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Water Resources Condition The Study Area is situated in middle part of South Sulawesi Province, and belongs administratively to six districts, namely Maros, Bone, Soppeng, Wajo, Sidrap and Enrekang. The Study Area is surrounded by mountain ranges with elevation between 1,500 m and 3,000 m of above mean sea level (a.m.s.l). In the centre of the mountain ranges, there exist a depression area forming the lake system of Tempe, Sidenreng and Buaya lakes. This area acts as the natural retarding basin with the lowest bottom elevation of the Tempe Lake at + 2.82 m (based on the topographic survey in 2003). Seasonal differentiates in the Study Area are caused by tropical Monsoon winds, which affect the rainfall distribution pattern. The average annual rainfall in the Study Area varies between 1,500 mm and 4,000 mm. The highest annual rainfall is 4,817 mm and the lowest is 1,257 mm. The average daily temperature is 270 280 C, with a maximum temperature of about 300 C (in October November and February March), and minimum temperature of about 240 C in September. The average temperature fluctuation is about 50 C throughout the year. Sunshine duration ranges from 4.6 to 7.2 hours per day, and is in the rainy season relatively lower with about 4.0 hours per day and is longer in September and October with approximately 8.5 hours per day. The average relative humidity ranges from 76 to 83 %. With an average annual rainfall in the Study Area as mentioned above, and differences between the rainfall distribution patterns in the sub-basins, the potential volume of water sources in the Study Area is estimated to be 9,982 x 106 m3 per year. Most of this water sources potential is surface water, both in the form of rivers and natural reservoirs like the Tempe, Sidenreng and Buaya lakes. Ground water storage as potential water resource is relatively small, with a maximum pumping capacity of 25 liter per second.


Hydrological Data Availability In the following the availability of hydrological data in the Stud Area will be described in general. A detailed description can be seen in Chapter II of the Sector Report - Hydrology. Figure 2.1-1 shows the distribution of hydrology gauging stations in the Study Area. (1). Climate Data There are six climatic gauging stations in the Study Area; these are Ujung Lamuru, Ponreponre, Malanroe, Sengkang, Tanrutedong and Kayuara. Most of them were
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constructed more than 15 years ago. The Ponreponre gauging station in Kahu sub-district in Bone district was constructed in 1996 and is considered as a new station. Although the climate gauging stations have been constructed a long time ago, the climate data availability (including sunshine duration, wind velocity, relative humidity, temperature and evaporation), collected by the Hydrology Unit of Provincial Water Resources Management Services is unsatisfying. The various climate data required from each of these stations are generally incompletely over a one-year period. Table 2.1-1 shows the climate data availability from the six related gauging station. Table 2.1-2 gives the location or position of the respective climate gauging station and water level gauging station and the owning institutions. Although the climate gauging stations are owned by different institutions, the related hydrology unit states that there is cooperation between the related institutions for three-monthly alteration of the climate data. Table 2.1-3 shows the monthly averages of the climate data of each gauging station. At field checking in April 2003, was found that condition of the climate gauging stations is alarming. There is no maintenance of the structure and the surroundings are often covered with high grass. None of stations had a complete set of fully functioning instruments. Only Tanrutedong gauging station had a complete set of instruments, but the hydrometer did not function. In some stations the instruments are lost and their place is damaged. In other cases some instruments are still available, but not functioning, such as in Ujung Lamuru gauging station. According information from the field staff the condition of the station had been reported immediately after the damaged or lost of the instrument, but there are no improvement or replacement up the time when the Study Team conducted the field study. Calibration of the functioning observation instruments has not been carried out for several years. The field staff responsible for the recordings often found observed data that were contradicting the actual conditions of that moment. The transferred of data from the field to the District Water Resources Management Services (Dinas PSDA Kabupaten) is carried out in three-monthly periods. With the same periods the District Water Resources Management Services sends the data to the Unit Hydrology of Dinas PSDA of the province. Until now the Dinas PSDA Kabupaten does not have this kind of climatologic data files. The other climate gauging stations are located at relatively large distance outside

