem ln any
manner any oLher derogaLory names

2. Make no dlscrlmlnaLory remarks
parLlcularly wlLh respecL Lo Lhe chlld's
class or eLhnlc orlgln. (5ec. 60)
.H=G* 1he followlng and any oLher slmllar acLs shall be
consldered pre[udlclal and deLrlmenLal Lo Lhe
psychologlcal, emoLlonal, soclal, splrlLual, moral and
physlcal healLh and wellbelng of Lhe chlld ln confllcL
wlLh Lhe law and Lherefore, prohlblLed:
1. LmploymenL of LhreaLs of whaLever klnd and
2. LmploymenL of abuslve, coerclve and punlLlve
measures such as curslng, beaLlng, sLrlpplng, and
sollLary conflnemenL
3. LmploymenL of degradlng, lnhuman end cruel
forms of punlshmenL such as shavlng Lhe heads,
pourlng lrrlLaLlng, corroslve or harmful
subsLances over Lhe body of Lhe chlld ln confllcL
wlLh Lhe law, or forclng hlm/her Lo walk around
Lhe communlLy wearlng slgns whlch embarrass,
humlllaLe, and degrade hls/her personallLy and
4. Compelllng Lhe chlld Lo perform lnvolunLary
servlLude ln any and all forms under any and all
lnsLances. (5ec. 61)
,7 (JB<C 'G@JA>=R !@= HN cggj Y)7!7 Z[jc^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G IJC>?;<LDG <@=? HN =GAAHA>?BF


1. Any person who commlLs an acL punlshable
under any of Lhe followlng provlslons of Lhe:

a. )8"*
l. lracy ln Ceneral and MuLlny ln Lhe
Plgh Seas or ln Lhe hlllpplne WaLers
ll. 8ebelllon or lnsurrecLlon (Att.1J4)
lll. coop J' etot, lncludlng acLs
commlLLed by prlvaLe persons (Att.
lv. Murder (Att. 248)
v. kldnapplng and Serlous lllegal
ueLenLlon (Att. 267)
vl. Crlmes lnvolvlng uesLrucLlon (Att.

b. 'IG@><D 8GC<D 0<E?*
l. 1he Law on Arson (l.u 161J)
ll. 1oxlc SubsLances and Pazardous and
nuclear WasLe ConLrol AcL of 1990
(k.A. 6969)
lll. ALomlc Lnergy 8egulaLory and
LlablllLy AcL of 1968, (k.A. 5207)
lv. AnLlPl[acklng Law (k. A. 62J5)
v. AnLllracy and AnLlPlghway
8obbery Law of 1974 (lu 5J2)

vl. uecree Codlfylng Lhe Laws on lllegal
and unlawful ossesslon,
ManufacLure, ueallng ln, AcqulslLlon
or ulsposlLlon of llrearms,
AmmunlLlons or Lxploslves (lu 1866,
os omeoJeJ

.H=G* ltovlJeJ LhaL such acLs:
1. Sow and creaLe a condlLlon of wldespread
and exLraodlnary fear and panlc among Lhe
2. Coerce Lhe governmenL Lo glve ln Lo an
unlawful demand. (5ec. J)

2. ersons who consplre Lo commlL Lhe crlme of

:7 9;H B<R LG D><LDG JCKGA )7!7 Z[jcF

!* 1he crlme of Lerrorlsm ls commlLLed by any
person who engages ln any of Lhe followlng acLs
punlshable under Lhe 8C and oLher speclal laws.
rovlded, LhaL such acLs sows and creaLes a
condlLlon of wldespread and exLraordlnary fear and
panlc among Lhe populace and Lo coerce Lhe
governmenL Lo glve ln Lo an unlawful demand. (5ec.

!""# 6& 3><A8= +KC<;=B /<G8>BH C;I 48?@><BH
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
&`7 ")&%$' !3!&.'/ 0&4$)/1 !.# '$"2)&/1

5&#.!88&.3 !.# '$)&-2' &00$3!0 #$/$./&-.
Y!A=7 c]j^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. Cffender ls a prlvaLe lndlvldual who ls noL
any of Lhe parenLs of Lhe vlcLlm
2. Pe kldnaps or deLalns anoLher, or ln any
oLher manner deprlves Lhe laLLer of hls
3. AcL of deLenLlon or kldnapplng musL be
4. ln Lhe commlsslon of Lhe offense, any of
Lhe followlng clrcumsLances ls presenL:
a. kldnapplng or deLenLlon lasLs for
more Lhan 3 days
b. lL ls commlLLed slmulaLlng publlc
c. Any serlous physlcal ln[urles are
lnfllcLed upon Lhe person kldnapped
or deLalned or LhreaLs Lo klll hlm are
d. 1he person kldnapped or deLalned ls
a mlnor, female, or a publlc offlcer.

:* 9;<= >? =;G G??GC@G HN =;>? @A>BGF

!* 1he essence of Lhls offense ls Lhe acLual
deprlvaLlon of Lhe vlcLlm's llberLy coupled wlLh Lhe
lnLenL of Lhe accused Lo effecL lL. 1here musL be
lndublLable proof LhaL Lhe acLual lnLenL of Lhe
malefacLor was Lo deprlve Lhe offended parLy of
llberLy. 1he resLralnL however need noL be
permanenL. (leople v. lovlllote, C.k. No. 129970,
Apt. 5, 2000)

.H=G* lf Lhe person kllled, LorLured or raped ls noL Lhe
same vlcLlm of kldnapplng or deLenLlon, Lhe crlmes
may be complexed or be consldered as separaLe

:* &? >= CG@G??<AR =;<= =;G O>@=>B LG ID<@GK >C <C

!* no. lL may conslsL noL only ln placlng a person ln
an enclosure buL also ln deLalnlng hlm or deprlvlng
hlm ln any manner of hls llberLy.

.H=G* 1he crlme ls commlLLed when Lhe offender lefL
Lhe chlld ln Lhe house of anoLher, where Lhe chlld had
freedom of locomoLlon buL noL Lhe freedom Lo leave lL
aL wlll because of hls Lender age. (leople v. Acosto, 60
O.C. 6999)

AlLhough Lhe vlcLlm may have aL Lhe lncepLlon
consenLed Lo go wlLh Lhe offender Lo a place buL Lhe
vlcLlm ls LhereafLer prevenLed, wlLh Lhe use of force,
from leavlng Lhe place where he was broughL Lo wlLh
hls consenL and ls deLalned agalnsL hls wlll, Lhe
offender ls gullLy of kldnapplng and serlous lllegal
deLenLlon (leople v. llcket, C.k. No. 120409, Oct. 2J,

:* 9;<= <AG =;G K>?=>C@=>HC? LG=EGGC _>KC<II>CS

'0&3(/ &00$3!0
lLs essence ls LransporLlng
Lhe offended parLy from
one place Lo anoLher.
Cne ls resLralned of hls
llberLy wlLhouL
necessarlly LransporLlng
hlm from one place Lo
1he purpose of Lhe
offender ls Lo exLorL
ransom elLher from Lhe
vlcLlm or from any oLher
A person ls LransporLed
noL for ransom.


1. lotclble obJoctloo - lf a woman ls
LransporLed from one place Lo anoLher by
vlrLue of resLralnlng her of her llberLy and
LhaL acL ls coupled wlLh lewd deslgns.

2. klJoopploq wltb setloos llleqol Jeteotloo -
lf a woman ls LransporLed [usL Lo resLraln
her llberLy. 1here ls no lewd deslgn or

3. Ctove coetcloo - lf a woman ls carrled
away [usL Lo break her wlll, Lo compel her
Lo agree Lo demand or requesL by Lhe

lf Lhe vlcLlm was noL kldnapped or Laken away buL was
resLralned and deprlved of hls llberLy, llke ln Lhe case
of a hosLage lncldenL where Lhe accused, who was one
of Lhe occupanLs of Lhe house, grabbed a chlld, poked
a knlfe on Lhe laLLer's neck, called for medla people
and demanded a vehlcle from Lhe auLhorlLles whlch he
could use ln escaplng, as lL Lurned ouL LhaL Lhere was
an unserved arresL warranL agalnsL hlm, Lhe proper
charge ls Serlous lllegal deLenLlon (wlLhouL kldnapplng
anymore) buL llkewlse under ArL.267 of Lhe 8C.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G @>A@JB?=<C@G? E;>@; TJ<D>NR =;G

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

!* ueaLh penalLy shall be lmposed ln Lhe followlng:

1. lf Lhe purpose of Lhe kldnapplng ls Lo
exLorL ransom.

2. When Lhe vlcLlm ls kllled or dles as a
consequence of Lhe deLenLlon.

3. When Lhe vlcLlm ls raped.

4. When Lhe vlcLlm ls sub[ecLed Lo LorLure or
dehumanlzlng acLs.

.H=G* lf Lhe vlcLlm ls a woman or a publlc offlcer, Lhe
deLenLlon ls always serlous no maLLer how shorL Lhe
perlod of deLenLlon ls.

:* 9;<= >? =;G @A>BG >N < [RG<A HDK LHR E<?

!* 1he demand for ransom dld noL converL Lhe
offense from murder Lo kldnapplng. 1he defendanL
was well aware LhaL Lhe chlld would be suffocaLed
Lo deaLh ln a few momenLs afLer she lefL. 1he
demand for ransom ls only a parL of Lhe dlabollc
scheme of Lhe defendanL Lo murder Lhe chlld, Lo
conceal hls body and Lhen demand money before
Lhe dlscovery of Lhe cadaver. (leople v. loto, C.k.
No. 494J0, Mot. J0, 1982).

:* 9;<= >? =;G B<>C K>?=>C@=>HC LG=EGGC >DDGS<D

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
&00$3!0 #$/$./&-.
CommlLLed by a prlvaLe
person who kldnaps, deLalns
or oLherwlse deprlves
anoLher of hls llberLy.
CommlLLed by a publlc
offlcer who deLalns a
person wlLhouL legal
Crlme ls agalnsL personal
llberLy and securlLy.
Crlme agalnsL Lhe
fundamenLal law of
Lhe SLaLe.

:* 9;<= ?IG@><D @HBIDGM @A>BG? B<R <A>?G >C

1. kldnapplng wlLh homlclde
2. kldnapplng wlLh rape
3. kldnapplng wlLh physlcal ln[urles

:* (HE >? =;G =GAB ;HB>@>KG >C =;G D<?= I<A<SA<I;
HN !A=7 c]j @HC?=AJGKF

!* nomlclJe ls used ln Lhe generlc sense and
lncludes murder because Lhe kllllng ls noL LreaLed as
a separaLe crlme buL a quallfylng clrcumsLance.
=;G>A I<AGC=?7 4G@<J?G =;G I<AGC=? HN =;G
@HCK>=>HC? LR =;G _>KC<IIGA?Q =;GR _>DDGK =;G
O>@=>B?7 9;<= >?l<AG =;G @A>BGl? @HBB>==GK LR =;G

!* 1he crlme ls kldnapplng wlLh homlclde. As such,
lL ls a slngle lndlvlslble offense and noL a complex
crlme. 8egardless of Lhe number of persons kllled
who are necessarlly Lhe kldnapped vlcLlms, Lhere ls
one crlme only of kldnapplng wlLh homlclde.


Where afLer Laklng Lhe vlcLlm wlLh her car, Lhe
accused called Lhe house of Lhe vlcLlm asklng for
ransom buL upon golng Lo Lhelr safehouse saw
several pollce cars chaslng Lhem, prompLlng Lhem
Lo klll Lhelr vlcLlm lnslde Lhe car, Lhere were Lwo
crlmes commlLLed - kldnapplng for ransom and
murder, noL a complex crlme of kldnapplng wlLh
murder as she was noL Laken or carrled away Lo be
kllled, kllllng belng an afLerLhoughL. (leople v.
voootlo, 209 5ckA 577)

:* &C _>KC<II>CS E>=; ;HB>@>KGQ EHJDK >= B<_G <CR

!* no. 8egardless of wheLher Lhe kllllng was
purposely soughL or was merely an afLerLhoughL,
Lhe kldnapplng and Lhe homlclde or murder are noL
LreaLed as separaLe crlmes nor can Lhey be
complexed under ArL. 48 buL shall be punlshed as a
speclal complex crlme.

:* 'JIIH?G =;G IGA?HC? _>DDGK HC =;G H@@<?>HC HN
_>KC<II>CS <AG H=;GA IGA?HC?Q CH= =;G O>@=>B?
=;GB?GDOG?Q E;<= >?l<AG =;G @A>BGl? @HBB>==GKF

!* 1wo separaLe crlmes of murder or homlclde and
kldnapplng. 1he kllllng would be LreaLed as a
separaLe crlme.

:* 'JIIH?G =;G =<_>CS HN =;G O>@=>B >? HCDR
>C@>KGC=<D =H =;G L<?>@ IJAIH?G =H _>DDQ E;<= >? =;G

!* 1he crlme ls only murder noL Lhe speclal complex
crlme of kldnapplng wlLh homlclde because Lhe
prlmordlal lnLenL ls Lo klll Lhe vlcLlm and Lhe
deprlvaLlon of llberLy ls merely lncldenLal LhereLo.

?J@; K>?<IIG<A<C@G CGS<=>OG @A>B>C<D D><L>D>=R HN

!""# 6& 3><A8= +KC<;=B /<G8>BH C;I 48?@><BH
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %

!* no, because ln kldnapplng, Lhe essenLlal elemenL
ls deprlvaLlon of Lhe vlcLlm's llberLy and Lhe
subsequenL dlsappearance of Lhe vlcLlm wlll noL
exoneraLe Lhe accused from prosecuLlon.
CLherwlse, kldnappers can easlly avold punlshmenL
by Lhe slmple expedlenL of dlsposlng of Lhelr
vlcLlm's bodles.

:* 9;<= >? =;G GNNG@= HN =;G OHDJC=<AR AGDG<?G HN
=;G O>@=>B HC =;G @A>B>C<D D><L>D>=R HN =;G

!* Cuallfy.

1. lf lL ls setloos llleqol Jeteotloo, Lhe
volunLary release has no effecL on Lhe
crlmlnal llablllLy of Lhe offenders.

2. lf lL ls sllqbt llleqol Jeteotloo, Lhe
volunLary release wlll mlLlgaLe Lhe
crlmlnal llablllLy of Lhe offenders.

3. ln klJoopploq fot toosom, volunLary
release wlll noL mlLlgaLe Lhe crlme.

:* 9;<= >? < A<C?HBF

!* A toosom ls Lhe money, prlce or conslderaLlon
pald or demanded for Lhe redempLlon of a capLured
person or persons, Lhe paymenL of whlch releases
Lhem from capLlvlLy. 1hls ls Lrue even Lhough whaL
ls belng demanded ls due Lo Lhe offender such as
debL or renL.

.H=G* 1he ransom ls merely a quallfylng clrcumsLance
and no maLLer how shorL Lhe deLenLlon and
kldnapplng ls, Lhe crlme ls sLlll commlLLed because
ransom ls noL an elemenL of kldnapplng.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G K>?=>C@=>HC? LG=EGGC _>KC<II>CS

5&#.!88&.3 9&/( )!8$
,-)"&40$ !4#2"/&-.
9&/( )!8$
1he crlme ls composlLe or
a speclal complex crlme lf
Lhe woman kldnapped ls
also raped.
1he crlme ls complex
under ArL. 48 slnce
forclble abducLlon ls a
necessary means Lo
commlL Lhe rape.
1here ls no lewd deslgn 1here ls lewd deslgn.
8ape ls noL a separaLe
crlme buL merely a
quallfylng clrcumsLance.
8ape ls LreaLed as a
separaLe crlme.
Lven lf Lhere are mulLlple
rapes, Lhere ls only one
crlme of kldnapplng wlLh
lf Lhere are mulLlple
rapes, only one rape shall
be complexed wlLh
forclble abducLlon
because Lhe abducLlon ls
a necessary means Lo
commlL only Lhe flrsL
rape, Lhus Lhe oLher rape
lncldenLs wlll be LreaLed
as separaLe crlmes.
lf rape was merely
aLLempLed, 2 separaLe
crlmes are commlLLed
kldnapplng and serlous
lllegal deLenLlon and
aLLempLed rape.
lf rape ls merely
aLLempLed, Lhere ls only
forclble abducLlon, Lhe
aLLempL Lo rape ls
deemed merely a
manlfesLaLlon of lewd

:* 9;<= K>?=>CSJ>?;G? _>KC<II>CS NHA A<C?HB NAHB

5&#.!88&.3 ,-)
8ansom ls pald ln
exchange for Lhe
offended parLy's llberLy.
1he moLlve of Lhe
offenders ls noL Lo resLraln
or deprlve Lhe vlcLlm of
hls llberLy buL Lo dlvesL
hlm of hls valuables.

:* 9;<= ?G=? _>KC<II>CS <I<A= NAHB NHA@>LDG

5&#.!88&.3 ,-)"&40$ !4#2"/&-.
AL Lhe ouLseL, Lhe
lnLenLlon of Lhe offender
ls merely Lo deLaln Lhe
AL Lhe ouLseL, Lhe Laklng
of Lhe vlcLlm ls coupled
wlLh lewd deslgns.

'0&3(/ &00$3!0 #$/$./&-.
Y!A=7 c]f^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. Cffender ls a prlvaLe lndlvldual
2. Pe kldnaps or deLalns anoLher, or ln any
oLher manner deprlves hlm of hls llberLy
3. AcL of kldnapplng or deLenLlon ls lllegal
4. Crlme ls commlLLed wlLhouL Lhe
aLLendance of any of Lhe clrcumsLances
enumeraLed ln ArL. 267

:* &C @<?G? HN _>KC<II>CSQ E;<= >? =;G D><L>D>=R HN
O>@=>B >? LG>CS ;GDKF

!* 1he person has Lhe same llablllLy as Lhe prlnclpal
alLhough sald person generally acLs as an

.H=G* When Lhe vlcLlm ls female Lhe deLenLlon ls

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

under ArL. 267, volunLarlly release ls noL mlLlgaLlng.

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
2.0!9,20 !))$'/
Y!A=7 c]Z^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN JCD<ENJD <AAG?=F

1. Cffender arresLs or deLalns anoLher
2. urpose of Lhe offender ls Lo dellver hlm
Lo Lhe proper auLhorlLles
3. ArresL or deLenLlon ls noL auLhorlzed by
law or Lhere ls no reasonable ground

.H=G* ArresL or deLenLlon refers Lo
warranLless arresL.

.H=G* ln unlawful arresL, Lhe deLenLlon ls only

Cenerally, Lhls crlme ls commlLLed by lncrlmlnaLlng
lnnocenL persons by Lhe offender's planLlng evldence
Lo [usLlfy Lhe arresL - a complex crlme resulLs - LhaL ls
unlawful arresL Lhrough lncrlmlnaLory machlnaLlons
under ArLlcle 363.

:* 9;H B<R LG ;GDK D><LDG JCKGA =;>? <A=>@DGF

!* Cffender ls any person, wheLher a publlc offlcer
or a prlvaLe lndlvldual. Powever, Lhe publlc offlcer
musL noL be vesLed wlLh Lhe auLhorlLy Lo arresL or
deLaln a person or musL noL acL ln hls offlclal
capaclLy. CLherwlse, ArL.124 ls appllcable and noL
ArL. 269.

:* 9;<= >? =;G G??GC@G HN =;G @A>BG HN JCD<ENJD

!* 1he arresL musL be made for Lhe purpose of
dellverlng Lhe person arresLed Lo Lhe proper
auLhorlLles buL lL was made wlLhouL any reasonable
grounds Lherefore.


!* none. WhaL ls conLrolllng ls Lhe moLlve of Lhe

:* 9;<= O<A><C= @A>BG? <AG @HBB>==GK >N < IGA?HC

1. lf Lhe arresL ls made wlLhouL a warranL
and under clrcumsLances noL allowlng a
warranLless arresL, Lhe crlme would be
unlawful arresL.

2. lf Lhe person arresLed ls noL dellvered Lo
Lhe auLhorlLles, Lhe prlvaLe lndlvldual
maklng Lhe arresL lncurs crlmlnal llablllLy
for lllegal deLenLlon under ArL.267 or 268.

3. lf Lhe offender ls a publlc offlcer, Lhe
crlme ls arblLrary deLenLlon under ArLlcle

4. lf Lhe deLenLlon or arresL ls for a legal
ground, buL Lhe publlc offlcer delays
dellvery of Lhe person arresLed Lo Lhe
proper [udlclal auLhorlLles, Lhe crlme ls
delay ln Lhe dellvery of deLalned persons
under ArLlcle 123.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G K>?=>C@=>HC? LG=EGGC #GD<R >C =;G

#$0!1 &. /($ #$0&+$)1
-, #$/!&.$# 8$)'-.'
2.0!9,20 !))$'/
ueLenLlon ls for some
legal ground
ueLenLlon ls noL
auLhorlzed by law
Crlme ls commlLLed by
falllng Lo dellver such
person Lo Lhe proper
[udlclal auLhorlLy wlLhln
a cerLaln perlod
CommlLLed by maklng an
arresL noL auLhorlzed by

5&#.!88&.3 !.# ,!&02)$ /- )$/2). ! %&.-)
Y!A=7 cjg^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. Cffender ls enLrusLed wlLh Lhe cusLody of
a mlnor person (wheLher over or under 7
years buL less Lhan 21 years of age)
2. Pe dellberaLely falls Lo resLore Lhe sald
mlnor Lo hls parenLs or guardlans.

.H=G* WhaL ls acLually punlshable ls noL Lhe
kldnapplng of Lhe mlnor buL raLher Lhe dellberaLe
fallure or refusal of Lhe cusLodlan of Lhe mlnor Lo
resLore Lhe laLLer Lo hls parenLs or guardlan. Sald
fallure or refusal musL noL only be dellberaLe buL musL
also be perslsLenL as Lo obllge Lhe parenLs or guardlans
of Lhe chlld Lo seek Lhe ald of Lhe courLs ln order Lo
obLaln cusLody.

lf any of Lhe foregolng elemenLs ls absenL, Lhe
kldnapplng of Lhe mlnor wlll Lhen fall under ArLlcle 267
(kldnapplng and serlous lllegal deLenLlon).

lf Lhe accused ls any of Lhe parenLs, ArLlcle 267 does
noL apply. ArLlcles 270 and 271 wlll apply.

:* 9;<= >? =;G B<>C K>?=>C@=>HC LG=EGGC

!""# 6& 3><A8= +KC<;=B /<G8>BH C;I 48?@><BH
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %

5&#.!88&.3 !.#
'$)&-2' &00$3!0
5&#.!88&.3 !.#
,!&02)$ /- )$/2). !
Cffender ls oot
enLrusLed wlLh Lhe
cusLody of Lhe vlcLlm
Cffender ls enLrusLed wlLh
Lhe cusLody of Lhe mlnor
lllegally deLalnlng or
kldnapplng Lhe mlnor
WhaL ls punlshed ls Lhe
dellberaLe fallure of Lhe
offender havlng Lhe
cusLody of Lhe mlnor Lo
resLore hlm Lo hls parenLs
or guardlan

.H=G* kldnapplng and fallure Lo reLurn a mlnor ls
necessarlly lncluded ln kldnapplng and Serlous lllegal
ueLenLlon of Mlnor.

&.#2"&.3 ! %&.-) /- !4!.#-. (&' (-%$

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. A mlnor (wheLher over or under 7 years
of age) ls llvlng ln Lhe home of hls parenLs
or guardlan or Lhe person enLrusLed wlLh
hls cusLody.
2. Cffender lnduces sald mlnor Lo abandon
such home.

.H=G* lnducemenL musL be acLual, commlLLed wlLh
crlmlnal lnLenL, and deLermlned by a wlll Lo cause
damage. 1he mlnor should noL leave hls home of hls
own free wlll. lL ls noL necessary LhaL Lhe mlnor
acLually abandons Lhe home.

:* 9;<= >? =;G A<=>HC<DG NHA IGC<D>W>CS =;G @A>BG HN

!* 1hls arLlcle ls lnLended Lo dlscourage and prevenL
dlsrupLlon of flllal relaLlonshlp and undue
lnLerference wlLh Lhe parenLs' rlghL and duLy Lo Lhe
cusLody of Lhelr mlnor chlldren and Lo rear Lhem.


laLher or moLher may commlL crlmes under ArLs.270
and 271 such where Lhe faLher and moLher are llvlng
separaLely, and Lhe cusLody of Lhe mlnor chlld has
been glven Lo one of Lhem, Lhe oLher parenL who
kldnaps such mlnor chlld from Lhe one havlng Lhe
lawful cusLody of sald chlld or lnduces such mlnor Lo
leave hls home ls llable.

.H=G* MlLlgaLed lf commlLLed by Lhe faLher or moLher
of Lhe vlcLlm.

:* 9;<= >? =;G B<>C K>?=>C@=>HC LG=EGGC

5&#.!88&.3 !.#
'$)&-2' &00$3!0
#$/$./&-. Y!)/7 c]j^
&.#2"&.3 ! %&.-) /-
!4!.#-. (&' (-%$
Y!)/7 cj6^
CannoL be commlLLed by
Lhe parenLs of Lhe mlnor.
arenLs can commlL Lhls
crlme agalnsL Lhelr own

Y!A=7 cjc^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN 'D<OGARF

1. 1haL Lhe offender purchases, sells,
kldnaps or deLalns a human belng.
2. 1haL Lhe purpose of Lhe offender ls Lo
enslave such human belng.

:* &? =;GAG <CR TJ<D>NR>CS @>A@JB?=<C@GF

!* ?es, such as when Lhe purpose of Lhe offender ls
Lo asslgn Lhe offended parLy Lo some lmmoral
Lrafflc. .q. rosLlLuLlon

AGB<>C =;GAG <? DHCS <? =;G KGL= >? I<>K @HC?=>=J=G?

!* ?es. 1he purpose musL be deLermlned. lf Lhe
purpose ls Lo enslave Lhe vlcLlm, lL ls slavery,
oLherwlse, lL ls kldnapplng or lllegal deLenLlon.

:* 9;<= >? =;G B<>C K>?=>C@=>HC LG=EGGC ?D<OGAR
<CK E;>=G ?D<OG =A<KGF

'0!+$)1 9(&/$ '0!+$ /)!#$
1he offender ls noL
engaged ln prosLlLuLlon.
1he offender ls engaged ln

:* (HE >? ?D<OGAR K>?=>CSJ>?;GK NAHB >DDGS<D

'0!+$)1 &00$3!0 #$/$./&-.
1he purpose for Lhe
deLenLlon ls Lo enslave
Lhe offended parLy.
1he purpose ls Lo deprlve
or resLraln Lhe offended
parLy of hls llberLy.

.H=G* ln boLh, Lhe offended parLy ls deLalned.

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
$`80-&/!/&-. -, "(&0# 0!4-)
Y!A=7 cj[^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. Cffender reLalns a mlnor ln hls servlce

2. lL ls agalnsL Lhe wlll of Lhe mlnor

3. lL ls under Lhe preLexL of relmburslng
hlmself of a debL lncurred by an
ascendanL, guardlan or person enLrusLed
wlLh Lhe cusLody of such mlnor.

.H=G* lndebLedness ls noL a ground for deLenLlon.

'$)+&"$' )$.#$)$# 2.#$) "-%820'&-. &.
8!1%$./ -, #$4/
Y!A=7 cj\^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. Cffender compels a debLor Lo work for
hlm, elLher as household servanL or farm

2. lL ls agalnsL Lhe debLor's wlll

3. 1he purpose ls Lo requlre or enforce Lhe
paymenL of a debL.

.H=G* lf Lhere ls no credlLordebLor relaLlonshlp
beLween Lhe offender and Lhe offended parLy,
coerclon ls commlLLed.

:* 9;<= K>?=>CSJ>?;G? !A=7 cj\ NAHB !A=7 cj[F

$`80-&/!/&-. -, "(&0#
0!4-) Y!)/7 cj[^
'$)+&"$' )$.#$)$#
2.#$) "-%820'&-. &.
8!1%$./ -, #$4/
Y!)/7 cj\^
vlcLlm ls a mlnor
uoes noL dlsLlngulsh
wheLher vlcLlm ls a mlnor
or noL
Mlnor ls compelled Lo
render servlces for Lhe
supposed debL of hls
parenL or guardlan
uebLor hlmself ls Lhe one
compelled Lo work for Lhe
Servlce of mlnor ls noL
llmlLed Lo household and
farm work
LlmlLed Lo household and
farm work

!4!.#-.%$./ -, 8$)'-.' &. #!.3$) !.#
!4!.#-.%$./ -, -.$a' -9. +&"/&%
Y!A=7 cji^
:* 9;<= <AG =;G IJC>?;<LDG <@=?F

1. lalllng Lo render asslsLance Lo any person
whom Lhe offender flnds ln an
unlnhablLed place wounded or ln danger
of dylng when he can render such
asslsLance wlLhouL deLrlmenL Lo hlmself,
unless such omlsslon shall consLlLuLe a
more serlous offense.

a. 1he place ls noL lnhablLed
b. Accused found Lhere a person
wounded or ln danger of dylng
c. Accused can render asslsLance
wlLhouL deLrlmenL Lo hlmself
d. Accused falls Lo render asslsLance

2. lalllng Lo help or render asslsLance Lo
anoLher whom Lhe offender has
accldenLally wounded or ln[ured.

.H=G* 1he characLer of Lhe place ls

3. lalllng Lo dellver a chlld under seven (7)
years of age whom Lhe offender has
found abandoned, Lo Lhe auLhorlLles or Lo
hls famlly, or falllng Lo Lake hlm Lo a safe

.H=G* lL ls lmmaLerlal LhaL Lhe offender dld
noL know LhaL Lhe chlld ls under 7 years.

1he chlld under 7 years of age musL be
found ln an unsafe place.

:* 9;<= >? <C JC>C;<L>=GK ID<@GF

!* An ooloboblteJ ploce ls deLermlned by posslblllLy
of person recelvlng asslsLance from anoLher. Lven lf
Lhere are many houses around Lhe place may sLlll
be unlnhablLed lf posslblllLy of recelvlng asslsLance
ls remoLe.


!* lf Lhe accldenL ls due Lo reckless lmprudence or
slmple negllgence, ArL. 363 wlll govern. 1he lasL
paragraph Lhereof on abandonmenL of one's vlcLlm
ls a quallfylng clrcumsLance and Lherefore musL be
alleged ln Lhe lnformaLlon.

lf Lhe facL of abandonmenL ln Lhe lnformaLlon for
reckless or slmple negllgence ls alleged, Lhe accused

!""# 6& 3><A8= +KC<;=B /<G8>BH C;I 48?@><BH
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
wlll sLlll be llable for prosecuLlon under ArL.273 (2).

!4!.#-.&.3 ! %&.-)
Y!A=7 cj]^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. Cffender has Lhe cusLody of Lhe chlld
2. Chlld ls under 7 years of age
3. Pe abandons such chlld
4. Pe has no lnLenL Lo klll Lhe chlld when Lhe
laLLer ls abandoned

:* 9;<= _>CK HN <L<CKHCBGC= >? @HC=GBID<=GK LR

!* 1he abandonmenL conLemplaLed by law ls noL
Lhe momenLary leavlng of a chlld buL Lhe
abandonmenL of such mlnor LhaL deprlves hlm of
Lhe care and proLecLlon from danger Lo hls person.

:* 'JIIH?G =;GAG E<? >C=GC= =H _>DD HC =;G I<A= HN
=;G HNNGCKGA <CK =;G @;>DK K>G?Q E;<= >? =;G @A>BGF

!* 1he crlme would be murder, parrlclde, or
lnfanLlclde, as Lhe case may be. lf Lhe chlld does noL
dle, lL ls aLLempLed or frusLraLed murder, parrlclde
or lnfanLlclde, as Lhe case may be.

.H=G* lnLenL Lo klll cannoL be presumed from Lhe
deaLh Lhe chlld. 1he rullng LhaL lnLenL Lo klll ls
concluslvely presumed from Lhe deaLh of Lhe vlcLlm ls
appllcable only Lo crlmes agalnsL persons and noL Lo
crlmes agalnsL securlLy, parLlcularly Lhe crlme of
abandonlng a mlnor under ArL.276.

lf Lhe lnLenL ln abandonlng Lhe chlld ls Lo lose lLs clvll
sLaLus, Lhe crlme under ArL.347 (concealmenL or
abandonmenL of a leglLlmaLe chlld) ls commlLLed.

A permanenL, consclous and dellberaLe abandonmenL
ls requlred ln Lhls arLlcle. 1here musL be an
lnLerrupLlon of Lhe care and proLecLlon LhaL a chlld
needs by reason of hls Lender age.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G TJ<D>NR>CS @>A@JB?=<C@G?F

1. When deaLh of Lhe mlnor resulLed from
such abandonmenL.
2. lf llfe of Lhe mlnor was ln danger because
of Lhe abandonmenL.

.H=G* lf Lhe offender ls Lhe parenL of Lhe mlnor who ls
abandoned, he shall be deprlved of parenLal auLhorlLy.

!4!.#-.%$./ -, %&.-) 41 ! 8$)'-.
$./)2'/$# 9&/( (&' "2'/-#1m &.#&,,$)$."$ -,
8!)$./' Y!A=7cjj^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;G @A>BG HN

1. Cffender has charge of Lhe rearlng of
educaLlon of a mlnor

2. Pe dellvers sald mlnor Lo a publlc
lnsLlLuLlon or oLher persons

3. Cne who enLrusLed such chlld Lo Lhe
offender has noL consenLed Lo such acL,
or lf Lhe one who enLrusLed such chlld Lo
Lhe offender ls absenL, Lhe proper
auLhorlLles have noL consenLed Lo lL

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;G @A>BG HN

1. Cffender ls a parenL

2. Pe neglecLs hls chlldren by noL glvlng
Lhem educaLlon

3. Pls sLaLlon ln llfe requlres such educaLlon
and hls flnanclal condlLlon permlLs lL

.H=G* lallure Lo glve educaLlon musL be due Lo
dellberaLe deslre Lo evade such obllgaLlon.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G K>?=>C@=>HC? LG=EGGC
;>? "J?=HKRm &CK>NNGAGC@G HN 8<AGC=? Y!A=7cjj^ <CK
!L<CKHC>CS < %>CHA Y!A=7cj]^F

!4!.#-.%$./ -,
%&.-) 41 ! 8$)'-.
$./)2'/$# 9&/( (&'
"2'/-#1m &.#&,,$)$."$
-, 8!)$./' Y!)/7 cjj^
!4!.#-.&.3 !
%&.-) Y!)/7 cj]^
1he cusLody of Lhe
offender ls speclflc, LhaL ls,
Lhe cusLody for Lhe rearlng
or educaLlon of Lhe mlnor.
1he cusLody of Lhe
mlnor ls sLaLed ln
Mlnor ls under 18 years of
Mlnor ls under 7 years
of age.
Mlnor ls dellvered Lo a
publlc lnsLlLuLlon or oLher
Mlnor ls abandoned ln
such a way as Lo deprlve
hlm of Lhe care and
proLecLlon LhaL hls
Lender years need.

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
$`80-&/!/&-. -, %&.-)'

:* 9;<= <AG =;G IJC>?;<LDG <@=?F

1. Causlng any boy or glrl under 16 Lo
perform any dangerous feaL of balanclng,
physlcal sLrengLh or conLorLlon, Lhe
offender belng any person

2. Lmploylng chlldren under 16 years of age
who are noL Lhe chlldren or descendanLs
of Lhe offender ln exhlblLlons of acrobaL,
gymnasL, rope walker, dlver, or wlld
anlmal Lamer, Lhe offender belng an
acrobaL, eLc., or clrcus manager or person
engaged ln any of sald calllngs

3. Lmploylng any descendanL under 12 years
of age ln dangerous exhlblLlons
enumeraLed ln Lhe nexL precedlng
paragraph, Lhe offender belng engaged ln
any of Lhe sald calllngs.

4. uellverlng a chlld under 16 years of age
graLulLously Lo any person lf any of Lhe
calllngs enumeraLed ln paragraph 2, or Lo
any hablLual vagranL or beggar, Lhe
offender belng an ascendanL, guardlan,
Leacher or person enLrusLed ln any
capaclLy wlLh Lhe care of such chlld.

3. lnduclng any chlld under 16 years of age
Lo abandon Lhe home of lLs ascendanLs,
guardlans, curaLors or Leachers Lo follow
any person enLrusLed ln any of Lhe
calllngs menLloned ln paragraph 2 or Lo
accompany any hablLual vagranL or
beggar, Lhe offender belng any person.

.H=G* Age musL be below 16 years. AL Lhls age, Lhe
mlnor ls sLlll growlng.

:* 9;<= _>CK HN LJ?>CG?? KHG? !A=7cjf ?IG<_ HNF

!* ArL.278 conLemplaLes a buslness LhaL generally
aLLracLs chlldren so LhaL Lhey Lhemselves may en[oy
worklng Lhere unaware of Lhe danger Lo Lhelr own
llves and llmb, such as clrcuses.

