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Recipes From South of the Border


2 1 2 2 Unsalted chicken broth -- defatted Olive oil Ground cumin Pickling spice 1/2 Red bell pepper -- sliced 1 pound Boneless chicken breast -- halves 1/2 ello! bell pepper -- sliced 2 tablespoons "inced #alapeno chili !ith -- seeds 1 Onion$ halved -- thinl% sliced 1/& cup Rice !ine vinegar 1/' cup (resh cilantro leaves & large Garlic cloves -- minced baked )no oil* tortilla chips Boil broth and pickling spice in heav% large saucepan ten minutes+ ,train and return li-uid to saucepan+ .dd chicken$ onion$ vinegar$ garlic$ oil and cumin to pan+ ,immer over ver% lo! heat until chicken is #ust cooked through$ about ten minutes+ /ransfer chicken and onions to shallo! dish+ /op !ith bell peppers and minced chilli+ Boil cooking li-uid until reduced to 2/& c$ about ten minutes+ Pour li-uid over chicken and let cool &0 minutes+ .dd cilantro to chicken mi1ture+ 2over and refrigerate until !ell chilled$ turning chicken occasionall%$ about ' hours )can be prepared one da% ahead*+ ,lice chicken and transfer to plates+ /op !ith marinated vegetables and some of the #uices+ Pass tortilla chips to use as 3pushers+3 + "akes 4 servings cups tablespoon teaspoons tablespoons

A mo!d Red S"uce

1 1 2 6 2 1 1/2 cup cup each tablespoons ounces teaspoons teaspoon teaspoon ,livered .lmonds -- /oasted Onion -- (inel% 2hopped 2love Garlic -- 2rushed 5egetable Oil /omato ,auce -- 1 cn Paprika Red 2hiles -- Ground Red Pepper -- Ground


Place almonds in food processor !ork bo!l fitted !ith steel blade or in blender container7 cover and process until finel% ground+ 2ook onion and garlic in oil over medium heat$ stirring fre-uentl%$ until onion is tender+ ,tir in remaining ingredients e1cept almonds+ 8eat to boiling7 reduce heat+ ,immer 1 minute stirring constantl%7 stir in almonds+ ,erve hot+ "akes about 1 &/' cups of sauce+


1 2 1 2 pound tablespoons medium teaspoons teaspoon teaspoon cup cups ounces 2hicken breasts 2anola oil Onion -- chopped 2hili po!der 2umin Oregano leaves -- crushed 2hicken broth 56 #uice 2anned kidne% beans

1/2 1/2 1/2 1 1/2 19

Preparation time : &0 minutes 2hicken breasts should be skinned and boned+ .n% suitable oil can be substituted for canola oil+ 2hicken broth ma% be purchased as instant and mi1ed !ith !ater+ 56 #uice is a brand name vegetable #uice+ 1+ 2ut the chicken into 1/2-inch pieces+ 2+ ;n hot oil$ cook chicken$ onion$ chili po!der$ cumin and oregano until the chicken turns !hite+ &+ ,tir in broth and #uice$ heat until boiling$ then reduce heat to lo!+ ,immer 10 minutes+ '+ <ump in beans$ li-uid and all$ stir$ cover and simmer for another 10 minutes+ ,tir occasionall%+ ,erve over rice+

1 2 ' 1 1 1/2 2 1/2 1 1 1 large large cup cups teaspoons teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon ,irloin ,teak Garlic 2loves /o 4 "edium =alapeno Peppers Red >ine 5inegar >ater ,alt Pepper Oregano 2umin Ground Red 2hile

;n a blender or food processor$ grind the #alapenos and peeled garlic to a pulp+ .dd all the other ingredients$ e1cept the meat$ and blend !ell+ 2ut the meat into 1-inch cubes and place in a large bo!l$ and cover !ith the marinade+ "arinate overnight or all da%+ Place the meat on ske!ers and cook on the grill over mes-uite !ood$ basting fre-uentl% !ith the sauce+ ,erve !ith !arm flour tortillas and plent% of "e1ican beer !ith lime slices+

Apricot B"sti!' S"uce

1/2 1/' 1/' cup cup cup tablespoon teaspoon .pricot =am .pricots7 <ried -- (ine 2hop <r% >hite >ine 8one% >orcestershire ,auce

1 1

8eat all ingredients over lo! head$ stirring occasionall%$ until #am is melted+ "akes about 1 cup of sauce+

Arro( co! Po
1/2 1/' cup cup each teaspoon each cups each cup Olive oil /omato sauce (r%ing chicken cut up ,affron )po!dered* ,mall onion chopped 2hicken broth 2love garlic minced Uncooked rice ,alt and pepper to taste

1/6 1 2 1/2 1 1

8eat oil$ bro!n chicken on both sides+ .dd onion and garlic$ fr% a fe! minutes$ then add tomato sauce$ saffron dissolved in chicken broth$ salt and pepper+ 2over and cook for 20 minutes+ .dd rice$ stir !ell$ cover again and simmer for &0 minutes longer$ or until all li-uid has been absorbed and chicken is tender+

Arro( )erde (*ree! Rice)

' ' 1 1/2 1/' 1/6 1/' cups cup cup teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon cup cups Poblano chilies -- or ' green 7peppers -- each ' inches in -- diameter 2hicken stock -- fresh or can Parsle%$ fresh -- coarsel% -- chopped Onion -- coarsel% chopped Garlic -- finel% chopped ,alt Black pepper -- freshl% ground Olive oil ?ong grain rice -- ra!

1 2

Roast the chilies or peppers$ remove their skins$ stems$ seeds and thick !hite membranes and discard+ 2hop the chilies into chunks+ 2ombine 1 cup of the chunks and 1/2 cup of stock in the #ar of a blender and blend at high speed for 1@ seconds+ /hen graduall% add the remaining chilies and the parsle%$ onions$ garlic$ salt and pepper$ blending until the mi1ture is reduced to a smooth puree+ )/o make the sauce b% hand$ puree the chilies$ parsle%$ onions and garlic$ a cup or so at a time$ in a food mill set over a bo!l+ <iscard an% pulp left in the mill+ ,tir in 1/2 cup of stock and the salt and pepper+* Pour the oil into a 2 to & -uart casserole and set it over moderate heat+ >hen the oil is hot but not smoking$ add the rice and stir constantl% for 2 to & minutes until the grains are coated !ith oil+ <o not let them bro!n+ Ao! add the pureed chili mi1ture and simmer$ stirring occasionall%$ for @ minutes+ "ean!hile$ bring the remaining & 1/2 cups of stock to a boil in a small saucepan and pour it over the rice+ Return to a boil$ cover the casserole and reduce the heat to its lo!est point+ ,immer undisturbed for 16 to 20 minutes$ or until the rice is tender and has absorbed all the li-uid+ Before serving$ fluff the rice !ith a fork+ ;f the rice must !ait$ remove the cover and drape the pan loosel% !ith a to!el+ Place in a preheated 2@0 degree )(* oven to keep !arm+

A+oc"do A!d R"isi! #ip

2 1/2 1/2 1/' 1/' each cup cup cup teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon .vocados -- Peeled B 2hopped Raisins 5egetable Oil ?ime =uice ,ugar ,alt (reshl% Ground Pepper

1 1 Place speed ,erve "akes

all ingredients in blender container+ 2over and blend on high until smooth$ about '@ seconds+ !ith ra! vegetables$ assorted crackers or fried tortillas+ 1 2/& cups of dip+

B"sic *ree! S"uce

1 10 ' 2 1 1 2 1/2 1/2 cup cup ounces pound ounces each tablespoon cup cups Onions7 2hopped -- 2 "ed+ 5egetable Oil (resh ,pinach -- 2hopped /omatillos -- 2oarsel% 2hopped Green 2hiles7 2hopped -- 1 cn 2loves Garlic -- 2rushed Oregano ?eaves -- <ried 2hicken Broth <air% ,our 2ream

2ook and stir onions in oil in a &--uart saucepan until tender+ ,tir in remaining ingredients e1cept broth and sour cream+ 2over and cook over medium heat for @ minutes$ stirring occasionall%+ Place mi1ture in food processor !ork bo!l fitted !ith steel blade or in a blender container7 cover and process until smooth$ about 1 minute+ Return mi1ture to saucepan7 stir in broth+ 8eat to boiling7 reduce heat+ ,immer uncovered for 10 minutes+ ,tir in sour cream+ 2over and refrigerate an% remaining sauce+ "akes about ' cups of sauce+

B"sic Red S"uce

6 & 1/2 1/2 2 1/' 6 1 1 1 each cups cup each cup ounces tablespoon tablespoon teaspoon .ncho 2hilies >arm >ater Onion -- 2hopped Garlic7 2loves -- chopped 5egetable Oil /omato ,auce -- 1 cn Oregano ?eaves -- <ried 2umin ,eed ,alt

2over chiles !ith !arm !ater+ ?et stand until softened$ about &0 minutes7 drain+ ,train li-uid7 reserve+ Remove stems$ seeds and membranes from chilies+ 2ook and stir onion and garlic in oil in a 2-uart saucepan until onion is tender+ ,tir in chilies$ 2 cups of the reserved li-uid and the remaining ingredients+ 8eat ot boiling$ reduce heat+ ,immer$ uncovered$ 20 minutes7 cool+ Pour into a food processor !ork bo!l fitted !ith steel blade or into a blender container7 cover and process until smooth+ 2over and refrigerate up to 10 da%s+ "akes about 2 1/2 cups sauce+

Be"! "!d *"r ic #ip

2 1 1 1/2 1/' C 1/' cups cup each teaspoons teaspoon Pinto Beans -- C "a%onnaise Or ,alad <ressing 2love Garlic -- (inel% 2hopped Red 2hiles -- Ground ,alt Pepper -- <ash of

Pinto beans can be home cooked or canned+

"i1 all ingredients+ 2over and refrigerate 1 hour+ ,erve !ith tortilla chips+ "akes 2 cups of dip+


1 10 2 1 2 1/' pound cups cup tablespoons tablespoon large Beans - black$ turtle$ pink -- or pinto .n earthen!are bean pot ); -- used m% crock pot* 8ot !ater >hite onion -- roughl% sliced ?ard ,alt -- or to taste ,prigs epaDote )onl% if -- black beans are used

CPinto or pink beans !ill need 12 to 1' cups !ater Rinse the beans and run them through %our hands to make sure that there are no small stones or bits of earth among them+ Put the beans into the pot and cover them !ith the hot !ater+ .dd the onion and lard and bring to a boil+ .s soon as the beans come to a boil$ lo!er the flame and let them barel% simmer$ covered$ for about & hours for black beans and 2-1/2 hours for the other varieties$ or until the% are tender$ but not soft+ <o not stir during this time+ .dd the salt and epaDote$ if %ou are using it$ and simmer for another &0 minutes+ ,et aside$ preferabl% until the ne1t da%+ /here should be plent% of soup% li-uid+

Beef A!d &e-ui " Ste.

2 1/' 1/' 1/2 1/' 1/' 1/' &/' pounds cup cup cup each cup cup cup cup tablespoons teaspoons ounces cups each "eat -- C Unbleached (lour 5egetable Oil Onion7 2hopped -- 1 "edium Bacon7 ,lices -- 2ut Up 2arrot -- 2hopped 2eler% -- 2hopped /e-uila /omato =uice 2ilantro7 (resh -- ,nipped ,alt GarbanDo Beans -- 1 2an /omatoes7 2hopped -- ' "edium 2loves Garlic -- (inel% 2hopped

2 1 1/2 1@ ' 2 C

"eat should be beef boneless chuck$ tip or round$ cut into 1-inch

2oat beef !ith flour+ 8eat oil in 10-inch skillet until hot+ 2ook and stir beef in oil over medium heat until bro!n+ Remove beef !ith slotted spoon and drain+ 2ook and stir onion and bacon in same skillet until bacon is crisp+ ,tir in beef and remaining ingredients+ heat to boiling7 reduce heat+ 2over and simmer until beef is tender$ about 1 hour+

Beef &"cos
1 1 1 1 1 pound each each package cup Ground beef 2hopped onion ,alt to taste 2love garlic )optional* /aco shells Green chili or taco sauce

,auteE the beef and onion until bro!n+ ,alt to taste+ .dd garlic if desired+ Place a heaping tablespoon of meat mi1ture in each shell and stuff !ith lettuce$ tomato and cheese+ ,erve !ith the chili or taco sauce and top !ith sour cream or guacamole for an added treat+

1/2 1/2 1/2 &/' 1/' each each each cup tablespoons teaspoon

Pepper R"/"s

2 C

Green Bell Pepper -- C Red Bell Pepper -- C ello! Bell Pepper -- C "onter% =ack 2heese -- ,hredded 2hopped Ripe Olives Red Pepper -- 2rushed

Peppers should be seeded and cut into 4 strips each+

2ut bell pepper strips cross!ise into halves+ .rrange in ungreased broilerproof pie pan$ 9 F 1 1/'-inches or round pan 9 F 2-inches+ ,prinkle !ith cheese$ olives and red pepper+ ,et oven control to broil+ Broil peppers !ith tops & to ' inches from heat until cheese is melted$ about & minutes+


6 14 G 2 ounces ounces tablespoons cup cup teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon 2orn tortillas )1 cn*2orn black beans -- rinsed and drained )1 cn* pink salmon7 ! bones -- drained ,afflo!er oil (resh lime #uice (resh parsle% -- chopped Onion po!der 2eler% salt Ground cumin Garlic -- minced ?ime Dest -- grated Red pepper flakes -- dried 2hili pepper

1/' 1/' 1/2 1/2 &/' &/' 1/2 1/' 1/'

Preheat oven to &@0 degrees+ 2ut tortillas in triangles and toast oven until crisp$ about @ minutes+ 2ombine the beans and salmon$ flaking the salmon !ith a fork+ "i1 remaining ingredients7 chill to blend flavors+ ,erve !ith tortilla chips+

B "c3 Be"! "!d Cheese E!chi "d"s

1 1 12 ' 1 1 12 1@ 6 1/2 tablespoon cup teaspoon ounces ounces cup tablespoon cup ounces ounces 5egetable oil Green onions -- sliced Garlic -- minced 2anned tomatillos 2anned green chilies -- chopped (resh cilantro -- chopped <ried oregano ?o!-sodium chicken broth >hole !heat tortillas -- 63 2anned black beans (at-free "ontere% =ack -- cheese$ shredded$ 8e


8eat oven to &@0 (+ /o make sauce$ cook green onions and garlic in oil until tender+ .dd tomatillos$ green chilies$ cilantro and oregano+ 2ontinue cooking until sauce comes to a boil7 reduce heat to lo! and continue cooking about 10 minutes+ Pour sauce into blender container+ 2over and blend on high speed until smooth+ Return to saucepan and stir in chicken broth+ 2ook over medium heat about 1@ minutes+ <ip each tortilla into sauce+ ,poon about 1 1/2 tb+ black beans and 2 tb+ cheese onto each tortilla+ Roll tortilla around filling+ Place seam side do!n in 1&3 1 93 baking dish spra%ed !ith nonstick cooking spra%+ Pour remaining sauce over tortillas7 sprinkle !ith remaining cheese+ Bake at &@0 ( for 20 to 2@ minutes until cheese is melted and filling is hot+ 12 ,ervings


6 &0 1 2 1 1 1 @ 14 1 1 1 4 ounces ounces medium Black Beans7 <r%C -- OR Black Beans -- 2anned Onion -- (inel% 2hopped Garlic 2loves -- "inced =alapeno Pepper -- ,eeded .nd 2hopped -- Up /o /!o Used Or /o /aste 2hili Po!der Ground 2umin Olive Or 5egetable Oil /omatoes7 2ut Up -- 1 2an 1/'-;nch /hick ?emon ,lice <ried Oregano -- 2rushed ,alt 8ot Pepper ,auce -- )Optional* (lour /ortillas -----G.RA;,8H,----,alsa Guacamole 2hopped /omato -- )Optional* ,nipped 2ilantro

Be teaspoon teaspoon tablespoons ounces 1/' teaspoon teaspoon dash

2ook the dr% beansC+ Rinse and drain the cooked or canned beans and set aside+ ;n a ' 1/2--uart <utch oven$ cook the onion$ garlic$ peppers$ chili po!der and cumin in hot oil$ until tender$ stirring occasionall%+ ,tir in the drained beans$ the UA<R.;AH< tomatoes$ lemon$ oregano$ salt )omit if using the canned beans*$ and pepper sauce$ if desired+ Bring to boiling$ reduce the heat$ and simmer$ uncovered$ about 1@ minutes or until thick+ Remove the lemon+ ;n a blender container or food processor bo!l$ place one third of the mi1ture$ cover$ and blend until smooth+ Repeat !ith the remaining beans+ Return to the pan and heat through+ ;n the meantime$ !rap the tortillas in foil and !arm in a &@0 <egree (+ oven for about 10 minutes+ Place about 1/2 2up of the bean mi1ture onto each tortilla+ and fold the edges over to form a packet+ ,erve !ith salsa and guacamole ;f desired$ top !ith chopped tomato and snipped cilantro+ C /O 2OOI /8H <R BH.A,J

/o cook the dr% beans in a ' 1/2--uart <utch oven$ combine the beans and enough !ater to cover+ Bring to boiling then reduce the heat and simmer$ uncovered$ for 2 minutes+ Remove from the heat$ cover$ and let stand for 1 hour+ )Or !ithout cooking$ soak the beans overnight+* <rain the beans and rinse+ ;n the same <utch oven combine the beans and @ cups of !ater or vegetable broth+ Bring to boiling$ reduce the heat$ cover and simmer for 1 to 1 1/2 hours or until tender+


2 2 1 1 2 6 1 1 1 2 20 (OR A.28O,J 2orn oil (lour tortillas )63* 2horiDo or spic% sausage Black bean pesto "ontere% #ack cheese -- shred 2hopped cilantro )coriander* (OR B?.2I BH.A PH,/OJ <ried black beans >ater Ba% leaf 8am hock =alapenos -- seeded Garlic ,tems from 2 bunchs of 2ilantro )fresh coriander* ,alt/fresh ground pepper

cup cup tablespoons ounces -uart


For B "c3 Be"! Pesto4 Rinse and drain beans thoroughl%+ Place them in a large saucepan or soup kettle and add all remaining ingredients+ Bring to a boil$ reduce heat$ simmer$ uncovered$ for 1 1/2 hours+ Remove and discard ham hock and ba% leaf+ Using slotted spoon$ transfer bean mi1ture$ in batches$ to the bo!l of a food processor+ Process$ adding cooking li-uid as necessar% to form a smooth$ thick paste+ ou !ill use a total of about 1 cup li-uid+ /ransfer the pesto to a bo!l and stir in the salt and pepper if needed+ Refrigerate$ covered$ until read% to use+ >ill keep in fridge for 2-& da%s+ ieldJ & cups+ N"chos4 Preheat oven to &G@(+ (ill a heav% skillet !ith 1/23 corn oil+ 8eat it until oil #ust starts to move+ /hen fr% the tortillas$ one at a time$ until light golden bro!n$ about 1@ seconds on each side+ <rain on paper to!els+ ,lice choriDo into 1/'3 thick rounds and saute them in a small skillet until crisp$ about @ minutes+ Remove sausage from skillet and drain on paper to!el+ Place tortillas on baking sheet$ and spread pesto evenl% over them+ .rrange sausage over pesto and sprinkle !ith cheese+ /op !ith chopped cilantro+ Bake until bro!n$ 20 minutes+ Remove from oven and cut each tortilla into eight pieces+ ,erve immediatel%+ "akes ' servings or 14 appetiDers


1@ & 12 6 ' &2 ' 1/' ounces cup tablespoons each each ounces each tablespoons 2an black beans -- drained 2hopped tomato 2hopped cilantro Black olives$ pitted -- sliced 43 !hole!heat tortillas ,o% cheese/#alapeno #ack -- - shredded ,pinach leaves -- shredded 8ot salsa

"ash beans+ ,tir in tomato$ cilantro B olives+ ,pread evenl% onto ' tortillas+ ,prinkle !ith cheese$ spinach B salsa+ /op !ith remaining tortillas+ Preheat oven to &@0(+ Bake tortillas on ungreased cookie sheet for 12 minutes+ 2ut into !edges B serve+

B "c3 Be"! Re ish

1@ 1 2 1 &/' 1/2 1/' 1/' ounces cup each cup cup tablespoons tablespoon teaspoon Black Beans7 2anned -- C /omato7 (inel% 2hopped -- 1 med ,errano 2hile -- CC Red Bell Pepper -- 2hopped Red Onion -- (inel% 2hopped >hite >ine 5inegar 5egetable Oil ,alt

C Black beans should be canned and the% should be rinsed and drained+ CC ,errano chile should be seeded and finel% chopped+ "i1 all ingredients+ 2over and refrigerate until chilled$ about 1 hour+ "akes about 2 1/2 cups relish+


1 4 1 2 1/2 1/' &/' teaspoon cup cup )1@ oD* can black beans -- rinsed and drained 2hili po!der )4-inch* corn tortillas "inced fresh cilantro ?ime -- cut into si1 !edges )' oD* can chopped green -- chiles$ undrained )& oD* shredded cheddar -- cheese fresh or commercial salsa

"ash beans7 add chili po!der$ stirring !ell+ ,pread about three tablespoons bean mi1ture on each tortilla+ ,prinkle !ith cilantro$ and s-ueeDe 1 lime !edge over each+ /op each tortilla !ith 2 tablespoons green chiles and 2 tablespoons cheese+ Bake tortillas at '@0K for & to @ minutes or until cheese melts+ ,erve !ith fresh salsa+

Burrito Fi
' 12 1' 1/2 & & 1/2 ' tablespoons ounces ounces each pounds ounces


Oil 5egetable #uice -- can Beef broth -- can Garlic clove -- minced Beef ste! meat 2heddar -- shredded 2hilies$ green -- can

Bro!n meat in oil and drain+ .dd remaining ingredients e1cept cheese+ ,immer over lo! heat 2 to & hours+ ,hred meat !ith fork$ drain e1cess li-uid+ ,erve on tortillas !ith cheese+

Burritos Co! Hue+os

1 1/2 1/2 1/2 2 & 1 1 2 10 2 6 pounds teaspoon teaspoon cups flank steak -- C see note black pepper seasoned salt hot !ater %ello! onions large bell pepper #alapeno pepper -- chopped tomatoes -- peeled and chopped large eggs cheddar cheese -- shredded flour tortillas


C Use another cut of meat if flank steak is unavailable+ 1+ /o prepare steak$ cut into &-' pieces and sprinkle !ith the salt and pepper+ 8eat a ver% heav% pan !ith tight fitting lid+ .dd 1 tablespoon oil and bro!n the meat on each side+ 2+ .dd hot !ater and cover tightl%+ ,immer on lo! heat for 2 to 21/2 hours or until meat shreds easil%+ .dd more !ater during cooking if necessar%+ >hen meat is tender$ shred into small bite-siDed pieces+ &+ 2ut the onions into thin slices and separate the slices into individual rings+ =ulienne the green pepper+ "ince the #alapeno pepper )use a canned one if necessar%*+ '+ ;n a large heav% skillet$ heat 2 tablespoons oil7 add the onions and green peppers+ ,aute until onions are translucent and limp+ .dd the chopped fresh tomato and the minced #alapeno and continue cooking for & minutes more+ @+ .dd the shredded meat$ 10 eggs !hich have been lightl% beaten$ and the shredded cheese+ Proceed as though %ou !ere scrambling eggs+ 4+ >arm the flour tortillas !hile cooking the filling$ or -uickl% run each tortilla over the flame on a gas stove$ #ust to soften+ (ill each tortilla !ith 1/6th of the mi1ture+ Roll the tortillas b% turning one side up and folding the edges in!ard+ >rap the lo!er third in foil or !a1ed paper and serve immediatel%+ ,erving ;deas J ,erve !ith sour cream and avocado+


2 & 1 2 & 1 & & 1 1 1/2 14 cups tablespoons cup cups tablespoons cup tablespoons tablespoons Iids Lbab% goatsM -- 4 1/2 to -6 1/2 lbs each ,alt "ild vinegar (or the garnishJ Guacamole )recipe -separatel%* >hite onion -- chopped /omato -- finel% chopped 2ilantro -- finel% chopped 2hiles serranos -- finel% -chopped Recipe (ri#oles de Olla -mashed )recipe separatel%* "oDDarella OR "ontere% =ack -cheese -- freshl% grated /otopos )crispl% fried -tortilla !edges*

(or the kidJ Put kids in a large stockpot$ and cover !ith !ater+ .dd salt and vinegar+ ,et aside for 2 hours+ "ean!hile$ build a pile of mes-uite !ood on the ground$ and burn do!n to !hite coals+ Remove kids from !ater and thread on spits+ .rrange over the hot coals$ and roast for 2 to & hours$ depending on the kidsE !eight$ basting occasionall% !ith a little salted !ater+ /urn spits continuousl% so that the meat cooks evenl%$ or use a rotisserie+ .dd more !hite coals if necessar%+ /o serve$ cut kid in pieces$ and place on plates+ Garnish !ith guacamole$ onion$ tomato$ cilatro$ and chiles+ ,erve !ith# (ri#oles de Olla sprinkled !ith cheese$ totopos$ and Pico de Gallo sauce+ /he kid ma% be shredded and used in fried tacos+

C" "6"cit"s
' 1 1 & 2 ' 14 1 each each each tablespoons teaspoon each ounces ounces cup Nucchini or %ello! s-uash ,liced ?arge onion -- chopped Oil Garlic salt or 2loves garlic minced 2an chopped green chili 2an !hole kernel corn Grated cheddar cheese


,auteE s-uash and onion in oil until barel% tender+ .dd garlic salt )or fresh garlic*$ chilies$ corn and cheese7 mi1 !ell+ Put in buttered 1-uart casserole and bake at '00 for 20 minutes+

C" ifor!i" Chi

2 1 1 1 1 1/2 1 1 1 cups

ed S" s"

teaspoons tablespoon tablespoon

tomatoes -- peeled$ chopped celer% stalk onion -- diced green pepper -- diced salt cider vinegar sugar green chili peppers -- chopped

C .lso delicious made !ith red s!eet peppers or a combination of red and green for nice color+ 2ombine all ingredients7 if finer te1ture is desired ma% be put through food grinder using fine blade+ 2over tightl% and chill overnight+ ,erving ;deas J ,erve cold as a relish !ith meat+

C"r"me i(ed C"r!it"s

1 1/2 2 1 1 1/2 1/' 2 1/& 1 pounds tablespoons tablespoon tablespoon teaspoon teaspoon each cup each Pork ,houlder7 Boneless -- C Bro!n ,ugar -- Packed /e-uila "olasses ,alt Pepper 2love Garlic -- (inel% 2hopped >ater Green Onion !/top -- ,liced

C Pork should be cut up into 1-inch cubes+ Place pork cubes in single la%er in 10-inch skillet+ /op !ith remaining ingredients e1cept green onion+ 8eat to boiling7 reduce heat+ ,immer uncovered$ stirring occasionall% until the !ater has evaporated and the pork is slightl% carameliDed$ about &@ minutes+ ,prinkle !ith green onion and serve !ith !ooden picks+

C"r!e Ado+"d" (1"ri!"ted Por3)

' 2 & 2 1 pounds teaspoons each teaspoons -uart Pork)ribs -- chops or other* ,alt Garlic cloves -- crushed >hole leaf oregano Blended red chili sauce salt+ .dd garlic and oregano to blended chili+ marinate in refrigerator 4-6 hours or overnight+ of stove or in &@0 oven until meat is done$ about 1 of potatoes ma% be marinated !ith the meat+

,prinkle meat !ith Pour over meat and 2ook slo!l% on top hour+ /hick slices

1 1/2 1/' pounds cup tablespoons teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon tablespoons medium ounces /op Round ,teak Or Boneless 2huck ,teak$ -----".R;A.<H----Red >ine 5inegar Oil ,age ?eaves ,ummer ,avor% ,alt <r% "ustard Paprika -----B.,/;AG ,.U2H----,teak ,auce (lour /ortillas -- @ to 6 ;nches ;n <iameter Onions -- ,liced Paper /hin Or 2hopped >hole Green 2hilies -- 2ut ;nto ,trips ,oftened Butter Or "argarine ,alsa Guacamole

2 1 1

1/2 1/2 1/2

2 12 2 '

Place steak in plastic bag or non-metal baking dish+ ;n small bo!l$ combine marinade ingredients+ Pour over steak$ turning to coat+ ,eal bag or cover dish7 marinate at least 4 hours or overnight in refrigerator$ turning once or t!ice+ >hen read% to barbecue$ drain meat$ reserving marinade b% placing in small saucepan+ .dd steak sauce to marinade7 blend !ell+ 8eat on grill+ Place steak ' to 4 inches from medium-hot coals+ 2ook &0 to '0 minutes$ turning once$ or until desired doneness$ brushing occasionall% !ith marinade+ "ean!hile$ heat foil-!rapped tortillas on grill until thoroughl% heated and steaming$ !rap in cloth napkin or to!el to keep !arm+ /o serve$ cut steak across grain into thin slices+ ,poon an% remaining marinade over slices+ .rrange steak$ !armed tortillas$ onions$ chilies$ butter$ salsa and guacamole on a large platter+ ,pread butter on tortilla7 top !ith meat and an% combination of vegetables or sauce+ Roll up to eat+ AoteJ Be sure to heat basting sauce thoroughl% to ensure safet% for use as a sauce at the table+


1 ' 1 1 1 2 pound teaspoon teaspoon cans Beef ste! meat 2loves garlic -- chopped Onion -- grated 2umin -- ground Black pepper -- ground /omato sauce )or 1 large* Granule st%le beef bouillon (lour

,ort through ste! meat trimming e1cess fat$ gristle+ 2ut into 13 pcs+ if necessar%+ ;n med+ siDe$ heav% bottom pot$ place enough bacon drippings or melted lard to cover bottom+ Place ste! meat$ garlic and onion in pot and saute untill meat is lightl% bro!ned+ .dd !ater to cover and t!o or three tbs+ beef bouillon$ cumin$ pepper and tomato sauce+ 2over+ ,immer on lo! heat until meat is tender+ /o!ard end of cooking time )abt+ 1 hr+* add flour to thicken and continue simmering $ stirring from time to time$ additional 10 min+ Remove from heat and serve !ith spanish rice ),opa de .rroD* and refried beans+ ,alsa cruda$ Pico de Gallo are good garnishes+ 2oarsel% chopped lettuce and tomatoes and shredded cheddar cheese+ ,erve !ith !arm flour tortillas$ or make soft tacos+

C"r!e *is"d" Co! P"p"s (1e"t 0 Pot"toes)

& 2 6 1 1/2 1/2 1/2 1 pounds pounds ounces teaspoons teaspoon teaspoon each Round ,teak -- 1/23 /hick Potatoes /omato ,auce ,alt Ground Pepper Ground 2umin ?arge 2love Garlic -- ,mashed >ater

2ut round steak into cubes and bro!n in shortening in heav% skillet or <utch oven+ Peel and cube potatoes )appro1imatel% in 1/2-inch cubes*+ Once meat is slight bro!ned add potatoes and continue to bro!n+ )<onEt !orr% if it sticks to the bottom of the skillet+ .dd tomato sauce$ salt$ pepper$ cumin po!der and garlic+ .dd .pprocimatel% OAH cup of !ater and simmer until meat and potatoes are tender+ Potatoes !ill thicken sauce+

