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A Framework for Strategic Innovation

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A Iramework for
Strateg|c Innovat|on

8|end|ng strategy and creat|ve
exp|orat|on to d|scover future bus|ness



Derr|ck a|mer & Soren kap|an
Manag|ng r|nc|pa|s, Innovat|ono|nt LLC

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1h|s page |ntent|ona||y |eft b|ank
A Framework for Strategic Innovation

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Soren kap|an ls Lhe auLhor of Lhe, besLselllng and award
wlnnlng book "#$%&'())*+), As a lounder of lnnovaLlonolnL, he
works wlLh organlzaLlons lncludlng ulsney, klmberly-Clark, ColgaLe-
almollve, MedLronlc, hlllps, 8ed 8ull, and numerous oLher global
flrms. Soren prevlously led Lhe lnLernal sLraLegy and lnnovaLlon
group aL PewleLL-ackard (P) durlng Lhe roarlng 1990's ln Slllcon
valley and was a co-founder of lCohere, one of Lhe flrsL web
collaboraLlon plaLforms for onllne learnlng and communlLles of
pracLlce. Pe ls an Ad[uncL rofessor wlLhln Lhe -.$)*+##'*+)
/0$1#.2 aL nP1v 8reda unlverslLy of Applled Sclences ln 1he
neLherlands and slLs on Lhe advlsory boards of several sLarL-ups.
Pe has been quoLed, publlshed, and lnLervlewed by lasLCompany,
lorbes, Cn8C, naLlonal ubllc 8adlo, Lhe Amerlcan ManagemenL
AssoclaLlon, uSA 1oday, SLraLegy & Leadershlp, and 1he
lnLernaLlonal Pandbook on lnnovaLlon, among many oLhers. Pe
holds MasLer's and h.u. degrees ln CrganlzaLlonal sychology and
resldes ln Lhe San lranclsco 8ay Area wlLh hls wlfe, Lwo daughLers,
and hypo-allergenlc caL.

Learn more about h|s book !"#$%&'(()*( by v|s|t|ng

As a lounder of lnnovaLlonolnL, Derr|ck a|mer helps global
organlzaLlons creaLe novel soluLlons Lo Lhe Lough challenges of
drlvlng sLraLeglc, breakLhrough growLh. uslng non-LradlLlonal
approaches, and wlLh 30 years of llne managemenL and consulLlng
experlence, uerrlck Laps lnLo hls work across many verLlcals -
lncludlng consumer producLs, flnanclal servlces, healLh care, hlgh
Lech, enLerLalnmenL, professlonal servlces, reLall, auLomoLlve, and
hosplLallLy. Pe has exLenslve experlence leadlng cross-funcLlonal
Leams 'from chaos Lo clarlLy', fosLerlng collaboraLlon across
organlzaLlonal sllos, and faclllLaLlng declslon-maklng among
dlsparaLe (and someLlmes dlsconnecLed) sLakeholder groups.
Crlglnally from Lngland, uerrlck brlngs an lnLernaLlonal
perspecLlve. Pavlng llved and worked ln slx counLrles, he knows
whaL lL Lakes Lo drlve breakLhrough resulLs from culLurally dlverse
Leams. Pe holds a 8A ln Languages/LlngulsLlcs and a MasLers
degree ln MarkeLlng ManagemenL.
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1ab|e of Contents

1. 1nL Ak1 AND DISCILINL CI S1kA1LGIC INNCVA1ICN ................................ S
1.1. 1rad|t|ona| strategy versus Strateg|c Innovat|on ................................................................ 6
1.2. Serend|p|tous versus Strateg|c Innovat|on ......................................................................... 6
2. 1nL SLVLN DIMLNSICNS CI S1kA1LGIC INNCVA1ICN ................................ 7
2.1. A Managed Innovat|on rocess - Comb|n|ng Non-1rad|t|ona| and 1rad|t|ona| Approaches
to 8us|ness Strategy ........................................................................................................... 9
2.1.1. ulvergenL and ConvergenL Lhlnklng ................................................................................... 9
2.2. Strateg|c A||gnment - 8u||d|ng Support ............................................................................. 11
2.2.1. lnLernal AllgnmenL ........................................................................................................... 12
2.2.2. LxLernal AllgnmenL ........................................................................................................... 12
2.2.3. arLlclpanLs ln Lhe SLraLeglc lnnovaLlon process .............................................................. 12
2.3. Industry Iores|ght - Understand|ng Lmerg|ng 1rends ....................................................... 13
2.3.1. Looklng beyond Lhe obvlous ............................................................................................ 14
2.4. Consumer]Customer Ins|ght - Understand|ng Art|cu|ated and Unart|cu|ated Needs ......... 1S
2.S. Core 1echno|og|es and Competenc|es - Leverag|ng and Lxtend|ng Corporate Assets ........ 16
2.6. Crgan|zat|ona| kead|ness - Assess|ng 1he Ab|||ty to 1ake Act|on ....................................... 17
2.7. D|sc|p||ned Imp|ementat|on - Manag|ng the ath Irom Insp|rat|on 1o 8us|ness Impact .... 18
2.7.1. key conslderaLlons for lmplemenLlng SLraLeglc lnnovaLlon lnlLlaLlves ............................ 18
CCML1I1IVL ADVAN1AGL ....................................................................... 20
3.1. 1he ath to Strateg|c Innovat|on ....................................................................................... 21
3.2. Innovat|on Assessment and 8enchmark|ng ....................................................................... 21
3.3. Lnd Note ........................................................................................................................... 22
INNCVA1ICN? ........................................................................................... 23
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1. 1he Art and D|sc|p||ne of Strateg|c Innovat|on

SLraLeglc lnnovaLlon ls Lhe creaLlon of growLh sLraLegles, new producL caLegorles,
servlces or buslness models LhaL change Lhe game and generaLe slgnlflcanL new
value for consumers, cusLomers and Lhe corporaLlon.

1hls paper descrlbes a hollsLlc, mulLldlsclpllnary framework LhaL enables
organlzaLlons Lo Lake a sLraLeglc approach Lo lnnovaLlon.

1he framework comblnes non-LradlLlonal, creaLlve approaches Lo buslness
lnnovaLlon wlLh convenLlonal sLraLegy developmenL models. lL brlngs LogeLher
perspecLlves from a number of complemenLary dlsclpllnes: Lhe non-LradlLlonal
approaches Lo lnnovaLlon found ln Lhe buslness creaLlvlLy movemenL, LradlLlonal
sLraLegy consulLlng, Lhe new producL developmenL perspecLlve of lndusLrlal deslgn
flrms, quallLaLlve consumer/cusLomer research, fuLures research found ln Lhlnk
Lanks and LradlLlonal scenarlo plannlng, and organlzaLlonal developmenL (Cu)
pracLlces LhaL examlne Lhe effecLlveness of an organlzaLlon's culLure, processes and

1he framework conslsLs of a coheslve seL of pracLlces LhaL lnsplre lmaglnaLlve Leams
Lo look beyond Lhe obvlous, explore a broad range of posslblllLles, ldenLlfy
slgnlflcanL opporLunlLles, make lnformed declslons abouL Lhe mosL promlslng paLhs
Lo pursue, creaLe a shared vlslon for growLh, deflne pragmaLlc acLlon plans LhaL
brldge from Lhe fuLure back Lo Lhe presenL" and allgn Lhe organlzaLlon around Lhe
requlremenLs for success.

SLraLeglc lnnovaLlon Lakes Lhe road less Lraveled - lL challenges an organlzaLlon Lo look
beyond lLs esLabllshed buslness boundarles and menLal models and Lo parLlclpaLe ln an
open-mlnded, creaLlve exploraLlon of Lhe realm of posslblllLles.

Some organlzaLlons may feel LhaL seeklng breakLhroughs ls Loo
grandlose a goal, and LhaL Lhey would be conLenL wlLh slmply
growlng Lhe buslness". Lxperlence shows, however, LhaL focuslng
on Lhe shorL-Lerm Lyplcally ylelds only shorL-Lerm resulLs - whlle
Leams asplrlng Lo seek slgnlflcanL breakLhroughs wlll boLh ldenLlfy
blg ldeas" and also generaLe closer-ln, lncremenLal ldeas.

SLraLeglc lnnovaLlon ls noL characLerlzed by mundane, lncremenLal
producL exLenslons, Lhe me-Loo" buslness models of close
followers, or band-alds for lnefflclenL processes. lL does noL conslsL of slmple faclllLaLed
All men can see the
tactics whereby I
conquer, but what
none can see is the
strategy out of which
victory is evolved.

Sun Tzu
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creaLlvlLy sesslons and bralnsLormlng new ldeas". lL ls noL based on Lhe llnear prlnclples of
LradlLlonal sLraLeglc plannlng whlch exLrapolaLe Lhe pasL ln an aLLempL Lo predlcL Lhe fuLure.
lL does noL resulL ln pure blue sky". lnsLead, lL spans a [ourney of lnqulry and acLlvlLy -
from creaLlve lnsplraLlon aL Lhe amblguous fuzzy fronL end" Lhrough Lhe deLalled
requlremenLs of successful execuLlon LhaL lead Lo buslness lmpacL.

