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Lord bless me and make me a godly woman who fears the Lord; an

excellent wife, a woman of quality who is capable and intelligent. Mold

me into a virtuous woman of noble character. Make me a woman of
whose caliber is hard to find. May I know my worth and value is far
more important than riches; yes, that I am more important than other
things that make my husband (a husband) rich. Help me love (commit
and be devoted [to]) You God with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength
so that I can be the most precious treasure my husband (a husband) can
find. Cut me into a wife of valor. Refine me until I posses moral fiber,
fortitude, strong convictions, determination, courage, strength,
distinction, merit, quality, brilliance, superiority, humility, decency,
modesty, bravery, heroism, fearlessness, fineness, boldness, and
gallantry. May these qualities be shown in my habits, attitudes, words
and actions. May I be wise and prudent, exercising sound judgment in
practical matters, cautious in my conduct. May I be influential and
industrious, poised and elegant. Help me to trust You Lord my God with
all my heart and not lean on my own understanding. May I acknowledge
You God in all my ways and may you Lord direct my paths. May I
hunger and thirst for righteousness.
My actions are not based on how others treat me or by what others
think, my character remains steady, and I remain reliable and
dependable. In his heart, my husband (a husband), has full confidence
in me; my integrity, wisdom, and discretion in the use of his assets and
in the care of his interests. He is at ease when he is away because he
knows that all is safe with me and I would never do anything to cause
him sorrow, suffering, pain, or distress. He is not suspicious, worried, or
jealous, because I am trustworthy. He can confide in me and trust me
without reserve and will have no reason to regret it. He can safely rely
and depend on me to do what he would do, in the manner he would do
it. He believes in me securely, his trust is well founded because I will
never let him down or do anything to harm his personal gain. My
husband (a husband) trusts me in the management of our resources and
my industriousness adds to the family income. He will never stop getting
good things, he will lack nothing of value, and he will have no lack of
honest gain or need of dishonest spoil. I will greatly enrich his life. Our
marriage is an intimate relationship built on complete trust. I am
sexually pure and work to maintain and retain my sexual
purity emotionally, physically, and mentally. God is making us ONE,
ECHOD, of one mind, one heart.
I will be good to my husband and do him good every day of my life. I
will comfort, encourage, strengthen and not hinder him. I bring him
good and not evil or harm. I am never spiteful, instead I reward him by
treating him generously. I constantly have his best interests at heart.
His comfort, his success, his reputation, his joy, his fulfillment, and his
blessing are my delight. My husband’s (a husband’s) comfort is my
concern, his burdens are mine to relieve. I speak about my husband in
a life-giving, edifying, encouraging manner that builds him up by being
respectful and loving. I am devoted to the success and well-being of
my husband in all areas of his life, spiritually, emotionally, physically,
and mentally. I choose to pray for him and confront his sin,
weaknesses, and failures as God would; in a loving manner. I am
concerned for his spiritual benefit and welfare. My love for my husband
is based on such high spiritual principles that it doesn't fluctuate with
the circumstances of life. I reveal my virtue by my consistent service on
his behalf. I give my husband all the important things his needs: honor,
respect, and intimacy. He is at perfect peace, calm, knowing I will never
violate anything or do anything that brings harm. I will never threaten
what my husband’s has gained for support of our family. He will never
have to make back something to cover what I have lost. I will not waste
anything and be careless so that he will never have to lie, cheat, or steal
to cover losses. I bring him profit not loss to what he goes out and
earns and provides. He will live in prosperity and not adversity because
of me. I am submissive to my husband and he is submissive to You. I
choose to serve my Lord joyfully by serving my husband. I will obey my
husband and he will obey You. Lord, help me to show my husband (a
husband) honor, his greatest need. May my godly life draw him into a
deeper relationship with You.
I seek ways to eagerly, willingly, gladly, and lovingly work with my
hands and use my talents and giftings with delight. I plan ahead for
what I need in order to accomplish my responsibilities. I work with the
most durable of products. I do my best to be thrifty when buying items
for my family and I, taking advantage of sales, coupons, thrift shops,
yard sales and discount stores.
I am like a gourmet chef, creatively planning and preparing healthful
meals. There is always plenty to go around and also to share. Our food
is never wasted, is the highest quality, of best nutritional value, and the
most cost efficient. It tastes amazing and satisfies our hunger. I don’t
waste money on things that do not give us strength and do us no good. I
am like a trading ship that sails to faraway places and brings back exotic
I get up very early to prepare spiritually for the day, giving God my first
fruits. The words from God’s mouth are more important than even my
food, and He develops a very strong, moral character within me. I then
plan and organize the events and chores of the day so that my family is
informed and prepared, and my household is peaceful and tranquil. I
prepare a healthy breakfast for my family before they are off to school
and work. I recognize that I may need help in certain areas and expertly
delegate. I am generous to those who help me. I take care of the
appliances that make my chores easy.
