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World History Early Modern Europe Test

Reference all powerpoints, your readings, and class discussions as you read each question and related answers. Choose the best answer
1. The Catholic Church asked both Martin Luther and Galileo to formally take back their arguments. Which vocabulary word applies to both of their situations a. recant b. secular humanism c. heliocentric d. mercantilism e. indulgences

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!. Machiavelli a. sculpted David and Pieta and painted the "istine Chapel ceiling with images of #eaven. b. wrote in the Prince that rulers should be ruthless and cruel if it helped them to achieve their goals. c. argued in Utopia that there was no such thing as a perfect society$ so humans might as well sin freely. d. spoke many languages$ studied anatomy$ designed futuristic gadgets$ and painted in his spare time. e. printed vernacular %ibles and e&tremely detailed woodcuts in addition to creating 'oological paintings. (.Which of the following was a result of the Catholic Counter)reformation a. formation of the *esuits b. the end of the +rotestant religion c. increased tolerance for religious minorities d. the spread of Calvinism e. growth of #uguenots in ,rance

-. Which of the following was an effect of the printing press in the 1.//s a. the beginning of mandatory education b. decreased funding for the arts c. decreased use of the vernacular d. increased competition with China e. the spread of new ideas .. Which of the following reflects Martin Luther0s religious beliefs a. The +ope was the sole religious authority. b. The %ible should only be in Latin or Greek.

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c. "alvation could be achieved through faith alone. d. +riests should help laypeople interpret the %ible. e. The %ible was merely an instrument of propaganda. 1.Which of the following would best complete the chart

a. Causes of the 2eformation b. 3ffects of the 2eformation c. 3ffects of the Crusades

d. Causes of the Crusades e. Causes of the 2enaissance

4. 5n this 6uote from Hamlet$ which aspect of the 2enaissance is revealed What a piece of work is a man$ how noble in reason$ how infinite in faculties$ in form and moving$ how e&press and admirable in action$ how like an angel in apprehension 7understanding8$ how like a god9 the beauty of the world: the paragon of animals. ))William "hakespeare$ Hamlet a. b. c. d. e. power of the church religious devotion chivalry reverence for Greek literature humanism

;se the e&cerpt below to answer the ne&t two 6uestions. 5 possessed a well)balanced intellect$ one prone to all kinds of wholesome study. <mong the many sub=ects that interested me$ 5 dwelt especially upon the history of <ncient Greece and 2ome. 5f it had not been for the love of those dear to me$ 5 should have preferred to have been born in any period other than our own. ))Letter to +osterity$ +etrach >. Which central idea of the 2enaissance did +etrarch reference in the above e&cerpt a. importance of realism in the visual arts b. need for the stopping of learning due to invaders c. emphasis on Classical Greece ? 2ome d. re=ection of the importance of individualism e. wickedness and perversity of man0s nature

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@. 5n his e&cerpt$ +ertrarch illustrated a. the importance of linear perspective. b. a preference for modern inventions. c. a dislike for learning and scholarship. d. an emphasis on religion ? Church doctrine. e. the idea of the 2enaissance Man. 1/. ,rom which document was the following 6uote most likely taken Therefore those preachers of indulgences are in error$ who say that by the popeAs indulgences a man is freed from every penalty$ and saved. a. b. c. d. e. the +rince the %ook of the Courtier 5nstitutes of Christian 2eligion @. Theses ;topia

11. +rotestant teachings caused further divisions in the +rotestant Church by a. increasing heresy ? the sale of indulgences. b. forcing people to give up all seven sacraments. c. critici'ing practices of Brthodo& clergy. d. emphasi'ing individual interpretations of the %ible. e. forcing all German princes to =oin the Lutheran church.

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Use the timeline below and your knowledge of World History to answer #s 12




What fits best in the empty spot d. Cesiderius 3rasmus e. <lbrecht Curer

a. *ohann Gutenberg b. +eter +aul 2ubens c. *an van 3yck 1(. What fits best in the empty spot a. +ope +aul 555 b. Martin Luther c. ;lrich Ewingli

d. *ean Calvin e. #enry D555

1-. What conclusion can be drawn from the timeline above a. The Catholic Church had no response to Martin Luther. b. Few inventions as well as 2enaissance ideas influenced the 2eformation. c. The Gutenberg %ible was created during the early Middle <ges. d. The 2eformation inspired many artists to create secular masterpieces. e. 2enaissance ideas had no impact on the 2eformation.

