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( *ystem 0efense *hips+ etc etc( if you would prefer something different. 1et me know2 1ater 0ays.

-1arry 1eslie &"3" )ighball( Thanks much, Larry. There'd been quite a lot of posts at Sarna (before it mysteriously went tits-up) about the new rules. I myself have yet to try them, but any ships you have good fluff for, send 'em my way. I would be interested in learning more on how to use 4eb-,/5. I have downloaded it and installed it. It seems to be a real system hog+ but I would like to play a game on it. "s you are a very vocal advocate+ I would like to know if you would play a small one on one to show me the ins and outs of the program. Let me know -.hunga I DO enjoy Web RPG a lot. It's a far cry from the fun of in-person games, but I think it clubs the hell out of IRC play, even with the bugs. Of course, there's a limit to how well it plays, and big fights can just be too unwieldy. Still, it's ideal for small games between 2-3 players. Like all online games, Role-playing or wargaming, there is the missing human element you find face to face. I think I've had the most fun when I'm playing on Web RPG with guys I know from the chat boards Send me a E-mail for a weekend game (Sunday preferred) and we can rock. My ICQ is 8037042. 0ear 6eff+ Thanx again for this issue of BattleTec2 I was happy to be able to read something during this weekend... The .5B invention list was one of my favorites2 I have only one 7uestion8 why is the name of the file Issue9beta.rtf: ou'll create a final version or !ust forgot to rename it: 8(((

Opening shots
Welcome to Issue #6 of BattleTec. Blame Diablo II for the delay folks (gods I love that game). This issue, we are covering some new ground in terms of articles. We have some wonderful new Warships (thanks to the arrival of AeroTech 2). 'Bitchin' Bob Richter returns with some new info in The Cutting Edge, and Lev 'Head-Shot' Arris profiles the Dasher/Fire Moth. The third and final installment of the 4 th Jaguar Dragoon's TOA finds the warring forces hashing it out at the spaceport. We get a look at the Jumbo/Elephant Heavy Tank, as well a fearsome hatchet-wielding heavy mech called the Hunter. A large campaign system designed (by moi) for planetary conquest has been thrown in to the mix (with URL's for playing pieces). Our bud Apo gives us a good Liao thrash-fest as well. So what are you waiting for? Get reading!


I would like to submit a 'Mech for submission for the next issue of BattleTec. If there isn't going to be one...I'd appreciate it if you could at least take the thing out for a test drive for me...I don't get a lot of B-Tech playing in unfortunately. - Brian urkiw Ask and Ye shall receive. Your 'Mech takes center stage in 'The Design Bay'. Looks to be a fierce in-fighter, too I !ust purchased "eroTech # and read the rules. "s a result of this I had to change the design of the two ships I sent you. $se these %new and correct% designs if ya want. If you like I will send other ships as I am a warship person &ex 'avy type(. I also have auxiliary ship designs &)ospital *hip+ ,epair-*alvage *hip+ .argo *hip+ /atrol *hips+ ,esearch *hip+

BattleTech is a Registered Trademark of FASA Corporation. Original BattleTech material Copyright by FASA Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Used itho!t permission. Any !se of FASA Corporation"s copyrighted material or trademarks in this file sho!ld not be vie ed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. The sole p!rpose of this p!blication is to raise the level of pop!larity# and a areness of BattleTech. $%mail any s!bmissions to me at


6 It's a pity you lost your files. In this case I'll send you the *tromcrow essay again+ along with a 3odiak and 5ri;;ly description for future use. I hope I am not the only pervert &<?=( who rather writes on 'Mechs >-? so you have lots of stuff to put into BattleTec2 5ood luck with the back-up2 *.pt. .rane Tseng #@Ast Battle $nit .lan 5host-Bear I started posting the 'zine in RTF because almost everyone's computer can read it then. Thanks for the commentsthe Lone Mechwarrior of Hungary lives on!

2rmor% !0.0 5(78pts.6 Armor Distribution +ront% 08 Sides% 0*&0* 9ear% 7* Turret% 0* Weapons & Ammo% 'ong Tom 2rtiller: 1iece 5+ront6 ,*.* Tons 'arge 'aser 5Turret6 0.* Tons 'arge 'aser 5Turret6 0.* Tons '9M !* 5+ront6 0.* Tons '9M !* 5+ront6 0.* Tons C2S5Bod:6 *.0 Tons 'T21 2mmo% !0 5Bod:6 ,.* Tons '9M 2mmo% ,/ 5Bod:6 ,.* Tons
COST+ ;!,<,0*</// B,+ CR$&+ OVERVIEW: Slip%Shod Tech# -nc. as one of several small firms approached .!ietly by /o!se 0arik ith a proposition to prod!ce a ne # improved version of the Long Tom 0obile Artillery vehicle. After anno!ncing that Slip%Shod had on the bid 1and there ere more than a fe hints at government kickbacks and payoffs2# the fledgling company set to ork. The res!lts# after a lot of foot% dragging and b!rea!cratic red tape# ere less than impressive. The finished vehicle# d!bbed the "Jumbo" beca!se of its very large si3e 1close to the Demolisher /eavy Tank2 lacked any real improvement in speed over the venerable Long Tom eapon system. $ven greater of a problem# the Jumbo carried minimal amo!nts of ammo for its assigned combat role. Angry acc!sations by the Free &orlds 4eag!e Office of 5roc!rement and an official

The Vehicle War-Book

)This section highlights new vehicle designs being produced across holdings in the Inner Sphere and Clan space. Submissions to this feature should have a good background and fluff text to explain what purpose the vehicle serves.*

NAME: JMB ! "J#MB$" TECH LEVEL% Tracked I.S. & 'evel ( )eight% !** Tons Movement% Cruise% ( +lank% , -ngine% (**.' +usion Control% 1ower 2mplifiers% 'ift -3uipment% 4eat Sinks% 5!/6 Internal Structure% Turret% /.* 0.* *.* *.* /.* 0.* !.*

BattleTech is a Registered Trademark of FASA Corporation. Original BattleTech material Copyright by FASA Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Used itho!t permission. Any !se of FASA Corporation"s copyrighted material or trademarks in this file sho!ld not be vie ed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. The sole p!rpose of this p!blication is to raise the level of pop!larity# and a areness of BattleTech. $%mail any s!bmissions to me at


= investigation ere f!rther stymied by the small print Slip%Shod managed to billet into the original contract# g!aranteeing at least 789 of the original contract b!dget sho!ld /o!se 0arik decide to cancel the pro:ect for any reason. 0arik la yers ere helpless in the face of this strangely ironclad stip!lation. Rather than scrap the hole pro:ect# Slip%Shod agreed to a second prod!ction r!n# ith the intent of adding essential design aspects the F&4 0ilitary demanded. This second r!n prod!ced the variant called the "Elephant". 0ore than one 5roc!rement officer also added the d!bio!s term "&hite" to the title. CAPABILITIES: Apart from the ma:or fla of small ammo for its main g!n and lack of real mobility# the Jumbo does have some ma:or advantages over its predecessor. The old Long Tom vehicle as oef!lly !nder%g!nned hen its location as threatened ith overr!n. Slip%Shod installed t o Flash%Fire 0odel A 4arge 4asers# noted for their r!ggedness in military environments. These ere installed a s ivel%top t!rret# tho!gh this t!rret s!ffered from the inability to raise higher than ;7 degrees. The main g!n is the 4ong Tom 0ark -< artillery piece# ith incredibly long range and increased acc!racy over the 0ark <--- series. &hile slo # the Jumbo packs armor comparable to many Star%4eag!e era vehicles# giving the Jumbo incredible resilience on the battlefield. The &ad%C!tter 4R0%(8s are cheap# less than notable missile systems# b!t they are acceptably reliable and re.!ire no special maintenance. A real perk for the cre s is installment of CAS$ in the ammo storage bin of the Jumbo. HISTORY: The first r!n of the Jumbo rolled off the line in the last .!arter of =87> and right into the meat% grinder that is The Chaos 0arch. Three of the ne tanks ere sent to vario!s hot spots thro!gho!t the 0arch on a p!blicity st!nt masterminded by Slip%Shod e?ec!tives. All three of the ne tanks ere capt!red on vid in combat. Aerospace assets destroyed one seconds after it fired on an enemy col!mn# one is reported missing 1spec!lation and s!spicion is aimed at a small mercenary gro!p ho deserted the post that the tank as stationed at2# and the third cre received a decoration for d!ty beyond the call. This third Jumbo someho managed to pin a hostile Battlemaster against the all of the compo!nd here the Jumbo as stationed. The tank commander# Sgt. /arlock @!nderson# seeing his machine s!rro!nded by raiding mechs shooting at the Jumbo and other defenders# thre his tank# nicknamed "Tantor"# into reverse# catching the !ns!specting Battlemaster as it ro!nded the corner of the Compo!nd /A. The impact drove the assa!lt class Battle0ech back into the compo!nd all# pinning it in the breach nearly !nderneath Tantor. By the time the other enemy !nits ere driven off and friendly "0echs arrived# the Jumbo cre as nearly deaf from the echo of the constant po!nding of the Battlemaster on the tank"s rear armor and t!rret. The recording of this engagement is still !sed by the 0arketing Bepartment of Slip%Shod as a ma:or selling point for the Jumbo. The Compo!nd C.O. re arded the tankers ith a cash bon!s# and gave the capt!red Battlemaster to /arlock# ho pilots it to this day as bodyg!ard for his old Jumbo.

Small Unit Actions

$ver onder here the e?pression "Cold as /ell" came fromC -sn"t "/ell" s!pposed to be hotC &ell# - kno here the saying comes from. -t came from the first soldier to get posted some here here the temperat!re as ro!tinely belo 3ero. Cold eather takes its toll on e.!ipment# too. Some of the climates of the planets e got garrisoned on ere more than a match for the ne est foot sloggers cold% eather gear. Dot only did the cold ca!se problems for vehicles ith internal comb!stion engines# b!t almost all tanks are notorio!sly hard to keep arm in the cre compartments. -dle hovercraft co!ld get their fans fro3en in place# making them !seless. They thre !p a lot of sno # too# making their !se in close formations riskyEtoo m!ch po der blo n into yo!r ing"s vector# and he might end !p plo ing into a tree.

BattleTech is a Registered Trademark of FASA Corporation. Original BattleTech material Copyright by FASA Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Used itho!t permission. Any !se of FASA Corporation"s copyrighted material or trademarks in this file sho!ld not be vie ed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. The sole p!rpose of this p!blication is to raise the level of pop!larity# and a areness of BattleTech. $%mail any s!bmissions to me at


; &heeled vehicles ere ne?t to orthless. Tracked vehicles ere ok# provided their tracks ere ide eno!gh. &e "0ech :ocks !s!ally had it a little better# b!t sometimes even e got a ra deal from the elements. A bli33ard ill blind yo!r "0ech as easily as it blinds a tank. At least the cold !s!ally lets yo! r!n yo!r eapons hotter than yo! normally o!ld. Of co!rse# the same holds tr!e for an enemy Battle0ech# so that"s not al ays so comforting. Firkoff and me ere part of Fire 4ance Ringo# orking a contract in the most remote areas of 0orges. Apparently there as a nat!ral%gas refinery !p there o!r employer deemed orth the scratch to protect. &e got assigned to sco!t the perimeter of o!r employer"s fief# keeping a atch for reported Raider Stars from the Gade Falcons. &e ere slogging it thro!gh deep alpine oodsEthe kind of scenery yo! see on a post card ith a inter painting on it. The sno formed thick drifts# c!t thro!gh by a stream that flo ed do n from the mo!ntains. Ho! co!ldn"t see those peaks from the bleak gray of a clo!d front that as moving do n on !s from the high co!ntry. Sometimes# a sho er of light ill make it thro!gh the overcast# and the mo!ntains ill come alive ith a bea!tif!l rosy glo . &hen that happens# yo! can forget ho harsh and !nforgiving the high co!ntry can be. &e didn"t e?pect to find m!ch !p there. $veryone fig!red the Falcons ere gone by no # as the last engagement ith them had been three eeks ago. &e"d split the lance do n into 6 "0ech teams to cover more gro!nd# tho!gh e kept the distance short# !s!ally half a kilometer or so. Firkoff and me ere plodding thro!gh the pines to the right of o!r line. 0y Phoenix Hawk had the best sensors in the lance# so - ran a broadband# all%spectr!m scan ever three or fo!r min!tes. - as :!st finishing !p one hen a heat spike flared on my /UB# and disappeared :!st as .!ickly. Firkoff bro!ght his Centurion to a halt right behind me hen he sa me dra !p short. I&hat"s !p# AshC Ho! got something"CI IHeah. A heat spikeE- almost missed it# it as so brief. Abo!t one F Dortheast.I ICo!ld be a geyserEmaybe a hot%spring. They said this area has a little volcanic activity. I Firkoff tried to so!nd optimistic# b!t e both kne it as no nat!ral volcanic phenomena. Somebody as o!t there# not too far a ay. And -"m e?perienced eno!gh to kno bait hen - see it. IAsh to Cobb. G!st got a invitation from some less%than%desirables.I I@ive me a grid cord.I as all the C.O. said. -t as hard to impress 0a? ell Cobb ith any kind of ne s# good or bad. - tight%beamed him the info and aited. &ithin a min!te# Firkoff and me both received a topographical feed of the area. &e co!ld both see the lines and marks that Cobb as dra ing on his grid map. /e as going to have !s enter the s!spected area and retreat to the &est# here ha and Harborao!gh o!ld set !p a co!nter%amb!sh on anyone ho tried to clobber !s. The smirk of Firkoff"s face came thro!gh on the com%set. I- hope those "Falcons !se that honor crap they s ear by. -f not# e"re gonna b!y it here in the middle of B!m%J!ck $gypt.I Ho! might think sitting thirty feet !p# yo! can see better and that"s !s!ally tr!e# b!t ith all the cl!mps of sno that eighed the trees do n# and the crappy light# e co!ldn"t see a "0ech"s footprint a do3en meters a ay. &e made o!r ay !p the stream parallel to here the comp!ter said the heat spike had originated. A large cl!mp of giant pines stood at gro!nd 3ero of the reading# b!t e didn"t see anything. The sno as too thick on the branches# so it as like looking at a gigantic camo!flage net of hite# dark green and shado y black. The h!man ay Firkoff"s Centurion shr!gged hen gave him a .!estioning glance almost made me la!gh. IDo hatCI he asked. IFire off a ro!nd.I I&hatEin the airCI I/ell noK Fire into the trees# d!mb%assKI ISeems a aste of C%Bills# b!t hateverEI The Centurion"s right arm thr!st for ard# vomiting a stream of e?pensive a!tocannon ro!nds into hat as probably nothing b!t trees. &ellE almost nothing. A large moose someho managed to st!mble from its cover# tho!gh its

BattleTech is a Registered Trademark of FASA Corporation. Original BattleTech material Copyright by FASA Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Used itho!t permission. Any !se of FASA Corporation"s copyrighted material or trademarks in this file sho!ld not be vie ed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. The sole p!rpose of this p!blication is to raise the level of pop!larity# and a areness of BattleTech. $%mail any s!bmissions to me at


7 rear half as nearly blo n a ay from the high% velocity >8%00 sl!gs. IGes!s ChristKI Firkoff yelled in disg!st and horror. I-t"s only a 0ooseKI &ar does f!nny things to yo!r sensibilities. -f yo! live in a combat 3one long eno!gh# yo!r perceptions of hat is acceptable tend toE m!tate. Try as hard as - co!ld# the snorting became a ch!ckle# then a belly la!gh. ISh!t the hell !pKI# Firkoff yelled over the line. ILsnickerMEBamn# FirkoffK Ho! didn"t even give him a chance to s!rrenderKI At that# Firkoff started la!ghing too. &e ere ha ing it !p# hen the ma:ority of the sno # loosened by depleted !rani!m ro!nds and agitated by the so!nd aves of the a!tocannon# dropped to the gro!nd ith a m!ffled " whumph". &e stopped la!ghing hen e sa the Clan Omni0echs looming thereE Situation: A sco!t lance from 5arker"s 5raetorians mercenary battalion as probing the Dorthern co!ntry on 0orges# acting as a screen against raiding Clan Gade Falcon elements. Recogni3ing an amb!sh for hat it as# the mercenaries managed a slick co!nter%amb!sh by l!ring the battle%h!ngry Gade Falcon Raiding Star back into a trap of the merc"s o n. SETUP: 4ay o!t t o BattleTech maps# short ends meeting. These sho!ld both have a lot of oods and at least one stream that connects the maps together. The defender sets !p first# placing the Charger and Apollo in hidden positions any here on the so!thern map. The Phoenix Hawk and Centurion set !p on the northern map# ithin N he?es of its so!thern edge. The Cent!rion is min!s one ro!nd from its 4B%(8< a!tocannon. The Attacker sets !p ithin fo!r he?es of the northern edge on the northern map# in oods he?es. Special Conditions: B!e to the sno # s!btract ( 05 from all !nits" alking speed and recalc!late their r!nning speed. The intense cold means all mech"s heat sinks operate at 789 greater efficiency 1ro!nded !p2. Attacke : A star of light Gade Falcon Omni0echs from the green NNth Falcon @renadiers. All Omni0echs are in perfect orking order. $lementals do not start the game mo!nted. These arriors are being trained to fight the -nner Sphere arriors ith their o n tactics and are !nder orders DOT to engage in Oellbrigen. They are free to engage ith massed fire and physical attacks. Star Comdr. Ria3ik 1@+ =P5+ ;2 Hellhound 0& Oander 1@+ ;P5+ 72 Cougar "A" 0& Ricco 1@+ ;P5+ 72 Uller 5rimary 0& Bi33 1@+ ;P5+ 72 Uller "A" 5oint Comdr. /iggins# Q; $lementals !e"ende : 5arker"s 5raetorians sco!t lance
Sgt. Cobb Cpl. Tinsel 5vt. Firkoff 5vt. Char 1@+ =P5+ ;2 C@R%=F Charger 1@+ =P5+ ;2 5</%=S Phoenix Hawk 1@+ ;P5+ 72 CD>%B Centurion 1@+ ;P5+ 72 A54%(0 Apollo

Victo # Conditions: That side ith the highest remaining B, on T!rn R(6 ins.