I know how to be and am thrifty with finances. I give careful thought
when considering a new financial decision, expanding prudently and not
courting neglect of my present duties by assuming other duties. With
my savings of time and strength, I plan and make sound and profitable
financial decisions. I manage my time well and don’t neglect my duties
by taking on too many things. My goals are not only short term — I
envision the long-range benefits of my decisions. I tend and nurture the
fields (areas of responsibility) that God has called me to. I often check
my investments and take account where I am investing my time,
talents, energy, thoughts, and affections and make changes where
needed keeping the kingdom of heaven as my goal.
Lord, help me wrap Your strength around me like a belt and gird my
lions with spiritual, mental, emotional strength. Lord, provide me with
energy so that I can be physically strong, digging deep, preparing to
work hard at difficult and challenging things. Lord, educate me so I can
be spiritually competent, physically fit, and emotionally able to be
prepared and able to do my God-given work energetically, vigorously,
and correctly. First thing in the morning help me be alert and
motivated, getting dressed and rolling up my sleeves eager to get
started. May praise music and prayer be my companions as I do my
tasks, realizing that I am serving You while doing them. I look forward
to be woken up by You Lord, having Your praises on my lips as I awake
or hearing Your gentle beckoning to spend quiet time with You.
Lord help me to have a strong, healthy self respect and self esteem
based in my identity in Christ and not founded in ways the world
measures self worth. Let me recognize and make certain there is worth
in my work, trading my desires, plans and wants for Yours Lord. I pray
blessings upon the work of my hands, may it be good and profitable.
Teach me how to plan carefully and be a good steward. May I trust and
depend on You, not letting trouble, worry, doubt, trauma, trails,
temptations, sorrow, fear, and distrust separate me from my full
dependence in You. May You teach me to live by faith and not by
feelings and emotions. Help me to honor You and grow closer to You by
taking time to be alone with You, refusing to feel guilty by fully realizing
that even Jesus took time alone.
Teacher, teach me how to be skilled in the crafts of home and hearth
and diligent in homemaking. Bless the work of my hands, help me
consistently be using my hands for productive pursuits not allowing
them or my mind to be idle and fall into sinfulness. May I be considered
righteous in your sight. I choose to do my woman’s work and think on
things of women. I choose to allow my husband (a husband) to do the
things You have called him to handle. Bless my home and help me
create a home that is welcoming, inviting, peaceful, tranquil and full of
the joy of the Lord! Help me to keep it running and looking its best.
God, may your peace be mine, that tranquil state of a soul assured of its
salvation through Christ, and so fearing nothing from You and being
content with my earthly lot of whatever sort it is, that peace which
transcends all understanding may it garrison and mount guard over my
heart and mind in Christ Jesus. I am and will work to remain content
with all I have been blessed with: my giftings, my relationships, my
vocation, my surroundings, and my circumstances. May I be satisfied to
the point where I am not disturbed or disquieted in whatever state I am.
I will not look outside of my area of responsibility to become covetous.
May I hold within myself the source of immense profit...godliness
accompanied with contentment, a sense of inward sufficiency, that is
great and abundant gain. May I not run ahead of You God and not abide
in Your doctrine, not content with what I am taught. May you keep
shackles around my ankles to keep me from overstepping Your will for
Lord, help me be quick to assist, welcome, reach out, stretch out, reach
out my filled hands, open my arms, and extend my helping hands to
anyone in need or afflicted in body, mind, or spirit. Help me to get out
of my comfort zone and give what You ask of me to the poor and needy;
my time, patience, money, food, testimony, giftings, and clothing.
Teach me to live by Your Holy Spirit, listening to Your divine wisdom and
instruction. Grant me discernment, wisdom, insight, and understanding
along with mountain moving faith to use whichever spiritual gift You
have equipped me with to minister to those who need You around me.
Help me teach my children by example how to be generous,
compassionate, how to minister to those less fortunate, and how to be
self-sacrificing. Help me enrich the lives of those around me by
teaching me to minister to my own family and friend’s needs, and
causing me to be mindful of their needs.