<?@GCK<C= HN =;G @;>DK E;H >? <DAG<KR 6c RG<A? HN

!* 1he crlme of explolLaLlon of mlnors ls noL
commlLLed lf Lhe employer ls a parenL or ascendanL
unless Lhe mlnor ls less Lhan 12 years old.

kotlo. 8ecause lf Lhe employer ls an ascendanL, Lhe law
regards LhaL he would look afLer Lhe welfare and
proLecLlon of Lhe chlld. Pence, Lhe age ls lowered Lo 12
years. 8elow LhaL age, Lhe crlme ls commlLLed.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G K>?=>C@=>HC? LG=EGGC $MIDH>=<=>HC
HN %>CHA? Y!A=7cjfQ 8<A7i^ <CK &CKJ@>CS < %>CHA =H
!L<CKHC ;>? (HBG Y!A=7cj6^F

$`80-&/!/&-. -, %&.-)'
Y!)/7 cjfQ 8!)7 i^

&.#2"&.3 !
%&.-) /-
!4!.#-. (&'
(-%$ Y!)/7cj6^
1he purpose of lnduclng Lhe
mlnor Lo abandon Lhe home ls Lo
follow any person engaged ln
any of Lhe calllngs menLloned.
no such person.
vlcLlm ls under 16 years of age.
vlcLlm ls a mlnor
(under 18 years of

:* "HAAGD<=G GMIDH>=<=>HC HN B>CHA? =H )7!7 j]6g
Y'IG@><D 8AH=G@=>HC HN ";>DKAGC <S<>C?= ";>DK
!LJ?GQ $MIDH>=<=>HC <CK #>?@A>B>C<=>HC !@=^7

$`80-&/!/&-. %&.-)' )7!7 j]6g
Applles Lo mlnors below
16 years of age
Applles Lo mlnors below
18 years old
1he buslness ls of such
klnd LhaL would place Lhe
llfe or llmb of Lhe mlnor
ln danger, even Lhough
worklng for hlm ls noL
agalnsL Lhe wlll of Lhe
As long as Lhe
employmenL ls lnlmlcal -
even Lhough Lhere ls no
physlcal rlsk - and
deLrlmenLal Lo Lhe chlld's
lnLeresL - agalnsL moral,
lnLellecLual, physlcal, and
menLal developmenL of
Lhe mlnor.
lf Lhe chlld fell and
suffered physlcal ln[urles
whlle worklng, Lhe
employer shall be llable
for sald physlcal ln[urles
ln addlLlon Lo hls llablllLy
for explolLaLlon of
no such slmllar provlslon
exlsLs under 8.A. 7610.

:* #HG? =;G @A>B>C<D D><L>D>=R NHA CGSDG@= HN @;>DK
JCKGA !A=7iZ Y\^ HN 87#7 ]g[ <==<@; HCDR >N LH=;
I<AGC=? <AG SJ>D=R HN CGSDG@=>CS =;G @;>DKa?

!* no. 1he law ls clear. 1he crlme may be
commlLLed by any of Lhe parenLs. LlablllLy for Lhe
crlme does noL depend on wheLher Lhe parenL ls
also gullLy of neglecL. 1he law lnLends Lo punlsh Lhe
neglecL of any parenL, whlch neglecL corresponds Lo
Lhe fallure Lo glve Lhe chlld Lhe educaLlon whlch Lhe
famlly's sLaLlon ln llfe and flnanclal condlLlon

!""# 6& 3><A8= +KC<;=B /<G8>BH C;I 48?@><BH
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
permlL. 1he lrresponslble parenL cannoL exculpaLe
hlmself from Lhe consequences of hls neglecL by
lnvoklng Lhe oLher parenL's falLhful compllance wlLh
hls or her own parenLal duLles. (Je Cozmoo v. letez,
C.k. No. 15601J, Ioly 25, 2006)

.H=G* 1he neglecL of chlld punlshed under ArL. 39(4) of
.u. 603 ls also a crlme (known as lndlfference of
parenLs) penallzed under Lhe second paragraph of
ArL.277 of Lhe 8C (ue Cozmoo v. letez, C.k. No.
15601J, Ioly 25, 2006). Pence, lL ls excluded from Lhe
coverage of 8.A. 7610.

!##&/&-.!0 8$.!0/&$' ,-) -/($) -,,$.'$'

.H=G* 1he offender ls noL only llable for Lhe
abandonmenL or explolLaLlon buL also for all lLs
consequences. lf as a resulL, physlcal ln[urles or deaLh
resulLed, anoLher crlme ls commlLLed by auLhorlLy of
ArLlcle 279.

:2!0&,&$# /)$'8!'' /- #9$00&.3
Y!A=7 cfg^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. Cffender ls a prlvaLe person
2. Pe enLers Lhe dwelllng of anoLher
3. Such enLrance ls agalnsL Lhe laLLer's wlll

:* 9;<= >? < KEGDD>CSF

!* A Jwellloq ls a place LhaL a person lnhablLs or any
bulldlng or sLrucLure excluslvely devoLed for resL
and comforL. WheLher a bulldlng ls a dwelllng
house or noL depends upon Lhe use. lL lncludes Lhe
dependencles whlch have lnLerlor communlcaLlon
wlLh Lhe house. lL ls noL necessary LhaL lL be a
permanenL dwelllng of a person.

1. A person's room ln a hoLel
2. A room where one resldes as a boarder

.H=G* ln general, all members of Lhe household musL
be presumed Lo have auLhorlLy Lo exLend an lnvlLaLlon
Lo enLer Lhe house.

:* 9;<= >? BG<C= LR =;G I;A<?G K"4"$%&- -+' >$##LF

!* Aqolost tbe wlll means LhaL Lhe enLrance ls elLher
expressly or lmplledly prohlblLed.

:* 9;<= <AG ?HBG HN =;G >C?=<C@G? E;GAG

1. LnLerlng a dwelllng of anoLher aL laLe
hour of Lhe nlghL

2. When Lhe enLrance ls made Lhrough
means noL lnLended for lngress

3. 1he exlsLence of enmlLy or sLralned
relaLlons beLween Lhe accused and Lhe

:* ">=G GM<BIDG? HN =AG?I<?? LR BG<C? HN O>HDGC@G7

1. ushlng Lhe door vlolenLly and
malLreaLlng Lhe occupanLs afLer enLerlng

2. CuLLlng of a rlbbon sLrlng wlLh whlch Lhe
door laLch of a closed room was fasLened.
1he cuLLlng of Lhe fasLenlngs of Lhe door
was an acL of vlolence

3. Woundlng be means of a bolo, Lhe owner
of Lhe house lmmedlaLely afLer enLrance

:* 3>OG GM<BIDG? HN =AG?I<?? LR BG<C? HN

1. llrlng a revolver ln Lhe alr by persons
aLLempLlng Lo force Lhelr way lnLo a

2. 1he flourlshlng of a bolo agalnsL lnmaLes
of Lhe house upon galnlng an enLrance.

.H=G* 1here musL be an opposlLlon on Lhe parL of Lhe
owner of Lhe house Lo Lhe enLry of Lhe accused.
rohlblLlon ls noL necessary when vlolence or
lnLlmldaLlon was employed by Lhe offender.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G O<A>HJ? @A>BG? =;<= B<R LG

1. lf Lhe purpose ln enLerlng Lhe dwelllng ls
noL shown, Lrespass ls commlLLed.

2. lf Lhe purpose ls shown, lL may be
absorbed ln Lhe crlme as ln robbery wlLh
force upon Lhlngs, Lhe Lrespass yleldlng Lo
Lhe more serlous crlme.

3. 8uL lf Lhe purpose ls noL shown and whlle
lnslde Lhe dwelllng he was found by Lhe
occupanLs, one of whom was ln[ured by
hlm, Lhe crlme commlLLed wlll be Lrespass
Lo dwelllng and frusLraLed homlclde,
physlcal ln[urles, or lf Lhere was no ln[ury,

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

un[usL vexaLlon.
")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA

:* %<R =AG?I<?? =H KEGDD>CS LG @HBB>==GK LR =;G

!* ?es. ln cases where Lhe owner has allowed Lhe
rooms or Lhe houses Lo be renLed by oLher persons,
Lrespass Lo dwelllng ls commlLLed lf Lhe owner
Lhereof enLers Lhe room or house wlLhouL Lhe
knowledge and consenL and agalnsL Lhe wlll of Lhe
boarder or LenanL.

:* 2CKGA E;<= @>A@JB?=<C@G? =;G @A>BG HN =AG?I<??

1. When Lhe purpose of Lhe enLrance ls Lo
prevenL serlous harm Lo hlmself, Lhe
occupanL or Lhlrd persons.

2. When Lhe purpose of Lhe offender ln
enLerlng ls Lo render some servlce Lo
humanlLy or [usLlce.

3. Anyone who shall enLer cafes, Laverns,
lnns and oLher publlc houses whlle Lhey
are open.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G K>?=>C@=>HC? LG=EGGC =AG?I<?? =H

/)$'8!'' /-
+&-0!/&-. -, #-%&"&0$
May be commlLLed by
any prlvaLe person
who shall enLer Lhe
dwelllng of anoLher
agalnsL Lhe laLLer's
May be commlLLed only by a
pobllc offlcet ot employee
and Lhe vlolaLlon may conslsL
of any of Lhe Lhree acLs
menLloned ln ArLlcle 128:

1. LnLerlng Lhe dwelllng
agalnsL Lhe wlll of Lhe owner
wlLhouL [udlclal order

2. Searchlng papers or oLher
effecLs found ln such
dwelllng wlLhouL Lhe
prevlous consenL of Lhe
owner Lhereof

3. 8efuslng Lo leave Lhe
dwelllng when so requesLed
by Lhe owner Lhereof, afLer
havlng surrepLlLlously
enLered such dwelllng.

.H=G* When Lhere ls no overL acL of Lhe crlme
lnLended Lo be commlLLed (e.q. LhefL), Lhe crlme ls
Lrespass Lo dwelllng.

-/($) ,-)%' -, /)$'8!'' /- #9$00&.3

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. Cffenders enLer Lhe closed premlses or
Lhe fenced esLaLe of anoLher.

.H=G* 1he Lerm ptemlses slgnlfles dlsLlncL
and deflnlLe locallLy. lL may mean a room,
shop, bulldlng or deflnlLe area, buL ln elLher
case, locallLy ls flxed.

2. LnLrance ls made whlle elLher of Lhem ls

3. rohlblLlon Lo enLer ls manlfesL.

4. 1respasser has noL secured Lhe
permlsslon of Lhe owner or Lhe careLaker

:* 9;<= <AG =;G K>?=>C@=>HC? LG=EGGC =AG?I<?? =H


/)$'8!'' /-
/)$'8!'' /- 8)-8$)/1
Cffender ls a prlvaLe
Cffender ls any person.
Cffender enLers a
dwelllng house.
Cffender enLers closed
premlses or fenced esLaLe.
lace enLered ls
lace enLered ls unlnhablLed.
AcL consLlLuLlng Lhe
crlme ls enLerlng Lhe
dwelllng agalnsL Lhe
wlll of Lhe owner.
AcL consLlLuLlng Lhe crlme ls
enLerlng Lhe closed premlses
or Lhe fenced esLaLe wlLhouL
securlng Lhe permlsslon of Lhe
owner or careLaker Lhereof.
rohlblLlon Lo enLer
ls express or lmplled.
rohlblLlon Lo enLer musL be

3)!+$ /()$!/'
Y!A=7 cfc^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G IJC>?;<LDG <@=?F

1. 1hreaLenlng anoLher wlLh Lhe lnfllcLlon
upon hls person, honor or properLy or
LhaL of hls famlly of any wrong amounLlng
Lo a crlme and demandlng money or
lmposlng any oLher condlLlon even
Lhough noL unlawful, and Lhe offender
aLLalned hls purpose.

2. 8y maklng such LhreaL wlLhouL Lhe

!""# 6& 3><A8= +KC<;=B /<G8>BH C;I 48?@><BH
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
offender aLLalnlng hls purpose. (lemeots
fot tbls oct ote tbe some wltb tbe fltst
except tbot tbe potpose ls oot ottoloeJ.)

3. 8y LhreaLenlng anoLher wlLh Lhe lnfllcLlon
upon hls person, honor or properLy or
LhaL of hls famlly of any wrong amounLlng
Lo a crlme, Lhe LhreaL noL belng sub[ecL Lo
a condlLlon.

:* 9;<= >? =;G G??GC@G HN =;>? @A>BGF
!* lnLlmldaLlon. 1o consLlLuLe grave LhreaLs, lL musL
lnsplre Lerror or fear upon anoLher. lL ls
characLerlzed by moral pressure LhaL produces

.H=G* AcL LhreaLened Lo be commlLLed musL be wrong
or unlawful. .q. LhreaLenlng Lo sue ls noL unlawful.

lL ls consummaLed as soon as Lhe LhreaLs come Lo Lhe
knowledge of Lhe person LhreaLened. lL ls noL
necessary LhaL Lhe offended parLy was presenL aL Lhe
Llme Lhe LhreaLs were made.

:* 9;<= >? < =;AG<=F

!* 1bteot ls a declaraLlon of an lnLenLlon or
deLermlnaLlon Lo ln[ure anoLher by Lhe commlsslon
upon hls person, honor or properLy or upon LhaL of
hls famlly of some wrong whlch may or may noL
amounL Lo a crlme.

3)* 1he LhreaLs made ln connecLlon wlLh Lhe
commlsslon of Lhe crlme are absorbed by Lhe

`8.* lf Lhe LhreaL was made wlLh Lhe dellberaLe
purpose of creaLlng ln Lhe mlnd of Lhe person
LhreaLened Lhe bellef LhaL Lhe LhreaL would be
carrled lnLo effecL. ln such a case Lhe crlme ls
grave LhreaLs, and Lhe mlnor crlme whlch
accompanled lL should be dlsregarded.

:* 9;<= >? =;G K>NNGAGC@G LG=EGGC 3A<OG /;AG<=?
<CK 0>S;= /;AG<=?F

3)!+$ /()$!/' 0&3(/ /()$!/'
When Lhe wrong
LhreaLened Lo be lnfllcLed
amounLs Lo a crlme.
When Lhe wrong
LhreaLened Lo be lnfllcLed
does oot amounL Lo a

:* 9;<= <AG =;G K>?=>C@=>HC? LG=EGGC =;AG<= <CK

/()$!/ "-$)"&-.
Lssence of LhreaL ls
Lssence of coerclon ls vlolence
or lnLlmldaLlon
Wrong or harm
done ls fuLure and
1here ls oo condlLlon lnvolved,
hence, Lhere ls oo fuLurlLy ln
Lhe harm or wrong done

:* 9;<= <AG =;G K>?=>C@=>HC? LG=EGGC =;AG<= <CK

/()$!/ )-44$)1
lnLlmldaLlon ls fuLure and
lnLlmldaLlon ls acLual and
lnLlmldaLlon may be
Lhrough an lnLermedlary.
lnLlmldaLlon ls personal.
May refer Lo Lhe person,
honor or properLy.
8efers Lo personal
lnLenL Lo galn ls noL an
essenLlal elemenL.
1here ls lnLenL Lo galn.
1he danger Lo Lhe vlcLlm
ls noL lnsLanLly lmmlnenL
nor Lhe galn of Lhe culprlL
1he danger lnvolved ls
dlrecLly lmmlnenL Lo Lhe
vlcLlm and Lhe
obLalnmenL of galn

0&3(/ /()$!/'

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BG HN 0>S;=

1. Cffender makes a LhreaL Lo commlL a

2. 1he wrong does noL consLlLuLe a crlme

3. 1here ls a demand for money or LhaL
oLher condlLlon ls composed, even Lhough

4. Cffender has aLLalned or has noL aLLalned
hls purpose

.H=G* LlghL LhreaL ls ln Lhe naLure of blackmalllng. 1he
wrong LhreaLened does noL amounL Lo a crlme,
coupled wlLh a demand for money or oLher condlLlons,
even Lhough lawful.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G =EH IH??>LDG @A>BG? >COHDO>CS
1. llqbt tbteots - lf Lhere ls no LhreaL Lo
publlsh any llbelous or slanderous maLLer
agalnsL Lhe offended parLy.

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

2. 1bteoteoloq to pobllsb o llbel - lf Lhere ls
such a LhreaL Lo make a slanderous or
llbelous publlcaLlon agalnsL Lhe offended

.q. A person LhreaLens Lo expose Lhe affalrs of a
marrled man lf Lhe laLLer does noL glve money. 1here ls
lnLlmldaLlon done under a demand.

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
4-.#' ,-) 3--# 4$(!+&-)
Y!A=7 cf\^

.H=G* 1he person maklng Lhe LhreaLs under Lhe
precedlng arLlcles (grave and llghL LhreaLs) may also be
requlred by Lhe courL Lo glve ball condlLloned upon Lhe
promlse noL Lo molesL Lhe person LhreaLened.

-/($) 0&3(/ /()$!/'
Y!A=7 cfi^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G IJC>?;<LDG <@=? JCKGA !A=7 cfiF

1. 1hreaLenlng anoLher wlLh a weapon, or by
drawlng such weapon ln a quarrel, unless
lL be ln lawful selfdefense. Pere, Lhe
weapon musL noL be dlscharged

2. Crally LhreaLenlng anoLher, ln Lhe heaL of
anger, wlLh some harm consLlLuLlng a
crlme, wlLhouL perslsLlng ln Lhe ldea
lnvolved ln hls LhreaL

3. Any LhreaL made ln a [esL or ln Lhe heaL of
anger consLlLuLes llghL LhreaL only

4. Crally LhreaLenlng Lo do anoLher any
harm noL consLlLuLlng a felony

:* 9;<= >? =;G C<=JAG HN H=;GA D>S;= =;AG<=?F

!* lL ls noL sub[ecL Lo a demand for money or any
maLerlal conslderaLlon and Lhe wrong LhreaLened
does noL amounL Lo a crlme.

3)!+$ "-$)"&-.'
Y!A=7 cf]^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G IJC>?;<LDG <@=?F

1. revenLlng anoLher, by means of vlolence,
LhreaL or lnLlmldaLlon, from dolng
someLhlng noL prohlblLed by law

2. Compelllng anoLher, by means of
vlolence, LhreaL or lnLlmldaLlon, Lo do
someLhlng agalnsL hls wlll, wheLher lL be
rlghL or wrong

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN SA<OG @HGA@>HCF

1. A person prevenLed anoLher from dolng
someLhlng noL prohlblLed by law, or LhaL
he compelled hlm Lo do someLhlng
agalnsL hls wlll, be lL rlghL or wrong.

2. revenLlon or compulslon be effecLed by
vlolence, LhreaLs or lnLlmldaLlon.

3. erson LhaL resLralned Lhe wlll and llberLy
of anoLher has no auLhorlLy of law or Lhe
rlghL Lo do so.

.H=G* Coerclon ls consummaLed even lf Lhe offended
parLy dld noL accede Lo Lhe purpose of Lhe coerclon.
1he essence of coerclon ls an aLLack on lndlvldual

:* 9;GC @<C =;GAG LG SA<OG @HGA@>HCF

!* Crave coerclon arlses only lf Lhe acL whlch Lhe
offender prevenLed anoLher Lo do ls noL prohlblLed
by law or ordlnance.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G _>CK? HN SA<OG @HGA@>HCF

1. lteveotlve - 1he offender uses vlolence
Lo prevenL Lhe vlcLlm from dolng whaL he
wanLs Lo do. Pere, Lhe acL prevenLed ls
noL prohlblLed by law.

2. compolslve - 1he offender uses vlolence
Lo compel Lhe offended parLy Lo do whaL
he does noL wanL Lo do. 1he acL
compelled may or may noL be prohlblLed
by law.


!* 1he vlolence employed musL be lmmedlaLe,
acLual or lmmlnenL. CLherwlse, coerclon ls noL
commlLLed. 1he essence of coerclon ls an aLLack on
lndlvldual llberLy.

:* 'JIIH?G < IGA?HC IAH;>L>=? <CH=;GA =H KH <C
<@= LG@<J?G =;G <@= KHCG >? < @A>BGQ <CK O>HDGC@G

!* no, because Lhe acL from whlch a person ls
prevenLed from dolng ls a crlme. lL may only glve
rlse Lo LhreaL or physlcal ln[urles, lf some ln[urles
are lnfllcLed.

!""# 6& 3><A8= +KC<;=B /<G8>BH C;I 48?@><BH
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %

Powever, ln case of grave coerclon where Lhe
offended parLy ls belng compelled Lo do someLhlng
agalnsL hls wlll, wheLher lL be wrong or noL, Lhe
crlme of grave coerclon ls commlLLed lf vlolence or
lnLlmldaLlon ls employed ln order Lo compel hlm Lo
do Lhe acL.

:* 9;<= K>?=>CSJ>?;G? SA<OG @HGA@>HC NAHB JCXJ?=

3)!+$ "-$)"&-.
1he acL of prevenLlng by force
musL be made aL Lhe Llme Lhe
offended parLy was dolng or
abouL Lo do Lhe acL Lo be
1he acL was
already done
when vlolence ls

0&3(/ "-$)"&-.
Y!A=7 cfj^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN D>S;= @HGA@>HCF

1. Cffender musL be a credlLor
2. Pe selzes anyLhlng belonglng Lo hls debLor
3. Selzure of Lhe Lhlng cannoL be
accompllshed by means of vlolence or a
dlsplay of maLerlal force produclng
4. urpose of Lhe offender ls Lo apply Lhe
same Lo Lhe paymenL of Lhe debL

.H=G* LlghL coerclon under Lhe 1sL par. of ArL.287 wlll
be un[usL vexaLlon lf Lhe 3rd elemenL (employlng
vlolence or lnLlmldaLlon) ls absenL.

:* 9;<= >? =;G IJAIH?G HN =;G D<E NHA IGC<D>W>CS

!* 1o enforce Lhe prlnclple LhaL no person may Lake
Lhe law lnLo hls hands and LhaL our governmenL ls
one of laws, noL of men.

:* 9;GC =;G IAHIGA=R HN < KGL=HA >? ?G>WGKQ E;<=
O<A><C= @A>BG? B<R AG?JD=F

1. llqbt coetcloo - lf by means of vlolence,
Lhe properLy ls applled Lo Lhe debL.

2. kobbety - lf Lhe value of Lhe properLy
selzed ls greaLer Lhan LhaL of Lhe debL
(lnLenL Lo galn ls presenL ln Lhls case) and
vlolence and lnLlmldaLlon are employed.

3. stofo - lf Lhere ls no obllgaLlon on Lhe
parL of Lhe offended parLy buL was only
felgned. 1here ls estofo because decelL ls

"-%820'-)1 82)"(!'$ -, %$)"(!.#&'$ !.#
8!1%$./ -, 9!3$' 41 %$!.' -, /-5$.'
Y!A=7 cff^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G IJC>?;<LDG <@=?F

1. lorclng or compelllng, dlrecLly or
lndlrecLly or knowlngly permlLLlng Lhe
forclng or compelllng of Lhe laborer or
employee of Lhe offender Lo purchase
merchandlse or commodlLles of any klnd
from hlm.

a. Cffender ls any person, agenL or
offlcer of any assoclaLlon or
b. Pe or such flrm or corporaLlon has
employed laborers or employees
c. Pe forces or compels dlrecLly or
lndlrecLly, or knowlngly permlLs Lo be
forced or compelled, any of hls or lLs
laborers or employees Lo purchase
merchandlse or commodlLles of any
klnd from hlm or sald flrm or

2. aylng Lhe wages due hls laborer or
employee by means of Lokens or ob[ecLs
oLher Lhan Lhe legal Lender currency of
Lhe hlllpplnes, unless expressly
requesLed by such laborer or employee.

a. Cffender pays Lhe wages due a
laborer or employee employed by
hlm by means of Lokens or ob[ecL
b. 1hose Lokens or ob[ecLs are oLher
Lhan Lhe legal currency of Lhe
c. Such employee or laborer does noL
expressly requesL LhaL he be pald by
means of Lokens or ob[ecLs

.H=G* 1he use of Lokens, promlssory noLes, vouchers,
coupons, or any oLher form alleged Lo represenL legal
Lender ls absoluLely prohlblLed even when expressly
requesLed by Lhe employee.

lnduclng an employee Lo glve up any parL of hls wages
by force, sLealLh, lnLlmldaLlon, LhreaL or by any oLher
means ls unlawful under ArL. 116 of Lhe Labor Code,
and noL under Lhe 8C.

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
,-)%!/&-.Q %!&./$.!."$Q !.# 8)-(&4&/&-.
-) "-%4&.!/&-. -, "!8&/!0 -) 0!4-)
/()-23( +&-0$."$ -) /()$!/' Y!A=7 cfZ^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. Cffender employs vlolence or LhreaLs, ln a
degree as Lo compel or force Lhe laborers
or employees ln Lhe free legal exerclse of
Lhelr lndusLry or work.

2. urpose ls Lo organlze, malnLaln or
prevenL coallLlons of caplLal or labor,
sLrlke of laborers or lockouL of employers.

.H=G* 1he acL should noL be more serlous offense.
revenLlng employee from [olnlng any reglsLered labor
organlzaLlon ls punlshed under Lhe Labor Code, noL
under Lhe 8C.

#&'"-+$)&.3 '$")$/' /()-23( '$&q2)$ -,
"-))$'8-.#$."$ Y!A=7 cZg^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. Cffender ls a prlvaLe lndlvldual or even a
publlc offlcer noL ln Lhe exerclse of hls
offlclal funcLlon

2. Pe selzes Lhe papers or leLLers of anoLher

3. urpose ls Lo dlscover Lhe secreLs of such
anoLher person

4. Cffender ls lnformed of Lhe conLenLs of
Lhe papers or leLLers selzed

:* 9;<= >? =;G C<=JAG HN =;>? @A>BGF

!* 1hls ls a crlme agalnsL Lhe securlLy of one's
papers and effecLs. 1he purpose musL be Lo
dlscover lLs effecLs. 1he acL vlolaLes Lhe prlvacy of
communlcaLlon. lL ls necessary LhaL Lhe offender
should acLually dlscover Lhe conLenLs of Lhe leLLer.

.H=G* ConLenLs of Lhe correspondence need noL be
secreL. 1he purpose of Lhe offender prevalls. re[udlce
Lo Lhe offended parLy ls noL an elemenL of Lhe offense.

lL ls noL appllcable Lo parenLs, guardlans, or persons
enLrusLed wlLh Lhe cusLody of mlnors wlLh respecL Lo
papers or leLLers of Lhe chlldren or mlnors placed
under Lhe care or cusLody, or Lo spouses wlLh respecL
Lo Lhe papers or leLLers of elLher of Lhem.

?G@AG=? HN IA>O<=G >CK>O>KJ<D^ <CK cZg HN =;G )8"F
!)/7 c[g !)/7 cZg
ubllc offlcer comes Lo
know Lhe secreL of any
prlvaLe lndlvldual by
reason of hls offlce.
Cffender ls a prlvaLe
lndlvldual or even a publlc
offlcer noL ln Lhe exerclse
of hls offlclal funcLlon
1he secreL ls noL
necessarlly conLalned ln
papers or leLLers.
lL ls necessary LhaL Lhe
offender selzes Lhe papers
or leLLers of anoLher Lo
dlscover Lhe secreLs of Lhe
8eveals Lhe secreL
wlLhouL [usLlflable
lf Lhere ls a secreL
dlscovered, lL ls noL
necessary LhaL lL be

)$+$!0&.3 '$")$/' 9&/( !42'$ -, -,,&"$
Y!A=7 cZ6^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. Cffender ls a manager, employee or

2. Pe learns Lhe secreLs of hls prlnclpal or
masLer ln such capaclLy

3. Pe reveals such secreLs

:* 9;<= >? =;G G??GC@G HN =;>? @A>BGF

!* 1he essence of Lhls crlme ls LhaL Lhe offender
learned of Lhe secreL ln Lhe course of employmenL.
Pe ls en[oylng a confldenLlal relaLlon wlLh Lhe
employer or masLer so he should respecL Lhe
prlvacy of maLLers personal Lo Lhe laLLer.

)$+$0!/&-. -, &.#2'/)&!0 '$")$/'
Y!A=7 cZc^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. Cffender ls a person ln charge, employee
or workman of a manufacLurlng or
lndusLrlal esLabllshmenL

2. ManufacLurlng or lndusLrlal esLabllshmenL
has a secreL of Lhe lndusLry whlch Lhe
offender has learned

3. Cffender reveals such secreLs

4. re[udlce ls caused Lo Lhe owner

.H=G* 1he buslness secreL musL noL be known Lo oLher
buslness enLlLles or persons. lL ls a maLLer Lo be
dlscovered, known and used by and musL belong Lo

!""# 6& 3><A8= +KC<;=B /<G8>BH C;I 48?@><BH
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
one person of enLlLy excluslvely. SecreLs musL relaLe Lo
manufacLurlng process.

1he revelaLlon of Lhe secreL mlghL be made afLer Lhe
employee or workman has ceased Lo be connecLed
wlLh Lhe esLabllshmenL. uamage or pre[udlce Lo Lhe
owner ls a necessary elemenL.

!7 !C=>9>AG /<II>CS !@= Y)7!7 \cgg^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G <@=? IJC>?;<LDG JCKGA )7!7 \cggF

!* lL shall be unlawful for any person:
1. noL belng auLhorlzed by all Lhe parLles Lo
any prlvaLe communlcaLlon or spoken
word, Lo Lap any wlre or cable, or by uslng
any oLher devlce or arrangemenL, Lo
secreLly overhear, lnLercepL, or record
such communlcaLlon or spoken word by
uslng a devlce commonly known as a
dlcLaphone or dlcLagraph or
deLecLaphone or walkleLalkle or Lape
recorder, or however oLherwlse descrlbed

2. 8e he a parLlclpanL or noL ln Lhe acL or
acLs penallzed ln Lhe nexL precedlng
senLence, Lo knowlngly possess any Lape
record, wlre record, dlsc record, or any
oLher such record, or coples Lhereof, of
any communlcaLlon or spoken word
secured elLher before or afLer Lhe
effecLlve daLe of Lhls AcL ln Lhe manner
prohlblLed by Lhls law, or Lo replay Lhe
same for any oLher person or persons, or
Lo communlcaLe Lhe conLenLs Lhereof,
elLher verbally or ln wrlLlng, or Lo furnlsh
LranscrlpLlons Lhereof, wheLher compleLe
or parLlal, Lo any oLher person.

.H=G* 1haL Lhe use of such record or any
coples Lhereof as evldence ln any clvll,
crlmlnal lnvesLlgaLlon or Lrlal of offenses
menLloned ln Sec. 3 hereof, shall noL be
covered by Lhls prohlblLlon.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GM@GI=>HC? =H =;G IAH;>L>=>HCF

!* lf Lhe wlreLapplng ls done by a publlc offlcer who
ls auLhorlzed by wrlLLen order of Lhe courL ln cases
lnvolvlng Lhe crlmes of Lreason, esplonage,
provoklng war and dlsloyalLy ln case of war, plracy,
muLlny ln Lhe hlgh seas, rebelllon, consplracy and
proposal Lo commlL rebelllon, lnclLlng Lo rebelllon,
sedlLlon, consplracy Lo commlL sedlLlon, lnclLlng Lo
sedlLlon, kldnapplng as deflned by Lhe 8C, and
vlolaLlons of C.A. no. 616, punlshlng esplonage and
oLher offenses agalnsL naLlonal securlLy.

:* &? D>?=GC>CS =H < @HCOGA?<=>HC >C <C GM=GC?>HC

!* no. An exLenslon Lelephone cannoL be placed ln
Lhe same caLegory as a dlcLaphone, dlcLagraph or
Lhe oLher devlces under 8.A. no. 4200 as Lhe use
Lhereof cannoL be consldered as "Lapplng" Lhe wlre
or cable of a Lelephone llne. (Cooooo v. lAc, C.k.
No. l69809, Oct. 16, 1986)

:* !AG @<??G==G =<IG? HL=<>CGK NAHB E>AG=<IIGK

!* no. under Lhe law, absenL a clear showlng LhaL
boLh parLles Lo Lhe Lelephone conversaLlon allowed
Lhe recordlng of Lhe same, Lhe lnadmlsslblllLy of Lhe
sub[ecL Lapes ls mandaLory under 8A 4200.
(5olceJoOttooez v. cA, C.k. No. 110662, Aoq. 4,

47 (JB<C 'G@JA>=R !@= HN cggj Y)7!7 Z[jc^

(1) Survelllance of suspecLs and lnLercepLlon and
recordlng of communlcaLlons


3)* ?es. A pollce or pollce or law enforcemenL
offlclal and Lhe members of hls Leam may, upon
a wrlLLen order of Lhe CA, llsLen Lo, lnLercepL
and record wlLh Lhe use of any mode, form ,
klnd or Lype of elecLronlc or oLher survelllance
equlpmenL or lnLercepLlng and Lracklng devlces,
or wlLh Lhe use of any sulLable ways and means
for LhaL purpose, any communlcaLlon, message,
conversaLlon, dlscusslon, or spoken or wrlLLen
words beLween members of a [udlclally
declared and ouLlawed LerrorlsL organlzaLlon,
assoclaLlon, or group of persons or of any
person charged wlLh or suspecLed of Lhe crlme
of Lerrorlsm or consplracy Lo commlL Lerrorlsm.

noLwlLhsLandlng 8.A. 4200 (AnLlWlreLapplng

`8.* Pe cannoL conducL survelllance,
lnLercepLlon and recordlng of communlcaLlons
1. Lawyers and cllenLs
2. uocLors and paLlenLs
3. !ournallsLs and Lhelr sources
4. ConfldenLlal buslness
correspondence. (5ec. 7)

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
(2) 8esLrlcLlon on Lravel

:* 9;GC >? =;GAG AG?=A>@=>HC HC =;G A>S;= =H =A<OGDF

!* 1he courL, upon appllcaLlon by Lhe prosecuLor,
shall llmlL Lhe rlghL of Lravel of Lhe accused Lo
wlLhln Lhe munlclpallLy or clLy where he resldes or
where Lhe case ls pendlng, ln Lhe lnLeresL of
naLlonal securlLy and publlc safeLy.

1. ln cases where evldence of gullL ls noL
2. 1he person charged wlLh Lhe crlme of
Lerrorlsm or consplracy Lo commlL
Lerrorlsm ls enLlLled Lo ball and ls granLed
Lhe same.

.H=G* 1ravel ouLslde of sald munlclpallLy or clLy,
wlLhouL Lhe auLhorlzaLlon of Lhe courL, shall be
deemed a vlolaLlon of Lhe Lerms and condlLlons of hls
ball, whlch shall Lhen be forfelLed as provlded under
Lhe 8ules of CourL. (5ec. 26)

:* 9;GC E>DD =;G AG?=A>@=>HC? LG =GAB>C<=GKF

!* 1he resLrlcLlons shall be LermlnaLed:

1. upon Lhe acqulLLal of Lhe accused, or
2. upon Lhe dlsmlssal of Lhe case flled
agalnsL hlm, or
3. Larller upon Lhe dlscreLlon of Lhe courL on
moLlon of Lhe prosecuLor or of Lhe

(3) LxamlnaLlon of 8ank ueposlLs

:* &? XJK>@><D <J=;HA>W<=>HC AGTJ>AGK =H GM<B>CG

!* ?es. noLwlLhsLandlng 8.A. 1403 (8ook 5ectecy
low), Lhe [usLlces of Lhe CA deslgnaLed as a speclal
courL Lo handle anLlLerrorlsm cases afLer saLlsfylng
Lhemselves of Lhe exlsLence of probable cause ln a
hearlng called for LhaL purpose LhaL:

1. A person charged wlLh or suspecLed of
Lhe crlme of Lerrorlsm or, consplracy Lo
commlL Lerrorlsm

2. Cf a [udlclally declared and ouLlawed
LerrorlsL organlzaLlon, assoclaLlon, or
group of persons

3. Such person ls a member of such [udlclally
declared and ouLlawed organlzaLlon,
assoclaLlon, or group of persons, may
auLhorlze ln wrlLlng any pollce or law
enforcemenL offlcer and Lhe members of
hls/her Leam duly auLhorlzed ln wrlLlng by
Lhe anLlLerrorlsm councll Lo:

a. Lxamlne, or cause Lhe examlnaLlon
of, Lhe deposlLs, placemenLs, LrusL
accounLs, asseLs and records ln a
bank or flnanclal lnsLlLuLlon, and

b. CaLher or cause Lhe gaLherlng of any
relevanL lnformaLlon abouL such
deposlLs, placemenLs, LrusL accounLs,
asseLs, and records from a bank or
flnanclal lnsLlLuLlon. 1he bank or
flnanclal lnsLlLuLlon concerned, shall
noL refuse Lo allow such examlnaLlon
or Lo provlde Lhe deslred
lnformaLlon, when so, ordered by
and served wlLh Lhe wrlLLen order of
Lhe CA. (5ec. 27)

:* 9;<= <AG =;G AGTJ>?>=G? NHA =;G <IID>@<=>HC =H
GM<B>CG L<C_ KGIH?>=?Q <@@HJC=? <CK AG@HAK??

