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Term: Autumn (2) Year Group: 12

L Content & Learning Outcomes Activities Resourc Key Words

esn Learning es
1 Nature of You must be able to… - Starter: Give out the Unit specification sheet. Students read through - LT1 - Short term
ψ Define the following terms in relation to human sheet, directed by the teacher, who informs them of the three main areas memory
STM and LTM:
memory: of the cognitive module (Nature of STM and LTM, Remembering and - Long term
What is the o Duration Forgetting and EWT). memory
nature of Short o Capacity
- Main: Students draw a table on A4 sheet of paper - Capacity
term and Long o Encoding
- Duration
term memory? ψ Outline the differences between STM & LTM in
terms of: Capacity - Encoding
o Their roles in human information processing Duration
o Duration, capacity & encoding Encoding
ψ Give APFCC for Peterson & Peterson’s (1959)
study of the duration of STM STM
You should be able to… 7 +/- 2
ψ Outline a range of research findings into the >30 secs
nature of STM Acoustic
ψ Comment on what these research findings tell us
about human memory LTM
ψ Explain criticisms of research studies into human
You could be able to… Unlimited
ψ Evaluate research studies into the nature of Semantic
human memory
ψ Evaluate the view that human memory is divided
into two main structures

- Students then carry out the duration of STM experiment. Students have
to learn sequences of trigrams, and count backwards to prevent rehearsal.
- Teacher then describes what encoding is (coding of information in
- Teacher reads out two lists of words and the students should see
confusion with the words that sound the same (STM) and with words with
the same meaning should be confused (LTM).
- Students need to take notes from the Pp presentation about
Peterson and Peterson’s experiment
- Students fill out the weakness from PP presentation and choose an
A02 point from the back of the LT1
- Plenary: Ask students if they can bring in an old class photo.
2 Nature of You must be able to… - Starter: Recap last lesson: what is the difference between STM and LTM? - LT2 - LTM
ψ Define what LTM is Students get into groups of the students that they went to primary school - VLTM
STM and LTM:
ψ Give APFCC for Bahrick’s (1975) study of the with. They need to try and recognise as many of their class mates as - Bahrick
What is the duration of LTM possible. - Bower
nature of Short You should be able to…
- Main: Students need to work from the W/B and take notes about how LT
term and Long ψ Outline a range of research findings into the
is divided into procedural, declarative, episodic and semantic memory.
term memory? nature of LTM
ψ Explain criticisms of research studies into human
- Students need to take notes from Eysenck’s AS Psychology Text
memory Book (Pg. 51/52).
You could be able to… - Students then need to take notes about the evaluation of the
ψ Evaluate research studies into the nature of research from the PP presentation.
human memory - Students add one more A02 point from the back of LT2
Term: Autumn (2) Year Group: 12
ψ Evaluate the view that human memory is divided - Plenary: Mark a student’s answer to Bahrick from June 2006 exam paper.
into two main structures

