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Ci !"#$ N%. AEE&RCC C"#'( )*&VQC N#g&+,-.. D$)(/0 --.-+.+,-..

Sub:- CD Works-Construction of RCC Pipe Culverts in Rural Roads Certain guidelines communicated for proper execution of this inor CD Works on Rural Roads -- Reg! " " " #t is observed during the inspection of the various roads b$ the %C Wing in the district that the man$ of the &ield 'ngineers are constructing the Pipe Culverts at their (hims and fancies not based on codal provisions and (arrants of the site re)uirement! *he follo(ing common defects are observed in construction of minor CD Works in rural roads! +, #mproper selection of t$pe of CD Works bet(een Piped Culvert- RCC Slab CulvertRoad Dam- .ox culvert! /, #nsufficient cushion over piped culvert! 0, 1ength of .od$ (alls 2 Parapets! 3, Wrong alignment (ith respect to flo( channel in case ske(ed crossings! 4nd 1ine of bod$ (alls gushing into embankment! 5, #nade)uate 67S 2 D7S protection measures in case of high velocit$ flo(s and CD 8s located in 9ungle areas! :, 1ine 2 Plumb for bod$ (alls not follo(ed! ;, CC .ed under pipes- .od$(all depth under pipes etc!- defective! <, Parapets not matching in length 2 level! =uter distance does not stick on to ;!5m standard road (idth! >, Painting- ?umbering etc not follo(ed! #n vie( of the above- the guidelines for Construction of RCC Pipe Culverts in rural roads as stipulated in #RC codes 2 other materials are re iterated for guidance of field engineers for adoption and better construction practices! *he piped culverts are taken up no( as this t$pe of culvert is most important and ma@or item in all estimates than the other CD structures! *he self-dra(n t$pical RCC Piped culvert and #RC Codes covering CD Works are here (ith communicated to all field engineers for guidance- adoption 2 further discussions!


R(1( (2!( M$2"$#*00 Ai, #RC-Sp-/B-/BB3-Rural Roads anual Aii, #RC-Sp-+0-/BB3-Design of Small .ridges 2 Culverts Aiii, #S-35<-/BB0- Specifications for Precast Concrete Pipes Aiv, #S-;<0-/BB5- Code of Practice for 1a$ing of Concrete Pipes!


P ($34#( 00 Reinforcement Concrete Cement Pipes are popularl$ kno(n as Cume Pipes or Spun Pipes! *hese are used for culverts- se(er lines etc!(.) C"#'( )* 00 4 small bridge structure of less than : meter span bet(een faces of abutment is called a culvert! 4 Culvert is a cross drainage structure 2 the function is to conve$ storm runoff and or other discharges from one side of the road(a$ to the other side expeditiousl$ and effectivel$! ..-. T56(* %1 C"#'( ) *he follo(ing t$pes of culverts are generall$ provided across the countr$: Aa, RCC Pipe Culvert Ab, RCC Slab Culvert Ac, RCC .ox *$pes Culvert Ad, 4rch Culvert Ae, Cut Stone Slab Culvert *he first t(o t$pes of culverts are most popular across this state! RCC Slab culverts shall be adopted (here the founding strata is rock$ or of better bearing capacit$! #n case (here ade)uate cushion is not available for locating pipe culvert RCC slab culvert should be adopted! A#RC SP+0-/BB3,! Pipe culvert ma$ prove to be economical (here foundation of culvert is likel$ to be deeper or in predominantl$ black cotton soil areaD and (here foundations are re)uired to be taken to more than /!5 m belo( the bed level! &or catchment areas upto /B hectares pipe culverts (ill be economical in comparison to slab culverts on all t$pes of roads! &or catchment area more than :B hectares- RCC slab culvert offers an economical and convenient proposal! 4lternativel$ box culverts- single or multiple cell span be used! A3,