SLraLeglc lnnovaLlon calls for a hollsLlc approach LhaL operaLes on mulLlple levels. llrsL, lL
blends non-LradlLlonal and LradlLlonal approaches Lo buslness sLraLegy, deploylng Lhe
pracLlces of lndusLry loreslghL", Consumer/CusLomer lnslghL" and SLraLeglc AllgnmenL"
as a foundaLlon, and supplemenLlng Lhem wlLh more convenLlonal approaches and models.
Second, lL comblnes Lwo seemlngly paradoxlcal mlndseLs: expanslve, vlslonary Lhlnklng LhaL
lmaglnaLlvely explores long-Lerm posslblllLles, and pragmaLlc, down-Lo-earLh
lmplemenLaLlon acLlvlLles LhaL lead Lo shorL-Lerm, measurable buslness lmpacL.

1.1. 1rad|t|ona| strategy versus Strateg|c Innovat|on

ulfferences beLween LradlLlonal approaches Lo sLraLegy and SLraLeglc lnnovaLlon are:

1rad|t|ona| approaches Strateg|c Innovat|on approach
AdopL a presenL Lo fuLure"
orlenLaLlon - Lakes Loday as Lhe
sLarLlng polnL
SLarLs wlLh Lhe end ln mlnd" - ldenLlfles
long-Lerm opporLunlLles and Lhen
brldges back Lo Lhe presenL"
Assume a rule-maker/Laker
(defenslve/follower) posLure
Assumes a rule-breaker (revoluLlonary)
AccepL esLabllshed buslness
boundarles/ producL caLegorles
Seeks Lo creaLe new compeLlLlve space/
playlng flelds
locus on lncremenLal lnnovaLlon Seeks breakLhrough, dlsrupLlve
lnnovaLlon - whlle conLlnulng Lo bulld
Lhe core
lollow LradlLlonal, llnear buslness
plannlng models
Marrles process dlsclpllne wlLh creaLlve
Seek lnpuL from obvlous, LradlLlonal
Seeks lnsplraLlon from unconvenLlonal
Seek arLlculaLed consumer needs Seeks unarLlculaLed consumer needs
Are Lechnology-drlven (seek
consumer saLlsfacLlon)
ls consumer-lnsplred (seeks consumer
May have a one-slze-flLs-all"
organlzaLlonal model
May experlmenL wlLh enLrepreneurlal
new venLure" or oLher organlzaLlonal

1.2. Serend|p|tous versus Strateg|c Innovat|on

Many organlzaLlons rely on serendlplLous acLs of creaLlvlLy Lo fosLer lnnovaLlon. CLhers
Lake an ad hoc, unsLrucLured approach, whlch ofLen resulLs ln only lncremenLal
lmprovemenLs wlLh poor lmplemenLaLlon LhaL can lack sponsorshlp.

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SLraLeglc lnnovaLlon ls a hollsLlc, sysLemaLlc approach focused on generaLlng beyond-
lncremenLal, breakLhrough or dlsconLlnuous lnnovaLlons. lnnovaLlon becomes sLraLeglc"
when lL ls an lnLenLlonal, repeaLable process LhaL creaLes a slgnlflcanL dlfference ln Lhe
value dellvered Lo consumers, cusLomers, parLners and Lhe corporaLlon. A SLraLeglc
lnnovaLlon lnlLlaLlve generaLes a porLfollo of breakLhrough buslness growLh opporLunlLles
uslng a dlsclpllned yeL creaLlve process.

2. 1he Seven D|mens|ons of Strateg|c Innovat|on

1he SLraLeglc lnnovaLlon framework weaves LogeLher seven dlmenslons Lo produce a
porLfollo of ouLcomes LhaL drlve growLh. 1hese dlmenslons are:

A Managed Innovat|on rocess - Comblnlng non-1radlLlonal and 1radlLlonal
Approaches Lo 8uslness SLraLegy
Strateg|c A||gnment - 8ulldlng SupporL
Industry Iores|ght - undersLandlng Lmerglng 1rends
Consumer]Customer Ins|ght - undersLandlng ArLlculaLed and unarLlculaLed
Core 1echno|og|es and Competenc|es - Leveraglng and LxLendlng CorporaLe
Crgan|zat|ona| kead|ness - 1he AblllLy Lo 1ake AcLlon
D|sc|p||ned Imp|ementat|on - Managlng Lhe aLh lrom lnsplraLlon 1o 8uslness
Strategic Innovation
Disruptive Change
Med/High Revenue Potential
Initiated by Organization
Serendipitous Breakthroughs
Disruptive Change
Med/High Revenue Potential
Unplanned Improvements
Incremental Change
Low/Med Revenue Potential
Incremental Innovation
Incremental Change
Low/Med Revenue Potential
Initiated by Organization
Intentional Serendipitous
Strategic Innovation
Disruptive Change
Med/High Revenue Potential
Initiated by Organization
Serendipitous Breakthroughs
Disruptive Change
Med/High Revenue Potential
Unplanned Improvements
Incremental Change
Low/Med Revenue Potential
Incremental Innovation
Incremental Change
Low/Med Revenue Potential
Initiated by Organization
Intentional Serendipitous
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A Managed Innovat|on rocess lles aL Lhe creaLlve core of Lhe approach. 8y faclllLaLlng Lhe
lnLerplay beLween exLernal perspecLlves and an organlzaLlon's lnLernal
capablllLles/pracLlces - and by looklng beyond Lhe obvlous - lL ls posslble Lo lnsplre Lhe
corporaLe lmaglnaLlon Lo explore a dlverse array of new posslblllLles.

1he process ls deslgned and managed Lo creaLe Strateg|c A||gnment - Lhe enLhuslasLlc
lnLernal supporL among key sLakeholders requlred Lo galvanlze an organlzaLlon around
shared vlslons, goals and acLlons.

Industry Iores|ght provldes a Lop-down" perspecLlve LhaL seeks Lo undersLand Lhe
complex forces drlvlng change, lncludlng emerglng and converglng Lrends, new
Lechnologles, compeLlLlve dynamlcs, poLenLlal dlslocaLlons and alLernaLlve scenarlos.

Consumer]Customer Ins|ght provldes a boLLom-up" perspecLlve, a deep undersLandlng of
boLh Lhe arLlculaLed (expllclLly sLaLed) and unarLlculaLed (laLenL or unrecognlzed) needs of
exlsLlng and poLenLlal consumers/cusLomers.

Core 1echno|og|es and Competenc|es ls Lhe seL of lnLernal capablllLles, organlzaLlonal
compeLencles and asseLs LhaL could poLenLlally be leveraged Lo dellver value Lo cusLomers,
lncludlng Lechnologles, lnLellecLual properLy, brand equlLy and sLraLeglc relaLlonshlps.

A company's Crgan|zat|ona| kead|ness may drlve or lnhlblL lLs ablllLy Lo acL upon and
lmplemenL new ldeas and sLraLegles, and Lo successfully manage Lhe operaLlonal, pollLlcal,
culLural and flnanclal demands LhaL wlll follow.

LasLly, success wlll be enabled or llmlLed by an organlzaLlon's capaclLy for effecLlve,
D|sc|p||ned Imp|ementat|on.

An organlzaLlon moves beyond an ad hoc approach Lo lnnovaLlon when lL beglns Lo develop
and lnsLlLuLlonallze a culLural mlndseL and a seL of processes LhaL supporL repeaLable,
Susta|nab|e Innovat|on. 1hls Lhen becomes a foundaLlon for ongolng compeLlLlve
advanLage. vlsually, Lhe SLraLeglc lnnovaLlon framework ls descrlbed as follows:
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2.1. A Managed Innovat|on rocess - Comb|n|ng Non-1rad|t|ona| and 1rad|t|ona|
Approaches to 8us|ness Strategy

1he Managed lnnovaLlon rocess covers Lhe sequence of acLlvlLles from Lhe beglnnlng of an
lnlLlaLlve Lhrough lmplemenLaLlon. lL goes far beyond conducLlng a slmple bralnsLormlng

1he process comblnes boLh unconvenLlonal and LradlLlonal elemenLs. lL lncludes Lhe usual
consumer, markeL Lrend and compeLlLlve analyses, buL qulckly looks beyond Lhem. As an
lnsplraLlonal caLalysL for breakLhrough growLh, lL ls maverlck and enLrepreneurlal, rooLed ln
a provocaLlve, all-Lhlngs-posslble" perspecLlve LhaL demands radlcal reLhlnklng, challenges
Lhe sLaLus quo and calls for boLh lefL and rlghL braln Lhlnklng from an organlzaLlon's key

As a Leam-based framework Lhe approach lncludes faclllLaLed workshop sesslons: parL
lnformaLlon exchange, parL exploraLlon, parL medlaLlon, parL creaLlve lnvenLlon and parL
lmprove LheaLer. 1hese sesslons sLlmulaLe cross-funcLlonal Leams Lo look beyond Lhe
obvlous and Lo explore and speculaLe abouL fuLure posslblllLles. 1he workshops
lnLenLlonally [uxLapose unllkely, conLradlcLory perspecLlves whlch lnsplre new Lhlnklng and
force a creaLlve Lenslon LhaL sLreLches Lhe mlnd Lo new levels of lnvenLlveness. 1he
resulLlng vlew of Lhe fuLure ls Lhen supplemenLed wlLh Lhe usual meLhodologles and
analysls found ln LradlLlonal fuLures plannlng.