C"r!e *uis"d"
& 2 1 2 2 2 1 10 6 1 pounds tbsps tbsp tbsps tbsps tbsps to 2 ounce can ounce can cup 1 1/2 tsps round steak$ trimmed -- cubed vegetable oil flour chopped chopped green pepper chopped tomato cloves garlic -- minced tomatoes and green chiles -- undrained tomato sauce !ater ground cumin ,alt and pepper -- to taste


2ook steak in oil in a heav% skillet over medium-high heat$ stirring constantl%$ until bro!ned+ ,prinkle !ith flour and stir !ell+ .dd onion and remaining ingredients+ Bring to a boil over medium hear7 reduce heat and simmer$ uncovered$ '0 minutes or until meat is tender and sauce is thick+ ,erve in flour tortillas or over hot cooked rice+

C"ser" S"uce
1 1/2 1/2 1 1 1/2 1 1 1/2 1 1/2 cups cup each each teaspoon tablespoon tablespoon teaspoon teaspoons /omatoes -- (inel% 2hopped Onion -- 2hopped 2love Garlic -- (inel% 2hopped =alapeno 2hile7 2anned -- C =alepeno 2hile ?i-uid 2ilantro7 (resh -- ,nipped (ine ?emon =uice Oregano ?eaves -- <ried 5egetable Oil

C =alapeno 2hile should be seeded and finel% chopped+ "i1 all ingredients in glass or plastic bo!l+ 2over and refrigerate up to G da%s+ "akes about 2 cups of sauce+

1 & G 2 1 2 1 1 ' pound pounds cups cup tablespoon tablespoons tablespoon teaspoon ounces Pinto beans Pork roast >ater Onion -- chopped Garlic cloves -- minced ,alt 2hili po!der 2umin Oregano Green chili peppers -- chopped )one can*


Put all ingredients in a dutch oven$ an electric crocker% cooker$ or a heav% kettle+ 2over and simmer about @ hours$ or until the roast falls apart and the beans are done+ Uncover and cook about 1/2 hour$ until the desired thickness is achieved+

Chees8 Chi "!d" C"ssero e

1 1 1 14 1@ 1 1 12 2 pound each each ounces ounces cup teaspoon teaspoon each cups Ground Beef "ed+ Bell Pepper -- chopped 2love Garlic -- minced Pinto Beans -- drained /omato ,auce Picante ,auce -- med+ hot Ground 2umin ,alt 2orn /ortillas ,hredded 2heese ?ettuce -- shredded ,our 2ream (resh /omato -- chopped


C 2heese ma% be "ontere% =ack or 2heddar Bro!n meat !ith pepper$ onion and garlic7 drain+ .dd beans$ tomato sauce$ picante sauce$ cumin and salt+ ,immer 1@ minutes+ ,poon small amount of meat mi1ture in 1&19 baking dish+ /op !ith 4 tortillas+ /op !ith half the remaining meat mi1ture7 sprinkle !ith cheese$ repeat )e1cept for cheese*+ 2over tightl% !ith aluminum foil+ Bake at &@03 for 20 minutes+ Remove foil and top !ith remaining cheese+ Bake uncovered for @ minutes+ /op !ith lettuce$ tomato$ sour cream and additional picante sauce+


1 6 1 1 10 1/2 &/' cup ounces cup cup tablespoon tablespoon ounces )6 oD+* sour cream Pkg+ cream cheese -- softened (inel% shredded cheddar -- cheese ,liced green onions ?ime #uice "inced seeded #alapeno -- pepper Pkg+ flour tortillas )43 -- siDe*

3/hese roll-ups are ver% fast to fi1 and %ou can make them ahead and keep them !rapped in the refrigerator until %ouEre read% to serve+3 Picante sauce 2ombine the first si1 ingredients in a bo!l7 mi1 !ell+ ,pread on one side of tortillas and roll up tightl%+ >rap and refrigerate for at least 1 hour+ ,lice into 13 pieces+ ,erve !ith picante sauce+ ieldsJ .bout @ doDen


' 1/' 1/2 1/' 1/' 2 2 12 & 1 1 2 teaspoons large cup pound cup pound Poblano peppers Onion -- chopped "edium shrimp -- lightl% 2ooked$ peeled -- and chopped 2ilantro -- chopped "ontere% #ack cheese ,hredded 6 oDs chicken breasts 8alved$ deboned -- and Pounded flat >hite pepper ,alt -- to taste 4-in long strings Oil -- for fr%ing -----2RH." ,8R;"P ,.U2H----,hallots -- diced >hite !ine (ish stock or chicken broth ,mall shrimp >hipping cream Butter

1/2 &/'

cup cup pound cups pound

RO.,/ PHPPHR,J Place poblano peppers under the broiler and char on all sides+ Put in plastic bag and freeDe 10 minutes+ Remove from freeDer$ rub off peel$ then slit to remove seeds under running !ater+ Preheat oven to '00 degrees (+ ;n a medium saute pan$ saute onion$ shrimp$ and cilantro until the shrimp are almost cooked$ about @ minutes+ Place in mi1ture in a bo!l$ add the cheese and set aside+ /O .,,H"B?HJ ?a% the four prepared chicken breasts flat$ skin-side do!n+ ,eason !ith salt and !hite pepper+ ?a%er each breast !ith one pepper and 2 to & tablespoons shrimp/cheese mi1ture over pepper+ Roll each breast tightl% to form a c%linder+ /ie each c%linder in & places$ both ends and in the middle+ ;n a skillet$ heat about 1/'-inch of oil+ ?ightl% bro!n chicken breasts$ one at a time$ on all sides+ Remove from heat$ transfer to a oven-proof dish and bake for 10 minutes until golden bro!n+ Remove from oven+ 2ut strings and slice chicken into 1-inch roulades )rounds*+ <riDDle a fe! tablespoons of 2ream% ,hrimp ,auce onto a plate and arrange the roulades on top of the sauce+ ,erve !arm+ "akes ' servings+ /O ".IH 2RH." ,8R;"P ,.U2HJ ;n a saucepan over medium-high heat$ combine shallots and !ine+ 2ook until reduced b% three-fourths+ .dd stock/broth and shrimp and cook until reduced b% half+ .dd the cream and reduce again b% half+ >hisk in the butter b% tablespoons+ 2ook until butter melts and sauce is !ell-blended+ Remove from heat+ RecipeJ

1 1 1 1/2 cup tablespoon cup teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon teaspoons ounces small Onions -- thinnl% sliced Garlic clove -- minced "argarine or butter "edium salsa ,ugar 2innamon 2loves -- ground Ba% leaf 2hicken breast halves -- boneless 2ornstarch /omato sauce Orange7 peeled -- sections Rice

' 2 6 1

1/2 1/' 1/6 1/2

;n a large skillet$ over medium heat$ cook onion and garlic in margarine until tender+ ,tir in salsa$ sugar$ cinnamon$ cloves$ and ba% leaf7 add chicken+ 2over and simmer for &0 minutes+ Remove chicken to heated platter7 keep !arm+ ;n a small bo!l$ dissolve cornstarch in tomato sauce7 stir into skillet+ 2ook$ stirring constantl% until the mi1 thickens and begins to boil+ .dd orange sections7 heat through+ <iscard ba% leaf+ ,erve chicken over rice !ith the sauce over all+

2 1 1 1 1 ' 1/2 cup tablespoons tablespoon cup cup tablespoon teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon each Onion7 2hopped -- 1 "edium "argarine Or Butter 5egetable Oil 2hicken Broth .lmonds -- ,livered Red 2hiles -- Ground 5inegar ,ugar 2innamon -- Ground 2hicken Breast 8alves -- C .lmonds -- ,livered

1/' 1/2 1/2

2hicken Breasts 8alves should be boneless+ 2ook and stir onion in margarine and oil in a 10-inch skillet$ until tender+ ,tir in broth$ 1/' cup of almonds$ the ground red chiles$ vinegar$ sugar and cinnamon+ 8eat to boiling7 reduce the heat and simmer$ uncovered$ for 10 minutes+ ,poon mi1ture into a blender container$ cover and blend on lo! speed until smooth$ about 1 minute+ Return sauce to skillet+ <ip chicken breasts into the sauce to coat both sides+ Place skin sides up in a single la%er in the skillet+ 8eat to boiling and then reduce the heat$ cover and simmer until done$ about '@ minutes+ ,erve sauce over chicken and sprinkle !ith the remaining slivered almonds+


& ' &/' &/' 1/& 1/' 1/' ounces cup cup tablespoons cup teaspoon teaspoon cup >hole chicken breasts -- boneless B split Green chilies -- diced 2heddar cheese -- shredded "ontere% =ack cheese -- shredded Onion -- finel% chopped Butter -- melted 2hili po!der 2umin -- ground /ortilla chips -- crushed >ooden toothpicks


Remove skin from chicken+ Bet!een sheets of !a1ed paper$ pound each until 1/'3 thick+ <rain chilies and combine !ith the cheeses and onion+ <ivide into 4 e-ual portions+ ,prinkle one portion do!n center of each breast+ Roll chicken around filling$ folding in ends and securing !ith !ooden toothpicks+ 2ombine the butter$ chili po!der and cumin+ 2oat rolls !ith butter mi1ture and roll in chips+ .rrange chicken$ seam side do!n$ in a shallo! greased casserole+ Bake at &G@ degrees for '@ minutes+ ,erve !ith sour cream and taco sauce+ Goes great !ith "e1ican rice+


2 1 ' 6 2/& 1/& cup cup tablespoons teaspoon slices 5egetable oil ?ime #uice Green chilies -- chopped (resh garlic -- minced 2hicken breasts halves -- ,kinned 2heddar cheese ,alsa

;n 93 s-uare baking pan stir together all marinade ingredients+ .dd chicken breasts7 marinate$ turning once$ in refrigerator at least '@ minutes+ "ean!hile$ prepare grill placing coals to one side7 heat until coals are ash !hite+ "ake aluminum foil drip pan7 place opposite coals+ Remove chicken from marinade7 drain+ Grill chicken G minutes7 turn+ 2ontinue grilling until fork tender$ 4 to 6 minutes+ /op each chicken breast !ith 2 slices cheese+ 2ontinue grilling until cheese begins to melt+ ,erve !ith salsa+


6 ' 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 tablespoons tablespoons large pounds cup tablespoons cups 2hicken breast halves -- skinned and boned ,alt and freshl% ground -- black pepper Butter or margarine -- divided 5egetable oil Onion -- thinl% sliced and into rings .naheim chilies -- peeled and divided or ' 2ans )' oD each* green -- chilies$ drained "ilk -- divided (lour ,our cream ' oD cup grated 2heddar -- cheese

,eason chicken !ith salt and pepper+ ;n large skillet$ heat 2 /bsp butter and oil+ .dd chicken and cook over medium high heat until light bro!n on both sides+ Remove from pan and set aside+ 2ook onion in skillet until soft$ but not bro!n+ 2ut all but & chilies into strips+ .dd strips to onion and cook over medium heat @ minutes+ Remove from heat and set aside+ Place & !hole chilies$ 1/' cup milk and 1/2 tsp salt in blender or food processor+ Process until smooth+ .dd sour cream and blend a fe! seconds more+ ,et aside+ "elt remaining 2 /bsp butter in small saucepan+ Blend in flour+ .dd &/' cup milk and cook$ stirring until smooth and thickened+ Remove from heat+ ,tir in sour cream mi1ture+ .rrange half the chicken breasts in a casserole+ /op !ith half the onion chilies mi1ture+ ,pread !ith half the sauce+ Repeat la%ers+ Bake$ covered$ O &G@ degrees for 2@ minutes+ Remove from oven+ ,prinkle !ith cheese+ Bake & to ' minutes+ ,erve over beds of fluff% .rroD Blanco+ "akes 4 servings+ .RRON B?.A2OJ "elt 2 /bsp butter or margarine in 2 to & -uart saucepan+ .dd 1 cup uncooked rice and cook over moderate heat until golden$ stirring often+ .dd 1/2 cup chopped onions and 2 cloves minced garlic7 cook until onions are soft but not bro!n+ .dd 2 cups chicken broth and 1 tsp cumin seed+ Bring to a boil7 stir once or t!ice+ Reduce heat$ cover$ and simmer 1@ minutes or until rice is tender and li-uid is adsorbed+ ,alt to taste+

Chic3e! Chi "-ui es

' 6 26 6 ' 6 1/2 /sp OD OD OD 2up /bsp 2up 2hicken Breast 8alves >ithout ,kin -- boned 2umin ,alt .nd Pepper -- to taste /ortilla 2hips -- ?ightl% ,alted Green Hnchilada ,auce "ontere% =ack 2heese -- shredded 2ilantro -- chopped Green Onions -- chopped ?ight ,our 2ream -- or real sour cream ,alsa (resca -- fresh or storebought

1/2 1/2

,prinkle breasts !ith cumin$ salt and pepper+ Broil until #ust done+ ; do this in a toaster oven for about @ minutes per side+ ,lice or shred chicken+ Hvenl% cover four micro!ave safe dinner plates !ith tortilla chips+ ,prinkle !ith chicken+ Pour enchilada sauce over the chicken and then micro!ave each plate for 1 to 1-1/2 minutes+ /op !ith cheese and micro!ave each plate for '@-40 seconds or until cheese melts in the center of plate+ "ean!hile$ chop and combine cilantro and green onions+ ,pinkle a 1/' cup mi1ture over each of the heated plates+ Put a dollop of sour cream in the center of each plate and surround !ith salsa fresca+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Chic3e! E!chi "d"s 99 Lo.f"t

10 2 1/2 1 1/2 ounces cups ounces 2ooked chicken -- shredded 2 cups ,callions -- finel% chopped Hnchilada sauce -- see recipe 4-inch prepared corn -- tortillas7 Part-skim moDDarella cheese -- grated

Preheat oven to '00($ unless %ou have a micro!ave+ ;n a bo!l$ combine the chicken$ half the scallions$ and 1/2 cup of the enchilada sauce+ ,often the corn tortillas$ t!o at a time$ b% steaming them for 10 seconds$ or cook in a micro!ave for 10 second on high+ ,poon 1 cup of the enchilada sauce on the bottom of a 9111-inch pan+ (ill each tortilla !ith about 1/' cup of the chicken mi1ture+ Roll each tortilla and place seam side do!n on the sauce in the pan+ /op !ith the remaining cup of enchilada sauce$ sprinkle !ith the cheese and the remaining scallions+ Bake for 10 minutes or micro!ave on high for @ minutes+ ;H?<J ,erves 6


2 1 1/2 ' 4 ' ' 2 1 14 2 1/2 1 1 1/2 1/2 tablespoons teaspoon cups cup tablespoons Peanut oil 2-oD+ package dried pasilla 2hilies$ stemmed$ seeded /orn into 1-inch pieces >hole blanched almonds 2hopped 2hicken breast halves 2hicken stock or canned ?o!-salt broth 2umin seeds Plum tomatoes$ cored Puartered Onion -- -uartered 2loves garlic -- peeled (irml% packed golden bro!n ,ugar 2oarse salt Peanut oil )for deep fr%ing* 2orn tortillas Grated "onter% =ack 2heese 2reme fraiche or sour cream .vocado$ peeled$ seeded ,liced (resh cilantro sprigs

cup cups teaspoon

8eat 2 tablespoons oil in large pot over high heat+ .dd chilies and almonds+ ,aute until chilies darken and almonds are golden$ about 2 minutes+ Using slotted spoon$ transfer chilies and almonds to bo!l+ Reduce heat to medium+ ,eason chicken !ith salt and pepper+ .dd to same pot and bro!n on all sides$ about @ minutes+ .dd stock7 simmer until chicken is cooked through$ aobut 20 minutes+ /ransfer chicken to another bo!l using slotted spoon7 cool+ Reserve stock in pot+ /oast cumin seeds in heav% small skillet over medium-lo! heat until aromatic$ about 1 minute+ "ince cumin seeds+ .dd cumin$ chili mi1ture$ tomatoes$ -uartered onion$ garlic$ sugar and salt to stock+ ,immer until all ingredients are ver% soft$ about '@ minutes+ >orking in batches$ puree stock mi1ture in blender+ Return to pot+ Boil until reduced to ' cups$ stirring occasionall%$ about 20 minutes+ ,eason !ith salt and pepper+ )2an be made 1 da% ahead+ 2hill chicken and sauce separatel%+* Remove skin from chicken and discard+ 2ut meat from bones and shred+ /ransfer to bo!l and combine !ith 1/2 cup sauce+ ,et filling aside+ Oil t!o 1&F9-inch glass baking dishes+ Pour oil into deep skillet to depth of 1/2 inch and heat to &G@-degree (+ (r% tortillas 1 at a time until softened$ about @ seconds per side+ Using metal sapatula$ transfer to paper to!els+ ,pread 1 tablespoon sauce over each tortilla+ ,prinkle each !ith 2 tablespoons cheese and 1 tablespoon chopped onion+ Place 1/& cup chicken do!n center of each tortilla7 roll up+ Place seam side do!n in baking dishes+ )2an be made 1 hour ahead+ 2over+* Preheat oven to &@0-degree (+ Pour remaining sauce over enchiladas+ ,prinkle !ith remaining cheese+ Bake until heated through$ about 20 minutes+ /op !ith creme fraiche$ avodado and clinatro+

Chic3e! F"/it"s
43 (lour /ortillas ,m Onion -- sliced into rings 2loves Garlic -- minced "ed Green /,!eet Red PepperC 2ooking Oil 2hicken Breast halves CC ,alsa ,hredded ?ettuce Plain lo!-fat ogurt Green Onion -- thinl% sliced

1 9 2

1/& 1/'

tablespoon ounces cup cups cup

C cut into bite-siDe strips CC 9 oD boned skinless chicken breast halves$ cut into bite-siDed strips >rap tortillas in foil+ Place in &00 deg (+ oven for 10-12 minutes or till heated through+ "ean!hile$ spra% a large skillet !ith Pam+ .dd onion and garlic7 stir-fr% for 2 minutes+ .dd red or green pepper7 stir-fr% for 1-2 minutes more or until veggies are tender crisp+ Remove from skillet+ .dd oil to skillet+ .dd chicken7 stir-fr% &-@ minutes or till chicken is tender and no longer pink+ Return veggies to skillet+ .dd salsa+ 2ook and stir till heated through+ /o serve$ divide chicken mi1ture evenl% among tortillas+ /op !ith shredded lettuce+ <ollop !ith %ogurt and sprinkle !ith green onion+ Roll up tortillas and serve+


& 2 1 ' 1 1 tablespoons 1/2 cup teaspoons teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon >hole chicken breasts -- split and skinned 5egetable oil 1@ oD can tomato sauce Picante sauce Uns!eetened cocoa po!der Ground cumin Oregano Garlic salt


<ash H.28J cloves$nutmeg$ground allspice Pound chicken to 1/23 thick+ ?ightl% bro!n in oil in large skillet$ about 2 minutes on each side7drain off fat+ 2ombine remaining ingredients7mi1 !ell+ Pour over chicken in skillet+ Bring to boil+ Reduce heat7cover and simmer$gentl%$10 minutes+ Remove chicken to serving platter7keep !arm+ 2ook and stir sauce until slightl% thickened$about & to @ minutes+ ,poon sauce over chicken+ "akes 4 servings+


1 2 1 1/2 1/2 1/' cup cup cup cup teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon pounds tablespoons 5egetable oil ?ime #uice /e-uila /omato paste Garlic cloves -- minced >hole #alapeno pepper ,alt 2hili po!der 2umin 2hicken breastC (lour tortillas for fa#itas 5egetable oil ?arge bell pepper -- cut into ?arge onion -- cut into strips ?arge tomato -- cut into chunks

1/2 1/2 1/2 1 1/2 10 & 1 1 1

CBoneless$ skinless breast$ cut into strips7 or skirt steak+ ;n a glass bo!l or baking dish$ combine 1/2 cup oil$ lime #uice$ te-uila$ tomato paste$ garlic$ #alapeno$ salt$ chili po!der$ and cumin+ Blend !ell+ .dd chicken$ cover$ and marinate in refrigerator at least 4 hours or overnight+ >rap tortillas in aluminum foil+ Bake 1@ minutes !hile preparing fa#itas+ Remove chicken from marinade+ ;n a large$ heav% skillet over medium-high heat$ heat & /bl oil+ .dd chicken and cook$ stirring constantl%$ @ to G minutes or until chicken is done+ .dd bell pepper and onion and cook & minutes more along !ith tomatoes$ #ust until vegetables are crisp-tender+ ,erve !ith tortillas$ guacamole$ sour cream$ salsa$ and grated cheese+

Chic3e! Sopopi
2 2 1 1/2 &/' cups teaspoon teaspoons tablespoon cup

" (i!c ; torti


all purpose flour salt baking po!der shortening -- )lard is best* !arm !ater oil for deep fr%ing cooked$ cut up or shredded chicken )Pork is to die forQ* salsa

1+ "i1 the flour$ salt and baking po!der together+ 2ut in the shortening+ "i1 until it resembles cornmeal+ 2+ ,tir in the !ater until all the dough is moist+ &+ /urn onto a floured surface and knead about @ minutes+ 2over !ith plastic !rap or to!el and let rest for &0 minutes+ '+ 2ut the batch in half and roll out about 1/'3 thick+ )/hese are thicker than ordinar% flour tortillas*+ @+ 2ut into ' to @3 s-uares or rounds+ ) ; like round so use a coffee can to cut* 4+ 8eat oil in a deep fr%er or skillet to '00 degrees+ ); #ust use a deep iron skillet !ith about &3 of oil+* and drop$ Cone at a time in the hot oil until puffed and golden bro!n );f the% donEt puff up$ the oilEs not hot enough* G+ /ake out of skillet and la% on paper to!els+ 2ontinue until %ou have as man% as %ou !ant+ ?et cool a little+ 6+ /ake chicken or pork and mi1 !ith salsa+ 8eat chicken in salsa over stove before %ou stuff+ 9+ 2arefull% slit one side of the ,opapilla and put in about & tablespoons of the chicken+ ,erve on a platter !ith each of Romaine ?ettuce and ,alsa to put over/or in them+ /his intensive procedure but the% ,opapilla on a leaf (resca on the side is a last minute$ labor are simpl% !onderful


1 & 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 large tablespoons can cups can teaspoon teaspoon cups cup 2hopped onion "argarine 2hopped chilies )small* /omato #uice 2heddar cheese soup 2hili po!der Garlic po!der 2hopped chicken breast -- cooked <oDen tortillas Grated cheese


,aute onion in butter+ .dd chilies$ tomato #uice$ cheddar cheese soup$ chili po!der and garlic po!der+ .dd chopped chicken+ Break tortillas into about 4 pieces each+ Put a la%er of tortillas$ la%er of chicken mi1ture$ and la%er of grated cheese+ Repeat until all is used+ Bake at &@0 degrees for about &0 minutes in 2 -uart casserole$ covered$ and then uncover and add more grated cheese and cook until cheese is melted+ /his serves about 6+

Chic3e! &"cos
1 2 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1/' cup tablespoon cups each ounces each package cup each each each each Green onion -- chopped ,hortening 2ooked chicken -- shredded 6 oD can taco sauce or Green chili salsa ,alt to taste /aco shells Grated cheddar cheese -----OP/;OA.? /OPP;AG,----2hopped lettuce 2hopped tomato ,our cream Guacamole

,auteE the onion in the shortening until transparent+ .dd the chicken$ green chili salsa or taco sauce and salt to taste+ 8eat to boiling+ Prepare shells according to package directions+ Put t!o tablespoons of the chicken mi1ture and one tablespoon of grated cheese in each shell+ ,erve !ith option of lettuce$ tomato$ sour cream or guacamole and e1tra chili sauce as desired+

1 9 & 2 2 1 1 cup ounces 1/2 cup teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon ,trong chicken stock >hole tomatoes -- undrained 2loves garlic -- minced 2hicken breasts -- boneless /e-uila =uice from t!o limes 8eav% dash ca%enne pepper 2hili po!der 2umin 2oriander ,alt to taste Olive oil


,immer the chicken breasts in the stock$ until tender+ Remove and cube+ ,et aside$ reserving stock+ ,auteE the garlic in olive oil+ .dd tomatoes )breaking up* and the remaining ingredients7 simmer$ covered 1/2 hour+ .dd chicken and re-heat+ /oss !ith cooked noodles+ ;f sauce becomes too thick$ add the chicken stock+ ,prinkle !ith Parmesan cheese and garnish !ith fresh basil or parsle% leaves+


4 1 1 1 & 1/2 1/2 cup pound can can can 2orn tortillas "ilk 2heddar cheese -- shredded Green chili salsa 2ream of mushroom soup 2ream of chicken soup 2hicken breasts7 cooked -- cut up

2ut or tear the tortillas in 1/23 s-uares+ Put half of them on the bottom of a baking dish and cover !ith 1/2 of the cheese+ "i1 salsa$ both soups and chicken together+ .dd half of this mi1ture to the baking dish+ Repeat the la%ers and top !ith cheese+ 2over and put in the frige for 2' hours+ Bake at &@0K( for '@ min+ Uncover for the last 1@ minutes to bro!n+


1 1 1 1 2 ' pound tablespoon cup Boneless chicken breast -- halves 2hili po!der -- salt and pepper Ripe avocado (resh lime #uice 2hunk% salsa /omato -- chopped Green onions !ith -- tops$thinl% sliced 8eated corn tortillas or -- lettuce leaves


.rrange chicken around the edges of a 93 pie plate or baking dish+ ,prinkle !ith chili po!der$ salt and pepper+ 2over !ith vented plastic !rap+ Rotating dish mid!a% through cooking$ micro!ave on high @ to 4 minutes7 set aside+ Peel$ seed and chop avocado+ 2ombine !ith lime #uice in a small bo!l+ .dd salsa$ tomato and green onions7 toss gentl%+ ,lice cooked chicken$ length!ise$ into 1 to 23 strips and arrange on tortillas$ making ' servings+ /op !ith salsa+ "icro!ave on @0 R )medium* 2 minutes or until heated+ "akes ' servings+

Chi "-ui es (A C"ssero e Of &orti

1/2 16 1 2 1 2 pound

"s I! Chi i)

or cup medium

Pueso fresco$ crumbled -- or mild cheddar -- grated 1-1/& cups* ,tale tortillas -- cut into triangles /hin sour cream 2horiDos -- crumbled and Onion -- thinl% sliced into ?imes -- cut into !edges

Read%J . flameproof dish at & ;nches deep and about 10 inches across /he ,auce 8eat the griddle and toast the chilies lightl% on both sides+ Be careful-- the% burn ver% -uickl%+ >hen the% are cool enough to handle$ remove the seeds and veins+ 2over the chiles !ith hot !ater to cover and leave them to soak for about 20 minutes$ then transfer !ith a slotted spoon to the blender #ar+ .dd the rest of the ingredients and blend to a smooth sauce+ /he 2hila-uilesJ ;n small fr%ing pan add 2 /bsp+ peanut or safflo!er oil$ 1/2 cup chicken broth+ 8eat the oil and cook the sauce until it darkens in color and is !ell seasoned--about & minutes+ .dd the broth and let the sauce cook over a high flame for a fe! minutes longer+ ,et aside+ 8eat the oil and fr% the tortilla strips until the% are a pale gold$ but not too crisp+ Remove and drain on the to!eling+ 2over the bottom of the dish !ith one third of the tortilla pieces+ 2over them !ith a la%er of one third of the cheese and a la%er of one third of the sauce+ Repeat the la%ers t!ice more+ .dd the & to &-1/2 cups chicken broth and bring to a boil+ ?o!er the flame and continue cooking the chila-uiles at a brisk simmer$ until most of the broth has been absorbed -- about 1@ mintues+ .dd the epaDote a minute or so before the chila-uiles have finished cooking+ )2 large sprigs+* Pour the sour cream around the edge of the dish$ then garnish !ith the choriDos and the onion rings+ ,erve in small deep bo!ls !ith lime !edges on the side+

Chi e co! 5ueso

1 ' 2 2 1/' 1/2 cup ounces cup tablespoons teaspoons teaspoon 2heese -- ,hredded C Green 2hiles -- CC 8alf B 8alf Onion -- (inel% 2hopped 2umin -- Ground ,alt

Use either 2heddar or "onter% =ack 2heese )' oD* CC Use 1 '-oD can of chopped green chiles$ drained+ 8eat all ingredients over lo! heat$ stirring constantl%$ until the cheese is melted+ ,erve !arm !ith tortilla chips+ "akes 1 1/' cups dip+

Chi e Pi-ui! S"uce

1 6 1/' 1/' 1/2 ounce teaspoon cup ounces teaspoon <ried chile Pi-uin 2umin Oil /omato sauce 2hopped fresh garlic

8eat oil unti hot and remove from heat$ pour chile to fr% about 2 min in hot oil$ then drain on paper to!els+ Put chile$ tomato sauce$ cumin$ and garlic in blender and mi1$ add salt to %our taste


12 & 1/2 large cans pound cup teaspoon teaspoon cup cup "ild -- green chiles !/stems SSSORTTT Green chiles )' oD+cns* =ack cheese cut into longTTT Aarro! -- strips+ -----B.//HR----.ll purpose flour Baking po!der ,alt ello! or !hite cornmeal "ilk Hggs -- slightl% beaten

1 1 1 2

1/2 &/'

Parch and peel chiles leaving stems on+ 2ut small slit belo! the stem$ removing seeds if desired+ ;nsert strips of =ack cheese being careful not to split chile+ Prepare batterJ ,ift flour !ith baking po!der and sald$ then add cornmeal+Blend milk and slightl% beaten eggs$ then combine milk mi1ture !ith dr% mi1ture and blend together+ slightl% moisten each chile !ith !ater--dip in plain flour$ then in batter+ .llo! to drain slightl% and drop in deep fat !hich has been heated to &G@ (+ (r% until golden+ <rain on paper to!els+ Ieep !arm on platter in &00 (+ oven !hile completing fr%ing and serve immediatel%+ 5ariationsJ (or thicker crust 3double-dip3 )repeat dipping se-uence*+ (or crunch% crust use buttermilk instead of s!eet milk in batter+ 8intJ Ieep one hand for 3dr%3$ the other for 3!et3+

Chi es Re
2 & ' & 4 ' 2 cans cups each cups each cups cup teaspoon cans

e!os C"ssero e
>hole green chili peppersC ,harp 2heddar cheeseCC Green onions -- sliced ,hredded moDDarella cheese Hggs "ilk .ll-purpose flour ,alt Green chili salsa

&/' 1/'

C G oD+ cans CCshredded )appro1+ 12 oD+* ,plit chili peppers length!ise and remove seeds and pith+ ,pread chilies in a single la%er in a greased 911&-inch baking dish+ ,prinkle 2heddar cheese$ green onions$ and 1-1/2 cups of the moDDarella cheese over chilies+ ;n a bo!l$ beat eggs$ milk$ flour$ and salt together until smooth+ Pour over chilies and cheese+ Bake in a &2@ degrees oven for @0 minutes or until a knife inserted in custard comes out clean+ "ean!hile$ mi1 salsa !ith the remaining 1-1/2 cups moDDarella cheese+ ,prinkle over casserole and return to oven for 10 minutes or until cheese melts+ ?et stand for @ minutes before serving+

Chi es Re
' 1 ' pounds can 1/& 1/2 1/2 cup cup teaspoon cup can

e!os C"ssero e :<1"ri!"r"

=ack cheese -- cut in strips ' oD green chiles -- seeded Hggs "ilk (lour Baking po!der Grated sharp cheddar cheese "arinara sauce Pitted ripe olives)garnish*

