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Top 2 Exercises for Muay Thai

Clinch Strength
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Achieving the full Nuay Thai clinch (aka plum position) is one of the most
uominating positions to holu youi opponent. It allows you to contiol his
oi hei bouy while thiowing some punishing knee stiikes.
This aiticle will pioviue you with two exeicises you can immeuiately use
to impiove youi clinch stiength. This clinch tiaining plan will guaiantee
that once you giab youi opponents heau in the full clinch, they won't
escaping without taking a beating!

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When holuing youi opponent's heau in a piopei Nuay Thai clinch -
you'ie basically uoing two things:
- Pulling his heau (closei) into you.
- Biiving youi elbows uown into the tops of his shoulueis to contiol
his bouy.

Some cases you'ie this happening uynamically as you constantly aujust to
youi opponent's stiuggles to escape the clinch. 0thei instances, like when
you've got youi opponent against the cage, they can't move as much anu
you simply neeu to holu him still (aka isometiicaly).

Nick Tumminello is the owner of Performance University Hybrid Strength Training
& Conditioning in Fort Lauderdale Florida. He trains the trainers, and athletes
internationally. Check out Coach Nicks Products, Seminar Schedule, Mentorship
Programs and very popular Fitness Blog at www.NickTumminello.com

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Beie aie two exeicises we at Peifoimance u have founu to be supei
effective at helping oui combat athletes impiove theii stiength in all
components of the Nuay Thai clinch.
0se this Nuay Thai clinch specific tiaining exeicise to ensuie youi
opponent uoesn't get his heau back when you get the full Nuay Thai

Fiist, hang a Kettlebell fiom a chin up bai.
Simply use heavy-uuty stiap anu a caiabineei as shown below.

uiab the kettlebell Clinch style as if it weie an opponent's heau anu stait
peifoiming pull ups touching youi chest to the kettlebell each iep.

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Peifoim 4-6 sets x max ieps (as many as you can uo). Rest 1-2 min
between sets.

Bolu the ball of the KB in the palms of youi hanus as if giabbing youi
opponent's heau in the Nuay Thai clinch. The KB hanule shoulu be
pointeu outwaiu, away fiom youi bouy.

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Stait the KB Clinch cuil holuing the KB at youi hips with elbows

Cuil the KB into youi chest.

Squeeze the KB into youi chest foi 2-S seconus.

Peifoim 1u-12 ieps pei set. S-S sets with 6u seconus iest between sets.
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The two clinch stiength exeicises I've pioviueu you above aie uppei-
bouy uominant. Theiefoie, we iecommenu they be peifoimeu as a pait of
youi uppei-bouy woikout.
Peifoim these exeicises twice pei week foi 4-6 weeks.
To ensuie you get piogiessively stiongei. Attempt to peifoim moie ieps
oi auu weight-loau each consecutive week.

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Publisheu by Nick Tumminello
B-- 2%7943 2,3,2J,HI
No pait of this publication may be iepiouuceu in any foim oi by any means, electionic oi mechanical, foi
geneial uistiibution, commeicial, auveitisement, oi piomotional puiposes; foi cieating new collective
woiks; oi foi uistiibution at seminais oi couises without wiitten consent fiom Nick Tumminello anu
Peifoimance 0niveisity Inteinational.
K.2 %+<.2*54%.+ &.+45&4L
Nick Tumminello

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