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The Internal Uncleanliness of Man . . . The Effect of Laxitives . . . The Real Cause of Constipation . . . Nourishing an Curing !Laxitives! . . . Conclusion . . .
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The 'efinite Cure of Chronic Constipation () *RO. ARNOL' E+RET

The Internal Uncleanliness o Man
Chronic constipation is the ,orst an -ost co--on cri-e against life an -an.in //a cri-e unconsciousl" co--itte & an one ,hose full enor-it" is not "et full" reali0e . It stan s accuse of 1eing one of the principal causative factors of all ph"sical an -ental iseases. I .no, as a fact& fro- -" practical experience ,ith thousan s of chronicall" isease & that the life of -an& an the extent of his -ental an spiritual capa1ilities are largel" influence 1" the con ition of the ali-entar" tract. It is certainl" ver" i-portant that the 1rain an nerves of -an are supplie ,ith pure 1loo & an are not epen ent on 1loo & pollute ,ith i-purities& arising fro- an unclean ali-entar" canal. !Unclean! is too -il a ,or & ,hen ,e are ealing ,ith the ,orst .in of a filth" con ition. It is a fact that -an& the pro uct of the present !civili0e ! societ" of this -uch vaunte !a vance ! t,entieth centur"& is 1orn unhealth"& 1ecause his -other& uring pregnanc"& is al-ost invaria1l" suffering fro- constipation. An I sa" further& that ,hile in this state& she usuall" eats t,o to three ti-es as -uch as is necessar". This causes the so/ calle nor-al& -ore or less health" -an& to 1e so-e,hat encu-1ere fro- infanc". An to a -uch greater extent& is the constipate one//,ho is loa e ,ith such a -ass of internal filth& that it can onl" 1e calle !in escri1a1le.! +is ali-entar" tract& reaching up fro- the -outh of the anus to his throat& is fille ,ith a -or1i -ucus//un igeste & eca"e an retaine foo /su1stances& all of ,hich are in a state of fer-entation an putrefaction. +is intestines have never ha a perfect cleansing uring his entire life. At the conclusion of each ischarge& the anus -ust 1e artificiall" cleanse & ,hich sho,s that the internal ,alls of the intestines -ust also retain& after each passage& 2uantities of this sa-e filth. A ph"sician of (erlin& ,hose life ,or. ,as the perfor-ing of autopsies& state that 34 per cent of all the corpses containe in the ali-entar" canal various foreign -ater// ,or-s an putrefie feces//an he further state that in nearl" all cases the ,alls of the intestines an colon ,ere line ,ith a crust of har ene feces& -a.ing it evi ent that these organs ha egenerate to a state of utter inefficienc". *rogressive A-erican ph"sicians are rapi l" a,a.ening to the fact that retaine fecal -atter is one of the chief causes of isease. Autopsies are constantl" revealing in escri1a1le filth" astoun ing con itions. One ph"sician pu1lishes the follo,ing5