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of the Study Area. These stations are Maros, Parepare and Bone, and are not relevant to the climatic condition in the Study Area. (2). Rainfall Data The rainfall data are collected from 45 rainfall gauging stations, of which two stations are located outside the Study Area. In some stations daily rainfall has been observed for a long time already. For the analysis the daily rainfall data a 22-year period (1980 2001) are needed. However, some stations have only daily rainfall data available of observations of the last ten years. Table 2.14 and 2.15 present the rainfall data availability per location. The rainfall pattern in the Study area is generally classified into four categories; eastern area, northern area, and southern part of Tempe Lake and the southern inland area. The rainfall distribution pattern of the northern and southern inland areas are generally similar, showing May as wettest month and September or October as the driest month. The annual rainfall in these areas ranges from 2,000 mm to 3,000 mm, except a small portion in upper Walanae basin near Camba, what receives 3,500 mm rain per year. The wet season lasts from March or April to July. A deferent distribution pattern occurs in the southern part of Tempe Lake. Rainfall distribution is almost evenly distributed over the period of mid December to July. This condition influences the Walanae river flow considerably, especially in January. During this month, the water surface level of Walanae River at the confluence with Cenranae River is often higher than the water surface of the lake, which causes a back water flow to Tempe Lake. The annual rainfall in this area averages 1,600 mm. This pattern is generally consistent with the predominant pattern in the eastern area with a distinctive dry and wet season. The collected half-monthly rainfall data from related rainfall gauging stations are presented in the Appendix of the Hydrology Sector Report. (3). Discharge data. The total number of water level gauging stations in the Study Area is 32. The discharge rating curves were prepared by the Study Team for 15 of these stations (Table 2.16). The selected water level gauging stations are closely related to the existing irrigation diversion structures or are considered important for the study of water balance analysis, flood control and sedimentation. Many factors are likely to complicate the river stream flow besides rainfall as the primary factor. There is the fact that watershed shape, topography, land slope, land

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cover and runoff coefficient are never uniform. Seasonal change is an important factor, which is influences the rainfall distribution pattern. Rainfall is also unlikely to be uniform considering duration and does not necessarily cover simultaneously the whole watershed, with exception of very small catchment areas. As general rule is assumed that the larger the area covered by rainfall, the lower will be its intensity. The relation between rainfall and runoff can of course be expressed by some universal mathematical function since it is supported with both available data of the rainfall and the river discharge for the same observation period. To illustrate the general situation of the observed and calculated river discharges in the Study area, the mean half monthly discharge of long-term observation (1980 to 2001) at selected stations are presented in Fig. 2.1-2 up to Fig. 2.1-5. 2.1.2 Water sources. (1). River Flow. The river flow is the main surface water source and can be expressed in the water amount per second, called discharge, or water volume per certain time unit. There are about 65 rivers main tributaries in the Study Area. The main rivers of Walanae, Bila, Cenranae and Gilirang carry water all year round, but several of their tributaries and other some small rivers which flow from the west and directly empty in Tempe lake, have no water flow in dry season from September up to early November. Low rainfall intensity in the dry season will for one to two days give low discharge in these small rivers. The average half monthly discharges, obtained from long-term observation, for the main rivers in the Study Area are shown in Fig. 2.1-2 up to Fig. 2.1-5. The estimation of yearly water volume potential in the Walanae River system, Bila River system and Tempe Lake system are 3,700 MCM (million meter cubic); 2,650 MCM and 1,630 MCM respectively. (2). Ground water. Generally, plentiful and good quality groundwater can be pumped up from deep wells in thick sand - gravel layers belonging to the quaternary deposits. In this Study Area however, most of the flat land is considered as pen plain covered by limited quaternary deposit. Then, the ground water condition in this area is different from the coastal plain. .

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The following definitions are used with respect to shallow and deep groundwater in this study area: Shallow Groundwater : Groundwater in the quaternary deposits (laterite, river terrace deposits and others) originating from surface drainage percolation and easily microbiologically contaminated. Deep Groundwater : Groundwater from aquifers deep beneath the quaternary deposits fed by percolation of rainwater and interception of small streams. In spite of the smallscale water resources, many residences and businesses in the Study Area use shallow wells, usually less than 10 m in depth from surface drainage, to supplement the PDAM supply and, in many cases, instead of PDAM supply. The several PDAM have utilized the groundwater as water supply as shown in the following table.