C%2*) "!)i%2 %1 Pi6(/ C"#'( ) D(*ig2 $*6(!)*0

7.- G(2( $#0 *he re)uired formation (idth for rural roads E=ther District Road A=DR, and Fillage Road AFR,G is ;!5m! *he design life for all culvert t$pes is +BB $ears! 7.+ C%/(* *he pipes shall be conform to #S:35<-+><> ASpecification for concrete pipes, and shall be laid as per relevant #S:;<0-+><5 Ala$ing of concrete pipes,! 7.. H5/ $"#i! & Fi(#/ D$)$ *he follo(ing data needs to be collected for the design of a culvert after detailed surve$ and from field visit: Ai, Catchment area of the stream in hectares! Aii, *raverse the stream +BB either side of culvert to ascertain the actual flo( details like velocit$- (idth 2 depth of flo( in the clear banking reaches! Aiii, 4n$ meandering of the stream or ske( re)uirement shall be ascertained! Aiv, 4verage .ed 1evel A.1,- Cigh flood level AC&1, 2 Road top level AR*1,!

Av, =ther details i7c soils data- inlet and outlet erosion issues and possible sediment 7 debris issues- an$ culvert ske( re)uirements *he road top level at culvert should be fixed in advance! 7.7 L%!$)i%2 %1 C"#'( )* 4 culvert should be located to fit the natural channel i2 #i2( $2/ g $/( as far as is practical and aligned to give the stream a direct entrance and a direct exit! *he culverts should line up the natural ske( in a channel as far as possible- as a culvert on a different ske( could cause progressive bank erosion 2 protection of banks become costl$! #f possible- a culvert should have the same alignment as its channel! 7.8. S(#(!)i%2 %1 T56( %1 Pi6(, Di$ & N%.%1 %9* *he number of pipes- length and pipe dia should be selected based on the stud$ of catchment area- stream (idth 2 depth of (ater- stream alignment- inlet 2 outlet conditions! Since the catchment area varies (idel$- it is suggested to estimate discharge of a natural stream b$ direct measurement! #f it is not possible to measuresome of the empirical formulae Alike- DickenHs and #nglis , listed in #RC:SP:+0 ma$ be referred to fix the discharge! *he sample design on lo( profile is as follo(sI! i, 4pproximate catchment area of the stream-J K 4cres ii, 6sing Dickens formula- ax! Discharge % L CA , M A Where CL++-+3 - (here annual rain fall is :B-+/B Cms,! iii, 4ssume Felocit$ of &lo( based on slope conditionsL F m7sec iv, 4rrive Fentage area 4L%7F s)m! v, 4ssume dia! of pipes and ?o! of ro(s based on site condition and check for ventage provided! 7.8.- Di$3()( %1 6i6( 0 *he cost of slab culvert is less if the hard strata for foundation is (ithin /m from the bed level- other(ise- pipe culvert is chosen! *he main advantage in pipe culverts is the speed of construction and good )ualit$ of factor$ produced pipes! 4lthough use of 35B mm- :BB mm diameter pipes in CD (orks (as more popular in lo( to moderate rainfall regions- from inspection and maintenance point of vie(- a minimum of >BB mm Ainternal, diameter is recommended! Co(ever- taking into consideration the lo( embankment heights- pipes of lesser diaviN- :BB mm or ;5B mm ma$ also be used substantiating (ith reasons! RCC pipes of 0BB and 35B mm dia- used for irrigation7 agriculture are to be considered as mere buried conduits and not as culverts! 7.8.+ C#$** %1 Pi6(*00 RCC ?P0 Class non pressure pipes are generall$ used for culvert constructions! Previousl$ RCC ?P/ pipes on rural roads are extensivel$ used but due less shell thickness there are damaged earl$ due to the Class 4 loading (ith impact generated b$ modern vehicular movements! *he pipes for culverts shall to #S:35<-+><> *he shell thickness is as follo(s! NP. Pi6(* Di$. S:(## ):i!;2(** 0BB 3Bmm :BB <5mm >BB +BBmm +BBB ++5mm +/BB +/5mm 7.8.. S(#(!)i2g ):( Di$3()( %1 Pi6(*

