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Flatlander's Folly

Sept.30, 2008
In his article "A Nation of Flatlanders," Newsweek's Michael Hirsh correctly addresses a
condition, which, I'm afraid, has been ailing his country for a little while longer than since the Bush

While I thoroughly enjoyed the article (- myself having been aware of the "Flatland" concept since
I was a wee lad of 13 - thanks to a spin-off on Edwin Abbot's "Romance of Many Dimensions"
published in the 70s by David Berg -) to merely call the current hoodlum in Iraq someone's "folly,"
in my opinion is as blatantly failing to do the subject justice, as would be calling the Holocaust a
"mishap" or "Hitler's blunder," and such a statement could only come from an American (who
values foreign lives infinitely less than their fellow patriots'), and from someone who, although
addressing a problem or spiritual disease, is himself currently a victim of the same, howbeit one
of the exceptional kind who at least recognize the problem.

Last night we saw Peter Berg's "The Kingdom," probably one of the best portrayals ever, of the
deeply rooted hatred between Americans and Muslims, and from the rational, "Flatlander's" point
of view, one would reach the conclusion that religion is probably the most idiotic thing there is
(right next to patriotism, but that's not the message the movie makers wanted to bring across).
Only someone looking a little deeper, beyond the limits of their own finite dimensions of what is to
be believed and accepted as "real" or not, can see the hands in the dark pulling the threads of
manipulation, playing one party skillfully against another, creating what the Germans call a
"Feindbild," an artificial image of your enemy in your mind, and in this case, achieving that the
majority of rational people in the world will believe exactly that: Religion is the Enemy.

While the two opposing (artificially created) forces of communism and capitalism were ensuring
the necessary tension and strife to cater to the unseen manipulators' agenda for half a century,
the new culprit is religion, the last enemy to be overcome in order to achieve world peace within
the glorious New World Order.

Without being aware of a plan that's unfolding in world history and recognizing that the "New
World Order" was more than just a neat line Bush Sr. came up with (- probably long before Mr.
Hirsh had his job with Newsweek -), what Bush Jr. and his potential successor are committing is
merely a "folly."

In my opinion, it is a much larger folly to be as naive to assume such a thing.

It isn't just folly or plain stupidity to be pouring billions into a sinking ship called "The Economy,"
deemed "unsinkable" for decades, (despite the repetitive outcries of the prophets of doom since
the 70s), because just like the future abolition of religion, Mr. Hirsh, it is the New World Order's
cleverly devised plan and intention - not merely some poor dupe's "folly" - to abolish the other
thing, even more important to (most) people than their religion: Cash!

The arquitects of the New World Order know that the only way the masses are going to relinquish
their beloved churches (temples, Mosques, etc.) and paper money, is by proving to the entire
world that both only create problems, and are a nuisance - a relic of the past, soon to be

Of course, they'll have a neat alternative handy and ready for each man, woman and child: a
personal chip just for your right hand or forehead, as prophesied 2000 years ago, to get you what
you want at the mall, plus, a taylor-made new world ideology to replace all pestering religions,
including its own messiah, mahdi, savior or superman... whatever you wish to call him.

It's understood that no one voluntarily wants to face such a bleak outlook, if that's supposed to be
the "guiding force" behind history and the glorious "extra-height" (as Abbot put it), or additional
dimension, if that's all there is to it. The good news is that above and around the matrix of evil,
there's yet another layer of truly divine and - for a change - benign purpose for mankind, and
that's God's plan, "Matrix" or Kingdom, whatever you want to call it, which engulfs and only uses
all lesser dimensions within it to teach the universe a lasting lesson with a happy ending.

You may be abolish religion, and with most of it, you'd probably be doing the world a favor. But
you can't abolish God. And there IS One, you can bet your cash on it!

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