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11/08/09 11:17 MATLAB Command Window Page 1

Using Toolbox Path Cache. Type "help toolbox_path_cache" for more info.

To get started, select "MATLAB Help" from the Help menu.

>> help

HELP topics:

matlab\general - General purpose commands.

matlab\ops - Operators and special characters.
matlab\lang - Programming language constructs.
matlab\elmat - Elementary matrices and matrix manipulation.
matlab\elfun - Elementary math functions.
matlab\specfun - Specialized math functions.
matlab\matfun - Matrix functions - numerical linear algebra.
matlab\datafun - Data analysis and Fourier transforms.
matlab\audio - Audio support.
matlab\polyfun - Interpolation and polynomials.
matlab\funfun - Function functions and ODE solvers.
matlab\sparfun - Sparse matrices.
matlab\graph2d - Two dimensional graphs.
matlab\graph3d - Three dimensional graphs.
matlab\specgraph - Specialized graphs.
matlab\graphics - Handle Graphics.
matlab\uitools - Graphical user interface tools.
matlab\strfun - Character strings.
matlab\iofun - File input/output.
matlab\timefun - Time and dates.
matlab\datatypes - Data types and structures.
matlab\verctrl - Version control.
matlab\winfun - Windows Operating System Interface Files (DDE/COM)
winfun\comcli - (No table of contents file)
matlab\demos - Examples and demonstrations.
toolbox\local - Preferences.
simulink\simulink - Simulink
simulink\blocks - Simulink block library.
simulink\components - Simulink components.
simulink\fixedandfloat - (No table of contents file)
fixedandfloat\fxpdemos - Fixed-Point Blockset Demos
fixedandfloat\obsolete - Obsolete Fixed-Point Blockset
simulink\simdemos - Simulink 4 demonstrations and samples.
simdemos\aerospace - Simulink: Aerospace model demonstrations and samples.
simdemos\automotive - Simulink: Automotive model demonstrations and samples.
simdemos\simfeatures - Simulink: Feature demonstrations and samples.
simdemos\simgeneral - Simulink: General model demonstrations and samples.
simdemos\simnew - Simulink: New features model demonstrations and samples.
simulink\dee - Differential Equation Editor
simulink\dastudio - (No table of contents file)
stateflow\stateflow - Stateflow
stateflow\sfdemos - Stateflow demonstrations and samples.
stateflow\coder - Stateflow Coder
rtw\rtw - Real-Time Workshop
rtw\rtwdemos - Real-Time Workshop Demos
rtwdemos\rsimdemos - (No table of contents file)
asap2\asap2 - (No table of contents file)
asap2\user - (No table of contents file)
rtwin\rtwin - Real-Time Windows Target.
aeroblks\aeroblks - Aerospace Blockset
aeroblks\aerodemos - Aerospace Blockset demonstrations and examples.
ccslink\ccslink - MATLAB Link for Code Composer Studio(tm)
ccslink\ccsdemos - MATLAB Link for Code Composer Studio (tm) Demos
ccslink\rtdxblks - RTDX (tm) Blocks
cdma\cdma - CDMA Reference Blockset.
11/08/09 11:17 MATLAB Command Window Page 2
cdma\cdmamasks - CDMA Reference Blockset mask helper functions.
cdma\cdmamex - CDMA Reference Blockset S-Functions.
cdma\cdmademos - CDMA Reference Blockset demonstrations and examples.
combuilder\combuilder - MATLAB COM Builder.
comm\comm - Communications Toolbox.
comm\commdemos - Communications Toolbox Demonstrations.
