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2012-2013 1

GkADL 10 LLA LkLMLAk LLSSCN !"#$%"& ()*+ uarter 1, Week 7: 10/01/12 10/03/12
Learn|ng Cb[ect|ves
1he goal of Lhls exemplar lesson ls Lo continue a close analysis of Sophocles classical drama, Aotlqooe. SLudenLs wlll uLlllze rlch dlscusslons based on
LexL-dependenL quesLlons Lo unravel Lhe complex relaLlonshlps and confllcLs revealed ln Lhe play. vocabulary ls learned from conLexL and wrlLLen
responses fosLer deeper undersLandlng of LexL. 1he lesson culmlnaLes ln an evldenLlary wrlLlng acLlvlLy. 1eachers may need Lo furLher scaffold
acLlvlLles to address individual students needs depending on the intent of the lesson and specific learners needs.

kat|ona|e: 1hls lesson focuses on Scenes 2 and 3 of Aotlqooe and guldes sLudenLs Lhrough acLlvlLles LhaL focus on Lhe confllcLs faced by Lhe characLers
ln Aotlqooe and Lhelr moLlvaLlons for Lhe declslons Lhey make. lL culmlnaLes ln a response Lo llLeraLure ln week 8 focused on Lhe naLure of Creon's and
Antigones Lraglc flaw, explalnlng hls or her values and [usLlfylng hls or her acLlons.

1exL 1lLle(s): Aotlqooe - Sophocles
Mcuooqol llttell lltetotote, pp. 966 - 1009
Cenre/1exL SLrucLure: Classlcal urama Creek 1ragedy
1argeted 1ext Se|ect|on SCLNL 2 and SCLNL 3 Cde and Cde 3
ages 980 993
Common Core State Standards (CCSS)
8L.910, W.9-10, SL.9-10
Lesson Sequence
Pow does Lhe characLer of Creon from Sophocles Aotlqooea man of simplicity and banal happinessreflecL confllcLlng
moLlvaLlons of pollLlcal and soclal order Lhrough hls declslon Lo senLence AnLlgone Lo deaLh ln Lhe classlcal Lragedy? ArLlculaLe how
Creons commlLmenL Lo acLs he flnds loaLhsome and AnLlgone's lnslsLence on faclng Lhe power of Lhe sLaLe boLh advance Lhe ploL
of Lhls Lragedy and develop Lhemes.

Write a response to literature in which you analyze the nature of Creon's and Antigones tragic flaw. Identify errors ln [udgmenL or
weaknesses ln characLer and lndlcaLe how Lhls flaw brlngs abouL Lhe causes of deaLh and affecLs all of 1heban socleLy. Who beLLer
flLs Lhe deflnlLlon of a Lraglc hero, AnLlgone or Creon? SupporL your sLaLemenLs wlLh examples and quoLaLlons from Lhe play.

Act|v|ty 1:
Pow do Lhe vlews of Creon and AnLlgone dlffer regardlng loyalLy Lo famlly and prlnclple?
1. 1he sLudenLs wlll lndependenLly read Scene 2 and Scene 3 of Aotlqooe on pp. 980 - 993. SecLlons of Lhe play may be read aloud or played on
audlo. 8ereadlng ls embedded ln Lhe LexL-dependenL quesLlons.
2. uslng collaboraLlve conferences (one-on-one, ln groups, and Leacher-led) sLudenLs should dlscuss and respond ln wrlLlng Lo Lhe lnlLlal meanlng Lhey
have made from readlng Lhls secLlon of Lhe play.
3. Close analyLlcal readlng wlll be conducLed on 2 LargeLed secLlons (llnes 110 130 ln Scene 2 and llnes 11 74 ln Scene 3).
4. SLudenLs wlll be asked Lo wrlLe a comparlson of Lhe Lhemes of Lhe Lwo odes Cde 2 p. 987 and Cde 3 p. 993.

Act|v|t|es 2, 3 and 4:
Pow does Cde 2 expand on Lhe sub[ecL of deaLh?
What is Creons view of family relationships?
WhaL message of love ls expressed ln Cde 3?
WhaL are Lhe emerglng Lhemes?
WhaL acLlon ls more [usLlfled--- an eLhlcal or moral acLlon?
1. 8eLurnlng Lo Lhe LexL, Lhe Leacher asks sLudenLs a small seL of guldlng quesLlons abouL Lhe LargeLed
secLlons (llnes 110 130 ln Scene 2 and llnes 11 74 ln Scene 3). 1he LargeLed LexL should be ln fronL of Lhe
sLudenLs as Lhey engage ln Lhelr dlscusslons.
2. 8eLurnlng Lo Lhe LexL for close analysls of Cde 2 and Cde 3, Lhe Leacher asks sLudenLs a small seL of guldlng
3. uurlng and afLer readlng use Lhe prewrlLlng acLlvlLles from Lhe Carol 8ooLh Clson lesson plan aL www.classzone.com Lo
analyze Lhe characLers.

Act|v|ty S:
Currlculum and lnsLrucLlon
ulvlslon of Language ArLs/ 8eadlng
Lngllsh Language ArLs (LLA) Lxemplar Lesson
GkADL 10 LLA LkLMLAk LLSSCN uarter 1, Week 7: 10/01/12 10/03/12

2012-2013 2

Identify and analyze the symbols used in Max Ernsts collage. Lxplaln how Lhe symbol--Lhe Sphlnx, Lhe man, Lhe corpse, and Lhe
enclosed carrlage--represenLs an ldea or expresses a Lheme in Sophocles Lragedy, Aotlqooe.
GUIDING ULS1ICNS for Advanced Learners
Pow ls Lhe rlddle of Lhe Sphlnx and Lhe Lerrlble faLe awalLlng Lhe famlly of Cedlpus deplcLed ln Max Lrnsts collage?
Analyze how Max Ernst creates Freudian motifs associated with Oedipuss conflict with the Sphinx in this collage enLlLled OeJlpos.
WhaL elemenLs of fears and hopes are revealed ln Lhls confllcL beLween male and female prlnclples ln Lhls arLlsLlc connecLlon Lo
Sophocles classical drama, Aotlqooe?