Existing water supply by groundwater

No. I. 1 2 3 4 II. 1 2 3 III. 1 2 3 4 Location Watansoppeng PDAM Kec . Marioriwauo Kec . Lilirilau Kec. Marioriawa Unit Pedesaan Abbanuange Pangkajene PDAM Rijang Pittu Pangkajene Kampung Maluku IKK Rappang Sengkang PDAM Tanah Sitolo Takkalala Belawa Panmana Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Deep well Deep well Deep well Deep well 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Deep well Deep well Deep well 5 40 5 Wajo District Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Deep well Deep well Deep well Deep well 10 5 5 20 Sidrap District Water source Abstraction Capacity (liter/sec) Soppeng District Remarks


PDAM Corporate Plan 2001-2005

Based on Peta Sebaran Sumber dan Potensi Air Tanah Propinsi Sulawesi Selatan, 1999, the study Area is divided into ten groundwater areas as shown in Fig. 2.1-6 as follows:
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1). Area with river and coastal alluvial sediment, shallow groundwater level, intruded by seawater in several places. 2). Flat area with river and coastal alluvial sediment, erupted sediment from Camba and Walanae formation 3). Flat area with river alluvial and erupted sediment from Camba formation, fairly deep groundwater level with one to three aquifer layers. 4). Flat area in inter-mountainous region with rocky sediment from the Walanae formation and limestone, deep groundwater with one to several aquifer layers. 5). Flat area with river alluvial, lake, artesian depression and aquifer in Walanae formation. 6). Flat area with river and lake alluvial, artesian depression and aquifer in old-river and partly of Walanae formation. 7). Groundwater area with good potential widely spread aquifer and continuously in several places. 8). Pare-pare mountainous area, groundwater area at Pare-pare volcanic rock. 9). Limestone sediment area, member of Tacipi Walanae and Tonasa formation, groundwater at karts area. 10). Generally mountainous area has a groundwater recharge function. (3). Spring Water. The land geological structure is very influential for the storing capacity of ground water, besides the depth and pattern of rainfall in the basin. The condition also determines the number and discharge rate of the spring water. Based on the hydrogeology map prepared by Directorate of Environmental Geology, Bandung, the location and discharge rate of spring water in the Study area is shown in Fig. 2.1-7. It is apparent that rising spring water does not contribute much to the river flow. Most river flow is from ground water seepage from the right and left riverbank slopes or the mountainside. (4). Lakes. Besides the larger lakes Tempe, Sidenreng and Buaya, there are five smaller lakes (by the local people called Taparreng) in the Study Area, mostly located in the Cenranae river system. All the existing lakes act as natural water storage area and can be exploited by the surrounding communities for daily water demand before the water flows to the river or is finished by evaporation and percolation.

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However, this is the water potential in the Study Area that should be managed to supply the water requirement or demand of any sector activities in optimum usage with minimum damage impact to the environment and or to the community themselves.

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The River Systems. General. The total basin area of the Study is about 7,900 Km2 including the water surface of three lakes of Tempe, Sidenreng, and Buaya, and the Gilirang river basin. Based on the main stream flows, WalCen river basin can be divided into four river systems and one lake system, these are: Walanae river system (river basin area about 3,170 Km2) Bila river system (1,611 Km2, excluding the water surface area of Buaya lake) Tempe lake system (1,205 Km2, excluding the water surface area of Tempe and Sidenreng lakes) Cenranae river system (1,183 Km2 , excluding the areas of the three systems mentioned above) Gilirang river system (518 Km2). Geographically, Gilirang River is a system separated basin from the other four systems with the river stream flow directly emptying into the Bone bay. This system can be seen as part of sub-SWS WalCen (see Fig. 1.1-1. General Situation of The Study Area). Tempe lake system is located at the centre of the basin with about 20 small streams directly flowing from the western and the south into the lake. Five bigger streams are the Lawo, Batubatu, Bilokka, Masaka and Sidenreng rivers. The last two rivers are a natural drain of Saddang VI-Belawa irrigation schemes and Bulutimorang irrigation scheme, which flow from the north to the Sidenreng Lake. Both the Masaka and Sidenreng River discharge are not significant and do not influence the Tempe lake system. Bila River flows from the north to the Tempe Lake and bifurcates in its delta area into two rivers. Walanae River is flowing from the south and joins with Cenranae River at about 4 Km from Tempe Lake. It means that Walanae River does not flow directly into Tempe Lake. Cenranae River is the only river flowing out of Tempe Lake, and runs into southeastern direction into Bone bay. This river act as natural retarding system and plays an important role in regulating the discharge from Tempe Lake and from Walanae River. On the peak flow in the rainy season, the carrying capacity of the Cenranae River is not sufficient what causes the water level in Tempe Lake to rise. The schematic river flow of the WalCen river basin is shown in Fig. 2.2-1.

