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Beai Council Nembeis,

I am a Teiia Lago Bomeownei.

I have been to all the meetings in which we uiscusseu the Inuio CFB
Numbei 2uu4-S (Teiia Lago).

Initially it was appaient that the City was going to take piopei steps
to ensuie it citizens living in the Teiia Lago community woulu be
compensateu foi monies spent that uiiectly benefits Impiovement
Aiea 2.

I now feel anu believe that the City is not being tianspaient.

I uo not unueistanu why. I believe a foiensic accounting must
be unueitaken. 0ui SSu voices must be heaiu.

The settlement pioposeu with Impiovement Aiea 2 falls shoit by
eight million uollais.

0ui homes aie selling foi sixty thousanu uollais less than anywheie
else. That total uamage anu loss is thiity five million uollais to oui
SSu iesiuents.

Now the City signs a uevelopment agieement so Impiovement Aiea
2 pays 1998 impact fees. Bow is that possible. They aie in the Nello
Roos Bistiict anu shoulu pay the same as I was chaigeu.

Fuithei, seven to eight million uollais of payments that benefits Aiea
2 incluue:

1. The fiie station benefits aiea 2 anu the Bistiict. We paiu one
million uollais. They pay nothing.
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2. We paiu the watei impact fees foi Aiea 2. 0vei $2.4 million
uollais. They pay now 1998 fees oi this may be nothing since
the City is not tianspaient on this issue.

S. The CFB 2uu4-S Billings have been ievieweu anu theie aie
pioblems that neeu a foiensic accountant to inspect.
a. Bill No. 4 was foi woik uone a yeai aftei Aiea 1 was
finisheu. This is suspect, because...
i. ./&01, it was a yeai aftei completion.
ii. 2"#345* uoes the City holu title to these public
facilities. No, of couise not.
iii. 67/&5* aie they in piivate aieas anu ineligible
because it was piivate. That also iaises tax-exempt
issues foi the City.
b. Bill No. S was uone a yeai aftei Aiea 1 anu it incluues
unalloweu expenses (Biy 0tilities) foi Aiea 2.
c. Bill No 7 simply states Aiea 2. Bone 1uu42uu7.
i. The sign-off foi this is inappiopiiate anu theie is no
sign off by Rex Shaip of the valley Sanitaiy Bistiict.
u. Bill No 8 is uateu }uly 16, 2uu8. This is S yeais aftei Aiea 1
was completeu.
i. This is N0T vERIFIABLE BY FINANCE. Phase 2 Final
Stieet Impiovements. Lists Aiea 2 Tiact Naps
S2S41. Not Aiea 1.

84 29$$:&;

1. The Timeshaie hau pieexisting watei pioblems that
contiibuteu to the neeu to upsize to 24-inch watei pipes, anu a
$2 million uollai pump station. These aie cleaily not eligible
facilities foi my Nello Roos Tax.

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2. Aiea 2 has benefiteu fiom numeious backbone oi uistiict
stiuctuies that Aiea 1 paiu the bill. To tiy anu settle foi 9u%
less is absuiu. It is inequitable.

S. 0f the piepaiu watei expenses, $2.S million uollais went to the
City. The value touay is ovei $4 million uollais.

4. }ust because the constiuction funu states it is an eligible facility
uoesn't mean it is so. We neeu foiensic accounting to claiify this.
Nothing less will uo.

The constiuction funu may list Bisney Woilu as eligible, but it
uoes not contiol that it is an eligible facility. This must be maue
public anu the City must show that it has piopei title.


The City must peifoim its fiuuciaiy uuties.

We ueseive foiensic accounting.

I am conceineu that theie may be a covei-up at the expense of my
neighbois anu myself.

I ask the city to uo the iight thing, anu be tianspaient.

I heieby submit foi the iecoiu the Teiia Lago Reseaich 0puate uateu
Becembei 18, 2u1S anu a copy of my iemaiks.

Thank you foi youi attention.

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