2.1.1. D|vergent and Convergent th|nk|ng

1he lnnovaLlon process ls dlvlded lnLo Lwo broad modes of Lhlnklng: ulvergenL" and

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1he ulvergenL" mode lles aL Lhe hearL of Lhe SLraLeglc lnnovaLlon approach. lL ls open-
ended, exploraLory, and lnqulslLlve, deploylng non-LradlLlonal, creaLlve Lhlnklng and fuLure
vlslonlng Lechnlques. lL lncludes exploraLory" consumer/cusLomer lnslghL research,
quallLaLlve exploraLlon of lndusLry/markeL Lrends, and
speculaLes on posslble lndusLry dlsconLlnulLles, eLc.

lL ls here, wlLh Lhe noLlon of ulvergenL Lhlnklng" LhaL
organlzaLlons ofLen fall ln Lhelr aLLempLs Lo lnnovaLe. 8ellevlng
LhaL lL ls frlvolous, blue sky", Llme consumlng and slows Llme
Lo markeL, Lhey choose Lo mlnlmlze or neglecL lL.

lmpaLlenL for shorL-Lerm success, drlven by quarLerly scorecards, or consLralned by a
corporaLe mlndseL LhaL has Lo demonsLraLe acLlvlLy and qulckly geL Lo Lhe answer", many
organlzaLlons flnd lL hard Lo sLep back and dlverge. 1hls ofLen resulLs ln predlcLable,
unlnsplred, lncremenLal lnnovaLlons LhaL clog Lhe plpellne and Lake a greaL deal of Llme and
resources Lo manage.

ln reallLy Lhey could have far greaLer lmpacL had Lhey Laken Lhe Llme Lo dlverge aL Lhe
ouLseL, acknowledge Lhelr bllnd spoLs" and explore poLenLlally frulLful areas, and flll Lhe
plpellne wlLh well-grounded, blgger ldeas" LhaL offer greaLer poLenLlal.

lL ls ulvergenL" Lhlnklng, Lhen, LhaL opens Lhe door Lo Lhe posslblllLy of ldenLlfylng
breakLhroughs. MosL companles have no dlfflculLy generaLlng ldeas for new producLs.
uurlng Lhls ulvergenL" mode lL ls lmporLanL Lo explore oLher areas for lnnovaLlon, such as
new ways Lo work wlLh exLernal parLners, communlcaLe wlLh consumers or enable fasLer
Llme-Lo-markeL. 1hls ls Lrue even lf Lhe efforL ls focused on new producLs, slnce Lhese oLher
facLors dlrecLly lmpacL Lhe success or fallure of Lhe new producL concepLs.

SubsequenLly, Lhrough ConvergenL" processes LhaL call for LradlLlonal buslness Lools,
Lechnlques and daLa analysls, poLenLlal opporLunlLles are evaluaLed, prlorlLlzed, reflned and
Lhen ofLen moved Lhrough a formal declslon-based SLage CaLe` process unLll Lhe mosL
promlslng ones are lmplemenLed. 1hroughouL Lhe enLlre process, a focus on shorL-Lerm
opporLunlLles LhaL leverage low hanglng frulL" ls palred wlLh Lhe search for mld- and long-
Lerm breakLhrough growLh sLraLegles.

Whlle Lhe elemenLs of Lhe process generally occur ln a parLlcular sequence Lhere ls noL one
slngle, rlgld road map - Lhe paLh ls non-llnear, modular and responslve Lo Lhe needs of Lhe
momenL. lL ls flexlble and creaLlve, provldlng Lhe glue, Lhe spark and Lhe arLlsLlc maglc LhaL
weaves LogeLher Lhe dlmenslons of SLraLeglc lnnovaLlon ln real-Llme.

Creativity is about
divergent thinking.
Innovation is about
convergent thinking.

Ikujiro Nonaka

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1he elemenLs of Lhe Managed lnnovaLlon rocess vary dependlng on Lhe buslness challenge
(growLh sLraLegy, producL lnnovaLlon, packaglng lnnovaLlon, eLc.), buL broadly speaklng are
as follows:

2.2. Strateg|c A||gnment - 8u||d|ng Support

SLraLeglc AllgnmenL" ls Lhe process of engaglng Lhe senlor leadershlp Leam, a broad cross-
secLlon of Lhe organlzaLlon and key exLernal sLakeholders ln Lhe developmenL of a shared
vlslon and Lhe paLh forward.

lnnovaLlon lnlLlaLlves - llke oLher Lypes of change efforL - ofLen fall because Lhe ouLcomes
are "noL lnvenLed Pere", sllver bulleL soluLlons lmposed by senlor managemenL, peL ldeas"
pushed Lhrough by lndlvlduals wlLh loud volces, senlorlLy or pollLlcal lnfluence, or
developed ouLslde Lhe organlzaLlon ln some sorL of consulLanL Lhlnk Lank and handed down
for lmplemenLaLlon afLer a flnal presenLaLlon. AcLlve cross-funcLlonal parLlclpaLlon ln Lhe
lnnovaLlon process bullds SLraLeglc AllgnmenL" among key
sLakeholders boLh wlLhln an organlzaLlon and among lLs key
exLernal sLakeholders.

1hls klnd of allgnmenL galvanlzes Lhe organlzaLlon, creaLes
ownershlp, enLhuslasm and commlLmenL, acceleraLlng fundlng
declslons and bulldlng a sLrong foundaLlon for successful
lmplemenLaLlon. 8ulldlng allgnmenL ls more Lhan [usL a way Lo ensure LhaL key
sLakeholders are lnLellecLually on board and exclLed". lL ls crlLlcal for operaLlonal success,
enabllng cross-funcLlonal declslons and agreemenL on Lhe Lough lssues around
lmplemenLaLlon acLlvlLles such as compeLencles or asseLs LhaL wlll need Lo be leveraged,
resource allocaLlon, roles and responslblllLles or new ways ln whlch deparLmenLs wlll need
Lo work LogeLher.

Divergent mode
Discovery and Exploration
Convergent mode
Evaluation and Implementation
Business &
Consumer &
Define PD/
plan & metrics
Identify CSFs &
Validate with
customers &
Prototype &
Define portfolio
Make strategic
Create business
areas near &
long term
Define strategic
market/ industry
trends, best
Consumer &
consumer &
Scoping &
Define focus &
Discovery &
Research &
Kick-Off session
Staging session
Take short-term action
Create foundation for sustainable
innovation practices
Engage key stakeholders (interviews, web-based survey, ongoing communications)
Orchestrate new insights & stimulate visionary thinking
Create foundation for implementation
People Support
What They Help


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WlLh LhaL ln mlnd lL ls essenLlal Lo ensure LhaL sLakeholders are engaged ln approprlaLe
ways and wlLh sulLable frequency - noL [usL lnvlLed Lo a bralnsLormlng sesslon as a courLesy
or an afLerLhoughL.

2.2.1. Interna| A||gnment

1here are several conslderaLlons when assembllng Lhe lnLernal Leam LhaL wlll drlve an
lnnovaLlon lnlLlaLlve. llrsL, lL ls lmporLanL Lo selecL a cross-funcLlonal Core 1eam of
vlslonary, energeLlc change agenLs and fuLure leaders - lnsplred and lnsplrlng lndlvlduals
who wanL Lo make a dlfference. Second lL ls crlLlcal Lo choose a mlx of senlorlLy levels -
Lyplcally from execuLlve Lo mlddle managemenL Lo lower level employees LhaL are ofLen
closer Lo Lhe consumer/cusLomer. 1hlrd, a successful Core 1eam conslsLs of four dlfferenL
caLegorles: sub[ecL maLLer experLs, declslon makers, lmplemenLers and noL leasL, naive"
perspecLlves - maverlck free-Lhlnkers whose role ls Lo challenge Lhe Leam's lncomlng
bellefs and assumpLlons. lourLh, Lhe Leam wlll need a balanced comblnaLlon of Lhlnklng
and problem-solvlng sLyles - lncludlng mlndseLs sulLable for exploraLory Lhlnklng ln
amblguous, speculaLlve fronL end" seLLlngs, as well as Lhe more analyLlcal mlndseLs
requlred durlng lmplemenLaLlon. llfLh, Lhe Leam capLaln should conslder lncludlng Leam
members from dlfferenL buslness unlLs, geographles or slsLer companles. ln addlLlon Lo Lhe
Core 1eam, an LxLended 1eam of lnLernal oplnlon leaders, supporLers and evangellsLs
should be appolnLed Lo acL as funcLlonal ambassadors" Lo represenL Lhe lnLeresLs of (and
provlde lnformaLlon Lo) Lhelr respecLlve areas ln advance of Lhe lmplemenLaLlon phase.

1o ensure ongolng supporL, lL ls lmperaLlve Lo esLabllsh execuLlve-level sponsorshlp ldeally
from more Lhan one funcLlonal area.

2.2.2. Lxterna| A||gnment

ln some cases lL may be lmporLanL Lo bulld exLernal allgnmenL wlLh - and Lo gaLher lnslghLs
and ldeas from -- parLner organlzaLlons by formally maklng Lhem parL of Lhe co-creaLlon
process. 1hls would call for bulldlng a Core or LxLended 1eam LhaL lncludes represenLaLlves
from Lhe organlzaLlon's suppller, channel, manufacLurlng or packaglng parLners or
adverLlslng or brandlng agency.