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For the water balance analysis it is necessary to have certain control points. The Study Area has been divided into 11 larger sub-basins and 63 smaller sub-basins as shown in Fig. 2.2-2 and Fig. 2.2-3. The larger sub-basins are chosen for the observation of river discharge and the characteristic similarity approach for other sub-basins. The smaller sub-basins are prepared for the observation of the tributary catchment area and the existing hydraulic structures and also for possible new structures proposed in the development plan. Generally the rainy season in the Study Area lasts five months from March to July and is followed by a dry season of seven months (August-February). The average annual rainfall ranges from 2,000 mm to 3,500 mm in the catchment area. Gowing down to Tempe Lake this varies between 1,400 mm and 1,800 mm. The average daily temperature is 270 280 C, with a maximum temperature of about 300 C (in October November and February March), and minimum temperature of about 240 C in September. The average temperature fluctuation is about 50 C throughout the year. Sunshine duration ranges from 4.6 to 7.2 hours per day, and is in the rainy season relatively lower with about 4.0 hours per day and is longer in September and October with approximately 8.5 hours per day. The average relative humidity ranges from 76 to 83 %. Most of the water utilization in the Study Area is used for water irrigation of agriculture crops, mainly rice, with a total area about 113,000 ha including village irrigation systems, ground water irrigation and rain-fed area, which has potential to be developed in the future. Irrigation water is taking from the river with weir structures, and by pump systems from both ground water and directly from the river. The number of village irrigation, ground water irrigation and pump irrigation systems have been inventoried and are described in Chapter IV. Other utilization of water is for water supply and fisheries. Utilization for industry is not yet detected, except for electric power plant located at Pattila village, Pammana sub-district, Wajo. This industry takes water for engine cooling from the Cenranae River with intake structures. It has a discharge requirement of 8.316 m3/day (100 liter/sec). In November, 2002 the water could not flow into the intake, because the water surface in Cenranae River was lower than the intake crest. Three small water pumps were installed by the company to supply water to the existing canal. Water utilization for domestic water supply is still limited to the district capitals. The district-capitals located in the Study Area are Watansoppeng Sengkang and Pangkajene. Fishery activities are still concentrated at Tempe Lake and the other two lakes. Fisheries in the coastal ponds is located in the downstream area of Cenranae River. Fresh water fisheries with home yard ponds and the mina-padi system (fisheries in paddy field) are not much developed yet in the Study Area.

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Floods in the area surrounding Tempe Lake is the main problem of the water resources sector in the Study Area. Other problems are the sedimentation in Tempe Lake, which causes decreased storage capacity, forest damage in the watershed area, and limited water supply, because of the limited infrastructure. The constriction of river stream flow and sedimentation in the middle and downstream section of Cenranae River by settlements and agricultural activities in right-of-way area (free zone) causes the decrease of river capacity. 2.2.2 Walanae River System. Based on the size of the sub-basin, there are five sub-basins that influence the discharge of Walanae river flow, these are (see Fig. 2.2-3): Sanrego sub-basin (W-3 = 229 Km2) Minraleng sub-basin (W-15 = 510 Km2) Batupute sub-basin (W-16 = 212 Km2) Mario sub-basin (W-20 = 509 Km2) Malanroe sub-basin (W-30 = 224 Km2)

Annual rainfall of the first two sub-basins range from 2,000 to 3,500 mm and going down to 1,400 2,000 mm per year in Malanroe sub-basin. In the peak rainfall, the Walanae River discharge at Cabenge AWLR station is recorded as 440 500 m3/sec. The Sanrego River in the upper basin of the Walanae River shows a relatively flat pattern river flow throughout the year, with a wet season flow from April to June. The low-water flow appears from September to November. According the information from a field interview with local farmers the Sanrego river discharge is very low in dry season since the last three years. This has the result that only 20% of total irrigable areas of 6,000 ha can be irrigated by applying rotation at primary canal level. In the middle reaches of the Walanae river system, the wet season flow appears in January, February and from May to July, and the low-water flow appears from August to November. The Langkeme irrigation scheme is located in these middle reaches. The lowest water flow of Langkeme River at weir site occurred in October 2002: about 600 liter per second of observed discharge. The minimum values of mean half monthly discharge in the middle reaches during low-water flow decrease considerably. In the lower reaches of Walanae River, the wet season flow appears in January, February and April to July, with the peak discharge from the last week of January to first week of February. The minimum values of mean half monthly discharge in the low-water flow period is from August to October and decrease considerably. A rain-fed area of about 8,000 ha is located in these lower reaches on both sides of Walanae River bank, starting from Cabenge sub-district in Soppeng up to Sabbangparu sub-district in Wajo. This