A4s per #RC-SP /B-/BB/, Catchment 4rea ACectares, 6p to +B +B to /B /B to 5B

Diameter of Pipe Amm, +BBB single ro( +/BB single ro( +BBB or +/BB A/ to 0 ro(s,

7.< E$ ):9% ; E=!$'$)i%20 *he (idth of the pipe trench shall be sufficient to permit satisfactor$ @ointing of the pipe- but it shall not be less than the external diameter of the pipe plus < inches on each side! *he depth belo( pipes shall be executed at least AB!/Dia! O *hickness of concrete bedding,- belo( the bed level of the (atercourse! &or head(alls the depth of excavation shall be taken upto hard soils! 7.> B(//i2g 4(#%9 Pi6(*00 *he structural design of pipe culvert re)uires calculations of probable maximum load on the pipe- inherent strength of pipe and selection of bedding for the pipe! #t is desirable to use *$pe 4- i!e!- !%2! ()( ! $/#( 4(//i2g for pipes of lBBB mm diameter and above and those (ith fills higher than 3 m! *he (idth of the cradle is not less than the external diameter of the pipe plus /BB mm! *he minimum compressive strength of concrete should be +5 PaA +5,! *he *$pe . bedding is adopted for height of fill bet(een B!:B m and 3!B m! #t consists of a continuous la$er of compacted sand or moorum- (ith minimum thickness of ;5 mm belo( the pipe! #n case (here foundation conditions are unusual- lo( available cushion- the pipes shall be encased (ith +5Bmm thick cement concrete +:5:+B or compacted sand or gravel all-around in! 7.? L%9( i2g $2/ L$5i2g %1 Pi6(*0 7.?.- G(2( $# *he la$ing and assembl$ of pipes shall conform to #S: ;<0! *he trench shall be checked for proper level- grade and alignment before lo(ering the pipes! 7.?.+ L%9( i2g %1 Pi6(*0 *he pipes shall be lo(ered cautiousl$ to prevent disturbance of the bed and sides of the trench 2 impact on pipe 2 collar! *he heav$ pipes shall be lo(ered b$ means of proper chain pulle$ blocks! 7.?.. L$5i2g %1 Pi6(*0 1a$ing of pipes shall proceed in up-grade of slopes 2 to be confirmed for re)uired invert levels at either ends! Pipes shall be laid true to line and grade as specified! 4ll pipes 2 collars must be ne( and perfectl$ sound- free from cracks- c$lindricall$ straight and of standard nominal diameter and length (ith even texture! *he bod$ of the pipe for its entire length shall rest on an even bed in the trench and places shall be excavated to receive the Collar for the purpose of assembl$! 7.?.7 A**(34#5 %1 RCC Pi6(* *he culvert is to be aligned (ith the existing (atercourse channel! *he bottom of the culvert should be embedded at least B!/D ADefined as /BP or +75 of the diameter of the culvert, belo( the bed of the (atercourse at the upstream and do(nstream end of the structure! 7.?.8 @%i2)* 1% Pi6(* ( IS0>?.--A?8)00

