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Andrew McCauley: On today's podcast, we're talking about promotions and competitions on Facebook.

Andrew McCauley: Hey, welcome to podcast number 49! I'm excited, we are nearly at our ! mark, but be"ore we get t#ere we'$e got to cross t#roug# 49, and today's podcast is all about #ow do you run promotions% &#at sort o" t#ings do you need to do, #ow do you run a competition, w#at are t#e rules around t#at, and w#at tools can you use to #elp you run a competition success"ully% 'ow, Heat#er and I #a$e bot# been digging into Facebook competitions o$er t#e last "ew weeks, so let's s#are some stu"". &elcome to t#e podcast Heat#er (orter! Heather Porter: Hello, )ndrew, and #ello, e$erybody. &#at a cool time o" t#e year we're in. &e're in t#e #oliday season, aren't we% Andrew McCauley: *ust about t#ere, in t#e #oliday season, and no better time to run promotions and competitions "or +#ristmas and t#at sort o" stu"", and t#en i" you're not running your promotion "or +#ristmas maybe you want to t#ink about running one "or a 'ew ,ear's promotion. ) w#ole bunc# o" reasons to run promotions. In "act you don't need a reason, you can run a promotion any time you like, so I t#oug#t we'd talk about t#at. -et's get out o" our #eads w#at we'$e been learning and w#at we'$e been disco$ering as "ar as Facebook promotions go because we'$e been getting some good results "rom t#at and we know a lot o" companies, a lot o" people are t#rowing money be#ind it, and you really don't need to #a$e a lot o" money to actually run a competition. .ig#t% Heather Porter: 'ot at all, I mean we're not only doing it "or oursel$es, but we're doing it "or ot#ers as well. /oday we're 00 or tonig#t, t#is morning, w#ene$er you're listening to t#is 00 we're going to s#are w#at we'$e been doing and a couple o" really ama1ing tools t#at you can use "or di""erent types o" promos and contests. )nd, yes, as you suggested, it's a great time o" year to look at t#is as your "irst promo t#at you can run and it's so easy to do, as well. &e're excited to s#are some o" t#is good stu"" wit# you, but be"ore we do, )ndrew, I #a$e a 2uestion "or you. Andrew McCauley: O#, let me guess. Heather Porter: &#at #a$e you learned t#is week% Andrew McCauley: Ha#a... I'$e been learning some good t#ings t#is week, actually. I'm really getting into a w#ole range o" di""erent t#ings. I was about to go down a tangent, but I won't. 3ut one t#ing I learned about is a tool I4m going to s#are wit# you t#at I disco$ered. It may not be "or e$erybody because not e$eryone may need t#is sort o" tool, but I "ound a tool called +omment +ast. +omment +ast is a little tool t#at lets you "ind out w#o's written re$iews "or your app. I" you'$e got an app, like we'$e got our podcast w#ic# is an app basically on i/unes, we'$e got a maga1ine as well, i" you'$e got any sort o" in"ormation on i/unes w#at it does is it lets you "ind out w#o's written re$iews all around t#e world. 'ow, w#y is t#at important% &ell, i" I'm in t#e )ustralian store on i/unes, I only get to see people t#at #a$e le"t comments "rom )ustralia. I" I'm in t#e 56, I only get to see t#e 56 comments. 6o I don't e$en know t#at t#ere's ot#er comments around t#e world, and t#at's a little bit o" a down"all, I guess, t#at i/unes #as.