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rain-fed area was proposed to be developed as technical irrigation system, and be irrigated from the proposed Walimpong dam. At this time, about 400 ha of the rain-fed area has been developed into a pump irrigation system by the community themselves with the Walanae River as water source. The mean half monthly discharge of Walanae River flow according long-term observation (1980 to 2001) at Cabenge water level gauging station is given in Fig. 2.1-2. The river flow pattern shows that two times peak flow appears in January or February and in May or June. The maximum flow recorded is 594 cms (cubic meter per second) occurring in the first half of January (excluding the recorded discharge of the flood in 2002); and the minimum is 5.03 cms in the first half of November. The range of the highest and lowest flow of the mean half monthly river discharge is 87.26 %. 2.2.3 Bila River System. Bila river system with a total basin area of 1,611 Km2 can be grouped to 9 smaller sub-basins which is used as boundary on water balance analysis both for present condition of basin and development plans in future. Annual rainfall in this river system is about 2,600 mm. Most of rainfall gauges were installed on downstream area of basin around Tanrutedong sub district. There are just three rainfall gauges installed on upstream area of basin, these are Barakka, Barukku and Bila Riase rainfall gauge stations All of the flow of Bila River system empties into Tempe Lake directly trough Bila River as the main river. Both Boya River (CA=557 Km2, B-3+B-5, see Fig. 2.2-3) and Kalola River (CA=165 Km2, B-6+B-7) play an important role in Tempe Lake water surface fluctuation. Besides both above-mentioned rivers, the Lancirang River (CA=217.96 Km2) is an other tributary with Bila River in the downstream reaches close to Buaya Lake. The wet season flow occurs from April to July (see Fig. 2.1-3. Mean half monthly discharge of Bila river at Tanrutedong water level gauging station), and is followed by a dry season flow from August to March. From July to August, there is a significant flow descent. During September to November, the mean half monthly discharge decreases severely below the average values. The maximum half monthly discharge recorded of 335 cms occurs in the first half of July (excluded the recorded discharge of the flood in 2002), and the minimum of 2.50 cms occurs in the first half of November. The base flow of Bila River at the weir site is still enough discharge to irrigate about 60 % (field interview recorded in November 2002) of total irrigable area (4,342 ha) for a second paddy crop in dry season. While at Bulucenrana weir, the river base flow is lower. The irrigated area in the dry season of 2002 was not more than 40 % of total irrigable area (6,000 ha). It seems that the Bulucenrana weir and irrigation system are damaged considerably and need rehabilitation. The other large existing irrigation system in Bila river system is Bulutimorang irrigation system (5,692 ha, technical classification).
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Bulutimorang weir was constructed in 1937 at Karaja River (around 10 Km from Rappang town to the east), which is the tributary of Sidenreng River flowing to the Sidenreng lake. The Rural Water Supply Project in Sulawesi Island (Phase 2) is on going in Tanrutedong. The construction of a water tower and pipeline system along the main road is under work (November 2002). Ground water is used as water source. This is a JICA grant aid project. 2.2.4 Tempe Lake System. The Tempe lake system is covers the western and north-western parts of the Study area with about 20 small rivers directly flowing into the lake. There are five bigger stream flows of rivers, which have larger watershed areas; these are the Lawo, Batubatu, Biloka, Masakka and Sidereng rivers. The last two rivers, Masakka and Sidenreng rivers, are a natural drain of Saddang VI-Belawa and Bulutimorang irrigation schemes, which flow from the north to the Sidenreng lake. Watee river is the river that connects the two lakes of Sidenreng and Tempe, and this river has an important influence on the union of both lakes during the wet season. The Tempe lake system has the wet season flow from middle March to June and from December to January or February. The low-water flow occurs from August to November. Because of the small size of catchment areas and due to topographic conditions, the minimum values of mean half monthly discharge of many rivers decrease to zero in some months of the year. Fig. 2.1-4 presents the calculated half monthly inflow discharge of the lake system, which uses Paddangeng water level gauging station as reference. The peak inflow discharge occurs two times a year, in May or June and in December. The maximum half monthly inflow discharge from the western areas (T-1 to T-10) is 167 cms which occurs in the first half of April, and the minimum occurs in the second half of July to the first half of November. While from the northwestern areas the maximum inflow discharge is 54 cms, which occurs in the second half of March. The minimum discharge is from the half of July to the first half of November. The low land surrounding Tempe Lake coveres 51 villages, belonging administratively to ten sub-districts in Wajo, Soppeng and Sidrap districts. This area is about 47,800 hectares (ha) at the contour +10 m a.m.s.l (based on the 1997 topographic survey), which consists of agricultural land with rice and palawija crops (second crops) of about 18,000 ha (37 %), normal water surface of Tempe lake of about 14,200 ha (30 %, at Elv. +5 to +6m of a.m.s.l), swampy area 10,000 ha (21 %), plantation 2,700 ha (6 %) and settlements 2,800 ha (6 %).