1 1

,tuff chilies !/#ack cheese+ .rrange chilies side-b%-side in greased shallo! 1 1/2 -t+ baking dish+ Beat eggs until thick and foam%$ add milk$ flour and baking po!der blend+ Pour egg batter over chiles - cover all chiles !ith batter+ ,prinkle !ith cheddar cheese+ Bake uncovered O &G@ &0 minutes or until set+ ,erve !ith heated marinara sauce and olives+

Chi es Re
6 1 ' ' pound tablespoons

e!os Co! 5uesos

(resh -- froDen or 2 )' oD* green chilies "ontere% #ack cheese Hggs Butter -- margarine or lard )garnish

Peel fresh peppers b% placing on an open flame until bro!ned+ >rap chilies in a damp cloth to steam for five minutes+ Pull peeling off+ ,lit green chiles+ 2ut cheese into slices that !ill fit into the green chile slits+ )Be sure to remove seeds and membrane* Prepare a batter b% using one egg for ever% t!o chiles and one tsp of hot !ater to each egg$ plus enough flour )1 tbsp per egg* to make a thin batter+ Beat egg !hites until the% form soft peaks+ (old in beaten egg %olks and flour+ <rop the batter )the siDe of a 4-in+1'-in+ oval* onto a greased fr% pan+ Place a stuffed chile on it and cover !ith batter+ 2ook over lo! heat until golden+ /urn !ith spatula and bro!n on other side+ <rain on paper to!els+ Place in baking dish$ cover !ith sauce$ and top !ith grated cheese+ 8eat in &2@ ( oven til cheese melts )about 1@ mins*

Chi es Re
2 1 1/& 1 1/6 ounces cup

e!os de 5ueso =
2hiles$ calif+ -- roast B peel 2heese -- montere% #ack Oil -- for fr%ing Hggs -- separated (lour -- all purpose -----/O"./O ,.U2H----/omatoes -- peeled Onion Garlic clove Oil -- vegetable 2hicken broth ,alt 2hiles -- calif+

1 1/& small 1/& small 1/& 1/& tablespoon 1/6 cup 1/6 teaspoon 2/& small pn 2innamon$ ground pn 2loves$ ground

Prepare tomato sauce7 keep !arm+ 2ut as small a slit as possible in one side of each chile to remove seeds+ ?eave stems on+ Pat chiles dr% !ith paper to!els+ 2ut cheese into long thin sticks$ one for each chile+ Place one stick in each chile$ using more if chiles are large+ ;f chiles are loose and open$ !rap around cheese and fasten !ith !ooden picks+ Pour oil 1/'3 deep into large skillet+ 8eat oil to &4@U (+ Beat egg !hites in a medium bo!l until stiff+ Beat egg %olks lightl% in a small bo!l and add all at once to beaten egg !hites+ (old lightl% but thoroughl%+ Roll chiles in flour$ then dip in egg mi1ture to coat+ (r% in hot oil until golden bro!n$ turning !ith a spatula+ <rain on paper to!els+ ,erve immediatel% topped !ith tomato sauce+ /omato ,auceJ 2ombine tomatoes$ onion and garlic in blender or food processor7 puree+ 8eat oil in a medium saucepan$ add tomato mi1ture+ 2ook 10 minutes$ stirring occasionall%+ .dd broth$ salt$ chiles$ cloves and cinnamon+ ,immer gentl% 1@ minutes+

Chi es Re
1 14 G package ounces ounces pound cup teaspoon cup

e!os de S"! #ie'o

taco seasoning mi1 tomatoes green chiles -- canned "ontere% #ack cheese -- Csee note salt -- optional flour eggs cream of tartar 2anola oil

1/' 1/' 1/'

2 1

C2ut the cheese into 4 strips+ 1+ (or the spic% tomato sauce !hich goes on top$ combine the taco seasoning mi1 and tomatoes in a saucepan+ Bring to a boil$ reduce heat and simmer for 1@ minutes+ 2+ ;f fresh chiles are used$ cut off the stem ends and rinse !ith cold !ater to remove seeds+ Broil the chiles until the skin bro!ns and blisters+ Peel the chiles immediatel%$ !hile the% are still !arm+ ;f canned chiles are used$ gentl% rinse !ith cold !ater to remove seeds7 pat dr%+ ,tuff each chile !ith a strip of cheese+ &+ 2ombine the flour and salt+ '+ ,eparate the eggs+ Beat %olks until lemon %ello! and slightl% thickened+ Beat the !hites until the% are foam%+ .dd the cream of tartar and continue beating until the !hites hold a stiff peak+ 2arefull% fold %olks into !hites+ @+ 8eat the oil in a skillet+ 4+ Roll the stuffed chiles in the flour+ <ip into egg batter+ (r% in hot oil on each side until golden+ <rain and serve !ith spic% tomato sauce+ ieldJ 4 rellenos+

Chi es Re
12 2 1 ' tablespoons pound pound cup teaspoon

e!os 1e"t6"

1/2 1/2 1/2

small potatoes$ or 2 large baking potatoes vegetable oil ground beef .naheim chili peppers %ello! onions -- minced eggs salt black pepper -- to taste garlic salt -- to taste

C.naheim chilies$ roasted$ peeled and diced+ 1+ Peel and boil potatoes until #ust tender+ ?et potatoes cool+ ;n a large bo!l break up potatoes to make a lump% mi1ture$ do not mash+ 2+ ,aute ground beef in 2 tablespoons vegetable oil until bro!ned$ drain !ell+ &+ .dd beef to potatoes$ then add chiles$ chopped onion and egg %olks+ .dd seasonings )salt$ pepper$ and garlic salt*+ "i1 and form into egg-shaped balls about 1-1/2 inches long+ '+ <ip each ball in egg !hites )beaten slightl%* then roll in flour+ .t medium heat$ cook in vegetable oil about 1/'-inch deep+ Bro!n !ell$ then drain on paper to!els+ ,erve hot$ at room temperature$ or refrigerate and reheat at serving time+

Chi i Beef &"cos

1/' 4 @ & 1 2 1/2 26 2 12 1 2 10 2@ 20 12 ' 1 cup tablespoons tablespoons tablespoon pounds ounces cups ounces ounces 1/2 cup ounces 2hili po!der Garlic cloves -- crushed ,trained fresh lime #uice Olive oil 2umin ,te!ing beef cut into 1/2 in ;talian plum tomatoes <rained and crushed Beef broth Bottle dark beer ?arge onion chopped =alapeno chilies -- minced Pkg+ froDen corn -- tha!ed and Pimento stuffed green olives Pimentos -- drained chopped ,alt and pepper /aco shells ,harp cheddar cheese -- shredd Bunch romaine lettuce -- chopp 2hopped seeded tomatoes 8ot or mild salsa ,our cream



"i1 chili po!der$ garlic$ lime #uice$ & /bs+ olive oil and cumin in a large bo!l to form a paste+ .dd the beef and mi1 till coated+ Refrigerate 2' hours$ stirring occasionall%+ Position rack in lo!er third of oven and preheat to &@0 (+ 2ombine marinated beef$ canned tomatoes$ broth and beer in a <utch oven+ Bring to boil over high heat+ 2over$ transfer to oven and bake for '@ mins+ Uncover and continue baking until beef is tender$ about '@ minutes more+ 2ool$ shred beef and return to cooking li-uid+ 2over and refrigerate overnight+ 8eat & /bs+ oil in heav% skillet over medium-lo! heat+ .dd onion and #alapenos then cover and cook until onion is tender and lightl% bro!ned$ stirring occasionall%$ about 1@ mins+ ,train beef cooking li-uid into skillet$ Bring to a boil+ Reduce heat and simmer uncovered until sauce is thickened and reduced to 1/2 cup$ stirring occasionall%$ about @0 mins+ "i1 in beef+ )2an be preparted 1 da% in advance and refrigerated*+ .dd corn$ olives$ and pimentos and stir over medium heat until #ust heated through$ about @ minutes+ ,eason !ith salt and pepper to taste+ /o assembleJ 8alf fill taco shells !ith beef mi1ture+ /op !ith cheese$ lettuce and chopped tomatoes+ ,erve immediatel%$ passing salsa and sour cream separatel%+ AoteJ /he same filling also !orks in chimichangas and enchiladas$ and is delicious spooned over toasted hamburger rolls+ ;t can also be froDen+


12 1 &/' 1 1/2 1/2 4 & each each teaspoon cups pound each tablespoons Poblano chilies -- large fresh 2hihuahua cheese -- cubed Garlic clove$large -- halved ,alt >hipping cream "ontere% #ack or Onion$ sm %el -- coarse chop Hggs 2rema frescaJ -- ----------,our cream

"ake the 2rema (resca ahead of timeJ mi1 2ream and ,our 2ream together+ 2over and let stand at room temp+ until thickened$ 6 hours or overnight+ 2hill until read% to use+ 2har the 2hili Peppers over a gas flame until blackened on all sides+ >rap them in a plastic bag and let stand for 10 minutes to steam+ Peel and core the 2hilies+ Remove seeds$ rinse and pat dr%+ Preheat oven to &@0 (+ Generousl% Butter a 93 pie pan )preferabl% porcelain or stone!are !ith 23 sides*+ Open up 2hili Peppers and arrange around sides of pan skin side do!n$ point to!ard center of pan$ e1tending about 1/23 above rim+ 2over bottom of pan !ith 2hilies+ (inel% grate cheese !ith Onion and garlic in a processor using on/off pulses$ about &0 seconds+ .dd Hggs and ,alt+ Process until smooth$ stopping to scrape do!n the sides$ about 1@ seconds+ "i1 in the 2rema (resca )the "e1ican e-uivalent of creme fraiche*+ Pour this filling over the 2hilies+ 2url the edges of the 2hilies over the filling+ Bake until golden bro!n and a knife inserted in the center comes out clean$ '@ to @0 minutes+ 2over 2hili edges !ith fOil to prevent burning$ if necessar%+ 2ool for @ minutes before cutting+ ,erve hot or at room temperature+

Chi i Re
' & 1 @ 1 1 1 1/2 2 & large cups sm+ can cup large clove cups teaspoons

e!o%s F"st "!d E"s8

fresh pasilla chilis grated cheese -- used cheddar ,.U2H tomato sauce -- or fresh tomatoes -- chopped finel% chopped scallions -- )green onions* garlic -- finel% chopped fines chopped fresh cilantro 2harlieEs seasoning -- heaping eggs flour -- to dip

1+ )this is the ne! and eas% part* ; found out %ou donEt have to peel pasilla chilisQ =ust put them into boiling !ater for about1@ min++ /ake out$ slit open one side$ take out the seeds+ <onEt bother about the membranes$ the% are not that hot+ Rinse under cold !ater and set aside+ )no need to peel* 2+ ;n skillet$ saute the onions and garlic until almost bro!n+ .dd the cilantro$ chopped tomatoes or canned tomato sauce$ and 2harlieEs seasoning+ 2ook on med+ heat until flavors are blended+ ,et aside+ &+Grate the cheese and stuff into the chilis+ '+Beat the egg !hite until stiff++++++add the %olks to the !hites$ fold in !ith about @ tablespoons of flour+ @+8olding the chilis together$ dip into the batter and then place chilis into a skillet !ith about a full -uarter inch of hot oil+ ); used 2anola*+ ou donEt need the oil deep+ /urn do!n the stove a little and bro!n on both sides+ 2ook until bro!ned and la% the chilis over the heated sauce+ 4+,erve !ith sliced avacados over the chilis+++++"e1ican cheese sprinkled over the top and sliced radishes+


4 1 & 1 1/2 1/' cup cup tablespoon teaspoon cups Poblano chilies "ontere% =ack cheese -- cubed (lour Hggs >ater ,alt ?ard or vegetable oil for fr%ing )more if

2 needed*

/oast chilies on hot griddle on all sides until skins begins to blister+ Place in plastic bag$ seal bag$ and allo! chilies to steam for 20 minutes+ Peel chilies$ and discard skins+ ,lit chilies length!ise 1/' inch from stem to 1/' inch from tip+ Remove seeds and piths7 leave stem intact+ Place e-ual amounts of cheese in chilies+ Roll stuffed chilies in flour+ ,et aside+ ,eparate eggs7 beat !hites until stiff+ Beat %olks !ith !ater and salt7 fold into !hites 8eat lard or oil in skillet over medium heat+ <ip chilies into egg mi1ture+ (r% until light golden bro!n+ <rain+

Chimich"!'"s #e P"p"s
1 @ @ 1 2/& lb oD cup or 2 potatoes$ mashed -- coarsel% )' large* -ueso fresco sour cream green onions -- sliced #alapeno peppers$ roasted -- peel$ seed B chop salt and pepper to taste flour tortillas oil to fr% sour cream$ green onions$ black olives$ -- and

salsa to garnish

"i1 coarsel% mashed potatoes$ cheese$ sour cream$ green onions$ #alapenos to taste$ and salt and pepper to taste+ (ill tortillas fold into a package+ (r% in hot oil )one inch in a skillet+* <rain$ garnish and serve hot+ /his can be a main course$ or made small and served as an appetiDer or a side dish+ /his dish can also be made !ith corn tortillas$ and baked in an enchilda sauce inside of fr%ing+


1 1 1/' 1/' pound teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon teaspoons teaspoons cup fluid ounces ?ean beef ,alt Pepper Garlic po!der /omatoes ,hortening Onion -- chopped Bell pepper -- chopped (lour 2anned !hole green 2hiles /ortillas Oil for deep fr%ing Red chile sauce )see inde1*

' 1 1/2 1/2 1/2 1 1/2 1/2 '

1+ 2ut the beef into ' pieces+ Place in a @ to 4--uart pan and add !ater to cover+ Bring to a boil7 skim the foam from the surface+ .dd the salt$ pepper$ and garlic+ ,immer until tender$ appro1imatel% 1-1/2 to 2 hours+ 2+ <rain the beef$ reserving 1/2 cup of the broth+ >hen the meat is cool$ shred+ 2hop 2 of the tomatoes+ &+ "elt the shortening in a pan over medium heat+ .dd the onion and bell pepper and saute until tender+ .dd the flour$ !hisking until no lumps remain$ and cook 2 minutes+ .dd the shredded beef$ reserved broth$ chopped tomatoes$ and !hole chiles+ ,immer 1@ minutes+ '+ Place about 1/2 cup of the meat mi1ture in a line do!n the center of each tortilla+ (old both ends over 1 inch to 2 inch7 fold one side over the other and roll up in a neat package+ ,ecure !ith a toothpick+ @+ <eep fr% in ver% hot oil )'00(* until ),ee Part 2 for more*


1 1 ' 1 2 ' cup cup 1/' cup tablespoon cups )cont+ from part 1* ,hredded !isconsin 2heddar cheese ,our cream Black olives 2hopped green onions >hipping cream Guacamole )see inde1* ,hredded lettuce Black olives

2risp and !ell bro!ned+ <rain on paper to!eling+ 4+ Preheat the broiler+ Place the chimichangas on an ovenproof platter or in a baking pan+ ,poon Red 2hile ,auce over liberall%+ ,prinkle !ith grated cheese and green onion+ Place under broiler until the cheese melts+ G+ 2ombine the sour cream and !hipping cream+ ,lice the remaining 2 tomatoes+ /op the chimichangas !ith the sour cream mi1ture and Guacamole+ Garnish !ith shredded lettuce$ sliced tomato$ and olives+

Chipot e Chi es
1 pound ripe #alapenos .mericans !ho love the smok% taste and fier% bite of chipotles have recentl% been hit !ith high prices and a scarcit% of product+ >ith prices for these smoked #alapenos reaching V1@ a pound !holesale$ home gro!ers %earn to smoke their o!n+ But the "e1icans have been fairl% secretive about their techni-ues$ and none of the books on chiles describe home smoking+ .fter a trip to <elicos "e1ico$ ; think ; have solved this m%ster% -- but the process takes some dedication+ (irst$ letEs look at ho! the "e1icans do it+ /he% use a large pit !ith a rack to smoke-dr% the #alepenos+ /he pit containing the source of heat is underground$ !ith a tunnel leading to the rack+ /he pods are placed on top of the rack !here drafts of air pull the smoke up and over the pods+ /he #alapenos can be !hole pods or pods !ithout seeds+ /he latter are more e1pensive and are called 3capones3$ or castrated ones+ ;t is possible to make chipotle in the back %ard !ith a meat smoker or >eber-t%pe barbecue !ith a lid+ /he grill should be !ashed to remove an% meat particles because an% odor in the barbecue !ill give the chile an undesirable flavor+ ;deall%$ the smoker or barbecue should be ne! and dedicated onl% to smoking chiles+ /he -ualit% of homemade chipotle !ill depend on the maturit% and -ualit% of the pods$ the moisture in the pods$ the temperature of the smoke dr%ing the pods$ and the amount of time the peppers are e1posed to the smoke and heat+ /he aroma of !ood smoke !ill flavor the #alapenos$ so carefull% choose !hat is burned+ Branches from fruit trees$ or other hard!oods such as hickor%$ oak$ and pecan$ !ork superbl%+ Pecan is used e1tensivel% in parts of "e1ico and in southern Ae! "e1ico to flavor chipotle+ <o not be afraid to e1periment !ith different !oods+ /he difference bet!een the fresh !eight of the fruits and the finished product is about ten to one$ so it takes ten pounds of fresh #alapenos to produce appro1imatel% one pound of chipotles+ . pound of chipotles goes a long !a%$ as a single pod is usuall% enough to flavor a dish+ (irst$ !ash all the pods and discard an% that have insect damage$ bruises$ or are soft+ Remove the stems from the pods before placing the peppers in a single la%er on the grill rack+ ,tart t!o small fires on each side of the grill !ith charcoal bri-uets+ Ieep the fires small and never directl% e1pose the pods to the fire so the% !onEt dr% unevenl% or burn+ /he intention is to dr% the pods slo!l% !hile flavoring them !ith smoke+ ,oak the !ood in !ater before placing it on the coals so the !ood !ill burn slo!er and create more smoke+ /he barbecue vents should be opened onl% partiall% to allo! a small amount of air to enter the barbecue$ thus preventing the fires from burning too fast and creating too much heat+ 2heck the pods and the fires hourl% and move the pods around$ al!a%s keeping them a!a% from the fires+ ;t ma% take up to fort%-eight hours to dr% the pods completel%+ /he pods !ill be hard$ light in !eight$ and bro!n in color !hen dried+ ;f necessar%$ let the fires burn through the night+ .fter the pods have dried$ remove them from the grill and let them cool+ /o preserve their flavor$ place them in a Dip-lock bag+ ;t is best to store them in a cool and dr% location+ ;f humidit% is kept out of the bags$ the chipotles !ill last for t!elve to t!ent%-four months+ Buen apetitoQ

Chipot e 1"8o!!"ise
1/2 1/2 1/6 cup cup teaspoon each "a%onnaise <air% ,our 2ream Oregano ?eaves7 <ried -- )Opt+* 2hipotle 2hiles -- C

C 2hipotle 2hiles should be the ones that are canned in adobo sauce and should be finel% chopped+ "i1 all ingredients+ 2over and refrigerate until chilled$ about 1 hour+ "akes about 1 cup "a%onnaise

Chipot e S"uce
2 2 & 1 1/' 1/' 1/' 1/' 1/2 1/' each each cup cups cup cup cup cup teaspoon teaspoon 2hipotle 2hiles -- C Bacon7 ,lices -- (inel% 2ut Up Onion7 (inel% 2hopped -- 1 ,m /omatoes -- (inel% 2hopped Beef Broth 2arrot -- (inel% 2hopped 2eler% -- (inel% 2hopped (resh 2ilantro -- ,nipped ,alt Pepper

C ou can make this sauce as hot as %ou !ant b% adding up to a total of ' dried 2hipotle chiles+ 2over chilies !ith !arm !ater+ ?et stand until softened$ about 1 hour+ <rain and finel% chop+ 2ook and stir bacon and onion in a 2--uart saucepan until bacon is crisp7 stir in chilies and remaining ingredients+ "akes about ' cups sauce+

2 2 & 2 2 & 1 &/' 2 2 pounds pounds tablespoons tablespoons teaspoons teaspoons cups cups teaspoons Ground beef Ground pork ,alt Oregano Pepper Garlic 5inegar 2hile Po!der 2umin seed

. ver% greas% "e1ican sausage+ /his is a leaner version that is good !ith scrambled eggs$ tortilla and salsa to create 8uevos Rancheros+ Pour some !ater in chile po!der and mi1 to make a paste7 add garlic+ 2rush oregano and cumin seed together+ 2ombine meats in a large bo!l and add the oregano-cumin seed mi1ture$ salt and pepper mi1ing !ell+ .dd the vinegar and mi1+ .dd chili-garlic mi1ture and mi1 !ell+ ; have not made this but m% husband has and it is ver% good+ ; doubt that the method of putting it together is ver% critical as long as %ou get it mi1ed !ell+ >hen %ou have it mi1ed !ell fr% a small patt% of it too see if it is !hat %ou !ant and then %ou can correct the seasonings to %our o!n taste so far as garlic$ chile and such+ /his is !hat the% did !hen !e !ent to a sausage making part% several %ears back+ . fun t%pe part%Q

Churros de P "t"!o (Fried P "!t"i!s)

& ' 1/' 1/2 cup teaspoon plantains -- peeled$ C see note lemon #uice eggs flour salt oil -- CC see note

C ;f plantains )fat$ red-skinned cooking bananas* are not available$ use large$ green-tipped bananas+ <O AO/ use overripe bananas+ CC (or fr%ing$ use part olive oil$ part 2anola oil+ Peel and split the bananas length!ise+ 2ut each piece in half and dip in lemon #uice+ /o make batter$ beat the egg %olks until thick and light+ .dd flour and salt+ Beat egg !hites until stiff$ not dr%$ and fold into %olks+ <rop the drained bananas pieces into the batter$ one at a time+ Pick up !ith slotted spoon and slide gentl% into hot oil in heav% skillet )oil about 1 inch deep*+ 2ook over medium heat$ turning almost immediatel%+ 2ook until bro!ned on both sides+ <rain on paper to!eling+ ,erving ;deas J ,erved !ith meat and poultr% in "e1ico+

Ci "!tro Pesto
1 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/' & 1/' cups cup cup cup teaspoon each cup (resh 2ilantro -- (irm Packed Parsle% -- (irml% Packed Parmesan 2heese 5egetable Oil ,alt 2loves Garlic Pine Auts -- 1 oD

Place all ingredients in food processor !ork bo!l fitted !ith steel blade or in a blender container7 cover and process until !ell blended+ "akes about 1 1/' cups Pesto

Ci!co #e 1"8o C"ssero e

1 1/2 1 1 2 ' 2 1 1 2 @ 2 1/2 1/2 cup cups teaspoon cups cups tablespoons cup cup cups ello! cornmeal )6 oD* container sour cream ,alt ,hredded romaine or iceberg 2old !ater -- lettuce Butter/margarine ,hredded sharp cheddar ,hredded sharp cheddar -- cheese Plum tomatoes -- diced <ouble-header chili )recipe Green onions -- sliced heated Ripe avocado -- diced /oppingsJ Pitted sliced ripe olives

/his dish is a heart% chili turned into a part% dish b% adding a cornmeal la%er and a garnish of cut-up veggies+ Prep timeJ &0 minutes plus cooling 2ooking timeJ 2@ minutes 2ornmeal la%erJ !hisk cornmeal$ salt and !ater together in large saucepan+ Bring to boil over medium-high heat$ !hisking constantl%+ 2ook until thickened$ 1-2 minutes+ Remove from heat and stir in butter and cheese until melted+ ;mmediatel% pour cornmeal mi1ture into shallo! &--uart casserole+ cool until firm$ &0 minutes+ )2an be made ahead+ 2over and refrigerate chili and cornmeal la%ers separatel%+ .ssemble casserole$ cover and bake in preheated &G@K oven 1 hour or until heated through+* Preheat oven to &G@K+ ,pread top of casserole !ith chili+ 2over and bake 2@ minutes or until heated through+ Garnish !ith toppings+ "akes 6 servings+

#ou6 e9He"der Chi i

. no-fuss feast that makes 2 meals$ !ith or !ithout beans+ Prep timeJ 10 minutes 2ooking time 2 to 2-1/2 hours ' lbs+ boneless lean beef chuck$ cut into 1-inch cubes 4 cups chopped onions 1 bottle )12 oD* beer 1/2 cup chili po!der 4 /bsp tomato paste 2 /bsp seeded$ minced #alapeno chile 2 /bsp minced garlic 2 1/2 tsp salt 1 tsp ground pepper Preheat oven to &2@K+ 2ombine all ingredients in heav% <utch oven+ 2over tightl% and cook 2 to 2-1/2 hours$ until meat is ver% tender+ )2an be made ahead+ 2over and refrigerate up to & da%s+ Or freeDe up to 1 month* "akes 11 cups+ CHILI .ith BEANSJ 2ombine @-1/2 cups chili !ith 1 can )19 oD* red kidne% beans$ drained and rinsed$ in large saucepan+ cook over medium heat until heated through$ 10 minutes+ "akes G cups+

Citrus B"r6ecue S"uce

1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 C 1/' each tablespoon teaspoon each tablespoon cup cup tablespoons tablespoons tablespoon teaspoon Onion7 ?arge -- (inel% 2hopped Ground Red 2hiles Ground Red Pepper .ncho 2hile -- C 5egetable Oil Orange =uice ?ime =uice ,ugar ?emon =uice (resh 2ilantro -- ,nipped ,alt


.ncho chile should be seeded and finel% chopped+

2ook onion$ ground red chiles$ red pepper and ancho chile in oil$ stirring fre-uentl%$ until onion is tender$ about @ minutes+ ,tir in remaining ingredients+ 8eat to boiling$ reduce heat to lo!+ ,immer uncovered$ about 10 minutes$ stirring occasionall%+ "akes about 2 1/& cups of sauce+

Cor! A!d :" !ut #ip

14 1 1 1/' 1/' 1/2 ounces cup cup tablespoon tablespoon teaspoon ounces cup cup 2ream 2heese7 ,oftened -- 2 pk 5egetable Oil ?ime =uice Red 2hiles -- Ground 2umin -- Ground ,alt Pepper -- <ash Of 2orn7 >hole Iernel -- <rained >alnuts -- 2hopped Onion7 2hopped -- 1 small

6 &/' 1 1/'

Beat all ingredients e1cept corn$ !alnuts and onion in a large bo!l$ !ith an electric mi1er on medium speed$ until smooth+ ,tir in corn$ !alnuts$ and onion+ ,erve !ith tortilla chips+ "akes ' cups of dip+

Cor! S" s"

14 ' 1 2 1 C ounces ounces each cup cup tablespoons tablespoon teaspoon 2orn7 2anned -- <rained )1 cn* Green 2hilies7 2anned -- <rain =alapeno 2hile -- C Green Bell Pepper -- 2hopped Green Onions !/tops -- ,liced >hite >ine 5inegar 5egetable Oil ,alt

1/' 1/' 1/'

=alapeno chile should be seeded and finel% chopped+

"i1 all ingredients+ 2over and refrigerate until chilled$ about 1 hour+ "akes about 2 1/& cups ,alsa+

Cor! &orti
2 1 1/& cups cups


masa harina !arm !ater

,tir masa harina and !ater together until dough holds together in a ball+ /urn onto a !orking surface that has been dusted !ith masa harina+ Inead -uickl% into a smooth ball+ <ivide dough into t!elve pieces+ Roll one piece into a ball+ Place bet!een t!o sheets of !a1 paper and flatten slightl%+ Press tortillas )still in !a1 paper* in a tortilla press until tortilla measures about 4 inches in diameter+ Repeat !ith remaining pieces of dough$ stacking tortillas$ still sand!iched in !a1 paper$ under a damp tea to!el until read% for use+ >hen %ouEre read% to cook the tortillas$ preheat a seasoned cast iron griddle over medium-high heat+ Remove !a1 paper from tortilla and heat on griddle$ turning fre-uentl% until it looks dr% and has a golden color$ about 1 to 2 minutes+ Repeat !ith remaining tortillas+

Cor!9S" s" Pit" S"!d.iches

' 1 1/2 1 1 4 4 1 1/2 1 & 2 1 1 1 cups --- ,and!ichesJ --ears of corn shredded red cabbage green bell pepper -- chopped tomato -- chopped bacon slices -- cooked pitas cheddar cheese -- shredded --- ,alsaJ --sour cream lime #uice chopped onions garlic clove -- minced chili po!der ground cumin sugar salt ca%enne pepper

cups cup tablespoons tablespoons teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon

1/2 1/' 1/'

C Onl% fresh corn !ill make this sand!ich taste its ver% best$ but use !ell-drained canned corn if necessar%+ ,.?,.J "i1 all the salsa ingredients !ell and chill+ ,.A<>;28H,J 1+ Remove husks from corn$ remove corn silk and snap off ends of stalks+ 8ave a pot of salted !ater boiling rapidl%+ <rop in corn ears$ cover$ and cook for @-G minutes+ 2+ Remove corn from !ater$ drain$ and cut corn from cob+ &+ 2ombine finel% shredded cabbage$ green pepper$ tomato and cooked crumbled bacon in a large bo!l+ ,tir in &/' cup of the salsa mi1$ blending !ell+ '+ 2over and chill mi1ture+ >hen read% to serve$ fill pita bread !ith corn mi1ture$ top !ith remaining salsa and shredded cheese+

Co.6o8 C"+i"r
1@ ' 1 2 2 1/' ounces ounces cup each tablespoons tablespoons teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon ounces each each Black Beans -- Rinse B <rain C Ripe Olives -- 2hop B <rained C Onion7 (inel% 2hopped -- 1 ,m+ 2love Garlic -- (inel% 2hopped 5egetable Oil ?ime =uice ,alt Red Pepper -- 2rushed 2umin -- Ground Pepper 2ream 2heese7 ,oftened -- 1 pk Hggs7 ?arge 8ard 2ooked -- CC Green Onion !//op -- ,liced

6 2 1

1/' 1/' 1/' 1/6

C 1 can of each black beans and ripe olives+ <rain and rinse the beans$ <rain the chopped ripe olives+ CC Hggs should be peeled and chopped+ "i1 all ingredients e1cept cream cheese$ eggs$ and green onion+ 2over and refrigerate at least 2 hours+ ,pread cream cheese on serving plate+ ,poon bean mi1ture evenl% over cream cheese+ .rrange eggs on bean mi1ture in ring around the edge of the plate7 sprinkle !ith green onion+


1 ' 10 12 1 1 cups >hole chicken -- cut up >ater OD can cream of mushroom Or cream of chicken soup 2orn tortillas Garlic salt 2hicken grav% mi1 2hopped green chile


teaspoon package cup

2ook chicken in crockpot !ith !ater to cover$ about ' hours+ .dd remaining ingredients the last half hour of cooking+ .llo! to boil until tortillas are tender+ ,erve over rice+ "akes @ - 4 servings+

Cucum6er S" s"

1 1 1 2 1/' 1/' 1/2 cup cup cup cup teaspoon teaspoon each <air% ,our 2ream ogurt -- Plain Parsle% -- ,nipped 2ilantro7 (resh -- ,nipped 2umin -- Ground ,alt 2ucumbers -- "edium C

C 2ucumbers should be pared$ seeded and coarsel% shredded+ "i1 all ingredients+ 2over and refrigerate until chilled$ about 2 hours+ "akes about & cups salsa+

#e u?e N"chos
2 1 1 cups large 1/2 cup -----RH(R;H< BH.A,----<r% pinto beans Onion 8am hock -- >ater ?ard ,alt -----A.28O,----2orn tortillas ?ard for deep fr%ing ,alt ,hredded =ack cheese ,hredded cheddar cheese =alapeno chiles )or more* -- finel% chopped (inel% diced tomatoes (inel% chopped cilantro