*he ends of concrete pipes used for road culverts ma$be suitable for flush A?P0 and ?P3, or collar @oints A?P/, ! &or pipes of diameter up to ;BB mm- external flush @oint and for diameters above ;BB mm- internal flush @oint is recommended! 7.?.8.- T56(* - *he @oints ma$ be mainl$ of t(o t$pes- a, Rigid @oints- and b, &lexible @oints! Rigi/ @%i2)* - #n this the (ater seal is effected b$ cement mortar or similar material (hich (ill not allo( an$ movement bet(een the t(o pipes! $).S%!;() $2/ S6ig%) @%i2) - *he annular space bet(een socket and spigot is filled (ith cement mortar A+ : /,! 4).C%##$ @%i2) - Collars of +5 to /B cm (ide cover the @oint bet(een t(o pipes! 4 slightl$ damp mixtures of cement and sand is rammed (ith caulking tool! !).F#"*: @%i2)- i! #nternal flush @oint - ii! 'xternal flush @oint! F#(=i4#( @%i2)* - *he (ater seal is effected because of contact pressure bet(een the sealing rubber rings and the pipe surface! Rubber Ring 9oints provide concrete pipes (ith a high degree of flexibilit$ to accommodate ground settlement or alignment ad@ustments (hile maintaining a (atertight @oint capable of (ithstanding the common levels of h$draulic head occurring in a storm (ater pipeline! T:(*( $ ( 3$i2#5 )9% t$pes! a,! Roll on 9oint, b,! Confined Qasket 9oint! 7.?.< @%i2)i2g %1 6i6(*0 *he pipes shall be @oined either b$ flush @oint or the collar @oint! #n case of flush @oint the ends of pipes are speciall$ shaped to form a self-centering @oint (ith @ointing space +0 mm (ide! *he @ointing space shall be filled (ith cement mortar Acement : sand # :/, mixed sufficientl$ dr$ to remain in position (hen forced (ith a tro(el or rammer! Care shall be taken to fill all voids and excess mortar shall be removed 2 gunn$ bags shall be covered on each @oint after completion! *he collar shall be of RCC +5B mm to /BB mm (ide having strength as that of pipes! Caulking space shall be bet(een +0 to /B mm according to the diameter of the pipe! 4 fe( skeins of spun $arn soaked in neat cement (ash shall be inserted in the groove at the end of the pipe and the t(o ad@oining pipes butted against each other! *he collar shall than be slided over the @oint covering e)uall$ both the pipes! Spun $arn soaked in neat cement (ash shall be passed round the pipes and inserted in the @oint b$ means of caulking tools from both ends of the collar! Caulking material shall be a (et mix of cement and sand in the ratio of +:/ rammed (ith caulking irons! 7.?.> C" i2g %1 @%i2)* *he cement mortar @oints shall be cured at least for seven da$s!


G(%3() i! S)$2/$ /* 1% C"#'( )*

7.A.- O'( $## 9i/): %1 CD 9% ;*0 *he overall (idth of culvert should be e)ual to the formation (idth of the road! #n rural roads- the road (a$ (idth is ;!5m in plain and rolling terrain measured from outer to outer of

parapet (alls! *he carriage (a$ (idth of a CD structure is generall$ the overall (idth minus the parapets or kerbs (ith or (ithout railings (hich should normall$ allo( passage of t(o trains of #RC Class 4 1oading! 7.A.+ D(*ig2 L%$/i2g Culverts and bridges of :m- :!3m and ;!5m overall (idths on rural roads are normall$ designed for t(o lanes of #RC Class 4 loading (ith impact! 7.A.. Mi2i3"3 *6$2 0 &rom the consideration of maintenance of culverts- it is preferable that the clear (ater(a$ of pipe culvert is +BBB mm A>BB mm internal ,! Culverts of small span or diameter get choked due to silt! #t is not possible to enter the pipe and carr$ out inspection and repairs! #rrigation pipes do not come under the purvie( of pipe culverts! 7.A.7 H($/9$##0 *he Cead(alls are raised up to top of the crust level of the road! *he length of head(all is (B"$# )% 1%" )i3(* ):( /i$3()( %1 6i6( for retaining the slope of earthen bank (ithin +AFertical, to +!5ACoriNontal,! 1onger head (alls are provided for (ider streams as per site re)uirements! Suitabl$ designed RCC face (all A+5Bmm thick, can also be used for single ro( pipe culverts! R%"g: !$#!"#$)i%2 %1 #(2g): %1 B%/5 9$##*. 1ength of the bod$ (all 1 L/COAnDOAn-+,D7/,OB!:B Where CLCt! of the .od$ (all from the .ed 1evel- ?L?o!of vents- DL Dia! =f Pipes in trs! #t shall be ensured that the invert of the pipe is placed +5Bmm belo( the average bed level and the Cead(all shall be parallel to the road alighnement! 7.A.8. P$ $6() 9$## $2/ $i#i2g : &or culverts- (here parapet (alls are provided the$ shall be of plain concrete +5 grade or store masonr$ (ith siNe B!0BxB!0B or B!0BxB!35 or B!35x B!35 over Cead (alls! *he standard road (idth of ;!5B shall be maintained measured from outer to outer of parapet (alls at all points! *he parapet (all alignment should be parallel to the road ! #n case of small pipe culverts (ith lo( banking height- no parapet (alls are needed and guard stones (ould be ade)uate! Quard stones provided shall be of siNe /BBx/BBx:BB mm! A#RC SP-+0-/BB3,! #f considered necessar$ either pipe railing or guard stones of /BBx/BBmm section pro@ecting 0BBmm above kerb and spaced at +/BBmm c7c ma$ be fixed! 4t the end of parapets and returns- 3BBx3BBx:BBmm RCC blocks are provided at four comers at the mid of returns! ?umbering of culverts and direction of flo( can be marked on these pillars! 7.A.< Li2(, G $/( & P#"340C 1ine and grade should be checked as the pipe are installed on the bedding and further the head (alls shall be checked against 1ine 2 Plumb- an$ uneven surface noticed shall be immediatel$ rectified on the da$ of removal of shutterings!

