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HUYCOMF 8/3/2009



Professor: Phan Van Hoa Referent ater!a"s: etho#s !n $#ucat!on %Ro&ert 'urns( e"&ourne: )on*man Chesh!re+ 1,,-.

Intro#uct!on to Research

/econ# )an*ua*e Research

etho#s %Her&ert 01/e"!*er+ $"ana /hohamy( 23for# Un!4ers!ty Press.

5hes!s an# 6ss!*nment 0r!t!n* %secon# e#!t!on( 7onathan 6n#erson %the f!n#ers un!4ers!ty of /outh 6ustra"!a.+ !""!cent Poo"e %8ueens"an# Un!4ers!ty of 5echno"o*y. 11 etho#s: the 9ays 9e #o( the 9ays 9e th!n: effect!4e"y( the 9ays 9e see the 9or"# !nor#er to master the truth1

;1 Research: 9e""<or*an!=e# >"an( o&?ect( a!m( t!me( stu#y!n* to f!n# out more a&out th!n*s1 @1 5he Reason 0hy: c"ar!fy the nature of th!n*s( #!sco4er the ne9 th!n*s( create( #!st!n*u!sh( #e4e"o> %cr!t!ca". th!n:!n* ho9 to a>>"y research toAfor "!fe1 B1 Researcher %character.: coura*e( "oya"ty( creat!4eness( human!ty C1 0hat: trueAfa"se e3>er!ence reason!n* test!n* trueAfa"se e3>er!ent!a" 4!e9 4!ta" Research: )an*ua*e an# )an*ua*e $#ucat!on 5each!n* D) %fore!*n "an*ua*e. %$. )earn!n* %$ stu#ents "earn. )!n*u!st!cs: F a>>"!e# $ trans"at!on G !nter>retat!on F contrast !n ) V<$( $<V %source ) H tar*et ). F #!scourse ana"ys!s ) E content F theory of ) %semant!cs( synta3( funct!ona" *rammarI. metho#s of $ ) E 5

Note for research: JK thLc h!Mn mNt &O! N*h!Pn cQu+ cRn th!St >hT! cU: G 2&?ect %name of to>!cs. G VWt 4Xn JY G G!T! ZuySt 4Xn JY %chQn* m!nh( thu th[> tO! "!Mu( thTo "u[n chQn* m!nh. G \St "u[n: t]n* :St G tham :hTo %reference. :hTo s_t th`n* :P

Qn* #^n* %thLc tS. Note for references: G m!nh chQn* %:hTo s_t. %"!n*u!st!c e4!#ences. 4O sa> 3S> th`n* :P

huycomf R$/$6RCH


11 Intro#uct!on ;1 \!n#s of research @1 /econ# "an*ua*e Afore!*n "an*ua*e research metho#s B1 Pre>aratory sta*es of research C1 Conte3tua"!=at!on of research c1 Com>onents of research d1 Research #es!*n e1 6>>roaches ,1 Re>ort!n*+ summar!=!n* an# !nter>ret!n* the resu"ts I. INTRODUCTION

11 @ cate*or!es man sets out research e3>er!ence H reason!n* H research $3>er!ence: source of !nformat!on from Pro&"em<so"4!n* s!tuat!on1 %tfnh hu`n* cU 4Xn JY *!T! ZuySt 4Xn JY cU :!nh n*h!Mm. >ersona" e3>er!ence G e3>erts %:!nh n*h!Mm r!Pn* cRn >hT! cU chuyPn *!a JK h!Mn thLc hUa. Reason!n*: be#uct!4e research+ In#uct!4e research an# be#uct!4e<In#uct!4e a>>roach %>hgn thch n*uyPn nhgn cRn _> #^n* nhin* c_ch n*h!Pn cQu nhj: b!kn #lch+ 8uy nm>+ #!kn #!ch<Zuy nm>. Research: systemat!c+ contro""e#+ em>!r!ca"+ se"f<correct!n* %n*h!Pn cQu >hT! cU hM th`n*+ :!Km so_t+ t!Pn n*h!Mm %*!T thuySt. 4O tL J!Yu chnnh.