comm\commobsolete - Archived MATLAB Files from Communications Toolbox Version 1.5.
commblks\commblks - Communications Blockset.
commblks\commmasks - Communications Blockset mask helper functions.
commblks\commmex - Communications Blockset S-functions.
commblks\commblksdemos - Communications Blockset Demos.
commblksobsolete\commblksobsolete - Archived Simulink Files from Communications Toolbo
x Version 1.5.
toolbox\compiler - MATLAB Compiler
control\control - Control System Toolbox.
control\ctrlguis - Control System Toolbox -- GUI support functions.
control\ctrlobsolete - Control System Toolbox -- obsolete commands.
control\ctrlutil - (No table of contents file)
control\ctrldemos - Control System Toolbox -- Demos.
curvefit\curvefit - Curve Fitting Toolbox
curvefit\cftoolgui - (No table of contents file)
daq\daq - Data Acquisition Toolbox.
daq\daqguis - Data Acquisition Toolbox - Data Acquisition Soft Instruments.
daq\daqdemos - Data Acquisition Toolbox - Data Acquisition Demos.
database\database - Database Toolbox.
database\dbdemos - Database Toolbox Demonstration Functions.
database\vqb - Visual Query Builder functions.
datafeed\datafeed - Datafeed Toolbox.
datafeed\dfgui - Datafeed Toolbox Graphical User Interface
toolbox\dials - Dials & Gauges Blockset
dspblks\dspblks - DSP Blockset
dspblks\dspmasks - DSP Blockset mask helper functions.
dspblks\dspmex - DSP Blockset S-Function MEX-files.
dspblks\dspdemos - DSP Blockset demonstrations and examples.
targets\ecoder - Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder
ecoder\ecoderdemos - (No table of contents file)
toolbox\exlink - Excel Link.
filterdesign\filterdesign - Filter Design Toolbox
filterdesign\quantization - (No table of contents file)
filterdesign\filtdesdemos - Filter Design Toolbox Demonstrations.
finance\finance - Financial Toolbox.
finance\calendar - Financial Toolbox calendar functions.
finance\findemos - Financial Toolbox demonstration functions.
finance\finsupport - (No table of contents file)
finderiv\finderiv - Financial Derivatives Toolbox.
toolbox\fixpoint - Fixed-Point Blockset
ftseries\ftseries - Financial Time Series Toolbox
ftseries\ftsdemos - (No table of contents file)
ftseries\ftsdata - (No table of contents file)
ftseries\ftstutorials - (No table of contents file)
fuzzy\fuzzy - Fuzzy Logic Toolbox.
fuzzy\fuzdemos - Fuzzy Logic Toolbox Demos.
garch\garch - GARCH Toolbox.
garch\garchdemos - (No table of contents file)
ident\ident - System Identification Toolbox.
ident\idobsolete - (No table of contents file)
ident\idguis - (No table of contents file)
ident\idutils - (No table of contents file)
ident\iddemos - (No table of contents file)
ident\idhelp - (No table of contents file)
images\images - Image Processing Toolbox.
images\imdemos - Image Processing Toolbox --- demos and sample images
instrument\instrument - Instrument Control Toolbox.
11/08/09 11:17 MATLAB Command Window Page 3
instrument\instrumentdemos - (No table of contents file)
lmi\lmictrl - LMI Control Toolbox: Control Applications
lmi\lmilab - LMI Control Toolbox
map\map - Mapping Toolbox
map\mapdisp - Mapping Toolbox Map Definition and Display.
map\mapproj - Mapping Toolbox Projections.