Father, I ask you for understanding so that I may be like the tribe of
Issacar, understanding the signs of the times and knowing what course
to take. I pray that you would help me reverently and worshipfully fear
You so that You would grant me wisdom like Solomon. I beg that I would
be without defect, beautiful, showing aptitude for learning about You,
the Holy One; well informed, quick to understand, and qualified to serve
You… so that You will grant me very great insight and a breadth of
understanding as measureless as the sand on the sea shore. Help me to
look ahead and prepare for the future, having no fear, but peace in You,
my God, to provide all our needs and protection. Allow me to discern
and take inventory of what my families needs are, ever watchful of
someone needing an extra portion of intercession to help them through
life’s battles. Remind me to cover my family in prayer, pleading the
blood of Christ over them, to protect them from the snares of the
enemy. Help me to joyfully and willingly put my families needs above
my own comfort and rest, serving my family as Jesus served me. Don’t
allow me to procrastinate or become distracted but manage well my
Lord, may people see the purity and reverence in my life and be won to
you. Help me not find my worth in my outward appearance, jewelry,
hair styles, and clothing, but help me find my worth in my inner self.
Create in me the imperishable, incorruptible quality of a meek, gentle,
and quiet spirit, which is of great worth and precious in Your sight. The
holy women of the past did this, putting their hope in You, and became
beautiful; let me be added to their ranks. May I dress attractively and
modestly, wearing clothing made from the finest materials and of the
greatest quality. May everything I wear be beautiful. May I not forget
those less fortunate than I , but also have enough self-worth to allow
myself to look my best. May I be clothed like the temple of the Lord
should be clothed. May I remember my garment of salvation, and be
covered with a robe of righteousness, adorned with love, joy, gladness,
peace, patience, longsuffering, an even temper, good will, kindness,
goodness, faithfulness, faith, gentleness, meekness, humility and self
control, temperance, self restraint, self discipline, continence, and
chastity. I make the effort to take good care of my appearance so that I
remain attractive to my husband. I also tend to my character.
Lord, allow me to perceive, realize, discern, and notice You working in
my husband, maturing him. Help me to speak life giving encouraging,
and edifying words to him and about him. Let nothing that comes from
my mouth tarnish his reputation. May you bless my husband in his work
and grant him humility like Moses so he can hear You clearly, faith as
Abram’s so you will count him as righteous. May he have a heart after
Your heart as David so that You will call him friend. May he ask for
wisdom and You grant it to him in the measure of Solomon. May You be
with my husband as You were with Joseph and Daniel, helping him
succeed at everything he does. May you bless those in authority over
my husband for my husband’s sake. May those in authority over my
husband place my husband in positions of leadership. Please protect
my husband from falling into temptation, strengthen him to stand strong
in the face of persecution and deliver him from evil and harm. May he
have godly mentors, leaders, and friends that edify him and keep him
accountable. May he always know where his help comes from, from You
Lord, Creator of heaven and earth. May my husband be such a shining
example of You that he wins people to Your kingdom. May you give my
husband health and strength to do the work you have gifted him in.
May he be gifted in all areas of learning, having an unusual aptitude for
understanding every aspect of the Word and wisdom; gifted in
knowledge and good judgment, may You continually educate him. May
he be bold and have the fortitude to endure the race like Paul. May he
love like Jesus and be completely transformed into HIS likeness. May his
leadership be impressed more by him than his peers, especially when
consulting him on matters of wisdom and balanced judgment, may he
be found ten times more capable than the others. Help me be faithful in
service to my husband so he is free to be all that God created Him to be,
benefiting the community. May my husband stand out in a crowd as a
man with a tremendous, impeccable reputation, great nobility, and
great respect. May you give me the wise words to say, from the
knowledge of Your word to help him in times when he needs words of
affirmation, insight, or clarity.
Help me to be proactive in fashion trends and try to do my part in
influencing the market with modesty and purity class and style. Help
me make sure I am doing the work God has called me to be doing, and
doing it to the best of my abilities. I go after ways to be an
entrepreneur with the gifts, skills, and abilities God has placed in me.
Give me wisdom, insight, discernment, and vision to seek out creative
ways to use them, and help me continually pursue becoming more
education. You are the key to my effectiveness; You determine the
priorities in my life. I recognize my need for You my God.
Help me be strong and dignified, graceful and honorable. Help me take
refuge in You so that I can smile and rejoice, not worrying, full of
confidence in and over the future, knowing that my family and I are
prepared spiritually, financially, physically and emotionally. Help me
benefit not only daily from my wise and diligent actions but have
forbearance to see the long-term and lifetime benefits and rewards in
store for me. I choose to be under You, My Shelter, Most High, my home
is built on the Solid Rock. Grow my faith into a strong, unwavering,
peaceful confidence in You my God. Help me lie down and sleep in
peace knowing my God will sustain me, and help my sleep be peaceful
because I know your love for me. Help me remain in You and Your
words remain in me so that I can ask for whatever I wish and it will be
given to me.