2.2.3. art|c|pants |n the Strateg|c Innovat|on process

ln order Lo enable lndusLry loreslghL, CusLomer lnslghL and SLraLeglc AllgnmenL, Lhe
SLraLeglc lnnovaLlon process engages a broad range of parLlclpanLs and perspecLlves from
wlLhln and ouLslde Lhe organlzaLlon, as follows:
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2.3. Industry Iores|ght - Understand|ng Lmerg|ng 1rends

Surprlslngly, many organlzaLlons have noL developed a polnL of vlew on where Lhelr
lndusLry ls headlng, rarely looklng beyond Lhelr own boundarles, Loo busy flghLlng Loday's
flres Lo Lake Lhe Llme Lo Lruly undersLand whaL ls drlvlng Lhelr operaLlng envlronmenL and
how lL mlghL poLenLlally evolve. Whlle managers are busy managlng, and execuLlves are
busy execuLlng, nobody ls busy envlslonlng". lL ls akln Lo slLLlng ln a small sallboaL
unaware of Lhe weaLher condlLlons and dangers LhaL lle ahead.

lndusLry loreslghL" ls a Lop-down" approach LhaL explores Lhe drlvers, Lrends, enablers
and dlslocaLlons wlLhln one or more lndusLrles. 1he world of meLeorology provldes a
compelllng analogy. 1he ongolng monlLorlng of a complex, lnLerLwlned seL of
meLeorologlcal forces allows us Lo develop a vlewpolnL how Lhey
may colllde Lo lmpacL our world ln Lerms of Lhe weaLher. Slmllarly,
vlslonary organlzaLlons esLabllsh a process for monlLorlng Lhe
complex lnLerplay of key Lrends LhaL may poLenLlally lmpacL Lhelr
buslness. lL ls ln looklng aL Lhe forces of deregulaLlon, lndusLry
convergence and emerglng markeLs, and ln explorlng Lhe
lnLersecLlons of soclal, demographlc, Lechnlcal, envlronmenLal,
pollLlcal, compeLlLlve and oLher Lrends LhaL poLenLlal whlLe space" opporLunlLles are
revealed. Slnce Loday's world ls noL llnear, we cannoL exLrapolaLe Lhe pasL Lo predlcL Lhe
fuLure. lndusLry loreslghL Lherefore goes beyond LradlLlonal markeL Lrend research by
Laklng a speculaLlve, whaL lf" perspecLlve, seeklng ouL - and ln some cases even
lnLenLlonally creaLlng - lndusLry dlsrupLlons.
MonlLorlng emerglng Lrends enables an organlzaLlon boLh Lo averL LhreaLs Lo Lhe exlsLlng
buslness and Lo ldenLlfy poLenLlal markeL opporLunlLles LhaL may arlse when lndusLry Lrends
converge. lorward-looklng organlzaLlons have a curloslLy and a LhlrsL Lo engage wlLh fresh
perspecLlves from Lhe ouLslde. 1hey acLlvely seek ouL opporLunlLles Lo sLreLch Lhelr
Lhlnklng and Lo move beyond Lhelr own seL of lnbullL experlences, bellefs and bllnd spoLs".
1hls ls cenLral Lo Lhe SLraLeglc lnnovaLlon approach. When an organlzaLlon looks beyond lLs
External Participants Internal Participants
Liaison to internal
Functions, Levels,
Current, emerging,
and potential
Core Team
team of change
Customers, retail
partners, strategic
alliances, suppliers
I skate to where the
puck is going to be,
not where it has
Wayne Gretzky
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own orLhodoxles, Lechnology capablllLles, buslness boundarles and hlsLorlcal operaLlng
pracLlces lL dramaLlcally ralses lLs ablllLy Lo ldenLlfy plaLforms for breakLhrough growLh. lor
example, an organlzaLlon ls beglnnlng Lo Lake a more fuLure-orlenLed vlew of Lhe world -
and Lhe posslblllLles lL may offer - when lL sLarLs Lo brlng emerglng Lechnologles onLo lLs
radar screen, raLher Lhan relylng on Lhe Lechnologles lL has used ln Lhe pasL. Slmllarly, lL
may be aware of several lnLeresLlng exLernal Lechnologles buL may noL have done much Lo
acLlvely explore Lhe posslblllLles of lnLegraLlng Lhem.

2.3.1. Look|ng beyond the obv|ous

1he posslblllLles sLarL Lo become lnLeresLlng when an organlzaLlon looks ouLslde lLs
hlsLorlcal buslness and sLarLs Lhlnklng abouL ad[acenL worlds". lor example, a food
manufacLurer wlLh a sLrong reLall channel lnfrasLrucLure may move beyond lLs focus on
new producLs for exlsLlng segmenLs and channels", and sLarL Lhlnklng abouL Lhe world of
schools or medlcal lnsLlLuLlons. 1here are many klnds of
ad[acency moves, such as new caLegorles, new geographles, new
channels, new beneflLs and new producLs.

Whlle lL mlghL be easy Lo dlsmlss ldeas LhaL are Loo fuLurlsLlc"
Lhe opporLunlLles for long-Lerm growLh are compelllng when an
organlzaLlon sLarLs Lo Lhlnk even more expanslvely and explore
less obvlous, non-ad[acenL worlds". lor example, LhaL same
food manufacLurer may Lhlnk abouL blurrlng producL caLegorles or lndusLry boundarles by
looklng lnLo opporLunlLles aL Lhe lnLersecLlons of aromaLherapy, lnformaLlon Lechnology,
personal communlcaLlons and consumer elecLronlcs, fashlon, Lhe arLs, nanoLechnology, Lhe
Plp Pop communlLy or ways Lo apply emerglng non-food Lechnologles. 8reakLhroughs
ofLen come from maklng non-obvlous connecLlons LhaL spark lmaglnaLlve Lhlnklng. 1hls ls
noL Lo suggesL LhaL Lhe food manufacLurer move lnLo Lhe consumer elecLronlcs lndusLry -
yeL lL ls enLlrely feaslble Lo learn from analogles from LhaL world, or Lo enLer lnLo unusual
parLnershlps ln a way LhaL opens up new posslblllLles. Slnce compeLlLors are probably noL
Lhlnklng ln Lhls way - and cerLalnly noL [uxLaposlng Lhls same seL of worlds" - Lhe resulLlng
vlewpolnL ls proprleLary.

CrganlzaLlons Loday have no Lolerance for blue sky" dreams LhaL are noL acLlonable. 1he
key ls Lo creaLe a long-Lerm vlslon for Lhe fuLure and Lo Lhen pragmaLlcally brldge back Lo
Lhe presenL" by deflnlng sLraLegles and acLlons LhaL enable Lhe organlzaLlon Lo sLarL wlLh
Lhe end ln mlnd. Senlor execuLlves are much more wllllng Lo engage ln vlslonary Lhlnklng
when Lhey are assured LhaL lL wlll be accompanled by LlghL descrlpLlons of roles and
responslblllLles, pro[ecL plans, mllesLones, meLrlcs and buslness case analyses.

Cne compelllng forum for radlcal exploraLlon ls a carefully orchesLraLed 1houghL Leader
anel" ln whlch an organlzaLlon's change agenLs and lnnovaLors are broughL face-Lo-face
wlLh exLernal lndusLry 1houghL Leaders" Lo explore, speculaLe and collaboraLe ln a shlrL-
sleeves worklng envlronmenL.

1hls panel process brlngs LogeLher a Leam of forward-looklng exLernal provocaLeurs and
experLs - vlslonary experLs ln Lhelr respecLlve flelds - Lo lnLroduce fresh perspecLlves and
A problem cannot be
solved by the same
consciousness that
created it.

Albert Einstein
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lnslghLs, challenge esLabllshed Lhlnklng, and collaboraLlvely explore poLenLlal growLh
opporLunlLles, new buslnesses, new producLs/servlces, and lnnovaLlve buslness models LhaL
may be revealed aL Lhe lnLersecLlon of dlfferenL worlds and emerglng Lrends.

Whlle Lhe obvlous approach ls Lo manage Lhls klnd of forum as a LradlLlonal panel
dlscusslon", such an approach falls Lo dellver ln several ways. Cne example ls LhaL lL does
noL fully explolL Lhe poLenLlal lnLeracLlons beLween exLernal parLlclpanLs. 1he spark of
lnsplraLlon comes when dlfferenL perspecLlves on Lhe fuLure are voclferously debaLed, and
when a varleLy of non-LradlLlonal Lechnlques help parLlclpanLs move beyond facLs and
speculaLe and vlsuallze radlcal posslblllLles. Clearly, selecLlng and comblnlng an lmaglnaLlve
and provocaLlve seL of perspecLlves ls crlLlcal Lo success.

1hrough lndusLry loreslghL, Lhen, an organlzaLlon can develop a compelllng, proprleLary
vlew of Lhe fuLure, enabllng lL Lo Lhen deflne a well-grounded and pragmaLlc parLlclpaLlon

2.4. Consumer]Customer Ins|ght - Understand|ng Art|cu|ated and Unart|cu|ated Needs

MosL organlzaLlons would llke Lo see Lhemselves as consumer-
drlven, and asplre Lo creaLe producLs, servlces and soluLlons
LhaL are grounded ln consumer needs. ln reallLy organlzaLlons
ofLen have scanL undersLandlng of consumers' deep-seaLed
behavlors, percepLlons and needs. roducL-drlven companles
ln parLlcular could beneflL greaLly from Laklng a more
consumer/cusLomer-lnsplred approach, Lhough Lhls ls ofLen aL
odds wlLh Lhe organlzaLlon's culLural norms, especlally lf Lhe
LechnologlsLs hold Lhe power.