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Cenranae River System. Based on the information from the participants of FGD (Focus Group Discussion) conducted in Kecamatan Pammana in Wajo district, the top crest of the embankment on both sides of Cenranae river overflow two times a year, and the water floods the surrounding pumping irrigation areas. The team checked this information by running of uniform flow for Cenranae River and compared the maximum capacity of the river cross section with the recorded mean half monthly discharge data at Tampangeng water level gauging station (observed from 1980 to 2001). The result shows that the maximum capacity of the river cross section around Pammana sub-district, is about 317 cms, while the recorded mean half monthly discharge at Tampangeng station is 368.67 cms on average from the 2nd half of June to 1st half of August. This means that the information is correct. The discharge of Cenranae River is largely related to the water level of Tempe Lake. The river has a rich flow from May to July (average half monthly discharge recorded at Tampangeng is 315 cms of long-term observation). The discharge fluctuation in these months is not so much. The minimum river discharge occurs from October to November, which causes disturbance of the transportation by the boat in the river. About 18,000 ha and 19,000 ha rain-fed areas on both right and left Cenranae river banks are potential areas to be developed as technical irrigation systems. The irrigation water for this presently rain-fed area on the right river bank can be supplied by the proposed Walimpong dam (proposed in Master Plan 1980) as the first alternative, and or from the proposed three new small dams construction in the upstream area as second alternative. The rain-fed areas on the left river bank is proposed to be developed as pump irrigation system with Tempe Lake as water source. However, the water balance should be analyzed in order to be estimated the dependable discharge of both rain-fed areas. An important thing that should be considered is that these areas act as natural retarding basin during high Cenranae river flow in the wet season, so the drainage system of those areas should be solved first.


Gilirang River System. In the Gilirang river system, the wet season flow occurs from May to July, but occasionally the mean half monthly discharge decreases severely around June. The low-water flow appears from August to April with remarkable low flow in November and December. The calculated mean half monthly discharge of Gilirang River at the proposed Passeloreng dam site is presented in Fig. 2.1-5. The detailed design of Gilirang irrigation system development was finished in 2000.

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Existing Facilities and their Systems The following explains the existing infrastructure condition in the Study Area and the present condition that can affect water resources development activities. Detailed description of each sector can be found in the related sectoral reports.


Irrigation by Surface Water Irrigation Systems Under Government Inventory. As mentioned in the Chapter I, in the Study Area a Master Plan Study was conducted by JICA in 1980, with special attention for the irrigation sub-sector using surface water. In the Study Area have until now about 50 irrigation systems been constructed, with a total irrigated area of 67,870 ha that are belong to the Government inventory. Of this area, there is about 50,660 ha (75 %) irrigation area classified as technical irrigation system, 9,850 ha (14.5 %) as the semi-technical and 7,360 (10.5 %) ha as the non-technical. During the period of 1980 to 2001, 16 new irrigation systems with a total irrigation area of 38,200 ha have been constructed in the Study Area. Most of them were proposed in the JICA Master Plan Study in 1980. Generally, diversion structures are permanent weirs with the spillway types of Vlughter, Ogee and Bucket. The reservoir structure called Kalola dam has a gross storage capacity of 70x106 m3. The number of weirs in the Study Area is 62 structures, and the total length of irrigation canal (primary, secondary, supplementary and tertiary) is 1,780 km. The main irrigation infrastructures in the Study Area according to the district administrative areas is presented in Table 2.3-1. Beside the irrigation systems mentioned above, there are irrigation systems using surface water sources in the Study Area, namely village and pumping irrigation systems. The irrigated area of village irrigation systems is inventoried by Wal-Cen MP Study Team in 2002 with the result of about 26,000 ha and total systems of 170. Pumping irrigation systems cover an area of 9,200 ha. Most of them are located in low land with a river as water source, particularly at the Cenranae water district area (WB-10). Table 2.3-2 shows the names and irrigated areas of village irrigation systems according each District (Kabupaten). The following table presents the pump irrigation systems in the Study Area:

