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Economics by Vethathiri


Introduction Every country, every person has to become economically independent and equal is the dream of all learned wise men, scientists, philosophers and even common man of the world. We are all highly grateful to them. Invariably the Political leaders in the world manage and administer the economic policies as endorsed by the Economists group. Therefore economics is political dependant and politics are people dependant. Thus we come back to square one, that people are responsible for the economy. It is well said that, how water finds its own level, people find their own political leaders they deserve, based on their characters & qualities. Economics, is not exactly what is being learnt & taught in various Schools of the World. They are just the History of Economics Development. Today they seem to have lost the very purpose of providing Economic Equality to all. When you value a person based on economy, there are bound to be differences and therefore problems are the natural result. When you value a person based on Humanity, there will be Peace in the World. Problems in the world are mostly man created; therefore man alone has to solve them. Even God cannot come for help. For this purpose let us think collectively to find the causes & remedies. To start with let us see the origin of economics.

Origin of Economics Economics have started right from the days when man started living. Man though lived in cages in stone - age, had the unique ability to Think. The first discovery he made was towards food. He understood the relationship between seeds, sowing, harvest, food grains, storage & distribution. This is what made him to stay in one place the paddy fields, instead of moving from place to place in search of food. For comfortable stay & to look after the fields he built the primitive Shelter called a House, the second most important advancement man made. These comforts have come to those who worked for it. Unfortunately, in the crowd there were some who did not work, but wanted food. They attacked & looted, created the need for protection & security. The working farmers, among themselves, nominated a strong guy to protect them & their belongings. This strong man protecting them, cannot work in the field, therefore have to be looked after by the farmers. Each farmer gave a fixed amount of

food grains to the strong man for his livelihood. In order to recognize this guy, they gave him the Stick of power & a head gear. As they grew, more strong men were required & more food grains to be allocated. The whole thing had to be systematically organized. Over the centuries, the strong man to protect has become the King Ruler, the food grains given to him for his lively hood has become the taxes. Being strong, he also gave justice in case of disputes. The one who is supposed to serve has thus become the master to exploit the work of farmers & loot them with authority. Over a few thousands of years, the system to protect, has become politics & grabbing the work of others has become the taxes. Looting, torturing, punishing and even killing the innocents has been legalized. Robbing the freedom, the work, the property & life of others has become order of the day, in the name of economics under the head of Politics. The whole economics is found to be playing around 3 things viz., Production ( work of people, using free resources of nature ), Storage ( Buy & accumulate using less money), Distribute where required ( Market & Sell making more money ). In this cycle it is clear that Hard work of production does not pay as much as the soft work of marketing. For example a farmer selling Potatoes at Rs 2 per kilo to the trader gets a return of hardly 2% per month for his work as compared to the Trader who buys & sells the same thing at Rs 15 per kilo getting a return of more than 1000% per month. This economy is called Rich becoming Richer at the cost of poor becoming poorer. Do we need this economy? Think. Is it the world of people or world of money? Kill people & keep the money; is wise or Kill money & keep the people; is wiser! Think. If you are looking for a balance, what we need is Equality in Economics. Equality is not among countries but it is among people of all countries. Each person is one country. One Humanity one Planet World.

Evolution of Economics Production is the basis for economics. Production is made by virtue of Capacity of Intellectuals and Industrious people. The gain of this hard work is exchanged for Money (being a Liquid, Flexible, paper or electronic transfer) an abstract notional commodity. With the Introduction of money as exchange medium for work, there has been more focus on Money than Work. To put it crudely, how to make more and more money with less and less or zero work, is the order of new economy. This is exactly is the illness of todays world. Many educated, learned, advanced countries & people are encouraging this approach, which will lead us to a disaster surely for our future generations if not for us now in the near future. As we progress, in this world, we have predominantly seen two major types of economy. One is called Capitalism and the other is called Communism. Both seem to have failed to produce the desired results, when we look at the problems & threats facing the world to day.