Mech o the Month Basher )Fire 0oth*

By Lev 'Ha! Another head shot!' Arris )Finally - get my chance to do something for Geff"s Battletec# ith school over and myself having a lot of spare time. %4ev* -"ve decided to do a revie of one of the more controversial designs introd!ced in TRO+ =878# the Dasher 1 ire !oth2. First# let"s look at the base config!ration. After taking a glance at the Dasher"s statistics it becomes apparent that this Omni0ech is b!ilt for one thing+ Speed. This mech is the fastest of all Clan designs# capable of moving at (N6 kph at a f!ll r!n.

BattleTech is a Registered Trademark of FASA Corporation. Original BattleTech material Copyright by FASA Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Used itho!t permission. Any !se of FASA Corporation"s copyrighted material or trademarks in this file sho!ld not be vie ed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. The sole p!rpose of this p!blication is to raise the level of pop!larity# and a areness of BattleTech. $%mail any s!bmissions to me at


N &ith its 0ASC system engaged# the Dasher is capable of moving at an incredible 6(N kph# hich enables it to o!tr!n anything it cannot o!tg!n# hich is fort!nate# beca!se this Omni carries a measly 6 tons of Ferro Fibro!s armor. &hile capable of protecting this "0ech against light eapon fire# the paltry amo!nt of armor is all b!t !seless against the massive 0ech%Class eapon systems carried by heavy and assa!lt "0echs 1and even some medi!m and light machines as ell2. &ith this lack of armor in mind# a ise pilot of this other ise e?tremely effective Omni0ech m!st rely on his speed to provide him ith protection# and save his Dasher"s armor for the fe l!cky shots that ill inevitably hit him. A smart Dasher pilot ill retreat in the face of s!perior opposition# b!t if s!ch a co!rse of action is not possible d!e to Clan honor# or simply a st!bborn commander# he o!ld be ell advised to leave nothing to chance and give his opponent impossible shots henever evading. &ith the advantages and disadvantages of the fi?ed capabilities disc!ssed# e can proceed to the ne?t part+ The eapon and e.!ipment config!rations. PRI$ARY: The 5rime config!ration of the Dasher is in reality nothing more that a copy of the eapons load%o!t of the CO0%6B Commando# e?cept for the addition of another medi!m laser and the !se of Clan technology. The Omni"s (8 do!ble heat sinks are s!fficient to keep the temperat!re in check and allo the pilot free !se of his eapons. This design is a good all aro!nd variant altho!gh it does create a problem for the pilot# ho has to get in close in order to !se his eapons effectively. For the Dasher# any close is# simply# too close. The 5rimary config!ration really shines in the anti%armor role. &ith -nferno missiles in its t in SR0 racks# the Dasher 5rime can devastate enemy heavy tank lines# hile !sing its speed to keep o!t of harm"s ay. %A% Va iant: The Dasher "A" is a spotter mech# loaded ith electronics to locate enemy !nits and call in artillery fire. &hile devastating in theory# in practice the Clans rarely !se fire s!pport# making this variant e?tremely rare. For offensive eapons# the "A" variant carries a single Streak SR0%; rack# ith 67 reloads. This provides the !nit ith meager firepo er# b!t is of little assistance to the !nfort!nate pilot of a cornered Dasher "A". The "A"s Anti%0issile System helps shield the fragile Omni0ech from enemy SR0 infantry amb!shes and light missile fire from other enemy !nits. Deedless to say# this config!ration s!ffers from no heat problems at all 1as if heat is likely to be the main concern of a pilot sitting atop a 68 ton Omni0ech protected by only 6 tons of armor and mo!nting a single Streak SR0%; for eapons...2. %B% Va iant: The Dasher B is an effective combat design# despite the lack of armor on the base config!ration. T in medi!m p!lse lasers provide it ith acc!rate short and medi!m range firepo er# and this acc!racy allo s the pilot of the B to engage enemy !nits at a longer effective range than the 5rime o!ld allo . -n addition to the t in lasers the "B" also mo!nts a 0achineg!n 1ackK2 ith 688 shots of ammo 1ackK ? 62. &hile !sef!l against infantry# this eapon is a aste of tonnage on an Omni here pod space is e?tremely limited# and o!ld have been better !sed if the "0ech carried only half a ton of ammo and devoted the other half ton to something else. $ven another pair of machineg!ns might be a nice idea 1 ait a min!te...machine g!ns# a nice ideaC - m!st be losing my mind...2. For added protection# the "B" mo!nts a @!ardian $C0 and an A%5od. And hile all players can !nderstand the need for an $C0 of s!ch an !nder%armored "0ech# the A%5od is a aste of a perfectly good half a ton. Combined ith the half ton of removed 0@ ammo# the eight co!ld be !sed to mo!nt and e?tra $R medi!m laser or other offensive eapon. Come onK &hen as the last time yo! sa a mech capable of r!nning at (N6 F5/ get leg% attacked by !narmored infantryC %C% Va iant:

BattleTech is a Registered Trademark of FASA Corporation. Original BattleTech material Copyright by FASA Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Used itho!t permission. Any !se of FASA Corporation"s copyrighted material or trademarks in this file sho!ld not be vie ed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. The sole p!rpose of this p!blication is to raise the level of pop!larity# and a areness of BattleTech. $%mail any s!bmissions to me at


S The Dasher "C" reminds me of the 4CT%(0 Lo"ust# boasting a pair of small missile racks for primary eapons. Altho!gh the "C" carries 6; reloads per rack# it lacks a back !p eapon. This is not that large of a dra back as it seems# in campaign settings at least# here the Dasher can disengage and r!n to friendly lines for reloading. Still# not having to close the distance to yo!r target to get in range means yo! get to go home in a metal bo? ith legs# not a ooden crate. The Anti%0issile System is a elcome addition to a "0ech as lightly armored as the Dasher# b!t the t o tons of ammo seem e?cessive someho . Again# the miniat!re eapons load means no overheating problems# b!t heat is yo!r smallest problem hen yo! hear yo!r last missiles load into the racksEoh ell# yo! can al ays r!n a ay. %!% Va iant: The Dasher "B" is the most readily identified variantEand version some enemies ish to forget 1names have been changed to protect the h!miliated2. &ith 7 $R medi!m lasers and an Advanced Targeting Comp!ter# this variant can rain in lethally acc!rate firepo er hile staying at a safe distance from most big g!ns 14arge p!lse lasers are al ays a ha3ard to lightly armored machines# even ones as fast as Dasher2. The Flamer is rather !seless for combat# and my g!ess is it"s there simply to fill space# b!t yo! can still !se it to light trees !p and !se the smoke for cover later on. @reat overall design# :!st atch t o things+ Ho!r enemy"s p!lse lasers 1 ell# this one fits an# config!ration of the Dasher...2 and atch yo!r heat. At a r!n 1 hich sho!ld be yo!r only type of movement# if yo! ant to live a long life2# and firing the 7 lasers# yo!r heat :!mps to S. Of co!rse %( 05 is little hindrance# b!t as per 0!rphy"s 4a of Combat+ IThe nearest cover is al ays one step farther than yo!r :!mping rangeI. OkayEyo! can"t :!mp# b!t that e?tra 05 can save yo!r ass someday. -n general# this is the only Dasher yo!"d really ant to be in hen the shells start flying 1that is# if yo! ant to be in a Dasher in the first place...hehe2# b!t it"s of minimal recon !se and cannot spot for homing Arro -,s. So skirmish# yes# spotter# no. %H% Va iant: The last and ne est Dasher config!ration is the one that poses the largest danger to the pilot. -t carries insane firepo er# b!t its ma?im!m effective range is an appalling = he?es. At that range# even an -nner Sphere medi!m p!lse laser ill hit and kill yo!. Still# the ability to blo o!t from behind any center torso in e?istence makes this a deadly eapon# if it can close the range to the target and get to fire its eapons ith an aimed shot# and if it can s!rvive the ret!rn fire. -n general# this mech is for s!icidal pilots onlyEeveryone else# stay clear. House Rules: )Too little information is given about the Dasher to post any reliable House Rules from the Fluff Text alone. A glance at the Dasher's image from the TRO: !"! or the metal miniature can give us a fe# i$eas% ho#ever. &'(A)** The placement of the hands on the Dasher o!ld make ielding a cl!b l!dicro!s. Dot m!ch of a handicap to Clan arriors ho stick to Oellbrigen. The ide co ling aro!nd the rear leg area might give the Dasher t o e?tra armor points for each leg against shots that come from the rear fire arc. OVERALL RATI&'S (" o) *+*,-.: P i)e / 0 A / 1 B / 0 C / 2 ! / 3 H / 4

)T$ote that this rating is based on an o%er&all "omparison o' me"hs 'rom a similar te"h era( Also bear in mind that the rating applies to me"hs o' roughl# the same weight "lass( A )*) rated me"h o' hea%# design might or might not be a mat"h 'or a )*) rated medium me"h( The number rating 'rom this ga+ette is not meant to repla"e B,- but to pro%ide the reader with some 'eel o' how the me"h sta"ks up when "omparing its inherent strengths and weaknesses.*

BattleTech is a Registered Trademark of FASA Corporation. Original BattleTech material Copyright by FASA Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Used itho!t permission. Any !se of FASA Corporation"s copyrighted material or trademarks in this file sho!ld not be vie ed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. The sole p!rpose of this p!blication is to raise the level of pop!larity# and a areness of BattleTech. $%mail any s!bmissions to me at


U Omni0ech"s mangled back. The impact of the (88%ton giant as it fell as eno!gh to send a tremor thro!gh Torc"s machine. "He is gra%el# wounded- but not 9uite dead( To destro# him now- a'ter an ambush- sma"ks o' "owardi"e( But this is a Trial o' Annihilation( : will do what : must to preser%e the ;th." Rel!ctantly# Torc centered his Targeting system on the st!nned Bire &olf# and let loose ith all his eapons again. /e ignored the heat that elled !p in the Timber 8ol'"s cockpit. The salvo finished off the Dire# b!t Torc as already darting do n the narro concrete canyons of the spaceport# in search of more targets. Some here overhead# the black 4A0 piloted by Star Commander Ace? dove into another attack r!n on the Sth"s forces. 4ess than a Trinary of the S th Gag!ar Bragoons remained to assa!lt De 0t. F!:i spaceport. The shame of the last month"s losses as more than Gin 0heta co!ld end!re. At every t!rn# the ; th had proven themselves !nfit for the title of Clan arriors. Amb!shes# olf%pack tactics and no the !se of mines# b!ildings as cover# and the presence of a taboo air%mech among their forces all proved it. Het# regardless of their !nderhanded tactics# they ere inning. This battle o!ld be the last. Gin kne it and she as s!re Torc kne it as ell. The badly ma!led Sth Gag!ar dragoons and no %defeated ;;th Dova Cat Cavaliers o!ld bear the disgrace of this debacle for generations. The t o !nits o!ld most likely become Be3gra. "And the worst dregs o' both "lans will be sent to us( Better to die toda#- 'ighting as a true /moke Jaguar- than "ommand the "ast&o'' rabble 'rom the home worlds." Gin pict!red the scene in her mind"s eye# ith more than mere disdain. She hated the ; th. Clansmen normally did not hate those they killed# for death and destr!ction ere a arrior"s calling. B!t try as she might to label it something else# hate as the only ord strong eno!gh for the thing Gin felt to ards the enemy Gag!ars. The hatred as made all the more po erf!l by the fact that they ere !n!s!ally skilled arriors# dishonorable tactics aside. That as the cr!elest fate of all. Gin no reali3ed she had serio!sly !nderestimated the ;t h# and :!st as serio!sly !nderbid for the Trial

Campaign CO!N"!#
The follo#ing series of battles #ere actually fought in my house campaign. Forgive any ma+or $eviations from ,official- sources you may fin$. The current series $eals #ith a T.O.A. #e playe$ out among the .mo/e 0aguars% of #hich one faction #as assiste$ by 1lan )ova 1at 2no% they helpe$ the ba$ guys3. $ew !t( u.i /pa"e Port- Turtle Ba# /moke Jaguar 0""upation 1one 23 De"ember- 4536 Smoke po!red !p craters that pocked the ferrocrete of De 0t. F!:i spaceport"s aerodyne r!n ay. The remains of a hapless Sth Gag!ar 7i'leman --C littered the area# all that as left of a once po erf!l Battle0ech after the machine landed on camo!flaged mines. From his position inside the cockpit of his Timber 8ol' Alpha# Star Captain Torc st!died the reckage and fro ned grimly. Tho!gh the last of the Sth Gag!ar Bragoons ere no everything he reviled# he still felt regret. They ere Gag!ars# ho ever misg!ided. &hile they so!ght the death of Torc and his men# most of them ere :!st doing hat they ere told. &hat a arrior as trained to do. A Dire 8ol' ith the Sth"s markings th!ndered by# racing do n the main aven!e# a trio of large p!lse lasers and the silver streaks of ga!ss ro!nds firing from its massive arm pods. As the machine l!rched by# Torc slammed the throttle for ard and bolted into the giant enemy "0echs rear arc# firing everything his Timber 8ol' had. 5article beams and p!lses of green laser fire laid open the back of the Dire 8ol'# e?posing vital components to the savage impact of short% range missiles that corkscre ed in from the Timber 8ol'"s SR0 la!ncher. The big machine started to vibrate violently as its o n SR0 ammo detonated. The force of the e?plosion thre the machine o!t of balance as the CAS$ panels e?pelled the ma:ority of the blast press!re o!t the

BattleTech is a Registered Trademark of FASA Corporation. Original BattleTech material Copyright by FASA Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Used itho!t permission. Any !se of FASA Corporation"s copyrighted material or trademarks in this file sho!ld not be vie ed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. The sole p!rpose of this p!blication is to raise the level of pop!larity# and a areness of BattleTech. $%mail any s!bmissions to me at