12 1 1 2 1 1 cup cup cup cup

Place beans$ !hole onion and ham hock in saucepan+ .dd !ater to cover+ Bring to boil$ cover and simmer 1 1/2 hours$ or until beans are tender+ Remove onion and ham hock+ <rain beans+ 8eat lard until ver% hot+ .dd to beans and mash !ith potato masher+ ,eason to taste !ith salt+ ,et aside+ /o make nachos$ cut tortillas in -uarters and fr% in deep hot lard until crisp+ <rain and season lightl% !ith salt+ .rrange tortillas in single la%er on large ovenproof platter+ ,prinkle half each of =ack and cheddar cheeses over tortilla chips+ ,prinkle chiles over cheeses+ /op !ith dollops of refried beans and gentl% spread over mi1ture+ )Reserve an% e1tra beans for another use+* ,prinkle !ith half of remaining cheeses+ /op !ith tomatoes and cilantro$ then !ith remaining cheeses+ Bake at &G@( until cheeses are melted and bubbl%$ about 1@ minutes+ ,erve at once+

#i"6 o ," "pe!o ,e

1 @ & & 2 cups cup ounces drops


green bell pepper #alapeno peppers sugar cider vinegar pectin green food coloring

1+ ,teriliDe #ell% #ars and lids according to manufacturerEs instructions+ 2+ Remove seeds from green pepper and chilies )Be ver% careful !ith chiles -- donEt touch %our e%es+* (it the steel knife blade into the bo!l+ 2hop green pepper into 1/'-inch pieces+ "easure 1/2 cup+ Reserve rest for another purpose+ 2hop #alapenos into 1/' inch pieces+ "easure 1/' cup for #ell%+ &+ Place the 1/2 cup green pepper and 1/' cup #alapenos$ sugar and vinegar in a large saucepan+ Bring to a boil+ 2ontinue to boil 1 minute+ Remove from heat7 let cool @ minutes+ ,tir in pectin and food coloring+ '+ ,train mi1ture through a fine strainer to remove pieces of peppers+ Pour strained li-uid into steriliDed #ars+ 2over tightl% and store in a cool place up to 4 months+ "akes 2 cups+ ,erving ;deas J ,erve !ith scrambled eggs and meats+

E"s8 N"chos
6 6 6 ounces ounces ounces /ortilla chips 5elveeta ,hredded Process -- 2heese food Pace /hick B 2hunk% ,alsa -----OP/;OA.? G.RA;,8H,----Ripe olives -- sliced Guacamole =alapeno peppers -- sliced ,our cream

Place tortilla chips on baking sheet7 sprinkle !ith cheese food+ Bake at &@0K until cheese food melts$ &-' minutes+ Pour Pace /hick B 2hunk% ,alsa over chips+ Garnish as desired+ ";2RO>.5H O5HA <;RH2/;OA,J "icro!ave a 93 plateful of cheese foodtopped chips at 8;G8 1 minute or until cheese food melts+

E'' &"cos
1 @ 4 2 1 ' 1 ' 1/2 1/2 medium tablespoons tablespoons tablespoon large ounces onion #alapeno pepper -- seeded s!eet red pepper -- seeded olive oil eggs -- separated milk chili po!der flour tortillas tomato -- chopped "ontere% #ack cheese -- shredded picante sauce -- to taste salt and pepper

2hop onions and peppers and saute in t!o tablespoons olive oil until limp+ Beat egg %olks !ith milk$ chili po!der$ and salt and pepper to taste+ ,tir in cooked onions and peppers+ Beat egg !hites separatel% until stiff+ (old into egg %olk mi1ture+ 8eat remaining olive oil in large$ oven-safe skillet+ ,pread egg mi1ture in skillet and cook until eggs are set on bottom+ Place pan under broiler until top is bro!n+ 8eat tortillas+ /o serve$ divide egg mi1ture into four parts+ Place a piece of egg in center of tortilla+ /op !ith cheese$ tomato$ and picante sauce to taste+ (old tortilla over egg+

E**S 1O&UL S&$LE

1 1/2 & 1/' 1 1 6 2 1/2 1/6 10 1 1/2 6 6 2 cups cups cup each teaspoon ounces tablespoons teaspoon teaspoon ounces cups each each ounces Black Beans7 <r% -- 6 oD >ater Onion7 2hopped -- 1 ,m+ 2love Garlic -- "inced ,alt /omatoes7 (inel% 2hopped -- 12n Onion -- (inel% 2hopped ,alt 2a%enne Pepper 5egetable Oil Peas7 (roDen -- 1 Pk 8am -- 2hopped 2orn /ortillas -- 63 <iameter Hggs -- ?arge "ontere% =ack 2heese -- C

C /here should be about 1/2 cup of the shredded cheese+ ;n a large saucepan$ soak the beans overnight in the !ater+ )Or bring to boiling$ simmer for 2 minutes$ cover and let stand for 1 hour+* <o not drain+ .dd the 1/' cup of onion$ garlic$ and the 1 tsp of salt+ /hen cook for another 2 hours or until ver% tender+ 2ombine the UA<R.;AH< tomatoes$ the 2 tbls of chopped onion$ 1/2 tsp of salt and ca%enne+ ,et aside+ 8eat the 2 tbls of vegetable oil in a large heav% skillet+ .dd the beans !ith the li-uid$ mash the beans in the skillet+ 2ook$ uncovered$ over medium heat & to @ minutes or until ver% thick+ 2ook peas according to the directions on the package and drain+ /oss !ith the ham7 cover and keep !arm+ 8eat 1/' inch of vegetable oil in a another heav% skillet+ (r% tortillas 20 to '0 seconds per side or until crisp and golden+ <rain on paper to!eling+ ,pread about 1/& cup of the bean mi1ture on each tortilla and keep them !arm in a &00 degree ( oven+ ;n the same oil fr% the eggs until the% are set+ ,eason !ith the salt and pepper+ Place an egg on the top of each bean covered tortilla+ ,prinkle each !ith about 1/2 cup of the ham mi1ture+ ,poon some of the tomato sauce on top and sprinkle !ith the cheese+ ,erve hot+

& 1 1 1 & 1 1

Ch"rro Chi e Co! C"r!e (Red Chi e "!d Beef Ste.)

pounds cup tablespoon teaspoon cup cups tablespoon teaspoon beef roast )e%e of round or brisket* flour salt -- or to taste pepper oil ,alsa <e 2hile 2olorado garlic puree -- C oregano


C Garlic Puree - peel 6 !hole heads of garlic b% smashing the cloves !ith the side of a !ide knife7 the peel !ill slip off easil% then+ Put the peeled garlic in a blender !ith about 2 cups of !ater$ and puree+ <rain$ if necessar%$ and store in a tightl% closed glass #ar in the refrigerator+ /his is the basic meat preparation that !e serve in bo!ls along !ith tortillas$ on combination plates or as filling for Burros$ 2himis$ 2halupas$ Hnchiladas and /amales+ 2ut meat into 1-inch pieces and place$ a handful at a time$ into a paper bag containing flour$ salt and pepper+ ,hake !ell+ Repeat !ith remaining beef+ ;n a large skillet$ heat oil+ .dd beef$ a batch at a time so that the skillet is not cro!ded$ and bro!n slo!l%+ .dd ,alsa <e 2hile 2olorado$ garlic and oregano+ 2ook over lo! heat 1 hour or longer$ until meat is tender$ stirring fre-uentl% to prevent scorching+ .dd a little hot !ater if necessar%+

6 peel 1 & & 1 1 ' 2

Ch"rro Chi es Re
pound tablespoons teaspoon teaspoon cup cups cups

e!os (Stuffed *ree! Chi es)

fresh green chiles )stems intact* -- roast and cheddar or #ack cheese -- shredded ---Batter--eggs flour salt pepper oil ---Garnish--Hl 2harro /aco ,auce -- !armed shredded combination cheese -- C


CC 2ombination 2heese - /o come as close as possible to the taste of the cheese of "e1ico )!hich is not readil% available in the United ,tates*$ !e devised !hat ; call 3combination cheese3+ ;t is e-ual parts shredded %ello! cheddar$ provolone and #ack cheeses+ ,tuff each chile !ith cheese$ and set aside+ ,eparate eggs and beat the !hites until stiff+ Beat %olks and fold into !hites$ along !ith flour$ salt and pepper+ "ean!hile$ heat oil in a large skillet+ <ip stuffed chiles$ one at a time$ into egg batter$ then remove !ith a large spoon+ 2arefull% lo!er coated chiles into hot oil$ & or ' at a time+ (r% until golden bro!n on both sides+ /he chiles ma% be made ahead to this point+ /o serve immediatel%$ arrange on platter or individual plates and pour !arm /aco ,auce over each chile+ Garnish !ith more cheese and run under broiler to melt cheese$ if desired+ "a% be held up to the point of topping !ith cheese and reheated in a '00-degree oven about 10 minutes+ AoteJ 2hicken or tuna ma% be used to stuff the chiles$ but cheese is al!a%s a garnish+

4 2 1 & ' 6 2

Ch"rro Chori(o (1e?ic"! S"us"'e)

pounds cups cup teaspoons tablespoons cup ounces -uarts lean ground beef !hite !ine !ine vinegar salt oregano garlic puree -- C ground red chile -- not chili po!der red chile paste -- CC


C Garlic Puree - peel 6 !hole heads of garlic b% smashing the cloves !ith the side of a !ide knife7 the peel !ill slip off easil% then+ Put the peeled garlic in a blender !ith about 2 cups of !ater$ and puree+ <rain$ if necessar%$ and store in a tightl% closed glass #ar in the refrigerator+ CC ,ee ,alsa <e 2hile 2olorado recipe /his recipe is from m% husband Ra%Es mother$ "aria (lores+ >e adapted it for the restaurant+ .lthough she had a perfectl% fine kitchen$ <ona (lores had Ra%Es dad build for her a !ood stove in a back room !here she !ould be content turning out not onl% choriDo$ but tamales$ and tortillas so large and fine the% !ould drape the entire length of her arm+ 2horiDo is usuall% not stuffed into sausage casings$ but is used like ground beef+ >e like to saute it and then scramble eggs into it and roll the mi1ture in flour tortillas for breakfast burritos+ 2ombine ground meat$ !ine and vinegar thoroughl%+ .dd salt$ oregano and garlic puree+ .dd ground red chile graduall%$ kneading it in !ith our hands+ Graduall% knead in the chile paste+ Place in large ceramic bo!l$ cover !ith plastic and refrigerate overnight+ <rain an% li-uid+ Use in a da% or t!o$ or divide into individual portions and freeDe+ ieldJ 4 pounds

' 12 2

Ch"rro Fri/o es Refritos (Refried Be"!s)

cups ounces tablespoons pound pinto beans -- cooked B mashed evaporated milk shortening -- melted cheddar cheese -- shredded ,alsa <e 2hile 2olorado


"ash beans in skillet and add hot oil+ "i1 !ell+ ,tir in evaporated milk+ 2ook over ver% lo! heat$ stirring fre-uentl%+ Before serving$ refr% beans b% adding 2 tablespoons smoking hot fat$ shredded cheese to taste and some ,alsa and stir briskl% over high heat+

& 1/'

Ch"rro 1"ch"c" (C"r!e Sec")

!ater garlic puree -- C beef roast )e%e of round$ brisket$ chuck* ----/o bro!n and dr% meat--#uice of 2 limes garlic puree -- C ---/o fr% meat--oil shredded and roasted meat from above green chiles -- roast$ peel$ chop salt -- or to taste pepper onion -- sliced into rings tomatoes -- chopped garlic puree -- C

-uarts cup 4 pounds cut into chunks 1/' 1/& 1 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/' cup cup cup teaspoon teaspoon !hite cup

C Garlic Puree - peel 6 !hole heads of garlic b% smashing the cloves !ith the side of a !ide knife7 the peel !ill slip off easil% then+ Put the peeled garlic in a blender !ith about 2 cups of !ater$ and puree+ <rain$ if necessar%$ and store in a tightl% closed glass #ar in the refrigerator+ /he !a% !e make carne seca at Hl 2harro re-uires special e-uipment and /ucsonEs sun - and is impossible to duplicate at home+ But a similar product is obtained using the follo!ing recipe+ "eat prepared this !a% has endless uses as fillings for burritos$ chimichangas$ enchiladas$ chalupas ;n an 6--uart stock pot$ bring !ater to the boil+ .dd 1/' cup garlic puree and meat and bring back to the boil+ ,kim off scum$ reduce heat and simmer about 2 hours$ or until meat is tender$ remoing scum fre-uentl%+ Remove meat and set aside until cool enough to handle+ >ith fingers$ shred meat along the grain into 1/2-inch !ide strips+ Preheat oven to &2@ degrees+ ,pread shredded meat in a single la%er on a large cookie sheet and sprinkle !ith lime #uice mi1ed !ith garlic puree+ Roast meat until bro!n$ about 1@ minutes$ stirring occasionall%+ <rain #uices and reserve+ AO/HJ .t this point$ the meat can be covered and refrigerated for later use+ 8eat oil in a large skillet+ ,aute chile !ith salt and pepper+ .dd onion and tomatoes and saute briefl%$ then add garlic puree+ .dd meat$ stirring over medium heat to bro!n+ ;f too dr%$ add some of the reserved #uices from above+

S" s" #e Chi e Co or"do(B"sic Red Chi e S"uce)

12 2 & & -uarts tablespoons cup teaspoon tablespoons dried red chiles !ater -- boiling oil garlic puree -- C salt -- or to taste flour

1/' 1/2

C Garlic Puree - peel 6 !hole heads of garlic b% smashing the cloves !ith the side of a !ide knife7 the peel !ill slip off easil% then+ Put the peeled garlic in a blender !ith about 2 cups of !ater$ and puree+ <rain$ if necessar%$ and store in a tightl% closed glass #ar in the refrigerator+ ,alsa <e 2hile 2olorado is used in countless "e1ican dishes+ ;t is available canned and is usuall% called enchilada sauce+ But nothing commercial is as good as the sauce %ou make %ourself from dried red chile peppers+ /o prepare a sauce$ the peppers are softened in boiling !ater$ then ground into a rich red paste+ /he paste is thinned !ith the cooking li-uid for use as a sauce for enchiladas$ et cetera+ ?eft unthinned and spiced !ith oregano and vinegar it becomes adobada and is used as a marinade for carne )beef* adobada or puerco )pork* adobada+ >ash chiles in cold !ater and remove stems+ 2ook in boiling !ater until tender+ Remove chiles and reserve the cooking li-uid+ Place a fe! of the chiles in a blender$ along !ith 1/2 cup resreved li-uid$ and blend to a paste+ Remove to bo!l+ Repeat !ith remaining chiles+ );t is no! unseasoned red chile paste*+ 8eat oil in a large skillet+ .dd garlic puree and flour$ stirring until four bro!ns+ .dd the chile paste$ stirring constantl% until it boils and thickens+ ,eason !ith salt+ /hin slightl% !ith cooking li-uid+ ieldJ 2 -uarts

S" s" #e Chi e )erde I (B"sic *ree! Chi e S"uce)

2 2 2 2 1/2 1/' &/' tablespoons tablespoons cups cup cups teaspoon oil !hite onion -- chopped flour green chiles -- roast$ peel$ chop garlic puree -- C chicken stock salt -- or to taste

C Garlic Puree - peel 6 !hole heads of garlic b% smashing the cloves !ith the side of a !ide knife7 the peel !ill slip off easil% then+ Put the peeled garlic in a blender !ith about 2 cups of !ater$ and puree+ <rain$ if necessar%$ and store in a tightl% closed glass #ar in the refrigerator+ ;n a medium skillet$ saute onion in oil until translucent+ .dd the flour and mi1 !ell+ ,tir in the chiles$ garlic puree$ stock and salt and simmer 20 minutes+ Puree in blender+ Use immediatel% as a !arm sauce for enchiladas+ Or refrigerate or freeDe+ ieldJ 1 -uart

S" s" #e Chi e )erde II (Chu!38 *ree! S"uce)

2 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 cloves medium teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon bunch garlic ripe tomatoes -- chopped green chiles -- roast$ peel$ chop !hite onion -- chopped salt -- or to taste pepper vinegar oil cilantro -- chopped

"ash garlic in a !ooden salad bo!l+ .dd remaining ingredients$ including cilantro$ if desired$ and toss+ 2hill before serving+ ieldJ 2 cups

14 1 1

Ch"rro S" s" P"r" &"cos (&"co S"uce)

oD can cup cup medium cup cup cup tablespoons teaspoon crushed tomatoes tomato puree !ater !hite onion -- chopped garlic puree -- C oil vinegar dried oregano salt -- or to taste =apanese chiles -- crushed

' 1 '

1/2 1/' 1/2 1/'

C Garlic Puree - peel 6 !hole heads of garlic b% smashing the cloves !ith the side of a !ide knife7 the peel !ill slip off easil% then+ Put the peeled garlic in a blender !ith about 2 cups of !ater$ and puree+ <rain$ if necessar%$ and store in a tightl% closed glass #ar in the refrigerator+ "i1 all ingredients+ /aste and ad#ust seasoning+ 2an be served cold or hot+


2 2 2 1 1/' 1/' tablespoons tablespoons cup cups cup tablespoon Pumpkin seeds -- pureed Green chiles -- minced Parsle% -- chopped 2hicken stock 2ooking oil ,alt and pepper to taste Rou1 )1 part cooking oil /o 2 parts flour*

/oast pumpkin seeds until bro!n$ or use pumpkin seeds called Pepitas )/his ;Ed prefer+ ; think %ou can get these at the spice rack in the store*+ Grind$ !ith the chiles and parsle%$ ver% fine+ ;n a skillet$ !ith 1/' 2 cooking oil$ add a little of the chicken stock+ .dd the green chile mi1ture and stir !ell$ then add the remaining chicken stock+ ,alt and pepper$ to taste$ and cook for a fe! minutes on medium heat+ .dd rou1$ and stir$ cooking until it thickens then remove from fire+ ;f not to be used immediatel%$ then store in Efridge+ 8eat onl% !hen %ou need to use it+

14 & 10 ' 2 1/' ounces ounces ounces cups ,alsa -- Old Hl Paso chunk% 2ream cheese -- softened Hnchilada sauce -- ?as Palmas 2hicken breast halves -- boneless Rice -- instant

"easure 1/2 cup salsa and drain+ Beat together !ith cream cheese and set aside+ ;n a 111G3 baking dish$ combine remaining salsa and enchilada sauce7 reserve 1/2 cup sauce+ ,tir in the rice and set aside+ Pound the chicken breast halves to about 1/2 inch thickness+ ,poon 1/' of the cream cheese mi1 into the center of a chicken breast half+ Roll up and place seem side do!n on rice+ Repeat !ith all the breast halves+ Pour reserved sauce over chicken+ Bake in a preheated &@0K oven for '@-40 minutes or until chicken is done+

2 2 1/2 1/' 1/' 1/6 1/' pound cup tablespoons tablespoons teaspoon teaspoon cup each each teaspoon teaspoons Ground Beef Onion7 (inel% 2hopped -- 1 "d Raisins -- (inel% 2hopped 2hopped Green Olives ,alt Pepper 2ottage 2heese7,m 2urd -- 2ream Hgg7?arge 8ard 2ooked -- C Hgg7 ?arge -- ,eparated >ater 10-;nch Pastr% Recipe -- 2 crust "ilk

1 1 1 2

C 8ard boiled egg should be peeled and chopped+ 2ook and stir ground beef in 10-inch skillet$ breaking up into small pieces$ until bro!n7 drain reserving 1 / of fat and the beef in the skillet+ ,tir in onion$ raisins$ olives$salt and pepper+ 2over and cook over lo! heat for @ minutes+ ,tir in cottage cheese and hard cooked egg+ 8eat oven to '00 degrees (+ "i1 egg !hite and !ater until slightl% foam%7 reserve+ Prepare pastr% dough7 gather into a ball+ <ivide into halves+ ,hape into 2 flattened rounds on lightl% floured cloth covered surface+ Roll 1 round of past% into circle$ about 1' inches in diameter+ 2ut into 11 or 12 circles$ & 1/2-inches in diameter+ ,poon on 2 t of the beef mi1ture at the center of each circle7 brush edge of pastr% !ith egg !hite mi1ture+ (old pastr% circle up over filling7 press edge !ith fork to seal+ place empanaditas on ungreased cookie sheet+ Repeat !ith remaining pastr% circles+ Gather an% remianing pastr%7 shape into another round+ Repeat rolling cutting and filling+ Beat egg %olk and milk until !ell blended7 brush over tops of empanaditas+ Bake until golden bro!n$ 1@ to 20 minutes+ ,erve !arm+

E!chi "d" &orte

1 1 1 1 2 1/' 1/2 1/2 1/2 pound medium teaspoon teaspoon 6 ounce can cup teaspoons teaspoon ' oD+ can cups ground turke%$ tha!ed if froDen onion -- chopped chopped green bell pepper minced garlic tomato sauce mild enchilada sauce chili po!der cumin mild chopped green chilies chopped #alapenos )opt+* flour or corn tortillas )43* grated 2heddar B "ontere% =ack cheese -- mi1ed sour cream lettuce black olives

' 2

2rumble tha!ed ground turke% in 1 1/2-2 -t+ casserole or bo!l+ .dd chopped onion and green pepper and minced garlic+ 2over !ith !a1 paper+ "icro!ave on 8igh for '-4 mins+$ stirring t!ice to break up chunks$ until not pink+ ,tir in tomato sauce$ enchilada suce$ chili po!der$ cumin and chopped green chilies+ 2over !ith !a1 paper+ "icro!ave on high for ' to 4 minutes+ ,tir once or t!ice until sauce is slightl% thick and hot+ /o .ssembleJ Put 1 of tortillas in bottom of deep 1 1/2 -t+ "icro!ave casserole+ /op !ith 1/' of sauce and 1/' of cheese+ 2over !ith !a1 paper+ "icro!ave on 8igh for &-@ minsutes+ 2ut into !edges+ ,erve !ith sour cream$ lettuce and black olives+

E!chi "d"s
2 1 1 6 2 1 2 1 10 cups cup teaspoon each cups each tablespoons cup ounces Ricotta Green onion 2umin /ortillas 2heddar Hgg 2hilies -- chopped 2heese -- #ack Hnchilada sauce

,tir first si1 ingredients together and fill tortillas+ Put in greased 6 1 12 glass pan+ Pour sauce over+ "icro!ave on high for 11 to 1& minutes$ rotating once+ 2over !ith cheddar cheese and cook on high 1 to 2 minutes+

E!chi "d"s (Red Chi i)

1 1 1 -uart pound each Red chili sauce Grated cheddar ?arge onion chopped (ried eggs )optional*

(r% corn tortillas in deep fat to soften+ ;mmerse in chili sauce and place on a !arm oven-proof plate+ ,prinkle !ith grated cheese and chopped onion+ 2over !ith red chili sauce and place another tortilla on top+ Repeat the process then pour enough chili sauce over them to cover tortillas+ /hree tortillas make one serving+ . fried egg is traditional on top of each enchilada+

' 2 1 1 1/2 cups cup teaspoon teaspoon 2hicken breast /omato$ canned -- mashed Onion -- chopped ,alt Garlic po!der ,alsa verde ,alsa ro#a ,our cream /ortillas -- corn Oil -----,.?,. 2O?OR.<O----2hiles$ red$ mild -- dried Oil Garlic clove -- minced ,alt to taste (lour -----,.?,. 5HR<H----/omatillos -- peeled Onion -- finel% chopped Oil ,alt Garlic -- chopped

2' ' 10 4 ' 1 1 1/2 1/'

tablespoons tablespoons pounds cup cup teaspoon teaspoon

;n large pot$ boil chicken in !ater to cover until tender7 reserve 2 cups broth+ <ebone and dice chicken+ .dd chicken$ tomatoes$ onion$ salt and garlic to reserved broth7 boil 10 minutes or until reduced enough for enchilada filling+ ,train+ 8eat a bit of oil in a small skillet7 press each tortillas into the hot oil a fe! seconds to soften them and make them more pliable to roll+ ,tuff !ith chicken filling+ Roll filled tortillas and place in baking dish+ 2over one-third of the enchiladas )long!a%s* !ith salsa verde$ the center third !ith the sour cream$ and the final third !ith salsa colorado+ /he result should resemble the "e1ican flag+ Bake at &G@ degrees until thoroughl% heated$ about 2@ minutes+ ,alsa coloradoJ >ash chiles$ stem and seed+ 2ook in boiling !ater to cover !ell 10 mins+ or until soft+ Remove and drain+ Reserve li-uid+ Place chiles in blender !ith reserved !ater$ and !hirl until %ou achieve a past% consistenc%+ 8eat oil in large skillet+ .dd garlic and flour and cook$ stirring until flour bro!ns+ .dd chile paste slo!l% to mi1 !ell !ith flour to a smooth paste+ >hen all the chile paste is added$ bring to a boil$ stirring constantl%+ 2ook until it thickens$ &' minutes+ /hin !ith !ater to a thick$ sauc% consistenc%+ ,alsa verdeJ Boil tomatillos in small amount of !ater until tender7 blend in food processor+ ;n skillet$ saute onions in oil+ .dd pureed tomatillos$ salt and garlic+

E!chi "d"s de Po
@ 1 2 ' 1 1/2 1/' tablespoons cup cup cups ounces cup tablespoon teaspoon teaspoon cups cup cups 4-inch

o 8 5ueso

1/2 1/2 2 1/2 1 1 1/2 12

butter chopped onions large bell peppers -- chopped cooked chicken -- chopped green chili peppers -- chopped all-purpose flour chili po!der coriander seed -- ground cumin seed -- ground chicken broth sour cream "ontere% #ack cheese -- shredded tortillas

"elt t!o tablespoons butter and cook onions and green pepper in it until softened+ Remove to a bo!l+ ,tir chopped chicken and green chilis into onion-pepper mi1ture+ "elt remaining & tablespoons of butter+ Blend in flour and seasonings+ >hisk in chicken broth+ 2ook$ stirring$ until sauce boils+ Remove from heat7 stir in sour cream and 1/2 cup cheese+ ,tir 1/2 cup sauce into chicken mi1ture+ <ip each tortilla in remaining hot sauce to soften and spoon chicken mi1ture into center of tortilla+ Roll up and arrange in 1& 1 9 1 2 inch pan7 repeat !ith all tortillas+ Pour remaining sauce over tortillas+ ,prinkle !ith remaining cheese+ Bake uncovered at &@0 degrees for about 2@ minutes+

E!chi "d"s )erdes (*ree! E!chi "d"s)

12 ' 1 1 ' 1 2 each tablespoons each tablespoon cups each cups cup 2orn tortillas Oil or lard 2love garlic (lour Green chili sauce ,alt to taste Grated cheddar or #ack chees "inced onion


(r% tortillas in fat to soften+ 8eat garlic in oil then discard garlic+ Blend flour into oil+ ,tir in green chili sauce and heat thoroughl%+ ;f mi1ture is too thick$ add !ater+ .dd salt to taste+ ?a%er tortillas !ith sauce$ minced onion and cheese on oven-proof plates+ ,prinkle cheese on top+ Use & tortillas for each serving+ Place in oven to allo! cheese to melt+ AO/HJ (or a real Ae! "e1ican touch place a poached or fried egg on top+ /he egg seems to help meld the flavors+

E!chi "d"s .ith @Refried@ Be"!s "!d &.o S"uce

1 / Olive oil 1 md Onion$ finel% chopped 1 md Green bell pepper$ cored$ ,eeded$ finel% chopped & lg 2loves garlic$ crushed 1 ts 2hili po!der 1 ts 2umin$ ground 1 ts Oregano 2 cn )1@oD* pinto beans$ drained .nd rinsed &/' c 2orn kernels 1/2 c 5egetable broth & / 2ilantro$ finel% chopped$ Or substitute parsle% 1/' ts Black pepper 1/' ts ,alt Aon stick cooking spra% 12 1 4 inch corn tortillas 8eated according to package <irections Hnchilada sauce )see recipe* ,alsa 5erde )see recipe* 1/' c Aonfat or light sour cream Optional ;n 12 inch nonstick skillet over medium heat$ heat oil$ add onion$ green pepper$ garlic$ and cook & to ' minutes until softened+ .dd chili po!der cumin$ oregano$ cook and stir one minute+ /o mi1ture in skillet add beans$ corn$ broth$ cilantro$ salt$ pepper$ bring to boil$ stirring+ Reduce heat to medium lo!$ cook @ to 10 minutes$ stirring occasionall% until most of li-uid has been absorbed+ "ean!hile$ heat oven to &@0 degrees$ spra% 12F6F2 inch baking dish !ith non stick cooking spra%+ Remove skillet from heat$ using back of spoon mash half of all the beans$ depending on te1ture desired+ Place one !arm tortilla flat on !ork surface$ spoon & to ' tablespoons bean mi1ture do!n center$ roll up+ Repeat procedure !ith remaining tortillas and bean mi1ture$ placing each enchilada as it is rolled up in baking dish+ ,poon salsa verde and red enchilada sauce over enchiladas and bake for 1@ to 20 minutes to heat thru+ ,erve immediatel%$ accompanied b% sour cream$ if desired$ and an% remaining sauce+

1 1/2 1/2 1/& pounds cup cup tablespoon teaspoons Boneless chicken breast Garlic cloves =alapeno peppers Olive Oil <r% ,herr% 2hili Po!der Ground cumin

1 2

,lice the chicken breast into long 1/2 inch !ide strips+ /o make a marinade$ drop the garlic cloves and #alapeno peppers through the feed tube of a food processor !ith the chopping blade in place and the motor running until chopped finel% )10 seconds or so*+ .dd the remaining ingredients and process until smooth )about another 10 seconds+* Pour the marinade over the chicken and let marinate for 2 hours at room temperature or overnight in the refrigerator$ turning occasionall%+ Preheat the oven broiler+ <rain the chicken$ reserving the marinade+ .rrange the chicken on a rack on a broiler tra% and broil & inches from the heat source for @ minutes7 turn$ baste !ith marinade$ and broil for another five minutes+ ,erve !ith !armed tortillas$ shredded lettuce$ shredded cheese$ chopped tomatoes and salsa verde+

F"mi 8 Secret S" s"

2 & 1 1 4 ' 1/' cloves medium tablespoons teaspoon cup !hole !hole tomatoes -- -uarterd garlic %ello! onion -- coarse chop lime #uice cumin salt -- to taste cilantro -- chopped #alapeno peppers$ fresh -- to taste habaneros peppers$ fresh -- optinal

(ill blender !ith tomatoes$ run at lo!est setting until no large chunks are left+ .dd remainder of ingredients and repeat running blender until no large chunks are left+ ,ample and add items to taste as necessar%+ ;f %ouEre not sure ho! something !ill affect %ou in the -uantit% given$ use the smallest unit of it at first$ then progressivel% add more until %ou are satisfied+ /his is reall% important !ith the habaneros+ /he salsa !ill be at its hottest right after %ou make it$ but !ill cool do!n the longer it sets+

@ & 2 1 "ulato peppers /omatoes -- coarsel% chopped 2l Garlic Oregano >hite pepper Beef tenderloin -- sliced in+ thick (resh mushrooms -- sliced Red !ine 2hopped parsle% Butter -- melted Olive oil

1/2 1 1/2 1/' 1/2 1/2 1 2 1

teaspoon teaspoon pounds pound cup tablespoon tablespoons teaspoon

1+ Remove the stem and core from the peppers+ ,plit open and remove the veins and seeds+ >ash in cold running !ater+ 2+ 2hop the peppers+ ,oak in hot !ater for 20 minutes+ &+ 2ombine the peppers$ soaking !ater$ tomatoes$ garlic$ oregano$ and !hite pepper in an electric blender and puree+ '+ ,immer the tenderloin$ mushrooms$ pepper puree$ !ine$ and parsle% in the butter and oil for 20 minutes+ AO/HJ /he seeds of peppers provide the fire+ ou ma% prefer to leave a fe! in+