Consumer/CusLomer lnslghL" ls a quallLaLlve, boLLom-up"
approach LhaL leverages lnslghLs lnLo Lhe behavlors,
percepLlons and needs of currenL and poLenLlal
consumers/cusLomers by lnvolvlng Lhem as Lrue parLners ln
Lhe lnnovaLlon process. lL ls a non-LradlLlonal, lmaglnaLlve
approach Lo research LhaL seeks a deep undersLandlng of
needs and Lhe drlvers of behavlor aL a level well beyond whaL
Lhey consumers/cusLomers are able Lo arLlculaLe Lhemselves.

Whlle lL ls lmporLanL Lo lnclude LradlLlonal consumer daLa ln Lhe lnnovaLlon process, many
organlzaLlons are uncomforLable experlmenLlng wlLh approaches Lhey see as less black and
whlLe. Consumer/cusLomer lnvolvemenL ln producL developmenL ofLen conslsLs of
LradlLlonal focus groups, panels or web-based surveys, and frequenLly goes no furLher Lhan
sollclLlng cusLomer response Lo lnLernally-generaLed producL concepLs, or speclflc
execuLlons such as feaLure preferences, packaglng or adverLlslng dlrecLlons.

Whlle valldaLlng ldeas wlLh consumers ls essenLlal, llmlLlng consumer lnLeracLlons Lo
feedback gaLherlng ls a mlssed opporLunlLy. 1he SLraLeglc lnnovaLlon approach uses
convenLlonal consumer forums (focus groups, lnLervlews, panels, eLc.) ln far more
lmaglnaLlve ways. 1he goal of Lhls exploraLory" consumer work ls Lo spark fresh Lhlnklng
Markets are
Clue No. 1,
Cluetrain Manifesto

Markets consist of
human beings, not
demographic sectors.
Clue No. 2,
Cluetrain Manifesto

There are two
conversations going
on. One inside the
company. One with
the market.
Clue No. 53,
Cluetrain Manifesto
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abouL fuLure posslblllLles LhaL Lhen LranslaLe lnLo growLh sLraLegy and new producL
caLegorles, eLc. LxperlmenLlng wlLh non-LradlLlonal Lechnlques unfamlllar Lo lndusLry
compeLlLors wlll help galn deeper lnslghLs and ldenLlfy opporLunlLles and concepLs LhaL
have a greaLer degree of emoLlonal resonance" wlLh consumers.

Lqually, many consumer research programs are conLenL wlLh hearlng whaL cusLomers
acLually say, buL do noL explore Lhe ferLlle ground of Lhelr unarLlculaLed (laLenL) needs. 1he
volce of Lhe Consumer" has become a sLandard parL of Lhe LoolklL of markeLers and
researchers across mosL lndusLrles, buL worklng wlLh Lhe spoken word ls obvlous and
relaLlvely sLralghLforward. lurLhermore, slnce compeLlLors are dolng lL Loo lL provldes llLLle
compeLlLlve edge.

1he pracLlce of eLhnographlc research ls galnlng ground - more rapldly ln some lndusLrles
Lhan ln oLhers - buL lL has been slow Lo galn accepLance. lf conducLed poorly Lhe ouLpuL
may be hlghly amblguous and Lhe lmpllcaLlons may noL be very clear. uesplLe Lhe
opporLunlLy eLhnographlc research offers for breakLhrough lnslghLs, many enLerprlses are
relucLanL Lo conslder lL as a vlable approach.

Consumer/cusLomer parLlclpaLlon ln corporaLe sLraLegy developmenL ls pracLlcally unheard
of. 1here ls a Lremendous opporLunlLy ln lnvolvlng consumers/cusLomers (and suppllers and
oLher exLernal sLakeholders, eLc.) as Lrue parLners ln Lhe lnnovaLlon process by adopLlng a
Consumer/cusLomer lnslghL approach.

1he approach ls noL llmlLed Lo consumers/cusLomers, buL can be exLended Lo glean lnslghLs
from many oLher Lypes of sLakeholders - examples lnclude: channel parLners, suppllers,
employees, lnvesLors, early adopLer non-users, eLc.

2.S. Core 1echno|og|es and Competenc|es - Leverag|ng and Lxtend|ng Corporate Assets

A solld undersLandlng of a company's core Lechnologles and compeLencles provldes a
pragmaLlc fllLer agalnsL whlch lmaglnaLlve ldeas can be assessed and shaped lnLo pracLlcal
lnvesLmenL-worLhy opporLunlLles. Lven when an organlzaLlon possesses deep lnslghL lnLo
consumer/cusLomer needs and fuLure Lrends, Lransformlng ldeas lnLo acLlon ls an uphlll
baLLle unless Lhere ls a keen sense of Lhe organlzaLlon's lnherenL sLrengLhs and ablllLy Lo
leverage lLs core asseLs.

lL ls essenLlal Lo noL [usL conslder an organlzaLlon's Lechnologles buL also oLher capablllLles
LhaL are lnLegral Lo success. Such compeLencles may lnclude lnLellecLual properLy or
paLenLs, unlque relaLlonshlps wlLh suppllers and parLners, brand equlLy, speed and
operaLlonal aglllLy or unlque buslness pracLlces. ln large organlzaLlons wlLh mulLlple
buslness unlLs one group may have developed lLs own operaLlonal processes and have
valuable compeLencles and besL pracLlces Lo share wlLh oLher parLs of Lhe enLerprlse.

ln order Lo be vlable, Lherefore, any lnnovaLlons musL possess a LlghL llnk Lo core
compeLencles. 1hls does noL only mean Lechnologles and compeLencles Lhe organlzaLlon
possesses Loday. lL would be shorLslghLed Lo lgnore Lhe slgnlflcanL opporLunlLles LhaL could
be pursued by parLnerlng, ouLsourclng or acqulrlng new Lechnologles and compeLencles.
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Many organlzaLlons lnadverLenLly llmlL Lhelr growLh opLlons by Lrylng Lo be self-sufflclenL or
by noL belng open Lo expandlng Lhelr sLable of esLabllshed exLernal parLners.

2.6. Crgan|zat|ona| kead|ness - Assess|ng 1he Ab|||ty to 1ake Act|on

1here ls a Llme for lnsplred dreamlng and hlgh-mlnded vlslon developmenL and opporLunlLy
ldenLlflcaLlon (durlng ulvergenL" Lhlnklng) and a Llme for down-Lo-earLh pragmaLlsm
(durlng ConvergenL Lhlnklng"). lL ls crlLlcal Lo draw upon each mlndseL aL Lhe approprlaLe

uurlng Lhe pragmaLlc (ConvergenL") sLage lL ls essenLlal Lo have a
clear undersLandlng of a company's CrganlzaLlonal 8eadlness" - lLs
ablllLy Lo acL upon and lmplemenL lnnovaLlve ldeas and sLraLegles,
and Lo successfully come Lo grlps wlLh Lhe operaLlonal, pollLlcal,
culLural and flnanclal demands LhaL wlll follow. Lven wlLh Lhe mosL
lnsplred vlslon and lnnovaLlve producLs an organlzaLlon may slmply
noL be ln a poslLlon Lo effecLlvely lmplemenL. 1he approach
Lherefore calls for an assessmenL of "CrganlzaLlonal 8eadlness"
along Lhree dlmenslons:

Cu|tura| read|ness. 1hls refers Lo Lhe mlndseL and norms LhaL allow lndlvlduals
and Leams Lo Lhlnk lmaglnaLlvely, Lo Lake prudenL rlsks, and Lo seek ouL, creaLe
and lnLroduce lnnovaLlve soluLlons. lL lncludes such facLors as: senlor
leadershlp's operaLlng sLyles and dlrecLlves (boLh spoken and unspoken), long-
versus shorL-Lerm focus, employee proflles and Lhlnklng sLyles, corporaLe
values (especlally on Lhe role of lnnovaLlon), menLal
models abouL buslness boundarles and Lhe way we do
Lhlngs, here", blas for collaboraLlon, declslon-maklng
sLyles, bureaucracy levels, lnLernal power sLruggles,
pollLlcal agendas, wllllngness Lo embrace change and
penchanL for acLlon.

rocess read|ness. 1hls refers Lo Lhe general buslness
processes and pracLlces LhaL enable funcLlonal groups Lo
operaLe effecLlvely and collaboraLe Loward a common
goal - as well as a robusL seL of meLhodologles and Lools
speclflcally deslgned Lo drlve lnnovaLlon.

Structura| read|ness. 1hls refers Lo Lhe organlzaLlonal sLrucLures and
Lechnologles LhaL supporL lnnovaLlon as well as levels of flexlblllLy Lo asslgn
avallable and quallfled sLaff Lo hlgh-prlorlLy pro[ecLs - wlLhouL quesLlon one of
Lhe leadlng barrlers Lo lmplemenLaLlon.

undersLandlng an organlzaLlon's readlness Lo acL lnforms lnlLlal declslons abouL pro[ecL
scoplng, Llme horlzons and Lhe deslred level of breakLhrough, seLs expecLaLlons abouL how
Lo effecLlvely work wlLh Lhe Core 1eam and oLher sLakeholders, and enables a reallsLlc
approach Lo lmplemenLaLlon.

The real difficulty in
changing the course of
any enterprise lies not
in developing new
ideas, but in escaping
old ones.