1. x potte appllcaLlon Lo Lhe CA by Lhe
pollce or law enforcemenL offlclal

2. 1he pollce of law enforcemenL offlclal
musL be auLhorlzed ln wrlLlng by Lhe AnLl
1errorlsm Councll Lo flle such appllcaLlon

3. LxamlnaLlon under oaLh or afflrmaLlon of
Lhe appllcanL and Lhe wlLnesses he may
produce Lo esLabllsh Lhe facLs LhaL wlll
[usLlfy Lhe need and urgency of examlnlng
and freezlng Lhe bank deposlLs,
placemenLs, LrusL accounLs, asseLs and
records. (5ec. 28)

:* (HE DHCS ?;<DD =;G @HJA= <J=;HA>W<=>HC =H

1. 1he Llme speclfled ln Lhe wrlLLen order of
Lhe CA, whlch shall noL exceed 30 days
from Lhe daLe of recelpL of Lhe wrlLLen
order by Lhe appllcanL pollce.

2. lL may be exLended for anoLher perlod
whlch shall noL exceed 30 days from Lhe
explraLlon of Lhe orlglnal perlod,
a. 1he auLhorlzlng dlvlslon of Lhe CA ls
saLlsfled LhaL such exLenslon ls ln Lhe
publlc lnLeresL
b. 1he appllcaLlon for exLenslon or
renewal musL have been auLhorlzed

!""# 6& 3><A8= +KC<;=B /<G8>BH C;I 48?@><BH
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
ln wrlLlng by Lhe AnLl1errorlsm
c. Such musL be flled by Lhe orlglnal

:* &C @<?G HN KG<=; HA K>?<L>D>=R HN =;G HA>S>C<D
<IID>@<C= E;H ?;HJDK N>DG =;G <IID>@<=>HC NHA

!* 1he one nexL ln rank Lo Lhe orlglnal appllcanL
among Lhe members of hls Leam shall flle Lhe
appllcaLlon for exLenslon.

1he appllcanL shall have 30 days afLer Lhe
LermlnaLlon of Lhe perlod granLed by Lhe CA wlLhln
whlch Lo flle Lhe approprlaLed case before Lhe
ubllc rosecuLor's Cfflce for any vlolaLlon of 8.A.
9372. lf no case ls flled wlLhln Lhe sald perlod, Lhe
appllcanL shall lmmedlaLely noLlfy ln wrlLlng Lhe
person sub[ecL of Lhe bank examlnaLlon and
freezlng of accounLs.

:* 9;<= ?;<DD LG KHCG <N=GA =;G GMI>A<=>HC HN =;G

!* All lnformaLlon, daLa, excerpLs, summarles and
oLher documenLs obLalned from Lhe examlnaLlon of
Lhe bank deposlLs, shall wlLhln 48 hours afLer Lhe
explraLlon of Lhe perlod flxed ln Lhe wrlLLen order
be deposlLed wlLh Lhe auLhorlzlng dlvlslon of Lhe CA
ln a sealed envelope of package. (5ec. J1)

1he sealed envelope or package shall noL be
opened and lLs conLenLs shall noL be used as
evldence unless auLhorlzed ln a wrlLLen order of Lhe
auLhorlzlng dlvlslon of CA. (5ec.JJ)

:* 9;<= <AG =;G AGTJ>?>=G? >C <IIDR>CS NHA XJK>@><D
@HC=<>C>CS AG@HAK? HN L<C_ <@@HJC=*

1. WrlLLen appllcaLlon of uC! flled before
Lhe auLhorlzlng dlvlslon of CA

2. AuLhorlzaLlon ln wrlLlng by Lhe AnLl
1errorlsm Councll Lo flle such appllcaLlon

3. noLlce ln wrlLlng Lo Lhe parLy concerned
noL laLer Lhan 3 days before Lhe
scheduled openlng

4. 1he appllcaLlon and noLlce musL clearly
sLaLe Lhe reason for openlng or uslng Lhe

:* 9;<= >? =;G GO>KGC=><AR O<DJG HN KGIH?>=GK L<C_

!* Any lnformaLlon, daLa, excerpLs, summarles,
noLes, memoranda, work sheeLs, reporLs, or
documenLs acqulred from Lhe examlnaLlon of Lhe
bank deposlLs, placemenLs, LrusL accounLs, asseLs
and records shall absoluLely noL be admlsslble or
usable as evldence agalnsL anybody ln any [udlclal,
quasl[udlclal, leglslaLlve, or admlnlsLraLlve
lnvesLlgaLlon, lnqulry, proceedlng or hearlng. (5ec.

(4) unauLhorlzed revelaLlon of classlfled maLerlals

:* 9;<= <AG @D<??>N>GK >CNHAB<=>HCF

!* 1he followlng are classlfled lnformaLlon:

1. WrlLLen order granLed by Lhe auLhorlzlng
dlvlslon of Lhe CourL of Appeals
2. Crder of Lhe CourL of Appeals, lf any Lo
exLend or renew Lhe same
3. 1he orlglnal ex potte appllcaLlon of Lhe
4. AppllcaLlon Lo exLend or renew, lf any
3. 1he wrlLLen auLhorlzaLlons of Lhe AnLl
1errorlsm Councll.
6. 1he sealed envelope or sealed package
and Lhe conLenLs Lhereof, whlch are
deposlLed wlLh Lhe auLhorlzlng dlvlslon of
Lhe CourL of Appeals

:* 9;<= >? =;G IGC<D=R NHA =;G JC<J=;HA>WGK

!* 1he penalLy of 10 years and 1 day Lo 12 years of
lmprlsonmenL shall be lmposed upon any person,
pollce or law enforcemenL agenL, [udlclal offlcer or
clvll servanL who, noL belng auLhorlzed by Lhe CourL
of Appeals Lo do so, reveals ln any manner or form
any classlfled lnformaLlon under Lhls AcL.

"7 0%-$B)"11$5U$%4 $% <')&*%& 05- *1 HYYZ
:* 9;<= <AG =;G IJC>?;<LDG <@=? JCKGA )7!7 ZcgfF
!: lL shall be unlawful for any person, naLural or
[urldlcal, Lo commlL any of Lhe followlng acLs:
1. 1o recrulL, LransporL, Lransfer, harbor,
provlde, or recelve a person by any
means, lncludlng Lhose done under Lhe
preLexL of domesLlc or overseas
employmenL or Lralnlng or
apprenLlceshlp, for Lhe purpose of
prosLlLuLlon, pornography, sexual
explolLaLlon, forced labor, slavery,
lnvolunLary servlLude or debL bondage

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
2. 1o lnLroduce or maLch for money, proflL,
or maLerlal, economlc or oLher
conslderaLlon, any person or, as provlded
for under 8epubllc AcL no. 6933, any
llllplno woman Lo a forelgn naLlonal, for
marrlage for Lhe purpose of acqulrlng,
buylng, offerlng, selllng or Lradlng
hlm/her Lo engage ln prosLlLuLlon,
pornography, sexual explolLaLlon, forced
labor, slavery, lnvolunLary servlLude or
debL bondage
3. 1o offer or conLracL marrlage, real or
slmulaLed, for Lhe purpose of acqulrlng,
buylng, offerlng, selllng, or Lradlng Lhem
Lo engage ln prosLlLuLlon, pornography,
sexual explolLaLlon, forced labor or
slavery, lnvolunLary servlLude or debL
4. 1o underLake or organlze Lours and Lravel
plans conslsLlng of Lourlsm packages or
acLlvlLles for Lhe purpose of uLlllzlng and
offerlng persons for prosLlLuLlon,
pornography or sexual explolLaLlon
3. 1o malnLaln or hlre a person Lo engage ln
prosLlLuLlon or pornography
6. 1o adopL or faclllLaLe Lhe adopLlon of
persons for Lhe purpose of prosLlLuLlon,
pornography, sexual explolLaLlon, forced
labor, slavery, lnvolunLary servlLude or
debL bondage
7. 1o recrulL, hlre, adopL, LransporL or
abducL a person, by means of LhreaL or
use of force, fraud, decelL, vlolence,
coerclon, or lnLlmldaLlon for Lhe purpose
of removal or sale of organs of sald
8. 1o recrulL, LransporL or adopL a chlld Lo
engage ln armed acLlvlLles ln Lhe
hlllpplnes or abroad.(5ec.4)

!""# 6& 3><A8= +KC<;=B 0>:N8>BH
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
`7 ")&%$' !3!&.'/ 8)-8$)/1 YcZ[[[c^

Y!A=7 cZ[^

:* 9;<= >? AHLLGARF

!* lL ls Lhe Laklng of personal properLy belonglng Lo
anoLher, wlLh lnLenL Lo galn, by means of vlolence
agalnsL or lnLlmldaLlon of any person or uslng force
upon anyLhlng.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G @D<??G? HN AHLLGARF

1. 8obbery wlLh vlolence agalnsL, or
lnLlmldaLlon of persons (Att. 294, 297 ooJ

2. 8obbery by Lhe use of force upon Lhlngs
(Att. 299 ooJ J02)


1. 1here ls personal properLy belonglng Lo
2. 1here ls unlawful Laklng of LhaL properLy
3. 1aklng musL be wlLh lnLenL Lo galn
4. 1here ls vlolence agalnsL or lnLlmldaLlon
of any person or force upon anyLhlng

.H=G* Where vlolence or lnLlmldaLlon and force upon
Lhlngs are boLh presenL ln Lhe commlsslon of Lhe
robbery, Lhe vlolence or lnLlmldaLlon ls Lhe conLrolllng
elemenL. kotlo. 8obbery characLerlzed by vlolence or
lnLlmldaLlon agalnsL Lhe person ls evldenLly graver
Lhan ordlnary robbery commlLLed by force upon

vlolence or lnLlmldaLlon upon persons may resulL ln
deaLh or muLllaLlon or rape or serlous physlcal ln[urles.

8obberles commlLLed ln dlfferenL houses consLlLuLe
separaLe crlmes of robbery. 8uL lf Lhe robberles are
commlLLed upon dlfferenL vlcLlms on Lhe same
occaslon and ln Lhe same place only one robbery ls
commlLLed as Lhe robberles are mere lncldenLs of a
slngle crlmlnal lnLenL.

E<? =<_GC LG =;G HECGA HN ?J@;F

!* no. Legal possesslon ls sufflclenL

:* &? =;G >KGC=>=R HN AG<D HECGA G??GC=><DF

3)* lL ls noL essenLlal so long as Lhe personal
properLy Laken does noL belong Lo Lhe accused.

`8.* lf Lhe crlme ls 8obbery wlLh Pomlclde

:* 9;<= >? =;G BG<C>CS HN JCD<ENJD =<_>CSF

!* lL means approprlaLlng a Lhlng belonglng Lo
anoLher and placlng lL under one's conLrol and

:* 9;GC >? JCD<ENJD =<_>CS @HBIDG=GF

1. As to tobbety wltb vloleoce oqolost ot
lotlmlJotloo of petsoos - from Lhe
momenL Lhe offender galns possesslon of
Lhe Lhlng even lf Lhe culprlL has had no
opporLunlLy Lo dlspose of Lhe same, Lhe
unlawful Laklng ls compleLe

2. As to tobbety wltb fotce opoo tbloqs - Lhe
Lhlng musL be Laken ouL of Lhe
bulldlng/premlses Lo consummaLe Lhe

.H=G* 1here musL be lnconLroverLlble proof LhaL
properLy was Laken from Lhe vlcLlm.

:* 9;<= >? =;G IAG?JBI=>HC HN >C=GC= =H S<>CF

!* unlawful Laklng of personal properLy.

.H=G* 1he elemenL of personal properLy belonglng Lo
anoLher and LhaL of lnLenL Lo galn musL concur.

:* 9;GC ?;HJDK O>HDGC@G <CK >C=>B>K<=>HC H@@JAF

!* vlolence or lnLlmldaLlon musL be presenL before
Lhe Laklng of personal properLy ls compleLe. 8uL
when vlolence resulLs ln homlclde, rape lnLenLlonal
muLllaLlon or any of Lhe serlous physlcal ln[urles
penallzed under ars. 1 and 2 of ArL 263, Lhe Laklng
of Lhe personal properLy ls robbery complexed wlLh
any of Lhose crlmes under ArL. 294, even lf Lhe
Laklng was already compleLe when Lhe vlolence was
used by Lhe offender.

.H=G* ArLlcle 294 applles only where robbery wlLh
vlolence agalnsL or lnLlmldaLlon of persons Lakes place
wlLhouL enLerlng an lnhablLed house under Lhe
clrcumsLances ln ArLlcle 299. When boLh
clrcumsLances are presenL, Lhe offense shall be
consldered as complex crlme under ArL.48 and Lhe
penalLy shall be for Lhe graver offense ln Lhe maxlmum
perlod. (Nopolls v.cA, C.k. No. l28865, leb. 28, 1972)

:* 9;<= K>?=>CSJ>?;G? AHLLGAR E>=; O>HDGC@G NAHB

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
3)!+$ "-$)"&-.
1here ls lnLenL
Lo galn
no lnLenL Lo
no lnLenL Lo galn
some fuLure
harm or
lnLlmldaLlon ls
lmmedlaLe and
offended parLy ls
compelled Lo do
someLhlng agalnsL
hls wlll.



)-44$)1 9&/( +&-0$."$ !3!&.'/ -)
&./&%&#!/&-. -, 8$)'-.'
Y!A=7 cZ\^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G IJC>?;<LDG <@=? JCKGA !A=7 cZ\F

1. When by reason or on occaslon of Lhe
robbery Lhe crlme of homlclde ls

2. When Lhe robbery ls accompanled by:
a. 8ape
b. lnLenLlonal muLllaLlon
c. Arson

3. When by reason or on occaslon of such
robbery, any of Lhe physlcal ln[urles
resulLlng ln:
a. lnsanlLy
b. lmbeclllLy
c. lmpoLency
d. 8llndness ls lnfllcLed

4. When by reason or on occaslon of
robbery, any of Lhe physlcal ln[urles
resulLlng ln Lhe:
a. Loss of Lhe use of speech
b. Loss of Lhe power Lo hear or Lo smell
c. Loss of an eye, a hand, a fooL, an arm
or a leg
d. Loss of Lhe use of any of such
e. lncapaclLy for Lhe work ln whlch Lhe
ln[ured person ls LhereLofore
hablLually engaged ls lnfllcLed

3. lf Lhe vlolence or lnLlmldaLlon employed
ln Lhe commlsslon of Lhe robbery ls
carrled Lo a degree clearly unnecessary
for Lhe commlsslon of Lhe crlme.

6. When ln Lhe course of lLs execuLlon, Lhe
offender shall have lnfllcLed upon any
person noL responslble for Lhe
commlsslon of Lhe robbery any of Lhe
physlcal ln[urles ln consequence of whlch
Lhe person ln[ured:
a. 8ecomes deformed
b. Loses any oLher member of hls body
c. Loses Lhe use Lhereof
d. 8ecomes lll or lncapaclLaLed for Lhe
performance of Lhe work ln whlch he
ls hablLually engaged for more Lhan
90 days
e. 8ecomes lll or lncapaclLaLed for labor
for more Lhan 30 days

7. lf Lhe vlolence employed by Lhe offender
does noL cause any of Lhe serlous physlcal
ln[urles deflned ln ArL.263, or lf Lhe
offender employs lnLlmldaLlon only.

)-44$)1 9&/( (-%&"&#$
Y8!)7 6^

:* 9;<= >? AHLLGAR E>=; ;HB>@>KGF

!* lf deaLh resulLs or even accompanles a robbery,
Lhe crlme wlll be robbery wlLh homlclde provlded
LhaL Lhe robbery and Lhe homlclde are

1he crlme of robbery wlLh homlclde ls a speclal
complex crlme or a slngle lndlvlslble crlme. All Lhe
kllllngs are merged ln Lhe composlLe lnLegraLed
whole LhaL ls, robbery wlLh homlclde. 1he kllllngs
musL have been perpeLraLed by reason or on Lhe
occaslon of robbery.

As long as Lhe homlclde resulLed, durlng, or
because of Lhe robbery, even lf Lhe kllllng ls by
mere accldenL, robbery wlLh homlclde ls

lf aslde from homlclde, rape or physlcal ln[urles are
also commlLLed by reason or on Lhe occaslon of Lhe
robbery, Lhe rape or physlcal ln[urles are
consldered aggravaLlng clrcumsLances ln Lhe crlme
of robbery wlLh homlclde.

Whenever a homlclde has been made a
consequence of or on Lhe occaslon of a robbery, all
Lhose who Look parL as prlnclpals ln Lhe commlsslon
of Lhe crlme wlll also be gullLy as prlnclpals ln Lhe
)-44$)1 4)&4$)1
1he vlcLlm ls deprlved of hls
money, properLy by force or
Pe parLs wlLh hls
money, ln a sense,

!""# 6& 3><A8= +KC<;=B 0>:N8>BH
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
speclal complex crlme of robbery wlLh homlclde
alLhough Lhey dld noL acLually Lake parL ln Lhe
homlclde unless lL clearly appeared LhaL Lhey
endeavored Lo prevenL Lhe homlclde.

.H=G* 1he Lerm homlclde ls used ln Lhe generlc sense,
lL embraces all forms of kllllng.

:* ';HJDK =;GAG LG >C=GC= =H _>DDF

!* ln robbery wlLh homlclde, Lhe law does noL
requlre LhaL Lhe homlclde be commlLLed wlLh lnLenL
Lo klll, Lhe crlme exlsLs even Lhough Lhere ls no
lnLenLlon Lo commlL homlclde.


!* ?es. 1he offender musL have Lhe lnLenL Lo Lake
personal properLy before Lhe kllllng.

:* 'JIIH?G =;G O>@=>B? EGAG _>DDGKQ CH= NHA =;G
=;G O>@=>B? E<? @HC@G>OGK LR =;G @JDIA>=? HCDR
<N=GA _>DD>CSm >? =;>? < @<?G HN AHLLGAR E>=;

!* no, because Lhe lnLenLlon of Lhe perpeLraLors ls
really Lo klll Lhe vlcLlm and robbery came only as an
afLerLhoughL. 1he perpeLraLors are llable for Lwo
separaLe crlmes of robbery and homlclde or
murder, as Lhe case may be.

.H=G* 1here ls no crlme of robbery ln band wlLh
murder or robbery wlLh homlclde ln band or robbery
wlLh mulLlple homlcldes.

lf on Lhe occaslon of Lhe robbery wlLh homlclde,
robbery wlLh force upon Lhlngs was also commlLLed,
you wlll noL have only one robbery buL you wlll have a
complex crlme of robbery wlLh homlclde and robbery
wlLh force upon Lhlngs

kotlo. 8obbery wlLh vlolence or lnLlmldaLlon upon
persons ls a separaLe crlme from robbery wlLh force
upon Lhlngs.

ln robbery wlLh homlclde, Lhe band or unlnhablLed
place ls only a generlc aggravaLlng clrcumsLance. lL wlll
noL quallfy Lhe crlme Lo a hlgher degree of penalLy.

:* !Q < ;>AGK <??<??>CQ ?;H= 4Q <CK E;GC <LHJ= =H
DG<OG =;G ?@GCGQ ?<E =;G E<=@; HN 4 <CK NHA@>LDR
=HH_ =;G ?<BG7 !Q E>=; < SJC >C ;>? ;<CKQ ?;H= =H
KG<=; 4Q E;H E<? =AR>CS =H SG= L<@_ =;G E<=@;7
9;<= @A>BG E<? @HBB>==GKF

!* 8obbery wlLh homlclde.

:* &N E;<= ! K>K >C =;G <LHOG GM<BIDG E<? =H N>AG
D<==GAa? >C=GC=>HC =H AG@HOGA =;G E<=@;Q <CK N<=<DDR
;>= " E;H E<? E<=@;>CS NAHB ;>? E>CKHE7 9;<= >?
=;G @A>BG @HBB>==GKF

!* Lven lf Lhe kllllng ls merely lncldenLal, Lhe crlme
ls sLlll robbery wlLh homlclde. 1he crlme of robbery
wlLh homlclde requlres proof of Lhe followlng

1. 1he Laklng of personal properLy wlLh
vlolence or lnLlmldaLlon agalnsL persons
2. 1he properLy Laken belongs Lo anoLher
3. 1he Laklng was done wlLh oolmo loctooJl
4. Cn Lhe occaslon of Lhe robbery or by
reason Lhereof, homlclde was commlLLed.

WellenLrenched ln [urlsprudence ls Lhe docLrlne
LhaL when homlclde Lakes place as a consequence
or on Lhe occaslon of a robbery, all Lhose who Look
parL ln Lhe robbery are gullLy as prlnclpals ln Lhe
complex crlme of robbery wlLh homlclde, even lf
Lhey dld noL acLually Lake parL ln Lhe homlclde. 1he
excepLlon ls when lL ls clearly shown LhaL Lhe
accused endeavored Lo prevenL Lhe unlawful kllllng.

ln Lhe case aL bar, Lhe lack of dlrecL evldence on
how Lhe homlcldes were commlLLed maLLers llLLle.
1he clrcumsLanLlal evldence leaves scanL doubL on
Lhe parL and parLlclpaLlon of Lhe appellanLs. 1he
wellseLLled rule ls LhaL as long as homlclde resulLed
durlng, or because of, Lhe robbery, even lf Lhe
kllllng ls by mere accldenL, Lhe crlme of robbery
wlLh homlclde ls commlLLed.

As we repeaLedly explaln, lL ls enough LhaL deaLh
resulLs by reason or on Lhe occaslon of Lhe robbery
lnasmuch as lL ls only Lhe resulL obLalned LhaL ls
necessary, wlLhouL reference or dlsLlncLlon as Lo
Lhe clrcumsLances, causes, modes, or persons
lnLervenlng ln Lhe commlsslon of Lhe crlme. (leople
v. 8olloqet, C.k. Nos. 1J794952, uec. 11, 200J)

:* &? =;GAG < @A>BG HN AHLLGAR E>=; BJD=>IDG

!* 1here ls no crlme of robbery wlLh mulLlple
homlclde under Lhe 8C. 1he crlme ls robbery wlLh
homlclde noLwlLhsLandlng Lhe number of homlcldes
commlLLed on Lhe occaslon of Lhe robbery and even
lf murder, physlcal ln[urles and rape were also
commlLLed on Lhe same occaslon. (leople v. nljoJo,
C.k. No. 12J696, Mot. 11, 2004)

:* PGAO>? <CK %<ADHC <?_GK =;G>A NA>GCKQ PHC<=;<CQ

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

NAHB =;G O<JD= LG@<J?G =;G ?<BG E<? IAH=G@=GK LR
< =>BGKGD<R BG@;<C>?B7 /;GR @HC=GC=GK
=;GB?GDOG? E>=; =;G @J?=HBGA?e @GDDI;HCG? <CK <
=H=<D HN 8iQggg >C @<?;7 !N=GA =;GR K<?;GK HJ= HN
=;G L<C_ <CK AJ?;GK >C=H =;G @<AQ PHC<=;<C IJDDGK
=;G @<A HJ= HN =;G @JALQ ;>==>CS < IGKG?=A><C E;>@;
AG?JD=GK >C =;G D<==GAe? KG<=;7 9;<= @A>BG HA

!* Assumlng Lhe acLs were aLLended by Lhe use of
force and lnLlmldaLlon ln robblng Lhe bank,
!onaLhan, Marlon and !ervls commlLLed Lhe speclal
complex crlme of aLLempLed robbery wlLh homl
clde. 1he subsequenL runnlng over of Lhe
pedesLrlan ln Lhe course of Lhelr escape was by
reason or on occaslon of Lhe robbery, Lherebv
quallfylng Lhe crlme as aLLempLed robbery wlLh
homlclde. Pavlng acLed ln consplracy wlLh !ervls
and Marlon, !onaLhan should also be charged wlLh
aLLempLed robbery wlLh homlclde.
")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA

Cn Lhe oLher hand, Lhe Laklng of Lhe cellphones and
3,000.00 from Lhe cusLomers are Lhe separaLe acLs
of !ervls and Marlon, and do noL lnvolve !onaLhan
as lL was noL parL of Lhelr orlglnal agreemenL. !ervls
and Marlon should be charged for Lhe crlme of rob

)-44$)1 9&/( )!8$
Y8!)7 c^

:* 9;<= >? =;G @A>BG HN AHLLGAR E>=; A<IGF

!* 1he crlme of robbery wlLh rape ls a crlme agalnsL
properLy whlch ls a slngle lndlvlslble offense. 1he
rape accompanles Lhe robbery. ln Lhls case where
rape and noL homlclde ls commlLLed, Lhere ls only a
crlme of robbery wlLh rape lf boLh Lhe robbery and
Lhe rape are consummaLed.

lf durlng Lhe robbery, aLLempLed rape were
commlLLed, Lwo separaLe crlmes of robbery and
aLLempLed rape would be commlLLed.

:* #HG? =;G @A>B>C<D >C=GC= =H S<>C IAG@GKG =;G

!* ?es. 1he law does noL dlsLlngulsh wheLher rape
was commlLLed before, durlng or afLer Lhe robbery.
lL ls enough LhaL Lhe robbery accompanled Lhe
rape. 8obbery musL noL be a mere accldenL or


Where 6 accused enLered Lhe house of Lhe offended
parLy, brandlshlng flrearms and knlves and afLer
ransacklng Lhe house for money and [ewelry, broughL
Lhe offended parLy ouL of Lhe house Lo a grassy place
where she was ordered Lo undress and alLhough she
was able Lo run away, was chased and caughL, and
LhereafLer raped by all of Lhe accused, Lhe laLLer
commlLLed robbery wlLh rape. (leople v. vllloqtoclo,
226 5ckA J74)

Powever, lf Lhe 2 crlmes were separaLed boLh by Llme
and space, Lhere ls no complex crlme of 8obbery wlLh

:* /HSG=;GA `!Q 14 <CK q" ID<CCGK =H AHL %>??
=;G E>CKHE? >C ;GA ;HJ?G7 !N=GA =<_>CS ;GA
DG<OGQ `! KG@>KGK HC >BIJD?G =H A<IG -#7 !? `!
E<? BHDG?=>CS ;GAQ 14 <CK q" ?=HHK HJ=?>KG =;G
`! NAHB A<I>CS -#7 9;<= @A>BG HA @A>BG? K>K `!Q
14 <CK q" @HBB>=Q <CK E;<= >? =;G @A>B>C<D
D><L>D>=R HN G<@;F

!* 1he crlme commlLLed by xA, ?8 and ZC ls Lhe
composlLe crlme of robbery wlLh rape, a slngle,
lndlvlslble offense under ArL. 294(1) of Lhe 8C.

AlLhough Lhe consplracy among Lhe offenders was
only Lo commlL robbery and only xA raped Cu, Lhe
oLher robbers, ?8 and ZC, were presenL and aware
of Lhe rape belng commlLLed by Lhelr co
consplraLor. Pavlng done noLhlng Lo sLop xA from
commlLLlng Lhe rape, ?8 and ZC Lhereby concurred
ln Lhe commlsslon of Lhe rape by Lhelr co
consplraLor xA.

1he crlmlnal llablllLy of all, xA, ?8 and ZC, shall be
Lhe same, as prlnclpals ln Lhe speclal complex crlme
of robbery wlLh rape whlch ls a slngle, lndlvlslble
offense where Lhe rape accompanylng Lhe robbery
ls [usL a componenL. Ycgg\ 4<A :JG?=>HC^

)-44$)1 9&/( 8(1'&"!0 &.P2)&$'

:* ';HJDK =;G I;R?>@<D >CXJA>G? LG ?GA>HJ?F

!* ?es, Lo be consldered as such, Lhe physlcal
ln[urles musL always be setloos.

lf Lhe physlcal ln[urles are only less serlous or sllghL,
Lhey are absorbed ln Lhe robbery. 1he crlme
becomes merely robbery. 8uL lf Lhe less serlous
physlcal ln[urles were commlLLed afLer Lhe robbery
was already consummaLed, Lhere would be a
separaLe charge for Lhe less serlous physlcal
ln[urles. lL wlll only be absorbed ln Lhe robbery lf lL
was lnfllcLed ln Lhe course of Lhe execuLlon of Lhe
robbery. 1he same ls Lrue ln Lhe case of sllghL
physlcal ln[urles.

!""# 6& 3><A8= +KC<;=B 0>:N8>BH
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
8<A_7 -C =;G H@@<?>HC HN =;G AHLLGARQ I;R?>@<D
=;G>A I<AGC=? =H @HBG HJ= E>=; =;G BHCGR7 9;<=
@A>BGl? >?l<AG @HBB>==GK LR =;G AHLLGA?F

!* 1he deLenLlon was a necessary means Lo
faclllLaLe Lhe robbery. 1hus, Lhe offenders wlll be
held llable for Lhe complex crlmes of robbery wlLh
serlous physlcal ln[urles and serlous lllegal

8uL lf Lhe vlcLlms were deLalned because of Lhe
Llmely arrlval of Lhe pollce, such LhaL Lhe offenders
had no cholce buL Lo deLaln Lhe vlcLlms as hosLages
ln exchange for Lhelr safe passage, Lhe deLenLlon ls
absorbed by Lhe crlme of robbery and ls noL LreaLed
as a separaLe crlme.

)-44$)1 9&/( !)'-.
Y)7!7 j]iZ^

:* (HE >? =;>? @A>BG @HBB>==GKF

!* 1he composlLe crlme would only be commlLLed lf
Lhe ptlmotJlol loteot of Lhe offender ls Lo commlL
tobbety and Lhere ls no kllllng, rape, or lnLenLlonal
muLllaLlon commlLLed by Lhe offender durlng Lhe
robbery. CLherwlse, Lhe crlme would be robbery
wlLh homlclde, or robbery wlLh rape, or robbery
wlLh lnLenLlonal muLllaLlon, ln LhaL order and Lhe
arson would only be an aggravaLlng clrcumsLance.


!* ?es, lL ls essenLlal LhaL robbery precedes Lhe
arson, as ln Lhe case of rape and lnLenLlonal
muLllaLlon, because Lhe amendmenL lncluded arson
among Lhe rape and lnLenLlonal muLllaLlon whlch
have accompanled Lhe robbery.

.H=G* Arson has been made a componenL only of
robbery wlLh vlolence agalnsL or lnLlmldaLlon of
persons buL noL of robbery by Lhe use of force upon

Pence, lf Lhe robbery was by Lhe use of force upon
Lhlngs and LherewlLh arson was commlLLed, Lwo
dlsLlncL crlmes are commlLLed.

-/($) "!'$' -, '&%80$ )-44$)1
Y8<A7 i^

:* (HE >? =;>? @A>BG @HBB>==GKF

!* Any klnd of robbery wlLh less serlous physlcal
ln[urles or sllghL physlcal ln[urles fall under Lhls
specle of robbery.
.H=G* 8uL where Lhere ls no vlolence exerLed Lo
accompllsh Lhe snaLchlng, Lhe crlme commlLLed ls noL
robbery buL slmple LhefL.

1here ls sufflclenL lnLlmldaLlon where Lhe acLs of Lhe
offender lnsplred fear upon Lhe vlcLlm alLhough Lhe
accused was noL armed.

1. SnaLchlng money from Lhe hands of Lhe
vlcLlm and pushlng her as a resulL of whlch
her sklrL was Lorn and she fell on Lhe
2. Crabblng a pawnshop LlckeL and
lnLlmldaLlng Lhe vlcLlm wlLh a revolver

)-44$)1 9&/( 8(1'&"!0 &.P2)&$'Q "-%%&//$#
&. !. 2.&.(!4&/$# 80!"$ !.# 41 ! 4!.#Q -)
9&/( /($ 2'$ -, ,&)$!)% -. ! '/)$$/Q )-!#
-) !00$1 Y!)/7 cZi^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G TJ<D>NR>CS @>A@JB?=<C@G? HN =;>?

!* lf commlLLed:
1. ln an unlnhablLed place

2. 8y a band

3. 8y aLLacklng a movlng Lraln, sLreeL car,
moLor vehlcle, or alrshlp

4. 8y enLerlng Lhe passengers'
comparLmenLs ln a Lraln, or ln any
manner Laklng Lhe passengers Lhereof by
surprlse ln Lhe respecLlve conveyances

3. Cn a sLreeL, road, hlghway, or alley, and
Lhe lnLlmldaLlon ls made wlLh Lhe use of
flrearms, Lhe offender shall be punlshed
by Lhe maxlmum perlods of Lhe proper
penalLles prescrlbed ln ArL.294

)-44$)1 "-%%&//$# 41 ! 4!.#
Y!A=7 cZ]^


!* When aL leasL 4 armed malefacLors Lake parL ln
Lhe commlsslon of a robbery, lL ls deemed
commlLLed by a band.

.H=G* lf any arm used be unllcensed flrearm, Lhe
penalLy lmposed upon all Lhe malefacLors shall be Lhe
maxlmum of Lhe correspondlng penalLy provlded by
law, wlLhouL pre[udlce Lo Lhe crlmlnal llablllLy for
lllegal possesslon of such flrearms. 1hls ls a speclal
aggravaLlng clrcumsLance appllcable only ln a case of
robbery ln band.

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

Any member of Lhe band who was presenL aL Lhe
commlsslon of a robbery by Lhe band, shall be
punlshed as prlnclpal of any of Lhe assaulLs commlLLed
by Lhe band, unless lL be shown LhaL he aLLempLed Lo
prevenL Lhe same.

ln robbery by a band, proof of consplracy ls n noL

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
!//$%8/$# !.# ,)2'/)!/$# )-44$)1
"-%%&//$# 2.#$) "$)/!&. "&)"2%'/!."$'
Y!A=7 cZj^

:* 9;GAG KHG? =;>? <A=>@DG <IIDRF

!* lL applles when homlclde ls commlLLed on Lhe
occaslon of an aLLempLed or frusLraLed robbery.

.H=G* 1he Lerm homlclde ls used ln a generlc sense. lL
lncludes murder, parrlclde and lnfanLlclde.

$`$"2/&-. -, #$$#' 41 %$!.' -, +&-0$."$
-) &./&%&#!/&-. Y!A=7 cZf^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. Cffender has lnLenL Lo defraud anoLher
2. Cffender compels hlm Lo slgn, execuLe, or
dellver any publlc lnsLrumenL or
3. Compulslon ls by means of vlolence or

.H=G* Applles even lf Lhe documenL slgned, execuLed
or dellvered ls a prlvaLe or commerclal documenL.

:* 9;<= K>?=>CSJ>?;G? GMG@J=>HC HN KGGK? LR

$`$"2/&-. -,
3)!+$ "-$)"&-.
1here ls an lnLenL Lo
no lnLenL Lo galn
lear ls produced by
LhreaLenlng Lo
cause an evll or
damage whlch ls
lear ls produced ln Lhe mlnd of
Lhe offended parLy ln order Lo
obLaln someLhlng from hlm by
LhreaLenlng Lo cause hlm an
evll or damage whlch ls noL
lmmedlaLe buL remoLe

)-44$)1 &. !. &.(!4&/$# (-2'$ -) 8240&"
42&0#&.3 -) $#&,&"$ #$+-/$# /- 9-)'(&8
Y!A=7 cZZ^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;G 6

1. Cffender enLered an lnhablLed house, or
publlc bulldlng, or edlflce devoLed Lo
rellglous worshlp.

2. LnLrance was effecLed by any of Lhe
followlng means:
a. 1hrough an openlng noL lnLended for
enLrance or egress,
b. 8y breaklng any wall, roof, or floor or
breaklng any door or wlndow,
c. 8y uslng false keys, plcklocks or
slmllar Lools, or
d. 8y uslng any flcLlLlous name or
preLendlng Lhe exerclse of publlc

3. Cnce lnslde Lhe bulldlng, Lhe offender
Look personal properLy belonglng Lo
anoLher wlLh lnLenL Lo galn.

1. lorce upon Lhlngs
2. lnhablLed house
3. ubllc bulldlng
4. uependencles
3. lalse keys

1. lotce opoo tbloqs requlres some elemenL
of Lrespass lnLo Lhe esLabllshmenL where
Lhe robbery was commlLLed, e.q. Lhe
offender musL have enLered Lhe premlses
where Lhe robbery was commlLLed.

.H=G* lf no enLry was effecLed, even Lhough
force may have been employed acLually ln
Lhe Laklng of Lhe properLy from wlLhln Lhe
premlses, Lhe crlme wlll only be LhefL.

2. loboblteJ boose - refers Lo any shelLer,
shlp or vessel consLlLuLlng Lhe dwelllng of
one or more persons even Lhough Lhe
lnhablLanLs Lhereof are Lemporarlly
absenL Lherefrom when Lhe robbery ls

3. lobllc bollJloq - every bulldlng owned by
Lhe CovernmenL or belonglng Lo a prlvaLe
person buL used or renLed by Lhe
CovernmenL, alLhough Lemporarlly
unoccupled by Lhe same.