1. use vlsuals Lo analyze artistic connections to Sophocles classical drama, Aotlqooe.

1argeted 1ext Se|ect|on - SCLNL 2 and SCLNL 3
ages 980 - 993
underllned words:
lnsufflclenL conLexLual

8CLD words: 1ler 1wo
1eacher Act|v|t|es and 1echn|ques
1ext-Dependent uest|ons
||nes 110 130 |n Scene 2 pp. 984-98S
110 Creon. Pe would: for you honor a LralLor as much as
Ant|gone. Pls own broLher, LralLor or noL, and equal ln
Creon. Pe made war on hls counLry. LLeocles defended
Ant|gone. neverLheless, Lhere are honors due all Lhe
Creon. 8uL noL Lhe same for Lhe wlcked as for Lhe [usL.
113 Ant|gone. Ah Creon, Creon,
Whlch of us can say whaL Lhe gods hold wlcked? I
Creon. An enemy ls an enemy, even dead.
Ant|gone. lL ls my naLure Lo [oln ln love, noL haLe.
Creon (floolly losloq potleoce). Co [oln Lhem, Lhen, lf
you musL have your love,
120 llnd lL ln hell!
Choragus. 8uL see, lsmene comes:
(otet lsmene, qootJeJ.)
1hose Lears are slsLerly, Lhe cloud
1haL shadows her eyes ralns down genLle sorrow.
Creon. ?ou Loo, lsmene,
123 Snake ln my ordered house, sucklng my blood
SLealLhllyand all Lhe Llme l never knew
1haL Lhese Lwo slsLers were almlng aL my Lhrone!
uo you confess your share ln Lhls crlme or deny lL?
Answer me.
130 Ismene. ?es, lf she wlll leL me say so. l am gullLy.

||ne 122 - !%"
1%#.)21 %"& "+"1
&#341 .)24 5"40,"
1)&&)26 meLaphor
comparlng Lears Lo
raln porLrays
lsmene as
compasslonaLe and

||ne 12S - 74#8" 34
9+ )&."&". %)-1":
1-$8345 9+ ;,)).:
meLaphor for
Ismenes betrayal
shows Creon as
GUIDING ULS1ICN: Pow do Lhe vlews of Creon and AnLlgone
dlffer regardlng loyalLy Lo famlly and prlnclple?

(1) Which statement sums up Creons outlook and loyalty?
oss|b|e answer. Creon sums up his viewpoint in line 112: He
made war on his county. Eteocles defended it. Antigone
summarizes her viewpoint in line 113: There are honors due all
tbe JeoJ. Antigone recognizes gods laws as supreme.

(2) How does Antigones thinking about the gods differ from
Creons thinking?
oss|b|e answer. Aotlqooe ossetts tbot tbe qoJs tepolte bet to
booot tbe JeoJ (lloe 11J). cteoo otqoes tbot tbe wlckeJ Jo oot
Jesetve tbe some booots os otbets (lloe 114). Aotlqooe soys
tbot people ote oot oble to joJqe wbot tbe qoJs cooslJet wlckeJ
(line 116). Creon thinks that An enemy is an enemy, even dead
(lloe 117). lo sbott, cteoo clolms tbe powet to ooJetstooJ ooJ
interpret those unrecorded laws of God (line 61) that Antigone
voloes so blqbly.

(3) WhaL does Creon accuse Lhe slsLers of?
Pow does lsmene respond Lo hls accusaLlon?
Pow has lsmene changed slnce Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe play?
Analyze Antigones statemenL IL ls my naLure Lo [oln ln love,
not hate (line 118).
WhaL message abouL love ls Sophocles developlng? Pow ls Lhls
related to Oedipus illicit love?
oss|b|e answer. Creon compares Ismenes supposed betrayal
to a snakes treachery (lines 125 127). lsmeoe teollzes tbot sbe
moJe o mlstoke, sbe loves bet slstet ooJ woots to sbote lo tbe
Cde 2 ||nes 1 28 Scene 2 - page 987

1 Chorus. lorLunaLe ls Lhe man who has never LasLed
Gods vengeance!
Where once Lhe anger of heaven has sLruck, LhaL
house ls shaken
lorever: damnaLlon rlses behlnd each chlld
Llke a wave cresLlng ouL of Lhe black norLheasL,
3 When Lhe long darkness under sea roars up
And bursLs drummlng deaLh upon Lhe wlnd-whlpped
l have seen Lhls gaLherlng sorrow from Llme long pasL
Loom upon Oedipus children: generation from

||nes 3-4
.#94#03)4 &31"1
;"%34. "#$% $%3,.
,38" # 2#<"6
Lragedy follows Lhe
chlldren of Cedlpus

||nes 10-11 7)
,#0",+ 0%31 ,#10
flower of Oedipus
,34" / =&#48 0%"
1-4,35%0>6 Oedipus
(4) WhaL ls Lhe Lheme of Cde 2?
oss|b|e answer. 1be tbeme ceotets oo tbe powet of tbe qoJs,
tbe etetool ootote of tbe qoJs wrath, the weakness of
bomookloJ, ooJ tbe loevltoblllty of fote. OJe 2 soqqests tbot
ptlJe wlll be tbe Jowofoll of bomookloJ. 1bls oJe pots bomoos
lo tbelt ploce, sobotJlootloq tbem to tbe qoJs ooJ to fote ooJ
polotloq oot tbelt weokoesses ooJ lqootooce.