matlabxl\matlabxl - MATLAB Excel Builder.
mbc\mbc - Model-Based Calibration Toolbox
mbc\mbcdata - Model-Based Calibration Toolbox.
mbc\mbcdesign - Model-Based Calibration Toolbox.
mbc\mbcexpr - Model-Based Calibration Toolbox.
mbc\mbcguitools - Model-Based Calibration Toolbox.
mbc\mbclayouts - (No table of contents file)
mbc\mbcmodels - Model-Based Calibration Toolbox.
mbc\mbcsimulink - Model-Based Calibration Toolbox.
mbc\mbctools - Model-Based Calibration Toolbox.
mbc\mbcview - Model-Based Calibration Toolbox.
mech\mech - SimMechanics
mech\mechdemos - SimMechanics Demos.
mpc\mpccmds - Model Predictive Control Toolbox.
mpc\mpcdemos - Model Predictive Control Toolbox
mpc555dk\mpc555dk - Embedded Target for Motorola MPC555
canlib\blockset - (No table of contents file)
blockset\mfiles - (No table of contents file)
vectorlib\blockset - (No table of contents file)
blockset\mfiles - (No table of contents file)
common\configuration - (No table of contents file)
mpc555dk\pil - (No table of contents file)
rt\blockset - (No table of contents file)
blockset\mfiles - (No table of contents file)
mfiles\SimulinkUtilities - (No table of contents file)
mpc555dk\mpc555demos - (No table of contents file)
mutools\commands - Mu-Analysis and Synthesis Toolbox.
mutools\subs - Mu-Analysis and Synthesis Toolbox.
toolbox\ncd - Nonlinear Control Design Blockset
nnet\nnet - Neural Network Toolbox.
nnet\nnutils - (No table of contents file)
nnet\nncontrol - Neural Network Toolbox Control System Functions.
nnet\nndemos - Neural Network Demonstrations.
nnet\nnobsolete - (No table of contents file)
toolbox\optim - Optimization Toolbox
toolbox\pde - Partial Differential Equation Toolbox.
simulink\perftools - Simulink Performance Tools
simulink\mdldiff - Simulink Graphical Merge
simulink\simcoverage - Simulink Model Coverage Tool
rtw\accel - Simulink Accelerator
powersys\powersys - SimPowerSystems
powersys\powerdemo - SimPowerSystems Demos.
toolbox\reqmgt - Requirements Management Interface.
toolbox\robust - Robust Control Toolbox.
toolbox\rptgen - MATLAB Report Generator
toolbox\rptgenext - Simulink Report Generator
toolbox\runtime - MATLAB Runtime Server Development Kit
toolbox\sb2sl - SB2SL (converts SystemBuild to Simulink)
signal\signal - Signal Processing Toolbox
signal\sigtools - Filter Design & Analysis Tool (GUI)
signal\sptoolgui - Signal Processing Toolbox GUI
signal\sigdemos - Signal Processing Toolbox Demonstrations.
toolbox\splines - Spline Toolbox.
toolbox\stats - Statistics Toolbox
toolbox\symbolic - Symbolic Math Toolbox.
tic6000\tic6000 - Embedded Target for Texas Instruments TMS320C6000(tm)
tic6000\blks - TI C6000 (tm) Blocks
11/08/09 11:17 MATLAB Command Window Page 4
vr\vr - Virtual Reality Toolbox
vr\vrdemos - Virtual Reality Toolbox examples.
wavelet\wavelet - Wavelet Toolbox
wavelet\wavedemo - Wavelet Toolbox Demonstrations.
webserver\webserver - MATLAB Web Server.
webserver\wsdemos - (No table of contents file)
xpc\xpc - xPC Target
build\xpcblocks - (No table of contents file)
xpc\xpcdemos - xPC Target -- demos and sample script files.
kernel\embedded - xPC Target Embedded Option
MATLAB6p5\work - ATLAST M-files to accompany the book