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3ut, t#ey'$e done t#at t#ere "or a reason. 6o i" we're t#inking maybe let's do some s#outouts "or people and maybe t#ere's no one t#at's written a comment or anyt#ing t#ere "or t#at particular podcast or particular app, w#en in actual "act t#ere is people writing comments, we :ust didn't know about t#em. 6o we'$e disco$ered all t#ese brand new "ans and awesome people t#at are lea$ing comments "or our maga1ine and our podcast all o$er t#e world, and we're blown away t#at we, we're almost embarrassed t#at we didn't know it existed. 6o now t#at we'$e "ound it we can do some s#outouts "or people all o$er t#e world, so I'm pretty excited about t#at. Heather Porter: I lo$e it, I lo$e it. I'm still laug#ing at some o" t#e comments t#at we didn't know about, actually. &e4ll #a$e to s#are one o" t#ose at t#e end o" t#e s#ow, s#ouldn't we% Andrew McCauley: I'm going to do t#at. I'm going to s#are one "rom 6weden. Heather Porter: ,ea#, t#at's t#e one I was going to suggest, as well, so you guys #a$e to #ang in t#ere because you'll want to #ear w#at t#is comment is. It's 2uite "unny. )nd t#at's a strange 5.- t#at you actually go to to get t#is tool. Its marty.ca, isn't it% Andrew McCauley: ,es, and look t#e guy only c#arges ; .!!. 'ow, i" you don't #a$e an app you don't really need it, but it was :ust somet#ing t#at I disco$ered. I" you do run your own podcast or you do #a$e a maga1ine, or you do #a$e anyt#ing t#at's on t#e )pply newsstand, anyt#ing t#at gets re$iew on t#e )pple newsstand, you may e$en #a$e a book out t#ere, c#eck it out. +omment +ast, :ust type t#at into 9oogle, you'll "ind it. Fi$e dollars, cost me "i$e bucks, not#ing. Heather Porter: 3rilliant toll, anybody t#at #as a podcast or an app, or maga1ine, or w#ate$er, you'll want to get it. Andrew McCauley: ,up. Heather Porter: 'ice, I'm glad you... Andrew McCauley: &#at did you learn t#is week% Heather Porter: I'm glad you learned about t#at tool, and I #a$e anot#er interesting tool, as well. <ine, I'$e learned about a tool called emaillistcleaning.com. =oesn't t#at sound exciting% >laug#s? Andrew McCauley: emaillistcleaning.com, okay. Heather Porter: 'ow, #ere's w#y I disco$ered it. It's really an ama1ing tool "or anybody t#at's :ust getting started in email marketing using a plat"orm like <ail+#imp, or )weber, or O""ice)uto(ilot, or one o" t#ose t#at we'$e talked about in t#e past, and w#at it does is it cleans up your @xcel spreads#eets. 6o say you #a$e loads o" old business cards and you're starting to get your act toget#er "or t#e 'ew ,ear, and you want to start doing email marketing, you send your list to t#is company and t#ey'll clean it up and make sure t#at you #a$e actual $alid email addresses I t#ere because I don't know #ow t#ey do it, t#ey're :ust able to c#eck to see w#at's working and w#at's not working and t#is is important. It's
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important because w#en you are "or t#e "irst time importing a list into one o" t#ese t#ird parties, like <ail+#imp "or example, you #a$e to c#eck all t#ese boxes saying it's not a purc#ased list, t#ey're $alid emails, t#ey're expecting marketing "rom you, but t#ey're $ery strict about bounce0backs, initially as well and complaints and t#ings like t#at, so you want to start out wit# a nice, clean email list and t#is tool, again, emaillistcleaning.com allows you to do t#at, and, )ndrew, I actually learned about t#at "rom our good "riends at O""ice)uto(ilot. /#ey told me about it. Andrew McCauley: &ow. 6o, let me ask you t#is. &#at does it cost% I" I #ad a list o" business cards, I'$e been working it "or a couple o" year and I really #adn't used any auto0responder so"tware, w#at's it going to cost me to get t#at list c#ecked out% =o t#ey c#arge you by t#e number o" people on t#ere, or #ow does t#at work% Heather Porter: ,ea#, it's cost per t#ousands, so it's starts at "i$e bucks "or t#e initial list. ,ea#, it's not a lot. I t#ink its ; .!! per t#ousand, initially, and t#en you :ust, you know, t#en ten "or a couple o" t#ousand. 