!I have foun a protot"pe of the cause of all iseases of the hu-an 1o "& the foun ation of pre-ature ol age an eath. Surprising as it -a" see-& out of t,o hun re an eight"/four cases of autops" hel & 1ut t,ent"/eight colons ,ere foun to 1e free fro- har ene feces an in a nor-al an health" state. The others& as escri1e a1ove& ,ere to a -ore or less extent incruste ,ith har ene & rotten& re6ecte foo -aterial. Man" ,ere isten e to t,ice their natural si0e throughout their ,hole length ,ith a s-all hole through the center an al-ost universall" these last cases -entione ha regular 1o,el evacuations ail". So-e of the- containe large ,or-s fro- four to six inches in length. !M" experience fro- a" to a" evelope startling iscoveries in the for- of ,or-s an nests of eggs& that ,e ail" get fro- patients& acco-panie 1" 1loo an pus. As I stoo loo.ing at the colon an reservoir of eath& I expresse -"self in ,on er that an" one can live a ,ee.& -uch less for "ears& ,ith such a cesspool of eath an contagion al,a"s ,ith hi-. The a1sorption of the ea l" poison 1ac. into the circulation cannot help 1ut cause all the contagious iseases. The recent treat-ent of he-orrhage of the 1o,els in t"phoi fever has sho,n it to 1e cause 1" -aggots an ,or-s eating into the sensitive -e-1rane an tapping a vein or arter". In fact& -" experience uring the past ten "ears has proven& 1" the rapi recover" of all iseases after the colon ,as cleanse & that in the colon itself lies the 1asic cause of al-ost all hu-an ail-ents.! That this revolting an in escri1a1le con ition arises fro- the al-ost universal ignorance of right selection of foo & reveals ,h" the !Mucus less 'iet +ealing S"ste-! is such an i-portant iscover" an evelop-ent for the regeneration of -an.in . On the outsi e& the -an of to a" is carefull" groo-e & perhaps unnecessaril" an over carefull" clean7 ,hile insi e he is irtier than the irtiest ani-al//,hose anus is as clean as its -outh& provi e sai ani-al has not 1een ! o-esticate ! 1" !civili0e ! -an. Long ago Naturopath" prove & that in ever" isease there is a constitutional encu-1rance of foreign -atter& a clogging/up of the s"ste-. That state-ent of fact is not sufficientl" explicit. The encu-1ering -atters& su1stances ,hich ,oul 1eco-e angerous if the" ,ere foreign to the 1o "& an of no use to the s"ste-& consist of -asses of accu-ulate feces& un igeste foo & -or1i -ucus& an retaine superfluous ,ater& all in a state of fer-entation an eco-position. Trul"& chronicall" constipate -an constantl" carries in his intestines a verita1le cesspool& 1" ,hich the 1loo streais continuall" pollute an poisone & a fact ,hich onl" a s.ille o1server can at once etect 1" facial iagnosis. Official -e ical science an the inexpert la"-an o not suspect !constipation! ,hen the in ivi ual consu-es fro- three to five -eals a a"& ,hile he is having one so/calle & goo 1o,el -ove-ent. Man i-agines that his !co-forta1le fatte ! 1o " is a sign of health7 at the sa-e ti-e he is as -uch in fear of a col ,in an !ger-s! as he is of the evil. 8hen such a !,ell/fe ! -an ,ho is usuall" constipate & ta.es a fast or is put on a !-ucus/less iet!//as I have a vise hun re s as their last resort//,ill ischarge -asses of putrescent filth& feti urine loa e ,ith -ucus& salt& uric aci & fat& rugs& al1u-en an pus& accor ing to his isease. The -ost surprising effect of these treat-ents is the i--ense 2uantit" of the ischarge feces an the feti exhalation fro- 1oth the -outh an s.in. (ut the -ost i-portant ! ischarge! is the eli-ination through the circulation into the urine. The urine of ever"1o " ,ill then sho, a se i-ent of -ucus as soon as he fasts a little or re uces the 2uantit" of his foo & or -a.es a change to,ar natural& -ucus less foo s. 'octors call it ! isease! an it is in fact a self/cleansing process of the 1o ". This self/eli-ination through the circulation is the 1o "9s -ost ,on erful healing ,or. of ever" isease. To control this process 1" foo an foo 2uantities is the onl"

true& natural an -ost perfect therapeutic art of healing an is in no other !treat-ent! so successfull" acco-plishe as in the !Mucus less 'iet +ealing S"ste-.! This eli-ination//especiall" that of the sic. -an after a long perio of -iser"& suffering an unsuccessful -e ical treat-ent//is -an9s !greatest event.! +e no, reali0es ,hat he ha never thought of//an ,hat onl" a fe, ph"sicians in the ,orl have ever un erstoo as I i & through thousan s of cases//that -ostl" all civili0e -en are ,al.ing& living cesspools& ue to chronic constipation. All his for-er unsuccessful treat-ents no, appear to hi- in a tragic/co-ical light. +e no, .no,s exactl" ,here the source of his suffering is to 1e foun & no -atter ,hat the na-e of the isease -a" 1e. +e no, un erstan s that he ,as ,rongl" an ignorantl" treate 1" the octors ,ho !suppresse the isease&! ,ithout eli-inating the filth& ,hich ,as retaine in his entire s"ste-& especiall" in his ali-entar" canal& since chil hoo & an ,hich con ition constitute the principal causative factor of the isease.