> Th!s# the consternated oman allo ed hatred for herself to f!rther kindle the hatred of her enemies. That she sho!ld fail so miserably in ga!ging her enemy stood in her mind as proof she as not fit to command. There co!ld be no e?c!se. Anything that tried to alter or rationali3e this ne fact co!ld only be interpreted as a lie. 4ying as not the &ay of the Clans. ": will die here<toda#<that mu"h is "ertain( But e%en m# memor# will be tainted i' : 'ail to kill #ou- Tor"( : know #ou ha%e alread# surmised this( : will not underestimate #our abilit# to per"ei%e an enem#)s saga"it#( 8here shall we meet=" Gin as !ncertain ho she kne here to go# b!t she fo!nd her 8arhawk th!ndering for ard# do n side%alleys# avoiding the brief yet fierce firefights bet een her troops and the enemy. -t as almost an ethereal feelingEsomething her e?tremely logical mind co!ld not !nderstand# that g!ided her# !n%accosted# to the small landing pad on the o!tskirts of the main port. She bro!ght the U7%ton Omni0ech to a slo alk then halted completely. S itching from 0ag%Scan to thermal# she spotted the arm silho!ette of a Timber 8ol' aiting among the b!ildings. A pair of aircraft hangers# m!ch taller than either "0ech# stood bet een the t o. -n the cockpit of the Timber 8ol'# Torc noted the arrival of the 8arhawk. IAce?# Stat!s. Are they all goneCI A moment of crackling static came before Ace? replied. IAff# Star Captain. The Sth is no more. G!st 0heta"s Command "0ech. Shall - assistCI IDeg. -f anyone interferes ith the coming fight# e ill not be able to drive home o!r point# AffCI IAff. One more thingEthe "Birty Bo3en" has lost its commander. A Sth Bragoon Behemoth kicked in Richard"s cockpit before the -nner Sphere arrior co!ld e?tract his "0ech completely from the r!bble of a collapsed b!ilding"s basement. - avenged him shortly thereafter.I Torc"s heart sank at the ne s. /e had act!ally gro n to like his old rival# despite their past conflicts. IUnderstood. See that the terms of o!r salvage agreement are completed# sho!ld - not ret!rn from this place. They fo!ght ell# and have earned o!r respect as ell as the salvage. Torc o!t.I Torc reset the channel to open%fre.!ency Alpha. IEhave come# as yo! kne - o!ld# Torc. have come to kill yo!KI Gins voice gro led in mid%sentence. -n her command seat# a cold calm had come over Gin. /er hatred as so strong# all her mind co!ld do to cope ith it as n!mb most of her senses. She forgot abo!t everything else that she once considered important. 5erhaps that as hat imminent death did to yo!. -t gave yo! clarity of foc!s yo! co!ld never other ise e?perience. "B# >erensk#)s gra%e? : begin to sound like a $o%a&Cat?" IThe battle is over# Gin. Ho!r forces have lost the Trial. -t as a foregone concl!sion after the engagement at the 5ass. There is no need for !s to finish it all th!sly.I The feral tenor of Gin"s reply left no do!bt abo!t her feelings on the matter. I&ere e the last t o of all clan arriors# o!ld still kill yo!. Ho!r pathetic plea for conciliation brands yo! more of an -nner Sphere 'reebirth than a Smoke Gag!ar. /o one s!ch as yo! co!ld test%o!t ama3es and confo!nds me. Regardless of yo!r skill# yo! are not and never ere a tr!e arrior.I The miniat!re 8arhawk on Torc"s /UB bolted for ard# all fo!r 55C"s bla3ing. The first hanger literally fle apart as the cobalt beams hammered into them. As it did# the thermal overlay on the 8arhawk icon flared brightly. Torc shook his head. "@our anger ma# kill #ou be'ore : do- Jin( : see now that #ou do not "are i' #ou die( : begin to think #ou C7A,E death( But : will not let #ou take me down that 'inal path( $ot #et( There is too mu"h le't to be done- too man# debts #et unsettled- 'or me to allow a battle&maddened hellion the 'ruits o' ultimate %i"tor#." SITUATIO&: The remaining elements of the Sth Gag!ar Bragoons la!nched a last# desperate assa!lt against the ;th"s position in the De 0t. F!:i spaceport. The ;th had several s!rprises# incl!ding command%detonated mines on the

BattleTech is a Registered Trademark of FASA Corporation. Original BattleTech material Copyright by FASA Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Used itho!t permission. Any !se of FASA Corporation"s copyrighted material or trademarks in this file sho!ld not be vie ed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. The sole p!rpose of this p!blication is to raise the level of pop!larity# and a areness of BattleTech. $%mail any s!bmissions to me at


(8 landing pads# and a deadly refitted Phoenix Hawk 4A0.

!i t# !o8en: SAPPHIRE LA&CE Colonel Games Richards 1(P(2 $A!+4A $a aude +II
)Richard's Marauder has dropped 10 of its 29 heat sinks and replaced the remaining 19 with double-strength units. The PPC's have been upgraded to ER variants. A master C-3 unit sits in each side torso*

SETUP: 4ay o!t t o BattleTech maps# hite sides sho ing# short end to short end. 5lace 68 random si3ed b!ildings on either side of the center three he?es thro!gh both maps. The middle three ro s of both maps represent r!n ays and landing pads for aerodyne and spheroid dropships. There are c!rrently no dropships at the spaceport. The defender sets !p first !sing hidden !nit r!les for any n!mber of his "0echs. The Befender may combat drop or bring on any of his !nits from any side of the map. Omni0echs that drop may take no f!rther action the ro!nd they land# tho!gh there is a modifier for anyone ho shoots at them. Attacke : The remaining elements of the Sth Smoke Gag!ar Bragoons Trial forces. All Dova%Cat Omni0echs ere either destroyed or ithdra n from the Trial in previo!s battles.
Star Colonel Gin 0heta 16P=2 !asakari 5rimary 0& T!bbs 1=P;2 Thor 5rimary 0& Crockett 16P;2 Daishi "A" 0& Bambie 1=P;2 Behemoth 0& Ringo 16P=2 7i'leman --C Star Commander /alvin 16P=2 $ight A#r "A" 0& Cobbs 1=P;2 !ad Cat 0& Chittlin 16P=2 7#oken "B" !e"ende : The defenders are elements of the ; th Gag!ar Bragoons# as ell as elements of the Dirt# Do+en mercenary company. 4t5 6a7ua ! a7oons: Star Captain Torc 18P82 !ad Cat "A" Star Commander Ace? 1(P(2 7a+or Hawk 4A0 Star Commander 5yra 16P;2 Thor "C" Star Commander Gones 16P=2 Hell"at 5rimary Star Commander Reece 16P;2 7#oken "A" 0& Stilleto 16P=2 Daishi "ART" 0& Boeth 16P;2 Daishi "ART"

4ie!tenant ,ero 16P=2 'U&+*ER! 'unslin7e

)Replace one medium pulse laser with a regular medium laser. Add a Slave to the right torso*

5vt. Alberto 1=P;2 5vt. Smith 1=P;2



[Replace one medium laser with a Slave to the right torso]

PTR+4! Penet ato

)Replace one medium pulse laser with a regular medium laser. Add a Slave to the right torso*

Victo # Conditions: The last s!rviving "0ech is the inner of the Trial of Annihilation. There is no retreat for either side in this scenario.

Special E9uip)ent: The entire = he? center ro of both maps is se n ith command detonated mines. Once these mines are set off# they may not be !sed again. A friendly !nit m!st have 4OS to any he? in the landing strip to set off the mines. All or none of the mines are triggered. The Baishi Omni0echs in this scenario have both been e.!ipped ith t o ARRO& -, la!nchers ith homing ro!nds. 1See belo 2. -n addition# a modified 5hoeni? /a k 4A0 as !sed in the original battle 1 hich no makes this engagment a level = scenario2. The stats for this TOO deadly machine are listed belo . &e discontin!ed the !se of this machine as its presence on the battlefield as totally !nbalancing 1yeah yeah# the eapons load%o!t is m!nchkin as hell# b!t hat better e.!ipment to p!t on a 4A0C2# often acco!nting for a hole lance of assa!lt "0echs by itself. -t is only presented here in the interest of historical acc!racy. SPECIAL E:UIP$E&T:

Type: Modified Phoenix Hawk LAM (55-Ton
Clan Level 3 LAM)

Equipment Internal Structure% -ndo Steel -ngine% ,,*.' !(.0

Mass (.=0

BattleTech is a Registered Trademark of FASA Corporation. Original BattleTech material Copyright by FASA Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Used itho!t permission. Any !se of FASA Corporation"s copyrighted material or trademarks in this file sho!ld not be vie ed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. The sole p!rpose of this p!blication is to raise the level of pop!larity# and a areness of BattleTech. $%mail any s!bmissions to me at



)alking M1% / 9unning M1% > Jump% / 5!8 in 2ir Mech Mode6 4eat Sinks% !,?(/@ ,.* A:ro% 7.* Cockpit% ,.* 2rmor% +erro +ibrous 5!8(6>.0 Internal Structure Value , !> !, > !, Armor > (/&!* (*&0 !8 (/

The C$tting "%ge

B: Bob 9ichter )From the desk of Star Colonel Devon MacArthur, 22nd Phalanx Cluster, Clan Ghost Bear* A eek ago# Alpha @ala?y stopped by for re% s!pply fresh off the front ith FhanslayerVs &olves. Among those in this a!g!st !nit is my comrade%at%arms and Sibkin @rant# kno n by friends and enemies alike as WThe @!illotineX d!e to his propensity for removing heads. &hile removing heads from the Y0echs of o!r lesser neighbors d!ring border skirmishes# he has r!n across several ne pieces of &olf hard are. The first and most intrig!ing is the A!tomated &arfare Unit. A small comp!ter 1 eighing in at( ton2# it links ith e?isting Y0ech hard are to create an A-%controlled ar machine. Do # this is not .!ite an abomination# nor is it a Sci%Fi horror. -t is# in fact# an elegantly simple sol!tion to a very diffic!lt problem. Clan &olf has a severe shortage of manpo er and e.!ipment# b!t it has been easier for them to remedy the problems of e.!ipment than manpo er. /!ndreds of ne ly assembled &olf Clan Y0echs sit aro!nd a aiting pilots. &ith these A- !nits# it ill be possible to activate these machines for battle. This system does have its fla s# ho ever. The first is that it is mon!mentally st!pid tactically# and !s!ally re.!ires a nearby h!man to Wlead it by the handX# designating targets and giving tactical instr!ctions. -t is an e?cellent shot and only half bad at piloting# b!t it cannot operate on its o n. This fla is hat lead to the recovery of this system on hat as apparently its trial r!n. Fo!r of these A-%e.!ipped Y0echs ere arrayed against my sibkinVs command Star# lead by a single WrealX 0ech arrior. This h!man pilot fell to @rantVs $R 55Cs# leaving the A-s itho!t a command !nit# at hich point they deactivated# !nable to contin!e the battle. The &atch thinks that this lackl!ster performance may lead to a limiting of these devicesV deployment. The second piece is a variation on an old favorite# a 55C designed to take back the role of

4ead Center Torso 9&' Torso 9&' 2rm 9' 'eg

Weapons Equip! WT!

Med. Pulse Laser LA Med. Pulse Laser LA Med. Pulse Laser RA Med. Pulse Laser RA Med. Pulse Laser CT AMS RA AMS LA Targeting Computer RT TAG H Active Probe LT ECM Suite CT AMS/Ammo (24) RA 2 Jump Jets LL 2 Jump Jets RL Jump Jet RT Jump Jet LT

2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 0.5 0.5 2.0 1.0 1.5 1.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5

BV+ 6#;=8 ;+ (6#>=>#8>8 Daishi Artillery ,ariant+ Arro -, Arro -, 4arge 5!lse 4arge 5!lse 4arge 5!lse 0ed. 5!lse ( Ton Dormal Ammo ( Ton Dormal Ammo 6 Tons /oming 6 Tons /oming Do lo er arm act!ators. 4AP4T RAPRT 4A RA CT / RA 4A RA 4A

BattleTech is a Registered Trademark of FASA Corporation. Original BattleTech material Copyright by FASA Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Used itho!t permission. Any !se of FASA Corporation"s copyrighted material or trademarks in this file sho!ld not be vie ed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. The sole p!rpose of this p!blication is to raise the level of pop!larity# and a areness of BattleTech. $%mail any s!bmissions to me at


(6 the hard%hitting long%range s!pport eapon from lasers. This 55C s!ffers a slight drop in damage potential to incl!de more po erf!l foc!sing coils# raising its range to nearly U88 meters# th!s making it the longest range energy eapon in any ClanVs arsenal. This ne eapon sho s great promise# as it can deliver 689 more damage than a large Ucm laser at over =8 meters greater range# allo ing a fast Y0ech employing it to strike from beyond its opponentVs eapons range. The final piece of &olf e.!ipment is a ne Omni0ech design. B!bbed the Desperate 8ol' by Alpha @ala?y forces# this d!bio!sly named Omni0ech e?tends the design philosophy that spa ned the pop!lar Timber 8ol' into the 78%ton category. -n fact# the Desperate 8ol' resembles the Timber 8ol' closely# b!t in miniat!re. The !se of a pre%designed chassis ith only slight variations as a clear attempt by Fhan ,ladimier &ard"s scientist caste to c!t corners and get this ne Y0ech to the front as .!ickly as possible. The Timber 8ol' !ses one of the heaviest engines possible# sacrificing firepo er# b!t not armor# for the most mane!verability of any Y0ech in its eight class. Similarly# the ne Desperate 8ol' employs a =78 <4 engine# s!fficient to propel it at over ((6 F5/ on the gro!nd. -t boasts ma?im!m Ferro%fibro!s armor for its eight class# and eno!gh pod space# provided partly by the !se of light eight $ndo% Steel internals# to mo!nt :!mp :ets or a variety of po erf!l eapons config!rations# a total of (N.7 tons. Since only abo!t t enty of these Y0echs have been enco!ntered on the field of battle# there is a limited amo!nt of information available on its pod config!rations. The most common eapons config!ration fo!nd on this Y0ech is apparently an attempt to compete ith the primary variant of the pop!lar $o%a Omni0ech. &hile it mo!nts ; less medi!m%si3ed 7cm lasers than the $o%a# the Desperate 8ol' can employ them more effectively. -t carries (N do!ble heat sinks# hich sho!ld allo the firing of si? lasers !nder most conditions and all eight as an emergency mane!ver. The 5rime config!ration also mo!nts five :!mp :ets# e.!aling the $o%aVs :!mp capability# and keeping the other Y0ech clearly o!tmane!vered ith its s!perior gro!nd speed. The second most common config!ration attempts to e?ploit the ne <<R%55C system. -t packs in t o of the s!per%range particle g!ns and (; do!ble heat sinks# nearly eno!gh to handle the heat o!tp!t from firing these eapons. A small =cm laser rides in the head as a last%ditch eapon. The last variant ith hich e are familiar employs one of the ne A!tomated &arfare Units. This as# in fact# the only Y0ech kno n to deploy this system. For eaponry# it carries one of the ne <<R%55Cs# an advanced targeting comp!ter# 6 mid%si3ed 7cm lasers and a small =cm laser. The addition of 7 do!ble heat sinks keeps the Y0ech cool# even hen firing all of its eapons. 'a)e Rules: AWU: This system replaces the 0ech arrior# b!t not the cockpit# of the Omni0ech on hich it is mo!nted. -t m!st be placed in the !nfilled slot of the head to f!nction properly# and the destr!ction of either the A&U or the cockpit critical slot ill render the Y0ech inoperative. The A&U has an effective @!nnery Skill of ( and 5iloting skill of ;. A&U%e.!ipped !nits al ays move first and declare fire first. They may not move or declare fire !nless a friendly 0ech arrior is still alive on the field and conscio!s. Tonnage+ ( Critical Slots+ ( <<R+PPC Tonnage+ N Critical Slots+ 6 Bamage+ (6 /eat+ (7 Short Range+ (%U 0edi!m Range+ >%(S 4ong Range+ (U%6N

Besperate )olf

BattleTech is a Registered Trademark of FASA Corporation. Original BattleTech material Copyright by FASA Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Used itho!t permission. Any !se of FASA Corporation"s copyrighted material or trademarks in this file sho!ld not be vie ed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. The sole p!rpose of this p!blication is to raise the level of pop!larity# and a areness of BattleTech. $%mail any s!bmissions to me at



T:pe% Besperate )olf 50* Ton Clan 'evel , $mni6

Equipment Internal Structure% -ndo Steel -ngine% ,0*.' !0.* )alking M1% = 9unning M1% !! 4eat Sinks% !*?(*@ *.* A:ro% 7.* Cockpit% ,.* 2rmor% +erro +ibrous 5!/>6>.* Internal Structure Value , !/ !( 8 !( Mass (.0

Alternate Con)i&uration A
)eapons and 2mmo Tonnage ..9 11C (x Bouble 4eat Sink ..9 11C (x Bouble 4eat Sink Small 'aser 4 'ocation Critical 92 92 '2 '2 ! ( 7 ( 7 *.0 / ( / (

Alternate Con)i&uration *
Armor > (7&8 !8&/ !/ (7 )eapons and 2mmo Tonnage ..9 11C (x Bouble 4eat Sink Targeting Computer (x-9 Medium 'aser -9 Small 'aser '2 (x Bouble 4eat Sink Bouble 4eat Sink 'T 2)# 4 'ocation Critical 92 92 9T '2 ! '2 ( ! ( 7 ( ( *.0 7 ! ! / ( ( ( (

4ead Center Torso 9&' Torso 9&' 2rm 9' 'eg

)eight and Space 2llocation Location "i#e$ Spaces %emainin&

4ead Center Torso 9ight Torso 'eft Torso 9ight 2rm 'eft 2rm 9ight 'eg 'eft 'eg ! ( ( .'< = +erro , ( .'< = -ndo 8 ( (

