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Define media and multimedia data. Define digital media and digital image data.

. Define two quality measures for Data Management Systems ***Define information & data retrieval

2.1.2 Information & data retrieval The terms information and data are often used interchangeably in the data management literature causing some confusion in interpretation of the goals of different data management system types. It is important to remember that despite the name of a data management system type, it can only manage data. These data are representations of information. Howe er, historically !since the late "#$%&s' a distinction has been made between(

Data retrieval, as retrie al of &facts&, commonly represented as atomic data about some entity of interest, for e)ample a person&s name, and Information retrieval, as the retrie al of documents, commonly te)t but also isual and audio, that describe ob*ects and+or e ents of interest.

,oth retrie al types match the query specifications to database alues. Howe er, while data retrie al only retrie es items that match the query specification e)actly, information retrie al systems return items that are deemed !by the retrie al system' to be relevant or similar to the query terms. In the later case, the information requester must select the items that are actually rele ant to his+her request. -uic. e)amples include the request for the balance of a ban. account s selecting rele ant lin.s from a google.com result list.

Termenii Informatie si data sunt adesea folositi alternati in literatura de management al datelor care pro oaca o anumita confu/ie in interpretarea obiecti elor de diferite tipuri de sisteme de gestionare a datelor . 0ste important sa ne amintim ca, in ciuda numele unui tip de sistem de gestionare a datelor , se poate administra numai de date . 1ceste date sunt repre/entari de informatii . 2u toate acestea , istoric ! de la sf3rsitul anilor "#$% ', a fost facuta o distinctie intre ( 4 recuperarea de date , ca recuperarea de 5fapte5 , de obicei repre/entate ca date atomice despre o entitate de interes , de e)emplu, numele unei persoane , si 4 regasirea de informatii , ca si recuperarea de documente , de obicei te)t, dar , de asemenea, i/uala si audio , care descrie obiecte si + sau e enimente de interes .

1mbele tipuri de recuperare corespund cu specificatiile de interogare la alorile de ba/e de date . 2u toate acestea , in timp ce de recuperare de date preia numai elementele care se potri esc cu caietul de sarcini interogare e)act , sistemele de e)tragere a informatiei re eni elemente care sunt considerate ! de catre sistemul de recuperare ' pentru a fi rele ante sau similara cu termenii de interogare . 6n ca/ul din urma , solicitantul de informatii trebuie sa selecte/e elementele care sunt de fapt rele ante pentru lui + cererea ei . 0)emple rapide includ cererea pentru soldul unui cont bancar s selectarea lin.7uri rele ante dintr7o lista re/ultat google.com .

Describe how D, queries can be optimi/ed Describe te)t retrie al result ordering ***Define precision and recall The recall and precision parameters are used together to measure the efficiency of the retrie al process 89:, ;<=. The recall parameter measures the ability of the system to find rele ant information in the database. >ecall signifies the proportion of rele ant images in the database that are retrie ed in response to a query 8<", ;<=. To test the system performance, an e)pert has to determine the number of rele ant articles in the database, for each query that is tested. The performance is higher as the alue of this parameter is higher. The precision parameter measures the accuracy of the retrie al operation. ?recision is the proportion of the retrie ed images that are rele ant to the query 8<", ;<=. If it is ta.en into consideration only this parameter, the performance of the retrie al operation is higher as the alue of this parameter is higher. ?arametrii de rechemare!recall' si preci/ie!precision' sunt utili/ati @mpreunA pentru a mAsura eficienta procesului de recuperare !retri ial process' ?arametrul recall mAsoarA capacitatea sistemului de a gAsi informatii rele ante @n ba/a de date. >ecall semnificA proportia de imagini rele ante @n ba/a de date, care sunt preluate ca rAspuns la o interogare . ?entru a testa performanta sistemului, un e)pert trebuie sa determine numArul de articole rele ante din ba/a de date, pentru fiecare interogare testata. ?erformanta este mai mare cand aloarea acestui parametru este mai mare. ?arametrul de preci/ie mAsoarA preci/ia operatiei de recuperare. ?reci/ia este proportia imaginilor preluate care sunt rele ante pentru interogarea. DacA se ia @n considerare numai acest parametru, efectuarea operatiunii de recuperare este mai mare cand aloarea acestui parametru este mai mare.