The E ect o La!ati"es

I 1elieve that neither ph"sicians nor la"-en reall" .no, or un erstan ho, an ,h" the 1o " perfor-s the laxative effect of these ifferent re-e ies. Official -e ical science .no,s ver" little a1out the !,h"! of the rugs. Their application is 1ase upon the experience onl" that each one has !a special effect.! All laxatives contain -ore or less poisons& that is& to enter the circulation in a concentrate for-. The protective instinct of the 1o " reacts instantl" 1" a greater ,ater suppl" into the sto-ach fro- the 1loo in or er to issolve an ,ea.en the angerous su1stance7 the intestines are sti-ulate for increase an 2uic.ene activit"& an so the !solution! is ischarge & onl" ta.ing parts of the feces along. This is the ph"siological explanation& an "ou can see that the effect is an a1nor-al sti-ulation of vitalit" in general& an of the intestinal nerves in particular. It is an open secret that all laxatives finall" fail& 1ecause the constantl" overloa e intestines are 1eing over/sti-ulate 1" the laxatives an there1" slo,l" paral"0e . To continuall" increase the laxatives "ear after "ear& instea of changing the iet& -eans SUICI'E//slo,& 1ut sure.

The Real an# Dee$er Ca%se o Consti$ation

Constipation itself is a isease& an a reall" !severe! one& at that& 1ecause in severe cases it 1ur ens the s"ste- ,ith a heav" loa of filth& so-eti-es ,eighing as -uch as ten poun s or -ore. 'isease as such is an a1nor-al& unnatural con ition7 even !ortho ox! ph"sicians agree on that. 8e shoul expire slo,l" an painlessl"& ,hen vitalit" is exhauste & ha ,e not live ,ith isease an suffering. That cases of !natural eath! are 1eco-ing -ore infre2uent no,a a"s is further proof of the epths ,e have sun.en into in the !s,a-ps of civili0ation.! Constipation//this -ost co--on isease//has not ecrease or i-prove in spite of thousan s of re-e ies for sale on the -ar.et& an in spite of so/calle -e ical science7 si-pl"& 1ecause the ! iet of civili0ation! is unnatural. The hu-an intestines are not organi0e at all for this unnatural foo to either igest it perfectl"& or to expel the unuse resi ue. :er" little is .no,n a1out foo s that are constipating& an those of the opposite .in . 8hat I ,rote an prove in -" 1oo.& !Rational ;asting an Regeneration 'iet&! regar ing the fun a-ental causative factors of all iseases& constitutes the eepest insight .no,n into the nature of chronic constipation.

'on9t "ou .no, that 1oo.1in er9s paste is -a e of fine ,hite flour& rice or potatoes< That glue is -a e fro- flesh& gristle an 1ones< 'on9t "ou .no, ho, stic." these su1stances are< 'on9t "ou .no, that s.i--e -il.& 1utter-il. an crea- are the 1est ingre ients to furnish stic." 1ase for colors for painting< That the ,hite of eggs ,ill stic. paper or cloths so perfectl" that it resists issolution in ,ater< Ever" house,ife an coo. .no,s ho, oils an fats stic. to the si es of a pan. At least $4 per cent of the ! iet of civili0ation! contains these stic." foo s an -an stuffs hi-self ail" ,ith a,ful -ixtures of the-. Thus the igestive tract is not onl" clogge up through constipation& 1ut literall" glue together ,ith stic." -ucus an feces. +ere,ith the !-"ster"! of chronic constipation is unveile an the stor" tol of the fun a-ental causative factor of all iseases. 'isease is 1ut internal uncleanliness//this si-pl" states a true 1ut ,oeful fact. ;ruits& green leaf an starch less vegeta1les o not contain these past"& glue" -ucus su1stances an are natural foo s//"et little cre it has 1een given the- 1" octors or la"-en. I ,ill lift the veil an sho, ,h" the" fail to un erstan . ;ruit aci s an -ineral/rich vegeta1le 6uices issolve the past" -ucus encu-1rances. ;ruit sugar causes an evelops their fer-entation an for-s gases. This so greatl" feare fer-entation of the insi e filth is another necessar" stirring up !process! to prepare the- for eli-ination. Aci an fer-ente starch an glue lose their stic." a1ilit" as soon as the" fer-ent. If an average -eat eater or a chil fe -ostl" on starch" foo s acci entall" eats too freel" of goo & s,eet fruits& a !revolution! in the ali-entar" canal& ,ith iarrhea usuall" sets in& an fever is cause through the increase fer-entation. In severe cases& if a octor stops the iarrhea an fee s& as is usuall" the proce ure& the patient ies& 1ecause Nature ,as .ept fro- acco-plishing the cleansing process. The partl" issolve poisons re-ain in the s"ste-& causing eath. The patient literall" suffocates in his o,n -ire of filth& accu-ulate uring his life fro- ,rong foo -aterial an over/eating. If he oes not ie& his case or inaril" 1eco-es chronic& ,hich -eans5 Nature is continuall" tr"ing to expel poisonous -ucus an gases& in spite of all o1structions an counteracting re-e ies. The constipation -erel" aggravates the process. Instea of eating less& an then onl" loosening foo s& the chronic patient stuffs hi-self -ore an -ore ,ith ,rong foo s& 1eco-es fatter ever" a" an even ta.es pleasure in his increase ,eight. In fact& this over/,eight& calle health 1" the -isgui e ones& is -ostl" accu-ulate feces//,ater//an various .in s of filth. In -ost cases of tu1erculosis& these con itions are t"pical. ;ive to six -eals a a" an one 1o,el -ove-ent or even less//no ,on er he ta.es on ,eight& loo.s !full of vigor!//1ut can never 1e cure .