For more help on directory/topic, type "help topic".

For command syntax information, type "help syntax".

>> matlab\matfun
??? Undefined function or variable 'matlab'.

>> matlab\matfun
??? Undefined function or variable 'matlab'.

>> help matlab\matfun

Matrix functions - numerical linear algebra.

Matrix analysis.
norm - Matrix or vector norm.
normest - Estimate the matrix 2-norm.
rank - Matrix rank.
det - Determinant.
trace - Sum of diagonal elements.
null - Null space.
orth - Orthogonalization.
rref - Reduced row echelon form.
subspace - Angle between two subspaces.

Linear equations.
\ and / - Linear equation solution; use "help slash".
inv - Matrix inverse.
rcond - LAPACK reciprocal condition estimator
cond - Condition number with respect to inversion.
condest - 1-norm condition number estimate.
normest1 - 1-norm estimate.
chol - Cholesky factorization.
cholinc - Incomplete Cholesky factorization.
lu - LU factorization.
luinc - Incomplete LU factorization.
qr - Orthogonal-triangular decomposition.
lsqnonneg - Linear least squares with nonnegativity constraints.
pinv - Pseudoinverse.
lscov - Least squares with known covariance.

Eigenvalues and singular values.

eig - Eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
svd - Singular value decomposition.
gsvd - Generalized singular value decomposition.
eigs - A few eigenvalues.
svds - A few singular values.
poly - Characteristic polynomial.
polyeig - Polynomial eigenvalue problem.
condeig - Condition number with respect to eigenvalues.
11/08/09 11:17 MATLAB Command Window Page 5
hess - Hessenberg form.
qz - QZ factorization for generalized eigenvalues.
schur - Schur decomposition.

Matrix functions.
expm - Matrix exponential.
logm - Matrix logarithm.
sqrtm - Matrix square root.
funm - Evaluate general matrix function.

Factorization utilities
qrdelete - Delete a column or row from QR factorization.
qrinsert - Insert a column or row into QR factorization.
rsf2csf - Real block diagonal form to complex diagonal form.
cdf2rdf - Complex diagonal form to real block diagonal form.
balance - Diagonal scaling to improve eigenvalue accuracy.
planerot - Givens plane rotation.
cholupdate - rank 1 update to Cholesky factorization.
qrupdate - rank 1 update to QR factorization.

>> lscov - Least squares with known covariance.

??? Error using ==> lscov
Too many input arguments.

>> help lscov - Least squares with known covariance.

LSCOV Least squares with known covariance.

X = LSCOV(A,B,V) returns the vector X that solves A*X = B + E
where E is normally distributed with zero mean and covariance V.
A must be M-by-N where M > N. This is the over-determined
least squares problem with covariance V of the data.
The solution is found without inverting V.

The vector X minimizes (A*X-B)'*inv(V)*(A*X-B). The classical

linear algebra solution to this problem is:

X = inv(A'*inv(V)*A)*A'*inv(V)*B

[X, DX] = LSCOV(A,B,V) returns the standard errors of X in DX.

The standard statistical formula for the standard error of the
coefficients is:

mse = B'*(inv(V) - inv(V)*A*inv(A'*inv(V)*A)*A'*inv(V))*B./(m-n)

dx = sqrt(diag(inv(A'*inv(V)*A)*mse))


Operators and special characters.

Arithmetic operators.
plus - Plus +
uplus - Unary plus +
minus - Minus -
uminus - Unary minus -
mtimes - Matrix multiply *
times - Array multiply .*
mpower - Matrix power ^
power - Array power .^
mldivide - Backslash or left matrix divide \
mrdivide - Slash or right matrix divide /
ldivide - Left array divide .\
rdivide - Right array divide ./
11/08/09 11:17 MATLAB Command Window Page 6
kron - Kronecker tensor product kron

Relational operators.
eq - Equal ==
ne - Not equal ~=
lt - Less than <
gt - Greater than >
le - Less than or equal <=
ge - Greater than or equal >=

Logical operators.
Short-circuit logical AND &&
Short-circuit logical OR ||
and - Element-wise logical AND &
or - Element-wise logical OR |
not - Logical NOT ~
xor - Logical EXCLUSIVE OR
any - True if any element of vector is nonzero
all - True if all elements of vector are nonzero

Special characters.
colon - Colon :
paren - Parentheses and subscripting ( )
paren - Brackets [ ]
paren - Braces and subscripting { }
punct - Function handle creation @
punct - Decimal point .
punct - Structure field access .
punct - Parent directory ..
punct - Continuation ...
punct - Separator ,
punct - Semicolon ;
punct - Comment %
punct - Invoke operating system command !
punct - Assignment =
punct - Quote '
transpose - Transpose .'
ctranspose - Complex conjugate transpose '
horzcat - Horizontal concatenation [,]
vertcat - Vertical concatenation [;]
subsasgn - Subscripted assignment ( ),{ },.
subsref - Subscripted reference ( ),{ },.
subsindex - Subscript index

Bitwise operators.
bitand - Bit-wise AND.
bitcmp - Complement bits.
bitor - Bit-wise OR.
bitmax - Maximum floating point integer.
bitxor - Bit-wise XOR.
bitset - Set bit.
bitget - Get bit.
bitshift - Bit-wise shift.

