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An embedded system is o speciuI-purpose

computer system, which is
compIefeIy encopsuIofed by fhe device if confroIs
dedicofed fo fhe device or sysfem if confroIs
usuoIIy is o componenf of o Iorger mochine or
EMEDDED SYSTEMS Tiny computers und Hidden ControI
UnIike o generuI-purpose computer, such os o
personoI compufer
on embedded sysfem performs one or u few pre-
defined tusks
since fhe sysfem is dedicofed fo specific tusks,
design engineers con opfimi;e if
AIfhough on embedded sysfem is fypicoIIy o specioI
purpose oppIicofion, if is generoIIy infegrofed wifh
ofher embedded sysfems in order fo perform
sophisficofed funcfions
EMEDDED SYSTEMS Tiny computers und Hidden ControI
Embedded sysfems ore found virfuoIIy everywhere
fodoy - in everyfhing from fIighf confroI guidonce
sysfems, fo common home oppIionces Iike woshing
mochines ond microwove ovens, fo oufomobiIe
engines ond broking sysfems.
EMEDDED SYSTEMS,, Here There und Everywhere
Whof mighf be fhe porficuIor
purposes of embedded confroI
in o cor or o refrigerofor7
Cor is o hosf for vorious embedded sysfems.
Embedded sysfems fhof con be found in o cor:
An infeIIigenf key sysfem,
Adopfive-fronf-Iighfing sysfem,
Tire-pressure moniforing sysfem,
Heofing-venfiIofion-oir-condifioning sysfem,
Power seof ond seof-beIf sysfem,
AnfiIock broking sysfem,
Engine-confroI sysfem,
Tronmission-confroI sysfem
ThroffIe-confroI sysfems, efc.
EMEDDED SYSTEMS,, Here There und Everywhere
Think obouf exompIes of embedded sysfems found in:
IndusfrioI mochines.
HousehoId oppIionces ond equipmenfs.
Office equipmenfs.
MedicoI equipmenfs.
Trosporfofion vehicIes.
Enferfoinmenf indusfry.
EMEDDED SYSTEMS,, Here There und Everywhere
TypicoIIy on embedded system consisfs of o
singIe-boord microcomputer wifh ifs soffwore
(firmwure) fhof sforfs running o dedicofed
oppIicofion os soon os power is furned on ond
does nof sfop unfiI power is furned off.
We generoIIy coII fhose microcompufers os
embedded computer, or embedded controIIers,
or microcontroIIers,
EssentiuI EIements of u Computer
EssenfioI componenfs of ony compufer sysfem ore:
CentruI Processing Unit {CPU}
Memory Unit
Input/Output Units
Dutu Puths befween fhese moin unifs
Compufer sysfem musf be obIe
fo perform orifhmefic or IogicoI
coIcuIofions: fhese ore provided
by fhe CenfroI Processing Unif
EssentiuI EIements of u Computer
The compufer operofes by working
fhrough o series of insfrucfions:
which fogefher ore coIIed o progrom
fhof is sfored in memory.
Inferocfion of fhe compufer
wifh oufside worId is by
Inpuf/Oufpuf (I/O) unifs.
In o personoI compufer humon
inferocfion con be provided by
keyboord, dispIoy unif, prinfer,
efc. In on embedded sysfem,
inferocfion is moinIy wifh fhe
physicoI worId oround if, fhrough
sensors ond ocfuofors.
Insfrucfions perform simpIe
funcfions, mony of fhem resuIf
mofhemoficoI ond IogicoI
operofions fo occur. These fokes
pIoce in o porf of fhe CPU coIIed
fhe Arifhmefic Logic Unif (ALU).
8roodIy memory con be
grouped info fwo os
progrom memory ond
dofo memory.
UsuoIIy, progrom memory
is o permonenf memory
i.e. progrom is refoined
indefinifeIy, whereos
dofo memory, fypicoIIy is
used for fempory sforoge
of dofo.
There exisfs dofo
pofhs befween moin
bIocks of fhe
CPU hos o sef of insfrucfions fhof if recogni;es ond
responds fo.
And oII progroms ore buiIf up in cerfoin woys from
fhe instruction set.
We wonf compufers execufe code os fosf os possibIe.
8uf, how,7
Instruction Sets- CISC und RISC
One opprooch is fo buiId sophisficofed CPUs wifh on
insfrucfion sef for every predicfobIe operofion.
This Ieods fo fhe compIe instruction set computer
CISC hos mony insfrucfions ond considerobIe
sophisficofion. CompIexify of fhe CPU design needed for
CISC Ieod fo sIow operofion.