3 Nature of You must be able to… - Starter: 3 students need to stand in the centre of the room and hold up a - LT3 - Atkinson &
ψ Describe the multistore model of memory sign, either SM, STM or LTM. The students end up acting out the Multi-store Shiffrin
STM and LTM:
You should be able to… model of memory. - Sensory
The Multi-store ψ Outline a range of research findings into the - Main: Students draw out the Multi-store model of memory from the W/B, Memory
model of nature of memory
colour code, capacity, duration and encoding on the diagram. - Short term
memory ψ Comment on the implications of research finding
- Students carry out the primacy/recency effect from Murdock’s memory
for different models of memory
ψ Explain criticisms of different models of memory
study - Long term
You could be able to… - Students read through the A02 points about the model. They memory
ψ Evaluate models of memory need to add the detail from the experiment carried out during the - Primacy and
ψ Compare and contrast models of memory beginning of the lesson. Recency effect
- Students take additional A02 material from the back of the LT and
apply it to the front.
- Plenary: Students have to write an answer in 6 minutes to:
Describe the Multi-store model of memory (6 minutes) no notes allowed.
Students need to peer mark their work.
4 Nature of You must be able to… - Starter: Hang man: Visuo-spatial sketchpad - LT4 - Baddeley and
STM and LTM: ψ Describe the Working Memory model - Main: Students need to take notes from the powerpoint about the model, Hitch
The Working writing about the CE, VSSP and the PL. - Central
of memory
- Students carry out experiments into each of the three components executive
Memory Model ψ Recall a range of findings into the of the model. - Phonological
nature of memory - Students need to read through LT evaluation points and highlight loop
You should be able to… the top and bottom layers of bread and then add notes about why the - Visuo spatial
ψ Outline a range of research findings central executive is oversimplistic. sketch pad
into the nature of memory - Plenary: What are the main differences between the multi-store model of
memory and the working memory model?
ψ Comment on the implications of
research finding for different models
of memory
ψ Explain criticisms of different models
of memory
You could be able to…
ψ Evaluate models of memory
ψ Compare and contrast models of
5 Remembering You must be able to… - Starter: Recap both theories of Memory, using the small white boards. - LT5 - Displac-
ψ Describe processes of forgetting from STM: Put two boards together and draw out the models. - Displa- ement
o Displacement - Main: Students then need to take notes from the Powerpoint projector cement
Forgetting: o Trace Decay about Trace Decay. Students need to make sure they include information W/S
To explore how You should be able to…
about ‘Engrams’. (Students are refreshed about Peterson and Peterson’s - Number
people forget ψ Outline a range of research findings into:
study). cards
information in o Forgetting in STM
- Students read through the A02 points, highlighting top and bottom
ψ Comment on the implications of these findings
STM. layers of the paragraphs.
for different explanations of forgetting
ψ Explain criticisms of research studies into - Students carry out the Waugh and Normal experiment in pairs
forgetting - Students carry out the Peterson and Peterson experiment
You could be able to… - Students need to evaluate the model. They must read through the
ψ Evaluate research studies into forgetting A02 points and highlight the top and bottom layer of the paragraph.
- Plenary: Plan the essay on the back of LT5&6
Term: Autumn (2) Year Group: 12
ψ Evaluate explanations of forgetting in STM
Homework: Outline any one alternative to the multi-store model of memory and consider its strengths and weaknesses (18 marks) and Outline and evaluate
research into the nature of STM (18 marks)
6 Remembering You must be able to… - Starter: Re-cap last lesson - LT7 & 8 - state depen-
ψ Describe processes of forgetting from LTM: - Main: Work through LT 7&8. Students need to take notes from Eysenck’s dent forgetting
o Retrieval Failure Psychology Text book Pg. 68-70 - Context dep –
Forgetting: You should be able to… - Plenary: Give students a traffic light quiz of material covered so far. endent
To explore how ψ Outline a range of research findings into: forgetting.
people forget o Forgetting in LTM
information in ψ Comment on the implications of these findings
for different explanations of forgetting
ψ Explain criticisms of research studies into
You could be able to…
ψ Evaluate research studies into forgetting
ψ Evaluate explanations of forgetting in LTM
7 Emotional - Describe Freud’s theory of repression - Starter: Brain storm everything students know about Freud on the W/B. - LT9 - Freud
Factors in - Use evidence to support Freud’s theory - Main: Students need to complete notes about Freud from the PP - Repression
Memory: of repression presentation.
- Students need to take the A02 from the PP presentation
Examine how - Evaluate Freud’s theory of repression.
- Plenary: Plan an 18 mark question and RIFT with FBM
memories to be
8 Emotional - Describe research into FBM’s - Starter: Show students photos of Princess Diana’s, Tsunami, September - LT10 - Flash Bulb
Factors in - Evaluate research into FBM’s 11th. Ask students what they can remember from these events. Memories
Memory: - Main: Work through LT10. Students need to take notes about FBM from
Eysenck’s Psychology Text book Pg. 71 & 72
Examine how
- Students need to read through the additional A01 and A02 points
Flash Bulb on the back of the LT and place them on the front of the sheet.
Memories allow Plenary: Students have a go at marking an 18 mark question
memories to be
9 Reconstructiv - Describe what reconstructive memory - Starter: Complete Chinese whispers using the War of the Ghost extract. - LT11 - Recon-
e Memory: is Use 3 students, one of them reads the article, then they keep passing on structive
Is memory like - Outline research to support the information onto each other. Hopefully, they will realise that detail and Memory
length will be lost. - Bartlett
a photograph reconstructive memory
- Main: Work through LT11
OR are their - Evaluate research into reconstructive - Describe what a schema is and provide an example
holes in memory. - Students takes notes from Eysenck book Pg. 76
people’s - Evaluate Bartlett’s research, where students add top and bottom
memory? layers of the A02 paragraphs.
- Students need to read through the material on the back of the
LT11 and choose which A02 points they are going to convert to the front.
- Plenary: Students complete a marking exercise
10 Eyewitness - Describe Loftus’ research into leading - Starter: Show the Henmann CD of EWT – students see a clip and then - WLT12 - Loftus
Testimony: questions answer questions - Leading
Can leading - Describe Loftus and Palmer’s research - Main: Students read through the journal article given to them from questions
Psychology Review Magazine. Students need to add material from article
questions - Evaluate Loftus’ research into EWT
to the front of LT12
Term: Autumn (2) Year Group: 12
memory? - Read through the A02 points and highlight key points
- Students add additional A02 points to the front of the LT.
- Plenary: Re-cap all unit and check students have a full set of notes.
Homework: Describe and Evaluate Two theories of forgetting in STM (18 marks) and Critically consider research into FBM’s (18 marks)
11 Eyewitness - Create a crime scene and create a set - Starter: Give out the challenge to the students - Eyewitness
Testimony: of leading questions. - Main: Students need to find a photograph on the web and write 10 Compute Testimony:
Can leading questions, 5 true and 5 false. rs Can leading
- The 5 false questions can either be leading questions or after the
questions questions
fact information questions
influence - Students have a go at each others EWT influence
memory? - Plenary: Each group gives advice about what is a good and bad case memory?
12 Eyewitness - Create a crime scene and create a set - Starter: Give out the challenge to the students -
Testimony: of leading questions. - Main: Students need to find a photograph on the web and write 10 Compute
Can leading questions, 5 true and 5 false. rs
- The 5 false questions can either be leading questions or after the
fact information questions
influence - Students have a go at each others EWT
memory? - Plenary: Each group gives advice about what is a good and bad case
13 Revision of the topic.
14- Create spider diagram of all the material
15 Students are given two students exam papers from June 2006 and they have to mark them


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