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Monday, March 29, 2010

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"The Illustrated Postcards. Towards a socio-semiotics of Image and Imaginarium" Project approved and financed by Fundao para a Cincia e a Tecnologia, developed in the Centro de Estudos de Comunicao e Sociedade (Universidade do Minho, Braga, Portugal) since 2007, and coordinated by Moiss de Lemos Martins

Uma antologia de textos sobre postais - An anthology of articles on postcards studies

Research Team Nuno Borges de Arajo aline soares Marlene Pereira Madalena Oliveira helena Maria da Luz Correia
Postais, histrias efmeras da modernidade: este o ttulo da antologia de textos, que ser em breve publicada pela editora norte-america Penn State University Press e que reunir pela primeira vez um mosaico dos mltiplos olhares cientficos suscitados pelo postal, objecto ligado s tecnologias da comunicao, histria da arte, ou a temticas como a identidade nacional. A julgar pelo ttulo, este livro, dirigido por David Prochaska, da Universidade de Illinois e Jordana Mendelson da Universidade de Nova Iorque, promete fazer jus no s interdisciplinaridade convocada pelo postal, mas tambm multiplicidade que caracteriza a prpria noo de moderno. Anunciada como um contributo fundamental para os visual cultural studies, a compilao de artigos abordar o postal na sua relao com a cidade, com os cnones da arte, com o museu, com as tcnicas de fotomontagem da avant-garde do sculo XX, com o colonialismo, ou ainda com as relaes israelopalestinianas... Sero cerca de quinze ensaios, nos quais esto includos Les plus belles cartes postales do poeta francs Paul Eluard, e Main Street Looking North from Courthouse Square do fotgrafo norte-americano Walker Evans (estes textos foram respectivamente evocados aqui e aqui). Esta colectnea, que contar com cerca de 250 pginas, tinha publicao prevista para o ms de Maro mas, segundo os sites de venda on-line, parece ainda no ter chegado s livrarias. Postcards, ephemeral histories of modernity: this is the title of an anthology of texts, which will be soon published by the north-american publisher Penn State University Press and which will assemble for the first time a mosaic of multiple scientific approaches evoked by postcards, as objects connected with communication technologies, history of art, or with subjects such as the national identity. If we consider the title, we can suppose that this book,

Miguel Bandeira Moiss de Lemos Martins Albertino Gonalves Catarina Miranda

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Instituto de Cincias Sociais

which is coordinated by David Prochaska, from the University of Illinois, and Jordana Mendelson, from the New York University, will not only present the interdisciplinarity convoked by postcards but also the multiplicity that is inherent in the idea of modernity. This compilation of articles, which is announced as an important contribution to visual cultural studies, will study postcards and their connections with the city, the art canons, the photomontage techniques of XXth century avant-garde, the colonialism, or even the relations between Israel and Palestine There will be about fifteen essays; they include Les plus belles cartes postales by Paul Eluard and Main Street Looking North from Courthouse Square by Walker Evans (both of these articles were evoked here and here). This collection of essays, which will have about 250 pages, was supposed to be published in March but, according to the online retailers, it has not yet been released. Posted by Maria da Luz Correia at 8:47 PM

Universidade do Minho

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Our Papers Dos postais ilustrados aos posts nos weblogues: para uma scio-semitica da imagem e do imaginrio/From the illustrated postcards to the posts in blogs: towards a sociosemiotics of image and 'imaginarium', Moiss de Lemos Martins, Helena Pires, Madalena Oliveira Leituras da paisagem atravs de postais ilustrados: para uma sociosemitica da imagem e do imaginrio, Miguel Bandeira O postal ilustrado da frente ao verso, imagens mais do que reprodutveis, The illustrated postcard recto-verso: more than reproducible pictures, Maria da Luz Correia Postais ilustrados: souvenirs intimos e publicitrios/The illustrated postcards: intimate and advertising souvenirs, Maria da Luz Correia

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