The Na&al 'ar%# Lightning

, 8

Class Light Cruiser and Franklin class destroyer

[By Larry Leslie] [Every once in a while a reader throws me an article that doesn't fit in the usual features. These are the first warships, using AeroTech 2 rules I've received. They have some great fluff, so here's a treat for you Space Battle fans. Thanks, Larry.] Lightning Class Light Cruiser Technology Base: Star League Class: CL Mass: 800,000 tons Length: 775 meters Sail Diameter: 1,390 meters Safe Thrust: 5 Max. Thrust: 8

'rimar( Weapons Con)i&uration

)eapons and 2mmo Tonnage 7x -9 Medium 'aser (x Bouble 4eat Sink Bouble 4eat Sink 9T Jump Jet 9T 7x -9 Medium 'aser (x Bouble 4eat Sink Bouble 4eat Sink 'T Jump Jet 'T Jump Jet CT Jump Jet 9' Jump Jet '' 'ocation Critical 92 92 ( ! '2 '2 ( ! ! ! ! 7 7 ! *.0 7 7 ! *.0 *.0 *.0 *.0 7 ( 7 (

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Fuel Capacity: 2,500 tons Tons/Burn Day: 39.52 Sail Integrity: 5 KF-Drive Integrity: 16 Structural Integrity: 65 Heat Sinks: 2,472 (4,944) Armor: 1,040 points Fore: 190 Fore-Sides: 175 Aft-Sides: 175 Aft: 150 Dropship Capacity: 6 Grav. Decks: 2 (1-75m, 1-65m) Escape Pods: 78 Lifeboats: 54 Crew: 439 Cargo Capacity: 8,758 tons Armament: 12 Maxell-45 Series Naval Lasers 10 Fusigon-2a Naval Particle Projectile Cannons 10 Scarborough-30 Series Naval Autocannons (2,000 rounds) 3 Poland-1d Series Naval Gauss Cannons (1,200 rounds) 2 Poland-2c Series Naval Gauss Cannons (800 rounds) 8 Maelstrom AR-10b Missile Launchers 40 Barracuda Anti-Ship Missiles 40 White Shark Anti-Ship Missiles 40 Killer Whale Anti-Ship Missiles 64 Diverse Optics Sunbeam ER Large Lasers 64 Martell Medium Lasers 48 Defiance P8M Laser Anti-Missile Systems Other Cargo: 6 Small Craft 18 Aerospace Fighters Crew: 446 75 Officers 371 Enlisted 24 Aerospace Pilots 48 AeroTechs 4 Platoons Jump Infantry Ship Notes: ArmorLamellor Ferro-Carbide

Lithium-Fusion Batteries Detachable jump sail Portable HPG 8 Hangar Doors 10 Cargo Doors Cost: $32,002,192,000.00 BV: 153,507

Ship History From the journal of Senior Engineer Kevin Pritz, December 18th 2766. When the Star League Procurement Department gave us the specifications for the ships it wanted us to design, I took particular interest in the specifications it wanted on of the new Light Cruisers. This ship was to be fast, and I mean FAST. No warship has ever been built with this kind of speed. We where never told why it had to be so fast, but we where determined to meet or exceed these specifications. At once we started looking at the engine design. No engines currently being produced would work for this baby. We would have to have an engine designed from scratch. We turned to the Rolls Royce factories orbiting Earth. They were more than interested about producing engines for this hotrod of a warship. While Rolls Royce began engine design, we started on the rest of the ship. Weaponry was going to be interesting for this ship. The Lightning's designed speed would allow her to get into any firing position she wanted and disengage from the enemy at will. Therefore, for armament we decided to give the ship a respectable long-range punch. Giving the ship two of Polands 2c Naval Gauss Rifles and five of Polands 1d Naval Gauss Rifles would guarantee that even this speed demon would be able to hurt a targeted ship before it could close to short range. For close in weaponry we gave the Lightning ten Scarborough-30 Series Naval autocannon. We liked these cannons because their great range, for an autocannon, would once again allow the Lightning to inflict damage

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as she rapidly approached. Wanting to round the ship out we next concentrated on her energy weaponry. Once again range was of primary concern. Deciding to go with a mix of laser and particle weapons, we gave the Lightning fourteen Magna-45 Naval Lasers and ten Fusigon-2a Medium Naval Particle Projectile Cannons. (Once again the range of the weapons where of the utmost importance.) Lastly, we gave the ship a respectable amount of laser anti-fighter weaponry to keep the pesky little fighters away. With the armament out of the way we looked at the armor. The original specifications called for a light armor load, but we had other plans. (What good is a fast ship if it dies from the first close range exchange of fire?) We decided to go with as much armor as she could carry. We could do this by sacrificing some of the aerospace fighter contingent. The one wing would be more than enough to protect this ship (if they could keep up!). Of course some sacrifices had to be made with the Lightning. She had a very small cargo bay, but this was considered to be a small problem as she still could carry a supply dropship. The other item of concern was her fuel supply. While she carries an ample supply of fuel when compared to earlier Star League warships, we would have liked to give her at least twice her current allotment. But again there is always the option to carry a dropship with extra fuel. While neither of these two items would hamper the ships combat capabilities, it would keep its endurance range limited more than we would have liked. By the time we where done with the designs, Rolls Royce had arrived with the new engines and a prototype! And what a beauty it was. They called the prototype Gonzales after a popular animated mouse of the 20th century. Then we programmed all the specifications into the computers and ran the first tests, and we where astonished. This ship could move and maneuver. Rolls Royce had surprised us and added special thrusters and vector thrusting vanes

to the engines, which allowed her to turn on a dime! This ship could probably outrun even one of the Caspers of the SDS protecting the Hegemony. (Makes ya wonder). Well Christmas is in a week and it will be a nice break from all this busy work. I think my team deserves this break after designing a ship like this one, a nice long break. I guess I should log off and go home to start my long awaited vacation. Production of this gem starts in February. Merry Christmas! Construction Information KF Drive 362,000 tons Jump Sail 70 tons Engine (738 Heat Sinks) 240,000 tons Fuel 2,500 tons Fuel Pumps 50 tons Structural Mass 52,000 tons Bridge 2,000 tons Heat Sinks 1,734 tons Armor 1,040 tons Docking Hardpoints: 6,000 tons Grav Decks: 100 tons Lithium Fusion Battery: 8,000 tons M/F/V/E Cubicles: 3,900 tons Crew: 3,822 tons Others: 50 tons (HPG - 50 tons) Escape Pods/Lifeboats: 924 tons Cargo: 8,758 tons Fire Control Computer: 9,255.6 tons Weapons: 97,796 tons Weapons 12 NL/45 10 M-NPPC 2 MED N-GUASS (800 shots) 3 LT N-GUASS (1200 shots) 10 NAC-30 (2000 shots) 8 AR-10 (40 KW, 40 WS, 40 BC) 64 ER L LASER 64 M LASER 48 LASER ANTI-MISSILE Nose NL/45 x2 M-NPPC M N-Gauss x2 (800 shots) ER L Laser x8

BattleTech is a Registered Trademark of FASA Corporation. Original BattleTech material Copyright by FASA Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Used itho!t permission. Any !se of FASA Corporation"s copyrighted material or trademarks in this file sho!ld not be vie ed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. The sole p!rpose of this p!blication is to raise the level of pop!larity# and a areness of BattleTech. $%mail any s!bmissions to me at



M Laser x8 Laser AMS x6 Fore Right/Left NL/45 x2 M-NPPC LT N-Gauss (400 shots) NAC/30 AR-10b x2 (5 Barracuda, 5 White Shark, 5 Killer Whale each) ER L Laser x8 M Laser x8 Laser AMS x6 Right/Left Broadside M-NPPC x3 NAC/30 NAC/30 NAC.30 ER L Laser x8 M Laser x8 Laser AMS x6 Right/Left Aft NL/45 x2 NAC/30 AR-10b x2 (5 Barracuda, 5 White Shark, 5 Killer Whale each) ER L Laser x8 M Laser x8 Laser AMS x6 Aft NL/45 x2 NL/45 x2 M-NPPC LT N-Gauss (400 shots) ER L Laser x8 M Laser x8 Laser AMS x6

Franklin Class Destroyer Technology Base: Star League Class: DD Mass: 652,000 tons Length: 622 meters Sail Diameter: 1,300 meters Safe Thrust: 4 Max. Thrust: 6

Fuel Capacity: 3,000 tons Tons/Burn Day: 39.52 Sail Integrity: 4 KF-Drive Integrity: 14 Structural Integrity: 85 Heat Sinks: 2,610 (5,220) Armor: 1,108 points Fore: 185 Fore-Sides: 185 Aft-Sides: 185 Aft: 183 Dropship Capacity: 2 Grav. Decks: 1 (65m) Escape Pods: 69 Lifeboats: 48 Crew: 413 Cargo Capacity: 18,830 tons Armament: 17 Trondell-55 Series Naval Lasers 12 Fusigon-2a Naval Particle Projectile Cannons 10 Pontiac-25 Series Naval Autocannons (1,000 rounds) 4 Poland-2c Series Naval Gauss Cannons (800 rounds) 4 Maelstrom AR-10b Missile Launchers 40 Barracuda Anti-Ship Missiles 40 White Shark Anti-Ship Missiles 40 Killer Whale Anti-Ship Missiles 48 Cyclops XIIa ER Large Lasers 36 Martell Medium Lasers 40 Martell Model Xa Laser Anti-Missile Systems Other Cargo: 4 Small Craft 12 Aerospace Fighters Crew: 386 (513 total including pilots, techs, infantry) 68 Officers 334 Enlisted 16 Aerospace Pilots 32 AeroTechs 3 Platoons Jump Infantry Ship Notes: Armor Lamellor Ferro-Carbide Lithium Fusion Batteries Detachable jump sail Portable HPG 4 Hangar Doors 8 Cargo Doors Cost: $16,067,657,250.00 BV: 147,147

BattleTech is a Registered Trademark of FASA Corporation. Original BattleTech material Copyright by FASA Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Used itho!t permission. Any !se of FASA Corporation"s copyrighted material or trademarks in this file sho!ld not be vie ed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. The sole p!rpose of this p!blication is to raise the level of pop!larity# and a areness of BattleTech. $%mail any s!bmissions to me at



Ship History
The Franklin Class was designed to replace the Essex Class Destroyers. The most notable changes where in speed, armament and armor. Realizing the need to increase the destroyers speed so the ship would be able to screen and protect the other high-speed ships on the drawing boards, Di Tron engineers used the new Rolls Royce Gryphon engines. This decision was made after unsuccessfully trying a two-engine configuration using the Rolls Royce Kraken engines. The engineers decided the additional crew required manning three engines plus the survivability of a threeengine design made it worth the additional cost. The next item addressed was the ships armament. Realizing no destroyers previously built had any real long rang punch; it was decided to place a battery of the latest medium naval grade Gauss Rifles in the ships nose. This would give the ship a respectable "bite" until it closed with enemy ships. It was also decided to increase the ships laser and PPC armament in size and numbers. This would again allow the ship to snipe at its opponent until its deadly autocannon where brought to bear. Even though the Franklin has two less autocannon that the Essex, those remaining where upgraded to the Whirlwind-25 series, allowing for the same damage curve as the Essex. Lastly, the addition of four Maelstrom AR-10 missile racks gives the Franklin the ability to use the missile most appropriate for any situation. The last thing our engineers improved upon was the Franklins armor. This is where it all counts. The ability for a ship to survive is directly linked to how well its armor holds up to the enemies pounding! Di Tron engineers decided to spare no expense in this area. The Lamellor Ferro-Carbide was chosen and the ships frame was plated with as much as it could hold. This would practically guarantee the ship could weather the storm

of enemy fire while chewing up the enemys armor first. The new Star League was pleased with the simulations results of the ship class and the first two ships are scheduled to be started in November of 2766, with trails scheduled in December 2767.

Construction Information
KF Drive 295,030 tons Jump Sail 62.6 tons Engine (604 Heat Sinks) 156,480 tons Fuel 3,000 tons Fuel Pumps 60 tons Structural Mass 55,420 tons Bridge 1,630 tons Heat Sinks 2,006 tons Armor 1,108 tons Docking Hardpoints: 2,000 tons Grav Decks: 50 tons Lithium Fusion Battery: 6,520 tons M/F/V/E Cubicles: 2,600 tons Crew: 3,450 tons Others: 50 tons (HPG) Escape Pods/Lifeboats: 820 tons Cargo: 18,830 tons Weapons: 99,356 tons Additional Fire Control: 3,528.3 tons Weapons 15 NL/55 12 Med NPPC 10 NAC-25 (1000 shots) 4 Med N-Gauss (800 shots) 4 AR-10 (40-KW, 40-WS, 40-BC) 48 ER L Laser 36 M Laser 40 Laser AMS Nose NL/55 Med N-Gauss (200 shots) Med N-Gauss (200 shots) AR-10 (10 Barracuda, 10 White Shark, 10 Killer Whale) ER L Laser x6 M Laser x6 Laser AMS x5 Fore Right/Left NL/55 x2

BattleTech is a Registered Trademark of FASA Corporation. Original BattleTech material Copyright by FASA Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Used itho!t permission. Any !se of FASA Corporation"s copyrighted material or trademarks in this file sho!ld not be vie ed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. The sole p!rpose of this p!blication is to raise the level of pop!larity# and a areness of BattleTech. $%mail any s!bmissions to me at


(U the so%called "Black 0ay" bio%agent. -t as operating on one of the moons of @ei%F!# a planet that rested near the border of the contested <in Sheng orlds and Capellan space. The losses the 7th TTTT faced on Tage had eakened the !nit"s fighting strength severely. -f the need to stop these terror attacks ere not !rgent# Sandy"s !nit o!ld not be b!rning do n to @ei%F!"s 6nd moon at the moment. Unfort!nately for her# her first officer# 0atthe Si"Taga did not see the sit!ation as she did. ICommander - m!st officially protest to this mission. &e simply do not have the operational strength to complete o!r ob:ectives.I /e snapped at her from across her Command Office"s desk. )!att has been openl# %o"al in his opinionsowing doubt in an#one who will listen( He is "ompromising the "hain o' "ommand- and seriousl# damaging the morale o' this unit( 8orse- he is making disbeli%eers out o' m# warriorsK" I0atthe yo! have already made this protest# and it has already been denied....I &ith a slight pa!se she tho!ght#) : sho!ld in'orm him that another su"h outburst will get him relie%ed o' "ommand- but : don)t want to "ompound the damage he)s alread# done to the deli"ate threads o' balan"e holding e%er#one together( : must gi%e them a sense o' purpose- and a uni'ied "ommand stru"ture is the "ornerstone o' su""ess 'or an# militar# endea%or() /e gave her a so!r look. I Ho! do not believe that e sho!ld let the Capellans handles this as an internal matterC Bo yo! honestl# believe if e destroy this gas e ill not see it againCI# 0atthe retorted still defiantly I "0am# Ho! and - both have a d!ty to protect all personnel !nder o!r command. This mission ill res!lt in high cas!alties even if# on the remotest of chances# it is s!ccessf!lKI )He does not know when to 9uit?) She held him ith a dangero!s ga3e. IHo! and - have a d!ty to protect the ST. -,$S CO05ACTK Bo not forget that yo! are Jansi# a arriorK - am illing to lay do n my life to p!t an end to these "Black 0ay" attacks. -f e let :!st one shipment of this gas off orld# tho!sands of people# perhaps h!ndreds of tho!sands# ill be killed...I 0atthe started to reply b!t she c!t him off.