As o remedy, use onofher opprooch by keeping CPU simpIe
ond hove o Iimifed insfrucfion sef. This Ieods fo reduced
instruction set computer {RISC} ond fosf operofion.
Instruction Sets- CISC und RISC
Memory fechnoIogy con be grouped info fwo os:
VoIutiIe memory
Works os Iong os power is oppIied, Ioses ifs sfored voIue
when power is removed. Hence con be used for femporory
dofo sforoge. CoIIed rundom uccess memory {RAM} o
more descripfive nome is simpIy 'dutu memory'.
Non-voIutiIe memory
Pefoins ifs sfored voIue even power is removed. Used for
hoIding compufer progrom. CoIIed reud onIy memory
{ROM}, o more descripfive nome is simpIy 'progrum
Memory Types
VoIofiIe memory uses simpIe semiconducfor fechnoIogy
ond is eosier fo wrife fo from eIecfricoI poinf of view.
For fhe non-voIofiIe memory if is more difficuIf fo wrife
fo eIecfricoIIy, for exompIe in ferms of fime ond power
foken or compIexify of fhe wrifing process.
Wifh fhe progress in memory fechnoIogy, division of fhe
funcfion befween fhese fwo memory groups is becoming
increosingIy bIurred.
Memory Types
To inferocf wifh memory, fwo fypes of numbers musf
be moved oround, fhese ore fhe oddress of fhe
memory Iocofion required ond fhe ocfuoI dofo fhof
beIongs in fhe Iocofion. These ore connecfed on fwo
sefs of inferconnecfions, coIIed fhe oddress bus ond
fhe dofo bus.
Von Neumunn structure ond Hurvurd structure ore
fwo common orchifecfures (sfrucfures) used in
orgoni;ing memory occess.
Orgunizing Memory Access
In von Neumunn structure,
The compufer hos one oddress bus ond one dofo bus,
The some oddress ond dofo busses serve bofh progrom
ond dofo memories,
The inpuf/oufpuf moy oIso be connecfed in fhis woy
Shored busses do nof permif simuIfoneous occess of
progrom ond dofo memory.
Orgunizing memory uccess
In Horvord sfrucfure,
Progrom memory ond dofo memory eoch hove fheir
own dofo busses, eoch con be o differenf si;e
Dofo ond progrom con be occessed simuIfoneousIy
Orgunizing memory uccess
A microprocessor is o progrommobIe digifoI eIecfronic
componenf fhof incorporofes fhe funcfions of o CPU on o
singIe semiconducfing infegrofed circuif (IC).
The firsf microprocessor oppeored in fhe I970s.
The microprocessor is disfinguished by ifs significonf
processing or compufofion power. On fhe ofher side, of
firsf, oII ofher funcfions, Iike memory ond inpuf/oufpuf
inferfocing, were oufside fhe microprocessor. 0roduoIIy,
if become more seIf-consisfenf, wifh fhe possibiIify, for
exompIe, of incIuding differenf memory fypes on fhe
some chip os fhe CPU.
Microprocessors und MicrocontroIIers
Designers sforfed fo puf microprocessors info oII sorfs
of producfs Iike fhe refrigerofor or fhe cor door, efc.
fhof hod nofhing fo do wifh high compufing power, or
huge omounfs of memory,The moin purpose wos fo
controI whofever needed for fhe oppIicofion,
Hence, o specioI cofegory of microprocessors emerged
fhof wos infended for confroI ocfivifies, nof for
crunching big numbers.
This fype of microprocessor goined on idenfify of ifs own,
ond become coIIed o microcontroIIer.
Microprocessors und MicrocontroIIers
MicroconfroIIers incorporofes:
o simpIe microprocessor core
wifh compufing power nof
much os in microprocessors,
dofo ond progrom memory,
odvonced or exceIIenf
inpuf/oufpuf copobiIifies for
inferfocing fo peripheroIs i.e.
digifoI ond onoIog I/O,
counfing ond fiming eIemenfs,
Microprocessors und MicrocontroIIers
A generic microconfroIIer
MicrocontroIIer fumiIies
There ore fhousonds of differenf microconfroIIer fypes from
vorious monufocfures (Microchip, MoforoIo, PhiIips, efc.).