I confess with my mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord and believe in my
heart that God raised Him from the dead, and I have the assurance that
I am saved. I have a tender heart; a teachable/moldable, gentle, sweet
and quiet spirit. Help me to weigh my words carefully, letting my words
be well thought out and reverent and respectful when I approach You.
Please bend low to listen to the words of my mouth. Help me speak only
when I have something worthwhile to say, and always speak kindly.
Remind me that I am accountable for every word that comes from my
mouth and don’t let my mouth condemn men. Clamp You hand over my
mouth so that I never torment or crush with words. Help me to open my
mouth with skillful and godly wisdom; my words always being sensible,
wholesome, a life-giving fountain, fire, chastising, healing, consoling,
edifying, bring relief and be encouraging. May my advice be nothing but
thoughtful and inspired by You. May kindness, gentleness, and patience
be the tone in which all my words are spoken; especially when I give
instruction and teach. May I be faithful to pass on what You teach me as
I seek after Your law of love and do it. Help me educate myself, be well
read, and have all the facts before speaking. Make my mouth into a
sharpened sword, my tongue be the pen of a skillful writer, help me
write in a book all the words You have spoken to me. Help me express
myself from a godly perspective-lovingly, clearly, fluently in new
tongues leading many to You, with a demonstration of the Spirit’s
power, preaching the gospel- not with words of human wisdom, lest the
cross of Christ be emptied of its power, may my voice go out to all the
world and my words to the end of the earth, intelligently, graciously,
tactfully, and diplomatically without betraying justice. Give me words
and wisdom that none of my advisories will be able to resist or
contradict. May I be of one heart and one mouth with the body of Christ
glorifying the God and Father of Christ Jesus. May I be given wise advice
for those who come to me, acknowledging as Jesus did that the words I
speak don’t come from me but from the Father. Help me keep a tight
reign on my tongue, knowing when to be silent and when to speak
learning to restrain my words; quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to
get angry, worked up, or lose my cool. Help me be as Abigail and
diffuse conflict with wisdom and quiet words. Because out of the
overflow of the heart the mouth speaks, don’t allow my emotions to rule
me, and speak impetuous words, or words with malice or wickedness,
but allow Your peace rule in me. Help me elevate my thoughts above
common things, mundane things, trivial things, worldly things, may I
speak words with spiritual wisdom expressing spiritual truths in spiritual
words. May I speak in tongues and edify myself and prophecy and edify
the body of Christ. Help me listen to Your words, consider them
carefully so that I may guide my family daily, including my husband,
with the secret things that belong to You may they be revealed to me
and my family; words of wisdom You put in my mouth from Your Word
and Holy Spirit; help me speak and teach me what to do. Help me fix
Your words in my heart and mind, revering them and apply them and
put them into practice in my life so that I can lead others to you by my
behavior without words. Because Your words are trustworthy and true,
don’t allow me to twist them, forget them, or swerve from them. May
Your words not be delayed but fulfilled; help me take courage in the fact
that not one of Your words will return to You empty or pass away, that
they will accomplish what You desire and achieve the purpose for which
it was sent. May they be very near to me and in my mouth, and in my
heart so that I obey them and lead others to listen and fear them and
carefully follow them. Let Your teachings fall like rain and Your words
descend like dew, like showers on new grass, like abundant rain on
tender plants; may they not be empty/idle words. May Your words not
leave my mouth, may I meditate on them day and night. Keep my
tongue from evil and my mouth from speaking lies. I have resolved that
my mouth will not sin; May my words come from an upright heart so
that the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart will be
pleasing in Your sight. May my mouth be filled with laughter and songs
of joy. Speak gently to me, and keep me safe/deliver me/ rescue
me/vindicate me from gossip, seductive, persuasive, crooked, perverse,
hateful, deceitful, insolent, lying, flattering, malicious and arrogant
tongues, and the pain they could cause, refute every tongue that
accuses me. Help me to not be afraid or ashamed because of them but
keep a muzzle over my mouth when wicked people are in my presence.
My mouth will speak words of wisdom, and the utterance from my
heart will give understanding. May my tongue sing a new song of Your
righteousness, faithfulness and declare Your praise. Don’t snatch the
word of Truth from my mouth because Your words are sweeter than
honey to taste. May I never open my mouth to curse You, blaspheme,
not accept Your words, be ashamed of You or forget to remember You,
for from your mouth both calamities and good things come. Set a guard
over my mouth, O Lord, keep watch over my lips. Don’t allow me to
gossip about anyone. Help me live on every word that comes out of
Your mouth.

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