NAC/25 x2 (200 shots) AR-10 (10 Barracuda, 10 White Shark, 10 Killer Whale) ER L Laser x6 M Laser x4 Laser AMS x5 Right/Left Broadside NL/55 x2 NL/55 x2 Med NPPC x2 Med NPPC x2 NAC/25 x2 (200 shots) ER L Laser x6 M Laser x4 Laser AMS x5 Right/Left Aft NL/55 x2 Med NPPC x2 NAC/25 (200 shots) ER L Laser x6 M Laser x4 Laser AMS x5 Aft Med N-Gauss (200 shots) Med N-Gauss (200 shots) AR-10 (10 Barracuda, 10 White Shark, 10 Killer Whale) ER L Laser x6 M Laser x6 Laser AMS x5

(arkest (a)n
?B: 2po.@ Over the past days the terrifying series of Th!gee nerve agent attacks# no being called "Black 0ay"# had str!ck several orlds in the Compact. The res!lts ere similar to those of the IBlack deathI plag!e described in literat!re so many years ago. 0ost of the attacks ere against military and political targets. Some# ho ever# ere against civilians and that inf!riated 0a:or Sandy Dogratis to no end. On Tage after a series of chemical attacks against her !nit# an intensive investigation revealed the location of a prod!ction factory for

BattleTech is a Registered Trademark of FASA Corporation. Original BattleTech material Copyright by FASA Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Used itho!t permission. Any !se of FASA Corporation"s copyrighted material or trademarks in this file sho!ld not be vie ed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. The sole p!rpose of this p!blication is to raise the level of pop!larity# and a areness of BattleTech. $%mail any s!bmissions to me at


(> I$no!ghK Ho! have yo!r orders# 0a:or. Tell me no if yo! are !nable to follo them# and ill find a arrior loyal to Candice 4iao ho illKI Setup: 5lace 6 maps end to end long ays. Besignate one as the so!thern map and one as the northern map. 5lace ; heavy b!ildings 1CF 782 co!nters any here on the northern map# ithin = he?es of at least one other b!ilding. !eplo#)ent: Attacker+ 5layer ( ill start moving from the so!thern edge t!rn (. 5layer ( may also choose to combat drop !p to ; !nits# any here on the map. Befender+ 5layer 6 can deploy !nits ithin 7 he?es of the b!ildings# b!t they are po ering !p and cannot attack or move# tho!ght they may dodge in their he?. 5layer 6"s !nits ill not co!nt as immobile targets on T!rn R(. Situation: The 7th TTTT s!ffered horribly on Tage. 0any Officers ere lost to the "Black 0ay" gas hile many "0echs ere lost to the follo %!p strikes after ards. The 7th"s Union class dropship is seemingly dropping on @ei &on# ho ever the dropship captain is going to deviate from this co!rse to make a strike on its moon. The Th!gee force that defends the planet happens to be one of the most elite and ell% e.!ipped !nits of the "Black 0ay" terrorist gro!ps. Victo # Conditions+ Attacker+ 5layer ( has to destroy all of the ; str!ct!res that represent prod!ction and storage facilities. &itho!t these str!ct!res the Th!gee ill die on the planet. 5layer 6+ 5layer 6 /as to repel the attacks Battle0echs ill have there movement rates increased =89. At %S8 c all mechs ill dissipate ; e?tra points of heat. /o ever# every s!ccessf!l hit to a player"s armor m!st take a breaching role. On a res!lt of (8 or greater the section is breached and is considered destroyed# tho!gh there are no ammo e?plosions and all critical slots can absorb critical hits normally. In"ant #: -nfantry ear space s!its# the s!its protect them from the environment# b!t make them e?tra v!lnerable to eapons fire. They receive 6? normal damage along ith any other normal modifiers. Po>e A )o : 5o er armor is !naffected e?cept that the Sth point of damage ill kill a Fa Shih trooper. Special Rules @ei%&!"s only moon has a gravity of 8.S. This ill modify a "0echs speed and :!mping ability. Cons!lt special case r!les in the B0R. Also# beca!se the planet has an e?tremely lo temperat!re and relatively no atmosphere# !se vac!!m and e?treme temperat!re r!les. -n addition# the fighting occ!rs on the dark side of the moon# so add a Q6 modifier to all shots. Some "0echs are e.!ipped ith Spotlights. En=i on)ental Conditions on Battle$ec5s:

Attac+in& )orces ,-t. TTTT/: .

0a:or Angelina 44yanova 16P=2 A&S%>0 Awesome 0ech &arrior Roger 5itts 1=P;2 BG%O5 Bla"k.a"k Omni0ech 0ech &arrior Randal Hat%si 1=P;2 @/T%7/ Arasshopper 0ech &arrior Gill /odges 1;P72 @A4%(@4S Aallow Alas Captain Gac.!es Calais 1=P; 2 CST%(O Cestus 0ech &arrior 4o Ton TiTaga 16P=2 SBR%7, /pider 0ech &arrior Si%Shi 5ierce 1=P;2 T/R%(4 Thunder 0ech &arrior To @an Chao 1=P;2 CTF%=4 Cataphra"t :n'antr# /e"tionB G!mp -nfantry 4aser Anti%0ech Trained G!mp -nfantry 4aser Anti%0ech Trained Aerospa"e ighter Lan"e Lu"i'er /eavy Aerospace Fighter 1=P;2 Lu"i'er /eavy Aerospace Fighter 1;P72

BattleTech is a Registered Trademark of FASA Corporation. Original BattleTech material Copyright by FASA Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Used itho!t permission. Any !se of FASA Corporation"s copyrighted material or trademarks in this file sho!ld not be vie ed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. The sole p!rpose of this p!blication is to raise the level of pop!larity# and a areness of BattleTech. $%mail any s!bmissions to me at



$ven ith 0atthe "s speech# his !nit is still not confident. To represent this# the "Forced &ithdra al" r!les are in effect 1see the campaign game r!les later in this iss!e for these effects2.
Special A?ilities: As described in Field 0an!al Capellan Confederation the Ganissaries may bank initiative

Defender: $very mech Bestroyed ( ,5.

The force ith the highest victory points at the end of T!rn R(6 ins.

The (esign *a'

Operation B!lldog sa some of the most vicio!s city fighting in the history of the -nner Sphere. -t has been r!mored that ,ictor -an Steiner%Bavion himself laid do n the specifications for the /B(%/DTR Headhunter after seeing a Berserker in action. The apparent loathing that the Smoke Gag!ar arriors sa for this honorless -nner Sphere design as obvio!s# as as their tendency to !nderestimate its effectiveness. Capa?ilities: Beca!se of its intended role as a close%.!arters fighter# the Headhunter as designed ith speed and armor as top priorities# and eapons second. The Headhunter"s secret eapon is the Triple Strength 0yomer that comes installed as standard e.!ipment. &hen the Y0echVs heat is abo!t to enter the red 3one a head h!nter pilot ill e?perience an immediate =88 percent performance increase as the special 0yomer kicks into overdrive. To s!rvive the nasty hell of close .!arter fighting# the Headhunter has been armored to near ma?im!m. T elve and a half tons of time proven ArmorScale protects the sensitive inner orkings of the Headhunter from damage. Also# by personal re.!est of prototype test pilots# the Headhunter has been fitted ith a f!ll head e:ection system to keep the pilot safe in hostile terrain and hostile territory. -n addition# for the regrettable times that a Headhunter m!st close ith a distant opponent ith no possible obstacles to hide behind# a /ermes =N8 <4 engine provides Headhunter ith the highest possible speed c!rve for a N8 ton mech. Also# si? C!rtas StarRider -- :!mp :ets give the Headhunter plenty of room to mane!ver ith a (U8 meter :!mp radi!s.

De)en$in& T.u&ee )orces ,Mur$erin& An&les/

1"0echs ith a ' symbol mo!nt spotlights2 Sao%Shao 16P62 Sao%&ei 5etrovitch 16P62 Sao%&ei Ti%&yn 16P=2 Th!gee R(1(P=2 Th!gee R6 16P62 Th!gee R= 16P=2 Th!gee R; 16P=2 Th!gee R7 1=P;2 Th!gee RN 1=P=2 Th!gee RS 16P=2 Th!gee RU 16P62 Ohong%Shao Di @itsa 1(P62 0R%,6 Cerberus H%/>@ @u Hang $05%NA Emperor C5T4%C7 Catapult 0DS%(O5 !en /hen C SHU%6B /ha Lu ST/%(B /tealth C /$4%=B Helios /UR%&O%R;4 Huron 8arrior AD,%=0 An%il &R%B@%86FC 8ar Dog 4/U%6B Lao Hu

Fa Shih T Fa Shih T Foot -nfantry 5latoon 14aser2 Foot -nfantry 5latoon 14aser2 TBattle Armor may not pre lay mines as they ere ca!ght off g!ard

Those itho!t Field 0an!al+ Capellan Con'ederation may not have the stats for the /ha &lu or the Lao&Hu( These "0echs co!ld be s apped ith a Thunder and a 7a%en. The Lao Hu is simply a 7PU mech ith 4B<68 Q= tons ammo# 4R0(7 Q6 tons of ammo# $R%4arge 4aser. The a /hih Battle Armor can be s itched ith standard Battle Armor as it has fe advantages over it in this scenario any ay. 1&ith the e?ception that it can mo!nt any mech# not :!st an Omni0ech.2

Victo # Conditions: Attacker: $very b!ilding Bestroyed Q; ,5 $very Th!gee "0ech Bestroyed Q( ,5

BattleTech is a Registered Trademark of FASA Corporation. Original BattleTech material Copyright by FASA Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Used itho!t permission. Any !se of FASA Corporation"s copyrighted material or trademarks in this file sho!ld not be vie ed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. The sole p!rpose of this p!blication is to raise the level of pop!larity# and a areness of BattleTech. $%mail any s!bmissions to me at


6( The eapon compliment as caref!lly selected to prod!ce the necessary aste heat that the 0yomer need to be most efficient# hile still remaining effective hen heat levels begin to interfere ith the targeting comp!ters. Being a close%in fighter# there as no .!estion to !se p!lse laser systems. The fo!r 0artel Spitfire 0edi!m 5!lse 4asers have been b!ilt into the HeadhunterVs torso# t o to a side# in order to keep both of the Y0echVs arms free for the devastating melee attacks that the head /!nter as designed to deliver. One of the !ni.!e systems being introd!ced ith the Headhunter is the Angst CityPRange Strategic Terrain Tactical Cartography Comp!ter. The targeting comp!ter as designed by scientists at the DA-S ith help from members of Team Ban3ai to aid a Headhunter pilot in the tricky game of city fighting. The comp!ter takes information from both the Active 5robe and the 0ag%Scan and filters it. Anything metal that doesnVt move is seen in the =N8 vie as a bl!e ire%frame# hile anything that does move is seen as a red ire%frame a!gmented by the Y0echVs thermal sensors. -n addition# the -TCVs memory core is large eno!gh to record over 788 s.!are miles of metallic terrain. &hen ret!rning to an area already in the comp!terVs memory# it ill sho ob:ects that have changed location by more than (89 in a p!rple ire%frame# and hat they !sed to look like in green. -t is very hard to m!g a Headhunter that is familiar ith his s!rro!ndings# and harder to find one. The tried and tested @!ardian $lectronic Co!nter 0eas!re s!it is making an appearance in the Headhunter as ell. &ith a possible top speed of ((U.U kph# Battle0ech tacticians have s!ggested allo ing the Headhunter to accompany sco!t Ymechs for its electronic arfare capabilities. -n addition# if it erenVt for the inherent diffic!lty of s!ch missions# Fed Com military command has almost been eager to test the Headhunter in a g!erilla campaign. -ts significant amo!nts of armor and reliance on melee and laser eapons sho!ld# in theory# make it an e?cellent g!erilla fighter. The only dra back is# !nfort!nately# its <4 class engine that lo ers the s!rvivability in said campaigns by an !nacceptably large margin. !eplo#)ent: Beca!se of the hatchet mo!nted on the HeadhunterVs right arm# most of the prototype testing has been done in sim!lator pods. /o ever# the Headhunter has proven itself at every t!rn. The only prod!ction models made so far have been !sed by the Bavion /eavy @!ards RCTs d!ring combat missions in the Chaos 0arch# and the occasional .!ick raid into the Clan Occ!pation Oone by other Federated S!ns forces. One .!ote from a Headhunter 0ech arrior in the Bavion /eavy @!ards as WTheyVre hard to snipe hen yo! get !p to a f!ll r!n# and they can m!nch an#thing ith a minim!m effective range if they let yo! get into melee.X -t is almost certain that even if the Headhunter st!mbles into some !nforeseen tactical problem that reg!lates it to p!re garrison d!ty# it ill at least be a Solaris ,-- favorite for a long time to come. Va iations: T o variations have been considered# b!t !nfort!nately ill probably never bear fr!it. The /B(%/DTR%C modification package re.!ires the removal of three :!mp :ets# the Triple Strength 0yomer and the relocation of the $ndo Steel b!lk in the legs to the vacancy in the center torso and the head in e?change for the ne Capellan Stealth Armor System. Also# in order to even o!t the mass# the t o medi!m p!lse lasers in the right torso are removed and replaced ith a large p!lse laser. The second re%fit package# the /B(%/DTR%B# drops a half%ton of armor and the @!ardian $C0 to make room for the ne DA-S Targeting Comp!ter.
)Dote for mi?ed%tech freaks+ -f yo! e.!ip it ith clan endo steel# yo! can add the Stealth Armor and keep the TS0 and all the :!mp :ets. G!st a Yheads !p.V*

HD1-HNTR Head Hunter

Mass: 60 tons Chassis: Alshain Type D-Endo Steel Power Plant: Hermes 360 XL

BattleTech is a Registered Trademark of FASA Corporation. Original BattleTech material Copyright by FASA Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Used itho!t permission. Any !se of FASA Corporation"s copyrighted material or trademarks in this file sho!ld not be vie ed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. The sole p!rpose of this p!blication is to raise the level of pop!larity# and a areness of BattleTech. $%mail any s!bmissions to me at



Cruising Speed: 64.8 km/h Maximum Speed: 97.2 km/h Jump Jets: 6 Curtas StarRider II Jump Capacity: 180 meters Armor: Armorscale Armament: 4 1 Team Banzi Vibro Hatchet 4 Martel II Spitfire Medium Pulse Lasers 1 Guardian Electronic Countermeasure System 1 Beagle Active Probe Manufacturer(s): 1 Argile Technologies of Skye Communications System: Sony City Burst AD-C2 Targeting & Tracking System: Angst CityRange STTCC

Beagle Active Probe Guardian ECM Suite

2 Jump Jets


2 2 2

1.5 1.5 2.0

Continent Map BattleTech Campaign !$les

$ver anted to r!n a big campaign# here yo! can mane!ver forces and fight a series of battles that ere part of a bigger pict!reC /ere"s my attempt 1C2 at making s!ch a game feasible itho!t simplified battle r!les. Forces can be moved on a continental scale and then drop do n into BattleTech scale engagements. This system falls bet een BattleForce and BattleTech in si3e# aiming at Battalion%si3ed actions in order to keep the battles viable# itho!t falling into abstract combat. The follo ing r!les sho!ld be considered a Beta set. Feedback and play testing 1going on this month2 ill s!rely res!lt in changes. 0iniat!res for &$B R5@ and Screen Shots of the system in action are available ith an email to me at :effk rb'iserv.net . A sample screen shot can be fo!nd at

Type: HD1-HNTR Headhunter Technology Base: Inner Sphere Level 2 Tonnage: 60 Equipment Mass Int. Struc.: Endo Steel 3.0 Engine: 360 XL 16.5 Walking MP: 6 Running MP: 9 Jumping MP: 6 Heat Sinks: 10 [20] 0.0 Gyro: 4.0 Cockpit: 3.0 Armor Factor: 200 12.5 Internal Armor Struct. Value Head: 3 8 Center Torso: 20 30 CT (Rear): 10 R/L Torso: 14 20 R/L T (Rear): 8 R/L Arm: 10 20 R/L Leg: 14 28 BV: 1332 Hatchet
Med. Pulse Laser Med. Pulse Laser Med. Pulse Laser Med. Pulse Laser


.iserv.netPZ:effk rbP$?ample.:pg
minis folder is here+


http+PP http+PP

.iserv.netPZ:effk rbPSteinerP .iserv.netPZ:effk rbPF!ritaP

.iserv.netPZ:effk rbP0yBattle-cons.gif

A fe generic 1not close to all2 icons for the game can be fo!nd here+

P5 ases: The ord "!nit" itho!t capitol U refers to all battlefield formation types. A Unit is any force smaller than a Battle7 oup# b!t larger than a single vehicle or mech# hich is called an Ele)ent. The term &orld%0ap and Continent map are synonymo!s and refer to the UN kilometer he? map the non%BattleTech map is set on. C5its and Icons are interchangeable and represent playing pieces in general. T5e *@+Hou St ate7ic Tu n: $ach "T!rn" of the game is broken do n into (% ho!r 5hases. Units ill spend one of their movement points hen their t!rn comes !p in the Strategic T!rn. /o often yo!r partic!lar Battlegro!p# !nit or $lement gets to move

Cost: 15,572,160 RA RT RT LT LT 4 1 1 1 1 4.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0

Weapons/Ammo Location Critical Mass

BattleTech is a Registered Trademark of FASA Corporation. Original BattleTech material Copyright by FASA Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Used itho!t permission. Any !se of FASA Corporation"s copyrighted material or trademarks in this file sho!ld not be vie ed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. The sole p!rpose of this p!blication is to raise the level of pop!larity# and a areness of BattleTech. $%mail any s!bmissions to me at