;1 b$bUC5IV$ E INbUC5IV$ 61 b$bUC5IV$: %suy #!kn( #!kn #lch. 6"" >"anets or&!t the sun1 5he earth !s a >"anet1 5herefore+ the earth or&!ts the sun1 '1 INbUC5IV$: %Zuy nm>. If you #o not &an: the furnace+ the f!re 9!"" #!e1 %t!Yn JY. oou #!# not &an: the furnace1 5herefore+ the f!re #!e#1 )ju p "O cU nh!Yu "p #o #qn JSn "ra tat+ chQ :hsn* nhXt th!St "O :hsn* &t them cu! 4Oo " sjv!1 4f 4[y+ #mn* nOy rXt #k "Rm "qn #qn JSn sa! "mc 4Y c_ch thQc1 If you #o not &an: the furnace+ the f!re 9!"" #!e1 %t!Yn JY. 5he f!re has not #!e#1 5herefore you #!# &an: he furnace1 @

huycm If you #o not &an: the furnace+ the f!re 9!"" #!e1 %t!Yn JY. 5he f!re #!e#1 5herefore+ you #!# not &an: the furnace1 %most correct. /CI$N5IDIC R$/$6RCH /c!ent!f!c research !s con#ucte# systemat!ca""y1 /c!ence &u!"#s theor!es &y systemat!ca""y test!n* an !nterre"ate# &o#y of Hy>othes!s %*!T thuySt.1 /c!ent!f!c research see:s to #escr!&e+ !#ent!fy an# contro" re"at!onsh!> amon* >henomena !n or#er to stu#y them1

INbUC5IV$ 1. Genera"!=at!on A ;. 6na"o*y 1. Genera"!=at!on: test for *enera"!=at!on %:!Km tra tw chx :h_! Zu_t hUa. < a fa!r num&er of !nstances must &e !n4est!*ate# %:!Km tra mNt "jyn* mqu. e1*1 zJ 3us! 5hmch H{n |! ch}o nh~ test chi z|! z|! 3!n %reZu!re. z|! :Pu G offer G share < !nstances !n4est!*ate# must &e ty>!ca" %mqu Jja ra :!Km tra >hT! "O J!Kn hfnh. < !f ne*at!4e !nstances occur they must &e e3>"a!ne# %nSu mqu :hsn* r ran* thf >hT! Jjyc *!T! thhch. ;. 6na"o*y: so s_nh tj|n* tL !f t9o !nstances are a"!:e !n a num&er of !m>ortant >o!nts+ they 9!"" &e a"!:e !n the >o!nt !n Zuest!on1 e1*1 you H anhAchlI '6/IC+ 6PP)I$b 6Nb PR6C5IC6) R$/$6RCH NGHIN CU C 'N+ NG bNG V 5HC 5IN `! Zuan hM *!ia @ "om! n*h!Pn cQu nOy Jjyc #La trPn "p thuySt: 'as!c research

6>>"!e# res1 5H$ R2)$ 2D R$/$6RCH IN $bUC65I2N

Pract!ce res1

zResearch !s &est conce!4e# as the >rocess of arr!4!n* at #e>en#a&"e so"ut!on to >ro&"ems throu*h the >"anne# an# systemat!c co""ect!on+ ana"ys!s+ an# !nter>retat!on of #ata1 It !s a most !m>ortance too" for a#4anc!n* :no9"e#*e+ for >romot!n* >rocess+ an# for ena&"!n* man to re"ate more effect!4e"y to h!s en4!ronment+ to accom>"!sh h!s >ur>oses an# to so"4e h!# conf"!cts % ou"y: 1,de. II. FOUR PARAMETERS (BN THAM CHIU)

11 /oN5H$5IC E 6N6)o5IC 6PPR26CH$/

huycomf /ynthet!cA ho"!st!c %chhnh thK "u[n. a>>1 em>has!=es !nter#e>en#ence of >arts: 4!e9 se>arate >arts as a coherent 9ho"e1 % nhXn mmnh JSn c_c sL tj|n* try cua c_c >hRnA &N >h[n1 3em c_c >hRn r!Pn* " *!`n* nhj mNt t]n* thK *an :St 4! nhau. 6nna"!st!cA const!tuent a>>1 focuses on ro"e of const!tuents: !#ent!fy an# !n4est!*ate a s!n*"e factorA c"uster of factors: one of ma?or system1 %n*!Pn cQu ccs ySu t` r!Pn* "+ twn* &N >h[n mNt 4O t_ch ra JK n*h!Pn cQu. Vh #^: tron* 4n &Tn chhnh trl chn* ta cU thK nhfn nh[n chun* homc r!Pn* " ty 4Oo c_ch >hgn thch %synAana.