F our &orti
' 1 1/2 1 1/2 ' 1 1/2 cups teaspoons teaspoons tablespoons cups


.ll purpose flour ,alt Baking po!der ?ard or shortening >arm >ater

2ombine dr% ingredients in a mi1ing bo!l+ 2ut in shortening+ "ake a !ell in the center and add !ater$ a small amount at a time$ to form a dough+ Inead dough in bo!l until smooth and elastic+ 2over and !et aside for ten minutes+ (orm dough into egg-siDed balls and flatter bet!een palms+ >ith rolling pin$ roll each ball into a 4 inch circle$ about 1/6 inch thick+ 2ook on preheated ungreased skillet over medium high heat$ appr1+ t!o min+ per side$ until tortilla looks slightl% speckled+ 2over !ith a clean to!el to keep !arm and soft until served+ /he tortillas ma% be cooled and stored in plastic bags in the freeDer for later use+

Fresh &om"to S" s"

& 2 2 1 1 1/2 1/2 each cup cup tablespoons tablespoons tablespoon teaspoon teaspoon /omatoes7 "edium -- C Green Onions !/tops -- ,liced Green Bell Pepper -- 2hopped ?ime =uice -- Or /o /aste 2ilantro7 (resh -- ,nipped =alapeno 2hile -- (inel% 2hop Garlic -- (inel% 2hopped ,alt


C /omatoes should be seeded and chopped )about & cups total* "i1 all ingredients+ "akes about & 1/2 cups ,alsa+

Fried &orti
6 each

" Chips

2orn tortillas ,alad oil

.rrange 6 corn tortillas in a stack and cut into 4 e-ual !edges+ Pour about 1/2 inch salad oil in a deep 2 or &--uart pan and set on medium-high to high heat+ >hen oil is hot enough to make a piece of tortilla siDDle$ add tortilla pieces$ a handful at a time$ and stir to separate+ 2ook until crisp )1 to 1-1/2 minutes*7 lift from oil !ith slotted spoon and drain on paper to!els+


1 1/& 2 & &0 pounds <ried black beans -- !ashed soaked overnight >hite onions -- halved 8eads garlic$ halved -- OR 10 garlic -- !hole ,alt to taste HpaDote OR cilantro leaves

Bring !ater to a boil in a large saucepan or cla% pot+ .dd beans$ onion$ and garlic+ 2ook at a slo! boil for 1 1/2 hours or until beans are done+ .dd salt after 1 hour of cooking+ Blend 1 cup beans in a blender or food processor !ith a little cooking !ater+ .dd bean mi1ture to remaining beans+ ,tir in epaDote+ ,erve beans !ith chopped green onion$ chile serrano$ chopped cilantro$ and tomato or !ith fresh cream and grated cheese+ "akes 6 servings+

1 2 1/2 pound large or cups teaspoon cups cups ,alt pork Onion -- chopped 2loves garlic -- minced pressed <ried black beans -- about 1 pound 2rumbled dr% epaDote leaves >ater Beef or chicken broth ,alt

2 1/2 1 @ '

2ook pork over medium high heat in a ' or @ -t+ pan until fat begins to melt+ .dd onion and garlic and cook$ stirring often$ until onion is soft )about @ min+*+ ,ort beans and discard debris7 rinse !ell+ .dd beans and epaDote to pan and pour in broth and !ater+ Raise heat to high and bring to boil+ Reduce heat$ cover and simmer for 2 to 2 1/2 hours )or until beans are tender*+ ;f beans are too soup%$ boil over medium high heat$ stirring often until thick enough+ ,eason !ith salt+ 4 to 6 servings+

Fri/o es Ne'ros "

2 12 2 1 1 1/2 1 1/' 1 1/2 pounds cups teaspoons teaspoon teaspoon pounds

" O"?"c"

black beans -- C see note !ater garlic cloves -- chopped onion -- chopped cumin seed salt black pepper ham hocks -- CC see note

/his dish takes about 10 hours to prepare$ so plan ahead+ C <ried pinto beans can be used$ but the recipe !ill lose its authenticit%+ CC Use about 1-2 pounds of meat% ham hocks+ Pick over beans$ !ash thoroughl% and drain+ Place in ver% large casserole+ 2over !ith the !ater7 add garlic$ cumin$ onion$ salt$ pepper and ham hocks+ 2over tightl% and bake at 2G@ degrees for about 10 hours$ or until beans are tender+ 2heck and stir a fe! times$ keeping beans from dr%ing out+ ,kim off fat before serving+ ,eason to taste+ AO/H, J . popular$ delicious dish native to Oa1aca$ "e1ico+

Fri/o es Refritos (Refried Be"!s)

& 1/2 tablespoons cup ?ard or bacon drippings Grated longhorn cheese

8eat lard or bacon drippings in fr%ing pan or saucepan+ .dd beans$ mash and simmer for @ minutes+ /op !ith cheese and serve !hen melted+ AO/HJ this along !ith green chili and/or salsa is a great burrito filling+

*ree! Chi e S"uce

2 1 1 1 1 1 1/2 tablespoons each cup tablespoon cup cup each Oil or lard 2love garlic )optional* "inced onion )optional* (lour >ater <iced green chili ,alt to taste

;n oil in a heav% saucepan$ sauteE garlic and onion+ Blend in flour !ith !ooden spoon+ .dd !ater and green chili+ Bring to a boil and simmer$ stirring fre-uentl%$ for @ minutes+

*ree! Chi e Ste.

& 1 & 2 1 1 1 ' 2 pounds cup each cup cups teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon tablespoon cup each tablespoons ?amb -- Boneless ,houlder Onion7 2hopped -- 1 ?arge 2loves Garlic -- (inel% 2hopped 5egetable Oil 2hicken Broth ,alt =uniper Berries72rushed -- <r% Pepper Unbleached (lour >ater Poblano 2hiles7 "edium -- C ?emon Peel -- (inel% ,hredded


&/' 1/'

/rim e1cess fat from lamb shoulder7 cut lamb into 1-inch cubes+ 2ook and stir lamb$ onion and garlic in oil in '--uart <utch oven until lamb is no longer pink7 drain+ ,tir in broth$ salt$ #uniper berries and pepper+ 8eat to boiling7 reduce heat+ 2over and simmer$ stirring occasionall%$ until lamb is tender$ about 1 hour+ ,hake flour and !ater in a tightl% covered container7 stir into lamb mi1ture+ Boil and stir 1 minute+ ,tir in chiles+ ,prinkle each serving !ith lemon peel+

*ree! Chi i9Cheese Souff e

1 & ' 1 & 1 1 pound ounces cup cups tablespoon tablespoon "ontere% =ack cheese eggs green chili peppers -- chopped buttermilk baking mi1 milk black olives -- C chopped sun-dried tomatoes -- CC see note

C Optional but highl% recommended CC ;f using oil-packed sun-dried tomatoes$ drain$ pat dr%$ and chop+ ;f using the dr% ones$ reh%drate in a little hot !ater for a fe! minutes$ drain$ pat dr% and chop+ /he directions specif% use of a food processor7 a blender !ill !ork but processing times must be increased+ 1+ Preheat oven to &@0 degrees+ Butter a 1-1/2 -uart souffle dish or baking dish+ 2+ (it the shredding disk into the !ork bo!l+ ,hred cheese+ Remove from the bo!l and set aside+ (it the steel knife blade into the bo!l+ 2ombine eggs$ chiles$ baking mi1 and milk in bo!l+ Process until mi1ed !ell$ 4-6 seconds+ ;f chiles are !hole$ process mi1ture until chiles are chopped into 1/'-inch pieces$ about 1@ seconds+ &+ Pour mi1ture into prepared dish+ .dd shredded cheese and stir gentl% to mi1 !ell+ Bake about 1 hour or until souffle is puffed and dr% on top+

*ree! Chi ies Re

10 10 1 1 1 2 each ounces cup teaspoon teaspoon cup cup each

e!os (Stuffed *ree! Chi i)

1/2 &/'

Green chilies roastBpeel ?onghorn or =ack cheese -----B.//HR----.ll-purpose flour Baking po!der ,alt 2ornmeal "ilk Hggs -- slightl% beaten

2ut cheese into slices 1/23 thick and the length of the chili+ "ake a small slit in chili #ust big enough to insert cheese)%ou can also poke in some slivers of onion at this point*+ <ip in batter and fr% in hot oil or lard until golder bro!n+ <rain and serve+ "a% be garnished !ith green chili sauce if desired+ /o make batter$ combine flour$ baking po!der$ salt and cornmeal+ Blend milk !ith egg7then combine milk and egg mi1ture !ith dr% ingredients+ .dd more milk if necessar% for smooth batter+ Using a spoon$ dip stuffed chilies in batter+

*ree! Rice
1 2 1/2 & 1 &/' 1/' cup tablespoons small cups cup rice lard onion -- finel% chopped poblano chiles chicken broth cilantro leaves -- chopped #uice of 1/2 lime salt -- to taste

<e-vein poblano chiles$ puree !ith 1/' cup !ater$ and strain+ ,oak the rice in ver% hot !ater for 1@ minutes+ <rain it7 rinse it in cold !ater7 then drain ver% !ell+ ,auteE the rice in hot lard for a minute or so+ .dd the onion+ >hen the rice sounds like sand as it is stirred$ add the pureed chiles and continue to cook until thickened+ .dd the broth$ cilantro$ lime #uice$ and salt to taste+ >hen the li-uid comes to a boil$ cover$ lo!er heat$ and simmer until tender$ about 20 minutes+


10 1 2 1 1 1/' each cup cup tablespoons teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon cup cup cup teaspoon teaspoon each 2hicken Breast 8alves -- C .chiote ,auce Base -- Belo! Orange =uice 5egetable Oil Basil ?eaves -- <ried 2innamon -- Ground ,alt -----.28;O/H ,.U2H B.,H----.chiote ,eeds -- ).nnotto,eeds* Orange =uice 5inegar -- >hite Red 2hiles -- Ground Pepper 2love Garlic

1/2 1/& 1/& 1/& 1/2

1 1

C /here should be 10 breast halves )about & 1/2 lbs* !hich should be boneless and skinless+ Place chicken breasts in shallo! glass or plastic dish+ "i1 remaining ingredients and pour over the chicken+ 2over and refrigerate for at least 2 hours+ Remove chicken from marinade and set the marinade aside+ 2over and grill the chicken t to 4 inches from medium coals for 10 to 20 minutes+ /urn the chicken7 cover and grill$ turning and brushing !ith the marinade 2 to & times$ until done$ about 10 to 20 minutes longer+ 8eat remaining marinade to boiling7 boil uncovered until thickened$ 6 to 10 minutes+ ,erve !ith the chicken+ .28;O/H ,.U2H B.,HJ 2over the achiote seeds !ith boiling !ater+ 2over and let stand at least 6 hours+ <rain seeds+ Place seeds and remaining ingredients in food processor !orkbo!l fitted !ith steel blade+ 2over and process until the seeds are coarsel% ground+ ,tore in refrigerator up to 1 !ee7 in the freeDer up to 2 months+ BRO;?H< 28;2IHA .<OBOJ ,et oven control to broil+ Remove chicken from the marinade7 reserve marinade+ Place chicken in greased rectangular baking dish 1& 1 9 1 2-inches7 pour half of the marinade over chicken and broil !ith tops about ' inches from the heat$ until light bro!n$ about 10 minutes+ /urn chicken7 pour the remaining marinade over the chicken and broil until done$ about 4 minutes longer+


1 2 1/' 1/' 1/' tablespoons teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon >hole chicken breast -- boneless B skinless 5egetable oil ,alt 2hili po!der )' pinches* 2umin Black pepper 2love of Garlic -- minced Problano 2hili 4-inch (lour /ortillas Grated cheddar cheese )mild -- or sharp* Grated chihuahua cheese or -- "onter% =ack ,alsa or guacamole -optional

1 1 6 2 1 cheese 1

cups cup cup

LAoteJ the serving siDe )2'* is the number of pieces %ou !ill get -not necessaril% ho! man% people it !ill feed+M 1+ 8eat grill or broiler and cook chicken until done )appro1+ @ minutes on each side*+ 2ool to room temperature and shred into 1/'-inch pieces+ 2+ Over gas burner or under broiler$ place poblano pepper and char skin until black all over$ rotate as necessar%+ Place pepper in a bag and close+ .fter about 1@ minutes remove pepper from bag and remove charred skin$ seeds$ and stem+ 2ut pepper into 1/2-inch strips+ &+ Place ' tortillas on table and top each !ith &/' cup of cheese$ a pinch of chili po!der$ 1/2 cup of shredded chicken and divided poblano strips+ /op !ith remaining tortillas+ '+ 8eat an 6-inch or larger skillet -- dr%$ no oil -- over medium high heat+ Place -uesadilla$ one at a time in skillet and cook until golden bro!n )about 1 minute* /urn over and cook another minute+ @+ ?et cool slightl% before cutting into 4 !hedges+ or guacamole if desired+ ,erve !ith salsa

Homem"de &"co S"uce

12 1 1 1 1 1 each cup teaspoon each teaspoon teaspoon 2anning tomatoes 2hopped green chili 2umino ,m onion ,alt Oregano

<ip tomatoes in boiling !ater$ peel and chop+ 2hop small onions+ Put tomato$ onion and chili in 4 -uart pan+ .dd seasonings and simmer for 1 1/2 hours+ Put in canning #ars+ Bath in hot !ater bath for &0 min+


2 2 2 1 ' 1 ' teaspoons tablespoons Olive oil Boneless chicken breasts -- cut into strips 2hili sauce =alapeno pepper -- seeded and Hight inch flour tortillas ,hredded 2heddar cheese 2anola oil or plain -- vegetable oil

cup teaspoons

Preheat the 2alphalon ,olo Griddle on medium heat on top of the stove+ .dd the olive oil to the hot pan+ Place the chicken strips$ chili sauce and #alapeno pepper in the pan and saute until cooked through$ appro1+ &-@ minutes+ Remove and reserve+ >ipe the pan clean+ Place the chicken mi1ture on one half of each of the ' flour tortillas+ ,prinkle !ith cheese and fold over to form a half circle+ .gain$ preheat the 2alphalon ,olo Griddle on medium+ Oil the cooking surface !ith one tsp+ 2anola oil+ Place a filled tortilla on the cooking surface+ 2ook until light bro!n+ /urn+ Repeat !ith the other three tortillas+ ,lice each tortilla into three !edges and serve !ith salsa and black beans+ ,erves '

Hot Chi e S"uce

2 1 1 1/' 1/' cups cup teaspoon each cup >ater 2hilies -- C Red >ine 5inegar <r% "ustard 2love Garlic Olive Oil

C ou should use 4 to 6 dried 2ascabel chilies in this recipe+ ;f the% canEt be found$ then use a 1/2 of a medium .ncho 2hile+ But the result !ill not be as hot+ 8eat !ater to boiling7 stir in chilies+ Boil uncovered @ minutes7 drain+ Remove stems+ Place chilies$ vinegar$ mustard and garlic in a blender container7 cover and blend until the chilies are finel% chopped+ Graduall% pour in oil$ blending until smooth+ "akes about 1/2 cup of sauce+

Hot Pic3 ed )e'et"6 es

' & 1 1 1/2 1 1 1/2 1/2 2 2 2 1/' ounces each cup cups cup cup cup cup cups cups tablespoons teaspoon Green Beans -- >hole 2eler%7 ,talks -- C 2arrots7 2 med -- CC 2auliflo!erets Broccoli (lo!erets Pearl Onions Peppers -- CCC 2oarse ,alt 2ider 5inegar >ater Black Peppercorns 2loves -- Ground

C 2eler% should be cut into 2 F 1/'-inch strips )about 1 1/2 2ups* CC 2arrots should be cut diagonall% into thin slices+ CCC Peppers can be canned or fresh+ Use ,errano or =alapeno 2hiles "i1 all ingredients in a large glass or plastic container+ 2over and refrigerate at least '6 hours but no longer than 2 !eeks+ "akes about 10 cups of vegetable relish+

Hue+os R"!cheros
& 2 1 2 4 1 2 tablespoons tablespoons clove tablespoons tablespoon tablespoons butter onion -- finel% chopped garlic -- minced green pepper -- finel% chopped eggs picante sauce mild salsa

"elt butter in large fr%ing pan+ ,aute onions$ garlic$ and pepper until soft+ Beat eggs until light and pour into fr%ing pan+ 2ook over ver% lo! heat$ stirring constantl%+ >hen eggs begin to harden$ add picante sauce and salsa$ continuing to cook and stir until eggs are set+ ,erve immediatel%+ ,erving ;deas J ,erve !ith flour tortillas$ grated cheese$ and salsa+ AO/H, J . great$ eas% brunch dish$ especiall% !ith Grapefruit-.vocado ,alad$ and /e-uila ,unrises+


6 2 1 1/' ounces cup tablespoons Boneless chicken breasts ?ime #uice >ater 2love garlic =alapeno (lavor Process -- 2heese Product ?ettuce Green onions /omatoes Ripe olives (lour tortillas

"arinate chicken breasts in lime #uice$ !ater and garlic+ Broil or grill chicken7 slice thinl% and serve in flour tortillas !ith other ingredients+ "akes 6 fa#itas+

," "pe!o Cre"m S"uce

1 1 2 each each teaspoons teaspoon cup cup =alapeno Peppers -- C 2love Garlic -- (inel% 2hopped 5egetable Oil ,alt Pepper -- <ash Of -----PU;2I 2RH"H (R.;28H---->hipping 2ream <air% ,our 2ream

1/6 1/& 2/&

C =alapeno peppers shoud be seeded and finel% chopped+ ou should use no more than 2 depending on ho! hot %ou !ant it+ 2ook chile)s* and garlic in oil over lo! heat$ stirring fre-uentl%$ until tender$ about ' minutes+ Remove from heat7 stir in remaining ingredients including the creme fraiche+ "akes about 1 1/' cups of sauce+ PU;2I 2RH"H (R.;28HJ Graduall% stir !hipping cream into sour cream+ 2over and refrigerate up to '6 hours+

1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1/2 1/2 pound cup teaspoon teaspoon cans package cups cup cup cup cup cup cup cup Ground beef Onion -- chopped ,easoned salt -- optional 2umin Refried beans /aco seasoning mi1 "ontere% =ack 2heese -- grated Green chiles -- diced 2heddar cheese -- grated ,alsa /ortilla chips Guacamole seasoning -- optional ,our cream -- optional 2hopped green onions -- optional ,liced olives -- optional

1/' 2/& 1/2 1/'

1+ 8eat skillet at med-hi temperature7 bro!n meat and onions+ 2+ <rain !ell in colander removing all grease+ &+ Return meat and onions to skillet add cumin and mi1 !ell+ '+ ;n a large mi1ing bo!l$ combine refried beans and taco seasoning mi17 blend !ell+ @+ .dd grated "+ =ack cheese to bean mi1ture7 mi1 together+ 4+ ,pread refried beans in shallo! rectangular 9 1 1& pan+ G+ cover bean mi1ture !ith bro!ned meat and onions+ 6+ ,prinkle chiles evenl% over meat+ /op !ith grated chedder cheese+ 9+ Pour salsa over cheese+)"a% be made ahead and refrigerated at this pointK<O AO/ (RHHNHQ* 10+ Bake uncovered in '00 degrees oven for 20 to 2@ minutes or until thoroughl% heated+ 11+ Place tortilla chips around edge of meat/beans dish and garnish as desired+


1 2 1/' 1/2 1/' 1/' 1/& pound cup teaspoon teaspoon cup /omatillos -- -uartered >ater 2love garlic -- !hole ,errano chiles ,alt Pepper 2ilantro leaves -- loosel% 2hicken stock -- if needed >hole chicken breasts ?ightl% salted !ater 2hicken stock Peanut oil 2orn tortillas ,our cream "oDDarella cheese -- grated

2 1 1 6 1 1 cup cup cup pound

Boil tomatillos in !ater !ith garlic$chiles$salt and pepper until soft$about 1@-20 minutes+ puree cooked sauce in blender to li-uef%+ >hile blending$add !ashed cilantro leaves+ ,et aside+ the sauce %ield is about 2and1/2 cups+ ;t !ill thicken upon standing and %ou ma% need to thin !ith chicken stock+ simmer chicken in lightl% salted !ater until tender about 10-1@ minutes+ 2ool chicken !ill be slightl% undercooked+ ,hred cooked chicken and then$#ust prior to serving$heat in 1 cup chicken stock+ /his !ill heat chicken !ithout overcooking+ ;n medium skillet$heat oil to &00 degrees+ Pass tortillas into hot oil for a fe! seconds to soften and seal+ Remove carefull% and set aside bet!een paper to!els+ <o this #ust prior to assembl% fill softened tortillas !ith shredded chicken and 1-2 tablespoons sauce+ Roll up and place seam-side-do!n in casserole+ Pour green sauce over top and garnish !ith sour cream and cheese+ place in &G@-degree oven @-6 minutes or #ust long enough to melt cheese+ AoteJ,auce ma% be made a da% in advance$but the dish is best !hen chicken is freshl% prepared+

1 2 9 1 1 1 1 ' 1/2 medium medium Onion chopped Red/green pepper chopped 2loves garlic minced 10 med mushrooms sliced -- thinl% 1@oD can ste!ed tomatoes -- !ith #uice (roDen corn kernels 1@-oD can black beans -- rinsed 2innamon -1 tsp+ oregano 2hili po!der)ma%be more* 2tsp cumin)ma%be more start -- !ith one* more of ca%enne (lour tortillas)not the huge -- siDe$ more if

1/2 1/2 1/2

cup teaspoon tablespoon or

%ou do

1+ >ater saute onion$pepper garlic$ until onion translucent+ 2+ .dd spices and let them coat the onion mi1ture+ &+ .dd mushrooms and let cook briefl% for 1-2 minutes+ '+ .dd can of ste!ed tomatoes and bring to simmer+ @+ Reduce heat and simmer for 10 minutes+ 4+ .dd corn and simmer for 10 more minutes+ G+ .dd beans and simmer for @ minutes+ 6+ >arm tortillas so the% are pliable$ and !ith a slotted spoon scoop mi1ture in tortilla$ roll$ and place on dinner plate+ >ith tablespoon$ take li-uid and pour over tortillas+ Repeat until done+ ,erves 2 -& people$ depending on side dishes and hungerJ* AO/HJ ,immering times are appro1imate$ but %ou essentiall% !ant to let it cook so the flavors have combined$ but not to reduce to a true ste!+ ;t should look a soup% ste!$ so that %ou have li-uid to put on tortillas+

Le!ti s .ith Chi iesA Por3A "!d Fruit

1/2 1/2 1 pound small pound )1 heaped cup* lentils -- bro!n if available >hite onion ,ea salt to taste /he porkJ Boneless ste!ing pork -- cut 1-inch cubes ,ea salt to taste /he seasoning and final -- cookingJ 2hilies anchos -- cleaned of and seeds and ?ightl% toasted /omatoes -- broiled Garlic clove -- peeled and chopped <ried oregano -- "e1ican if >hole clove ;nch cinnamon stick "elted lard or safflo!er oil Plantain )about 6-oD* -- peeled and cut into ;nch cubes /hick pineapple slices -- peeled$ cored$ and c ,mall triangular !edges

@ 1/' 1/' 1 1 1/2 1 1 1/' 2

small pound teaspoon

tablespoon medium

/he lentilsJ Run the lentils through %our hands to make sure there are no stones or other foreign bodies in them+ Rinse them in t!o changes of !ater and put into a pan+ .dd onion$ salt to taste$ and enough !ater to come about 2 inches above the surface of the lentils+ ,et over medium heat and bring to a fast simmer+ 2ontinue simmering until the lentils are -uite soft K about & hours$ depending on their age+ Ieep a pan of near-boiling !ater on the side$ read% to add if necessar%+ Put the pork pieces into a pan7 add salt to taste and !ater to cover+ Bring to a fast simmer and continue simmering until the pork is tender but not soft - about 2@ minutes+ ,train$ reserving the broth$ and set broth and meat aside+ 2over the dried chilies !ith boiling !ater and leave to soak for about 1@ minutes$ until the chilies have softened and become flesh%+ <rain and put into a blender !ith 1 cup of the reserved pork broth$ the broiled tomatoes$ garlic$ oregano$ clove$ and cinnamon7 blend until smooth$ adding more broth onl% if needed to release the blades of the blender+ 8eat the lard in a small fr%ing pan$ add the blended ingredients$ and fr% over medium heat$ stirring and scraping the bottom of the pan$ until reduced and !ell seasoned - about ' minutes+ .dd to the lentils and add the pork$ remaining broth$ plantain$ and pineapple7 simmer together for about &0 minutes+ .d#ust salt and add !ater if necessar%+ /he mi1ture should be like a thick soup+

Lime Butter S"uce

2 1 1/2 1/2 each tablespoon cup teaspoon Hgg olks -- ?arge ?ime =uice Butter -- AO/ "argarine ?ime Peel -- Grated

,tir egg %olks and lime #uice vigorousl% in a 1 1/2--uart saucepan+ .dd 1/' cup of the butter+ 8eat over ver% lo! heat$ stirring constantl%$ until butter is melted+ .dd remaining butter+ 2ontinue heating$ stirring vigorousl%$ until butter is melted and sauce is thickening+ )Be sure butter melts slo!l% so that sauce !ill thicken !ithout curdling+* ,tir in lime peel+ ,erve hot or at room temperature+ 2over and refrigerate an% remaining sauce+ "akes about &/' cup of ?ime 8ollandaise sauce+

1 1 2 1 22 1 1 1/2 can can teaspoons teaspoon cup cups )14-ounce* black beans -- rinsed and drained )6-ounce* ste!ed tomatoes 2hili po!der -- to & <ried oregano or ;talian her )4-inch* corn tortillas -- to (inel% chopped green onion -- including tops ,hredded =arlsberg ?ite chee

ProcedureJ "i1 beans$ tomatoes$ chili po!der and oregano in saucepan+ 2over and simmer @ minutes+ Uncover and simmer$ stirring and crushing some of the beans against side of pot$ @ minutes longer+ ,et aside+ >arm tortillas per package directions and keep !arm under a hot$ damp cloth+ Place 1 tablespoon of bean mi1ture on center of each tortilla+ ,prinkle !ith a rounded teaspoon of onion$ then a tablespoon of cheese+ (old opposite sides of tortillas on top of mi1ture t!ice$ forming s-uare packets+ Place fold sides do!n on non-stick pan+ Repeat until all ingredients are used+ 2ook over lo! heat$ covered$ & to @ minutes until heated through and bottoms are crisp%+ PresentationJ ,erve at once or keep !arm on a covered !arming tra%+ ieldJ "akes 4 to 6 servings )22 to 2' pieces*+

1 1/2 1 1/2 1/& 1/& & 1/' 1 & 14 ' 1 pounds cups cup cup tablespoons teaspoon tablespoons ounces ounces package

s co! 5ueso
ground beef bread crumbs onion -- chopped milk parsle% -- chopped pepper egg salad oil velveeta cheese green chiles -- chopped taco seasoning mi1 cornbread

"i1 first G ingredients and shape into 13 balls+ (r% in oil+ Remove cooked meatballs from skillet7 in same skillet$ on lo! heat$ stir in chilies$ cheese$ taco seasoning and &/' cup !ater+ ,immer till cheese is melted$ stirring constantl%+ Return meatballs to mi1ture in skillet cover and simmer until completel% heated throughout+ ,erve immediatel% !ith hot corn bread+

1 1 2 & 1/2 1/' pound pound teaspoon cloves cup

s I! Chipot e S"uce
ground pork ground beef ground cumin garlic -- chopped eggs bread crumbs salt and pepper -- to taste 28;PO/?H ,.U2H chipotle chiles -- pickled or en adobo tomatoes -- roasted B peeled chicken broth garlic cumin seeds dried oregano lard salt and pepper -- to taste

4 4 1 2 & 1 2

medium cup cloves tablespoon tablespoons

2ombine the pork$ beef$ ground cumin$ garlic$ eggs$ bread crumbs$ and salt and pepper to taste+ "i1 !ell+ shape the mi1ture into medium-siDe meatballs+ 2ook the meatballs in the 2hipotle ,auce for about 2@ minutes+ /o make the 2hipotle ,auce$ puree the chiles$ tomatoes$ broth$ garlic$ cumin seeds$ and oregano+ ,train+ ,auteE the puree in light lard and season !ith salt and pepper to taste+ Bring sauce to a boil+


' ' 2 2 2 1 1 1/' 1/2 cup teaspoon cups teaspoons teaspoons teaspoon teaspoon cup 2hicken breasts -- split Hggs Bottled taco sauce ,alt (ine dr% bread crumbs 2hili po!der Ground cumin Garlic po!der <ried !hole oregano -- crumbled Butter or margarine -- melted ,hredded ;ceburg lettuce ,hredded ?onghorn or 2heddar -- cheese /omato !edges <air% sour cream


Remove skin from chicken breasts and !ipe !ith damp paper to!els+ Beat eggs in a pie plate or shallo! bo!l !ith a fork7 beat in taco sauce and salt+ 2ombine bread crumbs$ chili po!der$ cumin$ garlic po!der and oregano in second pie plate or dish+ <ip chicken breasts in egg mi1ture$ then into crumb mi1ture to coat !ell+ .rrange in a single la%er in a large #ell%-roll pan7 driDDle !ith melted butter+ Bake in a &G@ ( oven for &@ minutes until crisp and tender+ /o serve$ pile shredded lettuce on a large serving platter+ .rrange the baked chicken on top+ Garnish !ith shredded cheese$ tomato !edges and sour cream+ ,erve hot$ !arm$ or at room temperature+ "akes 6 servings+


6 1 1/' 1/6 1/' 1/6 ounces teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon tablespoon cup cup /omato sauce Ground cumin Onion po!der Garlic po!der 2ocoa ,alt 2hili po!der 2hicken breasts7 boneless -- cooked$ chopped Rice 2heddar cheese -- shredded ,our cream Picante sauce /omato -- chopped )opt*

1 2 1 1

Prepare sauce in small saucepan b% mi1ing 2/& can tomato sauce and spices+ .dd chopped$ cooked chicken+ Put sauce on lo! heat and stir occasionall%+ Prepare rice+ >hen rice is done$ and remaining 1/& can tomato sauce to rice and stir+ /o serve$ place rice on plates$ topped !ith chicken-sauce and then shredded cheese+ ,erve !ith sour cream$ picante sauce$ and chopped tomato if desired+


1 2 2 1@0 ' 1 2 & & 1@0 teaspoon tablespoons tablespoons milliliters teaspoon tablespoons tablespoons milliliters 2hili po!der ,oft bro!n sugar >orcestershire sauce 2hicken stock ,kinless chicken breasts 2eler% salt Red !ine vinegar /omato ketchup <rops tabasco sauce Aatural %ogurt

"i1 the chili po!der !ith the celer% salt$ bro!n sugar$ red !ine vinegar$ !orcestershire sauce$ tomato ketchup$ chicken stock and tabasco sauce+ <eepl% score the chicken and arrange in a flameproof dish+ Pour over the chili mi1ture$ heat the grill to high and cook the chicken for @ minutes+ Reduce the heat and cook for 10 minutes on each side+ Baste the chicken thoroughl% !ith the chili sauce and grill for a further 10 minutes or until the meat is tender and the #uices run clear+ /ransfer the chicken to a !armed serving dish and spoon over an% sauce from the grill pan+ /op each portion !ith a generous dollop of natural %ogurt+ Garnish !ith coriander or parsle% sprigs and serve !ith a salad+