6o, it's wort# it, it is. )nd O""ice)uto(ilot is our system t#at we lo$e "or our entire autopiloting o" our business and our email plat"orm. /#ey were saying t#at it :ust #elps people t#at import lists "or t#e "irst wit# t#em immensely and t#ey #ig#ly recommend it. Andrew McCauley: I" you'$e got an existing database, say you're using )weber or <ail+#imp, can you run t#ose names t#roug# t#at system, as well% Heather Porter: OF course, yea#. )nd again, in t#e spirit o" #a$ing a really good, acti$e email list, less is more in emails. ,ou want to #a$e 2uality o" a list rat#er t#an 2uantity. /#is is a great way o" really cleaning t#at and you can do t#at rig#t now wit# your current list, absolutely. Andrew McCauley: ,ou know, I'm going to touc# on t#is "or a minute because I t#ink it's really important and a lot o" people don't get t#is t#at you can #a$e a list o" A,!!! people, and i" B!! o" t#ose people are old email addresses or ones t#at bounce back t#ere are a couple o" t#ings t#at #appen. One is t#at t#e ser$ice t#at you're using, let's stick wit# <ail+#imp, t#ey come back and t#ey say, C,ou know you sent out a t#ousand emails and we don't #a$e a $ery big open rate "or your emails.C 'ow, and open rate is one o" t#e "actors t#at determines w#et#er t#e company wants to keep sending emails "or you on your be#al". I" you #a$e !! or B!D o" t#ose email not getting open straig#taway because t#ey4re all old email, t#en you're at risk o" t#is company saying you're using some dodgy email addresses. Heather Porter: /#at's rig#t. Andrew McCauley: /#en t#e ot#er t#ing is, you want to make sure t#at you #a$e as #ig# o" open rates as you can, so get rid o" t#ose ones t#at aren't e$en t#ere. 3ut t#e ot#er t#ing is t#at email companies start c#arging you per #undred or per t#ousand, depends on w#ic# one you use, o" e$ery email address w#et#er it works or not. I" it's in t#e system it starts c#arging you, so i" you'$e got a larger list wit# a w#ole bunc# o" dead ones, get rid o" it because you're probably paying "or it wit#out you e$en reali1ing t#at.

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Heather Porter: ,ea#, $ery good points, actually. +ool little, groo$y little tool t#at I disco$ered. Andrew McCauley: )lrig#t, so let's mo$e onto t#e content "or today, and we're talking about Facebook promotions, Facebook competitions, and t#at sort o" stu"". -et's start o"", gi$e us a rundown o" w#at you'$e been doing and #ow it's been working, w#at you'$e seen "rom t#e e""orts t#at you'$e been putting in "or Facebook promos. Heather Porter: ,ea#, sure. I "or one o" our clients we :ust actually "inis#ed a promotion wit# t#em, and it was completely run t#roug# t#eir Facebook page, business page, and it sits as an app t#at basically is under t#e co$er p#oto t#ere, t#ere's all o" t#ose little boxes. It :ust sits nicely inside o" t#ere. /#ey were gi$ing away a big, big cas# pri1e, and we #ad it in suc# a way t#at people would enter by "illing out a $ery minimal amount o" in"ormation initially and t#en t#ose leads would be taken o$er to t#e client to "ollow up and "inis# t#e actual process o" signing up. 6o, wit# t#is tool, we basically got $ery minimal ad spent in Facebook, and we got t#en A!! #ig#ly 2uali"ied leads, I t#ink in :ust o$er a