(S) Pow does Lhe ode expand on Lhe sub[ecL of deaLh? Pow
does Lhe sea lmagery ln Lhe flrsL verse of Lhe ode underscore Lhe
ldea LhaL AnLlgone and lsmene are doomed?

oss|b|e answer. cteoo bos ptomlseJ to bove Aotlqooe ooJ
lsmeoe kllleJ. 1be lmoqe of oo eootmoos, oostoppoble wove
GkADL 10 LLA LkLMLAk LLSSCN uarter 1, Week 7: 10/01/12 10/03/12

2012-2013 3

1akes Lhe compulslve rage of Lhe enemy god.
10 So lately this last flower of Oedipus line
urank Lhe sunllghL! buL now a passlonaLe word
And a handful of dusL have closed up all lLs beauLy. |
WhaL morLal arrogance
1ranscends Lhe wraLh of Zeus?
13 Sleep cannoL lull hlm, nor Lhe efforLless long monLhs
Cf Lhe Llmeless gods: buL he ls young forever,
And hls house ls Lhe shlnlng day of hlgh Clympus.
All LhaL ls and shall be,
And all Lhe pasL, ls hls.
20 no prlde on earLh ls free of Lhe curse of heaven.
1he sLraylng dreams of men
May brlng Lhem ghosLs of [oy:
8uL as Lhey drowse, Lhe waklng embers burn Lhem,
Cr Lhey walk wlLh flxed eyes, as bllnd men walk.
23 8uL Lhe anclenL wlsdom speaks for our own Llme:
?#0" wotks most fot 2)"
wltb Follys foltest sbow.
Mans little pleasure is the spr|ng of sorrow. [
daughLers were
allve and beauLlful

||nes 26 - 28
@#0", the destiny or
fortune; 2)",
misery: @),,+:
1*&345, source
cresting out of the black northeast (line 4) reinforces the
feelloq tbot tbe slstets coooot escope Jeotb, wblcb ls closely
followloq tbem.

(6) 1he flrsL half of Lhe poem refers Lo Lhe house of Cedlpus,
Lhe second half Lo Lhe house of Creon. WhaL does Lhe poem
suggesL abouL how Lhe Lwo houses are llnked?
oss|b|e answerA 1be oJe soqqests tbot tbe two booses bove
botb Jtowo tbe veoqeooce ooJ toqe of tbe qoJs opoo tbem
tbtooqb ptlJe ooJ ottoqooce.

(7) Lxplaln Lhe lasL Lhree llnes of Lhe ode. 1o whom do Lhese
llnes apply?
oss|b|e answer. 1be lost tbtee lloes of tbe oJe soqqest tbot
jost wbeo tbloqs oppeot to be qoloq well fot someooe,
cltcomstooces moy soJJeoly cbooqe ooJ btloq sottow. 5toJeots
mlqbt opply tbls petceptloo to kloq cteoo. oltbooqb be oppeots
tbe vlctot lo bls coofllct wltb Aotlqooe, lt moy yet leoJ to qtlef.
||nes 11 - 74 |n Scene 3 pp 988 - 990

11 Creon. Cood. 1haL ls Lhe way Lo behave: subordlnaLe
Everything else, my son, to your fathers will.
1hls ls whaL a man prays for, LhaL he may geL
Sons aLLenLlve and duLlful ln hls house,
15 Each one hating his fathers enemies,
Honoring his fathers friends. 8uL lf hls sons
lall hlm, lf Lhey Lurn ouL unproflLably,
WhaL has he faLhered buL Lrouble for hlmself
And amusemenL for Lhe mallclous? a
So you are rlghL
20 noL Lo lose your head over Lhls woman.
?our pleasure wlLh her would soon grow cold,
And then youd have a hellcat in bed and elsewhere.
LeL her flnd her husband ln hell!
Cf all Lhe people ln Lhls clLy, only she
23 Pas had conLempL for my law and broken lL.
uo you wanL me Lo show myself weak before Lhe
Cr Lo break my sworn word? no, and l wlll noL.
1he woman dles.
I suppose shell plead family ties. Well, let her.
30 lf l permlL my own famlly Lo rebel,
How shall I earn the worlds obedience?
Show me Lhe man who keeps hls house ln hand,
Hes fit for public authority.
Ill have no deallngs
WlLh lawbreakers, crlLlcs of Lhe governmenL:
33 Whoever ls chosen Lo govern should be obeyed
MusL be obeyed, ln all Lhlngs, greaL and small,
!usL and un[usL! C Paemon,
1he man who knows how Lo obey, and LhaL man only,
knows how Lo glve commands when Lhe Llme comes.
40 ?ou can depend on hlm, no maLLer how fasL
The spears come: hes a good soldier; hell stick it out.
Anarchy, anarchy! Show me a greaLer evll!
1hls ls why clLles Lumble and Lhe greaL houses raln
1hls ls whaL scaLLers armles! b
(8) What is Creons view of family relationships?
oss|b|e answer. cteoo volces sttooq pottlotcbol vlew of fomlly.
soos sboolJ obey tbelt fotbets obsolotely (lloe 11-12), bote tbelt
fathers enemies (line 15), and honor their fathers friends (line

(9) Why does Creon fear breaklng hls word (llne 27)? Why
does Creon declde Lo lgnore famlly Lles?
oss|b|e answer. cteoo ls JetetmloeJ to stlck by bls Jectee,
wbotevet tbe coosepoeoces.