4. uepeoJeocles - all lnLerlor courLs, corrals,
warehouses, granarles, barns, coach
houses, sLables, or oLher deparLmenLs, or
enclosed lnLerlor enLrance connecLed
LherewlLh and whlch form parL of Lhe
whole. Crchards and oLher lands used for

!""# 6& 3><A8= +KC<;=B 0>:N8>BH
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
culLlvaLlon or producLlon are noL
lncluded, even lf closed, conLlguous Lo Lhe
bulldlng, and havlng dlrecL connecLlon

a. lL musL be conLlguous Lo Lhe bulldlng
b. lL musL have an lnLerlor enLrance
connecLed LherewlLh
c. lL musL form parL of Lhe whole


A small sLore locaLed on Lhe ground floor of
a house ls a dependency of Lhe house, Lhere
belng no parLlLlon beLween Lhe sLore and
Lhe house, and ln golng Lo Lhe maln
sLalrway, one has Lo enLer Lhe sLore whlch
has a door. (u.5. vs. veototo, J9 lbll. 52J)

3. lolse keys - genulne keys sLolen from Lhe
owner or any keys oLher Lhan Lhose
lnLended by Lhe owner for use ln Lhe lock
forclbly opened by Lhe offender.

.H=G* lalse key or plcklock musL be used Lo
enLer Lhe bulldlng. lL ls only LhefL when Lhe
false key ls used Lo open wardrobe or locked
recepLacle or drawer or lnslde door.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;G cCK _>CK HN

1. Cffender ls lnslde a dwelllng house, publlc
bulldlng or edlflce devoLed Lo rellglous
worshlp, regardless of clrcumsLances
under whlch he enLered lL

2. Cffender Lakes personal properLy
belonglng Lo anoLher, wlLh lnLenL Lo galn,
under any of Lhe followlng clrcumsLances:

a. 8y Lhe breaklng of doors, wardrobes,
chesLs, or any oLher klnd of locked or
sealed furnlLure or recepLacle, or

.H=G* uoot refers only Lo doors, llds
or openlng sheeLs" of furnlLure or
oLher porLable recepLacles, noL Lo
lnslde doors of house or bulldlng.

b. 8y Laklng such furnlLure or ob[ecLs
away Lo be broken or forced open
ouLslde Lhe place of Lhe robbery.

.H=G* lL ls estofo or LhefL, lf Lhe locked or sealed
recepLacle ls noL forced open ln Lhe bulldlng where lL ls
kepL or Laken Lhere from Lo be broken ouLslde.
)-44$)1 &. !. 2.&.(!4&/$# 80!"$ !.# 41 !
4!.# Y!A=7 [gg^

.H=G* 8obbery wlLh force upon Lhlngs (Att. 299), ln
order Lo be quallfled, musL be commlLLed ln an
unlnhablLed place and by a band (Att. J00) whlle
robbery wlLh vlolence agalnsL or lnLlmldaLlon of
persons musL be commlLLed ln an unlnhablLed place or
by a band (Att. 295).

:* 9;<= >? <C JC>C;<L>=GK ID<@GF

!* uoloboblteJ ploce ls one where Lhere are no
houses aL all, or a conslderable dlsLance from Lown,
or where Lhe houses are scaLLered aL a greaL
dlsLance from each oLher. lL also means
unlnhablLed house or bulldlng.

)-44$)1 &. !. 2.&.(!4&/$# 80!"$ -) &. !
8)&+!/$ 42&0#&.3 Y!A=7 [gc^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. Cffender enLered an unlnhablLed place or
a bulldlng whlch was noL a dwelllng
house, noL a publlc bulldlng, or noL an
edlflce devoLed Lo rellglous worshlp.

2. Any of Lhe followlng clrcumsLances was
a. LnLrance was effecLed Lhrough an
openlng noL lnLended for enLrance or

.H=G* lf Lhe enLrance was made
Lhrough Lhe door whlch was open, or
closed buL unlocked, and noL Lhrough
Lhe wlndow, Lhe person who Look
personal properLy from Lhe house wlLh
lnLenL Lo galn ls gullLy only of LhefL and
noL robbery. Where an openlng
creaLed by Lhe accldenLal bumplng of a
vehlcle ln Lhe sLore's wall was made
Lhe enLrance of Lhe malefacLor, Lhe
Laklng of Lhe personal properLy lnslde
Lhe sLore ls robbery and noL LhefL
because Lhe hole ls noL lnLended for
enLrance or egress.

b. Wall, roof, floor, or ouLslde door or
wlndow was broken,

.H=G* Llke 8obbery ln an lnhablLed
house, Lhe breaklng should be made ln
order Lo effecL Lhe enLrance lnLo Lhe
place. So lf Lhe wall, roof, floor eLc. was
broken ln Lhe course of escaplng, Lhe
acL commlLLed ls noL 8obbery.

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

c. LnLrance was effecLed Lhrough Lhe
use of false keys, plcklocks or oLher
slmllar Lools

d. uoor, wardrobe, chesL, or any sealed
or closed furnlLure or recepLacle was

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
e. Closed or sealed recepLacle was
removed, even lf Lhe same be broken
open elsewhere

.H=G* under leLLers d and e, Lhe robber
dld noL enLer Lhrough a wlndow or
effecLed enLrance by breaklng Lhe
floor, door, wall, eLc., oLherwlse Lhese
clrcumsLances by Lhemselves already
make Lhe acL as LhaL of robbery. ln
Lhese 2 leLLers, Lhe robbers enLered
Lhrough Lhe door, and once lnslde,
broke wardrobe, sealed or close
recepLacles eLc., or Look away closed or
sealed recepLacle Lo be broken

lL musL be Laken noLe of, LhaL Lhe
enLrance by uslng any flcLlLlous name
or preLendlng Lhe exerclse of publlc
auLhorlLy ls noL among Lhose
menLloned ln ArL. 302 because Lhe
place ls unlnhablLed and Lherefore
wlLhouL person presenL. Llkewlse, ln
Lhe class of 8obbery, Lhe penalLy
depends on Lhe amounL Laken
dlsregardlng Lhe clrcumsLance of
wheLher Lhe robbers are armed or noL
as ln Lhe case of 8obbery ln lnhablLed

3. WlLh lnLenL Lo galn, Lhe offender Look
Lherefrom personal properLy belonglng Lo

)-44$)1 -, "$)$!0'Q ,)2&/'Q -) ,&)$9--# &.
!. 2.&.(!4&/$# 80!"$ -) 8)&+!/$ 42&0#&.3

.H=G* 1he palay musL be kepL by Lhe owner as
seedllng" or Laken for LhaL purpose by Lhe robbers.

8-''$''&-. -, 8&"50-"5' -) '&%&0!) /--0'
Y!A=7 [g\^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. Cffender has ln hls possesslon plcklocks
or slmllar Lools.
2. Such plcklocks or slmllar Lools are
speclally adopLed Lo Lhe commlsslon of
3. Cffender does noL have lawful cause for
such possesslon.

,!0'$ 5$1'
Y!A=7 [gi^

:* 9;<= KH N<D?G _GR? >C@DJKGF

!* lolse keys lnclude:
1. lcklocks or slmllar Lools
2. Cenulne keys sLolen from Lhe owner
3. Any key oLher Lhan Lhose lnLended by Lhe
owner for use ln Lhe lock forclbly opened
by Lhe offender.

.H=G* ossesslon of false keys ln pars. 2 and 3 above
are noL punlshable. lf Lhe key was enLrusLed Lo Lhe
offender and he used lL Lo sLeal, crlme ls noL robbery
buL LhefL.

Y!A=7 [g]^

:* 9;<= >? LA>S<CK<SGF

!* 8tlqooJoqe ls commlLLed by more Lhan 3 armed
persons who form a band of robbers for Lhe
purpose of commlLLlng robbery ln Lhe hlghway or
kldnapplng persons for Lhe purpose of exLorLlon or
Lo obLaln ransom, or for any oLher purpose Lo be
aLLalned by means of force and vlolence.

:* 9;<= >? =;G G??GC@G HN LA>S<CK<SGF

!* 8rlgandage ls a crlme of depredaLlon whereln
Lhe unlawful acLs are dlrecLed noL only agalnsL
speclflc, lnLended or preconcelved vlcLlms, buL
agalnsL any and all prospecLlve vlcLlms anywhere on
Lhe hlghway and whoever Lhey may poLenLlally be.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G K>?=>C@=>HC? LG=EGGC AHLLGAR >C

)-44$)1 41 !
4)&3!.#!3$ 2.#$)
!)/7 [g]
urpose ls Lo
commlL robbery
noL necessarlly ln
urpose ls Lo commlL robbery ln
hlghway, or Lo kldnap a person
for ransom or any oLher
purpose aLLalned by force and
AcLual commlsslon
of robbery ls
Mere formaLlon ls punlshed.

!""# 6& 3><A8= +KC<;=B 0>:N8>BH
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
8# i[c %-#&,&$# !)/&"0$' [g] !.# [gj

:* 9;<= >? ;>S;E<R AHLLGAR JCKGA 87#7 i[cF

!* nlqbwoy tobbety ot btlqooJoqe ls Lhe selzure for
ransom, exLorLlon or oLher unlawful purposes or
Lhe Laklng away of properLy of anoLher by means of
vlolence agalnsL or oLher unlawful means,
commlLLed by any person on any hlllpplne

Any person who alds or proLecLs hlghway robbers
or abeLs Lhe commlsslon of hlghway robbery or
brlgandage shall be consldered as an accompllce.

.H=G* lblllpploe blqbwoy - shall refer Lo any road,
sLreeL, passage, hlghway and brldges or oLher parLs
Lhereof, or rallway or rallroad wlLhln Lhe hlllpplnes
used by persons, or vehlcles, or locomoLlves or Lralns
for Lhe movemenL or clrculaLlon of persons or
LransporLaLlon of goods, arLlcles, or properLy or boLh.

!&#&.3 !.# !4$//&.3 ! 4!.# -, 4)&3!.#'
Y!A=7 [gj^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. 1here ls a band of brlgands.
2. Cffender knows Lhe band Lo be of
3. Cffender does any of Lhe followlng acLs:
a. Pe ln any manner alds, abeLs or
proLecLs such band of brlgands
b. Pe glves Lhem lnformaLlon of Lhe
movemenLs of Lhe pollce or oLher
peace offlcers of Lhe governmenL
c. Pe acqulres or recelves Lhe properLy
Laken by such brlgands

Y!A=7 [gf^

:* 9;<= >? =;GN=F

!* 1beft ls commlLLed by any person who, wlLh
lnLenL Lo galn buL wlLhouL vlolence agalnsL or
lnLlmldaLlon of persons nor force upon Lhlngs, shall
Lake personal properLy of anoLher wlLhouL Lhe
laLLer's consenL.

:* 9;H <AG =;G IGA?HC? D><LDG NHA =;GN=F

1. 1hose who, wlLh lnLenL Lo galn, buL
wlLhouL vlolence agalnsL or lnLlmldaLlon
of persons nor force upon Lhlngs, Lake
personal properLy of anoLher wlLhouL Lhe
laLLer's consenL.

2. 1hose who havlng found losL properLy, fall
Lo dellver Lhe same Lo Lhe local
auLhorlLles or Lo lLs owner.

.H=G* LosL properLy lncludes sLolen properLy
so LhaL Lhe accused who found a sLolen
horse ls llable lf he falls Lo dellver Lhe same
Lo Lhe owner or Lo Lhe auLhorlLles slnce Lhe
Lerm losL" ls generlc ln naLure and
embraces loss by sLeallng or by any acL of a
person oLher Lhan Lhe owner as well as by
Lhe acL of Lhe owner hlmself Lhrough same
casual occurrence. (leople v. koJtlqo, C.k.
No. l18507, Mot. J1, 1966)

3. 1hose who afLer havlng mallclously
damaged Lhe properLy of anoLher,
remove or make use of Lhe frulLs or
ob[ecL of Lhe damage caused by Lhem.

4. 1hose who enLer an enclosed esLaLe or a
fleld where Lrespass ls forbldden or whlch
belongs Lo anoLher and, wlLhouL Lhe
consenL of lLs owner, hunL or flsh upon
Lhe same or gaLher frulLs, cereals or oLher
foresL or farm producLs.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;GN=F

1. 1here ls Laklng of personal properLy

.H=G* lL may be a sLolen properLy buL as
long as lL does noL belong Lo Lhe Lhlef or
robber, lL can be Lhe sub[ecL of Lhe crlme.

2. roperLy Laken belongs Lo anoLher

3. 1aklng was done wlLh lnLenL Lo galn

.H=G* lnLenL Lo galn ls presumed ln
mallclous Laklng of personal properLy of

4. 1aklng was done wlLhouL Lhe consenL of
Lhe owner


Whlle praylng ln a church, A felL and saw hls
walleL belng Laken by 8, buL because of Lhe
solemnlLy of Lhe proceedlngs, dld noL make
any move, whlle Lhe Laklng was wlLh hls
knowledge, lL was wlLhouL hls consenL, and
1hefL ls commlLLed.

3. 1aklng ls accompllshed wlLhouL Lhe use of
vlolence agalnsL or lnLlmldaLlon of
persons of force upon Lhlngs.

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

:* 9;<= >? =;G BG<C>CS HN U-"U$%4L >C D<EF

!* lL means Lhe acL of deprlvlng anoLher of Lhe
possesslon and domlnlon of movable properLy. 1he
Laklng musL be accompanled by Lhe lnLenLlon, aL
Lhe Llme of Lhe Laklng, of wlLhholdlng Lhe Lhlng wlLh
some characLer of permanency.


!* ?es. ersonal properLy does noL only mean
corporeal Lhlngs buL also lncludes lncorporeal
properLy llke elecLrlclLy whlch can be sLolen by
uslng a [umper. (u.5. v. cotlos, 21 lbll. 5JJ) 1he LesL
of whaL ls Lhe proper sub[ecL of larceny seems Lo be
noL wheLher Lhe sub[ecL ls corporeal buL wheLher lL
ls capable of approprlaLlon by anoLher.


ln case of LhefL of checks, Lhe argumenL LhaL checks
cannoL be Lhe proper sub[ecL of larceny because Lhe
paper lLself has no lnLrlnslc value and ls merely an
evldence or Loken of Lhe exlsLence of money or
properLy elsewhere, whlle Lenable under Lhe common
law rule, cannoL be susLalned ln our [urlsdlcLlon for Lhe
Supreme CourL of Spaln has repeaLedly ruled LhaL
checks and oLher commerclal papers are sub[ecL of
larceny. (u.5. v. wlcketsbom, 20 lbll. 440)

:* "<C =;GAG LG < @A>BG HN NAJ?=A<=GK =;GN=F

!* no. unlawful Laklng, whlch ls Lhe deprlvaLlon of
one's personal properLy, ls Lhe elemenL whlch
produces Lhe felony ln lLs consummaLed sLage. AL
Lhe same Llme, wlLhouL unlawful Laklng as an acL of
execuLlon, Lhe offense could only be aLLempLed
LhefL, lf aL all.
")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA

WlLh Lhese conslderaLlons, under ArLlcle 308 of Lhe
8C, LhefL cannoL have a frusLraLed sLage. 1hefL can
only be aLLempLed or consummaLed.

:* ,HA =;G @A>BG HN =;GN= =H LG @HC?JBB<=GKQ >? >=
@HBB>==GK <DD =;G <@=? HN GMG@J=>HC NHA =;GN=Q >?

!* no. Slnce Lhe deprlvaLlon from Lhe owner alone
has already ensued from such acLs of execuLlon.
under ArLlcle 308 of Lhe 8C, Lhere ls only one
operaLlve acL of execuLlon by Lhe acLor lnvolved ln
LhefL-Lhe tokloq of personal properLy of anoLher.
1he ablllLy of Lhe offender Lo freely dlspose of Lhe
properLy sLolen ls noL a consLlLuLlve elemenL of Lhe
crlme of LhefL. Such facLor runs lmmaLerlal Lo Lhe
sLaLuLory deflnlLlon of LhefL, whlch ls Lhe Laklng,
wlLh lnLenL Lo galn, of personal properLy of anoLher
wlLhouL Lhe laLLer's consenL.

:* 9;GC >? =;G @A>BG HN =;GN= IAHKJ@GKF

!* 1hefL ls produced when Lhere ls deprlvaLlon of
personal properLy due Lo lLs Laklng by one wlLh
lnLenL Lo galn.

:* &C =;GN=Q >? >= AGTJ>AGK NHA =;G =;>GN =H LG <LDG =H
@<AAR <E<R =;G =;>CS =<_GC NAHB =;G HECGAF

!* no, Lhe consummaLlon of Lhls crlme Lakes place
upon Lhe volunLary and mallclous Laklng of Lhe
properLy whlch ls reallzed upon Lhe maLerlal
occupaLlon of Lhe Laklng, LhaL ls, when he had full
possesslon Lhereof even lf he dld noL have Lhe
opporLunlLy Lo dlspose of Lhe same.

.H=G* roof LhaL Lhe accused ls ln possesslon of a
recenLly sLolen properLy glves rlse Lo a valld
presumpLlon LhaL he sLole Lhe properLy.

:* 9;GC >? JCD<ENJD =<_>CS @HBIDG=GF

!* unlawful Laklng ls deemed compleLe from Lhe
momenL Lhe offender galns possesslon of Lhe Lhlng,
even lf he has no opporLunlLy Lo dlspose of Lhe

:* 9;<= >? =;G K>?=>C@=>HC LG=EGGC =;GN= <CK

/($,/ @DB0X0
1he crlme ls quallfled
LhefL lf only Lhe
physlcal or maLerlal
possesslon of Lhe
Lhlng ls Lransferred.
Where boLh Lhe maLerlal and
[urldlcal possesslon are
Lransferred, mlsapproprlaLlon
of Lhe properLy would
consLlLuLe estofo.

.H=G* ln LhefL, quallfled wlLh grave abuse of
confldence and estofo wlLh abuse of confldence, Lhe
offender recelves Lhe Lhlng from Lhe offended parLy.

:* %<A>H NHJCK < E<=@; >C < XGGI ;G E<? A>K>CSQ
<CK ?>C@G >= K>K CH= LGDHCS =H ;>BQ ;G <IIAH<@;GK
IHD>@GB<C 8 <CK KGD>OGAGK =;G E<=@; E>=;
E<=@; =H =;G HECGA <CKQ >C?=G<KQ ?HDK >= <CK
";<ASGK E>=; =;GN=Q 8 AG<?HCGK HJ= =;<= ;G @<CCH=
=;G E<=@; <CK BHAGHOGAQ =;G E<=@; =JACGK HJ= =H

!""# 6& 3><A8= +KC<;=B 0>:N8>BH
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
!* no, 's defense ls noL valld. ln a charge for LhefL,
lL ls enough LhaL Lhe personal properLy sub[ecL
Lhereof belongs Lo anoLher and noL Lo Lhe offender
(). lL ls lrrelevanL wheLher Lhe person deprlved of
Lhe possesslon of Lhe waLch has or has no rlghL Lo
Lhe waLch. 1hefL ls commlLLed by one who, wlLh
lnLenL Lo galn, approprlaLes properLy of anoLher
wlLhouL Lhe consenL of lLs owner. And Lhe crlme ls
commlLLed even when Lhe offender recelves
properLy of anoLher buL acqulres only physlcal
possesslon Lo hold Lhe same. Y6ZZf 4<A :JG?=>HC^


Where Lhe flnder of Lhe losL or mlslald properLy
enLrusLs lL Lo anoLher for dellvery Lo a deslgnaLed
owner, Lhe person Lo whom lL ls Lhus conflded,
assumes by volunLary subsLlLuLlon, as Lo boLh Lhe
properLy and Lhe owner, Lhe same relaLlon as was
occupled by Lhe flnder. lf he mlsapproprlaLes lL, he ls
gullLy of 1hefL as lf he were Lhe acLual flnder of Lhe
same. (leople v. Avllo, 44 lbll. 720 j192J])

:2!0&,&$# /($,/
Y!A=7 [6g^

:* 9;GC >? =;GN= TJ<D>N>GKF

1. lf LhefL ls commlLLed by a domesLlc

2. lf Lhe LhefL ls commlLLed wlLh grave abuse
of confldence

3. lf Lhe properLy sLolen ls a moLor vehlcle,
mall maLLer or large caLLle

4. lf Lhe properLy sLolen conslsL of coconuLs
Laken from Lhe premlses of a planLaLlon

3. lf Lhe properLy sLolen ls flsh Laken from a
flshpond or flshery

6. lf properLy ls Laken on Lhe occaslon of
flre, earLhquake, Lyphoon, volcanlc
erupLlon, or any oLher calamlLy, vehlcular
accldenL or clvll dlsLurbance.

.H=G* lf Lhe offense ls Lo be quallfled by abuse of
confldence, Lhe abuse musL be grave, llke an accused
who was offered food and allowed Lo sleep ln Lhe
house of Lhe complalnanL ouL of Lhe laLLer's plLy and
charlLy, buL sLole Lhe laLLer's money ln hls house when
he lefL Lhe place.


An AsslsLanL AgenL ln Charge and AccounLlng Cashler
of Lhe n8 enLrusLed wlLh and accounLable for all lLs
collecLlons and deposlLs lncludlng equlpmenL and
supplles, was accused of havlng Laken 126,190.00
found ln hls drawer. lL was held LhaL Lhe crlme of LhefL
ls quallfled by Lhe relaLlon of LrusL beLween Lhe
accused and Lhe n8 creaLlng hlgher degree of
confldence whlch Lhe former gravely abused. Pe
wlllfully Look advanLage of hls poslLlon, hls knowledge
of Lhe safe comblnaLlons and hls physlcal possesslon of
Lhe money Lo carry ouL and consummaLe Lhe 1hefL.

:* 9;<= >? CHO<=>HC =;GHAR <CK E;GC KHG? =;>?

!* novaLlon Lheory conLemplaLes a slLuaLlon
whereln Lhe vlcLlm's accepLance of paymenL
converLed Lhe offender's llablllLy Lo a clvll
obllgaLlon. lL applles only lf Lhere ls a conLracLual
relaLlonshlp beLween Lhe accused and Lhe

/($,/ -, /($ 8)-8$)/1 -, /($ .!/&-.!0
0&4)!)1 !.# .!/&-.!0 %2'$2% Y!A=7 [66^

.H=G* 1hefL of properLy of naLlonal Llbrary and
naLlonal Museum has a flxed penalLy regardless of lLs
value, buL lf Lhe crlme ls commlLLed wlLh grave abuse
of confldence, Lhe penalLy for quallfled LhefL shall be

-""28!/&-. -, )$!0 8)-8$)/1 -)
2'2)8!/&-. -, )$!0 )&3(/' &. 8)-8$)/1
Y!A=7 [6c^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G IJC>?;<LDG <@=?F

1. 1aklng possesslon of any real properLy
belonglng Lo anoLher.

2. usurplng any real rlghLs ln properLy
belonglng Lo anoLher.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. Cffender Lakes possesslon of any real
properLy or usurps any real rlghLs ln

2. 8eal properLy or real rlghLs belong Lo

3. vlolence agalnsL or lnLlmldaLlon of
persons ls used by Lhe offender ln

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

occupylng real properLy or usurplng real
rlghLs ln properLy.

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
4. 1here ls lnLenL Lo galn.

.H=G* 1here ls only clvll llablllLy lf Lhere ls no vlolence
or lnLlmldaLlon ln Laklng possesslon of real properLy.

usurpaLlon under ArLlcle 312 ls commlLLed ln Lhe same
way as robbery wlLh vlolence or lnLlmldaLlon of
persons. 1he maln dlfference ls LhaL ln robbery,
personal properLy ls lnvolved, whlle ln usurpaLlon of
real rlghLs, lL ls real properLy.

lf Lhe accused ls Lhe owner of Lhe properLy whlch he
usurped from Lhe possessor, he cannoL be held llable
for usurpaLlon.

Conslderlng LhaL Lhls ls a crlme agalnsL properLy, Lhere
musL be lnLenL Lo galn. ln Lhe absence of Lhe lnLenL Lo
galn, Lhe acL may consLlLuLe coerclon.

:* 9;<= >? IJC>?;GK LR )7!7 Z\jF

!* LnLerlng or occupylng publlc agrlculLural land
lncludlng publlc lands granLed Lo prlvaLe lndlvlduals.

:* 9;H <AG ?TJ<==GA?F

1. 1hose who have Lhe capaclLy or means Lo
pay renL or for leglLlmaLe houslng buL are
squaLLlng anyway.

2. Also Lhe persons who were awarded loLs
buL sold or lease Lhem ouL.

3. lnLruders of lands reserved for soclallzed
houslng, preempLlng possesslon by
occupylng Lhe same. (utboo uevelopmeot
ooJ noosloq Act)

!0/$)&.3 4-2.#$)&$' -) 0!.#%!)5'
Y!A=7 [6[^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. 1here are boundary marks or monumenLs
of Lowns, provlnces, or esLaLes, or any
oLher marks lnLended Lo deslgnaLe Lhe
boundarles of Lhe same.

2. Cffender alLers sald boundary marks.

.H=G* lnLenL Lo galn ls noL necessary. Mere acL of
alLerlng or desLrucLlon of Lhe boundary marks ls

"208!40$ &.'-0+$."1
,)!2#20$./ &.'-0+$."1
Y!A=7 [6\^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN NA<JKJDGC=

1. Cffender ls a debLor, LhaL ls, he has
obllgaLlons due and payable.
2. Pe absconds wlLh hls properLy.
3. 1here be pre[udlce Lo hls credlLors.

:* 9;<= >? =;G G??GC@G HN =;>? @A>BGF

!* 1he essence of Lhe crlme ls LhaL any properLy of
Lhe debLor ls made Lo dlsappear for Lhe purpose of
evadlng Lhe fulflllmenL of Lhe obllgaLlons and
llablllLles conLracLed wlLh one or more credlLors Lo
Lhe pre[udlce of Lhe laLLer.

.H=G* 1o abscond does noL mean LhaL Lhe debLor
should deparL and physlcally conceal hls properLy.

1he fraud musL resulL Lo Lhe pre[udlce of hls credlLors.
lf Lhe accused concealed hls properLy fraudulenLly buL
lL Lurned ouL LhaL he has some oLher properLy wlLh
whlch Lo saLlsfy hls obllgaLlon, he ls noL llable under
Lhls arLlcle.

8elng a merchanL quallfles Lhe crlme as Lhe penalLy ls

lf Lhese acLs are commlLLed afLer Lhe lnsLlLuLlon of
lnsolvency proceedlng, Lhe lnsolvency Law shall apply.

'9&.#0&.3 !.# -/($) #$"$&/

'9&.#0&.3 Y@&-"1"^
Y!A=7 [6i^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN '&-"1" >C SGCGA<DF

1. AccoseJ JeftooJeJ oootbet by obose of
cooflJeoce ot by meoos of Jecelt - 1hls
covers Lhe Lhree dlfferenL ways of
commlLLlng estofo under ArLlcle 313,
Lhus, estofo ls commlLLed:

a. WlLh unfalLhfulness or abuse of
b. 8y means of false preLenses or
fraudulenL acLs, or
c. 1hrough fraudulenL means

2. uomoqe ot ptejoJlce copoble of pecooloty
estlmotloo ls cooseJ to tbe offeoJeJ potty
ot tbltJ petsoo.

!""# 6& 3><A8= +KC<;=B 0>:N8>BH
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %


When Lhe accused decelved Lhe complalnanLs lnLo
bellevlng LhaL Lhere were lndeed [obs walLlng for Lhem
ln 1alwan, and Lhe laLLer sold Lhelr carabaos,
morLgaged or sold Lhelr parcels of land and even
conLracLed loans Lo ralse Lhe 40,000.00 placemenL
fee requlred of Lhem by Lhe accused, Lhe assurances
glven by Lhe laLLer made Lhe complalnanLs parL wlLh
whaLever resources Lhey had, clearly esLabllshlng
decelL and damage whlch consLlLuLe Lhe elemenLs of
stofo (leople v. 8ootlsto, 214 5ckA 216).

under .u. 113 (1rusL 8ecelpLs Law), Lhe fallure of Lhe
enLrusLee Lo Lurn over Lhe proceeds of Lhe sale of Lhe
goods, documenLs, or lnsLrumenLs covered by a LrusL
recelpL, Lo Lhe exLenL of Lhe amounL owlng Lo Lhe
enLrusLer, or as appearlng ln Lhe LrusL recelpL, or Lhe
fallure Lo reLurn sald goods, documenLs, or
lnsLrumenLs lf Lhey were noL sold or dlsposed of ln
accordance wlLh Lhe Lerms of Lhe LrusL recelpL
consLlLuLe estofo.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN '&-"1" E>=;
!A=>@DG [6i Y6^F

1. uoJet potoqtopb (o).
a. Cffender has an onerous obllgaLlon
Lo dellver someLhlng of value
b. Pe alLers lLs subsLance, quanLlLy, or
c. uamage or pre[udlce ls caused Lo


Where Lhe accused ls bound by vlrLue of a
conLracL of sale, paymenL havlng been
recelved Lo dellver flrsL class of rlce (e.q.
mllagrosa) buL dellvered an lnferlor klnd, or
LhaL he bound hlmself Lo dellver 1000 sacks
buL dellvered less Lhan 1000 because Lhe
oLher sacks were fllled wlLh dlfferenL
maLerlals, he ls gullLy of estofo wlLh
unfalLhfulness or abuse of confldence by
alLerlng Lhe quanLlLy or quallLy of anyLhlng
of value by vlrLue of an obllgaLlon Lo do so.

2. uoJet potoqtopb (b).
a. Money, goods, or oLher personal
properLy ls recelved by Lhe offender
ln LrusL, or on commlsslon, or for
admlnlsLraLlon, or under any oLher
obllgaLlon lnvolvlng Lhe duLy Lo make
dellvery of, or Lo reLurn, Lhe same
b. 1here ls mlsapproprlaLlon or
converslon of such money or
properLy by Lhe offender, or denlal
on hls parL of such recelpL
c. Such mlsapproprlaLlon or converslon
or denlal ls Lo Lhe pre[udlce of
anoLher, and
d. 1here ls a demand made by Lhe
offended parLy Lo Lhe offender

.H=G* 1he fourLh elemenL ls noL necessary
when Lhere ls evldence of mlsapproprlaLlon
of Lhe goods by Lhe defendanL.


lallure Lo reLurn a dump Lruck whlch was
dellvered Lo Lhe accused by vlrLue of a deed
of lease afLer Lhe explraLlon of Lhe lease
conLracL and desplLe demands would
consLlLuLe stofo by mlsapproprlaLlon or
converslon by Lhe accused of Lhe sub[ecL of
Lhe obllgaLlon.

1he accused recelved ln LrusL Lhe money
from Lhe complalnanLs for Lhe parLlcular
purpose of lnvesLlng Lhe same wlLh Lhe
hllLrusL lnvesLmenL Corp. wlLh Lhe
obllgaLlon Lo make dellvery Lhereof upon
demand buL falled Lo reLurn Lhe same
desplLe demands. lL was admlLLed LhaL she
used Lhe money for her buslness. Accused ls
gullLy of LsLafa Lhrough MlsapproprlaLlon.
(lootoolllo v. leople, 258 5ckA 460)

A money markeL LransacLlon however
parLakes of Lhe naLure of a loan, and non
paymenL Lhereof would noL glve rlse Lo
crlmlnal llablllLy for LsLafa Lhrough
mlsapproprlaLlon or converslon. ln money
markeL placemenLs, Lhe unpald lnvesLor
should lnsLlLuLe agalnsL Lhe mlddleman or
dealer, before Lhe ordlnary courLs, a
slmple acLlon for recovery of Lhe amounL
he had lnvesLed, and lf Lhere's allegaLlon
of fraud, Lhe proper forum would be Lhe
SLC. (5esbteoo v. cA, 240 5ckA 606)

J. uoJet potoqtopb (c).
a. 1he paper wlLh Lhe slgnaLure of Lhe
offended parLy ls ln blank,
b. Cffended parLy dellvered lL Lo Lhe
c. Above Lhe slgnaLure of Lhe offended
parLy, a documenL ls wrlLLen by Lhe
offender wlLhouL auLhorlLy Lo do so,
d. 1he documenL so wrlLLen creaLes a
llablllLy of, or causes damage Lo, Lhe
offended parLy or any Lhlrd person.

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN '&-"1" LR BG<C? HN
[6i Yc^F

1. uoJet potoqtopb (o) -
a. uslng flcLlLlous name
b. lalsely preLendlng Lo possess power,
lnfluence, quallflcaLlons, properLy,
credlL, agency, buslness or lmaglnary
LransacLlons, or
c. 8y means of oLher slmllar decelLs

2. uoJet potoqtopb (b) - AlLerlng Lhe
quallLy, flneness, or welghL of anyLhlng
perLalnlng Lo hls arL or buslness.

3. uoJet potoqtopb (c) - reLendlng Lo have
brlbed any governmenL employee,
wlLhouL pre[udlce Lo Lhe acLlon for
calumny whlch Lhe offended parLy may
deem proper Lo brlng agalnsL Lhe

4. uoJet potoqtopb (J) -
a. Cffender posLdaLed a check, or
lssued a check ln paymenL of an
b. Such posLdaLlng or lssulng a check
was done when Lhe offender had no
funds ln Lhe bank, or hls funds
deposlLed Lhereln were noL sufflclenL
Lo cover Lhe amounL of Lhe check.

.H=G* ArL. 313 (2) (d) ls also referred Lo as
lssoloq ot postJotloq cbeck wltboot fooJs.

:* 9;GC KHG? !A=7 [6i Yc^ YK^ <IIDRF

!* Cnly when:
1. CbllgaLlon ls noL preexlsLlng
2. Check ls drawn Lo enLer lnLo an obllgaLlon
3. uoes noL cover checks where Lhe purpose
of drawlng Lhe check ls Lo guaranLee a

.H=G* 1he check musL be genulne. lf Lhe check ls
falslfled and ls cashed wlLh Lhe bank or exchanged for
cash, Lhe crlme ls esLafa Lhru falslflcaLlon of a
commerclal documenL.

1he check musL be lssued ln paymenL of a
slmulLaneous obllgaLlon, noL one whlch ls preexlsLlng.

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA

1he accused musL be able Lo obLaln someLhlng from
Lhe offended parLy by means of Lhe check he lssued
and dellvered.

1hus, lf A lssued a check ln favor of 8 for a debL he has
lncurred a monLh or so ago, Lhe dlshonor of Lhe check
for lnsufflclency of funds ln Lhe bank does noL
consLlLuLe stofo. 8uL lf A Lold 8 Lo dellver Lo hlm
10,000 and he (A) would lssue ln hls favor a check ln
Lhe sum of 11,000 as lL was a Sunday and A needed
Lhe cash urgenLly, and 8 gave hls 10,000 havlng ln
mlnd Lhe proflL of 1,000 when he encashes Lhe check
on Monday and Lhe check bounced when deposlLed, A
can be held llable for stofo. ln such case, lL was clear
LhaL 8 would have noL parLed wlLh hls 10,000 were lL
noL for Lhe lssuance of A's check.

lL musL noL be promlssory noLes, or guaranLles.

:* &? SHHK N<>=; < KGNGC?GF

!* ?es. 1he payee's knowledge LhaL Lhe drawer has
no sufflclenL funds Lo cover Lhe posLdaLed checks aL
Lhe Llme of Lhelr lssuance negaLes estofo.

.H=G: lL ls necessary LhaL Lhe offender knew LhaL hls
check had no sufflclenL funds ln Lhe bank (hls fallure Lo
cover Lhe amounL of Lhe check wlLhln 3 days from
noLlce creaLes a ptlmo focle evldence of decelL).

lf Lhe checks were lssued by Lhe defendanL and he
recelved money for Lhem, Lhen sLopped paymenL and
dld noL reLurn Lhe money, and he had an lnLenLlon Lo
sLop paymenL when he lssued Lhe check, Lhere ls

uecelL ls presumed lf Lhe drawer falls Lo deposlL Lhe
amounL necessary Lo cover Lhe check wlLhln Lhree days
from recelpL of noLlce of dlshonor or lnsufflclency of
funds ln Lhe bank.