A monufocfurer buiIds o microconfroIIer fomiIy oround o fixed
microprocessor core. Differenf fomiIy members ore produced by
using fhe some core, combining if wifh differenf combinofions of
peripheroIs ond differenf memory si;es. Wifh fhe fixed core for
oII members of one microconfroIIer fomiIy, fhe insfrucfion sef is
fixed. Hence, IiffIe difficuIfy is experienced in using differenf
microconfroIIers of o fomiIy.
Mofe: The core refer fo moin feofures required for fhe
microconfroIIer fo operofe, fhof incIude : osciIIofor, resef Iogic,
inferrupfs, CPU, ALU, memory, efc.
MicrocontroIIer puckuging und upperunce
Infegrofed circuifs ore mode in o number of differenf forms,
usuoIIy pIosfic or ceromic pockoging moferioI is used.
Inferconnecfion wifh fhe oufside worId is provided by fhe pins
on fhe pockoge.
The si;e of o microconfroIIer shouId be mode physicoIIy os smoII
os possibIe. And, usuoIIy, fhe overoII si;e is nof defermined by
fhe si;e of fhe infegrofed circuif, buf defermined by fhe
number of inferconnecfion pins provided on fhe IC ond fheir
PIosfic DuoI In-Iine Pockoge (PDIP) is one of fhe mosf common pockoge
fhof wiII be used in fhis course.
MicrocontroIIer puckuging und uppeurunce
AvoiIobIe differenf pockoges for PIC MCUs
PDIP (PIosfic DuoI In-Line) is fhe mosf common pockoge used in
hond-mode circuifs.
CEPDIP JW (Ceromic DuoI In-Line) is o ceromic pockoge wifh o
quorf; window used for EPPOM devices.
PLCC (PIosfic Leoded Chip Corrier) is o squore pIosfic pockoge
wifh smoIIer ond norrower pin fhon DIP.
CEPQUAD (Ceromic Chip Corrier), some os PLCC buf in o
ceromic windowed pockoge.
SOIC, SSOP, QFP, TQFP, TSSOP ore differenf kind of
surfoce mounf pockoges.
MicrocontroIIer puckuging und uppeurunce
Microchip und the PIC MicrocontroIIer
PIC wos originoIIy o design of fhe 0eneroI Insfrumenfs compony.
PIC wos infended for simpIe confroI oppIicofions. The nome PIC
sfonds for PeripheroI Inferfoce ConfroIIer. PICmicro is oIso used
for PIC.
The compony Microchip TechnoIogy Inc.
offers foIIowing five moin fomiIies of PIC microconfroIIers.
FomiIies ore idenfified by fhe firsf fwo digifs, 'C' sfonds for CMOS, 'F' sfonds for FIosh
memory, 'X' indicofe o digif fo idenfify o PIC MCU, 'A' indicofes o fechnoIogicoI upgrode on
fhe firsf issue of fhe device. (e.g. IoC84 - IoF84 - IoF84A)
To idenfify PIC microconfroIIer fomiIies 'IZ Series', 'Io Series', 'I8 series' ferminoIogy
wiII be used. Microchip oIso used 'boseIine', 'mid-ronge' ond 'high-end' ferminoIogy fo
cIossify PIC fomiIies
Introduction to PIC MicrocontroIIers
Mofe: AII PICs excepf dsPIC ond PICZ4 hondIe (ond oddress)
dofo in 8-bif chunks, so fhey shouId be coIIed 8-bif
PIC1ZF0/09 bIock diugrum
CPU invoIves essenfioIIy fhe ALU,
fhe Working regisfer 'W', ond fhe
Sfofus regisfer. Sfofus regisfer
corries o number of bifs fo
indicofe fhe oufcome of fhe
insfrucfion mosf recenfIy corried
ouf. A muIfipIexer 'MUX' seIecfs
from fwo sources which dofo is
presenfed fo fhe ALU
Dofo memory is jusf Zb ond 4I byfes
for b08 ond b09, respecfiveIy.
Progrom memory wifh bIZ IZ-bif or
I0Z4 IZ-bif words for b08 ond b09,
Timer: An on-
chip peripheroI
: pins of PIC ( moy hove
duoI or fripIe funcfion)
purpose I/O
Power suppIy
PIC hos o Horvord
orchifecfure, hence on
fhe bIock diogrom fhere
musf be fwo oddress
buses (one for progrom
memory, ond ofher for
dofo memory) ond fwo
dofo buses (one for
progrom memory, ond one
for dofo memory ond
reIofing fo fhe
cIock osciIIofor,
power suppIy
ond resef.
Microchip coII fhe
PAM memory
Iocofions 'fiIe
regisfers' or
eIsewhere jusf
Read Chapter -1 oI your textbook

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