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High School Essay

Name: Mara Fernanda Oseguera Garca Course title: Computer Science VI.

Registration: 2667362 Teachers name: Jos Ernesto Cepeda Ocampo.

odule: Module 1. Computer animation.

!cti"it#: Essay. ndroid.

$ate: !anuary 1"# 2$1%

Team: &

%i&liograph#: ndroid 's.(.) ndroids *ome +age. Android, the worlds most popular mobile platform. Retrieved from ,ttp:--de.eloper.android.com-a/out-inde0.,tml t,e !anuary 1"t, o( 2$1%. 1i2ipedia. '2$$3) Android (operating system). Retrieved from: ,ttp:--en.4i2ipedia.org-4i2i- ndroid5'operating5system) 6,e !anuary 1"t, o( 2$1%

6itle: 7 &89O:8; :ntroduction: ndroid# a smartp,one plat(orm 4,ic, is t,e 4orld<s most 4idely used is also popular /y its operating system used (or ,ig, tec, de.ices 4,ic, ,a.e a lo4 cost. 8espite /eing 2no4n (or its importance 4it, p,ones and ta/lets# android is also used in tele.isions# digital cameras# games consoles and ot,er electronic de.ices. ndroid is constantly /eing impro.ed and also encourages lots o( de.elopers to (ind more uses to t,is plat(orm. 8e.elopment: Founded in Cali(ornia# Octo/er 2$$3 /y ndy 9u/in and ot,ers 4it, t,e purpose o( de.eloping 7smarter mo/ile de.ices t,at are more a4are o( its o4ner<s location and pre(erences;. 8espite t,e (act t,at t,e company 4as released 4it, t,e purpose o( de.eloping smarts and ad.anced operating systems (or digital cameras# t,e am/ition o( t,e directi.es c,anged t,e idea and /egan t,e production o( ma2ing a smartp,one

High School Essay operating system to ri.al di((erent companies suc, as 7=ym/ian; and 71indo4s Mo/ile;. >y t,e time ndroid /orn# it 4asn<t 2no4n at all# /ut t,e company 7Google; decided to ac?uire it# letting t,e people assume t,e (act t,at may/e t,ey 4anted to enter t,e mo/ile p,one mar2et 4it, t,is mo.e. >ut it 4as until 7i+,one; 'its largest competitor) 4as released t,at ndroid ,ad an impulse on its de.elopment. :t<s in &o.em/er $"# 2$$7 4,en ndroid releases its (irst plat(orm per(orming in *6C# and t,is is no4 4,en ndroid /egins in t,e mar2eting 4orld. From 2$$3 ndroid is (ull o( numerous updates t,at o/.iously ,a.e incrementally impro.ed t,e operating system# 4it, eac, one# android adds ne4 (eatures and (i0es /ugs in t,e pre.ious ones. Mo.ing to somet,ing more aside (rom its ,istory# ndroid (eatures are 4,at ,a.e led to its success. >ut 4,at ma2es t,em so special@ ndroid pro.ides a (luid touc, inter(ace# 4it, t,e user s4iping# tapping# pinc,ing and re.erse pinc,ing# t,e system response is designed to /e immediate# it also uses really o(ten t,e .i/ration capa/ilities. lso its ,ard4are ,as t,e opportunity to respond to additional user actions# suc, as adAusting t,e screen (rom portrait to landscape or /ac2 /asing only on t,e de.ices orientation# or also allo4ing t,e o4n user to dri.e a .e,icle on a game /y rotating t,e de.ice.

pplications o( ndroid are 4,at ,a.e led to a competiti.ely /et4een t,e company and 7 pple.:nc;# using a similar operation as t,is last one# in android t,e 7apps; can /e ac?uired /y users eit,er t,roug, an app store 'most commonly used: 7Google +lay; and 7 maBon ppstore;). :t also ,as t,e +lay =tore allo4ing user to do4nload application pu/lis,ed /y 6,irdCparty de.elopers. t t,is year# android ,as a/out more t,an one million applications a.aila/le. ndroids apps ,a.e also t,e compati/ility 4it, !a.a# 4,ic, gi.es t,em an ad.antage 4it, its competitors. Focusing on its *ard4are# t,e de.ices o( ndroid incorporate many optional ,ard4are components# suc, as G+=# orientation sensors# .ideo cameras# accelerometers# gaming controls# /arometers# magnetometers# pro0imity sensors# touc,screens# etc. O.er time#

High School Essay some ,ard4are<s ,a.e /ecome unnecessarily and some ot,ers ,a.e /ecome important to t,e de.elopment o( t,e de.ices. ndroid ,as t,e custom to release updates o(ten# li2e (rom 6 to D mont,s a(ter t,e pre.ious update ,as /een released to pu/lic. One disad.antage t,at ndroid ,as 4it, its competitors so(t4are 7:O=; is t,at t,e updates t,ey launc, are typically slo4 to reac, actual de.ices# its matter o( mont,s (rom t,e time t,e gi.en .ersion is o((icially released t,at it arri.es to t,e maAority o( t,e de.ices. One o( t,e recogniBe stu(( t,at ndroid dri.es# is t,at it ,as an 7acti.e community o( de.elopers and ent,usiasts; 4,o use 7 O=+; ' ndroid Open =ource +roAect) as a tool to de.elop and distri/ute t,eir o4n modi(ied .ersions o( t,e operating system. 6,is 4it, t,e purpose o( adopting t,e suggestions (rom t,e de.elopers to impro.e t,e actual plat(orm in t,e mar2et and release a ne4 one t,at allo4s ne4 (eatures and updates to de.ices (aster t,at t,roug, t,e o((icial manu(acturer c,annels and also sa.es e0pensi.e testing or ?uality assurance. 8espite its great management o( t,e company and popularity 'including an acti.ation rate t,ree times t,at o( :O=) ndroid ,as also su((ered (rom 7(ragmentation; in 4,ic, t,e .ariety o( ndroid 8e.ices ma2es t,e tas2 o( ,ard4are .ariations and di((erences in t,e so(t4are running on t,em ,arder t,an t,e ri.al plat(orm :O=. Ot,er issue t,at android is constantly ,a.ing is t,e one in legal terms# .arious pro0y 4ars ,a.e /een 4aged against Google and conse?uent to ndroid 4it, t,e target o( manu(acturers o( android de.ices. lso 7 pple; and 7Microso(t; its competitors ,a.e launc,ed serious demands to suc,# li2e t,e one pple made against =amsung /y t,eme o( patents in(ringement# /eing t,is a particularly ,ig, pro(ile case. ndroid is 'as said /e(ore) t,e plat(orm system most 2no4n and used 4orld4ide# signi(icantly increasing o.er t,is last % years '2$$DC2$13)# /eginning in 2$$D 4it, only t,e mar2et s,are o( 2.3E 4orld4ide and (inis,ing /y t,e t,ird ?uarter o( 2$13 4it, a s,are o( 3$E# ma2ing it t,e most important system reac,ing (or muc, its competitor :O=.

High School Essay Conclusion: 8espite t,e o/stacles and t,e issues t,at occur .ery o(ten in ndroids 4orld# it stills /eing and still 4ill /e t,e most important operating plat(orm system (or mo/ile de.ices /ecause o( its recogniBed per(ormance# ,ard4are# so(t4are# price and presentation in t,e mar2et 4orld# and ,o4 it (ul(ills t,e needs o( t,e users# lea.ing /e,ind (or (ar long to its competitors.

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