(10) Cite textual evidence in lines for ways Creons perception
of women conLrlbuLes Lo hls confllcL wlLh AnLlgone.
oss|b|e answer. Creon believes that whoever is chosen to
govern should be obeyed completely (line 35), and those who
koow bow to obey wlll be steoJfost lo tbe foce of ttooble (lloes
40-41). cteoo belleves tbot meo sboolJ be sttooqet tboo womeo
ooJ tbot lt woolJ be sbomefol to ollow Aotlqooe to lofloeoce blm
ooJ noemoo. 1bls oploloo belqbteos tbe coofllct by llokloq bls
need to be the man with his willingness to be influenced by
Antigones argument.

(11) How do Haemons views of governmenL dlffer from
oss|b|e answer. noemoo belleves tbot leoJets sboolJ be opeo
to tbe oploloos of otbets. A kloq coooot koow evetytbloq tbe
people tblok ooJ sboolJ be woty of beloq tolJ ooly wbot be
woots to beot. Haemon talks about humanitys ability to reasoo,
soqqestloq tbot people bove tbe oblllty to pottlclpote lo tbelt
owo qovetomeot ooJ JeclJe tbelt owo fotes.

GkADL 10 LLA LkLMLAk LLSSCN uarter 1, Week 7: 10/01/12 10/03/12

2012-2013 4

43 no, no: good llves are made so by dlsclpllne.
We keep Lhe laws Lhen, and Lhe lawmakers,
And no woman shall seduce us. lf we musL lose,
Lets lose to a man, at least! Is a woman stronger than
we? c
Choragus. unless Llme has rusLed my wlLs,
30 WhaL you say, klng, ls sald wlLh polnL and dlgnlLy.
naemon (boylsbly eotoest). laLher:
Reason is Gods crowning gift to man, and you are
1o warn me agalnsL loslng mlne. l cannoL say
l hope LhaL l shall never wanL Lo say!LhaL you
33 Pave reasoned badly. ?eL Lhere are oLher men
Who can reason, Loo, and Lhelr oplnlons mlghL be
?ou are noL ln a poslLlon Lo know everyLhlng
1haL people say or do, or whaL Lhey feel:
?our Lemper Lerrlfles Lhemeveryone
60 Wlll Lell you only whaL you llke Lo hear. d
8uL l, aL any raLe, can llsLen, and l have heard Lhem
MuLLerlng and whlsperlng ln Lhe dark abouL Lhls glrl.
1hey say no woman has ever, so unreasonably,
uled so shameful a deaLh for a generous acL:
65 She covered her brothers body. Is this indecenL?
She kepL hlm from dogs and vulLures. ls Lhls a crlme?
ueaLh? She should have all Lhe honor LhaL we can glve
1hls ls Lhe way Lhey Lalk ouL Lhere ln Lhe clLy.
?ou musL belleve me:
70 noLhlng ls closer Lo me Lhan your happlness.
WhaL could be closer? MusL noL any son
Value his fathers fortune as his father does his?
l beg you, do noL be unchangeable:
uo noL belleve LhaL you alone can be rlghL.
73 1he man who Lhlnks LhaL,

Cde 3 ||nes 1 16 Scene 3 - p 993

1 Chorus. Love, unconquerable [
WasLer of rlch men, keeper
Cf warm llghLs and all-nlghL vlgll
ln Lhe sofL face of a glrl:
3 Sea wanderer, foresL vlslLor!
Lven Lhe pure lmmorLals cannoL escape you,
And mortal man, in his one days dusk,
1rembles before your glory.
Surely you swerve upon ruln
10 The just mans consenting heart,
As here you have made brlghL anger
SLrlke beLween faLher and son
And none has conquered buL Love!
A girls glance working the will of heaven:
13 leasure Lo her alone who mocks us,
Merclless AphrodlLe.

||ne 2 - 8""*"& / B@
2#&9 ,35%01 #4.
C8""*"& )@D #,,E435%0
<353,6 love waLches
and walLs
(12) WhaL message of love ls expressed ln Lhls ode? Pow
does Lhe ode relaLe Lo Lhe exchange beLween Creon and

oss|b|e answer. 5opbocles oses petsoolflcotloo to Jesctlbe love
os botb coopoetot ooJ Jesttoyet. 1be oJe exptesses tbe
messoqe tbot love ls mote powetfol tboo bomoo beloqs ooJ coo
tolo tbem. 1be oJe meotloos tbe ooqet betweeo noemoo ooJ
Creon, attributing it to Haemons love fot Aotlqooe (lloes 9-1J.
Neltbet noemoo oot cteoo wlos tbls bottle, losteoJ, love
coopoets tbem botb ooJ wotks tbe wlll of tbe qoJs.

(13) WhaL are Lhe emerglng
oss|b|e answer. Ooe tbeme
tbot oppeots lo botb OJe 2 ooJ
OJe J ls tbot of tbe fleetloq
ootote of bomoo llfe. Aootbet
tbeme tbot oppeots lo botb oJes
ls tbot of tbe owesome,
loevltoble, ooJ sometlmes
otblttoty powet of tbe qoJs.