:* "<C =;G N<@= =;<= =;G <@@J?GK E<? CH= =;G <@=J<D
B<_GA HN =;G @;G@_ LG IJ= JI <? < KGNGC?GF

!* no. ln Lhe case of leople v. lsleto, et.ol. (61 lbll.
JJ2), and relLeraLed ln Lhe case of 2olqoJo v. cA
(178 5ckA 146) lL was held LhaL Lhe appellanL who
only negoLlaLed dlrecLly and personally Lhe check
drawn by anoLher ls gullLy of estofo because he had
gullLy knowledge LhaL aL Lhe Llme he negoLlaLed
Lhe check, Lhe drawer has no sufflclenL funds."

ln oLher words, wheLher Lhe accused was charged
under elLher paragraph 2(a) or 2(d) of ArLlcle 313 of
Lhe 8C, he would sLlll be gullLy of estofo because
damage and decelL, whlch are essenLlal elemenLs of
Lhe offense, have been esLabllshed wlLh saLlsfacLory
proof. 1he fraudulenL acL was commlLLed prlor Lo
or slmulLaneous wlLh Lhe lssuance of Lhe bad
check. 1he guaranLee and Lhe slmulLaneous
dellvery of Lhe checks by Lhe accused were Lhe
enLlcemenL and Lhe efflclenL cause of Lhe
defraudaLlon commlLLed agalnsL Apolonlo who

!""# 6& 3><A8= +KC<;=B 0>:N8>BH
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
suffered damage amounLlng Lo 87,000.00 as a
resulL of Lhe fraud commlLLed by Carcla ln paylng
hlm underfunded checks drawn by Lhree dlfferenL
persons. (Cotclo v. leople, C.k. No. 144785, 5ept.
11, 200J)

:* &? =;G <@@J?GKa? BGAG N<>DJAG =H =JAC HOGA =;G
=;G KJ=R =H KH ?HQ @HC?=>=J=G G?=<N< JCKGA !A=7 [6i
I<A 6 YL^F

!* no. 1he essence of estofo under ArL. 313 (1) (b)
of Lhe 8C ls Lhe approprlaLlon or converslon of
money or properLy recelved, Lo Lhe pre[udlce of Lhe
owner Lhereof. lL Lakes place when a person
acLually approprlaLes Lhe properLy of anoLher for
hls own beneflL, use and en[oymenL. 1he fallure Lo
accounL, upon demand, for funds or properLy held
ln LrusL ls a mere clrcumsLanLlal evldence of
mlsapproprlaLlon. ln oLher words, Lhe demand for
Lhe reLurn of Lhe Lhlng dellvered ln LrusL and Lhe
fallure of Lhe accused Lo accounL for lL are
clrcumsLanLlal evldence of mlsapproprlaLlon.
Powever, Lhls presumpLlon ls rebuLLable. lf Lhe
accused ls able Lo saLlsfacLorlly explaln hls fallure Lo
produce Lhe Lhlng dellvered ln LrusL, he may noL be
held llable for esLafa. ln Lhe case aL bar, however,
slnce Lhe medrep falled Lo explaln hls lnablllLy Lo
produce Lhe Lhlng dellvered Lo hlm ln LrusL, Lhe rule
LhaL Lhe fallure Lo accounL, upon demand, for
funds or properLy held ln LrusL ls clrcumsLanLlal
evldence of mlsapproprlaLlon" applles wlLhouL
doubL. (llloJoms lbotmo, loc. v. cA, C.k. No.
1J2422, Mot. J0, 2004)

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN @&-"1" =;AHJS;

1. uoJet potoqtopb (o) -
a. Cffender lnduced Lhe offended parLy
Lo slgn a documenL.
b. uecelL was employed Lo make hlm
slgn Lhe documenL.
c. Cffended parLy personally slgned Lhe
d. re[udlce was caused.


A lnduced an llllLeraLe owner who was
deslrous of morLgaglng hls properLy for a
cerLaln amounL, Lo slgn a documenL whlch
he belleved was only a power of aLLorney
buL ln LruLh lL was a deed of sale. A ls
gullLy of LsLafa under par.3(a) and Lhe
damage could conslsL aL leasL ln Lhe
dlsLurbance ln properLy rlghLs. (u.5. vs.
Molooq, Ck. No. l12597, Aoq.J0, 1917)

2. uoJet potoqtopb (b) - 8esorLlng Lo some
fraudulenL pracLlce Lo lnsure success ln a
gambllng game,

3. uoJet potoqtopb (c) -
a. Cffender removed, concealed or
b. Any courL record, offlce flles,
documenLs or any oLher papers.
c. WlLh lnLenL Lo defraud anoLher.


When a lawyer, preLendlng Lo verlfy a
cerLaln pleadlng ln a case pendlng before a
courL, borrows Lhe folder of Lhe case, and
removes or desLroys a documenL whlch
consLlLuLes evldence ln Lhe sald case, sald
lawyer ls gullLy of esLafa under par.3(c).

lo pottoetsblp - arLners are noL llable for
estofo of money or properLy recelved for Lhe
parLnershlp when Lhe buslness commenced
and proflLs accrued.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G K>?=>C@=>HC? LG=EGGC AHLLGARQ
=;GN= <CK '&-"1"F

)-44$)1 /($,/ $'/!,!
Cnly personal
prop ls lnvolved.
Cnly personal prop
ls lnvolved.
may be
1aklng ls by
means of force
upon Lhlngs or
vlolence agalnsL
or lnLlmldaLlon of
noL so noL so
enalLy does noL
depend on Lhe
amounL lnvolved.
enalLy depends
on Lhe amounL
on Lhe
Cffender Lakes
Lhe properLy
wlLhouL Lhe
consenL of Lhe
owner by uslng
lnLlmldaLlon or
Cffender Lakes Lhe
properLy wlLhouL
Lhe consenL of Lhe
owner and wltboot
uslng LhreaLs,
lnLlmldaLlon or

.H=G* 1he crlme ls LhefL even lf Lhe properLy was
dellvered Lo Lhe offender by Lhe owner or possessor, lf
Lhe laLLer expecLs an lmmedlaLe reLurn of Lhe properLy

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

dellvered, LhaL ls, he dellvered only Lhe physlcal or
maLerlal possesslon of Lhe properLy. (u.5. v. ue veto,
4J lbll. 1000) Powever, lf whaL was dellvered was
[urldlcal possesslon of Lhe properLy, LhaL ls, a slLuaLlon
where Lhe person Lo whom lL was dellvered can seL off
hls rlghL Lo possess even as agalnsL Lhe owner, and Lhe
laLLer should noL be expecLlng Lhe lmmedlaLe reLurn of
Lhe properLy, Lhe mlsapproprlaLlon or Laklng of LhaL
properLy ls stofo. (u.5. v. llqoetoo, 22 lbll. 270)

:* 9;<= <AG =;G K>?=>C@=>HC? LG=EGGC '&-"1" E>=;

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
@DB0X0 9&/( !42'$ -,
lunds or properLy are
always prlvaLe.
lnvolves publlc funds or
Cffender ls a prlvaLe
lndlvldual or even a
publlc offlcer who ls noL
accounLable for publlc
funds or properLy.
Cffender who ls usually a
publlc offlcer ls
accounLable for publlc
funds or properLy.
Crlme ls commlLLed by
converLlng or denylng
havlng recelved money,
goods or oLher personal
Crlme ls commlLLed by
approprlaLlng, Laklng or
mlsapproprlaLlng or
consenLlng, or, Lhrough
abandonmenL or
negllgence, permlLLlng any
oLher person Lo Lake Lhe
publlc funds or properLy.
Cffenders are enLrusLed wlLh funds or properLy
ConLlnulng offenses

.H=G* stofo Lhrough false preLense made ln wrlLlng ls
only a slmple crlme of estofo, noL a complex crlme of
estofo Lhrough falslflcaLlon.

=AG<?JAGAQ ;G EHJDK ;<OG >C ;>? IH??G??>HC <C
<OGA<SG HN 8iQgggQggg <= <CR S>OGC =>BG7 &C
6Zf\Q E;GC =;G BHCGR B<A_G= A<=G HN >C=GAG?=
86QgggQggg HN =;G @HAIHA<=G NJCK? >C =;G BHCGR
B<A_G= >C ;>? C<BG E>=;HJ= =;G _CHEDGKSG HN <CR
AG=JACGK =;G <BHJC= HN 86QgggQggg =H =;G
@HAIHA<=>HCQ LJ= _GI= =H ;>B?GDN =;G >C=GAG?=
>C@HBG HN 8cigQggg7 != =;G GCK HN 6Zf\Q E;GC
<JK>= GM<B>C<=>HC? HN ;>? <@@HJC=? EGAG
<@@HJC=<L>D>=>G?7 #>K !DNAGKH @HBB>= <CR @A>BGF

!* ?es, Alfredo commlLLed Lhe crlme of estofo Lhru
abuse of confldence, even lf he had no lnLenLlon Lo
permanenLly mlsapproprlaLe Lhe corporaLe funds
for hlmself. 1he law on estofo ls clear and does noL
make any dlsLlncLlons beLween permanenL and
Lemporary mlsapproprlaLlons, for as long as
damage ls suffered by Lhe offended parLy.

uamage was suffered by Lhe corporaLlon ln Lhls
case because lf Lhe 1 mllllon pesos had noL been
wlLhdrawn from Lhe corporaLe coffers lL would have
earned lnLeresL for Lhe beneflL of Lhe company.

stofo, and noL quallfled LhefL, ls commlLLed
because as corporaLe Lreasurer, Alfredo has
[urldlcal possesslon of Lhe 3 mllllon ln hls cusLody.

1hls was ln Lhe naLure of a LrusL fund enLrusLed Lo
hlm for corporaLe purposes. Whlle lL ls a general
prlnclple LhaL mlsapproprlaLlon of LrusL funds for
shorL perlods does noL always amounL Lo estofo, lL
has been held LhaL Lhls prlnclple cannoL exLend Lo
cases where offlcers of corporaLlons converLed
corporaLe funds Lo Lhelr own use, (u.5. vs. 5evlllo,
4J lbll. 190). lraudulenL lnLenL ls noL even
necessary ln such cases because Lhe breach of
confldence lnvolved ln Lhe mlsapproprlaLlon or
converslon of LrusL funds Lakes Lhe place of
fraudulenL lnLenL and ls ln lLself sufflclenL. Y6ZfZ
4<A :JG?=>HC^

:* !JAGD>< >C=AHKJ@GK )H?< =H +>@=HA><Q < KG<DGA >C
)H?<Q < AG?>KGC= HN "GLJ ">=RQ <SAGGK =H ?GDD <
K><BHCK A>CS <CK LA<@GDG= =H +>@=HA>< HC <
@HBB>??>HC L<?>?Q HC @HCK>=>HC =;<=Q >N =;G?G >=GB?
NHA=;E>=;7 2C<LDG =H ?GDD =;G A>CS <CK LA<@GDG=Q
)H?< KGD>OGAGK LH=; >=GB? =H !JAGD>< >C "GLJ ">=R
E>=; =;G JCKGA?=<CK>CS =;<= !JAGD>< ?;<DDQ >C =JACQ
AG=JAC =;G >=GB? =H +>@=HA>< >C />BHSQ :JGWHC ">=R7
LJ= ?HDK =;G A>CSQ _GI= =;G @<?; IAH@GGK? =;GAGHN
=H ;GA?GDNQ <CK >??JGK < @;G@_ =H +>@=HA>< E;>@;
LHJC@GK7 +>@=HA>< ?JGK )H?< NHA '&-"1" JCKGA
!A=>@DG [6iQ )8"Q +>@=HA>< >C?>?=>CS =;<= KGD>OGAR =H
< =;>AK IGA?HC HN =;G =;>CS ;GDK >C =AJ?= >? CH= <
KGNGC?G >C '&-"1"7 &? )H?< @A>B>C<DDR D><LDG NHA
'&-"1" JCKGA =;G @>A@JB?=<C@G?F

!* no, 8osa cannoL be held crlmlnally llable for
estofo. AlLhough she recelved Lhe [ewelry from
vlcLorla under an obllgaLlon Lo reLurn Lhe same or
dellver Lhe proceeds Lhereof, she dld noL
mlsapproprlaLe lL. ln facL, she gave Lhem Lo Aurella
speclflcally Lo be reLurned Lo vlcLorla. 1he
mlsapproprlaLlon was done by Aurella, and absenL
Lhe showlng of any consplracy beLween Aurella and
8osa, Lhe laLLer cannoL be held crlmlnally llable for
Aurella's acLs. lurLhermore, as explalned above,
8osa's negllgence whlch may have allowed Aurella
Lo mlsapproprlaLe Lhe [ewelry does noL make her
crlmlnally llable for estofo. Y6ZZZ 4<A :JG?=>HC^

!""# 6& 3><A8= +KC<;=B 0>:N8>BH
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %

:* #>?=>CSJ>?; '&-"1" <CK >CN>KGD>=R >C =;G @J?=HKR

&.,&#$0&/1 &. /($ "2'/-#1
-, #-"2%$./'
rlvaLe lndlvldual
was enLrusLed
ubllc offlcer enLrusLed
lnLenL Lo defraud no lnLenL Lo defraud

:* &? KGB<CK < @HCK>=>HC IAG@GKGC= =H =;G
GM>?=GC@G HN @&-"1"F

3)* 1here musL be a formal demand on Lhe
offender Lo comply wlLh hls obllgaLlon before he
can be charged wlLh estofo.

1. When Lhe offender's obllgaLlon Lo comply
ls sub[ecL Lo a perlod, and
2. When Lhe accused cannoL be locaLed
desplLe due dlllgence.

-/($) ,-)%' -, '9&.#0&.3
Y!A=7 [6]^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G H=;GA NHAB? HN ?E>CKD>CSF

1. Conveylng, selllng, encumberlng, or
morLgaglng any real properLy, preLendlng
Lo be Lhe owner of Lhe same

a. 1hlng be lmmovable
b. Cffender who ls noL Lhe owner of
sald properLy should represenL LhaL
he ls Lhe owner Lhereof
c. Cffender should have execuLed an
acL of ownershlp (sellloq, leosloq,
eocombetloq ot mottqoqloq tbe teol
d. AcL ls made Lo Lhe pre[udlce of Lhe
owner or of a Lhlrd person.

2. ulsposlng real properLy knowlng lL Lo be
encumbered even lf Lhe encumbrance be
noL recorded.

a. 1hlng dlsposed of be real properLy,
b. Cffender knew LhaL Lhe real properLy
was encumbered, wheLher Lhe
encumbrance ls recorded or noL
c. 1here musL be express
represenLaLlon by Lhe offender LhaL
Lhe real properLy ls free from
d. AcL of dlsposlng of Lhe real properLy
be made Lo Lhe damage of anoLher

3. Wrongful Laklng of personal properLy
from lLs lawful possessor Lo Lhe pre[udlce
of Lhe laLLer or a Lhlrd person,

a. Cffender ls Lhe owner of personal
b. Sald personal properLy ls ln Lhe
lawful possesslon of anoLher
c. Cffender wrongfully Lakes lL from lLs
lawful possessor
d. re[udlce ls Lhereby caused Lo Lhe
possessor or Lhlrd person

4. LxecuLlng any flcLlLlous conLracL Lo Lhe
pre[udlce of anoLher.

3. AccepLlng any compensaLlon glven Lo hlm
under Lhe bellef lL was ln paymenL of
servlces or labor when he dld noL acLually
perform such servlces or labor. Selllng,
morLgaglng or ln any manner
encumberlng real properLy whlle belng a
sureLy ln bond wlLhouL express auLhorlLy
from Lhe courL or before belng relleved
from Lhe obllgaLlon.

a. Cffender ls a sureLy ln a bond glven
ln a crlmlnal or clvll acLlon
b. Pe guaranLeed Lhe fulflllmenL of
such obllgaLlon wlLh hls real properLy
or properLles
c. Pe sells, morLgages, or, ln any oLher
manner encumbers sald real
d. Such sale, morLgage or encumbrance
ls wlLhouL express auLhorlLy from Lhe
courL, or made before Lhe
cancellaLlon of hls bond, or before
belng relleved from Lhe obllgaLlon
conLracLed by hlm

'9&.#0&.3 ! %&.-)

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. Cffender Lakes advanLage of Lhe
lnexperlence or emoLlons or feellngs of a

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

2. Pe lnduces such mlnor Lo assume an
obllgaLlon, or Lo glve release, or Lo
execuLe a Lransfer of any properLy rlghL.
3. ConslderaLlon ls some loan of money,
credlL or oLher personal properLy.
4. 1ransacLlon ls Lo Lhe deLrlmenL of such

:* &? <@=J<D IAHHN HN KG@G>= HA B>?AGIAG?GC=<=>HC

!* no. lL ls sufflclenL LhaL Lhe offender Lakes
advanLage of Lhe lnexperlence or emoLlons of Lhe

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
-/($) #$"$&/'
Y!)/7 [6f^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G H=;GA _>CK? HN KG@G>= JCKGA !A=7

1. uefraudlng or damaglng anoLher by any
oLher decelL noL menLloned ln Lhe
precedlng arLlcles.
2. lnLerpreLlng dreams, maklng forecasLs,
Lelllng forLunes, or Laklng advanLage of
Lhe credullLy of Lhe publlc ln any oLher
slmllar manner, for proflL or galn.

.H=G* uecelLs ln Lhls arLlcle lnclude false preLenses and
fraudulenL acLs.

"(!//$0 %-)/3!3$

)$%-+!0Q '!0$ -) 80$#3$ -, %-)/3!3$#
8)-8$)/1 Y!A=7 [6Z^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G IJC>?;<LDG <@=?F

1. knowlngly removlng any personal
properLy morLgaged under Lhe ChaLLel
MorLgage Law Lo any provlnce or clLy
oLher Lhan Lhe one ln whlch lL was locaLed
aL Lhe Llme of execuLlon of Lhe morLgage,
wlLhouL Lhe wrlLLen consenL of Lhe
morLgagee or hls execuLors,
admlnlsLraLors or asslgns.

a. ersonal properLy ls morLgaged
under Lhe ChaLLel MorLgage Law
b. Cffender knows LhaL such properLy ls
so morLgaged
c. Cffender removes such morLgaged
personal properLy Lo any provlnce or
clLy oLher Lhan Lhe one ln whlch lL
was locaLed aL Lhe Llme of Lhe
execuLlon of Lhe morLgage
d. 8emoval ls permanenL
e. 1here ls no wrlLLen consenL of Lhe
morLgagee or hls execuLors,
admlnlsLraLors or asslgns Lo such

.H=G* Any person can be Lhe offender.

2. Selllng or pledglng personal properLy
already pledged, or any parL Lhereof,
under Lhe Lerms of Lhe ChaLLel MorLgage
Law, wlLhouL Lhe consenL of Lhe
morLgagee wrlLLen on Lhe back of Lhe
morLgage and noLed on Lhe record
Lhereof ln Lhe offlce of Lhe reglsLer of
deeds of Lhe provlnce where such
properLy ls locaLed.

a. ersonal properLy ls already pledged
under Lhe Lerms of Lhe ChaLLel
MorLgage Law
b. Cffender, who ls Lhe morLgagor of
such properLy, sells or pledges Lhe
same or any parL Lhereof
c. 1here ls no consenL of Lhe
morLgagee wrlLLen on Lhe back of
Lhe morLgage and noLed on Lhe
record Lhereof ln Lhe offlce of Lhe
reglsLer of deeds.

.H=G* ChaLLel morLgage musL be valld and
subslsLlng. 8emoval of Lhe morLgaged
personal properLy musL be coupled wlLh
lnLenL Lo defraud.

:* #>?=>CSJ>?; @;<==GD BHA=S<SG NAHB '&-"1"

"(!//$0 %-)/3!3$ @DB0X0
1he properLy lnvolved ls
personal properLy
1he properLy lnvolved
ls real properLy
Selllng or pledglng of
personal properLy already
pledged or morLgaged ls
commlLLed by Lhe mere
fallure Lo obLaln Lhe consenL
of Lhe morLgagee ln wrlLlng
even lf Lhe offender should
lnform Lhe purchaser LhaL
Lhe Lhlng sold ls morLgaged
1o consLlLuLe estofo, lL
ls sufflclenL LhaL Lhe
real properLy
morLgaged be sold as
free, even Lhough Lhe
vendor may have
obLalned Lhe consenL
of Lhe morLgagee ln
1he purpose of Lhe law ls Lo
proLecL Lhe morLgagee
1he purpose ls Lo
proLecL Lhe purchaser,
wheLher Lhe flrsL or
Lhe second

!""# 6& 3><A8= +KC<;=B 0>:N8>BH
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
!)'-. !.# -/($) ")&%$' &.+-0+&.3

:* 9;<= >? <A?HCF

!* Atsoo ls Lhe mallclous desLrucLlon of properLy by

.H=G* Laws on arson ln force are .u. 1613 and ArL.
320, as amended by 8.A. 7639.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G _>CK? HN <A?HCF

1. Arson, under Sec.1 of .u. 1613.
2. uesLrucLlve arson, under ArL. 320 8C, as
amended by 8.A. 7639.
3. CLher cases of arson, under Sec. 3 of .u.

#$'/)2"/&+$ !)'-.
Y!A=7 [cgQ <? <BGCKGK LR )! j]iZ^

:* (HE >? #G?=AJ@=>OG !A?HC @HBB>==GKF

1. Any person who shall burn:
a. Cne or more bulldlngs or edlflces,
consequenL Lo one slngle acL of
burnlng, or as a resulL of
slmulLaneous burnlngs, or
commlLLed on several or dlfferenL

b. Any bulldlng of publlc or prlvaLe
ownershlp, devoLed Lo Lhe publlc ln
general or where people usually
gaLher or congregaLe for a deflnlLe
purpose regardless of wheLher Lhe
offender had knowledge LhaL Lhere
are persons ln sald bulldlng or edlflce
aL Lhe Llme lL ls seL on flre and
regardless also of wheLher Lhe
bulldlng ls acLually lnhablLed or noL

c. Any Lraln or locomoLlve, shlp or
vessel, alrshlp or alrplane, devoLed
Lo LransporLaLlon or conveyance, or
for publlc use, enLerLalnmenL or

d. Any bulldlng, facLory, warehouse
lnsLallaLlon and any appurLenances
LhereLo, whlch are devoLed Lo Lhe
servlce of publlc uLlllLles

e. Any bulldlng Lhe burnlng of whlch ls
for Lhe purpose of conceallng or
desLroylng evldence of anoLher
vlolaLlon of law, or for purpose of
conceallng bankrupLcy or defraudlng
credlLors or Lo collecL from

2. 1wo or more persons or by a group of
persons, regardless of wheLher Lhelr
purpose ls merely Lo burn or desLroy Lhe
bulldlng or Lhe burnlng merely consLlLuLes
an overL acL ln Lhe commlsslon of anoLher
vlolaLlon of law.

3. Any person who shall burn:
a. Any arsenal, shlpyard, sLorehouse or
mlllLary powder or flreworks facLory,
ordlnance, sLorehouse, archlves or
general museum of Lhe CovernmenL.

b. ln an lnhablLed place, any
sLorehouse or facLory of lnflammable
or exploslve maLerlals.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G H=;GA _>CK? HN <A?HCF

!* 1he properLy burned ls any of Lhe followlng:
1. Any bulldlng used as offlces of Lhe
CovernmenL or any of lLs agencles,
2. Any lnhablLed house or dwelllng,
3. Any lndusLrlal esLabllshmenL, shlpyard, oll
well or mlne shafL, plaLform or Lunnel,
4. Any planLaLlon, farm, pasLure land,
growlng crop, graln fleld, orchard,
bamboo grove or foresL,
3. Any rlce mlll, sugar mlll, cane mlll or mlll
cenLral, and
6. Any rallway or bus sLaLlon, alrporL, wharf
or warehouse. (5ec.J l.u. 161J)

:* 9;<= <AG =;G ?IG@><D <SSA<O<=>CS @>A@JB?=<C@G?
>C <A?HCF Y'G@7 \Q 87#7 6]6[^*

1. lf commlLLed wlLh lnLenL Lo galn.
2. lf commlLLed for Lhe beneflL of anoLher.
3. lf Lhe offender ls moLlvaLed by splLe or
haLred Lowards Lhe owner or occupanL of
Lhe properLy burned.
4. lf commlLLed by a syndlcaLe. (5ec.4 lu

.H=G* Cffense ls commlLLed by a syndlcaLe lf
lL ls planned or carrled ouL by a group of
Lhree or more persons.


Where Lhe accused was charged wlLh vlolaLlon of .u.
613 wlLhouL speclfylng Lhe parLlcular provlslon
breached and Lhe lnformaLlon falllng Lo allege wheLher

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

or noL Lhe burnL house ls lnhablLed, and noL havlng
esLabllshed LhaL lL was slLuaLed ln a populaLed or
congesLed area, he should be deemed Lo have been
charged only wlLh plaln Arson under Sec. 1 of .u. 613.
(leople v. Cotlettez, C.k. No. 100699, Ioly 5, 1996)

:* .G?=HA E<? ;<K <C <ASJBGC= E>=; ;>? D>OG>C
;G<=GK K>?@J??>HCQ .G?=HA >C=>B<=GK =H (HCGR ;>?
KG?>AG =H ;<OG ?GM E>=; ;GA LJ= =;G ?<BG E<?
=;E<A=GK7 ,AJ?=A<=GK <CK >C@GC?GKQ .G?=HA ?G= N>AG
HC LH=; =;G ID<?=>@ I<A=>=>HC HN =;G AHHB <CK
(HCGRa? @DH=;G? >C =;G @<L>CG=7 !N=GA AG<D>W>CS E;<=
;G K>KQ .G?=HA <==GBI=GK =H IJ= HJ= =;G ND<BG? LJ=
>= E<? =HH D<=G7 /;>? AG?JD=GK =H =;G LJAC>CS HN
=;G>A ;HBG <CK =;G H=;GA CG>S;LHA>CS ;HJ?G?7
.G?=HA E<? NHA=;E>=; @HCO>@=GK HN KG?=AJ@=>OG
<A?HC7 9<? .G?=HAa? @HCO>@=>HC NHA =;G @A>BG HN

!* no, Lhe crlme commlLLed by nesLor ls slmple
arson penallzed under 5ec.J pot.2 of l.u. 161J as
Lhe properLles burned by hlm are speclflcally
descrlbed as houses, conLemplaLlng lnhablLed
houses or dwelllngs under Lhe aforesald law. Slmple
Arson conLemplaLes crlmes wlLh less slgnlflcanL
soclal, economlc, pollLlcal and naLlonal securlLy
lmpllcaLlons Lhan uesLrucLlve Arson. uesLrucLlve
arson under ArLlcle 320 of Lhe 8C, on Lhe oLher
hand, conLemplaLes Lhe burnlng of bulldlngs and
edlflces. (leople v. 5otlooo, C.k. No. 142565. Ioly
29, 200J)

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
%!0&"&-2' %&'"(&$,
Y!A=7 [cj^

:* 9;<= >? B<D>@>HJ? B>?@;>GNF

!* Mollcloos mlscblef ls Lhe wlllful damaglng of
anoLher's properLy by any acL noL consLlLuLlng
arson or crlmes of desLrucLlon due Lo haLe, revenge
or mere pleasure of desLroylng.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN B<D>@>HJ? B>?@;>GNF

1. Cffender dellberaLely caused damage Lo
Lhe properLy of anoLher
2. Such acL does noL consLlLuLe arson or
oLher crlmes lnvolvlng desLrucLlon
3. AcL of damaglng anoLher's properLy be
commlLLed merely for Lhe sake of
damaglng lL

.H=G* 1he properLy musL be personal properLy.

1here ls desLrucLlon of Lhe properLy of anoLher buL
Lhere ls no mlsapproprlaLlon. CLherwlse, lL would be
LhefL lf he gaLhers Lhe effecLs of desLrucLlon.

Mallclous mlschlef does noL necessarlly lnvolve moral

Mallclous mlschlef belng a dellberaLe acL cannoL be
commlLLed Lhru negllgence.

:* %<A>H E<? ;>AGK LR =;G 8.4 <? @<AG=<_GA HN >=?
DH= ?>=J<=GK >C 4<D<CS<Q 4<=<<C7 "HC?GTJGC=DRQ
%<A>H IJ= JI HC =;G ?<>K DH= < ?>SC E;>@; AG<K?
h.H /AG?I<??>CSQ 8.4 8AHIGA=Rh =H E<AK HNN
?TJ<==GA?7 #G?I>=G =;G ?>SCQ PJD>=<Q LGD>GO>CS =;<=
@HC?=AJ@=GK < C>I< ;J= =;GAGHC7 (GC@GQ %<A>HQ
KGBHD>?;GK PJD>=<e? ;J=7 ';G =;J? N>DGK E>=; =;G
%/" < @A>B>C<D @HBID<>C= NHA B<D>@>HJ? B>?@;>GN7

%<A>H <KB>==GK =;<= ;G KGD>LGA<=GDR KGBHD>?;GK
PJD>=<e? C>I< ;J= LJ= ;GQ ;HEGOGAQ @HC=GCK? =;<=
=;G =;>AK GDGBGC= HN =;G @A>BG HN B<D>@>HJ?
B>?@;>GNQ >7G7Q =;<= =;G <@= HN K<B<S>CS <CH=;GAe?
K<B<S>CS >=Q >? CH= IAG?GC= >C =;>? @<?G7 (G
B<>C=<>C? =;<= =;G KGBHD>=>HC HN =;G C>I< ;J= >? NHA
GBIDHRGA7 9<? =;G @HJA= @HAAG@= >C @HCO>@=>CS
%<A>H HN B<D>@>HJ? B>?@;>GNF

!* ?es, Marlo's convlcLlon for mallclous mlschlef
musL be susLalned. As Lo Lhe Lhlrd elemenL, Marlo
was noL [usLlfled ln summarlly and exLra[udlclally
demollshlng !ullLa's nlpa huL. As lL ls, Marlo
proceeded noL so much Lo safeguard Lhe loL as lL ls
Lhe venL Lo hls anger and dlsgusL over Lhe no
Lresspasslng" slgn he placed Lhereon. lndeed, hls
acL of summarlly demollshlng Lhe house smacks of
hls pleasure ln causlng damage Lo lL. (voletoso v.
leople, C.k. No. 149718. 5ept. 29, 200J)

'8$"&!0 "!'$' -, %!0&"&-2' %&'"(&$, !.#
:2!0&,&$# %!0&"&-2' %&'"(&$,
Y!A=7 [cf^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G IJC>?;<LDG <@=? JCKGA =;>? <A=>@DGF

1. Causlng damage Lo obsLrucL Lhe
performance of publlc funcLlons.

2. uslng any polsonous or corroslve

3. Spreadlng any lnfecLlons among caLLle.

4. Causlng damage Lo Lhe properLy of Lhe
naLlonal Museum or naLlonal Llbrary, or

!""# 6& 3><A8= +KC<;=B 0>:N8>BH
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
Lo any archlve or reglsLry, waLerworks,
road, promenade, or any oLher Lhlng used
ln common by Lhe publlc.

#!%!3$ -) -4'/)2"/&-. /- %$!.' -,
"-%%2.&"!/&-. Y!A=7 [[g^

:* (HE >? =;>? @A>BG @HBB>==GKF

!* lL ls commlLLed by damaglng any rallway,
Lelegraph or Lelephone llnes.

:* 9;<= EHJDK TJ<D>NR =;>? @A>BGF

!* lf Lhe damage resulLs ln any derallmenL of cars,
colllslon, or oLher accldenL.

#$'/)-1&.3 -) #!%!3&.3 '/!/2/$'Q 8240&"
%-.2%$./' -) 8!&./&.3' Y!A=7 [[6^

:* 9;H <AG IGA?HC? D><LDG NHA =;>? @A>BGF

1. Any person who shall desLroy or damage
sLaLuLes or any oLher useful or
ornamenLal publlc monumenLs
2. Any person who shall desLroy or damage
any useful or ornamenLal palnLlng of a
publlc naLure.

$`$%8/&-. ,)-% ")&%&.!0 0&!4&0&/1 &. ")&%$'
!3!&.'/ 8)-8$)/1

8$)'-.' $`$%8/ ,)-% ")&%&.!0 0&!4&0&/1
Y!A=7 [[c^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G @A>BG? >COHDOGK >C =;>? <A=>@DGF

1. 1hefL
2. Swlndllng (estofo)
3. Mallclous mlschlef

:* 9;H <AG =;G IGA?HC? GMGBI=GK JCKGA !A=7 [[cF

!* 1he followlng persons are exempLed from
crlmlnal llablllLy:
1. Spouses, ascendanLs and descendanLs, or
relaLlves by afflnlLy ln Lhe same llne.
2. 1he wldowed spouse wlLh respecL Lo Lhe
properLy whlch belonged Lo Lhe deceased
spouse before Lhe same passed lnLo Lhe
possesslon of anoLher.
3. 8roLhers and slsLers and broLherslnlaw
and slsLerslnlaw, lf llvlng LogeLher.


!* lncluded are sLepfaLher, adopLed chlldren,
naLural chlldren, concublne, and paramour.

.H=G* ArL. 332 also applles Lo commonlaw spouses.

LxempLlon does noL apply Lo sLrangers parLlclpaLlng ln
Lhe commlsslon of Lhe crlme.

stofo should noL be complexed wlLh any oLher crlme
ln order for exempLlon Lo operaLe.

!7 !C=>,GC@>CS 0<E Y87#7 .H7 6]6c^

:* 9;<= >? NGC@>CSF

!* leocloq ls Lhe acL of any person who, wlLh lnLenL
Lo galn for hlmself or for anoLher, shall buy, recelve,
possess, keep, acqulre, conceal, sell or dlspose of,
or shall buy and sell, or ln any oLher manner deal ln
any arLlcle, lLem, ob[ecL or anyLhlng of value whlch
he knows, or should be known Lo hlm, Lo have been
derlved from Lhe proceeds of Lhe crlme of robbery
or LhefL. (5ec. 2 jo])

:* 9;<= >? =;G G??GC@G HN NGC@>CSF

!* 1o be llable for fenclng, Lhe offender buys or
oLherwlse acqulres and Lhen sells or dlsposes of any
ob[ecL of value whlch he knows or should be known
Lo hlm Lo have been derlved from Lhe proceeds of
Lhe crlme of robbery or LhefL. (cooltl v. cA, C.k. No.
128J69, uec. 22, 1997)

:* 9;<= >? =;G C<=JAG HN =;G @A>BG HN NGC@>CSF

!* lenclng ls a crlme lnvolvlng moral LurplLude.

kotlo. ln fenclng, acLual knowledge of Lhe fence of Lhe
facL LhaL Lhe properLy recelved ls sLolen, dlsplays Lhe
same degree of mallclous deprlvaLlon of one's rlghLful
properLy as LhaL whlch anlmaLed Lhe robbery or LhefL
whlch by Lhelr very naLure are crlmes of moral
LurplLude. (uelo 1otte v. cOMlc, C.k. No. 121592,
Ioly 5, 1996)

:* 9;H >? < NGC@GF

!* A feoce lncludes any person, flrm, assoclaLlon,
corporaLlon or parLnershlp or oLher organlzaLlon
who/whlch commlLs Lhe acL of fenclng. (5ec. 2 jb])

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN NGC@>CSF

1. A crlme of robbery or LhefL has been

2. Accused who ls noL a prlnclpal or
accompllce ln Lhe crlme, buys, recelves,

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

possesses, keeps, acqulres, conceals, or
dlsposes, or buys and sells, or ln any
manner deals ln any arLlcle, lLem, ob[ecL
or anyLhlng of value, whlch has been
derlved from Lhe proceeds of Lhe crlme of
robbery or LhefL.

3. 1he accused knows or should have known
LhaL sald arLlcle, lLem, ob[ecL or anyLhlng
of value has been derlved from Lhe
proceeds of Lhe crlme of robbery or LhefL.

4. 1here ls, on Lhe parL of Lhe accused,
lnLenL Lo galn for hlmself or for anoLher.

.H=G* lenclng under u 1612 ls a dlsLlncL crlme from
LhefL and robbery.

lf Lhe parLlclpanL who proflLed ls belng prosecuLed
wlLh Lhe robber, Lhe parLlclpanL ls prosecuLed as an
accessory. lf he ls belng prosecuLed separaLely, Lhe
person who parLook of Lhe proceeds ls llable for
")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA


!* lenclng ls noL a conLlnulng offense. !urlsdlcLlon ls
wlLh Lhe courL of Lhe place where Lhe personal
properLy sub[ecL of Lhe robbery or LhefL was
possessed, boughL, kepL, or dealL wlLh. 1he place
where Lhe LhefL or robbery was commlLLed was


!* 1he mere possesslon of any good, arLlcle, lLem,
ob[ecL, or anyLhlng of value whlch has been Lhe
sub[ecL of robbery or Lhlevery shall be ptlmo focle
evldence of fenclng.