John Maynard

Everyone wants to
grow; most people are
just unwilling to
change in order to do

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2.7. D|sc|p||ned Imp|ementat|on - Manag|ng the ath Irom Insp|rat|on 1o 8us|ness

Whlle lL ls noL easy Lo produce creaLlve, vlslonary sLraLeglc Lhlnklng, lL ls equally challenglng
Lo successfully lmplemenL LhaL Lhlnklng ln a way LhaL creaLes meanlngful buslness resulLs.
lor example, generaLlng new producL ldeas ls noL necessarlly LhaL hard. lL ls ln Lhe acL of
execuLlon - where Lhe rubber meeLs Lhe road - LhaL lnnovaLlon efforLs frequenLly fall. lL ls
here LhaL an organlzaLlon musL demonsLraLe lLs ablllLy Lo LranslaLe a ower olnL
presenLaLlon full of good ldeas Lo Lhe boLLom llne, by Lenaclously negoLlaLlng Lhe obsLacle-
rldden paLh Lo buslness lmpacL.

ln Lhe conLexL of SLraLeglc lnnovaLlon, Lhe Lerm lmplemenLaLlon" lncludes a broad seL of
acLlvlLles LhaL call for supporL and lnvolvemenL across Lhe organlzaLlon. 1hese may lnclude:
LranslLlon Lo speclflc pro[ecLs or programs, Lechnlcal producL developmenL and deslgn,
developlng a dlsLlncLlve value proposlLlon Lhrough consumer-based rapld proLoLyplng and
LesLlng, brand developmenL, bulldlng a buslness case, effecLlvely communlcaLlng lnLernally
Lo galn broader organlzaLlonal buy-ln, developlng markeLlng and channel sLraLegles,
deflnlng evaluaLlon crlLerla and success meLrlcs approprlaLe for a new venLure (avoldlng
overrellance on LradlLlonal flnanclal meLrlcs), developlng new
buslness processes or creaLlng new organlzaLlonal sLrucLures,
hlrlng and Lralnlng, and esLabllshlng feedback loops for conLlnuous
lmprovemenL Lo Lhe lnnovaLlon process.

1he work of SLraLeglc lnnovaLlon ofLen has profound lmpllcaLlons
ln Lerms of operaLlonal, sLrucLural and buslness process change.
lor example, a relaLlvely sLralghLforward new producL
developmenL efforL may noL be as clear cuL as lL would seem, slnce lL may ralse larger,
sysLemlc lssues and call for Lhe developmenL of supporL sLraLegles LhaL wlll enable Lhese
new producLs Lo make Lhelr way Lhrough Lhe commerclallzaLlon process (such as brand
sLraLegy revlew, channel raLlonallzaLlon, eLc.). ln some cases an lnnovaLlon efforL may call
for Lhe creaLlon of a new buslness-wlLhln-a-buslness" (e.g., an enLrepreneurlal, new
venLure-Lype sLrucLure LhaL sLands aparL from Lhe prlnclpal buslness).

When an organlzaLlon has puL Lhe flnlshlng Louches Lo lLs rosLer of lnnovaLlve ldeas - for
poLenLlal new producLs, growLh sLraLegles, new whlLe space" opporLunlLles Lo pursue, new
markeLs Lo enLer, new programs Lo launch or new buslness processes Lo creaLe - lL flnds
lLself now aL Lhe crlLlcal LranslLlon polnL from ldea generaLlon" or sLraLegy developmenL"
Lo pro[ecL managemenL". 1hls ls where Lhe lnnovaLlon process LranslLlons from
amblguous and exploraLory Lo concreLe and operaLlonal.

2.7.1. key cons|derat|ons for |mp|ement|ng Strateg|c Innovat|on |n|t|at|ves

key conslderaLlons for lmplemenLlng SLraLeglc lnnovaLlon lnlLlaLlves are: lmplemenLaLlon
sklllseLs and mlndseLs, malnLalnlng momenLum, a formal pro[ecL managemenL approach, an
undersLandlng of organlzaLlonal prlorlLles and declslon maklng processes, and a pracLlcal
SLage CaLe` process.
Genius is one percent
inspiration and ninety
nine percent

Thomas Edison

A Framework for Strategic Innovation

InnovationPoint LLC www.innovation-point.com Page 19 Imp|ementat|on sk|||sets and m|ndsets

ulfferenL lndlvldual sklllseLs and mlndseLs are needed aL dlfferenL sLages of Lhe SLraLeglc
lnnovaLlon process. Whlle many of Lhe early Leam members wlll play a role LhroughouL an
lnlLlaLlve, addlLlonal lndlvlduals wlll [oln Lhe Leam as Lhe process unfolds. 1he Lask of
ulsclpllned lmplemenLaLlon" calls for pragmaLlc operaLlonal skllls, exempllfled ln
lndlvlduals who are adepL aL worklng closely wlLh oLhers Lo Lenaclously geL Lhe [ob done,
and who have Lhe energy, LenaclLy, persuaslon and communlcaLlons skllls, pollLlcal savvy,
personal relaLlonshlps and credlblllLy Lo overcome organlzaLlonal roadblocks. Ma|nta|n|ng momentum

AL Lhe end of Lhe ulvergenL" phase Lhere ls a slgnlflcanL rlsk of Lhe efforL grlndlng Lo a halL.
1here are numerous causes: organlzaLlonal lnerLla, hlgher prlorlLles, pollLlcal agendas and
compeLlng demands for personnel or flnanclal resources. 1here are several sLraLegles for
malnLalnlng momenLum, whlch lnclude: bulldlng SLraLeglc AllgnmenL LhroughouL Lhe earller
sLages, leveraglng Lhe organlzaLlon's lmplemenLlon-relaLed 8esL racLlces, demonsLraLlng
early successes, malnLalnlng lnLernal vlslblllLy Lhrough a well-execuLed communlcaLlons
sLraLegy LhaL keeps senlor managemenL and key sLakeholders commlLLed, candldly sLaLlng
Lhe crlLlcal success facLors and requlremenLs Lo supporL Lhe efforL and obLalnlng senlor
managemenL's early commlLmenL Lo meeLlng Lhem. A forma| pro[ect management approach

AL Lhe end of Lhe ulvergenL" phase Lhe SLraLeglc lnnovaLlon efforL changes from belng a
slngle Lhread of acLlvlLy and Lakes Lhe form of mulLlple concurrenL daughLer" pro[ecLs.
1hese need Lo be LlghLly managed by paylng aLLenLlon Lo esLabllshed ro[ecL ManagemenL
pracLlces, lncludlng: reallsLlc expecLaLlons ln Llmlng and performance goals, approprlaLe
resource allocaLlon - sLafflng, budgeLs and access Lo lnformaLlon conslsLenL wlLh Lhe scope
of Lhe deslred buslness lmpacL, and accounLablllLy, progress measuremenL and sLaLus
reporLlng, boLh before and durlng Lhe plloL/roll-ouL phases and LhroughouL Lhe ln-markeL

1he area of human resource allocaLlon ln parLlcular ls where lmplemenLaLlon efforLs ofLen
fall, wlLh sLaff expecLed Lo fulflll Lhelr regular day [ob" responslblllLles whlle also belng
asked Lo conLrlbuLe Lo a sLraLeglc efforL. 1he challenge ralses organlzaLlonal lssues such Lhe
need for redeslgned personal performance measuremenL programs and assoclaLed
rewards/ lncenLlves. An understand|ng of organ|zat|ona| pr|or|t|es and dec|s|on mak|ng processes

lL ls essenLlal Lo be aware of Lhe way an organlzaLlon prlorlLlzes, approves and conLlnues Lo
supporL lnlLlaLlves. Any lnlLlaLlve ls poLenLlally aL rlsk as markeL condlLlons change, lf newly
ldenLlfled opporLunlLles Lrlgger a shlfL ln prlorlLles, lf budgeL or oLher consLralnLs suddenly
come Lo Lhe forefronL, or lf Lhe declslon maklng process lacks rlgor. WlLh much aL sLake lL ls
clearly lmporLanL Lo flnd ways Lo proacLlvely reduce Lhese rlsks.
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2.7.1.S. A pract|ca| Stage Gate process

A sound end-Lo-end lnnovaLlon lnlLlaLlve ls Lyplcally comprlsed of an exploraLory, fuzzy
fronL end" process followed by some klnd of SLage CaLe` process. lL ls lmporLanL Lo
recognlze Lhe dlfferenL roles of Lhese Lwo dlsLlncL processes.

A ma[or purpose of Lhe fronL end process ls Lo ldenLlfy good, well-grounded buslness
opporLunlLles and ldeas - ranglng from lncremenLal Lo breakLhrough. 1he fronL-end
process can be applled Lo ldenLlfylng a wlde specLrum of opporLunlLles lncludlng producLs
and servlces, new venLures, buslness models, parLnershlps and operaLlonal pracLlces. lLs
oLher purposes are Lo bulld allgnmenL and creaLe momenLum around opporLunlLles, Lo
narrow Lhe funnel of posslblllLles and Lo deflne Lhe sLraLeglc roadmap and hlgh-level
lmplemenLaLlon plan.

8y conLrasL, Lhe SLage CaLe` process LradlLlonally focuses only
on new producLs. lL comes lnLo play once new producL
concepLs have been ldenLlfled, and provldes an operaLlonal
roadmap for drlvlng new producL pro[ecLs from ldea/concepL Lo
launch, wlLh a focus on lmprovlng declslon-maklng and
efflclency. 1o derlve Lhe greaLesL beneflL from a SLage CaLe`
process lL ls crlLlcal Lo ensure LhaL Lhe fronL end process has
been dlvergenL enough Lo dellver hlgh quallLy ldeas, ldeally
grounded ln well-concelved plaLforms.