River System Irrigation Area (ha)

Walanae WB-1 WB-2 WB-3 WB-4 0 0 0 410 WB-5 1,400



Cenranae WB-10 5,780

Gilirang WB-11 0


WB-6 WB-7 WB-8 WB-9 0 370 420 820


Source: District in Figures, 2001, Central Board of Statistic of South Sulawesi Province

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Based on the field survey by WalCen MP Study Team and interviews with staffs of District Water Resources Management Services, most irrigation systems under government inventory are in worrying condition, especially systems constructed before 1980. According to them, the limited available O & M budget can not cover all existing infrastructures in each system, moreover after the implementation of decentralization policy to district level, although some field staff in several irrigation systems are still under provincial government responsibility. Village Irrigation System. Generally, the condition of village irrigation systems in the Study Area is similar with the systems in other areas, what means they have low efficiency. Diversion structures are formed of permanent and non-permanent weir. Permanent weirs are completed with intake and sluice gate, while non-permanent weirs are formed of gabion structure without intake and sluice gate. Canals are made of earth with masonry lining, what can lead to landslide. Pump Irrigation System. Pump irrigation schemes have a range area of 20 50 ha, depending on the pumping capacity used. Most farmer in pump irrigation use pump with 8 inch pipe diameter with an outlet discharge ranging from 2 to 4 l/s. Generally, the pump station condition is in good condition and maintained by the Water User Association (WUA). The average daily operation time of the pump is about 8 hours during the land preparation period, and 4 hours in the crop growing period. The supply of irrigation water is rotated in hourly periods during the daytime, while in the nighttime it is not in operation. 2.3.2 Irrigation by Ground Water At present, the ground water irrigation system in the Study Area does not involve a large area and is concentrated in the low land area surrounding Tempe Lake. The inventory by Wal-Cen MP Study Team, found that the ground water irrigation has an area of about 80 ha, and is as follows distributed over four river system areas:
River System Irrigation Area (Ha)

Walanae 8

Bila 30

Tempe 41

Cenranae 0

Gilirang 4

Total (ha) 83

Source : District in Figure, 2001, Centre Board of Statistic of South Sulawesi Province.


Water Supply The water resources development in the Study Area for raw water demands, particularly for water supply to households, municipal and industry is limited to area of district capitals, and several sub-district towns. The rural water supply is not developed, except

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Abbanuange village in Soppeng district and Baue village in Sidrap district. Table 2.3-3 shows the water supply service area of each administrative district in the Study Area. Referring to the household connection services, the number of costumers is 11 % of the total households in the Objective Area, and the number of the household connections in each district is as follows:
Objective Area 369,990 29,230 7.9

Item Total of households Total of household connections (%) of household connections

Soppeng 53,820 5,580 10.4

Wajo 83,270 4,370 5.2

Sidrap 55,310 2,370 4.3

Bone 81,380 9,320 11.5

Maros 60,980 3,830 6.3

Enrekang 35,230 3,760 10.7

Source: Corporate Plan of PDAM, 2001 2005.


Kalola Dam The Kalola dam is the only water resources conservation structure of big scale in the Study Area. Its function is multipurpose; these are flood control, irrigation and mini-hydro power generation. This dam is a development result of the Master Plan Study in 1980 and was completed in 1997. Dam site is administratively located in Wajo district and constructed in the Kalola River (Bila River tributary). The technical data are as follows (Source: Operation & Maintenance and Water Management Manual, Bila Irrigation Project, Nippon Koei CO., LTD and Associates, May 1996) : (1) Reservoir (2) Dam Type Crest elevation Height Crest Length : : : : Zoned earth-fill type EL. 45.3 m 35.3 m 255.3 m Catchments Area Storage capacity Effective Storage Dead Storage Volume : : : : 122 Km2 70.0 x 106 m3 57.8 x 106 m3 12.2 x 106 m3 19.6 Km2 EL. 39.50 m EL. 43.00 m EL. 32.40 m

