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HEIGHT Tall Short Medium height Normal height BUILD Fat Slim Thi Plum! "ell#$uilt AGE %ou g &ld Middle#aged Tee ager I '()* +()* ,() FACE Rou d S-uare "ri .le) S/are) Fre/.le) Su #ta ed !ale EYES Big rou d e0e) 1arge Small Bright arro2 HAIR Bald Straight Curl0 S!i.0 2a30 CLOTHES Ca)ual S/ru440 Smart Tre d0 Tid0 me))0 CHARACTER Ha!!0 Sad Bori g "o der4ul "orried Carele)) Dull Am$itiou) Ge erou) 1o0al Mood0 Sel4i)h Cheer4ul Stu!id Tolera t Frie dl0 Sh0 I tellige t

&THER FEAT5RES Big* )mall* large* rou d* No)e* mouth* mou)ta/he* $eard* gla))e)6

Introduction This is a compilation of almost all the words we could think of used to describe physical appearance: After studying it you should be able to make good descriptions of people. Making descriptions in Spanish is very similar to English: E !e has " #ad$ective% " #noun% !e is " ad$ective. E : !e has blue eyes & tiene los o$os a'ules !e is bald & Es calvo (ote: The vocabulary on this web page was compiled when I lived with three Spanish girls in )urgos Spain. It survived on some scraps of paper for * years before we published it on internet. The girls were studying +filolog,a inglesa+ and I was still a beginner in Spanish. This page is dedicated to Maite- Maria .armen and Isabel.

face = la cara/el rostro rasgos tiene la/una cara delgada una cara ovalada una cara redonda bien afeitado una cara hinchada/abotagada/abotargada una cara angelical una cara regordete mofletudo una cara rechoncha, regordete, gordinflona tena un rostro curtido un lifting, un estiramiento facial tiene pecas, es pecosa granos espinillas lunares verrugas arugas

facial features she has a thin face an oval face a round face clean-shaven a bloated face a cherubic face a chubby face chubby-cheeked a chubby/podgy face he had a weather-beaten face a face lift she has freckles spots/pimples blackheads moles warts wrinkles

rosy cheeks acne a birthmark a double chin hollow cheeks a dimple smooth-cheeked/smooth-faced a deadpan face a doleful face a sad face a serious face a smiling face a happy face smooth-cheeked/smooth-faced to go red in the face !with anger/heat" to go red/to blush !with embarassment" he looks worried frightened surprised a smile a smirk a frown

mejillas sonrosadas acne un antojo/una mancha de nacimiento una papada las mejillas hundidas un hoyuelo lampio una cara de p uer/de palo una cara compungida una cara triste una cara seria una cara sonriente una cara alegre lampio ponerse colorado/rojo sonrojarse/rubori#arse parece preocupado asustado sorprendido una sonrisa una sonrisita el ceo fruncido nose = la nari#

a bulbous nose a hooked nose a big nose a turned-up/snub nose

una nari# protuberante una nari# aguilea una nari# grande una nari# respingona

a pointed nose a flat nose/a pug nose a lopsided nose a hooter/conk !collo uial $r% &ng%" a schno##le !collo uial 'm% &ng%" to flare your nostrils/to snort

una nari# puntiaguda una nari# chata una nari# ladeada/torcida una napia


eyes = los ojos she has brown eyes ha#el he has beady eyes tiene los ojos marrones color avellana tiene los ojos redondos y brillantes como cuentas un ojo morado ojos roji#os ojos sanguinolentos/injectados de sangre guiar el ojo pestaear/parpadear es bi#ca una bi# uera, un estrabismo es ciega es tuerto uedarse ciego patas de gallo ojos hundidos ojitos redondos y brillantes ojos saltones ojos achinados un or#uelo ojos furtivos

a black eye red eyes bloodshot eyes to wink to blink she is cross-eyed a s uint she(s blind he(s blind in one eye to go blind crow(s feet sunken eyes piggy eyes bulging eyes slit/slanting eyes a stye shifty eyes

eyebrows = las cejas arched eyebrows bushy eyebrows thick eyebrows to raise your eyebrows cejas ar ueadas cejas tupidas cejas pobladas ar uear las cejas eyelashes = las pestaas false eyelashes pestaas posti#as mouth harelip chapped lips buckteeth false teeth front teeth wisdom teeth to chatter !teeth" my teeth are chattering labio leporino labios agrietados dientes de conejo/dientes salidos dentadura posti#a paletas/dientes de adelante muelas del juicio castaetear me castaetean los dientes

hair = el pelo/cabello she has blond hair auburn she has grey hair mousy hair she(s red-haired/red-headed a brunette streaks highlights dyed hair tiene el pelo rubio castao roji#o es canosa, tiene el pelo canoso, tiene canas el pelo castao desvado es pelirrojo una morena mechones mechitas/reflejos/claritos el pelo teido

long hair short hair shoulder-length hair curly hair wavy hair fri##y hair spiky hair she has permed hair crimped hair straight hair a fringe a parting a pigtail a ponytail bunches a bun lank hair dull greasy hair fine she has thick hair dry shiny hair split ends dandruff a pageboy a bob

el pelo largo el pelo corto el pelo hasta los hombros el pelo ri#ado el pelo ondulado el pelo crespo el pelo de punta se ha hecho un permanente pelo ri#ado con tenacillas el pelo liso un fle uillo una raya una tren#a una cola coletas un moo el pelo lacio sin brillo el pelo graso/grasoso fino tiene mucho pelo/tiene el pelo grueso seco el pelo brillante las puntas abiertas la caspa un peinado/corte a lo paje una melena

a hairdo a crew cut sideburns a wig a toup)e bald a bald patch he(s balding

un peinado un pelo cortado al rape patillas una peluca un pelu un, un tup) calvo una calva/una pelada se est* uedando calvo build = comple+in

thin she,s got a very good figure plump !a nicer way of saying fat" slim fat a beer belly chubby strong weak short tall a hunchback he walks with a limp medium height medium build he(s a large man

delgado tiene una figura estupenda gordito esbelto gordo una pan#a regordete/gordinfln/rellenito fuerte flojo bajo alto un jorobado cojea de estatura media de talla media es un hombre corpulento

-eneral .erms

handsome, good-looking, attractive

guapo guapa, bonita, linda,

pretty, good-looking, attractive, lovely est* buensimo he,s uite a hunk ugly beautiful fea/feo preciosa, guapsima, lindsima, hermosa, bella /ther notes 0e looks a bit 111111 2n 3panish 4tiene pinta de 11114 is very common for giving a general idea about the appearance% 3ee e+amples on the right5 tiene pinta de delincuente5 he looks like a criminal tiene pinta de e+tranjero he looks a bit foreign parece triste 0e looks sad 6ote that when we say how something 4seems4 or 4looks4 !probably because we are not certain" we use parecer% a strong- looking man clean-shaven un hombre de apariencia fuerte bien afeitado

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