GkADL 10 LLA LkLMLAk LLSSCN uarter 1, Week 7: 10/01/12 10/03/12

2012-2013 3

Cross Genre Connect|ons Ck Across Non-1ext

Max Ernst
Collage taken
from A Week of
1. ldenLlfy and analyze the symbols used in Max Ernsts collage. Explain how Lhe
symbol--Lhe Sphlnx, Lhe man, Lhe corpse, and Lhe enclosed carrlage--represenLs an ldea
or expresses a Lheme ln Sophocles tragedy, Aotlqooe.

oss|b|e answer.
1be 5pblox.
lo Cteek mytboloqy, o wloqeJ cteotote wltb o lloo's boJy ooJ o womoo's
beoJ. 1be spblox sttooqleJ oll wbo coolJ oot ooswet lts tlJJle, bot kllleJ ltself
wbeo OeJlpos cottectly oosweteJ tbe tlJJle,
lo qyptloo mytboloqy, o cteotote wltb o lloo's boJy ooJ tbe beoJ of o moo,
tom, ot bltJ.
1be moo wltb tbe beoJ of o bltJ.
o bltJ-moo mlqbt symbollze fllqbt ooJ fteeJom,
sopetoototol llok betweeo tbe beoveos ooJ tbe eottb,
bltJ-moo ls lookloq owoy ftom tbe 5pblox ooJ tbe cotpse soqqestloq o Jeslte
fot oew oppottooltles lo tlmes of oJvetslty.
1be cotpse,
Oedipuss fatbet, teceotly slolo by bls soo,
1be cotpse of lolyoelces lyloq oobotleJ oo o flelJ of bottle.
1be eocloseJ cottloqe
tbe fomlly of OeJlpos ls eottoppeJ ooJ oooble to escope tbe ptopbecy,
tbe eocloseJ cottloqe tepteseots tbe bltJ-moo os powetless befote fote ooJ/ot
tbe stotloq 5pblox.
GUIDING ULS1ICNS for Advanced Learners:
!" Pow ls Lhe rlddle of Lhe Sphlnx and Lhe Lerrlble faLe awalLlng Lhe famlly of Cedlpus
depicted in Max Ernsts collage?

1he k|dd|e of the Sph|nx
When Cedlpus came Lo Lhe gaLes of 1hebes, a sphlnx, a Lerrlble monsLer wlLh Lhe
body of a llon and head and Lorso of a woman, was guardlng Lhe gaLes. She allowed
no one Lo enLer or leave Lhe clLy wlLhouL answerlng Lhe rlddle LhaL she posed. lf Lhe
Lraveler could noL answer correcLly, she would klll and devour hlm. As no one had
yeL come up wlLh Lhe rlghL answer, Lhe sphlnx was well-fed, and Lhe clLy of 1hebes
was effecLlvely cuL off from all Lrade and all conLacL wlLh Lhe world ouLslde Lhe clLy
When Cedlpus reached Lhe gaLes of Lhe clLy, Lhe creaLure posed her rlddle: WhaL
walks on four legs ln Lhe mornlng, Lwo legs aL noon, and Lhree legs ln Lhe evenlng?
Cedlpus solved Lhe rlddle, answerlng LhaL man crawls on all fours ln lnfancy, walks
uprlghL on Lwo legs ln adulLhood, and uses a cane as a Lhlrd leg ln old age. 1he
sphlnx was so frusLraLed LhaL Cedlpus had answered her rlddle LhaL she Lhrew
herself from Lhe clLy walls, and dled Lhere on Lhe road ln fronL of Lhe clLy LhaL she
had Lerrorlzed for so long.
oss|b|e answer.
1be mytblcol cbotoctet of OeJlpos ls bete JeplcteJ wltb tbe beoJ of o bltJ. 1be colloqe
tells bls stoty, tbe motJet of bls fotbet, lo pottlcolot, ooJ tbe tlJJle of tbe 5pblox. ls tbe
boJy oo tbe floot of tbe cottloqe OeJlpuss father, recently slain by his son, or some
otbet vlctlm? 1be most fomoos ptopbesy ls JevoteJ to bow bls poteots woooJeJ bls feet
to be sote tbot be woolJ oevet come bock oftet beloq obooJooeJ. lo otJet to pteveot
the Oracles prophesy that any son born to Laius would kill him, Oedipus fotbet, lolos,
plooeJ bls ookles toqetbet so be coolJ oot ctowl ooJ obooJooeJ tbe boby oo o oeotby
moootolo. nowevet, o sympotbetlc setvoot foooJ tbe boby, took blm to lolybos, tbe
kloq of cotlotb, wbo oJopteJ tbe cbllJ ooJ qove blm tbe oome OeJlpos meooloq
"swolleo foot" lo oocleot Cteek oftet tbe swellloq ftom tbe lojotles to bls feet ooJ
ookles. The image of the Sphinx represents the omnipotent fulfillment of the Oracles

#" Analyze how Max LrnsL creaLes lreudian motifs associated with Oedipuss conflict
wlLh Lhe Sphlnx ln Lhls collage enLlLled OeJlpos. WhaL elemenLs of fear and hope
are revealed ln Lhls confllcL beLween male and female prlnclples ln Lhls arLlsLlc
connecLlon Lo Sophocles classical drama, Aotlqooe?

GkADL 10 LLA LkLMLAk LLSSCN uarter 1, Week 7: 10/01/12 10/03/12

2012-2013 6

oss|b|e answer. 1be colloqe soqqests lteoJloo motlfs ossoclotloos wltb tbe lofoocy,
fears, and hopes of the young king. The Sphinx could be an interpretation of Freuds
OeJlpos complex os o sttoqqle betweeo mole ooJ femole ptloclples.

