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Usa-se o Immediate Future ou Futuro Imediato para expressar a) aes que vo ocorrer no futuro prximo. Ex: It is going to rain. The sky is dark. (Vai chover. O cu est escuro). b) planos ou intenes. Ex: I am going to visit her tonight. (Eu vou visit-la hoje noite). c) probabilidade. Ex: She is probably going to buy a car next month. (Ela provavelmente ir comprar um carro no prximo ms). Forma Afirmativa O Immediate Future formado pelo presente simples do verbo to be (am / is / are), pelo gerndio do verbo to go (going) e pelo verbo principal no infinitivo, com a partcula to. Observe a conjugao de dois verbos no Immediate Future na tabela a seguir: to work = trabalhar Forma Negativa Forma Contrada
I am not going to work You are not going to work He is not going to work She is not going to work It is not going to work We are not going to work You are not going to work They are not going to work Im not going to work You arent going to work He isnt going to work She isnt going to work It isnt going to work We arent going to work You arent going to work They arent going to work

to work = trabalhar Conjugao I am going to work You are going to work He is going to work She is going to work It is going to work We are going to work You are going to work They are going to work

to study = estudar Conjugao I am going to study You are going to study He is going to study She is going to study It is going to study We are going to study You are going to study They are going to study

Forma Negativa Para se formar frases negativas no Immediate Future, basta acrescentar a partcula de negao not depois do verbo to be. A forma contrada do verbo to be com a partcula de negao muito usada. Observe a tabela abaixo com a conjugao de dois verbos.

to study = estudar Forma Negativa Forma Contrada

I am not going to study You are not going to study He is not going to study She is not going to study It is not going to study We are not going to study You are not going to study They are not going to study Im not going to study You arent going to study He isnt going to study She isnt going to study It isnt going to study We arent going to study You arent going to study They arent going to study

Forma Interrogativa Para formar frases interrogativas deve-se inverter a posio do pronome (sujeito) com o verbo to be e incluir o ponto de interrogao no final da frase. Observe a conjugao de dois verbos na forma interrogativa na tabela abaixo. to work = trabalhar Am I going to work ? Are you going to work? Is he going to work? Is she going to work? Is it going to work? Are we going to work? Are you going to work? Are they going to work?
Editora Exato

to study = estudar Am I going to study ? Are you going to study? Is he going to study? Is she going to study? Is it going to study? Are we going to study? Are you going to study? Are they going to study?

Short Answers (Respostas to work = Short Answer trabalhar Sim Am I going to Yes, I am. work ? Are you going to Yes, you are. work? Is he going to Yes, he is. work? Is she going to Yes, she is. work? Is it going to Yes, it is. work? Are we going to Yes, we are. work? Are you going to Yes, you are. work?

curtas) Short Answer No No, Im not. No, you arent. No, he isnt. No, she isnt. No, it isnt. No, we arent. No, you arent.


Are they going to work? to study = estudar Am I going to study ? Are you going to study? Is he going to study? Is she going to study? Is it going to study? Are we going to study? Are you going to study? Are they going to study?

Yes, they are.

No, they arent.

Short Answer Sim Yes, I am. Yes, you are. Yes, he is. Yes, she is. Yes, it is. Yes, we are. Yes, you are Yes, they are.

Short Answer No No, Im not. No, you arent. No, he isnt. No, she isnt. No, it isnt. No, we arent. No, you arent. No, they arent.

como verbo principal. O verbo to be que acompanha o sujeito da frase em questo Jane is, o gerndio de to go going e o verbo principal no infinitivo to cook. Assim, a resposta correta a letra b. 2 Marque a alternativa que completa corretamente a frase I _______________________ home for my vacation next year no Immediate Future. a) am going to go. b) are going to go. c) is going to go. d) am to go. Resoluo: Para formar o futuro imediato, so necessrios trs verbos: to be no presente, gerndio de to go e o infinitivo do verbo principal. Como o sujeito da frase I, deve-se usar a forma am do presente do verbo to be. O gerndio do verbo to go going. E o infinitivo do verbo principal to go. Juntando os trs verbos temos: am going to go. Assim, a resposta correta a letra a.

Expresses usadas no Immediate Future As expresses de tempo usadas no Immediate Future so as mesmas usadas no Simple Future. As mais usadas so: soon logo tomorrow amanh tonight hoje noite next prximo(a)

Marque a alternativa que complete corretamente a frase The boy _________________ popcorn no Immediate Future. a) am going to eat. b) are going to eat. c) is going to eat. d) be going to eat. Qual a alternativa que completa corretamente a frase ____________________ more tonight?? a) Is he going to study. b) Is going he to study. c) He is going to study. d) Going he is to study. Marque a alternativa que tenha a forma negativa da frase Glenda is going to visit you. a) Glenda not is going to visit you. b) Glenda not going to visit you. c) Glenda isnt not going to visit you. d) Glenda is not going to visit you. Marque a alternativa que tenha a forma interrogativa da frase You are going to have lunch with them. a) You are going to have lunch with them? b) Are you going to have lunch with them? c) Not are you going to have lunch with them? d) Going you are to have lunch with them?

1 2

Quando usado o Immediate Future em ingls? Como formada a afirmativa do Immediate Future? Como a forma negativa e a interrogativa do Immediate Future?

A frase Jane is cooking black beans no Immediate Future : a) Jane will going to cook black beans. b) Jane is going to cook black beans. c) Jane are going to cook black beans. d) Jane is cooking black beans. Resoluo: O futuro imediato formado pelo presente do verbo to be (am / is / are), pelo gerndio do verbo to go (going) e pelo infinitivo com to do
Editora Exato 23


Qual a alternativa que possui uma frase no Immediate Future? a) I will arrive at 10 oclock. b) They are having dinner now. c) My family is going to move to So Paulo. d) The girls were looking at you. Observe a frase Ruan divides the murderers into two groups. Transformando-a para o future imediato ser: a) Ruan are going to divide the murderers into two groups. b) Ruan will divide the murderers into two groups. c) Ruan going to divide the murderers into two groups. d) Ruan is going to divide the murderers into two groups.


VALENTINES DAY = Dia dos Namorados People give presents on Valentines Day to the person they love. As pessoas do presentes no Dia dos Namorados para a pessoa que amam. O Dia dos Namorados, nos pases de lngua inglesa, celebrado no dia 14 de fevereiro e chamase Valentines Day ou St. Valentines Day Dia de So Valentim , porque uma crena inglesa muito antiga diz que o dia em que os pssaros escolhem sua parceira para acasalar. Nesse dia, os namorados trocam presentes e costuma-se mandar cartes para pessoas queridas, s vezes, annimos ou jocosos. Esses cartes chamam-se Valentine cards ou simplesmente Valentine.

Estudo dirigido 1 O Immediate Future usado para expressar aes que vo ocorrer no futuro prximo, para expressar planos ou intenes e para expressar probabilidade. O Immediate Future formado pelo presente simples do verbo to be (am / is / are), pelo gerndio do verbo to go (going) e pelo verbo principal no infinitivo com a partcula to. Exemplo: He is going to travel next week. (Ele vai viajar na prxima semana).

Para se formar frases negativas no Immediate Future, basta acrescentar a partcula de negao not depois do verbo to be. Exemplo: He is not going to travel next week. (Ele no vai viajar na prxima semana). Para formar frases interrogativas, deve-se inverter a posio do pronome (sujeito) com o verbo to be e incluir o ponto de interrogao no final da frase. Exemplo: Is he going to travel next week? (Ele vai viajar na prxima semana?). Exerccios 1 2 3 4 5 6 C A D B C D

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