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Walking on Our Knees Together

January & February 2014

Dal and Beth Stanton Sofia, Bulgaria www.mtwbg.com dstanton@mtwbg.com

Our world is convulsing The Apologetic of Mercy: Our

conversation with Chris Sicks
JANUARY 22ND, 2014

In every direction we turn we hear, read, or watch the unbridled suffering of people either brought by the hand of man or described as the hand of God. Often I have turned away from the news on CNN, EuroNews, BBC, DV, because my soul cannot take the steady diet of human carnage. I cannot watch dispassionately. I see suffering. This suffering is often used by the skeptic as ammo to load his gun aimed at Christians: How can there be a good God with so much suffering in the world? Jesus followers struggle to know how to answer the Why? of suffering in a way that doesnt come off as glib, superficial, theological triteness. How DO I live in a world that is convulsing? This question never goes away. The Apologetics of Mercy interview (left) describes much of what our team discovered as we struggled to understand HOW to respond to the scourge of sex slavery OR whether we need respond. Why? We were a church planting team did prostitution ministry fit? Yet, as stated in this article: Mercy and truth came together most clearly in the person and ministry of Jesus Christ. We are learning that tangible demonstrations of Christs love in action (deed/mercy) are opening hearts to hear the hope of Christ. Why? They experience on some level His touch (through His people) and are drawn to know more of Him. The loving touch of Christ through mercy ministry cuts through religion and meets people where they hurt. Yanceys book (left) helps me so much at this critical point. We, as Gods people, are called to the brokenness around us because this most readily reveals the real Jesus we know and serve, to a hurting and watching world. As we seek to show the love of Christ to make known the hope of Christ, where ever that may lead, we need your prayers.

Link to interview

Link to Yanceys site

Pray for Ukraine

Many of you know that our service with MTW started in Ukraine. We have dear friends and colleagues there that need our prayers. Pray that the corrupt, repressive government there will be turned back. These events there have EVERYTHING to do with Christs Church, and continued growth of the Kingdom. Pray that through all, Christ is known and that His people will stand for truth and righteousness resting in His grace.

Pray for Refugees in Bulgaria

Leviticus 19:33-34 and 24:22 When the alien resides with you in your land, you shall not oppress the alien. The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among you; you shall love the alien as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God. Bulgaria has been inundated with an influx of refugees, mostly coming from wartorn Syria. Transiting through Turkey, Bulgaria is the first stop entry into the EU. Their hope is for a better life somewhere. Our team members have joined other believers in Bulgaria with food handouts, teaching English, and efforts, simply trying to help hurting people families, moms, dads, kids. Pray as we seek to know how to respond. The needs are great. Pray.

Daughters of Bulgaria Christmas Outreach!

The joys of Christs birth and truths of His coming with love and forgiveness were spoken on the Ring Road to our Daughters. Words fall short of describing our joy in bringing good gifts to the Road praying that these might be used to open their hearts and that they might know Jesus. Pray! Every Sunday (10:30AM ET!) we head to the Ring Road to show and tell them who Jesus is!

We appreciate your prayers so much! Pray for our trip to Athens, Greece, next week Beth will be visiting and working with Nea Zoi (New Life), a ministry reaching out to women in prostitution. Dal will be meeting with other MTW leadership from throughout Europe. Pray for the continued renovations to our Christian Cultural Center to ready it for ministry use. Please pray for summer plans for The Well, new interns, English Camp, Baseball Camp, and a NEW summer initiative in Plovdiv a 6 Week English & Youth outreach. Pray for the Elias Riggs Center for Biblical Studies, for the 26 students, for the opening of 2 new study centers in Bulgaria and for the centers funding. Pray for our Bulgaria team members in Sofia and Plovdiv that we would grow in grace looking more like Jesus all the time.

So thankful! Johanna was able to come home for Christmas and yes, we had turkey for our Christmas dinner!

To partner with us through online giving please click on this MTW link: Partner with Dal & Beth For general information on giving through MTW click on this link: General Giving Info Or send checks payable to: Mission to the World ~ P.O. Box 116284 ~ Atlanta, GA 30368-6284 **Indicate on check memo: Stanton #16836

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