1he presumpLlon does noL offend Lhe presumpLlon
of lnnocence enshrlned ln Lhe fundamenLal law. lL
only shlfLed Lhe burden of proof Lo Lhe defense.
8urden of proof ls upon Lhe fence Lo overcome Lhe

.q. When Lhe prlce of an arLlcle ls way below ordlnary
prlces, Lhls facL may serve as knowledge/noLlce LhaL
Lhe arLlcle was derlved from Lhe proceeds of LhefL or


!* 1he law on fenclng does noL requlre Lhe accused
Lo have parLlclpaLed ln Lhe crlmlnal deslgn Lo
commlL, or Lo have been ln any wlse lnvolved ln Lhe
commlsslon of, Lhe crlme of robbery or LhefL.
nelLher ls Lhe crlme of robbery or LhefL made Lo
depend on an acL of fenclng ln order LhaL lL can be
consummaLed. (leople v. ue Cozmoo, C.k. No.
77J68, Octobet 5, 199J)

:* 9;<= >? =;G ?>B>D<A>=R HN NGC@G <CK <@@G??HAR >C

!* 1here ls a slmllarlLy ln Lhe sense LhaL all Lhe acLs
of one who ls an accessory Lo Lhe crlmes of robbery
or LhefL are lncluded ln Lhe acLs deflned as fenclng.
ln facL, Lhe accessory ln Lhe crlmes of robbery or
LhefL could be prosecuLed as such under Lhe 8C or
as a fence under .u. 1612. (ulzoolomlotooo v.
leople, C.k. No. 111426, Ioly 11, 1994)

:* 9;<= <AG =;G K>?=>C@=>HC? LG=EGGC 87#7 6]6c
<CK !A=7 6Z I<A7 6 HN =;G )8"F

,$."&.3 !""$''-)1
lenclng ls llmlLed Lo
LhefL and robbery. 1he
Lerms LhefL and robbery
are used as a generlc
Lerm Lo refer Lo any klnd
of unlawful Laklng, noL
[usL LhefL or robbery
noL llmlLed ln scope
Mere possesslon of
sLolen lLems creaLes a
presumpLlon of fenclng.
1here ls no presumpLlon
of vlolaLlon.
lenclng ls a prlnclpal
crlme ln lLself. As such, lL
can sLand on lLs own.
1here ls no need Lo
prove LhaL one ls gullLy
of LhefL or robbery.
lL ls necessary Lo prove
LhaL Lhe prlnclpal
commlLLed Lhe crlme.
Pence, before an
accessory could be held
llable, Lhe prlnclpal musL
have been convlcLed flrsL
of Lhe crlme charged
1he penalLy ls hlgher
Lhan Lhe penalLy of an
enalLy ls less Lhan LhaL
lmposed ln fenclng.
Molom ptoblbltom and
Lherefore Lhere ls no
need Lo prove crlmlnal
Molom lo se and Lherefore
Lhere ls a need Lo prove
crlmlnal lnLenL
1he fence need noL be a
naLural person buL may
be a flrm, assoclaLlon,
corporaLlon or
parLnershlp or oLher
naLural person only

:* %<R HCG E;H >? @;<ASGK <? <C <@@G??HAR JCKGA
!A=7 6Z I<A7 6 LG D>_GE>?G @;<ASGK JCKGA 87#7 6]6c
NHA =;G ?<BG <@=F

!* ?es. WhaL ls prohlblLed under Lhe ConsLlLuLlon ls
Lhe prosecuLlon of Lhe accused Lwlce for Lhe same

!""# 6& 3><A8= +KC<;=B 0>:N8>BH
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
.H=G* 1he SLaLe may choose Lo prosecuLe Lhe offender
elLher under Lhe 8C or u 1612 alLhough preference
for Lhe laLLer would seem lnevlLable conslderlng LhaL
fenclng ls a crlme malum prohlblLum, and u 1612
creaLes a presumpLlon of fenclng and prescrlbes a
hlgher penalLy based on Lhe value of Lhe properLy.
(ulzoolomlotooo v. leople, C.k. No. 111426, Ioly 11,

:* 9;GC KHG? HL=<>C>CS < @DG<A<C@GlIGAB>= =H
!* All sLores, esLabllshmenLs or enLlLles deallng ln
Lhe buy and sell of any good, arLlcle lLem, ob[ecL of
anyLhlng of value obLalned from an unllcensed
dealer or suppller Lhereof, shall before offerlng Lhe
same for sale Lo Lhe publlc, secure Lhe necessary
clearance or permlL from Lhe sLaLlon commander of
Lhe lnLegraLed naLlonal ollce ln Lhe Lown or clLy
where such sLore, esLabllshmenL or enLlLy ls
locaLed. 1he Chlef of ConsLabulary/ulrecLor
Ceneral, lnLegraLed naLlonal ollce shall
promulgaLe such rules and regulaLlons Lo carry ouL
Lhe provlslons of Lhls secLlon. Any person who falls
Lo secure Lhe clearance or permlL requlred by Lhls
secLlon or who vlolaLes any of Lhe provlslons of Lhe
rules and regulaLlons promulgaLed Lhereunder shall
upon convlcLlon be punlshed as a fence. (5ec.6)
47 4HJC@>CS ";G@_? 0<E Y4787 4DS7 cc^
:* 9;H <AG D><LDG JCKGA 4787 ccF
1. Any person who makes or draws and
lssues any check Lo apply on accounL or
for value, knowlng aL Lhe Llme of lssue
LhaL he does noL have sufflclenL funds ln
or credlL wlLh Lhe drawee bank for Lhe
paymenL of such check ln full upon lLs
presenLmenL, whlch check ls
subsequenLly dlshonored by Lhe drawee
bank for lnsufflclency of funds or credlL or
would have been dlshonored for Lhe
same reason had noL Lhe drawer, wlLhouL
any valld reason, ordered Lhe bank Lo
sLop paymenL.
2. Pavlng sufflclenL funds ln or credlL wlLh
Lhe drawee bank when he makes or
draws and lssues a check, shall fall Lo
keep sufflclenL funds or Lo malnLaln a
credlL Lo cover Lhe full amounL of Lhe
check lf presenLed wlLhln a perlod of 90
days from Lhe daLe appearlng Lhereon, for
whlch reason lL ls dlshonored by Lhe
drawee bank.(5ec.1)
:* 9;GC >? =;GAG ()$!" 1"5$' GO>KGC@G HN

3)* 1here ls a ptlmo focle evldence of
knowledge of lnsufflclenL funds when Lhe check
was presenLed wlLhln 90 days from Lhe daLe
appearlng on Lhe check and was dlshonored.

1. When Lhe check was presenLed afLer 90
days from daLe

2. When Lhe maker or drawer:

a. ays Lhe holder of Lhe check Lhe
amounL due wlLhln flve banklng days
afLer recelvlng noLlce LhaL such check
has noL been pald by Lhe drawee

b. Makes arrangemenLs for paymenL ln
full by Lhe drawee of such check
wlLhln flve banklng days afLer noLlce
of nonpaymenL.

O>HD<=>HC HN 47 87 ccF

!* SCAC no. 122000, as clarlfled by SCAC no. 13
2001, esLabllshed a rule on preference ln lmposlng
Lhe penalLles. When Lhe clrcumsLances of Lhe case
clearly lndlcaLe good falLh or clear mlsLake of facL
alone may be consldered as Lhe preferred penalLy.
1he deLermlnaLlon of Lhe clrcumsLances LhaL
warranL Lhe lmposlLlon of flne resLs upon Lrlal [udge
only. Should Lhe [udge deem LhaL lmprlsonmenL ls
approprlaLe, such penalLy may be lmposed.

:* &? LG>CS < N>A?= =>BG HNNGCKGA =;G ?HDG N<@=HA NHA

!* no. 1hls clrcumsLance ls however noL Lhe sole
facLor ln deLermlnlng wheLher he deserves Lhe
preferred penalLy of flne alone. 1he penalLy Lo be
lmposed depends on Lhe pecullar clrcumsLances of
each case. lL ls Lhe Lrlal courL's declslon Lo lmpose
any penalLy wlLhln Lhe conflnes of Lhe law. (5cAc
No. 1J2001)

.H=G* ln Lhe case of JootJo voco v. cA, C.k. No.
1J1714, Nov. 16, 1998, and koso llm v. leople, C.k.
No. 1J00J8, 5ept. 18, 2000, as well as ln
AdmlnlsLraLlve Clrcular no. 122000, Lhe SC modlfled
Lhe senLence lmposed for vlolaLlon of 8.. 22 by
deleLlng Lhe penalLy of lmprlsonmenL and lmposlng
only Lhe penalLy of flne ln an amounL double Lhe
amounL of Lhe check. Powever, by vlrLue of Lhe
passage of AdmlnlsLraLlve Clrcular no. 132001, Lhe SC
explalned LhaL Lhe clear Lenor of AdmlnlsLraLlve

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

Clrcular no. 122000 ls noL Lo remove lmprlsonmenL as
an alLernaLlve penalLy buL Lo lay down a rule of
preference ln Lhe appllcaLlon of Lhe penalLles provlded
for ln 8.. 22.

1hus, AdmlnlsLraLlve Clrcular no. 122000 esLabllshes a
rule of preference ln Lhe appllcaLlon of Lhe penal
provlslons of 8.. 22 such LhaL where Lhe
clrcumsLances of boLh Lhe offense and Lhe offender
clearly lndlcaLes good falLh or a clear mlsLake of facL
wlLhouL LalnL of negllgence, Lhe lmposlLlon of flne
alone should be consldered as Lhe more approprlaLe
penalLy. needless Lo say, Lhe deLermlnaLlon of
wheLher Lhe clrcumsLances warranL Lhe lmposlLlon of
flne alone resLs solely upon Lhe [udge. Should Lhe
[udge declde LhaL lmprlsonmenL ls Lhe more
approprlaLe penalLy, AdmlnlsLraLlve Clrcular no. 12
2000 oughL noL Lo be deemed a hlndrance.

1he dlscreLlon lles on Lhe CourL wheLher or noL Lhey
wlll lmpose Lhe penalLy of lmprlsonmenL ln cases of
vlolaLlon of 8 22.

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
"7 !C=>"<AC<II>CS !@= HN 6Zjc Y)7!7 ]i[Z^

(1) ueflnlLlon of Lerms

:* 9;<= >? @<AC<II>CSF

!* cotoopploq ls Lhe Laklng, wlLh lnLenL Lo galn, of a
moLor vehlcle belonglng Lo anoLher wlLhouL Lhe
laLLer's consenL, or by means of vlolence agalnsL or
lnLlmldaLlon of person, or by uslng force upon

.H=G* 1he overL acL whlch ls belng punlshed under Lhls
law as carnapplng ls also Lhe Laklng of a moLor vehlcle
under clrcumsLances of LhefL or robbery.

:* 9;<= >? < BH=HA OG;>@DGF

!* MoLor vehlcle" ls any vehlcle propelled by any
power oLher Lhan muscular power uslng Lhe publlc
hlghways, buL excepLlng road rollers, Lrolley cars,
sLreeLsweepers, sprlnklers, lawn mowers,
bulldozers, graders, forkllfLs, amphlblan Lrucks, and
cranes lf noL used on publlc hlghways, vehlcles,
whlch run only on ralls or Lracks, and LracLors,
Lrallers and LracLlon englnes of all klnds used
excluslvely for agrlculLural purposes. 1rallers havlng
any number of wheels, when propelled or lnLended
Lo be propelled by aLLachmenL Lo a moLor vehlcle,
shall be classlfled as separaLe moLor vehlcle wlLh no
power raLlng.lowpbl1'


!* "uefaclng or Lamperlng wlLh" a serlal number ls
Lhe eraslng, scraLchlng, alLerlng or changlng of Lhe
orlglnal facLorylnscrlbed serlal number on Lhe
moLor vehlcle englne, englne block or chassls of any
moLor vehlcle. Whenever any moLor vehlcle ls
found Lo have a serlal number on lLs moLor englne,
englne block or chassls whlch ls dlfferenL from LhaL
whlch ls llsLed ln Lhe records of Lhe 8ureau of
CusLoms for moLor vehlcles lmporLed lnLo Lhe
hlllpplnes, LhaL moLor vehlcle shall be consldered
Lo have a defaced or Lampered wlLh serlal number.

:* 9;<= >? AGI<>C=>CSF

!* 8epalnLlng ls changlng Lhe color of a moLor
vehlcle by means of palnLlng. 1here ls repalnLlng
whenever Lhe new color of a moLor vehlcle ls
dlfferenL from lLs color as reglsLered ln Lhe Land
1ransporLaLlon Commlsslon.

:* 9;<= >? LHKR LJ>DK>CSF

!* "8odybulldlng" ls a [ob underLaken on a moLor
vehlcle ln order Lo replace lLs enLlre body wlLh a
new body.

:* 9;<= >? AGBHKGD>CSF

!* "8emodellng" ls Lhe lnLroducLlon of some
changes ln Lhe shape or form of Lhe body of Lhe
moLor vehlcle.lowpbl1'

:* 9;<= >? K>?B<C=D>CSF

!* "ulsmanLllng" ls Lhe Learlng aparL, plece by plece
or parL by parL, of a moLor vehlcle.

:* 9;<= >? HOGA;<JD>CSF

!* Cverhaullng" ls Lhe cleanlng or repalrlng of Lhe
whole englne of a moLor vehlcle by separaLlng Lhe
moLor englne and lLs parLs from Lhe body of Lhe
moLor vehlcle.

:* (HE >? @<AC<II>CS @HBB>==GKF

!* lL can be commlLLed ln Lwo ways:

1. When Lhe sub[ecL maLLer ls a moLor
vehlcle and Lhe moLor vehlcle ls
unlawfully Laken Lhrough vlolence, LhreaL
or lnLlmldaLlon,


edro ls abouL Lo leave from uS1. upon
boardlng hls car, he was poked by x wlLh a
gun. x subsequenLly, Look edro's car.

2. ln any oLher unlawful means.

!""# 6& 3><A8= +KC<;=B 0>:N8>BH
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %

edro, a law sLudenL parked hls car
somewhere. Whlle aLLendlng hls Crlmlnal 2
class, edro's car was Laken.

.H=G* ln elLher case, Lhe Laklng ls always unlawful from
Lhe beglnnlng.

:* 'JIIH?G 8GKAHa? KA>OGA KAHOG <E<R ;>? @<AQ >? >=

!* no. 1he Laklng of Lhe vehlcle ls noL unlawful from
Lhe beglnnlng because Lhe drlver was auLhorlzed Lo
use Lhe vehlcle. 1he crlme ls quallfled LhefL of a
moLor vehlcle under ArLlcle 310 of Lhe 8C.

.H=G* lf Lhe moLor vehlcle was noL Laken by Lhe
offender buL was dellvered by Lhe owner or possessor
Lo Lhe offender, who LhereafLer mlsapproprlaLed Lhe
same, Lhe crlme ls elLher quallfled LhefL or estofo.

Cuallfled LhefL of a moLor vehlcle ls Lhe crlme lf only
Lhe maLerlal or physlcal possesslon was ylelded Lo Lhe
offender, oLherwlse, lf [urldlcal possesslon was also
ylelded, Lhe crlme ls estofo.

(2) 8eglsLraLlon

:* &C E;<= >C?=<C@G? >? AGS>?=A<=>HC AGTJ>AGKF


1. keqlsttotloo of motot veblcle eoqloe,
eoqloe block ooJ cbossls

.H=G* WlLhln one year afLer Lhe approval of Lhls AcL,
every owner or possessor of unreglsLered moLor
vehlcle or parLs Lhereof ln knock down condlLlon shall
reglsLer wlLh Lhe Land 1ransporLaLlon Commlsslon Lhe
1. MoLor vehlcle englne
2. Lnglne block
3. Chassls

:* 9;H ?;<DD AGS>?=GAF

!* 1he owner ln hls name or ln Lhe name of Lhe real
owner who shall be readlly avallable Lo answer any
clalm over Lhe reglsLered moLor vehlcle englne,
englne block or chassls.

:* 9;<= >? =;G GNNG@= >N BH=HA OG;>@DG GCS>CG?Q
GCS>CG LDH@_? <CK @;<??>? <AG CH= AGS>?=GAGKF

!* lL shall be consldered as:
1. unLaxed lmporLaLlon
2. Comlng from an lllegal source
3. Carnapped

.H=G* lL shall be conflscaLed ln favor of Lhe

.H=G* All owners of moLor vehlcles ln all clLles and
munlclpallLles are requlred Lo reglsLer Lhelr cars wlLh
Lhe local pollce wlLhouL paylng any charges.

2. keqlsttotloo of sole, ttoosfet, cooveyooce,
sobstltotloo ot teplocemeot of o motot
veblcle eoqloe, eoqloe block ot cbossls.

.H=G* lL shall be made wlLh Lhe Land 1ransporLaLlon

MoLor vehlcles assembled and rebullL or repalred by
replacemenL wlLh moLor vehlcle englnes, englne blocks
and chassls noL reglsLered wlLh Lhe Land
1ransporLaLlon Commlsslon shall noL be lssued
cerLlflcaLes of reglsLraLlon and shall be consldered as
unLaxed lmporLed moLor vehlcles or moLor vehlcles
carnapped or proceedlng from lllegal sources.

(3) Who are llable

(a) uuLy of collecLor of cusLoms

:* 9;<= >? =;G KJ=R HN @HDDG@=HA HN @J?=HB?F

!* 1he CollecLor of CusLoms of a prlnclpal porL of
enLry where an lmporLed moLor vehlcle, moLor
vehlcle englne, englne block chassls or body ls
unloaded, shall, wlLhln 7 days afLer Lhe arrlval of
Lhe lmporLed moLor vehlcle or any of lLs parLs
enumeraLed hereln, make a reporL of Lhe shlpmenL
Lo Lhe Land 1ransporLaLlon Commlsslon, speclfylng
Lhe make, Lype and serlal numbers, lf any, of Lhe
moLor vehlcle englne, englne block and chassls or
body, and sLaLlng Lhe names and addresses of Lhe
owner or conslgnee Lhereof.

.H=G* lf Lhe moLor vehlcle englne, englne block, chassls
or body does noL bear any serlal number, Lhe CollecLor
of CusLoms concerned shall hold Lhe moLor vehlcle
englne, englne block, chassls or body unLll lL ls
numbered by Lhe Land 1ransporLaLlon Commlsslon.

(b) uuLy of lmporLers, dlsLrlbuLors and sellers

:* 9;<= >? =;G KJ=R HN >BIHA=GA?Q K>?=A>LJ=HA? <CK

!* Any person engaged ln Lhe lmporLaLlon,
dlsLrlbuLlon, and buylng and selllng of moLor
vehlcles, moLor vehlcle englnes, englne blocks,
chassls or body, shall:
1. keep a permanenL record of hls sLocks,
sLaLlng Lhereln:
a. 1helr Lype, make and serlal
numbers, and Lhe names and

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

addresses of Lhe persons from
whom Lhey were acqulred and
b. 1he names and addresses of Lhe
persons Lo whom Lhey were
sold, and
2. 8ender an accuraLe monLhly reporL of hls
LransacLlons ln moLor vehlcles Lo Lhe Land
1ransporLaLlon Commlsslon.
")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA

(c) Clearance and permlL


1. lot ossembly ot tebollJloq of motot
veblcles. - Any person who shall
underLake Lo assemble or rebulld or cause
Lhe assembly or rebulldlng of a moLor
vehlcle shall flrsL secure a cerLlflcaLe of
clearance from Lhe hlllpplne

.H=GW 1haL no such permlL shall be lssued
unless Lhe appllcanL shall presenL a
sLaLemenL under oaLh conLalnlng Lhe Lype,
make and serlal numbers of Lhe englne,
chassls and body, lf any, and Lhe compleLe
llsL of Lhe spare parLs of Lhe moLor vehlcle Lo
be assembled or rebullL LogeLher wlLh Lhe
names and addresses of Lhe sources

.H=G* ln Lhe case of moLor vehlcle englnes Lo be
mounLed on moLor boaLs, moLor bancas and oLher
llghL waLer vessels, Lhe appllcanL shall secure a permlL
from Lhe hlllpplne CoasL Cuard, whlch offlce shall ln
Lurn furnlsh Lhe Land 1ransporLaLlon Commlsslon Lhe
perLlnenL daLa concernlng Lhe moLor vehlcle englnes
lncludlng Lhelr Lype, make and serlal numbers.

2. cleotooce tepolteJ fot sblpmeot of motot
veblcles, motot veblcle eoqloes, eoqloe
blocks, cbossls ot boJy Any person who
owns or operaLes lnLerlsland shlpplng or
any waLer LransporLaLlon wlLh launches,
boaLs, vessels or shlps shall wlLhln 7 days
submlL a reporL Lo Lhe hlllpplne
ConsLabulary on all moLor vehlcle, moLor
vehlcle englnes, englne blocks, chassls or
bodles LransporLed by lL for Lhe moLor
vehlcle, moLor vehlcle englne, englne
block, chassls or body Lo be loaded on
board Lhe launch, boaL vessel or shlp.

(4) unlshable acLs

:* 9;<= <AG =;G IJC>?;<LDG <@=?F

1. uefaclng or Lamperlng wlLh serlal
numbers of moLor vehlcle englnes, englne
blocks and chassls.
2. Carnapplng

#7 (JB<C 'G@JA>=R !@= HN cggj Y)7!7 Z[jc^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G IJC>?;<LDG <@=? HN =GAAHA>?BF


1. Any person who commlLs an acL punlshable
under any of Lhe followlng provlslons of Lhe:

a. klc:
l. lracy ln Ceneral and MuLlny ln Lhe
Plgh Seas or ln Lhe hlllpplne WaLers
ll. 8ebelllon or lnsurrecLlon
lll. coop J'etot, lncludlng acLs commlLLed
by prlvaLe persons
lv. Murder
v. kldnapplng and Serlous lllegal
vl. Crlmes lnvolvlng uesLrucLlon, or

b. 5peclol leool lows.
l. 1he Law on Arson
ll. 1oxlc SubsLances and Pazardous and
nuclear WasLe ConLrol AcL of 1990
lll. ALomlc Lnergy 8egulaLory and LlablllLy
AcL of 1968
lv. AnLlPl[acklng Law
v. AnLllracy and AnLlPlghway 8obbery
Law of 1974 and
vl. uecree Codlfylng Lhe Laws on lllegal
and unlawful ossesslon, ManufacLure,
ueallng ln, AcqulslLlon or ulsposlLlon of
llrearms, AmmunlLlons or Lxploslves

.H=G* 1he abovemenLloned acL musL:
1. Sow and creaLe a condlLlon of wldespread
and exLraordlnary fear and panlc among Lhe
2. Coerce Lhe governmenL Lo glve ln Lo an
unlawful demand. (5ec. J)

2. ersons who consplre Lo commlL Lhe crlme of

$7 !C=>!A?HC 0<E Y87#76]6[^
:* 9;H <AG D><LDG JCKGA 87#7 6]6[
!* Any person who:
1. 8urns or seLs flre Lo Lhe properLy of

!""# 6& 3><A8= +KC<;=B 0>:N8>BH

!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
2. Any person who person seLs flre Lo hls
own properLy under clrcumsLances whlch
expose Lo danger Lhe llfe or properLy of
:* 9;GC >? =;GAG KG?=AJ@=>OG <A?HCF
!: When Lhe properLy burned ls:
1. Any ammunlLlon facLory and oLher
esLabllshmenL where exploslves,
lnflammable or combusLlble maLerlals are
2. Any archlve, museum, wheLher publlc or
prlvaLe, or any edlflce devoLed Lo culLure,
educaLlon or soclal servlces.
3. Any church or place of worshlp or oLher
bulldlng where people usually assemble.
4. Any Lraln, alrplane or any alrcrafL, vessel or
waLercrafL, or conveyance for
LransporLaLlon of persons or properLy
3. Any bulldlng where evldence ls kepL for use
ln any leglslaLlve, [udlclal, admlnlsLraLlve
or oLher offlclal proceedlngs.
6. Any hosplLal, hoLel, dormlLory, lodglng
house, houslng LenemenL, shopplng
cenLer, publlc or prlvaLe markeL, LheaLer
or movle house or any slmllar place or
7. Any bulldlng, wheLher used as a dwelllng or
noL, slLuaLed ln a populaLed or congesLed
:* 9;<= <AG =;G H=;GA @<?G? HN !A?HCF
!* When Lhe properLy burned ls:
1. Any bulldlng used as offlces of Lhe
governmenL or any of lLs agencles
2. Any lnhablLed house or dwelllng
3. Any lndusLrlal esLabllshmenL, shlpyard, oll
well or mlne shafL, plaLform or Lunnel
4. Any planLaLlon, farm, pasLureland, growlng
crop, graln fleld, orchard, bamboo grove
or foresL
3. Any rlce mlll, sugar mlll, cane mlll or mlll
6. Any rallway or bus sLaLlon, alrporL, wharf
or warehouse.(5ec.J)
:* 9;<= <AG =;G <SSA<O<=>CS @>A@JB?=<C@G JCKGA
87#7 6]6[F
1. lf commlLLed wlLh lnLenL Lo galn
2. lf commlLLed for Lhe beneflL of anoLher
3. lf Lhe offender ls moLlvaLed by splLe or
haLred Lowards Lhe owner or occupanL of Lhe
properLy burned
4. lf commlLLed by a syndlcaLe
.H=G: 1he offense ls commlLLed by a syndlcaLe lf lLs ls
planned or carrled ouL by a group of Lhree (3) or more
lf Lhe foregolng clrcumsLance(s) are presenL, Lhe
penalLy shall be lmposed Lo lLs maxlmum
(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
`&7 ")&%$' !3!&.'/ "(!'/&/1

:* 9;<= <AG IA>O<=G @A>BG?F

!* 1he crlmes of adulLery, concublnage, seducLlon,
abducLlon and acLs of lasclvlousness are Lhe so
called prlvaLe crlmes. 1hey cannoL be prosecuLed
excepL upon Lhe complalnL lnlLlaLed by Lhe
offended parLy.

kotlo. 1he law regards Lhe prlvacy of Lhe offended
parLy here as more lmporLanL Lhan Lhe dlsLurbance Lo
Lhe order of socleLy. 1he law glves Lhe offended parLy
Lhe preference wheLher Lo sue or noL Lo sue.

8uL Lhe momenL Lhe offended parLy has lnlLlaLed Lhe
crlmlnal complalnL, Lhe publlc prosecuLor wlll Lake over
and conLlnue wlLh prosecuLlon of Lhe offender. 1hls ls
so because when Lhe prosecuLlon sLarLs, Lhe crlme
already becomes publlc and lL ls beyond Lhe offended
parLy Lo pardon Lhe offender.

!#20/$)1 !.# "-."24&.!3$

Y!A=7 [[[^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN <KJD=GARF

1. Woman ls marrled
2. She has sexual lnLercourse wlLh a man noL
her husband
3. As regards Lhe man wlLh whom she has
sexual lnLercourse, he musL know her Lo
be marrled

.H=G* lor adulLery Lo exlsL, Lhere musL be a marrlage
alLhough lL be subsequenLly annulled. Powever, even lf
Lhe marrlage of a gullLy woman wlLh Lhe offended
parLy be subsequenLly declared vold, Lhere ls sLlll
adulLery because unLll Lhe marrlage ls declared Lo be
null and vold by compeLenL auLhorlLy ln a flnal
[udgmenL, Lhe offense Lo Lhe vows Laken and Lhe
aLLack Lo Lhe famlly exlsL.

AdulLery ls an lnsLanLaneous crlme whlch ls
consummaLed and compleLed aL Lhe momenL of Lhe
carnal unlon.

A slngle lnLercourse consummaLes Lhe crlme of
adulLery. Lach sexual lnLercourse consLlLuLes a crlme
of adulLery, even lf lL lnvolves Lhe same man.

1here ls no frusLraLed adulLery because of Lhe naLure
of Lhe offense.

AbandonmenL wlLhouL [usLlflcaLlon ls noL exempLlng,
buL only mlLlgaLlng clrcumsLance.

:* &? <@TJ>==<D HN HCG HN =;G KGNGCK<C=? HIGA<=G?
<? < @<J?G HN <@TJ>==<D HN =;G H=;GAF

!* no, because of Lhe followlng reasons:
1. 1here may noL be a [olnL crlmlnal lnLenL,
alLhough Lhere ls [olnL physlcal acL.

2. Cne of Lhe parLles may be lnsane and Lhe
oLher sane, ln whlch case, only Lhe sane
could be held llable crlmlnally.

3. 1he man may noL know LhaL Lhe woman ls
marrled, ln whlch case, Lhe man ls

4. ueaLh of Lhe woman durlng Lhe pendency
of Lhe acLlon cannoL defeaL Lhe Lrlal and
convlcLlon of Lhe man.

3. Lven lf Lhe man had lefL Lhe counLry and
could noL be apprehended, Lhe woman
can be Lrled and convlcLed.

:* 9;<= >? =;G A<=>HC<DG HN =;G D<E NHA IGC<D>W>CS

!* 1he vlolaLlon of Lhe marrlage vow seems Lo be
Lhe fundamenLal ground for Lhe punlshmenL of
adulLery and noL Lhe posslblllLy of lnLroduclng an
offsprlng lnLo Lhe famlly.

.H=G* Lven a marrled woman who due Lo her age, can
no longer concelve, ls llable for adulLery.

ardon musL come before Lhe lnsLlLuLlon of Lhe
crlmlnal prosecuLlon. 8oLh Lhe offenders musL be
pardoned by Lhe offended parLy.

:* (HE >? <KJD=GAR K>?=>CSJ>?;GK NAHB

!#20/$)1 8)-'/&/2/&-.
lL ls a prlvaLe offense.
lL ls a crlme agalnsL publlc
CommlLLed by a woman
wheLher marrled or noL,
who for money or proflL,
hablLually lndulges ln
sexual lnLercourse or
lasclvlous conducL.
CommlLLed by a marrled
woman who shall have
lnLercourse wlLh a man
noL her husband.

Y!A=7 [[\^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G IJC>?;<LDG <@=?F

1. keeplng a mlsLress ln Lhe con[ugal dwelllng.

!""# 6& 3><A8= +KC<;=B 3EC=B<BH
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
2. Pavlng sexual lnLercourse, under
scandalous clrcumsLances, wlLh a woman
who ls noL hls wlfe.
3. CohablLlng wlLh her ln any oLher place.

.H=G* unllke ln adulLery where a slngle sexual
lnLercourse may consLlLuLe such a crlme, ln
concublnage, a marrled man ls llable only when he
does Lhe above acLs.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN @HC@JL>C<SGF

1. Man musL be marrled.

2. Pe commlLLed any of Lhe followlng acLs:
a. keeplng a mlsLress ln Lhe con[ugal
dwelllng, or
b. Pavlng sexual lnLercourse, under
scandalous clrcumsLances, wlLh a
woman who ls noL hls wlfe, or
c. CohablLlng wlLh her ln any oLher

3. As regards Lhe woman, she musL know
hlm Lo be marrled.

:* 9;H >? >C@DJKGK >C =;G @HBID<>C=F

!* 1he complalnL musL lnclude boLh parLles lf Lhey
are boLh allve. ln case of pardon or when Lhe
offended spouse consenLed, Lhe same shall bar Lhe
prosecuLlon of Lhe offenses, provlded lL be done
before Lhe lnsLlLuLlon or flllng of crlmlnal complalnL.

Cnly Lhe offended spouse can brlng Lhe

1hls ls a crlme commlLLed by Lhe marrled man, Lhe
husband. Slmllarly, lL lncludes Lhe woman who had
a relaLlonshlp wlLh Lhe marrled man.

.H=G* Concublnage lnvolves moral LurplLude.
Concublnage ls a conLlnulng crlme.


lf Lhe charges conslsL ln keeplng a mlsLress ln Lhe
con[ugal dwelllng, Lhere ls no need of proof of sexual
lnLercourse. 1he con[ugal dwelllng ls Lhe house of Lhe
spouses even lf Lhe wlfe happens Lo be Lemporarlly
absenL Lherefrom. 1he woman however musL be
broughL Lo Lhe con[ugal house by Lhe accused as
concublne Lo fall under Lhls arLlcle. 1hus, lf Lhe co
accused was volunLarlly Laken and shelLered by Lhe
spouses ln Lhelr house, and LreaLed as an adopLed
chlld belng a relaLlve of Lhe complalnlng wlfe, her llllclL
relaLlons wlLh Lhe accused husband does noL make her
a mlsLress.


lf Lhe charge ls cohablLlng wlLh a woman noL hls
wlfe ln any oLher place, proof of acLual sexual
lnLercourse may noL be necessary Loo. 8uL Lhe Lerm
cohablL" means lnLercourse LogeLher as husband
or wlfe or llvlng LogeLher as husband and wlfe. 1he
cohablLaLlon musL be for some perlod of Llme whlch
may be a week, a year or longer as dlsLlngulshed
from occaslonal or LranslenL meeLlngs for unlawful
sexual lnLercourse.

:* %<R < ;J?L<CK LG D><LDG NHA @HC@JL>C<SG <CK
<KJD=GAR <= =;G ?<BG =>BG NHA =;G ?<BG <@= HN >DD>@>=

!* ?es, when Lhe husband commlLs concublnage
wlLh a marrled woman and provlded LhaL Lhe Lwo
offended parLles, l.e., hls wlfe and Lhe husband of
hls mlsLress flle separaLe cases agalnsL hlm.

!"/' -, 0!'"&+&-2'.$''

:* 9;<= <AG =;G =EH _>CK? HN <@=? HN

!* AcLs of lasclvlousness:
1. under Attlcle JJ6 (AcLs of lasclvlousness)
2. under Attlcle JJ9 (AcLs of lasclvlousness
wlLh Lhe consenL of Lhe offended parLy)

!"/' -, 0!'"&+&-2'.$''
Y!A=7 [[]^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. Cffender commlLs any acL of
lasclvlousness or lewdness.
2. AcL of lasclvlousness ls commlLLed agalnsL
a person of elLher sex.
3. lL ls done under any of Lhe followlng
a. 8y uslng force or lnLlmldaLlon,
b. When Lhe offended parLy ls deprlved
of reason or oLherwlse unconsclous,
c. 8y means of fraudulenL machlnaLlon
or grave abuse of auLhorlLy,
d. When Lhe offended parLy ls under 12
years of age or ls demenLed.

.H=G* under ArL. 336, acLs of lasclvlousness ls
commlLLed when Lhe acL performed wlLh lewd deslgn
was perpeLraLed under clrcumsLances whlch would
have broughL abouL Lhe crlme of rape lf sexual
lnLercourse was effecLed.

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%


When Lhe accused noL only klssed and embraced Lhe
complalnanL buL also fondled her breasL wlLh
parLlcular deslgn Lo lndependenLly derlve vlcarlous
pleasure Lherefrom, Lhe elemenL of lewd deslgn exlsLs.

lf lewd deslgn cannoL be proven as where Lhe accused
merely klssed and embraced Lhe complalnanL elLher
ouL of passlon or oLher moLlve, Louchlng her breasL as
a mere lncldenL, Lhe acL would be caLegorlzed as
un[usL vexaLlon. (leople v. cllmoco, 46 O.C. J186)
")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA


!* 1he offended parLy may be a man or a woman:
1. under 12 years of age, or
2. 8elng over 12 years of age, Lhe lasclvlous
acLs were commlLLed on hlm or her
Lhrough vlolence or lnLlmldaLlon, or whlle
Lhe offender parLy was deprlved of
reason, or oLherwlse unconsclous.

:* 9;<= >? AGTJ>AGK >C HAKGA =H ?J?=<>C @HCO>@=>HC
NHA <@=? HN D<?@>O>HJ?CG??F

!* lL ls essenLlal LhaL Lhe acLs complalned of be
prompLed by lusL or lewd deslgns and LhaL Lhe
vlcLlm dld noL consenL or encourage such acLs.

:* &? >C=GC= =H A<IG <C GDGBGC= HN =;G @A>BGF

!* lnLenL Lo rape ls noL a necessary elemenL of Lhe
crlme of acLs of lasclvlousness, oLherwlse, Lhere
would be no crlme of aLLempLed rape.

.H=G* 1here can be no frusLraLlon of acLs of
lasclvlousness, or rape or of adulLery.

kotlo. lrom Lhe momenL Lhe offender performs all
elemenLs necessary for Lhe exlsLence of Lhe felony, he
acLually aLLalns hls purpose and, from LhaL momenL, all
Lhe essenLlal elemenLs of Lhe offense have been

:* 9;<= <AG =;G K>?=>C@=>HC? LG=EGGC <@=? HN
D<?@>O>HJ?CG?? <CK <==GBI=GK A<IGF

!"/' -,
!//$%8/$# )!8$
urpose ls only Lo
commlL acLs of
urpose ls Lo lle wlLh Lhe
offended woman.
Lasclvlous acLs are
Lhemselves Lhe flnal
ob[ecLlve soughL by
Lhe offender.
Lasclvlous acLs are buL Lhe
preparaLory acLs Lo Lhe
commlsslon of rape.


1hus, when Lhe accused llfLed Lhe dress of Lhe
offended parLy, and placed hlmself on Lop of her buL
Lhe woman awoke and screamed for help and desplLe
LhaL, Lhe accused perslsLed ln hls purpose, Learlng Lhe
drawers, klsslng and fondllng her breasLs, Lhe crlme ls
noL only acLs of lasclvlousness buL LhaL of aLLempLed

'$#2"/&-.Q "-))28/&-. -, %&.-)' !.#
9(&/$ '0!+$ /)!#$


:* (HE >? ?GKJ@=>HC @HBB>==GKF

!* 5eJoctloo ls commlLLed by enLlclng a woman Lo
unlawful sexual lnLercourse by promlse of marrlage
or oLher means of persuaslon wlLhouL use of force.