Iormat|ve Assessment] kubr|cs, lf oppllcoble

Class dlscusslon(s) on LexL-dependenL comprehenslon quesLlons C8 wrlLlng responses
(graphlc organlzers, reader response [ournals, or prewrlLlng acLlvlLles) serve as
formaLlve assessmenLs.
Summat|ve Assessment] Cu|m|nat|ng Independent
Wr|t|ng 1ask

use Lhls durlng and afLer readlng Lo prepare
for Lhe CulmlnaLlng AcLlvlLy WrlLlng 1ask
as Lhe SummaLlve AssessmenL ln Week 8

Caro| 8ooth C|son lesson plan found aL www.c|asszone.com
Ana|yze the Characters

1. ConLlnue Lo add LexLual evldence from each
characters statements and actions, hls or her
personallLy LralLs, bellefs, and moLlvaLlons, and Lhe
confllcLs he or she faces.
2. 1hls LexLual evldence wlll be used for Lhe
lndependenL wrlLlng assessmenL ln week 8.
Lxtens|on Act|v|t|es]Iurther kesources

use ulscovery LducaLlon Currlculum Allgned 8esources (www.dlscoveryeducaLlon.com )
or oLher onllne resources Lo supporL Lhe readlng of Lhls classlcal Creek drama and
explore Lhe Lheme ln Lhe Lragedy.
Creek urama: 1ragedy & Comedy
A 1raglc llaw
lndlvldual & SocleLy: Crlme, unlshmenL, & Cppresslon

Cross Genre Connect|ons Ck Across 1ext or Non-1ext Sources:
llne ArLs (Max LrnsL)

Med|a Med|a Smart DVD:
Compare I||m and Wr|tten Vers|ons
Informat|ona| 1ext Connect|on:

Graph|c Crgan|zers aL www.c|asszone.com

GkADL 10 LLA LkLMLAk LLSSCN uarter 1, Week 7: 10/01/12 10/03/12

2012-2013 7

Lng||sh Language Learner (LLL) kesources and Strateg|es
Content know|edge

key Academ|c Vocabu|ary

ke|ated Words

Vocabu|ary Id|oms]I|gurat|ve |anguage]Say|ngs

D|scuss|on rompt

use Lhe followlng ulscovery LducaLlon medla llnks Lo bulld conLenL background on
Creek MyLhology.
ulscuss wlLh sLudenLs wheLher each expresslon or ldlom refers Lo Llme, place, physlcal
acLlvlLy, or LhoughLs/emoLlons. 1hen have Lhe sLudenLs wrlLe Lhe meanlng of each.
Meanlngs are provided for teachers use.

Id|om kefers to Means
1. a dogs age

Llme a long perlod of Llme

2. sLlck lL ouL (llne 41) persevere, manage
3. ln a poslLlon (llne 37) ln clrcumsLances, ln a
4. aL any raLe (llne 61) aL leasL
3. Lo go asLray (llne 90) Lo do someLhlng wrong,
make mlsLakes
6. WhaL does my age maLLer? (llne 98) WhaL dlfference does my age
7. noL aL all (llne 100) no!
8. Lo a man (llne 102) all Lhe people

8evlew/lnLroduce Lhe meanlng of 1-;)&.34#0" to be submlsslve or obedlenL.
lnLroduce and dlscuss Lhe followlng lnLerrelaLed words from Creons monologue. Pave
sLudenLs Lo creaLe senLences uslng Lhese words.
aLLenLlve (llne 14), conslderaLe, LhoughLful
duLlful (llne 14), obedlenL
auLhorlLy (llne 33), power
commands (llne 39), orders
dlsclpllne (llne 43), order, resLralnL

ueflne and dlscuss Lhese 1393,"1 and 9"0#*%)&1 from Lhe ode:
damnaLlon rlses behlnd each chlld llke a wave (llnes 34), Lragedy follows
Lhe chlldren of Cedlpus
So laLely Lhls lasL flower of Cedlpus llne /urank Lhe sunllghL! (llnes 1011),
Cedlpus daughLers were allve and beauLlful
Cr Lhey walk wlLh flxed eyes, as bllnd men walk (llne 24), Lhey are noL
aware of Lhe LruLh

Pave sLudenL Lhlnk of a slLuaLlon ln whlch somebody lnLercedes on behalf of a frlend
who ls belng punlshed unfalrly. Why mlghL Lhls lnLervenLlon make Lhlngs worse? WrlLe
a paragraph explalnlng your poslLlon ln Lhls maLLer.

GkADL 10 LLA LkLMLAk LLSSCN uarter 1, Week 7: 10/01/12 10/03/12

2012-2013 8

70-."40 ()*+

1exL 1lLle: Aotlqooe - Sophocles
Mcuooqol llttell lltetotote, pp. 966 - 1009
Cenre/1exL SLrucLure: Classlcal urama Creek 1ragedy
1argeted 1ext Se|ect|on SCLNL 2 and SCLNL 3
ages 980 993
[8L.910, W.9-10, SL.9-10]
1argeted 1ext Se|ect|on - SCLNL 2 and SCLNL 3
ages 980 - 993
Vocabu|ary 1eacher and Student-Generated
1ext-Dependent uest|ons
llnes 110 130 ln Scene 2 pp. 984-983
110 Creon. Pe would: for you honor a LralLor as much as
Ant|gone. Pls own broLher, LralLor or noL, and equal ln
Creon. Pe made war on hls counLry. LLeocles defended
Ant|gone. neverLheless, Lhere are honors due all Lhe
Creon. 8uL noL Lhe same for Lhe wlcked as for Lhe [usL.
113 Ant|gone. Ah Creon, Creon,
Whlch of us can say whaL Lhe gods hold wlcked? I
Creon. An enemy ls an enemy, even dead.
Ant|gone. lL ls my naLure Lo [oln ln love, noL haLe.
Creon (floolly losloq potleoce). Co [oln Lhem, Lhen, lf
you musL have your love,
120 llnd lL ln hell!
Choragus. 8uL see, lsmene comes:
(otet lsmene, qootJeJ.)
1hose Lears are slsLerly, Lhe cloud
1haL shadows her eyes ralns down genLle sorrow.
Creon. ?ou Loo, lsmene,
123 Snake ln my ordered house, sucklng my blood
SLealLhllyand all Lhe Llme l never knew
1haL Lhese Lwo slsLers were almlng aL my Lhrone!
uo you confess your share ln Lhls crlme or deny lL?
Answer me.
130 Ismene. ?es, lf she wlll leL me say so. l am gullLy.