Set operators.
union - Set union.
unique - Set unique.
intersect - Set intersection.
setdiff - Set difference.
setxor - Set exclusive-or.
ismember - True for set member.


11/08/09 11:17 MATLAB Command Window Page 7

Least.m not found.

squares.m not found.

with.m not found.

known.m not found.

covariance. not found.

>> Zmatrix.m
??? Undefined variable 'Zmatrix' or class 'Zmatrix.m'.

>> Zmatrix
??? Input argument 'n' is undefined.

Error in ==> C:\MATLAB6p5\work\Zmatrix.m

On line 9 ==> Z=fliplr(eye(n));

>> reta
>> help matlab\graph2d - Two dimensional graphs.

Two dimensional graphs.

Elementary X-Y graphs.

plot - Linear plot.
loglog - Log-log scale plot.
semilogx - Semi-log scale plot.
semilogy - Semi-log scale plot.
polar - Polar coordinate plot.
plotyy - Graphs with y tick labels on the left and right.

Axis control.
axis - Control axis scaling and appearance.
zoom - Zoom in and out on a 2-D plot.
grid - Grid lines.
box - Axis box.
hold - Hold current graph.
axes - Create axes in arbitrary positions.
subplot - Create axes in tiled positions.

Graph annotation.
plotedit - Tools for editing and annotating plots.
legend - Graph legend.
title - Graph title.
xlabel - X-axis label.
ylabel - Y-axis label.
texlabel - Produces TeX format from a character string
text - Text annotation.
gtext - Place text with mouse.

Hardcopy and printing.

print - Print graph or Simulink system; or save graph to M-file.
printopt - Printer defaults.
orient - Set paper orientation.


11/08/09 11:17 MATLAB Command Window Page 8

Operators and special characters.

Arithmetic operators.
plus - Plus +
uplus - Unary plus +
minus - Minus -
uminus - Unary minus -
mtimes - Matrix multiply *
times - Array multiply .*
mpower - Matrix power ^
power - Array power .^
mldivide - Backslash or left matrix divide \
mrdivide - Slash or right matrix divide /
ldivide - Left array divide .\
rdivide - Right array divide ./
kron - Kronecker tensor product kron

Relational operators.
eq - Equal ==
ne - Not equal ~=
lt - Less than <
gt - Greater than >
le - Less than or equal <=
ge - Greater than or equal >=

Logical operators.
Short-circuit logical AND &&
Short-circuit logical OR ||
and - Element-wise logical AND &
or - Element-wise logical OR |
not - Logical NOT ~
xor - Logical EXCLUSIVE OR
any - True if any element of vector is nonzero
all - True if all elements of vector are nonzero

Special characters.
colon - Colon :
paren - Parentheses and subscripting ( )
paren - Brackets [ ]
paren - Braces and subscripting { }
punct - Function handle creation @
punct - Decimal point .
punct - Structure field access .
punct - Parent directory ..
punct - Continuation ...
punct - Separator ,
punct - Semicolon ;
punct - Comment %
punct - Invoke operating system command !
punct - Assignment =
punct - Quote '
transpose - Transpose .'
ctranspose - Complex conjugate transpose '
horzcat - Horizontal concatenation [,]
vertcat - Vertical concatenation [;]
subsasgn - Subscripted assignment ( ),{ },.
subsref - Subscripted reference ( ),{ },.
subsindex - Subscript index

Bitwise operators.
bitand - Bit-wise AND.
11/08/09 11:17 MATLAB Command Window Page 9
bitcmp - Complement bits.
bitor - Bit-wise OR.
bitmax - Maximum floating point integer.
bitxor - Bit-wise XOR.
bitset - Set bit.
bitget - Get bit.
bitshift - Bit-wise shift.

Set operators.
union - Set union.
unique - Set unique.
intersect - Set intersection.
setdiff - Set difference.
setxor - Set exclusive-or.
ismember - True for set member.


Two.m not found.

dimensional.m not found.

graphs. not found.


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