5w VLn*


0e ne4er fear to ne*ot!ate1 %chn* ta :hsn* &ao *! sy thj|n* "jyn*. 'ut 9e ne4er ne*ot!ate out of fear1 %nhjn* chn* ta cn* :hsn* &ao *! thj|n* "jyn* 4f sy. ; a>>1 nOy thjn* J! 4! nhau %syn: nhfn chun*( ana: nhfn r!Pn* "A&N >h[n. Cn* "ju p: cU mNt "om! %:hsn* >hT! "O a>>1.: transformat!on %chuyKn J]!.

/ty"!st!c Content

!1e1 I# "!:e to ta": to you1 9ou"# "!:e cou"#A can I ta": to you


;1 H$URI/5IC E b$bUC5IV$ 2'7$C5IV$/ Heur!st!cA hy>othes!s H *enerat!n* research: from #ata+ actua" &eha4!or+ un>rocesse# o&ser4at!on to >atterns 9h!ch are su**este# &y the #ata themse"4es be#uct!4eA hy>othes!s H test!n* research: &e*!ns a Zuest!onA theory 9h!ch narro9s the focus of research1 @1 C2N5R2) E 6NIPU)65I2N 2D 5H$ R$/$6RCH C2N5$51 an!>u"at!on

B factors re"ate# to be*ree of Contro" an#

Restr!ct!on of /co>e: )20 to HIGH %*!! hmn >hmm 4! n*h!Pn cQu. Centra" of 4ar!a&"es: )20 to HIGH %:!Km so_t Jjyc c_c sa! &!Sn. 6ttent!on: %t[> trun*. Researcher o&?ect!4!ty %thnh chu Zuan. B1 b656 E b656 C2))$C5I2N 1. 0hat const!tute the #ata or 9hat are #ata e3: a"" &eha4!ors o&ser4a&"e sentence su&?ects o>!n!ons ;. Ho9 are #ata co""ecte# from )o9 e3>"!c!tness to H!*h e3>"!c!tness1 C )20 to HIGH HIGH to )20

huycm III.


11 5he *enera" Zuest!on G e3>er!enceA !nterests G other res1 !n "an*ua*e an# /) G sources out"!ne /) acZu!s!t!on1 ;1 Docus the Zuest!on !s the *enera" Zuest!on: G !m>ortant an# feas!&"e %:hT th!. G synthet!c or ana"yt!c G "!st the >oss!&"e factors com>r!s!n* the *enera" Zuest!on1 G !f synthet!c+ 9hat are the >henomena encom>asse# &y the Zuest!on heur!st!c G !f ana"yt!c+ 9hat are the s>ec!f!c constructs to &e !n4est!*ate# Conce>tua" #ef!n!t!on of constructs be#uct!4e @1 bec!#!n* on an o&?ect!4e Gheur!st!c: #escr!>t!on of res1 >roce#ures+ o&ser4at!onsI G#e#uct!4e: formu"at!on of res1 Zuest!ons1 2>erat!ona" #ef!n!t!ons of 4ar!a&"es1 G%>oss!&"e com&!nat!ons: /yn<heur+ ana<heur+ syn<#e#u+ ana<#e#u1. B1 Dormu"at!n* the research >"an or hy>othes!s1 G #escr!>t!4e or Zua"!tat!4e res1 %>rocess may en# here orI. G res1 hy>othes!s+ nu"" hy>othes!s+ conf!rmat!on or re?ect!on IV. CONTEXTUALIZATION OF RESEARCH: (C TH H A)