||ne 122 - !%"
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GUIDING ULS1ICN: Pow do Lhe vlews of Creon and
AnLlgone dlffer regardlng loyalLy Lo famlly and prlnclple?

(1) Which statement sums up Creons outlook and loyalty?

(2) How does Antigones thinking about the gods differ
from Creons thinking?

(3) WhaL does Creon accuse Lhe slsLers of?
Pow does lsmene respond Lo hls accusaLlon?
Pow has lsmene changed slnce Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe play?
Analyze Antigones statement It is my nature to join in love,
not hate (line 118).
WhaL message abouL love ls Sophocles developlng? Pow ls
this related to Oedipus illicit love?

Cde 2 llnes 1 28 Scene 2 - page 987
1 Chorus. lorLunaLe ls Lhe man who has never LasLed
Gods vengeance!
Where once Lhe anger of heaven has sLruck, LhaL
house ls shaken
lorever: damnaLlon rlses behlnd each chlld
Llke a wave cresLlng ouL of Lhe black norLheasL,
3 When Lhe long darkness under sea roars up
And bursLs drummlng deaLh upon Lhe wlnd-whlpped
l have seen Lhls gaLherlng sorrow from Llme long pasL
Loom upon Oedipus children: generation from
1akes Lhe compulslve rage of Lhe enemy god.
10 So lately this last flower of Oedipus line
urank Lhe sunllghL! buL now a passlonaLe word
And a handful of dusL have closed up all lLs beauLy. |
WhaL morLal arrogance
1ranscends Lhe wraLh of Zeus?
13 Sleep cannoL lull hlm, nor Lhe efforLless long monLhs

||nes 3-4
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flower of Oedipus
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(4) WhaL ls Lhe Lheme of Cde 2?

(S) Pow does Lhe ode expand on Lhe sub[ecL of deaLh? Pow
does Lhe sea lmagery ln Lhe flrsL verse of Lhe ode underscore
Lhe ldea LhaL AnLlgone and lsmene are doomed?

(6) 1he flrsL half of Lhe poem refers Lo Lhe house of
Cedlpus, Lhe second half Lo Lhe house of Creon. WhaL does
Lhe poem suggesL abouL how Lhe Lwo houses are llnked?

(7) Lxplaln Lhe lasL Lhree llnes of Lhe ode. 1o whom do
Lhese llnes apply?

GkADL 10 LLA LkLMLAk LLSSCN uarter 1, Week 7: 10/01/12 10/03/12

2012-2013 9

Cf Lhe Llmeless gods: buL he ls young forever,
And hls house ls Lhe shlnlng day of hlgh Clympus.
All LhaL ls and shall be,
And all Lhe pasL, ls hls.
20 no prlde on earLh ls free of Lhe curse of heaven.
1he sLraylng dreams of men
May brlng Lhem ghosLs of [oy:
8uL as Lhey drowse, Lhe waklng embers burn Lhem,
Cr Lhey walk wlLh flxed eyes, as bllnd men walk.
23 8uL Lhe anclenL wlsdom speaks for our own Llme:
?#0" wotks most fot 2)"
wltb Follys foltest sbow.
Mans little pleasure is the spr|ng of sorrow. [

||nes 26 - 28



llnes 11 - 74 ln Scene 3 pp 988 - 990

11 Creon. Cood. 1haL ls Lhe way Lo behave: subordlnaLe
LveryLhlng else, my son, to your fathers will.
1hls ls whaL a man prays for, LhaL he may geL
Sons aLLenLlve and duLlful ln hls house,
15 Each one hating his fathers enemies,
Honoring his fathers friends. But if his sons
lall hlm, lf Lhey Lurn ouL unproflLably,
WhaL has he faLhered buL Lrouble for hlmself
And amusemenL for Lhe mallclous? a
So you are rlghL
20 noL Lo lose your head over Lhls woman.
?our pleasure wlLh her would soon grow cold,
And then youd have a hellcat in bed and elsewhere.
LeL her flnd her husband ln hell!
Cf all Lhe people ln Lhls clLy, only she
23 Pas had conLempL for my law and broken lL.
uo you wanL me Lo show myself weak before Lhe
Cr Lo break my sworn word? no, and l wlll noL.
1he woman dles.
I suppose shell plead family ties. Well, let her.
30 lf l permlL my own famlly Lo rebel,
How shall I earn the worlds obedience?
Show me Lhe man who keeps hls house ln hand,
Hes fit for public authority.
Ill have no dealings
WlLh lawbreakers, crlLlcs of Lhe governmenL:
33 Whoever ls chosen Lo govern should be obeyed
MusL be obeyed, ln all Lhlngs, greaL and small,
!usL and un[usL! C Paemon,
1he man who knows how Lo obey, and LhaL man only,
knows how Lo glve commands when Lhe Llme comes.
40 ?ou can depend on hlm, no maLLer how fasL
The spears come: hes a good soldier; hell stick it out.
Anarchy, anarchy! Show me a greaLer evll!
1hls ls why clLles Lumble and Lhe greaL houses raln
1hls ls whaL scaLLers armles! b
43 no, no: good llves are made so by dlsclpllne.
We keep Lhe laws Lhen, and Lhe lawmakers,
And no woman shall seduce us. lf we musL lose,
Lets lose to a man, at least! Is a woman stronger than
we? c
Choragus. unless Llme has rusLed my wlLs,
30 WhaL you say, klng, ls sald wlLh polnL and dlgnlLy.