mont#, but A!! 2uali"ied leads, we're talking good leads, so t#ey now #a$e p#one numbers "or t#ese people and t#ey're "ollowing up wit# t#em. It was a brilliant exercise and t#at's one t#ing t#at I recently did and I want to talk t#roug# a little bit about t#e plat"orm t#at we used and we can go t#roug# t#e ins and outs o" it because I know you :ust set it up "or somebody as well, didn't you% Andrew McCauley: ,ea#, actually I did two setups :ust recently. /#ey're all sort o" di""erent. /#ey #a$e t#eir own little 2uirkiness, t#ey4re not :ust cookie0 cutter promotions. /#ey #a$e t#eir own look and "eel to t#em, t#ey #a$e t#eir own met#ods o" actually winning and drawing pri1es and t#at sort o" stu"". /#ere's a w#ole range o" di""erent t#ings we can look at. Heather Porter: &ell, let's start out wit# t#e name o" it, t#en we can go t#roug# some o" t#e t#ings it can actually do. ,ea#% Andrew McCauley: ,ea#, sure. Okay. /#e one we'$e been using lately is called @asy (romos, easypromos.com. )nd, t#ese guys run a pretty good system, di""erent $arious prices you can run. I t#ink it cost us about ;A!!.!! to run a promotion. ,ou can get a basic $ersion. (remium $ersion is ;A!!.!!. &#at you can do is, basically, anyt#ing you can t#ink o". Facebook #as :ust relaxed a lot o" t#e rules around promos, w#ic# is great to #ear. 3y saying t#at, w#at I mean by t#at is t#ey let you run some promotions on your news"eed wit#out #a$ing to use a t#ird party. ) t#ird party is somet#ing like @asy (romo app. 'ow, recently t#ey relaxed t#e rules so t#at you could :ust run somet#ing "rom your news"eed. ,ou could say send us your p#oto or post your p#oto on our timeline and we'll pick t#e winner. 6o t#ey're letting you do t#ings like t#at. =on't 2uote me on t#at exact rules, but go and c#eck out w#at t#e current rules are "or Facebook. 3ut w#at @asy (romos does is it does a w#ole range more, a w#ole lot o" cool $iral sort o" aspects to it, as well. ) couple o" reasons t#at I like somet#ing like an @asy (romos is t#at you can get your promotion done up pretty 2uickly and t#e installation process is pretty rapid, so you can put your grap#ics and your banners t#ere, it becomes a part o" your page rat#er t#an :ust one post t#at you may want to stick up t#ere. It becomes part o" your page, it gets put in t#e little tabs on t#e rig#t0#and side underneat# your main p#oto. It's $ery $ersatile, it's easy to use,
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and one ot#er t#ings is t#at you can actually segment it so t#at, you know, we'$e got t#is promo, like w#at you were talking about t#at we ran "or one o" our customers, it was only $alid "or )ustralian residents. /#ere was no point in anybody else in anot#er country winning it because t#e pri1e wouldn't #a$e been $alid t#ere. 6o we were able to segment it so t#at only people wit# an )ustralian account or I( address could actually see t#e promo. 6o, you weren't going to get inundated wit# people "rom ot#er countries trying to win somet#ing t#at t#ey weren't e$en part o" t#e target market "or. ,ou can really start segmenting t#ese promotions to people you want to cater "or. Heather Porter: ,ou know w#at else I lo$ed about it is it actually gi$es you a 5.- t#at's mobile "riendly. &it# a lot o" t#ese Facebook apps, you can't easily access t#em "rom a mobile de$ice, and it gi$es you a 5.- t#at's accessible on all de$ices so you can email it and promote it, people can actually click on it and see t#is page wit#out going t#roug# all o" t#ose cra1y double, triple trying to log into t#eir Facebook app to see it, so it gi$es a really #andy 5.