6= depends on the ma?im!m speed it can go# and hether yo! chose to move at &alkPCr!isePThr!st or R!nPFlankPOver%Thr!st speed. For e?ample+ -f yo! have a 4ance that has a alk of si?# and yo! chose to !se &alk speed for the (6%ho!r t!rn# yo!r !nit o!ld move one map he? 1terrain permitting%see belo 2 every other phase on the movement chart 1-.$. phases 6P;PNPUP(8P(62. A &alk;PR!nN 4ance that chose to move &alk speed ; o!ld move on phases =PNP>P(6. Aerospace fighters move as many he?es as they have 05 to spend# to a ma?im!m of (6 1see Battle%Space2. 1A N Thr!st fighter o!ld cover N orld%map he?es every phase2.
$o=e * @ A 4 1 2 0 3 B *, ** *@ *A *4 *1 *2 *0 *3 *B @, * @ A 4 1 2 < < < < < < < < < < < < < < << << < << << < < < < < < < << < < << < < < < < < < < < << < < << < < < < < < < << << < << < << << << < < < < < < < < < < << < < < < < < < < << < << << << << < < < 0 3 Hou s B < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < <

from his dropships to!ch%do n 4O. The dropship contin!es on to its 4O and the dropping !nits 1po er armor# infantry 1any type2 or mechs only. ,ehicles and repairPs!pply chit forces cannot not combat drop2 m!st make a Force drop roll for the entire !nit to land in the same orld he?# and then individ!al elements m!st make their drop and landing rolls 1as per special case r!les in the B0R2. Any !nit that fails the Force drop roll ill scatter as normal. /o ever# these scatter res!lts are in &OR4B 0A5 he?es. Scattering can res!lt in a !nit to!ching do n more than t o he?es from its intended 4O. Dormal gro!nd movement no begins after drop rolls 1and any damage2 are completed. &ote: Bropships are !sed to transport troops from in%system :!mp%ships to the s!rface of their target ob:ectives. For p!rposes of !sing these behemoths to move troops from point A to point B# dropships are considered to have t o landings and t o liftoffs available 1d!e to f!el2. The initial landing is incl!ded in this total# so basically# a dropship may load troops and move them to one location any here on the map. The ne?t time the ship lifts off# it ill b!rn for a aiting :!mp%ship. 4oading troops on a dropship takes one phase. Unloading can be done the phase the dropship to!ches do n. Bropships that land in he?es ith enemy !nits a!tomatically !nload their troops before fighting begins. Bropships move at a speed of N on the t!rn chart hen ferrying troops. Captu in7 an ene)# d ops5ip: Bropships are essentially flying fortresses. They also a!tomatically get to !nload and !se any troops onboard# hich m!st be defeated before any attempt at taking the dropship takes place. This battle is fo!ght before any dropship capt!re attempt may be made. -n order to play a fast resol!tion 1and for those itho!t the dropship statistics from older battletech editions2# this very simplified version may be !sed. &hen an enemy !nit enters a dropship"s he?# the base chance to capt!re the ship 1provided the dropship does not b!rn for orbit# easily done before any !nit enters the dropship"s he?2 is based on the dropship type. (6Q 1on 6dN2 for an Overlord# (8Q for a Union and >Q for a 4eopard

< < < < < < < < <

< < < < < < << < < < <<

<< <<

Unit SetupCOpenin7 Tu n (o %! ops5ip%s in?oundDUnless playing a game here the @0 pre%sets the starting location of opposing forces# an attacker ill normally enter "in%system" in his dropships. 5layers are free to fight o!t the trip ith BattleSpace r!les# !se the .!ick and dirty r!les at the end of this set page# or forego dropship resistance. The defender ill set !p his !nits in secret. After this is done# the attacking !nit places his dropship tra:ectory chit 1p!ts his dropships chit on the orld map2. After these destinations are in revealed# the defender reveals all !nits not designated as Concealed or Recon !nits 1that are by themselves in a he?2 any placing "Unkno n" chits to represent these forces. The defender may no get a free (6%ho!r t!rn to move any !nits before the dropships of the enemy finally set do n. -f so inclined after the defender gets his free move# the attacker may choose to do a combat drop !p to a f!ll 6 he?es

BattleTech is a Registered Trademark of FASA Corporation. Original BattleTech material Copyright by FASA Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Used itho!t permission. Any !se of FASA Corporation"s copyrighted material or trademarks in this file sho!ld not be vie ed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. The sole p!rpose of this p!blication is to raise the level of pop!larity# and a areness of BattleTech. $%mail any s!bmissions to me at


6; 1C, incl!ded2. These incl!de the Clan versions of these dropships. $ach FU44 lance or Star 1regardless of eightPtype2 that engages a dropship red!ces this n!mber by (. /o ever# every attacking $lement m!st roll a target threshold of >Q# or it is destroyed in the assa!lt. ( for each f!ll lance or star that attacks red!ces this threshold# to a minim!m of ;Q. &in or lose# the attacker m!st ST-44 roll for each $lement he !sed in the assa!lt. An attacker m!st have at least one s!rviving !nit to s!ccessf!lly capt!re the dropship. -f an attacker fails to capt!re the dropship# the attacking !nit a!tomatically retreats back to his previo!s he?. $?ample+ Chin"s Company attacks a 4eopard dropship. The base chance to capt!re the ship is >Q# %= for the attacker !sing = lances. The attacker o!ld need a NQ on 6dN. $ach !nit in Chin"s Company m!st make a s!rvival roll of NQ or be destroyed. -f all of Chin"s Company is iped o!t# the dropship cannot be capt!red. Bropships can hold different si3ed forces depending on their type. One S!pplyPRepair chit per Company or Trinary is also incl!ded aboard. -n most cases# t o vehicles may be s!bstit!ted for a mech. The carrying capacity is as follo s+ 0%erlordP1C2+ =N Battle0echs Q N Aerospace FightersP;7 Omni0echs Q (8 OmniFighters UnionP1C2+ (6 Battle0echs Q 6 Aerospace FightersP(7 Omni0echs Q 7 OmniFighters Leopard+ ; Battle0echs 1or U light 1(78tons2 vehicles2 Q 6 Aerospace Fighters Leopard C,+ N Aerospace Fighters 0echs or other types of $lements# !p to 6; $lements2. The Clans !se 5oint 1( Omni0ech or t o Aerospace Fighters# or t o vehicles or 7 $lementals2# Star 17 5oints of any type2# Binary 16 Stars2# Trinary 1= Stars2 and Battlegro!p 1!p to 7 Stars2. Battlegro!ps may D$,$R be larger than t o Companies for -nner Sphere# or 7 Stars for Clans. This ill make tracking of gro!ps easier overall on the big map. The 4ance icons are labeled by type# tho!gh this type is based on overall eight# DOT mech type. 4ancePStar eights are based on the follo ing tonnage+ 4ight [ 0edi!m [ /eavy [ Assa!lt [ 8%(=8 tons (=7%688 Tons 687%6U8 Tons 6U7%;88 Tons

Battalion si3e as left o!t of this system# d!e to the !n ieldy nat!re of s!ch fights 1and e"re p!shing it ith Battlegro!p si3es as it is2. An -nner Sphere Aerospace fighter Unit is kno n as a light 1t o craft2 or a /9uadron 1N craft2# or a 8ing 1(6 craftEhappy# bobC2. Clan Aerospace Units are 5oints 16 Fighters2 or anything !p to or incl!ding a /tar 1(8 fighters2. At the start of each (6%ho!r Strategic T!rn# each Battlegro!p# Unit or $lement ill be declared as moving at &alkPCr!isePThr!st or R!nPFlankPOver Thr!st speed. Once declared# these speeds cannot be altered for the (6%ho!r Strategic T!rn. R!nning lets yo!r !nits cover more gro!nd. /o ever# R!nningPFlankingPOver Thr!sting !nits CADDOT notice ABGAC$DT Con"ealed forces# even hen the r!nning !nit has a 5robe# and r!nning !nits detect enemy recon !nits only on a "(" 1see belo 2. Any force that r!ns m!st !se alking speed the follo ing (6%ho!r Strategic T!rn. Units ill be moved on the map hen an "<" appears in the ho!r block for their partic!lar speed. Some e?tremely fast !nits may move t o he?es in their t!rn. -f t o !nits enter a he? on the same t!rn# the !nit ith the fastest movement rate a!tomatically enters the he? first. Units of e.!al speed enter the he? at the same time.

Broadsword 1Clan only2+ 7 Omni0echs $o=in7 Units E Unit Co)position+ Battlegroups move at the speed of their slo est Unit. Units move according to their slo est Element"s ma?im!m speeds. Bifferent si3ed Units for -nner Sphere forces incl!de 4ance 1; Battle0echs )or other $lements*2 Company 1anything from 7%(6 Battle0echs )or other $lements*2# and Battlegro!p 1anything over (6

BattleTech is a Registered Trademark of FASA Corporation. Original BattleTech material Copyright by FASA Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Used itho!t permission. Any !se of FASA Corporation"s copyrighted material or trademarks in this file sho!ld not be vie ed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. The sole p!rpose of this p!blication is to raise the level of pop!larity# and a areness of BattleTech. $%mail any s!bmissions to me at


67 !e"hani+ed Battle Armor+ $lementals and -nner Sphere 5o er Armor may be mo!nted on Omni0echs. These !nits !se the movement phase of# and move ith# hatever $lement they are attached to. Sho!ld they drop off in a orld map he?# their movement immediately reverts to their reg!lar speed. The Battle Armor !nit may move hen its ne?t normal movement phase occ!rs# even if this means they move in t o consec!tive phases 1$?ample+ A speed U Omni0ech moves its normal he? and drops a s.!ad of $lementals in a he? on 5hase = of the (6%ho!r T!rn. -n phase ; the Battle Armor may move normally for the rest of the t!rn. Battle Armor may only be dropped off or picked !p once per phase. :n'antr#B Dormal infantry may be mo!nted on vehicles and transported at m!ch greater speed than their normal movement allo s. Refer to -nfantry Carriers section in the B0R. -nfantry that enter a he? containing a concealed !nit may not be dropped off a carrier !ntil at least one enemy !nit appears on the BattlTech maps. 1This ill keep a -nfantry Carrier player from a!tomatically dropping of his infantry :!st beca!se he kno s the BattleTech game board ill be !sed2. $o=e)ent and Te ain: /e?es that hold !n!s!al terrain effect a !nit"s movement. -n all cases here a force moves into a he? that costs more than normal# that force -00$B-AT$4H enters the he?# then spends the re.!ired time there before it can leave. $?ample+ a orld%map G!ngle /e? re.!ires = 05 to traverse. -f a !nit ishes to enter that he?# it spends one movement point and enters the he? immediately. -ts ne?t t o movement points m!st be spent in that he?. The type of force also modifies movement as follo s+ A- Fo ces t5at a e ALL co)posed o" Gu)pin7 Ele)ents red!ce the terrain cost by ( pt.# ith the e?ception of Besert# Arctic# S amp and G!ngle terrain. These types of terrain often ca!se !nits to bog% do n# and are :!st as time% cons!ming to cross for :!mping !nits as a non%:!mping force. B- ,.T.O.4. and Aerospace Units pay ( pt per he?# regardless of terrain. C- /overcraft Units pay ( pt. for passing thro!gh desert# s amp and arctic he?es. Wo ld $ap $o=e)ent $odi"ie Te ain: OpenPClear+ /illsPBroken Besert TPS amp TP0o!ntain+ Arctic TPG!ngle+ RoadPUrban+ s: Cost: ( 6 = ; 8TT

T 5layers may ish to !se bog%do n effects if engaging in BattleTech combat in these orld he?es. TT@ro!nd ,ehicles may move 6 he?es per movement point on the &orld 0ap hen going from road he? to road he?. Using roads that c!t thro!gh terrain ith a higher cost than ( movement point negates this ability in those he?es# b!t any s!ch he? only costs ( movement point for ADH type !nit to move thro!gh it. Urban areas seldom affect the movement cost of a he?# !s!ally beca!se they are limited in si3e# and the roads ithin their area make traveling fairly easy. Recon Unit $o=e)ent: Recon !nits are designated before the start of the game. These highly speciali3ed forces train together and have the ability to move !ndetected on the map. -f the mechs that compose this force are ever traded o!t to other lances# the recon element loses all of its stealthy abilities for the rest of the game# even if t o separate recon forces are meshed together into one 4ance. Dote that :oining a Battlegro!p does DOT affect a recon !nit"s abilities. The designated recon !nit m!st meet the follo ing criteria+ A2 -t m!st be designated before game play. B2 -t m!st have a movement rate of at least 7 &alk for every $lement ithin. This does not incl!de damage s!stained later in battle.

BattleTech is a Registered Trademark of FASA Corporation. Original BattleTech material Copyright by FASA Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Used itho!t permission. Any !se of FASA Corporation"s copyrighted material or trademarks in this file sho!ld not be vie ed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. The sole p!rpose of this p!blication is to raise the level of pop!larity# and a areness of BattleTech. $%mail any s!bmissions to me at


6N This modifier does mean that normal $lemental or other non%sco!t battle armor cannot be !sed as recon !nits per se. The !nit cannot be larger than 4ance si3ed. -ndivid!al mechs can be classified as recon !nits prior to the opening ro!nd of play# b!t lose that ability if gro!ped ith other mechs# even other recon $lements. -nfantry 5latoons and Battle Armor specifically termed as sco!t armor may be !sed as recon !nits. -n this case# the entire platoon of !narmored infantry# s.!ads of -nner Sphere po er armor# or points of $lementals m!st be !sed. Battle Armor may not be broken !p into single element recon !nits# !nless they s!stain battle damage that drops them do n to less than f!ll trooper co!nts. Dote that Sco!t battle armor and platoons also loses their recon abilities if forced to merge# even ith other recon !nits of the same type. Recon Units and individ!al $lements move on the map# tho!gh enemy forces do not kno their location !ntil the recon !nit is spotted. An enemy !nit that moves ad:acent to# or a recon that moves into an ad:acent he? ne?t to an enemy !nit# gives a 6 in N chance of the recon !nit being spotted by the enemy force. $nemy !nits ith Active 5robes spot the recon !nit on (%= on (BN 1rolled by the @02. A Recon !nit ith a $C0 S!ite drops the chance back to (%6 vs. probe !nits# and ( only# vs. non%probe !nits. These modifiers apply to the recon $lement or 4ance only# not to any other !nits# friendly or other ise# in the recon !nit"s he?. -f the Recon Unit is spotted# a 4ance marker of the appropriate type is placed in the he?# as ell as a recon chit. Recon Units that travel ith Battlegro!ps are a!tomatically spotted 1a "C" marker is added2 hen the Battlegro!p moves or an enemy !nit enters a he? ad:acent to the Battlegro!p. Do more than ( $lement in fo!r may be a recon !nit. These are !s!ally gro!ped in recon 4ances for firepo er and safety d!ring their assigned roles# prior to the open t!rn of the game.