7.A.> G $/( %1 C%2! ()(0

4s per #RC: /+- the +5 is the minimum grade for plain concrete and /B for design mix! Where the )uantum of concrete (ork is small like CD (orks of rural roads- it is suggested to use nominal mix based on volumetric proportion of cements and aggregate

(ith a (ater cement ratio upto B!35! *he minimum )uantit$ of cement shall be 0+Bkg7m0! *he nominal mix adapted in small (orks and their corresponding strength for different (orks using 30 grade cement is given in *able for guidance A#RC-SP-/B-/BB/,! *he Super plasticiNers could be used to improve (orkabilit$! #t is advisable to use plasticisers and reduce (7c ratio to B!3 to achieve higher strength of concrete! TABLE 00 G $/( +B +5 /B /5 ?ote: +:3:< +:0:: +:/!5:5 +:/:3 +:+!5:0 GRADES %1 CONCRETE Mi= U*$g( 1ean concrete as leveling course .ed Concrete- PCC Pier74butments 4butment- Wing7Return Walls- &oundation for RCC (orks RCC Pier- 4butment Caps- Raft foundations- Dirt (alls RCC Superstructure N%3i2$#

ix proportions are b$ (eight

*he Po(er driven mixers and vibrators must be used for concrete (orks of CD Works to achieve re)uired compaction 2 strength! 7.A.? N"34( %1 !"#'( )* 6( ;i#%3()( (IRC-S6-+,-+,,+)00 #t is recommended to provide about /-0 culverts per km length of road depending on the topograph$! Culverts are provided at the rate of one per 5BB m length of road to avoid (ater logging! 7.A.A H(ig:) %1 C"#'( )0 *he minimum height of the formation level of the road from the bed level re)uired in case of pipe culvert is +!;5m A for >BBmm pipe, A #RC Sp-/B-/BB/, 7.A.-, C"*:i%2 %'( Pi6(* : *he cushion bet(een the top of the pipe and the road top level shall not be less than :BB mm! A#RC SP+0-/BB3, and preferabl$ +!B A#RCRSP-/B-/BB/,! 7.A.-- C#($ Di*)$2!( 4()9((2 Pi6(* i2 3"#)i %9 6i6( !"#'( )*0 *he Clear Distance bet(een Pipes ma$ be adopted as 5BBmm for pipes dia! less than +BBBmm and :BBmm for the pipes above +/BBmm! A#RCRSP-/B-/BB/, in muti-ro( pipe culverts! 7.-,. N"34( i2g %1 C"#'( )*0 7.-,.-. *he number of culvert is indicated in each km . &or instance number /+7< represent the <th CD structure in kilometre /+! *he information regarding A+, the number of spans A/, clear span length in m- and A0, the t$pe of decking or culverts- is indicated belo(: ?umber of spans- clear span in m- t$pe of culvert7small bridges are given- e!g! - = + = S - means + span of / m (ith RCC solid slab! &or various t$pes of culverts and small bridges use the s$mbol as RCC Solid slab S- Pipe culvert P- 4rch 4- .ox *$pe .- Stone Slab S*! *he number of the structure shall be inscribed near the top of the left hand side parapet (all as seen b$ traffic in the end elevation (hen approaching the structure from each direction!