-. Andrew McCauley: ,ea#, absolutely. Heather Porter: /#e cool t#ing about it, too, and one little pointer t#at we learned was less is more w#en #a$ing people enter a contest, you want to make it really easy "or t#em, so in t#is case we #ad t#is #uge pre2uali"ication 2uestionnaire t#at somebody #as to complete to enter t#e contest "or our client, but we remo$ed it "rom t#e actual promo and we #ad it be a two0step signup process. 6o, we asked "or $ery minimal in"ormation, suc# as contact details, and t#en "rom inside t#e Facebook page in t#e promo we #ad somebody click on a link to complete t#e process. )nd o" course only about A!D completed t#e process by t#emsel$es, and t#at's w#ere t#ings get exciting. &e actually t#en put t#ose emails and contact details to t#e team o" t#e company t#at ran t#is promo, and t#en t#ey gi$e t#em a nice, "riendly p#one call and t#ey "ollow it up and t#en #elped t#em "inis# t#e rest o" t#e entry process t#at way. 6o, you could do loads o" t#ings, but t#e biggest t#ing is as soon as we did t#e w#ole less is more model we started to track a lot more entries at t#at point. Andrew McCauley: I'm going to gi$e you two examples o" t#ings t#at t#ey do. /#ere's always t#e usual gi$e us your name and email address and we're going to draw a random winner, and t#at sort o" t#ing. &ell, I'm not going to talk about t#at. I want to talk about a couple o" extra t#ings t#at t#is particular company does. 'ow, mind you, t#ere are a number o" ot#er companies out t#ere doing similar t#ings, I :ust like @asy (romos app because t#ey'$e been $ery good and t#e support t#at I4$e got "rom t#ese guys in magni"icent. /#ese guys are really, really super #elp"ul. I" I needed to get some ad$ice, it wasn't so muc# tec#nical ad$ice it was more, CHey I want to run t#is competition, w#ic# angle s#ould I targetC, and t#ey'll come back and say, C&#y don't you try t#is, we'$e seen t#is work wit# t#is sort o" clientele,C so t#ey're gi$ing you great ad$ice about strategy, as well. Heather Porter: ,ea#, we #ad a 6kype call wit# t#em and t#en t#ey were emailing us supplementary 2uestions we could ask, it was ama1ing. I was $ery impressed, actually.

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Andrew McCauley: ,ea#, so I'll gi$e you a couple o" examples and I don't know i" you #a$e e$en seen t#is work, Heat#er. One o" t#em is you can add a 2ui1, and you may want to, let's say you want to "ind out some in"ormation about your target market, and you mig#t t#ink, C&ell, does my target market like product ) or product 3%C -et's say you'$e got two competitors products and you mig#t say, C=o you like t#is product, or t#is product%E =epending on w#at answer t#ey gi$e you, you can ser$e up some suggestions at t#e end o" t#e 2ui1 w#at t#ey s#ould do "rom t#ere. 6o "or instance, i" you #ad "la$ors o" a so"t drink, "or instance, and you mig#t say, C=o you like lemon, or do you like berries%C I" you answered lemon, depending on t#e answer you ga$e it would ser$e up a suggestion #en saying maybe you s#ould try a new lemon drink. 6o it's actually getting smart about w#at you're doing and sending people to t#e rig#t promotion at t#e end o" it. It's a pretty cool little way to do t#ings. Heather Porter: ,ou go do like a #elp me "ind my new book co$er contest, couldn't you% &#ere you gi$e options and people $ote. /#at's pretty cool. Andrew McCauley: ,ea#, it is. /#e sky is t#e limit on #ow you can do t#at. )nd t#e 2ui11es aren't :ust one 2uestion, you can c#uck p#otos up. as you said wit# a book, you can put up "our or "i$e p#otos on a book co$er and say w#ic# one do you like, bang, bang, bang, s#are t#is and I'll gi$e you a pri1e. )nd t#e ot#er great "eature is it does let you s#are t#ings and creates extra incenti$es "or people, so you could almost put up a pri1e "or your promotion, w#oe$er wins wins t#e pri1e, but i" t#ey got #ere because somebody else told t#em about t#e app, t#at person could win a pri1e, too. /#at's a pretty neat trick. Heather Porter: ,ea#, I lo$ed t#at about t#at. 6o, 2uick 2uestion t#en on t#e w#ole @asy (romo app, w#at could somebody win. &#at are some o" t#e actual pri1e suggestions t#at we could t#row out t#ere "or people to use% Andrew McCauley: )nyt#ing, really. Heather Porter: &ell, t#ere's cas# pri1e, o" course. Andrew McCauley: +as# pri1e is t#e best, o"ten. It's o"ten t#e best, it always #as been. It doesn't matter i" it's online or o""line, people like cas#. ,ou can do w#ate$er you like wit# cas#. &#at I tend to look at depending on your budget, and let's "ace it, it you #a$en't got a big budget, t#en #ow do you come up wit# big pri1es t#at will attract t#ose people and attract t#at $irality nature o" your promos% 6o w#at I like to do is gi$e t#em a price t#at's $aluable to t#em i" t#ey were to pay "or it, but not necessarily costing you a lot o" money. For instance, i" you see a lot o" people out t#ere wit# a pri1e like to win a "ree i(ad, well at t#e end o" t#e day you're going to #a$e to pay "or t#at i(ad. -et's say it's a ; !!.!! i(ad. ,ou4re going to #a$e to go and pay "or it somew#ere. It's ; !!.!! out o" your pocket. 3ut i" you could come up wit# somet#ing t#at said, CI'm a consultant and I #a$e my consultant ser$ices at ; !!.!! an #ourC, or w#ate$er, ; !!.!! a day, you could say Cw#y don't you win two sessions wit# me $alued at ;A!!!.!!%C 6o t#e cost is your time rat#er t#an t#e actual money coming out o" your pocket. 3ut, t#at's still got a cost as "ar as time goes. ,ou may #a$e created a digital product t#at you can gi$e away. )t t#e end o" t#e day it #asn't cost you muc# money at all, but t#e percei$ed $alue o" it is 2uite #ig#. (eople like to see big

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numbers i" t#ey4re going to win, and i" you can make it #appen w#ere it's not costing you a lot, t#en great. Heather Porter: Okay, cool. 6o, on t#at point, I'd actually like to bring up t#e ot#er resource t#at we #a$e because on t#at w#ole t#ing o", Cwell, i" I don't #a$e a big pri1e to gi$e away, or I don't want to try to gi$e away my timeC or w#ate$er it is, t#ere's somet#ing else t#at we'$e stumbled across t#at's really, really cool, and actually is so easy to use "or anybody. &#at's it called, )ndrew% Andrew McCauley: It's called incenti$ibe.com. It's pretty cool, and we came across t#is w#ile running some promos. 3asically w#at it does is it's almost like crowdsourcing "or a pri1e pool. 'ow, t#e way it works is t#at it'll cost you about ;F .!! as a company to go in, t#ey'll go in and get, say, F! di""erent companies to put up ;F .!! and t#ose F! companies w#o all put ;F .!! in, t#ere's a ; !!.!! cas# pri1e. 6o, you pay t#e ;F .!!, cas# pri1e o" ; !!.!!, so w#en you come to my website and you see a little popup t#at says, CHey, do you want to win ; !!.!! cas#% *ust gi$e us your name and email addressC and you go into t#e draw. 'ow, once a mont# or #owe$er "re2uent t#is pri1e is drawn, all o" t#e names "rom all F! di""erent websites go into a barrel and t#ey basically pulling out and say t#is person is t#e winner. 