1 1 1 1 1 -10 1 1 1 1/2 1/2 tablespoon pound small small package ounce cup cup cups cup Oil 2hicken breasts -- cubed skinless Onion -- chopped Green pepper -- chopped (roDen s!eet corn -- tha!ed package 2hicken broth "ild salsa "inute original instant rice ,hredded 2heddar cheese

8eat oil in large skillet on medium-high heat+ .dd chicken$ onion and pepper7 cook and stir until chicken is cooked through+ .dd corn$ broth and salsa7 bring to boil+ ,tir in rice7 cover+ Remove from heat+ ?et stand @ minutes+ (luff !ith fork+ ,prinkle !ith cheese7 cover+ ?et stand 2 minutes$ or until cheese melts+ 2@ minutes7 makes ' servings+

1e?ic"! Chic3e! Ro
2 1 2 1 1 14 can tablespoons cup cup cup cup ounces cup

1/2 1/' 1/2 1/2

chicken breasts green chiles black olives -- chopped "ontere% #ack cheese -- shredded large egg -- beaten tortilla chips -- crushed vegetable oil -- not olive oil enchilada sauce -- canned tomatoes -- canned cheddar cheese

1+ 2hicken breastsJ split$ skin$ bone and pound to flatten+ 2+ 2rush the tortilla chips finel%+ &+ 2hop enough black olives for '-4 teaspoons+ '+ On each chicken breast place 1 chili$ 1 teaspoon or more of chopped olives$ and 2 tablespoons #ack cheese+ Roll breasts tightl% and fasten !ith !ooden picks+ @+ <ip each roll into the beaten egg$ then into crushed chips+ 4+ Use heav% skillet to heat oil7 bro!n rolls lightl%+ Place rolls in a shallo! baking dish+ G+ 2hop the tomatoes but do not drain+ "i1 !ith the enchilada sauce and pour over chicken rolls+ 6+ Bake in preheated &@0-degree oven for &@-'0 minutes+ ,prinkle !ith cheddar cheese and bake @-G minutes longer until cheese is bubbling+ ,erving ;deas J ,erve !ith chilled #icama slices and avocado halves+

1e?ic"! Churros
2 1 1 & 1/2 1/' 1/' 1/' cups cup cup teaspoon cup cup teaspoon 2anola oil !ater margarine salt all-purpose flour eggs sugar ground cinnamon

1+ 8eat !ater$ margarine and salt to rolling boil in &--uart saucepan+ ,tir in flour+ ,tir vigorousl% over lo! heat until mi1ture forms a ball$ about 1 minute+ 2+ Remove from heat+ Beat in eggs all at once and continue beating until smooth+ &+ 8eat oil to 1-1/2 inch depth in heav% skillet to &40 degrees+ '+ ,poon the dough into a decoratorEs tube !ith large star tip for authentic looking churros+ ,-ueeDe '-inch strips of dough into hot oil+ (r% & or ' strips at a time until golden bro!n$ turning once7 about 2 minutes on each side+ @+ <rain+ "i1 sugar and cinnamon in bro!n paper bag+ ,hake the churros in the sugar mi1ture+ AO/H, J 2hurros$ or 2rullers$ are to the ,panish and "e1icans !hat doughnuts are to .mericans for coffee breaks+

1e?ic"! Cor! Bre"d

1 1 2 ' 2 1 1 1 cup cup tablespoons teaspoons teaspoon cup cup tablespoon cup cup can cup cornmeal flour sugar baking po!der chili po!der eggs -- beaten milk butter -- melted #alapeno pepper -- chopped s!eet red peppers -- chopped onion -- chopped creamed corn "ontere% #ack cheese -- shredded

1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2

,ift dr% ingredients together+ Beat together milk and eggs+ Beat in melted butter+ .dd to dr% ingredients+ ,tir in remaining ingredients+ "i1 thoroughl%+ Pour into a greased 63 or 93 s-uare pan+ Bake &0 minutes at '00 degrees+


1 1 6 6 1@ 10 1/2 pound ounces ounces ounces ounces 8amburger ,mall onion -- chopped 5elveeta "ontere% #ack !/#alapenos 2an ste!ed tomatoes 2an mushroom soup

Bro!n hamburger and onion in skillet+ Place in crockpot$ on high heat$ add cubed cheeses and stir occasionall% until melted+ .dd tomatoes and soup+8eat through+ Reduce heat to lo! to keep dip !arm+

1e?ic"! Fiest"
2 1& 14 12 tablespoons ounces ounces cup cup ounces cup "argarine buttermilk biscuits -- refrigerated ,alsa -- /hick B 2hunk% "ontere% #ack cheese -- shredded Green bell pepper -- chopped green onion -- sliced black olives -- sliced/drained OP/;OA.? ,alsa

1/2 1/2 2 1/'

8eat oven to &G@ degrees+ "elt margarine in oven in 1&3 F 93 glass baking dish or non-aluminum pan+ /ilt to evenl% coat dish+ ,eparate the biscuits7 the cut each biscuit into 6 pieces+ Place biscuit pieces in large bo!l$ toss !ith salsa+ ,poon evenl% into margarine coated dish+ ,prinkle !ith cheese$ bell pepper$ onions and ripe olives+ Bake at &G@ deg+ for &@ to '@ minutes or until edges are deep golden bro!n and center is set+ ?et stand 1@ min$ 2ut into s-uares7 serve !ith 1 cup salsa if desired+


1/2 1/2 1 1/2 1/' 1/6 1 @ 1/2 1 1 1/2 1/6 2 1 cup cup teaspoons teaspoon pound cup teaspoons teaspoon teaspoon can 5egetable cooking spra% (reshl% ground ra! chicken 2hopped onion Ground cumin 2rushed red pepper ,alt )'-oD* chopped green chilies <rained )4-inch* corn tortillas -8alved )2 oD* shredded sharp -2heddar cheese Hvaporated skimmed milk 2ornstarch ,alt Hggs Hgg !hite

2oat a large nonstick skillet !ith cooking spra%$ and place over medium-high heat until hot+ .dd chicken and onion$ and cook until chicken is bro!ned$ stirring to crumble+ Remove from heat+ .dd cumin and ne1t & ingredients7 stir !ell$ and set aside+ 2oat a 9-inch pie plate !ith cooking spra%+ .rrange remaining tortilla halves$ overlapping slightl%$ around edge of pie plate+ ,poon chicken mi1ture into prepared crust$ and sprinkle !ith cheese+ 2ombine milk and ne1t ' ingredients in container of an electric blender7 cover and process until smooth+ Pour over cheese+ Bake at &@0 degrees for '@ minutes or until a knife inserted 1 inch from center comes out clean7 let stand 10 minutes+ ieldJ 4 servings

1e?ic"! L"s"'!"
2 1 1/2 1 1 2 1 2 10 1/' 1/' 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/' & ?b /sp /bsp 2an 2 Hgg 2 /sp /sp /sp 2 2 2 Ground Beef Ground 2umin 2hili Po!der )14 OD* /omatoes -- chopped ,mall 2urd 2ottage 2heese ?ettuce -- shredded 2orn /ortillas Garlic Po!der Red Pepper Black Pepper 2heddar 2heese -- grated /omatoes -- chopped Black Olives -- sliced Green Onions -- chopped

Bro!n ground beef and drain+ .dd cumin$ chili po!der$ garlic po!der$ red pepper$ pepper$ and tomatoes+ 8eat through+ 2over bottom and sides of 9 1 1& inch baking dish !ith tortillas+ Pour beef mi1ture over tortillas+ Place a la%er of tortillas over beef mi1ture+ 2ombine cottage cheese$ cheddar$ and egg+ Pour over tortillas+ Bake at &@0 degrees ( for &0 minutes+ remove from oven and sprinkle !ith lettuce$ tomatoes$ green onion$ and olives in diagonal ro!s over the top+

1e?ic"! Pot"toes
1 1 1/' 1/2 1/2 lb cup cup tsp tsp+ clove potatoes$ mashed -- coarsel% )' large* onion$ diced tomatoes -- diced fresh ground black pepper -- /o taste hot chili pepper -- to taste )1/2 to 1* salt to taste garlic -- pressed or minced

(r% all ingredients$ e1cept potatoes$ together for @ minutes or until the% are clear and tender+ ou ma% add oil or butter to %our taste+ .dd potatoes$ fr% until heated through+ Garnish !ith shredded cheese+

1e?ic"! 5uiche >

' 1 2 4 @ ' ounces cup cups each each teaspoon each 2hilies$ green -- chopped 2heese$ s!iss -- shredded 2ream -- light 2a%enne pepper Bacon slices$ cooked -- crumbl Hgg ,alt /ostaco shells


Put cheese into shells+ "i1 bacon !ith drained chilies and put into shells+ Beat eggs$ cream and salt+ Pour into shells+ ,prinkle ca%enne over top+ Bake at &@0 degrees for 2@ to &0 minutes+ 2ool @ minutes+

1e?ic"! 5uiche =
1 & 1 2 1 each ounces each teaspoon ounces tablespoon cup /ortilla -- 43 flour ,ausage Hgg ,alt 2heese -- #ack Green pepper -- chopped "ilk

1/6 1/'

8eat tortilla and place in small greased dish+ /op !ith half of the cheese+ 2ook sausage and pepper and add to dish+ "i1 together remaining ingredients and pour over dish+ /op !ith rest of cheese+ Bake at &@0 degrees for &0 to &@ minutes+


1 1/' 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 1/& cups tablespoons tablespoons cup cup tablespoons tablespoons tablespoons -----2RU,/----Rice -- long-grain Hgg !hites Olives$black$ripe -- sliced Green onion -- sliced -----(;??;AG----"ontere% =ack -- shredded 2hicken breast -- shredded Green chilies -- chopped Green onion -- sliced Black olives$sliced -- ripe -----OP/;OA.? /OPP;AG,----<air% sour cream Green chilies -- chopped Black olives -- sliced Picante sauce

1+ Prepare 2rustJ 2ook rice follo!ing package directions$ salt optional+ <rain to remove an% e1cess li-uid+ 2ool slightl%$ ?ightl% beat egg !hites in small bo!l7 stir in olives and green onion+ ,tir egg-!hite mi1ture into rice+ 2oat inside of 103 tart pan !ith removable bottom !ith nonstick vegetable-oil cooking spra%+ ,poon the rice into the pan to cover the bottom evenl% and make a high rim+ 2+ Prepare the (illingJ ,catter half the cheese over the crust+ 2ombine the chicken$ chilies$ green onion$ olives and picante sauce in a medium-siDe bo!l+ ,pread in the crust+ &+ Bake in preheated moderate oven )&@0E(* for 20 minutes+ ,catter the remaining cheese over top+ Bake for another 10-1@ minutes or until the cheese is melted+ ?et stand for 10 minutes+ Remove the pan sides7 place the tart on a serving plate+ Garnish !ith dair% sour cream$ chopped green chilies and black olives$ if %ou !ish$ and serve !ith additional picante sauce+

1e?ic"! S" s"

1 2 1 2 2 1 1/2 1/2 1/' each tablespoons teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon each teaspoon teaspoons each 6 oD+ can tomato sauce 2rushed red chili 2umin po!der Oregano ,alt Garlic cloves -- minced )or Garlic po!der* 5inegar =uice of half a lemon

2ombine all ingredients and mi1 !ell+ ?et stand for & hours+ H1cellent !ith tacos or as a dip for tortilla chips+

1e?ic"! Ste"3
1 2 2 6 2 1 1 1 1 1 pound tablespoons small cup clove tablespoon teaspoon teaspoon tablespoon round steak lard potatoes -- sliced green chiles -- roasted B peeled onion -- sliced tomatoes -- cooked garlic -- finel% chopped vinegar salt pepper flour


Rub vinegar on both sides of the meat+ Pound in garlic$ salt$ pepper$ and flour+ 2ut into small pieces+ Bro!n in hot lard+ 2ook until meat is tender+ .dd vegetables7 season to taste+ 2over+ ,immer until vegetables are tender+


2 1 1 2 1 1 tablespoon tablespoon tablespoons teaspoon ounce 2hicken breasts -- skinned and <ried bread crumbs Grated Parmesan cheese "ild green chilis -- chopped 2hili po!der Hgg -- beaten "onetere% =ack cheese -- cut t!o slices -- & 1 1 in+


"HF;2.A ,/U((H< 28;2IHA Preheat oven to &G@+ >ith kitchen hammer$ pound out breasts to 1/ ' in thick+ On each one$ place a /bsp+ of chilis and slice of =ack cheese+ Roll up an place seam side do!n in baking dish+ Brush !ith "i1 together bread crumbs$ Parmesan cheese and chili po!der sprinkle over the chicken rolls$ patting into place to form Bake for about 20 min- cheese inside !ill be melted and the nicel% bro!ned+ ,erves 2+ beaten egg+ and a crust+ crust

1e?ic"! Succot"sh
1/2 1/' 1/2 1/6 pound cup teaspoon teaspoon dash can can cup ounces ground beef chopped onion chili po!der -- )1/2 to 1* garlic po!der red or black pepper corn -- )G oD* drained tomato sauce -- )6 oD* corn chips -- slightl% crushed shredded cheddar

1 1 1 1 2

;n 1-t micro safe casserole crumble beef7 add onion+ "icro &min on high or until no longer pink7 drain+ ,tir in chili po!der$ garlic$ pepper$ corn B tomato sauce+ "icro @min on high7 stir+ ,prinkle !/ chips7 top !/ cheese+ "icro!ave 2 min on high or til cheese melts+ 2 servings+


2 1 1 1 teaspoons small small 1/' 1/' 1/' teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon pinch ounces tablespoons 5egetable oil Onion -- finel% diced =alapeno pepper$ seeded -- finel% diced 2love garlic -- minced Ground cumin <ried oregano 2hili po!der Ground coriander seeds Black beans$ rinsed -- drained >ater ,alt (reshl% ground pepper to -- taste .vocado$ pitted$ peeled -- diced Plum tomato -- diced ,callion -- minced "inced fresh coriander -- )cilantro* (resh lime #uice Grated lime Dest (lour tortillas -- !armed

1 14 &

1 1 1 2 1 '

1/2 tablespoon teaspoons pinch

GarnishesJ shredded romaine lettuce$ sliced red onion$ grated "ontere% =ack cheese$ and sour cream+ 1+ ,tir oil$ onion$ #alapeno$ and garlic together in 9-inch glass pie plate+ 2over !ith plastic !rap$ leaving one corner open for vent+ "icrocook on 8;28 po!er 1 minute+ ,tir in cumin$ oregano$ chili po!der$ and ground coriander7 microcook$ covered and vented$ 1 minute+ ,tir in beans and !ater7 microcook$ covered and vented$ 2 minutes+ /ransfer 1/2 cup bean mi1ture to blender or food processor and puree+ ,tir back into remaining beans+ ,eason to taste !ith salt and pepper+ 2+ 2ombine avocado$ tomato$ scallion$ fresh coriander$ lime #uice$ and Dest in small bo!l+ ,eason salsa to taste !ith salt and pepper+ &+ >hen read% to serve$ microcook beans$ covered and vented$ until ver% hot$ 1-& minutes+ ,erve beans !ith tortillas$ salsa$ and garnishes+

1oder! )ersio! of H"rdt"c3

2 1 2 1 1/2 1/2 cups cup tablespoon cups cup tablespoon >hite (lour >heat Germ ,ugar "asa 8arina Puick-cooking Oats ,alt ,esame ,eeds )optional* ,easoned ,alt )optional* 2ara!a% ,eeds )optional* Onion (lakes )optional* >ater .dd !ater+ "i1 !ith hands until

1 &/'


"i1 all dr% ingredients thoroughl%+ !ell- moistened but not stick%+

<ivide into ' parts$ roll out each -uarter until 1/' inch thick$ place on cookie sheet )each part should cover half a cookie sheet*+ Bake at &@0 for &0 minutes+ ,core !ith a knife before baking$ if desired+ Break into pieces as needed+ Ieeps indefinitel% in air-tight$ moisture-proof containers+ Nip-lock bags are good for carr%ing hard-tack in a backpack+

2 1 1/& 2 1 1/2 2 1 1 1 1 tablespoons cups tablespoons pound teaspoon cup teaspoon teaspoon ,alad oil Rice "inced onion Ground beef/chuck/hamburger ,alt 6 oD cans tomato sauce Beef bouillon cube 8ot !ater ,o% sauce ,alt

;n hot fat in skillet$ cook rice !ith onion and beef till golden bro!n+ .dd salt and rest of ingredients7 simmer$ covered until rice is tender+ "akes ' servings+

1 1 1 1 1/2 1 12 pound can cups cup ounces 8amburger Hnvelope taco seasoning mi1 -- like (renchEs /omato sauce >ater Grated cheese Bag baked tortilla chips

,aute meat in skillet+ .dd taco seasoning mi1$ tomato sauce$ and !ater+ Bring to a boil$ reduce heat and simmer uncovered 1@ minutes+ .dd tortilla chips$ mi1$ being careful not to break chips+ Pour into a 2 inch deep b% 6-inch round or s-uare baking disk+ Bake in '00 ( oven for 10-1@ minutes+ /op !ith cheese$ bake a little longer if desired+

1o!tere8 ,"c3 Cheese Bre"d

' & ounces cup teaspoon teaspoon cups tablespoon tablespoon tablespoon 1/2 1/2 1/2 1 1/2 1 1 1 "ontere% #ack cheese -- cut in 1-inch cubes eggs milk dried rosemar% dried basil buttermilk baking mi1 black olives -- chopped green chiles -- chopped dried tomatoes -- optional

C ,ubstitute either cheddar or ,!iss cheese for the "ontere% =ack+ 1+ Preheat oven to '00 degrees+ Grease an 6-inch pie plate+ 2+ 2ut cheese into 1-inch cubes+ (it the steel knife blade into the !ork bo!l+ Process cheese until chopped into 1/' inch pieces+ Remove 1/2 cup cheese from bo!l and set aside for topping+ &+ .dd eggs$ milk$ rosemar%$ basil and biscuit mi1 to cheese in bo!l+ Process until batter is smooth$ 10-1@ seconds$ stopping machine once to scrape do!n sides of bo!l !ith rubber spatula+ '+ Pour into prepared pie plate+ ,prinkle top of batter !ith remaining cheese+ Bake until bread is light golden bro!n$ about 20 minutes+ 2ut into !edges to serve+ "akes '-4 servings+

Chic3e! Fiest"
2 4 1 1 12 1/2 1/2 cups teaspoon cup head cup cooked chicken -- )boneless*7 chopped scallions -- sliced ground cumin picante sauce -- divided taco shells !armed according to the package directions iceberg lettuce -- shredded montere% #ack cheese -- )2 oD+*7 shredded

;n a medium-siDed saucepan$ combine the chicken$ scallions$ cumin$ and &/' cup picante sauce over lo! heat+ 2ook for @ to 4 minutes$ then spoon evenl% into the taco shells+ /op !ith the lettuce$ cheese$ and remaining picante sauce+ ,erve immediatel%+ AO/H, J 3 ou can use these same ingredients to make an eas% version of chicken fa#itas+ =ust roll the mi1ture in 12 flour tortillas instead of the taco shells+3

5uic3 5ues"di
1 1/2 12 1 1/2 flour teaspoons


#alapeno cheese -- )spread* softened tortillas vegetable oil -- plus e1tra if needed ,hredded lettuce for topping$ optional ,alsa for topping$ optional Guacamole for topping$ optional

,pread the 1/2 cup of the softened cheese spread on each of 4 tortillas7 tops !ith the remaining 4 tortillas+ ;n a large skillet$ heat the oil over medium heat and fr% the -uesadillas for 1 - 2 minutes per side$ or until golden bro!n+ Remove from the skillet and cut into -uarters+ ,erve the -uesadillas topped !ith shredded lettuce$ salsa$ and guacamole$ if desired+

AO/H, J 3;f %ouEd like$ %ou can use pita bread instead of flour tortillas+ =ust cut 4 pitas in half horiDontall%$ forming 12 circles$ then continue as above+

4 4 ounces each 2heddar 2heese7 ,hredded -- C =alepeno 2hilies -- CC /ortilla 2hips

C /here should be 1 1/2 cups of cheese+ CC =alapenos should be seeded and each cut into 4 slices+ ,prinkle each !ith 1/' of the cheese and 1/' of the =alapeno slices+ ,et oven control to broil+ Broil tortilla chips !ith the tops onl% & to ' inches from the heat until the cheese is melted and serve hot+

N"di!e%s Fiest" F "ut"s

desired removed/chop .vocado mashed cottage cheese$ can smooth in a blender -- if lemon #uice green chiles/roasted/skinned/stems/seeds -)or use froDen* oregano leaves -- crushed onion po!der garlic po!der corn tortillas

,prinkle avocado !ith lemon #uice to preserve color+ "i1 three parts avocado to one part cottage cheese and blend+ .dd green chiles$ oregano$ onion po!der$ and garlic po!der to taste+ (r% tortillas in shallo! hot shortening till softened and drain on paper to!els+ On heated griddle$ roll up tortillas !ith a fe! tablespoons of avocado filling+ 8eat through+ ,erve immediatel%+

Ne. 1e?ico Pi!to Be"!s

& 2 1/2 1 1/' 1 cups -uarts each pound teaspoon <r% pinto beans )1-1/2 lb* >ater "eat% hambone or ,alt pork or cubed bacon ,alt -- or more to taste

>ash and pick over the beans$ removing loose skins or shriveled beans+ Put in a large covered pot and cover !ith hot !ater+ ,oak over night if %ou !ant to cut do!n on cooking time+ >hen beans start to simmer add ham bone$ salt pork or bacon+ .dd more !ater as needed but onl% hot or boiling !nater+ Aever add cold !ater the beans !ill turn dark+ ;f %ou cook !ithout a lid the beans !ill also turn a dark color+ >hen the skins are almost as tender as the inside of the beans$ the% are done+ /he% should not be broken+ .dd salt and allo! to stand before serving+


& ' 2 & & ' 1 1 1/2 "ed+ green tomatoes 2oarsel% chopped /omatillos )small "e1ican Green tomatoes* -- coarsel% 2hopped =alapeno peppers )or more* ,tems removed and coarsel% 2hopped ,mall cloves garlic "edium ripe avacados ,prigs cilantro -- C ,alt or to taste ;mitation sour cream

teaspoon cups

C .lso called 2hinese Parsle% or (resh 2oriander+ Place green tomatoes$ tomatillos$ #alapeno peppers and garlic in a saucepan$ bring to a boil$ lo!er heat$ simmer 1@ minutes or until tomatoes are soft+ Remove from heat$ cool slightl%+ Peel$ seed and slice avocados$ set aside+ ;n food processor$ place part of the green tomato mi1ture !ith part of the avocados$ cilantro and salt$ cover+ Process until smooth$ turn into large bo!l+ Repeat !ith remaining green tomato mi1ture and avocado+ .dd to mi1ture in bo!l$ stir in sour cream$ cover !ith plastic !rap+ 2hill+ "akes @-4 cups+ AoteJ Real sour cream can be used instead of imitation+

O"?"c"! Nuts
2 2 2 1 2 tablespoons teaspoons pounds package teaspoons Olive oil Garlic salt 2anned mi1ed nuts 2hili seasoning mi1 )@/6-oD* H1tra-hot chili po!der

8eat oil !ith garlic salt+ .dd nuts$ reduce heat and toss$ using 2 spoons$ until nuts are !ell coated+ /ransfer to large bo!l+ Blend chili seasoning and chili po!der and add to nuts+ /oss mi1ture until nuts are !ell coated+ ,tore in airtight container and refrigerate for at least 2 da%s to blend flavors+ Auts ma% be froDen+ ;f froDen$ reheat at &@0( @ minutes+ "akes 2 pounds

P"! #u ce (S.eet Bre"d)

& 1/2 1/2 2 2 1 1 1/2 1 1/' 1 1 1/2 1/2 2/& c c pkg tbsp tsp c c c tsp c c (lour Po!dered milk .ctive dr% %east ,hortening ,alt Hgg ,ugar >arm tap !ater -----/OPP;AG----Butter Ground cinnamon or vanilla ,ugar (lour Hgg %olk

,tir together 1 2 of the flour$ the %east$ salt$ sugar and po!dered milk+ .dd shortening$ egg and hot !ater+ Beat at medium speed for 2 minutes+ .dd another cup of flour and beat at high speed for 2 minutes+ ,tir in remaining flour and mi1 !ell+ /urn onto lightl% floured board+ <ough !ill be soft and stick%+ <o not knead but gentl% turn dough several times !ith a spatula to lightl% coat !ith flour+ 2over loosel% !ith plastic !rap and allo! to rest 20 minutes+ "ean!hile grease 2 baking sheets and make topping+ /OPP;AGJ 2ream butter and sugar+ .dd egg %olk and cinnamon and blend+ .dd flour and mi1 !ell+ "i1ture !ill be crumbl%+ >ith floured hands$ divide dough into 12 pieces and shape into round flat buns+ Place on greased baking sheets+ ,prinkle e-ual amounts of topping over each bun and press lightl% into dough+ ?oosel% cover rolls !ith plastic !rap and refrigerate '-2' hours+ Remove from refrigerator$ uncover and let stand !hile preheating oven to '00 (+ Bake 1@ minutes+

P"p"8" Re ish
1 1 2 1 1/2 1/2 1/' cup cup each tablespoon cup tablespoons each Red Onion -- 2hopped Red Bell Pepper -- 2hopped Red 2hile7 ,mall -- C 5egetable Oil (resh "int ?eaves -- ,nipped ?ime =uice Papa%a -- CC

C 2hile should be seeded and finel% chopped+ CC Papa%a should be pared$ seeded and cut into 1/2 inch cubes+ 2ook onion$ bell pepper and chile in oil over medium heat$ stirring fre-uentl%$ until tender+ ,tir in remaining ingredients+ 2over and refrigerate until chilled$ about 2 hours+ "akes & cups of relish+


' 2 2 10 1 1/2 1/' ' -uarts tablespoons cups cups cup -uarts (resh hot peppers Prepared horseradish 2loves garlic -- !hole >hite vinegar Pickling salt 8one% Plus 2 cups !ater

2ut t!o small slits in each pepper+ ou ma% !ant to !ear gloves to prevent burning hands+ <issolve salt in ' -uarts !ater+ Pour over peppers and let stand 12 to 16 hours in a cool place+ <rain$ rinse and drain thoroughl%+ 2ombine 2 cups !ater and all remaining ingredients e1cept hone%7 simmer 1@ minutes$ then add hone%+ Remove garlic+ Pack peppers into hot #ars$ leaving 1/'-inch head space+ Pour boiling hot pickling li-uid over peppers$ leaving 1/'-inch head space+ .d#ust caps+ Process half-pints and pints 10 minutes in a boiling !ater bath+ ieldJ 14 half-pints or 6 pints+

Pi!" " S"uce)

1 & 1 & 1 1 1/' 1/' 1/' 1/'

Hor!o Co! N"ti

"s (B"3ed Pi!e"pp e .<

cup tablespoons cup pint teaspoon cup teaspoon teaspoon

pineapple sugar rum -- C see note butter or margarine --- Aatillas sauceJ ---light cream salt sugar eggs -- CC see note cornstarch vanilla e1tract

C Use 1 teaspoon rum flavoring instead of rum if desired+ CC Use 1 !hole egg and 2 egg %olks+ ?a% pineapple on side and cut a thick slice off one side$ being careful not to cut into the leaves+ 2arefull% scoop out the insides and cut into bite-siDed pieces+ ,!eeten the pieces to taste !ith the sugar+ "i1 in the rum or rum flavoring+ Put mi1ture back into shell and dot !ith butter+ >rap the pineapple$ including leaves$ !ith foil+ Bake for 20 minutes at &@0 degrees+ Replace the top$ serve !arm on prett% platter !ith the chilled sauce+ ,.U2HJ ,cald the light cream )or half-and half*7 cool slightl%+ .dd the salt$ sugar beaten !ith 1 !hole egg and 2 egg %olks$ cornstarch and vanilla+ 2ook in double boiler over simmering !ater$ stirring constantl%$ until smooth and slightl% thickened+ 2hill+

' 2 1 1 2 1 1/2 1/' cups cups cup cup teaspoon teaspoon each each >ater Pinto Or Black Beans -- 1 lb Onion7 2hopped -- 1 "d 5egetable Oil ,alt 2umin ,eed 2loves Garlic -- 2rushed Bacon -- ,lice

"i1 the !ater$ beans$ and onion in a '--uart <utch oven+ 2over and heat to boiling+ Boil 2 minutes and remove from the heat7 let stand for 1 hour+ .dd #ust enough !ater to the beans to cover+ ,tir in the remaining ingredients and heat to boiling+ 2over and reduce the heat+ Boil gentl%$ stirring occasionall%$ until the beans are ver% tender$ about 2 hours$ )add !ater during the cooking time if necessar%*7 drain the beans+ Beans can be covered and refrigerated up to 10 da%s+

P um B"r6ecue S"uce
1/' 1/' 1/' cup cup cup teaspoons ounces ounces Onion7 2hopped -- 1 small Butter Or "argarine 2hile ,auce "ustard -- <i#on-st%le Purple Plums7 1 cn -- C (roDen ?emonade7 /ha!ed -- 1 cn

2 14 1/2 4 C

Plums should be drained$ pitted and finel% chopped+

2ook onion in margarine in 2--uart saucepan stirring occasionall%$ until tender$ about 2 minutes+ ,tir in remaining ingredients+ 8eat to boiling7 reduce heat to lo!+ ,immer$ uncovered$ 1@ minutes$ stirring occasionall%+ "akes about 2 cups of sauce+

10 2 1 2 2 & 1 1 1 2 1/2 1/' 1/2

o E! Esc"6eche
teaspoon teaspoon cloves tablespoon large heads pounds teaspoon teaspoon

(Shredded Chic3e! $uc"t"!)

peppercorns ground oregano salt garlic -- crushed vinegar red onions garlic #uice of & bitter oranges C chicken legs and thighs !ater salt ground oregano 1catic chile CC habanero chile -- seeds removed serrano chiles -- seeds removed flour tortillas

C or mi1 1 cup lime #uice !ith 1/2 cup orange #uice CC or substitute %ello! !a1 hot Place the peppercorns$ oregano$ and salt in a spice or coffee grinder and grind to a po!der+ 2ombine this po!der !ith the garlic and vinegar and make a paste+ ,et aside+ Roast one of the onions and both heads of garlic in a &@0-degree oven for 20 minutes+ ?et cool+ Peel the remaining onion$ slice it into rings$ and marinate it in the bitter orange #uice+ Place the chicken in a stockpot !ith !ater to cover$ salt and oregano$ and simmer until the chicken is tender$ about &0 minutes+ <rain the chicken$ reserving the broth$ and transfer it to an ovenproof dish+ .dd the peppercorn paste and 2 tablespoons of the bitter orange #uice$ and bake uncovered at &@0 degrees until golden bro!n$ about &0 minutes+ Peel the roasted onions and garlic and combine them !ith the resreved chicken stock+ add the chiles and simmer for @ minutes+ .dd the marinated onion$ bring to a boil$ and remove from the heat immediatel%+ <rain the broth and reserve both the broth and the chiles and onions+ ,eparate the chiles from the onion and coarsel% chop them+ ,kin the chicken and shred the meat from the bones+ .dd the chopped chiles and the onion to the chicken and mi1 !ell+ Reduce the stock b% boiling to 1 1/2 cups and add it to the chicken mi1ture until the mi1ture is moist but not soup%+ ,erve the chicken !ith ,alsa Fcatic and ,alsa de .guacate )see recipes* on the side+


1 1 2 2 2 2 2 tablespoons 1/2 cup teaspoons teaspoons tablespoons ?emon -- #uiced Orange -- #uiced >hite vinegar >orchestershire sauce 2hili sauce ,ugar Garlic po!der /abasco to taste Oil

=ust marinate chicken in this mi1ture for '-2' hours+ Grill 20 minutes on each side+ ,erve !ith flour tortillas and fresh salsa+

1 1 2 2 2 2 1/2 1/2 1/2 cup teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon medium tablespoons cups 6 oD can tomato sauce Picante sauce Ground cumin Garlic salt Oregano -- crushed >hole chicken breasts -- boned$ skinned and s ,alt and pepper as desired Onions -- cut into 1/23 !edges 5egetable oil Nucchini -- cut into 1/23 1 medium -- Ducchini*

,ourceJ ".;APOU?+N;P 2ombine tomato sauce$ picante sauce$ cumin$ garlic salt and oregano7 mi1 !ell+ 2ut chicken into 13 pieces7 sprinkle !ith salt and pepper+ 2ook chicken and onions in oil in large skillet over medium heat$ stirring fre-uentl%$ until chicken is lightl% bro!ned and almost cooked through$ about @ to G minutes+ ,tir tomato sauce mi1ture into skillet7 mi1 !ell+ ,tir in Ducchini+ 2over and simmer @ minutes+ Uncover7 cook and stir about 1 minute to thicken sauce$ if necessar%+ ,erve !ith additional picante sauce+ ,erves '+

Por3 Ste. :ith Cor! Bre"d &oppi!'

