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You Are A:

Neutral Evil Human Rogue (2nd Level)

Ability Scores: Strength !" #e$terity !% &onstitution !' (ntelligence !) *isdom !% &harisma !'

Alignment: Neutral Evil A neutral evil villain does +hatever he can get a+ay +ith, He is out -or himsel-. /ure and sim/le, He sheds no tears -or those he 0ills. +hether -or /ro-it. s/ort. or convenience, He has no love o- order and holds no illusion that -ollo+ing la+s. traditions. or codes +ould ma0e him any better or more noble, 1n the other hand. he doesn t have the restless nature or love o- con-lict that a chaotic evil villain has, Some neutral evil villains hold u/ evil as an ideal. committing evil -or its o+n sa0e, 2ost o-ten. such villains are devoted to evil deities or secret societies, Neutral evil is the best alignment you can be because you can advance yoursel- +ithout regard -or others, Ho+ever. neutral evil can be a dangerous alignment because it re/resents /ure evil +ithout honor and +ithout variation,

Race: Humans are the most ada/table o- the common races, Short generations and a /enchant -or migration and con3uest have made them /hysically diverse as +ell, Humans are o-ten unorthodo$ in their dress. s/orting unusual hairstyles. -anci-ul clothes.

tattoos. and the li0e,

&lass: Rogues Rogues have little in common +ith each other, *hile some maybe even the ma4ority are stealthy thieves. many serve as scouts. s/ies. investigators. di/lomats. and sim/le thugs, Rogues are versatile. ada/table. and s0illed at getting +hat others don5t +ant them to get, *hile not e3ual to a -ighter in combat. a rogue 0no+s ho+ to hit +here it hurts. and a snea0 attac0 can dish out a lot o- damage, Rogues also seem to have a si$th sense +hen it comes to avoiding danger, E$/erienced rogues develo/ nearly magical /o+ers and s0ills as they master the arts o- stealth. evasion. and snea0 attac0s, (n addition. +hile not ca/able o- casting s/ells on their o+n. a rogue can sometimes 5-a0e it5 +ell enough to cast s/ells -rom scrolls. activate +ands. and use 4ust about any other magic item,

*eb /age and 4ournal code: &o/y and /aste the -ollo+ing:

6b7( Am A:68b7 Neutral Evil Human Rogue (2nd Level) 6br76br76u7Ability Scores:68u76br7 6b7Strength 68b7!"6br7 6b7#e$terity 68b7!%6br7 6b7&onstitution 68b7!'6br7 6b7(ntelligence 68b7!)6br7 6b7*isdom 68b7!%6br7 6b7&harisma 68b7!' 6br76br76u7Alignment:68u76br76b7Neutral Evil68b7 A neutral evil villain does +hatever he can get a+ay +ith, He is out -or himsel-. /ure and sim/le, He sheds no tears -or those he 0ills. +hether -or /ro-it. s/ort. or convenience, He has no love o- order and holds no illusion that -ollo+ing la+s. traditions. or codes +ould ma0e him any better or more noble, 1n the other hand. he doesn t have the restless nature or love o- con-lict that a chaotic evil villain has, Some neutral evil villains hold u/ evil as an ideal. committing evil -or its o+n sa0e, 2ost o-ten. such villains are devoted to evil deities or secret societies, Neutral evil is the best alignment you can be because you can advance yoursel- +ithout

regard -or others, Ho+ever. neutral evil can be a dangerous alignment because it re/resents /ure evil +ithout honor and +ithout variation,6br7 6br76u7Race:68u76br76b7Humans68b7 are the most ada/table o- the common races, Short generations and a /enchant -or migration and con3uest have made them /hysically diverse as +ell, Humans are o-ten unorthodo$ in their dress. s/orting unusual hairstyles. -anci-ul clothes. tattoos. and the li0e, 6br76br76u7&lass:68u76br76b7Rogues68b7 have little in common +ith each other, *hile some maybe even the ma4ority are stealthy thieves. many serve as scouts. s/ies. investigators. di/lomats. and sim/le thugs, Rogues are versatile. ada/table. and s0illed at getting +hat others don5t +ant them to get, *hile not e3ual to a -ighter in combat. a rogue 0no+s ho+ to hit +here it hurts. and a snea0 attac0 can dish out a lot odamage, Rogues also seem to have a si$th sense +hen it comes to avoiding danger, E$/erienced rogues develo/ nearly magical /o+ers and s0ills as they master the arts ostealth. evasion. and snea0 attac0s, (n addition. +hile not ca/able o- casting s/ells on their o+n. a rogue can sometimes 5-a0e it5 +ell enough to cast s/ells -rom scrolls. activate +ands. and use 4ust about any other magic item, 6br76br79ind out 6a hre-:5htt/:88+++,easydamus,com8character,html5 target:5mt57*hat ;ind o- #ungeons and #ragons &haracter *ould You <e=68a7. courtesy o- Easydamus 6a hre-:5mailto:>ybstrs0i?e$cite,com57(e mail)68a76br76br7

#etailed Results:

Alignment: La+-ul @ood Neutral @ood &haotic @ood La+-ul Neutral Crue Neutral AAAAAAAAAAAAA (!') AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (!B) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (!B) AAAAAAAAAAA (!!) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (!))


&haotic Evil


La+ E &haos: La+ AAAA (%)


@ood E Evil: @ood AAAAAAAAA (D)

Neutral AAAAAAA (F) Evil AAAAAAAAAA (!")

Race: Human #+arEl@nome AAAAAAAAAAAAAA (!%) AAAAAA ()) AAAAAAAAAAAA (!2) AAAAAA ())

Hal-ling AAAAAAAA (B) Hal- El- AAAAAAAAA (D) Hal- 1rc AAAAAA ())

&lass: <arbarian ( %) <ard &leric #ruid AA (2) ( %) (")

9ighter 2on0 Galadin Ranger Rogue Sorcerer *i>ard

( 2) ( 2!) ( !F) (") AAAA (%) (") (")

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