'ow, t#ey win ; !!.!!, it only cost me ;F .!!, but t#e great t#ing is t#at anybody t#at comes t#roug# "rom my website, I get to collect t#eir name and email address, too, so I'm building my list. &e started t#is o"", and I t#ink our "irst session was only about two or t#ree weeks, :ust "rom t#is one promo I t#ink we collected about B! odd leads :ust "rom t#is one promo, and we really didn't market it, we didn't pus# it. &e :ust wanted to see w#at t#e natural "low was. It's a great way to build you list "airly c#eaply. Heather Porter: It is, and w#at's cool about it is t#is company actually does t#e "ollow0up "or t#e winner, so t#ey'll email i" it's "rom your pool o" leads t#at #a$e come in, t#en t#e email will come out as you, "rom your company, so t#ey don't know t#at it's part o" a pool, and t#en you can export all t#e di""erent emails "rom t#e Incenti$ibe plat"orm and t#en add t#en into your own email list i" you want to promote ot#er t#ings going "orward. It is a cool tool, and it also allows you to put a little pop0up box on your website "or added tra""ic so it's not only an app on your Facebook page, but it's also a little pop0up on your website, too, so you can gi$e away t#at pri1e $ery easily. It's $ery easy, it's :ust a plugin i" you #a$e &ord(ress. Andrew McCauley: )nd... I t#ink, I'm pretty sure but I'm c#ecking rig#t now w#ile I talk to you, but I'm pretty sure t#at t#ey also gi$e you a Facebook code "or your Facebook page so you can run t#e app t#roug# Facebook. Heather Porter: ,ou can, and actually, guys, i" you want to see bot# o" t#ese in actions, we #a$e two contests simultaneously going on rig#t now on our Facebook page. 6o i" you are on our page, w#ic# is )uto (ilot ,our 3usiness, go underneat# t#e co$er p#oto and you will see t#ere t#at t#ere's one t#at says AF =ays o" +#ristmas in a green little box, t#at's using @asy (romos, and you'll anot#er one t#at says C9i$eawayC wit# a little red package t#ere. /#at's using Incenti$ibe. 6o you can actually go and see t#ese two "unctioning on our page and get an idea o" #ow it works. 3ot# o" t#em are t#e apps pro$ided by eac# o" t#e di""erent t#ird parties.

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Andrew McCauley: ,es. 9ood, I'm glad you #ad t#ose on, my computer was a little bit slow to load t#ose up so I'm glad you #ad t#em #andy, rig#t t#ere. Heather Porter: +ome by and enter! Andrew McCauley: &e're gi$ing away a Gisa card, we're not gi$ing away cas#. It's a ; !!.!! Gisa card, :ust want to clear t#at up since it's not cas#. 6o t#ere you go, t#at's Incenti$ibe. 'ow w#at else% )ny ot#er tools t#at you are aware o" using Facebook promos as part o" t#eir main strategy% Heather Porter: Facebook tool or...% Andrew McCauley: &ell, Facebook companies t#at are running Facebook promos because t#ere's a couple out t#ere. I t#ink, I'm trying to remember o"" t#e top o" my #ead w#at t#ose were. Heather Porter: I'$e seen a lot o" beauty salons doing it, so you win a day in a salon buy again on your "a$orite product. I see t#em e$eryw#ere, you know, and I see all di""erent types o" companies using all di""erent types o" pri1es, and I t#ink anybody can use it, any business can use it. *ust get creati$e on w#at your market, your "ollowing, is interested in. Andrew McCauley: I did mean t#at, and I also mean...we spoke about @asy (romo app, I was :ust trying to remember some o" t#e ot#er companies t#at are t#ird party companies t#at run Facebook competitions "or you. Heather Porter: )lrig#t, you know w#at% 'o, not o"" t#e top o" my #ead because we'$e sort o" bot# been so obsessed wit# t#ese two "or oursel$es and ot#ers, but I know t#at loads o" t#em exist, and we're by no means saying t#at t#ese are t#e best t#at are out t#ere, :ust go onto 9oogle and type in Facebook promo apps, or Facebook contest apps. Andrew McCauley: &#at I did disco$er wit# using @asy (romo apps was t#at t#ey were one o" t#e c#eapest around. &#en Facebook c#anged t#eir rules a year or so ago and t#ey made you go t#roug# a t#ird party, all o" t#ese companies :acked up