SLage CaLe` processes have broughL much-needed rlgor Lo Lhe
concepL evaluaLlon phase, parLlcularly Lo organlzaLlons LhaL
prevlously lacked dlsclpllne around go/no go declslons and
lmplemenLaLlon. Powever, Lhese processes are noL wlLhouL slgnlflcanL llmlLaLlons,
frequenLly because of human facLors, lnflexlblllLy around declslon polnLs and lnsufflclenL
managemenL lnvolvemenL. lnsLlLuLlng and applylng a SLage CaLe` process wlLhouL a
crlLlcal eye can creaLe slgnlflcanL lssues.

3. Susta|nab|e Innovat|on - 8u||d|ng a Ioundat|on for Cngo|ng Compet|t|ve Advantage

An organlzaLlon cannoL counL on bulldlng a secure fuLure ln Lhe myoplc bellef LhaL whaL has
worked ln Lhe pasL wlll conLlnue Lo work ln a rapldly changlng and lncreaslngly uncerLaln
world. lL would be foollsh Lo rely on lnnovaLlon by accldenLal good forLune or occaslonal
lnsplraLlon". Lqually, lL makes no sense Lo call ln Lhe creaLlvlLy consulLanLs" once a year
for a flre drlll when someone ln Lhe organlzaLlon feels lL ls Llme for anoLher round of
lnnovaLlon". 1hese approaches are nelLher pragmaLlc nor susLalnable.

1o succeed ln Lhe long Lerm, lL ls necessary Lo move beyond an ad hoc or unsLrucLured
approach Lo lnnovaLlon. An organlzaLlon wlll need Lo lnLenLlonally and dellberaLely fosLer an
lnnovaLlon-blased culLure and develop and lnsLlLuLe approprlaLe lnnovaLlon processes,
meLhodologles and supporLlng Lechnologles. 1hls may lnclude Lhe developmenL of a
collaboraLlon-based knowledge managemenL lnfrasLrucLure - an lnnovaLlon CommunlLy of
racLlce" LhaL supporLs Lhe sharlng of lnnovaLlon besL pracLlces, consumer and markeL
Todays successful
business leaders will be
those who are most
flexible of mind. They
will have the ability to
embrace new ideas and
routinely challenge old
ones. They will be alert
to learning from others
and quickly adapt from
the best.

Tom Peters

A Framework for Strategic Innovation

InnovationPoint LLC www.innovation-point.com Page 21

research and poLenLlal opporLunlLy plaLforms, and faclllLaLes lmaglnaLlve Lhlnklng across Lhe

1hls learnlng focus" wlll resulL ln deep-seaLed change LhroughouL Lhe organlzaLlon. lL wlll
Lake a slgnlflcanL Llme commlLmenL, wlll requlre lmpassloned lnLernal champlons, and musL
be supporLed aL Lhe Lop and LhroughouL Lhe organlzaLlon, boLh ln Lheory and ln day-Lo-day
pracLlce. lL wlll be necessary Lo conLlnuously monlLor, lmprove and evangellze Lhese efforLs.
1here wlll be a need Lo regularly communlcaLe Lhe labors, Lhe Lrlals, Lhe fallures and Lhe
frulLs. 1hough lL may seem a daunLlng Lask Lhe rewards of susLalnable SLraLeglc lnnovaLlon
are greaL.

1he fuLure belongs Lo Lhose organlzaLlons LhaL passlonaLely embrace an lnnovaLlon mlndseL
as embodled dally ln Lhe hearLs and mlnds and acLlons of lLs change agenLs and fuLure

3.1. 1he ath to Strateg|c Innovat|on

Many organlzaLlons wanL Lo become more lnnovaLlve" buL don'L know where Lo sLarL.
Whlle an obvlous flrsL LhoughL ls Lo lnLroduce creaLlvlLy Lralnlng", Lhe effecLs are usually
shorL-llved. 8eLurn on lnvesLmenL ls almosL lmposslble Lo measure and Lhere ls llLLle lmpacL
on Lhe broad corporaLe consclousness. lrequenLly, an organlzaLlon's lnLernal sLrucLures,
pollcles and culLure lnhlblL lnnovaLlon. MosL organlzaLlons are already lmplemenLlng aL
leasL some dlmenslons of Lhe SLraLeglc lnnovaLlon approach, Lhough ofLen ln an ad hoc
manner wlLhouL an overarchlng framework. So how can an organlzaLlon advance lLs
currenL lnnovaLlon pracLlces and move farLher along Lhe paLh Loward susLalnable, SLraLeglc

3.2. Innovat|on Assessment and 8enchmark|ng

1he sLarLlng polnL ls Lo conducL focused lnnovaLlon AssessmenL and 8enchmarklng
acLlvlLles. 1hls process has four-sLeps: an lnLernal lnnovaLlon dlagnosLlc LhaL looks aL Lhe
organlzaLlon and assesses Lhe currenL sLaLe along several dlmenslons, exLernal
benchmarklng (boLh lnslde and ouLslde your lndusLry), developmenL and adapLaLlon LhaL
deflnes new pracLlces sulLable for your organlzaLlon, lnsLlLuLlonallzaLlon - shepherdlng new
pracLlces lnLo operaLlon and conLlnuously lmprovlng Lhem.

An lnnovaLlon ulagnosLlc provldes a basellne LhaL descrlbes exlsLlng lnnovaLlon
CompeLencles and Change 8eadlness" - an organlzaLlon's ablllLy Lo effecLlvely lnnovaLe and
Lo embrace new pracLlces. 1he process Lyplcally looks aL Lhree Lypes of lnnovaLlon

Cu|tura| - uo Lhe organlzaLlon's mlndseL and norms allow lndlvlduals and Leams Lo
Lhlnk lmaglnaLlvely, Lo Lake prudenL rlsks, and Lo seek ouL, creaLe and lnLroduce
lnnovaLlve soluLlons?
rocess - uoes Lhe organlzaLlon have Lhe general buslness processes and pracLlces LhaL
enable funcLlonal groups Lo operaLe effecLlvely and collaboraLe Loward a common goal
- as well as a robusL seL of meLhodologles and Lools speclflcally deslgned Lo drlve
A Framework for Strategic Innovation

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Structura| - ls Lhe organlzaLlon deslgned Lo allow smarL, flexlble declslons abouL human
and flnanclal resource allocaLlon? uo supporLlng Lechnologles help or geL ln Lhe way?
Pow easy ls collaboraLlon and communlcaLlon across funcLlonal sllos? Should Lhe
organlzaLlon conslder plloLlng dlfferenL klnds of sLrucLures Lo supporL lnnovaLlon?
Lxamples of such sLrucLures lnclude lnnovaLlon pro[ecL Leams, experL neLworks, shared
servlces organlzaLlons, lnnovaLlon communlLles of pracLlce, ambldexLrous organlzaLlons
and lnnovaLlon counclls.

3.3. Lnd Note

SLraLeglc lnnovaLlon ls noL an end-sLaLe. 8aLher, lL ls a [ourney of open-mlnded exploraLlon,
experlmenLaLlon, Lhlnklng, declslon-maklng, acLlon, resulLs and learnlng, wlLh Lhe cycle Lhen

Whlle Lhere are numerous ways effecLlvely Lo measure Lhe buslness lmpacL resulLlng from a
SLraLeglc lnnovaLlon lnlLlaLlve, an organlzaLlon's ablllLy Lo successfully lnnovaLe ls less
Langlble, measured ln Lerms of progress over Llme raLher Lhan ln absoluLes.

1he [ourney of SLraLeglc lnnovaLlon calls for learnlng by dolng - lf an organlzaLlon
approaches a buslness lssue and adopLs Lhe framework as lLs seL of guldlng prlnclples, Lhe
buslness lmpacL wlll be evldenL and Lhere wlll be an opporLunlLy
Lo lncorporaLe Lhe learnlng as Lhe flrsL sLep Loward bulldlng a
foundaLlon for susLalnable lnnovaLlon.

A journey of a
thousand miles must
begin with a single

Lao Tzu
A Framework for Strategic Innovation

InnovationPoint LLC www.innovation-point.com Page 23

4. M|n|-d|agnost|c: Does your organ|zat|on pract|ce Strateg|c Innovat|on?

ls your organlzaLlon seL up Lo lnnovaLe sLraLeglcally? 1he followlng brlef assessmenL ls noL
a subsLlLuLe for an ln-depLh lnnovaLlon ulagnosLlc. Powever, lL wlll provlde a guL feel" of
how you raLe your organlzaLlon along several crlLlcal dlmenslons. More lmporLanLly, lL may
challenge your assumpLlons abouL whaL lL Lakes Lo creaLe Lhe culLure, processes and
sLrucLures LhaL supporL lnnovaLlon, and lnsplre you Lo look aL your organlzaLlon wlLh a more
dlscernlng eye.