0H65 E 0Ho 11 /e"ect!n* the res1 to>!c ;1 'roa#en!n* >ers>ect!4e an# narro9!n* the Zuest!ons1 %mv rNn* tRm nhfn 4O thu h~> cgu ht!. !1e1 c_ch nU! !rony tron* V<6 thK h!Mn v ca #ao *!ao #uyPn I @1 Docus on re"e4ant !nformat!on1 "ocat!n* sources for "!terature re4!e9 %3_c Jlnh &ao nh!Pu n*j! J{ n*h!Pn cQu 4Xn JY nOy. sayer>rocess of say!n* rece!4er %t!S> n*sn thK. %t!Sn trfnh nU!. %Jhch n*sn thK. chn "om! tw n*h!Pn cQu C_c "om! thsn* t!n "!Pn Zuan: 1. In#!ces %!n#e3. ;. Com>uter search @. '!&"!o*ra>h!es B. Profess!ona" conferences C. 5he zun#er*roun# >ress c. 7ourna" art!c"es d. $#!te# co""ect!ons an# re4!e9s

huycomf B1 Rea#!n* "!teratureE or*an!=!n* re>ort!n* re4!e9 of "!terature G re>ort!n* re4!e9 of "!terature G#eterm!n!n* re"e4ance of mater!a" Gcom>!"!n* E summar!=!n* the !nformat!on Gre>ort!n* the "!terature re4!e9 V. COMPONENTS OF RESEARCH

11 Res1 >"an E ty>e of res1 ;1 @1 a:!n* >re#!ct!ons E contro""!n* 4ar!a&"es %:hsn* chS sa! sUt. a:!n* res1 more effect!4e

B1 5y>es of #ata C1 Interna" 4a"!#!ty: factors affect!n* !nterna" 4a"!#!ty %ySu t` trLc t!S> t_c JNn* JSn "u[n 4n. c1 $3terna" 4a"!#!ty %ySu t` &Pn n*oO!. VI. RESEARCH DESIGN: !UALITATIVE " DESCRIPTIVE RESEARCH

b1R1: >"ann!n* or or*an!=!n* e"ementsA com>onents that com>rom!se research stu#y %#On 3S> cho 4!Mc n*h!Pn cQu. /c!ent!f!c research nee#s &e!n*: structure#+ or*an!=e#+ metho#!ca" E systemat!c Re"at!onsh!> &et9een R1P an# ty>e research: < < < < Research for e3>"anat!ons of cause<effect re"at!onsh!>s co<occurrence of >henomena %thnh "W> "m! cua h!Mn tjyn*. bescr!&!n* >henomenaA>atterns: ms tT c_c mquAh!Mn tjyn* Heur!st!c research ho9 to co""ectA *a!n access to #ata %nam >hj|n* thQc t!S> c[n *!i :!Mn. be#uct!4e research ma:e assum>t!onA >re#!ctA stat!st!ca""y e3>"a!n!n* resu"ts %t]n* hy>+ #L Jo_n+ sem 3t+ J`! ch!Su.

8U6)I565IV$ R$/$6RCH %synthet!c a>>1.: NGHIN CU VNH 5NH 81R1 !s the >r!mary e3am>"e of hy>othes!s<*enerat!n* research 5he u"t!mate *oa" of Zua"!tat!4e res1 to #!sco4er >henomena as >atterns( < to un#erstan# those >henomena from the >ers>ect!4e of >art!c!>ants !n the act!4!ty1 %h!Ku c_c h!Mn tjyn* nOy tw c_c ySu t` tham *!a 4Oo homt JNn*. Con#uct!n* Zua"!tat!4e research %synthet!c a>>1. <#ef!ne >henomenon to &e #escr!&e# <use Zua"!tat!4e metho# to *ather #ata %thu nh[> #i "!Mu. <"oo: for >atterns !n the #ata <4a"!#ate !n!t!a" conc"us!ons &y return!n* to the #ata or co""ect!n* more <recyc"e throu*h the >rocessA #ata1 d

huycm b$/CRIP5IV$A 8U6N5I565IV$ R$/$6RCH %#e#uct!4e a>>1. NGHIN CU VNH )NG < < < bescr!>t!4e research !s use# to esta&"!sh e3!stence of >henomena &y e3>"!c!t"y #escr!&!n* them Case stu#y E *rou> stu#y 5est+ sur4ey an# Zuest!onna!res+ se"f<re>ort an# !nter4!e9+ o&ser4at!ons EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH (NGHI#N C$U TH%C NGHI&M)





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