No%rishin& an# C%rin& La!ati"es

No a vance ph"sician ,ill en" the relation 1et,een an" isease an constipation. (ut to a" people are far a,a" fro- Nature an the truth& an the" are .ept -ore an -ore in ar.ness//,hen ta.en sic. the" o 6ust the opposite of ,hat the" shoul o. The slightest in isposition& a little hea ache or col & ,hich is the result of insufficient 1o,el -ove-ent& is treate ,ith -ore& an so/calle 1etter eating//in spite of a ecrease appetite. This is the -ain reason ,h" Influen0a& the !;lu&! 1eca-e a fatal isease. ;or-erl" !;lu! ,as as eas" to cure as the har-less !=rippe!//a self/cleansing process of the 1o "& -ostl" prevalent in springti-e. >no,ing nothing of !scientific -e icine&! ger-s& eta.& the patient instinctivel" follo,e his lac. of appetite& too. a -il laxative an ver" rapi l" recovere 7 usuall" he felt -uch 1etter after than 1efore the !healing! isease. To a"& he is falsel" taught that a ger- is responsi1le//an not his angerous unh"gienic ha1its. +e eats too -uch& ,hich is against the la, of Nature&

instea of fasting the ,a" ever" ailing ani-al cures itself. (ut the a-ount of internal i-purities an auto/toxins of -an excee those of an" isease ani-al. A long fast& therefore& ,oul .ill the -a6orit" of sic. -en7 ho,ever& the" ,oul not ie 1" starvation& 1ut ,oul 1eco-e suffocate fro- their o,n poisonous filth. As an authorit" in fasting I .no, full ,ell the reason ,h" a fast is so feare 1" -ost people& an that it has 1een -isapplie 1" la"-en. It is a cri-e to a vise a constipate patient to fast until his tongue is clean& 1efore re-oving the ! eposits of poisons! fro- his intestines. I coul onl" succee in curing ver" ol & severe cases of chronic constipation 1" relativel" long fasts. Man& in regar to health& is -ore egenerate than an" .in of ani-al. +e lost his reason& so to sa"& a1out -atters of ,hich he thin.s the ani-al has none at all. )et? his intelligence places hi- far a1ove the ani-al an ena1les hi- to assist Nature to overco-e o1structions an ifficulties that coul 1eco-e angerous. That is the philosophical sense of the Art of Naturopath". Therefore& if "ou ,ant to cure chronic constipation perfectl" an ,ithout an" har-& "ou -ust change "our iet& an instea of using foo s ,hich pro uce isease an constipation& eat reall" nourishing foo s ,hich loosen up& issolve an cure. (ut people are ignorant regar ing this truth 6ust as the" are a1out fasting& an the" tr" to o things ,ithout previous experience or .no,le ge& an failure is usuall" the result. 8hat I call !Mucusless 'iet! consists of fresh& ripe fruits an starchless vegeta1les& for the" are the i eal foo s& an the fun a-ental re-e ies for all iseases. Of course& the application -ust 1e intelligentl" a vise 1" a practitioner gra uate fro- -" school of the Mucusless 'iet +ealing S"ste-& or a personal .no,le ge can 1e receive through the stu " of -" 1oo.& the !Mucusless 'iet +ealing S"ste-.!@ A@Bl .$C D ECc Ehret9s *u1lications& *.O. (ox
FFF& Si-i :alle". CA $E43CG