t#eir prices ridiculously. It was almost like criminal. ,ou could buy a Facebook promo "or ;B!.!! and t#en all o" a sudden it was ;B!!.!!. I4m like, wow... t#ese guys are making it work "or t#em. )nd now t#at Facebook #as come back and said, C,ou now w#at% /oo many people are making too muc# money o" our rules, were going to lig#ten t#e load a bit,C now t#ings are starting to come down. 6o you're going to start seeing some great 2uality c#eaper t#ird parties t#at can run your ads "or you now, too. Heather Porter: )bsolutely, and we #ig#ly recommend it, ob$iously since we're doing it oursel$es. Andrew McCauley: ,es. Heather Porter: )nyt#ing else, )ndrew, on t#e w#ole Facebook contest "ront% I guess w#at I 00 I'll say one t#ing and t#at it i" you go to t#e @asy (romos site, and you actually end up using t#em as a plat"orm, t#ey #a$e great tutorials in t#ere. .eally brilliant tutorials on e$ery type o" contest you can run and "rom $ideos and
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screen grabs so you get e$eryt#ing you need "rom wit#in t#at plat"orm on w#at to do. @$en some great ideas. Andrew McCauley: ,es, absolutely. )lrig#t, I t#ink t#at's about it "or our Facebook promos and competitions. I" you #a$en't run one, go c#eck it out. 6ee w#at ot#er people are doing out t#ere. &#at sort o" promos are t#ey running and start to t#ink, CHow could I run somet#ing "or my business%C @$en i" you're a solo0preneur, t#ere are ways are $ery inexpensi$e and are going to get you some good results. Ha$e a t#ink about t#at and #ow you can do it. H, #ow do t#ey go and get some in"ormation "rom our podcast% Heather Porter: autopilotyourbusiness.com8podcast, and you :ust look "or our latest episode in t#ere, t#is is episode number 49. +lick on t#at and we #a$e s#ow notes and some resource links in t#ere "or you o" all t#e t#ings we'$e talked about today. /#at's t#e best place to do t#at, and you can also sign up on our site to get updates, too. &e #a$e di""erent little bonuses and t#ings t#at we send out "rom time to time, so we'd lo$e "or you to pop on by. )nd now, )ndrew, we #a$e to s#are t#at s#outout "rom earlier. Andrew McCauley: ,es, yes, yes... so, t#is one was actually written a little w#ile ago, so I'm #oping t#at >+arl8Harl 6pirar? "rom 6weden is still listening to us. /#e title is called +rocodile =undee and t#e +owboy 9irl. I'm not sure w#o's w#o% >laug#ter? Heather Porter: Ha #a... Andrew McCauley: 3ut #e did a great s#out out. He said isn't it wonder"ul w#en two people so "ar apart come toget#er and gi$e us, t#e public, a c#est o" gold% /#e positi$e spirit t#at t#ey transmit in your earp#ones 00 >w#ispers7 yes, t#at's me? wit# suc# ent#usiasm is almost #ard to belie$e. /#e nuggets o" in"ormation >unintelligible? into t#eir business and marketing is top0le$el. Hig#ly recommended. /#anks, >+arl8Harl? "rom 6weden, wis# we'd #eard about you be"ore because we would #a$e gi$en you a s#outout a long time ago, but we're going to keep going t#roug# t#is little tool and keep digging up some s#outouts "rom people all o$er t#e world. It's pretty exciting. I'm lo$ing "inding t#is sort o" stu"". Hey, i" you're listening in some cra1y country in t#e world ot#er t#an )ustralia, t#en gi$e us a re$iew and we'll gi$e you a s#outout, we'd lo$e to do it. Heather Porter: I'd lo$e t#at. )lrig#t, you guys, well t#anks again "or sticking wit# us and listening to us w#ere$er you are in t#e world, and t#anks, )ndrew, "or all o" your lo$ely little comments and pearls o" wisdom. Andrew McCauley: next podcast. /#anks, Heat#er! 3ye, e$eryone, we'll talk to you on t#e

Heather Porter: 3ye, guys!

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