8aLe your organlzaLlon on Lhe followlng quesLlons uslng Lhese guldellnes:

1=SLrongly ulsagree, 2=ulsagree, 3=Agree, 4=SLrongly Agree

1. Managed Innovat|on rocess

My organlzaLlon's approach Lo sLraLegy, new producL developmenL and process
lmprovemenL goes beyond LradlLlonal plannlng meLhods and Lake an exLernally-
focused, exploraLory approach LhaL challenges Lhe sLaLus quo and creaLlvely
lnsplres new Lhlnklng

2. Strateg|c A||gnment

Cur leadershlp supporLs (and acLlvely drlves) a collaboraLlve culLure LhaL
encourages dlfferenL deparLmenLs worklng cross-funcLlonally Lo ldenLlfy and
develop lnnovaLlve soluLlons

3. Industry Iores|ght

My organlzaLlon has a sysLemaLlc process for acLlvely monlLorlng and explorlng
emerglng Lrends and developlng alLernaLlve scenarlos LhaL represenL elLher
LhreaLs or opporLunlLles

4. Consumer]Customer Ins|ght

My organlzaLlon dlrecLly lnvolves consumers/cusLomers (boLh exlsLlng and
poLenLlal) as an lnLegral parL of Lhe lnnovaLlon process as a means of ldenLlfylng
boLh arLlculaLed and unarLlculaLed cusLomer needs

Page 24 www.innovation-point.com InnovationPoint LLC
S. Core 1echno|og|es and Competenc|es

My organlzaLlon clearly undersLands lLs core compeLencles and has expllclLly
ouLllned Lhe llnkage beLween lLs long-Lerm sLraLeglc goals and lLs shorL- and
medlum-Lerm 8&u lnvesLmenLs and Lechnology sLraLegles. My organlzaLlon
acLlvely explores new ways Lo exLend beyond our exlsLlng compeLencles

6. Cu|tura| kead|ness

My organlzaLlon demonsLraLes an lnnovaLlve mlndseL, a blas for collaboraLlon,
an lncluslve, non-bureaucraLlc declslon-maklng sLyle, a wllllngness Lo embrace
change, and a penchanL for acLlon

7. rocess and Structura| kead|ness

My organlzaLlon has (or demonsLraLes a mlndseL LhaL ls wllllng Lo develop)
approprlaLe operaLlonal processes and funcLlonal sLrucLures and allocaLes
adequaLe sLafflng, fundlng and managemenL supporL Lo hlgh prlorlLy lnnovaLlon

8. D|sc|p||ned Imp|ementat|on

My organlzaLlon conslsLenLly demonsLraLes lLs ablllLy Lo creaLe measurable
buslness lmpacL by Laklng a dlsclpllned approach Lo Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of
sLraLeglc Lhlnklng

9. Innovat|on Goa|s and Metr|cs

My organlzaLlon has esLabllshed lnnovaLlon-relaLed goals and measures (for
example: x of revenues musL come from producLs/servlces lnLroduced over
Lhe pasL ? years")

10. Capac|ty for Susta|nab|e Innovat|on

My organlzaLlon Lakes Lhe Llme Lo learn from lLs lnnovaLlon efforLs and ls
commlLLed Lo dellberaLely bulldlng an lnnovaLlon-based culLure and lnsLlLuLlng a
seL of lnnovaLlon-focused meLhodologles

1ota| score (max|mum = 40)

A Framework for Strategic Innovation

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Scor|ng key
3S-40: Strateg|c Innovator

?our organlzaLlon undersLands Lhe core elemenLs of sLraLeglc lnnovaLlon and ls well
poslLloned Lo remaln a leadlng lnnovaLor. SLraLeglc lnnovaLlon ls lnherenL ln your culLure
and you may be feellng confldenL abouL your currenL growLh sLraLegles.

WhaL Lo do nexL? Lnsure your organlzaLlon conLlnues Lo seek breakLhrough opporLunlLles
beyond Lhe leadlng edge", anLlclpaLes consumer/cusLomer needs, cannlballzes lLs own
producLs and servlces and drlves lndusLry sLandards. ConLlnue Lo lncorporaLe your learnlng
and reflne your processes for susLalnable lnnovaLlon.

29-34: Insp|red Innovator

?our organlzaLlon demonsLraLes some solld lnnovaLlon pracLlces buL Lhere are areas of
weakness. ?our opporLunlLy plpellne" may be relaLlvely full, Lhough you may be focuslng
on lncremenLal lnnovaLlons.

WhaL Lo do nexL? locus on Lhe areas of weakness and begln Lo deflne a process for
susLalnable lnnovaLlon. Assess Lhe raLlo of blg ldeas" Lo small ldeas" Lo see lf you have
been looklng broadly enough.

24-28: Asp|r|ng Innovator

Sparks of lnnovaLlon exlsL, Lhough your resulLs may be skewed Loward lncremenLal
lmprovemenLs raLher Lhan game-changlng lnnovaLlons. Lqually, your approach may be ad
hoc and unsLrucLured.

WhaL Lo do nexL? 1ake a sysLemaLlc vlew of Lhe core sLraLeglc, consumer/cusLomer-focused
and organlzaLlonal facLors necessary for SLraLeglc lnnovaLlon and seek ouL low hanglng
frulL" opporLunlLles. 1ake Lhe Llme Lo lncorporaLe your learnlng and sLarL Lo deflne a
process for susLalnable lnnovaLlon. Assess Lhe raLlo of blg ldeas" Lo small ldeas" Lo see lf
you have been looklng broadly enough.

< 23: Cha||enged Innovator

Whlle you may recognlze LhaL lnnovaLlon ls lmporLanL, your organlzaLlon's culLure,
sLrucLures and processes do noL supporL SLraLeglc lnnovaLlon. lnnovaLlon ls ad hoc and
unsLrucLured and your resulLs may be unlnsplrlng.

WhaL Lo do nexL? uedlcaLe resources Lo a small-scale, focused lnnovaLlon lnlLlaLlve wlLh
measurable dellverables. 1ake Lhe Llme Lo lncorporaLe your learnlng and sLarL Lo deflne a
process for susLalnable lnnovaLlon.

About Innovat|ono|nt
'from lnsplraLlon Lo lmpacL'

Innovat|ono|nt |s a non-trad|t|ona| consu|t|ng f|rm w|th a |aser focus on "Strateg|c
Innovat|on." We he|p organ|zat|ons dr|ve breakthrough, prof|tab|e top||ne growth by
work|ng co||aborat|ve|y w|th cross-funct|ona| teams to cha||enge the status quo, to
|dent|fy and cap|ta||ze on new growth opportun|t|es, and to bu||d robust |nnovat|on
We help our cllenLs Lake a fresh look beyond Lhe obvlous paLhs Lo growLh, collaboraLe
across funcLlonal boundarles, agree on lnvesLmenL prlorlLles and moblllze around shared
goals. We lead organlzaLlons from vlslonary, sLraLeglc Lhlnklng aL Lhe 'fuzzy fronL end' of Lhe
lnnovaLlon process Lhrough Lhe developmenL of pragmaLlc lmplemenLaLlon plans LhaL
dellver measurable resulLs ln Lhe shorL-, mld- and longer Lerm. 1o ensure susLalnable
resulLs, we ofLen help our cllenLs bulld a capaclLy for sLraLeglc lnnovaLlon by lnLroduclng and
drlvlng organlzaLlonal, process and culLural change.
We have a LwenLy-year Lrack record, and numerous long-Lerm cllenL relaLlonshlps across a
wlde range of lndusLrles. Cur Lwo complemenLary, lnLegraLed pracLlce areas are:
Strateg|c Innovat|on Strateg|c Crgan|zat|ona| Change
8reakLhrough CrowLh SLraLegy
new roducL, Servlce & CaLegory
8uslness Model Leapfrogglng
MarkeL-urlven 1echnology 8oadmapplng
lnnovaLlon CulLure & 1ransformaLlonal
LLAS Leadershlp uevelopmenL

Cur un|que perspect|ves and non-trad|t|ona|, propr|etary methodo|og|es set us apart - a
refreshlng blend of unconvenLlonal, creaLlve approaches Lo buslness lnnovaLlon coupled
wlLh LradlLlonal consulLlng pracLlces. 8y lnLroduclng provocaLlve exLernal perspecLlves
Lhrough our neLwork of cross-lndusLry 1houghL Leaders," along wlLh cusLomer and
consumer lnslghLs, our approaches sLreLch our cllenLs' menLal
models and dellver game-changlng sLraLegles LhaL are boLh
vlslonary and acLlonable. ConcurrenLly, we creaLe Lhe
organlzaLlonal allgnmenL, supporL and momenLum requlred
for acceleraLed declslon-maklng and effecLlve lmplemenLaLlon.

Cur team lncludes seasoned buslness leaders who know whaL
lL Lakes Lo geL Lo Lhe nexL level. We provlde LhoughL leadershlp
ln Lhe fleld of sLraLeglc lnnovaLlon and change, havlng
publlshed Lhe besLselllng, award-wlnnlng book "#$%&'())*+)
and been proflled and quoLed ln 3$456(.%$+2, 75'$5#)2 8
"#$1#'49*%, naLlonal ubllc 8adlo, uSA 1oday, MonsLer.com,
1lme Magazlne, and many oLher medla.

Cur c||ents are global and lnclude some of Lhe world's mosL lnnovaLlve flrms such as:
epslCo, lrlLo-Lay, ColgaLe-almollve, klmberly-Clark, uean loods, ulsney, PewleLL-
ackard, Chevron, MlcrosofL, AgllenL, Aon/PewlLL, Lowe's, Mayo Cllnlc, AlegenL PealLh,
ChrlsLus PealLh, lalrvlew PealLh, kalser ermanenLe, MedLronlc, Plll's eL nuLrlLlon, 8ed
8ull, vlsa, Schwab, ! Morgan/Chase, Merrlll Lynch, Wells largo, Wachovla, uS 8ank,
CaplLal Cne, hlllps, CenenLech, Sealed Alr, ulal, Cholce PoLels, SLar Alllance (Cermany),
1ekes (llnland), Crundfos (uenmark), 8oche (SwlLzerland) and Sk 1elecom (SouLh korea).

San lranclsco CA, uSA

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