7.-,.+. *he methodolog$ for inscribing numbers on parapets- RCC posts has been given- in #RC:; HRecommended Practice for ?umbering of .ridges and Culverts! *he siNe of letter shall not be less than +BBmm high and shall conform to #RC:0BH Standard 1etters and ?umerals of Different Ceights for 6se on Cigh(a$ SignsH! 8.,. P %)(!)i%2 9% ;*0 When the mean velocit$ of flo( is more than /!:m7sec protection of entr$ and exit end is desirable! =ther(ise- stone pitching of bed (ould be ade)uate A#RCRSP/B,! Cigh outlet velocities can cause erosion for a significant distance do(nstream of an outlet 2 appropriate dissipation measures (ill be re)uired! 8.- A6 %2* #f high head(ater depths are to be encountered- or if the approach velocit$ of the channel is high or special soil conditions- such as alluvial soils (ill cause scour- a short channel flexible boulder apron at 67S 2 D7S of culvert is necessar$! *his apron should extend at least one pipe diameter upstream from the entrance and +!5 times the diameter of pipe do(nstream (ith the top of the apron should not protrude above the normal streambed elevation! *he siNe of stone for flexible boulder apron shall be large as possible! #n no case an$ fragment shall (eigh less than 3B kg and siNe not less than 0BBmm! 4 toe (all all along the apron (ith :BBmm x :BBmm siNe filled (ith the same stones is desirable! *he surface on (hich the stone apron is to be laid shall be leveled- compacted and prepared for the length and (idth! *he cement concrete grouting shall be undertaken at the discretion of the engineer in charge as per prevailing site condition! 8.+ R('()3(2) )% B$2;*00 Where the formation height of embankment is )uite high- a )uadrilateral revetment on four sides (ith RR Stones not less than //5mm thick (ith +5Bmm gravel backing shall be provided to safe guard the embankment against scour! 8.. D(4 i* C%2) %# 4ccumulation of debris 7 @ungle trash at a culvert inlet can result in the culvert not performing as designed! *he conse)uences ma$ be damages from inundation of the road and upstream propert$! *he designer has three options for coping (ith the debris problem: Ai, Aii, Debris Racks are iron @oll$ structures placed across the stream channel to collect the debris before it reaches the culvert entrance! 9ungle *rap : /BBmm dia! +!B to +!5B high RCC Quard posts at B!:Bm c7c in SigNag manner installed on 67S to prevent *ree trunks7branches etc from entering into the culvert vents!

<.,. C"#'( ) 3$i2)(2$2!( Since the (ater(a$ is usuall$ small the$ tend to get clogged due to accumulation of silt and debris! #n addition- the gro(th of vegetation should be checked lest the life of CD (orks (ould be curtailed! Culverts (ill not last the expected life unless inspected and repaired t(ice in a $ear! *he maintenance covers the follo(ing aspects: Ai, Choking of Fents Aii, Wash out of 4pproaches Aiii, Dislodgement of Cushion iv, Scour on D7S


Silting7Debris on 67S *he bed of the stream should be suitabl$ protected to prevent erosion or scour! *he sinking of approaches is )uite common in rural areas! *his is primaril$ due to improper compaction of the earth fill! =ccurrence of potholes due to undermining is also common phenomenon! *he %C #nspections (ill be focused on this aspect of proper constructions of piped culverts and defective construction (ill be recommended for re@ection and the amount can be recovered from the field officers in charge of the (orks hence forth!

Tours faithfull$-

A ?eelakantesh(ar Tedla, neelakant$edlaUgmail!com D$! 'xecutive 'ngineerAPR, Fig 2 %C Sub-Division?algonda! 'ncl:+, *$pical +F 2 /F Pipe culvert dra(ing! /, Relevant #RC Codes!

*o*he 'xecutive 'ngineer APR, P#6 Division ?algonda- '' PR# Division ?algonda 2 '' PR# Division ir$alaguda (ith a re)uest to communicate the same to all field 'ngineers under their control! Cop$ to all D$''Vs 74''Vs through ''Vs concerned! C7S to the 'xecutive 'ngineer APR, Fig 2 %C Divn!C$derabad for favour of information!

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