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Sajjad Ahmed Memon S.S./ Health Physicist NIMRA

NIMRA Introduction

Sajjad Ahmed Memon Senior Scientist NIMRA

Our Solar System

Sajjad Ahmed Memon S.S./ Health Physicist NIMRA


Sajjad Ahmed Memon S.S./ Health Physicist NIMRA

Sajjad Ahmed Memon S.S./ Health Physicist NIMRA

Sajjad Ahmed Memon S.S./ Health Physicist NIMRA

Energy that travels in the form of particles or waves Types of Radiation Ionizing Removes electrons from atoms Particles (Alpha and Beta) Waves (Gamma and X-rays)

Non-ionizing Can't remove electrons from atoms infrared, visible, microwaves, radar, radio waves, lasers
Sajjad Ahmed Memon S.S./ Health Physicist NIMRA

Electromagnetic Spectrum

Sajjad Ahmed Memon S.S./ Health Physicist NIMRA

Historical introduction
X-rays were discovered in November 1895 by the German physicist Roentgen. Almost at the same time an American Physicist E. Grubbe, who was experimenting with cathode rays tube (called Crooks Tube at that time) suffered severe burns on his hands.
Later it was confirmed that his burns were due to holding energized tube in his hands.

At the same time a man in United States, who had skull X-ray, suffered skin burns on his head and loss of facial hair on the side from where Xrays emerge.
Sajjad Ahmed Memon S.S./ Health Physicist NIMRA

Henri Becquerel discovered radioactivity (radium) in 1896, suffered chest skin ulcer due to keeping radium containing tube (in the form of a salt) in his pocket. The medical implication of this discovery were immediately appreciated. It was estimated in 1922 that more than 100 radiologist had died from occupationally produced cancer. Leukemia among early radiologist was about nine times that among other physician.

Sajjad Ahmed Memon S.S./ Health Physicist NIMRA

Dense nature of radiographs indicates intense exposure (Hands of Mrs. Frau Roentgen & a man with gun shots)
Sajjad Ahmed Memon S.S./ Health Physicist NIMRA

Sajjad Ahmed Memon S.S./ Health Physicist NIMRA

Natural and Man made Background Radiation Levels

Population is constantly being exposed to a background of low level natural radiation.

Sajjad Ahmed Memon S.S./ Health Physicist NIMRA

Natural and Man made Background Radiation Levels

Sajjad Ahmed Memon S.S./ Health Physicist NIMRA

Detection of Radiation

+ + - + -

Radiation Ray

+ +

Sajjad Ahmed Memon S.S./ Health Physicist NIMRA

Ionizing radiation is measured in several different units depending on the purpose of the measurement - radioactive decay and effects of radiation Human senses can not detect radiation or discern whether a material is radioactive. However, a variety of instruments can detect and measure radiation reliably
Sajjad Ahmed Memon S.S./ Health Physicist NIMRA

The rate at which the nuclei within the sample undergo spontaneous random disintegration / transition and can be expressed in terms of the number of disintegration per second (dps) or transitions per second (tps).
Two units are used:

Becquerel (Bq), equivalent to 1 dps / tps. Curie (Ci), equivalent to 3.7 x 1010 dps / tps.
Sajjad Ahmed Memon S.S./ Health Physicist NIMRA

Sajjad Ahmed Memon S.S./ Health Physicist NIMRA

Types of Radioactivity

Sajjad Ahmed Memon S.S./ Health Physicist NIMRA

Types of Radioactivity

Sajjad Ahmed Memon S.S./ Health Physicist NIMRA

Sajjad Ahmed Memon S.S./ Health Physicist NIMRA

X-Rays Production

Sajjad Ahmed Memon S.S./ Health Physicist NIMRA

Sajjad Ahmed Memon S.S./ Health Physicist NIMRA

Radiation Detection & Measurement

Geiger Muller Survey Meter Dose Calibrator Electrometer and Ionization Chamber Film Badge Pen Dosimeter

Sajjad Ahmed Memon S.S./ Health Physicist NIMRA

Geiger Muller Survey Meter Sajjad Ahmed Memon S.S./

Health Physicist NIMRA

Dose Calibrator Sajjad Ahmed Memon S.S./

Health Physicist NIMRA

ElectrometerSajjad and Ionization Chamber Ahmed Memon S.S./

Health Physicist NIMRA

Film Badge

Pen Dosimeter

Sajjad Ahmed Memon S.S./ Health Physicist NIMRA

Film Badge

Film Density Reader or Densitometer

Sajjad Ahmed Memon S.S./ Health Physicist NIMRA

Sajjad Ahmed Memon S.S./ Health Physicist NIMRA

Sajjad Ahmed Memon S.S./ Health Physicist NIMRA

Nuclear Institute of Medicine and Radiotherapy (NIMRA) is one of the medical centre of Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC) serving the people of Jamshoro, Hyderabad and vicinity by providing diagnostic as well as therapeutic facilities through radiation generating devices (X-ray and Mammography units), sealed radiation sources (Co-60 and Sr-90) and unsealed radiation sources (Tc-99m, I-125 and I-131).

Sajjad Ahmed Memon S.S./ Health Physicist NIMRA


Nuclear Medicine




Sajjad Ahmed Memon S.S./ Health Physicist NIMRA

Nuclear Medicine





In N.M. studies in vivo technique is used (in vivo taken from Latin means "within the living)
Sajjad Ahmed Memon S.S./ Health Physicist NIMRA

Radio Immune Assay (R.I.A.)



In R.I.A. studies in vitro technique is used (in vitro taken from Latin means within the glass or test tube
Sajjad Ahmed Memon S.S./ Health Physicist NIMRA


Conventional X-Rays



Sajjad Ahmed Memon S.S./ Health Physicist NIMRA



Linear Accelerator (LINAC/LA)

Sajjad Ahmed Memon S.S./ Health Physicist NIMRA

Radiation Protection Rule

TDS Principle (Golden Rule)

Time Distance Shielding

Sajjad Ahmed Memon S.S./ Health Physicist NIMRA

TDS Principal
Time :

Spent Less Time

Sajjad Ahmed Memon S.S./ Health Physicist NIMRA

Distance :

Maintain Distance

Sajjad Ahmed Memon S.S./ Health Physicist NIMRA

Shielding :

Place Proper Shielding

Sajjad Ahmed Memon S.S./ Health Physicist NIMRA

Sources/Machines used at NIMRA and their Radiation Protection Measurements


Lead Containers


Sajjad Ahmed Memon S.S./ Health Physicist NIMRA


Protective Lead Glass

Mobile Lead Shield

Lead Bricks

Fume Hood

Gamma Cameras

Sajjad Ahmed Memon S.S./ Health Physicist NIMRA

Mobile Lead Shield

Mobile Lead Shield

X-rays Unit

Mammography Unit

Sajjad Ahmed Memon S.S./ Health Physicist NIMRA

Protective Lead Glass

Simulator and its Control Console

Sajjad Ahmed Memon S.S./ Health Physicist NIMRA

Thick Concrete Wall

Lead Door C0-60 Teletherapy Machine

Sajjad Ahmed Memon S.S./ Health Physicist NIMRA

Radiation Protection

Sajjad Ahmed Memon S.S./ Health Physicist NIMRA

Sajjad Ahmed Memon S.S./ Health Physicist NIMRA

Sajjad Ahmed Memon S.S./ Health Physicist NIMRA

Sajjad Ahmed Memon S.S./ Health Physicist NIMRA

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