1 1 1 each each pound pound cup each cup tablespoon tablespoon teaspoons cup cup each ounces cups cup cup cup cup teaspoons teaspoon teaspoon each Red Bell Pepper -- ,mall ello! Bell Pepper -- ,mall Pork7 Boneless ?oin -- C 2horiDo ,ausage -- Bulk Onion7 2hopped -- 1 ?arge 2loves Garlic -- (inel% 2hopped Beef Broth Basil ?eaves -- <ried 2ilantro ?eaves -- <ried Red 2hiles -- Ground 2orn -- >hole Iernel /omato7 2hopped -- 1 "edium ,-uash7 ,mall -- CC ,liced Ripe Olives -- <rained -----2ORA BRH.< /OPP;AG----2ornmeal -- ello! Unbleached (lour <air% ,our 2ream "ilk 5egetable Oil Baking Po!der Baking ,oda ,alt Hgg -- ?arge -----G.RA;,8----(resh /omato ,alsa -- CCC

1/2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1/' 1 1/2 1/2 1 2/& 1/' 2 1/2 1/2 1

C "eat should be cut into 1-inch cubes+ CC Use 1 small butternut or acorn s-uash$ pared and cut into 1/2-inch ,eed peppers and cut @ thin slices from each pepper and reserve+ 2hop remaining bell peppers )about 1/2 cup each*+ 2ook pork$ sausage$ onion and garlic in '--uart <utch oven over medium heat$ stirring occasionall%$ until pork is no longer pink7 drain+ ,tir in chopped bell peppers$ broth$ basil$ cilantro and ground red chiles+ 8eat to boiling7 reduce heat+ 2over and simmer &0 minutes$ stirring occasionall%+ ,tir corn$ tomato$ s-uash and olives into meat mi1ture7 cook another 1@ minutes+ 8eat oven to '2@ degrees (+ Prepare 2ornbread /opping+ Pour meat mi1ture into ungreased rectangular baking dish$ 1& F 9 F 2-inches$ or &--uart shallo! casserole+ Pour 2orn Bread /opping over meat mi1ture7 carefull% spread to cover$ sealing to edge of dish+ .rrange reserved bell pepper slices on top+ golden bro!n$ 1@ to 20 minutes+ Bake until topping is

,erve !ith (resh /omato ,alsa+ 2ORA BRH.< /OPP;AGJ "i1 all ingredients7 beat vigorousl% for &0 seconds+

Pump3i! Seed S"uce

1 1 1 2 2 1' 1/' cup cup each each tablespoons tablespoons ounces cup Pumpkin ,eeds -- ,helled Onion7 2hopped -- 1 sm Bread7 >hite -- ,lice C 2love Garlic -- 2rushed 5egetable Oil Green 2hiles7 2hopped -- 2anned 2hicken Broth -- 2anned >hipping 2ream <ash ,alt


,lice of !hite bread should be torn into small pieces+

2ook pumpkin seeds$ onion$ bread$ and garlic in oil$ stirring fre-uentl%$ until bread is golden bro!n+ ,tir in chiles+ Place mi1ture in food processor !orkbo!l fitted !ith steel blad7 cover and process until smooth+ ,tir in broth$ !hipping cream and salt+ "akes about & cups of sauce+ B?HA<HR "H/8O<J Place pumpkin seed mi1ture and about half the broth in blender container7 cover and blend until smooth+ ,tir in remaining broth$ the !hipping cream and salt+

5ue ites (Spi!"ch .ith Be"!s)

& 1 1 1/2 1 1/' 1 1/2 1 tablespoons tablespoon cups tablespoon teaspoon pounds each Onion -- chopped Bacon drippings Prepared pinto beans 2hili seeds ,alt 2ooked fresh spinach Boiled egg -- sliced salt and spinach+ ,immer for serve+ AO/HJ (roDen or canned Puelites is the name for !ild fresh spinach has been

,auteE onion in fat and add beans$ chili$ 10 minutes+ .dd egg slices as garnish and spinach ma% be substituted for the fresh+ spinach but since this difficult to find$ substituted+

5uic3 "!d E"s8 &"cos

1 10 1 1/2 &/' cup pound cup cup 5elveeta salsa <ip Ground beef -- cooked drained /aco shells ?ettuce /omato

,tir 5elveeta cheese spread salsa dip into cooked meat+ (ill taco shells !ith meat mi1ture$ /op !ith lettuce and tomato


2 1 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/' 1 1/' & 1 1 teaspoons teaspoons teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon can cup pound can 2ocoa po!der -- uns!eetened 2hili po!der 2umin -- ground Oregano -- dried crushed ,alt /omato sauce -- 6-oD can Onion -- finel% chopped Garlic cloves -- minced 2hicken breast halves Boneless$ skinless -- cut into Bite-siDed strips Green chili peppers$ ' oD <iced -- drained .lmonds -- toasted sliced )opt (lour tortillas or hot -- cooked rice /omato -- chopped )optl* ?ettuce -- shredded )optl* .vocado -- sliced )optl*

;n a 1-1/2 -uart micro!ave-safe casserole$ combine cocoa po!der$ chili po!der$ cumin$ oregano and salt+ ,tir in tomato sauce$ onion and garlic+ "icro-cook$ covered$ on 100R po!er )high* for 2 to & minutes or until mi1ture is bubbl% around edges$ stirring once+ ,tir in chicken and chili peppers+ 2over7 cook on high for 6 to 10 minutes )10 to 12 minutes for lo!-!attage ovens* or until chicken is tender and no longer pink inside$ stirring ever% & minutes+ Garnish !ith almonds$ if desired+ ,erve !ith !arm tortillas or hot cooked rice$ tomato$ lettuce and avocado$ if desired+

R"dish A!d Ci "!tro Re ish

2 & 2 2 2 1/2 cups cup tablespoons tablespoons tablespoons tablespoons teaspoon teaspoon Radishes -- /hinl% ,liced Onion7 2hopped -- 1 "ed Orange =uice ?ime =uice (resh 2ilantro -- (ine ,nipped 5egetable Oil ,alt Pepper -- (reshl% Ground 2over and refrigerate at

1/' 1/6

"i1 all ingredients in glass or plastic bo!l+ least 1 hour+ "akes & cups of relish+

Red Chi i S"uce

14 1 2 1 each each each each <ried red chili pods 8ot >ater 2loves garlic ,alt to taste

Open each dried red chili pod+ >ash !ell inside and out and remove blemishes+ Remove stems$ seeds and veins from the pods+ (or hotter chili leave some veins+ Rinse !ith cold !ater and soak in hot !ater for one hour or until soft+ Place the pods in an electric blender )or food processor* and add enough !ater to almost cover them$ leaving about t!o inches head space+ Blend until smooth and skins disappear$ about 2-& minutes+ ;f sauce seems to be too thick$ add more !ater and blend for another 1 minute or until skins disappear+ .dd 2 cloves garlic and process until !ell blended+ ,alt to taste+

Red E!chi "d" S"uce

10 1 1/2 ' 1/' 1 1 1/2 1 1 1 each teaspoons each teaspoon teaspoon teaspoons each each tablespoon ?arge red chile pods (lour Garlic cloves 2umino 2ilantro )optional* Bacon drippings ,mall onion chopped ,alt and pepper to taste Oregano

Boil chile pods in small sauce pan !ith 6-12 oD of !ater until soft+ Place chiles$ oregano$ onions$ garlic and salt and pepper in blender+ ?i-uef% mi1ture+ ;n a 2 -t+ sauce pan heat bacon drippings and bro!n flour+ chile mi1ture and simmer for &0-'@ minutes+ .dd the

Red Pepper9Sour Cre"m S"uce

& 1 1 C 1/2 each each cup teaspoon Red Bell Peppers -- C Red =alapeno Pepper -- C <air% ,our 2ream ,ugar

Peppers should be roasted and peeled+

Place bell peppers and chile in food processor !orkbo!l fitted !ith steel blade or in a blender container7 cover and process until !ell blended+ ,tir in sour cream and sugar+ "akes about 2 cups of sauce

Refried Be"! B"3e =

1 1 1 ' 1 1/2 1 1/6 1 can large cups teaspoon teaspoon #ar refried beans -- 14-oD onion -- finel% chopped green bell pepper -- finel% chopped eggs cheddar cheese$ shredded -- 4-oD chili po!der garlic po!der salsa -- 12-oD

"i1 beans$ onion$ green pepper$ eggs$ &/' cup of the cheese$ chili po!der and garlic po!der+ Blend !ell+ Pour into ungreased 91912inch pan+ ,prinkle !ith remaining cheese+ Bake$ uncovered$ in &@0 degree oven about &0 minutes or until hot and firm+ 8eat salsa$ stirring occasionall%7 serve !ith beans+ /r% this dish for breakfast or brunch+ ,erve !ith !armed tortillas and fresh orange slices+ (or brunch or supper$ add some chopped green chilies )canned* sliced black olives and ma%be some marinated canned red peppers before baking+ ,erve !ith avocado slices sprinkled !ith lime or lemon #uice and some #icama slices dipped lightl% in paprika+


2 2 2 &0 1 1 1/' cup each each tablespoons ounces each teaspoon teaspoon Onion7 2hopped -- 1 ,m =alapeno 2hiles -- C 2loves Garlic -- (inel% 2hopped 5egetable Oil Black Beans7 Undrained -- 2 2n 2hipotle 2hile -- CC Red 2hiles -- Ground ,alt


C /he =alapeno peppers should be seeded$ !ith care$ and finel% chopped+ CC /he 2hipotle 2hile should be one that has been canned in .dobo ,auce and it should be chopped+ 2ook and stir the onion$ #alapeno peppers$ and the garlic in the oil in a 10-inch skillet over medium heat until the onion is tender+ ,tir in the remaining ingredients and mash the beans+ 2ook$ uncovered$ stirring occasionall%$ until thick$ about 1@ minutes+ ,erve+


& 1 1/& & 1 1 cups cups 2ooked bro!n rice )1 1/2 -- cups uncooked*$ cook ,alt and pepper 2ooked black beans or -- blacke%ed peas$ pint Htc+ )about 1/2 cup -- uncooked* 2loves garlic -- minced Onion -- chopped 2an chiles -- chopped Ricotta cheese -- thinned !ith little lo! fat milk or ogurt until spreadable ,hredded "onterre% =ack -- cheese ,hredded cheddar cheese

1/2 &/' 1/2

large small pound pound cup

Garnishes )optional*J chopped black olives$ onions$ fresh parsle% Preheat oven to &@0 degree (+ "i1 together rice$ beans$ garlic$ onion$ and chilies+ ;n a casserole$ spread alternating la%ers of the ricebeans mi1ture$ ricotta cheese$ and #ack cheese$ ending !ith a la%er of rice and beans+ Bake for &0 minutes+ <uring the last fe! minutes of baking$ sprinkle cheddar cheese over the top+ Garnish before serving+

Ro"sted &om"to S"uce

1 2 1 2 1/2 1/' cup cup tablespoon pounds tablespoon teaspoons teaspoon teaspoon Onion7 2hopped -- 1 "edium 2arrot -- (inel% 2hopped 5egetable Oil /omatoes -- Roasted B Peeled Basil ?eaves7 (resh -- ,nipped ,ugar ,alt Ground Red Pepper

1/' 1/'

2ook onion and carrot in oil over medium heat$ stirring occasionall%$ until tender+ 2ut tomatoes into fourths7 drain+ Place onion$ carrot$ tomatoes and remaining ingredients in food processor !ork bo!l fitted !ith steel blade or in blender container7 cover and process until !ell blended+ ,erve !arm or cold+ "akes about & 1/2 cups sauce+

S" s" #e A'u"c"te (A+oc"do S" s")

& 2 2 2 & 1 cups large cloves small tomatillos -- husks removed !ater avocados -- peeled and chopped habanero chile -- chopped garlic onion -- chopped

2ombine the tomatillos and !ater and boil until the% are soft$ about 10 - 12 minutes+ <rain and discard the !ater+ Puree all the ingredients in a blender or food processor$ adding a little !ater if needed to make the salsa smooth and cream%+ ,erve !ith tostadas or on a bed of greens for a salad+

S" s" #e ,itom"te Cocid" (Coo3ed &om"to S"uce)

& 1 2 1/' 1/' "edium ,mall 2love /ablespoons /easpoon /omatoes -- broiled Onion -- roughl% chopped Garlic -- peel B roughl% chop Peanut Oil ,alt -- or to taste

/o broil tomatoesJ "an% "e1ican recipes call for tomatoes to be asodos )roasted*+ /raditionall% the% are put onto a hot comal and cooked until the skin is !rinkled and bro!n and the flesh is soft right through -- this takes about 20 to 2@ minutes for an 6-ounce tomato+ 8o!ever$ since this method is ver% mess%$ it is best to line a shallo! metal pan !ith foil and put the tomatoes in it+ Place them under a hot broiler -- do not have the flame too high or the tomato !ill burn !ithout cooking through -- and turn them from time to time so that the% cook through evenl% -the skin !ill be blistered and charred+ . medium tomato !ill take about 20 minutes+ Blend the tomato$ skin$ core$ and seeds to a fairl% smooth sauce+ /he skin and core give both bod% and flavor to the sauce+ .nd never mind if the skin is charredJ that adds character$ too+ ;f the skin is ver% badl% blackened and hard in places$ then remove a little of it+ /his method of cooking tomatoes makes for a ver% rich-flavored sauce+ 8eat the oil$ add the blended tomatoes and salt$ and cook over a medium flame for about 6 minutes until it has thickened and is !ell seasoned+

S" s" Suprem"

1 1 2 1 each each each each teaspoon teaspoon ?arge tomato -- chopped "edium onion -- chopped (resh green chilies -- chopped Or ' oD can green chili Garlic salt "onosodium glutamate)option* ,alt to taste

1/2 1/2

2ombine all ingredients and chill$ covered$ in refrigerator at least one hour+

S" s" )erde

1/2 1/' 1& ' 1 cup cup ounces ounces teaspoon teaspoon Garlic cloves ,callions Parsle% leaves 2ilantro Pickled #alapeno pepper /omatillos )fresh or canned* "ild green peppers )chopped* 8ot pepper sauce ,alt )or to taste*


<rop the garlic through the feed tube of a food processor !ith the metal blade in place and motor running to chop finel% )about 10 seconds+* .dd the scallions$ parsle%$ cilantro$ and #alapeno and chop finel% )about 4 pulses of the motor*+ .dd the tomatillos and process until pureed$ about @ seconds+ .dd the remaining ingredients and pulse 2 times to mi1+ Refrigerate$ covered+

1 1 1 1/' can cup tablespoon teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon "e1ican green tomatoes )10oD* -- drained Onions -- finel% chopped 2ilantro7 coarsel% chopped -- C 2anned ,errano chilis <rained$ rinsed -- and (inel% chopped Garlic -- finel% chopped ,alt (reshl% ground black pepper

1/' 1/2 1/6

C .lso called 2hinese Parsle% or (resh 2oriander+ ;n a small bo!$ combine the tomatoes$ onions$ coriander$ chili$ garlic$ salt and pepper to taste+ "i1 gentl%$ but thoroughl% together+ /aste for seasoning+ Refrigerate if not to be used immediatel%+ ;t !ill onl% keep for a couple of da%s+ ieldJ 1 cup+

S" s" 7c"tic

9 1 2 1/' 1/2 medium cup teaspoon tablespoons 1catic chiles C -- finel% chopped !hite onions -- finel% chopped vegetable oil salt !hite vinegar freshl% ground black pepper -- to taste

C or substitute %ello! !a1 hot or guero chiles+ ucatan is identified !ith its native fier% chile$ the 8abanero$ and the lesser kno!n chile 1catic$ )pronounced sch-I.-tik*+ ,imilar to a chile guero$ it is pale green$ much hotter$ and resembles the Ae! "e1ican chile in shape and siDe+ ,aute the chiles and onion in the oil for 20 minutes at lo! heat+ Place in a blender !ith the remaining ingredients and puree until smooth+ ,erve over grilled meats$ poultr%$ or seafood+

,an .ntonio ,t%le 2hicken >ings 12 1 cup cup cup teaspoon cup 2hicken !ings Pace picante sauce 2atsup 8one% 2umin -- ground ,our cream -- dair%

1/& 1/' 1/' 2/&

2ut !ings in half at #oints7 discard !ing tips+ 2ombine 1/& cup of the picante sauce$ catsup$ hone% and cumin7 pour over chicken+ Place in refrigerator7 marinate at least 1 hour$ turning once+ <rain chicken$ reserving marinade+ Place on rack of foil-lined broiler pan+ Bake at &G@(+ for &0 minutes+ Brush chicken !ith reserved marinade7 turn and bake$ brushing generousl% !ith marinade ever% 10 minutes$ until tender$ about &0 minutes+C Place 4 inches from heat in preheated broiler7 broil 2 to & minutes or until sauce looks dr%+ /urn7 broil 2 to & minutes or until sauce looks dr%+ ,poon sour cream into small clear glass bo!l7 top !ith remaining 2/& cup picante sauce+ ,erve !ith chicken+ "akes 2' appetiDers+C.t this point$ chicken ma% be refrigerated up to 2' hours+ /o serve$ place 4 inches from heat in preheated broiler7 broil ' to @ minutes+ /urn7 broil ' to @ minutes or until heated through+

S"!t" Fe S"uce
2 1 1 & ' teaspoon 1/2 1/' 1/2 cup cup tablespoons teaspoon garlic cloves hot chili peppers -- small siDe red pepper flakes tomatoes -- C see note chopped onions green peppers -- minced peanut oil salt -- to taste

C Use drained canned tomatoes if fresh are not available+ >hen preparing the hot chili$ it is advised that %ou !ear rubber gloves and be careful to avoid getting the #uice of the pepper near %our e%es+ 1+ ,plit the chiles$ remove seeds$ finel% chop7 set aside+ Peel the garlic cloves and mince finel%+ "ince the green s!eet bell pepper+ ,eed the tomatoes b% cutting in half and gentl% s-ueeDe to release some of the seeds+ 2hop the tomatoes into small chunks$ or drain canned tomatoes thoroughl% and chop+ 2+ 2ombine the tomatoes$ garlic$ chili peppers$ green bell peppers$ salt and red pepper flakes in small saucepan+ .dd 2 cups hot !ater7 cover pan and simmer for about 10-1' minutes+ &+ 8eat the oil in a heav% skillet over medium heat7 add the chopped onions+ ,aute #ust until tender$ about &-' minutes$ stirring occasionall%+ '+ Place the tomato mi1ture into a blender and puree+ .dd the pureed mi1ture to onions in skillet+ ,immer over lo! heat$ uncovered$ for about 10-12 minutes or until sauce has thickened+ "ake this sauce and use for an% purpose such as over scrambled eggs$ roast chicken$ cheese or chicken enchiladas+ ,erving ;deas J >ith scrambled eggs$ enchiladas$ chicken$ cheese souffle+

& Or ' half chicken breasts -- boned and skinned$ 2ut into pieces

,avor% 2hicken is so fast and so good %ou !ill #ust !ant to stand and eat it out of the pan+ )8ome ,pice BlendJ use appro1imatel% the measurements belo! for spices+ (or the spice blend$ combine cumin$ ca%enne pepper$ th%me$ garlic and onion po!ders$ salt and flour+ ;ncrease the spice amounts if %ou are cooking more than 2 1/2 pounds of chicken+* 1 tsp cumin po!der 1/' tsp ca%enne pepper 1 tsp crushed th%me 1/2 tsp garlic po!der 1/2 tsp onion po!der 1/2 tsp salt 1 /bs flour 2 /bs butter 1 or 2 cloves garlic$ chopped 1 or 2 #alapeno chiles$ seeded$ minced 1/2 cup to &/' cup light beer /his recipe doubles easil% but donEt tr% to saute the chicken all at once+ .fter the chicken is skinned and boned$ rub it !ith %our home spice blend+ ;f %ou get inspired$ add another spice+ ?et the spiced chicken sit at room temperature for about 20 minutes+ Using a heav% 12-inch skillet$ heat the butter and oil and add 1 cup of the chicken pieces at a time+ ,aute over medium heat until golden+ Remove to a plate+ ,aute the rest of the chicken$ adding more oil if necessar%+ >hen all the chicken is sauteed$ drain off an% e1cess oil+ Put all the chicken pieces back in the pan$ along !ith the chiles and garlic and add the beer+ . great head of steam !ill rise up to the most !onderful aroma+ Puickl% no!$ clamp on the lid and turn the heat to lo!+ 2heck ever% @ minutes and turn the chicken in the reducing broth+ 2ook for about 1@ to 16 minutes+ ;f the broth cooks a!a% to!ard the end of the cooking$ #ust add a tablespoon more beer+ .t the end %ou should be left !ith a nice thick glaDe+ Push the chicken around the beer glaDe so it all gets coated+ /his is about the best taco meat %ou !ill ever encounter+ ,ince tacos are filled !ith other things$ the recipe above !ill serve ' people unless %ou ate too much out of the pan+


1 /hick 2 pound &/' 1/2 1/' 1/2 cup cup medium teaspoon cup Boneless Beef ,irloin ,teak -- 2ut &/'-inch 2hopped .nd ,eeded /omatoes ,alsa Green Onions >ith /ops -- 2hopped Ground 2umin 2heddar 2heese -- (inel% 2ilantro ,prigs 2ombine the tomatoes$ salsa$ onions and cumin and set aside+ /rim the e1terior fat and cut the boneless beef top sirloin steak into ' serving siDed pieces+ Place each on a flat surface$ cover !ith !a1ed paper and flatten !ith the bottom of a heav% saucepan$ mallet$ or cleaver to 1/'-inch thick+ 8eat a nonstick fr%ing pan over medium high heat for 2 minutes+ Puickl% pan broil the steaks for 1 minute+ /urn the steaks and top each !ith an e-ual amount of cheese+ 2ook 1 to 2 minutes$ <O AO/ overcook+ ,erve the steaks over the reserved salsa+ Garnish !ith cilantro+

S3i!!8 1e?ic"!9st8 e N"chos

' & 2 1 &/' oD c cloves tsp lo! fat tortilla chips chopped onion garlic -- finel% chopped chili po!der #alapeno pepper -- finel% chopped ground cumin boneless skinless chicken breast -"e1ican-st%le diced tomatoes -- drained shredded reduced fat "ontere% =ack cheese -- ' black olives

1/2 tsp 1 4 oD cooked/chopped 1 1' 1/2 oD+ c 1 c oD 2 tbsp

Preheat oven to &@0 degrees+ ?a% chips in a 1& 1 9 baking pan+ ,pra% large nonstick skillet !ith cooking spra%+ 8eat over medium heat until hot+ .dd onion$ pepper$ garlic$ chili po!der and cumin+ 2ook @ minutes or until vegetables are tender$ stirring occasionall%+ ,tir in chicken and tomatoes+ ,poon chicken-tomato mi1ture$ cheese$ and olives over chips+ Bake @ minutes until cheese melts+ ,erve immediatel%+


1 1/2 pound cup cup tablespoon teaspoon teaspoon tablespoon medium 2hicken Breast -- boneless skinless CCCCCCC,auceCCCCCCC ,o% ,auce Orange =uice ?emon =uice ,ugar 2loves Garlic -- crushed Ginger CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC Oil Onion -- sliced Green pepper -- sliced Red Pepper -- sliced (lour /ortillas )4-6 inch*

1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 12


2ut chicken breasts into strips 1/'3 thick+ 2ombine all sauce ingredients and pour over chicken strips+ 2over and refrigerate overnight+ <rain meat !ell and stir fr% in oil along !ith onion and peppers until all pink color is gone from chicken pieces and vegetables are crisp-tender+ Preheat sand!ich maker + /rim sides from tortillas to form s-uares @ F @ or 4 F 4 inches+ Brush outside of each !ith oil+ ?a% ' tortillas on pocket grid oiled side do!n+ ,poon chicken mi1ture into the triangle shaped pockets+ /op !ith tortillas$ oiled side up+ 2lose lid and cook & minutes or until tortillas are heated through and sealed+ Repeat !ith remaining ingredients+ "akes 12 pockets+

' 1 2 1 1/2 1/' 1 1/' cups tablespoon teaspoons teaspoons cup cups

(lour Baking po!der ,ugar ,alt ,hortening or lard >ater or more if needed

,ift dr% ingredients together+ 2ut in shortening until crumbl%+ .dd !ater and mi1 until holds together+ Inead 10-1@ times until dough forms a smooth ball+ 2over and let set for 20 minutes+ <ivide dough into t!o parts+ Roll dough to 1/63 thickness on lightl% floured board+ 2ut into &3 s-uares or triangles+ <o not allo! to dr%7 cover those !aiting to fried+ >hen read% to fr%$ turn upside do!n so that surface on bottom !hile resting is on top !hen fr%ing+ (r% in &3 hot oil until golden bro!n$ turning once+ .dd onl% a fe! at a time to maintain proper temperature+ <rain on paper to!els+

1 1/' 1 1/2 & 1 1/2 2 ' 1 1 package cup cups tablespoons teaspoons tablespoons cups cup each

"s =
.ctive dr% %east >arm !ater )110* "ilk ?ard or shortening ,alt ,ugar .ll purpose flour >hole !heat flour O;?