:2!0&,&$# '$#2"/&-.
Y!A=7 [[j^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G <@=? =;<= @HC?=>=J=G TJ<D>N>GK

1. SeducLlon of a vlrgln over 12 years and
under 18 years of age by cerLaln persons,
such as, a person ln auLhorlLy, prlesL,
Leacher, eLc., and

a. Cffended parLy ls a vlrgln whlch ls
presumed lf she ls unmarrled and of
good repuLaLlon
b. fShe ls over 12 and under 18 years of
c. Cffender has sexual lnLercourse
wlLh her
d. 1here ls abuse of auLhorlLy,
confldence or relaLlonshlp on Lhe
parL of Lhe offender

2. SeducLlon of a slsLer by her broLher, or
descendanL by her ascendanL, regardless
of her age or repuLaLlon.

.H=G* ln Lhls case, lL ls noL necessary LhaL
Lhe offended parLy ls sLlll a vlrgln.


1. 1hose who abused Lhelr auLhorlLy:
a. erson ln publlc auLhorlLy
b. Cuardlan

!""# 6& 3><A8= +KC<;=B 3EC=B<BH
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
c. 1eacher
d. erson who, ln any capaclLy, ls
enLrusLed wlLh Lhe educaLlon or
cusLody of Lhe woman seduced

2. 1hose who abused confldence reposed ln
a. rlesL
b. Pouse servanL
c. uomesLlc


Where Lhe complalnanL who ls 16 years old
llves ln Lhe same house where Lhe accused,
her uncle, also llves, Lhe laLLer ls gullLy of
Cuallfled SeducLlon when he had sexual
lnLercourse wlLh her wlLh consenL slnce he ls
consldered a domesLlc. (leople v.
5obloqsobloq, C.k. Nos. 1049424J Nov.25,

A domesLlc ls applled Lo a person usually
llvlng under Lhe same roof, perLalnlng Lo Lhe
same house, and consLlLuLlng ln Lhls sense a
parL Lhereof, dlsLlngulshlng lL from Lhe Lerm
servanL. (leople vs. Alvotez, 55 5ckA 92)

3. 1hose who abused Lhelr relaLlonshlp:
a. 8roLher who seduced hls slsLer
b. AscendanL who seduced hls

.H=G* Cuallfled seducLlon lnvolves sexual lnLercourse
whlch was done wlLh Lhe consenL of Lhe woman,
oLherwlse, Lhe crlme ls rape. 1he offended woman
musL be over 12 buL below 18 years.

AlLhough ln quallfled seducLlon, Lhe age of Lhe
offended woman ls consldered, lf Lhe offended parLy ls
a descendanL or a slsLer of Lhe offender - no maLLer
how old she ls or wheLher she ls a prosLlLuLe - Lhe
crlme of quallfled seducLlon ls commlLLed.

uecelL ls noL necessary ln quallfled seducLlon.

:* 9;<= >? =;G BG<C>CS HN O>AS>C>=R NHA IJAIH?G? HN

!* vlrglnlLy does noL mean physlcal vlrglnlLy. lL
refers Lo a woman of chasLe characLer or vlrLuous
woman of good repuLaLlon.

.H=G* vlrglnlLy ls noL Lo be undersLood ln so a maLerlal
sense as Lo exclude Lhe ldea of abducLlon of a vlrLuous
woman of a good repuLaLlon. 1hus, when Lhe accused
clalms he had prlor sexual lnLercourse wlLh Lhe
complalnanL, Lhe laLLer ls sLlll Lo be consldered a vlrgln.
8uL lf lL was esLabllshed LhaL Lhe glrl had carnal
relaLlons wlLh oLher men, Lhere can be no crlme of
SeducLlon as she ls noL a vlrgln.

'&%80$ '$#2"/&-.
Y!A=7 [[f^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN ?>BIDG ?GKJ@=>HCF

1. Cffended parLy ls over 12 and under 18
years of age.
2. She musL be of good repuLaLlon, slngle or
3. Cffender has sexual lnLercourse wlLh her.
4. lL ls commlLLed by means of decelL.

.H=G* vlrglnlLy of offended parLy ls noL requlred.

1he decelL generally Lakes form of an unfulfllled
promlse Lo marry, and Lhls promlse need noL
lmmedlaLely precede Lhe sexual acL.

!"/' -, 0!'"&+&-2'.$'' 9&/( /($ "-.'$./ -,
/($ -,,$.#$# 8!)/1 Y!A=7 [[Z^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. Cffender commlLs acLs of lasclvlousness
or lewdness.

2. AcLs are commlLLed upon a woman who ls
vlrgln or slngle or wldow of good
repuLaLlon, under 18 years of age buL
over 12 years, or a slsLer or descendanL
regardless of her repuLaLlon or age.

3. Cffender accompllshes Lhe acLs by abuse
of auLhorlLy, confldence, relaLlonshlp, or

4. Male cannoL be Lhe offended parLy ln Lhls

.H=G* ln oLher words, where Lhe acLs of Lhe offender
were llmlLed Lo acLs of lewdness or lasclvlousness, and
no carnal knowledge was had, buL had Lhere been
sexual lnLercourse, Lhe offense would have been
seducLlon, he ls gullLy of AcLs of Lasclvlousness under
Lhls arLlcle.

:* #>?=>CSJ>?; !@=? HN D<?@>O>HJ?CG?? JCKGA !A=7 [[]
NAHB !A=7 [[Z7

!)/&"0$ [[] !)/&"0$ [[Z
1he acLs are commlLLed
under clrcumsLances
whlch had Lhere been
1he acLs of lasclvlousness
are commlLLed under Lhe
clrcumsLances whlch had

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

carnal knowledge, would
amounL Lo rape.
Lhere been carnal
knowledge, would
amounL Lo elLher
quallfled seducLlon or
slmple seducLlon.
1he offended parLy
ls a female or male
1he offended parLy
should only be female
")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA

"-))28/&-. -, %&.-)'
Y!A=7 [\gQ <? <BGCKGK LR 4787 Zc^

:* 9;H <AG =;G IGA?HC? D><LDG JCKGA =;>? <A=>@DGF

!* Any person who shall promoLe or faclllLaLe Lhe
prosLlLuLlon or corrupLlon of persons under age Lo
saLlsfy Lhe lusL of anoLher.

:* &? >= CG@G??<AR =;<= JC@;<?=G <@=? <AG KHCGF

!* no. Mere proposal consummaLes Lhe offense.

.H=G* vlcLlm musL be of good repuLaLlon, noL a
prosLlLuLe or corrupLed person.

under Lhe presenL wordlngs of Lhe law, a slngle acL of
promoLlng or faclllLaLlng Lhe corrupLlon or prosLlLuLlon
of mlnor ls sufflclenL Lo consLlLuLe vlolaLlon of Lhls


1hls ls usually Lhe acL of a plmp who offers Lo pleasure
seekers, women for Lhe saLlsfacLlon of Lhelr lusLful
deslres. A mere proposal would consummaLe Lhe
crlme. 8uL lL musL be Lo saLlsfy Lhe lusL of anoLher, noL
hls (proponenL's). 1he vlcLlm musL be below 18.

9(&/$ '0!+$ /)!#$
Y!A=7 [\6^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G IJC>?;<LDG <@=?F

1. Lngaglng ln Lhe buslness of prosLlLuLlon

2. roflLlng by prosLlLuLlon

3. LnllsLlng Lhe servlce of women for Lhe
purpose of prosLlLuLlon

:* 9;<= <AG =;G K>?=>C@=>HC? LG=EGGC @HAAJI=>HC

"-))28/&-. -,
9(&/$ '0!+$ /)!#$
lL ls essenLlal LhaL
vlcLlms are mlnors
MlnorlLy noL need noL be
vlcLlms are of elLher sex vlcLlms are females
May noL necessarlly be
for proflL
Cenerally for proflL
CommlLLed by a slngle
Cenerally, commlLLed


:* 9;<= >? <LKJ@=>HCF

!* AbJoctloo ls Lhe Laklng away of a woman from
her house or Lhe place where she may be for Lhe
purpose of carrylng her Lo anoLher place wlLh lnLenL
Lo marry or Lo corrupL her.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G _>CK? HN <LKJ@=>HCF

1. lorclble abducLlon (Att. J42)
2. ConsenLed abducLlon (Att J4J)


1. erson abducLed ls any woman,
regardless of her age, clvll sLaLus, or

2. AbducLlon ls agalnsL her wlll

3. AbducLlon ls wlLh lewd deslgns

.H=G* lf Lhe female abducLed ls under 12 years of age,
Lhe crlme ls forclble abducLlon, even lf she volunLarlly
goes wlLh her abducLor.

Where lewd deslgn was noL proved or shown, and Lhe
vlcLlm was deprlved of her llberLy, Lhe crlme ls
kldnapplng wlLh serlous lllegal deLenLlon under ArL.


lf Lhe accused carrled or Look away Lhe vlcLlm by
means of force and wlLh lewd deslgn and LhereafLer
raped her, Lhe crlme ls forclble abducLlon wlLh rape,
Lhe former belng a necessary means Lo commlL Lhe
laLLer. 1he subsequenL 2 oLher sexual lnLercourses
commlLLed agalnsL Lhe wlll of Lhe complalnanL would
be LreaLed as lndependenL separaLe crlmes of 8ape.
(leople v. 8ocolso, C.k. No. 945J1J2, Iooe 22, 1992)

:* &? ?GMJ<D >C=GA@HJA?G CG@G??<ARF

!* Sexual lnLercourse ls noL necessary ln forclble
abducLlon, Lhe lnLenL Lo seduce a glrl ls sufflclenL.

.H=G* 1here ls no complex crlme of forclble abducLlon
wlLh aLLempLed rape because Lhe aLLempL Lo rape ls
absorbed by Lhe abducLlon.

!""# 6& 3><A8= +KC<;=B 3EC=B<BH
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN @HC?GC=GK

1. Cffended parLy musL be a vlrgln.

2. She musL be over 12 and under 18 years
of age.

3. 1aklng away of Lhe offended parLy musL
be wlLh her consenL, afLer sollclLaLlon or
ca[olery from Lhe offender.

4. 1aklng away of Lhe offended parLy musL
be wlLh lewd deslgns.


lf Lhe offended parLy ls under 12 years of age, crlme
commlLLed ls forclble abducLlon, even lf Lhe glrl agrees
Lo Lhe elopemenL.

ln consenLed abducLlon, lL ls noL necessary LhaL Lhe
young vlcLlm (a vlrgln over Lwelve and under 18) be
personally Laken from her parenL's home by Lhe
accused, lL ls sufflclenL LhaL he was lnsLrumenLal ln
leavlng Lhe house. Pe musL however use sollclLaLlon,
ca[olery or decelL, or honeyed promlses of marrlage Lo
lnduce Lhe glrl Lo escape from her home.

kotlo. AcLually, Lhe purpose of Lhe law ls noL Lo punlsh
Lhe wrong done Lo her, because she consenLed LhereLo
buL Lo prescrlbe punlshmenL for Lhe dlsgrace of her
famlly and Lhe alarm caused Lo Lhe parenLs by Lhe
dlsgrace of a beloved one who by her age and sex, ls
suscepLlble of decelL, ca[olery and even perdlLlon. (u.5.
v. keyes, 20 lbll. 510)

8)-+&'&-.' )$0!/&+$ /- /($ 8)$"$#&.3
"(!8/$)' -, /&/0$ $0$+$.

8)-'$"2/&-. -, /($ ")&%$' -, !#20/$)1Q
"-."24&.!3$Q '$#2"/&-.Q !4#2"/&-.Q )!8$Q
!.# !"/' -, 0!'"&+&-2'.$''

:* #>?=>CSJ>?; <KJD=GAR <CK @HC@JL>C<SG 6$&]6$&
?GKJ@=>HCQ <LKJ@=>HCQ A<IG <CK <@=? HN

!#20/$)1 !.#
'$#2"/&-.Q !4#2"/&-.Q
)!8$ -) !"/' -,
MusL be prosecuLed
upon complalnL
slgned by Lhe
offended spouse
MusL be prosecuLed upon
complalnL slgned by:
1. Cffended parLy
2. Per parenLs
3. CrandparenLs, or
4. Cuardlans ln Lhe order
named above.
MusL be made by Lhe
offended parLy Lo
boLh Lhe offenders.

May be a bar Lo
prosecuLlon lf made
before Lhe lnsLlLuLlon
of Lhe crlmlnal acLlon.

May be express or

An express pardon by Lhe
offended parLy or oLher
persons named ln Lhe law Lo
Lhe offender, as Lhe case may
be, bars prosecuLlon.

3)* arenL cannoL valldly
granL pardon Lo Lhe offender
wlLhouL Lhe express pardon
of Lhe glrl.

`8.* When she ls dead or
oLherwlse lncapaclLaLed Lo
granL lL, LhaL her parenLs,
grandparenLs or guardlan
may do so for her.

3)* ardon by Lhe offended
parLy who ls a mlnor musL
have Lhe concurrence of

`8.* When Lhe offended glrl
has no parenLs who could
concur ln Lhe pardon.

.H=G* 8oLh Lhe gullLy parLles, lf boLh allve musL be
lncluded ln Lhe complalnL for adulLery or concublnage.

3)* Cffended parLy, even lf a mlnor, has Lhe rlghL
Lo lnsLlLuLe Lhe prosecuLlon for Lhe above
menLloned offenses, lndependenLly of her parenLs,
grandparenLs or guardlan.

`8.* lf she ls lncompeLenL or lncapable of dolng so
upon grounds oLher Lhan her mlnorlLy.

lf Lhe offended woman ls of age, she should be Lhe one
Lo flle Lhe complalnL.

B>CHA N<>D? =H N>DG =;G ?<BGF

1. arenLs
2. CrandparenLs
3. Cuardlan

.H=G* 8lghL Lo flle Lhe acLlon granLed Lo Lhe parenLs,
grandparenLs or guardlan ls excluslve and successlve ln
Lhe order provlded.

:* 9;<= >? =;G DGS<D GNNG@= HN =;G B<AA><SG HN =;G

!* Marrlage of Lhe offender wlLh Lhe offended
parLy ln seducLlon, abducLlon, acLs of lasclvlousness
and rape, exLlngulshes crlmlnal acLlon or remlLs Lhe
penalLy already lmposed.

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
"&+&0 0&!4&0&/1 -, 8$)'-.' 32&0/1 -, ")&%$'
!3!&.'/ "(!'/&/1

:* 9;<= >? =;G @>O>D D><L>D>=R HN IGA?HC? SJ>D=R HN

1. 1o lndemnlfy Lhe offended woman
2. 1o acknowledge Lhe offsprlng, unless Lhe
law should prevenL hlm from dolng so
3. ln every case Lo supporL Lhe offsprlng

:* 9;<= >? =;G @>O>D D><L>D>=R HN =;G <KJD=GAGA <CK

!* 1o lndemnlfy for damages caused Lo Lhe
offended spouse.

.H=G* no clvll llablllLy ls lncurred for acLs of

:* 9;<= >? =;G D><L>D>=R HN <?@GCK<C=?Q SJ<AK><C?Q
=G<@;GA? HA H=;GA IGA?HC? GC=AJ?=GK E>=; =;G

!* ersons who cooperaLe as accompllces buL are
punlshed as prlnclpals ln rape, seducLlon, abducLlon
eLc. 1hey are:
1. AscendanLs
2. Cuardlans
3. CuraLors
4. 1eachers
3. Any oLher person who cooperaLes as
accompllce wlLh abuse of auLhorlLy or
confldenLlal relaLlonshlp

!7 !C=>8;H=H <CK +>KGH +HRGJA>?B !@= HN cggZ
Y)7!7 ZZZi^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G IAH;>L>=GK <@=? JCKGA )7!7 ZZZi
1. 1o Lake phoLo or vldeo coverage of a
person or group of persons performlng
sexual acL or any slmllar acLlvlLy or Lo
capLure an lmage of Lhe prlvaLe area of a
person/s such as Lhe naked or
undergarmenL clad genlLals, publlc area,
buLLocks or female breasL wlLhouL Lhe
consenL of Lhe person/s lnvolved and
under clrcumsLances ln whlch Lhe
person/s has/have a reasonable
expecLaLlon of prlvacy
2. 1o copy or reproduce, or Lo cause Lo be
copled or reproduced, such phoLo or
vldeo or recordlng of sexual acL or any
slmllar acLlvlLy wlLh or wlLhouL
3. 1o sell or dlsLrlbuLe, or cause Lo be sold or
dlsLrlbuLed, such phoLo or vldeo or
recordlng of sexual acL, wheLher lL be Lhe
orlglnal copy or reproducLlon Lhereof, or
4. 1o publlsh or broadcasL, or cause Lo be
publlshed or broadcasL, wheLher ln prlnL
or broadcasL medla, or show or exhlblL
Lhe phoLo or vldeo coverage or recordlngs
of such sexual acL or any slmllar acLlvlLy
Lhrough vCu/uvu, lnLerneL, cellular
phones and oLher slmllar means or
.H=G* 1he prohlblLlon under paragraphs (2), (3) and (4)
shall apply noLwlLhsLandlng LhaL consenL Lo record or
Lake phoLo or vldeo coverage of Lhe same was glven by
such person/s. Any person who vlolaLes Lhls provlslon
shall be llable for phoLo or vldeo voyeurlsm as deflned
47 'IG@><D 8AH=G@=>HC HN ";>DKAGC !S<>C?= ";>DK
!LJ?GQ $MIDH>=<=>HCQ <CK #>?@A>B>C<=>HC !@=
Y)7!7 j]6gQ <? <BGCKGK^

(1) Chlld rosLlLuLlon and oLher acLs of abuse

:* 9;<= <AG =;G IJC>?;<LDG <@=?F

!* 1he unlshable acLs are Lhe ff:
1. 1hose who engage ln or promoLe,
faclllLaLe or lnduce chlld prosLlLuLlon
whlch lnclude, buL are noL llmlLed Lo, Lhe

a. AcLlng as a procurer of a chlld

b. lnduclng a person Lo be a cllenL of a
chlld prosLlLuLe by means of wrlLLen
or oral adverLlsemenLs or oLher
slmllar means

c. 1aklng advanLage of lnfluence or
relaLlonshlp Lo procure a chlld as

d. 1hreaLenlng or uslng vlolence
Lowards a chlld Lo engage hlm as a

e. Clvlng moneLary conslderaLlon goods
or oLher pecunlary beneflL Lo a chlld
wlLh lnLenL Lo engage such chlld ln

!""# 6& 3><A8= +KC<;=B 3EC=B<BH
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
2. 1hose who commlL Lhe acL of sexual
lnLercourse of lasclvlous conducL wlLh a
chlld explolLed ln prosLlLuLlon or sub[ecL
Lo oLher sexual abuse

.H=G* rovlded, 1haL when Lhe vlcLlms ls
under 12 years of age, Lhe perpeLraLors shall
be prosecuLed under ArLlcle 333, paragraph
3, for rape and ArLlcle 336 of AcL no. 3813,
as amended, Lhe 8C, for rape or lasclvlous
conducL, as Lhe case may be.

rovlded, 1haL Lhe penalLy for lasclvlous
conducL when Lhe vlcLlm ls under 12 years
of age shall be teclosloo tempotol ln lLs
medlum perlod

3. 1hose who derlve proflL or advanLage
Lherefrom, wheLher as manager or owner
of Lhe esLabllshmenL where Lhe
prosLlLuLlon Lakes place, or of Lhe sauna,
dlsco, bar, resorL, place of enLerLalnmenL
or esLabllshmenL servlng as a cover or
whlch engages ln prosLlLuLlon ln addlLlon
Lo Lhe acLlvlLy for whlch Lhe llcense has
been lssued Lo sald esLabllshmenL.

:* 9;GC >? =;GAG <C <==GBI= =H @HBB>= ";>DK
!* 1here ls an aLLempL Lo commlL chlld prosLlLuLlon
1. Any person who, noL belng a relaLlve of a
chlld, ls found alone wlLh Lhe sald chlld
lnslde Lhe room or cublcle of a house, an
lnn, hoLel, moLel, penslon house,
aparLelle or oLher slmllar esLabllshmenLs,
vessel, vehlcle or any oLher hldden or
secluded area under clrcumsLances whlch
would lead a reasonable person Lo
belleve LhaL Lhe chlld ls abouL Lo be
explolLed ln prosLlLuLlon and oLher sexual

2. Any person ls recelvlng servlces from a
chlld ln a sauna parlor or baLh, massage
cllnlc, healLh club and oLher slmllar

<@=? HN D<?@>O>HJ?CG?? JCKGA !A=7 [[]Q )8" <CK )!

!A=7 [[] )8" )! j]6g
Shall be punlshed by
ptlsloo cotteccloool
1he penalLy shall be 1
degree hlgher Lhan LhaL
penalLy lmposed by law
when Lhe vlcLlm ls under
12 years of age

.H=G* 1he penalLy for
lasclvlous conducL when
Lhe vlcLlm ls below 12
years old shall be
teclosloo tempotol ln lLs
medlum perlod. (5ec. 5,
kA 7610)

(2) Cbscene publlcaLlons and lndecenL shows

:* (HE <AG HL?@GCG IJLD>@<=>HC? <CK >CKG@GC=
?;HE? @HBB>==GKF

!* Any person who shall hlre, employ, use,
persuade, lnduce or coerce a chlld Lo perform ln
obscene exhlblLlons and lndecenL shows, wheLher
llve or ln vldeo, or model ln obscene publlcaLlons or
pornographlc maLerlals or Lo sell or dlsLrlbuLe Lhe
sald maLerlals.

lf Lhe chlld used as a performer, sub[ecL or
seller/dlsLrlbuLor ls below 12 years of age, Lhe
penalLy shall be lmposed ln lLs maxlmum perlod.
(5ec. 9)

"7 !C=>/A<NN>@_>CS >C 8GA?HC? !@= HN cgg[
Y)7!7 Zcgf^
.H=G* 1rafflcked persons shall be recognlzed as vlcLlms
of Lhe acL or acLs of Lrafflcklng and as such shall noL be
penallzed for crlmes dlrecLly relaLed Lo Lhe acLs of
Lrafflcklng enumeraLed ln Lhls AcL or ln obedlence Lo
Lhe order made by Lhe Lrafflcker ln relaLlon LhereLo. ln
Lhls regard, Lhe consenL of a Lrafflcked person Lo Lhe
lnLended explolLaLlon seL forLh ln Lhls AcL shall be
lrrelevanL. (5ec. 17)
:* 9;<= <AG =;G IJC>?;<LDG <@=? JCKGA )7!7 ZcgfF
!: lL shall be unlawful for any person, naLural or
[urldlcal, Lo commlL any of Lhe followlng acLs:
1. 1o recrulL, LransporL, Lransfer, harbor,
provlde, or recelve a person by any
means, lncludlng Lhose done under Lhe
preLexL of domesLlc or overseas
employmenL or Lralnlng or
apprenLlceshlp, for Lhe purpose of
prosLlLuLlon, pornography, sexual
explolLaLlon, forced labor, slavery,
lnvolunLary servlLude or debL bondage
2. 1o lnLroduce or maLch for money, proflL,
or maLerlal, economlc or oLher
conslderaLlon, any person or, as provlded
for under 8A. 6933, any llllplno woman Lo

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

a forelgn naLlonal, for marrlage for Lhe
purpose of acqulrlng, buylng, offerlng,
selllng or Lradlng hlm/her Lo engage ln
prosLlLuLlon, pornography, sexual
explolLaLlon, forced labor, slavery,
lnvolunLary servlLude or debL bondage
3. 1o offer or conLracL marrlage, real or
slmulaLed, for Lhe purpose of acqulrlng,
buylng, offerlng, selllng, or Lradlng Lhem
Lo engage ln prosLlLuLlon, pornography,
sexual explolLaLlon, forced labor or
slavery, lnvolunLary servlLude or debL
4. 1o underLake or organlze Lours and Lravel
plans conslsLlng of Lourlsm packages or
acLlvlLles for Lhe purpose of uLlllzlng and
offerlng persons for prosLlLuLlon,
pornography or sexual explolLaLlon
3. 1o malnLaln or hlre a person Lo engage ln
prosLlLuLlon or pornography
6. 1o adopL or faclllLaLe Lhe adopLlon of
persons for Lhe purpose of prosLlLuLlon,
pornography, sexual explolLaLlon, forced
labor, slavery, lnvolunLary servlLude or
debL bondage
7. 1o recrulL, hlre, adopL, LransporL or
abducL a person, by means of LhreaL or
use of force, fraud, decelL, vlolence,
coerclon, or lnLlmldaLlon for Lhe purpose
of removal or sale of organs of sald
8. 1o recrulL, LransporL or adopL a chlld Lo
engage ln armed acLlvlLles ln Lhe
hlllpplnes or abroad. (5ec.4)
")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
#7 !C=>+>HDGC@G <S<>C?= 9HBGC <CK =;G>A
";>DKAGC !@= HN cgg\ Y)7!7 Zc]c^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G IJC>?;<LDG <@=?F
!* 1he crlme of vlolence agalnsL women and Lhelr
chlldren ls commlLLed Lhrough any of Lhe followlng
1. Causlng physlcal harm Lo Lhe woman or
her chlld

2. 1hreaLenlng Lo cause Lhe woman or her
chlld physlcal harm

3. ALLempLlng Lo cause Lhe woman or her
chlld physlcal harm

4. laclng Lhe woman or her chlld ln fear of
lmmlnenL physlcal harm

3. ALLempLlng Lo compel or compelllng Lhe
woman or her chlld Lo engage ln conducL
whlch Lhe woman or her chlld has Lhe
rlghL Lo deslsL from or deslsL from
conducL whlch Lhe woman or her chlld
has Lhe rlghL Lo engage ln, or aLLempLlng
Lo resLrlcL or resLrlcLlng Lhe woman's or
her chlld's freedom of movemenL or
conducL by force or LhreaL of force,
physlcal or oLher harm or LhreaL of
physlcal or oLher harm, or lnLlmldaLlon
dlrecLed agalnsL Lhe woman or chlld. 1hls
shall lnclude, buL noL llmlLed Lo, Lhe
followlng acLs commlLLed wlLh Lhe
purpose or effecL of conLrolllng or
resLrlcLlng Lhe woman's or her chlld's
movemenL or conducL:

a. 1hreaLenlng Lo deprlve or acLually
deprlvlng Lhe woman or her chlld of
cusLody Lo her/hls famlly

b. ueprlvlng or LhreaLenlng Lo deprlve
Lhe woman or her chlldren of
flnanclal supporL legally due her or
her famlly, or dellberaLely provldlng
Lhe woman's chlldren lnsufflclenL
flnanclal supporL

c. ueprlvlng or LhreaLenlng Lo deprlve
Lhe woman or her chlld of a legal

d. revenLlng Lhe woman ln engaglng ln
any leglLlmaLe professlon,
occupaLlon, buslness or acLlvlLy or
conLrolllng Lhe vlcLlm's own money
or properLles, or solely conLrolllng
Lhe con[ugal or common money, or

6. lnfllcLlng or LhreaLenlng Lo lnfllcL physlcal
harm on oneself for Lhe purpose of
conLrolllng her acLlons or declslons

7. Causlng or aLLempLlng Lo cause Lhe
woman or her chlld Lo engage ln any
sexual acLlvlLy whlch does noL consLlLuLe
rape, by force or LhreaL of force, physlcal
harm, or Lhrough lnLlmldaLlon dlrecLed
agalnsL Lhe woman or her chlld or her/hls
lmmedlaLe famlly

8. Lngaglng ln purposeful, knowlng, or
reckless conducL, personally or Lhrough
anoLher, LhaL alarms or causes subsLanLlal
emoLlonal or psychologlcal dlsLress Lo Lhe
woman or her chlld. 1hls shall lnclude, buL
noL be llmlLed Lo, Lhe followlng acLs:

!""# 6& 3><A8= +KC<;=B 3EC=B<BH

!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
a. SLalklng or followlng Lhe woman or
her chlld ln publlc or prlvaLe places

b. eerlng ln Lhe wlndow or llngerlng
ouLslde Lhe resldence of Lhe woman
or her chlld

c. LnLerlng or remalnlng ln Lhe dwelllng
or on Lhe properLy of Lhe woman or
her chlld agalnsL her/hls wlll

d. uesLroylng Lhe properLy and
personal belonglngs or lnfllcLlng
harm Lo anlmals or peLs of Lhe
woman or her chlld

e. Lngaglng ln any form of harassmenL
or vlolence,

9. Causlng menLal or emoLlonal angulshQ
publlc rldlcule or humlllaLlon Lo Lhe
woman or her chlld, lncludlng, buL noL
llmlLed Lo, repeaLed verbal and emoLlonal
abuse, and denlal of flnanclal supporL or
cusLody of mlnor chlldren of access Lo Lhe
woman's chlld/chlldren. (5ec. 5)

$7 !C=>'GMJ<D (<A<??BGC= !@= HN 6ZZi
Y)7!7 jfjj)

:7 9;<= <AG =;G IJC>?;<LDG <@=? JCKGA )! jffjF
GCO>AHCBGC=Q sexual harassmenL ls
commlLLed when:
a. 1he sexual favor ls made as a
condlLlon ln Lhe hlrlng or ln Lhe
employmenL, reemploymenL or
conLlnued employmenL of sald
lndlvldual, or ln granLlng sald
lndlvldual favorable compensaLlon,
Lerms, condlLlons, promoLlons, or
prlvlleges, or Lhe refusal Lo granL Lhe
sexual favor resulLs ln llmlLlng,
segregaLlng or classlfylng Lhe
employee whlch ln a way would
dlscrlmlnaLe, deprlve or dlmlnlsh
employmenL opporLunlLles or
oLherwlse adversely affecL sald
b. 1he above acLs would lmpalr Lhe
employee's rlghLs or prlvlleges under
exlsLlng labor laws, or
c. 1he above acLs would resulL ln an
lnLlmldaLlng, hosLlle, or offenslve
envlronmenL for Lhe employee.
2. ln an GKJ@<=>HC HA =A<>C>CS GCO>AHCBGC=,
sexual harassmenL ls commlLLed:
a. AgalnsL one who ls under Lhe care,
cusLody or supervlslon of Lhe
b. AgalnsL one whose educaLlon,
Lralnlng, apprenLlceshlp or LuLorshlp
ls enLrusLed Lo Lhe offender
c. When Lhe sexual favor ls made a
condlLlon Lo Lhe glvlng of a passlng
grade, or Lhe granLlng of honors and
scholarshlps, or Lhe paymenL of a
sLlpend, allowance or oLher beneflLs,
prlvlleges, or conslderaLlons, or
d. When Lhe sexual advances resulL ln
an lnLlmldaLlng, hosLlle or offenslve
envlronmenL for Lhe sLudenL, Lralnee
or apprenLlce.
.H=G* Any person who dlrecLs or lnduces anoLher Lo
commlL any acL of sexual harassmenL as hereln
deflned, or who cooperaLes ln Lhe commlsslon Lhereof
by anoLher wlLhouL whlch lL would noL have been
commlLLed, shall also be held llable under Lhls AcL.
(5ec. J)

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
`&&7 ")&%$' !3!&.'/ "&+&0 '/!/2'

'&%20!/&-. -, 4&)/(' !.# 2'2)8!/&-. -,
"&+&0 '/!/2'

'&%20!/&-. -, 4&)/('Q '24'/&/2/&-. -, -.$
"(&0# ,-) !.-/($) !.# "-."$!0%$./ -)
!4!.#-.%$./ -, ! 0$3&/&%!/$ "(&0#
Y!A=7 [\j^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G IJC>?;<LDG <@=?F

1. SlmulaLlon of blrLhs
2. SubsLlLuLlon of one chlld for anoLher
3. Conceallng or abandonlng any leglLlmaLe
chlld wlLh lnLenL Lo cause such chlld Lo
lose lLs clvll sLaLus.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN ?>BJD<=>HC HN L>A=;?F

1. 1he chlld ls bapLlzed or reglsLered ln Lhe
reglsLry of blrLh as Lhe offender's
2. 1he chlld loses lLs re sLaLus and acqulres a
new one
3. 1he offender's spouse was Lo cause Lhe
loss of any Lrace as Lo Lhe chlld's Lrue

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN @HC@G<D>CS HA
<L<CKHC>CS <CR DGS>=>B<=G @;>DK E>=; >C=GC= =H
@<J?G ?J@; @;>DK =H DH?G >=? @>O>D ?=<=J?F

1. 1he chlld musL be leglLlmaLe
2. 1he offender conceals or abandons such
3. 1he offender has Lhe lnLenL Lo cause Lhe
chlld Lo lose lLs clvll sLaLus

.H=G* 1he facL LhaL chlld wlll be beneflLed by
slmulaLlon of blrLh ls noL a defense slnce lL creaLes a
false sLaLus deLrlmenL of members of Lhe famlly Lo
whlch Lhe chlld ls lnLroduced.

A faLher who sells chlld ls noL llable under Lhls arLlcle
slnce Lhere ls no abandonmenL. 1he ob[ecL of Lhe
crlme under ArL 347 ls Lhe creaLlon or Lhe causlng of
Lhe loss of clvll sLaLus.

1he woman who has glven blrLh and Lhe one who
furnlshes Lhe chlld are boLh llable as prlnclpals.

:* 9;GC KHG? ?>BJD<=>HC HN L>A=; =<_G ID<@GF

!* SlmulaLlon of blrLh Lakes place when Lhe woman
preLends Lo be pregnanL when ln facL she ls noL,
and on Lhe day of Lhe supposed dellvery, Lakes Lhe
chlld of anoLher as her own.

.H=G* SlmulaLlon whlch ls a crlme ls LhaL whlch alLers
Lhe clvll sLaLus of a person.

hyslclan or surgeon or publlc offlcer who cooperaLes
ln Lhe execuLlon of Lhe crlme ls also llable.

2'2)8!/&-. -, "&+&0 '/!/2'
Y!A=7 [\f^

:* (HE >? =;>? @A>BG @HBB>==GKF

!* lL ls commlLLed when a person represenLs
hlmself Lo be anoLher and assumes Lhe flllaLlon or
Lhe parenLal or con[ugal rlghLs of such anoLher

:* 9;<= KHG? @>O>D ?=<=J? >C@DJKGF

!* Clvll sLaLus lncludes one's publlc sLaLlon or Lhe
rlghLs, duLles, capaclLles and lncapaclLles whlch
deLermlne a person Lo a glven class.

.H=G* 1here musL be lnLenL Lo en[oy Lhe rlghLs arlslng
from Lhe clvll sLaLus of anoLher.

:* 9;<= EHJDK TJ<D>NR =;>? @A>BGF

!* lf Lhe purpose ls Lo defraud offended parLles and

&00$3!0 %!))&!3$'

Y!A=7 [\Z^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN L>S<BRF

1. Cffender has been legally marrled
2. Marrlage has noL been legally dlssolved
or, ln case hls or her spouse ls absenL, Lhe
absenL spouse could noL yeL be presumed
dead accordlng Lo Lhe new Clvll Code
3. Pe conLracLs a second or subsequenL
4. Second or subsequenL marrlage has all
Lhe essenLlal requlslLes for valldlLy

.H=G* valldlLy of second marrlage ls a pre[udlclal
quesLlon Lo llablllLy for blgamy.

nulllLy of Lhe flrsL marrlage ls noL a defense ln blgamy

8lgamy ls noL a prlvaLe crlme

!""# 6& 3><A8= +KC<;=B 3<M<9 4BCB@=

!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
A person convlcLed for blgamy may sLlll be prosecuLed
for concublnage.

:* &? < XJK>@><D KG@D<A<=>HC HN CJDD>=R HN B<AA><SG

3)* A [udlclal declaraLlon of nulllLy of a prevlous
marrlage ls necessary before a subsequenL one
can be legally conLracLed. Cne who enLers lnLo a
subsequenL marrlage wlLhouL flrsL obLalnlng
such [udlclal declaraLlon ls gullLy of blgamy. 1hls
prlnclple applles even lf Lhe earller unlon ls
characLerlzed by sLaLuLes as "vold." (MetcoJo v.
1oo, C.k. No. 1J7110, Aoq. 1, 2000)

`8.* Where no marrlage ceremony aL all was
performed by a duly auLhorlzed solemnlzlng
offlcer. (Motlqo v. leople C.k. No. 145226, leb.
6, 2004)


1he mere prlvaLe acL of slgnlng a marrlage conLracL
bears no semblance Lo a valld marrlage and Lhus,
needs no [udlclal declaraLlon of nulllLy. Such acL alone,
wlLhouL more, cannoL be deemed Lo consLlLuLe an
osLenslbly valld marrlage for whlch peLlLloner mlghL be
held llable for blgamy unless he flrsL secures a [udlclal
declaraLlon of nulllLy before he conLracLs a subsequenL
marrlage. (Motlqo v. leople, C.k. No. 145226, leb. 6,

.H=G* 1he deaLh of Lhe flrsL spouse durlng Lhe
pendency of Lhe case does noL exLlngulsh Lhe crlme,
because when Lhe offender marrled Lhe second
spouse, Lhe flrsL marrlage was sLlll subslsLlng. 1he
second spouse who knew of Lhe flrsL marrlage ls an
accompllce as well as Lhe person who vouched for Lhe
capaclLy of elLher of Lhe conLracLlng parLles.


!* uoes noL commence from Lhe commlsslon
Lhereof buL from Lhe Llme of lLs dlscovery by Lhe
complalnanL spouse.