A tille #: Artillery may be !sed in the he? a battle takes place# or fired from an ad:acent he?. Arro -, !nits can only be !sed in the same orld he? as the battle# and as s!ch# normal battletech map ranges are !sed. Any other artillery piece may fire into a orld map he? here there are friendly !nits to direct fire 1incl!ding aircraft in the he?2. -n this case# treat shell flight time to the target as being at the ma?im!m range for the artillery piece in .!estion 168 maps for a 4ong Tom# for e?ample2. -f an artillery !nit spends at least one ho!r in a he?# it can !se !p to 7 pre%designated he?es in any nearby he?es here fights ens!e. Spottin7 Units: (2 All !nits are visible on the orld map# ith t o e?ceptions+ Con"ealed !nits and Recon !nits. Betail abo!t a visible !nit marker is very limited# ho ever. 62 Units ill !se Fo!r types of Basic 0arkers+ Battlegro!p# Company# 4ance# and UFDO&D. =2 &hen t o !nits come into ad:acent he?es on the map# the follo ing information is revealed+ =a2 R Of 4ancesPStars in the enemy he?1s2. =b2 $ach 4ancePStar &eight Besignation 14ight# 0edi!m# /eavy# Assa!lt2 =c2 $?act mech types are D$,$R revealed to the enemy# !nless that enemy has an Active 5robe. =d2 -f the scanning !nit has a 5robe# the @0 ill roll (dN for each mech in the scanner. On a res!lt of ; or less# that partic!lar mech type is revealed 1and the @0 sends this information to the scanning player.2 The target of this scan ill not be made a are of hat !nit types ere detected s!ccessf!lly. /e &-44 kno a 5robe has scanned his !nit. -f the defending !nit contains a $C0 of any type# the probe is a!tomatically !ns!ccessf!l. -n this case# the probe !nit ill kno it is blocked. At the star




BattleTech is a Registered Trademark of FASA Corporation. Original BattleTech material Copyright by FASA Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Used itho!t permission. Any !se of FASA Corporation"s copyrighted material or trademarks in this file sho!ld not be vie ed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. The sole p!rpose of this p!blication is to raise the level of pop!larity# and a areness of BattleTech. $%mail any s!bmissions to me at


6S of the came# $CC0 may be !sed# if all players agree 1see 0a?im!m Tech2. N2 Con"ealed !nits are not spotted !nless an ad:acent enemy !nit detects them. Con"ealed !nits represent forces that are set !p prior to an attacker"s landing# in order to amb!sh an enemy on the orld map or hide stockpiles of s!pplies. Con"ealed !nits are spotted ith a roll of (%6 on (dN 1rolled by the @02\ checked each t!rn a hostile !nit on the orld map spends ad:acent to them. R!nning enemy !nits cannot detect Con"ealed !nits !nless they enter the Con"ealed !nit"s he?. $nemy !nits e.!ipped ith 5robes ill detect Con"ealed !nits on (%7 1on (dN2. 4ike the normal BattleTech board game# any Con"ealed !nit that moves becomes apparent on the orld map. Unlike normal BattleTech# orld%map Con"ealed !nits get a modifier to initiative hen the reg!lar BattleTech game begins# in addition to !sing "/idden !nits" r!les in the reg!lar game. The first three ro!nds of a BattleTech engagement ith a Con"ealed !nit# the Con"ealed force gains Q6 to its -nitiative Roll. All &orld%0ap Con"ealed !nits are placed before the game begins# and cannot move itho!t revealing its presence# !nless the Con"ealed !nit is a Recon !nit. Fighters may start o!t concealed at hidden r!n ays. %!i77in7 In%+ A force that spends t o ho!rs or more 1not movement points2 in one location can "Big -n". This allo s the half the $lements of the force to !se "/idden !nits" r!les hen normal BattleTech combat begins# and also lets the !nit in .!estion !se "-mproved 5ositions" as noted in the B0R. "Bigging -n" does DOT allo yo! to leave any $lements hidden on the orld map hen their parent force leaves the he?. The /idden !nit benefit only applies to normal BattleTech game play# and is DOT the Con"ealed ability noted in N2 above. Units can start o!t both Con"ealed and "B!g -n". Stackin7: As each he? is ro!ghly UN Filometers in si3e# virt!ally any amo!nt of !nits may be stacked in a orld map he?. Fuel: Aerospace Fighters b!rn (P; ton of f!el per he? travel on the orld map. -.C.$. vehicles may travel as many he?es as they have Cr!ise movement points before they m!st ref!el. Ref!eling may only be done in cities or in he?es containing f!el depots or if the force has a f!el vehicle ith it. Run>a#s: Aerospace fighters !se r!n ays to take off and land. There is no piloting roll re.!ired for this. -f an aerospace fighter needs to land in a non% r!n ay he?# it is necessary to make a piloting roll# modified by damage. Only R!n ay# Urban and Clear terrain he?es may be landed in. All other terrain res!lts in a crash. HH:H C5its: $ach force in a campaign game normally has one /.A. chit# representing an $lement dedicated to Command# Control and Comm!nications. This takes the form of a 0obile /A 1described in =8672. -f this chit is ever destroyed or capt!red# the o ning force s!ffers a %( to all types of -nitiative for the rest of the game. En7a7in7 t5e ene)#: This comes as a res!lt of a !nit standing its gro!nd against an aggressor# an aggressor chasing a !nit into impassable terrain# or t o !nits st!mbling into each other"s he? hile !sing hidden movement 1i.e. recon2. -n the event t o !nits try to enter each other"s he? beca!se they move on the same phase# the faster !nit ill enter the other !nits he? first and the fight ill take place there. -f both !nits are the same speed# the @0 or players ill dice for "he? initiative". The inner gets to pick hich he? the battle takes place in. Dormally# combat is pretty m!ch a straight !p sit!ation# here forces enter the battletech map on opposite sides. /o ever# allied !nits may sometimes try and enter an enemy"s continent map he? from opposite directions# in a

BattleTech is a Registered Trademark of FASA Corporation. Original BattleTech material Copyright by FASA Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Used itho!t permission. Any !se of FASA Corporation"s copyrighted material or trademarks in this file sho!ld not be vie ed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. The sole p!rpose of this p!blication is to raise the level of pop!larity# and a areness of BattleTech. $%mail any s!bmissions to me at


6U coordinated attack. This is far from simple# and the force ith more than one !nit may not have them s!ccessf!lly arrive on T!rn R( of a BattleTech fight. &hen m!ltiple forces try to engage from different directions# roll on the chart belo + Res!lt of 6dN roll. Roll once for $AC/ individ!al force $lementPUnitPBattlegro!p+ 6 Unit does not arrive for the fight at all 1the sole force m!st fight o!t the battle or retreat2 = Unit in .!estion enters the game =dN t!rns after the battle starts. ; Unit in .!estion enters the game 6dN t!rns after the battle starts. 7 Unit in .!estion enters the game (dN t!rns after the battle starts. N Unit arrives at same time as allies. S Unit arrives at same time as allies. U Unit arrives at same time as allies. > Unit in .!estion enters the game (dN t!rns after the battle starts. (8 Unit in .!estion enters the game 6dN t!rns after the battle starts. (( Unit in .!estion enters the game =dN t!rns after the battle starts. (6 Unit does not arrive for the fight at all 1the sole force m!st fight o!t the battle or retreat2 Units that arrive late enter the board from the direction they entered on the orld map. -f t o or more forces ere trying to enter a he? containing a faster !nit ho as leaving the he? to engage one of the forces# then the secondary force a!tomatically misses the fight. This is also the case here all !nits have e.!al speeds# b!t the o!tn!mbered !nit ins initiative and is not in the mood for a fight against more than one force. $ap Selection: 0aps for the battletech game are chosen at random# !nless+ (2 The defender as in the he? at least an ho!r 1the previo!s phase2 before the attacker# ADB did not try to leave it this phase. /e may then choose to fight on gro!nd of his o n choice. /e may DOT !se BattleTech r!les for hidden !nits !nless he has met the "B!g -n" re.!irements 1i.e. the !nit m!st be in its he? at least t o ho!rs2. 62 The fight takes place in a very specific location# s!ch as a city. The @0 prior to the start of the game ill assign specific maps to s!ch areas# or at random if there is no @0. Once these specific areas are assigned# they do not change for the remainder of the campaign. !isen7a7in7: -f a normal BattleTech engagement goes poorly# a pr!dent commander may ish to e?it his troops off his 1and OD4H his2 side of the BattleTech 0ap 1or screen edge# as the case may be ith &$B R5@2. &hen all !nits that are able to flee have left the board# these r!les come into play2 &henever t o hostile forces are in the same he?# there are t o possible res!lts. $ither the faster !nit ill choose to disengage# or the forces ill fightPs!rrender 1or disengage !sing the terrain# see belo 2. For simplicity"s sake# it is impossible for a slo er gro!nd !nit to retreat from a faster !nit 1of ADH type2 in "learPopen terrain# or for slo er aircraft to escape faster aircraft. All types of fleeing !nits that are faster can a!tomatically disengage 1/o ever# see "$ffects"# belo 2 from slo er p!rs!ers. Do gro!nd force can disengage from an aerospace 1not ,TO42 !nit# tho!gh they can hide in ater or !ndergro!nd if the opport!nity presents itself and that terrain type is in gro!nd !nit"s he?. There is a possibility to escape gro!nd p!rs!ers in any other type of terrain besides clear. The base chance evade is SQ on 6dN# rolled by the @0 or the players if no gm is present and the players ish to resolve combat from a failed disengagement attempt. -f a p!rs!ing !nit is faster# each movement point above the p!rs!ed !nit"s flank speed ill add ( to this roll. Terrain in the c!rrent he? ill s!btract from this roll as follo s+ G!ngle /e?+ &oodsPUrban /e?+ S ampPOceanPRiverP4ake /e?+ 0o!ntainsP/ills /e?+ BesertP Sno /e?+ %7 %= %6 %( Q(

BattleTech is a Registered Trademark of FASA Corporation. Original BattleTech material Copyright by FASA Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Used itho!t permission. Any !se of FASA Corporation"s copyrighted material or trademarks in this file sho!ld not be vie ed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. The sole p!rpose of this p!blication is to raise the level of pop!larity# and a areness of BattleTech. $%mail any s!bmissions to me at


6> S!ccessf!lly retreating from combat is a re ard in its o n right# b!t there are some problems ith it+ (2 Bisengaging !nits a!tomatically retreat back to the he? they occ!pied previo!sly before entering the he? here the battle took place. This co!ld mean the !nit is forced back into high cost terrain# or even that the !nit may be bo?ed in against some impassible terrain# s!ch as Beep Ocean or !nappeasable mo!ntains. 62 F!rthermore# a !nit may only retreat once d!ring any given one%ho!r t!rn. -f yo!r forced retreat along yo!r former path means yo! enter a he? no occ!pied by the enemy# yo! have little choice b!t to fight it o!t or s!rrender. F!rthermore# yo! s!ffer a %( penalty to initiative for the first five ro!nds of any BattlTech fight that takes place in the he? yo! retreated to. =2 Any he? yo! moved to hen disengaging re.!ires yo! spend the movement points for entering that he? before yo! leave 1 hich co!ld mean enemy forces are moved to flank yo!r line of retreat if they have a lot of clear terrain they can r!n thro!gh2. This is the reason a !nit may not retreat t ice in one phase. ;2 The !nit that as s!ccessf!lly evaded m!st finish spending its re.!ired movement points for the he? it entered before it may contin!e p!rs!ing the retreating force. Sal=a7e: Any $lement that takes eno!gh damage to be rendered immobile# or an $lement that is abandoned for some reason# prod!ces a Salvage 0arker in the he? here it is left. Units that have not s!ffered complete destr!ction of their center torso -nternal Str!ct!re# have not s!ffered an ammoPf!el e?plosion or meets any other criteria for "tr!ly destroyed in the B0R# can event!ally be repaired if a Repair Chit can make it into their he?. As long as hatever critical that rendered the $lement immobile is fi?ed# that $lement can move on its o n !nder the control of hatever player fi?ed it. Only a pilot ith the appropriate skills can move a !nit. Aerospace fighter pilots may not

5!rs!ing Unit has a 5robe+ Q6 1ignore this in aterPriver he?2 5!rs!ed Unit has an $C0 S!ite+ %6 5!rs!ed Unit is an -nfantry 5latoonP5o er armor s.!ad+ additional %(# ignore enemy probe bon!s as ell. 5!rs!ed Unit is a Besignated Recon 4ance or $lement# not attached to a friendly !nit+ %( Bisengagement takes place d!ring the night or in inclement eather+ %( 5!rs!ed Unit is a vehicle !nit on a road he?+ no modifiers to the roll# b!t add Q( to the vehicles total flank speed for p!rposes of disengagement 1a ;PN%tank !nit in a clear%terrain continent map% he? ith a road $?ample+ A Clan /eavy star is chasing an -nner Sphere /eavy 4ance. The !nits are battling in a planetary oods he?. The r!nning speed of the Clan !nit is U. The -S 4ance has a r!n of N. After getting his ass severely beat by the Clan arriors# the -S commander manages to get most of his battered !nit off the BattleTech map on the -nner Sphere declared side. Dot ishing to give !p the pri3e# the Clan player anno!nces his intention to Ip!rs!e yo! !ntil - corner yo! free birth mercenariesK" The @0 1or the players if the @0 is else here2 calc!lates the s!ccess threshold for disengaging. The base chance to el!de the Clan player"s forces is SQ. Beca!se the Clan machines are 6 movement points faster at a r!n than their -nner Sphere prey# the chance to el!de them goes !p to >Q. The oods terrain adds a %=# so the -nner Sphere !nit o!ld no need a final score of NQ to escape their p!rs!ers. -f the sit!ation had been reversed# the clan arriors co!ld a!tomatically disengage. /pe"ial Disengagement CasesB Units that have s!ffered eno!gh damage to slo their machines to a point e.!al to or belo p!rs!ers movement rates m!st roll a disengagement check as normal. This !nit may be abandoned to fend for themselves# at the discretion of the retreating commander. E""ects o" !isen7a7in7:

BattleTech is a Registered Trademark of FASA Corporation. Original BattleTech material Copyright by FASA Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Used itho!t permission. Any !se of FASA Corporation"s copyrighted material or trademarks in this file sho!ld not be vie ed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. The sole p!rpose of this p!blication is to raise the level of pop!larity# and a areness of BattleTech. $%mail any s!bmissions to me at


=8 move a Battle0ech. The sole e?ception to this is gro!nd vehicles. The vehicle m!st have eno!gh cre men to operate it. These can be taken from normal vehicle cre s ho have lost their vehicles in battle 1 ith appropriate skill levels2# or from infantry !nits. -n the latter case# the cre is a!tomatically @reen 1;PN2. Aerospace fighters that crash# any other !nit that meets the "tr!ly destroyed" description in the B0R# and po er armor red!ced to 8 points# cannot be salvaged. Repai in7C e+suppl#in7 "o ces: After a fight# the commander of a force might find it ise to repair or reload his !nits. The proper chit m!st be in the he? in .!estion. -.e.# yo! can"t reload from a he? ith only a repair chit in it. A S!pply icon m!st be there# and vice% versa. To simplify the process 1and avoid incredible amo!nts of record keeping2# the repair effects for !nits are as follo s+ $ach ho!r 1not move point2 spent in a he? marked ith a repair chit# each $lement of a force may do one 1and OD4H one2 of the follo ing+ A2 Repair all -nternal Str!ct!re to OD$ location on a mech# vehicle or fighter. B2 Repair all armor points to OD$ location on a mech# vehicle or fighter. Step A above m!st be completed before armor to the specific location can be repaired. C2 Reload all ammo%based eapons. 1only in a he? ith a S!pply -con2 B2 Change an Omni0ech config!ration. Step A above m!st be completed before this is completely allo ed. A partial change is allo ed# b!t the config!ration that has eapons in a damaged location cannot mo!nt those eapons in that area# and to maintain proper eight and simplify bookkeeping# all eapons that still f!nction in the damaged area 0UST be stripped o!t. -F T/$ D$& ,AR-ADT /AS A00O BAS$B &$A5ODS# T/-S CAD OD4H B$ BOD$ -D A /$< T/AT /AS BOT/ R$5A-R ADB R$%SU554H -CODS. Other ise# the ammo eapons ill be added# itho!t any ammo. An Omni0ech may load ammo for the eapons if it later enters a S!pply he?. $2 Ref!el an -.C.$. vehicle. 1only in a he? ith a S!pply -con2 F2 5ilots may repair a 5ilot /it for each FU44 (6 ho!rs spent in a 0.A.S./. he? or an !rban he? that is controlled by friendly forces 1representing hospitals2. 0.A.S./. vehicles !se the statistics fo!nd in the TRO+ =867. @2 -nfantry that enter a re%s!pply he? may bring their n!mbers back !p to f!ll platoon strength. /o ever# this can only be done once per game# per infantry !nit. Battle armor may not be replenished this ay. Being fairly rare and highly trained# there is no ready s!pply of battle armor troops available. Clan !nits ill not be able to re% s!pply battle armor d!e to bidding limitations. Suppl#CRepai C5it Special &otes+ (2 A force receives a limited n!mber of S!pply -cons 1called "chit"s2 and Repair chits# !s!ally one each per Company or Binary 1(8 clan 5oints2. Unless these chits start the game Con"ealed# or are assigned to a Battlegro!p or Company# they are a!tomatically placed on the orld map prior to the start of the game# ith their !nit type revealed. Only the defender may start the game ith Con"ealed s!pply chits. These Concealed chits are smaller than normal s!pply chits# ho ever 1see belo 2. An attacker s!pplies and repair chit"s start in the he? their drop landed in. A force"s chits 1either type2 cannot be increased d!ring the game# itho!t capt!ring an enemy"s chit. -f a force"s entire s!pply chit allotment is capt!red or destroyed# that force may not reload ammo eapons or replenish troop n!mbers. -f all the Repair chits are gone# the force may not repair internal str!ct!re# armor or damaged eapons. S!pply chits are either eaponsPordinance# or ref!eling tr!cks 1see belo 2. A ise commander ill allot his s!pply chits ith care# if he"s !sing -.C.$. vehicles.