It is an !eating/"our/,a"/to/health! treat-ent& an conse2uentl" the -ost reasona1le -etho of curing& 1ecause ,rong eating is the causative factor in all iseases. These -ucusless& nourishing an !laxative&! that is issolving foo s& for- ne, 1loo 7 the 1est 1loo that has ever run through "our veins//an at once start the so/calle constitutional cure of the 1o ". The circulation of the ne, 1loo & per-eating ever" part of the s"ste-& issolves an eli-inates the -or1i -ucus& ,hich is clogging up the entire hu-an organis-7 it especiall" loosens the eep/seate i-purities in the intestines an renovates the ,hole s"ste-. This& then is the great enlightening fact//,h" constipation not onl" can 1e perfectl" cure & 1ut ,h" the !Mucusless 'iet! cures ,hen all other treat-ents have faile . In severe cases of chronic constipation it is a visa1le in the 1eginning& to use as a help& a har-less laxative& to re-ove the soli o1structions of feces in the intestines7 in other ,or s& to e6ect the ,orst filth out of a clogge /up pipe s"ste-. Ene-as consisting of clear& ,ar- ,ater are also a goo help in the 1eginning. A-ong nu-erous laxatives on the -ar.et those of 1otanical origin are the least har-ful. After -an" "ears of experience& I have prepare a !special -ixture! of this .in . It has the a vantage of re-oving the ol & soli feces& o1structions an -ucus& fro- the intestines& ,ithout causing the usual iarrhea an constipation as an after effect. It is to 1e use in the 1eginning onl"& as an ai & an ,ill not have to 1e use continuall". As soon as the intestines are cleanse fro- the retaine -asses of feces an other o1structions an the -ucusless or -ucus/lean iet is ta.en up& "ou ,ill reali0e the truth of the previousl" state facts. )ou ,ill then perceive ,ith 1oth "our e"es an ,ith "our nose that I have not exaggerate . An "ou ,ill 1eco-e convince that the state of o1struction ,as not onl" locali0e in "our intestines& 1ut that all passages of "our entire s"ste- ,ere o1structe an constipate ,ith -ucus& fro- "our hea to "our toes.

)ou ,ill then experience the for-erl" un1elieva1le fact//that an" .in of isease// even those consi ere incura1le 1" all octors//un er -" treat-ent soon 1egin to i-prove an are finall" cure & if a cure is at all possi1le& si-pl" 1ecause the source of poisoning of the s"ste-//the chronic constipation//is eli-inate . Then the ne, 1loo & erive fro- natural foo & circulates !unpoisone ! through the entire s"ste- an issolves an eli-inates ever" local s"-pto-& even in the -ost eep/seate cases7 an it re-oves the i-purities of the entire s"ste-& ,hich ,ere -ainl" supplie fro- the eposits of poisons an -or1i -ucus in the intestines& ,hich con ition is calle Chronic Constipation.

!Life is a trage " of nutrition! is a state-ent I -a e -an" "ears ago. Ever"one .no,s ,e ig our graves ,ith our teeth& 1ut the sa est of all is the present/ a" superstition of $$ per cent of the people//the -ost highl" e ucate an the ignorant//the health" as ,ell as sic.//the rich an the poor//that ,e -ust eat -ore concentrate foo ,hen ,ea. or sic.. Concentrate foo & high protein an starch" foo s are the -ost constipating ,hich& as sho,n in this 1oo.let& accu-ulate in the for- of ,aste in the ali-entar" canal. The so/calle !goo stool! ail" is in realit" constipation an "ou -a" no, see that constipation is the -ain source of ever" isease an that the average person suffering fro- constipation can onl" 1e heale perfectl" 1" a iet& free fro- STIC>)// =LUE)//*AST) properties an that is a MUCUSLESS 'IET. )ou -a" i-prove "our eli-ination te-poraril" through laxative re-e ies//special ph"sical exercises//vi1ration& -assages an various other -etho s& 1ut "ou cannot clean out the ol o1structions fro- the ali-entar" canal an regenerate an cleanse the ,hole s"ste- as long as "ou eat the sa-e -ucus an toxic/for-ing foo s ,hich have cause an continue causing "our constipation an all other ail-ents of the hu-an 1o ".

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