(8) What is Creons view of family relationships?

(9) Why does Creon fear breaklng hls word (llne 27)? Why
does Creon declde Lo lgnore famlly Lles?


(10) Cite textual evidence in lines for ways Creons
percepLlon of women conLrlbuLes Lo hls confllcL wlLh

(11) How do Haemons views of governmenL dlffer from

GkADL 10 LLA LkLMLAk LLSSCN uarter 1, Week 7: 10/01/12 10/03/12

2012-2013 10

naemon (boylsbly eotoest). laLher:
Reason is Gods crowning gift to man, and you are
1o warn me agalnsL loslng mlne. l cannoL say
l hope LhaL l shall never wanL Lo say!LhaL you
33 Pave reasoned badly. ?eL Lhere are oLher men
Who can reason, Loo, and Lhelr oplnlons mlghL be
?ou are noL ln a poslLlon Lo know everyLhlng
1haL people say or do, or whaL Lhey feel:
?our Lemper Lerrlfles Lhemeveryone
60 Wlll Lell you only whaL you llke Lo hear. d
8uL l, aL any raLe, can llsLen, and l have heard Lhem
MuLLerlng and whlsperlng ln Lhe dark abouL Lhls glrl.
1hey say no woman has ever, so unreasonably,
uled so shameful a deaLh for a generous acL:
65 She covered her brothers body. Is this indecent?
She kepL hlm from dogs and vulLures. ls Lhls a crlme?
ueaLh? She should have all Lhe honor LhaL we can glve
1hls ls Lhe way Lhey Lalk ouL Lhere ln Lhe clLy.
?ou musL belleve me:
70 noLhlng ls closer Lo me Lhan your happlness.
WhaL could be closer? MusL noL any son
Value his fathers fortune as his father does hls?
l beg you, do noL be unchangeable:
uo noL belleve LhaL you alone can be rlghL.
73 1he man who Lhlnks LhaL,

Cde 3 llnes 1 16 Scene 3 - p 993

1 Chorus. Love, unconquerable [
WasLer of rlch men, keeper
Cf warm llghLs and all-nlghL vlgll
ln Lhe sofL face of a glrl:
3 Sea wanderer, foresL vlslLor!
Lven Lhe pure lmmorLals cannoL escape you,
And mortal man, in his one days dusk,
1rembles before your glory.
Surely you swerve upon ruln
10 The just mans consenting heart,
As here you have made brlghL anger
SLrlke beLween faLher and son
And none has conquered buL Love!
A girls glance working the will of heaven:
13 leasure Lo her alone who mocks us,
Merclless AphrodlLe.

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(12) WhaL message of love ls expressed ln Lhls ode? Pow
does Lhe ode relaLe Lo Lhe exchange beLween Creon and

(13) WhaL are Lhe
emerglng Lhemes?

GkADL 10 LLA LkLMLAk LLSSCN uarter 1, Week 7: 10/01/12 10/03/12

2012-2013 11

Identify and analyze the symbols used in Max Ernsts collage. Explain how
Lhe symbol--Lhe Sphlnx, Lhe man, Lhe corpse, and Lhe enclosed carrlage--
represenLs an ldea or expresses a Lheme ln Sophocles tragedy, Aotlqooe.

GUIDING ULS1ICNS for Advanced Learners
Pow ls Lhe rlddle of Lhe Sphlnx and Lhe Lerrlble faLe awalLlng Lhe famlly of
Oedipus depicted in Max Ernsts collage?
1he k|dd|e of the Sph|nx
When Cedlpus came Lo Lhe gaLes of 1hebes, a sphlnx, a Lerrlble monsLer wlLh Lhe
body of a llon and head and Lorso of a woman, was guardlng Lhe gaLes. She allowed
no one Lo enLer or leave Lhe clLy wlLhouL answerlng Lhe rlddle LhaL she posed. lf Lhe
Lraveler could noL answer correcLly, she would klll and devour hlm. As no one had yeL
come up wlLh Lhe rlghL answer, Lhe sphlnx was well-fed, and Lhe clLy of 1hebes was
effecLlvely cuL off from all Lrade and all conLacL wlLh Lhe world ouLslde Lhe clLy walls.
When Cedlpus reached Lhe gaLes of Lhe clLy, Lhe creaLure posed her rlddle: WhaL
walks on four legs ln Lhe mornlng, Lwo legs aL noon, and Lhree legs ln Lhe evenlng?
Cedlpus solved Lhe rlddle, answerlng LhaL man crawls on all fours ln lnfancy, walks
uprlghL on Lwo legs ln adulLhood, and uses a cane as a Lhlrd leg ln old age. 1he sphlnx
was so frusLraLed LhaL Cedlpus had answered her rlddle LhaL she Lhrew herself from
Lhe clLy walls, and dled Lhere on Lhe road ln fronL of Lhe clLy LhaL she had Lerrorlzed for
so long.
WrlLe a SuMMA8lZA1lCn:

Pow do Lhe vlews of Creon and AnLlgone dlffer regardlng loyalLy Lo famlly and prlnclple?
WhaL are Lhe emerglng Lhemes?

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