%!))&!3$ "-./)!"/$# !3!&.'/ 8)-+&'&-.'
-, 0!9' Y!A=7 [ig^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. Cffender conLracLed marrlage
2. Pe knew aL Lhe Llme LhaL Lhe:
a. 8equlremenLs of Lhe law were noL
complled wlLh, or
b. Marrlage was ln dlsregard of a legal

:* 9;<= EHJDK TJ<D>NR =;>? @A>BGF

!* lf elLher of Lhe conLracLlng parLles obLalns Lhe
consenL of Lhe oLher by means of vlolence,
lnLlmldaLlon or fraud.

.H=G* Cffender musL noL be gullLy of blgamy.

ConvlcLlon of a vlolaLlon of ArL. 330 lnvolves moral

8)$%!/2)$ %!))&!3$'
Y!A=7 [i6^

:* 9;H <AG =;G IGA?HC? D><LDGF

1. Wldow who marrled wlLhln 301 days from
Lhe daLe of Lhe deaLh of her husband, or
before havlng dellvered lf she ls pregnanL
aL Lhe Llme of hls deaLh.

2. Woman whose marrlage havlng been
annulled or dlssolved, marrled before her
dellvery or before Lhe explraLlon of Lhe
perlod of 301 days afLer Lhe daLe of Lhe
legal separaLlon.

.H=G* erlod of 301 days may be dlsregarded lf Lhe
flrsL husband was lmpoLenL or sLerlle. erlod of 301
days, or 10 monLhs, ls only for cases where Lhe woman
ls noL, or does noL know yeL LhaL she ls pregnanL aL Lhe
Llme she becomes a wldow. lf she ls pregnanL aL Lhe
Llme she becomes a wldow, Lhe prohlblLlon ls good
only up Lo her dellvery.

:* 9;<= >? =;G IJAIH?G HN =;G <A=>@DGF

!* 1o prevenL doubLful paLernlLy

.H=G* Woman wlll noL be llable lf she has:
1. Already dellvered
2. Concluslve proof LhaL she was noL pregnanL
by her 1sL spouse slnce he was permanenLly
sLerlle. (leople v. Mosloslo, cA 49 OC J908)

8$),-)%!."$ -, &00$3!0 %!))&!3$
"$)$%-.1 Y!A=7 [ic^

:* 9;H <AG =;G IGA?HC? D><LDG JCKGA =;>? <A=>@DGF

!* ArL. 332 punlshes prlesLs or mlnlsLers of any
rellglous denomlnaLlon or secL, or clvll auLhorlLles
who shall perform or auLhorlze any lllegal marrlage

.H=G* ArL. 332 presupposes LhaL Lhe prlesL or mlnlsLer
or clvll auLhorlLy ls auLhorlzed Lo solemnlze marrlages.
CLherwlse, he ls llable under ArL.177.
(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
`&&&7 ")&%$' !3!&.'/ (-.-) Y[i[[]\^

Y!A=7 [i[^

:* 9;<= >? D>LGDF

!* llbel ls a publlc and mallclous lmpuLaLlon of a
crlme, or of a vlce or defecL, real or lmaglnary, or
any acL, omlsslon, condlLlon, sLaLus, or
clrcumsLance Lendlng Lo cause Lhe dlshonor,
dlscredlL, or conLempL of a naLural or [urldlcal
person, or Lo blacken Lhe memory of one who ls

:* (HE >? D>LGD @HBB>==GKF

!* Llbel ls a defamaLlon commlLLed by means of
wrlLlng, prlnLlng, llLhography, engravlng, radlo,
phonograph, palnLlng or LheaLrlcal or
clnemaLographlc exhlblLlon, or any slmllar means.

.H=G* no dlsLlncLlon beLween calumny, lnsulL and llbel.


1. Any person who shall publlsh, exhlblL or
cause Lhe publlcaLlon or exhlblLlon of any
defamaLlon ln wrlLlng or by slmllar means.

2. 1he auLhor or edlLor of a book or
pamphleL, or Lhe edlLor or buslness
manager of a dally newspaper, magazlne
or serlal publlcaLlon, for defamaLlon
conLalned Lhereln Lo Lhe same exLenL as lf
he were Lhe auLhor Lhereof.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN KGN<B<=>HCF

1. 1here musL be an lmpuLaLlon of a crlme,
or of a vlce or defecL, real or lmaglnary, or
any acL, omlsslon, condlLlon, sLaLus or
2. lmpuLaLlon musL be made publlcly.
3. lL musL be mallclous.
4. lL musL be dlrecLed aL a naLural or [urldlcal
person, or one who ls dead (ldenLlflcaLlon
of Lhe offended parLy ls requlred).
3. lL musL Lend Lo cause Lhe dlshonor,
dlscredlL or conLempL of Lhe person

:* 9;<= >? B<D>@GF

!* Mollce ls a Lerm used Lo lndlcaLe Lhe facL LhaL Lhe
offender ls prompLed by personal lllwlll or splLe
and speaks noL ln response Lo duLy buL merely Lo
ln[ure Lhe repuLaLlon of Lhe person defamed.

.H=G* ln llbel cases, Lhe quesLlon ls noL whaL Lhe vlcLlm
means buL whaL Lhe words used by hlm mean. (5ozoo
v. cA, C.k. No. 120715, Mot.29, 1996)

:* 9;<= <AG =;G =EH _>CK? HN B<D>@GF

1. Mollce lo foct maybe shown by proof of
lllwlll, haLred, or purpose Lo ln[ure.

2. Mollce lo low ls presumed from a
defamaLory lmpuLaLlon. Powever,
presumpLlon ls rebuLLed lf lL ls shown by
Lhe accused LhaL:
a. uefamaLory lmpuLaLlon ls Lrue, ln
case Lhe law allows proof of Lhe
LruLh of Lhe lmpuLaLlon,
b. lL ls publlshed wlLh good lnLenLlon,
c. 1here ls [usLlflable moLlve for maklng

:* 9;GC >? B<D>@G CH= IAG?JBGKF

!* Mallce ls noL presumed ln Lhe followlng:

1. rlvaLe communlcaLlon made by any
person Lo anoLher ln Lhe performance of
any legal, moral or soclal, duLy.

a. erson who made Lhe
communlcaLlon had a legal moral or
soclal duLy Lo make Lhe
communlcaLlon or aL leasL, he had an
lnLeresL Lo be upheld,
b. CommunlcaLlon ls addressed Lo an
offlcer, or a board, or superlor,
havlng some lnLeresL or duLy ln Lhe
c. SLaLemenLs ln Lhe communlcaLlon
are made ln good falLh wlLhouL
mallce (ln facL).

2. lalr and Lrue reporL, made ln good falLh,
wlLhouL any commenLs or remarks, of any
[udlclal, leglslaLlve, or oLher offlclal
proceedlngs whlch are noL of confldenLlal
naLure, or of any sLaLemenL, reporL, or
speech dellvered ln Lhe exerclse of Lhelr

:* &C E;<= E<R B<R D>LGD LG @HBB>==GKF
!* Llbel may be commlLLed by:
1. WrlLlng

!""# 6& 3><A8= +KC<;=B O:;:>
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
2. rlnLlng
3. LlLhography
4. Lngravlng
3. 8adlo
6. honograph
7. alnLlng
8. 1heaLrlcal exhlblLlon
9. ClnemaLographlc exhlblLlon
10. Any slmllar mean

:* %J?= =;GAG LG < IJLD>@<=>HC HN =;G D>LGDHJ?

!* ?es. 1here musL be some communlcaLlon of Lhe
defamaLory maLLer Lo some 3


1he dellvery of Lhe arLlcle Lo Lhe LypeseLLer ls sufflclenL
publlcaLlon. (u.5. v. ctome, 10 lbll.1J5)

1he sendlng Lo Lhe wlfe of a leLLer whlch mallgns Lhe
husband was consldered sufflclenL publlcaLlon, for Lhe
spouse ls a Lhlrd person Lo Lhe vlcLlm defamed. (u.5. v.
utbloooo, 1 lbll. 471)

@HBID<>C=? NAHB ?=JKGC=?Q =G<@;GA? <CK I<AGC=?
<S<>C?= !SH %GK>@<D <CK $KJ@<=>HC<D "GC=GA4>@HD
";A>?=><C "HDDGSG HN %GK>@>CG YU!%$"V^ <CK >=?
<KB>C>?=A<=HA?7 )>B< <CK !DDGSAG AGB<A_GK =;<=
<CK I;R?>@<D B>?N>=?Vm <CK !%$" ?=JKGC=? E;H
SA<KJ<=G UE>DD LG D><L>D>=>G? A<=;GA =;<C <??G=?V HN
=;G ?H@>G=R7 "D<>B>CS =;<= =;G LAH<K@<?=? EGAG
<S<>C?= ,4.&Q )>B< <CK !DGSAG7 !AG =;G

!* 1here ls no quesLlon LhaL Lhe broadcasLs were
made publlc and lmpuLed Lo AMLC defecLs or
clrcumsLances Lendlng Lo cause lL dlshonor,
dlscredlL and conLempL. 8lma and Alegre's remarks
are llbelous pet se. 1aken as a whole, Lhe
broadcasLs suggesL LhaL AMLC ls a moneymaklng
lnsLlLuLlon where physlcally and morally unflL
Leachers abound.

Lvery defamaLory lmpuLaLlon ls presumed
mallclous. 8lma and Alegre falled Lo show
adequaLely Lhelr good lnLenLlon and [usLlflable
moLlve ln alrlng Lhe supposed grlpes of Lhe
sLudenLs. As hosLs of a documenLary or publlc
affalrs program, 8lma and Alegre should have
presenLed Lhe publlc lssues free from lnaccuraLe
and mlsleadlng lnformaLlon. (llllploos 8tooJcostloq
Netwotk, loc. v. Aqo MeJlcol ooJ Jocotloool
ceotet8lcol cbtlstloo colleqe of MeJlcloe, C.k. No.
14199, Ioo. 17, 2005)
:* #HDHAG? %<SCH E<? @;<ASGK <CK @HCO>@=GK HN
?IHJ?G?Q @HC=<>C>CS >COG@=>OG? K>AG@=GK <S<>C?=
IAH?G@J=>HC N<>DGK =H G?=<LD>?; =;G IAG?GC@G HN =;G
B<D>@>HJ? EA>=>CS? HC =;G E<DDQ <? EGDD <? =;G
?IHJ?G?7 ';G <ASJG? =;<= ?>C@G =;G DG==GA E<?
<KKAG??GK =H =;G ?IHJ?G?Q ,G Y"GAGD>=Ha? E>NG^ E<?Q
>C?HN<A <? "GAGD>=H >? @HC@GACGKQ CH= < =;>AK IGA?HC

!* 1o be llable for llbel under Attlcle J5J of tbe klc,
Lhe followlng elemenLs musL be shown Lo exlsL:
1. 1he allegaLlon of a dlscredlLable acL or
condlLlon concernlng anoLher
2. ubllcaLlon of Lhe charge
3. ldenLlLy of Lhe person defamed
4. LxlsLence of mallce.

ubllcaLlonQ ln Lhe law of llbel, means Lhe maklng of
Lhe defamaLory maLLer, afLer lL has been wrlLLen,
known Lo someone oLher Lhan Lhe person Lo whom
lL has been wrlLLen. lf Lhe sLaLemenL ls senL sLralghL
Lo a person for whom lL ls wrlLLen Lhere ls no
publlcaLlon of lL. 1he reason for Lhls ls LhaL a
communlcaLlon of Lhe defamaLory maLLer Lo Lhe
person defamed cannoL ln[ure hls repuLaLlon
Lhough lL may wound hls selfesLeem. A man's
repuLaLlon ls noL Lhe good oplnlon he has of
hlmself, buL Lhe esLlmaLlon ln whlch oLhers hold

ln Lhls case, Lhere ls no dlspuLe LhaL Lhe unsealed
envelope conLalnlng Lhe llbelous leLLer was handed
by uolores Lo Lvelyn (CerellLo's slsLer).
ConLexLually, Lhere was a reasonable probablllLy
LhaL Lhe conLenLs Lhereof, parLlcularly Lhe llbelous
leLLer, could have been exposed Lo be read by
Lvelyn before dellverlng Lhe same Lo CerellLo.
Powever, Lvelyn caLegorlcally admlLLed noL readlng
Lhe leLLer aL Lhe flrsL lnsLance, readlng lL only afLer
securlng CerellLo's permlsslon. lnasmuch, Lherefore,
as CerellLo volunLarlly dlsclosed Lhe conLenLs of
uolores' llbelous leLLer Lo Lvelyn, Lhe acL of
publlcaLlon cannoL be ascrlbed Lo uolores lnsofar as
Lvelyn ls concerned.

lL could noL be sald, however, LhaL Lhere was no
publlcaLlon wlLh respecL Lo le. Whlle Lhe leLLer ln
quesLlon was addressed Lo Mr. CerellLo & le
Ale[andro," Lhe lnvecLlves conLalned Lhereln were
dlrecLed agalnsL CerellLo only. wtltloq to o petsoo
otbet tboo tbe petsoo JefomeJ ls sofflcleot to
coostltote pobllcotloo, for Lhe person Lo whom Lhe
leLLer ls addressed ls a tbltJ petsoo ln relaLlon Lo lLs

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

wrlLer and Lhe person defamed Lhereln. le, Lhe
wlfe, ls conLexLually a Lhlrd person Lo whom Lhe
publlcaLlon was made. (uolotes Moqoo v. leople of
tbe lblllpploes, C.k. No. 1JJ896, Ioo. 27, 2006)

:* 9;<= >? =;G @HBBHC KGNGC?G >C D>LGDF

!* 1haL lL ls covered by prlvlleged communlcaLlon.

1. Absolote ptlvlleqeJ - noL acLlonable even
lf Lhe auLhor has acLed ln bad falLh llke
Lhe sLaLemenLs made by members of
Congress ln Lhe dlscharge of Lhelr offlclal

2. cooJltloool ot poollfleJ - llke a prlvaLe
communlcaLlon made by any person Lo
anoLher ln Lhe performance of any legal,
moral, or soclal duLy, and a falr and Lrue
reporL, made ln good falLh, wlLhouL any
commenLs or remarks, of any [udlclal,
leglslaLlve or oLher offlclal proceedlngs
whlch are noL of confldenLlal naLure.
Pere, even lf Lhe sLaLemenLs are
defamaLory, Lhere ls no presumpLlon of
mallce. 1he prosecuLlon musL prove
mallce ln facL Lo convlcL Lhe accused.

:* #H KGN<B<=HAR AGB<A_? <CK @HBBGC=? HC =;G
@HCKJ@= HA <@=? HN IJLD>@ HNN>@GA? E;>@; <AG AGD<=GK
=H =;G K>?@;<ASG HN =;G>A HNN>@><D KJ=>G? @HC?=>=J=G

!* no, lL wlll noL consLlLuLe llbel lf Lhe accused
proves Lhe LruLh of Lhe lmpuLaLlon. 8uL any aLLack
upon Lhe prlvaLe characLer of Lhe publlc offlcers on
maLLers whlch are noL relaLed Lo Lhe dlscharge of
Lhelr offlclal funcLlons may consLlLuLe Llbel.

Moreover, a wrlLLen leLLer conLalnlng llbelous
maLLer cannoL be classlfled as prlvlleged when
publlcly publlshed and clrculaLed. (5ozoo vs. cA,
C.k. No. 120715, Mot.29, 1996)

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
/()$!/$.&.3 /- 8240&'( !.# -,,$) /-
8)$+$./ '2"( 8240&"!/&-. ,-) !
"-%8$.'!/&-. Y!A=7 [i]^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G IJC>?;<LDG <@=?F

1. 1hreaLenlng anoLher Lo publlsh a llbel
concernlng hlm, or hls parenLs, spouse,
chlld, or oLher members of hls famlly.

2. Cfferlng Lo prevenL Lhe publlcaLlon of
such llbel for compensaLlon, or money

.H=G* known as blockmoll - ln lLs meLaphorlcal
sense, may be deflned as any unlawful exLorLlon of
money by LhreaLs of accusaLlon or exposure.

:* &C E;<= NGDHC>G? >? LD<@_B<>D @HBB>==GKF

1. LlghL LhreaLs
2. 1hreaLenlng Lo publlsh, or offerlng Lo
prevenL Lhe publlcaLlon of, a llbel for


1. erson who publlshes, exhlblLs or causes
Lhe publlcaLlon or exhlblLlon of any
defamaLlon ln wrlLlng or slmllar means.

2. AuLhor or edlLor of a book or pamphleL.

3. LdlLor or buslness manager of a dally
newspaper magazlne or serlal publlcaLlon.

4. Cwner of Lhe prlnLlng planL whlch
publlshes a llbelous arLlcle wlLh hls
consenL and all oLher persons who ln any
way parLlclpaLe ln or have connecLlon
wlLh lLs publlcaLlon.


!* Crlmlnal and clvll acLlons for damages ln case of
wrlLLen defamaLlons shall be flled slmulLaneously or
separaLely wlLh Lhe courL of flrsL lnsLance of Lhe
provlnce or clLy:

1. Where Lhe llbelous arLlcle ls prlnLed and
flrsL publlshed, or
2. Where any of Lhe offended parLles
acLually resldes aL Lhe Llme of Lhe
commlsslon of Lhe offense.

.H=G* 1he courL where Lhe crlmlnal acLlon or clvll
acLlon for damages ls flrsL flled shall acqulre
[urlsdlcLlon Lo Lhe excluslon of oLher courLs.

Cffended parLy musL flle complalnL for defamaLlon
lmpuLlng a crlme whlch cannoL be prosecuLed Je

8)--, -, /)2/(
Y!A=7 []6^

:* 9;GC >? IAHHN HN =AJ=; <KB>??>LDGF

!* roof of LruLh ls admlsslble ln any of Lhe

!""# 6& 3><A8= +KC<;=B O:;:>
!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %

1. When Lhe acL or omlsslon lmpuLed
consLlLuLes a crlme regardless of wheLher
Lhe offended parLy ls a prlvaLe lndlvldual
or a publlc offlcer.

2. When Lhe offended parLy ls a governmenL
employee, even lf Lhe acL or omlsslon
lmpuLed does noL consLlLuLe a crlme,
provlded, lL ls relaLed Lo Lhe dlscharge of
hls offlclal duLles.

.H=G* roof of LruLh musL resL upon poslLlve, dlrecL
evldence upon whlch a deflnlLe flndlng may be
made by Lhe courL. 8uL probable cause for bellef ln
Lhe LruLh of Lhe sLaLemenL ls sufflclenL.


!* no. lL ls also requlred LhaL Lhe maLLer charged as
llbelous was publlshed wlLh good moLlves and for
[usLlflable ends.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G IH??>LDG KGNGC?G? >C =;G @A>BG HN

1. lL appears LhaL Lhe maLLers charged as
llbelous ls Lrue
2. lL was publlshed wlLh good moLlves
3. And for a [usLlflable end

0&4$0-2' )$%!)5'
Y!A=7 []c^

.H=G* Llbelous remarks or commenLs on maLLers
prlvlleged, lf made wlLh mallce ln facL, do noL exempL
Lhe auLhor and edlLor.

8)-(&4&/$# 8240&"!/&-. -, !"/' )$,$))$# /-
&. /($ "-2)'$ -, -,,&"&!0 8)-"$$#&.3'
Y!A=7 [ij^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. Cffender ls a reporLer, edlLor or manager
of a newspaper dally or magazlne.

2. Pe publlshes facLs connecLed wlLh Lhe
prlvaLe llfe of anoLher.

3. Such facLs are offenslve Lo Lhe honor,
vlrLue and repuLaLlon of sald person.

.H=G* rohlblLlon applles even Lhough sald publlcaLlon
be made ln connecLlon wlLh or under Lhe preLexL LhaL
lL ls necessary ln Lhe narraLlon of any [udlclal or
admlnlsLraLlve proceedlngs whereln such facLs have
been menLloned.

:* 9;<= >? =;G ?H @<DDGK ^"4 9">F

!* newspaper reporLs on cases perLalnlng Lo
adulLery, dlvorce, lssues abouL Lhe leglLlmacy of
chlldren, eLc., wlll necessarlly be barred from
publlcaLlon. Source of news reporL may noL be

'0!.#$) Y-)!0 #$,!%!/&-.^
Y!A=7 [if^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G _>CK? HN HA<D KGN<B<=>HCF

1. Slmple slander
2. Crave slander, when lL ls of a serlous and
lnsulLlng naLure.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G K>?=>C@=>HC? LG=EGGC HA<D

-)!0 #$,!%!/&-.
Mallclous lmpuLaLlon of any
acL, omlsslon, condlLlon or
clrcumsLance agalnsL a
person, done orally ln publlc,
Lendlng Lo cause dlshonor,
dlscredlL, conLempL and
embarrassmenL or rldlcule
Lo Lhe laLLer.
used ln maklng a
pollLe reference Lo
sexual lnLercourse as
ln cerLaln crlmes, llke
rape, seducLlon and
A crlme agalnsL honor
penallzed ln ArL. 338, 8C.
Pas no deflnlLe
concepL as a crlme.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G N<@=HA? =;<= KG=GAB>CG =;G SA<O>=R

1. Lxpresslons used
2. ersonal relaLlons of Lhe accused and Lhe
offended parLy
3. ClrcumsLances surroundlng Lhe case

.H=G* Soclal sLandlng and Lhe poslLlon of Lhe offended
parLy are also Laken lnLo accounL.

Slander need noL be heard by Lhe offended parLy.

:* 0<CKH <CK %<A@H <AG @<CK>K<=G? >C =;G DH@<D
GDG@=>HC?7 &C ;>? ?IGG@;G? 0<CKH <==<@_GK ;>?
HIIHCGC= %<A@H <DDGS>CS =;<= ;G >? =;G ?HC HN
.<CK>CSQ < AHLLGA <CK < =;>GN E;H <B<??GK ;>?
EG<D=; =;AHJS; ?;<KR KG<D?7 %<R %<A@H N>DG < @<?G
<S<>C?= 0<CKH NHA SA<OG HA<D KGN<B<=>HCF '=<=G

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

!* Marco cannoL flle a case for grave oral
defamaLlon. lf aL all, he may flle a case for llghL
slander. ln Lhe case of leople v. lotoqo (40 O.C.
12J). lL was held LhaL defamaLlon ln pollLlcal
meeLlng when feellngs are runnlng hlgh and people
could noL Lhlnk clearly, only amounL Lo llghL
slander. Y6ZZg 4<A :JG?=>HC^
")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA

'0!.#$) 41 #$$#
Y!A=7 [iZ^

:* 9;<= >? ?D<CKGA LR KGGKF

!* 5looJet by JeeJ ls a crlme agalnsL honor whlch ls
commlLLed by performlng any acL whlch casLs
dlshonor, dlscredlL, or conLempL upon anoLher


1. Cffender performs any acL noL lncluded ln
any oLher crlme agalnsL honor
2. Such acL ls performed ln Lhe presence of
oLher person or persons
3. Such acL casLs dlshonor, dlscredlL or
conLempL upon Lhe offended parLy

:* 9;<= <AG =;G _>CK? HN ?D<CKGA LR KGGKF

1. 5lmple slooJet by JeeJ - performance of
an acL, noL use of words.

2. Ctove slooJet by JeeJ whlch ls of a
serlous crlme.

:* 9;<= KG=GAB>CG? >N <C <@= >? ?D<CKGA LR KGGK HA

!* WheLher a cerLaln slanderous acL consLlLuLes
slander by deed of a serlous naLure or noL, depends
on Lhe soclal sLandlng of Lhe offended parLy, Lhe
clrcumsLances under whlch Lhe acL was commlLLed,
Lhe occaslon, eLc.


1hus, slapplng a lady ln a dance noL for purpose of
hurLlng her buL Lo cause her shame and humlllaLlon for
refuslng Lo dance wlLh Lhe accused ls slander by deed.

&.")&%&.!/-)1 %!"(&.!/&-.'

&.")%&.!/&.3 &..-"$./ 8$)'-.
Y!A=7 [][^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN =;>? @A>BGF

1. Cffender performs an acL

2. 8y such acL he dlrecLly lncrlmlnaLes or
lmpuLes Lo an lnnocenL person Lhe
commlsslon of a crlme

3. Such acL does noL consLlLuLe per[ury

.H=G* 1he crlme of lncrlmlnaLory machlnaLlons ls
llmlLed Lo planLlng evldence and Lhe llke, whlch Lend
dlrecLly Lo cause false prosecuLlon.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G K>?=>C@=>HC? LG=EGGC
B<_>CS N<D?G <@@J?<=>HCF

&.")&%&.!/&.3 !.
&..-"$./ 8$)'-.
8$)P2)1 41 %!5&.3
,!0'$ !""2'!/&-.
CommlLLed by performlng
an acL by whlch Lhe
offender dlrecLly
lncrlmlnaLes or lmpuLes Lo
an lnnocenL person Lhe
commlsslon of a crlme.
1he gravamen of Lhe
offense ls Lhe
lmpuLaLlon lLself,
falsely made, before an

LlmlLed Lo Lhe acL of
planLlng evldence and Lhe
llke, ln order Lo lncrlmlnaLe
an lnnocenL person.
Clvlng of false
sLaLemenL under oaLh
or Lhe maklng of a false
affldavlL, lmpuLlng Lo a
person Lhe commlsslon
of a crlme.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G K>?=>C@=>HC? LG=EGGC
>C@A>B>C<=HAR B<@;>C<=>HC <CK KGN<B<=>HCF

Cffender performs acLs Lo
dlrecLly lmpuLe Lo an
lnnocenL person Lhe
commlsslon of Lhe crlme.
Cffender avalls hlmself
of wrlLLen or spoken
words ln besmlrchlng Lhe
vlcLlm's repuLaLlon.

&./)&32&.3 !3!&.'/ (-.-)
Y!A=7 []\^

:* 9;<= >? >C=A>SJ>CS <S<>C?= ;HCHAF

!* Any scheme or ploL by means whlch conslsL of
some Lrlckery.

!""# 6& 3><A8= +KC<;=B O:;:>

!"!#$%&"' "(!&)* LLS1L8 !A? ALAn L. lLC8LS ll
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) !"!#$%&"'* kA8Ln !C? C. SA8uCC & !CPn PLn8? C. MLnuCZA
+&"$ "(!&) ,-) !#%&.&'/)!/&-. !.# ,&.!."$: !LAnLLLL C. LLL
+&"$ "(!&)' ,-) 0!1-2/ !.# #$'&3.* LA8L LCulL M. MASACA?An & 1PLLnA C. MA81lnLZ
2 . & + $ ) ' & / 1 - , ' ! . / - / - % ! '
!"# $% & " ' ') *) + ) # ,- ./ 0/ %
:* 9;H >? D><LDGF

!* Any person who shall make any lnLrlgue whlch
has for lLs prlnclpal purpose Lo blemlsh Lhe honor or
repuLaLlon of anoLher person.

:* 9;<= >? =;G K>?=>C@=>HC LG=EGGC >C=A>SJ>CS

!3!&.'/ (-.-)
1he source of Lhe
uLLerance ls unknown
and Lhe offender
slmply repeaLs or
passes Lhe same,
wlLhouL subscrlblng
Lo Lhe LruLh Lhereof.
Cffender made Lhe uLLerance,
where Lhe source of Lhe
defamaLory naLure of Lhe
uLLerance ls known, and
offender makes a
republlcaLlon Lhereof, even
Lhough he repeaLs Lhe
llbelous sLaLemenL as comlng
from anoLher, as long as Lhe
source ls ldenLlfled.

<7 !KB>C>?=A<=>OG ">A@JD<A gfcggf )G* 3J>KGD>CG?
&BIH?>=>HC HN 8GC<D=>G? >C 0>LGD "<?G?


.H=G* ArLlcle 333 of Lhe 8C penallzes llbel wlLh ptlsloo
cottectloool ln lLs mlnlmum and medlum
perlods *) flne ranglng from 200 Lo 6,000 pesos, *)
,*-+, ln addlLlon Lo Lhe clvll acLlon whlch may be
broughL by Lhe offended parLy.

ln Lhe followlng cases, Lhe CourL opLed Lo lmpose only
a flne on Lhe person convlcLed of Lhe crlme of llbel:

ln 5ozoo v. cA, Lhe CourL modlfled Lhe penalLy
lmposed upon peLlLloner, an offlcer of a homeowners'
assoclaLlon, for Lhe crlme of llbel from lmprlsonmenL
and flne ln Lhe amounL of 200.00, Lo flne only of
3,000.00, wlLh subsldlary lmprlsonmenL ln case of
lnsolvency, for Lhe reason LhaL he wroLe Lhe llbelous
arLlcle merely Lo defend hls honor agalnsL Lhe
mallclous messages LhaL earller clrculaLed around Lhe
subdlvlslon, whlch he LhoughL was Lhe handlwork of
Lhe prlvaLe complalnanL.

ln Motl v. cA, where Lhe crlme lnvolved ls slander by
deed, Lhe CourL modlfled Lhe penalLy lmposed on Lhe
peLlLloner, an ordlnary governmenL employee, from
lmprlsonmenL Lo flne of 1,000.00, wlLh subsldlary
lmprlsonmenL ln case of lnsolvency, on Lhe ground LhaL
Lhe laLLer commlLLed Lhe offense ln Lhe heaL of anger
and ln reacLlon Lo a percelved provocaLlon.

ln 8tllloote v. cA, Lhe CourL deleLed Lhe penalLy of
lmprlsonmenL lmposed upon peLlLloner, a local
pollLlclan, buL malnLalned Lhe penalLy of flne of
4,0000.00, wlLh subsldlary lmprlsonmenL ln case of
lnsolvency, ln each of Lhe (3) cases of llbel, on Lhe
ground LhaL Lhe lnLensely feverlsh passlons evoked
durlng Lhe elecLlon perlod ln 1988 musL have aglLaLed
peLlLloner lnLo wrlLlng hls open leLLer, and LhaL
lncompleLe prlvlleged communlcaLlon should be
appreclaLed ln favor of peLlLloner, especlally
conslderlng Lhe wlde laLlLude LradlLlonally glven Lo
defamaLory uLLerances agalnsL publlc offlclals ln
connecLlon wlLh or relevanL Lo Lhelr performance of
offlclal duLles or agalnsL publlc flgures ln relaLlon Lo
maLLers of publlc lnLeresL lnvolvlng Lhem.

ln 8ootls, It. v. leople,

Lhe CourL opLed Lo lmpose
upon peLlLloner, a lawyer, Lhe penalLy of flne only for
Lhe crlme of llbel conslderlng LhaL lL was hls flrsL
offense and he was moLlvaLed purely by hls bellef LhaL
he was merely exerclslng a clvlc or moral duLy Lo hls
cllenL when wroLe Lhe defamaLory leLLer Lo prlvaLe

1he foregolng cases lndlcaLe an emergenL rule of
preference for Lhe lmposlLlon of flne only raLher Lhan
lmprlsonmenL ln llbel cases under Lhe clrcumsLances
Lhereln speclfled.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G SJ>KGD>CG? >C =;G HL?GAO<@G HN <
D>LGD @<?G?F

!* All courLs and [udges concerned should
henceforLh Lake noLe of Lhe foregolng rule of
preference seL by Lhe Supreme CourL on Lhe maLLer
of Lhe lmposlLlon of penalLles for Lhe crlme of llbel
bearlng ln mlnd Lhe followlng prlnclples:

1. 1hls AdmlnlsLraLlve Clrcular does noL
remove lmprlsonmenL as an alLernaLlve
penalLy for Lhe crlme llbel under ArLlcle
333 of Lhe 8C

2. 1he !udges concerned may, ln Lhe
exerclse of sound dlscreLlon, and Laklng
lnLo conslderaLlon Lhe pecullar
clrcumsLances of each case, deLermlne
wheLher Lhe lmposlLlon of a flne alone
would besL serve Lhe lnLeresLs of [usLlce
or wheLher forbearlng Lo lmpose
lmprlsonmenL would depreclaLe Lhe
serlousness of Lhe offense, work vlolence
on Lhe soclal order, or oLherwlse be
conLrary Lo Lhe lmperaLlve of [usLlce

3. Should only a flne be lmposed and Lhe
accused be unable Lo pay Lhe flne, Lhere ls
no legal obsLacle Lo Lhe appllcaLlon of
Lhe 8C provlslon on subsldlary

(4. 5"/*-) )".-4 67%%

")&%&.!0 0!9 /$!%*
!#+&'$)* !uuCL 8lCC SL8AS1lAn u. LlWAnAC, '24P$"/ ($!#* ZAnu? A. ZACA1L, !''/7 '24P$"/ ($!#'* AnnA lL A8Au & AuL 8CMLC
CLLCSC, %$%4$)'* SPA8MACnL !C? 8lnA?, MA8lA CA8MLLLA 8uS1CnL8A, MA8? C8ACL CAMA?C, uLLlln lA88lCAS, !8., SlnLL
SAluuln, Au8lAn vAL8uLnA
`&+7 ")&%&.!0 .$30&3$."$

")&%&.!0 .$30&3$."$ &%8)2#$."$ !.#
.$30&3$."$ Y!A=7 []i^

:* 9;<= <AG =;G IJC>?;<LDG <@=?F

1. CommlLLlng Lhrough reckless lmprudence
any acL whlch, had lL been lnLenLlonal,
would consLlLuLe a grave or less grave
felony or llghL felony

2. CommlLLlng Lhrough slmple lmprudence
or negllgence an acL whlch would
oLherwlse consLlLuLe a grave or a less
serlous felony

3. Causlng damage Lo Lhe properLy of
anoLher Lhrough reckless lmprudence or
slmple lmprudence or negllgence

4. Causlng Lhrough slmple lmprudence or
negllgence some wrong whlch, lf done
mallclously, would have consLlLuLed a
llghL felony

.H=G* lmprudence or negllgence ls noL a crlme lLself. lL
ls slmply a way of commlLLlng a crlme.

lmprudence lndlcaLes a deflclency of acLlon, fallure ln

negllgence lndlcaLes a deflclency of percepLlon, fallure
ln adverLence.

)$"50$'' &%8)2#$."$

:* 9;<= <AG =;G GDGBGC=? HN AG@_DG?? >BIAJKGC@GF

1. Cffender does or falls Lo do an acL.
2. 1he dolng of or Lhe fallure Lo do LhaL acL ls
3. lL be wlLhouL mallce.
4. MaLerlal damage resulLs.
3. 1here ls an lnexcusable lack of precauLlon
on Lhe parL of Lhe person performlng or
falllng Lo perform such acL Laken lnLo
a. LmploymenL or occupaLlon
b. uegree of lnLelllgence
c. hyslcal condlLlon
d. CLher clrcumsLances regardlng
persons, Llme and place

'&%80$ &%8)2#$."$


1. 1here ls lack of precauLlon on Lhe parL of
Lhe offender.

2. uamage lmpendlng Lo be caused ls noL
lmmedlaLe nor Lhe danger clearly

.H=G* ArL. 64, relaLlve Lo mlLlgaLlng and aggravaLlng
clrcumsLances, ls noL appllcable Lo crlmes commlLLed
Lhrough negllgence.

3)* lalllng Lo lend help ls a quallfylng
clrcumsLance, lL ralses Lhe penalLy 1 degree

`8.* 1he drlver can leave hls vehlcle wltboot
aldlng Lhe vlcLlms lf he:
1. ls ln lmmlnenL danger of belng
2. WanLs Lo reporL Lo Lhe nearesL
offlcer of Lhe law, or
3. ueslres Lo summon a physlclan or a
nurse for medlcal asslsLance Lo Lhe
ln[ured. (5ec. 55 of k.A. 41J6)

:* 9;<= >? =;G KH@=A>CG HN D<?= @DG<A @;<C@GF

!* 1he lasL clear chance docLrlne sLaLes LhaL Lhe
conLrlbuLory negllgence of Lhe parLy ln[ured wlll noL
defeaL Lhe acLlon lf lL be shown LhaL Lhe accused
mlghL, by Lhe exerclse of reasonable care and
prudence, have avolded Lhe consequences of Lhe
negllgence of Lhe ln[ured parLy.

:* 9;<= >? GBGASGC@R AJDGF

!* 1he emetqeocy tole provldes LhaL an auLomoblle
drlver who, by Lhe negllgence of anoLher and noL by
hls own negllgence, ls suddenly placed ln an
emergency and compelled Lo acL lnsLanLly Lo avold
a colllslon or ln[ury ls noL gullLy of negllgence lf he
makes such a cholce whlch a person of ordlnary
prudence placed ln such a poslLlon mlghL make
even Lhough he dld noL make Lhe wlsesL cholce.

:* 9;<= <AG =;G K>?=>C@=>HC? LG=EGGC >BIAJKGC@G

.$30&3$."$ &%8)2#$."$
ueflclency of percepLlon ueflclency of acLlon
lallure ln adverLence lallure ln precauLlon
Avolded by paylng proper
aLLenLlon and uslng Lhe
dlllgence ln foreseelng Lhem
1aklng necessary
precauLlon once

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