;n a large mi1ing bo!l$ dissolve %east in !arm !ater+ ;n another bo!l combine milk$ lard$ salt and sugar+ 8eat to 110 degrees and add to dissolved %east+ Beat in & cups of the all purpose flour and all of the !hole !heat flour+ .dd abut 1/2 c all purpose flour and mi1 until a stiff stick% dough forms+ Place dough on a floured board and knead$ adding more flour as needed$ until dough is smooth and nonstick%+ Place doug in a greased bo!l turning over to grease top+ 2over and let stand at room temp+ 1 hour+ Punch dough do!n+ /he dough ma% be covered and chilled as long as overnight+ Inead dough on a lightl% floured board to e1pel air+ Roll dough out$ a portion at a time$ to slightl% less than 1/63 thick+ 2ut in 23F @3 rectangles or &3 s-uares for appetiDers+ Place on lightl% floured pans and lightl% cover+ ;f %ou !ork -uickl% %ou can let cut sopaipillas sta% at room temp up to @ min7 other!ise$ refrigerate them until all are read% to fr%+ ;n a deep !ide fr%ing pan or kettle heat 1 1/2 - 2 inches oil to &@0 on a deep fat fr%ing thermometer+ (r% 2 or & at a time+ >hen the bread begins to puff$ gentl% push the bread into the hot oil several times to help it puff more evenl%+ /urn several times and cook #ust until pale gold on both sides$ 1-2 minutes total+ <rain on paper to!els+ ,erve immediatel% or place in a !arm oven until all are fried+ Or if made ahead$ cool$ cover and chill or freeDe+ /o reheat$ bake uncovered in a &00 oven$ turning once$ #ust until !arm$ @-6 min+ <o not overheat or the% !ill become hard+ "akes 2 doDen large sopaipillas or about ' doDen small ones+


2 @ & 1 2 1 1 1/' cup pounds cups can 1/' 1/' 1/' teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon cup cup Butter Boneless round steak -- cubed Nucchini -- sliced thin 2orn )' oD* grn chilies -- chopped 2loves garlic -- minced ,alt Oregano 2umin 2heddar cheese -- shredded 2hopped cilantro

;n a large skillet$ melt butter+ Bro!n meat$ a fe! pieces at a time+ Remove from skillet as the% bro!n+ ,aute Ducchini in skillet G-10 minutes+ Return meat and add corn$ chilies$ garlic$ salt$ oregano and cumin+ ,immer$ stirring occasionall%$ about 12-1@ minutes or until meat is tender+ ,tir in cheese until melted+ Garnish !ith chopped cilantro and serve+


2ucumber ,alsa ,outh!est Relish ,outh!est Guacamole /op Round ,teak -- Boneless C ?ime =uice 5egetable Oil Red 2hiles -- Ground 2loves Garlic -- 2hopped (lour /ortillas CC

1 2 2 2 6


pound cup tablespoons teaspoons

C Round ,teak should be cut about 1/2 inch thick+ CC (lour /ortillas should be 10 inches in <iameter and be !armed+ Prepare 2ucumber ,alsa$ ,outh!est Relish$ and ,outh!est Guacamole7 set aside+ 2ut beef steak diagonall% across the grain into thin slices$ each 2 F 1/6-inch+ "i1 remaining ingredients e1cept tortillas in a glass or plastic bo!l7 stir in beef until !ell coated+ 2over and refrigerate for at least 1 hour+ ,et oven control to broil+ Place beef slices on rack in broiler pan+ Broil !ith tops 2 to & inches from heat until bro!n$ about @ minutes+ Place 1/6 of the beef$ some 2ucumber ,alsa$ ,outh!est Relish$ and ,outh!est Guacamole in the center of each tortilla+ (old one end of the tortilla up about 1 inch over the beef mi1ture7 fold right and left sides over the folded end overlapping+ (old do!n the remaining end+ ,erve !ith remaining salsa$ relish and guacamole+

South.est *u"c"mo e
@ ' 1 each each cup cup teaspoon .vocados7 Ripe -- Peel B Pit 2loves Garlic -- (inel% 2hopped /omato7 2hopped -- 1 "edium ?ime =uice ,alt

1/' 1/2

"ash avocados in a medium bo!l until slightl% lump%+ ,tir in remaining ingredients+ 2over and refrigerate 1 hour+ "akes & cups of dip+

South.est Ri6 ets

2 1 4 & 1 2 4 2 & 1/2 cup tablespoons tablespoon each each teaspoon ounce cup tablespoons ounces tablespoons pounds Onion7 2hopped -- 1 medium 5egetable Oil Red 2hiles -- Ground =uniper Berries7 <ried -- 2rush 2loves Garlic -- (inel% 2hopped ,alt Baking 2hocolate -- Grated >ater 2ider 5inegar /omato Paste -- 1 cn+ ,ugar Pork Back Ribs7 (resh -- C

1/2 1/2

C Rack Of ribs should be cut length!ise across the bones+ 8ave the butcher do this !ith his meat sa!+ 2ook and stir onion in oil in 2--uart saucepan 2 minutes+ ,tir in ground red chiles$ #uniper berries$ garlic and salt+ 2over and cook @ minutes$ stirring occasionall%+ ,tir in chocolate until melted+ Pour !ater$ vinegar and tomato paste into food processor !ork bo!l fitted !ith steel blade or into a blender container+ .dd onion mi1ture and sugar7 cover and process until !ell blended+ 8eat oven to &G@ <egrees (+ 2ut bet!een pork back ribs to separate+ Place in a single la%er in roasting pan$ pour sauce evenl% over pork+ Bake uncovered &0 minutes7 turn pork+ Bake until done$ about &0 minutes longer+

South.est Scr"m6 ed E''s .ith ," "pe!o ,e

& 4 2 & 1/2 tablespoons tablespoons ounces onion margarine eggs #alapeno #ell% -- C see note cream cheese

C ,ee recipe in this cookbook to make %our o!n =alapeno =ell%$ or %ou can use a store-bought one for this recipe+ . food processor is not necessar% for the preparation of this recipe$ but it !ill take longer !ithout+ (it the steel knife blade into the !ork bo!l of the food processor+ Process onion until chopped in 1/'-inch pieces+ "elt margarine in a medium skillet+ ,aute onion in skillet until tender+ >ith steel knife blade still attached$ process eggs$ #ell% and cream cheese until smooth$ about &0 seconds+ Pour mi1ture into skillet !ith onions and scramble until eggs are dr%+ ,erving ;deas J . special breakfast or brunch dish+ AO/H, J ,erve !ith plent% of fresh fruit$ homemade muffins$ sausage or ham and coffee+

South.ester! Beef H"sh

1 1 & 1 ?b ,m 2 /sp /sp 2 ?ean Ground Beef Onion -- chopped (roDen Potatoes Obrien ,alt Pepper ,alsa ,liced Green Onions -- optional ,liced Black Olives -- optional

1/2 1/'

Bro!n ground beef and onion in large skillet over medium heat until no lnger pink+ <rain+ ,tir in potatoes$ salt$ and pepper+ ;ncrease heat to medium-high and cook @ minutes$ stirring occasionall%+ ,tir in salsa+ 2ook 6 to 10 minutes more until potatoes are lightl% bro!ned$ stirring occasionall%+ Garnish !ith green onions and black olives$ if desired+ ieldJ ' servings+

Sp"!ish Rice
& 1 1/2 1/2 1/2 1 1 1 2 & tablespoons cups cup cup each each teaspoon teaspoons cups ,hortening Rice Onion -- sliced Bell pepper -- sliced 1' oD can !hole tomatoes "edium clove garlic -- minced Black pepper ,alt >ater

"elt shortening in large skillet+ .dd rice and bro!n+ >hen rice is a golden bro!n$ reduce heat and add onion$ bell pepper$ tomatoes$ garlic and pepper+ "i1 !ell and add 1 1/2 cups !arm !ater or enough to #ust cover the rice+ .dd salt+ 2over and let simmer until almost dr%+ .dd remaining !ater$ cold$ a little at a time$ cooking over lo! heat until fluff%+ AoteJ ou ma% substitute peeled seeded green chili for the bell pepper+

Sp"!ish Rice =
1 ' 2 & 1 & 2 2 1/2 &/' cup tablespoons tablespoons tablespoons teaspoon ounces each cups teaspoon Uncooked long grain rice Oil <iced bell pepper <iced onion <ried parsle% flakes /omato paste 2loves garlic -- minced 2old !ater ,alt

?ightl% bro!n rice in oil over medium heat$ stirring constantl%+ .dd bell pepper and onion and sauteE five minutes more$ stirring often+ Remove from heat7 add parsle%$ tomato paste and garlic+ ,tir !ell and then add !ater and salt+ 8eat mi1ture to boiling$ cover tightl% and simmer 20 to &0 minutes or until li-uid is absorbed+ Remove from heat and let steam 10 minutes before serving+


1 1 1 1 1 1 @ 1 1 1 can can can can large large cup cup large Pinto Beans )1@oD*$ drained -- rinsed Black Beans )1@oD*$ drained -- rinsed 2orn )14oD* 2hopped Green 2hilies )'oD* Onion -- chopped Green Pepper -- chopped (lour /ortillas "ontere% 2heese -- pre-shredded 2heddar 2heese -- pre-shredded =ar ,alsa

Preheat oven '2@3+ 2ombine beans and corn in large bo!l+ ,tir in chilies$ onion and green pepper+ ?a% one tortilla at the bottom of a greased t!o--uart souffle or casserole dish+ ,poon a small amount of bean mi1ture over tortilla+ /op !ith e-ual amounts of "otere% =ack and cheddar cheese+ 2ontinue alternating la%ers of tortilla$ bean mi1ture and cheese mi1ture until %ou end !ith cheese la%er+ Bake covered at '2@3 for 10 minutes+ ,erve !ith salsa+

Spic8 N"chos Supreme

6 ' 1 10 2 1 1 1/2 1/' ounces ounces cup teaspoon ounces cups teaspoon cup /omato ,auce <iced Green 2hiles 2hopped Green Bell Pepper Green Onion -- ,liced 8ot Pepper ,auce /ortilla 2hips ,hredded 2heddar 2heese .vocado ?emon =uice ,our 2ream =alapeno ,lices -- Optional


2ombine tomato sauce$ chiles$ green pepper$ green onion and hot pepper sauce in a bo!l7 let stand for 1@ minutes+ Place tortilla chips in a shallo! 63 F 103 baking dish+ Pour sauce over chips7 sprinkle grated cheese over all+ Broil nachos for & minutes or until cheese melts+ =ust before serving$ seed$ peel and mash avocado+ ,tir in lemon #uice+ ,poon avocado mi1ture and sour cream on hot nachos and top !ith #alapeno slices+ ,erve immediatel%+


1 2 1/2 1/2 1/' 1/' tablespoons teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon cup tablespoon teaspoons 20 oD top sirloin steak 5egetable oil <ried leaf oregano -- crushed ,alt 2oarsel% ground pepper Orange #uice ?ime #uice 2ider vinegar Orange slices -- 1/23 thick

1 2 2

Place steak in a shallo! glass baking dish+ Rub !ith oil on each side+ ,prinkle !ith oregano$ salt and pepper+ ,prinkle orange #uice$ lime #uice$ and vinegar over the steak+ 2over and refrigerate overnight for best flavor or several hours$ turning occasionall%+ /o cook$ bring meat to room temperature+ Prepare and preheat charcoal grill )or gas grill*+ <rain meat$ reserving marinade+ Place steak on grill+ /op !ith orange slices+ Occasionall% spoon reserved marinade over steaks as the% cook+ Grill &-' minutes on each side$ or until medium- rare+ 2ook longer if desired+ Remove orange slices to turn steak+ Replace orange slices on top of steak+

2' 4 1/2 1/2 Ounces 2up =alapenos -- halved B de-veined /una$ !ater pack -- drained Pecans -- finel% chopped "a%onnaise "rs+ /om <udle% 2omanche )/F* Garden 2lub 2ookbook 194G

8alve and de-vein #alapenos+ ;n a bo!l$ mi1 tuna and pecans !ith enough ma%onnaise to moisten+ ,tuff #alapeno halves+

Stuffed 1ushrooms
2' 2 2 2 1 1 1 1/' 1/' 1/' each tablespoons cup tablespoons cup cup tablespoons tablespoon each teaspoon cup "ushrooms -- "edium "argarine Or Butter Onion7 2hopped -- 1 "edium >hite >ine -- <r% Bread 2rumbs -- <r% 2ooked ,moked 8am -- (ine 2hop Parsle% -- ,nipped ?ime =uice 2love Garlic -- (inel% 2hopped Oregano ?eaves -- <ried <ash Of Pepper 2heese7 (inel% ,hredded -- C

1/2 C

Use "ontere% =ack 2heese in this recipe+

2ut stems from mushrooms7 finel% chop enough stems to measure 1/' cup+ 8eat margarine in 10-inch skillet #ust until bubbl%+ Place mushroom caps$ topsides do!n$ in margarine+ 2ook uncovered until mushrooms are light bro!n7 remove mushrooms !ith slotted spoon+ 2ook and stir onion in same skillet until tender7 stir in !ine+ ,immer uncovered 2 minutes+ "i1 in chopped mushroom stems and remaining ingredients e1cept cheese and mushroom caps7 cool slightl%+ ,hape mi1ture into 2' small balls7 place 1 in each mushroom cap+ ,prinkle !ith cheese+ ,et oven control to broil+ Place mushroom caps on rack in broiler pan+ Broil !ith tops & to ' inches from heat until cheese is melted$ about & minutes+

Super N"chos
1 1 2 2 1 1 can can cups cups cup cup tsp cup refried beans green chilis montere% #ack cheese cheddar cheese -- )velveta best* taco sauce sliced black olives -- or to taste lemon #uice sour cream tortilla or nacho chips

&/' 1/2

Bro!n ground beef$ add onion and cook until tender+ <rain fat$ add salt and pepper to taste+ ,pread refried beans in a 10311&3 baking dish+ /op !ith meat+ Place green chilis on top+ "i1 montere% #ack and cheddar cheese together and sprinkle on top+ <riDDle taco sauce over evenl% and bake uncovered 20-2@ minutes '00 degrees+ Remove from oven+ "i1 black olive !ith lemon #uice and spread them on top+ 2over !ith sour cream and serve at once !ith chips+

1 1 1 1 1/2 1 pound can cups cup 8amburger Hnvelope taco seasoning mi1 /omato sauce >ater Grated cheese )more if %ou -- !ant it*

bag baked tortilla chips ,aute meat in skillet+ .dd taco seasoning mi1$ tomato sauce$ and !ater+ Bring to a boil$ reduce heat$ and simmer uncovered 1@ min+ .dd tortilla chips7 mi1$ being careful not to break the chips+ Pour into a 2-inchdeep b% 6 inch round or s-uare baking dish+ Bake in '00 oven 10-1@ minutes+ /op !ith cheese+

&"co Chic3e! :i!'s

2 1/2 1 2 1 pounds cups 2hicken >ings Hnvelope /aco ,easoning "i1 C <r% Bread 2rumbs =ar )14oD* /aco ,auce CC

C 1-1/' oD Old Hl Paso CC Old Hl Paso Remove !ing tips and discard+ 2ut !ings at #oint+ 2ombine bread crumbs and taco seasoning mi17 mi1 !ell+ Preheat oven to &G@+ <ip each chicken piece in taco sauce then roll in bread crumbs7 coat thoroughl%+ Place on lightl% greased baking sheet+ Bake for &0-&@ mins+

&"co 1e"t6"
1 1 1 2 11 1 1 2 6 pound cup cup teaspoons ounces cup cup each ounces

Beef -- ground Green pepper Rice -- cooked Garlic salt 2heddar cheese soup Onion 2eler% Hgg -- beaten /aco sauce

"i1 all but last t!o ingredients+ ); puree vegetables in blender rather than chopping+* (orm meat balls and place in 2- 1/2 -t+ dish+ Bake at &@0 degrees for &0 minutes+ >hile baking$ heat taco sauce and soup on stove+ Pour over meatballs and bake another &0 minutes+

&"co Pie
1 1 2 1 1 1 package package cups cup pound cup cup 2rescent rolls /aco mi1 2orn chips -- crushed 2heddar -- shredded 8amburger >ater ,our cream


2ook hamburger$ taco mi1 and !ater according to package directions+ Place unrolled crescent dough in ungreased pie plate to form crust+ ,prinkle !ith half of the corn chips and top !ith hamburger mi1ture+ ,pread sour cream on top and cover !ith cheese and remaining chips+ Bake at &G@ degrees for 20 minutes or until heated through+


1 1/& cup teaspoon tablespoons cup ounces ounces teaspoons teaspoons cup teaspoon cup cup ounces ounces teaspoon (lour Baking po!der Beaten Hgg >hite 2ooking Oil 2hopped Onion 2an GarbanDo Beans -- drained 2an /omato ,auce 2hili po!der 2ornstarch ello! 2ornmeal ,alt ,kim "ilk >ater 2love Garlic -- minced 2an Red Iidne% Beans -- drained 2an diced green chili pepper ,alt

2 1 1@ 1@ 2 1 1/2 1/& 1/' 1/' &/' 1@ '


;n a med mi1ing bo!l$ stir together flour$ cornmeal$ baking po!der$ and 1/' t salt7 set aside+ ;n a small bo!l combine egg !hite$ milk$ and oil7 set aside+ ;n a 103 skillet combine the !ater$ onion$ and garlic+ Bring to boiling7 reduce heat+ 2over and simmer @ minutes or till tender+ ,tir in garbanDo beans$ kidne% beans$ tomato sauce$ drained green chili peppers$ chili po!der$ and 1/' t salt+ ;n a small bo!l stir together cornstarch and 1 / !ater+ ,tir into bean mi1ture+ 2ook and stir till slightl% thickened and bubbl%+ Reduce heat+ (or dumplings$ add milk mi1ture to cornmeal mi1ture7 stir #ust until combined+ <rop dumpling mi1ture from a /ablespoon to make @ mounds atop bean mi1ture+ 2over and simmer for 10-12 minutes or till a toothpick inserted in the center of a dumpling comes out clean+

&e?91e? Chi i 1e"t6"

& 1 1 1 1 1/2 tablespoons small teaspoon pound large can cups cup cup teaspoon

s .ith 2est8 &om"to S" s"

1 &/' 1/& 1/& 4 1 &/'

1 1 1 1 1 2 2


medium large large 1/2 teaspoon

5egetable oil Onion$diced -- about 1/2 cup 2hili po!der ?ean ground beef Hgg )' oD* mild green chilies <rained and chopped (resh bread crumbs -- about ' ,lices bread ,hredded "ontere% =ack 2heese ,hredded mild 2heddar 2heese ,alt 2orn tortillas -- half 10 oD+ Pkg+ -- cut into !edges Nest% /omato ,alsa ?ettuce leaves -- optional /omato !edges -- optional -----NH,/ /O"./O ,.?,.----5egetable oil Red pepper$ cored -- seeded .nd diced )about 2 cups* Green bell pepper$ cored ,eeded and diced )about 2 2ups* Onion -- diced )about &/' cup 2love garlic -- crushed Ripe tomatoes -- diced )about cups* 8ot red pepper sauce

8eat the oven to '00 degrees+ ;n 123 skillet$over medium high heat$ heat 1 tbsp+ vegetable oil7add onion and chili po!der7cook about 10 minutes$stirring fre-uentl%$until onion is tender and coated !ith chili po!der+ Remove onion to large bo!l7!ipe skillet clean+ /o bo!l !ith onion$add beef$egg$chilies$bread crumbs$1 tbsp+ of each of cheeses and salt7using hands or !ooden spoon$blend !ell+ ,hape mi1ture into 1 1/'3 balls+ ;n skillet over medium-high heat$heat remaining 2 tbsp+ oil7add meat mi1ture7cook 1@ minutes$turning fre-uentl%$until !ell bro!ned on all sides and cooked through+ "ean!hile$place tortilla chips in single la%er on #ell%-roll pan7bake 10 minutes until crisp and golden+ Prepare Nest% /omato ,alsa+ /o serveJ,poon meatballs into center of large serving platter7sprinkle !ith remaining "ontere% =ack and 2heddar cheese+ .rrange tomato !edges and lettuce around meatballs if desired+ ,erve !ith tortilla chips and salsa+ "akes ' servings+ NH,/ /O"./O ,.?,.J ;n a 2 -t+ saucepan over medium high heat$heat 1 tbsp+ vegetable oil7 add 1 each red and green bell pepper$cored$seeded and diced )about 2 cups*$1 medium siDe onion$diced )about &/' cup* and 1 large clove garlic$crushed+ 2ook about 10 minutes$stirring fre-uentl%$until tender+ ,tir in 2 large fresh$ ripe tomatoes$ diced )about 2 cups* and 1/' to 1/2 tsp+ hot red pepper sauce7cook 1 minute longer until heated through+ "akes about 1 1/2 cups+

&E791E7 H"sh
1 1 2 & 1 1 1/2 pound each cup teaspoons each can teaspoon Ground beef Green pepper -- chopped Rice -- uncooked ,alt Onion -- sliced /omato -- !hole )medium can* 2hili po!der Pepper -- dash

Preheat oven to &@0 degrees+ Pan fr% ground beef until light bro!n in skillet+ <rain fat+ .dd onions B peppers and cook until onion is tender+ ,tir in rest of ingredients and heat until !arm+ Pour in a casserole dish$ cover$ bake for 1 hour+

&E791E7 RICE
2 1 &/' cup tablespoons cup teaspoon cups teaspoons Onion -- chopped Olive Oil Rice -- ra! Black Pepper Garlic 2loves 5egetable Broth Ground 2umin Red Bell Pepper

1/' 2 2 1/2 1 1/2 1

"ince garlic+

Remove seeds and dice bell pepper+

;n dutch oven$ cook onion$ garlic and ra! rice in oil until onion is tender and rice is lightl% bro!ned+ .dd chicken broth and bring to a boil+ ,tir in cumin and black pepper+ 2over tightl% and simmer 20 minutes+ Remove from heat+ ,tir in bell pepper+ ?et stand covered until all li-uid is absorbed$ about @ minutes+


1 1 1/2 1/' teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon tablespoon cups cups Ground 2umin 2hili Po!der Basil ,alt >hite >ine 5inegar )& ?b+* Broiler -- ,kinned 2oarsle% 2hopped Nucchini Unpeeled -- ,eeded B 2oarsel% 2hopped /omatoes+

1 1 2 1 1/'

2ombine (irst 4 ;ngredients7 ,tir >ell B ,et .side+ Remove Giblets B Aeck (rom 2hicken B <iscard+ Rinse 2hicken B Pat <r%+ Rub Outside Of 2hicken >ith ,pice "i1ture+ Place 2hicken$ Breast ,ide <o!n in . <eep & Pt+ 2asserole+ 2over >ith >a1 Paper B "icro!ave .t 8igh 6 /o 9 "in+ /urn 2hicken$ Breast ,ide Up B "icro!ave 2overed >ith >a1 Paper .t 8igh 6 /o 9 "in+ Remove 2hicken /o ,erving Platter+ Reserve <rippings in 2asserole+ ?et 2hicken ,tand 2overed 1@ "in+ .dd 5egetables /o <rippings7 /oss /o 2oat+ "icro!ave .t 8igh & /o ' "in+ OR Until 2risp-/ender$ ,tirring 8alf!a% /hrough 2ooking Process+ .rrange 5egetables .round 2hicken+


1 1/2 & ' 1 1/2 pounds cup teaspoons tablespoons pound cup cup cup Boneless sirloin each about thick 2orn oil Garlic -- chopped Red !ine vinegar Ripe tomatoes Onion -- chopped fine Red chilies -- chopped fine 2oriander -- chopped fine (lour tortillas


1/2 1/' 1/'

1+ Prepare a ver% hot charcoal fire+ 2+ /here should be about 4 individual steaks+ 2ut each of these in half+ Blend the oil$ 2 tsp garlic and & tbsp vinegar in a flat dish+ .dd the steaks$ turning to coat the pieces !ell+ ,et aside+ &+ 2ore the tomatoes but do not peel them+ 2ut them into 1/'-in+ cubes and put them in a mi1ing bo!l+ .dd the onion$ chilies$ coriander$ remaining garlic and vinegar+ Blend !ell+ ,et this sauce aside+ '+ Put about ' slices of steak at a time on the hot grill and cook for 1 min+ or less to a side$ depending on the desired degree of doneness+ ,imultaneousl%$ add a similar number of tortillas and cook them for a fe! sec+ to a side #ust to heat through+ <o not heat for for long or the% !ill dr% out+ @+ Place one piece of steak in the center of a !arm tortilla$ spoon a little sauce over the meat and fold the side of the tortilla over the ends up to enclose the meat+ Hat like a sand!ich+

&E791E7 S&RA&A
4 1/2 pound ounces ounces cups cups teaspoon teaspoon 8ot ;talian sausage Red peppers7 roasted -- drain and chopped Green peppers -- fried (irm !hite bread -- -uartered "ontere% =ack cheese "ilk 2hili po!der ,alt Hggs -- beaten

4 4 1 1/2 1 1/2 1 1/2 4

;n medium skillet7 saute sausage 10 minutes or until lightl% bro!ned+ 2ool slightl%7 cut cross!ise into thin slices+ Place in bo!l+ .dd peppers7 toss to combine+ Preheat oven to &@0K+ Generousl% grease 2 -t+ shallo! baking dish+ Reserve 4 bread -uarters7 place remainder in prepared dish+ ,prinkle !ith cheese and the sausage mi1ture7 arrange reserved bread on top+ ,et aside+ ;n medium bo!l$ beat eggs !ith milk$ chili po!der and salt until mi1ed7 pour over bread in dish+ Bake 1 hour or until center is set+ ?et stand 10 minutes before serving+ "akes 4 servings+


1 1 6 1 2 1 1/2 cup cup 9-oD+ pkg+ )2 cups* froDen 2hopped cooked chicken (inel% chopped -- peeled =icama /aco sauce 10-inch flour tortillas 4-oD+ container froDen .vocado dip -- tha!ed 2hopped lettuce 14-oD+ can refried beans >ith green chili peppers or "e1ican-st%le beans -- drained .nd mashed 6-oD+ carton reduced-fat or Regular dair% sour cream 2hopped red s!eet pepper ,liced green onion ,hredded lo!er-fat or Regular cheddar cheese -- or "ontere% =ack cheese !ith =alapeno peppers ,liced pitted ripe olives /aco sauce )optional*


1 1/2 1/& cup cup cup



/8.> 28;2IHAJ ;n a medium mi1ing bo!l combine chicken$ #icama$ and the 1/2 cup taco sauce7 set aside+ P?.2H OAH O( /8H (?OUR /OR/;??., on a platter+ ,pread !ith half of the chicken mi1ture+ ,pread half of the avocado dip onto a second tortilla7 place$ avocado side up$ atop chicken+ ,prinkle !ith half of the lettuce+ /op !ith a third tortilla7 spread !ith half of the beans+ /op !ith another tortilla7 add half each of the sour cream$ red pepper$ green onion and cheese+ RHPH./ ?. HR,$ ending !ith remaining sour cream$ red pepper$ green onion$ and cheese+ ,prinkle !ith olives+ ,erve right a!a% or cover and chill for up to & hours+ /O ,HR5H$ cut into !edges+ "akes 6 main-dish servings+ Pass taco sauce+

&E791E7 &UNA SALA#

) 2 1/2 1/2 1/2 2/& 1/2 cans cup cup cup cup cup teaspoon ,olid !hite tuna in !ater -- drained and flaked ,liced ripe olives ,liced green onions !/tops /hinl% sliced celer% Pace Picante ,auce <air% sour cream Ground cumin ?ettuce leaves -- OR ,hredded lettuce /aco shells -- OR /ortilla chips

1 12 &


2ombine tuna$ olives$ green onions and celer% in medium bo!l+ 2ombine Pace Picante ,auce$ sour cream and cumin7 mi1 !ell+ Pour over tuna mi1ture7 toss lightl%+ /o serve$ line taco shells !ith lettuce leaves7 spoon tuna mi1ture into shells+ Or$ line individual serving plates !ith shredded lettuce7 top !ith tuna mi1ture and surround !ith tortilla chips+ <riDDle !ith additional Pace Picante ,auce7 top !ith additional sour cream$ if desired+


2 1 1 1 10 1 1/2 cups cup pound package cup ounces cup cup cups cup Bis-uick baking mi1 >ater -- cold Ground beef /aco seasoning mi1 >ater ,pinach C 2heese -- ricotta Green onions -- chopped 2heddar cheese -- shredded ,our cream Hgg -- lightl% beaten

1/& 1 1/2 1 1

C froDen$ tha!ed$ chopped and s-ueeDed dr%+ 8eat oven to &@0K(+ 2ombine baking mi1 and 1/2 c cold !ater7 stir until soft dough forms+ Press dough into bottom of greased 1&193 baking dish+ 2ook ground beef in large nonstick skillet until bro!n+ ,tir in taco seasoning mi1 )dr%* and 1 c !ater+ Bring to a boil7 reduce heat and simmer 1@ minutes$ stirring occasionall%+ ,poon mi1ture over dough+ 2ombine spinach$ ricotta cheese and onions7 spread over ground beef mi1ture+ 2ombine 2heddar cheese$ sour cream and egg7 spoon evenl% over spinach mi1ture+ Bake &0 minutes or until set+ ?et stand @ minutes before serving+


2 1 2 ' 1 tablespoons teaspoons teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon cups teaspoons tablespoon tablespoons pounds cup tablespoons Olive or salad oil ?arge onion -- chopped 2loves garlic -- minced ,ugar ,alt 2innamon -- ground 2loves -- ground Peeled$seeded -- chopped tomato HachJ !ater B lemon #uice 2ornstarch =alapenos$seeded -- chopped 2apers Red ,napper$cleaned$ scaled 8ead removed Pimento stuffed green olives ,liced thin+ 2hopped fresh cilantro

@ 1 1/2 1 2 2 @ 1/2 1/& &

1/' 1/'

8eat oil in !ide fr%ing pan over med heat7 add onion and garlic and cook$ stirring often$ until onion is soft+ ,tir in sugar$ salt$ cinnamon$ cloves$ and tomatoes+ 2ook$ stirring$ over high heat until a thick sauce forms )abt+ 6 min+*+ Blend together lemon #uice$ !ater$ and cornstarch7 stir into tomato mi1ture+ 2ook until mi1ture boils and turns clear7 remove from heat+ ,tir in chiles and capers+ Rinse fish$ pat dr%+ Place a 2' inch sheet of foil cross!ise in a large roasting pan+ Grease foil lightl% )spra% !ith Pam*$ then place fish on foil7 pour hot tomato sauce over fish+ Bake$ uncovered$ in a '00 (+ oven until fish flakes !hen prodded !ith fork in thickest part )abt+ '@ min*+ Baste fre-uentl% !ith sauce during last 1@ min+ of baking+ ,kim !ater% #uices off sauce !ith a spoon7 then stir sauce to blend+ ?ift foil$ fish $ and clinging sauce and slide onto a platter7 driDDle !ith remaining sauce in pan+ Garninsh !ith olives and cilantro+ /o serve$ cut fish to bone$ then lift off each serving+

/8RHH BH.A B.IH 14 14 14 1/& 1/& 1/2 ounces ounces in ounces cup cup teaspoon 2an Great Aorthern Beans -- undrained 2an 2hili beans -- undrained "e1ican section -- of store* 2an Iidne% Beans -- drained Ietchup (irml% packed bro!n sugar Po!ered ginger

;n 2 -uart micro!ave safe casserole or dish$ combine all ingredients+ "i1 !ell+ 2over !ith >a1ed Paper+ "icro!ave on 8;G8 for 6 - 11 minutes$ stirring t!ice during cooking+ ;f thicker #uice is !anted$ "icro in t!o min increments on 60R po!er+ ,tir often+ 2RO2I PO/ <irections+ 2ombine all ingredients$ mi1 !ell+ 2over - cook on 8igh setting for 2 hours+ ;f thicker #uice is !anted$ remove cover$ cook 1 hour longer$ stirring occasionall%+

1/' 1/' 1/' 1/2 cup cup teaspoon pound each

o S"uce
Red Onion -- chopped (resh 2ilantro -- ,nipped ,alt /omatillos -- 2ut ;nto 8alves ,errano 2hiles -- 2anned C

C Use 2 canned serrano chiles$ rinsed and seeded or 1 fresh serrano chile$ seeded+ Place all ingredients in food processor !orkbo!l fitted !ith steel blade or in blender container$ cover$ and process until !ell blended+ "akes about 1 1/' cups sauce+


2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 cups cups cup /ortillas 2ooked -- mashed black beans )or refried beans* 2hicken -- shredded /omato -- !edged ,tring beans -- cook B cool 8ead lettuce -- shredded Green bell pepper -- sliced Green onions -- diced Plain green olives -- chopped 2heddar cheese -- grated 8ot sauce

can cup tablespoons

?a% a tortilla on each plate7 spread !ith a la%er of beans+ ?a% chicken on beans+ /oss together vegetables and cheese7 and mound on top of chicken+ ,prinkle hot sauce on top+

' 1 1 1 1 1/' 1/2 1/2 each cup each cup teaspoon each each cup cup

C" "6"cit"s Co! Leche

"edium summer s-uash -- sliced Butter or maragarine 1@ oD can corn -- drained Onion -- thinl% sliced ,alt <ash pepper ' oD can chopped green chili "ilk Grated cheddar cheese


,auteE s-uash in butter until soft+ Reduce heat and add corn$ onions$ salt$ pepper and green chili+ "i1 !ell and add milk+ ,immer until !ell blended+ .dd cheese and cover until cheese is melted+

' 1 4 ' package ounces cup ounces cup cup cups /urke% thighs Hnchilada sauce mi1 /omato paste >ater "ontere% =ack -- grated ?o!fat %ogurt or sour cream Green onions -- sliced 2orn chips -- crushed


1/& 1/' 1 1/2

>ith sharp knife$ cut each thigh in half7 remove bone and skin+ Place in crockpot+ 2ombine enchilada sauce mi1 !ith tomato paste and !ater+ "i1ture !ill be thick+ ,pread on thighs+ 2over7 cook on ?O> G to 6 hours or until tender+ /urn pot on 8;G8+ .dd cheese7 stir until melted+ ,poon into an au gratin dish or shallo! casserole+ ,poon %ogurt over turke%+ ,prinkle !ith onions+ /op !ith corn chips+

2ucchi!i Re ish
2 2 2 1 1/' cups cup tablespoons tablespoons teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon Nucchini -- ,hredded (resh 2ilantro -- ,nipped ?ime =uice 5egetable Or Olive Oil ,alt ,ugar Pepper 2over and refrigerate at

1/' 1/'

"i1 all ingredients in glass or plastic bo!l+ least 1 hour+ "akes about 1 1/' cups relish+

2u!i )e'et"6 e Ste.

1 2 1 2 1 1 29 &/' cup each tablespoons each each each cup ounces teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon cup cup ounces ounces Onion -- 2hopped 2love Garlic -- (inel% 2hopped 5egetable Oil Red Bell Pepper7 ?arge -- C 2hiles7 "edium ,iDe -- CC =alapeno 2hile -- ,eed B 2hop ,-uash -- 2ubed CCC 2hicken Broth -- 2 cans ,alt Pepper 2oriander -- Ground Nucchini -- /hinl% ,liced ello! ,-uash -- /hinl% ,liced >hole Iernel 2orn -- <rained Pinto Beans7 <rained -- 1 can

1 1 1G 14

1/2 1/2 1/2

C Bell pepper should be seeded and cut into 2 F 1/'-inch strips+ CC 2hiles should be either poblano or .naheim and should be seeded and CCC Use either hubbard or acorn s-uash+ )about 1/2 pound* 2ook and stir onion and garlic in oil in '--uart <utch oven over medium heat until onion is tender+ ,tir in bell pepper$ poblano and #alapeno chiles+ 2ook for 1@ minutes+ ,tir in 8ubbard s-uash$ broth$ salt$ pepper and coriander+ 8eat to boiling7 reduce heat+ 2over and simmer until s-uash is tender$ aobut 1@ minutes+ ,tir in remaining ingredients+ 2ook uncovered$ stirring occasionall%$ until Ducchini is tender$ about 10 minutes+

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