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1.. The works of art created by 2enaissance artists a. tended to be less three)dimensional than %y'antine works. b. did not represent a change from the works of medieval artists. c. tended to be less secular in sub=ect than many works by medieval artists. d. incorporated new techni6ues of shading ? linear perspective. e. were generally more abstract than works by medieval artists. 11. Which of the following contributed to the birth of the 2enaissance in 5taly a. the development of oil painting b. a wealthy and powerful merchant class c. the rise of +rotestantism d. the decline in interest of the arts in the Forth e. a new translation of the %ible Cause and Effect))match the cause to its effect! "ou will #$% use all of the effects! Causes 14. 1>. 1@. !/. !1. +rotestant reformers believed the %ible was the only source of religious truth ? stressed religious education for all young people. development of movable)type printing press ? wood)pulp paper Germans disagreed over whether to be +rotestant or Catholic. Crusades led 3uropeans to focus more on trade Luther ? Calvin protested Catholic Church abuses ? created new churches.

Effects a. c. d. e. g. Thirty Gears0 War b. Council of Trent was called to strengthen Catholicism. Cost of books decreased ? 2enaissance and 2eformation ideas became widespread. +archment)making guilds revolted ? monk)scribes were unemployed. Dernacular translations of the %ible appeared. f. Commercial 2evolution "panish Fetherlands0 2evolt

!!. The 2enaissance wasH a. a re)emergence of Greek philosophy b. decline in the study of Greek and Latin and the rise of vernacular languages c. the fostering of humanism d. a and b e. a and c f. a$ b. and c !-. The 2enaissance began in a. 2ome b. Denice c. ,lorence d. +aris

!.. What is a reason for 5taly to be the center of the 2enaissance becauseH a. 2ome was located in 5taly

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b. trade routes going through 5taly foster cultural diffusion and monetary resources c. the 2oman Catholic Church purchased the works of artists d. all of the above !1. Which of the following is an e&ample of 2enaissance <rt





!1. Which 2enaissance artist is considered to be a 2enaissance man a. Michelangelo b. Ca Dinci c. Conatello

d. 2aphael

!4. The humanities areH a. math$ 3nglish$ science$ philosophy b. history$ languages$ philosophy$ literature c. philosophy$ languages$ theology$ history d. 3nglish$ theology$ philosophy$ science !>. +etrarch and Machiavelli wereH a. 2enaissance artists b. "ecular #umanists c. "cientists d. +oliticians

!@. The +rotestant 2eformation wasH a. a period in which the ma=ority of Catholics opposed standard Catholic practices b. a period when the Church sold indulgences c. when different religious sects emerged d. all of the above

(/. Which of the following is not a belief of LutherH a. corrupt practice of selling indulgences b. faith alone$ and not deeds$ would lead to salvation c. the wealth of the Catholic Church d. believed that Man was sinful and could only approach God through faith in Christ

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(1. The conflict between Catholics and +rotestants resulted in the all of the following e&ceptH a. (/ years War b. #undred Gears War c. "t. %artholomew Cay Massacre d. "panish Fetherlands 2evolt (!. What new group of monks emerged as part of the Counter)2eformation a. ,ranciscans b. *esuits c. <ugustinians d. Cominicans ((. Moveable)type printing brought about all of the following conse6uences e&ceptH a. reducing the cost of books dramatically b. eliminated many errors present in hand printing c. rapidly spread ideas and education d. made it necessary for mandatory education (-. 2eligious groups opposed to infant baptisms became known asH a. Calvinists b. <nabaptists c. Lutherans d. +acifists (.. The ma=or emphasis of Calvinism isH a. predestination b. transubstantiation c. sovereignty of God d. priesthood of believers (1. Which ,lorence family used its wealth to patroni'e the great creative artists of the day aI +etrarch bI %ellini cI Medici dI "for'a (4. Luther stated that the ultimate authority for the interpretation of Christian doctrine wasH aI the pope bI Christian Tradition cI the clergy dI the %ible eI the church hierarchy

(>. The 3uropean 2enaissanceH a. encouraged independent thought for men and women b. centered around current rather than ancient traditions c. relied solely on western traditions d. concentrated on the present world rather than the afterlife (@. <ll of the following were typical of the Forthern 2enaissance 3JC3+TH a. religious devotion b. independent development c. the invention of printing press d. portrait painting e. an influence on the +rotestant 2eformation -/. <ll of the following are true of the +rotestant 2eformation 3JC3+TH a. it caused the Catholic Church to reaffirm its traditional beliefs b. it was based on the belief in salvation through Christ alone c. it promoted education d. it produced radicals changes in religion in 3ngland

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