Full Water surface Area : Normal high water level : Flood water level : Design low water level :

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Spillway Type Crest elevation Crest length Limited service Spillway gate : : : : : Non-gated horse-shoe overflow type 900 m3/sec EL. 39.5 m 73.0 m Roller gate type 2.7 m (W) x 1.6 m (H) x 2 (nos) Design over flow discharge :


Intake Structure Intake structures consist of an inlet, a conduit and an outlet. The inlet is equipped with a trash rack screen and an intake gate with one set of oblique lift, fixed-wheel type. The conduit has a length of 86.0 m and a diameter of 3.6 m. It is divided into two at the outlet, where one complete set of regulating gates and an impact box is provided. A mini hydropower plant is provided on the by-pass route in parallel to the regulating facilities. Then just upstream of the Kalola connecting canal, a broad crested weir to measure the discharge is provided. During the irrigation season, the intake gate is fully opened. The released discharge is controlled by the regulating gates. The mini hydropower plant is operated only during the irrigation season, when irrigation water is released. Design Discharge Intake gate Guard Valve Regulating Gate Broad crested weir Mini hydropower plant : : : : : : 14.2 m3/sec Inclined roller gate 2.3 m (w) x 2.3 m (h) x 1 nos Sluice gate type, 1,650 mm dia. X 2 nos Jet flow gate type, 1,650 mm id. X 2 nos 8.7 m wide, Crest EL. 29.57 m


Mini Hydropower Plant Design maximum discharge : Effective Head Generated out put Turbine type Turbine capacity : : : : 3.03 m3/sec 7.5 m 4.5 m 160 Kw 80 Kw Tubular S-type 150 Kw


Flood Mitigation and River Maintenance The JICA Master Plan Study on water resources development proposed for the central part of South Sulawesi Province flood control and river training works that cover the Bila,
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Walanae and Cenranae rivers. In the period 1996 1997 the following were constructed: the Bila river flood dike of about 20 Km, and the Kalola river flood dike of 4 km, including a 1.20 km short-cut canal to Bila River. River training works in the Study Area are nearly all executed in small scale, in every fiscal year using APBN (Central Government budget) through River, Swamp and Dam Sub-Services of Dinas PSDA South Sulawesi Province. In the FY 2002, the execution of river maintenance works covered sediment dredging in the downstream of Leworeng river (Tempe lake system), construction of revetments in Lamaniso river (Walanae river system) and the survey and detailed design works of Salopoko river training (Walanae river system).


Water Resources Management Along with the autonomy policy process applied since 2000, water resources management in the Study Area to became each district's administrative authority, except the water resources and its infrastructure that are physically located in more than one district or is considered of provincial or national importance. Although administratively the authority of the districts are clear, there are still several agencies or institutions involved, particularly the institutions under Settlement and Regional Infrastructure Department. This situation is caused by the fact that the River Basin Group WalanaeCenranae is still in the development phase. The main reason for this situation is that the governments of the Districts and the Province of South Sulawesi generally cannot yet provide the large budget requirement for water resources development and management. Some of the present conditions related with water resources development and management in the Study Area can be described as follows: Irrigation system management covering operation and maintenance activities is handled by each district, and includes irrigation schemes that are physically located in the district. This situation exists because there are no Governor decree or Local Government Regulation (Perda) of South Sulawesi Province which determines which irrigation systems are under the authority of the provincial government (i.e. Dinas PSDA) considering its management, what should be carried out by Technical Implementation Unit (Unit Pelaksana Teknis Dinas - UPTD). Although administratively there is no specified area of provincial authority in the Study Area yet, the implementation of water resources management is already executed jointly by the related district local government and Technical Implementation Unit (UPTD), such as in Bila weir, Kalola dam and Cilellang weir.
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The development and maintenance of flood dikes, such as the Bila River flood dike, is still executed by SIBOSOWA Project (Sinjai, Bone, Soppeng and Wajo districts area) as part of South Sulawesi Irrigation and Swamp Superior Project.

River maintenance, water resources development and conservation is executed by Jeneberang Main Project and District Local Government.

The establishment of the Water Resources Management Institution (Balai PSDA) of WalanaeCenranae River Basin Group was based on a Decree of the Governor together with Technical Implementation Unit, but is not functioning according requirement yet.

The Water Management Implementation Committee (PPTPA) of Walanae-Cenranae River Basin Group has not been established yet.

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