Describe a means of managing synonyms for a te)t7retrie al application

2lassify image retrie al queries 0numerate some of the S-B9 features. 2lassify image descriptors used for image retrie al ***Content Based Image Retrieval Query by color and texture

2ontent ,ased Image >etrie al C -uery by shape ***Define ulti!database systems " DB#$ and ulti!multiple media information retrieval systems% 6n ultimul deceniu s7a conturat o modA C necesarA am putea spune C @n ceea ce pri eDte sistemele de ba/e de date multiple, cunoscute @n literatura de specialitate ca Di MultiData,ase Systems !MD,S' Sistemele de ba/e de date multiple repre/intA un sistem de ba/e de date distribuite @n care fiecare sit pAstrea/A o autonomie totalA. 82onnolly et al. E%%"= 6n general, rolul acestora este de a se interconecta logic mai multe sisteme de ba/e de date @n ederea atingerii unui Fel comun. Sistemele locale @Di pAstrea/A controlul complet asupra ba/ei de date prin intermediul aplicaFiilor e)istente. De aceea, sistemul global nu poate aduce atingeri asupra structurii sau aplicaFiilor care rulea/A local. Dialogul dintre cele douA ni ele se face prin intermediul unei interfeFe software Di la ni elul datelor pe care situl local consimte sA le parta*e/e. ?utem sA a em sisteme de ba/e de date multiple @n care nu a em utili/atori locali. 1cestea se numesc sisteme de ba/e multiple nefederati e

2.2.4 Multiple media Information Retrieval Systems, MIRS Today, many organi/ations maintain separate digital collections of te)t, images, audio, and ideo data in addition to their basic administrati e database systems. Increasingly, these organi/ations need to integrate their data collections, or at least gi e seamless access across these collections in order to answer such questions as "What information do we have about this <service/topic>?" , for e)ample about a particular .ind of medical operation or all of the information from an archeological site. This gi es rise to a requirement for multiple media information retrieval systems, i.e. systems capable of integrating all .inds of media data( tabular+administrati e, te)t, image, spatial, temporal, audio, and+or ideo data. 1 Multimedia Information etrieval !ystem, MI ! can be defined as(

" system for the mana#ement $stora#e, retrieval and manipulation% of multiple types of media data& In practice, an MI>S is a composite system that can be modelled as shown in Gigure E.H. 1s indicated in the figure, The principle data retrie al sub7 systems, located in the connector &dots& on the connection lines ofGigure E.H, can be adapted from .nown technology used in current speciali/ed media retrie al systems. The actual placement of these components within a specific MI>S may ary, depending on the anticipated co7location of the media data. 1lternati e designs will be discussed in the following chapters, and particularly in 2hapter "%. The ma*or endors of 'b(ect) elational, ') systems such as I,M&s D,ETM, Informi)TM, and IracleTM, ha e included data management subsystems for such media types as te)t documents, images, spatial data, audio and ideo. These &new& !to sql' data types ha e been defined using the user defined type functionality a ailable in S-B9. Management functions+methods, based on those de eloped for the media types in speciali/ed systems, ha e been implemented as user defined functions. The result is an e*tension to the standard for S-B9 with system dependent implementations for the management of multimedia data. The intent of this boo. is to e)plore how or7dbms technology can be utili/ed to create a generali/ed MI>S that can support databases containing any combination of media data. 2.2.6 Multi, multimedia DB management The ne)t generation of data management systems must support transparent access to multiple, heterogeneous and autonomous database systems, called multi)database systems. 1 presentation of research efforts in integration of administrative database systems, begun in the "#;%s, is gi en in0lmagarmid, >usin.iewic/, J Sheth !"###'. Ma*or problems in reali/ing these systems are grounded in theautonomy of local data managers and system owners and in the fundamental hetero#eneity of the component sub7systems arising from independent system de elopment. The problems of heterogeneity are multiplied in the conte)t of multimedia data, a ailable on the Keb. Much more wor. needs to be done to pro ide access to multiple multimedia database systems, M)MI !+. 2haracteristics, requirements, and possible methods and tools for multi multimedia data management, or Multimedia Information >etrie al Systems, are the primary focus of this te)t.

***Describe t&e desired c&aracteristic of a

ultimedia DB #%

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