A recent Research paper on the Growth in the last 30 years has shown significant rapid jumps in Objective issues of Science & Technology, but alas, almost nil jump in the Subjective issues of Happiness, Feeling good, Peace of Mind etc. This goes to prove that we have traveled miles & miles in the past decades, but in the wrong direction. Stop now. Take a hard look. Make necessary corrections & changes so as to provide a holistic growth instead of differential growth. Besides, we also see now a days many lobbying activities. West vs. East. Blacks vs. Whites. Health vs. Pharma. Steel vs. nonmetal. Oil vs. other fuel. Faith vs. Rational. Narcotics vs. Politics Etc. All this in a way taking the world in a direction of utter confusion & chaos for a quick & short term benefits of a selected few in power politics. Volumes are written, spoken about these two isms in the past. Both have one thing in common to serve the Mankind in the Best possible manner. How to serve the Mankind? Provide them with commodities and services for their comfortable living, joy & happiness. Who should serve the Mankind? Who else it is man alone has to serve man. Therefore it is by the people, for the people & of the people of the whole world and not any by any fractional group of people in the world. Because we have seen how the whole world is affected by the 11.9.04 incident, SARS epidemic, Srilankan problems, Terrorism etc. We do not live in isolation anymore. We are all well connected with each other in all aspects of life. Therefore the Solutions is one world people & one world economy or one world passport & one world currency. All the Leaders of Nations to support & strengthen the UN, so that they have a meaningful significant role to play in the growth of people of the world and the world peace what they want will be a natural result.

Relevance of Economic Equality Economics is not man made. The major 99% contributor to the economy is almost forgotten it is the Nature. Therefore, a great share of profit has to be paid to Nature or the owner of it. To understand this, let us look at what Nature does to Nature itself. The energy provider Sun shines equally to all. The Air provider supply air equally to all. So also every Nature provider treat their natural recipients equally. On the same scale, every human being is a product of nature. They own this planet world equally. They will have to get their share equally, provided they in turn serve mankind adequately. When Alexander the great died, he had asked his people to make 2 holes on the sides of his coffin so that his empty hands can be exhibited to the world, to show that he carries nothing, though he was the Greatest Emperor, the World has seen so far. Every one of us, including Bill Gates or George Bush born with zero assets brought forward & will sure die with zero assets to carry forward. This does not mean we have to distribute the

assets of the rich to that of the poor. This will make the world much poorer as the non enterprising lazy people will live on the wealth of others like leeches. This is where Communism has failed. Economy provider for this planet earth is the Mother Nature. Nature treats all of us equally, then why there should be inequality in economy? Think. Enterprising people are to be valued as they contribute to the comforts of others, while lazy non enterprising people are to be condemned, is the root for Capitalism. The problem here is, why condemn a lazy fellow instead facilitate him to work. Thats how poverty has become the motivator for poorer to become richer. At this point a joke comes to my mind, - a fat rich man asked a lean poor man, why are you so thin, dont you eat food? The lean man replied, when you have eaten everything and left nothing for me, what can I eat? This is the result of capitalism today. Philosopher Scientist Vethathiri Maharishi has written a poem in Tamil (a rough translation is given below) as an approach to economics. Residences for living, Lands for cultivation, Factories for production, And Commerce for trading - all these four are to be only as Co operative ventures for all nations. When this is implemented poverty will run away, business will flourish And hard work of people will be valued high. Then, where will be pledging, interest, credit and court? Think!

Vethathirian Economic Justice What is money? Money is said to be the Bank notes or coins reflecting economic wealth. Consider, why 1USD is not equal to 1Ruppee. Is this economic justice? While the entire Humanity owns this planet, how some countries are wealthier than the other? What extra efforts they had put in while others not? You know, the wealthiest country in this world is the most polluting country? This is a clear indication that the world economy is not for the people of the world to live but only for a few who pollute the nature more and live on others work. According to Vethathiri Money is defined as the token of labor. Many homeless construction workers build homes, for owners of many homes. Thus the labor do not get any significant value for his work to build his wealth, but the owner without any labor multiply wealth. True economy is the one where labor is valued pro people. False economy is the one where money is valued pro paper. In the past wealth was generated through pirates and wars. This practice is no more acceptable.

There must be justice in the distribution of wealth. Socially enlightened people to implement appropriate plans through education and providing skills for building wealth and its equitable distribution. Man has owned the land fully, partly the ocean water and not yet the atmospheric air. Therefore the justice would start from the land. All the geological resources of land are to be owned by the UN world economy fund and income from that are to be equitably, in proportion to poverty be distributed. Similarly the water resources including rivers must also be treated. Because, there is absolutely no contribution by any body or any nation for both of these resources. As such economic justice must prevail. Therefore nobody and no nation has a right to pollute the land or water as they are the property of the world mankind. This equally applies to the atmospheric air. UN to be empowered by all nations to take corrective actions immediately in cases of pollution of land, water and air. In this way we will be able to reach equitable economic justice to the people of the world after all they are the owners of the world, and not any group of rich powerful nations. The world leaders and their political, economical and social advisors are to fully understand the play and power of nature. Based on this knowledge make this world worth living, not only for themselves but also for the generations to come. Be Blessed.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Additional Information: http://peaceportal.mobi/open/component/content/article/303-karma-holistic?star t=12

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