BattleTech is a Registered Trademark of FASA Corporation. Original BattleTech material Copyright by FASA Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Used itho!t permission. Any !se of FASA Corporation"s copyrighted material or trademarks in this file sho!ld not be vie ed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. The sole p!rpose of this p!blication is to raise the level of pop!larity# and a areness of BattleTech. $%mail any s!bmissions to me at


=( 62 An enemy can capt!re a s!pply or repair chit by entering the chit"s he?. -f no friendly force is in the s!pply chit"s he?# it a!tomatically s!rrenders. Aerospace !nits may not capt!re chits in this ay. =2 The s!pplyPrepair !nit"s player can destroy his o n chits. This can only be done if an enemy !nit is DOT ad:acent to the s!pply !nit he?. Once destroyed# neither force can !tili3e the chit in the f!t!re 1it is removed from the map2. ;2 Chits can be !sed for 7 individ!al phases each or = individ!al phases if it started the game Concealed# before the chit"s s!ppliesPrepair materials are e?ha!sted and the chit is removed from play. 1"5hases " ere !sed instead of "times"# to alleviate bookkeeping that o!ld be generated by tracking individ!al lances and even individ!al $lements. Simply p!t# any !nits in the he? can !se the chit that phase. After the elapse of that ho!r# one "!se" of the chit is gone2. Ref!eling tr!ck chits may be !sed five phases before they m!st enter an !rban he? to re%s!pply themselves 1see belo 2. $ach type of chit ill have a n!mber for its &$B R5@ label. This represents the remaining !ses left therein. 72 $nemy !nits may attack g!arded s!pplyPrepair chit he?es. $ach !se left in a non%mobile chit represents one =8 CF b!ilding 1also called a " stockpile" or "repair gantry"2# or if a mobile !nit# G%6S transports. Bestroying a stockpilePrepair gantry or Transport red!ces that chit"s available !sage by (. Dote that "Usage" incl!des re%s!pplying ammo# repairing eapons# internal components and armor# and assembling e?tra infantry. 1/ey# light mechs !sed as raiders no have a real !seK2 N2 -f a player ants to move a s!pplyPrepair stockpile# he places a mobile chit in the stockpile he?. -t takes a f!ll ho!r to load !p the stores# and the he? may not service any !nits for repair or reload d!ring this time. Any Concealed stockpiles a!tomatically become visible on the orld map hen this happens. RepairPS!pply chits from attackers A4&AHS start in a dropship 4O# b!t they can move ith a battle gro!p and not reveal their chit for hat it is 1it remains "!nkno n"2# like any other !nit. -n s!ch cases# a repairPs!pply chit may start the game already loaded and does not have to spend an ho!r loading !p. S2 Ref!eling tr!cks !se f!sion engines# so their range in !nlimited. They are 68 ton heeled vehicles# ork in a gro!p of five 1or fractions thereof2# have a speed of ;PN and have (8 pts of armor on all facings. Any internal hit ill ca!se the f!el to detonate ith the same effect as a 4ong Tom artillery e?plosion# doing 68 points of damage in their he?# and ten points of damage to all s!rro!nding he?es. 1/int+ don"t park them together on the BattleTech map2. Ref!eling tr!cks may restock at any !rban he? they enter# hich takes one ho!r# and th!s may be re!sed indefinitely. F!el Tr!cks may never operate as single $lements# !nless their gro!p has been red!ced by attrition 1They stay together for tracking orld map movement p!rposes2. U2 Ref!eling tr!cks and transport chits become merged ith a Battlegro!p a!tomatically hen they enter the Battlegro!p"s he?. 1&hich is good# since they then get SO0$ protection from aerospace attacks2. T5e Battle7 oup: &hy o!ld anyone ish to gro!p his forces in a Battlegro!p that means the entire force may move as slo as the force"s slo est $lementC Being in a Battlegro!p offers several advantages+ (2 All !nits assigned to a Battlegro!p arrive on the field of battle at the same time. 62 Units s!ch as repairPref!el chits get the benefit of real firepo er protection. =2 Amb!shes from concealed !nits might prove to be !n ise for the attackers. ;2 0oving a vehicle Battlegro!p on a road means large amo!nts of vehicles can move faster than normal.1tr!e# any vehicle on a road moves faster# b!t the tactical fle?ibility of having a large B@ that can move fast cannot be overlooked2.

BattleTech is a Registered Trademark of FASA Corporation. Original BattleTech material Copyright by FASA Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Used itho!t permission. Any !se of FASA Corporation"s copyrighted material or trademarks in this file sho!ld not be vie ed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. The sole p!rpose of this p!blication is to raise the level of pop!larity# and a areness of BattleTech. $%mail any s!bmissions to me at


=6 S5o t and !i t# Space Fi75ts: Befending players can attack incoming dropships in the hopes of destroying them. The base chance to destroy a dropship is (6Q on 6dN. $ach star of clan fighters or s.!adron of -S fighters drops the threshold one pt. One roll is made. -f s!ccessf!l the dropship breaks !p and flames in orbit 1all on board are dead2. $ach point belo the target threshold kills 6 attacking fighters. Do more than = stars or = s.!adrons may attack the dropship in any given he?. &in or lose# the fighters m!st ret!rn to their bases for ref!eling. -f the dropship s!rvives# it contin!es on its landing co!rse. Befending fighters ABB to the roll per defending star or s.!adron. These fighters are not targeted by the dropship%attacking defenders# and s!ffer no losses. 4osses to the defender from a failed dropship attack remain. O ing to the gro!nd attack !ses of the aerospace fighter# defenders may ish to forego this risky proposition. !ela#ed $o=e)ent: Units may delay their phased movement hen it becomes their t!rn to move. The !nit may immediately move in any follo ing phase# even before faster !nits that normally go in the ne phase. S!ch !nits sho!ld have a "holding" label on the map to keep track of this action. -f the delaying !nit has another phase here it o!ld normally move come !p before spending the held point# the held point is lost. $?ample+ -t is 5hase N of a (6%ho!r t!rn. A player ants his speed%N hover armor lance to hold off attacking !ntil a friendly Unit arrives. /e places a "holding label on the hover chit. The hovercraft foregoes its action in 5hase N and may be !sed in phase S. -f the /over armor does not move in 5hase S# it loses the movement point 1i.e. it can"t move 6 he?es hen its normal movement in t!rn U comes !p2. Fo ced Wit5d a>al: Some BattleTech scenario packs introd!ced the concept of forced ithdra al. Units that are forced to ithdra move to ard their edge of the board at the fastest speed possible. -n the case of Battle0echs# no retreating !nit m!st r!n or :!mp if it has s!ffered a gyro or leg act!ator critical hit. Retreating !nits may fire at any

Finis5in7 t5e Ca)pai7n: The campaign ends hen any of the follo ing occ!rs+ (2 All ob:ectives are sec!re# and both parties agree it is reasonable to ass!me the defender has no chance of inning. 62 The Attacker feels that there is no point in contin!ing 1he cannot in2 the game and chooses to ithdra off%planet. =2 The Attacker reaches all of his ob:ectives in a Time%4imit game. ;2 The defender holds o!t in a game here he"s aiting for reinforcements. 72 One side is completely destroyed. N2 One side abandons the game for any other reason. OPTIO&AL RULES: - s!ggest these r!les only be !sed once people have a good !nderstanding of the game. :uick and !i t# Ae ospace st a"e ules a7ainst un7ua ded suppl#C epai C5it 5eIes: -n order not to bother ith setting !p a BattleTech game to atch an Aerospace fighter sla!ghter a b!nch of f!el tr!cks# G%6S"s or immobile stockpiles# these r!les can be !sed. -t is ass!med that the gro!nd targets are b!sy evading 1if mobile2 and keeping a ay from each other. The controlling player of the fighter declares ho many "passes" he ill make in the he?. $ach pass !ses one ton of f!el. All gro!nd targets in the he? roll 6dN. On a >Q# that !nit s!rvives. $ach "killed" !nit drops the chit"s val!e as noted above !nder s!pplyPrepair chits. Aerospace fighters may not capt!re mobile chits in this ay. Li)ited Intelli7ence: Dormally# satellites and other means allo a force to track the general location of a normal battlefield !nit 1th!s the chits for all !nits are on the continent map2. &ith limited intelligence# DO chits for either side start o!t on the board# and dropship 4Os are kept secret. This type of game demands a @0. -t also makes engagements hard to predict for location.

BattleTech is a Registered Trademark of FASA Corporation. Original BattleTech material Copyright by FASA Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Used itho!t permission. Any !se of FASA Corporation"s copyrighted material or trademarks in this file sho!ld not be vie ed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. The sole p!rpose of this p!blication is to raise the level of pop!larity# and a areness of BattleTech. $%mail any s!bmissions to me at


== enemy in their fore ord arc along the path of their retreat# b!t may not charge or Beath From Above. Units forced to ithdra from the BattleTech map may ret!rn to the continent map he? if their side ins the fight for the he?. -f the entire !nit ithdra s# it is considered to have retreated as the normal retreat r!les. A !nit that is forced to ithdra and is then engaged in another fight immediately in its ne he? cannot ithdra and does not s!ffer forced ithdra effects 1i.e. it can fight to the end2 as e?plained !nder disengaging. A mech# vehicle or infantry !nit that takes ma:or damage !nder these r!les ill retreat off the o ning player"s side if+ Battle$ec5: (2 The !nit loses a limb. 62 The !nit takes a gyro hit. =2 The !nit takes 6 engine hits. ;2 The !nit takes a life s!pport or sensor hit. 72 The !nit loses half it eapons 1ro!nded !p2. N2 The !nit loses half its internal str!ct!re. T S2 The !nit s!ffers an ammo e?plosion. TTonnage 68 67 =8 ;8 ;7 78 77 N8 N7 S8 S7 U8 U7 >8 >7 (88 -S lost before forced to ithdra (S 66 6N =; =U ;6 ;N 78 76 7; 7S N( N7 N> S= SN

Ve5icles: (2 The !nit loses all armor in one location. T 62 The !nit loses half 1ro!nded !p2 of its ma?im!m cr!ise speed. =2 A ,TO4 s!ffers a rotor hit that does not destroy the rotor 1TCre of vehicles that ere rendered immobile m!st abandon the vehicle at this point2 In"ant #: Clan Battle Armor+ hen the =rd $lemental from a Clan star is destroyed. :/ Power Armor+ hen the 6nd trooper is killed. FootP0otori3ed -nfantry+ hen the (;th soldier is killed. Jump :n'antr#+ hen the ((th soldier is killed. Ae ospace Fi75te s+ (2 The !nit loses 6P=rd"s 1ro!nded !p2 of its armor to any location. 62 The !nit s!ffers a control system critical. =2 The !nit loses half its total n!mber of eapons 1ro!nded !p2. Units that are forced to ithdra ill flee the moment they make contact ith an enemy if they are !nfort!nate eno!gh to get in a fight in another phase 1if the !nit gets amb!shed on the ay to the repair chit# for e?ample2. Contact means the moment an enemy mech appears any here on a battletech map. 1if an enemy force is hidden !sing "/idden !nits"# they are not "contacted" !ntil one fires on someone2. Tu (2 62 =2 n Se9uence: 5layers assign Besignated recon !nits. 5layers assign ammo types to each !nit. 5layers assign !nits to Battlegro!ps# if desired. ;2 Befending player places ConcealedPRecon !nits on map. Also lay o!t any concealed airfields 1for aerospace fighters2. Recon !nits assigned to a Battlegro!p are placed ith the "C" marker in step 7. 72 Befending player places normal !nits on map ith "C" co!nters. RepairPS!pply chits that are DOT part of a Battlegro!p are placed ith their co!nters revealed.

$?ample+ A 68 ton mech o!ld be forced to flee as soon as it took its (Sth pt of -S damage.

BattleTech is a Registered Trademark of FASA Corporation. Original BattleTech material Copyright by FASA Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Used itho!t permission. Any !se of FASA Corporation"s copyrighted material or trademarks in this file sho!ld not be vie ed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. The sole p!rpose of this p!blication is to raise the level of pop!larity# and a areness of BattleTech. $%mail any s!bmissions to me at


=; N2 Attacking !nit places Brop Ship 4anding $2 R!nning !nits cannot detect ad:acent 0arkers. Concealed !nits. S2 Befender gets one free (6%ho!r move of any F2 5robe checks are rolled. 5layers roll !nits. Concealed !nits that move d!ring this for each he? in open game. @m ill phase are placed on the map. S!pplyPRepair roll for he?es ith hidden !nits in !nits that become mobile are a!tomatically hidden game. revealed# !nless they :oin a Battle gro!p in (62 Recon !nits roll detection chances 1Open their he?. Recon !nits are not revealed hen @ame2. @m rolls detection 1hidden game2. they move. (=2 Battles are cond!cted on BattleTech maps. U2 Befending player may engage dropship ith A44 battles for a phase m!st be completed BattleSpace or AeroTech r!les before they before starting a ne phase. make planet fall. (;2 Fleeing $lements slo er than their p!rs!ers >2 Attacking player may Combat Brop mechs# may attempt to disengage# if not in a Clear -nfantry types and po er armor ithin t o he?. he?es of his intended 4O. A failed drop roll (72 Units in repairPs!pply he?es may dra on can res!lt in the !nit becoming idely the stockpiles. Red!ce the R of available scattered. !ses in the repairPs!pply chit by (# (82 5layers note all !nits" movement rates for regardless of ho many !nits !tili3e it. !pcoming (6%ho!r t!rn. Units that ran the RepairingPreloading takes place after all last (6%ho!r t!rn may only alk this battles for the he?# if it is attacked. !pcoming t!rn. 5o er Armor P-nfantry Units (N2 Units that have spent at least t o back to are loaded onto Omni0echsP-nfantry back phases in a he? are no declared "B!g Carriers -n" if the o ning player so ishes. ((2 5layers no !se the 5hase chart for (S2 Contin!e steps (8%(N !ntil the campaign movement. dra s to a close. A2 -n an open game# initiative is rolled and movement alternates 1provided the !nit in .!estion moves on that Tracking Units+ partic!lar ho!r%phase2. A large game can get very complicated. At a B2 -n a @0%controlled game# all minim!m# the follo ing info for each chit sho!ld movement is made on each player"s be tracked+ private map. (2 D!mbers sho!ld label chits marked ith C2 ,ehicle forces on a road map may "Unkno n". move t o he?es. 62 Under each Battlegro!pPCompanyP4ance+ B2 Aerospace fighters move one orld A2 Chit"s speed 1top speed for he? per phase. alkPcr!isePthr!st of slo est $lement B2 contained in the !nit# and also the fastest R!nPFlankPOver%thr!st of the slo est !nit. C2 $ach type of 4ance in the Chit. These lances are also n!mbered. B2 A "B%-" symbol sho!ld be p!t on the chit on the orld map if it is "B!g%-n". $?ample+ A /eavy 4ance chit as a label 1see belo 2 ith a ;PN speed that is d!g in o!ld have the lance n!mber# speed and B%-

-f an enemy !nit ere ad:acent# the chit o!ld look like this+

BattleTech is a Registered Trademark of FASA Corporation. Original BattleTech material Copyright by FASA Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Used itho!t permission. Any !se of FASA Corporation"s copyrighted material or trademarks in this file sho!ld not be vie ed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. The sole p!rpose of this p!blication is to raise the level of pop!larity# and a areness of BattleTech. $%mail any s!bmissions to me at



A typical $?cel Tracking sheet might be set !p like this 1the lance n!mber corresponds to the "C" chit on the orld map2+ Movement Turn 1 6TH Arkab

Lance # 1(heavy) Battalion HQ Dragon )arhammer (i+leman Grassho$$er G:4 !:" G:4 !:" G:4 !:" G:4 !:" #$ee% 4 & &' *' &' *' (an

, (heavy) 1st Company Grassho$$er Grassho$$er Gri++in !anther . (heavy) Grassho$$er Grassho$$er Gri++in !anther 4 (heavy) Thun%er2olt -ata$ult45 6stroc Dragon 2nd Company " (7-68 )as$45 Light )as$ #tinger #$i%er45

G:4 !:" G:4 !:" G:4 !:" G:4 !:" G:4 !:& G:4 !:& G:4 !:0 G:4 !:1 G:4 !:" G:4 !:" G:4 !:" G:4 !:"

#$ee% 4 & *' *' "" ." #$ee% 4 & *' *' "" ." #$ee% 4 & &" &" &' &'



Dug 3n

G:4 !:" G:4 !:" G:4 !:" G:4 !:"

#$ee% & 1 ,' (all 9um$) ,' ,' .'


BATT4$@ROU5 A45/A+ 4ances (P6P=P7 1etc2

Well, that wraps up our biggest issue to date. Thanx to all of you out there who submitted stuff for this issue. As is obvious from our loyal reader's observations, there's no exact time table for getting these issues out, though a two month wait is the minimum to be expected. We all know life (and great new computer games) ruin a lot of our plans, so bear with me as I get ready to tackle Issue #7. Anyone out there got an idea or two for the grand event, Issue #10? Email me at &arhammer'novagate.com with some thoughts. 'Till next time, readers'keep your back to the wind, your eye on the horizon, and keep your powder dry'.

BattleTech is a Registered Trademark of FASA Corporation. Original BattleTech material Copyright by FASA Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Used itho!t permission. Any !se of FASA Corporation"s copyrighted material or trademarks in this file sho!ld not be vie ed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. The sole p!rpose of this p!blication is to raise the level of pop!larity# and a areness of BattleTech. $%mail any s!bmissions to me at


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